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IPS - Inter Press Services
- HEALTH-INDIA: Infant Deaths Cast Doubt on Vaccinat ...The deaths of four infants during a recent vaccination drive in Lucknow, capital of northern Uttar Pradesh state, has raised questions about the Indian government's plan to introduce five-in-one vaccines in a countrywide immunisation programme.
- HEALTH-INDIA: Infant Deaths Cast Doubt on Vaccinat ...The deaths of four infants during a recent vaccination drive in Lucknow, capital of northern Uttar Pradesh state, has raised questions about the Indian government's plan to introduce five-in-one vaccines in a countrywide immunisation programme.
- SOUTH-EAST ASIA: China Flexes Hydropower MuscleAfter all the turbines in the Xiaowan hydropower station sputtered to life this week in China's south-west Yunnan province, the Asian giant was able to lay claim to having the world's largest hydropower capacity.
- INDIA: Activists Use Legal Weapons to Stop Thermal ...Green activists have various ways of pushing their causes, from enlisting movie stars to launching protests, but India's campaigners have also been quietly using legal weapons to try to get the projects they oppose, such as thermal plants, stopped or reversed.
- SOUTH AFRICA: Public Health Strained by Nurses' St ...Striking health workers have continued their work stoppage despite accusations that it endangers patients' lives. They are part of a nationwide strike by public sector workers that has some observers concerned that rising wage demands could harm South Africa's economy.
Scoop - NZ
- Fairfax to charge for online contentAustralian publishing giant Fairfax Media Friday indicated it would begin charging for online content in the increasingly cut-throat newspaper environment as it reported a return to profit. Fairfax said its digital network audience had grown 18 percent over the past year and it now had 30 million u ...
- Dean Baker: When Wall Street Rules ..The middle class is getting whacked by the Great Recession. Fifteen million people are out of work, another 9 million workers can only find part-time jobs, and millions more have given up looking for work altogether. Those lucky enough to be employed are unlikely to see any substantial wage gains fo ...
- US Fed sends global markets reelingWall Street and Western bourses have until now brushed aside worries that recovery in the US, Japan and southern Europe may be stalling - as have commodity markets - betting the lords of finance will come to the rescue with more liquidity if needed. Equity investors learned this week that they had m ...
- Mass Assassinations Lie at the Heart of America's ...Greatly expanded U.S. military Special Ops teams, U.S. drone strikes and private espionage networks run by former CIA assassins create a threat to our security. ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Climate change: time for a parliamentary rematchNEW ZEALAND recently did what Australia failed to do (also recently): roll out an economy-wide emission trading system. As a scheme designed by a government of the left, and amended by a conservative one, the framework bore a close resemblance to Australia's scheme and was subject to many of the sam ...
Independent - London
- Downgrade in US growth forecast sparks recovery fe ...Fears remained over a slowdown in the global recovery today after a downgrade in US economic growth overshadowed a more upbeat set of figures in the UK.
- Trapped Chilean miners filmed singing national ant ...The first video released of the 33 men trapped deep in a Chilean copper mine shows the men stripped to the waist and appearing slim but healthy, arm-in-arm, singing the national anthem and yelling "long live Chile, and long live the miners!".
- Saudi couple hammer 24 nails into their Sri Lankan ...A Saudi couple tortured their Sri Lankan maid after she complained of a heavy workload by hammering 24 nails into her hands, legs and forehead.
- Turkmenistan dictator's golden statue is toppledA prominent golden statue of Turkmenistan's former dictator has been taken down, further eroding the personality cult around the late leader.
- US jobless claims fall, but labour market stays we ...A better than feared report on US jobless claims sparked a rare bout of optimism about the American economy yesterday, though underlying data continued to underscore the weak state of the labour market.
Rogue Government.com
- Computers That Read Minds Being Developed By Inte ...
- Japan Develops Touchable 3D TV Technology A Japanese research team said Thursday it had developed the world's first 3D television system that allows users to touch, pinch or poke images floating in front of them.
- Key Karzai Aide in Corruption Inquiry Is Linked t ...The aide to President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan at the center of a politically sensitive corruption investigation is being paid by the Central Intelligence Agency , according to Afghan and American officials.
- Russia orders £2000 inflatable copie ...The purchase has drawn sharp criticism from military analysts, who say the Kremlin should be spending its oil wealth on buying real military hardware rather than rubber copies.
- Dozens killed in series of bomb attacks in Iraq A suicide car bomber killed at least 26 people and wounded 87 in an attack on a police station in the southern city of Kut.
Innovation Canada
- Playing with fireAs one of the world’s most powerful natural forces, fire holds many different meanings to everyone. To some, it’s an instrument of destruction — and a cause for worry. For others, it means warmth during chilly weather, or just a way to roast marshmallows. But for George Hadjisophocleous, a Carleton ...
- Painless parentingTaking a child to the emergency room or to get a routine immunization is an experience most parents dread. Instinctively, they seek to soothe their children by telling them that everything will turn out fine. But Dalhousie University researchers Meghan McMurtry and Christine Chambers have some surpr ...
- Barcoding lifeBiologist Paul Hebert couldn’t believe his eyes when a colleague found a species of moth native to Mexico fluttering over the tundra at the fringes of Hudson Bay in Churchill, Man., one summer day in 2006. The huge black witch moth with a 20-centimetre wingspan had never before been found that far n ...
- Building smarts
- Send in the bacteriaThe video clip is the stuff of science fiction: a swarm of 5,000 bacteria lift microscopic epoxy bricks and assemble them one by one to form a pyramid, as if they were building a tower of blocks. A computer directs their movement by controlling magnetic fields.But for Sylvain Martel and his team of ...
Signs of the times
- New antibiotics developed from frog skinThe fight against Superbugs has taken a leap forward thanks to the discovery that powerful new antibiotics could come from frogs. Scientists have long known that the skin of frogs contains plenty of powerful germ-fighting substances because of the hostile environments they exist in. But the subst ...
- UN rights body begins questioning Turkish Gaza flo ...Israel has refused to cooperate with the panel, set up by the UN's Human Rights Council, saying it is made redundant by a panel set up by the UN chief. An official statement said the 3-person investigative team was now in Turkey, under whose flag the vessel was registered, after hearing other witne ...
- Stargazers discover seven-planet systemAstronomers have found a new planetary system with as many as seven planets orbiting a sun-like star - 127 light years from Earth. If confirmed, the discovery by a European team, led by Christophe Lovis from Geneva University, represents "the richest" system of exo-planets - planets outside our o ...
- The Fight Over Net Neutrality Goes to the Inner Ci ...It's not often that the faces behind the federal government show up at places like South High School in the Corcoran neighborhood of Minneapolis, one of the city's poorest and most racially diverse sections. Especially to talk about the Internet, of all things. But this is where the Federal Communic ...
- Kepler space telescope finds pair of distant plane ...Two planets slightly smaller than Saturn have been discovered orbiting a distant star, a first for NASA's Kepler space telescope, whose mission is to look for signs of planets passing in front of stars, the space agency said Thursday. This is "the first discovery of multiple planets orbiting the sa ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Yes!See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor .
- Looks like Stevie . . .
- The Kory and Steve showComing soon to every television in the country. Now go read Impolitical , Sister Sage and Montreal Simon .
- Screwing our veterans since 2006On the list of recently fired Veterans Ombudsman Col. Pat Stogran’s complaints was Ottawa’s decision to institute lump sum payments for injured soldiers. FAIR : "For almost a century prior to April 2006, Canada honoured the non-fatal sacrifices suffered by our men and women in uniform with a lifelo ...
- Here's your new and improved Harper Defence procur ...In action . The multibillion-dollar plan to buy new armoured vehicles for the military, which the federal government launched with much fanfare last year, has already run into a roadblock, with every vehicle offered now being rejected by Public Works and the Defence Department. Ugly. Especially f ...
Media Matters for America
- Right-wing attacks Obama for drilling job losses ...Right-wing media are falsely claiming that Obama "deliberately wrote off" 23,000 workers "in pursuit of its junk science-based [oil] drilling moratorium."� In fact, as The New York Times reports, the predicted job losses due to the moratorium have "failed to materialize." Right-wing media: Obama ...
- Nothing to see here: Right-wing media dismiss not ...In recent days, right-wing media have dismissed the idea of a nationwide "Islamophobia." In fact, there has been a well-documented trend of "Islamophobia" throughout the country in the wake of the right wing's extreme anti-Muslim rhetoric over the planned Islamic community center in Manhattan. ...
- Self-proclaimed civil rights leader Glenn Beck's ...Glenn Beck's attempts to "reclaim the civil rights movement" and "pick up Martin Luther King's dream" ring hollow when contrasted with the radio and TV host's long record of racially-charged, offensive rhetoric. Attacks on "racist" President Obama Beck: Obama is a "racist" with a "deep-seated ...
- "American miracle": Beck's outrageous predictions ...Glenn Beck has described his August 28 Restoring Honor rally with outrageous hyperbole, calling it everything from "an American miracle" to a "defibrillator to the heart of America." Beck has also claimed that with the rally, he and his audience will be able to "reclaim" the "distorted" civil right ...
- Hannity distorts Rauf's words to fearmonger about ...On his Fox News show, Sean Hannity repeatedly distorted Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's words to say that Rauf "scares" him by "wanting America to be Sharia compliant." In fact, Rauf has actually said that the current American political system, including the Constitution and the Declaration of Independenc ...
Global Research.ca
- THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS. New Book from Global ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- "THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS": New Book from Global ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Why Are Home Sales Plummeting in America? Huge Wav ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- South Africa wants to join BRICFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- U.S. Troops Fire On Thousands Of Protesters Outsid ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Become a Deficit Hawk: You Can Be Offensive, Sexis ...Most people try to be respectful of those around them. They also try to be informed and intelligent about the world. This requires some effort, but most of us consider the rewards to be worth the effort. Of course some people don't make the effort. For these people, there is an alternative route ...
- The Anatomy of IntoleranceConnect the dots: Many Americans (and politicians who the polls) don't want a mosque at Manhattan's Ground Zero. An increasing percent believe the President is a Muslim. Most Americans approve of Arizona's new law allowing police to stop anyone who looks Hispanic and demand proof of citizen ...
- Tweak ThisCrazy Al sure is funny. Steny Hoyer, Chris Van Hollen, Erskine Bowles, Brad Woodhouse, and President Barack Obama, not as funny. But they all have expressed an intention to cut Social Security benefits. Woodhouse, communications director for the Democratic National Committee, says the program nee ...
- The Silence Of the Democrats (And Ron Paul's Stra ...According to TPM , the following Democrats have come out publicly in favor of building the Islamic center in Lower Manhattan: Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), candidate for Senate Alexi Giannoulias (D-IL), candidate for Senate Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) Sen. Ru ...
- A guide to the Australian election for non-Austral ...I have already been asked by email what the Australian election result means and what will result from it. At this point I do not know - and frankly nor does anybody else. However I hope - and removing my politics from this - to give a quick handbook for someone with almost no knowledge of Austral ...
- Fighting Corporate Concentration in AgricultureToday, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Agriculture convene their fourth public hearing on corporate concentration in U.S. agricultural markets. Farmers and ranchers are expected to crowd Fort Collins, Colorado to air their long-standing grievances about the disproportionate power of multinationa ...
- Rachel Maddow: Radio Fills Crucial Role in New Orl ...Rachel Maddow replays some of the calls to WWL (New Orleans) radio, following Hurricane Katrina and talks with Garland Robinette about how the station became a community service source during the national emergency. read more
- In New York Times Matt Bai Attacks Social SecurityIn August 26th’s New York Times, One Liberal Voice Dares to Say, Cut the Budget , by Matt Bai. Bai's piece frames the federal debt as almost entirely the fault of Social Security, with cutting Social Security the only real way to fix the problem. read more
- Ten Candidates File Suit as 'Massive Improprieties ...While barreling westward across the Great Plains yesterday, I received an urgent text message from Bev Harris of the non-partisan election integrity watchdog organization BlackBoxVoting.org . She and Susan Pynchon, an election integrity advocate from Florida Fair Elections Coalition , had traveled t ...
- Broadband Needs Truth in LabelingThe Federal Communications Commission recently released a technical paper confirming what most technology insiders – and many movie fans who have tried to stream a high-definition Netflix trilogy at 8 o’clock at night — have long suspected. Actual download speeds on broadband connections in America ...
- El Niños Growing StrongerScientists have detected a new type of El Niño that is forming in the warmer waters of the central-equatorial Pacific Ocean, causing the El Niños to become more common and stronger. Researchers found that the intensity of El Niños has nearly doubled in the central Pacific. The research, conducted ...
- Ice Age Melting Caused by CO2 ReleaseA recent study has shown that a large release of CO2 could in fact speed up the melting following an ice age. Authored by Tom Guilderson from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, the study used radiocarbon dating to trace the pathway of carbon dioxide ...
- Scottish Scientists Make Biofuel from WhiskeyGiving “belly up to the bar” a whole new meaning… Bad puns aside, Scottish scientists recently announced a method for converting whiskey-making byproducts into biofuel (no bottled whiskey is harmed in the making of this fuel). Using samples from the Glenkinchie Distillery, researchers at the Biofue ...
- Pesticides and ADHD (cartoon)From Grist: More research linking pesticide exposure to ADHD in kids Follow all of Mean Joe Green’s environmental cartoons on JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons.
- Will Wind and Solar Power the PlanetContinuous research and development could soon see wind and solar dominate energy production, according to Nobel laureate Walter Kohn, Ph.D. Speaking at a symposium at the American Chemical Society’s 240’th National Meeting, Kohn said that he believed that with continuous research and development of ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Bay Watchphoto credit: Wing The following are a few stories of interest tracking the latest developments in w
- Public Meeting Friday - President Obama's America' ...From our friends at the Harpeth River Watershed Association YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED TO PROTECT Tennesse
- EPA OKs mine cleanup in San Luis ValleyA cleanup of the abandoned Pennsylvania Mine along Peru Creek has been stymied by Clean Water Act li
- Lake Winnipeg, the Ottawa River and B.C. Forest Fi ...Here is a terrific article by Tom Axworthy, the CEO of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, that
- End of season nitrate test examines nitrogen use i ...Bill Meyer DYERSVILLE — The end-of-season cornstalk nitrate test measures how well corn plants have
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Ramadan Force-Feeding, and Renewed Secrecy Surroun ...by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 25 August, 2010 Image
- Five Years and Still Drowning - The New Orleans CN ...by Greg Palast Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.gregpalast.com 24 August, 2010 Image via Wikipedi
- Taking the computer into the shop todayphoto by Dandelion Salad Finally, I’m going to take the old computer into the shop today. Â Hop
- Energy Sacrifice Zones by Rand Cliffordby Rand Clifford Featured Writer Dandelion Salad August 23, 2010 The concept is an old one. The amou
- Another Swing and a Miss for Congress by Walter Br ...by Walter Brasch Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.walterbrasch.com August 23, 2010 A federal gran
Axis of Logic
- Google takes on Skype - World NewsHUA HIN, Thailand - Google is to offer the ability to make phone calls over the Internet via the company's Gmail services, setting up Skype as the latest target in the search giant's efforts to achieve total internet domination. Google software engineers touted ...
- Holocaust denier death, Mossad linked - Crime and ...American writer JP Bellinger dose not rule out the the involvement of Israeli spy agency, Mossad, in the tragic death of a Polish historian, who was researching on the Holocaust. Dariusz Ratajczak, a former professor at the University of Opole, was found dead in a car parked near a sh ...
- SEP 2010 Australian election campaign wins powerfu ...24 August 2010 The socialist and internationalist program advanced by the SEP in the 2010 Australian federal election has won a powerful response from significant layers of workers and young people throughout the country. Emails, inquiries, expressions of support and applications to join the part ...
- US to spend $1.3 billion on Afghanistan bases - Wo ...24 August 2010 The Pentagon is embarking on a major base construction effort in Afghanistan even as Obama administration and military officials are making it clear that the US “surge” will last well past the July 11 deadline for beginning a drawdown of US troops. The Washington Post reported Mon ...
- Pakistan orders nearly half a million to evacuate ...Editor's Note: Compounding the�misery of�the floods, the people of Pakistan have to deal�with�the US State Department�exploiting the tragedy to advance their militarist goals in the region. - LMB Thatta, Pakistan (AFP) Aug 27, 2010 Flood-ravaged Pakistan ordered nearly half a million peo ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Turn Off Fox - EverywhereWe all bite our tongues when we find Fox blaring its lies to the world in the airport, the doctor's office, the gym and everywhere else. We don't want to start a fight, but we are being assaulted and should make it stop. The great thing about this campaign is it actually gives you the tools you need ...
- Another monstrous act by the Worst. American. Ever ...Jimmy Carter is headed home from North Korea, and he has Aijalon Mahli Gomes with him . Gomes, 31, an English teacher in South Korea, had breen held since January by North Korean authorities for illegally crossing the border between North Korea and China. He was found guilty of the charge in April a ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapThe fright-wing won't be happy until blood is spilled and deaths start mounting "In the latest in a spate of anti-Muslim incidents over the last two days, an intoxicated man entered a mosque in Queens on Wednesday evening and proceeded to urinate on prayer rugs, New York police officials said. ... T ...
- Shut Up, Little Person, and ObeyThe effectiveness of the tools the Wealthy and Powerful use to keep the peasants in line wax and wane with authoritarianism itself. �So it does not bode well that we see at least three new tools on display, ranging from the insulting to the embarrassing to the horrifically painful. First, Digby on P ...
- Quote of the DaySteve M.: Give a teabagger a gun, two bullets, and a locked room containing bin Laden, KSM, and Nancy Pelosi, and the teabagger will almost certainly shoot Pelosi twice.
Care 2
- Bombshell UN report leaked: 'Crimes of genocide' a ...The striking conclusion of a new draft UN report is that violence perpetrated by Rwandan President Paul Kagame's and Congolese President Laurent Kabila's forces against Hutus could constitute 'crimes of genocide.' Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Black rice is the new cancer-fighting superfood, c ...Black rice - revered in ancient China but overlooked in the West - could be the greatest 'superfoods', scientists revealed today. The cereal is low in sugar but packed with healthy fibre and plant compounds that combat heart disease and cancer,say expert. Submitted by Nancy Bridget to Health & Welln ...
- Wheat genome may help tackle food shortagesUK scientists have released draft sequences of the wheat genome, which they think could make a vital contribution to securing global food supplies. Submitted by Nancy Bridget to Green Lifestyle �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Parent Stars Can Smother PlanetsFor a planet to be habitable, one parent star seems to be a better bet than two, especially if the stars are physically very close. So concludes researchers who discovered what they believe to be the rocky remains of planets around ... Submitted by Michelle Matthews to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! ...
- First Cannibals Ate Each Other for Extra NutritionThe world's first known human cannibals ate each other to satisfy their nutritional needs, concludes a new study of the remains of cannibal feasts consumed about one million years ago. Submitted by Michelle Matthews to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Smirking Chimp
- It's not racism when we say and do racist thingsRemember how the movement to ban Muslims from gathering in Lower Manhattan is really a movement to preserve the sanctity of titty bars protect the hallowed shrine of Ground Zero, and is not – at all!- tied to Islamophobia? Yeah : Imam Abdullah Salem arrived at the Madera Islamic Center on Tuesday to ...
- If I Die in Afghanistan, Please Spare Me the Hypoc ...SOMEWHERE IN NORTHERN AFGHANISTAN--I am researching a book, a follow-up to "To Afghanistan and Back," which in 2002 became the first book published about the U.S. invasion. Accompanied by fellow cartoonists Matt Bors and Steven Cloud, I am traveling from Kunduz to Heart via Mazar-i-Sharif and Mainan ...
- Milk Cow Blues: Why the Alan Simpson Flap Won't G ...Alan Simpson said he's sorry, but it's not enough. The calls for his resignation will continue - and not because of "political correctness" or his use of the word "tit," as some of his apologists have suggested. They'll continue because he's uninformed about Social Security, ideologically biased, ...
- Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, How Washington Rulesfrom TomDispatch The Unmaking of a Company Man: An Education Begun in the Shadow of the Brandenburg Gate By Andrew Bacevich Worldly ambition inhibits true learning. Ask me. I know. A young man in a hurry is nearly uneducable: He knows what he wants and where he’s headed; when it comes to looking b ...
- Peculiar PosnerAt first glance, I thought my eyes were deceiving me. Here's a complaint letter to the editor published in The New York Times, from a man representing the highly controversial brother of Afghanistan's president Karzai---and the letter-writer's name is Gerald Posner. Gerald Posner? Isn't that the sa ...
Paul Krugman
- Inflation And Interest DynamicsThe short and the long of the story.
- Al, All Of The TimeBernanke, can you spare a dime?
- Ireland And Spain, RevisitedWhere's the confidence fairy when we need her/him?
- Anchors AwayAbout those inflation expectations.
- Hey, What About Trenton?I demand that my state capital be given its rightful place.
No Quarter
- The Right To Vote, The Right To An EducationRecently, the United States celebrated the 90th anniversary of women’s right to vote. That right was won by the significant efforts of a number of women, many of whom were jailed, beaten, and starved, fighting for this right. We honor them, and all that they have made possible for us 90 years late ...
- Castle Foreclosure� Speaking Kris Hudson, WSJ, re the spreading gloom of major developers walking away from commercial real estate properties in exactly the same fashion as homeowners give up paying mortgages and abandon the family castle. The story behind the tale is that the banks are weakening as the big pro ...
- Now Something DifferentFor those of us over 50 we live with the delusion that we’re still 28. But bit by bit we discover uncomfortable signs that we’re not as young as we once were. Such as? You put your pants on in the morning and you walk around in public for three hours before [...]
- “You’re Either Down, Or You’re Not!”“You’re either with us, or you’re not,” so says Dr. Wilmer Leon, a radio talk show host, about Obama and the African American community, in this article by Caroline May in The Daily Caller, “African-American Leaders And Intellectuals Express Dissatisfaction With President Obama.” Oopsie daisy – soun ...
- President Snookie?I guess the worm is turning. When you become a target of Letterman, you’re golden glow is fading: So, what next for Obama? Getting a reality TV show? Could be called the West Wing. Now there’s a thought.
Environmental Graffiti
- The Psychiatric Impact of PolygamyPolygamy is thought by many to be bizarre, sinful and/or abusive to women and children. However, one can learn a lot from studying it... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Iron Men of Crosby BeachThey're not nudist beach-goers; they are the Iron Men. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Kettlebells: The 300 Year Old Weightlifting Craze ...If you're looking for a way to move your workout outdoors, get acquainted with kettlebells. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Progeria: When Children Look Like the ElderlyProgeria is a rare genetic disorder that makes children look like the elderly - and few of these children live past their teenage years... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Homeschooling in Polygamous CommunitiesSome cults practice homeschooling – but that doesn't mean all homeschoolers are in a cult! read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Does the Right Really Believe That the Left Suppor ...Some conservatives insist that progressives support jihad.
- Interview with Andrew BacevichU.S. military intervention is counter-productive to U.S. national interests, argues the best-selling author and professor of international relations.
- Review: Washington RulesArmy-officer-turned professor Andrew Bacevich makes the realist case against American expansionism.
- The Shameless Cynicism of Zeroing in on the Ground ...Attacking Cordoba House, the Ground Zero Islamic Center, may sabotage U.S. national security.
