Barbara Bush, Jeb Bush, George H. W. Bush, Laura Bush, and George W. Bush, and Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Feller watch tee ball on the White House lawn. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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10:29pm MST
Pentagon To Submit Plan To Close Guantanamo Bay Prison
The secret files include intelligence assessments of nearly 700 Guantanamo Bay detainees. (Reuters: Joe Skipper ) *The Hill*: *Pentagon poised to submit plan for closing Guantanamo Bay* The Pentagon is poised to submit a plan to Congress for closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, a spokesman said Monday. Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said the administration will meet the Tuesday deadline for submitting a proposal for closing the facility and moving its terrorist detainees. "We understand that the deadline is tomorrow, and it's our intent to meet it," Davis said. The plan will call... more »
Herr Trumpf Is Teaching Republican Voters To Distrust Candidates Awash In Special Interest Money
Herr Trumpf has been resourceful-- and extremely successful-- in using the virtually limitless free TV time the networks have given him-- the fairness doctrine was abolished in 1987 and congressional attempts to revive it were vetoed by Reagan and again by George W. Bush-- to define and brand his opponents. He chased most of the GOP's "Deep Bench," most recently Jeb Bush, out of the race by using tried and true non-political marketing techniques to establish each in the collective unconscious as unattractive figures who whose supposed characteristics would cause great harm to the ... more »
China Is Buying Up American Companies At A Record Pace
China has a new growth strategy: purchasing foreign companies. *Portia Crowe, Business Insider:* *China is buying up American companies fast, and it's freaking people out* *Here's a story you'll be hearing about a lot this year.* Chinese companies have been buying up foreign businesses, including American ones, at a record rate, and it's freaking lawmakers out. There is General Electric's sale of its appliance business to Qingdao-based Haier, Zoomlion's bid for the heavy-lifting-equipment maker Terex Corp., and ChemChina's record-breaking deal for the Swiss seeds and pesticides gr... more »
Meeting Lord Indra
*Conjecture: * Advanced souls/spirits will carnate on Earth in order to advance human development. From this is is reasonable that Krishna carnated within the living body of Jesus. For clarity, reincarnation presupposes live birth and an ensuing human development whereas carnation supposes combining with a living human and augmenting that human physically to express an aspect of the advanced spirit. These advanced spirits must be the Divas of Indian mythology. This whole cosmology conforms to the comology of all Indo Europeans and Zeus is Indris. *Conjecture: *Vedic... more »
Scientists Work out how Create Matter from light, to Finally prove Einstein’s E=mc2
[image: Hohlraum] I do think that matter can be produced from light, although we need to understand that the photons involved have to be large enough and to have sufficient energy. Then i do not think that smashing them together is likely to be productive. I suspect that they need to be sub parallel at the least. We have galactic jets produced by so called black holes. It is my contention that mass is consumed and is converted into light which exits the gravitational pull of the so called Black Hole. This light is all generally sub parallel accommodating a coalesc... more »
The "Primeval Code" Genetic Protocol
This is actually a huge discovery for agriculture. Yest the primeval codes are still available. That is a surprise by itself that eliminates no end of scholarly guesswork. Better we can use all this immediately. Add in my own recent efforts with my associate and we are suddenly working with both the DNA and radiating the light body associated with the germ plasm. This is huge and suggests that we will be able to produce a wide range of potential offspring. This also likely explains genetic developments ten thousand years ago as well. . . *The "Primeval Code" -- the ec... more »
When Private Credit Stops Expanding...
I have always maintained a decent long term view of markets and that has worked well over many years. Yet they were all based on persistent credit expansion at the non government level. Now governments have basically flooded those credit markets to stay afloat directly or indirectly and the private sector is reacting to rising bad business news. The real icing on the cake is the contracting energy sector everywhere. Throw in pending technological replacement for the oil industry and we have a perfect storm of medium and long term contraction in the energy business on top of th... more »
The 13th Amendment Created Legal Slavery Through Incarceration
I think that a century and one half of experience with a slave making culture should be well enough. That they have walked around legal barriers is no surprise when like minded men and women gather to conspire to enforce servitude on any population. The penalties need to become real. Yet we are also talking about a culture of conspiracy and of protection through conspiracy. Thanks to the so called war on drugs the whole process has accelerated and expanded with the real costs dumped back on the American Taxpayer. This can be ended by ending poverty through some ... more »
Jamie Oliver Proves McDonald’s Burgers Are 'Unfit for Human Consumption'
For thousands of years, meat merchants have struggled to find ways to upgrade bad meat to a product palatable to a consumer. In practice, our digestive system can eat meat that has deteriorated significantly but there is always a point in which the bacterial load becomes dangerous. That it is actively been approached is the reason meat will smell. Meat needs to be cooked and eaten as soon as possible. That really means eliminate storage as much as possible even refrigeration. Meat has several days in the fridge although fluids represent a great growing media. Washing elimin... more »
Video of the Russian Armata T14 tank
This looks to be an effective platform and will certainly sell well outside NATO. Which is surely the market as well. Otherwise it is an excellent design showing the evolution of improvements for decades common to all tank design. without knowledge of fine detail it is impossible to comment on the systems involved much as one would like to. All Good. Let us hope that it does not match the Abrams.. *Video of the Russian Armata T14 tank* *January 31, 2016* *http://nextbigfuture.com/2016/01/video-of-russian-armata-t14-tank.html* *A video of the Armata T-14 tank claims the new... more »
9 More Virginia Class Submarines?
The military is always promoting a future threat in order to promote budget creep. Our problem is that we allow excessive quality to overwhelm effectiveness at times. In war, that sort of nicety is quickly set aside. Then numbers count. That is why i think that our money is best spent on cheap drones and high volume production lines. These can become the suicide bombers of our assault forces. That is a whole new strategy that completely overtakes the strategy of mine fields. Human beings are still needed to opeate these machines effectively and that can potentially be dis... more »
Conspiracy Theorists Question Scalia's Death
How about a resounding no. He was clearly symptomatic of a developing heart failure during his last three days alive and that was only proven by his demise in bed after packing it in. He likely passed out rather quickly after laying down and likely never knew he was in trouble. His real enemy was simply too many years and an unwelcome fifty pounds. It really then becomes a real crap shoot. The medical examiner was completely correct in confirming natural causes. The only reason it is even brought up is because his death was never going to be timely. . *Conspiracy Theoris... more »
Attacks on Planned Parenthood Are Devastating Women's Choice, New Study Confirms
I personally agree that women need to be able to choose when they get pregnant for a slew of sound reasons. That done we now come to the real problem and that is that ending a pregnancy is no more acceptable than infanticide and should only be accepted in order to prevent a medically failed infant or the demise of the mother and event that during the early part of the pregnancy since care for premature infants is now excellent and viable. What has to happen though is that all economic aspects need to be removed. What we have is a patchwork quilt that is borderline barbaric. ... more »
Elongated Skulls Of Peru: Not The Only Ones!
I never truly understood the extent of the practice which again conforms with the founding of the Bronze Age and its seaborne global distribution. Add in the eyewitness reports describing the process and we have something that is at least plausible. What is not explained are the skulls obviously sporting a seriously expanded skull volume. Is this anything different and just why did the volume expand? I would like to see genetic information. I can see local leaders adopting a fashion in order to associate with a large skulled class of traders who showed up every year or so.... more »
Hubble Observes Vast Gas Cloud set to Collide with the Milky Way
A remarkable discovery and i suspect conforming best with the electrical model of the Universe. There must also be other such clouds as well. Now whether this cloud dives deep or not needs to be answered as that will likely determine its productivity in terms of star creation. Most important is that it demonstrates an active mechanism for consolidating material into a star making region. Once ignited such a star becomes an electrical dynamo that then integrates with the flow of other stars. All this begs the question of whether a galaxy happens to be self sustaining in term... more »
Surge of Zika Virus Has Brazilians Re-examining Strict Abortion Laws
This very much enters the realm of medically justified abortion. Of course there are issues of properly determining real risk and actual microcephaly. Because we do have modern techniques we no longer have the option of taking a failed birth child out onto a hillside to allow death by exposure. Unfortunately that never meant we had the ability to prevent the situation in which this was the solution. Abortion is our modern solution and it has the benefit of been private. Babies will be conceived who have no possibility of living a full human life. As it is we err on the si... more »
Toxic Loans Around the World Weigh on Global Growth
China is of course the king of toxic loans and that distorts things. That they can go back almost forever for fresh cash has allowed them to avoid any form of liquidation process and most are in fact productive in terms of salable goods. However the real problem is that the whole world has got in on the act and we now have a massive global inventory of pricey assets ultimately looking for new owner. There will never be enough such owners to go around and the real truth is that the assets are seriously overpriced. To overcome that problem you have to run a forbearance system that... more »
'Seeds of Change':
The good news is that extensive seed saving is fully underway. So the panic is a lot less. However the central problem lies with our food crops which are been subjected to a significant extinction bottle neck. This item paints that picture rather well. Yet long term i am strongly optimistic. Bad practice will be replaced by good practice. The main driver will be the rising dominance of a universal organic protocol for all agriculture and what that means is engaged manpower with complete intellectual resources available. That makes the value of any raise-able seed ... more »
They Are Among Us
. This item nails the question. A number of described aliens will have no particular problem passing as a human being. Knowing that it follows that a number will in fact do so in order to gather general intelligence at the least. It is no more than we ourselves would do. From that it is clear that they would use the best effective camouflage. That has to include a holograph to cover the face. We already could do this ourselves today. Thus we have here conforming reports. Better yet they are simply using our services. This is not alien to them and suggests an unsuspected c... more »
Language Abuse Begets Child Abuse by Susan Ohanian I know better than to read wedding announcements in the* New York Times*but when an e-mail teaser identified the groom as “a principal consultant to the education industry for Infinitive, a management consultancy specializing in digital marketing, ” I decided to take a look at what these guys do. At their website, I encountered language more curdled than month-old milk. Here’s a sample: *Get in the know and keep current with big-picture thinking and actionable insights.* http://www.infinitiv... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( February 22 , 2016 ) Overview ( 1. US Equities Continue Impressive Rebound From YTD Lows . 2 . British Pound Got "Pounded" Today. 3. Vix On An Incredible Tear Since February 11th. 4. Global Risk On Monday - In Spite Of All The Worrying News. 5. China Still An Accident Waiting For The Vehicles To Arrive. 6. ECB Trying To Find A New Way To Save The Banks. 7. US Manufacturing PMI Sinks To Lowest Level Since October 2012. 8. Odds & Ends. ) Europe ( 1. UK Referendum Items Of The Day - Campaign Is Underway . 2. Refugee Crisis/ Border Security Items. 3. Greece Items Of The Day . 4. Spain Political Updates - PSOE And Ciudadanos Trying To Cobble Together A Government Or Maybe Four Way Left Wing Combination. ) Odds & Ends ( 1. Oil And Commodities News. 2. Bolivia's President In Strange Sense Of Denial Regarding Losing Re-Election Referendum. 3.Libya's HoR To Vote On Unity Government Tuesday. 3.Syria May Have Agreement On Provisional Ceasefire - We Will Know Perhaps By Friday. )
Overview........ *Charlie Bilello, CMT* @MktOutperform 25m 25 minutes ago Update: S&P: +7.5% from the low. >50% of stocks closed above their 50-day moving average, highest % this year. $SPX *Charlie Bilello, CMT* @MktOutperform 2h 2 hours ago Dow Components, YTD returns. Interesting to see $XOM up 6.7% and $CVX flat with all the negative attention on Crude. *Charlie Bilello, CMT* @MktOutperform 3h 3 hours ago British Pound ends the day at its lowest level vs. US Dollar since March 2009. $GBPUSD *Charlie Bilello, CMT* @MktOutperform 4h 4 hours ago ... more »
New Extension for Google Chrome Changes ‘Pro-Life’ to ‘Anti-Choice’
[image: Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Abortion, Planned Parenthood] A new extension available on Google Chrome has the goal of turning the web into a pro-choice “safe space.” The extension, called “Choice Language” and released last week by the National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH), scans webpages and replaces every... more »
Ohio, Wisconsin Governors Slash State Funding for Planned Parenthood
[image: Republican presidential candidate, Ohio Gov. John Kasich visits a polling station at the high school, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016, in Manchester, N.H. as voters cast their ballots for the first in the nation presidential primary. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)] Two prominent governors from politically important states have signed bills that will slash funding for Planned Parenthood. Last week, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed two bills that reduce funding for America’s largest abortion company by eight million dollars. Respectively, the...more »
CIA Leaker Serving Time In Jail Believes Hillary Clinton Is Being Given A 'Pass' On Her Email Scandal
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton checks her PDA upon her departure in a military C-17 plane from Malta bound for Tripoli, Libya October 18, 2011. REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE *The Hill:* *CIA leaker: Clinton 'given a pass' for emails* A former CIA officer serving jail time for leaking documents to the New York Times accused federal officials of setting a double standard by apparently refusing to aggressively prosecute Hillary Clinton. Clinton was “a high ranking official who should know better, but completely given a pass, and almost an apologetic pass,” Jeffrey Sterling, who was ... more »
Two Videos On How Various Democrats Reacted
In 1995 Bernie was a Member of the House... and so was Duke Cunningham. In fact, one of the reasons we started *DWT* was to help focus attention of Cunningham and a gaggle of other corrupt California Republicans, none of whom are still in office... Richard Pombo, Jerry Lewis, Buck McKeon, Gary Miller, John Doolittle, Dan Lungren, Jim Rogan, David Dreier, Elton Gallegly, Wally Herger-- all gone, all flushed down the toilet. Anyway, in the video above ole Duke is being harshly called out on the carpet by Bernie for disparaging gay men and women in the military. Bernie seems angry; ... more »
Peace Agreement Reached By Russia And US On Syria, Is It Really Peace? - Episode 900b
*Title: Peace Agreement Reached By Russia And US On Syria, Is It Really Peace? - Episode 900b. Source: X22Report. Date Published: February 22, 2016. Description: * Individuals are being forced to pay first in hospitals and some are forced to take out loans to pay the deductible.South Korea and the US are holding the largest drill ever to provoke North Korea. EU will not join the fight in Libya unless they are invited by the government. US pushing the idea that Libya will need help very soon. US and Russia put together a peace deal, Assad announces elections in April 2016. US now has... more »
Tensions Rising in Demilitarized Zone Along Korean Border
[image: North Korean People's Army Lt. Col. Nam Dong Ho is silhouetted against the truce village of Panmunjom at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) which separates the two Koreas on Monday, Feb. 22, 2016, in Panmunjom, North Korea. Nam Dong Ho told The Associated Press that tensions have increased significantly along the Demilitarized Zone since North Korea conducted its nuclear test and rocket launch. He said he could not comment on operational details, but added: "The reality is that it is touch and go."] PANMUNJOM, North Korea (AP) -- Tensions have increased significantly along the Dem... more »
Putin: Syria Truce is Real Chance to End Bloodshed- The breaking up of Syria?
