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St. Augustine, Florida: Florida School for the Deaf and Blind. Panoramic view of the Ray Charles Center and the Theodore Johnson Center. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:31pm MST

10:31pm MST
One Of America's Greatest Jazz Pianists, Marcus Roberts, Feels The Bern
Marcus Roberts is a jazz pianist and composer. And he's blind. He is self-taught but went to the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind in St. Augustine, where Ray Charles also studied (much earlier). Wynton Marsalis, with whom he toured, called him the "greatest American musician most people have never heard of." Ryan Lizza, writing for the *New Yorker* this week, broke the news that Roberts, who is also an eloquent teacher, has written songs about four of the presidential candidates, in an effort to show that art has a place in politics. He's releasing an EP, *Race for the W... more »
Draft Debate Highlights Feminist Contradictions
[image: Republican presidential candidates, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., businessman Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (L-R) line up on the stage at the beginning of a Republican presidential primary debate hosted by ABC News at the St. Anselm College Saturday, Feb. 6, 2016, in Manchester, N.H.] Last Saturday's GOP debate was disastrous for many reasons -- Chris Christie's kamikaze snarling, Marco Rubio's deer-in-the-headlights moment, and the free pass granted to ... more »
Comics Review: New Frontier
Darwyn Cooke's *New Frontier *is a somewhat unusual concept. It bridges DC Comics' Golden Age and Silver Age. It makes the assumption that characters first became active the year their first appearance was published - for example, Superman began his career in 1938 and Batman in 1939. The comic takes us from 1945 to 1960. It does not suppose parallel Earths - there is no Earth-1 or Earth-2. The Batman of 1960 has been active for over twenty years (as a 40-something year old myself, I wish him luck). *New Frontier *begins very dark, with superheroes becoming distrusted - the Justic... more »
Syrian Kurds With Russian Backing Have Seized A Major Air Base From Rebels
*AFP:* *Kurds, allies seize Syria air base backed by Russia: monitor* Beirut (AFP) - Kurdish and Arab forces backed by Russian air strikes captured a strategic air base and the adjacent town in northern Syria from rival anti-government factions, a monitoring group said Thursday. The Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) and Arab allies on Wednesday night expelled Islamist and other rebel fighters from Minnigh air base and the adjacent town, north of Syria's second city Aleppo, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. "The takeover of Minnigh air base and the adjacent town o... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Carter: 'Anti-ISIS Coalition Has Agreed To Step Up’
*New York Times*: *Defense Secretary Says Anti-ISIS Coalition Has Agreed to ‘Step Up’* BRUSSELS — All but a few of the 40 countries in the coalition now fighting the Islamic State have “stepped up to do more in the last months and days,” Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said on Thursday after a meeting here with defense ministers from the group. Mr. Carter said 90 percent of the countries had made pledges, but he did not offer many specifics on what the contributions would be. It also remained unclear what effect any new assistance would have on the battlefield, or even how man... more »
On The Front Lines Of The Battle For Aleppo
*CNN*: *From stalemate to slaughter: On the front lines of the battle for Aleppo* Aleppo, Syria (CNN)Years of combat have turned Aleppo's old town into a neighborhood of rubble and dust. What's left of this once-beguiling maze of narrow alleys and covered souks is a reminder of its tragic location at the heart of Syria's five-year civil war. The city's once-famous Khan al-Wazir inn lies completely burned out; as we walked through one of its halls, eerie beams of light shone in through the broken windows. On the streets nearby, we glimpsed movement inside buildings that looked, ... more »
Intent in Murder
Murder is the intentional killing of another human being. The key is intention – an action that results in the death of another person without intent is homicide and can be manslaughter (a very serious crime) but it is not murder. The Criminal Code provides: Culpable homicide is murder (a) where the person who causes the death of a human being (i) means to cause his death, or (ii) means to cause him bodily harm that he knows is likely to cause his death, and is reckless whether death ensues or not; Notice it is possible to commit murder without caring one way or the other ... more »
U.S., Russia, And Other Powers Agree To Implement A Cease-Fire In Syria Within The Next Week
*Washington Post:* *U.S., Russia and other powers agree on ‘cessation of hostilities’ in Syria* MUNICH — The United States, Russia and other powers agreed to a “cessation of hostilities” in Syria’s civil war, to take place within the next week, and immediate humanitarian access into besieged areas, Secretary of State John F. Kerry announced here early Friday morning. “It was unanimous,” Kerry said of a communique issued after hours of meetings among participants in a group of nations that have supported and armed one side or the other in the four-year war. “Everybody today agreed,...more »
Russia Warns Of 'New World War'
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (L) speaks during an interview at the Gorki state residence outside Moscow, Russia, February 11, 2016. REUTERS/Ekaterina Shtukina/Sputnik/Pool *The Telegraph:* *Russia warns of 'new world war' starting in Syria* *Foreign and defence ministers of the leading international states are meeting in Munich and Brussels following the collapse of the latest round of peace talks.* Russia warned of “a new world war" starting in Syria on Thursday after a dramatic day in which Gulf states threatened to send in ground forces. Foreign and defence ministers ... more »
Punch, Counterpunch: GOP Hopefuls Bare Knuckles in Carolina
[image: Beverly Gail, of North Myrtle Beach, S.C., center, watches as Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. speaks during a town hall meeting in Myrtle Beach, S.C., Thursday Feb. 11, 2016.] COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- Jeb Bush says he was better at real estate than Donald Trump, and the former Florida governor is even embracing the “establishment” label. Marco Rubio is unloading on nearly all of his presidential rivals, Trump and... more »
Clinton Aims to Boost Campaign With Focus on Black Voters
[image: In this Jan. 6, 2016 file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton applauds while speaking in Las Vegas. Now that Iowa and New Hampshire are in the rear-view mirror, the Democratic presidential contest shifts to markedly different terrain in Nevada, whose largely urban and diverse electorate will test the breadth of Bernie Sanders’ appeal and the durability of Hillary Clinton’s coalition.] MILWAUKEE (AP) -- After an overwhelming loss in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton is staking a campaign comeback on her ability to woo black and Latino voters, placing outreach... more »
Nigeria Girl Suicide Bomber Gets Cold Feet, Refuses to Kill
[image: Rescue workers transport a victim of a suicide bomb attack at a refugee for treatment at a hospital, in Maiduguri, Nigeria, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016. Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up in a northeast Nigerian refugee camp, killing at least 56 people, health and rescue officials said Wednesday.] ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) -- Strapped with a booby-trapped vest and sent by the extremist Boko Haram group to kill as many people as possible, the young teenage girl tore off the explosives and fled as soon as she was out...more »
Geopolitics: “Russia May Use Nukes to Oppose Saudi Invasion of Syria”
*“Russia May Use Nukes to Oppose Saudi Invasion of Syria”* By GPD "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein “As Turkey and Saudi Arabia edge closer to sending ground forces into Syria at the behest of the United States, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has warned that an escalation of the conflict could lead to world war. During an interview with German newspaper Handelsblatt, Medvedev warned of dire consequences if the United States and its allies abandon Syrian peace talks in favor... more »
Darwin’s Finches Are Evidence for Evolution? Think Again
[image: Darwin's finches or Galapagos finches. Darwin, 1845. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy, R.N. 2d edition.] Today is Darwin Day, marking the birthday of Charles Darwin. As the world looks back on the achievements of the great man, you are likely to see many "icons of evolution" triumphantly displayed. These famous, yet often flawed, success stories... more »
Jury Rules Against Montana Woman’s Wrongful-Birth Lawsuit
[image: In this Feb. 3, 2016 file photo, Kerrie Evans of Gardiner, Mont., right, testifies in District Judge Mike Salvagni's courtroom during her negligent birth civil trial at the Gallatin County Law and Justice Center in Bozeman, Mont. A jury on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, ruled against Evans, who sought millions of dollars from health care providers that she accused of failing to diagnose her unborn daughter’s cystic fibrosis.] BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) -- A Montana jury ruled Thursday against a woman who sought millions of dollars from health care providers that she said failed to diagnos... more »
Australia To Forcibly Vaccinate Citizens Via Chemtrails
Australia have approved a license application from Big Pharma company PaxVax for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into Queensland, via chemtrails. The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) says that the vaccine qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000. reports: PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with trial site... more »
U.S. Launch Military Offensive Against Turkey For Killing 12 Marines
A Ministry of Defence report says that the U.S. was granted permission by the Russian Aerospace Forces (AF) to fly over the Syrian city of Aleppo in order to completely obliterate 7 command and control centers operated by Turkish intelligence. The reason for the attack is due to the Turkish air force downing 2 US Marine helicopters, killing all 12 soldiers aboard, on the 14th January. reports: Though the Obama regime has kept hidden from its citizens Turkey’s deliberate murdering of these 12 US Marine heroes, this report notes, yesterday’s events prove that it was... more »
Parents Being Thrown In Jail For Homeschooling Their Kids
Two families from Ohio who chose to legally give homeschooling to their children are facing jail time and thousands of dollars in fines, under an attempt by authorities to punish parents for not following the system. At the same time, Republican governor, John Kasich, is seeking to outlaw homeschooling so that all parents who choose to keep their kids out of the traditional school system are sent to jail. reports: The charges are as ridiculous as the filings – “contributing to the delinquency of a minor,” despite the fact that state nannies acknowledged the children ... more »
German Government Urge Citizens To Embrace Migrant Crisis
Germany have begun an aggressive advertising campaign urging citizens to overcome their supposed “dark side” and embrace the current migrant crisis engulfing Europe. The propaganda billboards say, “Germany, stay strong! With humanity towards your dark side” and “Against Hate & baiting – no ifs or buts”. reports: The text is written over a German flag dripping with black paint. Organisers say they hope to “retrieve” the flag from “right wing” and “nationalist” groups such as the PEGIDA and the Eurosceptic Alternative for Germany (AfD), represented on the poster by the ... more »
North Korea Expel South Koreans From Kaesong Amid Military Tension
North Korea have expelled all South Koreans from the Kaesong industrial zone on Thursday, seizing their factory assets and blaming Seoul’s earlier decision to shutter the complex as being a “declaration of war”. Pyongyang has said it is placing Kaesong under military control and cutting communication lines with Seoul. reports: The measures mark a significant escalation of cross-border tensions that have been elevated since North Korea carried out a nuclear test last month and a long-range rocket launch on Sunday. Seoul had announced on Wednesday it was closing down opera... more »
Russia Accuse Obama Of Covering-Up The Truth Behind MH17 Crash
A Russian military expert has said that whilst Obama remains in power, the truth about what really happened with the Malaysian MH17 plane crash in July 2014 will never be disclosed to the public. Vladimir Yevseyev says that Ukraine are likely to be responsible for the crash, and accuses America of being complicit in covering it up. reports: Vladimir Yevseyev believes that the tweets that Dutch MP Pieter Omtzigt made from the courtroom during the hearings on the case of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing over Ukraine were obviously interesting, although they can hardl... more »
Will Russia And America Obliterate Each Other In Coming World War?