- Can We Talk?There's a debate over the proposed mosque on ground zero. But as it turns out, it's not a mosque, not on ground zero -- and not really a debate.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- One million flee south PakistanDisplaced residents of Sindh province evacuate homes as floods sweep southward.
- Scientists 'crack wheat gene code'Breakthrough could improve crop yields currently under threat from climate change.
- India-China ties hit by visa rowIndia suspends defence exchanges after China denies visa to Kashmir general, reports say.
- UN panel attacks French Roma actionAnti-racism panel says France should integrate Roma rather than deport them to Romania.
- Somali fighters attack capitalAl-Shabab sends 11 truckloads of armed fighters to Mogadishu after declaring final war.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Chevron Remains Committed to Deepwater DrillingA top company executive says that it expects little long-term impact from the moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
- A Newspaper Apologizes to United Nations' Climate ...Britain's Sunday Telegraph newspaper retracts a story accusing Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, of potential financial conflicts of interest.
- On Our Radar: A Fire TornadoA rare fire tornado whips through the Brazilian city of Aracatuba.
- A Public Composting Toilet in New York CityA tennis association is raising money to design a carbon neutral restroom complex with composting toilets in Riverside Park.
- San Francisco Shares Its Long List of Green Vendor ...A city Web site lists more than 1,000 products that meet strict standards for products that do not emit greenhouse gases. San Francisco hopes to help other government buyers save time in their search for green vendors.
Dot Earth News
- On Harvard Misconduct, Climate Research and TrustCan climate science be trusted? Yes.
- A Newspaper Apologizes to Leader of Climate PanelA British newspaper that attacked the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has pulled its story and apologized.
- Smuggler Caught With Real Cub Amid Toy TigersAmid a stash of stuffed tiger toys, baggage screeners in Bangkok's airport find a surprise.
- A Challenge to Bill Gates on Energy ResearchAn energy and development specialist says mass deployment of non-polluting energy technology beats a focus on research.
- From Climate Science to Climate Activism - The Seq ...A NASA climate scientist explains why he became a law-defying activist.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- California rolls out heat cannon torture weapon Ac ...Oh Shit!!! Let's explain how the mass torture weapon deployment rollout program works in the global scientific dictatorship. First the weapons are used on brown people in the field by the military, then on military prisoners, then on domestic prisoners. Then on protesters, then on random people. Thi ...
- Kanye West Masonic/Egyptian "Power"; Viktor Bout's ..."In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake, the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens, into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had the ...
- Barclays Bank: The design of criminal banking oper ...Crossposted - Barclays Bank Forfeits $298 Million for Aiding Rogue Nations 18 August 2010 Court filings: http://cryptome.org/0002/barclays/usa-v-barclays.htm Barclays Bank Forfeits $298 Million for Aiding Rogue Nations http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2010/August/10-crm-933.html Department of Ju ...
- LinkBatch for August 19th 2010: In-Q-Tel CIA front ...Let's start with the FDA's plan to kill everyone: Junk food-addicted rats chose to starve themselves rather than eat healthy food . Kind of amazed that the Iraq 'combat mission' officially ended, as this seven-year epic dominated my college experience & well basically shaped a whole era. But did FOX ...
- Big Brother GPS tracking nets Epic Dissent from 9t ...There is something creepy and un-American about such clandestine and underhanded behavior. To those of us who have lived under a totalitarian regime, there is an eerie feeling of déjà vu. This case, if any, deserves the comprehensive, mature and diverse consideration that an en banc panel can provid ...
Daily Censored
- California Community Colleges decide not to fornic ...The California Community College System decides it will not fornicate with for-profit Kaplan University Kaplan, the for-profit predatory college whose name keeps popping up when one looks at fraud, misrepresentation, larceny of Title IV funds, theft of student funds, recruitment practices that only ...
- Wikileaks CIA Release – Say What?Michael Collins Wikileaks offered its first release since the controversial distribution of documents related to the United States effort in Afghanistan. The current leak was posted to their web site on August 25. It is titled CIA Red Cell Memorandum on United States “exporting terrorism”, 2 Feb 201 ...
- Everything is for sale!From the Chronicle of Higher Education: August 22, 2010 Donor Pledges Dollars if Stephens College Workers Lose Pounds By Ilana Kowarski A Stephens College alumna has promised to give her alma mater $1-million, with one weighty condition: Employees of the women’s college in Columbia, Mo., must lose a ...
- Detroit: We Will Defend Public Education! We Wil ... Defend Public Education / Save Our Students met on Friday as scheduled. First we heard reports from the various schools represented. We heard about the many teachers who have not received letters rescinding their layoffs and returning them to their schools. We heard about Teach for Ame ...
- Our Next $680 Billion Dollar Bail-OutAND, they don’t even need it. Yesterday I wrote about how the top 2-5% are stealing your money and your jobs.  Today Paul Krugman discussed the new $680 billion bail out that the Republicans are about to push through again. If you do not want to write a $3,000,000 check to the 120,000 people in ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Reddit Won’t Run Any Display Ad ...
- Egg Recall: Salmonella Found In Feed At Two Iowa E ...
- NYC cabbie-slash suspect is taken to psych ward
- Under attack, Obama holds cards on Afghan pullout ...
- REPORT: Conservative Groups Gearing Up To Spend $4 ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- Is Mosque Hysteria Being Ginned Up to Bolster Supp ...The right-wing mobilization at the core of the Islamic center controversy is about rebuilding political support for the 'global war on terror.'
- Pew Shows Younger People More Accepting of 'Ground ...A Pew study shows yet another example of how young people are trending more liberal. Now if they could just get their facts straight.
- Can We Talk?There's a debate over the proposed mosque on ground zero. But as it turns out, it's not a mosque, not on ground zero -- and not really a debate.
- Waging Peace from Afar: Divestment and Israeli Occ ...A growing grassroots movement is using the techniques of the anti-apartheid movement to challenge U.S. support for Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories.
- Rotten Egg FarmingDirt-cheap protein is a fine ideal that it isn't worth risking our lives.
Equality Trust
- Sign up to our email newsletterDon't forget to sign up to our email newsletter to receive quarterly updates about our work and next week's response from Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett to questions about the Spirit Level analysis.
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently spend ...
- Excessive pay and bonuses in public sector under s ...Daily Telegraph reports on bold moves in the public sector . But what about the private sector which originated the "crazy" bonus system and still leads the way on excessive top pay...?
- Splendid: government targets second homesAs reported in today's Daily Telegraph , proposed hike in capital gains tax aims to part-fund increase in tax allowances for those on lower incomes. David Cameron describes second homes as "not .... necessarily splendid" for the economy.
- What is your 12 week plan?10 weeks. That’s all the time we have left until the November 2 midterm elections. There’s a lot at stake. Democrats could lose the majority in the House. Tea Partiers stand poised to take over Democratic ...
- Disappointed hopes for Florida Democratic primaryAlthough our volunteers worked tirelessly for their campaigns, progressive congressional candidates Marleine Bastien and Doug Tudor were unsuccessful in their primary attempts yesterday. We thank every PDA member who helped out by ...
- Video: War On PrayerWe believe it is time to shine light on the hypocrisy of politicians and pundits who expound on the freedom of religion for their chosen sects while seeking to tell our Muslim brothers and sisters ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 8/13/10 – 8/20/10It’s time to focus all our attentions to Florida as two of our nationally endorsed candidates Doug Tudor (FL-12) and Marleine ...
- We need your help!Let’s give voters a reason to go to the polls! Dear Friend, On August 24, two of PDA’s endorsed candidates are facing primary elections. Each of these candidates represents PDA’s core values and embraces PDA’s positions. And ...
Marler Blog
- Egg Salmonella Enteriditis Outbreak and Smoking Gu ...When lawyers talk about “the smoking gun,” we are usually talking documents, not finding genetically matching Salmonella Enteriditis samples at Wright County Egg and in its chicken feed – but that will work too. So, where are we? The FDA and Wright County Egg Recall number is still 550,000,000, wh ...
- Jeff Farrar, DVM, PhD, MPH (and his team) at FDA f ...Rodent feces are the usual source Test results from environmental samples at Wright County Egg - one of two related companies believed to have supplied Salmonella - contaminated eggs now under nationwide recall - showed strains of the bacteria with the same DNA fingerprint seen in clinical isolates ...
- Judge Approves Settlement of Peanut Corporation Sa ...According to press reports, late yesterday afternoon a federal judge recommended approval of a $12 million settlement for those sickened or killed in last year's salmonella outbreak tied to a Virginia-based peanut processor. �This includes nearly 50 families represented by Marler Clark. � U.S. Magi ...
- House to Call Wright Salmonella Egg Man to TestifyJust off the wire from AP: A House Energy and Commerce subcommittee will hold a hearing on the recall Sep 14. They are inviting Austin "Jack" DeCoster, the head of Wright County Egg, and Orland Bethel, the head of Hillandale Farms. The two farms have recalled more than 550 million eggs after they w ...
- Third Salmonella Egg Lawsuit Filed and Request to ...It has been a busy morning in the food safety business. �I was supposed to do a live interview via TV on CNN, but missed the 5:25 ferry to Seattle (it is actually at 5:20). �Thankfully, they let me do a phone in. �I am now off to San Francisco to visit with the Rivera family. �Linda, you might recal ...
- AutoblogGreen for 08.27.10Would a carbon tax help or hurt the auto industry? The floor is yours. EVTV Smart fortwo conversion to outdo Daimler for under $25,000 Smart ED's got competition. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 08.26.10Tesla Motors pays huge fine for lacking emissions Certificate of Conformity It's kind of like not having water for a customer's horse. Honda CR-Z returns rather disappointing 35.3 mpg during 125-mile test ...
- AutoblogGreen for 08.25.10Peel looking to reintroduce world's smallest car [w/video] A limited run of just 50 will be made. Well-to-wheel emissions of plug-in-hybrids will be all over the map Coal and natural gas are ...
- AutoblogGreen for 08.24.10Demand for gas drops .03% for July, while overall petroleum usage climbs 3.8% Is it the economy or what? New details emerge on BMW's 2013 Megacity vehicle Another OEM looks to the skateboard ...
- AutoblogGreen for 08.23.10Fisker's new ad: Karma is "Designed to get you hot, not the planet" Look at the curves. EV sellers will have to teach drivers to treat their car like their phone, plug it in! New habits die ...
Rafe's Radar
- CNET to the Rescue: Leave the world behindIf you're heading out of town and leaving the electronic world behind, don't forget that your e-mail contacts, Facebook friends, and Farmville plants will still be expecting to see you around online, interacting with them. Here are some tips for managing your electronic world when you step away ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Net neutralityToday we're talking about an issue that's been in the news a lot in the past few days: Net neutrality -- the concept of a network infrastructure that is nondiscriminatory when it comes to types and sources and the content of Internet traffic. To support Net neutrality is to support freedom, o ...
- CNET to the Rescue: How to look sharpWe've got an interesting topic to talk about before getting into questions today. It's how to look good in your pictures. Dating site OkCupid has aggregated 11.4 million opinions on what its members classify as "great" or otherwise attractive photos. Listen now: Download today's podcast ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Security report on Black Ha ...We sent three reporters to the dual security conferences, Black Hat and Defcon , last week in Las Vegas. Each has a different coverage area and perspective: Elinor Mills is CNET's security reporter. Declan McCullagh covers government and policy, and Seth Rosenblatt is an editor and reviewer for C ...
- CNET to the Rescue: Cleaning up the cable messToday we get wrapped up in cables. We're talking about the best ways to manager an unruly rat's nest of data and power wires into a thing of beauty and logic. With bonus rat's nest pictures from listeners--so watch the video for the full experience. Also, questions about moving from and to Andro ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- Rotten Eggs and Our Broken DemocracyWhat do a half-billion eggs have to do with democracy? The massive recall of salmonella-infected eggs, the largest egg recall in U.S. history, opens a window on the power of large corporations over not only our health, but over our government. While scores of brands have been recalled, they all ...
- Amy Goodman on CNN's John King, USA tonight at 7 p ...Democracy Now! ’s award-winning host Amy Goodman will appear on CNN’s John King, USA , on Monday, August 23rd at 7pm Eastern Time.
- WATCH: Amy Goodman on CNN's John King, USADemocracy Now! ’s award-winning host Amy Goodman appeared on CNN’s John King, USA , on Friday, August 20th at 7pm Eastern Time.
- Amy Goodman to appear tonight on CNN's _John King, ...Democracy Now! ’s award-winning host Amy Goodman will appear on CNN’s John King, USA , on Friday, August 20th at 7pm Eastern Time.
- Amy Goodman on CNN's John King, USADemocracy Now! ’s award-winning host Amy Goodman will appear on CNNâs John King, USA , on Thursday, August 19th at 7pm Eastern Time.
Farming Pathogens
- Imperial Storm ScientistsThe Red Army Faction was a communist guerilla group operating 1970-1998 in, of all places, West Germany. The RAF engaged in a variety of operations in the 1970s, including assassinations and bombings, primarily around the German government’s material support of the U.S. war in Vietnam. As depicted i ...
- Does Influenza Evolve in Multiple Tenses?The past may possess a power greater than prologue. Any one with a social networking account knows that. All of a sudden you find yourself daily interacting with people long thought boxed away. People mature, yes, but sensibilities remain largely intact and an old year, fine wine or vinegar, pours b ...
- Influenza’s Historical PresentI delivered the following speech, co-written with economic geographer Luke Bergmann, at the NIH-FAO-sponsored ‘Second International Workshop on Community-based Data Synthesis, Analysis and Modeling of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in Asia’ held in Beijing earlier this month. The speech is b ...
- The Alan Greenspan StrainFirst, a question with which few biogeographers bother. If a goodly chunk of their discipline is dedicated toward obfuscating the impact capitalism imposes on the natural world (discussed here and here), how can researchers interested in paying their bills study the crises that threaten the croupier ...
- King Leopold’s PandemicThe origins of HIV offer a great example of the ways treating human impact as an afterthought—discussed in our previous post—locks the study of pathogens into limited and oftentimes downright drunken trajectories. In 2006 Beatrice Hahn and her colleagues identified the likely source for the SIVcpz p ...
- Olbermann: Worried About Glenn Beck’s Sanity ...Olbermann Worries About Glenn Beck’s Sanity: ‘Is He OK?’ Huffington Post |Â Â Jack Mirkinson Posted: 08-26-10 12:02 PM Keith Olbermann claimed he was worried about Glenn Beck’s sanity after Beck said that he wanted to let “the spirit” speak through him at his “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln M ...
- Glenn Beck Is Not Martin Luther King Jr.Robert Greenwald Filmmaker, Brave New Films Posted: August 25, 2010 09:28 PM Aug. 28 is an important day in American history. On that day, 47 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous I Have a Dream speech at the Lincoln Memorial. His message gave voice to the voiceless and his vision p ...
- Summer of Republican Race-BaitingEarlier this year, Republican Party chairman Michael Steele admitted that the GOP has engaged in Southern Strategy politics: employing racial, anti-minority code language and fear-mongering as a means of energizing the party’s white Christian base. This is a fact. The Southern Strategy is real, thou ...
- Glenn Beck’s Racism Is An Affront To MLKR ...Glenn Beck’s Racism Is an Affront to MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Vision Despite his lame efforts to try to capitalize on the MLK legacy at an upcoming DC rally, Glenn Beck can not hide his deep seated racism. SPLC’s Hate Watch / By Alexander Zaitchik August 24, 2010 | America, the first step in [...]
- US Drone Strike Destroys House Full of Children in ...Several Civilians Among 20 Killed in US Drone Attack by Jason Ditz, Antiwar.com, August 23, 2010 The Obama Administration’s policy of escalating drone strikes took another hit today, after the explosion from a drone attack against the house of “suspected militants” in North Waziristan also destroyed ...
- The Solari Report Digest ~ New Podcast Available!Solari has produced a new free podcast—The Solari Report Digest #15. Listen to Solari Report Digest #15 The Solari Report Digest is a podcast featuring highlights from the live one-hour Solari Report briefings. In the rapidly changing political and economic landscape the Solari Report Digest pro ...
- Money & Markets Charts ~ 8.26.10View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The Solari Report on Thursday, September 2, 2010. Click here to view all charts as a pdf file. See previous Money & Markets Charts blog posts here. Currency charts ...
- Catherine on Food FreedomThe Alex Jones Show August 24, 2010 YouTube Continue viewing Part 2 and 3: Catherine Austin Fitts: We Must be Self-Sufficient 2/3 Catherine Austin Fitts: We Must be Self-Sufficient 3/3
- The Government’s New Right to Track Your Eve ...By Adam Cohen Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn’t violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own drive ...
- Labrador and Dolphin Play in The HarbourYouTube
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Glenn Beck’s MLK Dream is Perve ...We know that Glenn Beck's hijacking of MLK's iconic moment is beyond wrong. But do today's progressives embrace King's challenge to create a just economy?
- Anti-Latino Hate Crimes Seen From Baltimore to Ari ...In today's overheated immigration climate, it’s a good bet more Hispanics will be beaten, even killed, as the debate — if it can be called that — rages on.
- Colleague of NYC Taxi Driver Stabbed in Anti-Musli ...An interview with Bhairavi Desai of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, who spoke to the victim from his hospital bed.
- Muslim 9/11 Debate Is off the Mark: The Real Probl ...Here's the real point: fundamentalist religion OF ALL KINDS - Muslim, Christian, Hindu, whatever, is the enemy of peace and progress.
- Immigrants Rights Groups Reviving 1960s Civil Righ ...“The anti-immigrant movement wants to create a world where people are afraid to socialize with people who are potentially undocumented. We say no to that way of thinking.â€
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign , challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project .
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become obsol ...
Fabius Maximus
- Chronology of the rape charges against Julian Assa ...Summary: Here’s the chronology for the Wikileaks rape incident, necessary since journalists seldom can assemble data to tell a coherent story. Esp when the story suggests (nothing more than suggests) a US disinformation operation. This is a follow-up to Sad news about the CIA. Contents ...
- America plays the Apollo Option: killing from the ...Summary:  In this post by Chet Richards we look at the long-term consequences of a grand strategy relying so strongly on assassination — esp by drone aircraft. It’s an innovation likely to have powerful and unforeseen side-effects. The Greeks called Apollo ”He who strikes from afar.” He coul ...
- Slashing R&D in favor of more important things, li ...Summary: A follow-up to the previous post about Mark Hurd, seeing the face of America’s decline. Another in a series about America’s inability to make the investments in our future necessary to maintain our prosperity. A look at America’s R&D spending In 2007 we spend $406 billion, 28% of which ...
- The face of America’s declineSummary: Sometimes a news story not only makes visible an important historical trend, but puts a human face to it. Here we at Mark Hurd, until recently CEO of HP. Look and see the face of America’s economic decline. Excerpt from “The Real Reason for Ousting H.P.âs Chief“, Joe Nocera, New Yo ...
- Another perspective on the future of the Marine Co ...Summary: A guest post by Bill Woods (officer USMC, retired), a follow-up to Why a Marine Corps? by GI Wilson and  H. Thomas Hayden. Your central theme that Marine amphibious capabilities lend themselves to a wide variety of operations other than “amphibious assaults on fortified coastlines” is ...
Open Your Eyes News
- In case of attack, Iran will target Gulf states, I ...Al Bawaba – There are growing fears in the Gulf region of an imminent clash with Iran following the launch of Bushehr nuclear facility. Although Western circles downplay the importance of the facility to Iran’s efforts to develop atomic bombs, the Arab states in the Gulf region believe the potential ...
- GM salmon may go on sale in US after public consul ...The Guardian-US authorities today began the process to approve the first GM animal for human consumption. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a 60-day period of consultation and public meetings over whether to permit a GM strain of salmon to be eaten by humans, even though it has been c ...
- US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,145AP – As of Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010, at least 1,145 members of the U.S. military had died in Afghanistan as a result of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001, according to an Associated Press count Read Article
- Checkpoint attacks leave 9 dead in IraqCNN – Gunmen attacked two checkpoints manned by members of Iraq’s Awakening movement in towns north of Baghdad on Thursday, killing a local leader of the movement and seven other people, Iraqi police said. Another attack killed a police officer in Falluja, west of the capital late Thursday, police t ...
- Software Predicts Criminal BehaviorABC – New crime prediction software being rolled out in the nation’s capital should reduce not only the murder rate, but the rate of many other crimes as well. Developed by Richard Berk, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, the software is already used in Baltimore and Philadelphia to pred ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Cholera epidemic, a symptom of underdevelopment in ...Cholera epidemic, a symptom of underdevelopment in Nigeria and the Third World (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Cholera has killed 87 and infected 1,315 over the past month in Nigeria. The two northern states affected most are Bauchi and Borno. In Bauchi alone 47 are dead and 1,200 infected. Born ...
- O sekciarstwieO sekciarstwie (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (Polski) (English) „Drodzy trzecioświatowi maoiści, Wasza strona internetowa jest sekciarska. Krytykujecie tak wiele innych grup. Jak można traktować was poważnie? * Dziękujemy za twoje pytanie. Wielu liberałów bierze krytykę wobec innych grup za de ...
- A spy and the use and abuse of historyA spy and the use and abuse of history (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Poland is likely to extradite Uri Brodsky to Germany. Uri Brodsky is suspected of being part of an Israeli death squad that has recently been in the spotlight. The Israeli agent, likely a member of a Mossad hit team, was inv ...
- Israel “purchasing” advanced aircraft from U.S. fo ...Israel âpurchasingâ advanced aircraft from U.S. for Use Against Iran (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Israel is purchasing roughly 20 F-35I strike jets from the United States. Four billion dollars will be used to purchase the Lockheed Martin “Joint Strike Fighters,” along with services, parts ...
- Who and What are Trotsky-cons?
[An earlier, choppier version of this article was published in September 2006 under a slightly different title. It was removed shortly after its original publication for various reasons. The article has been cleaned up in the newer version. Parts of the article may seem dated with the passing of t ...
- China Buys Euros as Fear of World Depression GrowsThe US Treasury has just announced that China’s official holdings of U.S. Treasury securities declined by about $30 billion between April and May of this year, from about $900 billion to some $868 billion. According to the US authorities, this means that Chinese holdings of US government paper are n ...
- Even Tony Robbins Warns Of Coming Disaster – VideoTony Robbins, renowned success coach and motivational speaker shares an insight from some of the influential people he works with and why he believes a complete breakdown is underway.
- Doomsday Seed Vault: Bill Gates, Rockefeller and t ...Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t No project is more interesting at the moment than a curious project in one of the world’s most remote spots, Svalbard. Bill Gates is investing millions in a seed bank on the Barents Sea near the Arctic Ocean, some 1,100 kilometers f ...
- World Economy Collapse explained in 3 minutes – Vi ...How can broke economies lend money to other broke economies who haven't got any money because they can't pay back the money the broke economy lent to the other broke economy and shouldn't have lent it to them in the first place because the broke economy can't pay back?
- Video: Signs of the Appearance of Dajjal the Antic ...This video is based on research and analysis of the Hadith concerning The Dajjal - Antichrist. I based this video on the hadith Narrated by An-Nawwas ibn Sam'an who said: Allah's Apostle (s.a.w.s) mentioned of the Dajjal one day in the morning.. When the Prophet was Describing Dajjal, He said: "He ...
