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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

6 Mar - Morning Miscellaney

The Drakensberg mountains, the highest mountai...Image via Wikipedia

Adjusting to Swedish life after the Andijan massacre

Fallujah doctors report rise in birth defects
(Uranium - Mining and 'Depleted'
There is no love lost between the devout Muslims of the governing party and the rigidly secular officer class.

And yet there are many dark episodes in this country's history that make such wild conspiracies almost credible.

Hundreds of unsolved murders; thousands of cases of torture and disappearances during the war against Kurdish separatism; enough dirty tricks to make anyone at least a little paranoid.

Bulgaria's war on organised crime

Lost Jewish tribe 'found in Zimbabwe'

In many ways, the Lemba tribe of Zimbabwe and South Africa are just like their neighbours.  They do not eat pork, they practise male circumcision, they ritually slaughter their animals, some of their men wear skull caps and they put the Star of David on their gravestones.

Their oral traditions claim that their ancestors were Jews who fled the Holy Land about 2,500 years ago.

It may sound like another myth of a lost tribe of Israel, but British scientists have carried out DNA tests which confirm their Semitic origin.

Soldiers at war turn to gardens for peace of mind

Preview of New Doc Film: From Grass to Cheese

Hat Tip - Support a Documentary About a Family Farm

Milk Products Media - News 

MEXICO: Ecological Smoke from Fuel Efficient Stoves

Earth's true colours in Nasa's Blue Marble images

Awful tooth about sports drinks
Dentists warn that the acidity of sports drinks attacks enamel and contributes to tooth erosion. Athletes are more at risk because when they become dehydrated during competition or training, they produce less saliva, which protects teeth.

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