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IPS - Inter Press Services
- Obama Drops 2009 Pledge to Withdraw Combat Troops ...Seventeen months after President Barack Obama pledged to withdraw all combat brigades from Iraq by Sep. 1, 2010, he quietly abandoned that pledge Monday, admitting implicitly that such combat brigades would remain until the end of 2011.
- MEXICO: Asbestos, a Toxic NeighbourIt's summertime, so the "Año de Juárez" public primary school in Barrios de San Lucas, a working-class neighbourhood on the east side of the Mexican capital, is deserted.
- CAMBODIA: Demining Efforts Trip over Donor FatigueOn the first day of May, a deadly reminder from the turbulent past exploded in one of Cambodia's provinces.
- SOUTHERN AFRICA: Boost Cross-Border Trade for Food ...Small-scale traders on either side of the Mwami Border Post between Zambia and Malawi are key to meeting local demands that larger importers do not.
- KENYA: Herbal Contraceptives Under the RadarAn arrow points the way from a busy street along a rough pathway; visitors clutch their bags more closely. The door is open: sachets are displayed on the table with labels indicating treatment for ulcers, diabetes, hypertension, fibroids. But not the contraceptive pill IPS is looking for.
Scoop - NZ
- "Let Them Eat Cake": A handful of oligarchs are be ...According to news reports, Chelsea Clinton's wedding to investment banker Mark Mezvinsky on July 31 is costing papa Bill $3,000,000. According to the London Daily Mail, the total price tag will be about $5,000,000. Before we attend to the poor political judgment of such an extravagant affair durin ...
- Preparing for World War III, Targeting IranHumanity is at a dangerous crossroads. War preparations to attack Iran are in "an advanced state of readiness". Hi tech weapons systems including nuclear warheads are fully deployed. This military adventure has been on the Pentagon's drawing board since the mid-1990s. First Iraq, then Ira ...
- US army suicides, drug use set new recordsAs US military fatalities in Afghanistan hit a new high in July, the US Army issued a report exposing record suicides, drug use and other signs of deep demoralization among its ranks after a decade of colonial-style wars. Another six US troops were killed in a series of four separate attacks across ...
- Companies brace for end of cheap made-in-China eraFactory workers demanding better wages and working conditions are hastening the eventual end of an era of cheap costs that helped make southern coastal China the world's factory floor. A series of strikes over the past two months have been a rude wakeup call for the many foreign companies that depen ...
- Fallujah infant mortality exceeds HiroshimaDramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study. Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have ...
Independent - London
- Acute malnourishment threatens Niger’s childrenMillions are facing severe food shortages in the West African country of Niger after poor rains and harvests in 2009.
- Six guards beheaded in Afghan bank raidSix private security guards were beheaded during a bank robbery in northern Afghanistan, police said today.
- Iran to reject Brazil offer on stoning caseIran is likely to reject Brazil's offer to give refuge to a woman convicted of adultery and initially sentenced to death by stoning, officials said today.
- Insurgents attack Afghan Nato baseInsurgents launched a ground attack on Nato's largest base in southern Afghanistan today, but did not breach its defences, officials said.
- The oratory of war: In search of the fewI'm always a little wary of quotations. When did I first hear Churchill's "The Few"? On that wearying BBC Scrapbook for 1940? Certainly my Dad would have been listening. He probably heard it the first time round, in the real 1940. Churchill's portrait (by Karsh of Ottawa) hung in the study of my pa ...
Rogue Government.com
- 6 cities to train mail carriers to dispense anti- ...The Postal Service is ready to deliver lifesaving drugs to about a quarter of the residents of Minneapolis-St. Paul, the only metropolitan area in the nation where letter carriers have been trained to dispense medication after a large-scale terrorist attack involving biological weapons.
- Elite US cyber-squad Vigilant recruits hackers fr ...An elite US cyber team that has stealthily tracked Internet villains for more that a decade pulled back its cloak of secrecy to recruit hackers at a notorious DefCon gathering in Las Vegas.
- Alan Greenspan: �The Financial System Is ...No shit.
- VIDEO: Congressman tacitly admits that United Sta ...
- Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fa ...The smugglers had bought the DC-9 with laundered funds they transferred through two of the biggest banks in the U.S.: Wachovia Corp. and Bank of America Corp. , Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its August 2010 issue.
Innovation Canada
- Send in the bacteriaThe video clip is the stuff of science fiction: a swarm of 5,000 bacteria lift microscopic epoxy bricks and assemble them one by one to form a pyramid, as if they were building a tower of blocks. A computer directs their movement by controlling magnetic fields.But for Sylvain Martel and his team of ...
- Seeing redRam Krishna of Toronto has had type 2 diabetes for almost 25 years, but he only started taking insulin a couple of years ago to help better control it. Since the insulin regimen began, he has had to test his blood glucose level more regularly — about three to five times a week. To do so, he does wha ...
- Making (brain) wavesImagine your brain as a bustling city. The grey matter in your head could be compared to a dense network of mixed-use buildings, with snaking utility lines and connecting sidewalks throughout. Steam delivers heat through pipes out of the main utility centre, lights blink on and off, and information ...
- Keeping phones focusedThe transparent silicon wafer is smaller than a pencil’s eraser tip and as thin as a sheet of paper. But the LensVector autofocus camera lens — the world’s tiniest — has big prospects. And it may soon turn the cellular-phone industry on its ear. Developed by Tigran Galstian, a physics and engineerin ...
- Fertilizer from the seaWhen the first European settlers arrived to scratch out a living on the thin soils across Atlantic Canada, they quickly made use of the seaweed on the beaches around them as a plentiful source of crop fertilizer. This age-old European practice continues in the region to this day, and now a Nova Scot ...
Signs of the times
- No Secrets: Julian Assange's mission for total tra ...The house on Grettisgata Street, in Reykjavik, is a century old, small and white, situated just a few streets from the North Atlantic. The shifting northerly winds can suddenly bring ice and snow to the city, even in springtime, and when they do a certain kind of silence sets in. This was the case o ...
- Billionaires Run for the US Congress Beware of Ame ...Consumer confidence is terrible; citizen confidence is worse: Only 11 percent of Americans have confidence in Congress. No surprise there is record-setting anti-incumbency anger rampant among Americans. But the sad truth is damned if you do and damned if you don't vote for incumbents. The problem ...
- SEC Investigates Insider Trading at BPThe U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is reportedly investigating whether employees at BP illegally profited from information not made available to the public in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, according to anonymous sources quoted by Reuters. According to the report, ...
- One Afghan Civilian=Six U.S. Soldiers
- BEST OF WEB: Pro-Zionist Alex Jones Banishes Mike ...Jones and his handlers decide Michael Rivero must go. Not only from the Jones radio sideshow but from the GCN network as well. AJ waves his 'magic' zionist flag and makes things disappear. Announcement from Mike ... "I have just been informed by the Alex Jones show that they are canceling my m ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Leadership has a unique quality . . .From the NEW YORKER .
- Tropical Storm ColinAs tropical cyclones go, this is a small one, but it is a named storm , it is moving towards the west and, however low the possibility is, it could increase to hurricane strength. It is way too early to give any kind of confident forecast on this system, however, if this follows the typical re-curv ...
- Why do people laugh at creationists? Part 19 & 20
- Let's see Jason Kenney take this testYet another reason that Jason Kenney should not be allowed to touch anything important - he's an imbecile. Apparently he has yet to realize that all immigrants don't come from foreigneristan or sound like the terrorists that movie by the South Park guys . A large percentage of immigrants to Canada c ...
- Disaster? Not if you're an oil company or a shippi ...The June 2010 issue of Bulletin of the American Meteorlogical Society (BAMS) has produced its annual State of the Climate report and, to put it bluntly and unscientifically, it ain't pretty. Using 37 indicators, over 300 scientists from 48 countries agreed that the ten indicators directly related ...
Media Matters for America
- Hayes retells myth that Reagan ended recession wi ...Stephen Hayes criticized the Obama administration's response to the recession by reviving the myth that President Reagan ended the 1981 recession by cutting taxes. In fact, economists have said that the recession was ended under Reagan primarily due to federal interest rate cuts. Hayes claims R ...
- Kelly complains about use of "taxpayer dollars" o ...Megyn Kelly complained that a television commercial promoting health care reform was paid for with "taxpayer dollars." In fact, such expenditures are hardly unusual; indeed, the Bush administration spent far more money on similar ads to promote its prescription drug plan. Kelly criticizes use ...
- EXCLUSIVE: House administration committe ...Fox & Friends baselessly suggested that Rep. Alan Grayson's (D-FL) mailing of a DVD to his constituents constituted an "ethics violation." In fact, a spokesman for the committee that oversees the approval of such mailings told Media Matters that Grayson's DVD had been vetted and that the mailing wa ...
- Wash. Post hides the holes in Rep. Ryan' ...In two August 2 articles, The Washington Post highlighted the purported deficit-reducing effects of Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) economic "roadmap," in one piece misleadingly reporting the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) "estimate" of his "plan." However, at Ryan's instruction, CBO did not analyze s ...
- Fox News' Scott rehashes bogus claims about Obama' ...On� Happening Now , Jon Scott claimed that, in his West Point speech last year, Obama never "used the term�'victory' or ...'we're going to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan.'" In fact,�Obama repeatedly referred to�"defeating al Qaeda" and achieving�a "successful" end to the war in that speech�and in ...
Global Research.ca
- China Calls Our Bluff: The U.S. is Insolvent and F ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- US and Colombia Plan to Attack VenezuelaFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Petraeus Is Winding Back Afghanistan's ClockFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Obama Puts his Spin on Afghan WarFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Leaked Documents Expose the Imperialist War in Afg ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Reagan OMB Chief: GOP Responsible for Entire US E ...This is a really important piece that I missed over the weekend. David Stockman, who was a young right-wing Congressman, back in the 1970's and then served as Ronald Reagan's OMB director, explains that the entire economic mess that the United States is in today is the fault of his party, the GOP ...
- Presented By:
- Why We Really Shouldn't Keep the Bush Tax Cut for ...The economy is slouching backward because consumers can't and won't spend enough to revive it. Congress is about to recess for the summer without doing anything to fill the gap. And it looks like the only issue it will be debating when it returns is who, if anyone, should pay more taxes next year - ...
- The Great Decoupling Of Corporate Profits From Job ...Second-quarter earnings reports are coming in, and they're making Wall Street smile. Corporate profits are up. And big American companies are sitting on a gigantic pile of money. The 500 largest non-financial firms held almost a trillion dollars in the second quarter, and that money pile is growing ...
- Presented By:
- Gulf Oil Flow Was 12 Times More Than Feds' Origina ...WASHINGTON — As BP neared a fix that's expected to kill for good the runaway well that's wreaked economic and environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, the government Monday said that 10 to 12 times the amount of oil had been flowing from the well than it originally thought. read more
- FBI Continues Attack on Civil Rights, Demands Incr ...The week before last, The Washington Post concluded a two-year investigation of our government's domestic spying activities, revealing a lack of accountability pervading its far-flung and vast operations. Last week, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee , con ...
- A Sad Day in HarlemAfter a nearly two-year investigation, a House subcommittee ethics panel formally charged Charles Rangel (D-New York) with 13 ethics violations. Congressman Rangel has been charged with improperly soliciting donations for a public center and library bearing his name and omitting over $600,000 of inc ...
- Indian Country Wins Power to Fight Sexual Assault Congress has just given Indian Country greater authority to police its own, and that may be good news for women. The Tribal Law and Order Act, which was signed by President Obama last week, expands the authority of tribal criminal justice agencies to prosecute crimes within their own territory , rat ...
- Protesters Demand Immigrant Rights and Condemn the ...San Francisco and Oakland, California - In San Francisco and Oakland, immigrants and community activists protested Arizona's SB 1070, which would require police and local law enforcement to check the immigration status of people they suspect might be undocumented, on the day the law took effect. A d ...
- Ice Free Ocean Not Helpful in the Long RunNew research has shown that ice free Arctic waters will not necessarily be a boon to carbon sequestration. In what must be one of the best examples of looking for a silver lining in a storm cloud, scientists had been hoping that the unfortunate melting of Arctic ice would have opened up more of the ...
- Bikini Atoll, Nuke Test Area, Listed as ‘Wor ...From 1946 to 1958, the Bikini Atoll–a Micronesian, volcanic island group in the Pacific Ocean (part of the Marshall Islands)–was “home” to twenty three, U.S.-conducted, nuclear detonations, including the first true Hydrogen bomb test, in 1954. This latter detonation produced an explosion far more po ...
- Yellow Lobster Found in Narragansett Bay (Rhode Is ...Extremely rare yellow lobster found by lobsterman — yes, this one will live. Ever heard of a yellow lobster? Me neither. Apparently, they are about 1 in 30 million. But a lucky lobsterman from Rhode Island found one recently. Denny Ingram says he found the lobster when he hauled in one of his lobste ...
- Going Green TipsI’m starting a new series here on Planetsave. In order to help you all (and ourselves) in “going green,” I or others will start writing short “going green tips” posts from time to time. I hope these will be useful to you, and if you ever have any going green suggestions, post them on our [...]
- Oil Spill CondomsA variety of oil spill condoms, political condoms, or endangered species condoms are available for folks practicing safe sex these days. Want to help the Gulf of Mexico while also having safe sex? Exactly what you’ve been thinking about lately, right? Well, now you can! Practice Safe Policy has star ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- California - 20th in Beach Water Qualityphoto credit: Alan Cleaver 2000 According to the National Resource Defense Council’s annual wa
- EPA: oil-dispersant mix in Gulf is 'moderately tox ...A file photo of a mysid shrimp species from the Wkimedia Commons. Second round of testing complete;
- Wastewater Infrastructure Financing : Stakeholder ...Government Accountability Office http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10728.pdf Communities will need hundr
- Fairness in the Spokane River TMDLAdmittedly, it is difficult trying to explain to laypersons why the Spokane River TMDL is reasonably
- New Path System for Mountain Park?I’ve had an interesting week. Friday morning, I met with a City official and City’s priv
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Collect Dandelion Salad's Videos on Your Own Vodpo ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Aug 3, 2010 So, do you like some of the videos I’ve poste
- BP: Fishies and Birdies Can Live in Oil Just as We ...by Sean Fenley Featured Writer Dandelion Salad The Anything and Everything Aug 2, 2010 The BP oil co
- Why go after the criminals when you can just kill ...By Jerry Mazza Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted at Online Journal www.jerrymazza.com Augu
- Federal Bureau of Intimidation by Howard Zinnby Howard Zinn Featured Writer Dandelion Salad previously published on http://mediafilter.org I thou
- Why the Feds Fear Thinkers Like Howard Zinn by Chr ...by Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig August 2, 2010 Today I will teach my final
Axis of Logic
- A Sin and a Shame - Civil Rights/Human RightsThe treatment of workers by American corporations has been worse — far more treacherous — than most of the population realizes. There was no need for so many men and women to be forced out of their jobs in the downturn known as the great recession. Many of those workers...
- U.S. group launches campaign against West Bank set ...Americans for Peace Now, a sister group to the dovish Israeli group Peace Now, has announced the launching a unique campaign on Monday, meant to sway public opinion against containing settlement construction. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared the construction freeze West Bank settlements ...
- "CIA killed Chile army chief'" under Allende - Wor ...Santiago - The former head of Chile's secret police has denied involvement in the murder of the country's ex-commander in chief of the army, claiming the Central Intelligence Agency ordered the assassination. "It was the CIA that gave the order to kill General (Carlos) Prats," Manuel Contre ...
- The Betrayal Of Haiti - HaitiSIX MONTHS after Haiti's catastrophic earthquake, the promises of the world's most powerful governments to provide billions in aid to one of the world's poorest and weakest governments have been betrayed. There was an immediate outpouring of solidarity after the quake struck Hai ...
- France's racial intolerance comes from the very to ...Nicolas Sarkozy is most to blame for inciting the kind of brutality that sees immigrant women and children evicted by police A disturbing video showing French police evicting immigrants of African descent is causing an uproar in France. The video shows police dragging away women who were demonstr ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Repug Lies on Tax Cuts - and the Facts to Fight Th ...From Jon Perr at Crooks and Liars, a powerful weapon: So it's come down to this. On Saturday, David Stockman, the legendary Reagan budget chief who presided over the Gipper's supply-side tax cuts, announced that the "debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapWe call this "karmic (social) justice" The housing �crash has opened up a lot of doors to a lot of people who, in the past would only have been able to walk through them to perform mundane tasks for the people who used to live there. Gated communities whose residents found out that they weren't so r ...
- Execution by Taser for Kid on BikeHow many thousands more will get the death penalty by electrocution for the capital crime of not submitting instantly to a cop's hysterical demands? As always, Digby: Here's an excellent story in the St Petersburg Times about tasers. People are beginning to notice that the police are using these thi ...
- Tax Cut Expiration: $175,000 A Year Is Middle-Clas ...The propaganda machine aimed at continuing Il Doofus' tax cuts for his rich friends is shifting into high gear, and the allegedly liberal Mainstream Media are falling for the line, and into line. CNN is no exception. Sunday afternoon I watched a special report focusing on a family in New Jersey who ...
- Of media banality and false equivalenciesHoward Kurtz is easily one of the most consistently-aggravating idiots in the entire Village. Easily . If we responded to everything he wrote or said that annoyed us, the name of this blog would be Sweet Jesus, We Hate Howard Kurtz!" But life is just too short to devote to constantly keeping tabs on ...
Care 2
- Ahmadinejad 'willing to hold a debate with Obama'ranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he is willing to have "face-to-face" talks with his US counterpart, Barack Obama. Submitted by Sam C. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Blue Whales Align the Pitch of Their Songs With Ex ...Blue whales are able to synchronize the pitch of their calls with an extremely high level of accuracy, and a very slim margin of error from call to call, according to a new study of the blue whale population in the eastern North Pacific. Submitted by Nancy Bridget to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add ...
- The baby panda factory: Inside the extraordinary b ...Masked and gowned to avoid passing on an infection, wildlife presenter Nigel Marven gazes in wonder at the tiny and rather odd- looking creature nestling helplessly inside a blanketed incubator. Submitted by Ingrid Peeters to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- What Americans Love & Hate About The U.S.AEveryone has an opinion on something, whether it has to do with their political affiliation, age, race or education. Here's a look at Americans and their opinions on different asp Submitted by Johnnya L. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Space Station Problem Shows How Shuttle Will Be Mi ...After a cooling system breakdown, astronauts plan to hook up a critical spare part that can be delivered only by (the soon-to-be retired) space shuttle. Submitted by Nancy Bridget to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Smirking Chimp
- If Obama were a Republican, liberals would be dema ...Barack Obama isn't having anyone tortured, so far as we know, but he has violated the Geneva Conventions and the Convention Against Torture by discouraging the investigation of Bush administration officials despite an open admission from Dick Cheney that he approved and ordered the use of torture, a ...
- How I Got Teabaggers to Watch PBSWhen you see a Tea Party protest on TV, your first thought probably isn't, "I'll bet these people watch a lot of PBS." But apparently they do, because now that I'm on PBS, they've complained to the network brass that I'm wrecking their favorite channel. What did I do to incur their wrath? I suggeste ...
- U.S. Afghanistan strategy: Kill the people who are ...In the words of Atrios , it appears as though the shiny new US strategy for Afghanistan comes down to “kill everyone who wants us to leave and then maybe, just maybe, we can go.” Except, that plan becomes muddied when one considers the Taliban uses the U.S. presence in Afghanistan as a recruiting to ...
- Tomgram: Ann Jones on MRAPs, Air Conditioning, Far ...� from TomDispatch As the Wikileaks document-dump week ends, perhaps the real significance of what happened lay not in the specific revelations in those 92,000 pieces of raw data from American frustration-ville in Afghanistan, 2004-2009 (much of which would have been no news to anyone reading TomDis ...
- Charlie Rangel Must (Politically) DieCharles Rangel must die, politically that is. He has become an embarrassment to a House Speaker who vowed to "clean the swamp" of Congressional corruption. It took him 80 years but Harlem's war-hero turned Congressional elder, Charles Rangel, is this week's media poster boy for all the ills of an in ...
Paul Krugman
- Increasing Returns And Economic AreographyMars needs women. And men. Lots of them.
- Why Is Deflation Bad?Let me count the ways.
- Big-Money DeflationistasAssets, assets, all fall down.
- Twilight Of The BillionairesPardon me boy, is this the Transylvania Station?
- Taking Down The GoalpostsA deeply depressing Fed read.
No Quarter
- Barack Obama, Reinvents His Iraq PolicyI suppose you cannot fault Obama for spilling bullshit. He correctly calculates he can get away with saying anything and that the press, for the most part, will regurgitate his crap and not hold him accountable for his previous pronouncements. Yesterday Barack spoke to a conference of Disabled Vet ...
- A Military Nightmare in Afghanistan?We have enjoyed 9 years of celebrating men and women as heroes who serve in the U.S. military and that may soon end. I hope not, but news will be seeping out in the coming weeks that will tarnish the image of the heroic soldier and certainly give a black eye to those wearing [...]
- Coming Out Of The WoodworkAbout what happened to the Hillary Delegates back in 2008. I guess it’s better late than never, though the damage Obama has done to this country is immeasurable. I imagine we know only the tip of the iceberg at this point – the Nancy Pelosi philosophy of finding out just what has been [...]
- About Those Beaches And That Seafood…BP announced on Friday that it is time to scale back clean up and focus on restoration. The Fed on Thursday expanded its open fishery areas. States are touting reopened beaches and fisheries. Ed Overton, a professor of environmental studies at Louisiana State University points to “Mother Nature’s ...
- A Glorious Day for the Clintons…/ Bumped Up / According to the Katherine Seelye of the New York Times, at 7:32 pm on July 31st, Chelsea Clinton and Mark Mezvinsky were officially wed in an interfaith ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton released a gracious statement for well wishers: “Today, we watched with great pride and overwhelming ...
Environmental Graffiti
- 3,000 Professionals Petition to Remove Fluoride fr ...According to the Fluoride Action Network, more than 3,000 professionals from around the globe have banded together to end the fluoridation in drinking water. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article ...
- The Deadliest Airplane Accidents in HistoryNothing is more terrifying than a plane crash with the loss of life, whether accidental or an act of terrorism. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Hidden Health Risks of Public Swimming PoolsPublic pools are a health hazard. Before jumping into the low cost way to cool off this summer, read this article about the new health concerns lurking in any pool. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article ...
- Caño Cristales: Colombia's Incredible Rainbow Rive ...For the very short spell between the wet and dry seasons, this Colombian river becomes a glorious kaleidescope of rainbow colours! read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Mystery Behind Spontaneous Human CombustionThe phenomena of Spontaneous Human Combustion... is it fact or fantasy, science or science fiction? read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- "WikiLeaks is a criminal enterprise"Conservatives are labeling WikiLeaks as not just a criminal enterprise, but a terrorist organization.
- Review: 'Fixing Fractured Nations'A new collection of essays provides a comprehensive survey of ethnic conflicts in the Asia-Pacific region.
- "Countdown to Zero" Eclipses Those on the Frontlin ...Is Countdown to Zero about nonproliferation for all -- or just those with brown skin?
- Recent Colombian Mass Grave Discovery May Be "Fals ...Since it helps fund and train Colombia's Department of Administrative Security, Washington might be implicated in its scandals.
- Israel Playing With a Fire It Expects the U.S. to ...Israel needs to know that the United States will finish the war that Israel wants to start.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Car bomb blasts rock Iraqi cityAt least 10 people killed after three devices were planted in commercial district of Kut.
- Russia struggles with wildfiresFirefighters and troops battle more than 500 fires as temperatures continue to soar.
- Austria investigates Haider linksDiary alleges money transfers from Libyan and Iraqi leaders to late far-right politician.
- Wheat prices soar in Russia droughtHottest summer in 130 years destroys one-fifth of wheat crop, sending prices soaring.
- Pakistan flood misery mounts Unicef says more than three million affected as worst floods in country's history spread to south.
Green Inc. - NYT
- On Our Radar: Blocking BP's Write-OffOne of several legislative maneuvers against the oil giant.
- For the World's Ills, 'Trickle Up' SolutionsWorking in low-income markets can force innovators and entrepreneurs to drive complexity and cost from their products and from the business models they create to sell them
- In Fuel Subsidies, It's No Contest"Global subsidies for fossil fuels dwarf support given to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power and biofuels," a report concludes.
- Citing Tests, E.P.A. Says It Was Wise to Use Oil D ...The idea of fighting one toxic chemical, oil, with another, dispersant, does not sit well with all parties.
- Bonanza or Blight? Oregon's Wind DebateOne company has been offering residents $5,000 if they agree not to challenge noise levels from a new wind power project.
Dot Earth News
- Filling the Science Communication GapScientists and their institutions need to jump into the breach created as traditional science journalism shrinks.
- All's Not Fair When it Comes to Energy SubsidiesA new analysis shows that countries around the world are subsidizing fossil fuels more than 10 times as much as renewable energy sources.
- The Other Gulf StainThis year's flush of nutrients from midwestern fields into the Gulf of Mexico has created a particularly large "dead zone."
- Tracking Gulf's Fate as Slicks RecedeAs signs of oil on the gulf surface recede, biologists worry about hidden impacts to marine life.
- Varied Views of Bloody CovesVideo scenes of the latest slaughter of marine mammals in a bloody cove are interpreted very differently by different factions.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Heads Up to Quigley's Apex: Bank of International ...From the shadier side of Switzerland comes the bank where the Nazis put plenty of dental gold they pillaged... Now with another gold-related operation for the 21st Century! One of the shadiest institutions in the world, the obscure Bank of International Settlements, was initially set up in 19 ...
- An affordable priceGoldman Sachs Settlement 'Victory' Ushers Change to Wall Street BusinessWeek - 1 hour ago July 16 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s $550 million settlement with US regulators yesterday will benefit the firm by ending three months of uncertainty at an affordable price. ****** Another nice ...
- Food autonomy and building resilient communities i ...I got a few new followers from the Oakland/Bay Area after the tweets & post on the protest & stuff that went down after the Oscar Grant verdict. Police and state violence in many urban areas is an ongoing structural product of the way things are run in places like the Bay Area and other cities, but ...
- Hot night in Oakland: Oscar Grant killed by Mehser ...NadiartTwo : RT @ phyrecracker : Once the protest is labelled as a riot it's time for pocs to keep it movin #oscargrant "riots" began before they started. A good point there. Kind of like how the Toronto police recently parked a couple cars in front of the ragin' black bloc and vanishe ...
- Sunset of Chicago's Handgun Ban: Shots on Lawrence ...Back now from the US Social Forum in Detroit; stayed at friends' in Chicago and my sister's in Madison. On the way out of Detroit Saturday, I took Michigan Avenue west into Dearborn before cutting down to I-94. On the way out of Chicago Sunday, I took Lawrence Avenue out to I-90. Michigan and La ...
Daily Censored
- DISREGARDING STARE DECISIS AND U.S. IMPERIALISMAfter seven years of over spending on wars, President Obam continues Bush’s war strategy, by surreally declairing the end of the combat mission in Iraq, “as promised and on schedule.” Yet, not only continuing to seek supplemental funding and increasing troop leavels in Afganistan. http://www.nytim ...
- The Neoliberal War on Public EducationIf you cannot listen LIVE you may also catch it on archive along with all of our other episodes simply by visiting: www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news Please join us (Tuesday August 3, 2010 at 7:00 PM EST) for the first part of our three part series on the American Public Education Crisis. The US ...
- Jacob Appelbaum detained at Newark, airport over W ...Jacob Appelbaum detained at Newark Airport by the US Intelligence Agents I met Jacob Appelbaum once, when he was a small child. His father was my dear and close friend for over 34 years, until he passed some years ago. His mother was a close friend of mine as well, for many, many years. [...]
- American Enterprise Institute Critiques Daily Cens ...Yesterday, I published a critique of a cover story in the Oakland Tribune titled Public Education Under Attack By Bay Area Media, in which I pointed out that the “report” on teachersâ âexcessiveâ salaries was ideologically lopsided, presenting a conservative viewpoint without challenge. In t ...
- DEMISE OF THE RULE OF LAW UNDER THE SUPREMESDuring this period of preoccupation with the November Congressional election and judicial confirmation, I argue that Adam Liptakâs article in the New York Times, “Court Under Roberts Is Most Conservative in Decades,” dated July 24, 2010, is not a myopic discussion of conservative vis-a-vis libera ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- US diplomat urges crackdown on Mladic's Bosnian ne ...
- McCain Blocks James Clapper Nomination For Nationa ...
- Contractors Will Take The Place Of Troops In Iraq
- Dozens Gunned Down In Karachi, Pakistan
- Iran dismisses US admiral's attack plan comments
Institute for Policy Studies
- The Lineup: Week of August 2-8, 2010This week's editorial package features an op-ed and a cartoon on the WikiLeaks controversy.
- Evidence of a Failed MissionWikiLeaks' Afghan War Diary just fills in details of what we already knew: The Afghanistan War is too costly to continue.
- Corporate Negligence by any Other NameResurrecting the Amoco brand would be just a cynical ploy at a time when we need to move forcefully into a new economy that doesn't ravage the environment.
- Dave Zirin on 'Bad Sports'Even a diehard pro sports fan can appreciate the problems of the current team ownership system.
- Review: 'The Bomb'Howard Zinn's last book leaves us with words that bring together thought, action, and passion.
Equality Trust
- Sign up to our email newsletterDon't forget to sign up to our email newsletter to receive quarterly updates about our work and next week's response from Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett to questions about the Spirit Level analysis.
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently spend ...
- Excessive pay and bonuses in public sector under s ...Daily Telegraph reports on bold moves in the public sector . But what about the private sector which originated the "crazy" bonus system and still leads the way on excessive top pay...?
- Splendid: government targets second homesAs reported in today's Daily Telegraph , proposed hike in capital gains tax aims to part-fund increase in tax allowances for those on lower incomes. David Cameron describes second homes as "not .... necessarily splendid" for the economy.
- Inside the Democratic Party July CallOn this call we ratified the national endorsement of the following candidates: 1) David Segal (RI-01) who has been endorsed by RIPDA chapter under Brian Hull's leadership. 2) Larry Kalb (WA-02) who has been endorsed by ...
- Deja vu all over again!From Cleveland to Congress via Arizona At the PDA Grassroots Leadership Conference in Cleveland, Salvador Reza, co-founder of Puente Arizona, spoke about Arizona’s regressive immigration bill SB 1070 and the growing movement to prevent its enforcement. ...
- Property Rights and Public AccommodationsProperty Rights and Public Accommodations Ernest Partridge, Co-Editor The Crisis Papers July 28, 2010 � In the early sixties, the young black students in the South had had enough. Enough separate drinking fountains, enough all-night drives because no motel would provide a room, and ...
- Newspaper TruthinessBy David Swanson | War is a Crime The Cleveland Plain Dealer is the latest in a series of major newspapers around the country that have announced a partnership with a group called PolitiFact which will ...
- Progressive Democrats of America Energized by Nati ...By David Swanson Progressive Democrats of America marked the beginning of its seventh year with a three-day conference that brought hundreds of activist leaders from all over the country to a Cleveland, Ohio, hotel this past weekend. Participants heard ...
Marler Blog
- Marler with Hirsch on Crop to CuisineHad a nice chat this AM with Mr. Hirsch with Crop to Cuisine - Yes, it was about raw milk. Click on Sound Bites August 2, 2010.
- Raw Milk - Not Necessarily SaferLast Friday I spoke with NPR about the safety (or lack thereof) of raw milk. Listen to the full 10 minutes: Here is the interview transcript in part: Bill Marler is a Seattle-based lawyer who specializes in cases of food-borne illness. He's also the founder of a nonprofit consulting firm that t ...
- China International Food Safety & Quality Conferen ...I am proud to once again be one of the prime sponsors of the China International Food Safety & Quality Conference + Expo (CIFSQ) which “aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and collaboration amongst all global stakeholders” in food safety. As Vice Premier Li Keqiang, Head of the National Fo ...
- "Can't we all just get along" - It does not seem s ...I received this email today in response to an interview I gave recently about raw milk to “Food Manufacturing” online: Farm fresh? All the rage? natural food craze? certified organic is a buzzword? You make the lifestyle of eating pure, unpesticide treated, unindustrialized, unprocessed food seem l ...
- RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, supports S 510 - Wel ...CNN reports that Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele was forced to cancel an appearance Friday before a national meeting of black journalists due to - you guessed it - food poisoning. "While traveling out West the Chairman came down with a bad case of food poisoning," an RNC spoke ...
- AutoblogGreen for 08.03.10Report: Audi CEO confirms plans for mass-produced electric city car Should be here within five years. Toyota looking for biggest fan to celebrate Prius' 10th anniversary He better have a Fac ...
- AutoblogGreen for 08.02.10Maker Faire Detroit 2010: Power Racing Series As grassroots as it gets. GM will increase Volt production by 50% - to 45,000 units - in 2012 GM says it's an increase, but we'd also heard 60,0 ...
- AutoblogGreen for 07.30.10Video: Elon Musk chats it up on Colbert Report Stephen makes a funny. Plug-In 2010: Drive Oregon chills with Arcimoto Pulse, Barefoot Motors ATV Three wheels, $17,500. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 07.29.10Plug-In 2010: Bill Nye, Chelsea Sexton return for public night panel Who loves electric cars? These folks. 2011 Chevrolet Volt requires... premium gas? Yup. What else would you put in a $41, ...
- AutoblogGreen for 07.28.102011 Chevrolet Volt to be priced at $41,000, $350/month lease for 36 months Time to pony up? EPA sticker values for 2011 Volt likely to be interim, updated in 2012-13 The EPA's only had four ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable: How to start a tech busines ...Today we're talking about how to start a company in 2010 and 2011. A little background: I started covering startups in 1998 at a magazine called Red Herring. I wrote a daily column about startups called Catch of the Day. Over three years, I interviewed the leaders of over 1000 companies. Most o ...
- CNET to the Rescue: No matter where you go, here w ...On our show today: our favorite smartphone apps to help find stuff to do, things to eat, and people to connect with. Also, your questions and calls answered, including tips on painting laptops. But not until Josh shows off his USB-powered warning lights and a beer cooler that looks like a laptop ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: The state of bloggingBlogs: What are they good for? Where are they going? We have three experienced guests today to discuss. Don't miss this look into the current and future state of the blogosphere. Our guests: Anil Dash of Expert Labs , an independent nonprofit which creates new Web technologies to help policy ma ...
- CNET to the Rescue: Cubicle defenseToday, we rescue you from the indignities of working in a cubicle. We've got your rear-view mirrors, your headphones, and should all else fail, your USB foam rocket launchers. Because, you know, work is war. Also: How to stream music on an iPhone, how to test your home network for open ports, an ...
- Tynt breaks copy and paste, but only if you let itIf what you paste is not what you copied, Tynt might be the tool that made it possible, but it's not to blame.
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- WikiLeaks' Afghan War DiaryWikileaks.org has done it again, publishing thousands of classified documents about the U.S. war in Afghanistan. The website provides a secure platform for whistle-blowers to deliver documents, videos and other electronic media while maintaining anonymity. Last March it released a video shot from a ...
- Amy Goodman on CNN's _John King, USA_Democracy Now! ’s award-winning host Amy Goodman appears live from Las Vegas on CNN’s John King, USA , on Thursday, July 22nd at 7pm Eastern Time.
- Part II: Kashmiri Journalist Basharat Peer, Author ...Indian troops and police have killed fifteen people in Kashmir since June, sparking widespread protests. The Indian government has imposed a strict military curfew in the area as well as a media gag order on local journalists. The international community has remained silent on the human rights abus ...
- Deficit DovesGetting out of the red is the new black. Deficit hawks have swooped down on the U.S. budget. This week, they attacked unemployment benefits. Ultimately, they are going after Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, the venerable programs once considered untouchable “third rails” of U.S. politics. Th ...
- Amy Goodman to appear on CNN's _John King, USA_Democracy Now! ’s award-winning host Amy Goodman will appear on CNN’s John King, USA , on Monday, July 19th at 7pm Eastern Time.
Farming Pathogens
- Does Influenza Evolve in Multiple Tenses?The past may possess a power greater than prologue. Any one with a social networking account knows that. All of a sudden you find yourself daily interacting with people long thought boxed away. People mature, yes, but sensibilities remain largely intact and an old year, fine wine or vinegar, pours b ...
- Influenza’s Historical PresentI delivered the following speech, co-written with economic geographer Luke Bergmann, at the NIH-FAO-sponsored ‘Second International Workshop on Community-based Data Synthesis, Analysis and Modeling of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in Asia’ held in Beijing earlier this month. The speech is b ...
- The Alan Greenspan StrainFirst, a question with which few biogeographers bother. If a goodly chunk of their discipline is dedicated toward obfuscating the impact capitalism imposes on the natural world (discussed here and here), how can researchers interested in paying their bills study the crises that threaten the croupier ...
- King Leopold’s PandemicThe origins of HIV offer a great example of the ways treating human impact as an afterthought—discussed in our previous post—locks the study of pathogens into limited and oftentimes downright drunken trajectories. In 2006 Beatrice Hahn and her colleagues identified the likely source for the SIVcpz p ...
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- BP: The Anglo-Iranian Oil Dispute – 1951BP By Any Other Name – The Anglo-Iranian Oil Dispute – 1951 Crooks & Liars- By Gordonskene Friday Jul 30, 2010 7:00pm When Iran, under Mohammed Mossadegh nationalized Iran’s oil production in March of 1951, it put a crimp in the relations between Iran and Britain, who had enjoyed massive profits fro ...
- Dan Ellsberg on WikiLeaks & the Essential Democrat ...John Nichols, The Nation, July 29, 2010 The Obama White House was quick to condemn the publication Sunday evening of more than 91,000 secret documents detailing the monumentally misguided and frequently failed attempt by the United States to occupy Afghanistan. National Security Adviser James Jones ...
- Obama Small Business Task Force Will Likely Threat ...The Huffington Post Lloyd Chapman On April 26th, President Barack Obama established a Small Business Task Force to supposedly remove barriers to small businesses landing contracts with the federal government. I had to laugh out loud. This was amusing to me for many reasons, but most notably, Preside ...
- BREAKING: Arizona Immigration Law: Judge Blocks Pa ...Judge Blocks Parts Of Ariz. Immigration Law Law Will Still Take Effect Thursday But Without Many Controversial Provisions AMANDA MYERS, Associated Press Writers Via: KPHO.com POSTED: 2:58 pm MST July 27, 2010 UPDATED: 10:21 am MST July 28, 2010 PHOENIX — A judge has blocked the most controversial se ...
- Louisiana Oil Geyser: 20-Foot Oil Leak (PHOTOS)Louisiana Oil Geyser: 20-Foot Oil Leak Shooting Up In Plaquemines Parish After Hit By Tugboat (PHOTOS) Huff Post- First Posted: 07-27-10 01:29 PMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 07-27-10 02:51 PM NEW ORLEANS – (AP) Oil is spewing from a damaged well north of a bay where officials have been fighting the spill f ...
- Quote du JourThe intelligent thought that surrounds you is subject to your intentional will to direct it. If you fail to give it direction, it merely supports whatever direction someone else gives it regarding you. From Embracing the Rainbow, p. 137
- Monsanto: The World’s Poster Child for Corpo ...By: Jeffrey M. Smith At a biotech industry conference in January 1999, a representative from Arthur Anderson, LLP explained how they had helped Monsanto design their strategic plan. First, his team asked Monsanto executives what their ideal future looked like in 15 to 20 years. The executives descr ...
- Precious Metals - Week of 8.1.10China Officially Enters The Gold Market: Full Release Of PBoC’s Plan To Expand And Develop China’s Gold Infrastructure Zero Hedge (3 Aug 10) UBS Sees Gold Investors Diversifying Into Reality GATA (2 Aug 10)
- Save Money On GroceriesBuying in bulk and freezing or canning fruits and veggies are great ways to enjoy better food and cut your costs by up to 85 percent! When you buy in bulk, you buy food without the extra costs for packaging and marketing. Continue reading the article . . .
- Dr. Riki Ott - Living Through the Gulf Oil SpillThis Thursday on the Solari Report, I will be speaking with Dr. Riki Ott, the Alaskan marine toxicologist helping fisherman and residents in the Gulf of Mexico. Riki, the former owner and operator of a fishing vessel in her home of Cordova, Alaska, helped lead the response to the Exxon-Valdez oil s ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Black Police Group on AZ Immigration Law: "It ..."We've been talking about community policing for years now, and this law is going to cause people to withdraw from partnership with the police."
