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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

28 August - Night Report

1930s United States - the Great DepressionImage by Ðeni via Flickr
 Who will notice ?
No Way Out: The Greatest Depression, & Becoming The USSR
Daniel Tencer writing at RawStory Friday reported that "The US economic recovery in recent quarters is little more than a "cover-up" and the world is headed for a "Greatest Depression," complete with social unrest and class warfare, says a renowned economic forecaster. Gerald Celente, head of the Trends Research Institute, told Yahoo! News' Tech Ticker that there's no risk of a "double-dip recession" because the first "dip" never ended."
George Orwell's Iraq
"Who is in charge of our operations in Iraq, now? George Orwell? A war based on lies continues to be a war based on lies. Today, we have a war that is not a war, with combat troops who are not combat troops. In 2003, President Bush said 'Mission Accomplished'. In 2010, the White House says combat operations are over in Iraq, but will leave 50,000 troops, many of whom will inevitably be involved in combat-related activities."
"Just seven days ago, General Babaker Shawkat Zebari, the commander of Iraq’s military, said that Iraq’s security forces will not be trained and ready to take over security for another 10 years. One story is being told to the military on the ground in Iraq and another story is being told to their families back home."
"You can’t be in and out at the same time."
           Read more... 
The blockade of South Yemen follows tactics of Saada War
Propaganda Disguised as Journalism
Edward Bernays, the so-called father of public relations, wrote about an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. He was referring to journalism, the media. That was almost 80 years ago, not long after corporate journalism was invented. It is a history few journalist talk about or know about, and it began with the arrival of corporate advertising.
Bloggers Against Torture
DNI Advisors Favor Non-Coercive “Intelligence Interviewing”
The study team could not discover an objective scientific basis for the techniques commonly used by U.S. interrogators.
The Afghan War Diary Data - an initial look
The first impression is one of an extremely lopsided war, like all wars of occupation, where occupied casualties are vastly higher than those by the occupier.
The database records 15219 Afghans killed in combat - these are classified as Enemy Killed in Action, or Enemy KIA in the database. The majority of these deaths (9652) occurred in engagements started by Afghans, with the second largest number of deaths (3749) occurring in engagements started by the US/NATO. The third major killer was the "Explosive Hazard", with 1691 deaths. As far as how these Afghans died, the majority died in Direct Fire incidents (8225), with Indirect Fire killing another 1345.
Skepticism about these incidents is warranted for several reasons. These records were prepared by the US military, which would have an interest in presenting all those it killed as combatants. Even so, to have killed 15,219 Taliban fighters over a 5 year period is some 3,000 per year. If the Taliban are, in fact, replacing those numbers every year, the real size and strength of the organization must be vast.
By comparison, the database records 3994 civilian deaths, attributing most of those (2650) to "Explosive Hazard", most of which are IEDs planted by the Taliban, and relatively few to US/NATO, with 162 deaths attributed to "Friendly Action" and 34 to "Friendly Fire".
US/NATO deaths, of which there were 1146 (less than half the civilian deaths and less than 1/10 of Taliban deaths), come mostly from IEDs (694 from Explosive Hazard) and fewer from engagements started by the Taliban (290), and still fewer in engagements started by the US/NATO (44).
It is well known that counterinsurgency operations encourage drug traffic, as was well documented in Southeast Asia, the Andean region, and Afghanistan, for example by Alfred McCoy's "Politics of Heroin". I wrote about this from Pakistan two years ago ("On Drug Wars and Opium Fueled Insurgencies"). There is currently an unusual situation in that the US is simultaneously fighting counterinsurgency warfare and a war on drugs in Afghanistan (and in a more complex and less direct way in Colombia).
How the CIA bedded down in Burma
What the Horn case documents is a spat between US government departments or the people representing them which resulted in a 16-year legal battle, a US$3 million payout for the plaintiff, and which saw the CIA lie in court about Brown’s security status, claiming at the time that he was covert when in actual fact he was not.
In any case nobody in the CIA was held accountable and the reasons for the spat are even murkier still. Despite having represented Horn for 16 years, Leighton knows little about the situation in Burma during the time his client was allegedly bugged by the CIA. Horn also refused to speak when approached by DVB.
Rare Earth Elements: The Global Supply Chain (CRS)
February 1, 2002
GAO  B-402349, DynCorp International LLC, March 15, 2010
Protest that task order requests for proposals (TORP) are outside the scope of multiple-award indefinite-delivery/indefinite‑quantity (ID/IQ) contracts is sustained, where the ID/IQ contracts were limited to providing counter-narcoterrorism support services worldwide, and the TORPs sought mentoring, training, facilities, and logistics support services for the Ministry of the Interior and Afghan National Police in general law enforcement and counter-insurgency activities, which were not reasonably contemplated under the ID/IQ contracts.
Death-spray legal defense
Ecuadorian farmers near Colombia's southern border lost several children, along with food crops and livestock, when the poison sprays wandered over their homes in the winter of 2001. Seeking justice for their dead babies, they launched a complaint against DynCorp, the giant corporation whose pilots fly the planes.
DynCorp, The NSA, & Nano Technology Conspire to Robotize Humanity
2003 changed the world in many respects.  The independent, oil-rich nation of Iraq was invaded by American and British forces without cause, while the shadowy “War on Terror” reached new heights in America.  As a direct result of the events of September 11, 2001, the “Patriot Act” greatly expanded the federal government’s power to spy on its citizens. The new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) quickly became a strategic partner with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA), while the “U.S. Spy Industry”, as a whole, spent billions on “nano-technology”.
In other words, the U.S. GOVERNMENT, beginning in 2003, has to date spent untold billions of dollars to create and deploy the ultimate tool of WORLD CONTROL AND PLANNED GENOCIDE – the science of “nano” RFID (radio frequency identity) chips and nano-robotics all connected to and driven by a master, all-powerful super computer with a truly amazing artificial intelligence. 
This paper will identify the major players in this field, and expose the hidden agendas of those whose desire is to erode personal freedom in the quest for unlimited earthly power and wealth.  This paper will show how the NSA, (which today controls the world’s BITS or information-retrieving technology) has partnered with an extremely dangerous paramilitary, mercenary, private corporation named DynCorp International to drastically curtail human population levels on the Earth, while placing the survivors under complete and total, super-computer-driven mind control.  Sound incredible? Of course it does, but please, read on before judging! 

