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Pentagon Holds Civilian Economy Hostage To War Machine By Sherwoord Ross The Intelligence Daily Besides holding Afghanistan and Iraq hostage, the Pentagon today is holding American civilization itself hos...
CARS - If you think only Europeans and Asians know how to build a proper rally car, you'd be correct in your assessment. Americans have a tendency to think size and speed before handling and anyone at all ...
*The Invisibles: Filmmakers give voice to brutalized migrants * By Brenda Norrell Censored News *Photos: The Invisibles* TUCSON -- The women and children are raped. They ...
Everything we know about how the fabled volcano killed the citizens of Pompeii might be wrong.
From Jon Lee Anderson's New Yorker article, "Reform and repression in Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Iran": In private, supporters of the movement spend a lot of time thinking over the events of last year. They ar...
The Secret of Oz By Bill Still - Full Free Film Bill Still: We've decided to take the risk of posting the film in its entirety on YouTube as the endgame approaches. Hopefully this will spread the message...
The Secret of Oz By Bill Still - Full Free Film Bill Still: We've decided to take the risk of posting the film in its entirety on YouTube as the endgame approaches. Hopefully this will spread the message...
Boris has already eviscerated Public Safety Minister Vic Toews performance on CBC, with a link to a good post by EFL also, but I was more appalled by the choice of questions CBC put to him. 490 out of the...
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CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
*By James Swan* *United Urban Warrior Society/A.I.M. Black Hills Chapter* *Published with permission* Another great week. We now have a place to have our meetings (Mother Butler Center) at 221 Knollwood Dr...
*Indigenous Peoples 2010 in Tucson, Arizona * Article and photos by the Indigenous Alliance without Borders/Alianza Indigena sin Fronteras The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples on Mond...
A vehicle that uses hand cranks and an electric motor has no limit to how far it can go.
Jeffrey Goldberg's much talked about article, "The Point of No Return" that was published in The Atlantic magazine, lays out not a plan for another front in the Great Middle East War, or even a timeline, b...
Two hurt in park attack "Two teenagers were assaulted by a gang of men in in Alexandra Park. The 16-year-olds were walking through the park at 6pm on Sunday when a five-strong gang approached them. One o...
This is one of the greatest scenes in television history. The shithawks are coming - a clip from the trailer park boys
CARS - Something fishy is going on in the automotive industry, and it all began when people started complaining about stuck accelerator pedals on Toyota vehicles. However an U.S. government investigation i...
By ADAM ENTOUS The Obama administration plans to include attack helicopters in an expanded arms package for Saudi Arabia, swelling the size of the proposed deal to as much as $60 billion over 10 years, acc...
John Pilger on Russia Today - Change that's Not: 'Obama on Bush route'
*Canada Jails Refugees* *By No One is Illegal Vancouver *Friday August 13, 2010, Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories– No One Is Illegal dropped a large banner which read: “Canada Jails Refugees” above Hig...
** *The Wikileaks secret that the US doesn't want leaked: The US pays the Taliban *By Brenda Norrell Narcosphere
A surfer just captured uncomfortably up close footage of a great white shark, which appears to be one that was tagged in the past by Monterey Bay Aquarium scientists.
Criminal propagandist Jeffrey Goldberg, and Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren talk about the "Iranian nuclear clock." It makes me sick to hear them speak. The video is from 2009 Aspen I...
*Healing Walk, Fort McMurray, Aug. 14, 2010 * On Saturday, August 14th the Keepers of the Athabasca, a network of First Nation, Metis and settler community members along the Athabas...
The news media and their pundits rushed to speculate about JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater's actions instead of waiting for the facts.
Capital Controls: The Final Phase in the Great Looting of America Eric Blair *Activist Post* Instituting capital controls seems like the next big event in the government-banking-oligarchy's great looting ...
Check out Mark Davies's 100 best books on war. The list covers the Civil War, the Battle of Gettysburg, World War One, World War Two, the Vietnam War, and the Cold War. Two of my favourite books about WWI...
A leatherback turtle has made a surprise return to a Malaysian beach after 32 years, renewing hopes for the endangered species.
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*Born in 1947 near the Rock of Gibraltar Paco de Lucía* is probably one the world's best Spanish guitarists, if not the very best. His way of playing Spanish music is exceptional. His style is in many ways...
Who’s the biggest space polluter on the planet? Why that would be China.
Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
It ends a 30-year search for the most efficient way to correctly align the 1974 invention.
A new, virulent form of herpes is killing large numbers of Pacific oysters. Scientists think global warming may be fueling the virus.
Astronomers have found that some old galaxies are getting a new burst of star formation in rings beyond the extent of the visible light from the galaxy.
Before we speculate about conditions on extrasolar terrestrial planets being discovered, it behooves us to get to know why Venus underwent such a different evolution from Earth.
AntiWar's Scott Horton Debunks The "Iranian Threat"
End Israel Lobbies Pervasive and Damaging Influence in US Politics Apr-21-2010 15:17 Debbie Menon (DUBAI, UAE) - Mark Perry in his recent article in Foreign Policy journal "Petraeus wa...
The Russian air force is completing a modification program for its MiG-31 interceptor aircraft to the MiG-31BM standard, the force's commander Col.Gen. Alexander Zelin said on Friday."The air force is curr...
The Air Force is expecting the arrival of three new Russian fighter jets Sukhoi SU-27SKM on early September.Air Force chief of staff Vice Marshall Imam Sufaat told Antara news agency that two of the jets w...
