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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, March 12, 2010

12 Mar - Friends and Surfing News

An Iraqi woman looks on as U.S. Army Soldiers ...Image via Wikipedia

Rising prices and better alternatives may mean curtains for netbooks.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8421491.stmHard drive evolution could hit Microsoft XP users http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8557144.stm

DR Congo ring may be giant 'impact crater'

War Is Sin
It's All Spelled Out in Unpublicized Agreement - Total Defeat for U.S. in Iraq

Turkey, Angry at U.S., Pledges Support for Iran

'Néjàd Vu, All Over Again:

Texas Social Studies Curriculum Vote Bring Out Worst in AP Bias, Labeling

The Unpersuadables

Recaps the Monbiot article. When I commented elsewhere..my quip vanished. So...
There's a classic flaw of logic exploited by those who want to state the parameters of an argument. George has used Strawman Argumentation to its fullest advantage.
The R.C. church calls people names by arbitrary categories of their choosing to highlight their positions relative to theirs.
So it is with Anthropological Global Warming. 'Deniers' : a category attributed to those with other ideas as if their were only a Go - No Go duality of choice.
Water vapour is the medium for heat exchange most familiar as a generator of weather. Why assertions that a gas gobbled by plants - and present at far higher concentrations in the past - is going to run away as an atmospheric component and ruin our ecology because of a static model of restricted choice of environmental factors operating on the thinnest of observational timelines and reports is a hard sell once you appreciate that an Open - i.e. Chaotic - System is inherently incalculable.
But...but...but...Industry buys false studies !
And you think government and those with opposing views don't ? A straw poll of scientists seeking funding for projects will quickly reveal the true drivers behind much 'science' : merchandising and deception. ( Do you have any idea how much money changes hands to influence legislation ? ) Ditto reporting in the monopoly media. In fact, if you were to regard history ( his story ) as the tall tales of the victors in strife, you would be pretty well on target.
I wouldn't have bothered checking out the possibility that the nutcups of Pyjamas Media might have a point besides the one on their head...except I did find items which caused me to investigate - and Big Coal's $80 million advertising campaign for the Oxymoron 'Clean Coal' and suppression of the dangers of Coal Ash are not sufficient supposition to claim all contrary opinion bought.
The initial effort of corralling this story turned almost immediately into a political hot potato once Climategate developed. Another underappreciated fact is that the bloc of Third World countries who essentially blocked Copenhagen's 'mandate' looked at the programme of charging for use of fire at a higher rate for the poor than for the rich and said it was a scam favouring polluters.
I have yet to see a plausible argument to the contrary.
How Wikipedia’s green doctor rewrote 5,428 climate articles
From http://my.opera.com/oldephartte/links

Energy Tribune

Energy Use In The US Food System
By Cattle Network 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:58 EST
S. Africa Can’t Meet Power Needs Without Loan
By Reuters 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:49 EST
Exxon’s Growing Reliance on Expensive Oil
By Steve Hargreaves 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:45 EST
Va. Leads the Way for East Coast Offshore Drilling
By Rig Zone 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:38 EST
China May Emulate US ‘Quiet Revolution’ in Shale Gas Out...
By Ben Farey 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:26 EST
Petrobras Announces Oil Find in Colombia
By Sify News 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:06 EST
China’s Oil Demand Jumps
Mar. 12 2010, 10:58 EST
Packing More into Lithium Batteries
By Phil McKenna 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:54 EST
The Hydrocarbon Deniers
By Loren Steffy 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:32 EST
Efficiency is Key to Meeting Future Energy Needs
By Tom Fowler and Brett Clanton 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:29 EST
OPEC Raises Forecast for Oil Demand
By Alexander Kwiatkowski 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:23 EST
A Brief Perspective on Russian Natural Gas
By Ferdinand E. Banks 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:11 EST
Devon and BP Team Up On Oil Sands Revival
By Shawn McCarthy 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:09 EST
Exxon CEO Doubts Natural Gas Cars Viability
By Elizabeth Souder 
Mar. 12 2010, 11:01 EST

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