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Learn moreUNITED STATES - A Winsconsin man in a motorcycle gang was convicted today of breaking into his ex-girlfriend's home and cooking her 5-month old puppy in her oven. He has been sentenced to 6 years in prison...
Could a nanosatellite inspired by the solar sail be used to pull defunct satellites down to Earth? Is there a passive military application waiting to be unleashed?
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 12 hours ago
*Webcams, cell phones, social networks and the Internet have eroded* the current systems of governance and are now technically and morally * bankrupting* existing institutions of power. The 'Katrina' disas...
Saw this piece on CNN this morning: Alain Thebault, the skipper of the world's fastest sailboat, the Hydroptere announced that he wants to sail his boat around the world in 40 days. And he wants to cross t...
...but to my knowledge, none has ever proven to be a threat," said Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, who became the senior American and NATO commander in Afghanistan last year. His comments came during a recen...
ART HISTORY - Epochs in art are rare and usually the result of major shifts in the art world. In the 21st century however we will see the rise of Chinaas a growing mega power, dwarfing the United States an...
I went to the YouTube site to find the commercial (below) sponsored by the Corn Refiner's Association promoting high-fructose corn syrup. I was surprised to find all of the spoof commercials. Where have I ...
The country added an area of forest bigger than twice the size of Connecticut in the last decade. But a global assessment of Earth's forests wasn't all good news.
POLITICS - The South Korean naval ship below sank today near North Korean territorial waters, setting the South Korean military into a panic over a possible renewed war with North Korea. The waters betwee...
By Charles Moffat - March 2010. HEALTH - On my lap as I type this is the book "Auto Repair for Dummies"... Its not that people who read such books are dumb, its just that the "Blankety Blank Book for Dumm...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 2 days ago
Url movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdqjcW8u7Lw *Isn't this moving*, ...euphonious? This Bulgarian song goes about this: A young girl is praying to God. Please God give me eyes of a dove, please God...
It was a horrible crime against a young child that made headlines around the world: A seven-year-old girl named Somer Thompson vanished while walking home from school one day in October 2009. Her parents s...
Pet rodents display more intelligence than their wild relatives, probably as a result of living with us.
Loggers came across the wreckage of a Curtiss SB2C Helldiver, but it's not clear how it got there.
Electrodes and a computer translates biological nerve signals into computerized signals that control electric motors in a bionic arm and hand.
If the violent conditions observed so far are any indication, this weekend's weather forecast for Neptune can't be good.
When the Vice President dropped the f-bomb this week, he sparked a flurry of controversy, but researchers point out cussing has been around for centuries.
Bees' color vision clocks in as the fastest in the animal world.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 2 days ago
*Palm Sunday is the day* that in Spain and in particularly Andalucia the 'Semana Santa' commences with religious acts and processions. Ever more tourists come to see the colorful, fairylike events. Many v...
Why bother producing power when we can simply take it?
The June 2008 Committee on International Trade passed a motion that the *Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement* should not be ratified until an *independent* human rights impact assessment could be carried ...
RELIGION/SEX - A growing scandal is growing around Pope Benedict because he ignored the molestation of children by priests under his authority. The scandal began years ago when an American priest admitted ...
The 19th-century slave ship became an icon of the abolitionist movement.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 3 days ago
*Sumatra and Chile* play an important part in understanding how delicate our lives are - at a cosmic scale. Heavy earthquakes that rock these regions since 2004 appear to have changed the orbit of the Ear...
The king of the dinosaurs may have had a larger domain than once thought.
ENTERTAINMENT - You might be surprised by the number of archeologists who believe in aliens... or more precisely they believe there are too many coincidences between ancient cultures to suggest these cultu...
The National Renewable Energy Lab, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, has some new deputies in its push to develop cheaper, more efficient solar cells. Meet the NREL bots. In the shiny Proce...
Like a great smokestack, Asia's summer monsoon is blowing high into the atmosphere a climate-altering cocktail of industrial pollutants generated by the burgeoning economies of China, India and Indonesia, ...
Could a smile a day keep the doctor away?
Neptune and Uranus may possibly be hiding 4-billion year old clues to interplanetary homicide.
Birds that normally eat insects switch to antioxidant-rich berries just before starting their long journey south for winter.
[image: Especial de Autos (27 wallpapers de 1920x1200px)]*Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.* Esta sí que es una verdadera colección de wallpapers dedicada en ...
Nacre, or mother of pearl, is one of the toughest and most beautiful natural materials on Earth. Now scientists can make it -- cheaply.
Keeping yourself clean may pollute the environment.
After NASA sent a sophisticated software upgrade to Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, the wheeled robot can now "choose" which rocks to investigate. Mars exploration just got smarter.
Canada has a high tech toy to help them win the New Arctic Land Grab: a big, yellow submarine.
When the topic of eating meat comes up, on occasion my vegan and vegetarian friends will recite a list of reasons they abstain from consuming the flesh of animals. (Not that they need to justify anything t...
Counting all of those twinkling lights in the night sky just got a lot harder.
Today's news about X-Woman, an unknown hominin that coexisted with Neanderthals and our species 30,000 to 50,000 years ago, suggests that at least four different forms of humans were in Europe and Asia aft...
The Shroud of Turin, the controversial piece of linen that some believe to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, could finally be dated accurately. A new method "stands to revolutionize radiocarbon dating,"...
A 30-year-long argument between India and Bangladesh has ended in a draw.
A newly discovered human species likely wore heavy clothing and bracelets and hunted large game.
Sensitive Global Positioning System and other satellite-borne sensors have detected the accelerating northwestern migration of ice loss the length of coastal Greenland since 2005. Scientists have known for...
Venomous snake competitions were recently held in Australia, according to a new study that describes the events: sprint trials in a racetrack, tongue flicking, thrashing, biting when held, and wrapping aro...
How much would you pay for a watch made of poop?
It has now been ten weeks since a catastrophic earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, killing over 200,000 people, injuring a similar number and leaving an estimated one million people homeless. Even as th...
Even the smoke generated from cooking unhealthy food could be a hazard to your health.
A harsh winter and the apparent spread of pesticides into hives is worsening a crisis among the pollinators, which are crucial for crops.
I'm not talking about the virtual worlds found in World of Warcraft or Second Life. I'm talking about Earth, our motherland, la tierra. And I'm wondering if those people who spend 16 billion hours a year t...
Scientists believe helium is condensing like a mist in the upper layers of the gas giant planet.