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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, March 29, 2010

29 Mar - Water and Google FriendFeed Posts

Krafla Geothermal Station. Taken in July 2006 ...Image via Wikipedia


New York Times (blog)
By TODD WOODY China's investments in renewable energy technology grew by 50 percent in 2009, according to a new report. China's investments inrenewable ...
Cooler Planet
The San Jose-based solar technology company announced it had finalized the acquisition of SunRay RenewableEnergy for approximately $277 million on Monday. ...
Southern California Edison said the contracts are part of an effort to taprenewable energy from smaller projects by offering developers a standard contract ...
The Obama administration predicted late last year that $80 billion in stimulus spending on renewable-energy initiatives would help create more than 700000 ...
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CNNMoney.com (press release)
"We are very satisfied with the endorsement by the Ministry of Ecology& Natural Resources who have highlighted that our technology not only provides a cost ...
BBC News
Details of the US-based research are published in the journal BMC Ecology. Professor Frederic Theunissen from the University of California at Berkeley, US,...
The Associated Press
Colin is a sophomore at the University of Connecticut, seeking a bachelor's degree in ecology and evolutionary biology and another in environmental studies. ...
Colorado College News
Eric Perramond , associate professor of Southwest studies and environmental science, has published a new book, “Political Ecologies of Cattle Ranching in ...
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Wall Street Journal (blog)
The play, a coproduction with the Play Company and Culture Project, looks atwater and its impact on the world, following an African preacher-in-training ...
San Jose Mercury News
By Timothy S. Guster The Santa Clara Valley Water District is indeed in a bind. Faced with its own unlawful conduct and a history of waste and taxpayer ...
Baltimore Sun
From the bridge over the Gwynns Falls they lowered a device about 2 feet into the brown-green water to take the temperature and measure the dissolved oxygen ...
The Detroit News
Harrison Township -- Officials have repaired a massive break in the main that supplies the township's water but are recommend residents boil theirwater for ...

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