10:20pm MST
That ‘Controversial’ Doritos Commercial
[image: Doritos commercial - 900] In a day when the most innocuous thing can quickly become political, a Doritos Super Bowl commercial has upset some people who want abortion to be an unrestricted right. For those taking a bathroom break or watching Downton Abbey instead... more »
Turmoil In Illinois Democratic Politics
This morning, I was pointing out that conservatives, generally corrupt, infiltrate the Democratic Party, which they use as a vehicle for their careerism, while wrecking the party's brand, tugging it inexorably towards the money-friendly right. The linked post is about Members of Congress. But, of course, this starts at the local level. Illinois has it's share of corrupt conservative Democrats in Congress, of course, including vile Blue Dogs Dan Lipinski and Cheri Bustos and New Dem Bill Foster. And Schumercrat/Rahmocrat Tammy Duckworth isn't exactly good news for progressives eith... more »
Russia's Debt Crisis Is Reaching Into Many Homes
Protesters in Moscow demand terms of their loan agreements to be renegotiated due to the rouble’s weakening. Photograph: Valery Sharifulin/TASS *Radio Free Europe:* *As Consumer Debt Rises In Russia, Collectors Get Violent* MOSCOW -- Sergei has watched in horror as Russian television has been flooded with harrowing stories about vicious debt collectors terrorizing households with threats and violence in order to recover overdue loans. He worries his family could be next. In December, the 29-year-old from the southwestern city of Voronezh became one of 11.5 million Russians to fal... more »
Netanyahu's Zoomorphic Bigotry: A Retrospective
Benjamin Netanyahu pets his dog Kaia, a biter, at the Prime Minster's residence in Jerusalem. (Credit: Facebook) "Anyone who approaches the Zionist problem in a moral aspect is not a Zionist." - Moshe Dayan, quoting David Ben-Gurion Ha'aretz correspondent Barak Ravid reported yesterday: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a tour to the construction site of a barrier on the
I am finishing up a book chapter on radiophobia, the "excessive fear" of radiation. The first instance of radiophobia I could find when searching through a a variety of indexes: Radiophobia: a new psychological syndrome. 1951. Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics, and Gynecology, 59.11 (November 1): viii Beyond Nuclear has a good description of the concept of radiophobia developed above in the article above: Beyond Nuclear. 2013. Radiophobia: anxiety disorder misused. August 22, 2013, accessed August 24, 2013, http://www.beyondnuclear.org/children-health/2013/8/22/can-nuclear... more »
IMF Warns Ukraine To Tackle Corruption Or $40 Billion Bailout Stops
*VOA*: *IMF Threatens to Cut Ukraine Aid Over Corruption* The head of the International Monetary Fund said Wednesday that Ukraine could lose a $17.5 billion bailout unless it speeds up political reforms and curbs corruption. "Without a substantial new effort to invigorate governance reforms and fight corruption, it is hard to see how the IMF-supported program can continue and be successful," Christine Lagarde, the Washington-based lender's managing director, said in a strongly worded statement. The crisis has been boiling since the sudden resignation last week of Ukraine's reform... more »
Senator Mike Lee Aims to Exempt Women From the Draft, and Wrest the Issue Away From the Supreme Court
[image: Students with Infantry Training Battalion practice basic marksmanship techniques at Camp Geiger, N.C., Sept. 26, 2013.] GOP Sen. Mike Lee of Utah is planning to introduce a bill forever preventing women from signing up for the military draft. "I do not want to see my 15-year-old daughter drafted into the military," Lee said, according to National Review... more »
Embarrassing: Jeb Kicked Off Stage While Speaking to NH Rotary Club
[image: jeb] A Jeb Bush campaign speech breached a new dimension of awkwardness this week. The former Florida governor was speaking at a Rotary Club in New Hampshire Monday when a Rotary official interrupted the presidential candidate and sent him back to his seat. A C-SPAN... more »
European MP Says Turkey Has Been Caught Red Handed Arming ISIS
A European MP has announced that they have obtained documents that proves that Turkey aid and support terrorists groups such as ISIS in Syria. In an interview with the Lobe Log news agency, European Parliament member Kati Piri says that she has evidence that Turkey purchases oil from ISIS, and that Turkish intelligence agencies have conspired to cause the “immigration tsunami” currently happening throughout Europe. Awdnews.com reports: Piri says that she hoped that the European Parliament will force Turkey to be held accountable for this. Piri also said Turkey’s EU accession process... more »
Top Medical Journal Classifies Fluoride As Dangerous ‘Neurotoxin’
A report from one of the world’s most respected medical journals, The Lancet, has confirmed that fluoride is a dangerous neurotoxin – confirming what alternative media outlets have said for decades. A report published in The Lancet Neurology, Volume 13, Issue 3, says that fluoride should be put into the same category as arsenic, lead and mercury. Wakingscience.com reports: As noted in the summary of the report, a systematic review identified five different similar industrial chemicals as developmental neurotoxicants: lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and tolu...more »
Wild Elephant Goes Walkabout In Indian Town Damaging Homes
A wild jungle elephant went on a rampage in India, damaging up to 100 homes and terrifying residents. It took several hours to subdue the fully grown wild elephant with tranquilizer guns after he trampled through a West Bengal town on Wednesday. Digital Journal reports: Photos showed the bewildered animal wandering around Siliguri, about 577 kilometres (360 miles) north of Kolkata, crashing into structures, as people scurried out of the way. “The elephant strayed from its herd and lost its way from a nearby forest into Siliguri, creating panic in the town for nearly five hours,” Wes... more »
UCLA Gymnast’s Dance Moves Amazes Everyone
Sophina DeJesus from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) gave an epic gymnastics floor routine during a competition against a rival university on Saturday night. The 21-year-old undergraduate performed a modern routine combining hip-hop moves, back flips, rolls and air-splits that has gone viral on YouTube, attracting millions of views. The BBC reports: The UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, undergraduate told Pac-12 Sports Report she had “no clue” it would get such a big reaction. “I wanted to think of something to end my senior year with a bang,” she said. N... more »
German Backpackers Escape ‘Wolf Creek’ Style Kidnap & Rape
Two German backpackers were allegedly kidnapped and raped by an Australian man at an isolated campsite. One backpacker raised the alarm when she appeared naked and bleeding from the sand dunes while screaming to flag down a car. The incident happened on Tuesday on a beach in the Coorong National Park, south Australia. The Daily Mail reports: The woman was travelling with another young German woman and both are in hospital in a stable condition after they were rescued at Coorong National Park in Salt Creek, south-east of Adelaide, at around 6:30pm on Tuesday. A 59-year-old Adelaide ... more »
14 Hard Truths On Syria
*Max Fisher, VOX*: *14 hard truths on Syria no one wants to admit* Eventually, America's long-slog presidential primaries will end, and the world's most powerful country will turn to the general election. And when it does, polling suggests that foreign policy and terrorism will be major issues for voters. This will naturally focus much of our national discourse, over the following several months, on Syria. That's largely a good thing. Syria's civil war, which since its 2011 inception has become a proxy war involving much of the Middle East as well as the US and Russia, could use s... more »
How did it get so bad, cause when it was good it was the best
DOJ Sues Ferguson for Violating Civil Rights
[image: Ferguson City Councilman Wesley Bell explains the revisions and the unanimous vote in favor of the DOJ agreement at a press conference on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016, at the City of Ferguson Community Center. Behind him is Mayor James Knowles.] FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- The federal government sued Ferguson on Wednesday, one day after the City Council voted to revise an agreement aimed at improving the way police and courts treat poor people and minorities in the St. Louis suburb.... more »
Big Pharma Knowingly Gave HIV To Thousands Of Children
Big Pharma company Bayer knowingly sold medicine to thousands of children in the early 1980’s that had been contaminated with the HIV virus – leading to the deaths of countless children. In 1984 Bayer became aware that several batches of its hemophiliac medicine called Factor 8 had been contaminated with HIV. With the FDA’s approval they got permission to sell this tainted medicine worldwide to countries such as; Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. Naturalblaze.com reports: Unable to sell their Factor 8 in the US, Bayer, with the FDA’s permission, (yes that’s right... more »
Intelligence Chief Confirms ISIS Has Used Chemical Weapons
A top US intelligence chief has confirmed that ISIS have developed and used chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria, saying that its the first such attack by the group in over 20 years. The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee confirming that mustard gas has been used by ISIS militants. Foxnews.com reports: He did not elaborate on where and when the chemical attacks occurred, though there has been mounting evidence the terror group was experimenting with chemical weapons. “[The Syrian government] has used chemicals against ... more »
Jeb Bush Mocks Missing 28 Pages From 9/11 Report
Republican Presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was confronted recently about the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 commission report still not released to the public. As Bush was preparing for an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday, the GOP candidate was approached by an Infowars reporter, who asked Jeb about the mysterious missing pages. Jeb’s brother, George W. Bush, served as US president when the 9/11 attacks occurred. After being confronted by the reporter he says, “Yeah, sure. Yeah, I’d like to see them,” sarcastically adding “Do you have them?”...more »
MENA Report ( February 10-11 , 2016 ) Syria ( 1. YPD And Arab Allies seize Minnigh Air Base And Adjacent Town . 2. Secretary Of State John Kerry Will Push For A Ceasefire In Syria At Meeting Thursday - Munich , Germany. 3. Russia Has Already Proposed A ceasefire Commencing March 1, 2016 . 4. Battlefield State Of Play . ) Libya ( 1. Gov't Formation Troubles Continue . 2. Security Issues Still Abound. 3. A Look Back At Libya Revolt - 5 Years Ago . 4. Foreign Intrigue Continues To Bedevil Libya Gov't formation . 5. Domestic Issues - Unpaid workers At Power Plant In Jalu Protest / Begging For Donations For Hospital Supplies - Where Are Libya's Reserves ?