- Obama Administration Considers Bypassing Congress ...An internal memo shows the administration seeking solutions for undocumented immigrants that don't involve deportation -- or Congress.
- Why Is Simon & Schuster Spreading the Wild Con ...Pamela Geller has some crazy ideas, which the corporate media seem content to disseminate uncritically.
- FBI Admits Investigating Howard Zinn for Criticizi ...FBI files show bureau may have tried to get Zinn fired from Boston University for his political opinions
- What to do if You're Detained in Arizona? Here's a ...Since SB 1070 passed, immigration lawyers have been flooded with questions. Here are some answers.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign , challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project .
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become obsol ...
Fabius Maximus
- Hatred and fear of Islam – of Moslems – ...Summary:  Readers send in questions, which we attempt to answer. Is the fear of Islam understandable? Yes. Is it reasonable? Does it warrant State action? A reader responds to a statement in Is America fighting the tide of history? Are we like the Czars in the 19th century?: “Worse, a ...
- We see the world in terms of facts (mostly numbers ...Summary: Another disturbing way in which Orwell’s 1984 foreshadows our world. We see the world as numbers. Fixed numbers, such as its size. And numbers measuring its condition: population, income, temperature, and so forth. We measure history by the march of these numbers. But a form of ...
- The programs to reshape the American mind, run by ...Summary:  Our leaders run bold programs to reform American society, building on work done by the Nazi’s and Soviet Union.  All of this was  described by George Orwell in his magnum opus 1984 (published in 1949). His forecast was a little early, but eerily accurate. This is a follow-up to ...
- Climate science progresses, despite the wishes of ...Summary: New research continues to flow in that challenges important aspects of the climate science consensus. In the case of a new article, the long-term temperature reconstructions, largely dependent on tree rings (dendrochronology), and the role of solar effects. That the leaders have for so ...
- Every day brings new pro-war propaganda for our am ...Summary:  One oddity of our time is the news. Not the predominance of pro-war advocacy, or its increasingly desperate and specious nature, but how seldom anyone remarks upon these things. Today Max Boot provides another example. A ludicrous example. Here we examine “Impact of past defense ...
Open Your Eyes News
- In Restive Chinese Area, Cameras Keep WatchNew York Times – For a street whose name suggests throwing off shackles, South Liberation Road doesnât look like a very free place these days. At the intersection with Shanxi Lane, a busy crossing in this northwest China metropolis, 11 surveillance cameras eye the bustle from a metal boom project ...
- Women Attracted to Men in Red, Research ShowsScienceDaily — What could be as alluring as a lady in red? A gentleman in red, finds a multicultural study published Aug. 2 in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Simply wearing the color red or being bordered by the rosy hue makes a man more attractive and sexually desirable to women, ...
- Peru declares state of emergency amid plunging tem ...The Guardian-Peru has declared a state of emergency after hundreds of children died from freezing conditions that have seen temperatures across much of the South American country plummet to a 50-year low. In 16 of Peru’s 25 regions, temperatures have fallen below -24C. Reports from the country say 4 ...
- 6 guards beheaded in Afghan bank heistAP â Six Afghan private security guards were beheaded during a bank robbery in northern Afghanistan, police said Tuesday. Also Tuesday, insurgents launched a ground attack on NATO’s largest base in the south, but did not breach its defenses, officials said. Read Article
- Obama: combat mission in Iraq to end this month – ...Reuters – President Barack Obama vowed on Monday to make good on his promise to end U.S. combat operations in Iraq by the end of August, despite a dangerous political deadlock in Baghdad and a recent surge in militant violence. The U.S. military plans to reduce forces in Iraq to 50,000 troops by the ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- West turns up heat on IranWest turns up heat on Iran (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) The European Union last week imposed a new round of sanctions against Iran. E.U. foreign policy chief Lady Catherine Ashton stated that the measures “sent a powerful message” that Iran’s “nuclear program is a cause of serious and growing ...
- Israel destroys whole Bedouin village, hundreds ho ...Israel destroys whole Bedouin village, hundreds homeless (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Three hundred Bedouins in the Negev desert were made homeless last Thursday as hundreds of Israeli police razed their village and demolished their homes. Chaya Noach, head of Negev Coexistence Forum for Civi ...
- Michael Rakulski – O powstaniu arystokracji ...Michael Rakulski – O powstaniu arystokracji pracy (trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) âNasza epoka, epoka burżuazji, wyróżnia siÄ jednak tym, że uproÅciÅa przeciwieÅstwa klasowe. CaÅe spoÅeczeÅstwo rozszczepia siÄ coraz bardziej i bardziej na dwa wielkie wrogie obozy, na dwie wielkie wrÄcz pr ...
- Maoism-Third Worldism on the Environment (español)HD-mp4 torrent title: Maoism Third Worldism On the Environment (Spanish)
- Adaptasyon sa pelikula ng Mabuhay ang Tagumpay ng ...Shubel Morgan: Adaptasyon sa pelikula ng Mabuhay ang Tagumpay ng Digmang Bayan! (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (Tagalog) (English) Isinulat ni kasamang Lin Biao noong 1965, Ang Mabuhay ang Tagumpay ng Digmang Bayan! ay isa sa pinakamahalagang rebolusyonaryong basahin ng ating panahon. Isinusulo ...
- FALSE FLAG NUKE ATTACK ON U.S. JUSTIFIED….”KING’S ...THE PLAN TO USE IRANIAN AND PAKISTANI DUPES IN DIRTY NUKE PLOY! A powerful group within the United States, one with influence over the press and the ability to derail an investigation as was done with 9/11, has been “tasked” with laying the groundwork for a terrorist attack on America, one using ...
- HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification ...Researchers have raised questions about the possible involvement of HAARP in major disasters like the earthquake in Haiti, earthquake in China, Indonesian tsunami, and hurricane Katrina. Could these have been HAARP experiments gone awry? Might they even have been caused by rogue elements which gain ...
- Alert: Preparing for World War III, Targeting IranHumanity is at a dangerous crossroads. War preparations to attack Iran are in "an advanced state of readiness". Hi tech weapons systems including nuclear warheads are fully deployed. This military deployment is occurring in several regions simultaneously under the coordination of the regional Combat ...
- U.S. Nuclear Supercarrier Was Within Striking Dist ...The theater of the US-ROK drill was only 500 km from Beijing. Considering that the nuclear-powered super-carrier USS George Washington's radius of action is up to 600 km, and the aircraft it carries can reach a speed of 1,000 km an hour, the joint drill was dangerously close to China's security thre ...
- Syria warns of another war in MideastSyria's President Bashar al-Assad has once again warned that the Middle East is increasingly moving toward regional hostilities. Assad said on Sunday that the "real peace spectrum in the region is moving away and the prospects of war and confrontation are increasing," DPA reported.
Andy Worthington
- Judge Orders Release from Guantánamo of Mentally I ...As of today, the results of the Guantánamo prisoners’ habeas corpus petitions stand at 38 victories for the prisoners against 15 victories for the government, after two recent rulings. On July 21, Judge Henry H. Kennedy Jr. granted the habeas petition of Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, a 34-year old Yemen ...
- Today: Fast Against Torture on Eighth Anniversary ...Eight years ago today, Jay S. Bybee, then the head of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, and now a judge in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, signed two memos, largely written by OLC lawyer John Yoo, which purported to redefine torture so that it could be used by the CIA, and approv ...
- Buy My Guantánamo and Stonehenge Books Anywhere in ...Recently, a reader wanted to buy a signed copy of my book The Guantánamo Files in the United States, which threw me into something of a quandary. Normally, I would advise anyone wanting to buy a copy of any of my books outside the UK to check out online retailers (Amazon, for example — [...]
- Who Are the Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Cape ...Last week, the enforced repatriation of Abdul Aziz Naji, an Algerian prisoner in Guantánamo, diverted attention from the stories of three other men who were released in less worrying circumstances: a Syrian who was rehoused in Cape Verde, a former Portuguese colony off the west coast of Africa; an U ...
- Abdul Aziz Naji, Released from Guantánamo Last Wee ...In the first detailed interview with a prisoner released from Guantánamo to Algeria, Abdul Aziz Naji, forcibly repatriated last week, has spoken to the Algerian newspaper El Khabar, describing his experiences during his eight years in US custody. While this is a welcome demonstration of transparency ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Video: Record-Breaking Sea-Creature Surveys Releas ...See some of the deep-sea stars of a new "roll call"—thousands of ocean species found during recent expeditions. Video. Ocean - Species - Fish - Deep sea - Marine biology
- Presented By:
- Sea Discoveries Spawn Music VideoFeatured in a new "roll call" of life from 25 key ocean regions, marine oddities oscillate, swim, and skitter to an ocean "chorus." Video. Ocean - Earth Sciences - Oceanography - Projects - Data and Information Resources
- How Prospects Cooled for U.S. Global Warming BillPolitical stalemate means the world’s largest historic contributor to the greenhouse gas problem faces international talks—again--without a plan. United States - Greenhouse gas - Global warming - Environment - Climate change
- Photos: Algae Blankets China Beaches; Dead Zone Br ...NoneMats of green algae have covered miles of coastline in China, creating foul odors and possibly choking life underneath the waves. Algae - China - Biology - Flora and Fauna - Bacteria
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Let's Take a Shot at the MediaHow can I possibly top that introduction? I'm so happy - I'm tearing up! Actually, if I can add just a dash of local flavor to this bubbling cauldron of intellectual give and take, Connecticut Man1 can add a micro-brew to his menu of libations. Cheers! Let's Take a Shot at the Media While I'd l ...
- Welcome News on Ramping up Blog Production in New ...As the next big election season starts to heat up... I just wanted to note that this place will start getting a little more interesting. There a lot of great races on the radar, with the Governor's race, a Senate seat and the endless campaign campaigns on the House side, of course. But, even better ...
- What subversive literature is that?My daughter is up to something today.... First step to conquering the world?
- Premature Ejaculatory Praise Of Tiny Comical Rele ...I think TPM's Megan Carpentier may have captured the essence of this funny and tiny problem for teabagger redux - "Microman" - in her last paragraph: Wurzelbacher describes Microman as "frustrated" and "one of us" in the same press release. One wonders how many other Tea Party members, already frust ...
- Two Polls and Two Really Bad JokesPoll 1. Research 2000 just pretty much confirmed the state of the Connecticut Senate race between Blumenthal and McMahon: Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 5/24-26. Likely voters. MoE 4% ( 1/11-13 results) Dick Blumenthal (D) 52 (56) Linda McMahon (R) 33 (34) It'd been a while since we polled Co ...
SPL Center
- Another Long, Hot Black Nationalist Summer at Fox ...It must be July, because Fox News is once again hyperventilating over a racially charged non-story. One year ago, it was Glenn Beckâs crusade against Van Jones, the White House environmental advisor who, the host charged, day after day and against all available evidence, was a black nationalist us ...
- Expanding A3P Absorbs Another Hate GroupThe American Third Position (A3P), a fledgling but important Southern California-based white supremacist political party, has expanded its base by merging with another relatively new racist and anti-Semitic organization. The latter group, the New Jersey-based League of American Patriots (LOAP), was ...
- Neo-Nazi Bill White Facing Jury Intimidation TrialFormer neo-Nazi leader Bill White , already doing time in a federal prison, may face trial in a separate case of allegedly encouraging violence against a jury foreman. A federal judge in Chicago ruled 11 months ago that when White posted personal information, including the home address and phone num ...
- Racists See ‘Set-Up’ in Arrest of Idaho Lawy ...Onetime Aryan Nations attorney Edgar J. Steele was denied bail today in a case that has many of his fellow bigots suggesting in postings to white nationalist websites that the Idaho attorney must be an innocent victim of a conspiracy because of his racist views — not a man who plotted to have his wi ...
- Strange Twists Reported in Idaho Murder-for-Hire C ...The twists and turns in the murder-for-hire case of one-time Aryan Nations attorney Edgar J. Steele could come right out of a novel by Danielle Steel. Since his arrest last Friday, when he was charged with soliciting the murder of his wife and her mother , there have been the following developments ...
change: org.
- Why The Choice Between 'Green' And 'Growth' Is Fal ...Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green For All, is part of Change.org's Changemakers network, comprised of leading voices for social change. Change.org asked Ms. Ellis-Lamkins to respond to questions to provide context for her work and the causes she supports. 1. What cause or causes would you most li ...
- Janet Jackson Endorses Fur For ProfitJanet Jackson recently signed with Blackgama, a fur label, as the face of their What Becomes A Legend Most campaign. The ad features Jackson wearing a black hooded fur coat. Janet Jackson's choice to hawk fur coats is particularly troubling because she had spoken out against fur in the past. Jackson ...
- 10 Ways True Blood Got Dogfighting RightI'm a big fan of HBO's True Blood , but I was a little worried last week when it became apparent that the show was going to take on dogfighting. (If you're not caught up on the latest episodes, here's the obligatory Spoiler Alert warning.) If you don't watch True Blood , here's the background: Sam ...
- Gay Couple Saves Life of Homophobic NeighborNeed any further proof that love always outlasts hate? Check out this story from Birmingham (United Kingdom) , where a gay couple tormented by a neighbor's homophobic remarks -- to the point where the neighbor was fined and served with a police order -- end up saving his life from a deadly house fir ...
- Hundreds of Threats Against Judge Who Blocked SB 1 ...Judge Susan Bolton was just doing her job when she issued an injunction blocking key elements of Arizona's "paper's please" law, SB 1070, from going into effect. Since that action last Wednesday, her office has been flooded with hundreds of threats. And while law enforcement is being tight-lipped ab ...
Common Dreams -News
- Gulf Oil Flow was 12 Times More Than Feds' Origina ...by Erika Bolstad and Lesley Clark WASHINGTON - As BP neared a fix that's expected to kill for good the runaway well that's wreaked economic and environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, the government Monday said that 10 to 12 times the amount of oil had been flowing from the well than it ori ...
- Garbage Islands Threaten China's Three Gorges Damby Huang Yan and Ben Blanchard BEIJING -- Thousands of tons of garbage washed down by recent torrential rain are threatening to jam the locks of China's massive Three Gorges Dam, and is in places so thick people can stand on it, state media said on Monday. Chen Lei, a senior official at the China Th ...
- Pakistan's President: War with Taliban Being Lostby John Irish and Daniel Flynn PARIS -- Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari warned that the international community was losing the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, according to an interview published on Tuesday. Zardari also criticized those who cast doubt on Pakistan's commitment to fighti ...
- US to Attend Hiroshima Memorial for First Timeby Shingo Ito HIROSHIMA, Japan - Sixty-five years after a mushroom cloud rose over Hiroshima, the United States will for the first time send an envoy this Friday to commemorate the bombing that rang in the nuclear age. Its World War II allies Britain and France, both declared nuclear powers, will al ...
- July Is Deadliest Month of Afghan War for USby Robert H. Reid KABUL, Afghanistan - Three U.S. troops died in blasts in Afghanistan, bringing the death toll for July to at least 63 and surpassing the previous month's record as the deadliest for American forces in the nearly 9-year-old war. In Kabul, police fired weapons into the air Friday to ...
- Sleeping In on Weekends Might Help You Catch Up Fr ...If you've got the chance to sleep in on a weekend morning, take it. Scientists suggests in a new study that grabbing an extra hour or two in one night can help restore your performance after a week of less-than-awesome slumber. More�� ...
- Cmd+Z/Ctrl+Z Re-Opens Closed Tabs in Safari 5 [Key ...Closed down a tab you needed in Safari? In the latest version, you use the same keyboard shortcut you'd use to undo an oopsie in any other program to bring it back. That's right—Command+Z (Control+Z on Windows) to the rescue. More » ...
- Read Your Paid Software's Fine Print for Unexpecte ...Sometimes the fine print can actually save you money. Case in point: the latest copies of Microsoft Office. Many assume Microsoft wants money for every installation, but Office is technically licensed for at least two installations. More�� ...
- Trillian 5 Beta is a Streamlined Messaging Client ...Windows only: Trillian 5 Beta is a very slick-looking multi-chat client, and it makes being signed into 10 networks at once seem manageable. If you're one of Trillian's many fans , you owe yourself a test drive of this new version. More�� ...
- How to Set Up Your Writing as a Real Business [Wri ...Chip MacGregor worked as an author, editor, and publisher before starting his literary agency. In answering a question at his blog , he provides down-to-earth advice on the basics of setting up an office, organization system, and career as a w ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Nation Building That Dare Not Speak It's NameBy Steve Hynd In the WaPo, Eugene Robinson skewers the double-talk and illogic of the Obama administration. He deals with the 2011 withdrawal that isn't going to be any kind of withdrawal and the lack of a clear mission when the object of US desire, Al Qaeda, is no longer in the country occupied -- ...
- Dutch Quit Afghan War (Ssshh, Don't Mention Articl ...By Steve Hynd The Dutch are the first but they won't be the last. The Netherlands became the first NATO country to end its combat mission in Afghanistan, drawing the curtain Sunday on a four-year operation that was deeply unpopular at home and even brought down a Dutch government. The departure of t ...
- A Return To Counter-Terrorism?By Steve Hynd Today the NYT sems to be signalling that Joe Biden's preference for "counter-terrorism" has won out over the Pentagon's love of the cult of COIN. In a piece by Helen Cooper and Mark Landler which is also very useful for insights into how Pakistan is involved in the process of negotiati ...
- Pelosi Dodges The Afghan QuestionBy Steve Hynd Christine Amanpour asked Nancy Pelosi the $60 billion question on Afghanistan: "How does this figure into our protecting the American people? Is it worth it?" Pelosi asked rhetorically. "Is it worth it?" Amanpour repeated pointedly. "Is it worth it?" "That is the question," Pelosi repl ...
- Back To Whack-A-Mole In Afghanistan?By Steve Hynd Official reports of Operation Tor Shezad, the latest British offensive in the helmand province of Afghanistan, say it is going well, in that they haven't found many Taliban yet. The operation, which translates as "black prince", started with soldiers being dropped from Chinook helicopt ...
Water Wars
- Lecture series explores art, science, animationby Rebecca Wallace A photographer, a textile artist and the head of the Bay Conservation and Development Commission might seem an unlikely combination for a panel talk. But not when you're exploring the ways art and science connect with and inspire each other.
- Fun in sun at Wessington: Fun-filled day in Wessin ...WESSINGTON There was something for everyone at Wessingtons Fun Day Saturday including pie baking and chili soup contests, swimming, co-ed softball tournament and bean bag toss.
- Rockford River Days...let the countdown beginThe city of Rockford is preparing of its annual celebration "River Days" which runs Friday, Aug. 13 through Sunday, Aug. 15, in Riverside Park in downtown Rockford (most events).
- Library water warsYoungsters from Price and Helper duel with loaded water bottles. The action took place during the three-day Price vs. Helper water wars. Since this year's summer reading program has a water theme, Procarione and Helper ...
- Gubernatorial hopeful Scott stops by EastpointRick Scott, Republican hopeful for the Florida governors mansion, stopped briefly in Franklin County Sunday afternoon to take a look at the oyster bars. In spite of reports to the contrary, Scott did not visit Apalachicola this week unless you...
WordPress | Economics
- Free loanIt’s been exactly one year since the onset of the financial crisis and the passage of the Bush admin
- Who CAREs About Beer and Wine Consumers? The Comprehensive Alcohol Regulatory Effectiveness Act — yes, the “CARE Act”
- No title530-053-719 math b conversion chart 1997 ford contour 16 valves my lil brother has a bigger penis ba
- No titleliam unglesby pump 020337 le mans live timing scoring grad party guest booeas sfu gpa scale keez sex
- Calculated Risk: Krugman: "Why Is Deflation Bad?"Calculated Risk: Krugman: “Why Is Deflation Bad?”. My weekly PK. I think I gotta crush o
Electronic Intifada
- Book review: Israel and apartheid S. Africa's "Uns ...In The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa , historian and Foreign Affairs editor Sasha Polakow-Suransky explores the rise and fall ...
- South Africa's lessons for GazaThe Palestinian national movement has overlooked this question: does the Gaza Strip resemble the racist Bantustans of apartheid South Africa? During the apartheid era, South Africa ...
- Israeli rabbi preaches slaughter of non-JewsA rabbi from one of the most violent settlements in the West Bank was questioned on suspicion of incitement last week as Israeli police stepped up their investigation into a book i ...
- Activists work to stop tax-exempt donations to Isr ...As Israel's illegal settlement enterprise in the occupied West Bank continues to be a strain on US-Israel relations, an unflattering light is being shone on US private donations to ...
- US tax-exempt donations fund Israeli settlementsRAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IPS) - Anger has arisen in Palestinian areas over reports that millions of tax-exempt dollars from the US are being funneled towards Israel's illegal ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Afghanistan pullout means not all US troops will g ...The US Defence department has decided to keep a number of American troops in Afghanistan after the limited drawdown which is scheduled to begin in July 2011.
- Zardari says NATO forces losing war against Taliba ...In an interview given to the French daily Le Monde, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has said that NATO forces are losing the battle against the Taliban because they are failing to win the hearts and minds of the people of Afghanistan.
- Six guards beheaded in Afghan bank robberySix private security guards were poisoned and then beheaded in northern Afghanistan during a bank robbery, a police spokesman said Tuesday.
- UN drops 35 Al-Qaeda, 10 Taliban members from terr ...A United Nations (UN) panel has removed 35 Al-Qaeda and 10 Taliban members and affiliates from its sanctions terror list.
- Suicide bombers attack southern Afghan baseKABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents, some wearing suicide vests, launched a rocket and ground attack on the main foreign military base in Afghanistan's southern Kandahar Tuesday, with several militants k...
- NEW FICTION: OR WE WILL ALL HANG SEPARATELY by Nan ...Ooljee stood at the corner of the house next to where the block wall met it, so she could watch the van through the binoculars. It was driving slower now. Marty had parked their truck practically inside the house – the back wall was gone – so it shouldn’t be visible. But it wouldn’t take a genius tr ...
- Wearable computing: the state of the artMartin Magnusson got bored of waiting for the cyberpunk future we were promised in the mid-eighties, so he decided to build his own wearable cyberdeck rig. The version pictured [ganked from this Wired article] is a little crude, perhaps (I quite like the did-it-myself workbench aesthetic of exposed ...
- Elon Musk dreams of Martian retirement condosThe Astronomer Royal may think manned spaceflight is a pipedream, but Elon Musk – the fantastically-moniker’d founder of PayPal and Tesla Motors, as well as private space company SpaceX – begs to differ. In fact, he seems to be taking Stephen Hawking’s eggs-in-the-basket metaphor to heart, and wants ...
- Personal Information: episode 23Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Personal Information: episode 23 Share and Enjoy: Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Personal Information: episo ...
- Futurismic (finally) on TwitterYeah, I know, some cutting-edge futurist organ, this one – blighters ain’t even on Twitter yet, are they? Sheesh. Well, now they are – so please follow @futurismic for the latest updates from the site, occasional editorial rants, links to cool stuff that we didn’t have time to write a full post abou ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- Morning Smoke: The Debate over the Nominee for the ...Why not Elizabeth Warren? by Katie Benner [Fortune] OMB will provide funding for program evaluations by Robert Brodsky [Government Executive] Shake Up AF Acquisition by Colin Clark [DoD Buzz] SEC probes BP potential insider trading [Reuters] In devising punishments, SEC...
- On Wikileaks: I Wish the Leaker Had Come to POGOOver the past thirty years, POGO has wrangled with whistleblowers who want to disclose classified information—not 92,000 pieces of information, mind you—but I keep wondering what we would have done if the individuals who shared the classified raw field reports...
- Morning Smoke: SEC Responds to Concern about FinRe ...SEC tells Congress new law doesn't block FOIA by Zach Goldfarb [Market Cop] Does FinReg Contain Anti-Transparency Measures? by Daniel Schuman [Sunlight Foundation Blog] National intelligence nominee oversaw problematic contract by Ken Dilanian [Los Angeles Times] Excessive Secrecy versus Bloody...
- House Passes CLEAR ActThe House of Representatives passed the CLEAR Act (Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources Act of 2009, or, H.R. 3534) late yesterday by a vote of 209 to 193. You may read POGO Executive Director Danielle Brian's statement on the...
- Embarrassing Secrets? David Tenenbaum and the Stat ..."When properly invoked, the state secrets privilege serves important goals. History shows that where it is abused, there are serious consequences." Senator Patrick Leahy, D-VT, (2009) Is the state secrets privilege still being abused? POGO has witnessed government actions to...
Digital Journal
- Pride Parade, a growing event in VancouverPride parade, that wraps up the pride week in Vancouver, again drew thousands of people during a sunny weather. Big turn out along the parade's route was not only to be a part of it but show support for diversity in multicultural Vancouver.
- Celebrating the founding of Guelph, Ontario on Joh ...Ontario's August civic holiday has been designated by some municipalities as a day to celebrate the founding history of the communities. Guelph celebrates its founder, John Galt.
- Study shows Internet addicts more likely to suffer ...A new study in China suggests that teenagers who are addicted to the Internet are nearly two times more likely to suffer depression than those who use the Internet less frequently.
- Review ordered after video of veiled women boardin ...A video recently posted on YouTube has prompted the Canadian government to order an investigation. The video appears to show women going through an airline check-in counter with veils covering their faces.
- Two murders this weekend in TorontoTwo more victims have been fallen in Toronto by killers. One of the victims was stabbed in the lobby of his apartment building the other was found floating in the Humber River.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- He Lost it All to Crack, and He's Only 19I met Rails "flying a sign" in Denver. It kind of threw me off when he told me he lost everything from smoking crack. I mean, look at him. He's not quite 20. Rails, like many homeless youth, ended up traveling all over the country. Many hop trains. I didn't ask, but that could be how he got the name ...
- Busking for Bucks: The Entrepreneurial PanhandlerNot everyone who's homeless has the talent to turn music, comedy or dancing into money. But for those who do, "busking" (the art of street entertaining for donations) can be a better way to make money than panhandling. In this economy, when everyone's money is tight, it seems people are more willing ...
- NIMBYism: Why Communities Are So Scared of Helping ...All this week, End Homelessness is highlighting the negative policies of various cities and the perceptions of their residents when it comes to coexisting with people struggling with homelessness. All too often, the consensus is simply, " NIMBY," or "not in my backyard." Never mind that the entire c ...
- Money's Coming to a Homeless Services Program Near ...Show me the money! The federal government's Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced the allocation of $190 million in grants for local homeless services. In December, HUD awarded nearly $1.4 billion through its Continuum of Care programs to renew funding to 6,445 existin ...
- Aloha Homeless!I recently enjoyed a month on the beaches of Oahu, Hawaii. AND the use of a house a block away. Not everyone, even in the "paradise" that is Hawaii, is so fortunate when it comes to the housing part. In fact, there has been a growing "homeless problem" in a number of locations on several of the is ...
- Global cluster bomb ban takes effect August 1stA global treaty that bans the use of cluster bombs, a weapon containing multiple â often hundreds â of small explosive submunitions or bomblets, will take effect today, August 1st, when the treaty, signed by 107 countries, becomes legally binding. Steve Goose, who is the co-chair of the Cluster ...
- DND computers used to remove criticism of F-35s fr ...The Department of National Defence has confirmed that its computers were used to alter the Wikipedia entry regarding the F-35 fighter and the Conservative government’s decision to purchase 65 of them. Reportedly, the edits included “the removal of information critical of the government’s plan to buy ...
- Tory government misplaces Canadian ArcticIn an effort to bolster its claims that Canada needs the F-35 to defend Canadian sovereignty in the North, the Conservative Party is pointing to the recent intercept of two Russian Bear aircraft “over the Arctic” by Canadian CF-18s as evidence of the need for new fighters, claiming that the intercep ...
- Hawks versus dovesLast weekend’s National Post published a letter from Senator Pamela D. Wallin questioning the independence and expertise of three critics of the Department of National Defence’s purchase of F-35 fighter jets on the basis that all of them have ties to the Rideau Institute. Dismissing the Rideau In ...
- Report suggests changes to rules of engagement cou ...A recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research finds “strong evidence” that “local exposure to ISAF generated civilian casualties drives increased insurgent violence over the long-run.” (Luke N. Condra, Joseph H. Felter, Radha K. Iyengar & Jacob N. Shapiro, The Effect of Civilian Casualt ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Flu Vaccine Push Underway, Causes SeizuresAugust 2nd, 2010 Natural News As ridiculous as it seems, retailers across the U.S. are already stocking their stores with Christmas goods. It’s all about the big commercial push, of course, since retailers make about 50 percent of their profits during the Christmas season. Similarly, flu vaccine ...
- Pricey Heart Disease Program Virtually UselessAugust 2nd, 2010 Natural News Researchers in the U.K. are questioning the effectiveness of a $387 million a year heart screening program started in the country back in 2008. According to a report published in the British Medical Journal on the issue, the money being spent on this program would be ...
- 95% Of Infants Are Vitamin D DeficientAugust 2nd 2010 Natural News Two studies published in the journal Pediatrics highlight that although vitamin D deficiency is widespread among infants in the United States, most pediatricians remain unaware of the problem. The first study, conducted by researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease ...
- Ahmadinejad Calls For TV Debate With ObamaAugust 2nd, 2010 Reuters By: Robin Pomeroy Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday to face him in a televised one-on-one debate to see who has the best solutions for the world’s problems. The provocative proposal comes as Iran deals with a new wave ...
- AZ Sheriff: ‘Our Government Has Become Our E ...August 2nd, 2010 CNS News Sheriff Paul Babeu is hopping mad at the federal government. Babeu told CNSNews.com that rather than help law enforcement in Arizona stop the hundreds of thousands of people who come into the United States illegally, the federal government is targeting the state and its l ...
Pambazuka News
- Global: May for the Cuban 5The month of May started with a great number of activities in support of the Cuban 5. On May 1st hundreds of thousands of Cubans marched on International Workers Day in Havana and other cities. They were joined by hundreds of internationalists in de...
- Haiti: Where solidarity means survivalPerhaps more than anything today, Haiti needs a new macro-economy, one based above all on meeting the needs of its citizens. Post-earthquake economic restructuring could include equitable distribution of resources, high levels of employment with fair...
- 45 years after the assassination of Malcolm XMalcolm X was assassinated 45 years ago this weekend. Earlier this year, WNYC Radio unearthed a 1960s interview between the civil rights leader and a reporter named Eleanor Fischer. On this somber anniversary, we consider Malcolm X’s legacy through t...
- Haiti: Private contractors 'like vultures coming t ...Critics are concerned that private military contractors are positioning themselves at the centre of an emerging "shock doctrine" for earthquake-ravaged Haiti. Next month, a prominent umbrella organisation for private military and logistic corporation...
- How NGOs are profiting off a grave situationIt's now more than a month since the earthquake that laid waste to Port-au-Prince, killing more than 200,000 people and thrusting millions of people into the most desperate conditions. But according to the U.S. government, Haitians have a lot to be ...
War in Context
- Israeli provocation on Lebanese border could trigg ...Border clashes between Israeli and Lebanese troops have left three Lebanese soldiers and a journalist dead. Lebanon’s Hezbollah TV, Al Manar, reports one high-ranking Israeli officer has been killed but this has not been confirmed by the Lebanese army or UN troops stationed in southern Lebanon. As ...
- Drums of war: Israel and the “axis of resistance”In a new report, the International Crisis Group warns that the situation in the Levant, four years after the last war between Israel and Hezbollah, is exceptionally quiet and uniquely dangerous. Of all the explanations why calm has prevailed in the Israeli-Lebanese arena since the end of the 2006 w ...
- Is Payoneer under US investigation for role in Dub ...The Wall Street Journal reports: American investigators, cooperating in a probe of the January assassination of a top Palestinian leader in Dubai, have identified a handful of U.S.-based companies believed to have been used to transfer money to suspects in the case, a finding that brings internatio ...
- Wikileaks editor interrogated by US border policeThe Independent reports: A senior volunteer for Wikileaks in the US has been detained, questioned and had his phones seized when he returned to the country from Europe, as the FBI steps up its investigation into the leak of thousands of Afghanistan war secrets to the whistleblower website. Jacob A ...
- The Goldilocks view of war against IranSteven Simon and Ray Takeyh present a Goldilocks approach to war against Iran: not too much, not too little but war cooked just right. Who knew war could be modulated so carefully? As it contemplated the use of force, the administration’s decision-making would be further complicated by the need for ...
Watts Up With That?
- UAH Global Temperature – still in a holding ...While Sea Surface Temperatures are cooling sharply as shown here, global surface temperature is still oscillating around 0.40 to 0.50C for the last four months. This is not surprising as the air temperature is strongly correlated with the SST but … Continue reading →
- Global Sea Surface Temperature Cooling ContinuesAbove: Sea Surface Temperature anomaly map from NOAA/NESDIS. Note the La Nina building in the Pacific. By Dr. Roy Spencer Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) measured by the AMSR-E instrument on NASAâs Aqua satellite continue the fall which began several months … Continue reading →
- A new must read paper: McKitrick on GHCN and the q ...This new paper by Dr. Ross McKitrick of the University of Guelph is a comprehensive review of the GHCN surface and sea temperature data set. Unlike many papers (such as the phytoplankton paper in Nature, complete code is made available … Continue reading →
- July average maxima in San Francisco coolest since ...Supposedly Mark Twain once asserted: “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” This July was cold, and Twain’s quote? Well, read on. My friend Jan Null, former lead forecaster for the NWS in California, is … Continue reading →
- July in San Francisco coolest since 1970Supposedly Mark Twain once asserted: “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” This July was cold, and Twain’s quote? Well read on. My friend Jan Null, former lead forecaster for the NWS in California, is … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Collect Dandelion Salad’s Videos on Your Own ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Aug 3, 2010 So, do you like some of the videos I’ve posted here? Why not start a collection of your favorites on your own vodpod account? http://vodpod.com/learn Then, follow me on vodpod. http://vodpod.com/dandelionsalad There is a Quick Add to add any I’ve co ...
- Federal Bureau of Intimidation by Howard Zinnby Howard Zinn Featured Writer Dandelion Salad previously published on http://mediafilter.org I thought it would be good to talk about the FBI because they talk about us. They don’t like to be talked about. They don’t even like the fact that you’re listening to them being talked about. They are very ...
- Howard Zinn: Voices of a People’s History of ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ blip.tv Author Howard Zinn is honored at the NY Society for Ethical Culture, where actors, activists and authors read excerpts from his book, Voices of a People’s History of the United States. Howard Zinn: Voices of a People’s History of the United States (2004) ...
- Hypocrisy To The Nth Degree by Philip A. Farruggioby Philip A. Farruggio Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 31 July, 2010 Interesting how there is such an uproar about WikiLeaks and Sgt. Manning. As with the Pentagon Papers of the early 70s, sets of documents, incriminating in their content, are portrayed as Top Secret. Hogwash! To reveal a certain mi ...
- Mr. Obama, Why We are not that Impressed By Timoth ...By Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com July 30, 2010 I decided to listen to President Obama’s speech to the Netroots Convention in Las Vegas. I wasn’t invited, I’m sure that the cheerleaders from Daily Kos were. I’m sure that all the Democratic websites posing as ...
Your New Reality
- No title"Go Get Drums! GO!" I could give you a detailed round up of world events, dramatic as they've been, I could compile a list of communities whose livelihood has been destroyed, for the foreseeable future, along hundreds of miles of American coastline, I could introduce you to yet more evidence that w ...
- No title"How much more would we be dependent on foreign oil....and terrorism?"
- No titleThe seas will turn black and boil?
- No titleThe music of Inception gives everything a heavy, slightly sickening edge. Imagine it playing at a wedding. Or a funeral.
- No titleAttempted Coup Unfolds In Australia By Darryl Mason A dramatic night in Australian politics, as the right wing of the Rudd Labor government staged an early evening, non-military coup against the prime minister. This is how ABC News Online broke the story just before 7pm Sydney time : Prime Minist ...
Wired - Science
- Male Spiders Dwarfed by Females Because (Small) Si ...Male spiders may be tiny compared to their female counterparts in part because it makes it easier for them to get around and spread their genes. Scientists studied different spiders’ aptitude for bridging — sending out strands of thread that get carried by the wind to another spot, and then craw ...
- Orangutans Are Extraordinarily Energy-EfficientLie down on the couch, television blaring, a bowl of chips on your stomach and a Big Gulp of cola on your chest. If you need anything, yell for it. Wait a few hours. Guess what? You’re still burning more energy than a fully active orangutan. According to a new study of orangutan energy expenditure, ...
- Video: Sun Puts on a Spectacular Eruption Show          runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience374733519001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a trio of awesome solar phenomena on August 1. A sunspot gave rise to a solar flare which erupted nearly simultaneousl ...
- Antarctic Octopuses Discovered With Sub-Zero Venom<< previous image | next image >> A research expedition to Antarctica to study the region’s octopus life has returned with descriptions of four new species, and the first known sub-zero venoms. “Antarctic octopus venom works at temperatures that would stop other venoms in their ...
- Duck Penis Length Depends on Other GuysWILLIAMSBURG, Virginia — New measurements find that the maximum length of a duck’s penis depends on the company he keeps. And in this case, it’s his fellow males who make the difference. A drake’s penis substantially wastes away at the end of one breeding season and then regrows as the next season ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Groups urge Clinton to intervene in case of jailed ...Amnesty International: "Ameer Makhoul is a key human rights defender, well-known for his civil society activism on behalf of the Palestinian citizens of Israel" and "his arrest and continued... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in ...
- A Cooper Union Student Lost an Eye Protesting in I ...Emily [Henochowicz] says her ISM protest activities were about the Palestinians, to prove to them that "it's not all of our people" who are against them. "It was important for me to tell them, 'I'm... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Adam Keller: Is Israel singled out – and why?Many countries violate human rights in one way or another - but few have the consistent backing a Permanent Member in the UN Security Council. Most proposed resolutions condemning acts by the... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now i ...
- Amira Hass: Otherwise Occupied – The Humming of th ...But no one could say what killed 21 members of the Samouni family in a few minutes on January 5, 2009, in their neighborhood of Zeitoun. Some said it was shells fired by tanks in the main street.... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
- A Cooper Union Student Lost an Eye Protesting in I ...Emily [Henochowicz] says her ISM protest activities were about the Palestinians, to prove to them that "it's not all of our people" who are against them. "It was important for me to tell them, 'I'm... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russia may lose $13 bln to ban on arms exports to ...Russia could lose up to $13 billion due to an extensive arms embargo imposed on Iran over its controversial nuclear program, a Russian arms trade expert said on Tuesday.
- NORAD, Russia to conduct first-ever joint air defe ...The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the Russian Air Force will hold their first-ever joint air defense exercise on August 8-11, NORAD said.
- Mistral contract should be signed at Euronaval sho ...Russia's contract to buy Mistral class helicopter carriers from France should be signed in Paris at the Euronaval 2010 defense show in October or Russia may lag behind in the ship building industry, Russian Navy commander Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky said.
- Russian Navy to base warships at Syrian port after ...Russia's naval supply and maintenance site near Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartus will be modernized to accommodate heavy warships after 2012, the Russian Navy chief said on Monday.
- Russian aircraft carrier blueprint to be ready by ...A technical design for a new-generation aircraft carrier will be ready by the end of the year, the head of the Russian Navy said on Monday.
- AACR Hosts Molecular Diagnostics Conference in Den ...Premier international conference will highlight breakthroughs in diagnosis and patient management in an era of personalized medicine.
- Jefferson Names Endowed Professorship in Neurologi ...Robert H. Rosenwasser, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.H.A., professor and chair, Department of Neurological Surgery at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University; and co-director of the Stroke Program at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital has been named to the first endowed chair in the departm ...
- New National Study Examines U.S. High School Sport ...The popularity of high school sports in the United States has continued to increase over the past decade, with more than 7.5 million athletes participating in school sports during the 2008-09 academic year.
- Professor Explores Value of BeachesA new study published by a Washington and Lee University economist examines how much tourists would be willing to pay to protect the beach that they visit.
- Scientists Develop "Designer Protein," Opening New ...A major breakthrough in how to target and destroy the most malignant and aggressive brain cancer cells has been made by researchers at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center.
Natural Health News
- Fight These 4 Causes of AgingYou can slow down your aging process and help stave off heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. U.S. News & World Report offers some tips on how to do it: 1. Free radicals. Free radicals are chemically unstable molecules that attack your cells and damage your DNA. You can limit your exposure to them b ...
