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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

12 August - Standing Armies and Civilian Abuse

The Turks Return
It's not often that the leading Belgrade daily Politika devotes two of its four foreign pages to the praise of one nation, but it did so for the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan last month.
Turkey was complimented as "one of the most important" partners of Serbia and the Balkans region. The paper detailed accounts of Turkish economic success and investments in the area, such as a billion euros (1.29 billion dollars) in Albania, or hundreds of millions in neighbouring Bosnia- Herzegovina.

IRAN: Eyes on the Skies Over Bushehr Nuclear Reactor
 When Agrochemical Corporations Invented Nature
 EUROPE: Citizen Rights Don't Apply to Roma
 Iran Benefits from Arab Disillusion with Obama
 WORLD: Cooking Up a Climate Deal
 CLIMATE CHANGE: Native People Demand Autonomy Over Territory
 Q&A: "Incomprehensible" Absence of Women in Global Environment Policy
 PERU: Transparency a Challenge for Mining and Oil
 LEBANON: Racism Legitimised by Law
 ECONOMY: Rich Countries’ Farm Subsidies Benefiting Royals

Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes
Leaders of Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealth, WellPoint and Aetna received nearly $200 million in compensation in 2009, according to a report, while the companies sought rate increases as high as 39%.

Russia's Agony a "Wake-Up Call" to the World
A wind turbine on an acre of northern Iowa farmland could generate 300,000 dollars worth of greenhouse-gas-free electricity a year. Instead, the U.S. government pays out billions of dollars to subsidise grain for ethanol fuel that has little if any impact on global warming, according to Lester Brown.

"The smartest thing the U.S. could do is phase out ethanol subsidies," says Brown, the founder of the Washington-based Earth Policy Institute, in reference to rising food prices resulting from the unprecedented heat wave in western Russia that has decimated crops and killed at least 15,000 people.
Average temperatures during the month of July were eight degrees Celsius above normal in Moscow, he said, noting that "such a huge increase in temperature over an entire month is just unheard of."
On Monday, Moscow reached 37 C when the normal temperature for August is 21 C. It was the 28th day in a row that temperatures exceeded 30 C.

Soil moisture has fallen to levels seen only once in 500 years, says Brown. Wheat and other grain yields are expected to decline by 40 percent or more in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine - regions that provide 25 percent of the world's wheat exports. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced a few days ago that Russia would ban all grain exports.

Not A Good Day For Wikileaks: Attacked By Human Rights Organizations, Julian Assange Target Of International Trackdown http://www.crunchgear.com/2010/08/10/not-a-good-day-for-wikileaks-attacked-by-human-rights-organizations-julian-assange-target-of-international-trackdown
It’s been several days since Wikileaks went from being an obscure whistle-blower Web site to one that has attracted international attention, not to mention condemnation. The latest meme going around right now is that Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief and de facto “face” of Wikileaks, has lost his standing with people, organizations, and governments that otherwise would be on his side, all things being equal. Even more pronounced: the U.S. government is trying to convince its foreign allies to limit his travel and bring criminal charges against him.

( TechCrunch cites the overwhelming media promotion of military agenda : mindwashing the population with 'political correctness' )