Evening Wrap....... Syria......... *The Telegraph* @Telegraph 9s 9 seconds ago Syrian air base 'seized by Kurds and their allies' http://tgr.ph/FzpOSI *DAILY SABAH* @DailySabah 4m 4 minutes ago Turkey to care for refugees in Syria while support for safe zone grows | Today's Front Page http://sabahdai.ly/KX42mq *The HillVerified account* @thehill 48m 48 minutes ago JUST IN: Kerry to push for ceasefire in *Syria*: http://hill.cm/cmrrOsT *Brad Klapper* @bklapperAP 4h 4 hours ago US officials say they won't accept Russian offer for M... more »
"Somebody's Going To Do Something Stupid: "Turkey’s Military Intervention to Syria"
*"Turkey’s Military Intervention to Syria"* By South Front "During the video production, Southfront: Analysis & Intelligence also received information that at least one Saudi motorized brigade equipped with about 90 armored vehicles was moved to Iraqi border. This force could become a core of a joint force which could be used by the Saudi-led coalition to support Turkish military intervention to Syria. The military balance in Northern Syria is shifting rapidly. The Syrian Army and local militias supported by the Russian Air Force have cut terrorists from major supply lines from T...more »
Bernie Sanders Screwed Over By Rigged Election System, Despite ‘Winning’
Despite Bernie Sanders taking 60% of the popular vote in the New Hampshire primaries on Tuesday, he will walk away with fewer delegates than democratic rival Hillary Clinton – due to the nonsensical and unfair nature of “superdelegates”. After winning with a 20-point margin, Sanders is set to walk away with 13 delegates, while Clinton will walk away with 15. Usuncut.com reports: So how does that work? To break it down, New Hampshire has 24 “pledged” delegates determined by the vote, of which Sanders won 13 and Clinton won 9. However, the state also put forward 8 “superdelegates,” wh... more »
Netanyahu Plans To Build Fence Around Israel To Keep Out ‘Beasts’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come under attack on Twitter after activists accused the PM of being “genocidal” following his announcement to build a fence around Israel to protect the nation from “wild beasts”. The Israeli leader used the provocative and dehumanizing language on an official tour of Israel’s eastern border, where a security fence is currently being erected. Telesurtv.net reports: “Will we surround all of the state of Israel with fences and barriers? The answer is yes. In the area that we live in, we must defend ourselves against the wild beasts,” Net... more »
Pentagon: US Will Not Intervene In The Syrian-Russian Assault On Aleppo
*Military.com*: *US Won't Intervene in Syrian-Russian Assault on Aleppo: Pentagon* The U.S. military has no current plans to intervene against the Syrian regime and Russian assault on Aleppo or provide air drops to the starving civilians, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad said Wednesday. "The situation in and around Aleppo has, in our view, become dire" but "our focus really is to defeat ISIL, so that's where our focus remains," Army Col. Steve Warren, a spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, referring to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or IS... more »
The Pentagon's Third Offset Strategy
The Pentagon, headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, taken from an airplane in January 2008. Wikipedia *Kyle Mizokami, The Week*: *America's military is getting deadly serious about China, Russia, and North Korea* The Pentagon has a problem. After concentrating on guerrilla warfare for the last decade and a half, the U.S. military is entering a brave new world — one filled with new adversaries. Russia, China, North Korea and others have been building up air, space, ground, and naval forces over the last 15 years, and their progress is showing. Russia is aggressiv... more »
French Comic Apologises For Mocking Conspiracy Theorists
A French comedian has come under fire on Twitter after appearing in a state-sponsored propaganda video aimed at discrediting conspiracy theories. Kevin Razy appeared in a video that claims ‘dangerous’ conspiracy theories have mushroomed since the Paris attacks. In the video Razy makes fun of young conspiracy theorists who believe the Paris attacks were secretly orchestrated by the government. RT.com reports: In the Education Ministry’s campaign video, titled “You’re being manipulated” and posted online on the French government website, Razy makes fun of a wide-eyed youngster, who i... more »
BWorld 42, World inequality, Oxfam and bad mathematics
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last February 09, 2016. There are two ways to exaggerate and sensationalize national or global income inequality. One is to compare the wealth of the top 10 or top 50 richest individuals and families per country using Forbes’ Billionaires data as numerator, with the gross domestic product (GDP) size of that country as denominator. The other is to use country wealth using household balance sheet (HBS) for one year as denominator. (A) Sum of wealth of top 10 (or 50) richest individuals in a country -----------------------------------------------... more »
Orange County Congressional Candidate Bao Nguyen Endorses Bernie Sanders
Last week Congresswoman Judy Chu announced she is backing Bao for Congress Blue America endorsed Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen last summer when he decided to run for the open Orange County CA-46 seat that Loretta Sanchez was giving up. Wow ironic would it be that a transitional district formerly represented by the most extreme right thug in the GOP, Bob Dornan, and then by a barely-Democratic Blue Dog, is now being contested by an unabashed progressive. Bao, who is trilingual and interned for the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, holds a master’s degre... more »
Iran Publicly Admitted Supporting Terrorism Against Israel Is State Policy
[image: Newly-appointed spokesman of Iran's Foreign Ministry, Hossein Jaberi Ansari speaks during a weekly press conference on December 14, 2015 in the capital Tehran.] An Iranian foreign ministry spokesman was not too bashful to admit that Iran is a proud sponsor of terrorism against Israel, dismissing claims that Iran ceased support of Hamas in 2009. Hossein Jaberi Ansari's assertion came in response to a report in... more »
Battle For Aleppo: A Turning Point In Syria's Civil War? (Video)
From* France 24: *It's shaping up as a turning point in Syria's civil war. After years on the back foot, the Syrian army advances on what was once the country's largest city, Aleppo. The Assad regime is backed by Russian air strikes, Lebanese Hezbollah forces and Iranian fighters on the ground. That's triggered a fresh exodus towards the now closed Turkish border. Are the latest advances jockeying for position ahead of new negotiations on Thursday, or are talks just a smokescreen for Damascus and its allies?
Entropy Increases (All Else Being Equal)
*Christopher H. Bidmead : Script Editors' Note to all Writers - 12 June 1980* *The Doctor's Adventures in E-Space* Distinguish between the Charged Vaccuum Emboitment through which the TARDIS passes, and E-Space where the adventures take place. Mathematically, perhaps, E-Space is *inside* the CVE, but for our purposes we had better think of them as the mouth of the bottle and the bottle itself. *The Charged Vaccuum Emboitment* Experimental observation shows that matter and anti-matter can be created inside a vaccuum subjected to a strong electromagnetic field. Twenty-first cen... more »
Musical Interlude: Grateful Dead, “Touch of Grey”
Grateful Dead, “Touch of Grey” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOaXTg3nAuY “If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told the nearest land was a thousand miles away, I'd still swim. And I’d despise the one who gave up.” - Abraham Maslow *"We will get by, we will get by, we will get by,* *we will survive..."*
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Dream Ten (Quasars and Black Holes)”
Liquid Mind, “Dream Ten (Quasars and Black Holes)” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__7eSgBbxoQ
The Battle For The Syrian City Of Aleppo -- News Updates February 10, 2016
*Reuters*: *Damascus expects tough but short battle for Aleppo* The Syrian government expects a tough battle for Aleppo, the city that has become the focal point of the country's long civil war, but is confident of victory and says it won't be a long fight. Damascus aims to seal the border with Turkey, a major sponsor of the insurgents fighting President Bashar al-Assad, and to retake rebel-held areas of what was Syria's biggest city and industrial hub before the conflict began in 2011. "These battles are not easy, but the day will come, God willing, when all Aleppo - its rural a... more »
Judge Again Denies Texas’ Request to Ban Syrian Refugees
[image: Syrian women wait for information regarding possible opening at the closed Turkish border crossing with Syria in the outskirts of the town of Kilis, in southeastern Turkey, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016. Turkey must open its doors to the thousands of Syrians who have massed at the border after fleeing violence, the United Nations demanded Tuesday, warning that hundreds of thousands of others could be soon cut off from humanitarian aid amid blistering Syrian and Russian airstrikes. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)] A U.S. district judge ruled Wednesday that Texas cannot ban Syrian refuge... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( February 10 , 2016 ) Overview For The Day ( 1. Janet Yellen Speaks - First Day Testimony Before Congress Not Received Well By Markets . 2. US Bonds - Items Of Note. 3. Commodities Charts Of The Day. ) Europe In Focus ( 1. EU - UK Talks In Focus / Brexit Items. 2.Refugee Related Matters. 3. Greece In Focus . 4. IMF Threatens To Cut Off Ukraine Aid Program without Corruption Reforms. 5.France In Focus - French MPs Vote Through Post Paris Attacks Changes To The Constitution / French foreign Minister Fabius Quits Gov't ) Miscellaneous ( 1. Odds & Ends. )
Evening Wrap........ Overview......... Against the Wind...... *Graeme Wearden* @graemewearden 2h 2 hours ago Dow closes down 99 points after *Yellen testimony* http://www. theguardian.com/business/live/ 2016/feb/10/market-turmoil-australia-japan-ftse-deutsche-bank-dow-live?page=with:block-56bba496e4b065091c39769d#block-56bba496e4b065091c39769d … *SoberLook.com* @SoberLook 3h 3 hours agoNew York, USA Quote: Yellen concerned about tight financial conditions, RMB devaluation, and global economic uncertainty - [image: Embedded image ... more »
*Waiter Marvin 'Word' Day, fist-bumping fixture of Camellia Grill, dies at 50 ~Tod A. Price*
What should replace the STARR test? Nothing.
Sent to the Austin-American Statesman,. Feb 10. Are those charged with deciding on a new test ("What should replace the STARR test?" Feb. 10) aware of research suggesting that teacher evaluations of students (grades) are an excellent measure of student achievement: high school grades in college prep courses are a very good predictor of college success. Standardized test scores (the SAT) do not provide much more information than grades alone. There are good reasons to think teacher evaluation of students is better than a standardized test. The repeated judgments of professionals who...more »
Musical Interlude: Grateful Dead, “Touch of Grey”
Grateful Dead, “Touch of Grey” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOaXTg3nAuY "We will get by, we will survive..."