- Popular Diabetes Drugs Associated with FracturesPostmenopausal women with diabetes taking thiazolidinediones (TZDs), such as rosiglitazone and pioglitazone, may be at increased risk for fractures. Men with diabetes taking both loop diuretics and TZDs may also be at increased risk. Researchers conducted a matched case-control study to assess the ...
- Western Diet Linked to ADHDA new study shows an association between ADHD and a 'Western-style' diet in adolescents.� The study examined the dietary patterns of 1800 adolescents and classified diets into 'Healthy' or 'Western' patterns. Western patterns of foods were associated with more than double the risk of having an ADH ...
- Amazing Grace Sung by a Seven Year Old -- You'll b ...Seven year old Rhema Marvanne has a truly astonishing voice.
- Calcium Supplements May Boost Heart Attack RiskCalcium supplements could increase your risk of a heart attack.� A study has found that people who take the supplements are 30 percent more likely to have a heart attack. Data from 11 trials also suggested that the supplements were not very effective at preventing bone fractures. According to ...
- Republicans Are Not Conservative, They Are Radical ...On the Left we often talk about the Republicans as conservatives. The assumption is that conservatives are generally Republican and Republicans are generally conservative. I am quickly coming to the conclusion that while this might have been true at some point, continuing to use conservative as a de ...
- Scott Horton Interviews Julian Assange Posted July 30, 2010 by Youtube user AntiwarRadio ( Antiwar.com/Radio/ ) - Scott Horton interviewed WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: Julian Assange, co-founder and spokesperson for WikiLeaks, discusses the 15 thousand unreleased intelligence reports from Afghanistan, efforts to get the WikiLeaks Ga ...
- Wikileaks posts an Insurance policyWikileaks Afghanistan War Diary It seems that Wikileaks has posted a massive (1.4 GB, 10x larger than all the other files on the page combined) heavily encrypted file on it's dedicated "Afghan War Diary" page labeled simply "Insurance". (See link above) Possibly in response to the harsh rhetoric is ...
- Rethink Afghanistan or Rethink 2012, Mr. ObamaFrom GritTV and Brave New Films, July 27th, 2010 With the release of the WikiLeaks "War Logs," more focus has been brought to the war in Afghanistan. But will anything change? Our friends at Brave New Films have been following the war there for years, urging Americans to learn more about the situat ...
- Blood on Our HandsBy David Swanson The most massive and brutal crime committed on this planet during the past decade has been the invasion and occupation of Iraq. And we're seeking to wash the blood off our hands without so much as an "Out, damn spot!" Nowadays "looking forward, not backward" is supposed to take ca ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- The Remarkable Arrogance of the ICC Prosecutorby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Two items worth noting. First, as Julian pointed out the other day, Moreno-Ocampo’s refusal to comply with the Trial Chamber’s order to disclose the identity of an intermediary to Lubanga’s defense team has led the Trial Chamber to order Lubanga’s release ...
- US Naval War College Conference Video Now Onlineby Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson The US Naval War College international law conference, held in June in Newport, Rhode Island, is now online in video format. It was a terrific discussion, with great panels and discussants, and I counted it as a privilege to be there. One reason the video ...
- Justice Ginsburg on Using Foreign and Internationa ...by Duncan Hollis by Duncan Hollis Justice Ginsburg has fired the latest salvo in the ongoing debate about the Court’s use of foreign and international law sources in constitutional adjudication.   On Friday, she gave a speech to the International Academy of Comparative Law at American Univers ...
- Search and Rescue and the Spread of UAVsby Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson Sorry for the light posting of late - the Anderson family is currently in the Sierra Nevada, the eastern side out of Bishop, California, on God’s own highway, the Empty Quarter of Highway 395, which runs north-south from southern California all the way up t ...
- Masterchef 1, Politics 0 (Updated)by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller With an election scheduled for August 21, Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony “Check Out My Speedo” Abbott were set to debate tomorrow night at 7:30 pm. There was just one problem with that idea… The debate would have clashed with the ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Has Climatedepot crashed?As of writing, am getting a VisualBasic error on http://www.climatedepot.com Is it just my computer network that can't see it? UPDATE 1pm NZST: Back up and running. Marc must have hit wrong button somewhere :)
- Arctic heading for major freeze - new NOAA forecas ...More evidence pointing towards a significant global cooldown, with even NOAA modelling now picking a brutal northern hemisphere winter.
- Air Con Climategate Edition now avail in NZDue to an ongoing series of requests, we've decided to import the US version of the Air Con Climategate Edition. It's now available direct from the Howling At The Moon website, in either hard copy for $39.90, or PDF for...
- Ray Stevens Global Warming SongThey may call him the Streak, but you can't keep Ray Stevens down evidently...witness his lastest on Global Warming
- Breaking news: Chinese security attack NZ politici ...Chinese security forces have attacked and injured a New Zealand politician in the grounds of the New Zealand parliament buildings, because the MP had the temerity to be holding a Tibetan flag at a ceremony to Welcome the Chinese Vice-Premier...
The World We Live In
- Domain Name Being ChangedSome of your might have noticed that i have not been posting for a while. It was mostly out of frustration, you see when i started this site, I figured i would use it as a space to publish information, that i felt needed more attention in our life’s. New, views or even just facts [...]
- One Facebook, Two Faces: A Piece By A Virtually De ...I had been banned from Facebook and my account had been disabled a night before Facebook was banned in Pakistan. Before all this happened, I visited the blasphemous page “Draw Muhammad Day” and the content on the page hurt me badly. Once again a certain group of westerners called it the “freedom of ...
- New Chemical Element Discovered In PakistanPakistani researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, so far only discovered and found in Pakistan , has been named Zardarium (Symbol = Zm). It has one Presitron, 1 Priministron, 77 Ministrons, 98 deputy Ministrons, 298 National Assemblions, and 100 Senatr ...
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
Center for Food Safety
- The Story of CosmeticsIn the latest installment of her “Story of Stuff” videos, Annie Leonard walks us through “The Story of Cosmetics,” and the ugly truth of toxics in, toxics out. Visit the website for an annotated script, viewing party materials, fact sheets and more. As she explains in the Huffington Post, “It turns ...
- Announcing the True Food Shoppers Guide Mobile AppThe Center for Food Safety today launched a new mobile application that will help shoppers to quickly and easily identify foods made with ingredients from genetically modified (GM) organisms. The free app, “The Center for Food Safety’s True Food Shoppers Guide”, is available for mobile devices thro ...
- Lawsuit Filed to Halt Release of Genetically Engin ...An alliance of conservation organizations today sued the U.S. Department of Agriculture over its approval of open-air field tests of a genetically engineered (GE) hybrid of eucalyptus tree across the southern United States. The permit, issued to a company called ArborGen, which is a joint initiative ...
- A Pressing Issue: David and Goliath Battle on GM A ...by Lisa J. Bunin, Ph.D. The media got it wrong and let the public down when it erroneously reported Monsantoâs wholesale victory in its Supreme Court appeal of the GM alfalfa case — the first-ever Supreme Court case on GMOs (Monsanto Co. v Geertson Seed Farms). Despite claims and headlines to th ...
- 56 Members of House and Senate Ask USDA to Keep Ba ...Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), joined by 49 other representatives and five other senators, sent a letter today to U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack asking USDA to retain the regulated status of genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa. Their letter comes in r ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Burn Qur'ans On 911Last night I listened to a talk show here in Pretoria that sought to solicit views on a proposal by a Florida church that intends to burn Qur'ans on the 9th anniversary of 911. The vast majority of folks who called in repudiated the plan. Several Christian callers pointed out that the plan was not ...
- “After God, Come the Cubans”: Haiti, Six Months Af ...“After God, Come the Cubans”: Haiti, Six Months After the Earthquake � haiti-cuba-venezuela : Leticia Martínez Hernández SIX months have passed, but it seems like yesterday when, on that January 12, the faces of this agitated, forgetful world turned toward Haiti, the poorest nation of the American ...
- Reports emerge the UK used depleted uranium weapon ...Reports emerge the UK used depleted uranium weapons in Iraq :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] Reports have emerged that the UK used depleted uranium weapons during the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. A UK defense official has reportedly ...
- Black in Bed-Stuy: Another Kind of Non-CitizenBlack in Bed-Stuy: Another Kind of Non-Citizen � Kenyon Farrow While all eyes are turned to Arizona for the (now partial) implementation of SB 1070, I found an interesting article in City Limits (a NYC-based public policy and urban affairs news site and magazine, which has gotten really good in the ...
- Profiling of Sacramento area youthSacramento Press / Profiling of Sacramento area youth Profiling of Sacramento area youth How effectively are we really addressing profiling of area youth if we simply address racial profiling in terms of black and white? 17-year-old Terrey Randolph, who is a black teen, cleaned dog kennels, backya ...
- Asleep (a short story)Photo by eye of einstein I am holding a thread and staring into a labyrinth. Darkness is falling, and the gold of sunset begins to fade from the moss that drapes its walls. Ancient stones lose their friendliness and succumb to moist cold. Only the sky remains cheerful. Inside the labyrinth darknes ...
- Criminal Rule in HondurasPhoto by markarinafotos While Rome is burning, everyone is hypnotized by the fiddling emperor Chavez. Crime and impunity in Honduras, which steadily worsened during Manuel Zelaya’s administration, has only gotten worse under Porfirio Lobo. But Mr. Lobo is busy courting international opinion, in the ...
- Hurricane Alex Aftermath(I wrote the following entry on Friday, July 2, but have been unable to post it until today. As of now, there is no water in my house.) I just arrived home after exploring the are around my home after Hurricane Alex tore through Monterrey. The hurricane made landfall Wednesday night as a category tw ...
- Agatha’s Aftermath in TegucigalpaOver the weekend, tropical storm Agatha, the first of 2010, deluged Central America. Rain had already been falling for weeks in some localities, which brought a level of devastation unheard of since Hurricane Mitch 12 years ago. Over a hundred people lost their lives, 17 or 18 of them in Honduras. H ...
- Lobo Will Go But Not Attend EU SummitThe BBC has clarified my confusion around Honduran President Porfirio Lobo’s presence in the EU Summit. He will attend a parallel event, but not the summit itself. This is to appease the Chavez block who seemingly will never forgive Honduras for removing their ally Manuel Zelaya from office. His coa ...
Green Times
- Environmental News 26/07/2010Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss Addiction to plastic is fuelling marine disaster In Australia alone we have used almost 14 million tonnes of plastic since 2000, according to the latest industry figures. But tonnes and tones of discarded plastic wind up polluting the ocean and ...
- What's On 26 July 2010Sunday 1 August is National Tree Day. Since 1996, National Tree Day has been promoting planting trees and caring for native trees and plants in Australia. Over the years, this initiative co-founded by Olivia Newton-John and Planet Ark, has grown into one of Australia’s biggest nature protection even ...
- Plastiki Delivers Green Message in a Bottle (or tw ...Bridge to bridge, across the Pacific – what an epic and inspiring journey! The Plastiki has arrived in Sydney – time to celebrate!
- Carbon Sink1. DEFINITION: “Carbon Sink” The term carbon sink refers to areas of accumulated carbon in ecosystems. It is anything that absorbs carbon dioxide naturally; anything that takes carbon away from the carbon cycle for a long period of time. Carbon sinks are usually found in forests, oceans, and ...
- Welcome to Las VegasLas Vegas, city of light and excess! Unfortunately this city is affected by water shortage.It needs a real effort in "Energy management (glossary/categories/energy/energy-management.html)" to reduce its "Carbon footprint (glossary/categories/climate-change/carbon-footprint.html)". Photo by: T ...
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- U.S, Russia to Hold Joint Anti-Terror Air Defense ...ShareThis U.S, Russia to Hold Joint Anti-Terror Air Defense Exercise 02 Aug 2010 The U.S. and Russia will conduct a cooperative air defense exercise for the first time this month that will involve the mock takeover of an aircraft by terrorists, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) an ...
- 6 guards beheaded in bank heist in AfghanistanShareThis 6 guards beheaded in bank heist in Afghanistan 03 Aug 2010 Six Afghan private security guards were beheaded during a bank robbery in northern Afghanistan, police said Tuesday. It appeared that the police were poisoned before they were beheaded, said Sherjan Durani, a police spokesman for B ...
- U.S. military chief warns of attack option against ...ShareThis U.S. military chief warns of attack option against Iran 01 Aug 2010 America's top military chief has warned that the country has a plan to attack Iran. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said a military strike is an option if Tehran presses ahead with plans to ...
- July 'deadliest' for Afghan civiliansShareThis July 'deadliest' for Afghan civilians 02 Aug 2010 The number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan has seen a dramatic increase in July, with as many as 270 civilians and about 560 injured in terrorist attacks, an Afghan official says. Citing a 29 per cent and a 5 per cent increase in the ...
- BP urged to resort to its former nameShareThis BP urged to resort to its former name 02 Aug 2010 Embattled oil giant BP is reportedly facing pressure to rename its US petrol stations under their old Amoco brand as the backlash in America shows no sign of easing. The distributors who control most of BP's US forecourts are pushing the gr ...
Daily Loaf
- Navy Secretary in St. Pete to talk oil spill; Meek ...Democratic Senate candidates Kendrick Meek and Jeff Greene hammered each other for an hour at their debate in St. Petersburg Sunday, but the show itself wasn’t aired until last night. Our analysis can be read here. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus comes to St. Petersburg late this afternoon for a ...
- Navy Secretary in St. Pete tonight for hearing on ...Tonight's hearing we should add takes place in the Karen Steidinger Auditorium at the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, University of South Florida, 100 Eighth Ave. S., in St. Petersburg.
- Meek-Greene debate shows the candidates to be simi ...Interestingly, on the question posed by Bay News 9's Al Reuschel about whether it was time to "bring our men and women home from Afghanistan by denying funding for the troops, Meek said it was "not a yes or no question," which maybe one reason that he didn't vote on that exact question last week, w ...
- Lions and tigers and beer – Wazoo! At Lowry Park Z ...Taste local micro brews from Tampa Bay Brewing Company, Cigar City Brewery, Dunedin Brewery as well as international brews from all around the world.
- Energy saving smart phone apps: Manage home energy ...Some will help you to manage an automated home, and others are designed to help you monitor things like energy consumption or even the efficiency of solar panels!
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- The Only Democracy? summer vacation: enjoy some bo ...by Jesse Bacon I keep meaning to make a mix tape of the ever growing “cultural intifada” of artists refusing to perform in Israel, maybe including a Meg Ryan film clip? In the mean time, here’s where Gorillaz went after refusing to play in Israel. While Syria certainly has its own injustices, it so ...
- Interview with Khalil Alamour, organizer of protes ...By Jesse Bacon I spoke with Khalil Alamour at the protest tent at Al-Araqeeb, the village demolished by Israel this week. Protestors plan to return tomorrow and rebuild it.
- Daniel Dukarevich: Eyewitness Account of the Razin ...By Daniel Dukarevich. On the ground report from Daniel who was previously interviewed here, reposted from Tikkun Olam. Uprooting the olive trees of Al-Araqeeb Yesterday, Daniel Dukarevich posted an eyewitness account (Hebrew) of the eradication of the Bedouin Negev village of Al-Araqeeb by the Isra ...
- Urgent need for support to release 17 year old Ahm ...From the Friends of Freedom and Justice Bil’in and the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee On July 19, 2010 Bil’in was subjected to yet another Israeli Occupation Forces night raid when an unusually heavy number of Israeli soldiers entered the outskirts of the village to arrest a local youth; ...
- Alert: Thousands of police evacuating and demolish ...Tuesday, 5:30am by Yeela Raanan. Thousands of police are in the village of el-Araqib right now – beginning a mass evacuation, demolition, and erasure of this historical Bedouin village. if you have access to the media, please send them to this village as soon as possible! the village of el-Araqi ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Urban combat in Monterrey and Nuevo LaredoContemplate, if you will, what life in Monterrey and Nuevo Laredo Mexico is like now. In Monterrey, automatic gunfire is routinely heard at night. Narcos blockade streets in attempts to hijack cars. Residents gun their engines in response, stopping for nothing. Gunman race through the streets shooti ...
- Where did the Clinton’s get $3 million to spend on ...Paul Craig Roberts Before we attend to the poor political judgment of such an extravagant affair during times of economic distress, let us wonder aloud where a poor boy who became governor of Arkansas and president of the United States got such a fortune that he can blow $3,000,000 on a wedding. The ...
- Wind lens turbines could triple energy outputA Japanese researcher says his new turbine design could triple output via the hoop “magnifying” wind power before it hits the turbine. However, each 112 ft unit would only power one household, which seems smallish to me (some offshore turbines can power hundreds of homes), but then this is still in ...
- The crisis of middle-class AmericaWhen the Financial Times runs a piece detailing the decline of the American middle class, you know things are getting bad. “Think of the American economy as a large apartment block,â says [a Harvard economist]. âA century ago â even 30 years ago â it was the object of envy. But in the last g ...
- People like us give mobs a bad nameCommittee of Public Safety The decline in the vigor of American self-government is directly tied to the decline in the vigor of American mobs. Quoting Mark Sanfranski (emphasis added) The primary problem with the American political economy is that in the last 10-15 years, elite, moderately liberal t ...
- Israeli Finance Ministry explains recent IDF-sourc ...Why the sudden spate of Israeli-sourced publications on Hezbollah’s military power? On Wednesday (July 7 2010) this one, in the Jerusalem Post, elicited a sarcastic Tweet from Foreign Policy’s Marc Lynch: Israel’s shocking discovery of Hezballah presence in….Lebanon. Believe it or not! This mornin ...
- Haifa Mayor wants to turn Mavi Marmara into “ ...Cruiseship Marmara Mayor of Haifa Yonah Yahav has a creative idea: to turn the Turkish ship into a floating hotel Amir Buhbut, Maariv, July 8 2010 [Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] While Turkey is demanding Israel apologize over the flotilla to Gaza, the mayor of Haifa has an interesting ...
- [video] Birthright group visits (Jewish Settlement ...The “Hebron” account at WeJew.com (a kind of Jewish YouTube wannabe) has just (July 5 2010) uploaded a video purportedly documenting a visit of this month of an Australian Birthright group to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. This site is the stated raison d’être of the extremist Jewish Settle ...
- Hasbarapocalypse — Leaked Frank Luntz memo: ...The Israel Project (TIP), an American Hasbara outfit, commissioned Republican political consultant Frank Luntz to examine the effectiveness of Israel’s public diplomacy in the US on the Flotilla debacle. TIP gave the memo to the Prime Minister’s Office, where someone promptly leaked it to Chico Mena ...
- Israeli Ministry of Justice endorses extremist int ...On Friday, July 9, the Ministry of Justice and the Jewish Legal Heritage Society will present a two-day seminar on Jewish laws concerning the Land of Israel. [An invitation in Hebrew can be seen here and a translation is appended at the bottom of this post. H/T Dena Shunra.] While I am not an exper ...
Deadline Live
- Soros swoops down on India: Set to buy 4% of Bomba ...Billionaire financier George Soros is in late stage talks to buy a 4 percent stake in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) as foreign interest in India’s financial markets grows, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday. Citing a person involved in the negotiations, the newspaper said Soros Fund Managem ...
- ACLU Sues Feds Over Detentions of Mentally Ill(Aug. 2) — The American Civil Liberties Union and other civil rights activists went to court late today seeking to force the federal government to protect the rights of mentally incompetent immigrant detainees — at least one of whom, they say, languished in federal custody for nearly five years. The ...
- Flu vaccine push already underway; first batch cau ...(NaturalNews) As ridiculous as it seems, retailers across the U.S. are already stocking their stores with Christmas goods. It’s all about the big commercial push, of course, since retailers make about 50 percent of their profits during the Christmas season. Similarly, flu vaccine manufacturers gener ...
- Mexican Drug Cartel Allegedly Puts a Price on Ariz ...PHOENIX – He’s been at the center of the discussions and controversies surrounding illegal immigration enforcement in Arizona for quite a while. On the day parts of Arizona’s immigration law, SB 1070, went into effect, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is in the news for another reason: there’s a p ...
- Pot Brownies are Under AttackCongress may be more clever than you think. The Senate approved anti-drug legislation that may help squash one of the sneakier ways of getting high: pot brownies. The Saving Kids From Dangerous Drugs Act of 2009, which passed the Senate unanimously Friday, includes language that could make the fines ...
The Air Vent
- Poetry or elseImagine the sky, free from cloud. Imagine your mind, free from daily grind. Imagine the trees, free from CO2……….. and see where that gets you.
- Amac on Tijander and HockeysticksBlogger Amac, spent some time and collected hockey stick links regarding Mann 08 from all over blogland. See link below. Blog Links: Mann ’08 and the Korttajarvi (Tiljander) Varve Proxies
- AP TXYou know, the AP might have to sue me for this, but it’s their own fault for writing this leftist drivel. The article, as written is below in black with appropriate translation in red. US inaction on climate troubles global talks By ARTHUR MAX (AP) â 13 hours ago AMSTERDAM â The failure of a [ ...
- FeedbackI’ve put in a few days time now studying carbon sequesterization in limestone. This morning I’ve run several calculations based on raw data dug up in Al Gore’s house – a.k.a. the internet. Joking aside, I flatly disagree with the IPCC two hundred year shelf life of CO2. It makes zero sense to ...
- Thank god for climate scienceOh, jeez. Now the phytoplankton are dying off in an unprecedented…ly…. And it’s your damned SUV that did it again. The scientists are claiming that we don’t really know what is going on, but maybe it’s global warming. Never mind that our instruments can barely detect the temperature change, ma ...
Focal Point
- Ladies, Is Your Purse Strap Stoking Lust?Sociological Images posted the results of the Modesty Survey a project of a Christian website where Christian girls quizzed 1500 Christian guys about their standards of modesty. Not guys' standards for their own dress and demeanor, mind you, just about the standards they use to judge women. This su ...
- "Non-Partisan" Conservative Pundit Fred Barnes Too ...Conservative commentator Fred Barnes has recently criticized liberal journalists for discussing ideas on a free, private email list. Barnes claims that, unlike the denizens of journo-list, he's a non-partisan conservative: "If there's a team, no one has asked me to join. As a conservative, I nor ...
- Glenn Beck's Goldline Scam--VisualizedIllustrator Jess Bachman diagrams Glenn Beck's shady links to Goldline in an accessible infographic. To summarize: Goldine is a sponsor of Beck's TV and radio shows. Beck tells his audience that they should buy gold as a hedge against inflation, but not just any gold. Beck says you should buy antiqu ...
- Alarms on BP's Deepwater Horizon Disabled to "Help ...BP/Transocean's concern for rig workers is touching. Key alarm systems on the Deepwater Horizon were disabled to "help workers sleep" : Vital warning systems on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig were switched off at the time of the explosion in order to spare workers being woken by false alarms, a ...
- Should Phoebe Prince's Bullies Go to Jail?Phoebe Prince hanged herself in her bedroom in South Hadley, Massachusetts at the age of 15. Six students from her high school are charged with hounding her to suicide. Emily Bazelon investigated the back story of the Phoebe Prince case for Slate as part of a series on cyber-bullying. Like an anthr ...
Inside Facebook
- Facebook’s Top 20 Pages: Coca-Cola, Eminem, Gaga a ...Music and big brands dominated our list of Top 20 Facebook Pages this week, a list compiled by our PageData tool, which counts the number of fans added to a Page daily. Everyone from Coca-Cola and Starbucks to Eminem and Bob Marley was on the list this week, which was somewhat skewed thanks to what ...
- PayFone Introduces One-Touch Mobile Payment Servic ...PayFone, a mobile payments company that has spent three years in stealth, today revealed its inter-carrier network-based payments platform. It streamlines how consumers use their mobile phones to make payments in app stores and social games, intending to offer one-touch purchases, variable billing s ...
- Custom Tab Width Reductions Coming Soon to Faceboo ...As part of its sweeping roadmap announcement last October, Facebook said then that it would be reducing the maximum pixel widths of custom tabs in Pages. While it had previously allowed widths of up to 760 pixels, the size can now only go to 520 pixels wide — and the change is about to go [...]
- With More Traffic, Facebook Plans to Double Size o ...Having already started building a 147,000 square foot data center in Prineville, Oregon, Facebook is now planning to more than double the size of the facility, adding a 160,000 square foot building shell. It just announced 500 million monthly active users, most of whom joined in the last couple of y ...
- Q&A with Vitrue on Facebook Marketing Tactics, Met ...Vitrue opened its doors in 2006 in Atlanta with the aim to connect marketers to consumers using social web services. It has expanded to Facebook in recent years, and expanded geographically from its home base in Atlanta to New York, Palo Alto and most recently Chicago. Here’s our interview with chie ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Economy Outranks Iraq Afghan Wars for Vo ...truthout: Economy Outranks Iraq Afghan Wars for Voters This Year: Galesburg, Ill. - The wars in Iraq and Afghan... http://bit.ly/aFoSb6 #Truthout #p2
- truthout: New Evidence About Prisoners Held in Sec ...truthout: New Evidence About Prisoners Held in Secret CIA Prisons in Poland and Romania: On Friday, the Polish ... http://bit.ly/asz0cG #Truthout #p2
- truthout: US to File First Free Trade Labor Rights ...truthout: US to File First Free Trade Labor Rights Case Against Guatemala: US Trade Representative Ambassador R... http://bit.ly/apRS1K #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Zach Carter | Conservative Deficit Hawks ...truthout: Zach Carter | Conservative Deficit Hawks Demand Tax Cut Extensions: The same conservatives who spent ... http://bit.ly/aLNGjE #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Ties to Labor Unions Can Be Dangerous at ...truthout: Ties to Labor Unions Can Be Dangerous at One Alabama University: The business dean at an Alabama univ... http://bit.ly/aahpOu #Truthout #p2
ReDress News
- Revered Israeli rabbi preaches slaughter of gentil ...Jonathan Cook considers the ideas of a leading Israeli rabbi, Yitzhak Shapira, who together with another rabbi, Yosef Elitzur, has written a book in which he sanctions the murder of Palestinian children and babies.
- UK retailer Cafepress peddles Islamophobic, anti-A ...Gilad Atzmon views the curious case of the British online retailer cafepress.co.uk which openly sells Islamophobic, anti-Arab, pro-Jewish, pro-Israel and pro-war products such as t-shirts, caps and babysuits.
- Israel classifies its past as top secretLawrence Davidson explains why the Israeli government has decided to extend for an additional 20 years the period during which state documents must remain classified and the possibility that previously declassified documents might be reclassified.
- US website Salem-News.com deserves your supportSalem-News.com exists after six years because it has a good mission, and a lot of drive. The site's founders left established mainstream media careers to start the nation's first independent internet news group in 2004. They have given everything possible to meet the demands of daily news for over ...
- Middle East history buff Hague whitewashes Israel’ ...Stuart Littlewood views British Foreign Secretary William Hague’s weasel words on the siege of Gaza and his consistent rear-guard defence of Israeli crimes, which show that Prime Minister David Cameron’s recent reference to the Gaza Strip as a “prison camp” should not be interpreted as signalling a ...
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Is WikiLeaks the antidote to the Washington K Stre ...The acid test for Washington’s beltway experts Since the end of the cold war, the U.S. had been looking for an enemy to match the Soviet Union and came up empty handed until 9/11. Refocusing the efforts of the world’s largest and most expensive military empire on Al Qaeda would provide the incentive ...
- Obama Appoints a Not-Too-Long-Ago-Hatched Neocon L ...Matthew Bryza: Azerbaijan Ambassadorship & a Tangled Web of Conflicts President Obama appears to have run out of Non-Neocon candidates to appoint for crucial positions. After one year with no ambassador to fill the position in Azerbaijan, the President reached out to and appointed a young neocon wit ...
- Another ‘Viable’ Candidate Bites the Dust …Maksim Bakiyev: A Groomed Puppet Who Never Came to Be King Kyrgyzstanâs Wanted Fugitive: Maksim Bakiyev. The story is more or less the same – the one that has been repeating itself for many decades. The one based on a script written by the very same conductors who wrote the ones before, and who ...
- America’s DNA Profile Has Been All Over Afghanista ...In the two years since the publication of our book Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story we have had the chance to address dozens of forums and radio audiences around the United States about Afghanistan. It has been an illuminating exercise, not so much in terms of what Americans understan ...
- Jamiol Presents
Afro Spear
- “The Marriage-Job Paradox” by B.B. Rob ...Op-ed submission by Project 21 Adam Smith, the 18th century philosopher/economist, articulated the “Diamond-Water Paradox”. While water is essential, Smith said, it has a relatively low transaction value. Conversely, and illogically, diamonds have a higher transaction value and little practical use ...
- Some Perspective From Brother Carey!My Brother Carey at Carry Me Home Blog wrote a poignant piece chronicling his family history and comparing it to all of our black history. In it he asks us to be careful how we treat our history and not to despise it, even if it looks difficult in some places. Obama belongs to us, and [...]
- The Unapologetic Mexican Confronts “White Pr ...This is a very interesting post at the Unapologetic Mexican. At a blogger’s convention, (I believe it was Netroots) a group of them created a bit of “Political Theater” by making a “check point” at the door of the convention just for the white folks. They were “dressed” as ICE officials with f ...
- sat’day riddymz
- Why Didn’t You Black Folks Build Some Towns ...Over the course of our history in the Americas, black folks have gone through some stuff! Our struggle here began in slavery. We all know that North America for sure was founded on our black backs. Wall Street was founded on the auction block of slavery. In spite of the unspeakable brutality of th ...
Expose the BNP
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep his po ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- Nick Griffin: “If Hitler hadn’t been s ...The following is a transcript of Dominic Carmen’s speech given at the Expose the BNP media briefing, held at the NUJ headquarters on 7th April. At the 1987 General Election, the BNP put up two candidates and received 553 votes. It was beaten hands down by the Monster Raving Loony Party which put up ...
- Seize BP Demonstrations NationwideSEN believes these demonstrations will help awaken politicians to outrage over inadequate regulation and control of international corporations, even if they do not succeed in gaining temporary seizure of BP on the basis of national emergency and evidence of criminal neglect and fraud by BP.
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on FoxSEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Gulf Oil Disaster Action CentralThe Gulf Oil Disaster is the latest symptom of the madness being unleashed on Mother Earth, Mankind, Wildlife and Life itself. SEN will here post links to every action you can take. Visit often because more will arise in coming weeks and months. If you learn of one we've missed, please enter it in a ...
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on Fox News, PLU ...SEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Climate&Energy “Speak Up&Out” ResultsIn April SENÂ published “Drill Oil and the USA and World to Hell?” To our users we said “Tell Sustainability Education Network’s sen4earth.org what YOU believe and what YOU Demand of government in Energy & Climate policy and legislation.” “SEN will report the overall results to you and to media, AN ...
If Americans Knew
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed at ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage at h ...
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Clinic: ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again on Ga ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner whic ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
David J. Gregory
- CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICADo you want to continue to have a say, albeit, not very much, in what goes on in this government? If you do, you must act, as outlined below, as soon as possible. We have got to give it a try, even if we go down, we must stop the corporate takeover. This is so [...]
- TEABAGGERS REFRAINGovernment is the only thing standing between us and all those who would harm us, in one form or another! Be it war, medicine, unsafe products, the list is endless. Corporate America has taken over our Government and it is the reason we’re in such a mess. Don’t blindly get on a bandwagon of non-thin ...
- Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered ...A huge gash on the ocean floor—like a ragged wound hundreds of feet long—has been reported by the NOAA research ship, Thomas Jefferson. Before the curtain of the government enforced news blackout again descended abruptly, scientists aboard the ship voiced their concerns that the widening rift may go ...
- BP BLOCKED WORKERSBP blocked workers cleaning up the oil disaster in the Gulf from wearing protective respirators.
- Jim Geer in handcuffs!Chair Karen Thurman has repeatedly demanded a full and independent investigation. But the Republicans who control Tallahassee are trying to block the investigations into their culture of corruption, instead trying to make Jim Greer the fall guy for their misdeeds.
Unsuitable Blog
- Can a Shopping Voucher Skew Survey Results?A couple of weeks ago I – or rather our house – received a letter from an organisation called the National Centre for Social Research, inviting us to take part in an annual survey called British Social Attitudes. I like filling in surveys when I have time because it lets me think more about what [. ...
- Hello Green Tomorrow: Avon Conveniently Forget The ...Sitting in my inbox for four months, one would expect a story to go stale, but despite coming at a particularly hectic time of my life, and being revisited just this morning, it seems that some stories are destined to keep going simply because the parties involved are in such deep denial. One such ...
- Hackers Shut Down EU Carbon-Trading Website [From ...Sorry for all the reposts recently, but it’s been a very busy time at Unsuitablog HQ, and I also can’t top this bit of news from The Guardian covering an excellent example of Undermining. Emissions Trading, like all forms of offsetting, is a method of ensuring that the industrial system can keep op ...
- Greenwash of the Week: The Sustainability Consorti ...Another winning post by David at The Good Human, exposing a magnificent example of Astroturfing. I suspect one reason these things keep turning up is because of “Fluorescent Tabard Syndrome”: the psychological oddity that allows anyone wearing an extremely bright item of work clothing to go virtual ...
- Redleaf Water: A Crash Course In Greenwash Spottin ...It’s always good to refresh your skills, and that opportunity came to me a couple of days ago when a reader sent me a nice example of subtle but very detailed greenwashing in the shape of Redleaf Bottled Water. Straight away the shields are up because we are talking about an entirely commercial pro ...
Subalternate Reality
- Newt Comes Out As A Muslim-BaiterEarly this week, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned that “a commitment to religious freedom and God-given rights is being replaced by a secular oppression…” Just hours after those words appeared on Human Events, Gingrich issued a statement forcefully opposing the constructi ...
- Wealthy Far More Likely To Default On Mortgagescrossposted at Political Correction For much of the past two years, Congressional Republicans have wasted few opportunities to blame poor and working class Americans for the financial meltdown and the subsequent recession. They’ve argued that through well-intentioned government initiatives, includ ...
- GOP House Candidate: Mosque Near Ground Zero Is A ...Conservative activists and the Muslim-baiters among them are furious about a proposed Islamic community center to be built near Ground Zero. The debate has become entirely unhinged and some of the more hateful folks are using the controversy as a rallying cry to oppose the construction of all futur ...
- Ex-Muslim Ergun Caner Is A FraudErgun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive. A self-professed Muslim convert to Christianity, Caner plays an important, and arguably dangerous, role in the community. After the 9/11 attacks, when many Americans were searching for ...
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- Creating a Participatory, Open Source Map of an En ...For the past few weeks I've been working from Tbilisi, Georgia -- the other Georgia -- with a fascinating organization called OpenMapsCaucasus (OMC for short), which has been hard at work creating the first participatory, public domain road map of an entire country. Created by JumpStart Inte ...
- Councilpedia In Private Pilot, Overcoming Tech Cha ...Over the last several months, Gotham Gazette has made major strides on its Councilpedia project, which will help New Yorkers keep tabs on their local officials and share their knowledge with others. Over the last year, the project has evolved and -- we think -- improved from our original plan. C ...
- Ushahidi Racking up Downloads, Available in New La ...The Ushahidi platform's growing use has been astounding to say the least. The platform has been download almost 4,000 times. On top of that, our mobile applications (including the Android Oil Spill reporter by Henry Addo) have been downloaded more than 3,700 times. As an organization that is bare ...
- Highlights and Pitfalls of Virtual Street Corners ...We're just winding down my Knight News Challenge project, Virtual Street Corners , and haven't had time to sort through all the recorded materials and debrief the participants, but I wanted to share some initial thoughts and reactions. The most encouraging takeaway from the project was the enthu ...
- Four More "Programmer-Journalists" Reach Halfway P ...Ever since the first Knight "programmer-journalist" scholars enrolled in the journalism master's program at the Medill School , I have checked in with them around the midway point -- and taken the opportunity to introduce them to the Idealab audience. As we mark the end of Medill's spring quarter, ...
Cutting Edge News
- Iran on the Edge - Iranian Re-Revolution--How the ...On June 10, when the Iranian opposition movement cancelled its planned commemoration of the anniversary of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed reelection, commentators assumed that the Green Movement was finally finished. For months, it had been criticized as lacking strong leadership and for being unabl ...
- War Against Israel - Palestinians Using Academics ...Embargos have taken place throughout history, but boycotts have been waged universally attempting to compel a person, entity or even an entire country to change a course of action. Since the term “boycott” was first coined in 1880 Ireland as a way to nonviolently coerce landowner Charles Cunningham ...
- The Labor Edge - Peeling Back the Truth on Guatema ...The banana outsells apples and oranges combined. Ubiquitous in homes and supermarket shelves throughout the United States, the cultivation and distribution of bananas entails a grim reality of cartels, unions, and governments entangled in human rights abuses, price wars, and trade disputes. This is ...
- Inside Latin America - Argentina-China Trade Relat ...After months of delay, President Cristina Fernández Kirchner of Argentina traveled to China on July 11th to discuss economic issues affecting the two countries. China is Argentina’s largest commercial partner after Brazil. The primary purpose of this meeting was to convince China to lift the now two ...
- The Archaeological Edge - Oldest Known Writing Dis ...On July 12 the Hebrew University announced that a little clay fragment with the oldest known writing in Jerusalem had been discovered. From the late Bronze Age, it is considered a major discovery in Israel’s archeological community. The soil in which the fragment was found was taken from the fill ex ...
High Country News
- Summer blizzardWonderful things are everywhere -- but you have to pay attention in order to see them.
- Of rivers, boats and baseball umpiresThe essays in Robin Cody's Another Way the River Has range all over the map but somehow lead back to the river.
- Summer VisitorsHigh Country News gets summer visitors; correction.
- Discovery and recovery in a Mojave casino townMary Sojourner's new novel, Going Through Ghosts, takes the reader on a journey of love, loss, abandonment and death.
- Some notable arson wildfire cases in the WestBrief descriptions of some notable arson wildfire cases in the West in the last 50 years.
- More Deaths In Kashmir ProtestsBy Aljazeera At least four people have been killed in Indian-administered Kashmir, bringing the death toll from recent weeks of violence to 27
- Revered Rabbi Preaches Slaughter Of Gentile BabiesBy Jonathan Cook A rabbi from one of the most violent settlements in the West Bank was questioned on suspicion of incitement last week as Israeli police stepped up their investigation into a book in which he sanctions the killing of non-Jews, including children and babies
- Why Was I born? Why Are We Here?By Katherine Smith Until the Crusades the bobbleheads thinking was predominantly Pagan, that is the inhabitants believed they were only a small part of the whole circle of life and that each part of creation played a significant role in the contentment and survival of the other. All of that changed ...
- Israel Has Crept Into The EU Without Anyone Notici ...By Robert Fisk The death of five Israeli servicemen in a helicopter crash in Romania this week raised scarcely a headline. There was a Nato-Israeli exercise in progress. Well, thats OK then. Now imagine the death of five Hamas fighters in a helicopter crash in Romania this week
- In Bed With The U.S. ArmyBy Ann Jones Experiences of a reporter, embedded with the US Army in Afghanistan
Contagious Love Experiment
- Vigiling in AfghanistanMore amazing work from Our Journey to Smile
- 92219 Pieces of my Broken Afghan HeartThe following letter was sent to me from the young people in Afghanistan who tried to come to the U.S. this summer for our speaking tour. The U.S. embassy flatly denied them, but their voices continue to cry out. The official narrative of the Afghan War is that it has greatly served the people of A ...
- The other side of Afghanistan
- Days 9-11: Solitude, Mountains, and HumanityThe first time I talked to Ymani, one of our hosts in Asheville, NC, I was at Salam’s house in Berkeley, CA. The first cross-country trek that I embarked on was drawing to an end and I was entering all kinds of scenarios into google maps to try to incorporate Asheville into the plans before [...]
- Day 8: A Good Day to be an Older Brother Half a year ago, my younger brother loaded up his compact car and drove from our parent’s house in Maryland to Little Rock, AR. Zack has always been a sharp thinker and dedicated worker, but had been struggling to find somewhere and something to really put his energy behind. Drifting from culinar ...
Yid With Lid
- The Peace Process Story So Far: Israel's Cooperati ...By Barry Rubin In one of his out-of-control anti-Israel rants, Andrew Sullivan included in his list of alleged evils�that Israel had repeatedly "defied" the United States. That point stuck in my mind and made me reflect how demonstrably untrue is that charge�contrary to what people might thi ...
