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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

7 Aug - Hot Off the Web

The New Pearl HarborImage via Wikipedia

What collapsing empire looks like

"almost like saying 9-11 was as bad or worse then the Holocaust"
"Nice" Inversion of America's Ideal

For Those Whose Eyes and Common Sense Won't Suffice:

David Ray Griffin squeezes all the air out of the argument: "The New Pearl Harbor" proves beyond any doubt that Bush and Cheney committed 9/11.

Here is the link for a free download of a copy of his book, of which millions have been sold at $15 each:


Any who read it and deny its proof is a moron or a lying traitor against America.

 Wikileaks : The Government's Reaction
3 days after documents of 8 years of war crimes against the people of Afghanistan were leaked, what does the U.S. government do?  Admit or apologize for the crimes?  No -- go after the leakers!  Pentagon Launches 'Manhunt' for Document Leaker.  Cut off the funding for the wars? No, vote another $59 billion! On Friday U.S. Conducts Afghan massacre - On Tuesday Congress Votes to fund more death.
On Friday a NATO strike killed 52 civilians in Regey, Helmand Province.  Not in 2004 or 2006 under Bush, but in mid-2010, under Obama's command.


** The following note is part of an advertisement for books - this one could even be Rove style  propaganda
In The Obama Diaries, Ingraham hilariously skewers the president and his minions. She takes aim at:
  • the cynical "razzle-dazzle" marketing of Obama's radical agenda
  • the use of the Obama "brand" and family to obscure Obama's true aims
  • Michelle Obama's gardening and anti-obesity initiative; and much more.
Informative and hugely entertaining, The Obama Diaries will inspire both laughter and critical thinking about the future of the nation and the man currently at the helm.
Excerpts from Laura Ingraham's The Obama Diaries
Obama on Sarah Palin: "Hell, doesn't Palin have anything better to do than criticize me? Shouldn't she be back home shooting some endangered wolf species from a helicopter?" (April 9, 2010)
Michelle on being First Lady: "I'll be damned if all this fabulosity is going to go to waste reading Dr. Seuss to snot-nosed kids all day." (January 23, 2009)


Pakistan issues flooding 'red alert' for Sindh province
Pakistan has issued a red alert as floods that have devastated northern areas swept south into Sindh province.

Authorities have evacuated more than half a million people living near the Indus river as hundreds of villages have been inundated by floodwaters.
The worst floods in the region for 80 years have killed at least 1,600 people and affected about 12 million others.
Pakistan's meteorological agency has predicted further downpours in the badly-hit north-western province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. It is only half-way through the region's monsoon season.

All the helicopters working in the north-west to deliver aid and rescue stranded survivors have been grounded because of the bad weather, according to Amal Masud of the National Disaster Management Authority.
Officials say 650,000 homes have been destroyed, 1.4m acres (557,000 hectares) of crop land has been flooded and more than 10,000 cows have died.

An official at the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Manuel Bessler, told the BBC that with crops swept away by floodwaters, some Pakistanis might be forced to rely on food aid to get through the winter.

He said the immediate priorities for survivors were clean drinking water and medical assistance.

Unrepentant Patriots at Yahoo! Groups

No Quarter
  • Must Be Nice To Jet Around On Someone Else’s Dime - 15 hours agoThat would be Michelle Obama, of course. She and her daughter, Sasha, are currently in Spain. With plenty of their closest friends, enough to fill 60+ rooms at a swanky resort on the Mediterranean C...
  • Bill and Hillary Clinton to the Rescue? - 21 hours agoJoshua Green of The Atlantic asks Can Bill Clinton Save the Democrats? The question is, should he? It is amazing, but not unpredictable to anyone on this website, that two years after the derangemen...
  • Obama Crazy Delusional on Jobs - 23 hours agoI don’t know what to say. Having just watched Obama on the tube touting how swell the economy is doing and insisting that his economic plan is adding jobs I am left with just one question–Is he reall...
  • Assange Agonistes - 1 day agoFor the past several weeks, public has been treated to a spectacle that has swung between national security calamity and out-and-out farce. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has many talents and in...
  • The Show Me State Says Shove It - 1 day ago
 EV Worldwire
Global Post

 If Americans Knew

TODAY - August 7, 2010

Climate change talks 'backslide' at Bonn
A grouping of small island nations - those most affected by rising sea levels - said rich nations' pledges to cut emissions was not enough.

The leader of the 43-nation Association of Small Island States, Dessima Williams of Grenada, said the lack of legislation in the US to curb emissions was a setback.

"That has been taken as a signal by some that nothing can occur," she said.

Huge ice sheet breaks from Greenland glacier
A giant sheet of ice measuring 260 sq km (100 sq miles) has broken off a glacier in Greenland. It is the largest Arctic iceberg to calve since 1962.
The ice could become frozen in place over winter or escape into the waters between Greenland and Canada.
The glacier is 1,000 km (620 miles) south of the North Pole.
The images showed that Petermann Glacier lost about one-quarter of its 70km-long (43-mile) floating ice shelf. 

Disease 'killed one million bats'

Canadian economy's jobs engines stall as full-time employment plunges by 139,000
The overall news wasn't as bleak as most of those jobs were not altogether lost but instead transferred into part-time work. But the reversal was enough to hike the unemployment rate back to eight per cent.

Statistics Canada said the net job losses for the month was a more modest 9,300.
The agency offered little explanation for such a reversal from what had been one of the world's most robust employment records since the recession, other than a large 65,000 jobs loss in the education sector had historical precedence during the summer.

Still, it noted that over the past year, Canada's jobs picture remains bright, just not as bright as it had been just a month ago when the agency reported almost all of the jobs shed during the 2008-2009 downturn had been recouped.

The tally now stands at 394,000 jobs created since last July, about 20,000 shy of the recession losses.

Aside from education workers — which included teachers, assistants, administrators and custodial staff — there were setbacks in the finance, insurance, real estate and leasing services.

Some positive news in the weak report was that the goods producing sector continued to grow, picking up 42,000 workers, including 28,500 in the still depressed factories sector


The hot young teacher they hired instead
 I have decades of experience in the classroom, but when I went up against Alex for a job, I knew how it would end

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