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 10, 2016
*Guardian Editorial:* *The Guardian view on the battle for Aleppo: a rebuke to America and the world* After intensive bombing, and while the world looks on, Syria’s largest city is on the verge of becoming a humanitarian catastrophe on a par with the siege of Sarajevo 20 years ago John Kerry does not give up easily. On Thursday in Munich the US secretary of state will promote a fresh diplomatic effort on Syrian peace talks. Yet for all his determination, events on the ground are not only working against a breakthrough, but raising increasingly profound doubts about the coherence ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Large galaxies grow by eating small ones. Even our own galaxy practices galactic cannibalism, absorbing small galaxies that get too close and are captured by the Milky Way's gravity. In fact, the practice is common in the universe and illustrated by this striking pair of interacting galaxies from the banks of the southern constellation Eridanus, The River. *Click image for larger size.* Located over 50 million light years away, the large, distorted spiral NGC 1532 is seen locked in a gravitational struggle with dwarf galaxy NGC 1531 (right of center), a struggle the smaller galaxy w... more »
"My Humanity..."
"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together." - Desmond Tutu
Chet Raymo, "Know Thyself"
*"Know Thyself"* by Chet Raymo "The ancient Greek aphorism, attributed to Socrates and others. Good advice, I'm sure. If only we knew what it means. Is it the same as the "examination of conscience" we were asked to perform as young Catholics? "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." Well, yes, it is good to ask ourselves if we have lived up to our highest moral aspirations. But surely "Know thyself" means more than that. Does it mean to be aware of our self-awareness? That is to say, not to act impulsively, but reflectively. Thoreau's "I went to the woods because I wished to live d... more »
The Poet: John Clare, “I Am”
*“I Am”* "I am— yet what I am none cares or knows; My friends forsake me like a memory lost: I am the self-consumer of my woes— They rise and vanish in oblivious host, Like shadows in love’s frenzied stifled throes; And yet I am, and live— like vapors tossed Into the nothingness of scorn and noise, Into the living sea of waking dreams, Where there is neither sense of life or joys, But the vast shipwreck of my life’s esteems; Even the dearest that I loved the best Are strange— nay, rather, stranger than the rest. I long for scenes where man hath never trod, A place where woman never smiled... more »
Last Night's Final New Hampshire Results-- And Bye-Bye Fiorina
In New Hampshire yesterday Herr Trumpf brought out more voters to the Republican primary-- both to vote for him (35.3%) and to vote against him (64.7%)-- than had ever voted in a New Hampshire Republican primary in before (almost as many as the Democrats' record turnout in 2008). And Democratic turnout Tuesday-- primarily for Bernie obviously-- was also much higher than expected. In 2008, the record-holder 'til yesterday, 287,542 Democrats voted and 238,979 Republicans voted. Hillary beat Obama that night: *•* Hillary- 112,404 (39.1%) *•* Obama- 104,815 (36.5%) *•* Edwards- 48,69... more »
Is Congress a Small Business? That’s What it Claims to Get Obamacare Exemption
[image: Sen. David Vitter, R-La., questions Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray during the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee hearing on the CFPB's semi-annual report to Congress on Wednesday, July 15, 2015.] Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship Chairman David Vitter is questioning why Congress is able to get its health care through the Small Business Health Options Plan (SHOP) -- which requires a business to have 50 or less employees -- when the tax forms provided list... more »
2 Female Bombers Kill 58 in Northeast Nigerian Refugee Camp
[image: Rescue workers transport a victim of a suicide bomb attack at a refugee for treatment at a hospital, in Maiduguri, Nigeria, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016. Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up in a northeast Nigerian refugee camp, killing at least 56 people, health and rescue officials said Wednesday.] MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) -- Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up in a northeastern Nigerian refugee camp, killing at least 58 people, health and rescue officials said Wednesday. A third woman bomber was arrested and gave officials information about other... more »
Mass Shooters Prefer Gun-Free Zones
[image: Gun-Free Zone, No Gun Zone, No Weapons Allowed on Property, Gun Control, School Building] An analysis of mass shootings in the United States since the year 2002 shows that gun wielding mass killers are more likely to strike where the Second Amendment right to bear arms has been supplanted by “gun-free zone” ordinances; be... more »
World News Briefs -- February 10, 2016 (Evening Edition)
*Bloomberg*: *U.S., Russia Make Syria Diplomacy Push as Assad Gains Ground* * Kerry, Lavrov among 17 diplomats to hold talks in Munich * Russian-backed advances help Assad consolidate territory The U.S. and Russia are seeking to revive Syrian peace talks as President Bashar al-Assad’s advance against rebels shifts the focus to the battlefield. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov will meet with foreign ministers from Europe and the Middle East in Munich on Thursday after talks between the government and opposition broke down last week and As...more »
mental masturbation
but what will they think?... you ask your self... "they'll think terrible things about you"... what the hell did you think they were going to think?... they think terrible things about you anyhow... that's what thinking is about... it's about terrible things...
New Left v Old Left
[image: B-XmlvFCUAA3YRf] The rise of Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders seems to pit Old Left against New Left, some say. But are there any real differences between the two ideologies? And are either New Left or Old Left actually even ideologies at all? Philosopher Greg Salmieri answers the question in talking about the similarities and differences between the so-called “Free Speech movement and the campus riots of the 60s, and the “Occupy” movement and its “safe spaces” of today. Asked by *The Undercurrent *what Ayn Rand took to be the essence of that earlier movement, he answ... more »
Turkish PM Davutoglu Makes Dangerous And Provocative Statements, Further Signaling An Insane Invasion of Syria
*The "muscular" rhetoric of these two warmongering numbskulls has helped bring Syria to ruin, and could potentially bring America and Russia closer to a military confrontation. * First the enemies of Syria came by night. Now they come by day. First they came through the back door. Now they come through the front door. First they came with proxy armies and terrorist groups under the religious protection of Islam. Now they come with national armies and mercenaries under the political protection of NATO. First they came under the Western slogans of freedom and democracy. Now they com... more »
Is Age a Social Cleavage?
As we grow older, we become more conservative - so goes the adage. And observations of politics tend to bear this out. The average age of a Conservative was 68, as of 2013. Compare this with Labour, which presently stands at 42. Gatherings of UKIP find an over preponderance of the middle-aged to the elderly. The youthful, it appears, have better things to do with their time. It gets even starker when we look at voter turnout by age. According to Ipsos MORI, 43% of 18-24s turned out at last year's general election compared to 78% of over 65s. In the latter age group, the Tories had ... more »
Fight the Future (1998)
*Scully: *Mulder, when a terrorist bomb threat is called in, *the rational purpose of providing that information is to allow us to find the bomb.* *The rational object of terrorism is to promote terror. * If you'd study the statistics, you'd find the model behavioral pattern for virtually every case where a threat has turned up an explosive device; and if we don't act in accordance with that data, if you ignore it as we have done, the chances are great that if there actually is a bomb, we might not find it. Lives could be lost .... Mulder. Mulder? *Mulder:* *(he appears behind h... more »
Shame on the Pastors Who Anointed Hillary Clinton as President
[image: Hillary Clinton campaign poster Hill Yes - 900] Hillary Clinton is white. The pastors who declared her to be the next president of the United States, surrounded by the favor of the Lord, were black. Hillary Clinton is a woman. Most of the pastors were men. So, this is not... more »
Iran Ready To Negotiate With Saudi Arabia And Other OPEC Countries On Oil Production And Prices
*Al Jazeera:* *Iran set to negotiate on oil market with Saudi Arabia* *With sanctions lifted, Tehran is entering an already-glutted market as it plans to produce 500,000 barrels a day.* Iran's Oil Minister Bijan Zangeneh says his country is ready to negotiate with Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members over the dire conditions in international oil markets. Tehran recently resumed oil exports after Western sanctions over its nuclear programme were lifted, and announced it plans to produce 500,000 barrels a day. The move will add significant pressure on an already oversupplied market,... more »
Having Trouble Hacking Government Agencies? Just Call Their Help Desks
[image: Everybody Needs a Hacker, Hacking, Cybersecurity, Software, Computers] The hacker that dropped personal data on almost 30,000 employees from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), obtained the information by simply calling the agencies' support desks. Federal agencies such as DHS and... more »
Calif. Gov. Brown Receives Cold, Dead Fish Award Four Years in a Row
Photo of Jerry Brown by Joe McHugh, California Highway Patrol. Governor Jerry Brown Receives Cold, Dead Fish Award Four Years In A Row By Dan Bacher Censored News The year 2015 will become infamous as the one when many California fish populations reached record low levels, largely due to poor water management by the state and federal governments. The Bureau of Reclamation
Woman Challenges Gym’s ‘Judgment-Free’ Locker Room Policy for Transgender Fitness Buffs
[image: Planet Fitness, Judgement-Free Zone, Workout, Gym] A Michigan woman is fighting to keep transgender persons out of the women's locker room at her local gym. Yvette Cormier lost the first round when a county judge dismissed her complaints over a “judgment-free policy” that allows transgender individuals... more »
California Oil Lobby spent a record $22 million in 2015
Photo meme of State Capitol courtesy of Stop Fooling California. California Oil Lobby spent a record $22 million in 2015 by Dan Bacher Censored News The oil industry spent a record $22 million lobbying California legislators and officials last year, allowing it to largely determine which bills passed and which bills didn't pass through the Legislature. This "gusher" of
Quote of the Day: “…please explain this to Donald Trump”
*“The opposite of excessive political correctness is not boorishness.Can someone please explain this to Donald Trump?”* ~ novelist Vinay Kolhatkar Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Iran official: US Is Subordinate To Iran In The Middle East