*Necessary Background:* *1- Russian/US Ceasefire Plan to Begin Saturday. Feb.27/16- John Kerry Statement* *2- Joint Statement of the United States & the Russian Federation:Cessation of Hostilities in Syria* *3- Bashar al Assad Calls for Parliamentary Syrian Elections in April/2016* *Expect all out fighting, bloodshed and displacement up until the ceasefire begins*- *because there will clearly be a race for territory. * *Friends, * I just had a telephone conversation with President of the United States of America Barack Obama. The phone call was initiated by the Russian side, bu... more »
Syrian Rebels Are Not Comfortable With The U.S. - Russian Truce Plan
Smoke billows from Aleppo's thermal power station on February 21, 2016 after government troops retake the area (AFP Photo/George Ourfalian) *Reuters*:* Syrian rebels see flaws in U.S.-Russian truce plan* The United States and Russia announced plans for a 'cessation of hostilities' in Syria that would take effect on Saturday but exclude groups such as Islamic State and al Qaeda's Nusra Front, a loophole that Syrian rebels immediately highlighted as a problem. Monday's agreement, described by a U.N. spokesman as "a first step towards a more durable ceasefire", is the fruit of intensi... more »
Antonin Scalia Believed in God and a Literal Devil. It Made Him a Better Justice
[image: Good and Evil Angel and Devil Scale Judgement - 900] One of the late Justice Antonin Scalia's most quoted (and mocked) interviews was his February, 2013 "conversation" in New York Magazine where he affirmed his belief in the existence of the Devil, even explaining that Satan's activity is less visible... more »
House Ethics Investigating Florida Democratic Rep. Grayson
[image: In this Oct. 14, 2015 file photo, Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla. speaks in Tallahassee, Fla. The House Ethics Committee is investigating Grayson, the Florida Democrat who is running for Senate. In a statement on Monday, Feb. 22, 2016, the committee leaders said it is reviewing a referral from the Office of Congressional Ethics and will decide its next step by April 5.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House Ethics Committee said Monday it is investigating Rep. Alan Grayson, the Florida Democrat who is running for Senate and whose business activities have come under scrutiny for the past se... more »
Risen Opens to Critical Acclaim and Box Office Success
[image: risen] Risen is a box office winner. The new film depicting the Resurrection of Christ from the point of view of a Roman tribune in search of Jesus’ body earned nearly $12 million this weekend, good enough for third place. The only movies to beat it... more »
Jeb: "I Congratulate My Competitors That Are Remaining On The Island"
Jeb leaving the race isn't the same as deadbeats like Santorum, Fiorina and Pataki abandoning the Deep Bench. He actually did have some supporters-- not many actual voters, but plenty of big money people. PLENTY. In all, his campaign and SuperPAC raised over $150 million dollars, mostly from wealthy people, very little from the kinds of small donors who have fueled Bernie's campaign or even Dr. Ben's campaign. Jeb raised as much as Cruz and Rubio combined. Maybe that's why candidates who were pounding on Bush just a few days ago, particularly Rubio and Cruz and even Herr Trumpf, w... more »
Musical Interlude: Gaelic Storm, "The Farmer's Frolic”
Gaelic Storm, "The Farmer's Frolic” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBATrLRWySg
"A Look to the Heavens"
“First came the trees. In the town of Salamanca, Spain, the photographer noticed how distinctive a grove of oak trees looked after being pruned. Next came the galaxy. The photographer stayed up until 2 am, waiting until the Milky Way Galaxy rose above the level of a majestic looking oak. *Click image for larger size.* From this carefully chosen perspective, dust lanes in the galaxy appear to be natural continuations to branches of the tree. Last came the light. A flashlight was used on the far side of the tree to project a silhouette. By coincidence, other trees also appeared as simil...more »
Elinor Wylie, “The Eagle and the Mole”
*“The Eagle and the Mole”* "Avoid the reeking herd, Shun the polluted flock, Live like that stoic bird, The eagle of the rock. The huddled warmth of crowds Begets and fosters hate; He keeps above the clouds His cliff inviolate. When flocks are folded warm, And herds to shelter run, He sails above the storm, He stares into the sun. If in the eagle’s track Your sinews cannot leap, Avoid the lathered pack, Turn from the steaming sheep. If you would keep your soul From spotted sight or sound, Live like the velvet mole: Go burrow underground. And there hold intercourse With roots of trees ... more »
Propping Up Oil Prices Is Now a Russian Video Game
[image: Oil-Video-Game] The Russian news website Rus2Web is spreading awareness about the country's reliance on high oil prices by making it into a retro video game. The game explicitly states that current oil prices are too low to support Russia's government budget, economy and the... more »
1991 Government Document Confirms TDAP Vaccine Causes Microcephaly
Research published in The National Center for Biotechnology Information reveals that the U.S. government knew as early as 1991 that the Tdap vaccine causes microcephaly. Why then are the government so keen to blame microcephaly on the recent zika virus outbreak when for at least 70 years no known cases of microcephaly had been reported as a result of the virus? According to the study, entitled Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: A Report of the Committee to Review the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: Among symptomatic cases, presumed causes are... more »
Witnesses Describe Their Encounter With Tall Beings From Draguignan
Multiple witnesses have come forward saying they have seen mysterious “tall beings” or “giants” in a place called Draguignan – an area in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, in southeastern France. After Gabriel Demogue and his girlfriend saw an orange-yellow sphere of light disappear near a peak in this mountainous area, the young man decided to investigate. He and three friends (Georges Macret, Christian Bensa and Alain Lecat) went back in two cars. Georges Macret and Christian Bensa used the car Fiat 128 and Alain Lecat and Gabriel Demogue used the car R8. Upon reaching the to... more »
Obama Was Ordered By Top US General Not To Attend Scalia’s Funeral
An MoD report says that America’s top military leader ordered President Obama to avoid attending the funeral of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia last week following an admission that Scalia was murdered. U.S. General Joseph Dunford ordered the President to steer clear of the funeral following a conversation he had with Russian Colonel General Bondarev in which he was asked why Obama had attended a secret meeting with Scalia shortly before his death and why no autopsy had been conducted. According to the report General Dunford lashed out at Bondarev claiming “of course the ba... more »
CDC fixes major error in flooring risk report: Not converting to metric
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a correction notice to a report about formaldehyde in laminate flooring, saying a mistake had caused them to significantly underestimate the health risks. The mistake: According to CBS’s 60 Minutes, the CDC sometimes didn’t convert feet to meters. Ouch. In the corrected report, the agency estimates […] The post CDC fixes major error in flooring risk report: Not converting to metric appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Are These The Last Days For Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro *Peter Wilson, Foreign Policy:* *The Last Days of Nicolas Maduro* *Venezuela faces a slow-moving economic disaster that could spell political doom for the embattled president.* CARACAS — On Feb. 14, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro warned his countrymen that the economic crisis they’ve been suffering through for months could last through 2017. He spoke not long after the supreme court approved his declaration of economic emergency, justifying his need for special powers. What many doubt, however, is whether Maduro himself will be in power to ... more »
Quote of the Day: “Sanders says he wants to make the United States more like Finland, Sweden, and Denmark … ”
*“[Bernie] Sanders says he wants to make the United States more like Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. And those countries do indeed rank higher than the United States in the Cato Institute’s **Human Freedom Index* * … . But Sanders wants to emulate those countries in the ways they are less free than the United States … not in the ways they are more free …”* ~ Michael Cannon, from his post ‘A Libertarian Argument for Bernie Sanders?’ *RELATED POSTS*: - “I think of Sweden as a kind of Rorschach test, a kind of psychological test where you have some ink which doesn’t port... more »
Chet Raymo, “Staying Focused”
*“Staying Focused”* by Chet Raymo "It's called the focusing illusion, and social scientists who base their research on subject interviews keep it in mind. For example, ask college students 1) How happy are you with your life in general? then 2) How many dates have you had in the last month? and the correlation between the questions is effectively zero. Conclusion, general happiness doesn't depend on popularity with the opposite sex (or same sex, as the case may be). But reverse the order of the questions, and the correlation rises dramatically, leading to exactly the opposite concl... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Sabadell, Catalonia, Spain. Thanks for stopping by!
GCC Troops Are Fighting With ISIL In Yemen; Syrian "Moderate Rebels" Openly Show Their Affiliation With ISIL; CIA Rewarded ISIL Leader In Libya For A Job Well Done
"GCC forces fighting with Al-Qa`idah in Yemen: On a visit to the frontline near the city of Taiz, a documentary maker filmed jihadists and pro-government militiamen, supported by UAE soldiers: "The BBC has found evidence in Yemen that troops from a Saudi-led coalition force and al-Qaeda militants are both fighting Houthi rebels in a key *battle*."" *(Source: Angry Arab).* "Moderate Syrian rebels make an end to bombing of Al-Qa`idah in Syria a condition for a cease-fire." (*Source: Angry Arab*). "In July 2011, al-Harati’s house in Rathkeale (Ireland) was burgled. His companion, E... more »
Germans Outraged As Angry Mob Taunt Refugees In Saxony
A video showing a mob surrounding a bus full of migrants and refugees in Clausnitz, Saxony, and taunting them with revolutionary songs has upset the German public. People in Germany are ashamed that an angry mob chanted “Wir sind das Volk” or “We are the people,” at a bus full of migrants, reducing the children to tears and making the women show their disgust. The slogan was used during 1989 by east Germans to help unite with the free world and West Germany and help knock the Berlin Wall down that divided Germany. Why the slogan was used remains a mystery. Dieter Laser YouTube video... more »
Doctor Says Historical Data On Vaccines Prove They Don’t Work
Dr. Suzanne Humphries has analyzed official data about vaccines and their effectiveness at preventing disease, and has publicly declared that vaccines do not stop disease. Dr Humphries, a conventional doctor and holistic health consultant, has said that notion that diseases began declining due to the advent vaccines is misleading. She says that diseases were declining long before vaccinations were developed. Naturalnews.com reports: The data she brings forth details how measles epidemics occurred every two years in the 1800s in the United States and England, but that during the las... more »
Russia Want To Fly A Surveillance Plane Over America
Russia have requested permission from the U.S. to fly a surveillance planed equipped with an electro-optical imaging sensor over America. American officials have objected to the request but may have to grant permission nonetheless due to the Open Skies Treaty that both Russia and US signed – an agreement that allows for unarmed observation flights over 34 member nations. Engadget.com reports: The treaty was originally designed to increase the military transparency of member nations. However the US is arguing that Russia is exploiting the spirit of the treaty by using such advanced ... more »
The Fukushima Disaster Is Much Worse Than You Are Being Told
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster will go down in history as one of the worst nuclear meltdowns in history – as authorities and media grossly underreport the extent of the damage. Official reports say that 9,000,000 cubic metres of radioactive waste has been stored in black bags as a result of the disaster (imagine 270 million cardboard book boxes, end-to-end, encircling the world – that’s the amount of nuclear waste being reported here). However, according to estimates, there is another 13,000,000 cubic metres of radioactive soil yet to be accounted for. Counterpu... more »
Confirmed: Adolf Hitler Had A Micro-penis
Historians have revealed that Adolph Hitler suffered from an embarrassing condition that may explain his infamous temper and infamous “phallic” salute. Medical records suggest that Hitler not only suffered from “right-side cryptorchidism” (an undescended testicle) but also may have had a related condition called Hypospadias (the medical term for a “micro-penis”). News.com.au reports: Hypospadias sufferers may be forced to urinate out of a small hole at the base, or shaft of the penis, rather than at the tip. In new book Hitler’s Last Day: Minute by Minute, historians Jonathan Mayo a... more »
City Of London Bans Criticism Of Israel
Transport for London, the body that oversees the London Underground, have banned a series of advertisements that are critical of Israel. Millions of passengers were greeted by a number of ads published by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement accusing Israel of torturing and murdering Palestinians. Transport for London promptly pulled the advertisements saying that “these are not authorized adverts”. Ynetnews.com reports: According to a report in the Jewish Chronicle, the campaign includes four ads purportedly put up in 500 trains. The posters were made for what ant...more »
"If We Falter..."