Andy Worthington
- An interview with Faraj Hassan Alsaadi (from 2007)The following interview with Faraj Hassan Alsaadi was conducted by Cageprisoners and published in August 2007, and I’m cross-posting it in memory of Faraj, who died in a motorbike accident on August 16. Imprisoned without charge or trial, or held under a control order, from May 2002 until December 2 ...
- In Memoriam: Faraj Hassan Alsaadi (1980-2010)As I sit here trying to come to terms with the death of Faraj Hassan Alsaadi, who died in a motorbike accident on August 16, it seems to me that nothing can throw us as much as an unexpected death. In Faraj’s case, it is deeply distressing that he leaves behind a wife and three [...]
- Lawlessness Haunts Omar Khadr’s Blighted War Crime ...On August 12, the US administration’s intention to proceed with the war crimes trial of Omar Khadr, a Canadian who was just 15 years old when he was seized after a firefight in Afghanistan in July 2002, was temporarily delayed when Khadr’s military lawyer, Army Lt. Col. Jon Jackson, collapsed in the ...
- Ramadan Force-Feeding, and Renewed Secrecy Surroun ...In a disturbing report in the Miami Herald, the ever-vigilant Carol Rosenberg reports that an unknown number of hunger strikers at Guantánamo are being force-fed between dusk and dawn — a mixture of cruelty (force-feeding) and respect (for Ramadan) that is sadly typical of the surreal, otherworldly ...
- Bin Laden Cook Expected to Serve Two More Years at ...On August 11, Ibrahim al-Qosi, a 51-year old former cook and driver for Osama bin Laden, was given a 14-year sentence by a military jury, after pleading guilty to one count of conspiracy, and one count of providing material support to terrorism at an earlier hearing on July 7, as I reported here. Th ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Five Years After Hurricane Katrina, Alien Rodents ...The beaver-size, wetland-eating rodents are back—but are being kept in check by a boom in trappers, a wildlife biologist says. Rodent - South America - Rat - Bradford - United States
- Hurricane Katrina Pictures: Then & Now, Ruin & Reb ...NoneHouses wiped off the map, submerged islands, and flooded cemeteries—see how sites hit by Hurricane Katrina five years ago are faring in 2010. Hurricane Katrina - Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences - Meteorology - Weather Phenomena
- "Firecane" Myth Busted—No Danger on Katrina Annive ...Flaming, oily hurricanes and "black rain" are no danger to Gulf residents on Katrina's fifth anniversary—or to anyone, anywhere, experts say. Hurricane Katrina - Tropical cyclone - Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences - Meteorology
- Spiders, Carnivorous Plants Compete for Food—A Fir ...Wolf spiders build bigger webs to catch more bugs than sundews, says the first study to show battles between the two kingdoms over prey. Carnivorous plant - Spider - Biology - Plant - Flora and Fauna
- Trapped Chile Miners Face 4-Month Mental, Physical ...Entombed until Christmas, miners in Chile can expect sanitation challenges, malnutrition, and a struggle for sanity and solidarity, experts say. Christmas - Holidays - Opinions - Chile - Religious
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Choosing a New Police Chief: No Local Ties, Please ...Do you want your town to look like The Dukes of Hazzard ? Then again, maybe New Milford has been run by Boss Hogg and Roscoe P. Coltrane for a while. If that's not your idea of how a quaint New England town should be run, then help make sure the next police chief has no local ties - political or f ...
- No titleThis summer, I read George Orwell’s paranoid dystopia novel, 1984 . I have no idea how I managed to graduate from high school, let along college, without reading it, but, there you go. (And, all literary genius aside, I’m so glad I wasn’t friends with Orwell. Somehow I doubt he was ever the life ...
- Landmark Ruling Last Week that YOU may not have he ...Zach Carter takes note of recent ruling in a case that shows pretty clearly how the banks, not just Wells Fargo BUT all banks, purposely rigged their overdraft system against you: Wells Fargo Overdraft Scam Makes Elizabeth Warren More Important Than Ever A landmark court ruling on Wells Fargo's ou ...
- Just between Bluegal and me...I'd still say Bluegal and her own blogging Wonder Woman personae wins hands down regardless of her twitter note and in almost any photoshop contest up. My effort, a much deserved kick at The Economist can be found at ePluribus Media (+++ a bit more) while Bluegal's vastly superior effort can ...
- Image of a word bombIf a picture is worth a thousand words than this one speaks volumes about where a pretty darn liberal America is right now: Though I embrace many of the progressive ideas that those who have embraced the name "progressive" espouse, I have always preferred to stick to the name liberal. For the mos ...
SPL Center
- Film Review: New Documentary on Hate RevealingWhite racial extremists are certain that “their” culture is under attack and has to be defended with guns. “If there is going to be any salvation of our culture, white European culture, violence is guaranteed because they’re not listening,” says long-time neo-Nazi and White Aryan Resistance leader T ...
- Nebraska City’s Defense of Anti- Immigrant Law May ...This coming Aug. 31, the Fremont, Neb., City Council will consider hiking property taxes to pay to defend its recently passed anti-immigrant law. Two civil rights organizations have challenged the law, saying the voter-approved ordinance amounts to discrimination. The law, which bans the housing and ...
- Wave of Hate Crimes Directed at Muslims Breaks OutA string of attacks against Muslims and their religious centers has broken out over the past few weeks, apparently inspired by the protests in New York City over the planned Muslim community center and mosque near where the 9/11 attacks took place. Leaders of those protests have repeatedly made hate ...
- Death of an Assassin: The Order’s Bruce Pierce Die ...Bruce Carroll Pierce, the gunman in the 1984 murder in Denver of Jewish talk show host Alan Berg, died Monday afternoon of natural causes. He was 56 years old and serving the 23 rd year of a 252-year sentence at the Allenwood Federal Correctional Complex in Pennsylvania. Pierce was a founding member ...
- Publishing Cesspool: James Edwards Writes a BookAfter a four-month hiatus that many hoped would be permanent ended in June 2008, James Edwardsâ hate-fueled radio show, âThe Political Cesspool,â has reestablished itself as a leading forum for neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and white supremacists. Since launching in 2004, the show â the hi ...
change: org.
- Feds Finger Feed and Barns in Salmonella OutbreakFederal investigators are scrambling to figure out the source of the salmonella that's sickened nearly 1,500 people since May. Yesterday, they cracked the egg case — well, sort of. Investigators discovered salmonella in the chicken feed and barns at Wright County Egg , one of the two egg producers r ...
- U.S. Navy Names First Woman to Commander of Carrie ...When Nora Tyson joined the Navy in 1979, women had just been permitted to begin serving on certain surface ships. Congress had just permitted the Navy to fill sea billets with women on noncombatant ships in 1978; later the year Tyson reported for duty, the first woman received the Surface Warfare Of ...
- Sprayed, Stripped and Poisoned, One Town Fights Ba ...A new photo exhibit run by the Women's Foundation of California highlights the powerful work the women of the Central Valley have done in the past decade to defend their communities from toxic neighbors. Provided by Tracy Perkins, a graduate student of the University of California at Santa Cruz, the ...
- Victory for Transgender Drivers in PennsylvaniaUntil recently, transgender drivers in Pennsylvania faced a tough plight. The Department of Transportation only allowed transgender people to mark their appropriate gender on official documents if they could prove that they had completed sex-reassignment surgery. Meaning, transgender people who had ...
- Jobs Program: Fix the Beaters on America's RoadsUsing satellites to monitor the number of vehicles parked in Walmart lots may provide marketing data, but my idea is better: zoom in on the vehicles and check their road-worthiness. Besides shiny SUVs whose owners are saving to pay for their soon-to-be raised income taxes, you'll find an alarming tr ...
Common Dreams -News
- Obama Resists Pressure for Red Line on Iran's Nucl ...by Gareth Porter WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's refusal in a White House briefing earlier this month to announce a "red line" in regard to the Iran nuclear programme represented another in a series of rebuffs of pressure from Defence Secretary Robert Gates for statement that the United St ...
- Ninth Circuit: The Government Can Use GPS to Track ...by Adam Cohen Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own dr ...
- UN Security Council Urges Justice for Congo Rape V ...UNITED NATIONS – An outraged UN Security Council called Thursday on the Democratic Republic of Congo to find and punish those behind a horrific mass rape in the war-torn east of the country. The United Nations on Monday reported that at least 179 women and children had been raped between Jul ...
- Is Fracking Even Worse Than Drilling?by William Fisher NEW YORK - With cleanup of the Gulf of Mexico barely underway, energy companies are already assuming a crouching stance in anticipation of a no-holds-barred attack by environmentalists on what the industry says is the next major breakthrough in natural resource extraction. ...
- Climate-Related Security Predictions Coming True i ...by Matthew O. Berger WASHINGTON - Analysts have been warning for several years that the impacts of climate change directly relate to the national security of the U.S. and other countries, but the link has never been so clear as it is today in northwest Pakistan. The security implications ...
- How to Run Windows, Mac, and Linux Side by Side an ...Running multiple operating systems side-by-side gives you the chance to test applications, run platform-specific software, and tons more without ever rebooting. It's also extremely cool. Here's how to run Windows, Mac, and Linux simultaneousl ...
- The Homemade AC Is at Full Throttle in This Week's ...Getting tired of the summer heat? Grab a cold one and step inside this week's open thread, where every DIY air conditioner we can find is running at full power. More��
- Use an Old CD Spindle as a DIY Parts Container [Cl ...If you're a frequent DIY er, your workspace probably gets cluttered quickly. Make magazine shows us how to repurpose old CD spindles to organize all your small parts and mount it near your workspace. More��
- Jazz Up Your Next YouTube Video with Royalty-Free ...Although we'd previously given a nod to Incompetech for their free graph paper they have a vastly more interesting collection of royalty-free music. Check out the huge selection and add some quality tunes to your next presentation or video. ...
- BitKinex Is an All-In-One WebDAV and FTP Client fo ...Windows: If you routinely work with WebDAV as a method of file transfer you're likely disappointed in the native Windows support for it. BitKinex is an all-in-one tool for FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV transfers. More��
Water Privatization
- Water Wars[image2] Get Involved The Blue Gold: World Water Wars site has a wealth of information on how to protect your watershed. Go to the tab titled “Action Plan” online. To view the film, download it from iTunes, Amazon on demand or Netflix, or ...
- Questions and Concerns Voice to McDonnell at Town ...Gov. Bob McDonnell hosted a town hall meeting in Harrisonburg Thursday night that lasted nearly two hours. Though there were moments of disagreement, overall people seemed to be happy just to have the chance to ask questions to Virginia's leader.
- Virginia to announce decision on privatization bid ...The state plans to announce the fate of three proposals to privatize operations at the Virginia Port Authority's cargo facilities within a week, ending more than a year of uncertainty and speculation, Transportation Secretary Sean T. Connaughton said Thursday.
- Letters to the editor for Aug. 27Rick Raulin: Panel members ignored will of the people on RTA vote
- Rep. Kendrick B. Meek: Victory Speech and Path For ...Hey, this is Kendrick's New Media Director, Kenneth Quinnell. Wanted to drop in after the primary victory (57%-31%, while being outspent $27 million to $3...
- Fed chief concedes growth is weaker than expectedMarkets rally as Federal Reserve chairman tells conference "the committee will use its tools as needed" to support recovery US central bank boss Ben Bernanke today vowed to step in to prop up a fragile US economic recovery if needed as he conceded growth had been weaker than the Federal Reserve had ...
- US deadline boosts Taliban – KarzaiAfghan leader echoes views of US general that naming July 2011 as withdrawal start date has invigorated insurgents The Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, has criticised American plans to start withdrawing troops from the country next summer, saying that naming the date has given the Taliban insurgency ...
- MI6 officer's family rejects sex claimsCousin says family in state of shock, as report says Gareth Williams was regular visitor to Pentagon listening post The family of a murdered British spy said today they were "deeply upset" over claims about his private life and suggested the security services may be behind a smear campaign. Gareth W ...
- Prisons minister reveals he is gayTory prisons minister Crispin Blunt asks for privacy as he 'comes to terms with homosexuality' Crispin Blunt, the Tory MP and prisons minister, has separated from his wife and is "coming to terms with his homosexuality", he has announced. Blunt said no one else was involved in the separation, and a ...
- Kenyan constitution signed into lawTens of thousands join a host of African leaders to celebrate 'birth of the second republic' See more pictures of the ceremony in Nairobi Tens of thousands of Kenyans braved the cold and rain to celebrate the signing into law of a new constitution on what the president, Mwai Kibaki, called "the mos ...
- American Airlines hit with largest fine ever over ...FORT WORTH — Federal regulators hit American Airlines with the industry's largest fine ever, saying the Fort Worth-based carrier failed to properly inspect and repair wires in the wheel wells of its MD-80 fleet in 2008.
- Obama administration eases stance on deportationsIn a new and more lenient policy, the head of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has instructed the agency's legal office to stop the deportation proceedings of foreign nationals who may now be eligible for a green card.
- Florida GOP split: McCollum refuses to endorse Ric ...TALLAHASSEE — Bill McCollum doesn't forget easily.
- The math on Alaska: 20,000 ballots still to be tal ...ANCHORAGE — The Alaska Division of Elections said Thursday that it has more than 20,000 absentee and questioned ballots left to process from Tuesday's primary election. Most are expected to be Republican primary ballots that will decide the too-close-to-call race between U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and ...
- UNC Tar Heels football program probed for 'academi ...CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The University of North Carolina's investigation into possible improprieties in its football program took another serious turn Thursday night with the announcement of possible academic misconduct.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Mea culpa and au revoirAs several readers have pointed out in comments on my previous post , and several more by e-mail, I made a schoolboy howler in this week's article about how rice yields are responding to temperature rise in Asia. There are 101 reasons I could bore you with as to why it happened, but essentially it ...
- Delivering biochar's triple winLast year, there seemed to be an unwritten rule in enviro-circles: whenever two or more enviro-folks were gathered together in a place of meeting, talk must turn to biochar . Accounts would be exchanged of articles half-read and half-digested...the pros would be arrayed against the cons...the words ...
- Noaa: The right answer to the wrong question?While listening to the latest briefing on the Gulf of Mexico oil leak , I've been wondering whether the questions being answered are the right ones. The key factoid presented by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) is that about three-quarters of the 4.9 million barrels that e ...
- An equal partnership with the land?The journal Nature this week debates one of the most important questions of our age: how can we feed the Earth's growing population such that no-one goes hungry and nature is left with some land and water of its own? Being a science journal, you'll not be surprised to hear that one of the things it ...
- Climate campaigns down the panApologies issued by two campaign groups, WWF and Oxfam , may or may not bring to a close one of the more bizarre yet telling episodes that have materialised within the UN climate convention. At the convention's annual two-week session in June in Bonn , activists removed the nameplate of the Saudi A ...
The Wonk Room
- Toomey Proud Of Deregulating Derivatives, Says He& ...This week, Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania’s Republican Senate candidate, has experienced a bit of selective amnesia regarding his often full-throated support for privatizing Social Security. However, on the campaign trail Wednesday he was not at all coy about his support for deregulating derivatives on Wa ...
- The WonkLine: August 27, 2010Welcome to The WonkLine, a daily 9:30 a.m. roundup of the latest news about health care, the economy, national security, immigration and climate policy. This is what we’re reading. Tell us what you found in the comments section below. You can also follow The Wonk Room on Twitter. Immigration ...
- Stretched Budgets Encouraging States To Hasten Hea ...California has “passed two bills that provide the mechanisms and functions of the exchange” and separate legislation to boost adverse-event reporting among hospitals, leading the way in implementation of reform. The advances come in the midst of growing budget shortfalls and increasing number of uni ...
- Is Immigration Reform The Logic Behind Lindsey Gra ...Immigration advocates and anti-immigrant zealots alike have been scratching their heads ever since Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) went from working with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on crafting an immigration reform bill to walking away from negotiations and suggesting that the 14th amendment should be ame ...
- Fox News Ignores Ken Mehlman’s Coming Out, R ...When Judge Vaughn Walker struck down Proposition 8, Fox News barely mentioned the story and its most prominent conservative commentators ignored it entirely. Yesterday, after the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder reported that former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman — who had orchestrated President Bush’s gay-bating ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Sympathy For The Devil?Okay, somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, I don't follow Canadian personalities as much as I do Miley Cyrus, but there's some half-witted shit-back named Kory Tennuckooluck or something, who wants to bring Glenn Beck to Canada so that he can fellate him and then they can both snort cocaine off of ...
- G-20 AnatomySaturday's Toronto Star had an " Anatomy of the G20 " that described the confluence of circumstances that led to the police overreacting to the Black Block rioters and curtailing the civil, political, and legal rights of hundreds of innocent people. I found the whole thing a stupid waste of time. L ...
- Toronto Election: Ford or Smitherman?Indicative of the intellectual bankruptcy of Canadian politics in general is the Toronto mayoral race where the front-runner is the shithead Toronto Sun's golden slab of rancid pork Rob Ford and the great white hope of the "liberals" is George Smitherman (who Ford rightly slammed for having presided ...
- ParadoxCanadians didn't seem to care about the state's abuse of our civil, legal, and political rights at the G-20 because it didn't really affect them directly. But why do they go along with, or even agree with the assaults on our freedoms from the asinine war on terrorism? Most Canadians are never going ...
- Well, That Sucked.So what was the turn-out at the rally "demanding" a public inquiry into the $1 Billion dollars worth of incompetence and brutality at the G20? You remember that one don't you? It was in all the papers. Remember stephen harper, before blowing $16 billion on new fighter-planes to protect us from Al ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Katrina documentary in theaters for one-night onlyFive years after Hurricane Katrina a new feature-length documentary “The Big Uneasy” is taking a look at the true cause of the disaster. Humorist and New Orleans resident Harry Shearer speaks to an Army Corp of Engineers whistleblower who reveals that “some of the same flawed methods responsible for ...
- DOL's ARB announces two new members and new briefi ...The U.S. Department of Labor's Administrative Review Board (ARB) has issued a letter announcing the appointment of two new judges, and a new policy on briefing schedules. The two new judges are Joanne Royce and Luis Corchado. Royce previously worked for the Government Accountability Project (GAP) an ...
- Filipino whistleblower protection prompts more dis ...The new president of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino III (pictured), has granted security guarantees to a group of whistleblowers under the Witness Protection Program. Now those whistleblowers are disclosing more information about corruption under the prior administration. GMA News TV is reporting t ...
- Remembering Beth DaleyBeth Daley was a champion for environmental whistleblowers, and a passionate advocate for government oversight.� She is particularly remembered for her work holding oil companies accountable for their environmental compliance and honesty in government contracts. As a strategist for whistleblower l ...
- Stephen Kohn to appear on C-Span tomorrow at 8:30 ...NWC Executive Director, Stephen M. Kohn, will appear on C-Span’s Washington Journal tomorrow at 8:30 am EST. He will be discussing the stalled Congressional Whistleblower Protection Act showcased in a recent Politico article and other whistleblower issues. Viewers will have the opportunity to ask q ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- NC State Senator Admits Broadband Companies Wrote ...Ah, North Carolina. A year and a half ago, we wrote about an attempt by the North Carolina state legislature to pass an anti-municipal broadband bill in the state. These bills have become somewhat common. Basically, cities that feel that giant broadband companies aren't providing quality services ...
- Pentagon Official Reveals Computer Security Breach ...You may have seen the various stories making the rounds about how some malicious trojan originally on an unsecured USB key was put into a military laptop in 2008, and then propagated around the military , hitting both classified and unclassified documents. Why is this massive security breach being ...
- How The Record Labels Kill Off Innovative Startups ...We recently showed a graphic description of the ridiculous licensing spiderweb any new music startup needs to go through these days. That was a UK depiction, but it's quite similar in the US and other parts of the world as well. What's not seen in the graphic, however, is just what some of the dem ...
- Why Does The NY Times Rely So Often On Single Anec ...A few months ago, we pointed to a NY Times "trend piece" on people so hooked on their gadgets that they get distracted . As we noted, the entire piece seemed to be based around a single anecdote of a guy who got distracted, and some scientific studies that don't actually support the underlying thes ...
- FTC Cracks Down On Marketing Firm That Put Up Fake ...While lots of us were quite concerned about how the FTC might enforce its seemingly arbitrary new disclosure guidelines , so far, it should be admitted, that the FTC has enforced these new rules carefully. It did, for example, warn clothing retailer Ann Taylor for giving gift cards to bloggers who ...
- India halts vaccine programme after the deaths of ...The four children were reported to have fainted soon after they were vaccinated and witnesses reported seeing the children's eyes roll back as they began to have seizures.
- Part II: Rockefeller Vaccine Secret RevealedMany people understand the Rockefellers, along with corporate interests, manipulate the United States money supply through the private Federal Reserve Bank. The Rockefeller Institution also had heavy influence pushing through a vaccine as the only answer to the false-flag polio epidemic.
- Penn and Teller kick out at anti vaccine lobbyIn a recently released video 'Penn and Teller Bullshit – Vaccination', the pair of magicians Penn and Teller, use their usual male chauvinistic and pratt like abilities, to go all out to prove to the world that vaccines are safe, that they have eradicated illnesses, that they are super efficient and ...
- Autistic girl uses laptop to break silenceA child displaying autistic behaviours suddenly, at aged eleven, broke out of her autistic state and with the help of a computer, describe exactly what was making her act in this way. Here suddenly was the breakthrough that scientists have been waiting for.
- Mothers are killing their Autistic childrenSupport and care for the families with an autistic child is a battle daily. Often they feel isolated from friends and family who do not understand and with no one to understand they feel pressured to take the only way they can see out of their situation.
- Wondering About Wage LaborI generally stay away from economics, as I’m still doing my 101. But I’ve been pondering some things and hope you might share your wisdom with me. If you read my post on How I Became an Anarchist, you know that it was facing the corrupting influence of organizational hierarchies that finally pushe ...
- Things You Might Have MissedReally important post over at Womanist Musings on the rape of an elderly woman and how we treat rape in general – in society, in the media… Read it. And then there are the perpetrators. Or are they victims? Smoke em if you got em, ladies. Looks like weed might treat breast cancer. Speaking of sm ...
- Who Will Notice?I met a Palestinian woman who came to the United States for her graduate degree. She picked the U.S. because she wanted to see imperialism from the inside. She wanted to understand the richest, most powerful country on earth. Imagine her surprise when she learned that the kind of economic develop ...
- Things You Might Have MissedYou have probably heard about the seven year old whose lemonade stand was protected by anarchists and who subsequently raised enough cash to go to Disney. Somehow I think that little girl will never have a bad view of anarchists. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, this article explains perfec ...
- Where are the Men Do-Gooders?I signed up to be a literacy tutor with an organization here in DC. The program requires a half day training class. Looking around at the other trainees, I noticed a huge gender imbalance. Sure enough, the trainer soon confirmed that, while 55% of the learners are male, only 22% of the tutors are ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- The LaRouche Show, August 21, 2010Dark Age, or LaRouche's Big Idea, NAWAPA?