As NATO leaders prepare to deploy thousands of troops to Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, Russia has criticized the massive buildup of Western military on its doorstep as being a deliberate provocation towards World War. Russia’s Permanent Representative to NATO, Alexander Brushko, has accused NATO of using these military drills as a pretext to justify justify its actions on the eastern flank. reports: Moscow took NATO’s recent exercises as a clear signal. “NATO’s largest maneuvers [of airborne troops] since WWII send a clear signal to the world about the peac... more »
Hall And Coates (CA-44)
California state Senator Isadore Hall, widely considered the most corrupt politician in Sacramento, must have been feeling his oats when he snagged a cushy deal at the Alameda Court apartments development he helped push through... with a nice subsidy from the City of Compton. Shortly after the initial approval, the developers contributed $10,000 to Hall. Can you spell *quid pro quo*? Or you thought only Republicans engage in this kind of bribery? Did he get his place rent free while the other tenants were subjected to leases based on the old racist "rent-to-own" program historical... more »
Trump Criticizes Pope Francis for Visiting Mexico-Texas Border
[image: Pope Francis] In a telephone interview with Stuart Varney of Fox Business’ Varney & Company Thursday, Donald Trump criticized Pope Francis for visiting areas near the Texas-Mexico border and not understanding the predicament the United States is in concerning border control. According... more »
Rubio Considers a Brokered Convention, Hits at Trump
[image: Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. talks with George Meyers, 71, of Bluffton, S.C., as the candidate arrives for lunch at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Okatie, S.C.,Thursday Feb. 11, 2016, after attending a campaign event at the Sun City community. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)] OKATIE, S.C. (AP) -- The best hope of the Republican establishment just a week ago, Marco Rubio suddenly faces a path to his party’s presidential nomination that could require a brokered national convention. That’s according to Rubio’s campaign manager, Terry... more »
Sanders and Trump: Magic Sells
[image: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) speaks during a town hall event at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, on Friday, February 20, 2015.] WASHINGTON -- The New Hampshire results have solidified the reigning cliche that the 2016 campaign is an anti-establishment revolt of both the left and the right. Largely overlooked, however, is the role played in setting the national mood by the... more »
“Willie Nelson Comes to Jocotepec: The Internet and Social Fragmentation”
*“Willie Nelson Comes to Jocotepec: * *The Internet and Social Fragmentation”* by Fred Reed “The existence of the internet may not be news in most places, nor that it does things astonishing to those alive before the net and boring to those who came after. But I wonder whether the net might have underlying consequences perhaps not well understood. In particular, I wonder how to measure the influence of the internet in Battambang, Bali, Bukittinggi, or Tierra del Fuego. Or in small towns in Mexico, such as Jocotepec, down the road from me. Fifty years ago, such places existed in nea... more »
“Strange, how the best moments of our lives we scarcely notice except in looking back.” - Joe Abercrombie Hans Zimmer, "Time" -
Syria To Send 15 Million More Refugees To Europe
A senior Syrian rebel commander has blamed a lack of support from Britain as being responsible for the impending 15 million refugees about to flee Syria and into Europe. The commander says that the lack of support shown by the West has allowed Assad’s regime to tighten its grip on Aleppo, which is going to make the refugee crisis worse. reports: Major Yasser Abdulrahim told the BBC the West has “abandoned” the rebels, saying: “The West is so scared of the [Islamic State] ghost they have chosen Bashar al-Assad. He added: “The rebellion won’t be over [if the regime takes...more »
Detached Human Feet Washing Up On Pacific Northwest Coast
Discarded human feet have been mysteriously appearing along the Pacific Northwest coast. The grisly finds have appeared among normal debris along the coastline. Sixteen human feet have been found since 2007 in British Columbia, Canada, and Washington state, mostly right feet and all in hiking boots or trainers. The Independent reports: As more people learned about these discoveries, they attracted morbid scavengers to the Pacific Northwest shorelines, where the Salish Sea connects waterways along the west coasts of the United States and Canada. What these scavengers sought remains a...more »
Breakthrough: Scientists Detect Einstein’s Gravity Ripples
[image: Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) Co-Founder Rainer Weiss, left, and Kip Thorne, right, hug on stage during a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, to announce that scientists have detected gravitational ripples, just as Einstein predicted a century ago.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- In an announcement that electrified the world of astronomy, scientists said Thursday that they have finally detected gravitational waves, the ripples in the fabric of space-time that Einstein predicted a century ago. Some scientists like... more »
The Kurdish Conundrum
Now that Canada has decided to continue to train and support the Kurds in Iraq along with the Iraqi government, the question of the future of the Kurds is being questioned. Indeed, yesterday, I received a phone call from a magazine in Kurdistan asking me about referendums and why some secessionist movements get to become […]
Why Isn’t There More Public Scrutiny of the U.S. Military?
This is a guest post by Risa Brooks, Associate Professor at Marquette University Americans’ relationship with the military exhibits an odd paradox: the country’s citizens profess to hold deep regard for the military, while in fact knowing little about it and paying minimal attention to its activities at home or abroad. Analysts of U.S. civil-military […]
Trailer for KILLING ED
Trailer for KILLING ED from Visual Truth Projects on Vimeo. Profiteer Caprice Young, the secretive Gülen Cult, and California Charter Schools Association's worst nightmare is here.
There Is no Palestine As There Is No ‘P’ In Arabic Says Israeli MP
An Israeli Knesset member has given a ‘reason’ why a two-state solution is not feasible…. apparently, as the Arabic language doesn’t have the consonant ‘P’ the idea of Palestinian statehood is questionable. Not The Onion: Israeli lawmaker says the Palestinian people don’t exist because Arabic has no letter “P.” — Gregg Carlstrom (@glcarlstrom) February 11, 2016 During a debate on a two-state solution, Anat Berko from the Netanyahu’s Likud party said: “There isn’t even a ‘P’ in Arabic, so it’s a borrowed term that’s worth analyzing” Her theory, not surprising... more »
Star Wars Film Company Charged Over Harrison Ford’s Broken Leg
Criminal charges have been issued to the production company behind the latest blockbuster Star Wars movie starring Harrison Ford. The legendary Hollywood actor broke his leg while filming Star Wars: The Force Awakens on a set at Pinewood Studios in June 2014. CBC News reports: The actor was struck by a hydraulic door on the set of the Millennium Falcon — his character Han Solo’s spaceship — at Pinewood Studios near London in June 2014. He was airlifted to a hospital where he underwent surgery. Production on the film was suspended for two weeks after the injury to Ford, who was 71 at... more »
Female Boko Haram Suicide Bombers Kill 58 In Safe Haven In Nigeria
A camp in Nigeria for refugees fleeing from militant Boko Haram Jihadi fighters was targeted by three young female suicide bombers. Three suicide bombers were welcomed into the camp disguised as refugees on Monday. The following day two of the suicide bombers proceeded to detonate their explosive devises killing at least 58 other people and injuring 78. A third suicide bomber had a change of heart when she recognized a member of her family at the refugee camp. She warned authorities of further attacks that are planned by the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram, who are based in north... more »
Musical Interlude: Joan Baez & Jeffrey Shurtleff, "Seven Bridges Road"
"To reminisce with my old friends, a chance to share some memories, and play our songs again." - Ricky Nelson Joan Baez & Jeffrey Shurtleff, "Seven Bridges Road" -
Economic News , Data & Views ( February 11 , 2016 ) Overview ( 1. Syrian Ceasefire Agreed. 2. Global Coordination Theme Echo For Upcoming G-20. 3. Fixed Markets In Focus Once Again . 4. Yellen Finishes Her Testimony Before Congress - Senate today . 5. Gold & Oil Items To Consider. ) Europe In Focus ( 1. Greece Items Of the Day.- First Bailout Review / Economic Items. 2. EU / ECB Items Of Note. 3. Ukraine Items Of The Day. 4. NIRP-Land News. 5. New Foreign Minister Appointed For France - Ayrault. 6.Odds & ends. )
Evening Wrap....... Get the low down this evening ! Some music provided for while you read or scan ! Overview......... *The Associated Press* @AP 35m35 minutes ago BREAKING: Kerry: Diplomats agree to implement "cessation of hostilities" in Syria, aim to start in a week's time. *Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts 30m30 minutes ago #StateSec Kerry says a UN task force co-chaired by Russia & US will be set up to thrash out the modalities of long term ceasefire. #Syria *zerohedge* @zerohedge 32m 32 minutes ago ASO: WANT TO CONSIDER POLI... more »
Musical Interlude: Melanie, “Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)", 1970
Melanie, “Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)", 1970 -
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Stars come out as evening twilight fades in this serene skyscape following the Persian proverb "Night hides the world, but reveals a universe." The scene finds the Sun setting over northern Kenya and the night will soon hide the shores of Lake Turkana, home to many Nile crocodiles. The region is also known for its abundance of hominid fossils. *Click image for larger size.* On that past November night, a brilliant Venus, then the world's evening star, dominates the starry skies above. But also revealed are faint stars, cosmic dust clouds, and glowing nebulae along the graceful arc of... more »
The beauty and Jones Spaceman
There really was a weirdo and a beauty on this planet for sure they never existed in the same timeline Now Jones Spaceman was not the weirdoist especially for a spacer guy but down on earth he was always in orbit Direct collision in a parking lot shiny and orange and a billion years older than anyone on the planet he fell in love with the most beautiful thing on earth next to free oxygen He suspects despite the beauties soft denials she was on a mission because nothing on earth seemed worthwhile erstwhile Beauty was hoping to find some meaning from the eponymous named and weirdly attra... more »
As We Shift - Notice
Super bowl half-time shows, to a certain extent, reflect our current state of awareness. They become a focal point for millions (human and otherwise), who are all watching and experiencing it at a single moment. They send a message. This year’s was “Believe in Love”. It’s been applauded and ripped apart and analyzed since then. This is not an attempt at any of that, it is merely a watching. This year, the message is in sharp contrast to prior years, and this reflects where we are right now. We are moving out of domination and control by power elite and into unity. “Wherever y... more »
Donald Trump: We Are In A Big Fat Bubble
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump sold a lot of his stocks and shares a year ago when he realized that he was in a financial bubble. The Donald got out of the market before cheap money and currency wars inflated and destabilized the economy. Billionaire businessman come politician, Donald Trump talks on Fox News about the race for the White House, Syria, Pope Francis, Federal Reserve and the U.S. markets. RealClear Politics reports: “I’m very proud –at first I thought I made a mistake, I sold my stocks, and the market went up, but now I’m way, way ahead,” he said. “M...more »
James Retherford : Born 50 years ago, ‘The Spectator’ was a bright light in Klan-infested southern Indiana
This controversial alt-underground weekly explored the fertile meeting ground of art and activism. By James Retherford | The Rag Blog | February 11, 2016 This is the story of an extraordinary little southern Indiana newspaper which captured journalistic respect and … finish reading James Retherford : Born 50 years ago, ‘The Spectator’ was a bright light in Klan-infested southern Indiana
Fuck Hillary Clinton
The biggest phoney pol that ever walked the earth having done nothing on her own.