Commander of Iran’s Basij (volunteer) Force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi (Fars News Agency) *Jerusalem Post*: *Senior Iranian military official: The US is subordinate to Iran in the Middle East* Naqdi claimed that Iran under the Shah's rule was subordinate to the American administration, while today the United States subordinates to Iran's dominance in the Middle East. The commander of the Basij paramilitary force of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohammad Reza Naqdi, vowed that Tehran “will not make any compromises with our enemies in the Middle East." Speaking in a pres... more »
Iran Tries to Humiliate U.S. Navy With Footage of Crying Soldiers Put to Horror Music
[image: 10 US Navy Sailors Held by Iran at Gunpoint - 900] Iranian state television just released new footage of the U.S. Navy sailors captured in January crying and looking frightened to a background of horror music. The footage is yet another attempt by Iran to pour salt into the wound over the capture... more »
Obama’s NASA Budget Is All About Global Warming, Not Space
[image: NASA, Nest, Osprey, Birds, Nature] The NASA budget President Barack Obama released Tuesday is far more concerned with spending cash on global warming research than supporting the agency's mission of space exploration. The top scientific question the space agency claims it wants to answer in its budget justification is... more »
Trojan Horse Arguments And The GMO Issue: Indian Food And Agriculture Under Attack
CounterPunch, Countercurrents, RINF, Global Research *See this request here* In 2013, India’s former Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar accused US companies of derailing the nation’s oilseeds production programme. Similar claims had been made before. For instance, we could revisit the 1998 mustard oil tragedy. At the time, Rajasthan Oil Industries Association claimed that a “conspiracy” was being hatched to undermine the mustard oil trade and charged that the “invisible hands of the multinationals” were involved (see the article ‘Monsanto and the Mustard Seed’). India was almost se... more »
Assad's Own Allies Want Him Gone, But Defeating ISIS Takes Higher Priority For Now
*Defeating ISIS does not mean defending Assad. **Source*. *An excerpt from, "Vladimir Putin asked Bashar al-Assad to step down" by Sam Jones, Erika Solomon and Kathrin Hille, FT, January 22, 2016: * Just weeks before his death on January 3, Colonel-General Igor Sergun, director of Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency, was sent to Damascus on a delicate mission. *The general, who is believed to have cut his teeth as a Soviet operative in Syria, bore a message from Vladimir Putin for President Bashar al-Assad: the Kremlin, the Syrian dictator’s most powerful international prote... more »
“Blame Zika mosquitoes on DDT ban”
Agribusiness professor Jacqueline Rowarth had a terrific piece in the most recent *NBR,* reminding readers that but for fact-free environmental bans on DDT back in the 60s on the back of Rachel Carson’s “lyrical but scientifically flawed” book *Silent Spring* – the book that captured a nation and helped kick-start the modern environmental movement – the Zika virus may have been a total non-starter. The headline itself is plain enough: [image: Capture] The irony here is that Rowarth herself was inspired to study agricultural science in part because of Carson’s book. But she argue... more »
Carly Fiorina Ends Presidential Bid
[image: January 23, 2016 — Carly Fiorina speaking with attendees at the 2016 First in the Nation Town Hall hosted by the New Hampshire Republican Party in Nashua, New Hampshire.] DES MOINES (AP) -- Former technology executive Carly Fiorina exited the 2016 Republican presidential race Wednesday, after winning praise for her debate prowess but struggling to build a winning coalition in a crowded GOP field. “While I suspend my candidacy today,... more »
Intel Chief Breaks from Obama Narrative on Iran Deal
[image: Clapper - 900] The head of U.S. intelligence believes that Iran's recent actions speak loudly to its intentions, particularly given the country's recent provocations since the Iran nuclear deal came into effect. Testifying to the Senate Committee on Armed Services Tuesday, director of... more »
The Real News - Trump's Senior Policy Advisor Defends Curbing Immigration To Boost US Economy
*The end of the corrupt Republicans and Democrats is near. Donald Trump is the exit ramp. * "Indeed, when it comes to foreign policy he is a lot closer to Sanders than to any of his Republican rivals. And on trade policy, too, the Sanderistas and the Trumpists sound eerily alike: both movements are protests against the hollowing out of America’s industrial capacity and the rise of paper-pushing financiers as the robber barons of a New Gilded Age. The divide between them is not so much ideological as demographic: Sanders holds the loyalty of the under-30 crowd, while Trump garners t... more »
Supplemental: "What fools we mortals be," Shakespeare said!
*WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2016He didn't say we conservative mortals:* This time next year, will President Trump be in charge? We'd have to say it's entirely possible. With a nod to Shakespeare—details below—let's consider how it could happen. Candidate Clinton could still win the Democratic nomination. So could Candidate Sanders, of course. At this point, we wouldn't want to bet either way. Let's suppose that Candidate Clinton ends up getting the nod. Consider the way we liberals are trashing her reputation, largely by reciting decades-old right-wing narratives, cons and canards. ... more »
Midday Musical Interlude: Mehdi, "Millenium Dance"
Mehdi, "Millenium Dance" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT7gq54Z2hU
The Daily "Near You?"
Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
Saving a beach
[image: The picture taken around the Awaroa Inlet that sparked Duane Major to start a campaign to buy back a private beach there for public use.] *Economics Joke #l: Two economists walked past a Porsche showroom. One of them pointed at a shiny car in the window and said, "I want that." "Obviously not," the other replied.* The story of the saving of that Awaroa Beach above is a fascinating one. A piece of Abel Tasman National Park enjoying beachfront riparian rights over the Awaroa Inlet – called by environmental campaigners “a gap in the Queen’s Chain” – is on the market. It n... more »
More Details Released On The Iranian Drone That Flew Over A U.S. Aircraft Carrier Last Month
*The Telegraph:* *Iranian drone flies over US aircraft in Persian Gulf* *For the first time since 2014 an Iranian drone flies over a US aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.* An Iranian drone that flew over a US aircraft carrier last month was the first to conduct an overflight of a US carrier since 2014, according to a US Navy report obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday. The January 12 reconnaissance by the Iranian Shahed drone marked the latest tense naval encounter between forces of the Islamic Republic and the US Navy, which includes the recent capture of 10 US sailor... more »
Ash Wednesday on Jeju Island
Catholic priests and nuns at the Navy base gate in Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea. They are there every single day.
Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood in Ohio Nears Kasich’s Desk
[image: Republican presidential candidate, Ohio Gov. John Kasich visits a polling station at the high school, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016, in Manchester, N.H. as voters cast their ballots for the first in the nation presidential primary. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)] COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Gov. John Kasich is expected to sign a bill stripping government money from Planned Parenthood, a move that might help him with conservatives who dominate the upcoming Republican presidential primary in South Carolina. The legislation was... more »
Millionaires Are Qualifying for Medicaid Under Obamacare
[image: Harvester, Wheat, Farming, Farm Land, Summer, Grain] Millionaires living in states that expanded Medicaid are benefiting from government-sponsored health insurance, and taxpayers are footing the bill for it. In states that expanded Medicaid, people with high net worths and low monthly incomes qualify for Medicaid because of... more »
Resident of Calais speaks. This is the death of civilization.
"French authorities are also struggling to stop illegal migrants crossing its border from Italy, where more than 60,000 people are thought to have arrived by boat from Africa already this year." (*Source*). *Title: Resident of Calais speaks. This is the death of civilization. Source: Vlad Tepesblog. Date Published: February 9, 2016. Description: * Heart breaking description of how a government can destroy a city and a people. If ever there was an example of why a free people need a 1st and 2nd amendment style protection, this is it. Please watch it all. The original comes from here... more »
Honoring Occupy's Message
- I never agreed with the critics who complained that the Occupy movement lacked a message. I watched mainstream media daily repeat the words "We are the 99%" (a sign with that message is still in our front window). It was a strong statement that the ruling 1% is stealing us all blind. That message resonated loud and clear to me and likely with most people. Thus it is no surprise that Bernie Sanders has grabbed that theme and folks who feel they have no future are solidly in his camp. - But I have no faith in the corporate dominated Democrat Party. I ... more »
Gov. Chris Christie Drops Out of Presidential Race
[image: GOP Presidential Candidates Drop Out List - 900] New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is ending his bid for the presidency, a spokesperson has confirmed. Christie met with his campaign staff this afternoon to thank them and break the news. “We bet the ranch on New Hampshire, and no... more »
Iran Releases New Footage Of Captured U.S. Sailors. Show One Sailor Crying
*Politico*:* Iran releases new photos of U.S. sailors crying* Iran has released new images of the U.S. sailors who were detained last month after veering into the country's waters. The photos and video from state television, as shared by Iranian reporters on Twitter, show one sailor with red eyes appearing to wipe away tears with a tissue. Previous photos released showed the sailors on their knees with their hands behind their heads. In an earlier video, a sailor is shown apologizing for crossing into Iranian waters. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor: *The Iranians are "milking" this... more »
JACS imaging paper “under editorial review”
The Journal of the American Chemical Society has issued an expression of concern over “the presentation of results” in a 2014 paper about a new probe for use in imaging. We haven’t heard back from the journal nor the authors of the paper, so there’s not much we can officially say about what the journal is investigating. […] The post JACS imaging paper “under editorial review” appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Still awaiting moderation
AQAP publishes insider’s account of 9/11 plot from *The Long War Journal*, dedicated to extending the 9/11-instigated war-on-Islam-for-Israel as long as possible - brought to you by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), the new name of Project for a New American Century, the intellectual author of the 9/11 New Pearl Harbor. My comment (still "awaiting moderation"): Too bad FDD's "insider's account of the 9/11 plot" wasn't the actual truth about FDD's precursor organization, PNAC, orchestrating "The New Pearl Harbor." I'm sure there are FDD people who could give such an "i... more »
The Economy: “Here Come the Money Helicopters!”