- Likd Nero and Hitler: Obama Is a Failed Personalit ...Interview with Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, August 20, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 32
- Sykes-Picot Redux: Will London's Puppet Israel Soo ...By Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, August 20, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 32
- Wall Street Is Not Dying; It is Dead! Please Don't ...By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, August 20, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 32
- Learn from NAWAPA: Mind or Body?By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, August 20, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 32
Armies of Liberation
- The blockade of South Yemen follows tactics of Saa ...As Yemen’s blockade on southern Yemen enters its third week, stocks of food, medicine and oil have dwindled to dangerous levels. Prices have skyrocketed and already malnourished children bear the brunt of the military action. The blockade began 17 days ago when the Western Armored Division establish ...
- بقلم الكاتبة الامريكية جين نوفاك : ثلاثة أسابيع من ...مع دخول الحصار اليمني على اليمن الجنوبي أسبوعه الثالث ، إنخفضت المخزونات من المواد الغذائية والدواء و المشتقات النفطية الى مستويات تنذر بالخطر. و ارتفعت الأسعار و أصبح الأطفال يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية تحت وطأة العمليات العسكرية. وبدأ الحصار قبل 17 يوما عندما قامت وحدات المنطقة الغربية المدرعة بإ ...
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- IPCC Chairman Cleared of Any Financial Misconduct, ...photo: Lingaraj GJ via flickr Back in March, Dr Rajendra Pachauri was cleared of alleged financial misconduct related to his work as chair of the IPCC. Pachauri had been accused of improperly profiting from his work in an a since-retracted article in The Telegraph, but an audit carried out by K ...
- Collecting Electricity from Thin Air Might One Day ...Lightning shows us just how much electricity can accumulate in the atmosphere. Photo: Wikipedia , CC. Ride the Lightning It's still just a dream, but scientists are slowly getting us closer to the day when we might be able to collect electricity from thin air - or rather, humid air - in the at ...
- Toyota to Offer External Speaker Option to Make Pr ...Image: Toyota WHIIIRRRRRR Toyota will be offering its Japanese customers an optional (for now) $150 device that makes its 3rd generation Prius hybrid easier to hear at low speeds. They call it the "Approaching Vehicle Audible System", and it basically makes whirring sounds that vary in pitch w ...
- Updated US Federal Trade Commission Guideline May ...Way too many green labels . Image credit: Google image search excerpt. The US FTC is close to updating its original "green guides" which have been the sole legal basis for examining and challenging the validity of various green marketing claims or product "green marks" There is an obvious ne ...
- Voltaic Systems Launches Slick Stand-Alone Solar C ...Images via Voltaic Systems We usually hear about new solar-charging bags from Voltaic Systems, known for its very high quality backpacks, laptop cases and messenger bags. However, the company is bringing us something new -- stand-alone chargers. They have three new models available, each boasti ...
- Exercise, calorie restrictions can rejuvenate olde ...Harvard researchers have uncovered a mechanism in mice through which caloric restriction and exercise delay some of the debilitating effects of aging by rejuvenating the connections between nerves and the muscles that they control. The research, published online by the journal Proceedings of the Nat ...
- Researchers discover that gut bacteria affect mult ...Biologists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have demonstrated a connection between multiple sclerosis (MS)—an autoimmune disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord—and gut bacteria. The work—led by Sarkis K. Mazmanian, an assistant professor of biology at Caltech, and postdoc ...
- HIV prevention science scores a victory — th ...Today at the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna, Austria, members of the International Rectal Microbicide Advocates (IRMA) and thousands of other HIV advocates and scientists cheered a long-awaited, much anticipated success in the quest for new HIV prevention technologies. Researchers ann ...
- Novozymes reveals knowledge on new antibiotic agai ...Scientists from Novozymes have now found the mechanism by which plectasin, an anti-microbial peptide, kills bacteria that cause severe infections in humans. Peptide antibiotics such as plectasin have retained antibiotic activity throughout evolution. The new knowledge shows that plectasin and other ...
- First Self-Replicating, Synthetic Bacterial Cell C ...Researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute JCVI, a not-for-profit genomic research organization, published results today describing the successful construction of the first self-replicating, synthetic bacterial cell. The team synthesized the 1.08 million base pair chromosome of a modified Mycoplas ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- End environmental experiments on Africans!Environmentalists are using African parents and children in anti-DDT experiments. They are playing with our lives. So are the government agencies and others who support their policies. This is wrong and immoral. And it is only one of the ways they use Africans as experimental laboratory animals.
- Prepare for an ice age!"Little ice ages" are the flip side of the 1500-year warming cycle. We should take advantage of the favorable climate we are currently enjoying to increase research on high-yield agriculture, biotechnology, water conservation and other advances now only dreamt of.
- U.K. cancels airport plans over global warming fea ...Climate Depot's Morano on FNC's July 2, 2010 'Your World'
- Obama’s deliberate KatrinaBungling the BP oil spill cleanup? Or never letting the crisis go to waste?
- Offshore drilling: Policy reform vs political gran ...Obviously, there is a lot with off-shore drilling that has gone right. Just as obviously, the Deepwater Horizon spill is catastrophic and there are vital safety lessons to be learned. But those lessons will take some serious review, detailed analysis, and targeted investigation.
Ria Novosti Online News
- Russia lifts ban on poultry imports from 4 more U. ...
- Georgia threatens to jail Russian visitors to Abkh ...Russians who visit Abkhazia and South Ossetia without crossing the Georgian border may be fined or jailed, a Georgian Interior Ministry official said on Friday.
- Basic parameters of the Russian draft federal budg ...Russian budget revenue end expenses for 2011.
- The greatest blondes everA media outlet has made once again a list of the “best” blondes.
- Russian ban on grain exports already workingThe Russian government imposed a ban on the export of grain from August 15 to December 31, after abnormally hot and dry weather destroyed the grain harvest in almost 11 million hectares of land across central Russia. Forecasts for this year's harvest have fallen as low as 60 million tons, 38% down o ...
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- ISS astronauts call Peru's ancient Machu PicchuA radio contact with the International Space Station (ISS) was made from the ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu in Peru, local media reported.
- Bengaluru Space Expo-2010 opens in India's Silicon ...India's international space exhibition Bengaluru Space Expo-2010 opens on Wednesday in Bangalore, a city in the southwest of the country, known as the Silicon Valley of India.
- Russian, German scientists discover rich fauna und ...A joint Russian-German expedition has discovered a rich fauna deep under the Sea of Japan, overturning previous scientific beliefs, a representative of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Sea Biology Institute has said.
- Russia to load nuclear fuel into Iran's Bushehr NP ...Russia is completing final preparations to load low-enriched uranium fuel into Iran's first civilian reactor at the Bushehr NPP later on Saturday.
- Russia's Mission Control readjusts ISS orbitRussia's Mission Control readjusted the orbit of the International Space Station (ISS) by raising it by 2.2 kilometers (1.4 miles).
Pruning Shears
- All Those Partnerships With Business Might Not Be ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post On last Sunday’s “Meet the Press” Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm discussed the economy, and did so with an unmistakable emphasis: smartly, strategically, surgically intervening to invest with the private sector [snip] smartly in ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Julian Assange got an agreement with the Swedish Pirate Party (my second favorite political party in the whole world) to provide hosting for WikiLeaks, thus giving it a measure of protection. Which it clearly needs. Assange was acc ...
- America's Bad Reputation Gets a Little WorseNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post On Monday U.S. District Court Judge Henry Kennedy ruled in what Carol Rosenberg described as a “heavily censored 28-page ruling” that Guantánamo detainee Adnan Abdul Latif was to be released. While he was locked up at least four ye ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Scott Horton on the depressingly cynical logic behind the Guantánamo show trials : “You can count on it that the convening authority will not get around to announcing the actual sentence until sometime after the midterm elections in ...
- Raise Their Pay and Make Them StayNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Congressional sessions have been in the news twice this week, and in both cases Republicans were opposed. Tuesday’s special session and the prospective lame duck session were both the object of bitter complaints. Neither was surpri ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Big Ag and Congress Continue to Ignore Climate Cri ...As food safety concerns gain additional attention, climate change legislative issues appear to be fading during the August recess. Click here to read this article
- Gates Foundation Invests in MonsantoFarmers and civil society organizations around the world are outraged by the recent discovery of further connections between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and agribusiness titan Monsanto. Last week, a financial website published the Gates Foundation’s investment portfolio, including 500,000 ...
- Fatty Foods 'Should Carry Official Health Warnings ...Fatty foods should carry official health warnings to combat a growing obesity crisis threatening to overwhelm the health service, a Government advisor has warned. Click here to read this article
- Warning: Eat This, You'll Get Fat & SickIt takes a food chemist to translate the eight-syllable words commonly found on ingredients lists into plain English, but many of the most dangerous substances found in food today are additives, contaminants, or packaging and processing aids that don't get listed on the label. Click here to read thi ...
- Fighting Obesity Through Public and Private PolicyEating too much and exercising too little are merely symptoms of a much larger malady. The real problem is a landscape littered with inexpensive fast-food meals; saturation advertising for fatty, sugary products; inner cities that lack supermarkets; and unhealthy, high-stress workplaces. Click here ...
- Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes IIEn base al gran éxito que ha tenido nuestra primera entrega de la serie 'Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes', hoy les tengo en vivo y en directo, la segunda parte que incluye la crema y nata de mi almacén de fotografías. Igual que siempre, sus comentarios y sugerencias, son bienvenidos. No ...
- Imágenes fuera de lo común (8 fotos muy lindas)Que levante la mano a quien no le guste ver algo fuera de serie. Al menos yo, no puedo negar que me fascina descubrir nuevas cosas, nuevas fotos y nuevas imágenes. Y ahora, le toca a usted explorar estás imajenes que van más allá de lo común. Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver ...
- Nuevas fotos de flores gratis para todos (8 elemen ...Hace un par de días, estaba yo limpiando mi jardín y me dio mucha alegría cuando descubrí nuevas flores. Sin pensarlo mucho, corrí a mi recámara por mi Nikon D90 para tomar algunas fotos y compartirlas con todos ustedes. Espero que les gusten. Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver ...
- Autos en la carretera (7 imágenes de lujo)¿Ha usted notado que con frecuencia expongo fotos de autos? Una de las razones principales, es porque adoro estos vólidos de cuatro llantas que rugen sobre las carreteras como leones en la selva. La otra, es porque creo que a ustedes también les gusta coleccionar imágenes de coches. Nota: Haz click ...
- Postales increíbles de paisajes mágicos IComo fiel admirador de la magia, la ficción y la fantasía, permítame usted compartirle a través del Banco de Imágenes, 10 hermosas postales de sitios verdaderamente increíbles. Deleite sus pupilas con estas hermosas imajenes y descubra la fusión de varios elementos que al paso del tiempo, han lograd ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Richmond’s Urban Agriculture Institutes: A First ...I wanted to post an impact study that I performed this year of the Urban Agriculture Institutes that I used to run in Richmond, Calif. This paper represents the first step in a program evaluation of Urban Tilth’s Urban Agriculture Institutes. While this study had an intervention/control cross se ...
- Response to “Math Lessons for Locavores” op-edGrist.org recently invited bloggers through it’s Grist Talk: Food Fight series to respond to an August 20th op-ed piece, “Math Lessons for Locavores,” by Stephen Budiansky in the New York Times. Â What follows is my response: “I agree with Mr. Budiansky that freight is by some measures cheap, and ...
- Exposing the role of the food industry in conditio ...Book Review: The end of overeating. By David Kessler, MD David Kessler the former FDA Chief under George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton has written a very important book in the evolution of public thinking about food, nutrition and the obesity epidemic that is gripping our nation. The basic premise ...
- Government officials sent ‘clarifying’ letter from ...Congressional testimony by two high-ranking government officials in April revealed some misconceptions about the mounting evidence over the use of antibiotics in industrial farm animal production and links to antibiotic resistance in humans. To clarify the case, Keeve Nachman, PhD, MHS, and directo ...
- Maryland public hearing on proposed oyster policy ...Citizens descended on the small town of Wye Mill, Maryland at Chesapeake College Thursday, August 5th to attend the final public comment period for Maryland’s sweeping new oyster policies. The overcast and muggy weather provided a sober backdrop for intense discussions on how Maryland will manage th ...
- Something sticky this way comesThe Midway: Ground Zero for Fair goers It has started. The Minnesota State Fair is underway and from now until Labor Day north-south Fair traffic will exceed the east-west commuter traffic running past my place as 1.7 million people a day infest the Midway (not that the city has adjusted the timing ...
- Waiting for watermelonsHe needs a hat to make it a perfect match, but yes, I think Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is busy repeating a part of history that no one else (in their right mind) thinks is worth repeating. Luckily I seem to be without rightwing readers at the moment, or I’m sure I’d hear about this [...]
- Raindrops on roses, judenrats eat kittensWhen the dog bites When the bee stings When I’m feeling sad I simply remember my judenrat things And then I don’t feel so bad [rebroadcast all verses] More from Digby. - What you come here for: DeLay goes on trial today (running out the federal statute of limitations didn’t spare him from state char ...
- Fine thuning their campaign strategiesThe Daily Caller is Tucker Carlson’s attempt at doing Fox style news, but in a more partisan fashion and not just limited to truthy stuff, either. No clue what hidden agenda is being advanced by this confession, but Jonathan Strong says that half of all Republican bloggers are getting paid. âItâ ...
- Pilot-ettes, rape smears, whitey tapes & cousins m ...I’m glad I don’t drive at night much. Right now my headlights would be good for spotting raccoons hiding in trees but not much else. I’ve got 100 lbs. of rice, three cases of canned goods, 3 cases of mangoes, water and other restaurant supplies in the trunk and yes, the shocks are getting a [...]
Public News Service
- AZ Dentist for Homeless Gets National AwardAZ Dentist for Homeless Gets National Award Phoenix, AZ – An Arizona dentist who gave up his private practice to treat the homeless has received a national award for creating a free dental clinic. The CASS (Central Arizona Shelter Services) clinic serves more than 6,000 homeless patients largely thr ...
- Report Catalogs Oil and Gas Disasters: AZ on the L ...Report Catalogs Oil and Gas Disasters: AZ on the List Phoenix, AZ – A new report (from the National Wildlife Federation) looks back at ten years of oil and gas production accidents, spills, fires and other incidents across the country, including a major pipeline break in Arizona. Comments from Tim W ...
- New Website Critical for Arizona Dieters New Website Critical for Arizona Dieters Phoenix, AZ – These days many Arizonans have questions about nutrition, like what does trans-fat mean? How much sodium is required daily? There is now a website that can answer those questions and more. Comments from Joan Enderle, registered dietitian wit ...
- Social Security 75-Year Milestone This Weekend Social Security 75-Year Milestone This Weekend Phoenix, AZ - Tomorrow (Saturday) marks the 75th birthday of Social Security. It's a program that was created during the depths of the Great Depression. Since then, it's been credited for keeping millions of seniors out of poverty. Comments from Len Ki ...
- County Chief: AZ Public Health Threatened by Ballo ...County Chief: AZ Public Health Threatened by Ballot Measure Phoenix, AZ – Arizonans will decide in November whether to reverse their 2006 decision to tax cigarettes an extra 80-cents a pack for early childhood health and education programs. Lawmakers want that money to instead help remedy the state’ ...
My Care2 Picks
- Ten Candidates File Suit as 'Massive Improprieties ...Election Watchdog: 'Most brutal voter disenfranchisement, election tampering case we have witnessed yet...like watching a 2 week bank robbery in process'... Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Why Gen. Petraeus Assassination Inc. Threatens Us ...General Petraeus received secret and unprecedented permission to unilaterally engage in operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, former Russian Republics, Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, the Horn of Africa, and wherever else he deems necessar Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & G ...
- Low-tech trees have high benefitsFarmers are planting trees along with crops to help conserve and clean water and air, build up soils, provide feed for livestock, and increase yields and incomes.Agroforestry land management practice integrates trees and crops,a generations-old practice. Submitted by John Farnham to Green Lifestyle ...
- An open letter to IsraelThis morning I set out to write a piece about the looting of the aid Flotilla to Gaza, by your soldiers. As you may have read, an Israel Defense Forces officer, has been remanded by a military court, suspected of stealing laptop computers from passengers Submitted by Michelle Matthews to World �|� ...
- Worldwide Campaign to Save the Grand Canyon -TAKE ...Today we ask you all to join SEN4Earth in the Worldwide campaign to Save the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is a World Heritage listed international treasure. The Grand Canyon is among the earths greatest on-going geological spectacles. Its vastness ... Submitted by Suzanne S. to Environment �|� � ...
Angry Indian News
- WikiLeaks war logs posting 'will lead to free spee ...WikiLeaks war logs posting 'will lead to free speech ruling' | World news | The Guardian: "US supreme court justice Sonia Sotomayor has said the court is likely to have to rule on the issue of... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Indigenous Australia not invited to the partiesNIT: "Indigenous issues appear to have not been included in policies and debates by any of the major parties at present.I've pushed for the idea that we need a United Nations University Institute for... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Hitler's secret family: How researchers tracked do ...Hitler's secret family: How researchers tracked down 39 living descendants of dictator | Mail Online: "Although the researchers claim to have carried out an extensive investigation, their information... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- President of East Timor pardons rebels who shot hi ...President of East Timor pardons rebels who shot him - Wikinews, the free news source: "Jos�Ramos-Horta, president of East Timor, has pardoned rebel leader Gast�o Salsinha and 22 of his followers,... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Bolivia: US knew of plot to attack Cuban and Venez ...granma.cu - INTERNATIONAL: "This is confirmed by emails between Rosza and Belkovai which have been meticulously studied by the Cochabamba Bolivian Data and Analysis investigation center, headed by... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- CODEX in S510: Congress continues to ignore the pe ...Subsection (5) CODEX questions whether or not to implement CODEX, when the writers of this bill are fully aware that implementation has been ongoing since the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1992. The CODEX committees have been meeting in Washington regularly and as recently as June of ...
- Bill Gates In the CrosshairsIn the Crosshairs with Barb Peterson Bill Gates and Monsanto team up for Africa Listen here: Bill Gates In the Crosshairs
- GATES FOUNDATION INVESTS IN MONSANTO Both will pr ...Farmers and civil society organizations around the world are outraged by the recent discovery of further connections between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and agribusiness titan Monsanto.
- Did Hen Vaccine Cause Salmonella Outbreak?The FDA is touting the Salmonella vaccine, a potential cause of the outbreak, as the cure-all to future outbreaks.
- Cured: A Cannabis StoryThe real reason the government doesn’t want us to have this medicine. There is no profit in it, and it actually works. Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Halliburton's $150m Iraq Oilfield DealShareThis Mission Accomplished! Halliburton's $150m Iraq Oilfield Deal 22 Aug 2010 Further to our report last week Halliburton has confirmed that it has been awarded a letter of intent by Shell Iraq Petroleum Development B.V. for the development of the Majnoon field in Southern Iraq. Dow Jones sugge ...
- Afghan recruit kills Nato trainersShareThis Afghan recruit kills Nato trainers 25 Aug 2010 Two Spanish police trainers and their interpreter have died in Afghanistan after being shot by their driver. The driver opened fire while the trainers were teaching a class in Badghis province in western Afghanistan. Other officers then killed ...
- Military Advocate General: Gaza blockade entirely ...ShareThis Military Advocate General: Gaza blockade entirely legal --Brig. Gen. Avichai Mendelblit to panel probing May 31 Gaza flotilla raid: No one in the IDF would think to violate international law . 26 Aug 2010 Military Advocate General Brig. Gen. Avichai Mendelblit testified Thursday before com ...
- Fire at Fort BraggShareThis Fire at Fort Bragg 26 Aug 2010� Fort Bragg emergency services responded to a fire in a three-story building around 10:18 Thursday morning. Officials said firefighters believed they had the blaze extinguished at one point, but it flared up again. The building is a barracks for the 4th Briga ...
- GOP plans wave of White House probesShareThis GOP plans wave of White House probes 27 Aug 2010 If President Barack Obama needed any more incentive to go all out for Democrats this fall, here it is: Republicans are planning a wave of committee investigations targeting the White House and Democratic allies if they win back the majority. ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- History in colourWe've all seen the black and white photos of yesteryear, a time before the invention of colour photography. So how's this picture from the days of Imperial Russia, 1909, grab you: They were taken by a process involving three b&w...
- Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story by Ian Wisha ...It's just been brought to my attention that I haven't offered non-subscribers the chance to pre-order the new book on the Crewe murders being released by us next month. Accordingly, here's the gist of the email that went out to...
- ClimateDepot locates possibly the world’s dumbest ...As an indicator of just how dumbed-down global warming believers are on the science of climate change, Climate Depot's Mark Morano revealed tonight a seminar delegate seriously believed the CO2 from car exhaust fumes would kill him in an enclosed...
- Sins of Science Media Centre’s OmissionPR hack Peter Griffin is at it again, this time complaining that a Waikato farmer should have been left to die by medical science, rather than allowing his family to administer the unproven Vitamin C therapy now claimed to have...
- Free TGIF Edition just outWe're making TGIF available free for now...you can either click on the flash version below, or click the link below it to download the pdf: Open publication - Free publishing - More sport http://www.investigatemagazine.co.nz/Investigate/?attachment_id=975
- White House briefing for Jewish-American leadershi ...The following article appears on the front page today's Yediot Ahronoth, and was translated by Didi Remez on his blog Coteret. Agreement now, peace later Shimon Shiffer, Yediot, August 27 2010 [front-page] The Obama administration intends to present Israel and the Palestinians with a new outline for ...
- Anti-Defamation League condemns the very ‘anti-Mus ...A month after the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the “nation’s premier civil rights” agency (in their words), came out against building an Islamic community center blocks away from Ground Zero because “building [it] in the shadow of the World Trade Center will cause some victims more pain,” the grou ...
- It’s not about religionGregory Harms is author of Straight Power Concepts in the Middle East: U.S. Foreign Policy, Israel and World History. Since the September 11 attacks, the topic of Islam, and in particular Muslim extremism, has come front and center in the news coverage and public discourse. This focus has in some ca ...
- Israeli troops fire on nonviolent anti-wall protes ...and other news from Today in PalestineLand and Property Theft and Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing US former official arrives in Israel to discuss settlements BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Former US envoy to the Middle East Denis Ross arrived in Israel on Thursday evening on an unannounced visit, Israeli sources ...
- I wish Jewish journalists would emulate Aslan and ...One of the interesting things about the debate about the Islamic center near Ground Zero is that American Muslim journalists have offered confessions about their identity in taking a stand in favor of the mosque/center. I have heard Reza Aslan and Fareed Zakaria speak openly about their degree of Mu ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: New Generation Cancer Vaccine Will Cause Infe ...In the race to the top of the Vaccine manufacturing foodchain product side effects such as infertility are being overlooked in favor of scientific advancement. One competitor, U.S. firm Celldex Theraputics are vying for major positioning in the ranks with a radical new generation cancer vaccine now ...
- VRM: United States 2010-11 Flu Vaccine Affluria &# ...The United States flu vaccine for 2010-2011/AFLURIA® will be manufactured by CSL Laboratories in partnership with Merck Pharmaceuticals. Ingredients: 24.5 mcg of thimerosal mercury (safe level for a 2450 pound adult), Neomycin & Polymyxin (antibiotics associated with Kidney Failure, hazardous to ...
- VRM: Multi-Virus Vaccine Quinvaxem Proving DeadlyQuinvaxem, a powerful 5 in 1 vaccine currently being distributed in India, containing live Diphtheria, Tetanus, Hib oligosaccharide (Haemophilus influenzae) & Hepatitis B virus plus an inactivated B. pertussis virus (heat treated or attenuated), has already caused the deaths of at least 5 children i ...
- VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation – Rulers of ...“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly, ‘Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy; The way into my parlour is up a winding stair, And I’ve a many curious things to shew when you are there.” Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain, For who goes [...]
- VRM: Britain’s National Health Service ̵ ...Britain’s National Health Service is rapidly destroying the UK Health Care system; dismantling local programs, stripping hospitals of essential service staff, downsizing hospitals altogether, refusing to upgrade old equipment – all under the guise of tightening the belt, preserving what’s left of di ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. � If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner fo ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
- Green Building and Remodeling for Dummies: Book Re ...I love the Dummies series of books.� They're quick reads packed with info that's presented in a clear and organized way. Plus I love the fact that most of them are available in Kindle versions for much less than the paper version. With the popularity of the Dummies books though, there are oft ...
Michael Yon
- Even While the World Watched: Part IMichael Yon 20 June 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand Recent violence focused world attention on the Kingdom of Thailand. As the attention flowed in, foreigners poured out, even though fighting was tightly localized and not focused on travelers. Tourists literally had to search for trouble to find it. ...
- PerspectivePublished: 21 July 2010 Apologies that this article is available only in Thai language. Please click here to view the entire article. {loadposition user8}
- Even as the World Watched IV: Peaceful, or Pistol?12 July 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand During the Thailand fighting in May, the rain of media mixed with the dust of politics, creating mud that left honest people feeling bogged down. People desiring clarity slogged knee deep, then waist deep, and it kept coming. My reports avoided politics largely ...
- Even as the World Watched III: Getting Hit to Get ...Published: 07 July 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand During the Bangkok fighting in May, radio interviewers back America kept asking about the overuse of force by the Thai Army. I answered that’s not happening, and there seem to be hundreds of journalists crawling over the streets, and I see them with ...
- Even as the World Watched II: Tasting the Kool-AidPublished: 05 July 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand This journalist was all over the place. She stood out from the crowd for obvious reasons. One evening, as the sun was setting, she was walking down a mostly desolate street not far from Dusit Thani hotel, and she was alone with that little camera. ...
The Killing Train
- The Rwandan ElectionPaul Kagame is headed for a landslide victory at the Rwandan polls. Exit polls indicate 93% of the electorate voted for him. If some Western media commentators could vote in Rwandan elections, the number would likely be even higher. Take Stephen Kinzer, who wrote a biography of Kagame subtitled “Rwa ...
- The Afghan War Diary Data - an initial lookAn initial look at the first 76,000 records in the "Afghan War Diary" leaked by Wikileaks yields some important information, much of which has been known or suspected by analysts for years. Given the sheer size of the database, there is a great deal more to be learned, but here are some initial find ...
- The Drug War in Afghanistan - the Dyncorp connecti ...Just reading some of the 800+ hits on the drug war in Afghanistan, and these are real - the US is fighting a drug war in Afghanistan. There are DEA agents running around arresting people, there are troops eradicating poppy in farmers fields, and they are finding and burning piles of opium, heroin, h ...
- Reading the incidents in Pakistan - some notes[Analysis of the Wikileaks Afghan War Diary]. I pulled out the 170-or-so incidents that mention Pakistan and are actually in Pakistan. A lot of them involve coordination with the Pakistani military, getting it, failing to get it, etc. An observation post comes under indirect fire, they track the poi ...
- Afghan War Diary incidents in Pakistan[Analysis of Wikileaks's Afghan War Diary]. I thought it might be useful to show a map of the (approx. 170) incidents in the Afghan War Diary that mention Pakistan and also take place within Pakistan's borders. I will be reading the summaries to see what happened here, but take a look at it - there ...
- IPCC Chairman Cleared of Any Financial Misconduct, ...photo: Lingaraj GJ via flickr Back in March, Dr Rajendra Pachauri was cleared of alleged financial misconduct related to his work as chair of the IPCC. Pachauri had been accused of improperly profiting from his work in an a since-retracted article in The Telegraph, but an audit carried out by K ...
- Collecting Electricity from Thin Air Might One Day ...Lightning shows us just how much electricity can accumulate in the atmosphere. Photo: Wikipedia , CC. Ride the Lightning It's still just a dream, but scientists are slowly getting us closer to the day when we might be able to collect electricity from thin air - or rather, humid air - in the at ...
- Toyota to Offer External Speaker Option to Make Pr ...Image: Toyota WHIIIRRRRRR Toyota will be offering its Japanese customers an optional (for now) $150 device that makes its 3rd generation Prius hybrid easier to hear at low speeds. They call it the "Approaching Vehicle Audible System", and it basically makes whirring sounds that vary in pitch w ...
- Updated US Federal Trade Commission Guideline May ...Way too many green labels . Image credit: Google image search excerpt. The US FTC is close to updating its original "green guides" which have been the sole legal basis for examining and challenging the validity of various green marketing claims or product "green marks" There is an obvious ne ...
- Voltaic Systems Launches Slick Stand-Alone Solar C ...Images via Voltaic Systems We usually hear about new solar-charging bags from Voltaic Systems, known for its very high quality backpacks, laptop cases and messenger bags. However, the company is bringing us something new -- stand-alone chargers. They have three new models available, each boasti ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Shwe Mann quits ‘to become Burma president’Foreign ministry official says major army reshuffle to follow Shwe Mann's retirement, with junta chief Than Shwe and Maung Aye included
- India investigating Burma nuke claimsIndia to begin gathering information about nuclear allegations against Burma but says that it will 'have to believe' denials from the junta
- How the CIA bedded down in BurmaAccounts from torture victims, US-trained intelligence officers and a bugged anti-drugs officer illuminate the dark and secretive role of the Agency in Burma
- UDP blasts ‘stubborn’ election authorityUnion Democratic Party to field only 3 candidates as party chairman Thein Htay slams the Election Commission's refusal to relax laws
- Opposition NDF leader pulls outNational Democratic Force leader Khin Maung Swe decides not to appeal ban on running for parliament but will remain with the party
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Supporters of Climate Camp action are 'useful idio ...The campaign of criminal damage in Edinburgh is targeting companies engaged in decent, lawful and worthwhile activities, says Alan Cochrane.
- RBS head office damaged by golf balls in climate p ...Windows at the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters in Edinburgh have been smashed by golf balls during an ongoing climate change protest, it is claimed.
- Climate change activist glued herself to RBS deskA climate change activist was arrested on Friday after gluing herself to a desk at the Royal Bank of Scotland's headquarters.
- UN warn of further loss of life in PakistanAs the UN calls for $460 million of aid, Pakistan's UN Ambassador warns that many have not grasped the scale of the disaster.
- Climate change round the worldThe simultaneous catastrophes of flooding in Pakistan, wildfires in Russia and landslides in China are evidence that global warming predictions are correct, according to climate change experts.
National Geographic | Environment
- Five Years After Hurricane Katrina, Alien Rodents ...The beaver-size, wetland-eating rodents are back—but are being kept in check by a boom in trappers, a wildlife biologist says. Rodent - South America - Rat - Bradford - United States
- Hurricane Katrina Pictures: Then & Now, Ruin & Reb ...NoneHouses wiped off the map, submerged islands, and flooded cemeteries—see how sites hit by Hurricane Katrina five years ago are faring in 2010. Hurricane Katrina - Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences - Meteorology - Weather Phenomena
- "Firecane" Myth Busted—No Danger on Katrina Annive ...Flaming, oily hurricanes and "black rain" are no danger to Gulf residents on Katrina's fifth anniversary—or to anyone, anywhere, experts say. Hurricane Katrina - Tropical cyclone - Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences - Meteorology
- Spiders, Carnivorous Plants Compete for Food—A Fir ...Wolf spiders build bigger webs to catch more bugs than sundews, says the first study to show battles between the two kingdoms over prey. Carnivorous plant - Spider - Biology - Plant - Flora and Fauna
- Trapped Chile Miners Face 4-Month Mental, Physical ...Entombed until Christmas, miners in Chile can expect sanitation challenges, malnutrition, and a struggle for sanity and solidarity, experts say. Christmas - Holidays - Opinions - Chile - Religious
Jurist - Legal Research
- Prosecutors drop all charges against Blagojevich's ...[JURIST] Federal prosecutors announced Thursday that they would dismiss all charges against Robert Blagojevich, the brother of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich [JURIST news archive]. Robert Blagojevich faced four counts for his suspected involvement in the alleged conspiracy to sell the Sena ...
- EU socialists claim France Roma deportations viola ...[JURIST] The EU Parliament Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats [official website] on Thursday accused France of violating EU law [press release] by deporting up to 1,000 Roma migrants [JURIST news archive] from the country. The group cited EU directive 38/2004 [text, PDF] for ...
- Germany constitutional court rules EU court preced ...[JURIST] The German Federal Constitutional Court [official website, in German] ruled [judgment, in German; press release, in German] Thursday that German courts must follow precedent established by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) [official website] unless it is clearly a violation of the court's ...
- UN considers new international tribunal for piracy ...[JURIST] The UN Security Council [official website] on Wednesday began considering several options [report text] to help counter ongoing piracy off the coast of Somalia [JURIST news archive], including the creation of a new international tribunal. In a report released last week, UN Secretary-General ...
- Croatia extradites convicted Djindjic assassin to ...[JURIST] Croatian authorities on Wednesday extradited a man to Serbia for his connection with the 2003 assassination [JURIST report] of former Serbian prime minister Zoran Djindjic [BBC obituary; memorial website, in Serbian]. Sretko Kalinic was discovered by authorities in Zagreb in June [Xinhua re ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Question Time With Marc AmbinderAsk away. Question Time - Ask an Expert - Time - George W. Bush - Republican National Committee
- Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair Ken Mehlm ...Ken Mehlman, President Bush's campaign manager in 2004 and a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, has told family and associates that he is gay. Mehlman arrived at this conclusion about his identity fairly recently, he said in an interview. He agreed to answer a reporter's questi ...
- The Threat From Al QaedaSpeaking of the CIA, the piece today in the Washington Post about the agency ramping up its operations in Yemen is curious for a few reasons. The lead seems to be sort of buried: Indeed, officials said it was largely because al-Qaeda has been decimated by Predator strikes in Pakistan that the fr ...
- Wikile...Yawn. CIA SECRET Paper Is A SnoozerWikileaks has posted a SECRET/NOFORN document from the Central Intelligence Agency's Red Cell analytic division explaining what might happen if it becomes widely known that America has produced its fair share of terrorists and exports them (not intentionally) to places like Somalia and Yemen. It's k ...
- That's A Wrap, FolksSays John Dickerson: " The national lesson from the primaries today is clear: a;sdlfk jp9r;tyh##" Hewing to my "good analysis is victory agnostic" nostrum, here's what I'm taking away from a night of surprises and triumphs. One: J.D. Hayworth was a wannabe insurgent who was toppled by his own arro ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Links for 2010-05-04 [Digg]Dershowitz Incites Hate Against Michael Lerner It is absolutely no accident that Alan Dershowitz singled Rabbi Michael Lerner out for special opprobrium in his most recent Jerusalem Post and Huffington Post column...
- Recruiting Brecht to Whitewash OccupationPoor Bertolt Brecht. He’s rolling over in his grave after learning that Israel’s cultural commissars are exploiting him to whitewash the Occupation. Haaretz reports that four maor Israeli theater companies will grace the boards of the new cultural center in Ariel, satirically referred to in one ...
- Israeli Military Censor Forces Youpost to Delete N ...Israeli censorship strikes again. Despite several instances in which Rechavia Berman has successfully violated Israeli gag orders and reported on security matters mentioned here as well, this time the censor didn’t take too kindly to the naming of Yitzhak Ilan as director-designate of the Shabak. ...
- Yossi Melman on Y., Shabak Secrecy and Tikun OlamToday may mark a milestone in this blog’s history–or at least a mini-milestone. Â Before I identified Yitzhak Ilan as the director-designee of the Shabak recently, I wrote to two Israeli reporters seeking more background information on Ilan. Â No one replied possibly for the reason that Ilan’s name ...
- Former NSC and CIA Analyst, Saban Center Fellow Wa ...Bruce Riedel, a former CIA analyst and current fellow at the Saban Center, a strongly pro-Israel DC think-tank, has published a detailed analysis of the folly that would be an Israeli attack on Iran: Perhaps never before has the government in Jerusalem felt under greater threat than with the Iranian ...
Ode Magazine
- An ode to optimism“What does ‘ode’ mean?” my Norwegian friend asked as we enjoyed a beer on a spring afternoon in the harbor of Oslo, at the fjord from which the Vikings ruled the seas some 1,200 years ago. “It means ‘tribute’ or ‘song of praise,’” I replied. “Ah,” he said. “We have exactly ...
- Forests are not for freeWorkshop participants in Brazil learn from Forest Trends how to add value to their ecosystem. Photo: Rebecca Vonada Why should we pay for the services of, say, a cellphone provider, but not those of a rainforest? Michael Jenkins, an ex-forest ranger in Haiti and Brazil, didn't se ...
- Ode to Hyde Park Senior PlaygroundPlays nice with others London’s Hyde Park has always been popular among parents looking to have a fun day out with their kids. Now the park offers grandparents something to do, too. The new senior playground, designed for the over-60 crowd, features equipment for gentle exercise, includ ...
- Activism for beginnersHow three friends rescued hundreds of Uganda's child soldiers. Just like other children in northern Uganda, these students dream of safety and attending one of the schools supported by Invisible Children. But they continue to live in fear of a rebel group that has been abducting and ensl ...
- Ode to Andy SmallmanKindness 101 Photograph: Tim Willis Andy Smallman didn’t set out to become an expert on kindness. But when a student at the Puget Sound Community School, the Seattle-based alternative middle and high school Smallman founded in 1994, pointed out that the media didn’t cover good new ...
OpEd News
- Banking for the CommonsThis relates to a discussion put forth at the State Banking group as a way to explain what it means to help communities achieve prosperity and independence through State and community banks and bank holding companies and business plans like the bank holding company already shared by the Commonwealth ...
- Creating Jobs for DummiesPlan for creating jobs.
- THE GREAT DELEVERAGING LIEThe Big Lie will eventually lose out to the grim truth. America's economy is built on a debt based foundation of sand and the tide of reality is relentlessly eating away at that foundation of debt. Collapse is just a matter of time.
- Blocking legitmate electionsDo the electronic voting machines equate with the Condor Legion?
- Bonds Hammer Bernanke at Jackson HoleI want here to show that the speech of Ben S. Bernanke in Jackson Hole on Friday will have a formidable effect on credit markets, debt instruments and specially on junk bonds. This is probably the most important paper I ever wrote since my article (in French) in le Brognart a defunct weekly for P ...
- US-India Building Efficiency Momentum: Opportunit ...Energy efficiency experts agree that “ The Climate for Efficiency is Now ,” which was echoed during the discussions at last week’s large gathering of global energy efficiency professionals in Asilomar, California. Several presenters at the American Council for an Energy Efficient Econ ...
- Michigan Oil Spill and World's Dirtiest Oil: why l ...Tar sands . Canada’s gross gift to the Great Lakes. The core of a “pollution delivery system” to the most important fresh water ecosystem in the Western Hemisphere . Our region is the epicenter of refining for what has been called “the world’s dirtiest oil.” And you get a glimpse at ...
- Indiana Road Trip: Pollution knows no state lines. ...There is an amazing drive out of Chicago that I make from time to time. Heading down the wide angle street of South Chicago Drive, I can stop at the James Beard Award winning (and Anthony Bourdain fave ) seafood smokehouse Calumet Fisheries , crossing over massive articulated bridges ...
- Gulf Coast Disaster - Thursday, August 26Day 129 Highlights in this issue: - BP exec avoids questions on relief well completion - Where’s Transocean in this daily blame game? - BP’s Hayward tells Senate committee ‘No Thanks’ to invite to testify - Pipes connected wrong; workers got bonuses for working fast - Spill’s impact l ...
- BP's Lake Michigan pollution dump: the Hollywood ...As an environmental lawyer, I love the happy ending part of environmental lawyer movies. The part where the dedicated environmental advocates lead the victims of a big polluter in a groundswell of public outrage that forces the polluter to back down from its hubris and evil ways. Er ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Friday Lost Cat BloggingNo sooner did I proclaim that my kids are more interesting than my pets than the cat made a desperate bid for renewed attention on the blog, and our lives have definitely become more interesting. My week in FB updates: So, dear readers, if you live in the Pioneer Valley please keep your ey ...
- What Do Grover Cleveland and Woody Allen Have in C ...Creepiness. Related posts:Proudly Joining Woody Allen Does that make Fred Thompson "our potential Grover Cleveland?" When Common Sense Isn’t So Common Related posts: Proudly Joining Woody Allen Does that make Fred Thompson "our potential Grover Cleveland?" When Common Sense Isn’t So Common
- Now THAT’S Some Discrimination!!!!For whatever reason, our spam filter has kicked into overdrive in the past few days. It has, I kid you not, defined both Michael Berube AND David Horowitz as spammers. I leave the punch line to your fevered imaginations…. In any case, if you’re not seeing your comments pop up, send an e-mail (ad ...
- Nope, Parody Is Still DeadShorter David Broder:  Now that the primary is over, John McCain is finally free to be the principled maverick he’s always been.  Now, where is that damned Easter Bunny with my afternoon hot chocolate? Verbatim David Broder, I swear: “One obvious area where he will be needed is his favorite f ...
- Fire SimpsonIn a rational world, this would be a no-brainer. In ours… Related posts:Setting the Money on Fire Would Be More Fun Jonah Goldberg: Smarter Than Jessica Simpson, Funnier Than Leukemia What are you going to do, fire me? On an eighty-thousand dollar day? And it ain’t even noon yet! Related posts ...
Desert Research Institute
- Innovative Equipment Manufacturer Features Work wi ...The latest update from Campbell Scientific features a cover article on DRI’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP), touting the program for providing information gathered by volunteers in near-real time and posting it to the program website.
- Dr. Henry Sun: Looking for Life on MarsThe Viking landers found strange evidence that suggested the presence of life on Mars (later disproven). A new study about life's preference for left- or right-handedness could help scientists design better versions of the Viking life tests.
- DRI Assists with West Point Cadet Training Dr. Eric McDonald his group of DRI scientists have partnered with West Point to develop a curriculum to teach cadets how to take soil samples and measurements with different geotechnical equipment, as well as manage large data sets.
- DRI Researcher Named to National CommitteeDuane Moser, Ph.D., has been elected to the Executive Committee for the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Research Association (DuRA).
- Scientists Use Tahoe Work to Protect Guatemalan La ...A team of scientists including DRI's Dr. Alan Heyvaert have been working at Guatemala’s Lake Atitlan to find solutions to algae blooms that have assailed the ecosystem and the locals' drinking water.
Earth Techling
- Kids, Raptors, Wind Turbines In Portland
- The Ford Path To Electric Car Nirvana
- New Mobile App Offers Smart Grid Savings
- Survey Finds Homebuyers Want Green
- Maine Tide Power Experiment Successful
National Law Journal | U.S.
- 7th Circuit cites new health care law in Medicare ...The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit created a circuit split by ruling that Medicare should reimburse the University of Chicago Medical Center $2.8 million for medical residents' research work not related to Medicare patients.
- Constitutional challenge to Kansas Supreme Court s ...Four Kansas voters filed suit in federal court on Thursday to block the state's system of appointing justices of the Kansas Supreme Court. The suit claims that the nomination process violates the rights of Kansas voters by giving attorneys "enormous influence" over the selection of judges relative t ...
- Florida attorney disbarred for drug traffickingFormer Florida attorney Noah Daniel Liberman has been on the right path since he was busted more than six years ago for drug trafficking. But despite his rehabilitation from his addiction, the Florida Supreme Court has rejected a recommendation to suspend his license and instead has disbarred him.
- Lawyer suspended for destroying documents, lying a ...The Supreme Court of Ohio on Wednesday suspended the law license of a Columbus attorney for one year after finding that he destroyed confidential law firm documents then lied about it when he moved to a rival firm.
- ASSOCIATE MOVERSPhilip Kouyoumdjian joins the New York office of Cozen O'Connor; promotions to partnership at Kelley Drye; and Hogan Lovells' Samar Ali has been appointed to serve as a White House fellow.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Marcellus Shale Drillers in Pennsylvania Amass 143 ...952 Identified as Most Likely to Harm the Environment The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association has reviewed environmental violations accrued by Marcellus Shale drillers working in Pennsylvania between January 2008 and June 25, 2010. The records were obtained via a Right to Know Request made to the P ...
- Up In the AirI made an announcement shortly after Memorial Day weekend, that I would be putting my home in DISH on the market. This decision was made by my family after several instances of both of my children having nosebleeds during the night. These nosebleeds correlated with strong odors and spikes in the c ...
- DEP’s Unauthorized Water Withdrawal ProgramJuly 26, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:Â Cathy Pedler – (814) 454-7523 Bill Belitskus – (814) 778-5173 Ryan Talbott – (503) 887-7845 Department of Environmental Protection Unlawfully Permitting Water Withdrawals For Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling in Western Pennsylvania Only riparian owners can ...
- DEP has proposed tougher standards for Oil & Gas d ...The Public Comment Meetings are finished and there are only about ten days to get in your comments by e-mail. These regulations call for more stringent standards for O&G drilling operations. These regulations are vital. They upgrade requirements for testing, well casing, welding, cementing and othe ...
- Gas Stock 2010!http://www.gasstockconcert.com/ This is an environmental concert and rally. Music and like minded folks who are concerned about the gas drilling in PA. Check it out.
News Blaze
- UN Agency Reports More Than 100,000 Afghans Return ...The number of Afghan refugees voluntarily returning home from Pakistan and Iran has topped 100,000 so far this year, the United Nations reported today, noting that this is almost twice as many as in 2009.
- Hindu & Jewish Leaders Want Sanctions Against Fran ...France, which reportedly expelled about 10,000 Roma last year, has dismantled about 117 Roma settlements and expelled about 635 Roma during the past few weeks and has announced to demolish total 300 such camps.
- Pakistan's Flooding Disaster and US ResponseTherefore, the United States is now providing $200 million to assist with relief and recovery efforts, which does not include considerable in-kind and technical assistance specifically to address the impact of these floods.
- Carter Returns From Pyongyang With Freed American ...Carter arrived in Pyongyang on Wednesday on a private diplomatic mission at the invitation of the North Korean government
- Repatriate Indian fishermen after sentence is over ...Supreme Court of Pakistan informed 454 Indian fishermen (out of total 582 currently detained) have completed their sentences in Pakistani jails, should be repatriated. Pakistani ministry of Foreign Affairs told Supreme Court that four hundred and fi
environment 360
- First Genetically-Altered Fish for Human Consumpti ...U.S. officials are reviewing an application for what would be the first genetically-engineered animal approved for human consumption , an Atlantic salmon modified to grow at twice the rate of normal salmon. The Food and Drug Administration will consult experts and review scientific data to evaluate ...
- Canada Lists BPA as ToxicThe Canadian government is adding bisphenol A (BPA) , a chemical found in thousands of everyday plastics, to its register of toxic substances. The primary component of hard and clear polycarbonate plastics, BPA is found in many water bottles, baby bottles, and the linings of canned foods. Among oth ...