- Barney Frank Threw Maxine Waters Under the BusNow that Maxine Waters has been officially indited we have learned that the weasel from Massachusetts that not only did Barney Frank help her to get the Tarp help for her husband's bank, but he then thew her under the bus, and takes the official position of I told her so. According to a� ...
- Is Cuba Inching Away From Socialism? Very DoubtfulMaybe its the toilet paper. Yesterday brother-in-charge Raul Castro said that his government is going to scale back some of its total control of Cuba's economy. This announcement comes almost a year to the day after the news broke that the island nation was running out of toilet paper . HAVANA ...
- America To Obama: The Economy is Officially YOUR F ...For the first time since he was inaugurated, (and by a razor thing margin) more American voters see Obama's economic policies as the cause of the bad economy than blame Bush. 48% of American voters blame Barack Obama for the lousy economy and 47% blame former President Bush. Even more significant in ...
- The Dems Have 60% of House, But Blame The GOP For ...Once again its all the Republican's fault. When it comes to amnesty for illegal immigrants, the Democrats cannot blame Bush (because he tried to push amnesty through), so they are blaming the GOP. Congressman Gutierrez introduce a bill for "comprehensive immigration reform" (in other words amne ...
The Real Agenda
- Case Orange Report: The History of Weather Manipul ...Human rights and environmental watchdog, ETC Group: “The roll-out of geoengineering as Plan B is being skillfully executed: prominent high-level panels sponsored by prestigious groups, a spate of peer-reviewed articles this January in science journals, and a line-up of panicked politicians in northe ...
- Project Vigilant Spying on Internet ProvidersA semi-secret government contractor that calls itself Project Vigilant surfaced at the Defcon security conference Sunday with a series of revelations: that it monitors the traffic of 12 regional Internet service providers, hands much of that information to federal agencies, and encouraged one of its ...
- Psychiatric Meds 101: A Surprising DiscoveryAntidepressants strive to increase the levels of a “coping” molecule known as serotonin in the brain. It supposedly helps us find happiness when it’s covered in an avalanche of nastiness. But, it’s never been proven. Still, the drugs attempt to boost serotonin by “selectively” stopping the “reuptake ...
- Alimentos: El Secreto SiniestroLa tienda de comestibles, junto con su fregadero de la cocina, son dos de los lugares más peligrosos del mundo. En los siguientes videos, se aborda uno de los más oscuros modos del poder de la globalización y como se ha usado para controlar a la población a través de los alimentos. La adulteración d ...
- Is Obama a Marxist or Socialist? No, he works for ...Is it possible the Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs operatives in the Obama administration truly desire a communist revolution as Glenn Beck and Wayne Allyn Root insist? During the 2008 election cycle, Goldman Sachs donated nearly a million bucks to Obama. Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase donated near ...
Wind Watch
- Highland windmills remain unbuiltThe seasons have changed four times since construction began on Virginia’s first wind farm, and there’s still no sign of the 400-foot windmills planned for the top of a Highland County ridge. Developers of the project — who previously blamed winter weather for the slow progress — last week declined ...
- Neighbours on the barricades against wind turbines ...The postcard image of Denmark in harmony with wind turbines has shattered. Protests from more and more Danish neighbours of wind turbines on land have stopped wind power projects and made local politicians reluctant to approve licences. This is evident from a front page article in yesterday’s editio ...
- Turbines too loud for you? Here, take $5,000IONE, Ore. — Residents of the remote high-desert hills near here have had an unusual visitor recently, a fixer working out the kinks in clean energy. Patricia Pilz of Caithness Energy, a big company from New York that is helping make this part of eastern Oregon one of the fastest-growing wind power ...
- MATL moves to tap eminent domain for power line ri ...Disputes between some landowners in Montana and Alberta and the developer of a power line crossing private property between Great Falls and Lethbridge are coming to a head as the company prepares to begin putting up poles. On Monday, Montana Alberta Tie Ltd., the developer of the Montana Alberta Tie ...
- Throwing caution to the windThe growth of wind power is exploding across Canada. Wind farms are springing up as easy investments in green energy. Scientific studies have raised serious concerns about the impact they could have on human health. But few are paying much attention. As Sylvia Squair reports, some doctors and scient ...
Not My Tribe
- A statement to our Beloved City Council and MayorFrom Ed Billings. Prior to the drastic cuts in our Transit System as of January 1, 2010 I was told “Don’t Protest, Talk to the City Council instead”, I have done that time and time again. There have been numerous obstacles to keeping local bus services as it was. First there was Mayor Lionel Rivera ...
- What Wikileaks has done for you, and what you can ...Wikileaks has blood on its hands, says the US military, red-handed. No kidding. Wikileaks killed the war in Afghanistan is what it did, and all those who informed on the resistance or might have been thinking to collaborate with the US/NATO occupiers. 15,000 of the records were held back pending red ...
- Paid professional Drunkard “Snooki” bu ...From the “reality” show “Jersey Shore” where 20-somethings are filmed showing what they would do if they were paid to do a constant beach party. Ok so that’s not the OFFICIAL premise of the show, like, when you were 21 did you have a major studio pay your rent, your clothing tab and… YOUR BAR [...]
- Hey, TeaBags, you know those Free Market Insurance ...The ones you trust to sort out the health care dilemma by consistently denying Health Care to as many people as possible, thus somehow improving health care for everybody. Yeah. THOSE Insurance companies. Their Life Insurance affiliates just shat all over the War Widows and orphans. And, since there ...
- Former Catholic Priest exposes Immigration Plot ag ...Charles Chiniquy, former Priest, EXPOSES the shocking plot to take over America for the Roman Church using Immigration from predominantly Catholic countries. The book, published by Chick Publcations, details the dread Papish Plot, direct from the mouth of a Parish Priest from Canada who, in such a h ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- 911 Truth in 5 minutes: The Key Evidence vs Mainst ...The Hard Science: There IS overwhelming physical evidence that reveals explosives were used to bring down the 3 WTC buildings on 911. There is nothing theoretical about the claim - forensic proof has sealed the case. Simply put, it is IMPOSSIBLE to find Molten Steel , Thermite traces , plus actual ...
- 7/7 - Five Years OnYesterday the Queen who doesn't sweat (I wonder how long before the David Icke fans pick up on that!), visited ground zero and addressed the UN for the first time since 1957. Is it possible for a reigning monarch to commit treason? Coz some would argue that just by associating with the globalist c ...
- When False Flags Don't FlyFrom corbettreport
- An Irresponsible ResponseFor the last few days I was out of town enjoying an early 4th of July weekend with my family and didn't have any internet during that time. So imagine my surprise when I got back home today to find that I was sent a message from infamous debunker RKOwens4. Here is what he wrote to me. "Hey buddy. J ...
- Reply: Thermite Rain - 9/11 Truth Movement found t ...YouTube user " KimmoKuopio " recently offered this piece of "debunking": Commenter " RedBloodReign " states: "You might find this surprising but thermite wasn't found in the debris of the twin towers by looking at footage of the burning towers and saying "Wow, that looks really hot, must've been th ...
- Cotton Candy Go-gurt – The Final Desecration of Yo ...A friend was strolling through her local supermarket when she came upon the yogurt section. A mom was there with her kids, and she gave them choice of several yogurt flavors. They picked cotton candy Go-Gurt. Cotton candy ?!!? As if all the stuff put into kids’ yogurts isn’t enough, now we’re encou ...
- Moderation SchmoderationThis is a guest blog post by Lauren Slayton MS, RD, a Manhattan based dietitian specializing in weight management and sports nutrition. This post has been published on her blog as well. Follow Lauren’s tweets @FoodTrainers. AÂ couple of weeks ago I was interviewed for an article about soda . I am ...
- ADA Response to Accusations on Partnership with He ...A couple of weeks ago we lamented the signing of a sponsorship deal between the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and chocolate mega-corp Hershey. We exchanged emails with the ADA in order to voice our concern and to learn more about this relationship. The ADA media relations group was open and g ...
- Fat-Free Fig Bars – A Healthy Snack Choice?Mark G., a fooducate blog reader, writes: I would love your opinion on Barbara’s Bakery Fat Free Whole Wheat Fig Bars. I love these cookies (as does my 4 year old) and they seem to be a relatively healthy dessert option. I would love to see what you say. Thanks. Well Mark, the answer is “it’s [...]
- Ridiculous Pomegranate Juice WarsPOM, the beverage company that turned an old pomegranate orchard into a money machine with POM Wonderful juices, is taking the Coca Cola Company, parent of Minute Maid, to court. The reason: false advertising. According to POM, Minute Maid’s pomegranate juice name and label make it appear as if pom ...
- Online Profits Re-Opens (and now it’s free)!Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips started a membership site, Online Profits , last year to help people learn about making money online. Daniel has just re-launched and re-vamped Online Profits, and this time there is no charge to get all of the valuable content. The only requirement is that you open ...
- 3 Ways to Ensure Internet Marketing Continues to W ...This is a guest post by Susan White Gone are the days when Internet marketing was perceived as the bold, new and innovative way to market and publicize your products and services. Today, email marketing and other forms of pushing your products on the web are passé. The Internet is growing faster th ...
- Cloud Living Now Available From Glen AllsoppOne of my friends has just launched a new product that I think may be of interest to many Traffikd readers. Glen Allsopp has written an e-book, Cloud Living , based on his experiences from making a five-figure monthly income from his websites. Cloud Living is actually more than an e-book, it i ...
- 5 Reasons New Bloggers Should Use Niche Social Med ...I've been talking to some new bloggers recently and I've been asked questions about how they should work on growing their blog, increasing subscribers, and getting more visitors. Most bloggers know about the potential impact of social media and some even spend considerable amounts of time on sites l ...
- Blog Design ShowcaseThe typical post topics covered here involve topics related to social media marketing or blogging . One way to increase traffic to your site is to use an attractive design that will draw a lot of attention. Web design galleries and showcase blog posts like this one send considerable amounts of visit ...
- Not our faultI had to write an article on Lacan for a Greek magazine recently. In the past couple of months that I’ve been reading all related literature, I was impressed by the way Lacan tried to solve the riddle of human psychology. At the root of every want/desire that we feel, he said, there is a primary wan ...
- Happiness super marketI’ve been into the triptych “love-beauty-enlightenment” since I was 18. I’ve tried many methods, among which: the Emin Way , Reiki , SRT , channeling and divinations of sorts. I’ve read tons of New Age books about spirituality, enlightenment, immortality and so on and so on. I boasted that I knew th ...
- Test your EQ!I am going on vacation for a week, but I’ll leave you with a little test which is supposed to measure the EQ: There is a woman and a man, who love each other but live on two different islands. The man shares his island with a savage. The woman seeks a way to get to the man’s island, because she lov ...
- PredispositionFor the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, the soul had something that was called “fora”, meaning direction. In other words, the soul was thought to have taken up, long before the birth of the body it inhabited, the direction of good or evil. Thus, man was considered to be born good or bad. Quite som ...
- Is there such a thing as soul?Much talked about, much used, the concept of soul has nowadays turned into a chewing gum, especially when put in the context of reincarnation. The truth is that the concept of soul has been tackled by both philosophy and religion since antiquity; this should account for the dozens of definitions the ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Preventing Maternal Deaths in West AfricaDr. Fredanna M'Cormack and her Bele Uman Project are working in Sierra Leone to save the lives of pregnant mothers and their babies.
- Interview with Kumi NaidooThe Greenpeace executive director talks about connections between the environment, poverty, peace, and how the interconnectedness of these issues can drive civil society.
- Unsustainability in Today's Sustainable Developmen ...For development to be integrated into a community, governments and NGOs need to find a way to educate and involve local people for the long term.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyWe are seeing a steadily growing tide of discontent with the Kimberley Process.
- Re: Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsI believe that the senators dont know the real issues on the ground and their well-intended legislation will be useless without knowledge of the actual situation.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Trudeau, Pierre ElliottPierre Elliott Trudeau, politician, writer, constitutional lawyer, prime minister of Canada 1968-79 and 1980-84 (b at Montr�al 18 Oct 1919; d at Montr�al 28 Sept 2000). Trudeau was born into a wealthy family, the
- HydroelectricityHydroelectricity is obtained from the ENERGY contained in falling water; it is a renewable, comparatively nonpolluting energy source and Canada's largest source of ELECTRIC-POWER GENERATION . In N America in the 1850s the
- Champlain, Samuel deSamuel de Champlain, cartographer, explorer, governor of New France (b at Brouage, France c 1570; d at Qu�bec City 25 Dec 1635). The major role Champlain played in the St Lawrence River area earned him the title of
- Carr, EmilyEmily Carr, painter, writer (b at Victoria 13 Dec 1871; d there 2 Mar 1945). Her parents were English people who had settled in the small provincial town of Victoria, where her father became a successful merchant and respected
- King, William Lyon MackenzieWilliam Lyon Mackenzie King, politician, prime minister of Canada 1921-26, 1926-30 and 1935-48 (b at Berlin [Kitchener], Ont 17 Dec 1874; d at Ottawa 22 July 1950), grandson of William Lyon MACKENZIE. Leader of the LIBERAL PARTY
How Can I Recycle This ?
- What can I reuse/recycle to make plant/vegetable f ...So how is your garden/allotment/window box doing this summer? Due to a combination of a underestimation of seed germination rates, disorganisation/ignoring plans and demon slugs, my growing hasn’t gone quite as I thought it might but we’re doing ok and I’ve learned a lot about growing here. One thin ...
- How can I reduce the amount of energy I use keepin ...(A companion post to the one last October – super tips for reducing energy usage/heating bills in the winter!) After a few false starts, summer is definitely here in the UK now and it’s the warmest it’s been for a few years (although that’s not saying much really). We’re not really equipped for ver ...
- How can I build a baby playpen reusing or recyclin ...Early 2009 was apparently a boring time around here: every couple we know – bar one other couple & us – had a baby last autumn/winter. (The other couple are expecting their first in just over a month; we got a dog & chickens instead.) All the babies are starting to crawl/walk with support now [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle trade-size ice cream tu ...The other day, John and I were hanging around a dumpster at the back of an ice cream parlour — as you do — and spotted it was full of 5ltr plastic ice cream tubs. In our house, ice cream tubs are one of our favourite plastics to reuse – rectangular 1ltr square tubs are just [...]
- How can I build a barbecue reusing or recycling st ...In a bit of an impromptu barbecue-themed week, I thought I’d ask about building the key part of the experience: the barbecue itself. This is partly because I’m interested in hearing bbq ideas and partly because I’m thinking of building myself a little smokehouse for my birthday and I suspect there ...
- ‘Huffpo’ corrects ‘Times’ ...If you wonder why the internet is gaining power, and the MSM are losing it, consider the politics of our Middle East policy (going back to Iraq) and the fact that the NY Times today runs the disgraceful Op-Ed by Israel lobbyist Efraim Karsh telling the Palestinians to fold, take any deal Israel offe ...
- Update from the ‘Tent of Nations’In late May, I wrote a piece about the Nassar family’s ‘Tent of Nations’ project outside Bethlehem, and the demolition orders that had been issued by the Israeli occupation forces. I have just got back from a visit to Palestine and was able to visit the land, and get an update from Daoud. I’d arrive ...
- NY cruise for Gaza now sold out!Wow. 400 places on the New York cruise Thursday, to raise money for the US boat to Gaza, all gone! You can get on a waiting list.
- Today in Palestine: New checkpoints in Hebron, and ...Land and Property Theft and Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing IOF gives demolition notices to a mosque and houses in Jenin Jenin, July 31, (Pal Telegraph) Israeli occupation forces raided ‘Khirbet Irza’ east of Tubas in the West Bank and stormed the houses there handing owners warrants of demolition inc ...
- Finkelstein hits the silver screenAmerican Radical, the movie about Norman Finkelstein, showed at the Michael Moore film festival this weekend, in Michigan.
Media Consortium
- Magda Abu-Fadil: Funding Journalism in the Digital ...Finding money to pay for news is an obsession haunting media executives worldwide, a constant in journalism-related conferences, and it's not likely to disappear any time soon. That's because the very essence of journalism is going through metamorphoses causing its traditional producers sleepless n ...
- Media Companies Try Getting Social With Tumblr - N ...More on how Tumblr. "Mr. Coatney describes Tumblr as “a space in between Twitter and Facebook.” The site allows users to upload images, videos, audio clips and quotes to their pages, in addition to bursts of text." Mr. Coatney describes Tumblr as “a space in between Twitter and Facebook.” The site ...
- Amazon to Unveil $139 Kindle Wi-Fi - mediabistro.c ...Amazon has fired the next shot in the eReader price war. This evening the New York Times broke the news that Amazon will soon offer a new edition of the Kindle eReader, a brand new $139 edition called "Kindle Wi-Fi."
- 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an iOS or Androi ...Find out more about the five mistakes to avoid when creating an iOS or Android application; and how you can learn from others’ mistakes, made in the creation and marketing process, that will save you a lot of time and money.
- How publishers are using aggregation, curation pla ...Great posts on tools/strategies to help support publishers in curation and aggregation. Two separate things btw (as noted by previous link). A definite must read. "Curation platforms, which have moved beyond the RSS feed, provide varying levels of automation, functions and technology to suit a med ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- CIA AND ISI NURTURED MUJAHIDEEN AND TALIBAN Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, a husband and wife team, began their experience in Afghanistan when they were the first American journalists to acquire permission to enter behind Soviet lines in 1981 for CBS News and produced a documentary, Afghanistan Between Three Worlds, for PBS. In 1983 the ...
- ECONOMIC CRISIS AND RACISM HAUNT ARIZONA IMMIGRATI ...On Wednesday, a last-second injunction from Judge Susan Bolton temporarily stopped the most aggressive provisions of state bill SB1070 from going into effect. This is the Arizona law that will target undocumented immigrants. In particular, the judge struck down the section that compels police office ...
- G20: INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM AND ARBITRARY STATE ACTIONIn a murder trial, if the police obtain evidence illegally and can't make their case otherwise, most of us accept the principle that a person we believe to be guilty should go free. We do this because we don’t want to live in a police state. Our right to privacy, to avoid arbitrary search and seiz ...
- BURSTING 'OFFICER BUBBLES'In the last few days, a video produced for The Real News by my colleagues Nazrul Islam and Jesse Freeston has officially gone viral - over 200,000 views on YouTube. The following is a blog that Jesse wrote giving context to the "Officer Bubbles" story. You will find links to the key videos at the en ...
- THE MISSING WORDS AT THE G20 – or an absurd plan f ...With all the public attention during G20 on the 1000 arrests and such, something critical was overlooked.� That's the paradox the assembled heads of governments created for ending the global economic crisis. The G20 leaders recognize that "demand" needs to grow. That means people must have the mea ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Deepwater Horizon: it’s worse than you thought (ag ...The official estimate of the amount of oil that leaked into the Gulf of Mexico before BP managed to cap its ‘MC252’ well has again been revised upwards. The resulting new figure makes the incident the worst accidental spill in history. US scientists now think that at the start of the disaster ...
- International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology: B ...Posted on behalf of Anna Petherick Arkhat Abzhanov is a naturalist at Harvard University who is, in some ways, making a career of going over old scientific ground. His recent published work puts a modern spin on the evolution of the finches that Darwin studied in the Galapagos Islands. For su ...
- Britain frets over ‘cloned milk’The UK’s Food Standards Agency has announced an investigation into reports that milk from the offspring of cloned cows has been sold to an unwitting public. Last week the New York Times reported that an unnamed British dairy farmer was producing milk from a cow bred from a clone. The farmer also ...
- Everglades and Madagascan rainforest placed on UN ...While the Galapagos last week controversially left the United Nations list of world heritage sites in danger, the Everglades and Madagascar’s forests have now been added. The addition of the Everglades (pictured) is particularly sad, as it was only removed from the danger list by the UN Education ...
- First embryonic stem-cell trial back on againPosted on behalf of Heidi Ledford Human embryonic stem cells made it one step closer to clinical trials last Friday when the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lifted its hold on a study of a stem-cell-derived therapy for severe spinal cord injuries. It was promising but familiar news to t ...
new geography
- Resort Towns Becoming Neo-Company Towns Over the past few years resort communities - communities ideal for a ski vacation, a beach week, a hiking excursion or the like - have been hard hit by the downturn in real estate. The key question is how these communities can be revived. If the issues involved are successfully addressed head-on, t ...
- Ownership Subsidies: Dream Homes or Disasters?Home ownership has been considered an integral part of the American Dream for as long as anyone can remember. Now it has come under scrutiny, notably in a June Wall Street Journal piece by Richard Florida , which claims that that home ownership reduces employment opportunities for young adults, si ...
- Health Care Development in Central FloridaBy Richard Reep In this still cooling economy, Florida seems to be continually buffeted by a perfect storm of unemployment, record foreclosures, and stagnant population growth. As the state continues to suffer, the health care industry has unfolded two planning efforts aimed at building some econo ...
- Deepwater Dreams: Drilling The Psych of Oil Execs ...For more than fifteen years, I spent a considerable amount of my professional time in the company of oil men. For years I ate lunch with them, traveled with them to places like Scotland and Russia, listened to their war stories over drinks, watched them unfurl seismic charts on board tables, read ...
- A New War Between The StatesNearly a century and half since the United States last divided, a new "irrepressible conflict" is brewing between the states. It revolves around the expansion of federal power at the expense of state and local prerogatives. It also reflects a growing economic divide, arguably more important than the ...
GM Watch
- FSA needs to get a grip on cloned milk
- Lab errors lead to GM leak
- Thousands blind for want of GM rice?
- Lab errors lead to GM leak
- Thousands blind for want of GM rice?
- Bono Street Team: Water.orgBono Street Team: Water.org (Bono Street Team) – Water.org is a U.S.-based nonprofit organization committed to providing safe drinking water and sanitation to people in developing countries. They have featured projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Read full Bono Street Team arti ...
- Join the Day of Action & achieve the MDGs (ONE)Join the Day of Action & Achieve the MDGs (ONE) – In September of 2000, leaders of the 191 United Nations member countries met in New York City and formulated a plan to halve extreme poverty by 2015. Unanimously, these leaders agreed upon eight comprehensive, holistic, and attainable goals, the Mill ...
- Klean Kanteen special edition bottles (Klean Kante ...Klean Kanteen Special Edition Bottles (Klean Kanteen) - Klean Kanteen is part of a growing marketing trend that supports earth-friendly causes with a percentage of the profits from their product sales. (Think TOMS shoes – for each pair purchased, they send one to a child in need; or Boxed Water, whi ...
- Getting the most from FaceBook fans (Chron. Phil.)Getting the Most From Your Facebook Fans (Chronicle of Philanthropy) – By following the lessons of social game developers, Chase engaged more than 2-million Facebook users in a dialogue on philanthropy. We found that these types of interactions could easily evolve into creative fundraising solutions ...
- Rich Thorsten on sustainable sanitation (PRLog)A clean bill of health? How humanitarian agencies can remedy approaches to nutrition and sanitation (PRLog) – Rich Thorsten, Director of International Programs at Water.org and one of the panellists, asserts: âSanitation has finally begun to receive more attention in the international development ...
Before It's News
- Eva_Mendes_at_The_Other_Guys_Premiere_in_NYC
- Carrie_Underwood_Dresses_Up_As_a_School_Girl
- Natural_Gas_ETFs:_Investing_In_The_Fuel_Of_The_Fut ...
- BIS_Gold_Swaps_Mystery_Is_Unravelled
- August_issue_of_Conservation_Letters_and_more_cita ...
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley break ...
Margaret's News
- Obama, Abbas, and calling the 'direct talks' bluffBy all accounts the Palestinians came to proximity talks with a serious, professional negotiating team, with position papers, and with concrete proposals regarding final status issues. Netanyahu, on the other hand, has yet to name a negotiating team. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-i ...
- Will California Legalize Pot?The reality of the matter is that Prop. 19 has the deck stacked against it simply because there is no precedent for a voting public of a state to endorse removing all civil and criminal penalties associated with adult marijuana use. All preceding efforts Submitted by Pastor Tim Redfern to Society & ...
- Two of Canadas major political parties support ba ...Home » Discrimination, North America, Politics » Two of Canadas major political parties support banning white people from government jobs Two of Canadas major political parties support banning white people from government jobs Posted by EU Time Submitted by Samantha B. to World �|� �Note-i ...
- Tea Party Plans KKK-Style Attack on Muslim Place o ...Back in the day, the Ku Klux Klan used to train dogs to attack African Americans. Now, in 21st-century America, some Tea Party members are planning to use the same intimidation tactic against Muslims. Submitted by Cristiane P. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Democratic congressman fires staffer for 'Jewish m ...The point was to show that Grimms campaign money doesnt come from his district - but not surprisingly, the Jewish money became the main point of discussion. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- Part II of Interview with Meridian Solar's Preside ...large This is the second part of a three-part Q & A with Andrew McCalla, founder and president of Austin, Texas-based Meridian Solar. In this segment he talks about saving c ...
- Part I of Q & A With Meridian Solar's President An ...large This is the first part of my three-part interview with Andrew McCalla, founder and president of Austin, Texas-based Meridian Solar . In this part McCalla talks about M ...
- Solar-Powered Yoplait YogurtGeneral Mills Inc .( NYSE:GIS ) is now using the power of the sun to help make yogurt.
- Rush for higher feed-in tarrifs sees big jump in G ...The first half of this year saw a rush to install new solar panels in Germany that has resulted in a rise in capacity of more than 3 gigawatts for the Northern European country.
- Exelon City Solar – The Nation’s Largest Urban Sol ...hide
News Blaze
- The President's Forum with Young African LeadersJudith McHale, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs; Maria Otero, Under Secretary for Global Affairs; Michelle Gavin, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs, National Security Council
- USA Network Remains 'In Plain Sight' For Two More ...The show chronicles McCormack's character Mary Shannon, a U.S. Marshal assigned to watch over innocent people and/or career criminals that are in the witness protection program in New Mexico while trying to deal with her troubled personal life.
- Lindsay Lohan - Breaking News Today on Release and ...Breaking News regarding Lindsay Lohan's release from prison today by entertainment insider Bruce Edwin of the Hollywood Sentinel.
- NASA Workshop To Discuss Exploring Near Earth Obje ...NASA will host an interactive workshop to identify objectives for exploration missions to near-Earth objects, or NEOs, on Aug. 10-11 at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel in Washington.
- U.S. Response to Pakistan's Flooding DisasterThe United States has responded immediately and generously to Pakistan's call for assistance following the tragic and devastating floods that started on July 29.
Historical Notes
- Fidel Castro
- Fidel Castro History ArchiveTab seemed to migrate to others !
- Castro Speech database
- Casus Belli: Electricity Union theatens long-term ...+ΔΕΗ-1.jpg The Electricity Company union has responded to government pledges to the IMF to sell 40% of power plants by threatening a long-term black-out across the country. The new ...
- Moscow / Khimki: The Battle with the Adminstration ...main.jpg Moscow / Khimki: The Battle with the Adminstration Heats Up
- A new philosoFiat at Pomigliano factory, Italyfiat-pomigliano-fiom-protesta.jpg If eight hours don't seem enough for you ( original title of the article ), try to work at an assembly line from ten o'clock at night till six o'clock in the morning wit ...
- Threat to outsourced workers’ benefitsjobcentre.jpg Interesting article from the Financial Times. Quote: The government is “minded” to scrap an informal code guaranteeing public sector benefits for thousands of outsour ...
- Beneficiaries Burn Bennet In Rotorua, New Zealand ...rotorua.jpg Just like in 1991, New Zealand's governing National Party is attacking both the waged and unwaged wings of the working class at the same time. The Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement intervi ...
Free Range International
- Losing Hearts and MindsBen Arnoldy at the Christen Science Monitor penned an excellent tale on reconstruction efforts going pear shaped and the consequences resulting from such folly. It is an excellent piece of reporting from one of the truly professional foreign correspondents working the country today. The report was ...
- RestrepoLast week Kanani Fong at The Kitchen Dispatch arranged an interview for me with Tim Hertherington, who along with Sebastian Junger produced the award winning documentary Restrepo. Kanani signed onto the Restrepo team to spearhead a public relations effort, in conjunction with National Geographic, ...
- Riding with GhostsEditors Note: This article is too good not to share in its entirety. The reporter, Mitch Potter, was kind enough to give me permission to do so. Mitch contacted me through the blog and Panjwaii Tim told me he was a great guy with lots of experience and knowledge who he was happy to host. [...]
- ArbakiIt looks like the new boss has convinced President Karzai to reverse his position on using tribal militias. The new name for these soon to be created Arbaki is Local Police Forces (LPF.) This is a plan which has been tried before with minimal success. In Kandahar the Local Defense Initiative (LDI) ...
- East AfghanistanSpencer Ackerman over at Danger Room wrote a post last week with the disturbing title of East Afghanistan Sees Taliban as “Morally Superior” to Karzai. Â This assessment came from the after action slides of Col Randy George who commanded Task Force Warrior this past year. Â There is nothing in the a ...
Heliogenic Climate Change
- All you need to know about government scientists“Gabriela Chavarria of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has been picked as the science adviser for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Trained as an entomologist, Chavarria studied neotropical bumble bees and has since worked in conservation policy at Washington, D.C.âbased NGOs. Since ...
- Lindzen and Choi’s new paper out — con ...“Abstract: To estimate climate sensitivity from observations, Lindzen and Choi [2009] used the deseasonalized fluctuations in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the concurrent responses in the top-of-atmosphere outgoing radiation from the ERBE satellite instrument. Distinct periods of warming and c ...
- How bad is the Gulf spill?“The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is bad â no one would dispute it. But just how bad? … [T]he Deepwater Horizon blowout is not unprecedented, nor is it yet among the worst oil accidents in history. And its ultimate impact will depend on a long list of interlinked variables, including the weat ...
- While EPA wages war on coal, China coal imports sk ...“China’s growing appetite for imported coal has ignited coal prices … Last week, the benchmark price at Australia’s Newcastle port for thermal coalâthe type burned in power plantsâhit $108 a metric ton, the highest since October 2008, according to globalCOAL, an international trading platform. A ...
- California going down — begs for fed bailout“State tax collections plummeted unexpectedly in April, wiping out months of steady gains that legislators hoped would ease their budget troubles and restore California’s economy faster than experts predicted. … Revenue for April, the biggest revenue month because it is when most Californians pay ...
Common Dreams
- Gulf Oil Flow was 12 Times More Than Feds' Origina ...by Erika Bolstad and Lesley Clark WASHINGTON - As BP neared a fix that's expected to kill for good the runaway well that's wreaked economic and environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, the government Monday said that 10 to 12 times the amount of oil had been flowing from the well than it ori ...
- Garbage Islands Threaten China's Three Gorges Damby Huang Yan and Ben Blanchard BEIJING -- Thousands of tons of garbage washed down by recent torrential rain are threatening to jam the locks of China's massive Three Gorges Dam, and is in places so thick people can stand on it, state media said on Monday. Chen Lei, a senior official at the China Th ...
- Pakistan's President: War with Taliban Being Lostby John Irish and Daniel Flynn PARIS -- Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari warned that the international community was losing the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, according to an interview published on Tuesday. Zardari also criticized those who cast doubt on Pakistan's commitment to fighti ...
- US to Attend Hiroshima Memorial for First Timeby Shingo Ito HIROSHIMA, Japan - Sixty-five years after a mushroom cloud rose over Hiroshima, the United States will for the first time send an envoy this Friday to commemorate the bombing that rang in the nuclear age. Its World War II allies Britain and France, both declared nuclear powers, will al ...
- July Is Deadliest Month of Afghan War for USby Robert H. Reid KABUL, Afghanistan - Three U.S. troops died in blasts in Afghanistan, bringing the death toll for July to at least 63 and surpassing the previous month's record as the deadliest for American forces in the nearly 9-year-old war. In Kabul, police fired weapons into the air Friday to ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Lasting Relationships ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Lasting Relationships - Everyone was surprised to hear that John and Mary had gotten divorced. Th... http://ow.ly/18pjHD
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Shamanic Astrology Pa ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Shamanic Astrology Part 1 - Shamanic Journey is a technique for accessing unconscious information and a... http://ow.ly/18pdn8
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Maot Chitim: a big mi ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Maot Chitim: a big mitzvah opportunity at Pesach and Rosh HaShanah http://ow.ly/18p7tF
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel What does the word Av ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel What does the word Avatar mean? - Recently, the word Avatar has been used often in movies, television, a... http://ow.ly/18p2cG
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Woman catches 4 milli ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Woman catches 4 million mosquitoes - Were you ever just bugged by anyone? Huang Yu-yen of Taiwan knows w... http://ow.ly/18oTtj
Scotts Contracting
- Basement Blog PostsBasement Blog Post Collection Photos, Ideas, Products, Suggestions, Wet Basements, Mold, Green, Eco Friendly, Insulation, Stairways, Finishes, Slate, Tile, Carpet, Accessible, Access Points, more Click Here to email Scotty for a Free Estimate / Price Quote for your Basement Remodel … Continue readin ...
- Green stimulus spurs cellulosic ethanol makersIncreases the bookmark twitter facebook digg Google Windowslive Delicious buzz friendfeed Linkedin diigo reddit stumbleupon The government’s commitment to come out with favorable policies aimed at promoting clean energy will give a fillip to an early commercialization of cellulosic ethanol. … Contin ...
- Alternative and Renewable Energy FactsBy sampurl Published: 06/10/2009 Font size: Renewable Energy will soon become second nature Below are some Renewable Energy facts that you might find interesting. We would also like to hear from you if you have additional facts that we have … Continue reading →
- Missouri-Clean Energy- Sen McCaskillMissouri news, views, and issues – Show Me Progress Clean energy roulette – round and round McCaskill goes and where she lands nobody knows | More by: WillyK Fri Jun 04, 2010 at 21:41:26 PM CDT It’s a sure thing … Continue reading →
- Wind Power FinancingI just found a great site that will assist in finding Wind Energy Financing. A wind energy power project is an electricity generation investment that produces electricity at an average cost of electricity that is based on technology, location and … Continue reading →
The View From Abroad
- U.S. Property Rights in Line with Tenets of Commun ...Treatment of private property in America would make Lenin smile.
- As Usual, Government Regulation as Political Payof ...The financial regulation measure before the Senate will only benefit the big banks. Surprise, Surprise!
- Drug Czar Supports More of the SameA new report calls for ending the Drug War; the drug czar isn't buying it.
- Greece is a Harbinger of Things to ComeDon't think that what is happening in Greece can't happen in America.
- Crony Capitalism Caused the CrisisBlaming capitalism for crises is a smokescreen politicians use to perpetuate their political monopoly.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- "Countdown to Zero" Eclipses Those on the Frontlin ...Is Countdown to Zero about nonproliferation for all -- or just those with brown skin?
- Israel Playing With a Fire It Expects the U.S. to ...Israel needs to know that the United States will finish the war that Israel wants to start.
- The Srebrenica Massacre, After Fifteen YearsFifteen years after the massacre at Srebrenica and the height of the Bosnian War, what has that conflict taught us?
- The Opposite Game: All the Strangeness of Our Amer ...Have you ever thought about just how strange this country's version of normal truly is? Let me make my point with a single, hardly noticed Washington Post news story that's been on my mind for a while. It represents the sort of reporting that, in our world, zips by with next to no reaction, despite ...
- The WikiLeaks Documents Are NOT the Pentagon Paper ...One reason the leak will not become Pentagon Papers 2.0 is that the contents tend to confirm, rather than contradict, news about Afghanistan.
- The Careerist: Holy Cow, Cheery News!Check out some of the latest posts on the lawjobs.com blog, The Careerist. Holy Cow, Cheery News! A roundup of some positive events Also Little Toe Peep: Do women risk losing credibility and respect by exposing their toes in the office? And The Brits Are Still Snootier
- Bernstein Litowitz Named Lead Counsel in Toyota Sh ...Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossman was named lead counsel on Monday in the shareholder class action against Toyota over sudden unintended acceleration. U.S. District Judge Dale Fischer in Los Angeles consolidated seven class actions against Toyota in June but held off a decision about lead counsel ...
- 5th Circuit to Hear First Major Test of Supreme Co ...Today brings an appellate argument in the first major test of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2003 ruling that allowed colleges and universities to keep using race as part of their admissions criteria. Wiley Rein's Bert Rein will be representing two white students who claim that the University of Texas is ...
- Judge Allows Challenge to Health Care Overhaul to ...A federal judge in Virginia has declined to dismiss a challenge to the president's health care overhaul, writing that each side should have an opportunity to fully make its case. "While this case raises a host of complex constitutional issues, all seem to distill to the single question of whether or ...
- Case Survives Mishandling of Intercepted Pager Rec ...Addressing for the first time whether the use of handwritten logs are "sealed" to satisfy the recording requirement, the 2nd Circuit joined the 4th and 9th circuits, overturning a lower court that found the logs a "violation of constitutional magnitude" requiring their suppression.
- خانواده های زندانیان اعتصاب کننده هم اعتصاب غذا کر ...خانواده های زندانیان سیاسی بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوین تهران که یک هفته است در سلول انفرادی اعتصاب غذا کرده اند، دوشنبه ۱۱ مرداد (۲ اوت)، پس از ممانعت مسئولان از ملاقات آنها با زندانیانشان، اعتصاب غذای خود را آغاز کردند. read more
- Iran signs gas MOU with IraqTEHRAN, Aug. 2 (UPI) -- A memorandum of understanding signed with Iraqi officials called for as much as 300 million cubic feet of gas per day from Iran, an Iranian director said. Javad Oji, a managing director at the National Iranian Gas Co., said an Iranian delegation traveled to Iraq during the we ...
- Iran sanctions cripple ageing militaryNotionally, Iran has about the biggest armed forces in the Middle East, with more than half-a-million people in uniform, but decades of US-led arms embargoes have had a huge impact on the strength of its conventional armed forces.
- Iran sanctions could add to global gasoline glutDUBAI/LONDON: The impact of disrupted Iranian fuel supplies following tough new sanctions is likely to hit gasoline markets after the peak summer season and could also stoke volatility on international futures markets. Volumes of gasoline sailing into Iran in July fell far below the seasonal norm, t ...
- چرا شاه تا پیش از انقلاب اسلامی سقوط نکرد؟هوشنگ نهاوندی کتاب را بر اساس «خاطرت و مشاهدات شخصی و رویدادهایی را که شاهد آن ها» بوده، «گفتگوهای طولانی خود با شاه پیش و پس از آن که ایران را ترک گفت» و «گواهی های بسیار گواهانی که خود بازیگر یا شاهد بی واسطه رویدادها بوده اند» تالیف کرده و با چیره دستی گزارشگری ماهر و فرهیخته می کوشد تا به این پر ...
Most Revolutionary Act
- Toxic Skin Products: Buyer Beware!I am always on the look-out for good examples of medical censorship. Recently I came across a 2010 Friends of the Earth report on preliminary studies into the health effects of the nanosized particles present in many popular sunscreens and so called “natural” mineral foundations. sex sel ...
- A Short History of Left "Gatekeeper" Foundations(of the variety Obama worked for in Chicago ) Webster Tarpley (see July 19 blog) isn’t the first to challenge the role of so-called liberal foundations, such as the Ford, Rockefeller (the main one Obama worked for was Gamalie ...
- Affirmative Action: Nixon's BrainchildMore from Webster Tarpley Barrack H. Obama: the Unauthorized Biography There are a lot of misconceptions about the origin of affirmative action policies that require employers to hire and schools and universities to enroll a minimum percentage of women and minorities. Fox News would have you ...
- Who Did Obama Work for in Chicago?From Webster Tarpley Barrack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography Obama’s “official” biography reveals that he first gained public prominence in Chicago as the first chairman of the board of the “liberal” Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC). However his first job out of law school was with t ...
- Lessons from the East German StasiAs Dana Priest’s recent Washington Post expose reveals, the use of private contractors to spy on Americans (in addition to the proliferation of government spy agencies) has gone viral since the 2002 enactment of the Patriot Act. In fact some civil libertarians warn that Americans’ shrinkin ...
Blacklisted News
- Drug-resistant strain of E. coli emerges in U.S.New strain may be on way to becoming 'untreatable,' researchers say
- SEC Probes BP Potential Insider Trading: SourcesU.S. securities regulators are investigating whether people may have illegally profited from trading on nonpublic information at BP Plc in the weeks and months following the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill, two sources familiar with the investigation said on Monday.
- The Aftermath of the Global Housing Bubble Chokes ...
- Rockefeller Foundation: Scenarios for the Future o ...
- Rare Earth Elements: The World Is Rapidly Running ...
