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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This image depicts the Territorial acquisition...Image via Wikipedia
Before Bing and Semantic Search had arrived, I noticed a utility that allowed me to follow personal quips and comments. Being a bit of a motormouth and noting a lack of favourable rating, I kept the note locked until things looked safe...malwarewise that is.

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Apologies for Blogger backgrounds all over.

Comments from

"Really should move on." That sounds like the one that is prefaced by 'Move Along, Folks!'
Yep. Police talk.
And no, I am not surprised by U.S. press 'coverage.' You get a better read in the sci-fi movie 'Avatar'.
What English-speaking country would compose... No idea at all. ( Not! )
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5 weeks ago opit on The Admiral as Hero
I leave the 'left-right' orientation to those who don't realize that Liberty and its loss to promoters of Absolute Power are the only considerations worth noting.
There are far too many governments in love with a War Measures Act...for Peacetime.
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5 weeks ago opit on The Admiral as Hero
Since I'm a 'furrin national' I expect I notice the dysfunction more : the likes of Democrat John Kerry, for instance, do not strike me as unconscious leftists unaware of military reality. Then again, the U.S.A. doesn't HAVE 'leftists' : no matter what you may think of Noam Chomsky,for instance. Two parties offering fealty to the military industrial complex and the God of War do not differ in essence.
The gang at http://www.theygaveusarepublic.com/ will give you a badly needed eye opener on just how real Democratic military culture is...with no acceptance of the idea that the draft dodgers that constituted the Bu$h Brigades offered any remotely acceptable treatment of those who sacrificed themselves to military service.
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It's easy to be trapped by false premises.
Nations like Iraq are victims of a program of destroying of the infrastructure which reduces disease or provides necessary services. In fact, the 'reconstruction' of Iraq was a failure from the standpoint of producing usable results...unless you were a beneficiary of no-bid contracts.
At this point electrical power is not restored : essential for water and sewage treatment.
Something like the genocide of Assyrians reported in aina would not come up : slaughter of Christian pacifists by Kurds.
What about internal displacement of millions from their homes..plus 2 million who have fled the country ?
Agriculture is functionally destroyed, courtesy Monsanto-favouring regulations included in Bremer's 100 Orders which destroyed the heritage of millenia in heritage seed stocks...and cutoff of water by Turkish dams upstream.
Hospitals and medical staff are victims of assassination and intimidation. How does that relate to the Occupation ? Well, civil authority of the Iraqi government was destroyed and all those experienced with running a bureaucracy cut off from the process : army and police the first to go. You figure it out.
As you can see, Iraq Body Count is not in agreement with other sources. Depending on Psyops for valid data is as reliable as the ahead-of-the-facts general-purpose Poisoning the Well Arguments for those questioning the imperial warmongers : traitors or terrorists. That's the corporate state for you - positing 'freedom'...at a price.
How does this correlate with information obtained locally ?
Worth exploring.
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I couldn't find your mail address ! I just thought I'd share a link for a 911 debunker. http://www.populartechnology.net/2009/06/debunking-911-conspiracy-theories.html
I've been busy on Climategate. There's a connection to the NPT of all things covered Dec 20 in Afghanistan, etc.
I finally discovered Larouche. If he's nuts there are no sane men.
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11 weeks ago opit on Another Point of View
If you can conflate Evolution Deniers with Global Warming Deniers and not see that you have stretched comparison far beyond reason and informed accuracy, I am blessed if I can figure out ahead of time what you will make of this :
4 Dec - Following the Trail | Climate Fraud and Energy Deprivationhttp://opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2009/12/4-dec-following-trail-climate-fraud-and.html
Or you
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While the GOP is homeland to Framing Arguments and all kinds of assorted weirdness, let's not forget Roswell has a life of its own.
I landed on the following and thought it fit right in with a planned scare rumoured for some time.
Up until that time I thought the stuff I had been blogging about Climategate was wild. Check out Global Research.ca for their collected links on that topic.
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Since you're not PZ Myers I'll assume - for the sake of argument - that when somebody points out that you are buying into the classic 'Poisoning the Well' tactic of false logic you might give your head a shake.
Talking about 'deniers' - labeling error right there - is generalizing about dissenting views.
Is Dr. Ian Plimer's point that an open system is
