Diego Garcia bunker-busters meant to threaten Iran
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The Sunday Herald has reported that hundreds of powerful US "bunker-buster" bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Garcia.
In January, the US government signed a contract to transport 10 ammunition containers to the island, the Scottish newspaper wrote on March 14.
According to a cargo manifest from the US navy, this included 387 “Blu-110” and "Blu-117" bombs used for blasting hardened or underground structures. Crucially, the cargo included 195 smart, guided, Blu-110 bombs and 192 massive 2000lb Blu-117 bombs.
Experts say that they are being put in place for an assault on Iran's nuclear facilities, added the newspaper.
In January, the US government signed a contract to transport 10 ammunition containers to the island, the Scottish newspaper wrote on March 14.
According to a cargo manifest from the US navy, this included 387 “Blu-110” and "Blu-117" bombs used for blasting hardened or underground structures. Crucially, the cargo included 195 smart, guided, Blu-110 bombs and 192 massive 2000lb Blu-117 bombs.
Experts say that they are being put in place for an assault on Iran's nuclear facilities, added the newspaper.
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Invisibility cloak created in 3-DExperts wonder whether U.S. has a real Israel strategy orhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/19/AR2010031905591.html 'talking points' Also Looking at Afghanistan Indonesian Forces Tapped by Obama for Renewed US Aid Implicated in New Assassinations Allan Nairn reveals US-backed Indonesian armed forces carried out a series of assassinations of civilian activists in late 2009. The news comes as the White House moves towards increasing aid to the Indonesian military and lifting a twelve-year ban on the training of the notorious Indonesian military unit known as Kopassus. A US-trained Kopassus general who coordinated the assassinations confirmed to Nairn an Indonesian army role in the killings. Dialing for Proliferation DollarsProliferation for profit is in the air. You can hardly turn on your TV or radio without seeing David Albright talking about his excellent new book, “Peddling Peril.” I have long advocated thinking about proliferation as a business and applying the results of research on the diffusion of technology to understanding how countries get the infrastructure and know-how for making WMD and the means to deliver them. As such, it would be nice to understand the amount of profit a proliferation profiteer like A. Q. Khan or North Korea makes on selling various technologies the world would rather see end. If we could understand the amount of profit to various forms of proliferation, say selling missiles vs. missile factories, we might be able to understand how the nature of proliferation is changing. Bacha Bazi - Boy Play in Afghanistan, and ElsewhereReports are circulating out of Afghanistan of the return of Bacha Bazi, the centuries-old practice of trafficking in pre-teen and teenage boys as sex slaves for wealthy businessmen and warlords. Afghans refer to this as Boy Play. The young boys are kidnapped into this trade, or sometimes sold by their parents who are desperate for money. The boys are then dressed as young girls, placed in auction, and kept as permanent sex slaves by their owner. When they are too old to serve this purpose, they often wind up back in the sex trade as prostitutes, since socially they are too stigmatized to find any other employment. The puzzlement behind Bacha Bazi has always been why it has persisted for so long in Afghanistan, a culture so homophobic that men suspected of being gay can be found in a street gutter with their throats slit. In fact, it is not at all clear that the wealthy and powerful men who buy these boys are homosexuals themselves. One theory holds that the boys are so quickly and thoroughly feminized that they are not viewed by society as boys at all, but as young girls. Supporting this theory is the fact that in Afghanistan a young boy who has been raped is marked for life as feminine. There may therefore be no shame for a rich man to own one or more male sex slaves. Biology May Not Be So Complex After All, Physicist FindsEmory biophysicist Ilya Nemenman has identified parameters for several biochemical networks that distill the entire behavior of these systems into simple equivalent dynamics. The discovery may hold the potential to streamline the development of drugs and diagnostic tools, by simplifying the research models. The resulting paper, now available online, will be published in the March issue of Physical Biology. |
Mossad's Rogue Assassins
The Dubai Hit
Really, why did the agents use the names of actual people who live in Israel and have dual nationality? Why, of all possible passports, did they use those of friendly countries? How could they be sure that the owners of these passports would not travel abroad at the critical time?
Moreover, were they not aware that Dubai was full of cameras that record every movement? Did they not foresee that the local police would produce films of the assassination in almost all its details?
But this did not arouse too much excitement in Israel. Everybody understood that the British and the Irish were obliged, pro forma, to protest, but that this was nothing but going through the motions. Behind the scenes, there are intimate connections between the Mossad and the other intelligence agencies. After some weeks, everything will be forgotten. That’s how it worked in Norway after Lillehammer, that’s how it worked in Jordan after the Mishal affair. They will protest, rebuke, and that’s that. So what is the problem?
From the strategic point of view, the Dubai operation causes heavy damage to the government’s policy, which defines Iran’s putative nuclear bomb as an existential threat to Israel. The campaign against Iran helps it to divert the world’s attention from the ongoing occupation and settlement, and induces the US, Europe and other countries to dance to its tune.
Barack Obama is in the process of trying to set up a world-wide coalition for imposing “debilitating sanctions” on Iran. The Israeli government serves him – willingly – as a growling dog. He tells the Iranians: The Israelis are crazy. They may attack you at any moment. I am restraining them with great difficulty. But if you don’t do what I tell you, I shall let go of the leash and may Allah have mercy on your soul!
Moreover, were they not aware that Dubai was full of cameras that record every movement? Did they not foresee that the local police would produce films of the assassination in almost all its details?
But this did not arouse too much excitement in Israel. Everybody understood that the British and the Irish were obliged, pro forma, to protest, but that this was nothing but going through the motions. Behind the scenes, there are intimate connections between the Mossad and the other intelligence agencies. After some weeks, everything will be forgotten. That’s how it worked in Norway after Lillehammer, that’s how it worked in Jordan after the Mishal affair. They will protest, rebuke, and that’s that. So what is the problem?
* * *
THE PROBLEM is that the Mossad in Israel acts like an independent fiefdom that ignores the vital long-term political and strategic interests of Israel, enjoying the automatic backing of an irresponsible prime minister. It is, as the English expression goes, a “loose cannon” – the cannon of a ship of yore which has broken free of its mountings and is rolling around the deck, crushing to death any unfortunate sailor who happens to get in its way.From the strategic point of view, the Dubai operation causes heavy damage to the government’s policy, which defines Iran’s putative nuclear bomb as an existential threat to Israel. The campaign against Iran helps it to divert the world’s attention from the ongoing occupation and settlement, and induces the US, Europe and other countries to dance to its tune.
Barack Obama is in the process of trying to set up a world-wide coalition for imposing “debilitating sanctions” on Iran. The Israeli government serves him – willingly – as a growling dog. He tells the Iranians: The Israelis are crazy. They may attack you at any moment. I am restraining them with great difficulty. But if you don’t do what I tell you, I shall let go of the leash and may Allah have mercy on your soul!