“Why did this have to happen?” It was then that I knew the answer and I told her that “the Gardasil Girls have given the silent faces of Autism a Voice for the first time in history. These children have not mastered speech so when they become autistic they cannot tell their moms they have a headache or that their stomach hurts or they cannot feel their legs or tingling in their legs.

It was at this point that all my research into Gardasil took on a new meaning, a new purpose and a new goal. My goal was to prove that autism does not exist. I wanted to prove by using the voices of the Gardasil girls that Autism is only brain damage because of excessive body burden of aluminum in vaccines.

I spent 10 to 14 hours a day over a period of many weeks researching everything I could to see if the information on vaccinations, aluminum and other heavy metals trackbacked to support  this theory. I read personal stories of parents of autistic children and compared them with the stories of the Gardasil girls. I read hundreds of VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) reports. I read articles about brain damage, reports about aluminum toxicity and all kinds of studies on these topics. I even went so far as to calculate potential toxicity from aluminum prevalent in the environment in combination with the toxic aluminum load found in single and/or multiple vaccines administered at the same time.

After I did all of this I sat back and looked at everything that I had researched with the documents, spreadsheets and graphs that I created during the process.  The connection was there. Looking at the numbers and the side effects side by side, one could notice the direct relationship between the two – the higher the dose of aluminum – the more the severe the side effect.