*“Here Come the Money Helicopters!”* by Bill Bonner DELRAY BEACH, Florida – “The sky in South Florida is gray. A cold wind blows across the sand. Since the start of the year, the Dow is down about 7%. But certain stock market sectors have undergone a much harder pruning. First, energy… then the tech… and now banks. Shares in too-big-to-fail bank Citigroup are down almost 28% so far this year. And shares in Europe’s biggest bank, Deutsche Bank, are down by more than 36%. *Negative Wealth Effect: *As always, we don’t know where this leads. But as we warned at the start of the year, ... more »
"How It Really Is"
“The bewildered herd is a problem. We've got to prevent their roar and trampling. We've got to distract them. They should be watching the Superbowl or sitcoms or violent movies. Every once in a while you call on them to chant meaningless slogans like "Support our troops!" You've got to keep them pretty scared, because unless they're properly scared and frightened of all kinds of devils that are going to destroy them from outside or inside or somewhere, they may start to think, which is very dangerous, because they're not competent to think. Therefore it's important to distract them... more »
Alan Shore, "Closing Argument On America"
*Alan Shore, "Closing Argument On America"* "Epic closing argument from ABC's "Boston Legal" that illustrates the erosion of our Constitutional liberties and abusive government. This can no longer be defined as a Republican versus Democrat issue. Both parties are equally responsible, as are we, the electorate, for we continue to vote the same quality of politician(s) into office over and over." - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd5vRphPqnk
ISIS Leader’s Wife Charged For Holding Kayla Mueller As Sex Slave
The widow of a former Islamic State/ISIS leader killed in a US raid has been accused of providing material support to a foreign organisation which resulted in the death of the American aid worker Kayla Mueller. Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar -Umm Sayyaf – is charged by a US federal court with holding American Kayla Mueller as a sex slave for ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and contributing to her death. The Evening Standard reports: Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar, also known as Umm Sayyaf, admitted after her capture last May that she and her husband kept Mueller captive along with severa...more »
U.S. Preparing For Military Action Against The Islamic State In Libya
ISIS taking over Sirte, Libya / over-blog-kiwi *Politico:* *Obama 'on the verge of taking action' in Libya, Corker says* The Obama administration is “on the verge of taking action” against the Islamic State in Libya, where the terrorist network has flourished in recent months, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee told Politico on Tuesday. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) declined to describe what kind of action the White House is considering or to put a time frame on it. But his comments come amid increased chatter in the administration about a greater U.S. military rol... more »
Comparing The U.S. Air Campaign In Syria - Iraq To The Air Campaign In Afghanistan
A pair of U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles fly over northern Iraq after conducting airstrikes in Syria, in this U.S. Air Force handout photo taken early in the morning of September 23, 2014. (Reuters/U.S. Air Force/Senior Airman Matthew) *Army Times:* *Graphic: Strikes in Afghanistan and against Islamic State compared* The air war in Afghanistan is heating up again, thanks to the resurgence of the Taliban and its terrorist splinter groups. Just one month into 2016, Afghanistan has already dropped the most weapons since 2013, with almost 130 weapons released, according to the lat... more »
A Rose is a Rose and For Some, a Digital Content Manager is a Literacy Expert
by Susan Ohanian After receiving the following announcement from Achieve the Core, I looked up the qualifications of their literacy expert (sic) offering the seminar. No further comment seems necessary. Difficulty viewing this email? Click here *What is "Text Complexity" and Why Does It Matter? * Join us for a webinar Tuesday, February 16 from 7:00-8:00 PM EST The Common Core State Standards require all students to engage meaningfully with complex texts on a regular basis. But what does the term "complex" actually mean in relation to the reading materials you use with your studen... more »
Bill Clinton, David Brock & the Kitchen Sink
*Everything But The Kitchen Sink Soup (source)* *by Gaius Publius* I hope this is wrong. From the middle of this Wash Post piece (emphasis in the original): -- *Did Bill [Clinton] go off the reservation with his attacks on Sanders? Or is he being strategic? *We think the latter. Or, as Marco Rubio put it in a different context: Let’s dispel with the fiction that Bill Clinton doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing. *1. His seemingly off-the-cuff attacks got intense coverage yesterday, enough so that he did not need to repeat the lines of attack and could sh... more »
British MPs Get Another Pay Rise
British MPs are about to receive a salary boost of nearly £1,000 after the independent parliamentary pay watchdog recommended another rise. The £952 pay rise is the second on in one year and comes just nine months after the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) signed off a controversial 10 percent pay hike. RT reports: This latest salary rise will see MPs’ pay creep up another 1.3 percent to £74,962 per year, with ministers earning an additional £68,000 on top of that. The decision was made at an IPSA board meeting on January 20. IPSA defended the move as part of a... more »
*As a former high altitude Navy interceptor, I have felt and glimpsed the sanctity of high flight as well its effect on my own sense of global consciousness as well as in my heart centered work. Edgar Mitchell also fully felt a desire to explore inner space and the need for a people oriented global consciousness, while viewing our planet on the moon. In 1998, Mitchell's Institute of Noetic Sciences along with Common Boundary chose my 1998 doctoral dissertation on **the **Unified Field* *as one of the four leading entries nationwide, in the 1998 Common Boundary/ Ins... more »
Geoffrey Parker’s Account Of The Little Ice Age
By Paul Homewood https://www.bookdepository.com/Global-Crisis-Geoffrey-Parker/9780300208634 I’m reading Geoffrey Parker’s excellent history of the 17thC, Global Crisis. Parker is a renowned historian, and most of the book relates to the political and societal tumult that took place against the background of a rapidly cooling climate. His first chapter, however, lays down this climatic background […]
San Diego Won’t Punish City Workers Who Say “Founding Fathers”
[image: 30th April 1789: The inauguration of George Washington as the first President of the United States, at the Federal Hall in New York City. Robert Livingston (left), Chancellor of New York State administers the oath of office. Also present (from left to right) are Arthur St Clair, Samuel A Otis, General Henry Knox, Roger Sherman, (Washington), Baron Friedrich von Steuben and John Adams. (Photo by Stock Montage/Stock Montage/Getty Images)] The effort to make language gender neutral just reached a richly ironic point. The City of San Diego warned its workers in a new manual on “B... more »
Christian Pacifists Should Loudly Protest Military Draft for Women, But Most are Curiously Silent
[image: Women in combat - 900] The seeming endorsement by several Republican presidential candidates of registering women for a hypothetical military draft, and the Obama Administration's removing remaining strictures against women in combat roles, have provoked controversy from some conservative Christians. Nearly all of the critics... more »
Latest Map On The Current Syrian And Iraqi Wars
LATEST MAP FROM @CJTFOIR pic.twitter.com/AAH4MW30Ev — COL Steve Warren (@OIRSpox) February 10, 2016
Russian Engineers Are Working With Both The Islamic State And With The Syrian Government To Provide Electricity To Syria
Both ISIS - which controls eight of the nation's power plants - and Assad's regime rely on the gas that provides 90 per cent of the country's electricity *Ceren Kenar & Ragip Soylu, Foreign Policy*: *Why Are Russian Engineers Working at an Islamic State-Controlled Gas Plant in Syria?* *Moscow says it's at war with the jihadist group -- but both sides aren't opposed to cutting economic deals amid the bloodshed.* Officially, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government and his Russian allies are at war against the Islamic State. But a gas facility in northern Syria under the contro... more »
The Kitchen Sink: Episode One In An Infinite Series
To his credit, Bernie Sanders waxed sanguine in last night's victory speech. He fully expects the Clintonoids to throw the kitchen sink at him as well as everything else at their (garbage) disposal. He fully expects the mainstream media to continue treating him (and by extension, his supporters) with utter disdain. The Kitchen Sink has Nixonian soap scum and rancid grease ringed all around it. It is already becoming a virtual petri dish of dirty tricks. One recent artifact in the atrocity exhibition shows Hillary Clinton papering over the stonewalling about her paid Wall Street spee... more »
RFK Killer Sirhan Sirhan Denied Parole
[image: Sirhan - 900] SAN DIEGO (AP) -- For the 15th time, officials denied parole for Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, after hearing Wednesday from another person who was shot that night and called for the release of Sirhan. The... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* Australia Admits Recent Stellar Job Numbers Were Cooked "Jingle Mail" Makes Comeback In Canada As Underwater Borrowers Mail Keys Back To Banks The End Is Nigh For Europe As Officials Mull 2 Year Schengen "Suspension" Hawaii Island Declares Dengue Fever State Of Emergency Profit At World's Largest Shipping Company Plunges On Collapsing Global Trade, Sinking Crude Prices You Could Go To Prison For Performing Oral Or Anal Sex In Michigan Sweden Arrests 14 For Plotting To Attack Migrant House With Axes, Iron Pipes North Korea reportedly executed its army chief of sta... more »
Nutrition journal accidentally publishes spice paper twice
The author of a pilot study that suggested adding spices may encourage people to eat more vegetables initially didn’t realize that her paper had been retracted from Food and Nutrition Sciences in May. What’s more, Zhaoping Li, Chief of the Division of Clinical Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles and the first author on the paper, didn’t realize […] The post Nutrition journal accidentally publishes spice paper twice appeared first on Retraction Watch.
U.S. Intelligence: Russian Airstrikes Have Changed ‘Calculus Completely’ In Syria
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies before a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on 'Worldwide threats to America and our allies' in Washington, February 2016. (Reuters) *Washington Post*:* U.S. officials: Russian airstrikes have changed ‘calculus completely’ in Syria* Russian military intervention in Syria has turned the course of that country’s civil war against U.S.-backed rebel groups, increasing the likelihood that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his loyalists will remain in power, U.S. intelligence officials testified Tuesday. The assessment amou... more »
Trump’s Not Going Away. So Now What Do Conservatives Do?
[image: Donald Trump2 - 900] I am watching the presidential race this year with horrified fascination. And a glimmer of hope -- at the failure of the GOP donor class to line up the voters behind its preferences. Let me be up front with you:... more »
Why Beyonce Shouldn’t Have Honored Black Panthers in Super Bowl Show
[image: Beyonce and Chris Martin perform during Super Bowl 50 between the Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California, on February 7, 2016.] By now, Beyonce’s Super Bowl halftime ode to the Black Panthers has entered the national consciousness. We all know what she was driving at. She was channeling the meme of the "black lives matter" movement. But why use the symbolism... more »
German Supermarket Chain Bans Bee-Killing Neonic Pesticides on Produce
*Christina Sarich* - A German supermarket chain with stores in the U.S., has become the first major European retailer to ban pesticides toxic to bees. The post German Supermarket Chain Bans Bee-Killing Neonic Pesticides on Produce appeared first on Waking Times.
THE YEAR OF THE LIBERAL: Who the heck voted for Candidate Trump?
*WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2016How should we liberals perceive them:* Who are the people who voted last night for Candidate Donald J. Trump? Presumably, most of these people are New Hampshire residents. Beyond that, we'd be slow to offer a generalization, not even a demonization! Slightly more than 100,000 people voted yesterday for Candidate Trump. Across the nation, millions more are waiting to follow suit. For ourselves, we'd be slow to offer a generalization about that many voters. That said, this morning's New York Times offers some information about yesterday's legion for Tru... more »
Election Latest: Hillary Pushes Race Card on Sanders as Rival Pulls in Millions from His New Hampshire Victory
[image: The Rev. Al Sharpton talks with Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. as they sit down for a breakfast meeting at Sylvia's Restaurant, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016, in the Harlem neighborhood of New York. Sanders defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday in the New Hampshire primary. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)] COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- Here’s the latest on the 2016 presidential race as Republican and Democratic candidates head from New Hampshire to South Carolina and beyond. All times local: 5:22 p.m. Hillary Clinton will campaign next week w... more »
Political Correctness = Language and Thought Control
*Makia Freeman* - Political correctness is a Rothschild invention of language control. Like Orwellian Newspeak in 1984, its ultimate aim is to reduce the scope of free thought. The post Political Correctness = Language and Thought Control appeared first on Waking Times.
Afghanistan Optimistic On Having Peace Talks With The Taliban. The U.S. Is Sceptical That These Talks Will Get Anywhere
Image Credit: DFID via Flickr *The Diplomat*: *Afghanistan's Abdullah Abdullah Optimistic About the Peace Process* Speaking in New Delhi, Afghanistan’s chief executive officer addressed a range of problems confronting the country. Last week, Abdullah Abdullah, the second most powerful man in Afghanistan, wrapped up his five day trip to India. On the last day of his trip, he spoke to a select group of journalists over breakfast. During the course of an hour, Abdullah touched upon the issues impacting Afghanistan today. At the outset, he talked about the challenges facing the one-a... more »
More U.S. Troops To Be Deployed To Afghanistan (Updated)
*New York Times*: *U.S. to Send More Troops to Aid Afghan Forces Pressed by Taliban* KABUL, Afghanistan — The United States Army will deploy hundreds of soldiers to the southern Afghan province of Helmand, where government forces have been pushed to the brink by Taliban militants, a military spokesman said Tuesday. It will be the largest deployment of American troops outside major bases in Afghanistan since the end of the NATO combat mission in 2014. Though the military insists that the soldiers will not take active combat roles, American Special Operations forces have increasing...more »
The Zika Virus Scam: Zika Fear Falters As False Flag Fraud Fizzles
I have come under some attack for my postings about this fraud Zika virus scare mongering that still is making the rounds via the Jew spew media outlets.... Many have commentated that my previous reports linked to Jon Rappoport who they claim is in the "Alex Jones" camp... I say to them that I do not care where these reports originate if they contain absolute and verifiable truth... And Jon Rappoport has been spot on in looking at this Zika virus "scare" as a fraud and a swindle...... Lets make it perfectly clear here... This Zika Virus "scare" is tantamount in this fight against th... more »
World News Briefs -- February 10, 2016
*Reuters*: *Scant hope of Syria peace breakthrough as Russia pounds rebels* Major powers meeting in Germany on Thursday aim to revive Syria peace efforts, but with Russia backing a government push for a military victory, opposition delegates and Western officials see little hope of a diplomatic breakthrough. United Nations Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura halted the first attempt to negotiate an end to Syria's war in two years after an unprecedented offensive by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against Western-backed rebels supported by Russian air strikes. *Read ... more »
Amnesty & Human Rights Watch Confirm Hashd Revenge Attacks In Iraq’s Muqtadiya
In early January 2016 the Islamic State carried out a double bombing in Diyala’s Muqtadiya that left over a hundred casualties. The attack targeted the Hashd, and in retaliation they went after the city’s Sunnis burning and destroying buildings and killing civilians. The Iraqi government initially did nothing, and then blamed gangs, while the Hashd said it was all the work of insurgents. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch both talked with residents that confirmed that it was Shiite armed groups that were responsible for the sectarian violence. The Islamic State provoked... more »
"Absurdities, Atrocities..."
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H. L. Mencken "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire Same as it ever was, and we never learn, do we?
The Economy: “The Chart of Doom: When Private Credit Stops Expanding...”
*“The Chart of Doom: When Private Credit Stops Expanding...”* by Charles Hugh Smith “Once private credit rolls over in China and the U.S., the global recession will start its rapid slide down the Seneca Cliff. Few question the importance of private credit in the global economy. When households and businesses are borrowing to expand production and buy homes, vehicles, etc., the economy expands smartly. When private credit shrinks- that is, as businesses and households stop borrowing more and start paying down existing debt- the result is at best stagnation and at worst recession or d... more »
"War and Economic Depression Molding Modern Times - Are You Prepared?"
*"War and Economic Depression Molding Modern Times- * *Are You Prepared?"* By Daily Bell Staff "The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists." - Ernest Hemingway "So long as the deceit ran along quiet and monotonous, all of us let ourselves be deceived, abetting it unawares or maybe through cowardice..." - William Faulkner "Private military and security companies (PMSCs) have been exploiting conflict and inst... more »
Feeling the Yern: Why One Millenial Woman Would Rather Go to Hell Than Vote For Hillary
*I am not an enthusiastic supporter of Bernie Sanders largely because of his tepid foreign policy pronouncements. But I must give him credit for taking on the big $$$ from Wall Street - he's done well to give voice to the Occupy movement's articulation of the need to end the power of the 1% who literally own the country and much of the world. This article below by Holly Wood is one of the best things I've seen written in years and god do I ever love her satire and her truth telling. Enjoy.* By Holly Wood February 8, 2016 The Village Voice There seems to be no shortage of b... more »
French resident of Calais speak on the effects of the illegal immigrants
https://youtu.be/nCqQi4hLKeU "France is no longer for the French, it is for 'the others'. The French just pay."
Do Trump’s Supporters Deserve to Be Scorned?
[image: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures to the crowd as he signs autographs at a campaign event at Plymouth State University Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016, in Plymouth, N.H. (AP Photo/David Goldman)] There's a dust-up among conservative commentators over how to address the presumed core of Donald Trump supporters: working-class whites worried about what they perceive as their collective interests, in the face of a grievance group-driven Democratic party, and a Republican... more »
Millionaires Qualifying for Medicaid Under Obamacare
[image: Contour farming and conservation tillage protect highly erodible land on a farm near Norwalk in Warren County, in central Iowa.] Millionaires living in states that expanded Medicaid are benefiting from government-sponsored health insurance, and taxpayers are footing the bill for it. In states that expanded Medicaid, people with high net worths and low monthly incomes qualify for Medicaid because of... more »
Neither Stephen Nor Pierre
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/ Carol Goar has an interesting column this morning on Justin Trudeau's leadership style -- which is nothing like his father's: A pattern is developing in Canadian politics. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will meet a group expected to be unfriendly or censorious. He will listen carefully to its position but make no firm commitment. To the surprise of his critics, he will emerge unscathed. Consider where's he's been and what he's done in his first one hundred days: - It happened last week in Calgary when he... more »
After 10 years, a whistleblower is vindicated. Here’s why he kept going.
Stefan Franzen doesn’t give up. Ten years ago, he began to suspect the data behind his colleagues’ research about using RNA to make palladium nanoparticles, a potentially valuable tool that ended up as a Science paper. Recently, the National Science Foundation (NSF) decided to cut off funding for Bruce Eaton and Dan Feldheim — currently at the University of […] The post After 10 years, a whistleblower is vindicated. Here’s why he kept going. appeared first on Retraction Watch.
The Toreador Dialogues - the Corporate War - finally catches up with you
finally, face to face, the corporate bull *or Target* and the corporate toreador *or Assassin* begin a halting conversation... it's mostly a one-way conversation in the form of a PFC or Plea For Compassion. Let's listen in... Assassin: ...look, just close your eyes and let's get this over. Target: But you (still) know nothing about me. Assassin: I know you fought well. Target: I had no choice, you have a choice. Assassin: I have as little choice as you. Target: Seriously, that's your driving motivation? Assassin: Close your eyes, here it comes. Target: Wait...
Music video incites Palestinians to blow up Jews in buses
This conclusion is from Elder Of Ziyon 'Make no mistake - the vast majority of Palestinians support the depraved message of videos like this, both explicitly and implicitly, by refusing to say a single negative word about them. And that is a message that Western media and politicians simply refuse to acknowledge.' You can read the whole piece and see the music video here http://elderofziyon.blogspot.co.il/2016/02/music-video-incites-palestinians-to.html but you won't see or hear anything about this on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.
Does Language Influence How You See The World?
*April McCarthy* - Can learning a language rewire your brain? The post Does Language Influence How You See The World? appeared first on Waking Times.