- Spurred by Warming Climate, Beetles Threaten Coffe ...Coffee production has long been vulnerable to drought or excess rains. But recently, a tiny insect that thrives in warmer temperatures — the coffee berry borer — has been spreading steadily, devastating coffee plants in Africa, Latin America, and around the world. BY ERICA WESTLY
- Electric Car Made of Hemp Is Developed by Canadian ...A group of Canadian companies is developing an electric vehicle made of hemp , a compact car developers say will reach top speeds of 55 miles per hour and will have a range of 25 to 100 miles before requiring a battery re-charge. The Kestrel, being developed by Calgary-based Motive Industries Inc. , ...
- World’s Smallest Frog Discovered in Forests of Bor ...Researchers tracking the planet’s rarest amphibians have discovered what they say is the world’s smallest frog , a pea-sized creature that lives inside and around pitcher plants on the island of Borneo. Scientists found the tiny amphibian, called Microhyla nepenthicola , near a roadside within Kubah ...
Red Ice Creations
- The island that came out of nowhereOn the horizon, a low, white crescent shimmered in the sunshine: the perfect image of a desert island, save for a disappointing shortage of palm trees. "There you have it," said Pierre Becker, chairman of the Sauveteurs de Mer (lifeboatmen) of Royan, a seaside resort at the mouth of the Gironde estu ...
- Diagrams of the Sinking of the Deepwater Horizon ( ...The US Federal Government, a full-blown accomplice, has enabled BP – the perpetrator of a Crime against Humanity, a Crime against the Planet, a Crime against a Nation (USA), a Crime against a Major Body of Water – to completely control its own crime scene. What we have, therefore, are psychopaths, w ...
- New Find Pushes Age of Stone Tools Back A Million ...The genus Homo is no longer the sole primate lineage known to have used stone tools to consume the meat of large mammals. New research pushes that skill back nearly a million years. Large fossilized animal bones with ends shattered for sucking out marrow and cut marks deliberately made with sharp st ...
- With BP spill under control, US looks at drill banNow that the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history has effectively been stopped, the White House is considering an early end to its moratorium on deepwater drilling. But four months after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, regulators have only started to make good on promises to overhaul dri ...
- Experts call for David Kelly inquestA group of prominent legal and medical experts today called for a full inquest into the death of the government scientist David Kelly in 2003. An inquest was suspended by Lord Falconer, then lord chancellor, before the Hutton inquiry into the circumstances of the scientist's death. It was not resume ...
Russia Today
- Bout denies knowing Russian secrets and aiding ill ...A Russian businessman wanted by the US for alleged arms smuggling denies ever having been engaged in arms dealing and claims that the whole case against him has been framed up by the American special services.
- Secret Soviet submarine shelter – come on in!With the decision to prolong the stay of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine, the Bay of Balaklava, once home to a secret underground Soviet submarine base, has a chance for a second life.
- Blast in Dagestan, 3 woundedAn attack on a local official in Russia's southern republic of Dagestan has left his three bodyguards wounded.
- Race issues in NYC – Blacks vs. HispanicsA string of attacks on Hispanic residents in New York has prompted fears of a new wave of racial hatred.
- World leaders gather at Global Policy Forum in Yar ...On September 9-10, 2010 the Russian city of Yaroslavl will host Global Policy Forum “The Modern State: Standards of Democracy and Criteria of Efficiency.”
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Is Space Colonization Still Just Fantasy?Space colonization has been a theme (or meme?) in literature for over 150 years, probably thousands of years earlier than that really (Book of Enoch). Anyway, humans have dreamed of traveling to alien worlds in the heavens for a very long time, it isn’t a recent phenomenon. Dr. Stephen Hawking is on ...
- NASAWatch: Should Congress Design the Next Big Boo ...From NASAWatch: Frank Sietzen, Jr.: Consider how many space initiatives the United States didn’t pursue in the past half century. A fully reusable launch vehicle. A 20-person expendable space station. New heavy lift boosters. A permanent lunar colony. The Orbital Space Plane. NERVA and Prometheus. A ...
- Danish Rockets: Or Those Incredible Young Men in T ...Move over Elon Musk and Burt Rutan. Here are a couple of adventurous Danish inventors who are willing to put their money, and their lives, where the rubber meets the road so to speak. Or to put it more exactly; The Amazing Flying Danes: It might not look much. In fact, it looks practically suicidal. ...
- Star Child UpdateThe Star Child, the skull of a supposed “alien” child, does seem to have anomalous DNA on the father’s side of the family. Lloyd Pye explains: ] Proof of genetic engineering 900 years ago? The more time goes on and empirical evidence such as DNA from the Star Child, and I’m sure others will crop [.. ...
- Hawking Makes Waves At SETIconIt seems that Dr. Hawking’s statements about nomadic ETIs being voracious hunters has created quite a stir in the mainstream science community. Especially the crowd Uncle Seth Shostak is in charge of at the recent SETIcon in California: Even if humanity could reach out to an intelligent alien civili ...
Tippers News
- The End of the WorldOur fear of death often blinds us to see things as clear as they are. Perhaps our obsession with the end of the world is a mere reflection of the the inherent fact that one day we will all die. Submitted by Vikram Chhabra to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Protect Marine Mammals from Capture in Internation ...Every year hundreds of thousands of whales, dolphins, sea lions and other marine mammals are captured or killed by international fishing fleets, mostly in drift gillnets. Submitted by Borg Drone to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Sign our letter to The Bristol Bay Times. TAKE ACT ...it's time to amplify our impact with a public display of opposition to hard-rock mining, epitomized by the mammoth Pebble Mine project. We can't allow the bountiful balance of salmon-stocked streams to be upset by deadly toxins from gold mining. Submitted by Borg Drone to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- Animal Shelter Needs Help as Cash Runs LowThe Homeward Bound Animal Shelter in Manistee County is short on cash, and they may have to close their doors within the next five weeks. The no-kill shelter can hold about 70 cats and 25 dogs at one time, and they adopt out about 400 animals each year. Submitted by Borg Drone to Offbeat �|� �Note- ...
- Welcome to the Homeward Bound Animal ShelterThe Homeward Bound Animal Shelter is a non-profit community-based animal shelter located in Manistee County. We are not funded by any local, state, or federal funds. All money used to maintain Homeward Bound and the animals comes from donations and fundra Submitted by Borg Drone to Offbeat �|� �Not ...
The Freeman
- Sputtering Recovery Creates Second Thoughts on Tax ...“With the economy rapidly weakening, some senior Democrats are having second thoughts about raising taxes on the nation’s wealthiest families and are pressing party leaders to consider extending the full array of Bush administration tax cuts, at least through next year.” (Washington Post) Starve the ...
- Court Says Government Can Track People by GPS“Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn’t violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway — and no r ...
- Economic Security through TradeAmericans tolerate a costly global national-security apparatus in part because they believe the country would be economically vulnerable without it.
- Bernanke Looked to for Solutions“With the housing market retreating, unemployment lingering and top officials at the Federal Reserve in open disagreement over what to do, Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke is under rising pressure to offer solutions in an address Friday that is likely to be his most important since the end of the financ ...
- Government Flood Insurance Program Is Under Water“FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program is the nation’s main flood insurer, created by law in 1968 as private companies stopped covering flood damage. The program insures 5.6 million properties nationwide and aims to be self-sustaining by paying claims from premiums it collects. Instead it’s runnin ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- New York Times seeks multimedia journalism internsPoking around in The New York Times’s job listings, I found this description of three distinct internships “in the Web Newsroom of The New York Times”: Front-end Interactive Designer: full skill-set of client-side technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript/Prototype. Experience with Ruby on ...
- A fresh look at reporting skillsIn June I posted a ranked list of skills needed by todayâs journalists . In reviewing it today, I wondered whether it would be different if instead of saying journalist we said reporter . Say you want to hire a reporter — for a Web-only organization, a magazine, a newspaper, a TV or documentary o ...
- Getting started with WordPressHere’s a new, stripped-down, easy-to-follow introduction to WordPress — the free blogging platform that also works as a versatile content management system: WordPress Basics This short tutorial is based on the second installment in my Reporter’s Guide to Multimedia Proficiency , but I have shorten ...
- Online video still growing, gaining viewersJust because comedy or humorous videos are the most popular among U.S. adults ( source ) does not mean journalists should wring their hands and despair about public tastes. What’s more important, I think, is that among people who have broadband Internet access at home, 75 percent watch online video ...
- Is J-school relevant? (#wjchat)@killbutton Q1 Yes, because the foundation of journalism is SO important. Journos need a strong foundation in ethics! #wjchat @dnvolz Brian Williams never got any college degree and is considered a top journalist even in an ever-changing market #wjchat @mhinojosa Q1 Yes, I think it’s more importa ...
Facing South
- VOICES: Workers who win the South change the natio ...By MaryBe McMillan Forty-seven years after the 1963 March on Washington, the union movement and our allies are preparing for our own march in October. Under the banner of One Nation Working Together , union members, civil rights activists and other concerned citizens will rally in support of good j ...
- SPECIAL REPORT: Washington has yet to address key ...As we approach the five year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, today the Institute is releasing a new report which looks at what has changed -- and what hasn't changed -- since the deadly storm took over 1,800 lives and devastated the Gulf Coast. Our report, Learning from Katrina: Lessons fr ...
- U.S. human rights report fails to address the less ...The Obama administration released the first-ever U.S. report to the U.N. Human Rights Council this week. Prepared as part of the ongoing U.N. Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process that involved consultations with civil society groups nationwide, the report [pdf] acknowledges that the U.S. human r ...
- Roadmap to recovery: Groups offer plan to restore ...A coalition of more than 100 organizations from across the U.S. and Gulf Coast released a report yesterday that offers a plan for the long-term recovery of the region affected by the BP oil spill disaster. "One Gulf, resilient Gulf: A plan for coastal community recovery" calls on the federal gover ...
- After Katrina, New Orleans cops were told they cou ...This story was reported by Sabrina Shankman and Tom Jennings of Frontline , Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi of The New Orleans Times-Picayune and A.C. Thompson of ProPublica . In the chaotic days after Hurricane Katrina, an order circulated among New Orleans police authorizing officers to shoot ...
Survival International
- Indians urge Brazil’s next President to protect an ...Indians at landmark protest for land rights. Brazil. © Gustavo Macedo/ Survival Indians representing many of Brazilâs 233 tribes have demanded that the countryâs next President map out their ancestral land which has been taken from them for industrial projects, cattle ranching, and soya ...
- David v. Goliath: Indian tribe in ‘stunning’ victo ...The Dongria Kondh and their supporters have won a momentous victory. © Toby Nicholas/Survival A tribe in India has won a stunning victory over one of the worldâs biggest mining companies. In an extraordinary move, Indiaâs Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has blocked Vedanta Resourcesâ ...
- African Commission rules outspoken academic wrongl ...Bushmen children © Survival The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights has declared that outspoken academic, Professor Kenneth Good, was wrongly deported from Botswana after criticizing the lack of democracy in the country. Professor Good worked as professor of political studies at th ...
- Penan tribe demand a say in dam projectWork is in full flow on dams in the Penan's area. © Survival Penan tribespeople in Borneo have demanded a say in a hydroelectric dam being built on their land. Construction of the Murum dam in the Malaysian state of Sarawak is well underway, and will flood the land of at least six Penan villag ...
- Amazon Indians fight controversial mega damIndians protesting against the Belo Monte dam in the Amazon © Verena Glass Hundreds of Indians from throughout the Brazilian Amazon participated in a landmark protest to highlight the threat to their survival posed by large infrastructure projects, in particular the hugely controversial Belo Mo ...
Greg Palast
- No “Home Sweet Home”Five years after KatrinaMatt Pascarella and I encountered Patricia Thomas while she was breaking into a home at the Lafitte Housing Project in New Orleans. It was her own home. Nevertheless, if caught, she'd end up in the slammer. So would we. Matt was my producer for the film, Big Easy to Big Empty, and he encouraged [.. ...
- Five Years and Still DrowningThe New Orleans CNN W ...It's been five years already. In New Orleans, more than half the original residents have not, cannot, return. "They don't want no poor niggers back in - that's the bottom line." And that's Malik Rahim, Director of Common Ground, who led the survivors who rebuilt their homes in the teeth of official ...
- Five Years and Still DrowningThe New Orleans CNN w ...Get Moviefone's top choice of Katrina documentaries Big Easy to Big Empty: The Untold Story of the Drowning of New Orleans "Greg Palast brings you exclusive footage on the hidden political agendas and the suppressed eyewitness reports involved in the disaster." Get the DOWNLOAD Free of Char ...
- Separation of Church and Hate:The Kate Mosque Solu ...by Greg Palast Since everyone seems to have an opinion about the mosque near Ground Zero (and President Obama has two), I like to ask you all a couple of questions: Given that white Christian supremacist Tim McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City Federal Building, shouldn't we ban white churches from th ...
- Behind Bush's Wyly Billionaire Burglars... Hint: B ...by Greg Palast Card illustrations by Bob GrossmanSam Wyly is one of the planet's "Ten Greenest Billionaires," according to Forbes. And, the magazine should have added, the one that deserves the most prison time. Yesterday, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged billionaire Sam and his bil ...
Telegraph UK - oil
- BP handout 'saved the summer' in Florida Visitor numbers in Florida have risen despite the BP oil spill, thanks to a £20m promotion, reports Richard Luscombe.
- Microbe eating spilled oil in Gulf of MexicoA newly discovered species of microbe is breaking down oil from the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico much faster than scientists thought possible.
- Gulf oil spill: other slicks 'saved' by microbes The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has been described as the " worst environmental disaster in history".
- BP oil spill: Was Tony Hayward right after all? The disgraced BP boss enraged America when he played down the effects of the Gulf of Mexico spill. But was he to the truth? asks Richard Alleyne.
- New oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico after tug boat ...A new oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has created a mile-long slick after a tug boat struck an abandoned well off the Louisiana coast.
Ian Welsh
- The right thing to doWhat makes me saddest of all things in the world is this: the vast majority of the time the right thing to do morally is the right thing to do in terms of broad self-interest, and yet we don’t believe that and we do the wrong thing, thinking we must, thinking that we’re making the [...]
- No, the Fed doesn’t need to “press” Credit Card co ...This is exactly wrong mindset: Time and again, the credit card industry has demonstrated its disdain for its customers. The Fed needs to press these companies to live up to the law. No, they need to FORCE them. And if they don’t, it needs to PUNISH them enough that it’s not worth their while. Whic ...
- No, the Fed doesn’t need to “pressR ...This is exactly wrong mindset: Time and again, the credit card industry has demonstrated its disdain for its customers. The Fed needs to press these companies to live up to the law. No, they need to FORCE them. And if they don’t, it needs to PUNISH them enough that it’s not worth their while. Whic ...
- The Somali TFG is in more trouble than usualThe Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Somalia is in more trouble than it normally is Its baseline state is that it is a hollow joke with international recognition. In Mogadishu, the capital, the TFG controls the Presidential palace, a couple of blocks around that building, and a few road ...
- The Somali TFG is in more trouble than usualThe Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Somalia is in more trouble than it normally is Its baseline state is that it is a hollow joke with international recognition. In Mogadishu, the capital, the TFG controls the Presidential palace, a couple of blocks around that building, and a few road ...
Age of Autism
- Brightness in Otherwise Dark Autism Media CoverageBy Anne Dachel Mainstream press coverage of autism has been so overwhelmingly bad for so long that I have no expectations when I scan the news. Newspapers and TV stations will casually announce that one percent of children have autism....
- Kim Stagliano on HuffPo: Assault and Autism. This ...By Kim Stagliano Our nine year old was (allegedly) assaulted on her school bus by a 24 year old bus monitor. She has been charged with several counts. In addition, the driver (who happens to be the monitor's mother) was...
- NIH Launches Effort to Define Markers of Human Imm ...Recovery Act Enables Research That Could Help Improve Vaccines and Therapeutics A new nationwide research initiative has been launched to define changes in the human immune system, using human and not animal studies, in response to infection or to vaccination....
- "You Don't Lock Up Toddlers." Autism, Violence, In ...From PJStar Online. You may recall that Sky Walker, who was found unable to stand trial in the beating death of his mother, was sent to a developmental facility in Ohio. Let's hope that law enforcement and our legal system...
- 15 NY Autism Groups Call on Governor Paterson To V ...“If I told you that a legislator who receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from insurance companies sponsored a bill that was co-authored by a powerful lobbying firm that represents insurance companies your eyes would widen,” said Chris Petrisino, parent...
Global BDS Movement
- Norwegian government pension fund excludes more Is ...Norwegian government pension fund excludes more Israeli companies read more
- Besieging Israel's siegeIn just a few years the Palestinian campaign to boycott Israeli goods has become truly global writes Omar Barghouti for The Guardian 12 August 2010. � read more
- Imaging Apartheid - Poster Project for Palestinecall for submissions: Montreal July 2010 http://imagingapartheid.org/downloads/imagingapartheid_call.pdf As the global movement in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation continues to grow, we are calling on graphic designers and artists to submit their work to IMAGING APARTHEID: ...
- 6,000 Irish shoppers demand supermarket stops stoc ...Today, Thursday 29th July 2010, at 1pm, the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) delivered a petition to Dunnes Stores signed by 6,000 shoppers across Ireland. The petition demands that Dunnes Stores stop stocking Israeli products, until Israel respects Palestinian rights and international l ...
- Palestinian civil society salutes Olympia Food Co- ...Occupied Palestine, 26 July 2010 – Palestinian farmers unions, agricultural organizations and popular committees struggling against Israel’s colonial Wall and settlements warmly salute the historic decision taken on July 15th [1] by the Olympia Food Co-op to remove all Israeli products from its shel ...
Farm Wars
- CODEX in S510: Congress continues to ignore the pe ...Subsection (5) CODEX questions whether or not to implement CODEX, when the writers of this bill are fully aware that implementation has been ongoing since the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1992. The CODEX committees have been meeting in Washington regularly and as recently as June of ...
- Bill Gates In the CrosshairsIn the Crosshairs with Barb Peterson Bill Gates and Monsanto team up for Africa Listen here: Bill Gates In the Crosshairs
- GATES FOUNDATION INVESTS IN MONSANTO Both will pr ...Farmers and civil society organizations around the world are outraged by the recent discovery of further connections between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and agribusiness titan Monsanto.
- Did Hen Vaccine Cause Salmonella Outbreak?The FDA is touting the Salmonella vaccine, a potential cause of the outbreak, as the cure-all to future outbreaks.
- Cured: A Cannabis StoryThe real reason the government doesn’t want us to have this medicine. There is no profit in it, and it actually works. Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids
Open Your Eyes News
- Finland: Health authority stops swine flu vaccinat ...Helsinki Times – The Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) on Tuesday recommended that the use of the Pandemrix vaccine is suspended. The recommendation is a precautionary measure. A possible connection between the swine flu vaccine and narcolepsy is currently being investigated. ...
- Mysterious bright spot found on VenusNew Scientist-A strange spot emerged on Venus last week, and astronomers are not sure what caused it. They hope future observations will reveal whether volcanic activity, turbulence in the planet’s atmosphere, or charged particles from the sun are to blame. Amateur astronomer Frank Melillo of Holtsv ...
- Afghanistan shooting sparks protests at Spanish ba ...BBC – There has been angry reaction to the shooting dead of an Afghan policeman by Spanish forces at a base in western Afghanistan. Spanish officials say the man was taking part in a training course when he opened fire on his instructors, killing two officers and an interpreter. Read Article
- The Government’s New Right to Track Your Eve ...Time – Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn’t violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway – an ...
- In case of attack, Iran will target Gulf states, I ...Al Bawaba – There are growing fears in the Gulf region of an imminent clash with Iran following the launch of Bushehr nuclear facility. Although Western circles downplay the importance of the facility to Iran’s efforts to develop atomic bombs, the Arab states in the Gulf region believe the potential ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Gulf oil spill: Rig captain hesitated before makin ...Testimony by a senior Transocean official at a hearing to determine the cause of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill indicated that the rig's captain hesitated before making critical safety decisions in the moments after the explosion. Daun Winslow, Transocean...
- Gulf oil spill: Has it caused a new fish kill? (UP ...Louisiana state biologists Monday were investigating whether a large fish kill at the mouth of the Mississippi River was caused by oil or dispersants from the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The gulf also contains a vast dead...
- Gulf oil spill: Doomed rig had good reputation, BP ...The Deepwater Horizon, which exploded April 20 in the Gulf of Mexico, was considered one of the most efficient and safest mobile floating rigs in the Transocean Ltd. fleet, according to testimony Thursday at a hearing. The rig's reputation as...
- Gulf oil spill: Top oil rig official doesn’t know ...Who was in charge when the Deepwater Horizon exploded and caught fire in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 crew members? A top official from Transocean, which owned the rig and leased it to BP, could not answer that question...
- Gulf oil spill: Did BP fail to take action on tech ...Federal investigators Monday suggested that BP knew of major technical problems but failed to take significant action before the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, killing 11 men. Troubling flaws aboard the oil...
- Videos to support Water.org (One Day on Earth)Support Water.org with your video creation (One Day on Earth) - CALL TO ACTION: Share video of your water Without water, life would not exist. It is a prerequisite for all human and economic development. This 10.10.10 we invite you to share with the world how you access life’s most precious commodi ...
- Water.org at TEDxKC (Brainzooming)What the World Needs Now â Innovative Ideas from TEDxKC â Part II (Brainzooming) – For whatever reason, McCamonâs TEDxKC presentation was incredibly brief. It provided staggering statistics about the amount of solid human waste thatâs left untreated globally in a world where more people have ...
- Matt Damon’s trip to Ethiopia for water (Top Cel.)Matt Damonâs trip to Ethiopia to advocate for clean water (Top Celebrity Headlines) – Matt Damon is advocating for clean water and plumbing throughout the world as part of the charity he co-founded, Water.org. He appeared in a video for CNN to show how difficult it is for people in rural northern ...
- Barclay Martin helping Kenya with Water.org (Pitch ...Listen to the Barclay Martin Ensemble’s first single from its new album (The Pitch) – This record represents a culmination of years of study, practice, writing and love of making music together. It is a departure stylistically from our previous releases, perhaps a deeper understanding after years of ...
- Bono Street Team: Water.orgBono Street Team: Water.org (Bono Street Team) – Water.org is a U.S.-based nonprofit organization committed to providing safe drinking water and sanitation to people in developing countries. They have featured projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Read full Bono Street Team arti ...
Before It's News
- Goldman_Sachs_Still_Declining
- UNG_Remains_Weak_Despite_Market_Bounce
- HP_Dell_Raise_Bids_On_3Par
- XOM_Trades_Higher._Watch_This_level.
- U_Michigan_Consumer_Sentiment
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley break ...