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln ◆ "Minneapolis Federal Reserve President Neel Kashkari shares his concerns with Maria Bartiromo on why some big U.S. banks are still too big to fail and Federal Reserve policy. MARIA BARTIROMO: Basically, [J.P. Morgan] bailed out by the government. Is that a misstatement? KASHKARI: I think that's a misstatement. I think that some of the big banks said, "Well, we were so strong, we didn't need it." First of all, some of the banks were b... more »
Sea Level Rise: Just The Facts
By Paul Homewood https://rclutz.wordpress.com/2016/02/22/sea-level-rise-just-the-facts/ Reposted from Ron Clutz: The three most mentioned evils of rising CO2 are Rising Temperatures, Declining Sea Ice and Rising Sea Levels. Plateaus presently appearing in the first two have been discussed a lot here and elsewhere. This post gives what you need to know about Sea Level […]
A New Plan B for Syria
Syria’s civil-proxy war is on the cusp of turning into an all-out regional war, with negative repercussions for all involved in the conflict. The humanitarian disaster is at its most acute to date, with Russian forces systematically attacking the Syrian opposition and on the verge of a rout of Aleppo—and now Turkish ground forces engaging […]
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 22, 2016
*Kenneth M. Pollack, Brookings*: *Fight or flight: America’s choice in the Middle East* The modern Middle East has rarely been tranquil, but it has never been this bad. Full-blown civil wars rage in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Nascent conflicts simmer in Egypt, South Sudan, and Turkey. Various forms of spillover from these civil wars threaten the stability of Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia. Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia have risen to new heights, raising the specter of a region-wide religious war. Israel and the Palestinians have experienced a resur... more »
Russia To Fly Surveillance Missions Over U.S. Airspace
A treaty loophole allows the Russian Air-force to fly surveillance missions over U.S. airspace. Russia is planning to ask the Open Skies Consultative Commission on Monday for permission to fly spy jets equipped with powerful high-tech cameras over U.S. skies. Daily Express reports: The planes have powerful digital cameras, which officials worry could be used to help Moscow gather sensitive intelligence. Russia is allowed to send surveillance jets over the US under the Open Skies Treaty, which allows 34 countries to conduct unarmed observation flights. The aim of the 2002 treaty is t... more »
When I was twelve or thirteen in Montreal, I would often pick up my .22 rifle on a Saturday, and walk an hour or so to where the city ended, then head into the bush (now a suburb) to do some target practise. Just before the bush, I would pass a great, stone fortress that always gave me a shiver. It was Bordeaux jail. At one time, people gathered there for its entertainment, the hanging of prisoners. By my day, the public hangings had been ended in favour of more select gatherings. But until Canada abolished executions, Bordeaux jail was the biggest hanging place in Canada. The total ...more »
Kalamazoo Teen Victim Initially Reported Dead Squeezes Her Mother’s Hand
[image: Kalamazoo shooting - 900] KALAMAZOO, Mich. (AP) -- A simple squeeze of her mother’s hand was enough to alert doctors that a 14-year-old victim of the mass shootings in Kalamazoo had survived the carnage. State police Lt. Dale Hinz says initial reports were that... more »
Saudi Princes ‘Irritated’ By Reckless Military Actions
There is discontent in the House of Saud, after the Kingdom’s unsuccessful military involvement in Yemen, and now talks of a potential ground operation in Syria, according to French political analyst Alain Rodier. Sputnik reports: The Saudi Kingdom isn’t doing very well — in addition to low oil prices that are ruining the nation’s economy, its ongoing military operation in Yemen against Houthi rebels is largely unsuccessful with Saudis beginning to lose their soldiers and planes. At the same time, Riyadh seems to be planning a military operation in Syria together with Turkey, Rodier... more »
The "Half Men" Who Run Saudi Arabia, Turkey, And Qatar: America, Please Take The Lead On Syria
* What happened to fighting your own fights? These fools should have realized by now that America won't be there when their fantasies to rule Syria come crashing down. It won't even be there when their own regimes come crashing down. So they should save what's left of their dignity and stop begging Washington for help because it is not coming.* *An excerpt from, "Arab Leaders, Angry at Syrian President, Threaten Boycott of Summit Meeting" by Robert F. Worth, New York Times, March 8, 2008: * *“The king really hates Assad, and he is looking to punish him, because Assad allegedly ins... more »
Turney And The “Dead” Penguins
By Paul Homewood http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/02/22/the-case-of-the-150-000-dead-penguins.html You may recall that I covered the story last week about claims that 150,000 penguins died because of climate change. This story was widely reported amongst the world’s press. I suggested at the time that the claims were nonsense, and it now turns out that Dr. Michelle LaRue, a […]
Nestlé Pumps Millions Of Gallons Of Free Water As Flint Pays For Poison
Residents in Flint are being forced to drink and cook with bottled water, yet they are being charged higher rates than almost anywhere in the country for their poisoned water. Meanwhile there is a story about the bottled water industry in Michigan that has mostly gone unnoticed. Less than two hundred miles away, multi-billion dollar corporation Nestle has been pumping millions of gallons out of Lake Michigan for free. They have actually received 13 million dollars in tax breaks to do so. Democracy now reports: In 2001 and 2002, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality issued... more »
World News Briefs -- February 22, 2016 (Evening Edition)
*VOA:* *US, Russia Announce Cease-fire Plan for Syria* STATE DEPARTMENT — The United States and Russia have agreed on plans for a cessation of hostilities in Syria, a move that could pave the way for an expansion of humanitarian aid to besieged cities and set the stage for a resumption of talks on a political transition. In a joint statement Monday, the U.S. and Russia proposed the cease-fire begin on February 27. It would apply to all parties in the conflict, with the exception of terrorist groups such as the Islamic State group and al-Qaida-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra. Read mor... more »
“The Age of Authoritarianism: Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations”
*“The Age of Authoritarianism: * *Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations”* By John W. Whitehead “I was astonished, bewildered. This was America, a country where, whatever its faults, people could speak, write, assemble, demonstrate without fear. It was in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. We were a democracy... But I knew it wasn't a dream; there was a painful lump on the side of my head... The state and its police were not neutral referees in a society of contending interests. They were on the side of the rich and powerful. Free speech? Try it and ... more »
Midday Musical Interlude: "Homeless Boy Steals The Talent Show"
"Homeless Boy Steals The Talent Show" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ46Ot4_lLo “Korean Singer's Rags To Riches Story” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPfwY8TLGJ4
Here’s How the EPA Could ‘Nationalize’ a Foreign Car Company
[image: Volkswagen, VW Logo, VW Emissions Recall, VW Scandal, Automobiles] The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may have asked German car maker Volkswagen (VW) to build electric vehicles and a network of charging stations in the U.S. to atone for selling cars designed to cheat government-mandated emissions tests, according to unsourced reports... more »
Obama Admin Defends Regulations on Colleges by Saying They Totally Aren’t Regulations
[image: University Sign Black and White - 900] The Department of Education is defending a series of regulations it has imposed on American colleges and universities by claiming, in the face of substantial evidence, that they really aren't regulations at all. Now, its defiance is setting up a potential... more »
Republican Senator Wants To Stop The Poor Eating Lobsters & Steaks
A Republican member of the New York State Senate wants to introduce a bill to prevent people on food stamps purchasing luxury food items and stop them getting fat. The Independent reports: Republican State Senator Patty Ritchie wants to prevent folks from buying high-end items such as steaks and lobsters. She also wants to limit the purchases of non-nutritional items like decorated cakes and energy drinks. “At a time when our state and nation are struggling with an obesity epidemic, it is critically important that taxpayer-funded programs help low-income consumers make wise and heal... more »
Islamic State Cuts Supply Route Into Aleppo
Islamic State (IS) gunmen have cut the supply route of the Syrian government forces in the northern city of Aleppo, a day after their suicide bombers killed 150 people in Homs and Damascus. Xinhua English reports: The terror-designated group captured three points on the road to Aleppo overnight, said the pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV. It added that the Syrian army is working on reopening the road, the only supply route for the Syrian government to the city. Other reports said a large convoy of reinforcements has been sent from eastern Aleppo to help recapture the road. Meanwhile, the Syri... more »
US Air Force Test-Launches A Minuteman 3 Missile From Vandenberg Air Force Base
*Daily Mail*: *Minuteman ICBM soars over California as US Air Force run test-launch - but this time without causing a UFO scare* * A Minuteman 3 missile was test-launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base northwest of Los Angeles Saturday at 11.34pm PST * The unarmed missile's destination was 4,200 miles into the Pacific Ocean * It was carrying a test re-entry vehicle to the Marshall Islands * Test-launches are a common sight at the base The US Air Force launched a test-run of its Minuteman 3 missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base northwest of Los Angeles last night, lighting up the sk... more »
Herr Trumpf Says Stupid Things But His Strategy Is Far From Stupid
Do you think Herr is astute and knowledgeable about politics? He can't just be a fatuous buffoon who touched a nerve and is stumbling into the presidency, can he be? Or a Bill Clinton plant giving Hillary her only reasonable pathway to the White House? On *State of the Union* yesterday, Jake Tapper asked him if he's concerned that the GOP establishment will be able to steal the election away from him at the convention. "I don't think we're going to have a brokered convention," he told Tapper. "I think it's unlikely." And on *Fox News Sunday* he told Chris Wallace that it would be ... more »
Russia Wants Permission To Fly Surveillance Planes With Advanced Digital Cameras Over The U.S.
A Russian Federation Tupolev Tu-154 Open Skies Treaty reconnaissance aircraft sits on the runway at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska, June 10, 2004, prior to its departure for two overflights of central Alaska. VOA *IBTimes:* *Russia Seeking Permission To Fly Surveillance Plane With Advanced Digital Cameras Over US* Russia will seek permission on Monday to start flying surveillance planes equipped with advanced digital cameras over the United States, the Associated Press (AP) reported. The news comes as U.S. intelligence and military officials reportedly warned that s... more »
So You’ve Woken Up… Now What?
*Zen Gardner* - What do you say to people who have woken up but can’t leave the system? The post So You’ve Woken Up… Now What? appeared first on Waking Times.
