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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, August 30, 2010

30 August - A friend shows up

War on Terrorism propaganda ratcheted up ahead of war escalation

A fearful, self-destructive American mass public remains fully brainwashed by “war on terrorism” deception--- ignorant of history, and militantly oblivious to facts. The perpetual threat posed by a fabricated outside enemy, and a militarized, fearful populace, remain the centerpieces of elite policy, and they have been consistently maintained by both Bush/Cheney and Obama administrations. The demonization of Muslims continues to facilitate pillage.

The criminals who truly massacred 3,000 people in the World Trade Center continue to enjoy power, wealth, and high positions of world “leadership” and remain in control of virtually every aspect of society. Those who perpetuate the cover-up (including the Obama administration) still “run the world”, to mass public enthusiasm. The “war on terrorism” is a fabrication that serves as the eternal pretext for global war, and “Al-Qaeda” and other “Islamic jihad” front are military-intelligence assets that have been continuously supported, managed and “run” by the CIA and affiliates such as Pakistan’s ISI on behalf of Anglo-American geostrategic interests (notably oil) going back to the Cold War.

Oblivious to the availability of this mountain of “conspiracy fact”, the vast majority of the population chooses to embrace the Big Lie.

( Actually, that is a 'factoid' promulgated vehemently by the same 'media' that has been deliberately 'wrong' about everything else. )

In recent weeks, mainstream corporate news headlines have exploded with the “revelation” that “Al-Qaeda” has a new leader of global operations “in charge of planning future attacks”: Adnan Shukrijumah.

Chaim Kupferberg
“I'm sure many of you out there are noticing a unified narrative taking shape in advance of the next expected attack. In calibrated drips and dollops, the mainstream media, in partnership with the 9/11 panel, are laying the evidentiary trail pointing to the next "Atta" and his insular cell, which apparently already seems to be "in place" stateside.

“Having no access at all to any insider reports, one can almost foretell the Official Legend that will follow in the wake of this clique's first big explosion into the public consciousness - just by reading the mainstream news.

Let's step back and take a stab at guessing at what is happening here. The new legends will be used to strengthen the foundations of the old ones. In parallel to the official account, however, the existing counter-legends will also be beefed up. In short, the narratives are getting all too muddled with the growing interlinking chains. The growing complexity of these new interlinking legends will operate to turn off a good portion of those who might be seriously interested in examining the truth behind 9/11.

( How many are familiar with the currents and cross currents of UFO 'information' that covered up the Blackbird {Aurora} and SAC nuclear-armed excursions into U.S.S.R. airspace...where returning flights were reported as 'meteors' ? That last line is an explicit description of disinformational techniques designed to deter rational analysis...and covers 'a Multitude of Sins'. Even today there is a known media allusion to August as a time for spreading these 'tall tales' during the slowdown of 'real news'...about 'celebrities.'  )

Mexico to ban payment in cash
Mexico says it is planning to tighten the noose around big-ticket cash purchases to curtail the flow of smuggled dollars and fight money laundering.

 Latest News - Press TV - Tehran

IRGC 'primed' for action against assaults
Israel warned of military move on Iran
Economists divided over US Fed policy
Moscow's 50% death rise tied to fires
China, Russia up efforts to save tigers
Iraq more secure without US, Iran says
Floods submerge Pakistani town
Iran, Bolivia reject 'world unilateralism'
London to host Quds Day Rally Sept. 4th
Iran MP raps Bolton's war remarks
( John Bolton is the harassing jerk that couldn't get Senate confirmation as Bu$h's UN ambassador...a place he thought could lose a couple of floors. Steve Clemons at Washington Note unmercifully 'reamed him a new one' some years back )
Seven US troops killed in Afghan war
Hurricane Earl gains force near US coast

Energy and Mining Sectors Drive Demand for Water and Wastewater Treatment Equipment in South Africa

Both the mining and energy sectors have adopted a ZLED policy in which all reasonable steps are taken to prevent pollution of water resources. This is set to boost investments in the relevant water and wastewater treatment technologies.

However, the lack of financial resources to purchase the required equipment remains a major obstacle to market development

Career turned chemist into environmentalist
The best advice McCall said he ever received was to be careful that industry, community interest groups and environmentalists were never too happy with your work and decisions. “I think you want to keep everybody a little bit mad.”

Ecology launches online water forum for public input