UNESCO's largest sectoral activity, education, is the field for constant but changing endeavor. From originally helping to reconstruct educational systems in war-torn Europe and carrying out isolated, modest projects elsewhere, UNESCO has progressed to large-scale undertakings, such as literacy campaigns, rural development, science teaching, educational planning and administration, and teacher training.
UNESCO's major education activities have focused on basic education, the renewal of educational systems and educational advancement and policy.
UNESCO Pushes Climate Change Education Agenda
First, the guidebook gives little, if any, consideration to the controversial nature of the science of global warming. As proof that "the warming of the global climate is unequivocal and that it is very likely due to human activities," it cites conclusions from the controversial 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report. The IPCC Assessment Report was the subject of intense criticism and scrutiny, in large part due to revelations that climate change scientists who contributed to the Report had deleted, doctored, withheld, or stonewalled the publication of information that might have proved detrimental to the Report's conclusion that human activity causes global warming.Secondly, in contrast to an August 30 National Review Online article revealing that seven out of the ten most harmful job-destroying regulations from the Obama Administration are green-related, the guidebook supports the enactment of questionable (both legally and economically) policy frameworks by national and local governments to mitigate the supposed effects of climate change. These include new regulatory standards, carbon taxes and fees, the creation of carbon trading schemes, as well as "voluntary agreements" between industry and government, "a means to engage industry partners to take action on environmental and other issues and are often a precursor to regulations." According to the guidebook, "industries should be compelled to undertake steps to reduce [greenhouse gas] emissions if they fear more costly regulatory controls."
Given increasing efforts by the European Union, non-governmental organizations, and some national governments to enact "green" policy changes, it is not surprising that the guidebook jumps on the climate change bandwagon in urging governments to adopt "green" policy measures, including the development of clean energy sources such as solar power, wind power, bio fuels, natural gas, and nuclear power.
( You may have noticed my featuring losses of homes in Texas and Australia to wildfires in areas prone to them : and of reports carbon sequestration policies were perverted to harass people using normal fire prevention brush clearing techniques with heavy fines. Which gave rise to an unprovable suspicion : that 'stupid' George Bush - head of a government dedicated to environmental destruction -used his Texas property to experiment with the effects of such forced neglect. That was because he was mocked for incessant 'brushing' activity at Crawford.
The property was acquired by President George W. Bush in 1999 and was known as the ... Bush spends vacation time at the house where he has also entertained .... his time mountain biking, jogging, fishing, bird hunting, and clearing brush. ...
"Hurricane Katrina has been particularly hard on President Bush, who was forced to end his vacation two days early. He was supposed to be clearing brush in ...
A'windshield rancher' and the nouveau riche
Did somebody say War ?
1.1 Civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure ... it as an attempt to develop a post-Cold War military doctrine for the United States. ... their doctrine of rapid dominance requires the capability to disrupt "means of communication, transportation, food production, water supply, and other aspects of infrastructure", and, ...In early 2006, the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) asked
RAND’s National Defense Research Institute to conduct a comprehensive
study of insurgency and counterinsurgency (COIN), with a
view toward how the United States should improve its capabilities for
such conflicts in the 21st century. This is the capstone report of that
study, drawing from a dozen RAND research papers on specific cases,
issues, and aspects of insurgency and COIN. The study included an
examination of 89 insurgencies since World War II to learn why and
how insurgencies begin, grow, and are resolved. It also analyzed the
current challenge of what is becoming known as global insurgency,
exemplified by the global jihadist movement, as well as lessons about
both insurgency and COIN from a number of cases, including Iraq
and Afghanistan.
The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan provide the current policy
context for this study. To be clear, however, the study is concerned with
deficiencies in U.S. capabilities revealed in those conflicts, not with
how to end them satisfactorily. Most new investments to improve U.S.
COIN capabilities would not yield capabilities of immediate use. That
said, to the extent that the findings can help the United States tackle
the problems it faces in Iraq and Afghanistan, this would be a bonus.
Regardless of how Iraq and Afghanistan turn out in the short term, the
United States and its international partners will not have seen the last
of this sort of challenge, and they must become better prepared than
they have been for today’s insurgencies.
It is a mistake to regard COIN as just another form of warfare. )
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By DONNA GORDON BLANKINSHIP / AP Sunday, Jan. 01, 2012 SEATTLE — Here's another reason for holdouts to join the social media site Facebook: It's a great place to find a kidney. Between the kid photos and reminiscences about high school, more and more ... |
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