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No flies on you. That's a Razor-sharp observation. Not that I'm about to read the book of someone I can't stand to listen to.
Jack Chalker wrote series called "Well World" ; classic sci-fi which ended in just such a time dilation engineered by the computer which ran an artificial universe and deposited its heroine well into the timeline.
Not germane to the topic - unless we want to get into Simulachron 3 / The 13th Floor style computer sim 'worlds': rather a Second Life/WoW idea writ large. That would actually be something that's come up from people worth listening to. I think Dad2059 over at WordPress said that recently deceased Kurt Ninno was such about our world...though I haven't checked to see that's who he actually wrote about recently.
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There are still wild things said about Busch...some not safe to repeat ! The Secret Behind the Sanctions post at Common Dreams started me thinking about control over necessities of life : the basic tool of slavery: whether salt, water,food, land or shelter.
The Amish are now being forced to comply with NAIS over their religious objections.
But I had a nice Thanksgiving letter from a shaman and thought I would share
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Well...if time varies by acceleration - such as in a Singularity but even within our gravity well...the speed of light can stay Constant - but in a dilated timeframe.
Quibbling by a non-mathematician, I admit.
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There are no rational arguments for defining a concept that defies perceptual appreciation : nor any sense to a contest of whether same 'exists'. Are there more to sparring in an intellectual contest with an unarmed opponent ?
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19 weeks ago opit on Emboldened White House
Great peace guy.
Changes the focus of US 'defensive' activities of land war in Asia from killing Iraqis to killing Afghans and Pakistanis. All the while he ignores requirements under the NPT to foster compliance and encourage same. That's rather understating the case for a pattern of harassing/undermining them ! Check out U.S. sanctions against Iran...since 1979. Presumably this is why Iran is supposedly still part of the 'Axis of Evil': just like Iraq was...while complying with inspections.
(That's a disinformation technique known as 'Poisoning the Well.')Not to mention that Iran had the effrontery to say Israel was emulating the Holocaust on Palestinians via U.S. investment and military supply!
Meantime India is deserving of nuke tech with no NPT compliance suggested....buying from the correct supplier tends to spin that.
Ah yes. 'Change you can believe in.'
And working to promote nuke disarmament. I haven't heard much about the reduction of 70,000 U.S. nukes in weaponry, have you ? All I note is an ongoing pattern of violence and lies.
Check out Brad Blog on Sibel Edmonds and Turkish intel spying on the U.S. All the better to continue to run black ops assassinations. I think they still refer to their NATO-guided mercs as 'al Qaeda.'
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How to Talk to a Right Winger
I actually used that phrase as a Search parameter - recalling that there was at least one article with that header. Why are they such dunderheads ? There are a few reasons...not just pop psych
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I knew I was in a dilemma when I started to think things were worse than you painted !
I've been watching 'direction' too.
The Nobel for promoting nuclear arms reduction just about made me choke. Ditto a 'new dialogue' with Iran.
2 reactors were just sold to India : traditionally in an uneasy relationship with Pakistan and China both, in a time when American adventuring is hunting the old government of Afghanistan - the Taleban - so as to destroy it : while the ISI in Pakistan tries its best to salvage the only 'law in town' and Saudi Arabia funds their existence.
There's strategic 'pouring gasoline on the fire' and calling it 'nation building'by the US and NATO. It's a wonder cheeks don't pop over that bit of irony!
NPT ? What's that ?
Iran.'New dialogue." Um. Read a quick synopsis of the NPT and see if you think the Iranians have ever received the protections and encouragement supposedly part of the package. All I see is a guarantee no other nation will be stupid enough to worry about the opinion of the international community : because it is specified from on high! Rather they have been subjected to a blockade which threatens to destroy their access to power generation : sewage treatment, water purification, hospital services, etc.
Gaza/Palestine is a place where wells are bulldozed, villages flattened, houses stolen, target practice encouraged on children : where internal travel is logjammed by prison conditions. Just take a look at online shots of the Wall.
This is the regime that the U.S. continues to supply arms to at a great rate : to 'ensure their existence'.
Check out Israeli sources like Haaretz and B'Tselem and you shoyuldn't be worried about disinformation campaigns promoting 'slander and anti-Semitism against Israel.'
Zionists really do have their propaganda down pat. That's why I suggested Jewish sources.

There you go. Only one page of seven.
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