"How It Really Is"
*“Delete All Traitors”* by Karl Denninger "If you think government demands for back-doored encryption are new, you're young. Or you've been smoking too much of that newly-legal Colorado Terbacky. Some of us have been around technology long enough and have been sober the entire time, we remember the stupidity of our government's past attempts to backdoor encryption. *Like The Clipper Chip. *The Clipper Chip was a chipset that the NSA developed; it used an algorithm called "Skipjack" and Diffie-Hellman for key exchange. It also had a back door key built in at the factory that was "... more »
Satire: “Americans Nostalgic for Republican Who Only Wanted to Screw Over Forty-Seven Per Cent of Them’
*“Americans Nostalgic for Republican Who Only Wanted* * to Screw Over Forty-Seven Per Cent of Them’* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "In a sign of voters’ shifting perspectives about Presidential hopefuls, a new survey reveals that Americans are deeply nostalgic for a Republican candidate who only wanted to screw over forty-seven per cent of them. In interviews conducted across the country, voters expressed wistfulness and even a deep longing for a man who was indifferent to the fates of nearly half the nation’s residents. “When he was running, it seemed like a ba...more »
The Economy: "Why Negative Rates Can’t Stop the Coming Depression"
*"Why Negative Rates Can’t Stop the Coming Depression"* by Bill Bonner BALTIMORE – "The Dow was more or less flat on Friday. After all the excitement early in the year, stock markets seemed to have settled down.In our upcoming issue of The Bill Bonner Letter (due to hit inboxes on Wednesday), we explore the strange territory of “NIRP” – negative-interest-rate policy. About $7 trillion of sovereign bonds now yield less than nothing. Lenders give their money to governments… who swear up and down, no fingers crossed, that they’ll give them back less money sometime in the future. Is t... more »
Macchiarini may be dismissed from Karolinska; dean of research resigns
There’s more news to report on the story of surgeon Paolo Macchiarini, who’s been dogged by allegations of misconduct. After the Karolinska Institutet (KI) announced it would not extend his contract and that he needed to “phase out” his research by November, it has now announced it may dismiss him. In addition, Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren, KI’s Dean of […] The post Macchiarini may be dismissed from Karolinska; dean of research resigns appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Caramelized Banana Sundae
A banana sundae is a favorite around here for sure. There aren't many ways to make it better, except maybe if you caramelize the bananas. The additional flavors in this banana sundae are just what you need for an impressive dessert. [image: post signature]
President Assad Announces April Parliamentary Elections In Syria
President Bashar Assad has announced that the parliamentary elections in Syria will be held on April 13, 2016. The announcement was made via an official statement released on Monday by Syria’s presidential office. It came just hours after Russia and the US issued a joint statement on cessation of hostilities in this country. The ceasefire is due to take effect at midnight on February 27th. Their statement said the truce did not include ISIS and the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front. The ceasefire announcement followed multiple explosions on Sunday in the Syrian cities of Damascus and Hom...more »
Greens Terrified Cheap Energy Is Killing Wind and Solar
[image: Wind energy, clean energy technology, wind turbine] Cheap coal, oil, and natural gas are out-competing wind and solar power despite massive government support, and environmentalists are really upset about it. "I believe low energy prices may complicate the transformation, to be very frank, and this is a... more »
Why the UK Leaving European Union is Good for America
[image: David Cameron2 - 900] Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a referendum vote to be held on June 23 that will determine Britain's membership in the European Union. For the first time in more than 40 years, British voters will be able to have a... more »
‘Captured': EPA Lets Green Lobbyists Write its Global Warming Regs
[image: Michael Goo of AJW Inc., is interviewed by CQ Roll Call in his Arlington office, January 15, 2016.] The Obama administration basically let lobbyists tied to left-wing environmental groups write the government's massive global warming regulatory scheme, according to documents obtained by a free market legal group. Attorneys with the Energy & Environment Legal Foundation (E&E) released a report Monday... more »
‘A Hate Crime’: Veteran Assaulted Calls on Black Lives Matter to Condemn Attack
[image: Chris Marquez2 - 900] The Marine called a racist and subsequently assaulted by a gang of teenagers outside a Washington, D.C., McDonald's is calling on the Black Lives Matter activist group to condemn the attack. Chris Marquez, a decorated Marine veteran who received the... more »
Bashar al Assad Calls for Parliamentary Syrian Elections in April/2016
*SANA- President al-Assad issues decree No. 63 which sets April 13th, 2016 as a date for electing members of the People’s Assembly* Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad issued on Monday decree No. 63 which sets Wednesday, April 13th, 2016 as a date for electing members of the People’s Assembly for the 2nd legislative term. The total number of the members is 250 which include different sectors of labors, peasants and other spectrums of the Syrian people distributed as the following seats: Damascus 29,Damascus countryside 19, Aleppo 20, Aleppo countryside 32, Homs 23, Hama 22, Latt... more »
"Don't Read This Book" - Government
Robert Pickton tells an undercover police office how many people he killed.*Photograph by: *Screengrab , . A very disturbing chapter in British Columbia history has come back to haunt many of those who remember those days...or who were involved through the loss of loved ones...or were involved in the investigation of the most prolific mass murderer in provincial history....according to the police and courts. Here is a report on the latest developments in the *Pickton Pig Farm Saga* from the Vancouver Sun: copied in its entirety below and I will offer some thoughts and comments to ... more »
Campaign watch: Our political culture has ceased to exist!
*MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2016Anderson Cooper with Trump:* We've been moving in this direction for a good many years. But in the current White House campaign, traditional journalistic culture has totally ceased to exist. To see what we mean, consider CNN's town hall event last Thursday night. More specifically, consider a long, embarrassing, hapless exchange between Anderson Cooper and Candidate Trump. Trump, of course, is a consummate clown, the end result of a long, gruesome process. We'll focus on Anderson Cooper. At one point during his hour with Trump, Cooper called on a South Ca... more »
Researchers Now Say Zika Virus May Increase Risk Of Mental Illness
Many will have noticed that the Zika virus publicity front page headline machine had started to wither away. But it’s making a comeback and with some new problems. Experts now say that the Zika virus closely resembles some infectious agents that have been linked to the development of autism, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Truth King reports: But the pharmaceutical ambition to profit from yet another vaccine is highly dependent on our enslavement to the idea that our babies are going to be deformed. Without that basic concept, which was the original pitch, the whole thing falls ... more »
DMT Research to Ask if Spirit Molecule Can Extend Life Beyond Clinical Death
*Buck Rogers* - Is it possible to manipulate the experience of death with DMT. The post DMT Research to Ask if Spirit Molecule Can Extend Life Beyond Clinical Death appeared first on Waking Times.
20 Celebration Recipes Plus $500 Cash!
*A special thank you to all of our friends helping us celebrate:* Cooking on the Front Burner - Love Bakes Good Cakes - Lemon Tree Dwelling The Bitter Side of Sweet - Flavor The Moments - Julie's Eats and Treats A Dash of Sanity - A Night Owl - Home Cooking Memories Kleinworth & Co. - Pink Cake Plate - Bread Booze Bacon Housewife Eclectic - Persnickety Plates - The Typical Mom A Dish of Daily Life - Sugar and Soul - Cooking with Curls Tastes of Lizzy T - House of Yumm [image: Mini Lemon Bundt Cakes] Mini Lemon Bundt Cakes [image: Lemon Lover's Bundt Cake] Lemon Lover's Bundt Cake [im... more »
Cruz Communication Director Fired After Falsely Claiming Rubio Dissed the Bible
[image: Cruz and Rubio praying - 900] Fresh off the furor over the Cruz campaign faking a photo of Marco Rubio with President Obama, the campaign’s communication director, Rick Tyler, retweeted a video that put words in Rubio’s mouth, words that made it sound like Rubio was insulting the... more »
US, Russia Agree to Ceasefire After 130 Die in Syria Bombing
[image: Secretary of State John Kerry gestures during a joint press conference with his Jordanian counterpart Nasser Judeh (unseen) in Amman, Jordan, Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016. John Kerry said Sunday that a "provisional agreement" has been reached on a Syrian cease-fire that could begin in the next few days, but he acknowledged that it’s not finalized and all parties might not automatically comply.] Officials announced Monday the U.S. and Russia have come to an agreement to cease hostilities in Syria to begin Saturday. The "cessation of hostilities," as it is being called, will not inclu... more »
The Rise Of The Anti Establishment Trump by Larken Rose
*Title: The Rise Of The Anti Establishment Trump by Larken Rose. Source: WeAreChange. Date Published: February 22, 2016. Description: * In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews the leading Anarchist philosopher and thinker Larken Rose on the rise of Donald Trump. We go over the changing political landscape with the rise of anti establishment candidates in 2016 and the affects it will have. Larken gives us his philosophy, point of view and predictions on a more free and anarchistic way of life.
The Era Of U.S. Aircraft Carrier Dominance On The High Seas May Be Coming To An End
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Department of Defense. *Washington Post: **Report: U.S. aircraft carriers ‘unchallenged primacy may be coming to a close’* The United States’ aircraft carriers have always been an almost untouchable deterrent, steel behemoths capable of projecting the full weight of the U.S. military wherever they deploy. Yet while many militaries could never hope to match the U.S. carrier fleet in size and strength, countries such as China, Iran and Russia have spent recent years adjusting their forces and fielding equipment designed to counter one of the United States’ g... more »
A Little Help with Norma Gardner
I have spent too much time recently looking for a specific report and thought that maybe someone here could help out. I think I have found a case of one witness co-opting the testimony of another. In *UFO Crash at Roswell*, we wrote about Norma Gardner (not to be confused with Mary Ann Gardner) who told of her experiences cataloging UFO debris. Len Stringfield was the one who supplied this information that appeared in his paper, “Retrievals of the Third Kind,” at, I believe, the 1978 MUFON Symposium. He wrote: Mrs. G worked in the Foreign Materials Division with a top security clea... more »
Democracy Now! interviews Albert Woodfox, Robert H King and lawyer Billy Sothern
*Watch part two of the DN! interview here. * *Well, joining us now in a broadcast exclusive from New Orleans PBS station WLAE is Albert Woodfox himself, giving his first televised interview since his release on Friday. Also joining us there is Robert King, the other surviving member of the Angola 3. And Albert Woodfox’s attorney, Billy Sothern, also joins us from New Orleans.We welcome you all to Democracy Now! Albert Woodfox, how does it feel to be free?ALBERT WOODFOX: I haven’t quite figured it out yet, but it feels great.AMY GOODMAN: Well, can you talk about what happen... more »
US And Russia Agree New Ceasefire In Syria
The United States and Russia have announced that a planned cessation of hostilities in Syria will come into effect at midnight on 27 February, according to an official joint statement. Their statement said the truce did not include ISIS and the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front. The announcement follows multiple explosions on Sunday in the Syrian cities of Damascus and Homs which claimed the lives of more than 1oo people. The ceasefire call also comes as government forces made gains around Aleppo in the north RT reports: According to the statement, the truce will “be applied to [all] th... more »
China Building Powerful Radar On Disputed South China Sea Island
A satellite photograph of Cuarteron Reef in the South China Sea's Spratly islands, showing a possible high frequency radar installation being constructed by China on January 24, 2016. A radar system of this nature would dramatically enhance China's ability to monitor vital shipping lanes, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative/DigitalGlobe) *Washington Post:* *Satellite images show China may be building powerful radar on disputed islands* Satellite images show China may be building a powerful new radar system on ... more »
Author in 2014 peer review ring loses 3 more papers for peer review problems
A journal is retracting three papers — including one that is highly cited — after learning the reviewers that recommended publication had conflicts of interest. This is a case of family values gone awry: The author common to all papers is Cheng-Wu Chen at the National Kaohsiung Marine University in Taiwan, the twin brother of one […] The post Author in 2014 peer review ring loses 3 more papers for peer review problems appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Compassion and Peace Marches
I was told by a one-time friend that compassion was insufficient to stop wars, prevent inequality to allow anti- war marches from becoming gang warfare. He said that compassion was not enough. You needed more. Sometimes you need violence to make the point as the ends justify the means. I did not, do not, cannot, will not ever concede that point. He thought I was a pacifist. I am not. I would defend my homeland as I would my family and if in that defence my enemy was killed, regrettable and horrid an eventuality as that would be, self-preservation is Tao. It is the way of things. D... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* "There Is Definitely Something Strange Going On" In Sweden Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now Safes Sell Out In Japan, 1,000 Franc Note Demand Soars As NIRP Triggers Cash Hoarding A Panicked China Orders Media To Stick To "Positive Reporting" Or Risk "The Stability Of The Country" "We've Reached The Limit": Denmark Central Bank Chief Says Monetary Policy Is Exhausted Germans Cheer As Refugee Center Burns, Crowds Stop Firefighters From Extinguishing Blaze Greek Attempt To Force Use Of Electronic Money Instead Of Physical Cash F... more »
Friday Night at the Symphony
Normally getting on a bus for me at an early hour means heading off to work but this weekend was a welcome exception to the rule as I took in a couple of symphony concerts in Edmonton and Calgary. Initially I wasn't expecting to see Friday's performance of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra. I had planned to see the Calgary Philharmonic the following evening and for whatever reason had it in my head that Edmonton's concert fell on the same evening leaving me to choose between the two. Since Calgary was featuring Canadian pianist Angela Hewitt in a work I've been longing to see perfor... more »
Joint Statement of the United States & the Russian Federation:Cessation of Hostilities in Syria
* Follow up to:* *Russian/US Ceasefire Plan to Begin Saturday. Feb.27/16- John Kerry Statement* * US Dept. of State* The United States of America and the Russian Federation, as co-chairs of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and seeking to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis with full respect for the fundamental role of the United Nations, are fully determined to provide their strongest support to end the Syrian conflict and establish conditions for a successful Syrian-led political transition process, facilitated by the UN, in order to fully implement the ... more »
Turkish Syria Invasion Threat Taken Seriously By President Obama
President Obama is fully aware of the fragile coalition that exists between the U.S. and Russia which has enabled the Syrian regime to gain the upper hand. But he is also aware of the threat from Saudi Arabia and Turkey of wanting to intervene militarily on the ground in Syria, and takes the threat of invasion from NATO ally Turkey seriously. The Syrian war is reaching a climax and the battle lines are changing. Kurdish forces are securing the border with Turkey, liberating villages and cutting off supply lines to Isis and non-Isis terrorists in northern Syria. The Syrian army is cu... more »
How The Arctic Climate Has Changed Since The MWP
By Paul Homewood We’ve been looking at recent changes in Arctic sea ice extent, but, to put them into perspective, we also need to consider some of the longer term ones. In this post, I want to discuss how conditions in the Arctic have changed in the last 1000 years or so. Most […]
Poll: Most Americans Don’t See the US as the World’s Top Economic Power
[image: American workers - iStock_000020308277_Large] Most Americans think the nation is no longer the world's leading economy, according to a Gallup poll released Monday. Despite market turmoil and a slowdown in growth, 50 percent of those polled said they think China is the top global economic... more »
Alexander Hamilton’s Warning to Fans of Trump and Sanders: Populism Endangers Liberty
[image: Donald Trump Bernie Sanders - 900] Populism is in. Reason is out. That picture seems to characterize contemporary American politics. While Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are campaigning for two different parties' presidential nomination, the two men share in common an incoherent populism. Whether it's Trump's... more »
FBI’s iPhone Request Threatens Innovation
[image: iPhone - 900] Frustrated by its unsuccessful attempt to access the contents of an iPhone 5c that was used by one of the San Bernardino shooting suspects in December, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has obtained a court order requiring Apple's cooperation. Apple... more »
Now Birther Trump is Even Targeting Marco Rubio, Who Was Born in the USA
[image: Launching a spitball? Ready to backhand his young rival? Whispering something nasty about Jeb Bush's mother? Sharing a knock-knock joke?] To quote Ronald Reagan, “There he goes again.” After threatening to sue Ted Cruz over his eligibility to run for president because of his Canadian birth (even though Cruz’s mom was and is a natural born American citizen), Donald Trump is... more »
Hitler's penis...