The people are losing, and losing fast
The TPP the elimination of cash are just pure slavery it will lead to violent revolution for sure and maybe on a planet with no available footprint that is the master plan But it did not have to be this way we are all humankind
Study Proves Electromagnetic Fields from Cell Towers Can Amplify Pain
*Alex Pietrowski* - First of its kind study proves that cell tower signals can stimulate damaged human nerve tissue. The post Study Proves Electromagnetic Fields from Cell Towers Can Amplify Pain appeared first on Waking Times.
Drs Say Larvicide Linked To Monsanto Is Cause Of Birth Defects In Brazil
Challenging the theory that the Zika virus epidemic in Brazil is the cause of the birth defect microcephaly, is a report from the Argentine doctors’ organisation A group of South American doctors are saying that the brain deformities found in newborn babies are caused by the mass fumigation -in the poorest areas of Brazil – with a chemical larvicide, and NOT by mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus. GMWatch Reports: The increase in this birth defect, in which the baby is born with an abnormally small head and often has brain damage, was quickly linked to the Zika virus by the Brazilian... more »
Has The End Times For The House of Saud Begun? An Incidental Consequence of Invading Syria Could Be ISIS Conquest of Saudi Arabia
*The Saudi decision to invade Syria is "final" and "irreversible." Are they shaking in their boots in Damascus yet?* Analysts and commentators have said that a sizable portion of soldiers and officers of the Saudi Arabian military have a deep religious affinity for the message of ISIS. Some people have asked that if these soldiers invade Syria what's to stop them from joining ISIS? It's not a big leap for them to make mentally. It's just a matter of changing uniforms. Also, what's to stop them from changing sides once they go back home? The idea of replacing an aging monarch with... more »
Shifting Language and the Information Shuffle
*Zen Gardner* - To them, truth isn’t the issue, it’s control and getting their program across as seamlessly as possible. The post Shifting Language and the Information Shuffle appeared first on Waking Times.
“Experiences We Don’t Understand: Hidden Gems”
*“Experiences We Don’t Understand: Hidden Gems”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “All of the events in our lives lead to other events, they are all connected. Sometimes we have an experience that we don’t understand, but if we look deeply, or wait long enough, a reason for that experience will usually reveal itself. All the events in our lives lead to other events, and all that we have manifested in this present moment is the result of past events and experiences. We cannot easily tease apart the many threads that have been woven together to create our current reality. Experiences t... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Los Alamitos, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
Chet Raymo, “Examination Of Conscience”
*“Examination Of Conscience”* by Chet Raymo “I have been reading Stephanie Smallwood's “Saltwater Slavery”, a close examination of the trade in human beings between the coast of West Africa and the Americas in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is a sobering read, but if there is one thing I came away with, it was this: We have an enormous capacity to rationalize the most horrendous crimes. Everyone involved in the slave trade- the European owners of the ships, the masters of the trading companies, the ship captains and crews, the plantation owners in the West Indies and the Chesapea... more »
Those who hate everthing will never be satisfed
Hey man things are good for your why not let control abside no one can contol anthing that entopy So really be happy and chill and let love rule and dont worry about how your neighbours live I suspect that life will treat them right if you can resist the urge to interfere and fuck the neighbours wife because they are not people you consider your peers No one is superior some may have the advatage today but thosands of years are going to wash that away so if to you history is dead your a phyusopath and if you act on crimes of a thousanmd year join the cast Live and let live Imagine lets hope
So, what’s socialism, Bernie? Part 1
[image: 12698449_10153549048263935_6550642303584163621_o] New voters are flocking to old-school anti-capitalists. But do they really *know* what they’re being asked to imbibe? And what the windbags demand they oppose? (And why does socialism appeal to so many?) Explaining it to an Argentine audience in 1959, Ludwig Von Mises explained that the right way to understand capitalism versus socialism is to think about it as *freedom versus slavery*. [Read also 'Socialism and the Battle of Ideas' from his book *Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis]* -----------------------... more »
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” - Kahlil Gibran
The Poet: John Keats, "The Human Seasons"
"*The Human Seasons"* "Four Seasons fill the measure of the year; There are four seasons in the mind of man: He has his lusty Spring, when fancy clear Takes in all beauty with an easy span: He has his Summer, when luxuriously Spring's honied cud of youthful thought he loves To ruminate, and by such dreaming high Is nearest unto heaven: quiet coves His soul has in its Autumn, when his wings He furleth close; contented so to look On mists in idleness—to let fair things Pass by unheeded as a threshold brook. He has his Winter too of pale misfeature, Or else he would forego his mortal nature....more »
The Idiocy of Jeremy Hunt
The arrogance and incompetence of the government was always going to catch them out. And in the unnecessary fight they picked with the British Medical Association, the Tories find their cruel cluelessness paraded in headlines and news bulletins. The decision by Jeremy Hunt, the sometime health secretary and full-time gimp, to impose a new contract on junior doctors is probably the most stupid thing he could have done. Stupid and utterly reckless. Accused by Heidi Alexander in the House of being a recruiter for the Australian health service, on *C4 News* this evening Hunt himself mor... more »
How Will You Celebrate Darwin Day?
[image: darwin] You might remember February 12 as Abraham Lincoln's birthday. What matters more for secularists is that it's Charles Darwin's birthday, which means every February 12 is the secularist holiday Darwin Day. There were other patron saints they could have chosen, but... more »
Congressmen Come to Aid of Christian Business in Birth Control Battle
[image: Anti-abortion activists delivered a signed declaration and a plastic fetus to Mick Krieger, chief of staff for former Speaker of the House John Boeher (R-OH), during a meeting in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill November 5, 2010 in Washington, DC. The demonstrators demanded that Boehner pass aggressive anti-abortion legislation or they would find candidates to challenge the Republican leaders in the next primary elections.] Dozens of Congressmen have taken sides in a contentious birth control case that could go before the Supreme Court. On Wednesday, 43 mem... more »
Clinton And The Lobbyists
Wednesday morning, we looked at how right-of-center Democratic Members of Congress-- most of them dripping in the kind of corruption you expect from the GOP but not from Democrats-- are *all* huge Hillary supporters. But when a friend of mine, slightly drunk at a Tuesday night impromptu Bernie celebration in Brooklyn not far from Clinton's national headquarters, asked why I didn't think it would be smooth sailing for Bernie right to the nomination, I didn't point to the corrupt conservative congressmembers-- all of whom are anti-democracy super-delegates-- but to the lobbyist comm... more »
Video: A Yeti Caught On Camera in Russia?
A video has emerged which appears to show a Yeti or Bigfoot in Russia. Is the dark hairy creature seen in the film [below] the ever elusive Yeti? Or could it just be a bear? Perhaps its some crazy hermit living in the back woods of Russia? From Epic Wildlife: Reports have been pouring from the south-western Adygeya Republic of a large creature covered in hair from head to toe being spotted in a remote area about an hour away from the city of Adygeisk. Recently a team of researchers headed to the area to see if they could catch this yeti on camera. Do you know what the difference is ... more »
The Economy: "Are You Ready for a 'Crack-Up Boom'”?
*"Are You Ready for a 'Crack-Up Boom'”?* by Bill Bonner BALTIMORE – "The Dow rose yesterday morning… after Janet Yellen made soothing remarks about a “gradual” return to normal interest rates. Then investors must have realized that returning to normal is not on the Fed’s agenda. The Dow finished the day down 99 points. We haven’t seen normal central bank policy since the Nixon years. Normal is a currency backed by gold, not by PhD economists. Only briefly and episodically, over the last 2000 years, has the world flirted with pure paper or “fiat” money. Every time, the affair was ov...more »
New Report Details the Government’s ‘Shifting Accounts’ of EPA-Caused Mine Spill
[image: Entrance to the Gold King Mine in Silverton, Colorado.] An in-depth congressional investigation into the Obama administration's handling of the Environmental Protection Agency-caused mine spill in Colorado has revealed some troubling inconsistencies in the government's account of what happened. Republican staffers on the House Committee on Natural Resources has... more »
A Little Winter Birding
A couple posts back I mentioned how February can be a bit of a black hole for me in terms of birding. A milder than usual winter and the arrival of some new binoculars however provided just the right amount of impetus to head outdoors. I decided to check out a trail I usually only take once the snow melts. Its actually been quite awhile since I'd walked it. I wasn't sure what to expect, though the ground conditions were pretty decent. And the lack of foliage provided a pretty decent view of the river valley. I walked several hundred yards before I even saw anything. The crunch... more »
Daniel R. Russel - The United States and Southeast Asia: Economic and Security Partners.
*Title: [Lecture] Daniel R. Russel - The United States and Southeast Asia: Economic and Security Partners.* *Source: Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Date Published: January 26, 2016. Description:* In this lecture, Mr Daniel R. Russel shares four reasons why U.S. will continue and further deepen the economic and security partnership with Southeast Asia: 1) As world's economic centre of gravity shifts to Asia Pacific, U.S. can grow together with Asia Pacific in sharing prosperity by partnering with countries in the region who can come out with new innovative solutions to big ... more »
A Saudi-Turkish Invasion of Syria Will Have Regional And Global Consequences
*Fools rush in. . . * A Saudi-Turkish invasion of Syria could very well lead to Islamic State's rule over Riyadh, Kurdish independence in Southeast Turkey, and Shiite rule over eastern Saudi Arabia. The war in Syria never was primarily about the fate of Assad's regime. Assad is not the only domino on the table. *An excerpt from, "The Race To Raqqa Is On - To Keep Its Unity Syria Must Win" by b, Moon of Alabama, February 11, 2016: * The Saudis would fight under the control of the one brigade of the 101st airborne that was not announced to go for Mosul. The Saudis would deploy from... more »
Buyers Panic As Gold Lines “Go Round The Block” Amid Recession Fears
One of Britain’s biggest gold dealers has said it has taken record-day sales on Thursday amounting to £5.6 million, as traders have purchased record-amounts of gold in a panic amid fears that the world is on the brink of a huge financial crisis. BullionByPost’s managing director Rob Halliday-Stein says that Thursday’s sales are the largest ever for the company. reports: “The bullion market has been building with interest since the end of last year but this morning things have gone bananas,” said Mr Halliday-Stein. “Some bankers in London are placing unusually large ... more »
Debunking The Myth That Pot Fries Your Brain
*Paul Armentano* - The mainstream media loves to demonize cannabis, but does it really fry your brain? The post Debunking The Myth That Pot Fries Your Brain appeared first on Waking Times.
Meryl Streep: “We’re All Africans Really”
Actress Meryl Streep has come under fire after telling a jury at the Berlin International Film Festival that she thinks that “we’re all Africans, really”, when asked to comment on racial diversity in the film industry. The response came during a news conference on Thursday where Streep was asked to weigh in on the #OscarsSoWhite debate, and why the Berlin jury had no black members. reports: “I am very committed to equality and inclusion of all genders, races, ethnicities, religions,” Streep said. “There should be inclusion and this jury is evidence that at least w... more »
Titanic II: Exact Replica Of ill-fated Ship Set To Sale In 2018
An exact replica of the Titanic is currently being built and has been scheduled to set sail in 2018, recreating the infamous ill-fated trans-Atlantic crossing of the original. The Titanic II is expected to sail from Jiangsu, China to Dubai in 2018. The ship will measure 280 meters long and 52 meters high, with nine floors and 840 cabins that will carry 2,400 passengers and 900 crew member on board. reports: The man behind the project Australian billionaire and real estate magnate Clive Palmer had announced his plan in 2012 but had been postponed. The ship will largel... more »
Supplemental: Creating the cartoonized hero of Flint!
*THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016In search of the health effects:* If you watch the Maddow Show, you're often watching cartoons. The program's coverage of Flint is a case in point. A cartoonized story will often come with heroes, villains and victims. One of the perfect heroes of Flint has been Virginia Tech's Marc Edwards, whose actual views you've rarely heard on the Maddow Show. Even as she avoids his views, how did Maddow cartoonize Edwards, making him one of her perfect heroes? This was her first portrait of Edwards, offered during her second report on Flint: MADDOW (12/18/15): ... more »
The People Who Will Be Invading Syria This Spring Have A Lot In Common With ISIS Head Snatchers
LOL @ this. *Source - Angry Arab:* This is the Saudi version of Islam This Saudi Wahhabi professor of religion wrote the forward to this book, titled: "The Ideal Method to Deliver the news of Your Marriage to Your First Wife". Kid you not.
Pope Francis Deploys ‘Super-Priest’ Army Worldwide To Forgive Sins
Pope Francis has sent over 1,000 priests on a global mission to forgive humanity for grave sins that normally only he on senior Church officials may pardon. The army of super-priests, or super-confessors, are part of a ‘Missionaries of Mercy’ group who have been given a special license for the Vatican’s Jubilee year. BBC News reports: Grave sins include defiling consecrated bread and wine, violating confessional secrecy, and plotting to kill a pope. Pope Francis has often said the Church needs to be less rigid and judgemental. He has declared this a Holy Year of Mercy, and is using ... more »
Russia: American Corn And Soybeans Unfit For Human Consumption
On February 15 this year Russian President Vladimir Putin will keep good on his promise to ban all American corn and soybeans from being imported into Russia. Russia’s safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor has officially announced on Wednesday that American producers have failed to meet Russian biological standards, and that their corn and soybeans are “unfit for human consumption”. “Since the products shipped from the United States pose a real threat to Russia, and the US guarantees are not valid, we reserve the right to introduce temporary restrictions on imports of US corn and soybea...more »
Tensions Heating Up Fast
As would be expected when the US-NATO increase their military operations along Russia's border, Vladimir Putin has announced that Russia must respond. Imagine if Russia or China were deploying troops, tanks, and missiles in Canada or Mexico. The already hyper-aggressive Washington political apparatus would go ballistic. In my mind Moscow has been quite restrained under the current US-NATO push toward what appears to be preparations for war. Russia is being provoked and surrounded and the same thing is happening to China. Look at US moves in Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, Poland, Ro... more »
Twitter Embraces Social Engineering
*Title: What Every Twitter User Needs To Know. Source: WeAreChange. Date Published: February 11, 2016*.
The Occult Definition of Government
*Pao L. Chang* - At it's deepest level, most of us have no clue as to what the word government truly means. The post The Occult Definition of Government appeared first on Waking Times.
CawRANT Events #18
*CawRANT Events #18* *Children's TV in a nutshell* Well, folks, the *greencrow is baaaaack* from a week and a half long hiatus from blogging. Rest assured, I was working very hard however, re-honing my dormant skills as a caregiver to a toddler. (her parents were on a week long Caribbean vacation). Now THAT's (parenting) hard work. Among other necessary evils (like changing diapers)...I had to re-acquaint myself with children's daytime TV. It's a jungle out there, folks. Well, a cartoon jungle, at least. There are currently two major themes in children's cartoon programming...a... more »
Turkey Is waging A War Against Syria And Iraq
Turkey is effectively waging a war against Syria and Iraq due to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s policies towards the two countries, says Stephen Lendman – American author and radio host. Erdogan has accused the U.S. of creating a “pool of blood” in the region due to its support of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its military wing, People’s Protection Units (YPG), in an anti-Syrian speech on Wednesday. “Hey America! We know these [organizations] very well. But as you have never recognized them (as terror groups) the region has turned into a pool of bloo... more »
Kitchen Sink #2: "BernieSoWhite"
Now that Bernie Sanders has proven his cred with white voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, the pundits are dutifully preparing us for his Great Fall in (Black) South Carolina and (Brown) Nevada. It seems that Hillary Clinton owns the African-American and Latino vote because she's been around awhile, and Bernie has had the bad taste to reside in lily-white Vermont for most of his life. Bad Bernie. Bad, bad Bernie. For the best synopsis of Clintonian racist policies as opposed to Clintonian colorblind rhetoric, don't miss Michelle ("The New Jim Crow") Alexander's piece in The Nation. I... more »
Sexual assault does not require physical contact or even verbal threatening
R. v. Edgar, 2016 ONCA 120: [10] To commit a sexual assault, it was not necessary for the appellant to touch or even verbally threaten the complainant. A person's act or gesture, without words, force or any physical contact, can constitute a threat to apply force of a sexual nature, if it intentionally creates in another person an apprehension of imminent harm or offensive contact that affronts the person's sexual integrity. Coupled with a present ability to carry out the threat, this can amount to a sexual assault. See *Criminal Code*, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46, ss. 265(1)(b) an... more »
Erdogan Threatens Europe With Fresh Migrant Wave
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened Europe that unless it provides Turkey more money to tackle the migrant crisis, Turkey would be opening the floodgates for migrants to enter Europe. “In the past we have stopped people at the gates to Europe, in Edirne [in northwest Turkey] we stopped their buses. This can happen once or twice, and then we’ll open the gates and wish them a safe journey,” Erdogan said during an address to the Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey. reports: Erdogan said he had voiced similar warnings to European leaders not just once, but ... more »
Day of the Demagogues
[image: Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump Hands Raised - 900] As the results of New Hampshire’s primary were coming in Tuesday night, some commentators on Twitter were jubilant about the “disruption”: that is, the victories of an inane socialist demagogue and a foul-mouthed nationalist demagogue and what they represented to... more »
Journal retracts nanoparticles paper for duplicating figures
A paper on nanoparticles that target cancer cells has been retracted for duplicating figures from three other papers. The articles all share a first author: Manasmita Das, based at the time of the research at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER). According to her LinkedIn profile, […] The post Journal retracts nanoparticles paper for duplicating figures appeared first on Retraction Watch.
The Syrian Civil War: Sick US Military Bombs Aleppo And Tries To Blame Russia For This Bombing!
Yes, the Syrian government forces are most definitely on the road to final victory over the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal in Syria... Even as I write this report, the Syrian forces are about to close the ring around the city of Aleppo and thus force the fraud "terrorist" and "rebel" forces that are within that city to either surrender or die...... With the fall of Aleppo, the sick dream of the US/Israel/NATO cabal for Syria's destruction will be effectively over, at least for the foreseeable future..... But as I stated before, the criminal cabal are indeed "sore losers" and would re... more »
Russian PM Warns ‘New World War’ Is Coming If Arabs Enter Syria
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has issued a stark warning on Thursday saying that if Arab forces enter Syria they will spark a “new world war”, urging them to attend ceasefire talks instead. “The Americans and our Arab partners must think well: do they want a permanent war?” he told Germany’s Handelsblatt newspaper. It would be impossible to win such a war, he went on, “especially in the Arab world, where everybody is fighting against everybody.” He warned: “All sides must be forced to the negotiating table instead of sparking a new world war.” Russia is continuing carrying ... more »
David Rockefeller Says Conspiracy About ‘One World Order’ Is True
David Rockefeller is a part of American history and the only billionaire in the world who is over 100 years old. The richest oldest man on the planet is due to turn 101 in June. He is part of a family dynasty whose name is associated with America and has become legend. His grandfather John D Rockefeller who died in 1937 was the founder of Standard Oil and the world’s richest individual. The name Rockefeller has been associated with wealth, power, politics, finance, diplomacy, philanthropy, marijuana prohibition, aliens, UFO’s and conspiracy theories. One such conspiracy theory is ... more »
The Bottom Of Your Shoe Contains Life Threatening Bacteria
Many people don’t know that the bottom of their shoes can contain harmful bacteria that could become life threatening. The bacteria are called ‘Clostridium difficile’ – named that way due to the ‘difficult’ nature of treatment. The Remedist reports: We want to keep the interior of our house clean to prevent diseases. However, we should also be wary of the germs that are found just outside our homes. In fact, a recent study conducted by scientists from the University of Houston found that 2 out of 5 doorsteps contain the bacteria Clostridium difficile (C. difficile). Moreover, 39 per... more »
Israel's Worst Nightmare
Pan-Arabism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pan-Arabism is an ideology espousing the unification of the countries of North Africa and West Asia from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Sea, referred to as the Arab world. It is closely connected to Arab nationalism, which asserts that the Arabs constitute a single nation. Its popularity was at its height during the 1950s and 1960s. Advocates of pan-Arabism have often espoused socialist principles and strongly opposed Western political involvement in the Arab world. It also sought t... more »
Iranian Parade Mocks Captured US Soldiers
[image: Iran sailors mock parade - 900] Iran continues its campaign to taunt and humiliate the United States. The latest: At a parade and rally celebrating the 1979 Islamic Revolution Thursday, Iran loudly mocked last month’s capture of 10 U.S. sailors. A float depicted our sailors kneeling with their hands on... more »
NHS Junior Doctors Strike Over Work Conditions
Thousands of Junior doctors took to more than 160 picket lines across England on Wednesday to reject a new contract that the health secretary wants to impose on them. NHS Junior doctors are asking for a better deal for themselves, their patients, the NHS and the UK. The Daily Express reports: It is the second strike this year and doctors told the public are only getting more onboard with their fight as time goes on. Doctors say the contract will cut their overall pay while forcing them to work longer hours which they fear will put patients’ safety at risk. Thousands ha... more »
Pro-Abortion Staffer at Purdue Calls for the Rape of Pro-Life Students
[image: Purdue University - 900] An employee at Purdue University appears to have called for the rape of pro-life women and the female relatives of pro-life men. In a statement obtained by Campus Reform, Purdue University said it is investigating the comments left by "jamiegnewman." Last... more »
Michelle Alexander, the Black Community & the Hillary Clinton Campaign
*Author and historian Michelle Alexander (source)* *by Gaius Publius* Though I've written about this myself, I don't want to advocate, but present. So consider this a horse race post. Clinton's self-admitted "firewall" is South Carolina in particular and the southern states in general, states with large numbers of minority voters. Words like "less diverse" when used about New Hampshire and Iowa are code for "white," or "too white" to lead to a Democratic primary victory. The Clinton campaign is clearly and openly putting its Sanders-stopping eggs in the minority basket; in particu... more »
“The Right to Tell the Government to Go to Hell”
*“The Right to Tell the Government to Go to Hell”* by John W. Whitehead “Free speech is no longer free. Emboldened by phrases such as “hate crimes,” “bullying,” “extremism” and “micro-aggressions,” the government is whittling away at free speech, confining it to carefully constructed “free speech zones,” criminalizing it when it skates too close to challenging the status quo, shaming it when it butts up against politically correct ideals, and muzzling it when it appears dangerous. In this episode of On Target, John W. Whitehead identifies the kinds of speech being targeted for cens... more »
"Superficial People..."
