Do I care ? Yes, actually. I notice the feedback including countries I hadn't heard of...good excuse to check the CIA Factbook...and am amazed how people from fringe areas seem to come here before those who live in large centers.
Sometimes I think I know who readers are - BlueGirlRedState, now of They Gave Us A Republic from Kansas City, Missouri
Afghanistan: Too FUBAR to fix
and I have tracked each other for years, and Rick B of Ten Percent in London, England 100 Detainees on Hunger Strike at Migrant Prison seems a likely candidate for one U.K. locus...but who's in Edinburgh ?- Friday! Acting Masterclass: Ralph Fiennes
- Courage To Resist: Joe Glenton
- The Borders of Hate
- Donate To The Ian Tomlinson Family Campaign Fighting Fund
And I thought one of the northern Hawiian islands might have been Life Extension checking in ...except that when I talked to Marvin when he came through last month he had lost my URL !
So I know this place is a newsroom and not a community - something I've always found true - but it tells you why I comment elsewhere. Sometimes it's nice to chat.
I ran a Google/Diigo custom search "taleban request proof of bin laden guilt" for the TGuaR article for a comment using the following
New Evidence Depicts an Uneasy Relationship Between al-Qaeda and the Taliban
The Taliban Isolated Bin Laden
http://www.counterpunch.org/porter02122010.htmlWhat Is This Evidence Against Bin Laden?
The "Evidence" Against Bin Laden
No negotiations, U.S. tells Taliban
where's obama bin hidin' ?
The Times of India newspaper (referring to a story in the 'LA Times') quotes Richard Labeviere (January 15, 2000), a Swiss journalist, who wrote about "US complicity in the rise of violent Muslim movements, from the religious brotherhoods that combated nationalist leaders like Egypt's Gamel Abdel Nassar, to the foreign troops sent to Afghanistan in the 1980s, and that country's present-day rulers,the Taliban."
Hm. Maybe it's a wonder I have any friends left!
Obama Warned Israeli May Bomb Iran
From Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, by Ray McGovern, Larry Johnson, Patrick Lang, Colleen Rowle
( For context, Russian intelligence warned of a U.S. attack 2 1/2 years ago...and top Generals scotched U.S. plans to assault Iran . Global Research's Dr. Chussdovsky watched deployment of naval forces - aircraft carrier groups - in the Persian Gulf with concern. I picked up on him doing that August 2006. )
Haiti crisis forgotten, pace of aid too slow to help victims
Hat Tip worldwide hippies
Veterans Administration Gives FBI Health Secrets
Veterans records could block firearms purchases
http://www.vlrc.org/articles/119.htmlA division of the Department of Veterans Affairs has provided the FBI’s National Instant Background Check System, or NICS, with confidential medical competency data on tens of thousands of veterans and beneficiaries for the purposes of denying “incompetent” veterans the right to “purchase or redeem a firearm.”
According to a Veteran’s Benefits Administration, or VBA, memo issued June 2, in November 1999, the agency “provided NICS with an initial load of data on incompetent veterans, surviving spouses, adult helpless children and dependent parents from information in the Benefits Delivery Network and the Fiduciary Beneficiary System.”
9/11 Truth Truth
Looks, sounds and smells like Afghanistan ...
How the Indiana National Guard prepares contractors for the real thing.
US foreign aid to subsidize outsourced jobs in South Asia
The US Embassy in Sri Lanka announced late last week that it will be funding a new program in the South Asian country that will help train workers to speak English and business managers to take advantage of business outsourcing.
X-Files describe secret UFO encounters
The government released hundreds of previously secret "UFO files" on Thursday including a letter saying that Winston Churchill had ordered a 50 year cover-up of a wartime encounter between a UFO and military pilot.Skip related content
The files, published by the National Archives, span decades and contain scores of witness accounts, sketches and classified briefing notes documenting mysterious sightings across the country.