VRM: New Generation Cancer Vaccine Will Cause Infertility
One competitor, U.S. firm Celldex Theraputics are vying for major positioning in the ranks with a radical new generation cancer vaccine now in development for the treatment of advanced colorectal, pancreatic, bladder, ovarian, cervical and breast cancers. Purported to eradicate cancer cells, it is “designed to deliver the antigen hCG-β to dendritic cells (DCs) and induce hCG-β specific cellular and humoral immune responses, thus activating the immune system against cancers that express hCG-β”.
This process of introducing hCG into the bloodstream effectively neutralizes a woman’s reproductive capacity. The Tetanus shots  in the ‘90’s were contaminated with immune-suppressant contraceptive in the form of hCG, a hormone crucial to female fertility balance. By inserting hCG next to a deadly live virus into the body the immune system instinctively reacts to both intruders as hostile. The end result saw hundreds of thousands of healthy women inadvertently sterilized by these shots.
As usual, Australian health authorities have been urging parents there to vaccinate their children against the flu, propagating the mythology that flu vaccines are both safe and effective. But this time around, many Australian parents found out the hard way that they were being lied to.
It didn’t take long to realize the truth after their children start going into convulsions following the flu vaccine injections. Other children began vomiting or exhibiting dangerously high levels of fever. One child has gone into a coma and may never recover.
As reported in WA Today (http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/f…)
“Perth mother of two Bea Flint said her 11-month-old boy Avery had a seizure after receiving the first dose of the two-dose flu vaccination on Saturday. Mrs Flint said that after the 9am vaccination she noticed Avery had a minor temperature about 2pm. At 7.45pm, Avery started whimpering and moaning. When Mrs Flint got to his cot the baby had vomited and was lying on his side having a seizure. ‘He couldn’t cry – his head was hanging down in the car seat and he couldn’t move. I was petrified – it was one of the worst experiences of my life.”
The story goes on to say, “The doctor who treated Avery told Mrs Flint her baby was the fifth child with similar symptoms admitted to the hospital that day.”
In other words, this was no rare event. Vaccinated children suffering severe convulsions were piling up in hospital emergency rooms across the country.
The real kicker, though, is that children started having convulsions two weeks ago but Australian health authorities ignored them, insisting that the vaccine was safe and causing it to be injected in yet more babies. Two weeks later, with dozens more children experiencing convulsions (and who knows how many thousands actually being harmed in less obvious ways), Commonwealth chief health officer Professor Jim Bishop finally announced the vaccination ban.
Saskatchewan uranium mines create toxic legacy Special
Uranium from northern Saskatchewan makes Canada the world’s largest exporter of uranium ore. The Athabasca Sandstone, a geological formation, which spreads from northern Alberta, to northern Manitoba, contains the world’s highest grade uranium. The community where the conference took place is situated in the “heartland” of uranium production in Saskatchewan. As of 2007 Canada accounted for 23% of world uranium production.
A lot of areas with uranium deposits have chosen not to develop this resource, because of health and environmental concerns involved with uranium production. British Colombia has had a uranium moratorium in place since 1977; British Colombia’s moratorium was reaffirmed in 2008. Nova Scotia, Labrador and Virginia all have bans on uranium mining; other areas such as Colorado are considering a ban. Saskatchewan however continues to expand its uranium mining operations. Source: What’s The Alternative to Nuclear Colonialism in the North? By Jim Harding, PH. D.
Cameco is a company based in Saskatoon Saskatchewan, with operations in North America and Kazakhstan. Cameco Was formed through the amalgamation and privatization of two crown corporations and has become the largest publicly traded uranium company in the world, supplying more than 15% of the world’s uranium. Cameco operates the world’s largest high-grade uranium mine in the world and also has rights to the world’s largest deposit of high grade uranium (as of yet, this site has not been developed), both of these sites are located in northern Saskatchewan.
There are many health concerns related to uranium mining, both for miners and for people living in communities where mining is occurring. The community at Wollaston Lake where the Keepers IV conference was held experienced a uranium tailings contamination of Wollaston Lake, uranium is soluble in water. Uranium emits radiation until it stabilizes as lead in 4.5 billion years. Radon gas is a by-product of uranium, the World Health Organization (WHO) names radon as the second leading cause of lung cancer, after smoking.
“Unlike most developed countries Canada has no national program to deal with contaminated sites. Abandoned mines and tailings ponds create toxic nightmares, contaminating rivers, lakes and surrounding lands. Local communities are left with the toxic legacy.” 2001 report, ToxiCanada by Minewatch and Sierra Canada.
5 Reasons New Bloggers Should Use Niche Social Media Sites