"Superficial people are those who simply go along without a question in the world- asking nothing, troubled by nothing, examining nothing. Whatever people around them do, they do, too. That's a sad and plastic life- routine and comfortable, maybe, but still sad." - Joan Chittister
52 Dead in Riot at Northern Mexico Prison
[image: Prison Fence - 900] MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) -- Fifty-two inmates were killed and 12 injured in a brutal fight between two rival factions at a prison in northern Mexico on Thursday, the state governor said. Nuevo Leon Gov. Jaime Rodriguez told a news conference... more »
In Syria, If You Can't Find Moderates, Dress Up Some Extremists
The BBC's latest production is as absurd as it is transparent and abhorrent. *February 11, 2016* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Upon reading the increasingly desperate headlines pumped out by the Western media as Western-backed terrorist forces begin to fold under an effective joint Syrian-Russian offensive to take the country back, readers will notice that though the term "moderate rebels" or "moderate opposition" is used often, the Western media is seemingly incapable of naming a single faction or leader among them. *Image: If Major Yaser Abdulrahim looks like he's never wore his FSA ... more »
LIGO discovers a black hole merger 1.3 billion light years away
I guess that many of you have *both* watched *and* listened to (!) the National Science Foundation event in the National Press Club, Washington D.C., too. If you haven't, you should listen to the press conference here, it's already been recorded and posted. The sound starts at 0:18:05 and ends at 1:29:30. YouTube succeeded in guaranteeing a smooth transmission of the live stream to the 90,000 (peak) viewers. (You may check the NYT movie and article, too.) All the rumors I have heard of were 100% true – and those 50 percent of TRF readers who said Yes Yes Yes in our poll were right –... more »
THE YEAR OF THE LIBERAL: Rabbi, why are you shifting your focus?
*THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016Interlude—Who the Sam Hill is Neil Irwin:* Lately, neighborhood children have been stopping us in the street with an anguished question. "Rabbi, why are you shifting your focus?" they ask, using a term of respect they encountered in their New Testament. Their large eyes shine with tears as they pose their question. They've seen our all new Wittgenstein/Einstein Grammatical Confusion Pavilion (Plus Other Wings) as it rises near the headquarters of our sprawling campus. They don't understand what that name even means! We haven't seen children this upset ... more »
Our Next President Needs to Know: Drafting Women is a Bad Idea Because Women in Combat is a Bad Idea
[image: Two recruits in the 4th Recruit Training Battalion climb a Confidence Course obstacle Nov. 18, 2015. The course is comprised of 15 obstacles designed to help Marine Corps recruits build confidence by overcoming physical challenges.] Nobody paid much attention when many conservative political leaders started making fine-sounding noises about allowing women in combat if they could meet all the standards men have to meet since women are wonderful, this is America and, hey, it will strengthen our... more »
Is the winter of 2015-16 any more stormy than usual?
By Paul Homewood Xmetman, Bruce, has an interesting analysis of this winter’s stormy weather: Well the short answer to that question is yes the winter of 2015-16 is more stormy than usual so far (February 8), but it’s certainly not the stormiest on record either. The simplest way that I can […]
Researchers plagiarized chapter of doctoral thesis in mol bio paper
A journal has pulled a paper about the molecular details of different types of adipose tissues after learning the researchers had plagiarized much of a Ph.D. thesis. The researchers copied from former Ph.D. student Bettina Meissburger’s doctoral thesis in a 2013 paper in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. The retraction note for “Adipose stromal-vascular fraction-derived paracrine […] The post Researchers plagiarized chapter of doctoral thesis in mol bio paper appeared first on Retraction Watch.
A New Reformation of Religion.
Religion arose to partially satisfy mankind's natural longing for spiritual advancement. Unfortunately almost no one thought that spirituality had any material reality at all. What they had were essentially channeled insights that were naturally suspect not least regarding the apparent stature of the channeler. We have now understood that the spirit world itself is as physically real as our own physical reality and even more important, that the information content of your spirit body is several orders of magnitude greater than that of your physical body. Even better we continuo... more »
Tokyo Doubles Down
In the big picture vast amounts of USA currency was dumped into the global economy by way of QE in particular to the point that the some banks no longer want those on their books. They can no longer make money on those dollars. thus we have negative interest rates. the same applies for all other currencies once you start QE or quantitative easing. Again the established top two thirds of society is no longer able to support further borrowing and is looking to lower their exposure. The useful solution is to empower the lower third but that takes serious imagination. When the ... more »
3 Powerful Ancient Herbs to Raise Consciousness and Expand Awareness
This list is somewhat new to me and well worth revisiting. Way more important though is the unexpected observation that your response to the herb needs to evolve and includes meditation. Sensitivity must almost be learned. Who might have thought that? This implies that much of herbal healing needs to be folded in with a program of spiritual practice that enhances the response. A healer must also be a teacher. This needs to be thought through in serious detail and carefully to create informed protocols. It has been there all along but overlooked.. *3 Powerful Ancient He... more »
2,300 Journalists Killed in Past 25 Years
The mere fact that only one in ten is investigated tells the story. Journalists are been treated as combatants rather than civilian contractors. The only proper answer is to embed journalists into at least one of the combatants so at least military justice can prevail. Where criminal gangs run free, it becomes necessary to have real bodyguards who can call upon insistence. My point is that these are been viewed as hostile targets attracting almost no retribution. The response needs to be dialed up and targeted against purported government. It is offensive that it has come down... more »
In a Huge Breakthrough, Google’s AI Beats a Top Player at the Game of Go
I am very impressed by this development. We are talking about a 19X19 grid here with every vertex a potential start point. Producing a book of viable patterns is not too hard to imagine subjectively, but merely throwing in a couple of random shifts part way in can wreck all that as well. Keep in mind however that for us to properly model a mere electron i will need a three dimensional grid that is 20 X 20 X 20 twice. That then needs to be linked up with a number of similar grids in order to conduct significant simulation work. Pattern recognition will also drive the evolu... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* Economics Professor: Negative Interest Rates Aimed at Driving Small Banks Out of Business and Eliminating Cash How to survive a global disaster: a handy guide Interview with Nafeez Ahmed. Nano membrane toilet Top US Official Admits Government Will Use "Internet Of Things" To Spy On The Public 6 Dead After Gunman Storms Saudi Education Department Something Very Disturbing Spotted In A Morgan Stanley Presentation Inflation Expectations Around The Globe Just Hit Record Lows John Kerry Makes Last Ditch Effort To Avert World War III As Saudis, Turks Prepare For S... more »
Gardasil Australia: No benefit for us! by Jenny
*Gardasil: I will never stop warning others – I spread awareness to save other children. No child deserves to have their life cut short by disability or death. No family deserves to live with this type of pain.* Gardasil: No benefit for us! by Jenny Australia Sane Vax, inc. 10 February 2016 At 12 years old, my beautiful daughter Jemma was a happy, bright, fun-loving girl filled with energy. She was always on the go, never content to just sit around the house. Jemma was continuously asking to go to a friend’s place for a sleep-over or arranging to be entertained by other acti... more »
Hillary Clinton Coming Under Increasing Fire as ‘The Goldman Sachs Candidate for President’
[image: Goldman Sach Hillary - 900] The American middle class has been suffering for several years in the wake of the financial crisis that began at the end of President Bush’s second term, stretched into President Obama’s presidency, and involved the government bailout of big banks.... more »
$750 Million Obamacare Bucks Went to Illegal Immigrants
[image: barack obama] A new government report released this week shows $750 million in Obamacare subsidies went to illegal immigrants or individuals whose citizenship status was not properly verified. The report released by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, spearheaded by Sen. Ron Johnson, found more... more »
Russia Proposes March 1 Ceasefire in Syria; U.S. Wants It Now
[image: In this Feb. 4, 2016 file-pool photo, Secretary of State John Kerry at a conference entitled 'Supporting Syria & The Region,' in London. As Kerry heads to Munich, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016, in search of compromises that could yield a truce and revive peace talks that were suspended before they really started, the administration is being pressed by all sides to clarify its strategy. (Nicholas Kamm/Pool Photo via AP, File)] MUNICH (AP) -- Russia has proposed a March 1 ceasefire in Syria, U.S. officials say, but Washington believes Moscow is giving itself and the Syrian governmen... more »
Life In Iraq’s Tikrit Returns To Normal
Tikrit was retaken in March of last year. Afterward elements of the Hashd al-Shaabi and the Jabouri tribe burned down and destroyed sections of the city and several surrounding towns in revenge for the Camp Speicher massacre where the Islamic State (IS) killed over 1,000 cadets. Residents of the area were also not allowed to return for months because they were suspected of being IS sympathizers. Now most of the population is back, and life appears to be returning to normal. National Public Radio (NPR) recently reportedon the situation in Tikrit. NPR’s Alice Fordham found the cent... more »
Spain: The “Formigal Yeti” – A Hoax by an Alicante Brand
*Spain: The “Formigal Yeti” – A Hoax by an Alicante Brand* *It was a viral merchandising campaign in collusion with the ski resort* Rivers of ink (of the digital kind, particularly) have flowed both in Spain and many countries all over the world. But the now famous images of the alleged “yeti” of the Formigal Station, as this newspaper said today at noon, are nothing more than a hoax by a well-known brand from Alicante that makes sunglasses, and has an active promotional arrangement with the aforementioned ski resort and one of its models. At 22:00 hours tonight, the company unvei... more »
Simon Newman: "stop thinking of freshmen as 'cuddly bunnies' .... You just have to drown the bunnies...put a Glock to their heads"
When former equities manager and first time college president, Simon Newman, found Mt. Saint Mary's college ranking disappointing, he decided to weed out some of the weak entering freshmen to improve overall retention and graduation rates. From the Washington Post: Last month, a student newspaper published a shocking story: Reporters at the Mountain Echo wrote that the new president of Mount St. Mary’s University planned to cull 20 to 25 students from the freshman class deemed unlikely to succeed in the first weeks of school in order to improve the college’s retention numbers and... more »
Editor's Note
Blogging will return later today. *Update 20:22 EST: *Wow .... today was one of those days. Blogging will resume in about 20 minutes.
