The Three Establishment Model of Covert Politics
we enter the extra-parliamentary domain of parapolitics; informal, non-public organizations in which influence-forming is practiced, often by persons in influential government positions and/or from the corporate world who together make political decisions without oversight.
Demonstrates the pervasive influence of Henry Kissinger and George Schultz in many controversial events. This establishment is dominated by Pilgrims Society members, which include Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, John Whitehead, Peter Peterson, Paul Volcker, as well as most key members of the British establishment. The Pilgrims also include a number of early CIA directors and/or close family.
hawkish, extreme-right Pentagon and CIA people
Works through Jewish/Zionist communities worldwide and is heavily influenced by the Mossad and Israeli government.
- Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty
- Nerve Gas attacks
- 2001 Israeli Nerve Gas Attacks
- Balfour Declaration
- This Is How We'll Close The Strait of Hormuz
- Document:Iran - This Is How We'll Close The Strait of Hormuz
- 7-Seas Global Intelligence
- Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty
- Balfour Declaration
- Zionist denials - post 2000
- Simon Wiesenthal
- Hasbara (2002 Manual)
- Hasbara (history)
- Unwelcome Guests
- Iran - This Is How We'll Close The Strait of Hormuz
- Korea and the "Axis of Evil"
- The Three Establishment Model of Covert Politics
- Kevin Galalae - Post Hunger-strike synopsis
- Rudolf Elmer files against Swiss banking secrecy at ECHR
- The Doomsday Project and Deep Events
- Palestine - The Illusion of Power and the Calculus of Dispossession
- Russophobe-myths.pdf
- Rootkit-final.pdf
- US NuclearWeaponsAccidents.pdf
- FukushimaMortalityInUS.pdf
- Which Path to Persia.pdf
- InternetDisinformation.pdf
- Keenan complaint 11-23-2011 SDNY.pdf
- 24 Hours To Save The Malyshevs
- Vicious and Uncaring Deportation
- Libya, the Lie
- Our friendly police protectors
- Libya: V Day + 3 Weeks
- Dead Sirte: Another Murderous Twist in NATO’s Coil of Lies
- Libya: The criminal face of imperialism
- The rape of Libya
- A River of Waste - Dr. Michael Greger
- Copwatch@Occupy Oakland: Beware of Police Infiltrators and Provocateurs
- Washington Cuts off Financial Support to UNESCO in Reprisal for "Democractic" Vote on Palestine Membership
- China-US Energy Geopolitics: The Battle for Oil in the South China Sea
- BBC Shame
- Planned Disruption of Church Occupation Forces Postponement – Vancouver Group Names Provocateurs A Statement from Occupy the Vatican (Vancouver) and Indigenous members of Occupy Vancouver
- OBL’s Death: The Mystery Of Helicopter Crash
Ron Paul was right about CIA drug deal
Charles (unregistered) December 31, 2011, 08:32 quoteNarcotics are the biggest business in the world. Peter Dale Scott’s American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan, convinced me that the "deep politics" reality of our foreign policy with the Third World since the end of World War II has been narco-centric. We clearly see this in revelations of AIG, Goldman Sachs, and the trillion dollar TARP and Fed bailouts.
AIG’s involvement to US covert operations stretches back to World War II, in its roots as C.V. Starr, the intelligence-related proprietary founded by OSS agent Cornelius Vander Starr. The Starr proprietary was connected to CIA/OSS figures Paul Helliwell and Tommy Corcoran. The notorious CIA fronts connected to C.V. Starr, including Civil Air Transport, Sea Supply, and Air America/Pacific Corp were exposed by Peter Dale Scott in his book Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina. It is also a huge financial “pass-through”, whose counter-parties include Goldman Sachs and (not surprisingly) the same major financial institutions that are the top recipients of the US government’s TARP bailout.
Obama was the top recipient of AIG funds and Goldman Sachs contributions. See Charles Gasparino's book, Bought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall Street.
Who Funds the Progressive Media?
It will be argued that the integral hegemonic function of liberal philanthropy has already deradicalised all manner of progressive social movements, and that civil society media groups need to cut their institutional ties with such financing sources.4 Trends to Watch for Prepaid Cards in 2012
Eleven charts that explain what's wrong with America.
In the last few days, the US government census figures have revealed that 1 in 2 Americans have fallen into poverty or are struggling to live on low incomes.' Tanuka Loha, Human Rights Now
by Michel Chossudovsky: With minimal media debate, at a time when Americans were celebrating the New Year with their loved ones, the “National Defense Authorization Act " H.R. 1540 was signed into law by President Barack Obama. The actual signing took place in Hawaii on the 31st of December.
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