Before getting into work that didn't need doing, I decided to satisfy my curiosity on one point first.
Brin Drove Google to Pull Back in China
Bad economy is a gift that keeps giving to Red Hat
Malware delivered by Yahoo, Fox, Google ads
Malware that exploits holes in popular applications is being delivered by big ad delivery platforms including those run by Yahoo, Fox, and Google, according to Prague-based antivirus firm Avast.Viruses and other malware were found to be lurking in ads last year on high-profile sites like The New York Times and conservative news aggregator Drudge Report.com, and this year on Drudge, TechCrunch and WhitePages.com. The practice has been dubbed "malvertising."
Now, researchers at Avast are pointing fingers at some large ad delivery platforms including Yahoo's Yield Manager and Fox Audience Network's Fimserve.com, which together cover more than 50 percent of online ads, and to a much smaller degree Google's DoubleClick. In addition, some of the malicious ads ended up on Yahoo and Google sites, Avast claims.
"It's not just the small players but the ad servers connected with Google and Yahoo have been infected and served up bad ads," said Lyle Frink, public relations manager for Avast.
Burger King's secret cameras stun customers
CNet River
The CNET River offers a different view on CNET, blending the latest blogs, photo galleries, videos, and tweets from CNET editors. We think of it as a fresh starting point. With your feedback, we plan to add more content streams and other features to the River.
CIA videotape investigation appears to be nearing a close
United States and Russia reach nuclear-arms deal
The new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) would replace a 1991 pact that expired in December. Experts called the new agreement the most significant arms-control accord since the 1993 signing of START II, which the Russians never ratified.Officials in both countries would not discuss details of the new accord, but the general outlines have emerged during the year-long negotiations. Each side will reduce its most dangerous nuclear weapons -- those deployed for long-range missions-- from a ceiling of 2,200 to between 1,500 and 1,675. And the two militaries will make relatively small cuts in the number of jets and land- or submarine-based missiles that carry nuclear warheads and bombs.
A Kremlin spokesman told reporters that the two countries' presidents would talk soon to decide when to sign the pact. "All documents related to the new treaty have been agreed upon," he said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of diplomatic sensitivity.
The declaration appeared to surprise the White House, with spokesman Robert Gibbs saying that the two sides were "close" to a treaty but that it would not be announced until Obama could speak with President Dmitry Medvedev, probably in the next few days.
Still, U.S. officials confirmed that all major obstacles to the pact have been cleared. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in Moscow last week that only technical details remained.
( I muse if my technical difficulties are related to the Stratcom story about unilateral U.S. reductions : link posted at the unavailable my.opera.com/oldephartte/links/ You see...I posted it on this blog...and the story won't display. )
Saudi Arabia detains dozens of 'al-Qaeda militants'
A large group of 101 suspects, described as a network, was composed of 47 Saudis and others from Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea and Bangladesh, interior ministry spokesman Mansour al-Turki said.
The network "specialised in targeting security personnel," he said.![]() | ![]() ![]() |
Weapons, cameras, documents and computers were seized with the suspects.
"The network and the two cells were targeting the oil facilities in the Eastern Province and they had plans that were about to be implemented," Mansour al-Turki said.
( Interesting that separatist groups suddenly become eligible to be described as 'al Qaeda' after the U.S. starts bombing the hell out of them )
Scoop - NZ
Israeli Arab family denied right to rent home
The Zakai and Tarabin families should be a picture of happy coexistence across the ethnic divide, a model for others to emulate in Israel. But Natalie and Weisman Zakai say the past three years – since the Jewish couple offered to rent their home to Bedouin friends, Ahmed and Khalas Tarab More »

Key’s mining plan a pay-back for Crosby/Textor?
John Key is pushing ahead with his mining plan despite all the political trouble that’s brewing. The flames of the argument are flicking at his shorts, and as John Armstrong notes, the battle for public opinion “is already half lost”.Why then is Key determined to push on with this immense More »

Target BNP: The Battle for East London
The "war-room", as it has become known, occupies a vast space in a derelict building in the far east of London. A giant banner, draped across the back wall, bears the words "hope not hate". Inside, political activists, local councillors and researchers are hunched over computer screens or huddl More »

Tony Blair and the Middle East peace process
The search for a humane, peaceful solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine is an ongoing one. The stakes are higher than before with the increasing tension between Israel and Iran.What is Blair's real purpose for being in the Middle East? He is a tainted partisan and has no credibil More »

The Ashcroft Affair: Eight questions for Hague
1. Why did the then Tory chief whip, James Arbuthnot, help Michael Ashcroft broker a deal that would allow him to avoid the "tens of millions" a year in tax that William Hague had previously assured Tony Blair he would pay?2. What exactly did Arbuthnot tell William Hague about the details of More »