While deaths (civilian and military) in Iraq may be going down, they are skyrocketing in Afghanistan, many are caused by the Taliban/Al’Qaeda themselves (IEDs or because they are considered to be enemies by helping NATO) but on other instances they are caused by allied forced. Here is a graph of American casualties in Iraq/Afghanistan, it illustrates how Afghanistan is falling apart, whilst Iraq is pretty much stable http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/war.casualties/index.html
Insurgents have killed directly between 4-5.5K people, in Afghanistan and
the coalition has killed directly between 5.6-8.4K people, indirectly 3.2-20K, total 8.8-28.5K (source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_of_the_War_in_Afghanistan_(2001%E2%80%93present)
The Apache video illustrated how only civilians were killed on that unprovoked attack (including two journalists), not some civilians, only civilians. Reuters tried for over two years to obtain a copy of the footage, and was denied, had they done so, there wouldn’t have been such PR disaster. Furthermore, there already was an account of the incident (with transcripts and all) in the book “the Good Soldiers” by Washington Post’s journalist David Finkel. So first of all it was nothing not known, and by not complying with freedom of information laws, they caused a greater problem than had they done so.
Are you aware of the complexity of removing digital fingerprints, going through the logs to try to ensure that names etc are not there etc? Preparing a presentation format which can be useful for media? How do you even know how long he has had it for? He did give access to traditional news to the data 1 month prior so they could prepare their websites and go through the information, do you honestly believe that the government did not know what was going to be published?
And lastly, what law did Mr. Assange break? It is legal in the US to publish classified material. This was established by the supreme court in the 70s when the Washington post and the New York Times were sued by the government for publishing the Pentagon files. It was ruled that it is only illegal to obtain the documents illegally, if the publisher does not have anything to do with the how the documents were obtain but the thief gives them the documents, it is legal for them to publish them. I’ll quote the Wall Street Journal (July 27 2010) on this matter
>It is clearly illegal, to put it bluntly, to steal classified documents. It is clearly protected by the First Amendment to publish documents obtained illegally as long as the publisher has not been involved in illegality,” said Frederick Schauer, a law professor at the University of Virginia. “That is the lesson of the Pentagon Papers.” In 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment allowed the New York Times and Washington Post to publish sections of the Pentagon Papers, a classified study of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

( I figure I am whistleblowing on honest journalism much of the time. The thing is, I'm not giving anything away that isn't already known to ogres busy throwing away human liberties essential to public debate of common interest. Shall I then desist from trying to understand what's going on because official secrets are 'Need to Know' and Classification protects villains with power and authority ? That's why an Index to the Net isn't common property - unless people take it upon themselves to collectively provide one as individuals...which we do. 
Wikileaks ? It must be doing something right to get Murder Incorporated to react.)

Khadr Trial Will Be a Window Into America's War on Terror
Across his eight years in U.S. custody, Americans have seen Canadian Omar Khadr grow from a child found near dead in a war zone in Afghanistan to a brooding, weeping teenager and more recently a defiant young man spurning a guilty plea deal at Guantanamo.
They've seen him cast as, alternately, a child of jihad who hurled a grenade that killed a U.S. soldier in battle in Afghanistan in 2002 or a 15-year-old captured far from his native Toronto and then tortured into confessing to a crime he now denies.
Prosecutors say Khadr, now 23, was an "unprivileged enemy belligerent'' when he joined elders on a night mission in Afghanistan, planting mines. They call it a war crime.
Defense lawyers see a "child soldier'' whose father introduced him to al Qaida at age 11 and deserved the protections of an innocent offered up to war.
While his coming trial must tackle those competing tales, the first full war crimes prosecution of the Obama administration may reveal much more:

...Khadr's lawyers argue he was tortured into confessing to a crime he doesn't remember after his capture, near dead on July 27, 2002, in a firefight near Khost, Afghanistan. He'd been shot twice in the back, blinded in one eye and was buried in the rubble of two 500-pound bombs.

Sometimes you must wonder that I don't hate 'Americans' - the continents are Americas, not the country - with all the lies and spew I catalogue.
I consider the source - another child of Britain; enslaved nation which propagated its political sickness upon the world as surely as it shared its diseases like smallpox and the measles. That 'Independence Day' is celebrated must be one of the cruelest jests among the Commonwealth brotherhood sharing common legal deceptions and makeup. I recall the tales of 'clearance' from childhood when realizing I lived in a place where both  Indians and French had been evicted in succession for strategic considerations : and I was descended from 'subjects'  'loyal' to those 'above the law.'
The Irish arrived in the New World during a time of famine. Land evictions from the serfdom of conquered Ireland sound similar to Palestine/Israel today : a British machination echoed in India, Pakistan, Kashmir and Afghanistan. The US  perverted Iran,Iraq and a litany of unfortunates like Somalia assaulted by military 'professionals'.
That is the real horror of 'drinking the koolaid' of a military conquest culture : trillions are spent in graft to kill those without armies and the bitching about locals turning the weapons produced by assembly lines against those using them performing what is really 'professional mass murder.' 
"Improvised Explosive Devices" : aren't Patented ?
So what is this child persecution - not prosecution ; that implies 'due process' - except a modern day tale recreating the old tale of how innocents shall suffer so that they provide an example to terrify the mob. Extraordinary Rendition : kidnapped abroad, imprisoned without process or limit, tortured in a process illegal internationally including the place where it was done...just part of the parade. Our 'allies' are so trustworthy that Canada has done nothing to challenge the farce of 'trying' a 'child soldier' taken as a trophy.
These days there are no limits to what has been done to kill all. The Gulf of Mexico is just a part.
Nobody is Safe.