Margaret's News
- EU 'concerned' by conviction of Palestinian anti-s ...Ashton suggested the conviction was intended to prevent him and other Palestinians from exercising their legitimate right to protest against the existence of the separation barriers in a nonviolent manner. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Toronto school board supports book that demonizes ...She encounters violent Jewish settlers and Israeli soldiers, who poison some of Amanis sheep, bulldoze her house, shoot and kill her dog, prevent her family from harvesting their olives, and beat and jail her father and uncle. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Ministry rejects 56 foreign childrens' legal statu ...So far, 487 requests have been lodged to Interior Ministry, of which one-tenth have been rejected. Time allotted for non-resident families to voluntarily leave to expire in 2 weeks. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Lieberman: Settlement building should restart in S ..."We cannot punish tens of thousands of citizens who have served in the army and live in legal communities," Lieberman said. "We should take natural growth into consideration, as did the previous administration." Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The religious coercion trainEver since segregation was banned on buses in the southern United States, it has not occurred to anyone in the free world to demand that transportation be segregated by race or religious creed. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- U.S. Air Force Bases Embrace Solar EnergyWhile the U.S. Air Force remains the largest energy user in the federal government, many Air Force bases are making significant strides to generate renewable energy on-site. �
- The Solar Incentive Report Card is an Essential Gu ...Solar Power Rocks , an online solar power resource for everyone interested in solar energy, from professionals to neophytes, recently released it 2010 Report Card , in living color, in graph form, with so many rating
- The Positive Effects of Solar Energy on Rural Afri ...large A shining example of solar's ability to cultivate change begins with a look at its immense influence on impoverished peoples -- such as those found in rural Africa.�
- Solar Energy Helps Grow Fruit and Provide Power to ...large A fruit orchard on the east coast of the United States is using the sun to grow fruit and provide power to the farm.
- Dust Removing Technology Used on Mars Could Increa ...large Dust removing technology developed by NASA for robotic machines working on Mars might be an ideal application on solar panels.
News Blaze
- UN Agency Reports More Than 100,000 Afghans Return ...The number of Afghan refugees voluntarily returning home from Pakistan and Iran has topped 100,000 so far this year, the United Nations reported today, noting that this is almost twice as many as in 2009.
- Hindu & Jewish Leaders Want Sanctions Against Fran ...France, which reportedly expelled about 10,000 Roma last year, has dismantled about 117 Roma settlements and expelled about 635 Roma during the past few weeks and has announced to demolish total 300 such camps.
- Pakistan's Flooding Disaster and US ResponseTherefore, the United States is now providing $200 million to assist with relief and recovery efforts, which does not include considerable in-kind and technical assistance specifically to address the impact of these floods.
- Carter Returns From Pyongyang With Freed American ...Carter arrived in Pyongyang on Wednesday on a private diplomatic mission at the invitation of the North Korean government
- Repatriate Indian fishermen after sentence is over ...Supreme Court of Pakistan informed 454 Indian fishermen (out of total 582 currently detained) have completed their sentences in Pakistani jails, should be repatriated. Pakistani ministry of Foreign Affairs told Supreme Court that four hundred and fi
Historical Notes
- Fidel Castro
- Fidel Castro History ArchiveTab seemed to migrate to others !
- Castro Speech database
- Miners to join South African public sector strikesa.jpg Miners in South Africa plan to join the massive public sector strike that has already crippled the the government in recent weeks. The National Union of Mineworkers said Fri ...
- Garment and construction workers strikes in Cambod ...100823_2[1].jpg In the past few days, a garment workers' strike has found itself in conflict with bosses, local authorities and union officials while last week, construction workers struck in solidarity w ...
- Is this farewell, welfare?axe.png The government’s answer to the problem of unemployment during the biggest economic crisis since the 1930s is not to create any new jobs, but to launch a massive attack on our living standards. ...
- Academy schools programme expanded0728classroom[1].jpg A new Education Bill is set to massively extend Labour’s controversial Academies programme. The Education Secretary Michael Gove has now added Ofsted-graded “o ...
- Strikes off, cuts on at universities712-sussex-uni-flag-lg[1].jpg The academics’ union UCU at the University of Sussex cancelled industrial action planned for late June after university bosses declared they were “hopeful” they could avoid ...
Free Range International
- The Dog Days of SummerMany apologies for the delay on posting.  I was laid low by some sort of viral affliction which mimicked  malaria.  Like most people who get sick maybe once a decade, when I do catch a bug you would think I was on death’s door I’m such a sissy about it.  But the fever is gone [...]
- The Good Don’t Always Die YoungThe Godfather of Free Range International – the man who pioneered the techniques, tactics and procedures we use to travel in remote districts was executed last week in Badakhshan Province. Dan Terry was a good man. Â He was humble, self-effacing, and competent. Â He lived in Afghanistan with his fam ...
- Getting After ItOne of the Chim Chim’s dropped in for a visit last month. Â He was on some sort of training inspection type team which I didn’t ask too much about and told us that every-time he asked officers from the unit he was looking at what they were doing the reply was “getting after it.” Â They [...]
- Losing Hearts and MindsBen Arnoldy at the Christen Science Monitor penned an excellent tale on reconstruction efforts going pear shaped and the consequences resulting from such folly. It is an excellent piece of reporting from one of the truly professional foreign correspondents working the country today. The report was ...
- RestrepoLast week Kanani Fong at The Kitchen Dispatch arranged an interview for me with Tim Hertherington, who along with Sebastian Junger produced the award winning documentary Restrepo. Kanani signed onto the Restrepo team to spearhead a public relations effort, in conjunction with National Geographic, ...
The Story Behind the Story
- Ellen Brown LIVE on The Story Behind the Story  ...Axing the Bankersâ Money Tree: Homeowners’ Rebellion against Wall Street Recent Rulings Could Shield 62 Million Homes from Foreclosure by Ellen Brown http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=20688 Ellen Brown developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil litigation in ...
- IMPORTANT INFO ON MORTGAGES!!!!Every homeowner in America needs to read this very carefully. Homeowners’ Rebellion: Could 62 Million Homes Be Foreclosure-Proof? August 20th, 2010 | Author: Stephanie Over 62 million mortgages are now held in the name of MERS, an electronic recording system devised by and for the convenience of the ...
- WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT CAP AND TRADE (Cra ...If You Own A Home You Better Read This .. What we can expect if “Cap & Trade” legislation is enacted? We thought we were in trouble in this nation before, but just wait. It CAN get MUCH WORSE!! Well read this one, it is all verified and double-checked and reference links are at the [...]
- BARRACK OBAMA INDICTED FOR MURDER???Mom of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks Up Mom of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks Up Posted on July 25, 2010 by Eowyn Donald Young http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.c…ver-speaks-up/ In late May, Wash. DC-based investigative journalist Wayne Madsen had a bombshell revelation about Obamaâs membershi ...
- Dov Zakheim Retires — OH PLEASE!!!!Dov Zakheim retires from Booz Allen Hamilton Jerry Mazza Online Journal Fri, 16 Jul 2010 20:22 EDT For those of you who don’t know who Dov Zakheim is, let me refresh your memory. The ordained rabbi served as comptroller of the Pentagon from May 4, 2001, to March 10, 2004, when he resigned to go [... ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny hou ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plans fo ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being pro ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re in ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human effect ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain temper ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here’s ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing to do ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM says t ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Robert Fowler, Held Hostage by al Qaeda in Africa ...Kidnapped by al Qaeda. The very thought causes shudders. But it happened to this week's guest: one of Canada's former senior diplomats in Africa on a special mission for the United Nations. The challenge: solving a dispute between the government of Niger and the rebel movement MNJ. This week, the Un ...
- Steve Nash, Two-time NBA MVP (Sept 19, 2009)He's one of the best basketball players on the planet, and he's made millions at it. But there's more to this week's guest than just the game. A lot more. This Canadian now makes his name on the courts, in the movies, and doing some pretty good things around the world. This week, he's our guest.
- Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of Canada (Sept ...We know it was a recession, but do we know if it's really a recovery? And what about that huge deficit? A dollar again approaching parity with its US counterpart? And the unemployment rate -- could it soon be in double digits? Difficult questions for this week's guest, the man who has to consider th ...
- Dr. Shana Kelley, University of Toronto (October 3 ...Research labs around the world are on the constant hunt for new ways of fighting one of the world's great killers - cancer. In one lab in Toronto, exciting promise on a new technique for early detection. The possibilities are endless: for fighting cancer, and other diseases, both here in our world, ...
- Dr. Susy Hota, Infectious Diseases Specialist (Oct ...Are you tired of hearing about HINI -- the swine flu? That's not surprising because there's been a half year of information coming your way -- some of it contradictory, much of it confusing. This week's guest helps us get down to basics -- what you need to know, and why you need to know it.
Scotts Contracting
- Renewable Energy-Electric Power Lines-Transmission ...In the Transmission Line Debate I’ve included my comments on the Article. scotts-contracting-171793 August 20, 2010 Grid, Smart Grid, New Transmission Lines- What a Crock of ___. If more people utilized their own Renewable Energy Production for Home or Business … Continue reading →
- Political Contributions-Dirty $money$-Oil Pay OffsNo More Dirty Energy Money!
- End Big Oil Bail OutsDear Scotts, Thanks for asking Congress to end the bailouts to big oil. Can you help spread the word before it’s too late by telling 5 friends? If you are on Facebook, click here to post the petition to your … Continue reading →
- Politics and Oil-Follow the $money$
- Chinese Drywall-Warning Signals-DetectionWarning Signals There are several problems caused by the Chinese drywall. How can a problem be detected? Look for these signs: The drywall releases sulfur dioxide gas creating sulfuric acid. There is a smell like rotten eggs. Unfortunately, not all … Continue reading →
The View From Abroad
- Lies, Intolerance, and Disrespect for the Rule of ...The latest debate over the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" is replete with lies, intolerance and disrespect for the law.
- Tocqueville as ProphetFed poised for another round of quantitative easing.
- U.S. Property Rights in Line with Tenets of Commun ...Treatment of private property in America would make Lenin smile.
- As Usual, Government Regulation as Political Payof ...The financial regulation measure before the Senate will only benefit the big banks. Surprise, Surprise!
- Drug Czar Supports More of the SameA new report calls for ending the Drug War; the drug czar isn't buying it.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- Stripping End-Timers of Their Nuclear Ticket to Ar ...Embracing Armageddon is fundamentally un-Christian.
- Interview with Andrew BacevichU.S. military intervention is counter-productive to U.S. national interests, argues the best-selling author and professor of international relations.
- Review: Washington RulesArmy-officer-turned professor Andrew Bacevich makes the realist case against American expansionism.
- Postcard From...FutenmaOkinawans are nowhere to be seen at this summer's U.S. military appreciation day at the controversial Futenma air base.
- Los Alamos Watchdog Shoots an Arrow at the Beating ...A nuclear watchdog files a complaint against the Department of Energy to halt the construction of a facility for manufacturing nuclear pits.
- Federal Judge Sanctions Tech Company Over Handling ...A judge has sanctioned a leader in flash drive technology for mishandling e-discovery in what the judge called a "David and Goliath-like" struggle. The judge ruled he would instruct the jury to draw a negative inference from the fact that SanDisk, which has a market capitalization of $8.7 billion, h ...
- Judge Denies Sanofi's Request to Stop Generic Riva ...Judge Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has denied a bid by France's Sanofi-Aventis to halt sales of a generic version of its blockbuster blood thinner Lovenox, a move which may help pave the way for the Food and Drug Administration to approve generic biologic dr ...
- New Strategy in Foreclosure Battles Attacks Validi ...When it comes to fighting foreclosures, homeowners and their lawyers may have found a new strategy to score courtroom victories. Defense lawyers across Florida are increasingly attacking the validity of affidavits that owners of notes must file with the courts as part of the foreclosure process. Att ...
- BP Suits to Show Challenge of Taming DiscoveryBecause arguments in high-stakes cases are frequently more nuanced, the identification of supporting evidence requires the culling of vast volumes of information. For the BP oil spill, e-discovery will be a beast -- but even in potentially huge cases, it's possible to reduce EDD costs.
- Former MoFo Partner Charged With Misappropriating ...Former Morrison & Foerster partner Jonathan Dickstein and his wife, Barclay Lynn, have been arrested and charged with 31 felony counts over an alleged scheme that netted nearly $400,000. Prosecutors say Dickstein and Lynn collected the money as reimbursement from the San Francisco Unified School Dis ...
- Thai customs seize live tiger in airport baggageAirport customs in Bangkok found a two-month-old tiger stashed in a bag, filled with stuffed tiger toys, which was checked-in for an international passenger flight, authorities said on Friday. The dazed and drugged cub was concealed in an oversized bag packed with the toys and bound for Iran when i ...
- Iran wants role, after all, as nuclear fuel maker ...Iran has proposed to share fuel production with Russia for its Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant – a move bound to raise even more concerns about Tehran's nuclear ambitions. The power plant, which began receiving fuel Saturday and is set to commence producing power next month, is supposed t ...
- حضور بی رویه بانوان در جامعه شخصیت زن را له کرده ...قم-خبرگزاري ايلنا::رئیس کمیسیون فرهنگی شورای اسلامی شهر قم با انتقاد از عدم ساماندهی حضور بانوان در عرصه اجتماع گفت: متاسفانه در برخی جاها با حضور بدون توجیه صحیح بانوان در عرصه مواجه هستیم که این نوع حضور شخصیت زن را له کرده است. read more
- هواپيماي سوپر 100 از باند فرودگاه بينالمللي تبريز ...خليل ساعي، دبير ستاد حوادث غيرمترقبه آذربايجان شرقي در گفتوگو با خبرنگار فارس در تبريز گفت: حدود ساعت 22 پنجشنبهشب به ستاد حوادث غير مترقبه استان اطلاع داده شد كه يك فروند هواپيمايي سوپر 100شركت آسمان از باند خارج شده و در داخل كانال سقوط كرده است. read more
- Karrar - Iran's New Jet-Powered Recce and Attack D ...Iran has this week unveiled a new type of turbojet-powered drone designated 'Karrar' (striker - in Farsi), described by Iranian officials as capable to perform long-range reconnaissance and attack missions. Iranian Defense Minister, Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi announced on Sunday that the country ...
Most Revolutionary Act
- Useless Eaters: the Stigmatization of Health Probl ...As a psychiatrist battling the stigma of mental illness for more than 30 years, I am gratified by growing public awareness that that schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder run in families and are, at least partly, biologically determined. Thankfully the days when it was socially acceptable t ...
- Useless Eaters: The Stigmatization of Health Probl ...As a psychiatrist battling the stigma of mental illness for more than 30 years, I am gratified by growing public awareness that that schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder run in families and are, at least partly, biologically determined. Thankfully the days when it was socially acceptable ...
- Is Capitalism Doomed? - Part VContemporary Solutions In The ABCs of the Economic Crisis , contemporary Marxists Magdoff and Yates also express the view that capitalism is on its last legs. They, like Strachey, propose “socialism” as the solution to a failed capitalist system. However they are even less prescriptive than ...
- Is Capitalism Doomed? – Part VContemporary Solutions In The ABCs of the Economic Crisis , contemporary Marxists Magdoff and Yates also express the view that capitalism is on its last legs. They, like Strachey, propose “socialism” as the solution to a failed capitalist system. However they are even less prescriptive than he is as ...
- Is Capitalism Doomed? - Part IVImplications for the Future In general, Marxists believe the economic laws that govern capitalism make it inherently flawed – dooming it to eventual failure. They also see a grave risk that the collapse of capitalism will bring down civilization with it. Which is why they argue for workers to h ...
Free Movement
- Right to work for asylum seekersUKBA has laid Statement of Changes CM7929 to give effect (or, at least, limited effect) to the judgment of the Supreme Court in ZO (Somalia) [2010] UKSC 36. This was the case in which the Court held that an asylum claim is still an asylum claim for the purposes of the Reception Directive whether it ...
- Post Pankina Rules UpdateFollowing Pankina, UKBA laid Statement of Changes HC382, different parts of which came into effect on 23 July and 12 August 2010. The main changes were to incorporate into the main Immigration Rules some provisions that had previously featured only in the policy guidance and which were declared unla ...
- Temporary immigration capI still use this blog as my own personal note book of developments I might well want to look up later. I’m currently updating and re-writing the HJT Immigration Manual (ready first week of September in time for the next round of accreditation, available now for a reduced price if pre-ordering) and t ...
- UKBA seek feedback on settlement application proce ...Anyone with recent experience of applying for settlement may wish to help UKBA by completing a feedback form, available here.
- Rights of children a primary considerationYet more good news, this time for children and their parents. In LD (Article 8 best interests of child) Zimbabwe [2010] UKUT 278 (IAC) the President of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the Upper Tribunal has found that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is highly relevant to Article 8 ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- 90 Years After the Vote, U.S. Women Still Seek Eco ...Women won the right to vote 90 years ago today. As historian Christine�Stansell points out, the seemingly “no-brainer” move to ensure women have the same political citizenship rights as men was contested in this country until 1984, when Mississippi became the last state to ratify the 19th Amen ...
- Foreign Policy: The Future Of Iraqi OilDavid Bender is an analyst in Eurasia Group's Middle East practice. Bush administration officials predicted that a post-war spike in Iraq's oil production would pay for both the conflict and ease the country's transition to democracy. Anti-war protesters countered that the ...
- KBR wins refinery work contracts in IraqAug 24 ( Reuters ) - KBR Inc, a U.S. engineering and construction firm, said on Tuesday it won contracts from the Iraqi government for work on two refining projects. KBR will provide licensing and basic engineering services for the construction of fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) and Solvent Deasphalt ...
- CIA Red Cell - A Red Cell Special Memorandum - 5 F ...[A note from MichaelMoore.com: The following is the full text of the classified CIA 'Red Cell' document ( PDF ) released today by WikiLeaks.org ]What If Foreigners See the United States as an “Exporter of Terrorism”? (S//NF) Much attention has been paid recently to the increasing occurrence of Ameri ...
- CIA Red Cell Memorandum on United States "exp ...This CIA "Red Cell" report from February 2, 2010, looks at what will happen if it is internationally understood that the United States is an exporter of terrorism; 'Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists is not a recent phenomenon, nor has it been associated on ...
- Daily Show on Beck: "I have a scheme"The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c I Have a Scheme www.thedailyshow.com ...
- Glenn Beck's revisionist, apolitical historySince announcing Saturday's "Restoring Honor" rally, Glenn Beck has steadfastly maintained that it's not a political rally.
- Is Glenn Beck profiting from his "Restoring Honor" ...Despite Glenn Beck's insistence that his "Restoring Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday is devoted to honoring troops, the event is, indisputably, all about Glenn Beck.
- Levi Johnston takes back his Palin apologyLevi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin's grandson, says he wishes he hadn't apologized for telling lies about the former Alaska governor because he's "never lied about anything."
- Second AIDS group breaks with Nevada megachurchThe largest AIDS service organization in Nevada has severed its ties with a Las Vegas megachurch over that church's financial support of one of the chief backers of Uganda's notorious "kill the gays" bill.
SMB News
- Iran working against Iraqi democracy: US generalWASHINGTON: Iran is funding extremist groups in Iraq out of fear of a strong democracy as a neighbor, the commander of US forces in Iraq said Sunday. “I think they don’t want to see Iraq turn into a strong democratic country, General Ray Odierno told CNN. “They would rather see it become a weak gove ...
- New flood tide roars into Dera Allah YarJAFFERABAD: High flood tide raged its way into Jafferabad area of Dera Allah Yar, rendering thousands of people homeless, these stranded people are waiting for help, Geo News reported Monday. The new flood tide further exacerbated the situation in the area where people are present on the high places ...
- Enraged flood victims get physical with police, Ra ...SUKKUR: Floods continue to cause devastation in Sukkur and rendered thousands of people stranded in various areas while enraged flood victims burned tyres, blocked road and exchanged blows with police and Rangers after one of the affectees died in a relief camp here at Sukkur-Shikarpur Road. The wat ...
- Qaeda’s cause is gross distortion of Islam: ObamaQaedaâs cause is gross distortion of Islam: ObamaWASHINGTON: In a passionate defense of religious freedom, President Barack Obama on Friday waded into a bitter controversy by defending the right of Muslims to build a mosque just blocks from Ground Zero. “As a citizen, and as president, I believe t ...
- Do they lock Geo More news from Zardari to throw s ...Karachi: Geo News blocked the transfer of the road at night in a cold portion of the new country after the news sent threw shoes at President Zardari’s party time in Birmingham, Geo News reported sources as kabelexploitanten zeggend. Meanwhile, many of the singer kabelexploitanten in Karachi was bad ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Editorial: Breaking up a terror plotThe “Toronto 18” conspiracy may have been Canada’s first major homegrown terror threat after 9/11, but if police are to be believed it is far from being the last. We cannot afford to be complacent.
- Breaking up a terror plotWe cannot afford to be complacent about homegrown terrorists.
- A new Olympic spiritJacques Rogge proves that young athletes aren’t jaded or celebrity obsessed.
- Breaking upa terror plotWe cannot afford to be complacent about homegrown terrorists.
- Doctors and medicareThe Canadian Medical Association's new president shows he is open to restoring medicare to good health.
Energy Collective
- Self-Cleaning Solar Panels: More from NASA’s LabCommercial solar cells with dust shields in NASA lab (Photo by Dr. Carlos Calle)
- Why Conservatives Are Bad on Energy: It's All Abou ...Conservatives,� let's talk about energy. And why so many conservatives are so wrong -- so liberal, even -- on wind and solar energy. Let's start with a recent editorial from the home of 'free markets and free people," the Wall Street Journal. Photovoltaic solar energy, quoth the mavens, is a "specu ...
- Beacon Solar Energy ProjectTodd Woody reports on licensing of the nation’s first large-scale solar thermal power plant in two decades. Licensing of the 250-megawatt Beacon Solar Energy Project comes after a two-and-a-half-year environmental review. The author is now hopeful that several other big solar farms will receive appr ...
- Taxes and liability issues tie nukes in knots in G ...If these two countries want nuclear energy, they have a strange way of showing it
- Looking Back to Look Ahead: USDOE Annual Energy Re ...Last week the Energy Information Agency of the US Department of Energy released its Annual Energy Review for 2009. Although it doesn't offer predictions concerning the energy transition that was the subject of last Wednesday's posting , it does include a wealth of charts and graphs visualizing the r ...
EU Times
- Sweden loses patience with refugee champion roleSix years after his brother was beheaded by Iraqi insurgents, Riyad is still haunted by the memory of identifying the disfigured body and watching the mutilation on a video distributed by the killers. Yet Riyad now has fresh worries to contend with: the threat of deportation from Sweden, which recen ...
- Turkey tells US it won’t adhere to new sanctions o ...Turkish officials have told an American delegation that it has no intention of following unilateral US sanctions on Iran, a move likely to deepen a rift between the two NATO allies over the Islamic republic’s contentious nuclear program that Washington believes is aimed at developing nuclear weapons ...
- Official US Deficit Put At Staggering $202 Trillio ...The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecasts the U.S. budget deficit will hit $1.3 trillion this year. An astronomical figure, to be sure, but thatâs lower than was projected in March. Itâs also less than last yearâs record $1.41 trillion deficit, which was close to 10% of GDP. And, that’s ...
- Goldman Sachs accused of trying to destroy ChinaGoldman Sachs & Co., reviled in the U.S. for its role in the financial crisis, is now getting hammered in the world’s No. 2 economy with a sensationalist new book accusing the investment bank of trying to destroy China. The “Goldman Sachs Conspiracy,” which has sold over 100,000 copies since it was ...
- Italy inspired by France to expel citizens from ot ...Italy has said it intends to expel citizens from other EU states if they are not able to support themselves, in a move apparently inspired by France’s current crackdown on Roma. Interior Minister Roberto Maroni told daily newspaper Corriere della Sera on Saturday (21 August) that French president Ni ...