The Most Corrupt And Most Conservative Democrats In Congress Are All Huge Hillary Supporters
Harry Belafonte, one of the first celebrities to embrace-- and bankroll-- the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King, is endorsing Bernie today. I image Hillary's neocon foreign policy agenda makes him sick. Most Military-Industrial Complex Democrats are enthusiastic Hillary supporters, so it's good to see Belafonte step up to the plate and explain what she's always been all about and how detrimental her election would be to the cause of peace. Sure, she's better than the Republicans, but... what a low bar, especiallyin the middle of primary season! Last night, the *only* ... more »
The Economy: “Bob, I Got A Bad Feeling On This One”
*“Bob, I Got A Bad Feeling On This One”* by hedgeless_horseman "Bob, I got a bad feeling on this one. All right? I mean I got a bad feeling! I don't think I'm gonna make it outta here! D'ya understand what I'm sayin' to you?" “The global markets are clearly in turmoil...again. I thought I would start a quasi-open thread here on ZH, where we can ask questions and share concerns or strategies with one another. So, like my asteroid article from last year, let's have a little more fun, and use this as a test of our financial-armageddon preparedness. First, a definition or two: *Th... more »
Hymns for Ash Wednesday
[image: A woman next to lighted candles prays during the observance of Ash Wednesday at a church ground in Manila on February 10, 2016. The 40-day period of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, with Catholics around the world observing the season which culminates in Easter Sunday. AFP PHOTO / TED ALJIBE / AFP / TED ALJIBE (Photo credit should read TED ALJIBE/AFP/Getty Images)] Music has the power to change our hearts, which is why every time God's people get together they sing and remind themselves and one another of His story and their place in it. The great evangelists had great hymn-writ... more »
Japan Announces New Sanctions on North Korea
[image: Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga speaks to the media during a press conference at Prime Minister's official residence in Tokyo, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016. Japan announced Wednesday that it will impose new sanctions on North Korea to protest a rocket launch seen as a test of missile technology. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)] TOKYO (AP) -- Japan announced Wednesday that it will impose new sanctions on North Korea to protest a rocket launch seen as a test of missile technology. The sanctions will include expanded restrictions on travel between the two countries and... more »
Where to Invade Next Movie Trailer - Coming To Theatres 12 February 2016
Published on January 28, 2016 Where to Invade Next In theaters February 12, 2016 *http://wheretoinvadenext.com/* Academy Award®-winning director Michael Moore is back with WHERE TO INVADE NEXT: a provocative and hilarious comedy in which Moore will stop at nothing to figure out how to actually make America great again. Just in time for election season, America's favorite political provocateur, Michael Moore, is back with his new film, WHERE TO INVADE NEXT. Honored by festivals and critics groups alike, WHERE TO INVADE NEXT is an expansive, hilarious, and subversive comedy in wh... more »
In an Election Year, Beware of Toxic Words
[image: Social Security Card, Retirement Benefits, Money, Dollar Bills, Entitlement] During this election year, we are destined to hear many words that are toxic in the way they misrepresent reality and substitute fantasies that can win votes. One of these words is “entitlement.” To hear some politicians tell it, we... more »
Fear Not, My Secular Friends
[image: Crowded Street, Crowded City, Traffic, Crossing Intersection] It amuses me that certain people are convinced that Christians are angry scolds but totally miss the humorlessness and angst of certain Christophobic secularists. When I wrote the book Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity, secularists panned the...more »
Here’s Why Republicans are Mocking Obama’s Final Budget Proposal
[image: US President Barack Obama speaks to the media during a meeting with members of his national security team, and cybersecurity advisors in the Roosevelt Room at the White House February 9, 2016 in Washington, DC. Also pictured are US Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. John P. Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology (L). (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)] President Obama's final budget proposal, which increases government spending to $4.15 trillion, got a chilly reception Tuesday in Congress. Many Republicans already are dismissing the spending plan outrig... more »
Yellen to Face Congress Amid Uncertainty on Fed Rate Policy
[image: In this Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015, file photo, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen speaks on inflation dynamics and monetary policy at the University of Massachusetts, in Amherst, Mass. Yellen begins two days of congressional testimony on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen will address Congress on Wednesday at a time of deepening uncertainty about the Fed’s interest rate policies. Since the Fed raised rates from record lows in December, the economic landscape has become...more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 10, 2016
*The Hill:* *Pentagon unveils $583B budget* The Pentagon on Tuesday unveiled a $582.7 billion budget that increases spending on combat readiness, but reduces planned purchases of aircraft, ships and other systems. The massive budget aims to strike a balance between funding the administration's current efforts in Afghanistan and against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria while also setting aside funds to prepare for far-off future conflicts. Overall, the request includes $524 billion for the base budget and $59 billion for war and other contingency funding. It includes a $300 m... more »
Multiple parallel universes - the energy paradox - not enough to power them all
*the retention of personal identity across all multiverses* *is the real miracle, let's say...* if "Multiverses" exist then ALL POTENTIAL U-NIVERSEs are always on, ALL POTENTIAL Y-OUs are always on. All the time. And we (these alleged multiversers) are just smoothly blending from timeline to timeline like it's the most natural thing. And it is. It must be. We exist, if we're all potential multiversers, we can all blend from timeline to timeline, having our micro-effect on the vast number of universes we exist in. Every moment is made of a melange of innumerable scales and definition... more »
Russia's 'Internet Czar' Is Targeting America's Tech Giants
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Bloomberg:** Putin's New Internet Czar Wants Apple and Google to Pay More Taxes* * We are breeding the cow and they are milking it': Klimenko * Google's reach considered national security threat to Russia When he’s not checking Gmail on his MacBook, Vladimir Putin’s new Internet czar can’t stop railing against American technology companies. Google, Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp., collectively worth more than Russia’s gross domestic product, have all entered German Klimenko’s crosshairs since he was named Putin’s first Internet adviser six weeks ago. ... more »
Sakib Hasan Comments on The Torch of 2011
I posted the original "Torch of 2011" on July 19th of that year. Within a few weeks, I received 12 comments in responce. The last responce came over two years later. I had not responded to it before, and beg to be excused from failing to perform that obligation at the time The comment was received. Today I will attempt, belatedly, to perform what I regard as an obligation to respond. I am thankful that I have reached te point where response is possible. Sakib Hasan said... The very heart of your writing shilst sounding agreeable at first, did not settle very well with me per... more »
Feds Say Average Gas Price Will Stay Under $2 for the Year
[image: pumping gas - 900] The federal government's energy experts are predicting gas prices will remain below $2.00 a gallon for the year -- the lowest projection for gasoline prices since 2004. "For the first time since 2004, U.S. drivers are expected to pay an average of...more »
*Harvard Medical School students decry lack of diversity* *These students are seeking a reputational decline for their school. Brainless* Students in white coats marched through Harvard Yard last week to call attention to a lack of diversity at Harvard Medical School, as the Black Lives Matter movement rolls into the next storied Harvard institution. Three dozen Harvard medical and dental students in a newly formed Racial Justice Coalition delivered a petition to the office of President Drew Gilpin Faust, who is leading a search to replace the outgoing medical school dean, Dr. J... more »
FBI Not Able To Unlock The San Bernardino Terrorist Cell Phone
Tashfeen Malik (left) and Syed Farook are pictured passing through Chicago's O'Hare International Airport in this July 27, 2014, handout photo obtained by Reuters on Dec. 8, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS/U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS *L.A. Times*: *FBI can't figure out how to unlock encrypted phone in San Bernardino investigation* FBI technicians have been unable to unlock encrypted data on a cellphone that belonged to the terrorist couple who killed 14 people in San Bernardino on Dec. 2, the FBI director said Tuesday. The failure, the second such case in recent mo...more »
*Warmists are not the only secretive scientists* Obama: "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide" *Warmists have always been rock-solid in refusing to follow the general scientific practice of making their raw data available to others for analysis. And on the big occasion when Warmist data did leak out we saw why. In constructing his hockeystick Michael Mann simply left out proxy data that did not suit him: Totally crooked. Tom Karl's controversial "adjustments" to sea-surface temperatures are also now under attack -- even ... more »
Intelligence Officials: ISIS Determined to Strike US This Year
[image: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016, before a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on worldwide threats. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Leaders of the Islamic State are determined to strike targets in the United States this year, senior U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday, telling lawmakers that a small group of violent extremists will attempt to overcome the logistical... more »
Senate to Vote on Hitting North Korea With Tougher Sanctions
[image: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., joined by, from left, Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., Sen. John Thune, R-S.D. and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas, talks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016, following a closed-door policy meeting. McConnell said the Senate will consider legislation to hit North Korea with more stringent sanctions in the wake of Pyongyang’s recent satellite launch and technical advances U.S. intelligence agencies say the reclusive Asian nation is making in its nuclear weapons progra... more »
Climate change ‘to make transatlantic flights longer’ – Or Not!!
By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-35533761 Matt McGrath falls for the latest piece of junk science! Flights from the UK to the US could take longer due to the changes in the climate, according to a new study. Global warming is likely to speed up the jet stream, say researchers, […]
After Spending Billions The U.S. Cyber Defense System Does Not Work
*Judicial Watch*: *U.S. Blows $5.7 Bil on Cyber Defense System That Doesn’t Work* Reckless government spending is at full throttle with the example du jour a $5.7 billion cyber defense system created to protect computers at federal agencies against hackers. Despite its mind-boggling price tag the system is seriously flawed and uses features already available in much cheaper commercial-grade products, according to a federal probe made public recently. The problem, besides sticking it to taxpayers for the exorbitant cost, is that the multibillion-dollar system simply doesn’t work. N... more »
The Torch of 2011 Revisited
This post was inspired by my personal existential concern. I asked a very personal question of myself as I began to explore energy issues in 2007. That question was,"Can I survive climate change energy solutions?" I realized during That time that low cost, dispatchabel electricity played a vital role role in sustaining my life. During the often hot Dallas' summers, I was dependent on air condition. I had little doubt that I would not survive the strings of 100+ degree days that regularly regularly turn the Dallas ummers into visitations to hell. My Concerns were validated by the dea... more »
AP Exclusive: Iranian Drone First Over U.S. Carrier Since 2014
[image: Aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman CVN 75 and guided-missile cruiser USS Vicksburg (CG 69) transit the Atlantic Ocean in this photo take September 18, 2015.] DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- An Iranian drone that flew over a U.S. aircraft carrier last month was the first to conduct an overflight of an American carrier since 2014. That’s according to an internal U.S. Navy report on... more »
Baked Spaghetti Alfredo with Meatballs in Marinara
If it were up to my daughter we would have spaghetti every night. Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with spaghetti. Except that it's kind of boring. Adding meatballs helps, but it's still just an ultra basic dish. I'm more of an Alfredo fan. It's rich, creamy and so satisfying. But if I make Alfredo, my daughter won't eat it. Tired of battling out who gets their sauce of choice, I've found a solution: Baked Spaghetti Alfredo with Meatballs in Marinara. It's a mouthful to say, but a delicious mouthful to eat. This meal is really two meals in one. You prepare the spaghetti Alfre... more »
The U.S. Intelligence's 'Black Budget' Is Still Classified
*US News and World report:* *Obama Keeps Public in Dark About 'Black Budget' Requests* "Most transparent" administration congratulates itself for complying with mandatory disclosure requirement. The self-described “most transparent administration in history” declined to say how much it seeks to bill taxpayers for individual spy agencies as part of President Barack Obama's final budget request to Congress. Disclosing any agency-specific information -- such as whether the controversial National Security Agency or lesser-known National Reconnaissance Office won backing for a raise or... more »
A Shake-Up At The NSA
*Baltimore Sun*: *NSA reorganization to combine offense, defense* The National Security Agency is about to launch its most ambitious reorganization in years, bringing together teams charged with gathering intelligence around the world with those tasked with defending U.S. secrets. The plan, which the agency calls NSA21, is expected to be detailed publicly next week. A congressman who has been briefed and a former intelligence official described the outlines to The Baltimore Sun. The new organization is to be called the Directorate of Operations. Combining the agency's offensive and... more »
6 Tips For A Healthy Life
*Note:* If you have difficulty reading the above poster, please click on it to clarify.