Helicopter crew will only use sideward-mounted machine guns New Delhi, August 12 The IAF has got the government's permission to fire back at Naxals in extremist-hit areas in self-defence, highly placed Air...
Double Vendetta — The Insanity of the Iran Confrontation - A video by Anthony Lawson
What would George Orwell say about the US withdrawal from Iraq? By Hannah Gurman War in As the Second World War drew to a close, George Orwell looked back on the various prognoses of war and p...
Roadside electronics that emit high-pitched whines and strobe lights could save deer from becoming roadkill.
Native frog species in Mexico have figured out how to survive floods better than their invasive cousins.
Unlike other methods, this one can find a body buried under a concrete slab.
Formed of the coast of western France during a fierce storm in 2009, the unnamed island's fledgling ecosystem faces threats from humans.
*CLIMATE CHANGE: WHAT IS TO BE DONE? Winona LaDuke *• Wednesday • August 18 • Tipton Hall • 7:00pm Tipton Hall, College of Santa Fe 1600 St. Michael's Drive, Santa Fe (just south of Cerrillos) Ojibwe proph...
Super-cooled nitrogen could help power plants manage energy loads during times of peak demand.
Yeh right Gland, I mean Glenn, like we haven't seen the corruption brought on by the homeland security act and the presidential dirextives of the George Duhbya Bu$h administration. We haven't noticed tha...
Dude... What's up with Jews and Arabs acting like White Supremacists these days? Matt Drudge, the right-wing racist agitator, is Jewish. Andrew Breitbart**,Drudge's old time friend who edited Sherri Sherro...
Max Keiser Interviews William K. Black
How propagandists function: Exhibit A By Glenn Greenwald Jeffrey Goldberg, in the new cover story in *The Atlantic,* on an Israeli attack on Iran: Israel has twice before successfully attacked and destr...
ENTERTAINMENT/RELIGION - A Toronto-based band named "Blurred Vision" has the blessing of Pink Floyd to do a cover song and music video of Pink Floyd's "The Wall"... with a slight lyric change: "Hey, Ayatol...
Russ Baker - "Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America" Family of Secrets Book Tour at NYU
CANADA/ENVIRONMENT - If you're looking to cut back on heating and electricity prices there are a number of ways you can do it. *#1. Insulation* - Anything, and we do mean ANYTHING you can do to better ins...
Watch Amy Goodman's interview with James Hatfield here. It first aired on August 11, 2003 on Democracy Now, but it was conducted three years prior to that date. James Hatfield was the author of "Fortunate...
Alan Watt: The True History of The World - Alex Jones Tv 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4
Women experience more chronic pain and they're less tolerant of the pain than men, according to a new review of research.
Israel, the War on Terror and the "Holocaust Effect" By Sander Hicks AlterNet August 12, 2010 Last week, WikiLeaks released 200,000 pages of US War machine secrets. Like the Pentagon Papers, it may eventu...
Scientists say the risk of future temblors in region is unclear.
Magnesium stores about 10 times as much energy as hydrogen.
THE battle for a billion-dollar contract to supply navy helicopters has turned nasty, with one of the two bidders accusing Defence of giving the rival company preferential treatment.Australian Aerospace, a...
On Wikileaks (VII): Take Up the Wikileaks Challenge with Pride and Honor By Arthur Silber *Three False Criticisms of Wikileaks, and the Rush to Irrelevance and Error* Three interconnected criticisms of Wi...
Why would a young Canadian woman fake cancer and cancer treatments?
On July 12 the remains of an 18th-century ship were found buried 20 feet below street level at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. The question is -- how did they get there? Nobody knows ...
Scientists working on a breath test to detect cancer said they were now able to identify different types of the disease.
Monopoly Money and the International Banking Cartel By Damon Vrabel Council on Renewal The Federal Reserve has been at the top of the news for a long time and it’s getting a lot of attention now as it app...
Air Chief Marshall, Pakistan Air Force (PAF), Rao Qamar Suleman has refused to attend the dinner party hosted by Hussain Haqqani in which more than 300 dignitaries were expected to attend the party. Accord...
Apple has filed a patent on a "smart bicycle" and has also signed an exclusive contract with a company that has developed a liquid metal alloy.
By measuring the size of poop pellets from these diminutive mammals, scientists reconstruct rainfall levels from years past.
In a symbolic and historical event, Pakistan airmen flew six F-16Bs and 100 aircrew, maintenance and support members more than 7,700 miles from Pakistan to participate in their first Red Flag and Green Fla...
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Aug. 10 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Kuwait of 209 MIM-104E PATRIOT Guidance Enhanced Missile-T (GEM-T) Missiles for an estimated cost of...
The UK is to send two extra RAF Tornado jets to support soldiers on the ground in Afghanistan, Defence Secretary Liam Fox has said while visiting troops.Dr Fox insisted real progress was being made in the ...
Brain electrodes coupled with imagery can identify who is planning at attack on what city, when and how.
There's theories flying around indicating the recent solar storms may be responsible for the Russian wildfires. This is incorrect, but there are situations when intense solar activity could spark a fire or...
Last week I snagged a seat for a fun event called "Out of This World: The Science of Space Movies" in LA where the science in sci-fi was tested to its limits.
Gaza flotilla video mashup. Lyrics. .
Blogs of Note
August 14, 2010
August 13, 2010
August 12, 2010
August 11, 2010