*how's that for click bait?* I really didn't think the blogosphere could get much worse, but suddenly everyone is talking about Hitler's penis. I don't care about Hitler's penis. Hitler is dead, and I'm sure he took his penis with him when he shuffled off this mortal coil. In other news, the hysteria surrounding Trump is ratcheting up to unprecedented levels. That is, unless the writer is dumping on Cruz or Rubio. I can't recall any political cycle being this ugly. Witness Matt Walsh's anti-Trump screed over at The Blaze. No link on purpose. If you want to read it, you'll ha... more »
Russian/US Ceasefire Plan to Begin Saturday. Feb.27/16- John Kerry Statement
*This plan is as good as useless. * *It's based on the Munich agreement. That went nowhere fast.* The *United States and Russia agreed Monday on a new cease-fire for Syria that will take effect Saturday, U.S. officials said, even as major questions over enforcing and responding to violations of the truce were left unresolved. *Where in Syria the fighting must stop and where counterterrorism operations can continue also must be addressed. *If one has no mechanism or plan to address violation of the truce, then clearly, there will be no truce. * The officials said the new timeline fo... more »
U.S. - Russia Agree To A Partial Ceasefire In Syria Starting On February 27
*BBC*: *Syria conflict: US-Russia brokered truce 'to start at weekend'* A ceasefire in Syria agreed by Russia and the US is scheduled to come into effect at midnight on 27 February, a draft of the plan reveals. The timing follows US-Russian talks at the weekend. World powers had on 12 February agreed a truce to come into effect within a week, but that deadline passed and scepticism remains over the new plan. Violence has continued unabated in Syria, with 140 killed in bombings in Homs and Damascus on Sunday. More than 250,000 Syrians have died in the conflict which began in March ... more »
As The Islamic State Is Being Forced Out Of Iraq, Anarchy Is Taking Over
Displaced Sunni people, who fled the violence in the city of Ramadi, arrive at the outskirts of Baghdad, April 17, 2015. Iraqi security forces fought Islamic State militants at the gates of the western city of Ramadi on Friday, and local authorities warned it was in danger of falling unless reinforcements arrived soon. REUTERS/Stringer *Christine van Den Toorn, Foreign Policy:* *High Noon in Iraq’s Wild West* The Islamic State is finally being forced out of the country, but anarchy is taking over. The liberation of towns from the Islamic State has had the surprising effect on my I... more »
Bernie Sanders, Integrity & the Nevada Caucus "English Only" Controversy
*Dolores Huerta, one of the great Latina activists and a Hillary Clinton surrogate* *by Gaius Publius* If Clinton wins, she'll need the Sanders supporters in November. Is the the way to woo them? I hadn't planned to write about this, the dust-up raised by actress America Ferrara and Delores Huerta, one of the great Latina activists and long-time Clinton supporter, supposedly about Sanders voters yelling "English only" during one of the Nevada caucuses. But the story is just so ... well, you can supply the word after you read. I'm going to give you three pieces of it — what was a... more »
The GOP Can Still Stop Trump — But Not If They Miss This Trumpian Truth
[image: Donald Trump Holds Press Conference in Charleston, SC, Monday, February 15, 2016] For those of us concerned that a President Trump would weaken America because he isn’t authentically conservative, Christian or pro-life, it’s easy, comforting and absolutely useless to respond to his political success by falling back on any of these four common...more »
Fallujah: Tribal Revolt Or Insurgent Disagreement In Iraq?
In mid-February 2016 reports emerged of clashes between tribes and the Islamic State in the city of Fallujah. Local officials and sheikhs called it a rebellion against the insurgents, while others said events were being blown out of proportion. One Anbar politician even said it was a disagreement between militant factions. Either way, IS squashed the fighting, and now there is speculation about its meaning. There were reports of five days of fighting in Fallujah, although some dispute that. On February 17, the first story emerged of the Jerisat clan fighting IS in the city. By Fe... more »
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton wins Kennedy Prize for Drama
[image: Hamilton - 900] NEW YORK (AP) -- Lin-Manuel Miranda’s revolutionary stage musical Hamilton has won a Grammy, a “genius grant” from the MacArthur Foundation and now another honor -- one of the largest prizes given for dramatic writing. Columbia University said Monday that... more »
Firefly paper flagged following Queensland investigation
A BMC journal has added an expression of concern to a paper on firefly genes after a University of Queensland investigation determined a table should be credited to a different source. According to a representative of the university, the investigation found no evidence of misconduct. The university submitted an erratum that the journal chose not […] The post Firefly paper flagged following Queensland investigation appeared first on Retraction Watch.
South Korea Shows Off Its 20th Mechanized Infantry Division (Video)
*9News:* *South Korea shows off its 'Iron Wave' artillery* A flyover video showing South Korea’s ‘Iron Wave’ of armoured tanks has sent a stern message to its communist neighbours in the north. The impressive footage of the Republic of Korea Army was released on Friday and shows the 20th Mechanized Infantry Division's thousand strong arsenal, including hundreds of heavily armoured tanks. In the years since the Korean War, the south has continued to bolster and brandish its military resources as a form of deterrence to North Korea and now features up to 2,500 tanks. North Korea ov... more »
ISIS Bamboozles Justin Bieber Fans in Radical Fashion
[image: Justin Bieber - 900] The Islamic State (ISIS) wants to turn Beliebers into believers of radical Jihad by tricking them into watching propaganda via social media. The terrorist group is using Twitter as a medium to attract pop star Justin Bieber's 76 million followers... more »
Misunderstanding Marco
I like Marco Rubio and hope that he, rather than Donald Trump, gets the Republican nomination. In particular, I think his tax plan includes a lot of good ideas. Paul Krugman's column today take a cheap shot at it (natch): You probably know that Mr. Rubio is proposing big tax cuts, and may know that among other things he proposes completely eliminating taxes on investment income — which would mean, for example, that Mitt Romney would end up owing precisely zero in federal taxes. So is this true? Would Mitt Romney really end up owing zero in federal taxes? Before turning to that q... more »
The Deep State & the Death of Democracy
I've just finished reading the book The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government. I would say without any hesitation that this was one of the top 3-4 most important books that I have ever read. I highly, highly recommend that everyone read it. There is so much I learned from the book and I've been studying the whole US-Nazi connection after WW II for many years - but author David Talbot really wrote a spell-binding book - it's like reading a real life mystery story. You come away from the book with a very clear understanding how the... more »
Largest Ever US-South Korea Military War Games To Begin In March
South Korean army's K-2 tanks take part in a live-firing drill at a fire training field in Yangpyeong, South Korea. Reuters *The Telegraph*:* Largest ever US-South Korea military drill planned as a 'warning to Pyongyang'* The US will deploy a combat aviation brigade to South Korea for the duration of the manoeuvres, as well as a mobile US Marine brigade The joint US-South Korean exercises scheduled for March will be largest military drills ever staged on the Korean Peninsula and are both a warning to Pyongyang and an effort to reassure the jittery public in the South. The parallel... more »
INITIAL REACTIONS: Drum says "fabric" is close enough!
*MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2016Part 1—Not Isaacson's fault, scribe says:* This morning's Washington Post includes a brief but intriguing report. The report was written by Valerie Strauss, a long-time education blogger for the Post. In the hard-copy paper, it appears beneath this headline: "What to believe about Albert Einstein's childhood and education" In hard copy, Strauss' report is just 507 words long; it's derived from this blog post, which is slightly longer. The report appears on page B2 in this morning's Metro section. On most Mondays, the page is devoted to education reports. ... more »
Russia Condemns Recent Rebel Bombing Attacks In Syria As An Effort To Derail Peace Efforts
*Voice of America*: *Russia: Syria Terror Attacks Meant to Derail Peace Effort* Russia on Monday condemned a series of deadly bombings in Syria, saying the attacks are aimed at derailing peace efforts. Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement the terror attacks, which were claimed by Islamic State, need an adequate reaction from the international community. Multiple bombings in Damascus killed at least 83 people Sunday, while bombs in Homs killed another 59 people. Russia and the United States are trying to convince opposing sides of the Syrian conflict to accept a new ceas...more »
Has The US Abandoned The Syrian Rebels?
A fighter from the Free Syrian Army's al-Rahman legion walks towards his position on the frontline against the forces of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Jobar, a suburb of Damascus, Syria. BASSAM KHABIEH/REUTERS *The Hill: **Experts fear US abandoning Syrian rebels* *The Obama administration is allowing moderate Syrian rebels, which the U.S. spent hundreds of millions training and equipping, to be slowly destroyed, experts warn.* The groups are targeted by Russian air strikes, and new attacks from a Kurdish militia known as the YPG that's also backed by the U.S. The attacks h... more »
Fear and Loathing, 2016
What better setting for the triumph of the casino capitalism that Hillary Clinton represents than an actual Las Vegas casino? What better venue than Caesar's Palace for the political enforcer known as Harry Reid to ensure the survival of the oligarchy for one more election cycle? "Saturday may well be the day," caustically wrote Nevada journalist Jon Ralston, "that altered the course of the Democratic presidential race, when Hillary Clinton blunted Bernie Sanders’ campaign, when she was forced to work as hard as she ever has for a week (with a little help from a lot of friends) and ... more »
Growing Concerns In Saudi Arabia On A Military Involvement In Syria
Troops arrive to participate in joint military exercises in Hafr Al-Batin, near Saudi Arabia"s border with Iraq in this handout photo by Saudi Press Agency released on February 16, 2016. REUTERS/Saudi Press Agency/Handout via Reuters *Washington Post*: *Concerns in Saudi Arabia over signs of more military involvement in Syria* RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia is flexing its muscles as pro-government forces in Syria’s civil war make sweeping advances, but concerns have mounted about its expanding military involvement in the conflict. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s military,... more »
World News Briefs -- February 22, 2016
A general view shows the site of a two bomb blasts in the government-controlled city of Homs, Syria, in this handout picture provided by SANA on February 21, 2016. REUTERS/SANA/Handout via Reuters *Reuters*:* Violence rages in Syria as Kerry and Lavrov reach provisional deal on ceasefire* U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday he and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, had reached a provisional agreement on terms of a cessation of hostilities in Syria and the sides were closer to a ceasefire than ever before. Meanwhile, violence continued to rage in Syria. Multiple ... more »
Russia Wants to Fly Over U.S. With Advanced Digital Camera
[image: In this Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015, file photo, Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during his annual end of year news conference in Moscow, Russia. Russia will ask permission on Monday, Feb. 22, 2016, to start flying surveillance planes equipped with high-powered digital cameras amid warnings from U.S. intelligence and military officials that such overflights help Moscow collect intelligence on the United States. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, File)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Russia will ask permission on Monday to start flying surveillance planes equipped with high-powered d... more »
Marine Special Operator Highlights Dark Truths Behind Obama’s New Afghan War General
[image: Lt. General John W. Nicholson Jr., speaks during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill, January 28, 2016 in Washington, DC. If confirmed by the US Senate, Gen. Nicholson will become General Commander, Resolute Support and Commander, United States Forces-Afghanistan. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)] Army Lt. Gen. John Nicholson, President Barack Obama’s appointee to head the war in Afghanistan, has a bit of a dark asterisk in his career. In a move that raised eyebrows at the time in 2007, Nicholson publicly condemned a group of... more »
A Borrowed Poem
With his kind permission, please find below a poem written by Lee McCormack, a hermit living in the dank and moldy primal forests of Martha’s Vineyard. Writing poetry for 55 years, he is the first ever Martha’s Vineyard Poet Laureate in the island’s history, nominated from 162 members of the MV Poetry Society. He is also a member of the Cleaveland House Poets. Late For the Dance? Can you believe the sense of shame, the ash falling over us from a discolored atmosphere, all that's left of plants and animals, everything we have begotten? Did it occur that somewhere in the past this was ... more »
ISIS Frees Assyrian Christians Held Since 2015 for Ransom
[image: Assyrian Christians from Iraq, Syria and Lebanon attend a Christmas mass at Saint Georges church in an eastern Beirut suburb on December 25, 2014. AFP PHOTO / ANWAR AMRO (Photo credit should read ANWAR AMRO/AFP/Getty Images)] BEIRUT (AP) -- The Islamic State group on Monday released the last of some 230 Assyrian Christians kidnapped a year ago in Syria after the receiving millions of dollars in ransom, Christian officials said. Younan Talia, of the Assyrian Democratic... more »
Supreme Court Meets for First Time since Scalia’s Death
[image: The front of the U.S. Supreme Court is seen early Friday, Feb. 19, 2016 in Washington.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court is meeting for the first time since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, as speculation swirls over a potential successor. President Barack Obama has vowed to nominate a candidate to take Scalia’s seat, but...more »
Where Will Captured Militants Be Held as Terror Fight Grows?