Hey, Buddy, Jesus Said No Ashes
[image: Ash Wednesday] It’s a strange practice, this putting ashes on people’s foreheads once a year, on the appropriately named Ash Wednesday. Catholics do it, and many Episcopalians and Lutherans, increasing numbers of other Protestant churches, and even a few Baptists. The ashes are made... more »
Sanders LANDSLIDE - SANDSLIDE! (Hillary Campaign Implodes Dreading Rest of Primary Letdowns?) The Message Is Never Give Up Fighting Evil (It's Your Life!)
Looks like it's a Sanders landslide (Sandslide?) (60% - 38% at 6:00 AM). Trump has gained 35% of the vote over the rest of the candidates by capturing the majority of the evangelical vote, which occurred as the Republicans were registering a record-breaking voter turnout. Kasich is second with 16%, Cruz has 12%, Bush and Rubio have about 11% each. (Fiorina doubled Carson's votes as the bottom
Mock the Week - Things A Sports Commentator Would Never Say
https://youtu.be/G-3GBPqCQE4 Because I need a laugh this morning
"Pravda: Scenarios Of Real War Between Russia And Turkey"
*"Pravda: Scenarios Of Real War Between Russia And Turkey"* By GPD "The possibility of a full-fledged war between Russia and Turkey has been a talk of the day for conspiracy theorists, analysts, couch warriors and experts on international politics for several weeks already. Turkish President Erdogan threatened that Turkey will not tolerate Russia’s possible attack on its air force. It is an open secret that guns start shooting only when politicians and diplomats are powerless to stop them from doing it. Yet, let’s assume that a real war sparks between Russia and Turkey (NATO) – wha...more »
Musical Interlude:Sting, “Fields of Gold” (Playlist)
Sting, “Fields of Gold” - https://www.youtube.com/
Syria Has Become An Uncontrollable Military, Diplomatic And Humanitarian Disaster
*Karen DeYoung and Liz Sly, Washington Post*: *Syria, already a catastrophe, seems on the verge of an uncontrollable disaster* Suddenly, after four years of brutal civil war, Syria this week became even more of an uncontrollable military, diplomatic and humanitarian disaster. “We are not blind to what is happening,” Secretary of State John F. Kerry said Tuesday, as he prepared for a meeting in Munich of stakeholders from outside Syria. “We are all very, very aware of how critical this moment is.” The Thursday gathering could well be the last gasp of a three-month, Kerry-orchestrat... more »
Beekeeper Who Sounded Alarm on Colony Collapse Disorder Loses 90 Percent of His Hives
There is no possible way for neonics and insect life to coexist. Particularly when the insects actually travel. Yet we spoke up here in 2007. There was already ample evidence of the source of the problem not least the negative evidence of application and related local collapse. Yet here we are a full eight years later with a burgeoning file of confirmation and still denial and no action. I have little doubt that the companies will all be ultimately forced into chapter eleven to escape the liabilities they are accumulating here. Worse this is all disclosing the bribe to play cul... more »
The World's First Robot-run Farm Will harvest 30,000 heads of lettuce daily
Certain crops will always lend themselves to mass production methods. Grain crops leap to mind. Other crops are not so easy but all crops can benefit from applying robotic repetitive systems. A robot arm can identify and pick an apple. This eliminates a short term human employment surge. Yet we always need human eyeballs to watch for problems and that same person can easily grab fi8lled bins and take them to processing. A machine dedicated to closely observing each plant every day is a lousy idea and deprives a human being of a pleasant day's exercise doing his crop walk ab... more »
Basic Origami Fold could Create Anything
One wonders were this will all end up. So far it is a neat toy and has been forever. The practical problem is simply the folding. That is a problem many times more difficult in practice. Yet it seems solvable. Recall that the whole simple topic of fasteners has plagued design engineering forever. It is always a weak point and it has always been a compromise. Expect as much with this toy system. Yet the design is intrinsically strong in the right configuration. So we will see. . *Basic origami fold could create anything from surgical stents to satellites* *http://www.giz... more »
Study proves urban heat islands exist, even in the Arctic per Watts Up With That?
The BBC often report that temperatures in the Arctic are rising, but are they really? Watts Up With That have an interesting report http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/02/10/study-proves-urban-heat-islands-exist-even-in-the-arctic/ 'A novel form of the "urban heat island" effect might contribute to why the far north is warming faster than the rest of the globe, a study of five Arctic cities finds. Sunlight can heat dense building materials. When night falls, buildings will release some of their solar energy into the air. This helps explain why urban centers tend to be a few degrees w... more »
Human Rights Watch Denounces French State Of Emergency
The international NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) has denounced French authorities for abusing their powers under the state of emergency imposed in France following the Paris attacks. HRW’s report says that Police and the French State are systemically and arbitrarily denying its citizens basic democratic rights, targeting people of Muslim descent. Wsws.org reports: HRW declares, “France has carried out abusive and discriminatory raids and house arrests against Muslims under its sweeping new state of emergency law. The measures have created economic hardship, stigmatized those targeted...more »
What gravitational wave astronomy may hear
On Monday, LIGO finally officially admitted that there would be a press conference tomorrow, as we predicted in the poll, at 10:30 am, in the National Press Club, a gentleman journalists' building that is very close to the White House. In 2011, I embedded a talk that the Czech ex-president Klaus gave there. Oops, it was one in Canberra but who cares. ;-) LIGO's colleagues in Italy, Virgo, should hold an event at the same moment, i.e. 16:30 Central European Time. This should also be webcast – and there are hints that these people will actually be at CERN, not in Italy, and the we... more »
Who Gave An Iranian-Backed Militia A US-Made M1 Abrams Tank?
*Threat Matrix*: *Iranian-backed militia seen with US tank in Iraq* Kata’ib Sayyid al Shuhada (KSS), an Iranian-backed Shia militia which operates in both Syria and Iraq, has been spotted using a US-made M1 Abrams tank in a recently released video. The video, which is a montage of different militias within the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU’s), a Shia-led collection of militias in Iraq, has been shared on several PMU social media outlets. Around the 16 second mark of the video, a KSS flag can clearly be seen atop an Abrams. It is unclear exactly where the militia is located durin... more »
Government Admits They Will Use Smart Home Devices For Spying
Director of national intelligence, James Clapper, has revealed that US intelligence agencies are using various “smart home” devices in order to spy on citizens. The growing list of smart devices such as thermostats, cameras, and other appliances that are connected to the internet, provide authorities with the ability to spy on its citizens. The Guardian reports: “In the future, intelligence services might use the [internet of things] for identification, surveillance, monitoring, location tracking, and targeting for recruitment, or to gain access to networks or user credentials,” Cl... more »
Russian T-90 Tanks Spotted In The Fight For The Syrian City Of Aleppo
T-90A main battle tank. Wikipedia *Russia Beyond The Headlines*: *T-90 Vladimir tanks join the fight for Aleppo* *Russia’s brand-new T-90 tank is seeing its first military involvement in the battle to push back forces opposed to Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad from around the city of Aleppo.* The T-90 tank, one of the newest pieces of military hardware to come into service with the Russian armed forces, is having its baptism of fire on battlefields in Syria. The presence of Russian T-90 tanks in Syria was first reported by Turkish and Iranian media and then confirmed by sources in ... more »
Tweet For Today
The budget the next president will inherit, in five charts https://t.co/nUB2v4L4UM via @WSJecon pic.twitter.com/wnesqIOas9 — Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) February 9, 2016
A Quarter Of Zimbabwe's Population Is Facing Starvation
*Al Jazeera*: *Zimbabwe pleads for cash to stop mass starvation* Harare seeking $1.5bn to help save more than a quarter of the population from starving to death, as drought worsens. Zimbabwe has appealed to local businesses and charities for more than $1.5bn aid to save more than a quarter of the population from starvation due to drought. "The government of Zimbabwe requires a total of [$1.57bn] with effect from February to December 2016," Zimbabwe's vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa said at a news conference in the capital Harare on Tuesday, adding that more than three million p... more »
... Do you remember?
One of the misconceptions of Denice's work is that it is all channeled, it is not. She has a communication device implanted in her ear as part of pre-birth agreement with the Galactics associated with the Neptune and Related Spheres from the Sphere Alliance. Denice was a long time communications officer with them before this incarnation. This is why she can relay such great technical detail on subjects she has now knowledge and do it as fast as she can type it. She also get a great deal of information via telepathy which she has worked on for years in a similar manner as Eileen ... more »
Picture Of The Day
© Flickr/ U.S. Pacific Fleet
What is Marie Henein's end game?
The trial of the former Q host on CBC is well underway. Five days so far of mediocre prosecutorial presentations while on the adversarial side, the best Grand Guignol cross-examination that defence lawyer Marie Henein is capable of executing. What if Henein's agenda were to expose how the Canadian (in)justice system, with regard to crimes of sexual assault and trials, is fundamentally patriarchal? Here's one account of the grim proceedings. As well, _Chatelaine_ has produced formidable coverage of many aspects of the trial. This insight into the first days of the trial came from ... more »
There was a time in the United States when some public colleges and universities charged no tuition. However, tuition has never been set as a national policy -- it is a decision for each school or state government officials. And some colleges charged tuition dating back to the 1800s.
According to the NYT and Democracy Now: New guidelines* will allow FBI agents to investigate people and organizations "proactively" without firm evidence for ...
( Guidelines. Is that what they are. There is no evidence for that either )
Anti-terrorism resources are being used to target environmentalists, peace, animal and political activistswho hold different views than the government.
On Friday morning, the FBI conducted raids at the homes of activists in Minneapolis, Chicago, Michigan and North Carolina. These provocations, under the guise of ...
Groups that were known to be targets of COINTELPRO operations include. ... activists, and leaders involved in the Anti-War Movement, ... Federal Bureau of Investigation.
"Despite making token claims to protecting protesters’ First Amendment rights, a leaked manual reveals how police pick out perceived movement leaders for targeted arrests."
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