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Theatre, art and business... what a combination. As a bit of background, The Blue Parrot Theatre was started back in 1983 and produced a lot of shows before I became involved.. Times were hard and the t...
A massive dust storm has pushed through China and is ruining Korea's day. The storm has its roots in a mixture of natural and man-made causes, and could be stopped if China adopts better land use practices.
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A small spaceship carrying the hopes of generation weaned on Star Trek took to the skies on Monday for the first time in a test flight over California's Mojave Desert.
Google has shut down Google.cn, the culmination of a two-month battle between the Internet search giant and the People's Republic.
Epic battles for survival between animals of Earth's ancient past are strikingly similar to what humans today call "entertainment."
In case you haven't heard already, Discovery News now has a daily newsletter, called Discovery News Daily. What this means is you can get Discovery News delivered right to your inbox. So now, you can check...
The next sustainability revolution is clear--safe drinking water with the help of sustainable, affordable technology. But we've got some work to do. Today is World Water Day, a UN initiative that reminds m...
A massive volcanic eruption tipped the scales in the battle between dinosaurs and crocodiles for global dominance.
Hey Discovery News fans, Now getting the best science news headlines has never been easier! Sign up for the Discovery News Daily newsletter to have our top science news stories sent to your inbox every day...
We know -- there's a lot of news out there and lots of content competing for your attention daily. Still, there is some news you won't want to miss. Here at Discovery News, we're selecting the most interes...
As the legendary Apollo astronaut polishes his shoes for the first episode of Dancing With The Stars tonight, what are Buzz's chances of winning the competition?
"Vintage fraud" -- changing the year on a wine label to jack up the cost -- may be more widespread than you think.
Recently, I've been researching artificial intelligence and consciousness for HowStuffWorks.com. While exploring the possibilities of machines with self-awareness, I'm drawn to the debate about whether an ...
A NASA mission called IceBridge uses instrument-equipped aircraft to monitor ice melt at the poles.
Why does it fall to a former *Irish* MP and Member of the European Parliament to raise questions about the detrimental effect to Canadians of the proposed Canada-EU trade agreement? Isn't that the job of...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 14 hours ago
*I am not a clairvoyant*, yet I know there are difficult times ahead. Either you stick your head in the sand, stay dancing on a volcano, or inform yourself to be prepared for the unexpected. I gladly admi...
It takes a village of contributors -- adding paragraphs here, inserting references there -- to craft a quality Wikipedia article.
After analyzing 70,000 galaxies within 3.5 billion light years from Earth, physicists show that Einstein's theory of general relativity still holds strong.
A new study suggests that even if you did successfully blow up an asteroid with a nuclear weapon, the newly radioactive asteroid pieces could reform under mutual gravity in an astonishingly fast rate.
A billion miles away there is a never-ending demolition derby taking place among myriad flying boulders that have been bumping and grinding inside Saturn’s magnificent rings since the early days of the sol...
Stream videos at Ustream It takes 10 seconds or so to load. 8am Having just polished off the better part of a large rat, mom has a good clean and settles back on her clutch of five eggs, one of which has...
cheater by lindsay stewart Great blogger; great rocker Lindsay Stewart at Canadian Cynic has a new album out - Shaken First four songs are free and the whole album is 'pay-what-you-will' . It totally ...
A piece of research news went practically unnoticed recently, except to the scientists in the field who saw it for what it is: an exciting development that could lead to sci-fi-like biosensors and ultra-ef...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 3 days ago
*From Brazil come Egyptian sounds*. When you have seen Prof. Ribeiro's website, the Internet won't be the same again for you. So is listening to his music. Hope you enjoy it and more of it is here. Url mov...
The international ban on trading ivory could soon be lifted, if a new proposal goes through.
The eastern North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans set up a see-saw of weather conditions that affect how hurricanes form in both regions.
Can whales change color due to age, illness and/or stress? Marine biologist and noted whale expert Carrie Newell suspects they might. Since 1992, Newell has been documenting the comings and goings of gray ...
Art experts find what they believe is the earliest signature of the master Raphael, hidden within a painting's arabesque decorations.
The world's largest atom smasher has just broken its own record, and it's just getting started.
... the first new recalibrated government filibuster got underway. . The Foreign Affairs committee had one hour before Question Period to schedule a witness list for their investigation into the Rights and...
A technique to keep turbulence down in pipes could save money and could even be used to make vessels more fuel efficient and keep arteries clear.
A few days ago, I was saddened by the news that we had lost ABE, the Autonomous Benthic Explorer, off the coast of Chile. For 15 years, ABE had plumbed the depths, literally and figuratively, for the Woods...
Tap an icon on the phone's screen to record city eyesores and then keep track of when fixes are made.
Cat fur could be effectively used as forensic evidence to solve criminal cases.
A huge quantity of water has been discovered in craters at the north lunar pole, enough water to supply a large US city for three years. Also, there also appears to be evidence for a lunar "hydrosphere".
Monitoring the periodic twitches in North America's most dangerous fault has got to be a nerve-wracking occupation.
A proposed global ban on trading the fish failed today, leaving their future in jeopardy.
CANADA - Prime Minister Stephen Harper will no longer be able to prorogue parliament unless he first gets approval from the majority of MPs, thats the new motion that was made today by the NDP and passed a...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 4 days ago
*Ever wondered how we see reality?* I do that daily. How do our eyes and brains simulate the outside world? Are we looking at a 3-dimensional 'hologram' or do we see with both eyes a fairly 'flat' world t...