[image: In this Feb. 2, 2016 photo, a sign for Camp 6 is posted outside the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama has refused to send any suspected terrorists captured overseas to the American detention center at Guantanamo Bay. But if the U.S. starts seizing more militants in expanded military operations, where will they go, who... more »
Journal retracts 7 papers by MD Anderson cancer researcher long under investigation
An MD Anderson Cancer Center researcher who has been under investigation by the institution for at least several years has had seven papers retracted from a single journal. Bharat Aggarwal told us in 2012 that MD Anderson was investigating his work, but in 2013 threatened to sue us for reporting on the case. Aggarwal is […] The post Journal retracts 7 papers by MD Anderson cancer researcher long under investigation appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Imagine How I Felt When I Found Myself In One Of Hillary's E-Mails! I Hope I Don't Have To Testify
Friday night there was a news-dump of more Hillary e-mails. For reasons that will be obvious in a moment, one particularly interested me. Longtime Clinton Family retainer Sidney Blumenthal is a really good writer and a very strategic thinker. In September, 2010, in the run-up to the disastrous midterms he sent Secretary Clinton a memo about how the elections could be less disastrous. One of his proposals included turning John Boehner into a piñata. And he included a chunk of a DownWithTyranny post on Boehner's corruption as an example, along with this link for the Secretary. He did... more »
We have Predictions
Trump will be the next US President. Hillary will squeak past Sanders solidifying her place as the staus quo. This victory will open up black and white divides withing the Democratic party.Trump will use the perceived overreach of Black lives to club her like a baby seal in the Election. The Republicans will control all three houses. It will be chaos and destruction. Old white men ruling over a nation filled with hungry Hispanics and Blacks. Turkey is on a suicide mission, Ergegon is a warlord. The Kurds are playing the final hand of a long game. There will be a civil war in T... more »
A Sad Day For Everyone: Daryl Bradford Smith Has Closed His "I Am The Witness" Website
One of the best researchers out there, and someone that I have long looked at as a source of inspiration for my own efforts, Daryl Bradford Smith, has decided to end his "I Am The Witness" website..... It is a sad day for everyone indeed... Daryl has been writing articles over at that website for some 12 years now... But primarily due to the horrific changes in French laws, he has become a target for the French 'thought police' and has been in danger of being arrested for his works over at his website... Therefore he decided that for the safety of himself and his family that he woul... more »
DNC Remains in Debt as RNC Raises Millions
[image: DNC RNC Democrat Republican] The Republican National Committee managed to raise $9.2 million in the month of January, far exceeding the $5.9 million the Democratic National Committee brought in, Federal Election Commission reports show. While the RNC has a whooping $18.4 million on hand, the DNC... more »
UK’s Cameron Takes Fight Against ‘Brexit’ of EU to Parliament
[image: David Cameron - 900] LONDON (AP) -- The British pound plunged against other major currencies Monday as Prime Minister David Cameron tried to shore up support for remaining in the European Union when the U.K. holds a referendum in June. The pound fell 1.7... more »
Gay Migrants Abused in Refugee Shelters Across Europe
[image: In this Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015 file photo, cabins are set up inside Hanger 4 of the former airport Tempelhof to be used as a temporary emergency shelter for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Berlin.] BERLIN (AP) -- Alaa Ammar fled Syria to escape not just civil war but also the threat of persecution as a gay man. Yet when he arrived in The Netherlands last spring, he did not find the safe haven he... more »
TTIP Deal Could Mean ‘Irreversible Privatisation’ Of NHS
According to legal experts, the controversial transatlantic trade deal between the US and Europe could make it impossible for future governments to reverse the privatisation of parts of Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) New Legal advice prepared by one of the UK’s leading QCs on European law for the Unite trade union, will reveal on Monday that it has been holding talks with the government about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal between Europe and the US. RT reports: The news come a month after the government came under fire by anti-TTIP campaigner... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 22, 2016
© Said Tsarnaev / Sputnik *Sputnik:* *US, Russia World's Largest Exporters of Weapons in 2011-2015 - Study* The United States and Russia maintain their leading positions in exports of major weapons during the period of 2011-2015, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said Monday in a press release. STOCKHOLM (Sputnik) — According to the press release, the United States continues to be the leader in global arms exports in 2011-2015, as it was in 2006-2010, with one-third of global major weapons exports. US major weapons exports increased by 27 percent within ... more »
Dg Rocks (Campaign DisFinance) Race to the Top/No Child Left Behind Slam on Our Children? (Scalia Devoted to Destroying Democracy) Wanted: Precisely Polished President (Dead Alert!)
Honestly, it's getting almost too tough for me to write anything new these days because just as soon as I begin, some wittymetaphorism from Master Driftglass floats out of my pen and plants itself on my blank page and refuses to stir. And it's Pulitzer level panic attacks every time. Dg's just about said it all while providing today's sterling real-time commentary on the U.S. WWE preliminary
Anti-Incumbent Mood Gets Test in First House GOP Primaries
[image: In this photo taken Feb. 11, 2016, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, right, talks with Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J. on Capitol Hill in Washington.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- When the calendar turns to March in this year of the irate voter, the first wave of congressional Republicans will find out whether they have their very own Dave Brat waiting for them. Brat was an underfunded,... more »
Neighbors Say Kalamazoo Suspect Showed No Signs of Violence
[image: This image provided by the Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Office shows Jason Dalton of Kalamazoo County. Dalton was arrested early Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016 in downtown Kalamazoo following a massive manhunt after several victims were shot at random.] KALAMAZOO, Mich. (AP) -- Jason Dalton lived with his wife and two kids in a small ranch-style house in a rural area of Michigan and shuttled people around the Kalamazoo area for the ride-sharing service Uber. The 45-year-old former insurance... more »
Cosby’s Wife Slated to Give Deposition in Defamation Case
[image: This Oct. 26, 2009 file photo, comedian Bill Cosby, left, and his wife Camille appear at the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts before Bill Cosby received the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor in Washington.] SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) -- Bill Cosby’s wife is slated to answer questions under oath in a defamation lawsuit brought against her husband by seven women who claim the comedian sexually assaulted them decades ago. Camille Cosby is scheduled to be... more »
*UK: Ratty feminist head-teacher advises cross-dressing* *It's only people who need to claim that they are wiser than anyone else who go into this BS. For over 10 years I have been taking brunch at a nearby cafe that is much frequented by mothers with young children. And only once in that time have I ever seen an ambiguously dressed child. It's normally pink for girls and blue for boys. And of course dresses and frills for the girls and some sort of plain pants for the boys. And it's what the kids themselves want. A little girl who wants a Princess dress will normally not ... more »
One Way Or Another
https://en.wikipedia.org/ Justin Trudeau is under pressure to bail out Bombardier. Tom Walkom writes that, unless Trudeau breaks with precedent -- like John Diefenbaker -- Bombardier will get its money: If Trudeau follows the usual pattern, he will comply. Diefenbaker, the only prime minister to withdraw government support from the aerospace industry, is still vilified for his actions. The standard justification for government support of this particular industry is that every other country does the same. In fact, that’s true. The ...more »
*Warmist Phil is back! And all warmed up by January* *I always enjoy Phil Plait's evasions but he is getting cleverer about them.The NOAA/NASA figures show that January was unusually hot globally. Accepting that as true and not just another "fiddle", the interesting question becomes what caused it. Phil of course thinks it is all due to CO2 in the air. But there are other explanations and Phil cannily mentions both the major ones in order to discount them: The influence of El Nino and the extraordinary warming in the Arctic.But he gives no reasons for discounti... more »
The Air Force Of The Future
*Defense News*: *The Air Force of the Future: Lasers on Fighter Jets, Planes That Think* WASHINGTON — Fighter jets that shoot high-powered lasers. Robots that mine hours of intelligence data in milliseconds. A tactical aircraft that can think for itself. These are just a few of the cutting-edge technology breakthroughs the Air Force hopes will change the game in the future battle space. This year, the Air Force is reinvesting in science and technology, requesting $2.5 billion for S&T in its fiscal 2017 budget submission. The ask is a welcome change from FY16, when sequestration c... more »
We Need a New Consciousness and a New System Not a New President
*Makia Freeman* - It doesn't matter who we vote for, without a real revolution, noting will change. The post We Need a New Consciousness and a New System Not a New President appeared first on Waking Times.
Gun Maker Seeks Dismissal of Lawsuit over Newtown Shooting
[image: In this Jan. 28, 2013, file photo, firearms training unit Detective Barbara J. Mattson, of the Connecticut State Police, holds up a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle, the same make and model of gun used by Adam Lanza in the Sandy Hook School shooting, during a hearing of a legislative subcommittee, at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, Conn.] BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) -- Lawyers for the company that made the rifle used to kill 20 first-graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School are expected to ask a Connecticut judge to dismiss a wrongful death lawsuit filed by... more »
UK Military Warn Against Brexit Because Of ‘Russia & ISIS Threats’
Over a dozen senior UK military leaders are to sign a letter warning voters not to support leaving the EU in the upcoming referendum. They say that doing so would compromise the UK’s national security. It looks like the propaganda has started in order to sway the voters’ opinions about the consequences of leaving the EU. The Daily Telegraph say they understand that Downing Street is organising a letter stating the importance of the EU to Britain’s national security to combat the growing threat of ISIS and increasing Russian aggression: Those likely to sign the letter include Admiral... more »
An Analysis On China's Military Presence In The South China Sea
*Real Clear Defense/Strafor:* *Analysis: China's Military Presence in the South China Sea* *Analysis* Widely published satellite imagery from Feb. 14 shows the presence of new Chinese air defense systems on Woody Island in the South China Sea, highlighting continuing maritime frictions in the area. But new imagery obtained by Stratfor provides a higher-resolution view of the deployment and activities taking place across the island. Specialists at AllSource Analysis have identified two batteries of HQ-9 surface-to-air launchers, as well as supporting vehicles such as an engagement... more »
Revisiting The First Gulf War
*James A Warren, Daily Beast:* *The Gulf War Victory That Never Was* *When US-led coalition forces drove Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait, the campaign was heralded as the antidote to Vietnam. A quarter century later it looks a lot less impressive.* On August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein, notorious Iraqi strongman, triggered the first great international crisis of the post-Cold War era by invading Kuwait and declaring it Iraq’s nineteenth province. With Kuwait in his back pocket and the fourth largest army in the world at his disposal, Saddam effectively controlled two-thirds of the earth’... more »
Unexpected Situation. Assistance Requested.
We suddenly lost our housing in the Alps. The short notice was strategically done to cause maximum inconvenience and expense right after the Chinese New Year and the attempt to phoenix the financial and control systems. We have known for some time who the woman behind this move works for and what secret society. I am grateful to the beautiful beings who housed us and understand the family pressures they face at this time. I focus on moving forward. The others have documents to live in Italy I am a tourist. I need to raise an esitmated $3000 to get back to the USA, which is cur... more »
North Korea Calls The Souths Leader A ‘Crazy Old Bitch’
There was fury in Seoul after North Korea took the war on words to a new level calling the South’s president a “crazy old bitch.” The remarks from Pyongyang came in response to President Park Geun-hye calling Kim Jong-un’s rule in the North an “extreme reign of terror.” Seoul’s Unification Ministry said on Sunday: “We express strong regret over… the North’s personal attacks that targeted our head of state with such base, vulgar language” RT reports: The latest headlines in the Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of North Korea’s ruling communist party, described 64-year-old South ... more »
off to vancouver
I struggle to find time to write even a small fraction of what I'd like to post here. But there's one thing I'll always write about: my travels. And there are never enough of them. This morning we are flying to Vancouver, our first time there. A few days later, Oregon and a mini family reunion. Two *very* needed weeks off. But first: Dogtopia.
The Gift of Falling Down
[image: broken vase - 900] SHEILA WALSH -- First there is the fall, and then we recover from the fall. Both are the mercy of God! (Lady Julian of Norwich) My mother took great pride in one particular porcelain vase. Twice a year it was carefully... more »
NATO Will No't Support Turkey In A Conflict With Russia
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L) and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg address a joint news conference at the Alliance's headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, November 30, 2015. REUTERS/FRANCOIS LENOIR *Daily Mail:* *NATO warns Turkey it can't count on support in a conflict with Russia as tensions escalate* * European diplomats warned that Ankara cannot invoke Article 5 * Germany says that NATO cannot 'pay the price for a war started by Turks' * Turkey has called for international ground operation in Syria * Russia called Security Council meeting to halt Turkey's shellin... more »
10 Proven Health Benefits of Yogurt by Margie King
10 Proven Health Benefits of Yogurt by Margie King Green Med Info. 15 February 2016 *Probiotics occur naturally in many foods. The most popular source in the Western diet is yogurt. Here are 10 proven ways yogurt can boost your health. * The *human gut* contains several thousand strains of bacteria and every person has a different mix. Some are beneficial, some are just there for the ride, and some can become problematic. When the balance between "good" and "not so good" bacteria is disrupted, lots of things can go wrong from the immune system, to digestion, to mental h... more »
Asia's Arms Race Is Intensifying
*Wall Street Journal*: *Chinese Military Spending, Ambitions Fuel Asian Arms Race, Studies Say* *Regional defense spending rises even as nations’ economies are tested.* The rapid rise in Chinese military spending and a greater assertiveness in its territorial claims is fueling an arms race in the Asia-Pacific region even though many of the countries involved have been hit by an economic slowdown, new research reports suggest. Of the 10 biggest importers of defense equipment in the past five years, six countries were in the Asia-Pacific region, the Stockholm International Peace Re... more »
No Fourth Term For Bolivian President Evo Morales
*BBC*: *Bolivian President Evo Morales 'loses' fourth term bid'* President Evo Morales of Bolivia has narrowly lost a referendum to allow him to stand for a fourth term in office, exit polls suggest. One poll suggests 52.3% voted against the proposal to amend the constitution, while another suggests it was 51%. The change would have let Mr Morales, who says he needs more time for reforms, remain in power until 2025. Opposition supporters have been celebrating the referendum result in parts of the main city, La Paz Mr Morales, an indigenous Aymara and former coca leaf producer, to... more »
Tube trains 'targeted by anti-Israel poster campaign' per Jewish News
This story of the idiocy and hatred of BDS campaigners http://www.jewishnews.co.uk/tube-trains-targeted-by-anti-israel-poster-campaign/ has one line that really points out how delusional many of the BDS people are: 'Another asks why BBC reporting is biased in favour of Israel... ' Anyone who thinks the BBC's reporting is biased in favour of Israel has a severe problem with reality.