World News Briefs -- February 11, 2016
Stalls are seen on a street beside damaged buildings in the rebel held al-Shaar neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria, February 10, 2016. REUTERS/ABDALRHMAN ISMAIL *The Guardian*: *Report on Syria conflict finds 11.5% of population killed or injured* Exclusive Syrian Centre for Policy Research says 470,000 deaths is twice UN’s figure with ‘human development ruined’ after 45% of population is displaced Syria’s national wealth, infrastructure and institutions have been “almost obliterated” by the “catastrophic impact” of nearly five years of conflict, a new report has found. Fatalities cau... more »
Health/Nutrition: “Your Doctor, AND Your Friends, Are Killing You”
*“Your Doctor, AND Your Friends, Are Killing You”* by Karl Denninger "Two articles you should read. The first is here: “When Canadian physician Dr Jay Wortman realized he was diabetic 12 years ago, he cut carbs (sugars and starches) from his diet to ‘buy time’ before deciding what medication to take. He was amazed, and hugely relieved, to find that all his symptoms disappeared within a few days, never to return. He doesn’t say he is ‘cured’ in the conventional sense. He does say that he is without any symptoms of the condition, which he says is as close to being cured as it’s poss... more »
Chile: Alleged Humanoids Reported in Southern Chile - a Strange and Disturbing Report
*Source: PLANETA UFO and Frentefantasma.orgDate: 02.11.2016* *CHILE: Alleged Humanoids Reported in Southern Chile - a Strange and Disturbing Report* Strange entities standing between 2.5 to 3 meters tall have supposedly been seen by locals in recent years. The *"Lo que habita en las sombras"* (What Dwells in the Shadows) YouTube broadcast published only days ago a strange case with paranormal overtones involving two siblings in the southern reaches of our country on December 16 [2015]. A young student identified a Miguel, 24, who studies at a college in Concepcion, went back to ... more »
World Markets Shudder as Economy Jitters Take Center Stage
[image: Currency traders look at the computer monitors near the screens showing the foreign exchange rates at the foreign exchange dealing room in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016. Asian stocks shuddered again Thursday, led by sharp drops in Hong Kong and South Korea, which were catching up to global market turmoil after being shut for Lunar New Year holidays. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)] LONDON (AP) -- Global markets shuddered again Thursday with bank stocks in particular getting hammered, oil falling further and investors turning to perceived safe havens like gold. Concerns a... more »
Why plagiarism is such a problem for German PhDs: Q&A with Debora Weber-Wulff
Why do so many PhD students publishing their medical theses in German resort to brazen plagiarism, even copying from people in their own research groups? We’re pleased to present a Q&A with Debora Weber-Wulff, based at the University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin in Germany. She recently published a case study for the Council of […] The post Why plagiarism is such a problem for German PhDs: Q&A with Debora Weber-Wulff appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Mocking the Predators, Day 1
From Calgary. Countering #40DaysOfPreying, aka #40DaysOfHarassment, #40DaysOfBullying. Apparently only three people are allowed on the sidewalk at any time and these two shit-disturbers snuck in during shift change for the fetus freaks. If you can't read the signs, they say: "We love you and support your choice," and "Belieber."
The Control-Matrix is Crashing Because the Truth-Seekers are Winning
*Phillip J. Watt* - The inspiring fact is that more and more people are slowly waking up and realizing we all have the opportunity to come to our own, informed opinion on the truth, pertaining to both the spiritual and systemic realities. The post The Control-Matrix is Crashing Because the Truth-Seekers are Winning appeared first on Waking Times.
Only In America *New York Times *columnist Tom Friedman calls Bernie Sanders a socialist "whose ideas died in 1989." That's a strange conclusion, Gerry Caplan writes. In Canada, Sanders would be a member of the New Democratic Party: If he calls himself a democratic socialist rather than a social democrat, it’s probably because not a dozen Americans have a clue what social democracy might mean. In the U.K., he’d likely be in the moderate anti-Jeremy Corbyn wing of the Labour party. In Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Spain, ... more »
House Republicans And NRA-Dems Once Again Reject A Call To STUDY Gun Violence
Yesterday the House passed Lamar Smith's Scientific Research in the National Interest Act (H.R. 3293) 236-178, all but 7 Democrats voting NO and all but 4 Republicans voted YES. Donna Edwards wrote an amendment that was meant to allow scientific research about the national epidemic of gun violence and it was brought to the floor as the Democrats' Motion to Recommit. Her intent is to allow scientific research to resume-- the NRA ordered Congress to have it halted some years ago-- so as to "increase the understanding of the causes and prevention of gun violence." What's odd about t... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 11th February)
Bank of England's recovery policies have increased inequality, finds S&P A study by Standard & Poor’s has found that the low interest rates and quantitative easing used to rescue the economy after the 2008 crash have handed extra wealth to the richest households by propping up stock markets and supporting booming house prices. The report said the wealthiest 10% of households held 56% of all
Former Obama Defense Intel Chief Says Hillary Clinton Should ‘Step Down’
[image: Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn speaks during the change of directorship for the Defense Intelligence Agency on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, D.C., July 24, 2012.] President Barack Obama's former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) believes Hillary Clinton should drop out of the presidential race to clear the way for the probe of her private email server by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In... more »
Iranians Rally to Celebrate Anniversary of 1979 Revolution
[image: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani delivers his speech under a portrait of the late revolutionary founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini during a rally to commemorate the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution, at the Azadi (Freedom) Sq. in Tehran, Iran, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016. The nationwide rallies commemorate Feb. 11, 1979, when followers of Ayatollah Khomeini ousted U.S.-backed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)] TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iranians started nationwide celebrations Thursday to commemorate the anniversary of the 1979 revolution that ousted a pro-... more »
Viewers’ Guide: Post-NH, a Tense Clinton-Sanders Debate Rematch
[image: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., raises a fist as he arrives for a breakfast meeting with Al Sharpton at Sylvia's Restaurant, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016, in the Harlem neighborhood of New York. Sanders defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday in the New Hampshire primary. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Grudge match. Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders get back in the debate ring Thursday night with an increasingly bitter family score to settle. The debate comes just 48 hours after San... more »
Undercover Video Shows Nonresidents Voting in New Hampshire Primary
[image: still from Project Veritas video on voter fraud in New Hampshire primary] Out-of-state? Planning on leaving the next day? No problem. You can still vote in New Hampshire. Out-of-state campaign workers and people who showed up to the polls with nothing but a story were allowed to vote in the state’s primary Tuesday,... more »
Next Up for Democrats: Nevada, an Entirely Different State
[image: In this Jan. 6, 2016 file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton applauds while speaking in Las Vegas.] LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Now that Iowa and New Hampshire are in the rear-view mirror, the Democratic presidential contest shifts to markedly different terrain in Nevada, where a largely urban and diverse electorate will test the breadth of Bernie Sanders’... more »
E. F. Schumacher and the Retreat from Modernity
*Update: This post is a reposting of a December 2008 post. In that post I points to an outright coal advocate who has greatly influenced environmentalists thinking about energy, and arguably has influenced it for the worse. We will begin to see how E. F. Schumacher began to reconstruct economics to fit 19th century Roman catholic Dogma, but cleverly disguised what he did. We will also see how Schumacher influanced Amory Lovins, and how that influance may have led Lovins to serve the interest of coal over that of nuclear. I intend that all of this will unfold during the next few ... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 11, 2016
*Business Insider*: *These are some of the weapons the Pentagon wants for its $583 billion budget* President Obama's eighth and final $4 trillion-plus budget proposal will be sent to a Republican-controlled Congress on Tuesday. Earlier this month US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter highlighted a few new weapons the Pentagon wants to add to its arsenal for a cool $583 billion budget in 2017. The budget includes $7.5 billion to escalate the fight against the Islamic State (aka ISIS, ISIL, and Daesh). *Read more* .... *Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 11, 2016* Def... more »
NATO Expected to Endorse U.S. Anti-ISIS Campaign Plan
[image: Secretary of Defense Ash Carter greets NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg as they meet at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium to discuss matters of mutual importance Feb. 10, 2016 (Photo by Senior Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz)(Released)] BRUSSELS (AP) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Thursday he expects a gathering of more than two dozen countries contributing to the war against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq to endorse a U.S. plan for accelerating the... more »
NATO Warships Ordered to Aegean to Stop Flow of Migrants
[image: U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter speaks during a media conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016. NATO defense ministers met for a second day on Thursday to discuss Turkey’s request to help deal with Europe’s ongoing migrant crisis and the current situation in Iraq and Syria. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)] BRUSSELS (AP) -- NATO’s European commander on Thursday ordered three warships to move immediately to the Aegean Sea to help end the deadly smuggling of migrants between Turkey and Greece. Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO secretary-general, said the war... more »
*Democrats love universal pre-K — and don’t seem to care that it may not work* *It's neither as effective nor cost-effective as people tend to think* By Kevin Huffman As campaign issues go, promoting preschool for poor kids is about as close to a no-brainer as it gets among progressives. Indeed, when Hillary Clinton officially launched her campaign last summer with a call for expanded access to prekindergarten, the New York Times reported, “Of all the issues Mrs. Clinton could have delved into, early childhood education is perhaps the most obvious and among the safest.” Both Cl... more »
Geoffrey Parker’s Account Of The Little Ice Age – Part II
By Paul Homewood We looked yesterday at the Geoffrey Parker’s account of climatic changes up to the 1640s. As we will see, things weren’t about to get any better soon.
What I have been reading.
January was a little all over the place with my reading. It was fun to read some books back in the world of Harry Potter, and a few books I thought I was going to hate I ended up loving. This is what I have been reading this month. Etiquette and Espionage I wasn't sure what I was going to think of Etiquette and Espionage. I kind of thought it was going to be a ridiculous book, but I ended up really liking it and having a good time reading it. Sophronia is not at all a proper lady, so when her parents decide to send her to finishing school she can't think of anything worse. With... more »
U.S. Intelligence Has Added Gene Editing To Its List Of WMDs
Image: Shutterstock/isak55 *MIT Technology Review:* *Top U.S. Intelligence Official Calls Gene Editing a WMD Threat* Easy to use. Hard to control. The intelligence community now sees CRISPR as a threat to national safety. *Genome editing is a weapon of mass destruction.* That’s according to James Clapper, U.S. director of national intelligence, who on Tuesday, in the annual worldwide threat assessment report of the U.S. intelligence community, added gene editing to a list of threats posed by “weapons of mass destruction and proliferation.” Gene editing refers to several novel way... more »
*The record year 2015 and what helped* *Below is just a machine translation from the German of Frank Bosse und Fritz Vahrenholt. I didn't feel like tidying it up as I think the messages get through anyway. They note that 2015 officially was thirteen hundredths of a degree warmer than 2014 and ask why. They make the obvious point that El Nino was a big contributor but what I think is of particular interest is their attack on the retrospective and controversial "adjustments" to ocean temperature by Tom Karl -- adjustments that wiped out the "pause". Bosse and Vahrenholt below ... more »
Occupiers at Oregon Refuge Say They’ll Turn Themselves In
[image: Three SUVs proceed through the Narrows roadblock near Burns, Ore., as FBI agents have surrounded the remaining four occupiers at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, on Wednesday, Feb.10, 2016. The four are the last remnants of an armed group that seized the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on Jan. 2 to oppose federal land-use policies. (Thomas Boyd/The Oregonian via AP)] BURNS, Ore. (AP) -- The last four armed occupiers of a national wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon said they would turn themselves in Thursday morning after law officers surrounded them in a tense standoff. ... more »
The Pentagon's Third Offset Strategy
The Pentagon, headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, taken from an airplane in January 2008. Wikipedia *Kyle Mizokami, The Week*: *America's military is getting deadly serious about China, Russia, and North Korea* The Pentagon has a problem. After concentrating on guerrilla warfare for the last decade and a half, the U.S. military is entering a brave new world — one filled with new adversaries. Russia, China, North Korea and others have been building up air, space, ground, and naval forces over the last 15 years, and their progress is showing. Russia is aggressiv... more »
Is The West's Military Edge In Technology Being Eroded?