The Intelligence Daily
- The Ultimate Betrayal: Police and Military Working ...By Michael Edwards (Activist Post) — The concepts of military service and public police...
- IntelFilter (Intel Daily’s New Service): News Link ...The Intelligence Daily is launching a new service called IntelFilter — news in compact...
- IntelFilter: News Links, August 3, 2010Intelligence US spying spawns a dystopian epidemic RFID chips snooped from 66 metres (US military...
- Book By Innocent Prisoner Suggests Torture By U.S. ...By Sherwood Ross Although U.S. officials have attributed the torture of Muslim prisoners in their...
- Pride & Prejudice in Army’s Human Terrain System — ...by John Stanton “Col Sharon Hamilton [acting HTS program manager], does not know what is going on...
My AntiWar
- Israeli Army Orders Officers to Protect Civilians
- US to Strengthen Sanctions Against North Korea Ami ...
- New US Sanctions Aim to Dry North Korea’s Ca ...
- Iraq: 12 Killed on Day Obama Outlines New Mission
- High Court Trims Miranda Warning Rights Bit by Bit
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Kerry pushes Obama on Iran talksSummary: John Kerry In an interview on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" show Sunday, Kerry said a good place to begin with the Iranians would be discussions about the way forward in Afghanistan and that those talks could lead to discussions on other vital topics, such as Iran's nuclear program. Asked ...
- RIA Novosti: U.S. may soon put 'missile umbrella' ...Summary: The U.S. Defense Department is close to reaching an agreement with a country in southern Europe on the deployment of a missile early-warning radar to counter potential missile strikes from Iran, The Washington Post reported, as quoted by RIA Novosti. "The U.S. military is on the verge o ...
- Ahmadinejad: I am ready to have a face-to-face tal ...Summary: “I would like to declare my readiness to have a face to face talk in presence of world media with the US president at the United Nations General Assembly,” said Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. source: IRNA read more
- US has Iran strike plan, Mullen saysSummary: Mullen Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said yesterday that the US military has a plan to attack Iran, although he thinks such a strike is an undesirable option. Mullen has often warned that a military strike on Iran would have serious and unpredictable ri ...
- Israel fears Turkey spy chief is 'supporter of Ira ...Summary: Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak has expressed concern over Turkey's appointment of a new spy chief he called a "supporter" of the Jewish state's archfoe Iran, army radio reported Sunday. "Turkey is a friendly country, a strategic ally, but the nomination in recent weeks of a new chi ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Robonaut 2 -The First Humanoid Tweeting from SpaceNASA's Robonaut 2, or R2, is getting ready to work on the International Space Station in November but it's already tweeting about preparations under the account, @AstroRobonaut. The humanoid robot — complete with a head, arms and an upper torso...
- Has Life Spread Virally Through the Universe? (A ' ...Life originated in a nebular cloud, over 10 billion years ago, but may have had multiple origins in multiple locations, including in galaxies older than the Milky Way according to Rudolf Schild of Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Rhawn Joseph...
- Image of the Day: The First Stars of the Milky Way ...The image reveals a small region inside the massive globular cluster Omega Centauri, which boasts nearly 10 million stars. Globular clusters, ancient swarms of stars united by gravity, are the homesteaders of our Milky Way galaxy. The stars in Omega...
- WOOT! SU, DIGG, & REDDIT Fans: Win a Free KindleYour help needed to share Daily Galaxy posts you love on Digg, Reddit, and SU. Win a Free Kindle for driving most traffic to the site in August. Send us copies your Digg and/or Reddit or SU stats and shipping...
- Scientists Map Entire Brain Network: “The most co ...“We have successfully uncovered and mapped the most comprehensive long-distance network of the Macaque monkey brain, which is essential for understanding the brain’s behavior, complexity, dynamics and computation,” announced Dharmendra S. Modha of IBM. “We can now gain unprecedented insight...
Natural News
- Women: Before getting pregnant, check out your man ...(NaturalNews) The day will soon come that informed women will refuse to date, marry or have children with men who follow poor nutritional habits. "You eat junk foods? Put your pants back on and get out!" You see, scientific evidence is mounting on the relationship between food choice and genetic int ...
- Johns Hopkins researcher speaks out: arrogance of ...(NaturalNews) Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD, is a professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Although he works right in the heart of mainstream academic and clinical medicine, Dr. Pronovost is taking an unusual and even heroic step and speak ...
- Harvard Medical School rolls out new rules to stop ...(NaturalNews) It is common practice for medical professionals to accept gifts, free travel, meals and other forms of indirect compensation from drug companies and medical device manufacturers for giving speeches that endorse their products. But Harvard Medical School has now made a new rule that pro ...
- Unilever stalks its customers with GPS trackers se ...(NaturalNews) The household cleaning product giant Unilever has secretly placed GPS tracker transmitters in laundry detergent boxes to track consumers to their homes. With an array of electronic sensors, team of Unilever agents can now pinpoint the exact location of the GPS trackers and walk right u ...
- Up to 95 percent of infants are vitamin D deficien ...(NaturalNews) Two studies published in the journal Pediatrics highlight that although vitamin D deficiency is widespread among infants in the United States, most pediatricians remain unaware of the problem. The first study, conducted by researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preve ...
Threat Level
- Hacker Wonderland: DefCon 18 in Photos<< previous image | next image >> LAS VEGAS — Roughly 10,000 computer hacking enthusiasts, poseurs, geeks, nerds and government agents gathered for DefCon this weekend. In its 18th year, the world’s largest hacker convention draws people from all walk ...
- Claim: Alleged WikiLeaker Gave Classified Document ...An Army intelligence analyst who is charged with leaking classified documents to the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks also allegedly sent classified documents to the hacker who turned him in to the feds, according to a friend and associate of the hacker who helped connect him with federal agents. Chet ...
- Hacker Spoofs Cell Phone Tower to Intercept CallsLAS VEGAS — A security researcher created a cell phone base station that tricks cell phones into routing their outbound calls through his device, allowing someone to intercept even encrypted calls in the clear. The device tricks the phones into disabling encryption and records call details and conte ...
- Biometric and Other Locks Fail to Foil Hackers at ...LAS VEGAS — It wouldn’t be DefCon without a noted lock hacking team demonstrating the gross insecurity of some of the latest security locks, such as a biometric lock that could be easily cracked with a paper clip. This year the three-member team of lock hackers, Marc Weber Tobias, Toby Bluzmanis an ...
- WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious ‘Insurance’ FileIn the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks’ recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the secret-spilling site has posted a mysterious encrypted file labeled “insurance.” The huge file, posted on the Afghan War page at the WikiLeaks site, is 1.4 GB and is encrypte ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- 10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax CutsSo it's come down to this. On Saturday, David Stockman , the legendary Reagan budget chief who presided over the Gipper's supply-side tax cuts, announced that the "debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago ...
- Study Finds U.S. Recovery Programs Averted "Depres ...Friday's news that U.S. second quarter economic growth slipped to 2.4% produced shared concern across the political spectrum about the sluggish pace of the recovery. But among economists if not politicians, there is also an overwhelming consensus that without the Obama stimulus program, things woul ...
- GOP Sets Record for Blocking Judicial Nominees - a ...As Senate Republicans added blocking aid to small business to their record-setting obstructionism , Democrats this week failed to secure the needed votes for reform of the filibuster rule . But largely overlooked in the debate over the filibuster is the Republicans' unprecedented obstructionism whe ...
- It Was the Best of Times, It Was the End of TimesIn recent years, Pew Research , Time and others have found that almost half of Americans believe that the Second Coming of Christ and the End Times will occur during their lifetimes. Now, conservatives just need to make up their minds about whether this is a good thing. Because while Left Behind s ...
- Perry Calls Texas' 46th-Ranked Health System Best ...Everything, they say, is bigger in the Texas. So it is with the failure of the health care system. Leading the nation with a horrifying 25% of its residents uninsured , Texas ranked 46th in the Commonwealth Fund's 2009 scorecard of state health care performance. Nevertheless, that dismal performanc ...
Blackspot News Feed
- Living on a dying delta by Dahr Jamailhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Dahr Jamail Dahr Jamail Dispatches June 30, 2010 Our first full day in Louisiana finds us venturing south from New Orleans to Houma, a town about an hours drive to the southwest. It is from here we are to take a flight over the marsh to inspect the damage, thu ...
- Israel's 1.5 Million Starving PrisonersIsrael's four-year blockade of Gaza continues to trample the lives of 1.5 million innocents.
- Sharron Angle: Rape, Incest Part of God's Plan -- ...The Nevada GOP nominee for Senate thinks abortion should not be allowed even in cases of rape and incest.
- Is Our Disdain for Sleep Making Us Crazy?The definition of insomnia is so broad it's hard to pin down -- almost inane. What is certain is sleep deprivation's affect on the body and psyche.
- 10 Easy Steps for Becoming a Radical HomemakerGo on and live dangerously -- hang out the wash.
Consortium News
- Washington's Ethical Double StandardTwo standards of ethics apply in Washington, one for the well-connected and another for those less fortunate, says Robert Parry. August 2, 2010
- WikiLeaks Filled a Journalistic VoidThe failure of journalists to serve as the public's eyes and ears opened the door to the Afghan War leaks, writes Mort Rosenblum. August 2, 2010
- Making an Example of Charlie RangelAmid Washington's corruption, it is Harlem's Rep. Charlie Rangel who is being dragged to the woodshed, notes Danny Schechter. August 1, 2010
- Jesus's Unsettling Lessons for AmericaMany American Christians don't want to hear Jesus's disdain for his era's unfettered capitalism, observes Rev. Howard Bess. August 1, 2010
- A Neocon Re-write of American HistoryNeocon Max Boot -- Gen. David Petraeus's BFF -- says the US military budget also should stay huge forever, notes Robert Parry. July 31, 2010
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
- :
- Greg Moses : Mormons for Racial Profiling?
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- West Bank Bedouins worse off than Gazans (IRIN)Al-Hadidiya is in a part of the West Bank under complete Israeli control, known as Area C. The estimated 40,000 Palestinians living there are unable to build or repair their homes, school ...
- Julia Bacha on "Budrus" (Traverse City Film Festi ...
- Gaza flotilla activist: IDF returned my bag, but n ...Swedish author Henning Mankell, one of the passengers on May's Turkish-sponsored flotilla to Gaza, has finally had the knapsack Israeli forces confiscated after the raid returned to him - ...
- Last kaffiyeh factory struggles to stay afloat in ...In a rundown office to the side of a gloomy and deserted breeze-block factory, 76-year-old Yasser Hirbawi is hunched on a low couch turning his life's work over and over between his finge ...
- U.N. names panel to probe Israeli killings on Gaza ...Despite initial misgivings, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon received the tacit approval of the Israeli government to establish an international panel to probe the widely-condemned kill ...
Water - AlterNet
- Water Scarcity Facing 1/3 of US CountiesFor 412 of these counties the risk of water shortages will be "extremely high," a 14-fold increase from previous estimates.
- UN Declares Water a Fundamental Human Right -- U.S ...The planet is running out of water. It was about time for the UN to recognize the right of every human being on earth to water and sanitation.
- The BP Oil Spill: Time to Get UnreasonableShrimper Diane Wilson might be going to jail for her high-profile protests against BP. Why is she so sure it’s worth it?
- Ruptured Oil Pipe Sends 877,000 Gallons of Crude O ...The spill is believed to be the largest in the history of the Midwest.
- Fracking With Food: How the Natural Gas Industry P ...Natural gas drilling operations have mucked up food from Colorado to Pennsylvania. So why is no one paying attention?
Public Citizen in Texas
- Who Watches the Watchmen? YOU DO- read your Repres ...Texas Tribune has just published their list of Texas Personal Financial Statements: 2009, in which you can search for the personal financial statements of over 3,000 Texas officials and political candidates. Why not look up your representative or senator, your favorite TCEQ commissioner, the gover ...
- New EPA Air Quality rule will protect lives by cut ...In a breaking story from the AP, we learn that the air pollution rules first proposed under George W. Bush’s EPA are moving forward. The Environmental Protection Agency said the new rules would cut sulfur dioxide emissions by 71 percent from 2005 levels by 2014 and nitrogen oxide emissions by 52 per ...
- Ali Rawaf: Media and Campaign Finance Intern at Pu ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Ali Rawaf studies Government and International Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.
- Emily Cross: Global Warming and Campaign Finance I ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Emily Cross is a Political Science student at Rice University. Emily hugs trees during her free time.
- NRG Energy Scales Back Nuke Investment; Makes TPPF ...In their recent report on how energy efficiency is bad for consumers in Texas, the Texas Public Policy Foundation took some time to tout nukes. To distinguish the development of new nuclear reactors from the previous generation which was frought with cost overruns and delays, they claim the followin ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- A universe inside every black hole ?A Polish cosmologist has determined that an entire universe could exist within every black hole in the cosmos. The theory went as far as to suggest th...
- Dead Sea Scrolls mystery solved ?New discoveries and excavations may have provided the key to solving the mystery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is now believed that the scrolls could be...
- Teleportation and quantum entanglementScientists are taking gradual steps towards the concept of teleportation via quantum entanglement. For years science fiction has put forward the conce...
- Undersea river discovered flowing on sea bedScientists have discovered massive undersea rivers flowing along the bottom of the world's oceans. The discovery revealed currents of water 350 times ...
- Giant South Dakota hailstone breaks US recordA massive hailstone weighing over a kilo has been confirmed as the largest ever recovered in the United States. The shower that brought it to the grou...
- Six Organizing Principles for a Sustainable FutureSubheadline:� Lessons from Wendell Berry and Grassroots International Partners haiti-trees.jpg Some of the most important lessons I know about grassroots organizing come from the p ...
- UNOSJO and Indigenous Rights Featured in The Natio ...2387534655_005da15cea.jpg In a recent article in The Nation (“Retreat to Subsistence,” July 5, 2010), Peter Canby describes the great work of one of Grassroots International’s partners in Mexico, the Union of Organizations of the Sierra Juare ...
- UN to Vote on the Right to WaterSubheadline:� Act now to support human rights to water and sanitation Outside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� Daniel Moss is Coordinator of Our Water Commons and a consultant with Grassroots I ...
- Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: False Solutions to Cli ...hoodwinked_cover.jpg read more
- What Connects Your Carrot to the Climate Crisis?Subheadline:� New film showcases impact of industrial agriculture on global warming A new online film from WhyHunger, “The Food and Climate Connection: From Heating the Planet to Healing It,” highlights the impact of today’s global food ...
- August 3, 2010Gulf Spill Is the Largest of Its Kind, Scientists Say (New York Times) The BP spill is by far the world's largest accidental release of oil into marine waters, according to the most precise estimates yet of the well's flow rate, announced by federal scientists on Monday. BP Aims to "Ki ...
- August 2, 2010EPA Notes Improvements at Michigan Oil Spill Site (AP) A regional administrator for the EPA said Sunday that significant improvement had been made at the site of an oil spill in a southern Michigan river. But the agency cautioned that it will take months to complete the cleanup. $5 Mill ...
- July 31 - Aug. 1, 2010Feds Warned Company in Mich. Spill About Pipeline (AP) U.S. regulators earlier this year demanded improvements to the pipeline network that includes a segment that ruptured in southern Michigan, spilling hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil into the Kalamazoo River, according to a docum ...
- July 30, 2010EPA Says Michigan Spill Appears Contained (Reuters) Oil spilled from a pipeline in Michigan does not present a threat to the Great Lakes and the spill has been contained on a river about 50 miles inland from Lake Michigan, federal officials said on Thursday. Company at Center of Mich. O ...
- July 29, 2010Crews Work to Keep Oil Spill from Lake Michigan (AP) Federal officials believe an oil spill that has contaminated a major Michigan river was larger than first estimated, and the governor is warning of a "tragedy of historic proportions" should the oil reach Lake Michigan some 80 miles away. L ...
- Samsung Invests $865M in Greener Products, Manufac ...Samsung spent $865 million last year developing greener products and making its manufacturing sites more efficient as part of a multi-pronged efforts to become one of the most environmentally friendly companies in the world.
- U.K. Retools Trash Policy to Hit Zero WasteThe United Kingdom government has launched a review of waste policies in England with an eye on working toward zero waste.
- U.N. Water Rights Ruling Gives Business a Chance t ...The U.N. adopted a resolution this week recognizing access to clean water as a fundamental human right in a move that is relevant for all businesses and geographies.
- Why Every Company Should Examine Its TrashIn a little over a year, a Caterpillar plant increased its monthly recycling rate from 30 percent to more than 80 percent through a partnership with Waste Management, making recycling more accessible to employees and collecting more materials.
- Climate Corps 2010: Popping the Lid on Energy Savi ...To hunt for energy savings at a 37-acre Pringles plant, an EDF Climate Corps fellow explores the vast facility from the production floor to the roof and crunches numbers and more to capture energy efficiency opportunities.
Reuters Global
- Senate Republicans ask: What’s the hurry on ...When it comes to ratifying President Obama's nuclear arms reduction treaty with the Russians, Senate Republicans say: don't rush us. Obama has said he would like to see the Senate ratify the new START treaty with Moscow this year. But he will need some Republican support to get the 67 votes requi ...
- Germany’s king of the ‘Sommerloch̵ ...German Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle takes full advantage of summer 'silly season' to raise his profile with a steady stream of proposals -- that will probably go nowhere -- while his boss, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and other key newsmakers are out of town on their holidays.
- Taliban names removed from U.N. list – how t ...Amid all the noise about the Afghan war, the most significant news may turn out to be the removal of Taliban names from the U.N. sanctions list to smooth the way for talks
- The view from Pakistan : India a bigger threat tha ...India may have a bigger problem in Pakistan than previously thought. More than half of Pakistanis surveyed in a Pew poll say India is a bigger threat than al Qaeda or the Taliban. So it's not just the Pakistani military that believes bigger, richer India to be the existential threat; a majority ...
- Cocktails with Khmer Rouge killersThe sentencing of Khmer Rouge torturer Kaing Guek Eav this week and the forthcoming trial of former leader Khieu Samphan by a United Nations-backed court has brought renewed attention to their murderous rule of Cambodia in the 1970s
Booman Tribune
- Remember 'Deficits Don't Matter'? Dick Cheney famously told Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill that Ronald Reagan proved that deficits don't matter, which helps explain why the Bush administration cut taxes on the rich even more than the president thought was justified. When the Treasury secretary went to the Oval Office for weekly ...
- The Senate Shouldn't RecessWhat's the opposite of a government shutdown? I guess it is a government that never recesses (i.e., takes a vacation). Now, of course, like anyone else, congressmembers have to take some time off. If nothing else, they need to talk to people in their states and districts. But they don't have to ...
- Mexican Drug Lords Put Out Hit on Arpaio? Clearly Sheriff Joe Arpaio of anti-immigration fame has an attention disorder, because he keeps seeking it by making ludicrous claims like this one: Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Monday that his office is investigating a report of a $1 million bounty on his head. Sheriff's spokeswoma ...
- Casual SuggestionApparently, Pam Geller wrote a book and someone actually reviewed it. I'm not sure which is more disturbing. Here's an idea. I promise to write a book about how right-wing lunatics are destroying the fabric of our country. I can do this with facts and citations or, if you prefer, I can just accu ...
- McCain Pushes More Party of No John McCain, who serves on the Intelligence Committee that unanimously approved Gen. James Clapper to be the Director of National Intelligence just last week, has now put a hold on his confirmation vote. Personally, I am not enthusiastic about Clapper's nomination, but I didn't vote for him in comm ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 3 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1492 - Columbus sailed...
- Monday Open ThreadThis is the Open Thread...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 2 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europe on this date in history:1934 - Gleichschaltung: Adolf...
- Sunday Open ThreadStormy Weather...
- Italian Regional Report (part II)de Gondi: (30 July 2010)Berlusconi has chased Gianfranco Fini and his group out of his...
- NEW FICTION: OR WE WILL ALL HANG SEPARATELY by Nan ...Ooljee stood at the corner of the house next to where the block wall met it, so she could watch the van through the binoculars. It was driving slower now. Marty had parked their truck practically inside the house – the back wall was gone – so it shouldn’t be visible. But it wouldn’t take a genius tr ...
- Wearable computing: the state of the artMartin Magnusson got bored of waiting for the cyberpunk future we were promised in the mid-eighties, so he decided to build his own wearable cyberdeck rig. The version pictured [ganked from this Wired article] is a little crude, perhaps (I quite like the did-it-myself workbench aesthetic of exposed ...
- Elon Musk dreams of Martian retirement condosThe Astronomer Royal may think manned spaceflight is a pipedream, but Elon Musk – the fantastically-moniker’d founder of PayPal and Tesla Motors, as well as private space company SpaceX – begs to differ. In fact, he seems to be taking Stephen Hawking’s eggs-in-the-basket metaphor to heart, and wants ...
- Personal Information: episode 23Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Personal Information: episode 23 Share and Enjoy: Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Personal Information: episo ...
- Futurismic (finally) on TwitterYeah, I know, some cutting-edge futurist organ, this one – blighters ain’t even on Twitter yet, are they? Sheesh. Well, now they are – so please follow @futurismic for the latest updates from the site, occasional editorial rants, links to cool stuff that we didn’t have time to write a full post abou ...
Therapy News
- Army Review Finds Alarming Rates of Suicide and Ri ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Spurred by suicide rates significantly higher than in the civilian population, a recent Army review also finds high rates of new recruits who are inclined toward risky behavior. The study suggests that new soldiers enlist knowing the likelihood of seeing combat, so th ...
- State of Mind Affects How Wounds Heal, New Study S ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Once again, research shows a direct connection between mental health and physical health. Previous studies have drawn connections between depressive thoughts and physical ailments including cardiovascular health and generalized pain. But a new study shows a silver lin ...
- Body Shame and Eating DisordersBy Deborah Klinger, MA, Eating & Food Issues Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Deborah and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile It’s summer in North Carolina, and, as is the case with the rest of the country, an unseasonably hot one. My office is on the second floor, and by mid-afternoon ...
- Integrity and CommunicationBy Jim Hutt, Ph.D., Family Problems Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Jim and/or see his GoodTherapy.org Profile In my practice, I see so many couples who say they are seeking help for improving their communication skills. They work so hard adding to their communication tool belt, but t ...
- Therapy For Abusive Mothers: What Makes a Differen ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary For adults who were physically or verbally abused as children, psychotherapy is an important step in working through the difficult emotions these experiences have created. But what about children currently living with an abusive parent? Providing one-on-one therapy, pa ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Rand Paul: Mountaintop Removal Increases Land Valu ...Rand Paul: Mountaintop Removal Increases Land Value The State Column (blog) In an upcoming interview with a Kentucky magazine, Republican Rand Paul expresses his view on mountaintop removal –a controversial process of extracting ...
- LETTER: Stop before it's too late - Kingston Daily ...LETTER: Stop before it's too late Kingston Daily Freeman I recently returned from another visit to the coal fields of West Virginia and the fight to end Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining, and went to see the movie ...
- Mountaintop Removal Activists Gather at Rev. Billy ...Mountaintop Removal Activists Gather at Rev. Billy Concert NewsBlaze A large gathering of mountain-defenders and eco-justice advocates had the chance to shout "Appalachia-lujah!" with Reverend Billy Talen and the Church of ...
- Rand Paul: Government should not regulate mine ind ...Rand Paul: Government should not regulate mine industry Washington Post Paul also said that the practice of mountaintop removal mining simply needs to be rebranded. "I think they should name it something better," he says. ... and more��
- EPA mandates mine permits examine stream functions ...EPA mandates mine permits examine stream functions Charleston Gazette Regulators will more closely examine the potential impacts of mountaintop-removal proposals on the important ecological functions of headwater streams that ... EPA, Army Corps Promise To Do Better on Mountiaintop Removal Permitti ...
- Lieberman: Pause Islamic center project near groun ...Michael O'Brien / The Hill : Lieberman: Pause Islamic center project near ground zero — Developers should “put the brakes” on a planned mosque near the site of the 9/11 attacks in New York City, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Tuesday. — Lieberman, an independent senator who caucuses with De ...
- Frank warned colleague not to aid troubled bank (B ...Boston Globe : Frank warned colleague not to aid troubled bank — “I said, 'Look, it's a Boston institution. You should stay out of it. It's a legitimate constituency thing for me.' ” — Rep. Barney Frank. (Gretchen Ertl for The Boston Globe/ File) — WASHINGTON — US Representative Barney Fra ...
- An Open Letter on the Ground Zero Mosque (Dan Seno ...Dan Senor / Wall Street Journal : An Open Letter on the Ground Zero Mosque — The location undermines the goal of interfaith understanding. — New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo are locked into their position on the plan to build a mosque and Muslim communit ...
- Welcome to the Recovery (Timothy F. Geithner/New Y ...Timothy F. Geithner / New York Times : Welcome to the Recovery — THE devastation wrought by the great recession is still all too real for millions of Americans who lost their jobs, businesses and homes. The scars of the crisis are fresh, and every new economic report brings another wave of anxi ...
- Democratic Party to Keep Controversial Superdelega ...Spencer Platt / Newsweek : Democratic Party to Keep Controversial Superdelegates — A reform effort to take away party bigwigs' presidential-nominating power suffers a setback. — A Ringside View of the History of U.S. Political Conventions — Before 2008, your average American might not have ...
Energy & Environment News
- On Our Radar: Blocking BP's Write-OffOne of several legislative maneuvers against the oil giant.
- For the World's Ills, 'Trickle Up' SolutionsWorking in low-income markets can force innovators and entrepreneurs to drive complexity and cost from their products and from the business models they create to sell them
- BP Sells Colombian Unit for $1.9 BillionThe deal is the latest in BP’s plans to sell up to $30 billion of assets to cover costs related to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
- Nuclear Woes Hurt Bottom Line at EDFThe French energy giant cited costs related to its U.S. nuclear ventures and the construction of its latest generation nuclear power plant in France, which will be delayed until 2014.
- Gulf Surface Oil Vanishing QuicklyThe oil is clearing much faster than expected, but concern remains over the unseen effects.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 6.3, Molucca SeaTuesday, August 3, 2010 12:08:26 UTC Tuesday, August 3, 2010 08:08:26 PM at epicenter Depth : 42.80 km (26.59 mi)
- M 5.3, Molucca SeaFriday, July 30, 2010 11:39:56 UTC Friday, July 30, 2010 07:39:56 PM at epicenter Depth : 61.70 km (38.34 mi)
- M 5.2, off the coast of OregonWednesday, July 28, 2010 16:12:05 UTC Wednesday, July 28, 2010 09:12:05 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.3, southwest of Sumatra, IndonesiaTuesday, August 3, 2010 08:03:18 UTC Tuesday, August 3, 2010 03:03:18 PM at epicenter Depth : 38.00 km (23.61 mi)
- M 5.0, offshore Tarapaca, ChileTuesday, August 3, 2010 05:29:21 UTC Tuesday, August 3, 2010 01:29:21 AM at epicenter Depth : 58.30 km (36.23 mi)
China Dialogue
- A green risk assessment Wei Guoxiong manages loans at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the country’s biggest lender. He tells Meng Si about the evolution of environmentally friendly principles inside a global financial giant. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) is China’s biggest lender. ICBC’s chief ...
- The climate for investmentTom Murley leads the renewables team at one of Europe’s most active private-equity houses. He tells Tan Copsey about finding finance in a recession, responding to regulation – and building turbines in the Swedish forest. Tom Murley is a leading investor in the western European renewable-energy marke ...
- Restructuring China’s financesIn its quest to build a low-carbon economy, China is seeking ways to channel cash towards green schemes. Zeng Gang outlines the latest developments. History teaches us that financial support is an essential ingredient in technological innovation and economic transformation. Finance – be it the funds ...
- “Deng would back green growth”Hu Angang is a leading Chinese economist, government advisor and advocate of low-carbon development. He talks to Isabel Hilton about his country’s path to fiscal success – and how it can be painted green. The distinguished Chinese economist, Hu Angang , is noted for his radical approach to economic ...
- Credit where it’s due (2)China’s commercial banks are making strides in domestic green finance but failing to show the same commitment abroad. In the conclusion of her article on sustainable credit, Adina Matisoff calls for new standards. In the three years since the Chinese government introduced the Green Credit Policy , p ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Family Research Council distorts British article i ...The Family Research Council has finally sunken to a level that even I can’t begin to ponder. In the current news, there is a huge controversy involving a website called Wikileaks. This site has displayed classified documents of the U.S. war in Afghanistan. In the center of this controversy is Brad ...
- Chocolate That Cures Acne, Potato Chips That Lower ...The food industry sees huge dollar signs in erasing the border between medicine and meals.
- The Takeaway from 91,000 Leaked Secret Documents o ...As unexpected as a checkered tablecloth in a pizzeria, the administration is playing down any revelations about Afghanistan, but we can draw our own conclusions.
- The Real Power Behind the Throne: An Exclusive Tel ...The We Are Respectable Negroes News Network (WARNNN) works hard to bring you, our readers, the stories and information that you care about most. In the three years since our founding, we have had the good fortune to bring you candid interviews with such public figures as Jesse Jackson and Pat Buchan ...
- Water Scarcity Facing 1/3 of US CountiesFor 412 of these counties the risk of water shortages will be "extremely high," a 14-fold increase from previous estimates.
Threat Level
- Hacker Wonderland: DefCon 18 in Photos<< previous image | next image >> LAS VEGAS — Roughly 10,000 computer hacking enthusiasts, poseurs, geeks, nerds and government agents gathered for DefCon this weekend. In its 18th year, the world’s largest hacker convention draws people from all walk ...
- Claim: Alleged WikiLeaker Gave Classified Document ...An Army intelligence analyst who is charged with leaking classified documents to the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks also allegedly sent classified documents to the hacker who turned him in to the feds, according to a friend and associate of the hacker who helped connect him with federal agents. Chet ...
- Hacker Spoofs Cell Phone Tower to Intercept CallsLAS VEGAS — A security researcher created a cell phone base station that tricks cell phones into routing their outbound calls through his device, allowing someone to intercept even encrypted calls in the clear. The device tricks the phones into disabling encryption and records call details and conte ...
- Biometric and Other Locks Fail to Foil Hackers at ...LAS VEGAS — It wouldn’t be DefCon without a noted lock hacking team demonstrating the gross insecurity of some of the latest security locks, such as a biometric lock that could be easily cracked with a paper clip. This year the three-member team of lock hackers, Marc Weber Tobias, Toby Bluzmanis an ...
- WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious ‘Insurance’ FileIn the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks’ recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the secret-spilling site has posted a mysterious encrypted file labeled “insurance.” The huge file, posted on the Afghan War page at the WikiLeaks site, is 1.4 GB and is encrypte ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- BlackBerry may make concessions in government talk ...NEW DELHI/DUBAI (Reuters) - BlackBerry maker Research In Motion may be considering concessions to governments who have voiced concerns about the tight security that makes its devices so popular, newspapers said on Tuesday.
- Pakistan's Zardari says war with Taliban being los ...PARIS (Reuters) - Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari warned that the international community was losing the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, according to an interview published on Tuesday.
- Five killed in Lebanese-Israeli border clashADAISSEH, Lebanon (Reuters) - Israeli and Lebanese troops fought a rare cross-border skirmish on Tuesday that killed four Lebanese and an Israeli officer in the most serious violence along the frontier since a 2006 war.
- Low-carb edges low-fat for heart risk factorsNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets can be equally effective at helping obese adults shed weight over the longer term, but cutting carbs may have an advantage when it comes to some heart risk factors, a study published Monday suggests.
- Cancer cells slurp up fructose, U.S. study findsWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and proliferate, U.S. researchers said on Monday in a study that challenges the common wisdom that all sugars are the same.
- US money transfer firms linked to Dubai killing of ...By IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org | Preliminary results of an ongoing international investigation into the January 2010 murder of a senior Hamas official show that US-based money transfer companies were used to finance the killing. The body of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, co-founder of the Palestinian Izz ad-Din ...
- News you may have missed #404 (Wikileaks Afghan Wa ...Wikileaks posts mysterious ‘insurance’ file. WikiLeaks, the whistleblower website that recently published hundreds of thousands of classified Afghan War documents, has posted a mysterious encrypted file labeled âinsuranceâ, whose size dwarfs the size of all the other files on the page combined. ...
- Documents detail history of previously unknown US ...By IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org | A collection of tens of thousands of documents discovered in a barn in a small Virginia town, have brought to light the history and operations of a previously unknown US spy agency that competed for prominence with the CIA during the early stages of the Cold War. The s ...
- Israel government extends document secrecy rule to ...By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org | Researchers, academics and transparency advocates have criticized new Israeli government regulations that extend the classification period of state archives from 50 to 70 years. The measure was approved on July 11 by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, following ...
- Lebanon releases German suspected of spying for Is ...By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org | German officials have confirmed reports from Lebanon that a German citizen has been released after being questioned in connection with Israeli espionage activity in eastern Lebanon. Manfred Peter Mog, 58, who has lived in Lebanon since 1999, was detained on Mon ...
After Downing Street.org
- The Liberal Media: Rest in PeaceThe Liberal Media: Rest in Peace - by Stephen Lendman The New York Times never qualified, run exclusively as a voice for power and privilege. The same, of course, holds for virtually all mainstream publications, including the Nation magazine, suppressing, sanitizing, and distorting truths, betraying ...
- Afghanistan War Weekly: August 2, 2010Despite a small avalanche of bad news from and about Afghanistan last week, Congress gave the Obama war managers $33 billion to fund the “surge,” though more than 100 Democrats voted NO. The collective finger in the wind has added dozens of Democrat opportunists to the 30 congressional stalwarts wh ...
- Watchdogs call for pre-recess vote on Disclose ActSenate Should Not Leave on Vacation Until Passing Election Reform Ensuring Transparency Below is a press release a coalition of election integrity groups put out urging a vote on the Disclose Act before the senate goes on vacation. For more on Protect Our Elections visit: www.protectourelections. ...
- The Skin Tone Advisory System:U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton delivered a clear and legally compelling decision last week to block several measures of Arizona's new immigration law from going into effect.
- Don't Allow the NYC DA to Intimidate Health Care A ...New York City Assistant District Attorney Reopens Dismissed Cases of Healthcare Activists, Re-arrest Imminent What to Do: Call the office of Cy Vance, Manhattan District Attorney, to Demand "No new charges for healthcare activists." Ask to speak with Erin Duggan, Communications Director, (212) 33 ...
Grist - News
- At 4.9 million barrels, Gulf gusher declared the b ...by Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- The U.S. government on Monday said BP's ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico gushed an estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil, making it the largest accidental oil spill of all time. "Overall, the scientific teams estimate that approximately 4.9 million barre ...
- How much of a problem is wind-turbine noise?by Jonathan Hiskes. Does worrying about climate change keep you up at night? Well, climate-friendly wind farms can keep you up at night too, rural Oregon residents tell The New York Times : Opponents say the constant whooshing from the turbines makes them anxious and that the low-level vibratio ...
- EPA takes center stage on climate action, gears up ...by Randy Rieland. The less-than-glorious death of cap-and-trade means that any effort to control greenhouse gases at the federal level now rests solely with the EPA. Not surprisingly, the agency has become the favorite whipping boy of politicians stirring up job-loss paranoia. What's two years? ...
- BP to try ‘static kill’ on Tuesdayby Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- BP's long-awaited static kill operation to plug the Gulf of Mexico oil well will be conducted on Tuesday providing there are no problems with preliminary tests, an official said. Oil will first be injected through the containment cap that has been sealin ...
- House passes oil-spill response billsby Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted to overhaul offshore-drilling safety rules and protect whistleblowing workers in a sweeping response to the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The White House-backed legislation would end a $75 million cap ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- UGA Wins Dubious Honor of Top Party SchoolThe University of Georgia tops the annual Princeton Reviews' Top 10 Party School List
- Audubon's Holy Grail DiscoveredAudubon's missing paintings - the holy grail within bird-watching circles - has been discovered!
- Eat Slowly, Lose Weight FasterWorking in harmony with the appetite suppressant hormone leptin allows proper cellular signals for natural weight loss.
- The iPad Will Never Kill the KindleTwo products. Two different markets. Why compare?
- Ohio Clean Energy and Sierra Club Activists Create ...Wind turbines for a cleaner source of energy
Time - Top Stories
- In Recession, Drinking Moves from Bars to HomePeople who party are increasingly likely to be doing so at home rather than at their local bar or restaurant, according to a new study. Moreover, what they're drinking at home isn't the good stuff
- Bachelorette Finds Love, Proof of AfterlifeThe Bachelorette's Ali made her decision in the summer season finale last night, in a way that offered a little something for everyone
- Obsessive Internet Use Linked with Depression in T ...Can pathological Internet browsing lead to depression or other mental problems in otherwise healthy people?
- Q&A: 365 Days, 365 DIY Dresses, $365Bored, without a job, Marisa Lynch decided to take on a new project last summer: For 365 days in a row, she would mend, cut, dye, and otherwise transform secondhand clothing into a new dress daily, and she would do so with a budget of just $1 a day.
- Missouri's Prop C: Voters Set to Challenge Health ...State Democrats tried to bury the referendum on health insurance in the dog days of August but the GOP will still use a likely victory to crow about the plan's unpopularity
Washington Independent
- To Get Medicaid and Education Aid to States, An Un ...The stimulus increased benefits, but lower-than-expected inflation led to lower-than-expected food prices. Now the Senate might reclaim some of the benefits increase, starting in 2014.
- Deporting Illegal Immigrant Criminals Saves MoneyThe Department of Homeland Security wants to prioritize dangerous criminals for deportation, and state laws that fast-track undocumented prisoners are helping. Oklahoma, Arizona, Puerto Rico, New York and Rhode Island all have methods on the books that hasten the deportation of illegal immigrant cr ...
- Virginia AG Rules Police Can Check Immigration Sta ...This should bolster the hopes of state lawmakers who want to pass Arizona-style immigration legislation: The Virgina Attorney General ruled police can check immigration status of anyone stopped or arrested in the state. Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli wrote the opinion at the request of State Delega ...
- Reid to Have Procedural Vote on Republican Alterna ...A Senate aide says lawmakers are working on an agreement that could clear the way for an initial procedural vote on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) energy and oil spill response bill, as well as for the Republican alternative oil spill response bill. It’s unlikely either will pass, and ...
- More on Organizing the UnemployedLast week, I wrote a story on nascent movements to organize the unemployed, a group already connected via enormous online networks and politically fired-up after the eight-month battle in Congress over federally extended unemployment insurance benefits. For those labor groups and online organization ...
Digg Green
- Solar Plasma Aurora Storm to Hit Earth Tomorrow! Astroboffins are warning that a mighty "eruption" of superhot plasma has been blasted out of the Sun directly at the Earth. The plasma cloud is expected to reach Earth beginning tomorrow, possibly causing strange phenomena - including a mighty geomagnetic storm..
- The dirty secret buried beneath gulf beachesWalk to a seemingly pristine patch of sand, plop down in a chair and start digging with your bare feet, like everyone does at the beach. Chances are you'll walk away with gooey tar between your toes. So far, cleanup workers hired by BP have skimmed only the surface.
- Forecast Weather Without Gadgets [INFOGRAPH]-
- UK slams 'unconstitutional' plan to ban BP from dr ...BP will this week step up its fight against an "unconstitutional" proposal to ban it from new US offshore drilling, which the British Embassy has warned could be seen as protectionism.
- 7 of Summer's Biggest Wildfires Seen from SpaceFrom California to Siberia, huge wildfires in forests and peat bogs are raging. NASA has captured images of these seven fires sending huge plumes of smoke into the atmosphere.
Invisible Opportunity
- Unilever stalks its customers with GPS trackers se ...By Mike Adams The household cleaning product giant Unilever has secretly placed GPS tracker transmitters in laundry detergent boxes to track consumers to their homes. With an array of electronic sensors, team of Unilever agents can now pinpoint the exact location of the GPS trackers and walk right u ...
- Controversy over South Korea’s sunken shipDavid Cyranoski In May, two months after the sinking of a South Korean warship, the country released a report blaming its northern neighbour. That report soon came under fire from South Korean opposition politicians and an influential South Korean civil liberties group. Now some scientists are lendi ...
- Oxford Professor Calls for Mass Drugging Populatio ...Aaron Dykes Prison Planet.com August 1, 2010 In a 2008 paper titled, “Fluoride and the Future: Population Level Cognitive Enhancement,” Oxford bioethics professor Julian Savulescu claims that water fluoridation may be key to the “future of humanity.” He argues that “fluoridation may not merely be ab ...