Erdogan Says Turkey Has A Right To Invade Syria
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erodgan has said that Turkey has the right to invade Syria in order protect the Turkish state against terrorism. Speaking with the Hurriyet newspaper the Turkish leader said that he won’t rule out the possibility of invading other countries in the Middle East that harbour terrorists. RT.com reports: “Turkey has every right to conduct operations in Syria and the places where terror organizations are nested with regards to the struggle against the threats that Turkey faces,” Erdogan was cited as saying by the Hurriyet newspaper. Ankara’s stance has “abs... more »
Declassified UFO X-Files Proving Aliens Exist Released This Week
The British government are set to release highly classified UFO documents this week, as part of a move to declassify the UK’s “X-Files”. The documents are rumoured to contain details that prove the existence of aliens which the government, until now, have been desperate to cover-up. Ancient-code.com reports: UFO researchers have been engaged in a 30-year-long fight for the release of 18 top secret Ministry of Defense (MoD) files about UFO sightings. The government had to answer claims linking them to a cover-up from conspiracy theorists after the release of highly classified documen... more »
Russia Hand Delivers ‘Special Message’ From Putin To Iran
Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent his Defence Minister Sergei Shogu to make an unannounced visit to Iran in order to deliver a very “special message” to President Hassan Rouhani. The details of the message are confidential, but the ongoing Syrian conflict is likely to feature as part of their conversation. Ibtimes.co.uk reports: Shoigu landed in Tehran on 21 February and met his counterpart Hossein Dehghan separately. Only days ago the Iranian defence minister visited Russia, where the two countries agreed to step up their military cooperation. On Shoigu’s tour, the semi-off... more »
US And Israel Begin Large-Scale Military Exercise
Israel and the U.S. have begun a large-scale military exercise as part of their biennial ballistic missile defence drills – Juniper Cobra. The exercise is designed to prepare both militaries for an incoming missile attack. Timesofisrael.com reports: Over “1,700 U.S. Service members, civilians and contractors” will take part in the multi-day drill, the eighth such exercise since the Juniper Cobra program began in 2001. “This exercise is our nation’s premier exercise in the region, and EUCOM’s highest priority exercise for 2016,” said Maj.-Gen. Mark Loeben, Director of Exercises and ... more »
Tweet For Today
Samsung’s S7 smartphone lacks showstopping new features https://t.co/sIVjfe7cV3 @JChengWSJ @leeminjeong83 pic.twitter.com/crw6hRQLyh — WSJD (@WSJD) February 22, 2016
Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, "The Carpark Sessions"
Ludovico Einaudi, "The Carpark Sessions" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLEIkNUnEOk Playlist: 0:00 Twice 1:25 Whirling Winds 5:15 Twice 7:20 Logos (Variation) 8:21 Twice (Variation) 13:28 Four Dimensions 17:07 Elements 23:30 Night 30:20 Song for Gavin
Picture Of The Day
A Marine Corps M1A1 Abrams tank participates in a live-fire exercise with Norwegian forces in Rena, Norway, Feb. 18, 2016. The Marines and Norwegian troops are preparing for Exercise Cold Response 16, which will bring together 12 NATO allies and partner nations. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Dalton A. Precht
U.S. Tries To Contain The Islamic State In Libya
Senegalese commandos during a recent United States-led training exercise in Senegal. Credit Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times *New York Times*: *U.S. Scrambles to Contain Growing ISIS Threat in Libya* THIES, Senegal — The Islamic State’s branch in Libya is deepening its reach across a wide area of Africa, attracting new recruits from countries like Senegal that had been largely immune to the jihadist propaganda — and forcing the African authorities and their Western allies to increase efforts to combat the fast-moving threat. The American airstrikes in northwestern Libya on F... more »
Drone Footage Shows Abandoned Armoured Vehicles And Damaged Homes A Year After The Battle In Debaltsevo, Ukraine
*RT*: *Drone footage shows one of Ukraine's bloodiest battlefields, Debaltsevo, 1yr on* Destroyed and abandoned military hardware can be seen littering the war-scarred landscape of what used to be the town of Debaltsevo in eastern Ukraine, which became infamous as the scene of one of the bloodiest and most violent clashes during the Ukrainian conflict. RT's Ruptly drone footage captured decaying heavy military machinery scattered all over what was known during the height of the Ukrainian conflict as the "Debaltsevo Cauldron" – exactly as it was one year ago, when fighting ceased ... more »
Erdogan's Jihad Against Kurds And Other Minorities In Syria Is Not Going According To Plan
*Erdogan, in his quest for glory in Syria, will end up falling on his ass, which he is already familiar with. * *An excerpt from, "Erdogan 'Continues to Play the Fool as He Paints Himself Into a Corner'" Sputnik News, February 20, 2016: * President Erdogan's politics of confrontation with the Kurds will only further complicate Ankara's relations with Russia and the US, and lead to an escalation of internal tensions, writes Deutsche Welle columnist Kersten Knipp. The Turkish president, he says, is painting himself into a corner, while continuing to project a false image of strength.... more »
Fighting Picks Up In Ukraine
Ukrainian prisoners of war (POW) are guarded by members of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic forces during prisoners exchange in the village of Oleksandrivka outside Donetsk, Ukraine, February 20, 2016. REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko *New York Times:* *Truce Unravels as Fighting Picks Up in Ukraine* MARYINKA, Ukraine — Though overshadowed by the war in Syria, fighting in eastern Ukraine has picked up sharply in recent weeks, residents along the front line, commanders and European monitors say. The resumption of hostilities in Ukraine, with exchanges of machine gun and mo... more »
Who's Paying For These Filthy Campaigns?
If you obsessively follow the money trail in politics and the Open Secrets 2016 presidential race page is a regular stop, you noticed that in the last week, Hillary displaced Jeb as the top fundraiser of the cycle. She and her SuperPACs are now at $163,672,986-- surpassing his $150,284,096. Interestingly, she raised just under $15 million in January-- to Bernie's $21 million. Her Priorities USA superPAC brought in another $9.6 million, $3 million of it from one hedge fund billionaire, James Simons, a major Chuck Schumer/Steve Israel financier. Millions more came from Chicago crimi... more »
Musical Interlude: Gandalf, "Colors of a New Dawn"
Gandalf, "Colors of a New Dawn" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2Ms_XZU5Rc
2 Years After The Revolution Unrest Grows Over Corruption And The Economy In Ukraine
People attend an anti-government rally at Independence Square in central Kiev, Ukraine, February 21, 2016. © Gleb Garanich / Reuters *USA Today*: *2 years after revolution, corruption plagues war-torn Ukraine* Two years after a pro-Western revolution provoked a conflict with Russian-backed separatists, Ukraine faces a graver threat from rampant corruption — the problem that sparked its 2014 revolt in the first place. In eastern Ukraine, government forces are under the fiercest assault from militants since a cease-fire began to take hold in the beginning of September. And in the ca... more »
You’re more likely to die as a baby in Nunavut than as a 70-year-old in the rest of the country
http://globalnews.ca/news/2523231/whats-killing-babies-in-canadas-north/?sf21156078=1 The infant mortality rate was 21.40/1,000 live births in 2012. Compare that to Greenland in 2014: Infant mortality rate: 9.42 deaths/1,000 live births male: 10.76 deaths/1,000 live births female: 8.02 deaths/1,000 live births Greenland's rate is too high but is considerably less than half that of Nunavut.
Secret U.S. - North Korea Peace Talks Collapsed Days Before The Last North Korean Nuclear Test
Kim Hong-Ji, Reuters *FOX News/Wall Street Journal*:* US, North Korea agreed to peace talks before latest nuclear test* Days before North Korea’s latest nuclear-bomb test, the Obama administration secretly agreed to talks to try to formally end the Korean War, dropping a longstanding condition that Pyongyang first take steps to curtail its nuclear arsenal. Instead the U.S. called for North Korea’s atomic-weapons program to be simply part of the talks. Pyongyang declined the counter-proposal, according to U.S. officials familiar with the events. Its nuclear test on Jan. 6 ended th... more »
Can the GOP Stay United on Strategy to Fight Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee?
[image: In this Feb. 10, 2016, photo, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, speaks with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington. Grassley has a major say on whether President Barack Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court even gets a hearing. In the past week, Grassley, who is seeking a seventh term, has delivered a muddled message about the fate of any pick.] The fight over the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court is spilling over into a second week, with most Senate Republicans uniting around the idea that the American people should be left to decide the future fate ... more »
Rubio, Cruz Jostle to Claim ‘Alternative-to-Trump’ Vote
[image: Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla, autographs a bumper sticker after speaking at a rally Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016, in Franklin, Tenn.] FRANKLIN, Tenn. (AP) -- Republicans Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz battled to emerge as the true anti-Trump on Sunday as the billionaire businessman took an ever-so-brief break from his trademark braggadocio to say his drive for the GOP nomination isn’t... more »
The Rise of Intolerant Liberals
[image: SALT LAKE CITY - OCTOBER 25: Former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) speaks at a rally for the Utah Democratic party October 25, 2008 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Several Utah Democrats express surprised that Hillary came to Utah to speak ten day before the national elections, since Utah is considered a heavily Republican state. (Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)] Why have liberals become so intolerant? They think nothing of denying someone as prominent as former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from speaking on a college campus. They embrace acti... more »
Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Are Now Positioned To Win The Nominations Of Their Party
*McClathcy News*: *Trump poised to step on the GOP accelerator* * GOP delegate selection process favors front-runners * Nevada caucus up next; Trump favored * He leads in 8 of the next states CHARLESTON, S.C. : Things sure look good for Donald Trump. The Republican presidential race expanded across the country Sunday, and polls show the real estate mogul ahead in eight of the dozen states voting in the next nine days. Trump has now won primaries in two very different states, center-right New Hampshire and evangelical-dominated South Carolina. And the Republican Party system of cho...more »
The Hillary Surrogates Turning Increasingly Foul-- Winning Dirty Is A Bad Longterm Game Plan
Rep. Zoe Lofgren, aside from being a tool of the tech industry, is a middle-of-the-road Democrat, not a Blue Dog or a corrupt New Dem, not a progressive, just a Democrat doing a job. Her district encompasses the southern and eastern half of San Jose from Japantown and Alum Rock and runs down the 101 Freeway past Morgan Hill, almost to Gilroy. Once upon a time she was an idealist and an activist. Lofgren is the same age as Hillary, 68, not as conservative but closer to her politically than to Bernie; she's one of Hillary's main California surrogates. She's been in Congress since wi... more »
The Syrian Cities Of Damascus And Homs Rocked By Scores Of Explosions
*BBC*: *Syria conflict: Homs and Damascus bomb blasts kill 140* Bomb blasts in the Syrian cities of Homs and Damascus have left at least 140 people dead, monitors and state media say. At least four blasts struck the southern Damascus suburb of Sayyida Zeinab, killing at least 83 people, state media said. Earlier in Homs, 57 people, mainly civilians, were killed in a double car bombing, a monitoring group reported. So-called Islamic State (IS) said it carried out the attacks in both cities. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said a "provisional agreement" has been rea...more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What's lighting up the Cigar Galaxy? M82, as this irregular galaxy is also known, was stirred up by a recent pass near large spiral galaxy M81. This doesn't fully explain the source of the red-glowing outwardly expanding gas, however. Evidence indicates that this gas is being driven out by the combined emerging particle winds of many stars, together creating a galactic superwind. *Click image for larger size.* The featured photographic mosaic highlights a specific color of red light strongly emitted by ionized hydrogen gas, showing detailed filaments of this gas. The filaments exte... more »
Chet Raymo, “Hours And Seasons”
*“Hours And Seasons”* by Chet Raymo “I had this peripatetic lifestyle that took me between three different places of residence with the solstices and equinoxes. And so it is that I'm back in New England for the beginning of spring. My training in physics accustomed me to a Newtonian notion of time- a linear progression that moves equably from a distant past to an undefined future, every instant indistinguishable from any other. Works great for physics, but doesn't correspond to how I live my life. My personal time is circular, corresponding to the diurnal and annual cycles of Eart... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “When Death Comes”
*“When Death Comes”* “When death comes like the hungry bear in autumn, when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse to buy me, and snaps his purse shut; when death comes like the measle-pox; when death comes like an iceberg between the shoulder blades, I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering; what is it going to be like, that cottage of darkness? And therefore I look upon everything as a brotherhood and a sisterhood, and I look upon time as no more than an idea, and I consider eternity as another possibility, and I think of each life as a flower, as... more »
Kurds Betrayed Once Again In The Middle East
Kurds in the Middle East have been betrayed yet again by the big powers. Turkey and the U.S. use the Kurds in Syria , Turkey and Iraq for their own advantage. Kurds in Syria and Turkey are facing the prospect of the creation of a safe zone in their region, which will act as a front for refugees fleeing Syria, but in reality it will be an Islamic enclave in their midst, created by Turkey and her allies, which should put an end to Kurdish dreams of nationhood. Russia Insider reports: Kurds Shafted Once Again as Erdogan Plays Obama Like a Fiddle Erdogan Is No Lunatic, In Fact He Is a V... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
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Psychology: “Study: People Are Terrible At Sitting Alone With Their Thoughts. How About You?”