RQ-4 Block 10 Global Hawk unmanned drones at an undisclosed location. The number of countries known to operate UAVs has doubled over the past five years. Photograph: Northrop Grumman *The Guardian*: *West's military advantage is being eroded, report warns* The west is losing its advantage in weapons technology as defence spending in Asia and other regions soars, survey says. The west’s decades-long advantage in military technology is being eroded as defence spending in the rest of the world, notably Asia, soars, an authoritative report says. The latest annual Military Balance by t... more »
Alyssa Monks - new art direction - nature portraiture
Free Planet has featured the once-photorealistic artwork of Alyssa Monks before, now for the new stuff. Since the death of her mother, Monks' art journey has undergone a number of radical twists and turns, ditching the large-format photorealistic works in favour of small scale or vignette type snapshots of humanity or hauntingly misted landscapes. But this post will be focussing on her new pseudo-photorealistic portraits that involve nature. Reminiscent of (and an obvious narrative adaptation of) her steamy-shower paintings of a few years back, this selection of new works overlays t... more »
Run In Your Own Lane!
[image: Miracle Mile Race Starting Line] SHEILA WALSH -- It was one of the most highly anticipated races ever run. Today, running aficionados still refer to as the "Miracle Mile." England's Roger Bannister was the first in the world to run a mile in under 4 minutes... more »
The CEA at 70
Click here to read a chapter of the *Economic Report of the President* on the 70th anniversary of the Council of Economic Advisers. My small contribution starts on page 20.
Will A Long-Range Strike Drone Ever Be Built?
Northrop Grumman’s X-47B is one contender to provide new drone aircraft through the Navy’s Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike program. (Photo courtesy Northrop Grumman) *Popular Mechanics*: *Will America Ever Build a Long-Range Strike Drone?* *The Navy has shown that autonomous aircraft can take off and land on aircraft carriers. But what will those super-drones do?* The X-47B was a fierce-looking piece of the future. The Navy's web-shaped drone demonstrator was the first unmanned aircraft to take off and land on an aircraft carrier autonomously. It seemed... more »
feb. 10: Damn churches.
Cardinal Spellman of New York blessed the bombs and sprinkled holy water on the aircraft and their crews who nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He was also a strong supporter of the carpet bombing of Vietnam. (Carpet bombing is just what it sounds like - bombing that makes no attempt to aim the bombs or to hit military targets. It simply lays a carpet, usually kilometres long and wide to destroy every living thing below. Typically, its dead are mainly civilians.) Spellman was also a long time buddy of gangster Joseph Kennedy who became a wealthy man out of liquor smuggling, so wealthy h... more »
The new Top Gear line-up is too long
Six is just too many presenters, the old Top Gear managed with three. Maybe it's an admission that each of the new set is worth only half of a Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond or James May. The new six are the very tiresome Chris Evans, the funny in Episodes and very personable Matt Le Blanc, the Formula 1 commentator and ex team boss Eddie Jordan, the German racing driver (and Queen of the Nurburgring) Sabine Schmidt, the motoring journalist Chris Harris and the TV presenter Rory Reid. Too many by far. I predict at least two of these won't make it to the next series.
Final NH Results (Bye-Bye Christie, Fiorina - But Not Hillary - Yet) Bernie Scores Black Endorsements Galore
Jeb Hopes to Woo Voters with Ad Featuring Worst President in U.S. History (humor?) So Christie and Fiorina recognized the futility of further efforts (but not Carson?). Also, Hillary, even after losing Cornel West, Killer Mike, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ben Jealous, Harry Belafonte, OH state senator Nina Turner, and being outed by Michelle Alexander (author of The New Jim Crow) in the "Nation,"
The Pentagon Is Building An 'Arsenal Plane' (Updated)
Image: Wikimedia Commons/U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Robert J. Horstman. *David Axe, Daily Beast*: *Pentagon Wants a Plane Packed With Hundreds of Missiles to Beat Putin’s Air Force* The U.S. Air Force is short hundreds of fighter jets. To make up the gap, the Pentagon has come up with a wild concept: stuff hundreds of missiles into Cold War-era heavy bombers. The next time America’s high-tech jet fighters fly into battle against a major foe, they might have some serious backup—heavy bombers, newly modified to haul potentially hundreds of missiles and fire them at the figh... more »
Indian Point Nuclear Leak 80% Worse Than Originally Thought
New readings from the Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York show disturbing levels of radioactive tritium that are 80% higher than previously believed. Workers at the plant insist that the spill is not dangerous amid plans by state officials to launch an official safety probe into the incident. reports: Entergy, which operates the facility 25 miles (40 km) north of New York City, says the increased levels of tritium represent“fluctuations that can be expected as the material migrates.” “Even with the new readings, there is no impact to public health or safety, and alt... more »
Native Americans Oppose Gas Leases in Southwestern Colorado
. Native Americans to BLM: Fracking threatens water and archaeological sites in southwestern Colorado . .
3,600 Year Old Bible Predicts Impending Cataclysms Worldwide
A 3,600 year old Bible warns humanity of future disasters that are set to occur, as well as past events that have already taken place. The Kolbrin is the first Judaic-Christian book that unites events described in the currently accepted version of the Bible. This version of the Bible speaks of events from different periods of time that were purposefully hidden by Christian textbooks. reports: It is the only document of its kind to tell the entire story of human creation, including the people who walked this earth before the coming of Adam and Eve mentioned in the Ho... more »
US To Deploy Troops To Baltic “In Face Of Russia’s Aggression”
The United States has announced plans to double its military presence in Europe as part of a move to support NATO against increasing “Russian aggression”. The plans are part of the European Reassurance Initiative outlined in the 2017 defense budget, which has been sent to congress for approval. reports: “We’re going to move to a so-called heel to toe basis, where we’re over there consistently on the ground exercising,” said Under Secretary of Defense Mike McCord in a Feb. 9 briefing, according to a transcript. The Pentagon requested $800 million for a similar progr... more »
Water-boarding Becomes A U.S. Republican Presidential Election Issue
*The Hill:* *McCain doubles down on waterboarding criticism* Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) doubled down Tuesday on his criticism of Republican presidential candidates who support waterboarding, as the 2016 field battles for a win in the New Hampshire primary. "It's been so disappointing to see some presidential candidates engage in loose talk on the campaign trail about reviving waterboarding and other inhumane interrogation techniques. It might be easy to dismiss this rhetoric, but these statement must not go unanswered," McCain said. His comments come after he disavowed statement... more »
White House Petition Calls For Obama To Be Tried For War Crimes
A petition has been published on the White House website accusing Barack Obama of war crimes and demanding his prosecution. “We demand conviction of a war criminal Barack Obama and trial in the International Criminal Court in [The] Hague. He is guilty of crimes not only against the USA citizens, but against the whole world,” the petition says. reports: The authors also note that “one of the most dreadful prisons in history – Guantanamo – continues to function.” The US added to the de-stabilization of the situation in the Middle East, too, the petition’s authors state. ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: February 10, 2016
[image: USS Gonzalez-900] USS Gonzalez conducts a live-fire exercise while deployed on Jan. 30, 2016. Thank you to this guided-missile destroyer’s command and crew for their service to our nation!
U.S. And India Considering Conducting Joint Patrols In The South China Sea
A USS Boxer LHD travels at an offshore location in Goa in this file photo. Washington wants its regional allies and other Asian nations to take a more united stance against China over the South China Sea *Reuters*:* Exclusive: U.S. & India consider joint patrols in South China Sea - U.S. official* The United States and India have held talks about conducting joint naval patrols that a U.S. defense official said could include the disputed South China Sea, a move that would likely anger Beijing, which claims most of the waterway. Washington wants its regional allies and other Asian n... more »
Tweet For Today
"Through his will & his words & his character, he held a nation together & helped free a people" —@POTUS on Lincoln — The White House (@WhiteHouse) February 10, 2016
About Bernie Sanders' support for Sierra Blanca as a nuclear waste site
A lot of Hillary's supporters are trying to hit Bernie Sanders with a non-issue. But people don't know the truth and they're falling for this. So let me quote Bernie Sanders, since this is a site for REAL history, about why he supported this. These are his unedited remarks in support of this, from 3:21 PM EDT Bernie Sanders, I-VT
South Korean Reports: North Korea's Military Chief Has Been Executed On Charges Of Corruption
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with army chief of staff Ri Yong-Gil who has reportedly been executed. Picture: AFP/KCNA via KNS *Daily Mail:* *North Korea 'executes military chief on charges of corruption after he criticised Kim Jong-un's leadership appointments'* * Army General Ri Yong-gil 'was charged with pursuing personal gains' * He may have raised objections to Kim's appointment of military leaders * Source: 'It appears the North cited the charges to justify his execution' * Ri absent from events celebrating North's controversial rocket launch Kim Jong-un's military chief has... more »
Picture Of The Day
*Schofield Site* Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, tours an exercise site on Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Feb. 9, 2016. DoD Photo by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Dominique A. Pineiro
That ‘Controversial’ Doritos Commercial
[image: Doritos commercial - 900] In a day when the most innocuous thing can quickly become political, a Doritos Super Bowl commercial has upset some people who want abortion to be an unrestricted right. For those taking a bathroom break or watching Downton Abbey instead... more »
Turmoil In Illinois Democratic Politics
This morning, I was pointing out that conservatives, generally corrupt, infiltrate the Democratic Party, which they use as a vehicle for their careerism, while wrecking the party's brand, tugging it inexorably towards the money-friendly right. The linked post is about Members of Congress. But, of course, this starts at the local level. Illinois has it's share of corrupt conservative Democrats in Congress, of course, including vile Blue Dogs Dan Lipinski and Cheri Bustos and New Dem Bill Foster. And Schumercrat/Rahmocrat Tammy Duckworth isn't exactly good news for progressives eith... more »
Russia's Debt Crisis Is Reaching Into Many Homes
Protesters in Moscow demand terms of their loan agreements to be renegotiated due to the rouble’s weakening. Photograph: Valery Sharifulin/TASS *Radio Free Europe:* *As Consumer Debt Rises In Russia, Collectors Get Violent* MOSCOW -- Sergei has watched in horror as Russian television has been flooded with harrowing stories about vicious debt collectors terrorizing households with threats and violence in order to recover overdue loans. He worries his family could be next. In December, the 29-year-old from the southwestern city of Voronezh became one of 11.5 million Russians to fal... more »
Netanyahu's Zoomorphic Bigotry: A Retrospective
Benjamin Netanyahu pets his dog Kaia, a biter, at the Prime Minster's residence in Jerusalem. (Credit: Facebook) "Anyone who approaches the Zionist problem in a moral aspect is not a Zionist." - Moshe Dayan, quoting David Ben-Gurion Ha'aretz correspondent Barak Ravid reported yesterday: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a tour to the construction site of a barrier on the