- BP, Coast Guard ignored order to stop using disper ...By Raw Story Saturday, July 31st, 2010 — 10:22 pm BP continued spraying large amounts of a controversial dispersant onto the surface of the Gulf of Mexico even after an EPA order to stop doing so, the Washington Post reports. According to the Post, BP used a loophole in the EPA’s order that allowed ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Will California Legalize Pot?With only a few months to go until the election, the campaign to legalize marijuana in California has only $50,000 in cash on hand. The question now is: How can it win?
- Parents: End the War on Drugs -- for Your KidsIt's time for parents to say enough is enough. We are smarter, more educated than we used to be. We see what works and what doesn't - and the war on drugs just doesn't work.
- Congress Acts to Reduce Crack/Powder Cocaine Sente ...One of the most glaring injustices of the American drug war: the 100:1 disparity in sentencing between federal crack cocaine and federal powder cocaine offenders.
- Watch: What a Legal Pot Economy Would Look LikeHow everyone stands to benefit from ending the war on weed.
- Has the Most Common Marijuana Test Resulted in Ten ...More than 800,000 people are arrested on marijuana charges each year in the United States, many on the basis of an error-prone test.
Twilight Earth
- If Climate Change Was a Dog (cartoon)We did know about climate change back in the 50’s, as evidenced by this Frank Capra Video on Global Warming. But even though it was a monster of a dog back then, it was still just a harmless little puppy. Today, well, it’s different. And I don’t know how much I trust the little man controlling [... ...
- Genetically Modified Truths (cartoon)The biotech and agrochemical industries are KILLING us! Well, atleast they are well aware of that and are working hard to clean up their act. Oh wait, now I’m not telling the truth… More relevant info: The Killing Fields of Multi-National Corporations How Toxins Are Making Our Children Chronical ...
- Fragile Day Song by Wilderland Benefits Gulf BP Oi ...The Song Fragile Day by Wilderland is going to benefit the Gulf BP oil spill cleanup efforts. Related posts: NOAA Collecting Seafloor and Water Column BP Oil Spill Data Shell is Busy Today Cleaning up its Mess – 1,400 Barrels in the Gulf BP Oil Spill Gushing 10 Times More Oil Than Official Es ...
- Ashley Judd on her Hillbilly Pride and Mountain To ...Ashely Judd is a Hillbilly, and proud of it! She's on a mission to protect her heritage from the devastation of Mountain Top Removal. Related posts: Ending Streamlined Mountaintop Coal Removal Permits Is Not Enough Idaho Wolf Hunt Video with Ashley Judd and Defenders of Wildlife Wendys Rest ...
- Look Inside the FY2011 Budget Reveals Climate Chan ...The budget for FY2011 has been released and there are some interesting things happening in reference to Climate Change expenditures. Related posts: Oil Executive Epiphany Leads to $125 Billion Climate Change Funding White House Follow-up on Global Climate Change Impacts Technology Transfer ...
- Our 7 Favorite Solar-Powered Gadgets!Even if you don’t consider yourself a full-fledged greenie, solar power is worth looking into when it comes to gadgetry. Solar powered gadgets are super-convenient – allowing you access to a renewable electricity source on the go, and they are battery-saving, time-saving and oftentimes life-saving ...
- Floating Dining Room Sets Sail on 1,672 Bottle Raf ...Read the rest of Floating Dining Room Sets Sail on 1,672 Bottle Raft in Vancouverhttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable arch ...
- 700 Year Old Hobbit Cave Homes For Rent in IranRead the rest of 700 Year Old Hobbit Cave Homes For Rent in Iranhttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture", 700 Ye ...
- Boeing Team’s SUGAR Volt Aircraft Concept Burns 70 ...We recently reported on a program led by NASA that was aiming to green the future of air transportation, and now Boeing — along with their teammates General Electric and Georgia Tech – are following suit with their  just-revealed innovative SUGAR Volt concept which is driven by an electric battery ...
- Sydney Transforms Waterworks Ruins into Incredible ...Read the rest of Sydney Transforms Waterworks Ruins into Incredible Public Parkhttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: Australia Park, Edw ...
Pogue's Posts
- At Snopes.com, Rumors Are Held Up to the LightDavid Pogue interviews David Mikkelson of Snopes.com, where Internet veterans go to get the truth about online rumors.
- Q&A: Rumors, Cyberbullying and AnonymityDavid Pogue talks to John Palfrey, Harvard Law School professor, co-director of Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and author of "Born Digital."
- Loosening the iPhone Death GripPredictably, Mr. Jobs's gesture did nothing to satisfy the most vocal Apple bashers, but most reasonable people will agree that this is a decent good-faith gesture on Apple's part.
- What Isn't There an App For?Surely there are apps no one has invented yet. What do you want on your phone?
- Line2 Phone App Gets Even BetterLine2, iPhone app that makes and receive calls either using the AT&T airwaves or the Internet, now takes calls automatically over Wi-Fi so you don't use any AT&T minutes at all.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Male Spiders Dwarfed by Females Because (Small) Si ...Male spiders may be tiny compared to their female counterparts in part because it makes it easier for them to get around and spread their genes. Scientists studied different spiders’ aptitude for bridging — sending out strands of thread that get carried by the wind to another spot, and then craw ...
- Orangutans Are Extraordinarily Energy-EfficientLie down on the couch, television blaring, a bowl of chips on your stomach and a Big Gulp of cola on your chest. If you need anything, yell for it. Wait a few hours. Guess what? You’re still burning more energy than a fully active orangutan. According to a new study of orangutan energy expenditure, ...
- Video: Sun Puts on a Spectacular Eruption Show          runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience374733519001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a trio of awesome solar phenomena on August 1. A sunspot gave rise to a solar flare which erupted nearly simultaneousl ...
- Antarctic Octopuses Discovered With Sub-Zero Venom<< previous image | next image >> A research expedition to Antarctica to study the region’s octopus life has returned with descriptions of four new species, and the first known sub-zero venoms. “Antarctic octopus venom works at temperatures that would stop other venoms in their ...
- Duck Penis Length Depends on Other GuysWILLIAMSBURG, Virginia — New measurements find that the maximum length of a duck’s penis depends on the company he keeps. And in this case, it’s his fellow males who make the difference. A drake’s penis substantially wastes away at the end of one breeding season and then regrows as the next season ...
The Progressive Realist
- Are We Out of Iraq Yet?The troop withdrawal from Iraq is actually on schedule. Marc Lynch, assessing President Obama's foreign-policy record, observes : Obama is on track to deliver on his campaign promise to withdraw from Iraq --- something which voters might begin to notice nextmonth when they discover that he has a ...
- Smearing Rauf as a Terrorist SympathizerRudy Giuliani weighs in on the "Ground Zero Mosque" controversy: "It sends a particularly bad message, particularly (because) of the background of the Imam who is supporting this. This is an Imam who has supported radical causes, who has not been forthright in condemning Islamic (terrorism) and the ...
- Debate Over Ground Zero Mosque Is About American V ...In 1790, President George Washington wrote a letter to the Jewish community of Newport, Rhode Island, affirming the values of tolerance and religious freedom that he saw as the bedrock of the country that he had had helped found, and done so much to secure. “ The Citizens of the United States of Ame ...
- Afghanistan Under BushDavid Sanger’s Week in Review article on Afghanistan war counterfactuals reminds me of a mystery I hope journalists and then historians will continue to explore: Removing the Taliban from power in 2001 was deceptively easy, leading Washington to believe that the Afghans could largely take it from ...
- The Growing Debate Over the Defense BudgetThe struggle to discipline the defense budget and reign in the Department of Defense has begun.� Growing concern about the deficit, combined with growing disenchantment over the situation in Afghanistan and concern about the endlessly expanding role of DOD in US foreign policy have combined to put t ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Will Republicans Blow It?Alan Abramowitz says that tacking right doesn't always guarantee victory on Election Day : According to conventional political-science wisdom, candidates who stray too far from the center of the ideological spectrum run the risk of hurting their chances in the general election by alienating moderat ...
- More Accountability at the Fed, Please. On the news that the Fed may react to the stumbling recovery with actual policy shifts, the monetary-policy-obsessed Matt Yglesias notes that it would be nice if the president's three nominees to the Fed Board of Directors could be confirmed in time to participate in the Fed's August 10 decision-mak ...
- Greetings from Michigan: The Great Lakes State.Today is a Super Tuesday, of sorts. Both Michigan and Kansas are holding gubernatorial primaries, in addition to a slew of open House seat races. Of particular interest are the Republican and Democratic primaries for Michigan governor. With Gov. Jennifer Granholm limited to two terms by the state ...
- Government Food.Yesterday, Radley Balko linked to a City Journal piece on the government's nutrition guidelines explaining how researchers sometimes get things wrong and recommend eating practices that ultimately prove harmful.� One assumes this should be taken as a lesson to ignore public-health advice going for ...
- Forget Populism.Kevin Mattson argues that "the people" are no more virtuous or incorruptible than elites, and pandering to them won't advance liberal political goals : But liberals, like it or not, have to worry about more than just rallying the masses around their collective anger. They have to worry about govern ...
- The Impatient, Disenchanted ElectorateBody � It’s no secret the electorate is an impatient, fickle lot. In good times when real estate is booming and the stock market is providing mouth-watering returns on investments, it tends to ignore political imperfections. But good times or bad, election-day judgments often just exp ...
- Cheney Still in Hospital as Doctors Search for His ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH If you’re currently waiting for a new heart Resign yourself to being pissed; You will soon discover that Mister Cheney Is now at the top of that list. �
- Militarism and Our Addiction to Entertainment is a ...TOM HASTINGS FOR BUZZFLASH "House Approves Money for Wars, but Rift Deepens, By ELISABETH BUMILLER and CARL HULSE WASHINGTON — The House of Representatives agreed on Tuesday to provide $59 billion to continue financing America’s two wars, but the vote showed deepening divisions and anxiety among D ...
- They are Uncorking Champagne as Profits Rise on Wa ...STEPHEN PIZZO FOR BUZZFLASH Today you will find Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner in New York. He’s there to “reassure” Wall Streeters who have been crying “ wolf! ” ever since the Obama financial reforms were passed and signed into law last month. �The theme of their latest high-pitched whine is that ...
- Stuck in Fear Gear in Afghanistan, Hemorrhaging Bl ...STEPHEN PIZZO FOR BUZZFLASH The Bush/Cheney bunch used fear so effectively to get us to do the wrong things that we are now afraid to do the right thing. The right thing, of course, would be to admit that Afghanistan will never be anything but Afghanistan. And the Afghan people will never be any ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Project Vigilant and the government/corporate dest ...Forbes ' technology writer Andy Greenberg reports that at the Defcon Security Conference yesterday, an individual named Chet Uber appeared with revelations about the case of accused WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning and government informant Adrian Lamo. These revelations are both remarkable in their ...
- This week in Change(updated below) I'm still away for the week working on my book, but in order to create a new comment section and to illustrate our political culture of Change, I'd like to note these three incidents from this week: First , in Collapsing Empire News, the�Democratic House -- not deterr ...
- The WikiLeaks Afghanistan leakThe most consequential news item of the week will obviously be -- or at least should be -- the massive new leak by WikiLeaks of 90,000 pages of classified material chronicling the truth about the war in Afghanistan from 2004 through 2009 .� Those documents provide what The New�York Times calls �"an ...
- CNN anchors attack the scourge of anonymityCNN's Kyra Phillips and John Roberts spent a good five minutes yesterday expressing serious concern over what they called "the dark side" of the Internet: the plague of "anonymous bloggers" who are "a bunch of cowards" for not putting their names on what they say, and who use this anonymity to spre ...
- Why has the Post series created so little reaction ...Remember how The Washington Post spent three days documenting on its front page that we basically live under a vast Secret Government -- composed of military and intelligence agencies and the largest corporations -- so sprawling and unaccountable that nobody even knows what it does. This public/pri ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Risky teams, forged banknotes, frost-proof frogsAn eclectic mix of science snips from Sciencebase: Novel algorithm cuts the risks of choosing ineffectual team members – The risky business of putting together a team Counterfeit spectroscopy – Banknote counterfeiting is a growing problem for fraud investigators across the globe and criminals involv ...
- Cialis in glass and a shortage of heliumThese are my links for July 23rd through July 26th: ACS and RSC Sustainability Alliance – The Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society have joined forces to launch a sustainability website. Be interesting to know what is the carbon footprint of this endeavour and the server elect ...
- Headhunting goes automatic for the peopleVery few people work alone in the so-called knowledge economy. Even a lowly freelance science writer has a network of editors, publishers and other associates on which they rely to get their words out to an audience. The point is even more apparent in the world of research where often vast teams of ...
- Sweet sensorsNothing new under the sun, as the bard said, and how true it is sometimes. No sooner had I posted a news article on spectroscopynow.com entitled “Sweet sense of GOD” than Santhosh Challa, a Senior Scientist at Merck & Co in New Jersey, USA, got in touch to tell me that his team had also [...] Sweet ...
- Just say no to sunscreen nanophobia!Once again we’re at a pivotal point in human development, where a novel technology might allow us to improve the lot of millions, perhaps billions of people across the globe and yet activists are invoking the precautionary principle and informing consumers of the possible dangers therein. As happene ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- APN to Obama: Help Prevent Escalation between Isra ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 3, 2010 Americans for Peace Now Americans for Peace Now (APN) today called on the Obama Administration to act quickly and resolutely to prevent an escalation of tensions and military action on the Israel-Lebanon border and between Israel and Gaza. APN President and CE ...
- Rights Groups File Lawsuit To Allow Challenge To T ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 3, 2010 Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and ACLU The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the American Civil Liberties Union today filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Treasury Department and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to challenge their refu ...
- ACLU/SC, ACLU And Others File First Class-Action L ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 3, 2010 ACLU The nation's first class action lawsuit on behalf of immigrant detainees with severe mental disabilities was filed in a federal court in Los Angeles late Monday by a coalition of legal organizations led by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern C ...
- FAMM Applauds President Obama for Signing Biparti ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 3, 2010 Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) In an Oval Office ceremony on Aug. 3, President Barack Obama signed sweeping reforms to federal crack cocaine laws, reducing unduly harsh sentences for crack violations and repealing the five-year mandatory minimum f ...
- NYCLU And ACLU Applaud Approval Of NYC Islamic Cul ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 3, 2010 ACLU The New York Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union today praised the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission for standing up for the principles of religious freedom and tolerance in approving a proposal to build a 13-story ...
Common Dreams-Views
- "Freedom:" The Right of Religious Fundamentalists ...by Amanda Marcotte Conscience clauses. They practically have the term "slippery slope" built right into their definition. read more
- Oilgate! BP and All the President's Men (Except On ...by Riki Ott Barataria, LA. -- Bonnie Schumaker slowed her souped-up Cessna 180 from 130 to 50 knots so I could hold open the window for documentary film producer Bo Bodart to shoot the grim scene below us. The oil-laced air rushed in and stung our throats and eyes. read more
- Thanks to WikiLeaker, Afghan War Will End Soonby Ted Rall MUMBAI--"An appalling irresponsible act." That's how General James Nattis, fresh at the helm of U.S. Central Command, characterizes the release of more than 76,000 classified Pentagon reports released by the website WikiLeaks. read more
- Why Do We Worship at the Altar of Technology?by Anne Lutz Fernandez and Catherine Lutz If there is one true religion in the US, it leads us to worship at the altar of technology. Christian or Jew, Muslim or atheist, we accept the doctrine of this shared faith: that technology provides the main path to improving our lives and that if it occasi ...
- Why We Sued to Represent Muslim Cleric Aulaqiby Bill Quigley Anwar Aulaqi is a US citizen and Muslim cleric living somewhere in Yemen. The US has put him on our terrorist list and is trying to assassinate him. The Center for Constitutional Rights and the ACLU filed suit today so we can be pro bono lawyers for his father, Nasser Aulaqi, to st ...
Karl Burkart
- Could solar-powered glass roads replace asphalt?With a grant from the federal government, a prototype for solar roadways of the future is nearing completion.
- Nanocomp cuts through nano-hype with truly futuris ...Paper that stops bullets and yarn that conducts electricity -- it sounds like sci-fi, but Nanocomp is making these futuristic dreams a reality.
- The solar-powered dream world of 'Inception'The magical dream world of 'Inception' was largely solar-powered, thanks to the initiative of Leonardo DiCaprio.
- Inception's solar-powered dream worldThe magical dream world of Inception was largely solar-powered thanks to the initiative of Leonardo DiCaprio.
- 11 Ways Geolocation is changing the worldThis year Rob Reed's 10 ways to change the world through social media goes geospatial. Check out how mobile GPS is going to change the way we network and do good.
Water Privatization
- Aquino urged to junk water privatizationCiting a recent United Nations (UN) resolution declaring water and sanitation as a fundamental human right, militants urged the government anew to junk water privatization.
- Capitalism is dying a natural deathThe curtain is going down on the lone-superpower world we know and it is now a most urgent question if and when and how forces for true democracy, human rights, peace and civilization can come out and dissipate the cloud that has spread over what was once an almost decent way of life.
- W. Newbury selectmen set top priorities for coming ...WEST NEWBURY Budgeting and communication are top priorities for selectmen in the upcoming year. At a meeting Wednesday, the board approved a joint list of several goals created with input from each selectman. Chairman Tom Atwood has pushed for his colleagues to set some priorities since he took ove ...
- DPWH chief: Some people out to malign mePublic Works Secretary Rogelio Singson offered to quit his post if found guilty of any involvement in a supposed midnight deal over a water concession agreement for the planned Pagcor Entertainment City in Para�aque.
- Edward Flattau: Elemental WarOur UN delegation is worried about the legal implications if access to water is defined as an inalienable right. Let's get the moral principle down on paper that water will not be denied to those who can't afford to pay.
- Savers withdraw £2bn from Northern Rock• Deposits down by £2bn since state guarantee was pulled • Losses continue at 'good bank' but privatisation plans on track • 'Bad bank', which holds mortgages, makes £349m profit Almost £2bn of savings have been pulled out of Northern Rock as a result of the government stopping its 100% guarantee fo ...
- Pakistan's third-largest dam at riskResidents evacuated from outskirts of Peshawar as aid agencies warn disease could become biggest killer in floods Further rainfall and rising water levels threatened Pakistan's third-largest dam as relief officials warned that diseases could become the biggest killer in the country's most destructiv ...
- Cameron's first 'PM Direct' debateMinute-by-minute coverage of the prime minister's 'PM Direct' debate with the public in Birmingham, with Hélène Mulholland 1.49pm: Back on Cameron's 'big society'. A guy who works in the voluntary sector asks how providers will be held to account under his vision of delivery by non-state providers. ...
- Primary school reading standard fallsEnglish and Maths standards rise, despite 16% of primary school leavers failing to reach expected reading level The gap is growing between the proportion of children with a sub-standard reading age and one that is ahead of their years, Sats figures revealed today . The proportion of children leaving ...
- BP oil spill officially worst in historyScientists confirm the Deepwater Horizon explosion, which released 5m barrels of oil, was the worst accidental spill ever as preparations are finalised to seal the ruptured well BP hopes to carry out a crucial test later today in final preparation for sealing the ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico, ...
- Khadr's lawyer asks Supreme Court to stop Guantana ...The Army lawyer defending the last Western captive at Guantanamo turned to the U.S. Supreme Court Monday in a last-ditch bid to stop the upcoming war crimes trial of alleged Canadian terrorist Omar Khadr.
- Meg Whitman's governor campaign spending nears $10 ...Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman spent a record-shattering $99.7 million in campaign funds through June 30, according to campaign finance records filed Monday.
- Duke Energy won't build near sacred Cherokee India ...Duke Energy won't build an electrical station near a sacred American Indian site, helping mend a months-long rift with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
- Driveless cars are no longer science fictionAmerica's love affair with cars has been going on for more than a century. But if you're one of those people who really hate driving, the future could belong to you.
- Freed Cuban political prisoners give details of li ...Boiled plantain-flavored water as soup. A greasy scoop of bland, yellowing beef fat as a side dish. A stew dubbed "the giraffe" because "you had to stretch your neck to find something in it." A hairy heap of ground pig eyes, cheek, ears, and other unidentifiable parts served as a main course.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- An equal partnership with the land?The journal Nature this week debates one of the most important questions of our age: how can we feed the Earth's growing population such that no-one goes hungry and nature is left with some land and water of its own? Being a science journal, you'll not be surprised to hear that one of the things it ...
- Climate campaigns down the panApologies issued by two campaign groups, WWF and Oxfam , may or may not bring to a close one of the more bizarre yet telling episodes that have materialised within the UN climate convention. At the convention's annual two-week session in June in Bonn , activists removed the nameplate of the Saudi A ...
- Common climate in Canberra and WashingtonTurn the clock back four years, and you could not have slipped a cigarette paper between the climate policies of the administrations in Washington DC and Canberra. With the election of Kevin Rudd in December 2007, paths diverged. Against the backdrop of opinion polls showing climate change as a m ...
- UN climate talks in the mire?It's not being touted as such, but the latest document from the United Nations climate convention (UNFCCC) is the clearest admission we've yet had that UN talks are in the mire. Add it to the latest word from the US Senate , and "mire" hardly seems strong enough. Let's take the global document fir ...
- Scientist leaves behind a climate of abuseI didn't know Stephen Schneider , the Stanford University climatologist who has just died from an apparent heart attack, well enough to pen a comprehensive account of his life and works. RealClimate has an appreciation by his close colleague Ben Santer; and the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post ...
The Wonk Room
- In Historic Move, HHS Encourages LGBT-Inclusive Se ...Last Friday, under the Affordable Care Act, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released two funding announcements regarding sexual education. For the first time, notes Ty Cobb at the Human Rights Campaign, the “language in the funding announcements for federal sexuality education dol ...
- Lou Dobbs Defends The 14th Amendment And ‘Bi ...Yesterday, the Hill reported that the political momentum is growing for the revocation of the portion of the 14th amendment which automatically grants citizenship upon birth in the country. Until recently, the movement to repeal “birthright citizenship” was once limited to the extreme right-wing fr ...
- Paul: Mine Safety Regulations Aren’t Necessa ...In April, two miners were killed at the Dotiki Mine in Western Kentucky after the mine’s roof collapsed. The non-union mine had been cited for 840 safety violations by federal inspectors since 2009, and the Kentucky Office of Mine Safety and Licensing issued 31 orders to close sections of the mine o ...
- Will The GOP Senators Whose States Face Thousands ...Today, the Senate will be taking a procedural vote on a bill providing $26 billion in aid to state and local governments, $10 billion of which is dedicated to preventing teacher layoffs. This particular batch of funding has been included in, and then cut from, multiple bills, as each time conservati ...
- Debate Over Ground Zero Mosque Is About American V ...In 1790, President George Washington wrote a letter to the Jewish community of Newport, Rhode Island, affirming the values of tolerance and religious freedom that he saw as the bedrock of the country that he had had helped found, and done so much to secure. “The Citizens of the United States of Amer ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Thanks to last batch of comments ...... among them, Alison, Eugene and Simon, ... but I've been crushed by a mountain of work. Thanks for your contributions, and perhaps I'll be able to respond to them soon, unless another government atrocity occurs and my focus changes. To keep the blog alive, ... I do the traditional YouTube link: ...
- G20 ReflectionsThinking about the police riot at the Toronto G20 Summit made me think about the processes I wrote about when I blogged about having watched the film " Jarhead ." A lot of people took "Jarhead" the wrong way. They got the impression that the movie is asking us to feel sorry for US-American soldiers ...
- Mass Starvation and Mass ExtinctionsThat's the forecast . stephen harper thinks it's a better idea to spend $1.1 billion on a two-day summit than to seriously address global warming.
- Sympathy For The Devil?Okay, somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, I don't follow Canadian personalities as much as I do Miley Cyrus, but there's some half-witted shit-back named Kory Tennuckooluck or something, who wants to bring Glenn Beck to Canada so that he can fellate him and then they can both snort cocaine off of ...
- A Depressingly Accurate Description of the State o ..." Living the Regressive Dream " If the product of this slow and silent coup wasn’t so bloody and so ruinous to so many lives, you’d really have to hand it to these guys for their political acumen and patience. It took a while, and it required the building of a broad and robust infrastructure, sp ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Whistleblower "Watchdog" Blurs It's RecordWe are deeply disappointed at the letter from Darshan A. Sheth, Acting Director of Public Affairs for the Office of Special Counsel ( letter to the editor, Washington Post on Monday, July 26, 2010 ). There is bipartisan consensus that the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is dysfunctional, and instead ...
- Whistleblower sues Bayer over terminationAccording to Reuters , whistleblower, Ralph Fabiano, sued German pharmaceutical manufacturing company, BAYER AG. Fabiano alleges that he was terminated from his position at the company for refusal to alter the results of particular auditing and accounting tests required under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. ...
- Sixth Circuit says local officials are liable for ...The Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals issued a decision this week that local government officials can be held liable for accusations they make against� citizens when it is "reasonably foreseeable" that their statements will cause the citizen to be fired from their job. Martha Paige worked as an ac ...
- Whistleblowers beware: employers will look for you ...This week, the Legal Intelligencer reports on how some employers are routinely investigating the social network sites (SNSs) of employees who make claims against them. Called " How Facebook Can Make or Break Your Case ," the article is mostly about how Facebook posts can make the employer's case and ...
- Neon Tommy considers plight of national security w ...Student Paresh Dave of the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California (USC) has written an incisive story about how national security whistleblowers can protect themselves while blowing the whistle on misconduct by government officials. Dave's story is ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- No, The Fifth Amendment Does Not Complicate Net Ne ...I've said it plenty of times before: I don't think that the government should mandate net neutrality, but I'm getting pretty sick of ridiculously tortured explanations for why doing so is somehow illegal. There are plenty of legitimate reasons not to support network neutrality legislation, and I'm ...
- Recognizing How Much Of The World Is A Patent Free ...Vivek Wadhwa has an interesting post at TechCrunch, pointing out that much of the world beyond the US, Europe and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) are effectively a patent free zone . Even if many of these places do have patent laws, very few companies find it worth the trouble to file for paten ...
- Pillsbury Sends Cease & Desist To 'Dough Girl' Bak ...Another day, another story of a questionable trademark nastygram from a big corporation against a small business. The latest involves baked goods giant Pillsbuy (a part of food conglomerate General Mills), who apparently took offense to a small Salt Lake City bakery called "My Dough Girl" and sent ...
- Is Microsoft Behind Antitrust Claims Against Prett ...While some feel that the long antitrust fight against Microsoft ended up having little impact , there does appear to be some evidence that Microsoft recognizes what a pain dealing with antitrust accusations are. That seems to be the most reasonable explanation for why Microsoft seems to be showing ...
- Is There A Need For A Dedicated Journalism Outfit ...Over at Nieman Lab there's an interesting post wondering if, following the recent Wikileaks publishing of nearly 100,000 documents on the Afghan war, there would really be any follow through on the reporting -- and wondering if it makes sense to have a news organization dedicated to following up on ...
- Parents in China were beaten when they tried to ge ...In March 2010 it was reported From the New York Times that China had been selling 'tainted vaccines'. These vaccines had not had adequate storage and yet were sold to the public of China, subsequently allowing the vaccines to be administered to children. As a result, as many as eighty children suffe ...
- Vaccine Trial Targets KidsParents are being asked to register their children for a worldwide vaccine trial aimed at preventing a common cause of chest infections. These children will receive three doses of a vaccine for bronchiolitis, through nasal drops and will require a follow up blood test. The babies to be used in the f ...
- Pharmaceuticals contributing to AIDS crisisWhile scientists from around the world gather in Vienna to discuss how to fight AIDS at the 18th International AIDS Conference, there are a lot of AIDS skeptics doubt that official medicine will be able to find a solution. Robert Scott Bell says that the scientists at the conference are wrong becaus ...
- Fact, vaccines have never eradicated anything, eve ...For years now the myth that vaccines can eradicate illnesses has existed. This myth was perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industries and backed up by our governments and has existed purely to trick the general public into having countless vaccines in the ruse that they will live long and healthy liv ...
- U.S. Government to America’s Vets: Drop DeadThis documentary and original investigative report exposes a 19 year secret US government program whose consequence resulted in the needless suffering and deaths of our brave gulf war veterans. Total dead since 1991 — over 75,000. Does anyone care? Could your father, husband, son or daughter be amon ...
- Drug War Ping PongLately, I’ve seen several articles holding up Colombia as some kind of model for how to deal with drug war violence.  The latest one is this piece in Foreign Affairs in which Robert Bonner claims that Mexico should follow Colombia’s example. Really people? Colombia? Colombia is ranked number 13 ...
- Things You Might Have MissedIt still burns, the treatment I got as a teen. I think the guy who wrote the Case Against Adolescence is still pissed too. Glad he did something constructive with it. This article on reconciliation is a must read for anyone who cares about ending conflicts, especially genocidal ones. I hope you al ...
- Things You Might Have MissedThis article kinda freaked me out. I’m going to have to step up my training a la Sarah Connor. (HT @PunkJohnnyCash) Very cool video on Spontaneous Order. (HT @JamesTulsaALL) So here is a question for you. Can you have multiculturalism – respect for other cultures – without succumbing to moral ...
- Things You Might Have MissedI don’t know how I never heard about Spot.us. I love that. Also loving that India plans to seek extradition of the former chairman of Union Carbide for the Bhopal disaster. What amazing things could happen if states no longer gave protection to businesses. This article Against School that has be ...
- Growing up Jewish – Kosher EditionI’ve shared with you all the tortures of Sabbath and Passover. But I have not yet shared with you the biggest torture of all. My mother keeps kosher. Being kosher means no shellfish and no pork. Shellfish and pork are, as you may have heard, an abomination! The food that you can eat is classifie ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- 200 Year News Flash! Schumann Sighted at His Own B ...By Aaron Halevy Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, July 16, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 27
- LaRouche Announces the Role He Will Play Once Obam ...Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, July 16, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 27
- The Present Century: The Secret Economy's OutlookBy Lyndon H. Larouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, July 16, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 27
- Elite Russian Magazine Features LaRouche's 1995 Sp ...EIR News Service press release.
- British Royals Behind New Depopulation SchemeEIR News Service press release.
Armies of Liberation
- The blockade of South Yemen follows tactics of Saa ...As Yemen’s blockade on southern Yemen enters its third week, stocks of food, medicine and oil have dwindled to dangerous levels. Prices have skyrocketed and already malnourished children bear the brunt of the military action. The blockade began 17 days ago when the Western Armored Division establish ...
- بقلم الكاتبة الامريكية جين نوفاك : ثلاثة أسابيع من ...مع دخول الحصار اليمني على اليمن الجنوبي أسبوعه الثالث ، إنخفضت المخزونات من المواد الغذائية والدواء و المشتقات النفطية الى مستويات تنذر بالخطر. و ارتفعت الأسعار و أصبح الأطفال يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية تحت وطأة العمليات العسكرية. وبدأ الحصار قبل 17 يوما عندما قامت وحدات المنطقة الغربية المدرعة بإ ...
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- Results of Historic Census of Marine Life Revealed ...Photo Credit: I. MacDonald Back in February, we were excited to know that the Census of Marine Life -- a massive undertaking of accounting for all live in the ocean -- had started to wrap up . But details on findings were still under wraps. Just yesterday the researchers finally released a repo ...
- Eating, Biking, and Being Merry (Even Without A Bi ...Photo credit A. Streeeter. This post is part of series written by TreeHugger contributors about trading in your car for a bike for trips that are two miles or less in distance. The series is sponsored by the Clif 2-Mile Challenge . Sometimes cyclists in their eagerness to spread the gospel o ...
- Biochar Reduces Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Soil ...photo: Stefano Mortellaro via flickr Biochar proponents now have an additional benefit to tout, in addition to increasing crop yields and carbon storage of soil: According to a long-term study in Australia, biochar both reduces nitrous oxide emissions from soil by 73%, and reduces inorganic nit ...
- Maroon 5 Says Support Nonprofits for Chance to Win ...Credit: Reverb.org Here it is, No. 9, the last rung in the Green Music Group Challenge . Maroon 5 is encouraging fans to connect with an environmentally friendly nonprofit group. Sign up for an e-mail list, support a conservation or other campaign, or volunteer. Then snap a picture of yourself an ...
- Eat Insects. Save the World? Image credit: OZ Depending on your cultural and culinary heritage, this one might be a hard sell—but apparently mini-sized teacup cows are not the only micro solution to more sustainable meat being proposed. It turns out that encouraging a diet of insects and other creepy-crawlies could als ...
- Researchers discover that gut bacteria affect mult ...Biologists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have demonstrated a connection between multiple sclerosis (MS)—an autoimmune disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord—and gut bacteria. The work—led by Sarkis K. Mazmanian, an assistant professor of biology at Caltech, and postdoc ...
- HIV prevention science scores a victory — th ...Today at the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna, Austria, members of the International Rectal Microbicide Advocates (IRMA) and thousands of other HIV advocates and scientists cheered a long-awaited, much anticipated success in the quest for new HIV prevention technologies. Researchers ann ...
- Novozymes reveals knowledge on new antibiotic agai ...Scientists from Novozymes have now found the mechanism by which plectasin, an anti-microbial peptide, kills bacteria that cause severe infections in humans. Peptide antibiotics such as plectasin have retained antibiotic activity throughout evolution. The new knowledge shows that plectasin and other ...
- First Self-Replicating, Synthetic Bacterial Cell C ...Researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute JCVI, a not-for-profit genomic research organization, published results today describing the successful construction of the first self-replicating, synthetic bacterial cell. The team synthesized the 1.08 million base pair chromosome of a modified Mycoplas ...
- Bran Reduces Heart Disease DeathsPeople with diabetes who eat plenty of bran-rich whole grains appear to have a reduced risk of death from heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular causes, a new study shows. Researchers from Harvard University followed almost 8,000 nurses with type 2 diabetes for almost three decades. They fou ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- Mrs. Madoff exonerates Michael Mann
- Crusading for poverty, disease, and deathIn this video, Paul Driessen exposes how Western policies of eco-imperialism are leading a crusade against the poor of the world.
- Destroying biodiversityThe greatest threats to the world̢۪s species are misguided environmental and anti-technology policies.
- Of pelicans and people: CFACT staff visits affecte ...The Louisiana brown pelican is perhaps the number one symbol of the damage caused by BP oil spill. Running a close second are the people of Louisiana who have already lost jobs both from the spilled oil and from the Obama administration's decision to impose a 180-day moratorium on offshore drilling.
- CFACT update from the Gulf coastAs we boarded the boat, our captain told us we would be traveling 50 miles. Before we knew it, we arrived at Queen Bess Island, a habitat preserved just for pelicans and other birds.
Ria Novosti Online News
- Expanding FSB powers: Treating the symptoms not th ...President Dmitry Medvedev has signed a law on introducing amendments to the law on the Federal Security Service (FSB) about administrative violations that expands the powers of the FSB under the current law.
- Russia's Sarov nuclear center safe - Rosatom chiefA Russian nuclear center in Nizhny Novgorod Region is safe despite wildfires raging nearby, the head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency Rosatom said on Tuesday.
- Heat wave breaks another temperature record in Mos ...The second temperature record in the first three days of August was registered in Moscow on Tuesday as an unprecedented heat wave continues in Central Russia, a source in the Fobos meteorological center said.
- Fighting bad habitsA group of U.S. scientists established that there is no special zone in the human brain responsible for controlling addictions, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences said.
- Gulf of Mexico oil spill on BP CEO's headAmerican Robert Dudley is to take over the Gulf oil spill response as BP's new CEO replacing British Tony Hayward on October 1. BP also reported its second-quarter loss of $17.15 billion, a record sum lost by a global oil producer.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Russia to launch moon probe in 2012Russia's Federal Space Agency Roscosmos will launch a probe bearing a neutron generator to study the moon's surface in 2012, a leading space researcher said on Tuesday.
- Russian subs explore Lake Baikal
- China orbits fifth navigation satelliteChina has successfully launched its fifth navigation satellite into orbit as part of a project to develop its own global satellite navigation system, official news agency Xinhua reported on Sunday.
- Russia to launch 3 Glonass satellites in SeptemberA Proton-M carrier rocket bearing three Glonass-M navigation satellites will be launched from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan on September 2, Russia's space agency said on Friday.
- China leads in outer space pollution - Russian spa ...China has topped the list of the world's major polluters of the near-Earth space environment, followed by the United States and Russia, the Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos said on Friday.
Pruning Shears
- This Week in TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post I didn’t post last Sunday and have been largely offline this weekend. So I’ve mixed some older links in and included lots of quotes. Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. Every m ...
- The Problem Isn't Fast News, It's Dumb NewsNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Walter Shapiro picked this week to lament the sorry state of the media. He believes we have become ignorant and easily distracted by an Internet-bred culture that cultivates short attention spans. There have always been good and ba ...
- Putting Geneva Down the Memory HoleNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post On Tuesday former Attorney General Michael Mukasey attempted to justify America’s military commissions, and did so extremely dishonestly. For instance, he conflates Guantánamo detainees with those “accused of the Sept. 11, 2001, att ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Carol Rosenberg reported ( via ) on the military commission of Omar Khadr. He rejected a plea deal because doing so would “give an excuse to the government for torturing me and abusing me as a child.” Since most of the detainees at ...
- Ten Pounds of Bullshit in a Five Pound BagPhilip Klein basically admits conservative fiscal principles do not survive contact with reality: “Reagan, it’s often said, came into office with the goals of building up the military and winning the Cold War, cutting taxes, and reducing the size of government. He was tremendously successful in the ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Who Pays for Agricultural Dumping? Farmers in Deve ...Brazil and the United States may have settled, for now, their long-running WTO dispute over U.S. cotton subsidies, but the issues it raised remain. After all, Brazilian producers were not the only ones hurt by U.S. dumping of its highly subsidized cotton on world markets, which not only took market ...
- Alberta Hides Dirty Truth as US Demands Tar Sands ...In recent weeks a number of well-informed U.S. Congressmen along with the Environmental Protection Agency have been asking some uncomfortable questions about a large metallic snake connected to the tar sands, Canada's largest single growing source of extreme climate-warming gases. Click here to read ...
- Are Our Oceans Dying?Microscopic marine algae which form the basis of the ocean food chain are dying at a terrifying rate, scientists said today. Click here to read this article
- America Loves Living Off The GridThe idea of living "off the grid" has wide appeal in America, where "rugged individualism" seems genetically implanted in "the people." Who doesn't want to cut the umbilical cord to the oil, gas and electric utility? Who doesn't want people to just leave them alone? Ah, the joys of being off the gri ...
- WikiLeaks in Baghdad: The Real Face of the US War ...One by one, soldiers just arriving in Baghdad were taken into a room and questioned by their commanding officers. "All questions led up to the big question," explains former Army Spc. Josh Stieber. "If someone were to pull out a weapon in a marketplace full of unarmed civilians, would you open fire ...
- Máquinas del aire (8 fotos que han hecho historia)Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor) 1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes y vea más fotografías 2.- Conozca nuestro fotoblog oficial (www.1m4g3n ...
- Vólidos de cuatro llantas (10 fotos para coleccion ...Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor) 1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes y vea más fotografías 2.- Conozca nuestro fotoblog oficial (www.1m4g ...
- Las flores de mi jardín (10 fotos inéditas)Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor) 1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes y vea más fotografías 2.- Conozca nuestro fotoblog oficial (www.1m4g ...
- Fotografías de gatitos (7 elementos)Para continuar con nuestras colecciones de imágenes de gatitos , tenemos para nuestros más de 11,500 suscriptores y los más de 10,000 visitantes diarios, 7 fotos de gatitos muy tiernos .Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si de ...
- Vehículos (5 imágenes gratis para ver y compartir)¿Es usted coleccionista de fotografías o imágenes de vehículos ? Pues aunque no lo sea, déjeme decirle que le tengo en exclusiva 5 fotografías de autos que podrá utilizar para fondo en su computadora o simplemente para admirar la belleza de estos vólidos de 4 llantas .Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Baltimore City Data Day Aims to Empower Baltimore ...As I intend to dedicate the better part of my career to research, I am often confronted with the fear that even the highest quality data can end up out in the ether of peer-reviewed publications that never make their intended splash, seen by a limited few and impacting even fewer. Last Friday I atte ...
- CLF is reading…Cultivating an Ecological Conscience: Essays from a Farmer Philosopher by Frederick L. Kirschenmann A collection of Kirschenmann’s greatest writings on farming, philosophy, and sustainability Theologian, academic, and third-generation organic farmer Frederick L. Kirschenmann is a celebrated agric ...