*“Study: People Are Terrible At Sitting Alone With Their Thoughts. * *How About You?”* by Science Friday In 1654, scientist and philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote: “All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Now, there's some science behind that statement. *A recent study in the journal Science found that many people choose to self-administer an electrical shock rather than sit quietly in a room alone with their thoughts.* Erin Westgate, a PhD student in psychology at the University of Virginia, says she hadn’t seen Pascal’s quote before she a... more »
"Waking Up"
"People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown." - Chuck Palahniuk *"Waking Up"* by Anthony De Mello "Spirituality means waking up. Most people, even though they don’t know it, are asleep. They’re born asleep, they live asleep, they marry in their sleep, they breed children in their sleep, they die in their sleep without ever waking up. They never understand the loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we c... more »
Sociology: "How We Support Our False Beliefs"
"How We Support Our False Beliefs" by Patricia Donovan "In a study published in the the journal Sociological Inquiry, sociologists from four major research institutions focused on one of the most curious aspects of the 2004 presidential election: the strength and resilience of the belief among many Americans that Saddam Hussein was linked to the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Although this belief influenced the 2004 election, they claim it did not result from pro-Bush propaganda, but from an urgent need by many Americans to seek justification for a war already in progress. The findings... more »
Hamlin Uses Daring Move to Win Closest Daytona 500 Ever
[image: Denny Hamlin (11) beats out Martin Truex Jr. (78) at the finish line to win the NASCAR Daytona 500 auto race at Daytona International Speedway, Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016, in Daytona Beach, Fla.] DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- With a Hail Mary move, Denny Hamlin ended Joe Gibbs’ 23-year drought at the Daytona 500. Hamlin pulled out of line with a lap to go Sunday to make a run at his first Daytona... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( February 21-22 , 2016 ) Europe In Focus ( 1. UK Referendum Set For June 23rd , BREXIT Campaign Begins , London Mayor Boris Johnson Comes Out For Leave EU. 2. Ukraine Troubles Mount- West Demands Reforms Be Implemented , Far Right Uprising In Process. 3. Spain Political Update - Sanchez Has Ten Days To Pull Together A Gov't Or New Elections Loom. 4.Refugee / Economic Migration Crisis , Border Security. 5. Odds & Ends )
Asia Update....... *zerohedge* @zerohedge 35m 35 minutes ago *China* Unleashes A Debt Tsunami: Creates $1 Trillion In Debt In First Two Months Of 2016 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-02-1 8/china-unleashes-debt-tsunami-creates-1-trillion-debt-first-two-months-2016 … *zerohedge* @zerohedge 17m 17 minutes ago China Unleashes A Debt Tsunami: Creates $1 Trillion In Debt In First Two Months Of 2016 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-02-1 8/china-unleashes-debt-tsunami-creates-1-trillion-debt-first-two-months-2016 … *Haidi Lun 伦海迪* @HaidiLun 16m 16 minutes ago... more »
Max Igan: Kakistocracy An Important Word Taken Out Of The Dictionary
*Title: Max Igan: Kakistocracy An Important Word Taken Out Of The Dictionary. Source: WeAreChange. Date Published: February 21, 2016. Description:* In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews philosopher, researcher and free thinking Max Igan. The two discuss words that have been taken out of the dictionary the problems we are facing in today's society and most importantly some optimism about the future.
The ISIS-Turkey Connection Exposed By Russian Intelligence
Russian intelligence have claimed that ISIS, with the help of the Turkish intelligence services, have established a large network in Antalya, Turkey, to recruit people arriving in Turkey and train them to fight Russian troops operating in Syria. The group of recruiters consists of a Kyrgyzstan national called Abdullah; a native of Adygea named Azmet; a native of Tatarstan named Elnar; a Russian Federation national named Ilyas; an Azerbaijan national named Adil Aliev; and a native of Karachay-Cherkessia named Nizam. Voltairenet.org reports: They are led by a Russian Federation nation... more »
Assad Warns Turkey To Stop Aiding ISIS In New Interview
Syrian President Bashar Assad has told a Spanish newspaper that he believes that Turkey actively support ISIS and allow the terrorist regime to train potential recruits in their country. Assad spoke to newspaper El Pais, and the Syrian Times transcribed the entire text of the interview below: Question 1: You have recently allowed humanitarian aid to go into seven besieged areas. Some claim there are at least 486,000 people living in those areas, some for even more than three years. Why did this happen so late in the conflict? President Assad: Actually, it hasn’t happened recently; ... more »
Australian ‘No Jab, No Pay’ Law Forces Parents To Get Kids Vaccinated
Parents in Australia have rushed to get their children vaccinated against their will due to the federal government’s new ‘no jab, no pay’ law, which stops parents receiving Tax Benefit’s if their child remains unvaccinated after January 1st, 2016. The rush on vaccines has caused health departments to become inundated with calls from doctors and nurses who are requesting assistance in dealing with the high demand. Theage.com.au reports: Meanwhile, health departments are sending out increased vaccine supplies, a spokesman for federal Health Minister Sussan Ley confirmed. Statistical ... more »
The Vaccine Fraud Of 1976: Fake Swine Flu And Human Experimentation
The 1976 swine flu outbreak at Fort Dix in New Jersey, resulted in the death of a U.S. soldier. President Gerald Ford initiated a huge immunization effort that resulted in some 45 million Americans getting a swine flu vaccine. Over 500 people subsequently got a rare neurological illness called Guillain-Barre Syndrome, an auto-immune disease that affects the nervous system and can cause paralysis. Some observations on the current swine flu ‘crisis’: – It’s a global reprise of the US 1976 phony swine flu panic; – Just as happened in 1976, the virus is not a significant threat having v... more »
North Korea Could Launch An EMP Attack On U.S.
A think tank has warned that North Korea has the potential to launch a devastating EMP attack on U.S. power grids. An EMP attack could disrupt electrical and electronic systems needed for modern life and cause widespread chaos. The Sunday Express reports: The possibility of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, where a nuclear device is programmed to produce an electromagnetic wave with such force to destroy electronic systems, has plagued mankind since the Cold War, according to the Center for Security Policy. However fresh fears have emerged that North Korea could be the one to l... more »
Who Is To Blame For The Deaths Of 470,000 Syrians?
President Obama and Chancellor Merkel during their press conference in the Chancellery. Photo: Bundesregierung/Denzel *Anshel Pfeffer, Haaretz:* *Obama and Merkel Should Hang Their Heads in Shame as Syrian Tragedy Enters Sixth Year* *While Western leaders are not criminally responsible for the deaths of 470,000 Syrians, it has happened on their watch and to a large degree through their inaction.* In June 2009, writer Elie Wiesel visited the site of the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany, along with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Barack Obama. Sixty-four years earlier... more »
Israel Starts To Plan For A Post-War Syria
UN peacekeepers monitor the Syrian side of the Israeli-Syrian border from an army post at Mount Bental in the Golan Heights last July (photo credit: Tsafrir Abayov/Flash90) *Haaretz*: *Israel Is Changing Its Approach to Syria War Amid Assad's Battleground Advances* Russian intervention has tilted the scales, and Jerusalem is concerned of a regime victory, which would be victory for Iran as well. To prevent that, Israeli officials believe West must intervene in favor of moderate rebels. Israel Is Changing Its Approach to Syria War Amid Assad's Battleground Advances Russian interve... more »
DHS Launch Online Tool To Report ‘Anti-Government Views’ To Government
The U.S. government are planning to spend over $1 million of taxpayer’s money on a new initiative to encourage people to report their neighbours online if they spot them doing anything “suspicious”. The campaign encourages internet users to report potential online threats, and has been modelled on the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign initiated after the 9/11 attacks. Critics fear the scheme will target those with “anti-government” views. Thenewamerican.com reports: But while the campaign may seem like a positive step toward combating terrorism, it provides yet another ... more »
‘Superman’ Crystals Can Store Huge Amounts Of Data For Billions Of Years
Researchers at the University of Southampton have said they have found a way of storing huge amounts of digital data on tiny glass data storage devices they have dubbed “superman crystals”. The crystals resemble the memory crystals seen in the Superman movies. The technology is capable of surviving billions of years, the scientists said this week. CNN Money reports: That’s a lot longer than your average computer hard drive. Sadly, the human inventions don’t look like the glittering crystals that Superman uses to generate holograms of people from his home planet. Instead, they take t... more »
ISIS Recruit Justin Bieber Fans To Join Their Cause
ISIS militants have begun targeting Justin Bieber fans (Beliebers) in a Twitter campaign to brainwash young people in order to spread their propaganda messages. Using the #JustinBieber hashtag the terrorist organisation aim to target the pop star’s 76 million followers worldwide. Express.co.uk reports: Bieber is Twitter’s biggest attraction, boasting the most followers in the world. The hashtag is used hundreds, if not thousands of times an hour, and rockets to tens of thousands of times when the star is trending. The star’s fans are called Beliebers and many of them are under ten ... more »
Boris Johnson Urges Britons To Leave Europe
London Mayor and Tory MP Boris Johnson has announced his plans to campaign for Britain to leave the European Union (EU), pitting himself against Prime Minister David Cameron who has urged Britons to vote “yes” in an upcoming in-out referendum this June. The BBC broke the news of Boris’ voting preference on Sunday, stating: “Mayor of London Boris Johnson is to campaign to leave the EU in the UK’s referendum, BBC understands”. Breitbart.com reports: UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage told Breitbart London exclusively this afternoon: “This is really good news. Boris is one of th... more »
ISIS Bombings Rock Syria as World Powers Seek Truce
[image: People gather in the aftermath of a multiple explosive attack in the Sayyida Zeinab area, 10 km south of Damascus, Syria, Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for a triple blast in the Shiite suburb, saying two IS fighters set off a car bomb before detonating their explosive belts and killing dozens.] BEIRUT (AP) -- Bombings claimed by the Islamic State group in the Syrian cities of Damascus and Homs killed nearly 130 people on Sunday, highlighting the threat posed by the extremists as the country’s warring factions fight for the northern city... more »
The European Refugee Crisis Will Get A Lot Worse With The Collapse of Egypt
The only good attribute about General Sisi is that he's not the Muslim Brotherhood. That's it. He's not a visionary leader that many people were expecting and hoping. His country is reliant on Saudi aid, which won't last, is in lockstep with Israel's policy in Palestine, which is highly unpopular, and is on the brink of starving. Egypt is *"the world’s largest importer of wheat."* And to make matters worse this dumb ass is rolling with limousines and red carpets. Politically, Sisi is an idiot. His only stroke of genius was putting the people onto the streets and forcing the unpopu... more »
The West Is Giving Turkey Just Enough Rope To Hang Itself
Have US, France & UK, by rejecting Russia’s UNSC draft resolution, just given Turkey the go-ahead to invade Syria? pic.twitter.com/qFXJOxDeyX — the Lemniscat (@theLemniscat) February 21, 2016 *Title: Russia 'regrets' UNSC rejection of resolution to rein in Turkish military in Syria. Source: CCTV News. Date Published: February 20, 2016. Description: * Russia on Saturday expressed regret that the United Nations Security Council rejected its bid to halt Turkish military actions in Syria and vowed to continue supporting government forces against "terrorists." Western powers on Friday... more »
Jeb Bush Ends His Presidential Campaign
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush announced on Saturday night that he would leave the 2016 Presidential race, after a disappointing finish in South Carolina. Donald Trump may have helped destroy Jeb’s candidacy by repeatedly challenging him on 9/11 by saying that the terror attack was the fault of his brother George W. Bush Or perhaps America has had enough of the Bush family… Press TV reports: Bush, who was once considered Republican frontrunner, finished in sixth place in the Iowa caucuses and in fourth places in New Hampshire and South Carolina. “I am proud of the campaig...more »
Feb.21: You may be next....
http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/margaret-evans-lesbos-refugees-nobel-peace-prize-1.3456150 We glamorize war, even as we mourn the dead, we glamorize it as a kind of show biz. Perhaps the most obvious reminder of that was the most show biz general in history, General Patton. (He was also known as 'blood and guts' Patton. It was a label Patton hated because it it originated from soldiers who said that he spilled the enemies' blood and our (US soldiers) guts.) But he loved attention. That's why he always wore two revolvers. Wearing two plugged into the myth of the 'real men' of the cow... more »
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