Television Replaces God in Our Lives
Tremendous effort has been expended to perfect television and make it cheap and widely available. Why?
We know that television modifies the brain waves, affecting mainly the beta waves, which are the energetic support of the brain's activities such as processes of thought, analysis and decision.
In the works of Emery and of Krugman, we find that once the TV set is on, the waves of the brain slow down until the alpha waves dominate the brain activity. The more the TV set stays on, the more the brain waves slow down (Jerry Mander, Four Arguments for the Elimination of the Television, NY, 1978).
Dr. Eric Peper and Dr. Thomas Mulholand came to the same conclusion. The left brain hemisphere is massively inhibited, thus reducing critical capacity ( i.e. a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty.) (Martin Large, Out of the Box, http://www.
Thus, television is a "super-tool" for "mind grafts" and social engineering.
In Orwell's "1984," a TV screen dominates the center of every home and public place. With the TV screen, the "all seeing eye" of "Big Brother"controls thoughts and sentiments.
Television is no longer a means of entertainment, but an ideological weapon, for the manipulation of the consciousnesses. The citizens of this world created by "Big Brother", spends most of his time with an omnipresent television. They go to sleep with the television, wake up with the television, and the daily life is programmed by "Big Brother". This is a form of totalitarian governance, a form of intellectual dictatorship.
This is the consequence of the elimination of God from the daily life as spiritual essence and behavioral guide. A God inspired spirituality springs as the water springs from the underground, so from the depths of the spirituality springs the spiritual life of man, to nourish human society and keep it in touch with the natural order of things.
Once human society is cut off from this source, it is on the road to corruption, decadence and unavoidable death. Here is where "THEY" want to bring us and our children.
For what purpose? They believe they are "the Messiah" and they can replace God and take total possession of the whole earth and everything it contains. This pretension can be generated only by a sick corrupted and degenerated mind. They pretend even, as Nietzsche, one of their front men, pretended "Gott is tot" - God is dead.
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and an Orwellian fest Orwell Today** )
Aldous Huxley's Dictatorship by Seduction
Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" (1931) was not so much science fiction or cautionary tale, as prophecy based on the author's insider knowledge of Illuminati plans. We have the privilege of living in a world that is starting to morph into Huxley's.
The novel describes a "mild dictatorship" implemented by a "magical governance". This is a dictatorship implemented through the excitement of the human senses, through the narcosis of the conscience, through effects of seduction, a seduction mixed with the subversion of the intimate space.
For these achievements, the Soma, a drug (psychotropic drugs) and television are essential. TV is the most efficient means for brainwashing and controlling society.
Television has a "magical effect", one of excitement, of induction of sensations of pleasure and inflaming the imagination. TV is not imposed by force on people; it is desired by the population for its fascination, of seduction, for the cathartic experience much of a shamanic type, for the powerful excitement and narcosis produced.
In Huxley's "Brave New World" everyone is encouraged to watch television and consume the ubiquitous drug Soma. Soma is a hallucinogenic that replicates religious experiences, eliminating God and the need for religion. Soma and television are complementary.
In "Brave New World" recreational sex is also an integral part of society. According to "The World State" (New World Order Government), sex is a social activity, not a means of reproduction, and sexual activity, including homosexuality, is encouraged from early childhood. The fertile women are conditioned to use birth control.
The maxim "everyone belongs to everyone else" is repeated often, and the idea of a "family" is considered pornographic. Love and emotional relationships are rendered obsolete because they are no longer needed. Marriage, natural birth, parenthood, and pregnancy are considered too obscene to be mentioned in casual conversation. Thus, "society has advanced to a new level of sexual comprehension".
In this "satanic idealization" of the human future, totally cut-off from God and healthy human nature, the population of the world is "unified" under "The World State", where the promise is an eternally peaceful, stable global society in which goods and resources are plentiful.
The population is limited to no more than two billion people, and everyone is promised happiness. Natural reproduction has been done away with, and children are decanted and raised in "Hatcheries" and "Conditioning Centres." No more family relationship; no more mothers and fathers; no more grand parents, brothers and sisters; no cousins, no uncles and aunts, no more family.
Society is divided into five castes, created in these centres. The highest caste is allowed to develop naturally while it matures in its "decanting bottle" (this is the cast of the the rulers), while the lower castes are treated to chemical interference to cause arrested development in intelligence and physical growth.
The castes are Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons, with each caste further split into "Plus" and "Minus" members. Each Alpha or Beta is the product of one fertilized egg developing into one foetus. The rest are clones obtained from the splitting of one embryo 96 times. One ovary may produce thousands of artificial children.
This artificial production of specialized children bolsters the termite-modeled programming of the society.
The "hypnopaedic process" is the process in which they teach the embryos all the lessons "THEY" want them to know. Children are conditioned from birth to value consumption with such platitudes as "buy a new one instead of fixing the old one", etc.
In The World State, people die at age 60 (people are "mind grafted" to accept euthanasia, -- premature death). Death isn't feared; anyone reflecting upon it is reassured by the knowledge that everyone is happy, and that society goes on. Since no one has family, they have no ties to mourn.
Citizens participate in mock religious services called Solidarity Services, in which they consume large quantities of Soma and sing hymns; the ritual progresses through group hypnosis and climaxes in an orgy of all sexual perversity, just as in the "satanic mass."

Interestingly, though Huxley's "Brave New World" was originally published in 1932, the illustration on the cover of the first edition dust jacket looks uncannily like the flag of the United Nations, which didn't come into existence until 15 years later. Your readers can decide if this is just a coincidence, or, it was, in fact, all part of a larger plan.