Nestle-give orangutans a break !
What is it that we cant get cheating corporations to respect any rules on palm oil production? And then we find we are eating it in all our favourite foods,with many of our best known brands -often unwittingly .The mass destruction of forest for palm oil is a coprorate crime on a massive scale More »

The Growing Movement for Publicly Owned Banks
Michigan, which has an unemployment rate of 14 percent, has been particularly hard hit by the economic downturn. Virg Bernero, mayor of Lansing, the state’s capital, and a leading Democratic candidate for governor, proposes to relieve the state’s economic ills by opening a state-owned bank. He More »

Perils & pitfalls of electronic campaigning
I've just received another personal email from Barack Obama. "Andrew," he begins. We've been on first-name terms for more than two years. "I wanted to take a moment to thank you directly for the outstanding work you've been doing…" I'm flattered, Barack, that you've had time to notice my More »

Huljich dogs Banks media campaign
How much is the Huljich Kiwisaver figure-fudging scandal hurting John “the dodgy-director” Banks’ mayoral chances? Answer: a lot. Lord Mayor Banks Of Remuera trades on the fact he is a successful businessman. He constantly talks up his strong business credentials as standing him in good More »

Cantabrians! Your democracy is at stake!
I can’t believe the people of Canterbury are going to allow a democratically elected Council—Environment Canterbury—to be thrown out and replaced by an unelected and unaccountable political appointee—most likely Jenny Shipley.What is happening in Canterbury is eerily similar to what is More »

Fending Off Digital Decay, Bit by Bit
Among the archival material from Salman Rushdie currently on display at Emory University in Atlanta are inked book covers, handwritten journals and four Apple computers (one ruined by a spilled Coke). The 18 gigabytes of data they contain seemed to promise future biographers and literary scholars a More »

Ashcroft's 'unequivocal assurance' secured peerage
When Lord Ashcroft of Chichester sat down to pen his memoirs, he wasted no more than a few paragraphs on those vexed events of March 2000 which saw him rejected for a peerage for a second time, nor on the manner in which his close friend and ally William Hague managed deftly to reverse that misfort More »

Obama to Disclose Legal Basis for Drone Strikes
It’s not been the greatest week for the Obama administration’s commitment to open government. But Harold Koh, the State Department’s legal adviser, told Shane Harris of National Journal that the administration is open to disclosing the legal underpinnings of one of its most controversial and More »

Seeing red, from plum to beetroot
The public administration select committee might have a boring title but it often has the most amusing meetings. Yesterday it held an inquiry into the Ashcroft affair.Trouble was, nobody who knew much about it was there. It was a squirm-making event for the Tories. Lord Ashcroft and William Hag More »

UK: Labour to replace House of Lords
Ministers are working on proposals to transform the House of Lords into a democratically elected second chamber based loosely on the US Senate.The transport secretary, Lord Adonis, who would lose his seat in the Lords and his post in government under the plans, confirmed today that they would b More »
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posted by Alison at Creekside - 1 day ago{updated below} Dear Prime Minister Harper, While cutting funds from women's groups and aboriginal healing programs, you want to give $ 250,000.00 of taxpayers' money to the Chrysotile Institute (a reg...
*Wow! That was the day* for us and our Yorkshire "Andy". Spring is nearly here, so we decided to have his long hairs cut. Andy is one of the too many stray-dogs one finds in Spain. As a puppy he suddenly ...
posted by Ian O'Neill at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoAddicted to sci-tech news? Feed that addiction by signing up for our free daily newsletter! You'll love it.
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posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoA small spaceship carrying the hopes of generation weaned on Star Trek took to the skies on Monday for the first time in a test flight over California's Mojave Desert.
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posted by Michael Reilly at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoEpic battles for survival between animals of Earth's ancient past are strikingly similar to what humans today call "entertainment."
posted by Talal Al-Khatib at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoIn case you haven't heard already, Discovery News now has a daily newsletter, called Discovery News Daily. What this means is you can get Discovery News delivered right to your inbox. So now, you can check...
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posted by Lauren Effron at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoHey Discovery News fans, Now getting the best science news headlines has never been easier! Sign up for the Discovery News Daily newsletter to have our top science news stories sent to your inbox every day...
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posted by Alison at Creekside - 2 days agoWhy does it fall to a former *Irish* MP and Member of the European Parliament to raise questions about the detrimental effect to Canadians of the proposed Canada-EU trade agreement? Isn't that the job of...
*I am not a clairvoyant*, yet I know there are difficult times ahead. Either you stick your head in the sand, stay dancing on a volcano, or inform yourself to be prepared for the unexpected. I gladly admi...
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posted by Jennifer Ouellette at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoAfter analyzing 70,000 galaxies within 3.5 billion light years from Earth, physicists show that Einstein's theory of general relativity still holds strong.