Visit our new clearinghouse on corporate "rights."
This special initiative of the Center for Media and Democracy, which publishes SourceWatch, has links to the real story about the Supreme Court's revolutionary and unconstitutional decision asserting that federal laws cannot limit corporate "speech" and undermining the integrity of our democracy.
This special feature helps document who is behind the argument that we the people should not be able to regulate corporations, such as Citizens United, which was founded by Floyd Brown of the infamous Willie Horton smear campaign against then-presidential candidate Michael Dukakis. It features information on growing national efforts to change the law, including moving to amend the ConstitutionVisit our new clearinghouse on corporate "rights."
This special initiative of the Center for Media and Democracy, which publishes SourceWatch, has links to the real story about the Supreme Court's revolutionary and unconstitutional decision asserting that federal laws cannot limit corporate "speech" and undermining the integrity of our democracy.
Put Americans Before Corporations
End Cruel Farm Animal Confinement Nationwide
We are writing to encourage you to please introduce legislation this session to ban battery cages for egg-laying hens, gestation crates for pregnant pigs, and veal crates for young calves.
A Catalog of the Destroyed Torture Evidence
Since there are so many incidences of destroyed or disappearing torture evidence, I thought it time to start cataloging them, to keep them all straight.
* Before May 2003: 15 of 92 torture tapes erased or damaged
* Early 2003: Dunlavey’s paper trail “lost”
* Before August 2004: John Yoo and Patrick Philbin’s torture memo emails deleted
* June 2005: most copies of Philip Zelikow’s dissent to the May 2005 CAT memo destroyed
* November 8-9, 2005: 92 torture tapes destroyed
* July 2007 (probably): 10 documents from OLC SCIF disappear
* December 19, 2007: Fire breaks out in Cheney’s office
( The 'missing' emails come to mind )
Afghan Prince says U.S. and Coalition Forces making big mistake
We have to change our philosophy. We have to make the question I’ve asked of my friends at NATO — the Americans, the Canadians, and the Europeans — “What is your plan for Afghanistan?” I still have not — I don’t have — I haven’t had somebody sit down and tell me that this is the plan for Afghanistan, and this is what we want to do.
Israel Crackdown Puts Liberal Jews on the Spot
The Israeli government, its brutal war crimes in Gaza exposed in detail in the U.N. report by Justice Richard Goldstone, has implemented a series of draconian measures to silence and discredit dissidents, leading intellectuals and human rights organizations inside and outside Israel that are accused—often falsely—of assisting Goldstone’s U.N. investigators. The government of Benjamin Netanyahu is attempting to shut down Israel’s premier human rights organizations, including B’Tselem, the New Israel Fund (NIF) and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. It is busy expelling or excluding peace activists and foreign nationals from the Palestinian territories. The campaign, if left unchecked, will be as catastrophic for Palestinians as it will be for Israel.
( Desert Peace is an Israeli blog )
The Woman Who Just Might Save the Planet and Our Pocketbooks
people use multiple methods to work together.
Recipe for Kindness
. Psychologist Richard Ryan and his colleagues at the University of Rochester have found that paying attention to the natural world makes people nicer.The surveys revealed that the more attention participants paid to natural elements, the more socially connected they felt. Conversely, the more they zeroed in on manmade elements, the more selfish their goals became.
The Hottest Hoax in the World
It was presented as fact. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, led by India’s very own RK Pachauri, even announced a consensus on it. The world was heating up and humans were to blame. A pack of lies, it turns out.
Why has global warming paused? Water vapor may be in the answer.
A decline in stratospheric water vapor between 2000 and 2009 followed an apparent increase between 1980 and 2000, a team of scientists has found. That finding may have implications for global warming.
One Man’s Opinion
Check out some of these websites for the latest exciting developments in sustainability and maybe get some ideas on how you can improve your own ecological footprint and lift your spirit.
Friends of the Earth finally cotton on to climate change data row
Concentrated Solar Goes Small-Scale
Bananas could be key to stopping spread of Aids
Why You Don’t Need Antibacterial Soap
One of the most popular antimicrobials, the pesticide triclocarban (TCC), defies water treatment methods after we wash our hands of it. Once it’s flushed down drains, about 75 percent of TCC makes it through treatments meant to break it down, and it ends up in our surface water and in municipal sludge. This sludge is regularly applied to U.S. crop fields as a fertilizer, meaning the chemical could potentially accumulate in our food, too.
Blasphemous Quotations
On Jan. 1, a new law in Ireland made blasphemy an offense punishable by a fine of up to $35,000. That ludicrous political maneuver was promptly answered by Irish advocacy group Atheist Ireland, which published a list of 25 blasphemous quotes from Frank Zappa, George Carlin and other godless jerks.
We decided to toss in 10 more quotations and lyrics from South Park, Arthur C. Clarke and others — including that dick Gandhi — to stand up for free speech (on the Emerald Isle and elsewhere). But we need your help to rub the blasphemy in even deeper.
Scan our list of barbs that might make Bible-thumpers break the First Commandment, then drop your own in the comments section below. Jehovah, Jehovah!
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