Fire Tariq Ramadan!

Steve Emerson on Brother Tariq

Investigative reporter Steve Emerson, the author of American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us, has investigated radical Islamists in the U.S. for over 10 years. In 1994 he produced a documentary report detailing the seditious calls for the downfall of the U.S. made by such jihadists. Emerson has been threated with death numerous times by these creeps because of his efforts. He is an unsung hero in the war on Islamist radicalism "terror." 

I  received a card on the commencement of Ramadan. Recalling posts at Baghdad Burning and other Iraqi blogs showing how religious hatred and division was incited by occupying forces, a little cultural information might be appropriate. Oh, wait. It's 'hatemongering' when done by 'outsiders'. Tsk, tsk.

New World Order


A Psychiatrist Searches fo Sanity in a Crazy World

The Lies of Hiroshima are the Lies of Today  John Pilger
In the immediate aftermath of the bomb, the allied occupation authorities banned all mention of radiation poisoning and insisted that people had been killed or injured only by the bomb's blast. It was the first big lie. "No radioactivity in Hiroshima ruin" said the front page of the New York Times, a classic of disinformation and journalistic abdication, which the Australian reporter Wilfred Burchett put right with his scoop of the century. "I write this as a warning to the world," reported Burchett in the Daily Express, having reached Hiroshima after a perilous journey, the first correspondent to dare. He described hospital wards filled with people with no visible injuries but who were dying from what he called "an atomic plague". For telling this truth, his press accreditation was withdrawn, he was pilloried and smeared - and vindicated.
The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a criminal act on an epic scale. It was premeditated mass murder that unleashed a weapon of intrinsic criminality. For this reason its apologists have sought refuge in the mythology of the ultimate "good war", whose "ethical bath", as Richard Drayton called it, has allowed the west not only to expiate its bloody imperial past but to promote 60 years of rapacious war, always beneath the shadow of The Bomb.

Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran

Part I: Global Warfare
 "Incomprehensible" Absence of Women in Global Environment Policy
The lack of references to the role that women can play in global and local policy on climate change "is incomprehensible," especially given the number of studies stressing that they should play a central role, Sandra Akpéne Freitas, one of the activists who has spoken out most loudly against the lack of a gender perspective during the talks in Bonn, told IPS in this interview.
Freitas is one of the two delegates representing the New York-based Women's Environment and Development Organisation (WEDO) at this week's meeting in this German city.

Rich Countries’ Farm Subsidies Benefiting Royals
The EU spends about 75 billion dollars on subsidies for agriculture, even though the sector represents only about two percent of the total gross domestic product of the union. This subsidies regime will only change in 2014.
The new OECD data inflamed these complaints, the more so since it has been shown that the largest agro-businesses and even some royal houses in European monarchies benefit the most from the subsidies.
"EU subsidies for agriculture are a shame," Marita Wiggerthale from the German office of the humanitarian organisation Oxfam told IPS. She cited the example of subsidies for milk, which form part of the EU agricultural policy.
Due mostly to over-production, the European milk prices for farmers were in early 2009 extremely low at less than 0.20 euro per litre. Instead of reducing the production to stabilise prices, the EU reintroduced subsidies for milk in 2009 to support producers.
"As consequence, the EU is again exporting milk to the whole developing world, especially towards Africa, at ‘dumping’ prices," Wiggerthale said. "By so doing, the EU is destroying the livelihoods of farmers in the poorest countries of the world while artificially maintaining a too high level of production."
To add insult to injury, the EU is simultaneously forcing developing countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific to further open their markets through the trade deals called economic partnership agreements.
Rainer Falk, a leading German critic of neoliberal globalisation and publisher of "World Economy and Development", a specialised newsletter on international cooperation and trade, told IPS that the OECD subsidies for agriculture only benefit the largest companies in the sector.
"The data for 2008 illustrates this point," Falk said. "The main beneficiary of the EU subsidies in Germany was Suedzucker, a large sugar producer, which that year received more than 50 million U.S. dollars in subsidies," Falk pointed out.