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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

25 Aug - Quick Picks / Articles

PROOOOM 074Image by NICK LINK aka FULL MAG via Flickr

Post-recession report: Looking at the past tells us there is reason to worry

A new report by CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan warns that if past recessions are any guide, between 750,000 and 1.8 million more Canadians will be counted as poor before recovery is complete.

Click here to read the full report.

Truth, Lies, Reality

Laura Knight Jadczyk / SoTT
The line demarcating that which is true from that which is not didn't appear in our own civilization overnight; rather, it developed gradually in Western philosophical thought. The issues of truth and falsehood have occupied many eminent thinkers and until postmodernism was thrust upon us by pathological thinking, truth and falsehood were, at least in theory, understood?

With postmodernism holding sway over our culture, the idea that no boundaries exist between 'real' and 'unreal' penetrates our lives in a way that is unhealthy and unwholesome. There are many contrasts in our symbolic/moral universes (our personal, mutual and collective realities), some of them more profound than others so that the effect of postmodernism on our thinking can produce greater or lesser stress in our lives depending on where and how it is applied. A few of these contrasts are things like black vs. white, day vs. night, sea vs. land, mountains vs. valley, moving into abstract contrasts like good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, justice vs. injustice, and, of course, truth vs. lies.

The view that anything goes, that everything is a real, but different, version of reality has led to a form of cultural schizophrenia from which we must emerge if we are to survive in a world that is changing as rapidly as ours. History plays a big part in this schizophrenic reality. There are a great many versions of reality and numerous narratives that have some sort of value, but then we come to the challenge of examining everything and determining which is morally, or more importantly, empirically correct.

As the brain interacts with its environment, synaptic circuits combine to form synaptic maps of the world perceived by the senses. These maps describe small segments of that world - shape, color, movement - and these maps are scattered throughout the brain. As the brain's synaptic network evolves, beginning at birth - or even before - these maps process information simultaneously and in parallel.

Based on our synaptic maps of the world, we are enabled to have a more or less objective view of reality.

There is a striking similarity between life and thought. Just as there are more potential life forms than the planet can hold, there are more potential ideas than our minds can possibly absorb and remember.

Just as evolutionary natural selection may generate change by choosing from among the many potential forms of life, so may thought be able to generate evolutionary change by choosing among many potential thoughts.

The master evolutionary mechanism is found in the wave function of the universe. The observer guides the selection from an infinite number of potential arrangements that the universe may assume from moment to moment.
Many individuals have decided that this Quantum Uncertainty means that you can "create your own reality" by what you believe, or depending upon what you give your attention to. This is a popular idea among many New Age types, and is actually the foundation of most religions whether they realize it or not. Let's have a look at what can be done with a little twist of scientific knowledge:

Declassified : Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed

Spying on Free Speech Nearly At Cold War Level

The ACLU said that the old political spying tendencies are running high again. Individuals and groups are being monitored and harassed for "little more than peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights."

Tariq Aziz: 'Britain and the US killed Iraq. I wish I was martyred'

 WMD an illusion was to deter Iran, says former minister 
• Nostalgia for Saddam Hussein rule – but he calls on US to stay

“Hit Squads” Meant To “Liquidate” Taliban Leaders Killing Everyone But…

One might ask how America manages to consistently “get it wrong” when hunting the Taliban, why so many schools, hospitals, Mosques, funerals and wedding parties are attacked and how the Taliban manages to move thousands of fighters around the country openly in truck convoys with total impunity.
The answer is simple, when you talk to liars, you hear lies.
American special operations groups are the laughing stock of Afghanistan. They dart from one end of the country to the other, protecting drug shipments, settling personal grudges and working as enforcers for warlords, perhaps unknowingly or are we sure? With $65 billion dollars in opium/heroin revenue floating around, can anyone be trusted?

As egg producers consolidate, problems of just one company can be far-reaching

Just 192 large egg companies own about 95 percent of laying hens in this country, down from 2,500 in 1987, according to United Egg Producers, an industry group. Most of those producers are concentrated in five states: Iowa, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and California.

Arctic research station site chosen

Nunavut community of Cambridge Bay beats out Resolute Bay, Pond Inlet

drink a glass or two of water before meals, as that’s the best way to curb appetite and shed those pounds

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