- Book Review: The World is Blue: How Our Fate and t ...By my estimation, seventy-five-year-old author Dr. Sylvia Earle has spent more than 1% of her life underwater. If her dives were connected in time, it would be as if she slipped into the ocean on New Year’s Day and did not re-emerge until some time after Labor Day. Her book chronicles her experienc ...
- How low can you go?You may have seen online tools such as the Footprint Network that allow you to estimate your impact on the environment and offer somewhat conservative lifestyle suggestions on how to lower oneâs impact (taking it easy on the thermostat, more public transportation… you know the drill). Well, what ...
- Cattle Burps and Climate Change: What About Bison ...In a recent Mother Jones article, writer Kiera Butler asks the experts if eating responsibly raised meat can actually be good for the planet. One of the responses comes from Joel Salatin, star of Food, Inc., Fresh and a personal hero of mine. Joel makes some strong points that uphold the merits of ...
- Justice for an hourIt’s good to know your audience, but in this case I’d say the NY Times has just told most of their audience to fuck off: the Times only cares that it is read by the rich and powerful and here’s the proof: That screenshot from this morning’s online Times links to a Stanley Fish story [...]
- Susan Gaertner’s week of reckoningThis morning Koua Fong Lee will be in court to assert his right to a new trial based on massive new evidence, evidence Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner refuses to acknowledge. Here’s hoping for a new trial and an immediate release in the meantime. For the court to do so means that they recogniz ...
- The face of propagandaYou’ve seen this cover, but have you seen Xeni Jardin’s version of it? So, of course, I did some of my own: one, two, three, four, and, of course, five. Just because this actually happened makes it no less a Kuwaiti incubator baby story. More text on this from FDL. - Some good pictures in [...]
- ImagineYou gotta love the NYTimes’ deficit editorial if only for this: HOW DID WE GET HERE? When President Bill Clinton left office in 2001, the government had run surpluses for three straight years. By the time President George W. Bush left the White House, the government had run deficits for seven straig ...
- Moloch MattersThe iPad was charging so I listened to some NPR money show this morning while running errands. Sound Money or Moloch Matters â one of those shows, I can’t tell them apart. Two women were busy lying about the estate tax and yes they did tell the enormous lie about farmers being impacted by the [... ...
Public News Service
- CA Activists Support Working Arizonans Against SB ...CA Activists Support Working Arizonans Against SB 1070 Phoenix, AZ – Some 600 California activists came to Arizona Thursday, the effective day of SB 1070, to show their support for low-wage workers. The activists say Arizona’s new law is an attack on immigrants, similar to a California initiative in ...
- AZ Continues to Lag in Kid Well-Being IndicatorsAZ Continues to Lag in Kid Well-Being Indicators Phoenix, AZ – Arizona remains in the bottom half of states when it comes to conditions for kids growing up. The latest Kids Count report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Children’s Action Alliance shows improvement in some categories, but overal ...
- Illegal Wolf Shootings on Rise in AZ and NMIllegal Wolf Shootings on Rise in AZ and NM Tucson, AZ – Three Mexican gray wolves from a federal recovery program along Arizona’s eastern border have been illegally killed in the past month. Conservationists are calling for stronger law enforcement to protect the endangered wolves. Comments from Ev ...
- Report: Wind Power Jobs Still Waiting for ArizonaReport: Wind Power Jobs Still Waiting for Arizona Phoenix, AZ – A newly-released report says while a lot of focus on renewable energy job creation in recent years has been on setting up wind farms, there are thousands of jobs for states on the manufacturing side still waiting to happen. And Arizona ...
- Jobless AZ Workers Desperate for Congress to Exten ...Jobless AZ Workers Desperate for Congress to Extend Benefits Tucson, AZ – The U.S. Senate’s failure to extend unemployment benefits has ended weekly checks to 38,000 Arizonans. One Tucson electrician says his already difficult financial situation has now become impossible. Comments from Mark Estes ( ...
My Care2 Picks
- The All-perceptive DevicePoem : I created a device that could have been the next step in the evolution of the Internet. Or, rather, it could have been the Internet. I say this using the past tense because I lost it and humankind is worse off for its having been lost. Submitted by John Farnham to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- How to Propagandize the American "Left"A Machiavelian right wing rules the American global empire with a Robber Baron/Gangster ethos, wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. Most egregious crimes of the American Corporatocracy are off limits in polite discussion. Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a ...
- Space Quakes precursors of major Earthquakes?"Researchers using NASA's fleet of five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a form of space weather that packs the punch of an earthquake and plays a key role in sparking bright Northern Lights.They call it "a space-quake." Submitted by John Farnham to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- They Want Us to Know: On Conspiracies and Cover-up ...The Transparent Conspiracy by Michael D. Morrissey: A Review The Mass Psychology of Partial Disclosure : essays written between 2006 and 2010, mainly on 911 and JFK conspiracies/cover up Well-managed conspiracy cover-up has a very intimidating effect Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Cultu ...
- Dryland & Groundwater Degradation / Easier to prev ...Science behind climate change, how global dryland regions are being affected and understand how successful adaptation strategies have been implemented. Submitted by John Farnham to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
- WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious ‘Insurance’ FileWikiLeaks Posts Mysterious ‘Insurance’ File | Threat Level | Wired.comIn the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks’ recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Update: Ex-Hacker Denies Alleged WikiLeaker Gave H ...Update: Ex-Hacker Denies Alleged WikiLeaker Gave Him Classified Documents | Threat Level | Wired.comAn Army intelligence analyst who is charged with leaking classified documents to the... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Project Vigilant and the government/corporate dest ...Project Vigilant and the government/corporate destruction of privacy - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.comForbes' technology writer Andy Greenberg reports that at the Defcon Security Conference yesterday,... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Wikileaks, Resistance, Genuine Heroes, and Breakin ...Once Upon a Time...: Wikileaks, Resistance, Genuine Heroes, and Breaking the Goddamned Rules (I)The other day, I offered some observations about the Wikileaks story and the latest release of a huge... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- John John: The View From Occupied CanadaKashmir: Act Before Foreign Forces Land In Srinagar By Zafarul-Islam KhanNew Delhi: For the last two months only bullets are talking in Kashmir. Dozens of people, mostly school-going young men and... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Senator Harry Reid is working hard – but for whom?The PPJ Gazette By Debbie Coffey Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved. “Scientists warned that as the Great Basin’s groundwater is drained, desert springs and seeps will dry up, farms and ranches will wither away, and plants and wildlife will die off. The aquifer, which took millennia to fill, wil ...
- H.R. 5577 The Genetically Engineered Food Right t ...H.R. 5577 Exempts the USDA Certified Organics Industry from the labeling requirement and testing even if producers use GMO processing ingredients.
- Marti Oakley and Barb Peterson: The Truth Squad, ...Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST for Marti and Barb on The Truth Squad Radio Show. Our guest this week is John Wallace, host of American Politics on blogtalk. John has been at the forefront of the fight in New York to preserve state sovereignty against federal encroachment. John will be discussing ...
- GM Crop Contamination Insurance?The issue of crops that have been genetically modified (GM) contaminating surrounding crops is one that is growing in severity, and triggering lawsuits by farmers whose crops have been contaminated.
- Constitutional Sheriff Tony DeMeoThe Sheriff’s Deputy told the federal agents that there would be no seizure or taking of cattle, per DeMeo’s decision based on the Constitution. The Deputy was told that the BLM federal agents intended to arrest DeMeo and use armed force to take Hage’s cattle. Sheriff DeMeo advised the federal agent ...
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- U.S, Russia to Hold Joint Anti-Terror Air Defense ...ShareThis U.S, Russia to Hold Joint Anti-Terror Air Defense Exercise 02 Aug 2010 The U.S. and Russia will conduct a cooperative air defense exercise for the first time this month that will involve the mock takeover of an aircraft by terrorists, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) an ...
- 6 guards beheaded in bank heist in AfghanistanShareThis 6 guards beheaded in bank heist in Afghanistan 03 Aug 2010 Six Afghan private security guards were beheaded during a bank robbery in northern Afghanistan, police said Tuesday. It appeared that the police were poisoned before they were beheaded, said Sherjan Durani, a police spokesman for B ...
- U.S. military chief warns of attack option against ...ShareThis U.S. military chief warns of attack option against Iran 01 Aug 2010 America's top military chief has warned that the country has a plan to attack Iran. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said a military strike is an option if Tehran presses ahead with plans to ...
- July 'deadliest' for Afghan civiliansShareThis July 'deadliest' for Afghan civilians 02 Aug 2010 The number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan has seen a dramatic increase in July, with as many as 270 civilians and about 560 injured in terrorist attacks, an Afghan official says. Citing a 29 per cent and a 5 per cent increase in the ...
- BP urged to resort to its former nameShareThis BP urged to resort to its former name 02 Aug 2010 Embattled oil giant BP is reportedly facing pressure to rename its US petrol stations under their old Amoco brand as the backlash in America shows no sign of easing. The distributors who control most of BP's US forecourts are pushing the gr ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Has Climatedepot crashed?As of writing, am getting a VisualBasic error on http://www.climatedepot.com Is it just my computer network that can't see it? UPDATE 1pm NZST: Back up and running. Marc must have hit wrong button somewhere :)
- Arctic heading for major freeze - new NOAA forecas ...More evidence pointing towards a significant global cooldown, now picking a brutal northern hemisphere winter.
- Air Con Climategate Edition now avail in NZDue to an ongoing series of requests, we've decided to import the US version of the Air Con Climategate Edition. It's now available direct from the Howling At The Moon website, in either hard copy for $39.90, or PDF for...
- Ray Stevens Global Warming SongThey may call him the Streak, but you can't keep Ray Stevens down evidently...witness his lastest on Global Warming
- Breaking news: Chinese security attack NZ politici ...Chinese security forces have attacked and injured a New Zealand politician in the grounds of the New Zealand parliament buildings, because the MP had the temerity to be holding a Tibetan flag at a ceremony to Welcome the Chinese Vice-Premier...
- ‘Huffpo’ corrects ‘Times’ ...If you wonder why the internet is gaining power, and the MSM are losing it, consider the politics of our Middle East policy (going back to Iraq) and the fact that the NY Times today runs the disgraceful Op-Ed by Israel lobbyist Efraim Karsh telling the Palestinians to fold, take any deal Israel offe ...
- Update from the ‘Tent of Nations’In late May, I wrote a piece about the Nassar family’s ‘Tent of Nations’ project outside Bethlehem, and the demolition orders that had been issued by the Israeli occupation forces. I have just got back from a visit to Palestine and was able to visit the land, and get an update from Daoud. I’d arrive ...
- NY cruise for Gaza now sold out!Wow. 400 places on the New York cruise Thursday, to raise money for the US boat to Gaza, all gone! You can get on a waiting list.
- Today in Palestine: New checkpoints in Hebron, and ...Land and Property Theft and Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing IOF gives demolition notices to a mosque and houses in Jenin Jenin, July 31, (Pal Telegraph) Israeli occupation forces raided ‘Khirbet Irza’ east of Tubas in the West Bank and stormed the houses there handing owners warrants of demolition inc ...
- Finkelstein hits the silver screenAmerican Radical, the movie about Norman Finkelstein, showed at the Michael Moore film festival this weekend, in Michigan.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: United States 2010-11 Flu Vaccine Affluria &# ...The United States flu vaccine for 2010-2011/AFLURIA® will be manufactured by CSL Laboratories in partnership with Merck Pharmaceuticals. Ingredients: 24.5 mcg of thimerosal mercury (safe level for a 2450 pound adult), Neomycin & Polymyxin (antibiotics associated with Kidney Failure, hazardous to ...
- VRM: Multi-Virus Vaccine Quinvaxem Proving DeadlyQuinvaxem, a powerful 5 in 1 vaccine currently being distributed in India, containing live Diphtheria, Tetanus, Hib oligosaccharide (Haemophilus influenzae) & Hepatitis B virus plus an inactivated B. pertussis virus (heat treated or attenuated), has already caused the deaths of at least 5 children i ...
- VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation – Rulers of ...“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly, ‘Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy; The way into my parlour is up a winding stair, And I’ve a many curious things to shew when you are there.” Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain, For who goes [...]
- VRM: Britain’s National Health Service ̵ ...Britain’s National Health Service is rapidly destroying the UK Health Care system; dismantling local programs, stripping hospitals of essential service staff, downsizing hospitals altogether, refusing to upgrade old equipment – all under the guise of tightening the belt, preserving what’s left of di ...
- VRM: H1N1 Vaccine Surplus From 2009 Reveals Growin ...VACCINE SURPLUS FROM 2009 – Canada: $200,000,000+ worth of unused H1N1 vaccine. United States: $455,000,000+ worth of unused H1N1 vaccine. France: approximately $750,000,000 worth of unused H1N1 vaccine supply. Britain: $250,000,000 worth of unused H1N1 vaccine supply (3.8 million doses). Germany: $ ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. � If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner fo ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
- Green Building and Remodeling for Dummies: Book Re ...I love the Dummies series of books.� They're quick reads packed with info that's presented in a clear and organized way. Plus I love the fact that most of them are available in Kindle versions for much less than the paper version. With the popularity of the Dummies books though, there are oft ...
Michael Yon
- PerspectivePublished: 21 July 2010 Apologies that this article is available only in Thai language. Please click here to view the entire article. {loadposition user8}
- Even as the World Watched IV: Peaceful, or Pistol?12 July 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand During the Thailand fighting in May, the rain of media mixed with the dust of politics, creating mud that left honest people feeling bogged down. People desiring clarity slogged knee deep, then waist deep, and it kept coming. My reports avoided politics largely ...
- Even as the World Watched III: Getting Hit to Get ...Published: 07 July 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand During the Bangkok fighting in May, radio interviewers back America kept asking about the overuse of force by the Thai Army. I answered that’s not happening, and there seem to be hundreds of journalists crawling over the streets, and I see them with ...
- Even as the World Watched II: Tasting the Kool-AidPublished: 05 July 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand This journalist was all over the place. She stood out from the crowd for obvious reasons. One evening, as the sun was setting, she was walking down a mostly desolate street not far from Dusit Thani hotel, and she was alone with that little camera. ...
- Big Guns28 April 2010 The intention was to write a detailed dispatch on the 3-17th Field Artillerly. Unfortunately, General Stanley McChrystals’ crew broke an agreement I had with the Army to stay until 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team leaves Afghanistan, and so the research on this dispatch was not comp ...
The Killing Train
- The Drug War in Afghanistan - the Dyncorp connecti ...Just reading some of the 800+ hits on the drug war in Afghanistan, and these are real - the US is fighting a drug war in Afghanistan. There are DEA agents running around arresting people, there are troops eradicating poppy in farmers fields, and they are finding and burning piles of opium, heroin, h ...
- Reading the incidents in Pakistan - some notes[Analysis of the Wikileaks Afghan War Diary]. I pulled out the 170-or-so incidents that mention Pakistan and are actually in Pakistan. A lot of them involve coordination with the Pakistani military, getting it, failing to get it, etc. An observation post comes under indirect fire, they track the poi ...
- Afghan War Diary incidents in Pakistan[Analysis of Wikileaks's Afghan War Diary]. I thought it might be useful to show a map of the (approx. 170) incidents in the Afghan War Diary that mention Pakistan and also take place within Pakistan's borders. I will be reading the summaries to see what happened here, but take a look at it - there ...
- Iran in the Afghan War DiaryA search on "Iran" in the Afghan War Diary gives about 150 hits - more, actually, but I cleared a bunch that were place names that have the string "iran" in them, like Faqiran, and any entries about how the US raids a weapons cache and uncovers Iranian-manufactured weapons (there are a lot of those ...
- India in the Afghan War DiaryIn the phonetic alphabet (alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, golf, hotel, india...), the letter "i" is represented by "india". This makes searching for "India" in the Afghan War Diary a bit of extra work, as grid systems and nomenclatures that use alphabetical numbering and reach the lette ...
- Results of Historic Census of Marine Life Revealed ...Photo Credit: I. MacDonald Back in February, we were excited to know that the Census of Marine Life -- a massive undertaking of accounting for all live in the ocean -- had started to wrap up . But details on findings were still under wraps. Just yesterday the researchers finally released a repo ...
- Eating, Biking, and Being Merry (Even Without A Bi ...Photo credit A. Streeeter. This post is part of series written by TreeHugger contributors about trading in your car for a bike for trips that are two miles or less in distance. The series is sponsored by the Clif 2-Mile Challenge . Sometimes cyclists in their eagerness to spread the gospel o ...
- Biochar Reduces Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Soil ...photo: Stefano Mortellaro via flickr Biochar proponents now have an additional benefit to tout, in addition to increasing crop yields and carbon storage of soil: According to a long-term study in Australia, biochar both reduces nitrous oxide emissions from soil by 73%, and reduces inorganic nit ...
- Maroon 5 Says Support Nonprofits for Chance to Win ...Credit: Reverb.org Here it is, No. 9, the last rung in the Green Music Group Challenge . Maroon 5 is encouraging fans to connect with an environmentally friendly nonprofit group. Sign up for an e-mail list, support a conservation or other campaign, or volunteer. Then snap a picture of yourself an ...
- Eat Insects. Save the World? Image credit: OZ Depending on your cultural and culinary heritage, this one might be a hard sell—but apparently mini-sized teacup cows are not the only micro solution to more sustainable meat being proposed. It turns out that encouraging a diet of insects and other creepy-crawlies could als ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- UN ‘working behind the scenes’ on BurmaBlasting of Ban Ki-moon's impact in leaked memo forces UN to defend apparent lack of results on Burma and laxity in appointing an envoy
- China oil refinery to process Shwe importsChina announces construction of an oil refinery in Yunnan province at end point of Beijing-backed trans-Burma oil and gas pipeline
- Opposition wavering over election appealNational Democratic Force leaders convicted of treason after the 1990 elections undecided over whether to contest a ban on them running for office
- Burmese troops hunt DKBA renegadeTroops told to boost surveillance of civilians in Karen state towns bordering DKBA Brigade 5 territory as arrest warrant is issued for renegade commander
- Refugees fear post-election return to BurmaRefugees in camps along the border fear that the Thai government will repatriate them to Burma following elections later this year
Telegraph - Climate Change
- David Cameron runs the greenest government ever? T ...Although the Coalition is likely to come good on its commitment to combat climate change, it is less clear that it cares about the rest of the environment, writes Geoffrey Lean.
- Cutting waste to landfill will mean incinerators a ...Households that agree to have incinerators built in their backyard could be given discounts on their fuel bills under plans to tackle 'Nimbyism' and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.
- Met Office report: global warming evidence is 'unm ...A new climate change report has provided the "greatest evidence we have ever had" that the world is warming.
- Energy revolution could put bills up by a thirdHouseholders face a £300-a-year rise in gas and electricity bills and cuts in the energy they use to hit climate change targets.
- Countryside has been 'overlooked' amid climate cha ...Important issues affecting the countryside have been overlooked because of the focus on the problems of climate change, campaigners have said.
National Geographic | Environment
- Video: Record-Breaking Sea-Creature Surveys Releas ...See some of the deep-sea stars of a new "roll call"—thousands of ocean species found during recent expeditions. Video. Ocean - Species - Fish - Deep sea - Marine biology
- Presented By:
- Sea Discoveries Spawn Music VideoFeatured in a new "roll call" of life from 25 key ocean regions, marine oddities oscillate, swim, and skitter to an ocean "chorus." Video. Ocean - Earth Sciences - Oceanography - Projects - Data and Information Resources
- How Prospects Cooled for U.S. Global Warming BillPolitical stalemate means the world’s largest historic contributor to the greenhouse gas problem faces international talks—again--without a plan. United States - Greenhouse gas - Global warming - Environment - Climate change
- Photos: Algae Blankets China Beaches; Dead Zone Br ...NoneMats of green algae have covered miles of coastline in China, creating foul odors and possibly choking life underneath the waves. Algae - China - Biology - Flora and Fauna - Bacteria
Jurist - Legal Research
- Michigan firm threatens to sue Canada company for ...[JURIST] A Michigan public interest law firm, Great Lakes Environmental Law Center (GLELC) [official website], on Monday sent a notice of intent to file suit [text, PDF; GLELC release] to Enbridge, Inc. [corporate website], the Canadian owner of the Michigan pipeline that ruptured [AP report] on Jul ...
- Virginia AG rules police may inquire about immigra ...[JURIST] Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli (R) [official website] on Friday issued an opinion [text, PDF] finding that state law enforcement officials have the authority to investigate the immigration status of those they stop or arrest. The opinion was issued following a request from Del ...
- EU ends security reform in Guinea-Bissau over brea ...[JURIST] The EU on Monday declined to renew its mandate [press release, PDF] of reforming Guinea-Bissau [BBC backgrounder] security forces, citing the breakdown of law and order in the country. The EU SSR Guinea-Bissau Mission [official website] was first launched in June 2008 and was intended to pr ...
- UK coalition government sued over emergency budget ...[JURIST] A UK-based women's rights group filed suit [press release] Friday against the new coalition government over its 2010 budget, claiming the drastic spending cuts in it will have a disproportionately negative impact on women. The accusation stems from a gender impact study [press release] comm ...
- Federal judge allows Virginia health care suit to ...[JURIST] A judge for the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia [official website] on Monday denied a motion to dismiss [opinion, PDF] a lawsuit brought by the state of Virginia challenging the constitutionality of the recently enacted health care reform law [HR 3590 text; JURIST new ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Why McCain's Holding Up Clapper's Nomina ...Sen. John McCain feels stiffed by the White House, which has refused to respond to a letter he sent earlier this year asking about a top secret intelligence program, according to several sources with knowledge of McCain's complaint.� He has decided to place a hold on Gen. James Clapper's nominatio ...
- Behind The Romanoff "Surge"I suppose I should put the disclosure at the top: Sen. Michael Bennet is the brother of James Bennet, the Atlantic's editor. Why at the top? Because the state of the Colorado Senate Democratic primary is not accurately being reported. Plenty of polls have showed Bennet leading Romanoff narrowly. ...
- Afghanistan Policy Review Begins Sooner Than You T ...On the premiere (pronounced prem-yare) of This Week with Christiane Amanpour, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi offered different visions of the war in Afghanistan after next July. Gates suggested that the pace of a troop draw-down would be gentle and loping; Pelosi said ...
- Sultry August: The Primaries Begin We're close enough to the November elections to read real meaning into primaries. And August will bring quite a few, beginning with tomorrow's U.S. Senate primary in Kansas. Vacated by Sam Brownback, the seat will stay Republican in the fall. Two aspiring congressmen, Todd Tiahrt and Jerry Mo ...
- McCain Considers Hold On ClapperSen. John McCain might delay confirmation of President Obama's next national intelligence director, a spokesperson said Sunday. McCain is awaiting a report, content unspecified, that will determine whether he will ask Majority Leader Harry Reid to avoid bringing the nomination of Gen. James Clapper ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Rotter Member’s Death ThreatAfter mounting an intense DoS attack against this blog and two others in Israel, my web host seems to have figured out a defense against the assault. But now, some members at the Rotter forum, among whose circle this assault may’ve originated, have resorted to homicidal ranting. One poster wrote the ...
- ADL Says ‘No’ to Park51 Ground Zero Muslim Cultura ...Abe Foxman, one of American Jewry’s leading Islamophobes, announced the ADL opposed Park51, the new Muslim cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero. Â The project, also known as Cordoba House, has the strong support of Mayor Bloomberg and all the appropriate community planning boards and agencies ...
- Sheikh Jarrah Protestors Defy Censors, ‘Out’ Doron ...I’m grieved that some of my readers today have been telling me they can’t access my site. Â My host tells me it’s because the new DNS hasn’t fully propagated itself and that takes up to 48 hours. Â But I’m not sure why some readers should have access to the site and then lose it. Â I [...] Related ...
- Links for 2010-03-15 [Digg]TV interview: Mossad Assassination in Dubai A 30 minute interview for ScanTV's "Moral Politics" show dealing with the Israeli Mossad's assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al Mabouh and the repurcussions for Israel from this act.
- U.S. Companies Facilitate Mossad AssassinationThe Wall Street Journal (yes, it’s true) published an illuminating article detailing a U.S. investigation into the financing for the Mossad hit on Mahmoud al-Mabouh in Dubai several months ago. Â It notes that several U.S. online sites which match technical jobs and freelancers and arrange for payme ...
Ode Magazine
- A new legacy for WattsThe wiry spires of the Watts Towers seem almost obtrusive on the working-class skyline of South Los Angeles. While the historic landmarks remind some of the artistic innovation of Italian architect Simon Rodia, who built the sculptures out of steel; mortar; and a mosaic of re ...
- Video: Farm tours around the worldA collection of videos from Polyface Farm and other farms mentioned in the "Beyond Organic" article. Polyface Farm Mac Arthur Foundation Fellow: Will Allen Ridge to Reef Program at VI Sustainable Farm Issue: April/May 2010 Related Reading ...
- Forget finicky foodInstead of scanning labels, give the kids some authentic home cooking. It’s really not fair to label kids as finicky eaters if lactose makes them break out or preservatives make them itch. We should, instead, focus on finicky food. All things considered, it’s a minor mira ...
- “Cultural activities improve mental health”Sweden has recently launched a pilot project to help patients suffering from chronic depression; stress; anxiety; or back, shoulder and neck pain by prescribing cultural activities. Karin Berg, project manager at Capio clinic in Helsingborg, which hosts the trials, explains. ...
- Taking a magnifying glass to our everyday stuffBy: VictoriaKlein “This is a story about a world obsessed with stuff. It’s a story about a system in crisis. We’re trashing the planet, we’re trashing each other, and we’re not even having fun. The good thing is that when we start to understand the system, ...
OpEd News
- Can Americans Who Oppose War and Empire Work Toget ...Lindsay Graham calls a right-left anti-war coalition an unholy alliance. In fact, it is the only way the peace movement has a chance to challenge the U.S. war machine.
- Maxine Waters the Democratapos;s Sacrificial LambThe headlines in several major dailies blared "Maxine Waters under scrutiny for bank ties." "Waters Helped Bank whose stock she once owned." "What is the Maxine Waters scandal all about?"
- Future Shock: Dems to Keep the CongressRepublicans started the bailouts, set up the economic policies that caused the crisis & destroyed the economy. G.W. Bushapos;s book, Decision Points, & Karl Rove will remind voters of the Bush/Cheney nightmare & Democrats will retain control of Congress in November.
- Israel Moves To Deport Children of Invited WorkersOn Sunday, Israel initiated a policy to deport the children of guest workers,who were "young, born in Israel, speak Hebrew and have never seen the native countries of their parents. Incredibly, this new policy is aimed at the kids of foreign workers who were invited to work in Israel. This latest ru ...
- Review of Damali Ayoapos;s "Obamistan!" Part 2Review of Damali Ayoapos;s dynamic and eloquent, utopic "Obamistan!" a bestseller-to-be and must-read.
- Can Retrofits Help Us Get Off Oil? Yes.Remember the summer of 2008? There was a gas price spike that made some question our lack of coherent national energy policy but caused others to double down and chant “Drill Baby Drill”? About that time, we took a look at all the oil said to be under the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS ...
- Are you ready for the country? Rural communities & ...In this blog, I’ve probably written more about disinvested city neighborhoods, and their recovery and restoration, than about any other subject. But our small towns, and particularly their traditional town centers, have been every bit as disinvested as their urban counterparts - as ec ...
- The Rivers Run Red: what can we learn from the rec ...It has been a horrible month for China’s environment. Last week while workers in northwest China pulled more than 3,000 barrels - each containing 170 kilograms (374 lbs.) of flammable chemicals - out of the Songhua River, a plastics factory in Nanjing burned, China’s largest-ever oil ...
- How Much Seafood do Gulf Coast Residents Eat? Take ...As more areas of the Gulf open to fishing, and the debate heats up about the safety of seafood in the oil-tainted waters, it's time to scrutinize some of the science behind the decisions that are being made. A couple of weeks ago, NOAA and the FDA released a risk assessment and plan f ...
- Gulf Coast Disaster - Monday, August 2Day 105 Highlights in this issue > BP, Halliburton and Transocean cooperate on water, play blame game on land > Oil spill – not as bad as we thought? > BP’s Dudley heads to Russia with Hayward in tow > EPA: Dispersants no more toxic than oil > Community oversight likely with oil spill ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- How not to treat cancer (or anything else)So long as we’re debating the legal and ethical conduct of certain Australians of recent public note, there’s this bit of unsurprising news: Penelope Dingle died in August 2005 after initially refusing surgery for rectal cancer, opting to be treated with alternative remedies instead. The 45-year-ol ...
- Learning?Dusty Baker removed Travis Wood after 103 pitches tonight, despite the fact that he was pitching a two hit shutout. I am duly impressed. I also worry that these Reds are going to break my heart… Related posts:This Will End Badly… Semi-Apology Funny Because it’s Funny, Funny Because it’s True… ...
- Breaking: Giuliani Exploits 9/11 For Crass Politic ...Of course! It’s also worth noting that Rudy 9/11’s bigoted logic here is straight out of the Jim Crow playbook. Â According to Dixiecrat senators, the “decent” African-Americans in their states always knew that segregation, disenfranchisement, and arbitrary police states were best for all concerned ...
- Ad Hoc Defenses of the Indefensible, Part DeuxBTD asserts: The second problem with this question is Bowers not imagining what a GOP President and GOP Congress would have achieved with the elimination of the filibuster. You thought the actual Bush tax cuts were bad? They would be TWICE as bad without the filibuster. And twice as hard to undo ...
- Ad Hoc Defenses of the IndefensibleAs if to illustrate the point made recently by Jon Chait, Doug Mataconis hauls some of the hoariest defenses of the electoral college out of the mothballs: Without it, Presidential candidates would concentrate their resources even more in the areas where the votes are, ignoring the vast middle of th ...
Desert Research Institute
- DRI Assists with West Point Cadet Training Dr. Eric McDonald his group of DRI scientists have partnered with West Point to develop a curriculum to teach cadets how to take soil samples and measurements with different geotechnical equipment, as well as manage large data sets.
- DRI Researcher Named to National CommitteeDuane Moser, Ph.D., has been elected to the Executive Committee for the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Research Association (DuRA).
- Scientists Use Tahoe Work to Protect Guatemalan La ...A team of scientists including DRI's Dr. Alan Heyvaert have been working at Guatemala’s Lake Atitlan to find solutions to algae blooms that have assailed the ecosystem and the locals' drinking water.
- Kendrick Taylor Named Chief Scientist for Antarcti ...The National Science Foundation has again selected DRI's Kendrick Taylor, Ph.D. to be chief scientist for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core Project, a crucial step in defining the influence of changes in greenhouse gases on climate.
- Jianting Zhu Named Maki Chair in Hydrologic Scienc ...Jianting “Julian” Zhu, Ph.D. was just named the Maki Chair in the Division of Hydrologic Sciences. Zhu has been with DRI since 2004 and is an accomplished researcher with numerous articles published.
Earth Techling
- Prius Goes Plug-In Via Aftermarket Tech
- Empire State Bldg Shows Off Eco Upgrades
- Unique Hybrid Vehicle Tech Gets Patent
- Solar Energy Process Doubles Efficiency
- Mobile Wind Turbine Sports Solar Panels
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Judge: Nixon Peabody charged excessive feesA federal judge has ruled that Nixon Peabody charged excessive fees in a legal battle between aviation companies operating at Washington Dulles International Airport.
- Bernstein Litowitz lead counsel in Toyota sharehol ...A federal judge in Losa Angeles named Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossman lead counsel on Monday in the shareholder class action against Toyota Motor Corp. over sudden unintended acceleration.
- WHITE-COLLAR CRIME: A new era of defending the boa ...Three top white-collar defense lawyers discuss the state of financial fraud enforcement at the SEC and DOJ.
- The iron man of import battlesIn the early hours of a Saturday morning, you might find Paul Luckern manning the guard desk at the U.S. International Trade Commission, buzzing in the teams of lawyers arriving to appear before him in court.
- They want a clean fightMore than 100 lawyers squeezed into a courtroom in Boise, Idaho, on July 29 to argue before a panel of seven judges about which U.S. courthouse should host the massive litigation over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Marcellus Shale Drillers in Pennsylvania Amass 143 ...952 Identified as Most Likely to Harm the Environment The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association has reviewed environmental violations accrued by Marcellus Shale drillers working in Pennsylvania between January 2008 and June 25, 2010. The records were obtained via a Right to Know Request made to the P ...
- Up In the AirI made an announcement shortly after Memorial Day weekend, that I would be putting my home in DISH on the market. This decision was made by my family after several instances of both of my children having nosebleeds during the night. These nosebleeds correlated with strong odors and spikes in the c ...
- DEP’s Unauthorized Water Withdrawal ProgramJuly 26, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:Â Cathy Pedler – (814) 454-7523 Bill Belitskus – (814) 778-5173 Ryan Talbott – (503) 887-7845 Department of Environmental Protection Unlawfully Permitting Water Withdrawals For Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling in Western Pennsylvania Only riparian owners can ...
- DEP has proposed tougher standards for Oil & Gas d ...The Public Comment Meetings are finished and there are only about ten days to get in your comments by e-mail. These regulations call for more stringent standards for O&G drilling operations. These regulations are vital. They upgrade requirements for testing, well casing, welding, cementing and othe ...
- Gas Stock 2010!http://www.gasstockconcert.com/ This is an environmental concert and rally. Music and like minded folks who are concerned about the gas drilling in PA. Check it out.
News Blaze
- The President's Forum with Young African LeadersJudith McHale, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs; Maria Otero, Under Secretary for Global Affairs; Michelle Gavin, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs, National Security Council
- USA Network Remains 'In Plain Sight' For Two More ...The show chronicles McCormack's character Mary Shannon, a U.S. Marshal assigned to watch over innocent people and/or career criminals that are in the witness protection program in New Mexico while trying to deal with her troubled personal life.
- Lindsay Lohan - Breaking News Today on Release and ...Breaking News regarding Lindsay Lohan's release from prison today by entertainment insider Bruce Edwin of the Hollywood Sentinel.
- NASA Workshop To Discuss Exploring Near Earth Obje ...NASA will host an interactive workshop to identify objectives for exploration missions to near-Earth objects, or NEOs, on Aug. 10-11 at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel in Washington.
- U.S. Response to Pakistan's Flooding DisasterThe United States has responded immediately and generously to Pakistan's call for assistance following the tragic and devastating floods that started on July 29.
environment 360
- As Many as 80 Percent of Planet’s Marine Species S ...A 10-year inventory of marine life estimates that 60 to 80 percent of species in the world’s oceans remain undiscovered . Using information collected over centuries and new research in 25 biologically representative marine regions, the international Census of Marine Life documents an average of 10,0 ...
- Are Cell Phones Safe? It’s Too Early to TellWhile some studies have suggested that frequent cell phone usage causes an increased risk of brain and mouth cancers, others have found no such connection. Given that cell phone usage is relatively new, and that brain cancers are slow-growing, many experts recommend taking steps to reduce exposure, ...
- In Wreckage of Climate Bill, Some Clues for Moving ...Ample blame exists for the demise of climate legislation in the U.S. Senate, from President Obama’s lack of political courage, to the environmental community’s overly ambitious strategy, to Republican intransigence. A way forward exists, however, to build on the rubble of the Senate’s failure to cap ...
- Massive Baltic Algal Bloom Is Captured in European ...Click to enlarge ESA Algal bloom in the Baltic Sea A satellite image from the European Space Agency shows a vast algal bloom that could pose a risk to marine life in the Baltic Sea. The 377,000-square-kilometer (145,000-square-mile) blue-green bloom, which stretches from Finland to parts of Germany ...
- Mexican Immigration May Rise As Warming Reduces Cr ...Rising temperatures and reduced crop yields in Mexico could force as many as 6.7 million Mexicans to emigrate to the United States over the next 70 years, according to a new study. Researchers from Princeton University, led by atmospheric scientist Michael Oppenheimer, made that projection after stu ...
Red Ice Creations
- BP well to stay sealed as storm moves inAs Tropical Storm Bonnie approaches, vessels are prepared for evacuation. Also, during an investigative hearing, BP is accused of cutting corners. Reassured by a week of intense monitoring, federal officials Thursday said they planned to leave the damaged BP well sealed despite evacuating vessels ah ...
- BP digitally alters press photo, confesses it’s a ...It’s been a long season of embarrassment for BP, but leaking oil isn’t what the blogosphere is ripping the company for today. A site called Americablog spotted a press photo of BP’s Houston command center, ostensibly taken on July 16. The image had quite visibly been Photoshopped - badly - to includ ...
- More doctored BP photos come to lightThe search for doctored BP photos is on. And it's a bit like finding Waldo in the famous game. On Wednesday, for the second time this week, a blog has identified an altered photograph about BP's oil spill response on the company's Web site. The Gawker Web site said it received a tip about a BP photo ...
- State of Emergency as Tropical Storm Bonnie Heads ...Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declared a state of emergency today as Tropical Storm Bonnie heads directly toward the site of the Gulf Oil spill, threatening weeks worth of progress. BP officials and the federal government are scrambling to prepare for storm, which grew in strength today to become the ...
- Large China oil spill threatens sea life, waterChina's largest reported oil spill emptied beaches along the Yellow Sea as its size doubled Wednesday, while cleanup efforts included straw mats and frazzled workers with little more than rubber gloves. An official warned the spill posed a "severe threat" to sea life and water quality as China's lat ...
Russia Today
- Forest fires destroy 200 Russian navy aircraft – r ...As many as 200 aircraft stationed at a Russian Navy base near Moscow have been damaged by fire amidst the continuing heat wave, a news site reports.
- “My fist will talk for me” – PeterNigerian Samuel Peter says he is confident he can beat heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko.
- 11 dead in a plane crashWednesday will be a day of mourning in Russia’s Krasnoyarsk region after a passenger plane crash claimed the lives of 11 people. Among the dead are 10 passengers and a flight attendant; three pilots survived.
- World leaders gather at Global Policy Forum in Yar ...On September 9-10, 2010 the Russian city of Yaroslavl will host Global Policy Forum “The Modern State: Standards of Democracy and Criteria of Efficiency.”
- Wildfires ravage Central RussiaIntense temperatures and the worst dry spell for generations continue to pound parts of Russia, with 40 lives now claimed by fires, over 300 injured, and thousands left homeless.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Some Reasons for the Roswell CrashSuppose you’re just starting to study the UFO phenomenon and you start reading about the 1947 crash at the Matt Brazel ranch. After studying things for a while you wonder; “If these things are so advanced, why do they crash?” Well, Anthony Bragalia over at the UFO Iconoclast(s) lists some possible r ...
- Dark Matter and the SunI’m not an astrophysicist or astronomer by any stretch of the imagination, but I found this post from Daily Galaxy rather intriguing: Dark matter has become trapped at the center of the sun and is cooling down its core temperature according to a new study by Dr Stephen West from the Department of Ph ...
- Philip K. Dick, Neo-Nazis and the National Securit ...It is well known in science-fiction circles that author Philip K. Dick was a mad, drug-induced psychic shamanic figure who glimpsed into the future realms on an almost daily basis for over thirty years, much to his detriment in most cases. What isn’t known so much is that during the 1950s he was fri ...
- thunderbolts.info: Galactic ThunderboltsAhh, here’s some physics stuff I can grok. The Electric Universe guys never fail to make logic out of gobblety-gook: Consensus astronomers look at individual points of light and discover the most massive stars. Electric Universe observers look at the entire complex of filaments and discover the char ...
- Time Travel Paradox. Or NotI don’t generally delve into the subject of time travel because it’s kind of hard for my poor mammal brain to comprehend. Well, I kind of understand Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity (or is it Special Theory of Relativity?) because I’ve read science-fiction for 45 years and have actually taken ...
Tippers News
- Patagonia Wildlife Photos - National GeographicPatagonian Puma Submitted by Ana Marija R. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Snarling Tigermy favorite cats Submitted by Ana Marija R. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Tiger Photos -- National Geographicmy usually mood Submitted by Ana Marija R. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Hunting - Hunting, Bowhunting, Hunting Forums, For ...A resource website created for you to find everything you need to know for an African hunting safari in one place. Submitted by Shaktiva I. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Action Alert! Save the serengetiCampaigners are warning that the opening up of Senapa to commercial traffic would be disastrous because the proposed 53km of road through the world-acclaimed wilderness would jeopardise the animal trek . Submitted by Shaktiva I. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
The Freeman
- Uncertainty Prevails in Transition to Obamacare“Consumers and policy makers will be crossing treacherous terrain as they make the transition to a new health care system in the next three and a half yearsâ¦. Administration officials are eager to demonstrate and deliver what they see as the benefits of the new law. But they face a delicate task: ...