I am finishing up a book chapter on radiophobia, the "excessive fear" of radiation. The first instance of radiophobia I could find when searching through a a variety of indexes: Radiophobia: a new psychological syndrome. 1951. Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics, and Gynecology, 59.11 (November 1): viii Beyond Nuclear has a good description of the concept of radiophobia developed above in the article above: Beyond Nuclear. 2013. Radiophobia: anxiety disorder misused. August 22, 2013, accessed August 24, 2013, more »
IMF Warns Ukraine To Tackle Corruption Or $40 Billion Bailout Stops
*VOA*: *IMF Threatens to Cut Ukraine Aid Over Corruption* The head of the International Monetary Fund said Wednesday that Ukraine could lose a $17.5 billion bailout unless it speeds up political reforms and curbs corruption. "Without a substantial new effort to invigorate governance reforms and fight corruption, it is hard to see how the IMF-supported program can continue and be successful," Christine Lagarde, the Washington-based lender's managing director, said in a strongly worded statement. The crisis has been boiling since the sudden resignation last week of Ukraine's reform... more »
Senator Mike Lee Aims to Exempt Women From the Draft, and Wrest the Issue Away From the Supreme Court
[image: Students with Infantry Training Battalion practice basic marksmanship techniques at Camp Geiger, N.C., Sept. 26, 2013.] GOP Sen. Mike Lee of Utah is planning to introduce a bill forever preventing women from signing up for the military draft. "I do not want to see my 15-year-old daughter drafted into the military," Lee said, according to National Review... more »
Embarrassing: Jeb Kicked Off Stage While Speaking to NH Rotary Club
[image: jeb] A Jeb Bush campaign speech breached a new dimension of awkwardness this week. The former Florida governor was speaking at a Rotary Club in New Hampshire Monday when a Rotary official interrupted the presidential candidate and sent him back to his seat. A C-SPAN... more »
European MP Says Turkey Has Been Caught Red Handed Arming ISIS
A European MP has announced that they have obtained documents that proves that Turkey aid and support terrorists groups such as ISIS in Syria. In an interview with the Lobe Log news agency, European Parliament member Kati Piri says that she has evidence that Turkey purchases oil from ISIS, and that Turkish intelligence agencies have conspired to cause the “immigration tsunami” currently happening throughout Europe. reports: Piri says that she hoped that the European Parliament will force Turkey to be held accountable for this. Piri also said Turkey’s EU accession process... more »
Top Medical Journal Classifies Fluoride As Dangerous ‘Neurotoxin’
A report from one of the world’s most respected medical journals, The Lancet, has confirmed that fluoride is a dangerous neurotoxin – confirming what alternative media outlets have said for decades. A report published in The Lancet Neurology, Volume 13, Issue 3, says that fluoride should be put into the same category as arsenic, lead and mercury. reports: As noted in the summary of the report, a systematic review identified five different similar industrial chemicals as developmental neurotoxicants: lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and tolu...more »
Wild Elephant Goes Walkabout In Indian Town Damaging Homes
A wild jungle elephant went on a rampage in India, damaging up to 100 homes and terrifying residents. It took several hours to subdue the fully grown wild elephant with tranquilizer guns after he trampled through a West Bengal town on Wednesday. Digital Journal reports: Photos showed the bewildered animal wandering around Siliguri, about 577 kilometres (360 miles) north of Kolkata, crashing into structures, as people scurried out of the way. “The elephant strayed from its herd and lost its way from a nearby forest into Siliguri, creating panic in the town for nearly five hours,” Wes... more »
UCLA Gymnast’s Dance Moves Amazes Everyone
Sophina DeJesus from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) gave an epic gymnastics floor routine during a competition against a rival university on Saturday night. The 21-year-old undergraduate performed a modern routine combining hip-hop moves, back flips, rolls and air-splits that has gone viral on YouTube, attracting millions of views. The BBC reports: The UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, undergraduate told Pac-12 Sports Report she had “no clue” it would get such a big reaction. “I wanted to think of something to end my senior year with a bang,” she said. N... more »
German Backpackers Escape ‘Wolf Creek’ Style Kidnap & Rape
Two German backpackers were allegedly kidnapped and raped by an Australian man at an isolated campsite. One backpacker raised the alarm when she appeared naked and bleeding from the sand dunes while screaming to flag down a car. The incident happened on Tuesday on a beach in the Coorong National Park, south Australia. The Daily Mail reports: The woman was travelling with another young German woman and both are in hospital in a stable condition after they were rescued at Coorong National Park in Salt Creek, south-east of Adelaide, at around 6:30pm on Tuesday. A 59-year-old Adelaide ... more »
14 Hard Truths On Syria
*Max Fisher, VOX*: *14 hard truths on Syria no one wants to admit* Eventually, America's long-slog presidential primaries will end, and the world's most powerful country will turn to the general election. And when it does, polling suggests that foreign policy and terrorism will be major issues for voters. This will naturally focus much of our national discourse, over the following several months, on Syria. That's largely a good thing. Syria's civil war, which since its 2011 inception has become a proxy war involving much of the Middle East as well as the US and Russia, could use s... more »
How did it get so bad, cause when it was good it was the best
DOJ Sues Ferguson for Violating Civil Rights
[image: Ferguson City Councilman Wesley Bell explains the revisions and the unanimous vote in favor of the DOJ agreement at a press conference on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016, at the City of Ferguson Community Center. Behind him is Mayor James Knowles.] FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- The federal government sued Ferguson on Wednesday, one day after the City Council voted to revise an agreement aimed at improving the way police and courts treat poor people and minorities in the St. Louis suburb.... more »
Big Pharma Knowingly Gave HIV To Thousands Of Children
Big Pharma company Bayer knowingly sold medicine to thousands of children in the early 1980’s that had been contaminated with the HIV virus – leading to the deaths of countless children. In 1984 Bayer became aware that several batches of its hemophiliac medicine called Factor 8 had been contaminated with HIV. With the FDA’s approval they got permission to sell this tainted medicine worldwide to countries such as; Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. reports: Unable to sell their Factor 8 in the US, Bayer, with the FDA’s permission, (yes that’s right... more »
Intelligence Chief Confirms ISIS Has Used Chemical Weapons
A top US intelligence chief has confirmed that ISIS have developed and used chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria, saying that its the first such attack by the group in over 20 years. The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee confirming that mustard gas has been used by ISIS militants. reports: He did not elaborate on where and when the chemical attacks occurred, though there has been mounting evidence the terror group was experimenting with chemical weapons. “[The Syrian government] has used chemicals against ... more »
Jeb Bush Mocks Missing 28 Pages From 9/11 Report
Republican Presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was confronted recently about the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 commission report still not released to the public. As Bush was preparing for an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday, the GOP candidate was approached by an Infowars reporter, who asked Jeb about the mysterious missing pages. Jeb’s brother, George W. Bush, served as US president when the 9/11 attacks occurred. After being confronted by the reporter he says, “Yeah, sure. Yeah, I’d like to see them,” sarcastically adding “Do you have them?”...more »
MENA Report ( February 10-11 , 2016 ) Syria ( 1. YPD And Arab Allies seize Minnigh Air Base And Adjacent Town . 2. Secretary Of State John Kerry Will Push For A Ceasefire In Syria At Meeting Thursday - Munich , Germany. 3. Russia Has Already Proposed A ceasefire Commencing March 1, 2016 . 4. Battlefield State Of Play . ) Libya ( 1. Gov't Formation Troubles Continue . 2. Security Issues Still Abound. 3. A Look Back At Libya Revolt - 5 Years Ago . 4. Foreign Intrigue Continues To Bedevil Libya Gov't formation . 5. Domestic Issues - Unpaid workers At Power Plant In Jalu Protest / Begging For Donations For Hospital Supplies - Where Are Libya's Reserves ?
Evening Wrap....... Syria......... *The Telegraph* @Telegraph 9s 9 seconds ago Syrian air base 'seized by Kurds and their allies' *DAILY SABAH* @DailySabah 4m 4 minutes ago Turkey to care for refugees in Syria while support for safe zone grows | Today's Front Page *The HillVerified account* @thehill 48m 48 minutes ago JUST IN: Kerry to push for ceasefire in *Syria*: *Brad Klapper* @bklapperAP 4h 4 hours ago US officials say they won't accept Russian offer for M... more »
"Risking World War III: "Turkey’s Military Intervention to Syria"
*"Turkey’s Military Intervention to Syria"* By South Front "During the video production, Southfront: Analysis & Intelligence also received information that at least one Saudi motorized brigade equipped with about 90 armored vehicles was moved to Iraqi border. This force could become a core of a joint force which could be used by the Saudi-led coalition to support Turkish military intervention to Syria. The military balance in Northern Syria is shifting rapidly. The Syrian Army and local militias supported by the Russian Air Force have cut terrorists from major supply lines from T...more »
Bernie Sanders Screwed Over By Rigged Election System, Despite ‘Winning’
Despite Bernie Sanders taking 60% of the popular vote in the New Hampshire primaries on Tuesday, he will walk away with fewer delegates than democratic rival Hillary Clinton – due to the nonsensical and unfair nature of “superdelegates”. After winning with a 20-point margin, Sanders is set to walk away with 13 delegates, while Clinton will walk away with 15. reports: So how does that work? To break it down, New Hampshire has 24 “pledged” delegates determined by the vote, of which Sanders won 13 and Clinton won 9. However, the state also put forward 8 “superdelegates,” wh... more »
Netanyahu Plans To Build Fence Around Israel To Keep Out ‘Beasts’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come under attack on Twitter after activists accused the PM of being “genocidal” following his announcement to build a fence around Israel to protect the nation from “wild beasts”. The Israeli leader used the provocative and dehumanizing language on an official tour of Israel’s eastern border, where a security fence is currently being erected. reports: “Will we surround all of the state of Israel with fences and barriers? The answer is yes. In the area that we live in, we must defend ourselves against the wild beasts,” Net... more »
Pentagon: US Will Not Intervene In The Syrian-Russian Assault On Aleppo
**: *US Won't Intervene in Syrian-Russian Assault on Aleppo: Pentagon* The U.S. military has no current plans to intervene against the Syrian regime and Russian assault on Aleppo or provide air drops to the starving civilians, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad said Wednesday. "The situation in and around Aleppo has, in our view, become dire" but "our focus really is to defeat ISIL, so that's where our focus remains," Army Col. Steve Warren, a spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, referring to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or IS... more »
The Pentagon's Third Offset Strategy
The Pentagon, headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, taken from an airplane in January 2008. Wikipedia *Kyle Mizokami, The Week*: *America's military is getting deadly serious about China, Russia, and North Korea* The Pentagon has a problem. After concentrating on guerrilla warfare for the last decade and a half, the U.S. military is entering a brave new world — one filled with new adversaries. Russia, China, North Korea and others have been building up air, space, ground, and naval forces over the last 15 years, and their progress is showing. Russia is aggressiv... more »
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