 The Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium reported this week that this year’s so-called “dead zone” covers 7,722 square miles.
"Mommy! Get The Oil Off!"
Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spills!
Up In the Air
I made an announcement shortly after Memorial Day weekend, that I would be putting my home in DISH on the market.  This decision was made by my family after several instances of both of my children having nosebleeds during the night.  These nosebleeds correlated with strong odors and spikes in the chemicals being emitted by the natural gas compression station a quarter mile from our home.  We are still planning on putting our home on the market by the end of August.  This is a tough decision, but to ensure the safety of my family, it is something that I will do.
A year ago, you essentially could not be outside for more than a couple of hours without being forced into your home by the noxious odors.  In the few months prior to Memorial Day the odor events were limited to the late evening/early morning timeframe and happened a few nights a week for a couple of hours.  After the Memorial Day incident, the TCEQ brought a canister for me to keep at my home for instances of the strong odor, I still have this canister.  There have been periodic odor events over the past couple of months; however, they now only last for a brief time.  By the time I get the canister ready to take the sample, the odor is gone.  Unfortunately, my air conditioning system sucks the odor in the house, and the odor sometimes lingers longer inside than outside.  So over the past year, the situation has improved tremendously.  Is it enough? I am not sure.
The global warming fleecing of the American taxpayer 
The federal government has spent tens of billions of taxpayer dollars on research that has completely failed to affect temperatures or demonstrate an empirical link between human CO2 emissions and global warming.
Scientists Use Tahoe Work to Protect Guatemalan Lake
A team of scientists from the University of Nevada, Reno, DRI, Arizona State University and University of California, Davis has returned from a two-week expedition to Guatemala’s tropical high-mountain Lake Atitlan, where they are working to find solutions to the algae blooms that have assailed the ecosystem and the drinking water source for local residents.
The lake’s water is contaminated with watershed runoff and waste water, which contributes to increased algae growth and suitable conditions for bacteria and pathogens such as, Escherichia coli and Giardia that can proliferate and enter untreated drinking water.
In 2009, the Global Nature Fund designated Guatemala’s Lake Atitlan as its “Threatened Lake of the Year.”
Coal Waste Regulation -- Utilities Trying to Avoid Regulating their Toxic Wastes by Misdirection
What happens to the toxics that utilities remove from their stacks that used to pollute our skies?  They now pollute our waters.
During the past 30 years, the pollutants that used to go up the stack are now collected in ash. Administrations have been prodded by NRDC lawsuits to regulate these toxic wastes and have found excuses not to do so. The politics changed after the mishandling of this waste lead to the devastating results in Kingston, Tennessee, blogged about by my colleague, Rob Perks.   Now, with new technology that better predicts the high levels of these toxics reaching groundwater, EPA has come forward with a plan to regulate coal ash and its metal components of arsenic, mercury, lead, antimony, and other toxic metals.  Actually, the Administration has come forward with two plans.  One protects the public, I will call that the EPA plan, and the second protects the status quo; I will call that the OMB plan.  This is the first rule in my memory where EPA came out with two opposite options for regulating something – an apparent compromise required by OMB to get the rule out.

Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a ‘world-killing’ event
Giant Underwater Plume Confirmed—Gulf Oil Not Degrading
Many scientists had predicted that oil-eating bacteria—already common in the Gulf due to natural oil seeps—would process much of the crude leaked from BP's Deepwater Horizon wellhead, which was capped July 15. (Read more about how nature is fighting the oil spill.)
But new evidence shows that a 22-mile-long (35-kilometer-long), 650-foot-high (200-meter-high) pocket of oil has persisted for months at depths of 3,600 feet (1,100 meters), according to a team from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts.
(Related: "Much Gulf Oil Remains, Deeply Hidden and Under Beaches.")
The oil plume's stability is "a little unexpected," study leader Richard Camilli, of WHOI's Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department, said at a Thursday press briefing in Washington, D.C.
"We don't have any clear indication as to why it set up at that depth."
It's unclear why the Gulf's microbes aren't eating the oil plume, but the organisms are infamous for being unpredictable, said study co-author Christopher Reddy, a marine chemist at WHOI.
( Why wouldn't bacteria eat a substance that had been further poisoned ? )
Five Years After Katrina, Big Alien Rodents Return
Coastal wetlands protect inland areas from intense damage by storm surges. Yet due largely to oil-and-gas development, Louisiana has the highest rate of human-induced coastal erosion in the U.S., according to the Texas-based Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies.
Nutria only compound the problem by eating wetland grasses, which exposes the soils to erosion from the ebb and flow of the tides, Mouton said. Marshes that get converted to open water are "unrecoverable," he said.
For every mile (1.6 kilometers) of coastal wetlands lost, storm surges increase by about a foot (0.3 meter), he noted.
Also unknown is the ultimate impact of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill on wetlands. "There is concern that [the oil spill] could exacerbate the already dire coastal-erosion issues in Louisiana," Chris Macaluso, public information director for the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana, told National Geographic News in May.
Law and Disorder – After Katrina, New Orleans Cops Were Told They Could Shoot Looters - ProPublica
Katrina documentary in theaters for one-night only
Humorist and New Orleans resident Harry Shearer speaks to an Army Corp of Engineers whistleblower who reveals that “some of the same flawed methods responsible for the levee failure during Katrina are being used to rebuild the system expected to protect the new New Orleans from future peril.
( If memory serves, the Corps 'takes orders' just like the rest of the military. One order was to install new pumps post-Katrina...that were shown defective when tested. The supplier was a BushCo Florida enterprise. The pumps - were installed. )

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