- Fed Chief Looks to Higher Pay for Economic Tonic“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said rising wages would probably spur household spending in the next few quarters, even as weak job gains dragged down consumer confidence.” (New York Times, Tuesday) If consumer spending actually drove the economy, that might be nice to know. FEE Timely Cla ...
- Geithner Tries Selling Financial Regulation to Ban ...“Timothy F. Geithner, traveling salesman, swept through Manhattan on Monday making a pitch to skeptical bankers, business leaders and even the mayor. His central message: Far-reaching financial regulations signed into law by President Obama last month aren’t something to fear. Rather, they are the f ...
- Addressing Local KnowledgeFriedrich Hayek argued that “local knowledge” or “particular knowledge of time and place,” such as rules of thumb or skills learned by doing, is more important than the kind of knowledge that can be written down and objectively conveyed.
- Malts in the Cafeteria“Elect me and we will have malts in the cafeteria … every day!”
Teaching Online Journalism
- Online video still growing, gaining viewersJust because comedy or humorous videos are the most popular among U.S. adults ( source ) does not mean journalists should wring their hands and despair about public tastes. What’s more important, I think, is that among people who have broadband Internet access at home, 75 percent watch online video ...
- Is J-school relevant? (#wjchat)@killbutton Q1 Yes, because the foundation of journalism is SO important. Journos need a strong foundation in ethics! #wjchat @dnvolz Brian Williams never got any college degree and is considered a top journalist even in an ever-changing market #wjchat @mhinojosa Q1 Yes, I think it’s more importa ...
- Top Teaching Online Journalism posts: Past 6 month ...According to Google Analytics, this is what you’ve been reading here (Dec. 1, 2009, up to today): 21 examples of Flash journalism A few words about digital audio recorders Now printable! Reporterâs Guide to Multimedia Proficiency Recording phone calls: For reporters Why does anyone major in ...
- Tips for HTML5, part 6: A look at CSS3Although I hear there are still some journalism programs where CSS is not taught, I’m going to assume that all those Luddites are working on bringing their design and presentation curriculum into the 21st century. CSS is essential to design and presentation for the Internet. In this post I’m just g ...
- Two good books for learning JavaScript, jQuerySince about March this year, I’ve been searching for a few good, clear books to recommend to journalists and students who are interested in learning to use jQuery — with an eye toward getting ready for HTML5. You could just leap straight into jQuery, but I think it would make more sense to get a ha ...
Facing South
- BP leaves many damage claims waiting in limboBy Sasha Chavkin, ProPublica BP appears to be delaying decisions about the validity of many claims for damages from the Gulf oil spill, leaving claimants frustrated by bureaucratic obstacles and confusing requests for more documentation. The company's claims process is guided by the Oil Pollu ...
- Fallout from the BP disaster: Today on "To the Poi ...It's been more then 100 days since the onset of the BP oil disaster, and with hope growing that the gushing well will be successfully capped this week, there's now considerable debate about the long-term consequences of the spill. Is it as bad as many feared? Have the consequences been overblown? ...
- BREAKTHROUGH? Senate to vote on stand-alone bill f ...Several sources are reporting today that, after failing three times to approve $1.15 billion in funding for the U.S. government's settlement with black farmers this spring, the senate will be considering a stand-alone vote today on allocating the money. In a press release yesterday, the Netw ...
- Offshore drilling reform bill squeaks through Hous ...The U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed a bill Friday to reform the offshore oil drilling industry. The measure now moves to the Senate, where its fate is uncertain. The House vote was 209-193 , with many oil state and some Blue Dog Democrats joining most Republicans in voting against the ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: President Haley Barbour, brought ...Year in which Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) must leave office due to term limits: 2011 Year in which Barbour -- who's been mentioned as a possible 2012 presidential candidate -- set up a political action committee in Georgia because of its lenient rules regarding corporate contributions: 2 ...
Survival International
- Nomad tribe emerges from forest to prove its exist ...Karapiru, an Awá man who survived the massacre of his family by gunmen. © Fiona Watson/Survival Indians from the tiny Awá tribe will stage a three day protest in the Brazilian Amazon from August 1st to 3rd, to prove that they exist and to demand that their land be protected from invasion. The ...
- Avatar’s Na’vi in London to stop Vedanta mineTwo Naâvi protested outside Vedantaâs AGM. © Survival Two Naâvi from James Cameronâs film Avatar today paid a visit to British mining company Vedanta Resourcesâ Annual General Meeting in Westminster, London. The Naâvi joined tribal rights organization Survival in a demonstration ...
- Indians hold construction workers hostage at Amazo ...A dam being built in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. © Survival Brazilian Indians are occupying the site of a hydroelectric plant, demanding that they be compensated for the damage caused to them by the dam, that their land rights be upheld and that no more harmful dams be built in the regio ...
- Sarawak’s Chief Minister faces UK protesters over ...Chief Minister Taib Mahmud was met by demonstrators protesting at the destruction of the Penan's rainforest. © Survival Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud faced protests by supporters of the Penan in the UK today, while British MPs have written to him expressing concern over the newly document ...
- Michael Palin sends message to support Dongria Kon ...Michael Palin © John Swannell Actor, presenter and explorer Michael Palin has sent a message in support of the Dongria Kondh tribe of India, who are resisting a mine on their land by FTSE 100 company Vedanta Resources . In a statement, Michael Palin said, âI’ve been to the Nyamgiri Hills in ...
Greg Palast
- Behind Bush's Wyly Billionaire Burglars... Hint: B ...by Greg Palast Card illustrations by Bob GrossmanSam Wyly is one of the planet's "Ten Greenest Billionaires," according to Forbes. And, the magazine should have added, the one that deserves the most prison time. Yesterday, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged billionaire Sam and his bil ...
- Palast on GRITtv: Fighting Toxic Oil CompaniesLast week, Mike Papantonio told us on GRITtv that there was no fund from BP to pay for the oil disaster, and raised some questions about Kenneth Feinberg, the administrator of the damages to Gulf residents. Today investigative journalist Greg Palast answers some of those questions--and raises a f ...
- Shoot BP:The Amazon to Arctic InvestigationAlaska Native Henry Makarka©1997James Macalpine-PIF At Tatitlek Village, Alaska Native Henry Makarka told me, "If I had a machine gun I'd shoot every one of them white sons of bitches." Makarka was talking about the executives who came to him and his tribe 40 years ago to purchase their land at Va ...
- Shoot BP:The Amazon to Arctic InvestigationAt Tatitlek Village, Alaska Native Henry Makarka told me, "If I had a machine gun I'd shoot every one of them white sons of bitches." Makarka was talking about the executives who came to him and his tribe 40 years ago to purchase their land at Valdez. They were from the companies now known as Exxo ...
- Getting into Massa's Drawers:Truly Creepy Detailsa ...Exclusive for Buzzflash.com by Greg Palast For the two weeks before tickle-and-grope charges busted open on him, and before his resignation from Congress, our BBC Television investigations team was hunting for Representative Eric Massa. We wanted to know what he had hidden in his drawers. Not his ...
Telegraph UK - oil
- BP oil spill: Was Tony Hayward right after all? The disgraced BP boss enraged America when he played down the effects of the Gulf of Mexico spill. But was he to the truth? asks Richard Alleyne.
- New oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico after tug boat ...A new oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has created a mile-long slick after a tug boat struck an abandoned well off the Louisiana coast.
- Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Cheap oil and deepwater ...Tony Hayward had to go, but we'll all have to pay if we want risk-free fuel, argues Tracy Corrigan.
- China struggles to clean up worst-ever oil spill Hundreds of fishing boats armed with vats of "oil-eating" bacteria were busy trying to contain China's worst-ever oil spill.
- BP oil spill: company accused of 'buying academic ...Researchers reportedly asked to sign "restrictive" contracts for work designed to protect BP from Gulf of Mexico oil spill lawsuits.
Ian Welsh
- Go Read Stirling on JapanificationThis is what you NEED to understand. Go read it. It also underlies most of my economic thinking and writing. If you want to understand the underpinnings of what I write, this is fundamental.
- Stating the Obvious: Obama wants to gut social sec ...Let me state the obvious, which we all know, one more time. Obama intends to gut social security. Republicans failed, it requires Democrats. If Obama did not intend to gut social security he would not have set up the SS comission with the members it has. Nancy Pelosi is onside with this (or she ...
- Ricardo’s CaveatIn 1817 David Ricardo formalized the Law of Comparative Advantage. Since then it has stood the test of time as one of the very few laws that an Economist can point to and say, “this is indisputably true.” It’s because of this law that you can only rarely find an [...]
- Afghan Army SustainabilityThe premise behind the US/ISAF strategy in Nato is that a surge of foreign fighters will be sufficient to impose sufficient costs on the Taliban and other anti-government groups that they will not effectively contest the expansion of both ISAF and Afghan government control of the Pashtun urban a ...
- Netroots SchizoI had a good time in Vegas, so I didn’t spend a huge amount of time at NN, but I did spend enough time to take in the mood, and it was schizophrenic. About half the people there are some combination of angry, disappointed and bitter with Democrats in general and Obama in particular. This [...]
Age of Autism
- Autism is Not The New Normal: Bronx Mother (Allege ...By Kim Stagliano This morning Tanner's Dad (Tim Welsh) Tweeted a blog entry HERE from a pediatrician who talked about autism, and that it's "normalized" for him. Really doc? Autism is not the new normal. Asperger's or autism - the...
- Are Doctors Classifying Children with Autism as So ...Managing Editor's Note: The red headline below begins Judy Converse's letter to the journal Pediatrics in response to the article titled, Feeding Symptoms, Dietary Patterns, and Growth in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Judy runs Nutrition Care of Children....
- Taking Umbrage with Dr. Nancy Snyderman“There is a time when the community as a whole, their needs are better than the individual and I think more important. And right now the individuals are trumping the general populace at large. I find it frankly offensive and...
- Influenza Vaccine Special Meeting Today: Public In ...Interim Influenza Vaccine Information Statements Special Meeting Thursday July 29, 1 to 2 pm ET The Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines will review the CDC's draft statements slated for distribution during the 2010-2011 flu season. The conference call meeting is...
- Brian Deer: Portrait of a NarcissistBy Jake Crosby Conflicted “journalist” Brian Deer’s website is perhaps one of the biggest resources of disinformation on the internet. Even worse, there is likely no better example of one man’s online shrine to himself than briandeer.com – a cesspool...
Global BDS Movement
- 6,000 Irish shoppers demand supermarket stops stoc ...Today, Thursday 29th July 2010, at 1pm, the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) delivered a petition to Dunnes Stores signed by 6,000 shoppers across Ireland. The petition demands that Dunnes Stores stop stocking Israeli products, until Israel respects Palestinian rights and international l ...
- Palestinian civil society salutes Olympia Food Co- ...Occupied Palestine, 26 July 2010 – Palestinian farmers unions, agricultural organizations and popular committees struggling against Israel’s colonial Wall and settlements warmly salute the historic decision taken on July 15th [1] by the Olympia Food Co-op to remove all Israeli products from its shel ...
- Action Alert: Support the Olympia Food Co-op Now! ...Just last week the Board of Directors of the Olympia Food Co-op took thecourageous step of instituting a boycott of Israeli goods, the firstgrocery boycott of Israel in the US. Already, there is a movement afoot tocondemn the Co-op for taking this important stand. Board and staff arereceiving aggres ...
- IKEA contributes to a better everyday life for the ...IKEA delivers goods to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. IKEA’s answer to the critique is that "IKEA stores have existed in Israel for the many people since 2001" and that "IKEA’s vision is to contribute to a better everyday life for the many people." read more
- BNC welcomes actions to mark fifth anniversary of ...BNC welcomes actions to mark fifth anniversary of BDS call � read more
Farm Wars
- Senator Harry Reid is working hard – but for whom?The PPJ Gazette By Debbie Coffey Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved. “Scientists warned that as the Great Basin’s groundwater is drained, desert springs and seeps will dry up, farms and ranches will wither away, and plants and wildlife will die off. The aquifer, which took millennia to fill, wil ...
- H.R. 5577 The Genetically Engineered Food Right t ...H.R. 5577 Exempts the USDA Certified Organics Industry from the labeling requirement and testing even if producers use GMO processing ingredients.
- Marti Oakley and Barb Peterson: The Truth Squad, ...Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST for Marti and Barb on The Truth Squad Radio Show. Our guest this week is John Wallace, host of American Politics on blogtalk. John has been at the forefront of the fight in New York to preserve state sovereignty against federal encroachment. John will be discussing ...
- GM Crop Contamination Insurance?The issue of crops that have been genetically modified (GM) contaminating surrounding crops is one that is growing in severity, and triggering lawsuits by farmers whose crops have been contaminated.
- Constitutional Sheriff Tony DeMeoThe Sheriff’s Deputy told the federal agents that there would be no seizure or taking of cattle, per DeMeo’s decision based on the Constitution. The Deputy was told that the BLM federal agents intended to arrest DeMeo and use armed force to take Hage’s cattle. Sheriff DeMeo advised the federal agent ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Peru declares state of emergency amid plunging tem ...The Guardian-Peru has declared a state of emergency after hundreds of children died from freezing conditions that have seen temperatures across much of the South American country plummet to a 50-year low. In 16 of Peru’s 25 regions, temperatures have fallen below -24C. Reports from the country say 4 ...
- 6 guards beheaded in Afghan bank heistAP â Six Afghan private security guards were beheaded during a bank robbery in northern Afghanistan, police said Tuesday. Also Tuesday, insurgents launched a ground attack on NATO’s largest base in the south, but did not breach its defenses, officials said. Read Article
- Obama: combat mission in Iraq to end this month &# ...Reuters – President Barack Obama vowed on Monday to make good on his promise to end U.S. combat operations in Iraq by the end of August, despite a dangerous political deadlock in Baghdad and a recent surge in militant violence. The U.S. military plans to reduce forces in Iraq to 50,000 troops by the ...
- A Benchmark of Progress, Electrical Grid Fails Ira ...NY Times — Ikbal Ali, a bureaucrat in a beaded head scarf, accompanied by a phalanx of police officers, quickly found what she was out looking for in the summer swelter: electricity thieves. Six black cables stretched from a power pole to a row of auto-repair shops, siphoning what few hours of power ...
- Op-Ed: Review of Ayaan Hirsi Ali talk in Perth, 2n ...Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali Dutch feminist activist, writer, and politician. She is a prominent critic of Islam, and her screenplay for Theo Van Gogh’s movie Submission led to multiple death threats. Our reporter, Boomerang, attended her one off talk in Perth last night. To read his review CLICK HER ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Gulf oil spill: Crew of Deepwater Horizon failed t ...Oil rig workers failed to properly complete key tests aboard the Deepwater Horizon that could have shown the risk of a surge of natural gas from the undersea well to the rig, a Louisiana State University professor told federal investigators...
- Fishing limits in Aleutians aim to save Steller se ...Federal authorities have proposed shutting down fishing for cod and mackerel across more than 131,000 square miles in the western Aleutian Islands of Alaska to halt continuing declines in Steller sea lions. The measure is part of a package of...
- Gulf oil spill: Witness gives harrowing account of ...To Mike Williams, the first clue to the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon was a hiss. Williams, a rig engineer technician, was in an office on the phone with his wife when he heard announcements over the rig’s loudspeaker about...
- Gulf oil spill: Did Coast Guard allow excessive to ...Documents released by a congressional committee Saturday show that the U.S. Coast Guard appeared to flout a May 25 Obama administration directive that sought to limit the use of chemical dispersants on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico oil...
- Gulf oil spill: Deepwater Horizon was due for majo ...The Deepwater Horizon was in poor condition prior to its exploding in the Gulf of Mexico and triggering the worst U.S. offshore oil spill in history, an engineering technician told federal investigators at a hearing in suburban New Orleans Friday....
Mark I. Moore | Deepwater Horizon
- bpoilresponse: New information about: Macondo well ...bpoilresponse: New information about: Macondo well #1 revised flow rates as of August 2, 2010 - http://tinyurl.com/29avtqv
- bpoilresponse: New information about: Images of De ...bpoilresponse: New information about: Images of Deepwater Horizon site from USCG Cutter Decisive: Part 2 - http://tinyurl.com/2ado8e3
- bpoilresponse: New information about: Relief well ...bpoilresponse: New information about: Relief well status as of July 28, 2010 - http://tinyurl.com/3x5932k
- bpoilresponse: New information about: Methane conc ...bpoilresponse: New information about: Methane concentration in the Gulf of Mexico waters - http://tinyurl.com/26y4a3g
- bpoilresponse: New information about: Deepwater Ho ...bpoilresponse: New information about: Deepwater Horizon view at sunset - http://tinyurl.com/25dzukz
- In defence of privacyWolfgang Sofsky’s Privacy: A Manifesto is the finest defence of freedom, autonomy and human dignity published in years. We could do worse than use it as a springboard for reclaiming the unpoliced space.
- East Germans don’t have a monopoly on nostal ...Although the GDR was little better than an open prison, a surprising number of its former citizens hanker after the old days. Such a longing for old certainties exists elsewhere in the West, too.
- Rescuing the Enlightenment from its expl ...Many of today’s self-styled ‘Enlightened thinkers’ actually have little regard for the freedom of conscience and principle of autonomy that underpinned Enlightenment thought. Tzvetan Todorov gives them their comeuppance.
- Delivering an ‘Aftershock’ to the econ ...Philippe Legrain’s Aftershock is a lucid and open-minded introduction to the world economy. But it makes the common mistake of blaming bankers for the current economic crisis.
- Choosing our children’s traitsShould parents be free to create ‘saviour siblings’? To have boys and no girls? What about making sure their baby is deaf? A fascinating new book explores these modern moral dilemmas.
- Six Cities Training Mail Carriers to Dispense R ...Via: USA Today: The Postal Service is ready to deliver lifesaving drugs to about a quarter of the residents of Minneapolis-St. Paul, the only metropolitan area in the nation where letter carriers have been trained to dispense medication after a large-scale terrorist attack involving biological weapo ...
- Adrian Lamo Is a “Volunteer” for Proje ...Via: Forbes: A semi-secret government contractor that calls itself Project Vigilant surfaced at the Defcon security conference Sunday with a series of revelations: that it monitors the traffic of 12 regional Internet service providers, hands much of that information to federal agencies, and encourag ...
- Erica Goldson: Coxsackie-Athens Valedictorian Spee ...It’s definitely worth clicking through to read the whole thing. Via: America Via Erica: And now here I am in a world guided by fear, a world suppressing the uniqueness that lies inside each of us, a world where we can either acquiesce to the inhuman nonsense of corporatism and materialism or insist ...
- Schwarzenegger to Speak at Bohemian GroveWill he be wearing his Death’s Head belt buckle? Via: Press Democrat: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is scheduled to address a throng of rich and powerful men on Friday under the towering redwoods at the Bohemian Grove as the annual encampment along the Russian River in Monte Rio enters its final weeken ...
- After ArmageddonI doubt that there’s going to be any escape from the emerging machine world and we will probably see autonomous terminator robots before some plague takes down the global prison system that is in place in this planet. The scenario in Jericho seems more probable to me than the one below, but both pie ...
The Economic Collapse
- Recession 2010?If you watch any mainstream news program these days, it is almost a certainty that someone will mention the word "recession" before a half hour passes. In fact, it seems like almost everyone is either predicting that we are going into a recession, or they are warning of the need to ...
- Look What Surprises They Snuck Into The Financial ...Even just a decade ago, major pieces of legislation in the U.S. Congress would be just a few dozen pages long. But today, it seems like every time Congress passes an important bill it ends up being over a thousand pages long. In fact, the final version of the new financial reform ...
- 22 Statistics About America’s Coming Pension ...As the first of the 80 million Baby Boomers have begun to retire, it has become increasingly apparent that the United States is facing a pension crisis of unprecedented magnitude. State and local government pension plans are woefully underfunded, dozens of large corporate pension p ...
- 50 Random Facts That Make You Wonder What In The W ...Our world is changing at a pace that is so staggering these days that it can be really hard to fully grasp the significance of what we are witnessing. Hopefully the collection of random facts below will help you to "connect the dots" just a little bit. On one level, the facts belo ...
- It’s A Great Time To Be A New College Gradua ...Today, America's best and brightest are graduating from college full of hopes and dreams, but cold, hard economic reality is rapidly crushing many of them. Record numbers of college graduates cannot find jobs. Hordes of others have been forced to take very low paying service jobs. ...
- Bottle reforestation to combat desertification: a ...See former posting on January 30, 2010 BOTTLE REFORESTATION â a new method to combat desertification From cutting to young tree All over the world tree nurseries use plastic bags (mostly black ones) to grow tree seedlings. Generally speaking, these … Continue reading →
- Women and children first (Willem Van Cotthem / Car ...About brown and green food revolutions, grasses and food crops If the lives of a group of people are at stake, “Women and children first” implies that the lives of women and children are to be saved first. If the … Continue reading →
- From seed to harvest (Organic Agriculture)Read at : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=132838640079833&v=info “If you plan for a year, plant a seed. If for ten years, plant a tree. If for a hundred years, teach the people. When you sow a seed once, you will reap a single harvest. … Continue reading →
- Sustainable nutritional support through urban vege ...Read at : DIG – Development in Gardening http://www.developmentingardening.org/DIG/HOME.html Cultivating health in urban HIV hospitals, orphanages, and outpatient centers. DIG is a 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to improve the health and well-being of HIV-positive and other at-risk individual ...
- Seeds of Self Reliance: food security and self rel ...Read at : http://www.seedsofselfreliance.org/ Seeds of Self Reliance “Growing Community Through Gardening” info@seedsofselfreliance.org Our Name: Seeds of Self Reliance brings focus to seeds not only because they are a powerful and necessary resource but they are also symbols of hope, … Continue rea ...
The Paper Trail
- DEFENSE: Alleged Traumatic Brain Injury Research M ...The Pentagon’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) is reviewing allegations of research misconduct in a mild traumatic brain injury clinical trial with U.S. Marines in Iraq, according to documents and interviews.
- ENVIRONMENT: Democrats Join Fight Against Coal Ash ...A bipartisan majority of the House Energy and Commerce Committee is voicing “strong opposition” to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to regulate the disposal of coal ash — an environmental hazard that was the subject of an investigation by the Center for Public Integrity last year ...
- DEFENSE: Coast Guard Modernization Program Nearly ...The Coast Guard’s ill-fated “Deepwater” program to modernize its fleet is $3.8 billion over budget and years behind schedule, despite modest improvements in program management over the past three years, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) says.
- ENVIRONMENT: Senate Bill Aims to Tighten Regulatio ...Reacting to health worries about chemical dispersants used in the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg introduced legislation on Wednesday that would require the Environmental Protection Agency to test such compounds and disclose their ingredients.
- DEFENSE: War Contracting Commission Cites Center A ...During a hearing on the oversight of subcontractors in war zones, the Wartime Contracting Commission on Monday cited the Center for Public Integrity/ Washington Post investigation into the difficulty of enforcing a U.S. ban on contractors engaging in sex trafficking. It also delved into numerous in ...
- Airshow Mackay and the Red BaronsBy Alison@Creekside Frankly I don't think we can be expected to write a whole new blogpost every time Flying Ace "Airshow MacKay" and his trusty sidekick Woodstock Kory climb up on top of the Con doghouse to fight off the Red Baron yet again in the Arctic, so this time we're ...
- Am I on Blackett’s “crap” list?By Brian Brennan I applied to a provincial government agency – twice — to fund my next history book project, and was turned down, twice. Why? First, let me tell you the reason I applied for this money. You don’t make big money writing history in this country. It is the sport ...
- No jokes please, we’re CanadianBy Alison@Creekside Vancouver company The Cheeky.com says their humorous suitcase stickers featuring bags of cocaine, US bills, sex toys and a bound-and-gagged flight attendant will help you find your luggage more easily, but Transport Minister John Baird's spokesy says: "Joking about potentia ...
- Manly moustaches v. lego beardsBy Chris Bowman I'm doing some research right now which includes a lot of pictures from the 1870s and 1880s. Times were tough in old Canada back then; you had to be pretty rugged if you weren't some city slicker from Ottawa. She's an unforgiving country, though fair if you're willing ...
- DND on friendly fire: Wikileaks, US don’t kn ...By Alison@Creekside One of the Wikileaks war logs released yesterday contained a friendly fire report filed by the 205th RCAG U.S. military unit which states four Canadian soldiers were killed and seven other Canadians and an interpreter were wounded on Sept. 3, 2006, when a fighter jet dropped a ...
- Valencia's Juan Mata Becoming Impatient With ...Mata has publicly declared his frustration at not yet having signed a new deal with Los Che... By Cyrus C. Malek Share As reported by Marca, Valencia winger Juan Mata has declared that Valencia told him that the club was not going to sell him as they did David Villa (to Barcelona), David Silva ...
- Chelsea New Boy Yossi Benayoun: I'm Enjoying ...Israeli thrilled to have made switch to Blues... By Matt Monaghan Share Chelsea's new signing Yossi Benayoun has stated he is 'enjoying every day' and has targeted a successful debut campaign at the club....
- Barcelona Coach Pep Guardiola Won't Rule Out ...The Barcelona gaffer will put his confidence in young stars should the club fail to land Cesc... By Stefan Coerts Share Reigning Spanish champions Barcelona saw players such as Dmytro Chygrynskiy, Rafael Marquez, Yaya Toure and Thierry Henry leave this summer, but head coach Pep Guardiola has a ...
- Arsenal Midfielder Tomas Rosicky Determined T ...Midfielder targets silverware with Gunners... By Matt Monaghan Share Arsenal midfielder Tomas Rosicky is convinced his team-mates can go the extra mile and finally end the club's five-year trophy drought....
- AP Source: Favre Tells Vikings He Will Not Re ...Filed at 11:41 a.m. ET MANKATO, Minn. (AP) -- Brett Favre's stint with the Minnesota Vikings appears to be over after a single season. Favre has informed the Vikings he will not return to Minnesota this fall, a person with knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press on Tuesday., The 40 ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Daily Briefing—2nd-3rd Aug 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- The Corporate Alarm ClockKevin Carson on the average Joe's daily hell he heaven'izes to endure it tomorrow.
- As Predicted, BP Tries to Pretend New Leak is a ‘N ...The Feds are reporting seepage from the capped BP oil well that exploded three months ago and has gushed tens of millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The heroic publisher of Washington's Blog refutes the claim of 'natural seepage' from the oil giant's Newspeak damage controllers, as ...
- Julian Assange on AntiWar Radio (Video)Last week, the WikiLeaks editor-in-chief discussed the video footage of the Garani Massacre committed by the Obama Administration in May 2009, the U.S. government hunting him down, alleged leak-source PFC Bradley Manning, the effects of Collateral Murder leading to more leaks, renditions from Somali ...
- WikiLeaks Founder Responds to Government-Based Scr ...Julian Assange, Daniel Ellsburg and Nic Robertson discussed "The Afghanistan War Logs" leak, Monday evening.
MY Daily Apple
- Retraction recommended for enzyme-chip paperReactome array study should not have been published, says ethics committee.
- WellDoc DiabetesManager System Gets US Green LightWellDoc of Baltimore, MD won FDA clearance for its DiabetesManager System to be used by adults with type 2 diabetes in conjunction with their healthcare providers. The system aims to aid patients to adhere to proper diet and lifestyle in between visits to the doctor's office. From WellDoc's press re ...
- Gankyrin plays an essential role in Ras-induced tu ...Activating mutations in Ras proteins are present in about 30% of human cancers. Despite tremendous progress in the study of Ras oncogenes, many aspects of the molecular mechanisms underlying Ras-induced tumorigenesis remain unknown. Through proteomics analysis, we previously found that the protein G ...
- PIK3CA and KRAS mutations predict for response to ...Targeted cancer therapeutics can be effective when patients are preselected to maximize the chance of response. Increasingly, molecular markers such as oncogenic DNA mutations are being exploited to help guide patient preselection. These DNA lesions can predict for either a positive or negative resp ...
- Inadequate Vitamin D Exacerbates Parathyroid Hormo ...AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses : "In this cross-sectional study of HIV-infected men on ART, the use of TDF [tenofovir] and the level of 25(OH)D were independently associated with PTH levels. Because TDF is a potent and widely used antiretroviral drug, information about cofactors that may exace ...
The Story Behind the Story
- OBAMA —- The ChangelingObama — The Changeling (Change you can REALLY Believe In.) By A. True Ott, PhD In a standard deck of playing cards, the Joker card is wild. It can be anything you want or need it to be, from an ace to a lowly deuce.   Jokers are great to have in the deck when playing [...]
- Washington Post Article — Post 9-11 World &# ...http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/articles/ http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/articles/a-hidden-world-growing-beyond-control/print/ A hidden world, growing beyond control Monday, July 19, 2010; 1:53 AM The top-secret world the government created in response to ...
- America the Great??America is Great —– Because America is Good!! By A. True Ott, PhD, June 1, 2010 The famous French statesman and historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) traveled widely through America in the year 1832. Following his tour of America, he wrote extensively about what he saw and experienced here ...
- Reuters on BP Manipulations by Paul NoelIf you read this story (Link) http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE64Q1KL20100527?loomia_ow=t0:s0:a49:g43:r2:c0.156425:b34398576:z0 You get a stunning story. You find out that BP was buying up oil to cause the price to stay high. In their fiscal emergency they are having to let the oil go and the ...
- CERBERUS — GUARDING THE GATES OF HELL??UPDATED INFORMATION ON GPS COORDINATES ON GOOGLE MAPS AND GOOGLE EARTH!! Also, since this article was posted, I have received documentation that the vans are the property of DirectTV, and are being outfitted with new GWEN TOWER and Satellite accessing technologies. Doesn’t that make you feel bette ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny hou ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plans fo ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being pro ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re in ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human effect ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain temper ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here’s ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing to do ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM says t ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Robert Fowler, Held Hostage by al Qaeda in Africa ...Kidnapped by al Qaeda. The very thought causes shudders. But it happened to this week's guest: one of Canada's former senior diplomats in Africa on a special mission for the United Nations. The challenge: solving a dispute between the government of Niger and the rebel movement MNJ. This week, the Un ...
- Steve Nash, Two-time NBA MVP (Sept 19, 2009)He's one of the best basketball players on the planet, and he's made millions at it. But there's more to this week's guest than just the game. A lot more. This Canadian now makes his name on the courts, in the movies, and doing some pretty good things around the world. This week, he's our guest.
- Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of Canada (Sept ...We know it was a recession, but do we know if it's really a recovery? And what about that huge deficit? A dollar again approaching parity with its US counterpart? And the unemployment rate -- could it soon be in double digits? Difficult questions for this week's guest, the man who has to consider th ...
- Dr. Shana Kelley, University of Toronto (October 3 ...Research labs around the world are on the constant hunt for new ways of fighting one of the world's great killers - cancer. In one lab in Toronto, exciting promise on a new technique for early detection. The possibilities are endless: for fighting cancer, and other diseases, both here in our world, ...
- Dr. Susy Hota, Infectious Diseases Specialist (Oct ...Are you tired of hearing about HINI -- the swine flu? That's not surprising because there's been a half year of information coming your way -- some of it contradictory, much of it confusing. This week's guest helps us get down to basics -- what you need to know, and why you need to know it.
- Emily Henochowicz 21 Year Old The American hit in ...JERUSALEM — An American woman has lost her eye during a demonstration in Jerusalem against Israel's naval raid on a Gaza aid flotilla, a hospital official said Tuesday. Emily Henochowicz, 21, of Maryland, underwent surgery after suffering the injury, said hospital spokeswoman Yael Bossem-Levy. ...
- Bryan's Proud of Lady Gaga's Fans: That's Gay Extr ...In honor of LGBT Pride month, Bryan Safi goes gaga for Lady Gaga fans and their sissified, flamboyant tribute videos -- from the US Military to kids to Chatroulette users, everyone's got a little "Bad Romance" to show off. Every day this week, infoMania's Bryan Safi, host of "That's Gay," will ...
- VIDEO: Biggest Gas Boom in History Blowing Up in U ...It's official: the expansion of hydro-fracking operations is creating the biggest natural gas boom in US history... the film GASLAND explores this controversial method of extracting gas. (Don't know what hydro-fracking is yet? -- Watch the trailer!) Oil and gas companies are going to start hydr ...
- Ex-officer found guilty of manslaughter in Oakland ...(CNN) -- A former police officer who is white was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter Thursday in the killing of an unarmed black man in Oakland, California. Johannes Mehserle, who was a Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer at the time of the incident, was convicted in the shooting of 22-y ...
- Unseen UK, Part 5 Hosts Max Lugavere and Jason Silva present a look at the parts of the Great Britain that usually are seen only by locals and the most adventurous travelers. In Part 5 we go to Edinburgh to shop for a custom-made kilt. * * Louise petrozza Vanderbilt medical center starting salary nurses Dogs a ...
Energy Collective
- D-Day for MacondoToday could be D-Day for the Macondo well. According to reports, BP is conducting a test to determine the likely success of killing the well from the top, while getting in position to assault the well from the bottom.
- Dealing with the Electoral (Un)Importance of Clima ...Originally published by On Line Opinion . By Leigh Ewbank, Breakthrough Fellow
- Here we go again: Tax gas or mileage?For decades, paying for roads has been fairly straightforward. Motorists pay at the pump through gasoline taxes. It's more or less fair, too: The more you drive, the more you pay. But more and more, people involved in transportation planning and construction say that model is breaking down as many v ...
- Reliability and the Smart Grid�There are two schools of thought about how the Smart Grid will evolve.� One promotes a “system of systems” view, in which the current centralized structure continues to be the dominant model, and the other focuses on an interconnected network of microgrids.� There are pros and cons to each approach ...
- World's Largest Wind Project is Underway In Calif ...Renewable Energy World has a post on a new Californian wind power project - World's Largest Wind Project is Underway .
Green House - USA Today
- Survey: Consumer confidence in green products drop ...Consumer confidence in green products has fallen since the spring to its mid-2009 recession level, according to the latest quarterly update from the Green Confidence Index.
- BP to begin tests for permanently plugging Gulf we ...BP will begin tests Monday to ensure it can effectivly pump mud down its blown-out Gulf well and if all goes well, as expected, it will begin plugging the well tomorrow, a senior company official said Monday.
- Maryland family sells assets, sails world for seve ...Would you sell all your possessions, quit your job, buy a sailboat and travel the world? A Maryland family with three children did just that, spending nearly seven years at sea aboard a 43-foot ketch.
- Documents show BP widely used dispersants in GulfCoast Guard officials allowed BP to use hundreds of thousands of gallons of chemical dispersant's in the Gulf of Mexico despite a federal directive to use them rarely, according to documents released by a congressional subcommittee.
- Oregon couple builds a dream cabin for $10,000For $10,000 in materials, Mariah Morrow and Ryan Lingard built their own off-grid mountain cabin in the wilderness near Joseph, Ore., where they hike, ski and snowshoe.
Prior Art
- Patent Litigation Weekly: International Trade Comm ...Over the past two decades, the question of what constitutes a domestic industry has typically been heard by the same ITC administrative law judges who ultimately rule on the patent disputes that come before the agency. It's rare that the full commission considers the issue. On April 14, th ...
- Patent enforcement companies speak at SF conferenc ...Earlier this month, MDB Capital Group--an that promises to help investors understand "the hidden value of intellectual property assets and future technological leadership"--held what it billed as its first annual "Bright Lights" intellectual property conference, bringing together IP-centric ...
- Supreme Court Decides Bilski: Stevens and Allies T ...In the last batch of opinions to which he will ever contribute, retiring U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens fell one vote shy in his goal of moving methods of doing business outside the scope of the country’s patent system. And he marked the occasion by weighing in with a concurrin ...
- The Post-Bilski landscape: Why some tried, but fai ...It’s not a stretch to say that many members of the patent bar were relieved when the U.S. Supreme Court finally issued its decision in Bilski v. Kappos late last month. Considering that plenty of those lawyers—and the clients they...
- What's so bad about "business method" patents? Sma ...Those who have read the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bilski decision know that — a four-justice minority that wanted to ban business method patents. While that's an ill-defined term, it's clear that such a ruling would have effectively invalidated many patents already involved in litigation. Lawsu ...
Peoples Voice
- The Liberal Media: Rest in Peaceby Stephen Lendman The New York Times never qualified, run exclusively as a voice for power and privilege. The same, of course, holds for virtually all mainstream publications, including the Nation magazine, suppressing, sanitizing, and distorting truths, betraying its readers since 1865. It ...
- THE ULTIMATE COMMENCEMENT ADDRESSAllen L Roland Paul Hawken at University of Portland / 2009 On May 3rd, 2009 Paul Hawken delivered the ultimate and timeless commencement address in that he stressed the true values of human behavior ~ Truth, Beauty, Justice, Faith and Love and then wrapped them all in the last great humanitar ...
- I Have Become Uncomfortably Numbby Cindy Sheehan I am numb, I think. Since the U.S. Corporate Military Industrial Complex forced me into the World of the Aware after my son’s murder in Iraq, I feel that the news freshly assaults me on a daily basis. I am numb, I think, from being abused by this Empire on a regular basis for ye ...
- Why was I born? Why are we here?By Katherine Smith John W. Whitehead, head of the Rutherford Institute, "a kind of evangelical Christian civil liberties union" is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law, social and human rights. In his essay, Does Life Have Meaning o ...
- Judaic Pagan GodBy Dr. Elias Akleh Moses sent his men to take vengeance on the Midianites... Religions, though monotheistic aiming to unite nations under one God, have been used by politicians and political clergy to divide and segregate nations and to bet them against each other in perpetual wars that benefit o ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Quebec earnings gap at 30-year highA groundbreaking new report shows the earnings gap between the rich and the rest of Quebeckers is at a 30-year high. The report, co-published by Institut de recherche et d’informations socio-economiques (IRIS) and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), looks at income inequality among ...
- New study outlines path to renewable electricity i ...Regina —The Saskatchewan office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ series "Transforming Saskatchewan's Electricity Future" was launched with the publication of "Sustainability is Achievable, But How Do We Get There?" by Mark Bigland-Pritchard and Peter Prebble. The report – developed i ...
- Time for a living wageThanks to groundwork laid by our B.C. CCPA office, a city in that province has enacted Canada's first living wage policy. Drawing on that development, and using CCPA Research Associate Hugh Mackenzie's living wage estimates, Toronto Star columnist Carol Goar looks at how Toronto falls short of provi ...
- 2010 living wage shows the real costs of raising a ...The BC Office has released a 2010 update to the living wage calculation for Metro Vancouver. Read about it here: www.policyalternatives.ca/livingwage2010
- NFB Film showcases the growing gap in CanadaWhat does the growing gap look like in Canada? Class consciousness , an NFB film, explores the issue.
Dog with Blog
- FIFA 2010: the beautiful game!As I scribble this, the biggest spectacle on the planet is precisely 2 days,11 hours and 50 minutes(as per FIFA timekeeper) from letting the lid afar from the cocktail of emotions, euphoria, dreams and heartbreaks! The FIFA world Cup 2010 is eagerly awaited by the animal kingdom too. Surprised? Her ...
- What happens when Engineer owns dogs :)What more to say when the video shows it all Thanks to Farah for sharing the link. PS The canine circle wishes good old Runa Tuna, our friendly neighborhood fish, a happy birthday! enjoy lady!
- Bouquets & brouhaha…the dog wins!1. Asked someone to marry you? Guilty. Well, dogs are known for their witty demeanour as well :) Roll on the red carpets, give way to the metallic grey Limousine, hold your cameras and bask in the glory of the audacious canine, for as they say every dog has his day :)
- Print Ads featuring dogs!Following up my post on Tv commercials & canines, here are some of my favorite print ads centered around good old dogs :) I have so much to say about these wonderfully created advertisements yet as they say- a picture is worth a thousand words hence I must leave you with the prints.
- Why Dogs are better!My dogmail is usually flooded with forward messages from my furry friends. Yesterday while I was checking my inbox, amidst the milieu of mails with subjects like "Crash course on how to threaten a cat", "What annoys a cat the most" etcetera, there was a mail from Gucci(the one who keeps Runa as his ...
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