Stonecipher News
- Studies Claim That One Million Children Misdiagnos ...According to Jo Oliver "Several studies this month in the Journal of Health Economics are looking at ADHD. Separate studies by researchers at North Carolina State University, Notre Dame, the University of Minnesota, and Michigan State University all arrive at similar conclusions about ADHD. For tho ...
- Education: What Does It Mean For Your ChildFrom my Factoidz page: The PACER Center is a Minnesota training and information center funded by the U. S. Department of Education Office of Special Education (n.d., http://www.pacer.org/) writes an article for LD online explaining to lay people the evaluation process for special education. The arti ...
- Tests and Measurements for the Parent, Teacher, Ad ...Peter and Pam Wright compose a comprehensive article for parents, teachers, advocates and attorneys. The purpose of which is to help lay people and professionals recognize the value of reading and understanding educational test scores. Attorney Peter Wright Esq., and Psychotherapist Pam Wright who ...
- Fetal Xrays Can Cause Memory Loss and Schizophreni ...Alarming as it sounds, I hardly doubt Fetal Xrays can cause Schizophrenia . Schizophrenia is often misdiagnosed by psychiatrists who look for a reasoning for someone's memory loss. In fact, less than 1% of the population actually has Schizophrenia, so I'm in question about these findings.� ...
- Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms and Why Vitamin C is ...According to Dr. Kristie Leong : Vitamin C deficiency disease, such as scurvy, is less common these days due to the easy availability of vitamin C rich foods. On the other hand, some people need more vitamin C to stay healthy. Are you one of them? Vitamin C is most commonly found in fresh fruits an ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Google Adds Weighted Sorting To AnalyticsIf you want to fine tune your website in an effort to increase sales you absolutely must pay attention to what your website analytics is telling you. In short, you must know where your problem spots are if you are going to be able to correct them. Now, there are a number of website... Tags: bounce r ...
- Markets Wait for 2Q GDP, BernankeWe’re clearly in “wait-and-see” mode here on Wall Street. Stock futures are cautiously higher, but nothing to call home about, while Treasurys are largely stready, though the 30-year bond is a little lower. The yield on the 10-year note is 2.498% versus 2.50% Thursday. The euro... Tags: gdp ben bern ...
- Newspapers set Oct. 19 debateDebate will happen with or without both candidates, White unveils insurance plan and the TYC ombudsman quits after five months on the job. (Lots of folks you need to wish a happy birthday this weekend: Today, Deece Eckstein and lobbyist Jim Arnold. Tomorrow, Reps. Ellen Cohen... Tags: lobbyist ombud ...
- Outdoor Furniture Plus Mommy And Me Adirondack Cha ...We had the kids' birthday party in our backyard so seating was a priority. I wanted to have comfortable chairs and swings scattered around the yard so parents could mingle and watch their children play. Outdoor Furniture Plus has a large selection of outdoor seating and other items.... Tags: furnitu ...
- Super 8 Austin City Limits Music Festival Sweepsta ...Two 3-day passes to the 2010 Austin City Limits Music Festival and a free night at any Super 8 motel can be yours by entering the Super 8 Sweepstakes by September 5, 2010. You need to fill out the entry form on the Super 8 Facebook page found under the Sweepstakes tab. One... Tags: zilker park wynd ...
- The long, sordid tale of Sun RPC...People wanted to be able to support RPC, so this code was used all over the place. Notably, it is a core component of how NFS works on Unix (and since Linux is Unix-y, there too). Over time, this code was ported to Linux, and added, most notably, to glibc, all along, inheriting the same license Sun ...
- Exploring Oracles Lawsuit Against GoogleAn attorney with an interest in these matters and who often chats with TMO has weighed in on what he thinks the results of the litigation might be. "What would likely happen if Oracle wins on substantially all of its claims of infringement, both copyright and patent? I think that the most likel ...
- U.S., Russian Patent Offices Strike Fast-Track Dea ...The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and its equivalent in Russia are launching a one-year pilot program on Sept. 1 to fast-track each other's approved patent applications. - BLT
- Google: "Goggles Does NOT Do Face Recognition"The big news out of Hot Chips on Monday was Google's promise to have its Goggles visual search app ready for the iPhone by the end of 2010. Google Goggles project lead David Petrous also provided the inside scoop into how Goggles deciphers your images in the cloud. But the most interesting takeaway ...
- Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Paten ...Essentially, Apple's patent provides for a device to investigate a user's identity, ostensibly to determine if and when that user is "unauthorized," or, in other words, stolen. More specifically, the technology would allow Apple to record the voice of the device's user, take a photo of the device's ...
Blacklisted News
- VIDEO: Cramer Predicts “Mass Panic” In Markets, “S ...We won’t have to wait long to find out. GDP figures are likely to be announced just before 10am EST this morning. The outcome will go a long way to defining exactly how wrong the happy-clappy “recovery” crowd were all along.
- Teens texting addiction can be like being addicted ...Walking, sitting, it doesn't matter where it happens, teenagers seem to need to text. Statistics show 80 percent of all 15 to 18-year-olds own a cell phone. And the rate of texting has sky rocketed 600 percent in three years. The average teen sends 3,000 texts a month.
- Privatizing the Occupation: The Mercenaries and th ...M arket extremists argue that the private sector can do almost everything better than governments. The most extreme do not concede the qualifier “almost” and argue that even the police and army should be privatized.
- Leaked CIA memo cites U.S. Jews among exporters of ...The Wikileaks website released a CIA document on Wednesday that examines the trend of Americans committing terrorist acts overseas, including American Jews in Israel.
- GMO Crop Sabotage on the Rise: French citizens des ...
The Intelligence Daily
- IntelFilter World News Links: August 27, 2010Headline of the day: Report: 90,000 inmates sexually victimized (victimized sexually by inmates or...
- Pentagon’s New Global Military Partner: SwedenBy Rick Rozoff The longest war in U.S. history and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s first...
- 10 Practical Steps That You Can Take To Insulate Y ...By Michael T Snyder Most Americans are still operating under the delusion that this...
- The Care and Feeding of Time MachinesBy John Michael Greer The distinction between intensive and extensive food plant production...
- America’s Gulf: Updating the Greatest Ever Environ ...By Stephen Lendman For months, US media reports distorted and lied about its severity, running...
My AntiWar
- Russia and the Future of Nuclear TalksSummary: Bushehr ReactorThe launch of the Bushehr nuclear plant will enhance the peaceful nature and legitimacy of Iran?s nuclear program at the level of international public opinion and this will give Iran the upper hand in any future talks with the 5+1 group. With Bushehr?s launching, Russia has ...
- CIA Red Cell Memorandum on United States “ex ...Summary: This CIA “Red Cell” report from February 2, 2010, looks at what will happen if it is internationally understood that the United States is an exporter of terrorism; ‘Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists is not a recent phenomenon, nor has it been assoc ...
- Army Assigns WikiLeaks Defendant a New Lawyer
- PM: Canada Faces Global Terror Threats
- Wednesday: 20 Iraqis Killed, 25 Wounded
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Russia and the Future of Nuclear TalksSummary: Bushehr Reactor The launch of the Bushehr nuclear plant will enhance the peaceful nature and legitimacy of Iran’s nuclear program at the level of international public opinion and this will give Iran the upper hand in any future talks with the 5+1 group. With Bushehr’s launching, Russia ...
- CIA Red Cell Memorandum on United States "exportin ...Summary: This CIA "Red Cell" report from February 2, 2010, looks at what will happen if it is internationally understood that the United States is an exporter of terrorism; 'Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists is not a recent phenomenon, nor has it been as ...
- Iran proposes formation of joint fuel consorti ...Summary: Dr Salehi Tehran, Aug 26, IRNA – Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Ali Akbar Salehi announced the country’s proposal to Russia to establish a nuclear fuel consortium to supply fuel to Bushehr plant and the others to be set up in future. source: IRNA read more
- Boxed into a Corner on IranSummary: He [Obama] must stand up before the American people and state simply and unequivocally that Washington opposes any new military action in the Middle East and that the United States is not threatened by Iran and will take no part in any military action directed against it. He might add ...
- Israeli President: Iran Threatens to Use Nuclear W ...Summary: Israel's Dimona nuclear facility Peres, whose position in Israel is largely ceremonial, demanded that Amano and the rest of the world “acknowledge the danger” Iran poses to Israel and the rest of the world, adding that Iran “threatens to use nuclear weapons.” source: Anti-War.com read ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Get Smart! Major Study Shows Walking Boosts Brain ...New research has proven that even moderate exercise – in this case walking at one’s own pace for 40 minutes three times a week – can enhance the connectivity of important brain circuits, combat declines in brain function associated with...
- Space, Sci, Tech Fans: Win a Free Kindle!Volunteers needed to share Daily Galaxy posts you love on Digg, Reddit, and StumbleUpon. Win a Free Kindle for generating most views in August. Send us copies of your Digg and/or Reddit or SU stats and shipping address at end...
- New Tech: Google "Voice" Phone Booths To Start Pop ...Google wants to get you hooked on Google Voice, and it’s got a totally new retro branding vehicle: charming red telephone booths inspired by the sort that dot the UK. Today, TechCrunch reported that at a press event where it...
- Space, Sci, Tech Fans: Win a Free Kindle!Volunteers needed to share and review Daily Galaxy posts you love on Digg, Reddit, and StumbleUpon. Win a Free Kindle for generating most views of Daily Galaxy posts in August. Send us copies of your Digg and/or Reddit or SU...
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Time Travel
Natural News
- Australia bans flu vaccines in children after vomi ...(NaturalNews) Although it's still summer in North America, it is of course winter in Australia, and the flu season is well under way there. As usual, Australian health authorities have been urging parents there to vaccinate their children against the flu, propagating the mythology that flu vaccines ...
- If you use pharmaceuticals, you are polluting the ...(NaturalNews) Any personal use of pharmaceutical products can lead to dangerous water pollution, even if drugs or cosmetics are applied only to the skin, researchers have found. Researchers have known for several years that after a person ingests a drug, their body may excrete residues of the chemic ...
- Adderall has extreme side effects, but FDA says ke ...(NaturalNews) The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug Adderall is known to cause serious physical side effects including heart attack, stroke, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, and even sudden death. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is aware of this and more, but in ...
- FDA ignored evidence that CT scans are killing 14, ...(NaturalNews) FDA administrators sought to brush aside evidence that CT scans may be killing thousands of patients a year, say agency scientists. "I was first ignored, then pressured to change my scientific opinion, and when I refused to do that, I was intimidated and ultimately terminated," said ga ...
- Bottled tea beverages contain little or no antioxi ...(NaturalNews) Countless studies over the years about the health benefits of tea -- particularly green tea -- have driven many health-conscious consumers to stock up on all the latest tea beverages that claim to improve health. But a recent study has shown that most commercial bottled tea drinks cont ...
Threat Level
- Hackers Plant Tardis Atop MIT BuildingWhat the heck is that blue box on top of the Small Dome at MIT? Students starting school this week at the venerable geek institution were wondering that themselves. Let’s take a closer look … Yep, it turns out that the Doctor is stopping by to give the first lecture in 6.01, the infamously hard a ...
- Teachbook Vows Facebook Trademark Suit FightSocial-networking upstart Teachbook said Wednesday it would challenge a trademark infringement lawsuit brought by Facebook, which is demanding the teacher-oriented site remove “book” from its name. “It’s a David and Goliath situation,” said Greg Shrader, the managing partner of the Northbrook, Ill ...
- WikiLeaks Airs Classified CIA Memo, But Real Messa ...WikiLeaks dug into its trove of unpublished leaks Wednesday to release a six-month-old classified CIA memo about foreign perception of the United States, underscoring that the secret-spilling website won’t be cowed by Pentagon threats, nor derailed by the Swedish legal problem now circling its lead ...
- Facebook Lawsuit Throws the -book at Social Networ ...Facebook has sued a little-known website for educators called Teachbook, claiming Facebook literally owns the “book” when it comes to naming social networking sites. “Misappropriating the distinctive book portion of Facebook’s trademark, defendant has created its own competing online networking com ...
- Touchscreen E-Voting Machine Reprogrammed to Play ...It turns out paperless touchscreen voting machines are actually good for something after all. Two computer-security researchers recently hacked this Sequoia AVC Edge to play the classic arcade videogame Pac-Man. They picked up the machine after it was decommissioned in Virginia in a statewide purge ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Republicans Resurrect 1993 Talking Points on TaxesWith Democrats proposing to set the top two income tax rates at 36% and 39.6% respectively, Republican leaders waged a ferocious battle on behalf of the wealthiest American taxpayers. Former House Majority Leader and current Tea Party moneyman Dick Armey warned, "This program will not give you defi ...
- John Boehner's Fuzzy Math and Missing CojonesWith his much-hyped call for the firing of President Obama's economic team, House Minority Leader John Boehner ensured his speech in Cleveland today would get a lot of attention. But sadly for the would-be House Speaker, the address also spotlighted his unique combination of political cowardice and ...
- The Bush Tax Cuts in PicturesOn Monday, New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman summed up Republicans wanting to make permanent the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. At a time of record income inequality and massive budget deficits , Republican "politicians are eager to cut checks aver ...
- Vacation, All He Ever WantedAmong the latest claims of Republican mythmakers is that Barack Obama is not only a secret Muslim , but one who takes too many days off. Of course, the charge is hardly new. In May 2009 , the Republican National Committee sneered, "Have a great Saturday evening - even if you're not jetting off som ...
- A New One Year Deadline for Middle East PeaceAfter ignoring the festering Israeli-Palestinian conflict for most of his time in office, President Bush in January 2008 predicted the success of his belated Annapolis peace process . "I believe it's going to happen, that there will be a signed peace treaty by the time I leave office," he announced ...
Blackspot News Feed
- UntitledBidding is still running on these beautiful Eliza Gauger art pieces.
- New York State Senate passes gas drilling (frackin ...ByJerry Mazza Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted atOnline Journal www.jerrymazza.com August 13, 2010 It isnt often these days that the good guys win one. But heres a beautiful example of a successful effort so far by the activist groupCatskill Mountainkeeper and friends. The fight to preven ...
- The Women Who Won't Abandon the GulfWhile the two main industries on the Gulf Coast, oil and fishing, are both male-dominated, it’s women who are now in leadership roles picking up after this latest mess.
- Gas Is Really Costing Us About $15 a GallonCalculating the true cost of living in a country built on oil.
- EPA defers hearing on fracking By Jerry MazzaByJerry Mazza Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.jerrymazza.com August 13, 2010 The New York Times and Catskill Mountainkeeper have reported that the EPAs last hearing on fracking, held in Canonsburg, Pa. in July drew over 1200 people without a hitch. Unfortunately, the follow-up, all-day hearing t ...
Consortium News
- Karl Rove Exploits Corporate MoneyRepublican strategist Karl Rove is seizing on a Supreme Court ruling to funnel corporate cash into elections, says Kevin Zeese. August 26, 2010
- At War with American WorkersCompany demands for a cut in pay for Mott's Apple factory workers is a sign of the economic times, writes Michael Winship. August 25, 2010
- Twisting Palestinian Arms for PeaceNew Israel-Palestine peace talks confront Palestinian leaders with some unpalatable choices, observes Lawrence Davidson. August 25, 2010
- Christian Nationalism's War with IslamThe "Ground Zero Mosque" furor is another skirmish in the Christian fundamentalists' war with Islam, says Rev. Howard Bess. August 24, 2010
- Making a 'Mosque' a 'Wedge' IssueBy blurring al-Qaeda's motivations, the Right has exploited an Islamic center to rile up the American people, writes Ivan Eland. August 24, 2010
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
- :
- Greg Moses : Mormons for Racial Profiling?
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Top 10 Reasons for Skepticism on Israeli-Palestini ...On August 20, the Obama Administration announced that it will reconvene under its auspices direct Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations beginning on September 2. While a just and lasting ...
- Palestinians to U.S.: Israeli settlement freeze mu ...The Palestinian Authority has told the U.S. administration that an Israeli commitment to continuing the freeze on settlement construction must include East Jerusalem. During preparatory t ...
- EU slams Palestinian's conviction (AlJazeeraEngli ...
- Settlement boycott causing 'enormous damage' to Is ...It's not only Norway: Israeli companies are boycotted by many countries for political reasons. Glass factory owner: the boycott has caused me enormous damage. Yesterday's decision by the ...
- Palestinian children in East Jerusalem face classr ...Almost half the Palestinian children in East Jerusalem are forced to attend private or unofficial schools because of a lack of classroom facilities provided by the Israeli authorities, ac ...
Water - AlterNet
- Why Israel, Palestine and Jordan Are Rallying Arou ...Unfortunately their extraordinary plan to revive the Dead Sea could ease tensions or it could create an environmental disaster.
- U.S. Wants China And India To Replace Coal With En ..."It makes more sense to invest in truly clean renewable energies such as wind and solar."
- Thousands of dead fish reported at mouth of Missis ...Although recoverable oil was found in the area, authorities are slow to attribute the die-off to the Gulf oil disaster.
- Unlikely Activists Say "Frack No!", Win ...Repercussions have included fatalities from exploding wells, completely dead 30-mile stretches of streams, exploding tap water, sick children and adults, and farmland destruction.
- Why Your Faucet May Have Dangerously High Levels o ...Faucets sold today can still contain up to a quarter pound of lead and still be labeled as "lead-free" under a 1986 federal law. It's time to change that.
Public Citizen in Texas
- Report Shows Dangers of Coal Ash Waste Sites Throu ...In Winter of 2008 a coal ash slurry pond in Tennessee broke its damn, contaminating miles of downstream waterways and people’s homes with deadly carcinogens and other toxic substances. At the time it was called the worst environmental disaster since the Exxon Valdez and brought a wake up call to t ...
- Oncor to give away a limited number of free in-hom ...Oncor wants to get some home energy monitors in the field to see how they work and get customer feedback. There are a limited number available, so you would need to act fast to have a chance at one. There are a couple of qualifications, of course. First you must live in the Oncor service [...]
- Netroots Nation Wrap-UpCheck out our final vlog on our visit to Las Vegas and Netroots Nation! ### By promoting cleaner energy, cleaner government, and cleaner air for all Texans, we hope to provide for a healthy place to live and prosper. We arePublic Citizen Texas. Filed under: Energy, Global Warming, Good Government, g ...
- Arizona Corporation Commission Unanimously Approve ...Phoenix, AZ – Today, the Arizona Corporation Commission acted to save consumers and businesses money by unanimously approving a final Energy Efficiency Standard Rule. âThere was strong support from all five commissioners to significantly increase Arizonaâs commitment to energy efficiency via thi ...
- Texas’ Dirty-Energy Money Affects California’s Cle ...Not only does the pollution of dirty energy companies extend across other states but so does their influence. Not far from Texas, California is fighting two big Texas oil companies to keep its air cleaner. To give you some background, California passed historic legislation in 2006 that mandates the ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Is the sun emitting a mystery particle ?University researchers have found evidence to suggest that the sun could be emitting an unknown mystery particle. The scientists found that the decay ...
- Cows given waterbeds to improve milkOne dairy farmer in Glastonbury has given his cows waterbeds to help encourage them to produce better milk. The cows can spend up to 18 hours a day lo...
- Scientists develop 'dry water'Scientists have developed "dry water", each particle consisting of a water droplet with a sandy silica coating. The sugar-like substance has the uncan...
- Vast solar system found 127 light years awayThe largest known solar system beyound our own has been discovered around a sun-like star 127 light years away. Five planets have been confirmed in th...
- Doctors remove world's largest malignant tumourDoctors in Argentina have removed the world's largest tumour weighing almost 4 stone from a patient. The massive growth was removed from a woman's wom...
- Referendum on Land Holding Used to Educate about L ...plebiscito_popular_logo.jpg As part of a larger campaign to support the right to land, this week Grassroots International provided a $10,000 grant to boost education and organizing around a powerful national referendum in Brazil. The referendu ...
- Pakistan Floods: Secular, Liberal & Progressive Or ...pakfloods2.jpg The recent monsoonal floods in Pakistan have devastated nearly a third of the country’s landmass – by some estimates�area the size of Italy. More than 20 million people have been directly impacted by the rising waters of the Ind ...
- Pakistan Floods: Secular, Liberal and Progressive ...pakfloods2.jpg The recent monsoonal floods in Pakistan have devastated nearly a third of the country’s landmass – by some estimates�area the size of Italy. More than 20 million people have been directly impacted by the rising waters of the Ind ...
- Reimagining Israel’s Negevbedouin.jpg Down south in the Negev desert, the sounds of jets fill wide-open spaces. Increasing militarization is constant�-- at least 80% of the land there is used for military training purposes, including weaponry development. The Negev als ...
- Haiti Advocacy Working Group develops key backgrou ...� read more
- August 27, 2010More Major U.S. Corporations Join Boycott of Alberta Oilsands Fuels (Canadian Press) Another four major U.S. companies — Walgreens, Gap, Timberland and Levi Strauss — are joining the move to either avoid or completely boycott fuel produced from Alberta's oilsands. Experts: Drilling Ban ...
- August 26, 2010U.S. Spill Panel Question Drilling Policy (Reuters) The BP spill was a massive "failure" in government oversight and administrations should be forced to consult with experts in the field before making drilling policy, top spill commission officials said on Wednesday. On Doomed Rig's La ...
- August 25, 2010Biden Says Country on Track to Double Renewable Energy Capacity (Reuters) Government stimulus spending has put the country on track to double renewable energy production capacity by 2012 and halve solar power costs by 2015, Vice President Joseph Biden said on Tuesday. TVA Targets 9 Ol ...
- August 24, 2010Did BP Fail to Take Action on Technical Problems? (Los Angeles Times) Federal investigators Monday suggested that BP knew of major technical problems but failed to take significant action before the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20. Feinberg Criticized for Spill-Compensation Ter ...
- August 23, 2010Compensation Czar Takes Charge of $20 Billion BP Fund (Reuters) A $20 billion compensation fund for economic victims of the BP Gulf oil spill opens for business today amid accusations that the rules established by its administrator are unfair. 4th Round of Public Hearings on Gulf Disaster Start ...
- How to Move Green IT From Defense to OffenseThe industry is by and large playing a defensive tactic of improving its energy efficiency, while failing to take advantage of the coming huge market opportunities like the smart grid, which use IT for green.
- Rechargeable Fabric Batteries to Charge the Army o ...A team working on lithium-ion battery technologies that can be poured into any shape or woven into fabrics reported progress in using a non-harmful virus to develop high-efficiency rechargeable batteries for military use.
- NetApp, As You Sow and More Lauded for Product Ste ...�A data storage company that takes backs and recycles its customers' old products and a reusable bag maker are among the winners of the latest California Stewardship Arrow Awards from the California Product Stewardship Council.
- Sustainable Consumption: Opportunity or Oxymoron?Consuming smarter goes only so far. We also have to consume less of just about everything, and that bumps up squarely against the business imperative,�which is to sell more of just about everything.
- Climate Corps 2010: When Buildings Go 'Retro'Buildings that have changing uses and those that weren't commissioned after construction can be secretly wasting energy. In both cases, retrocommissioning can help.
Reuters Global
- Hopes of a nation hinge on a documentAs Kenya ushers in its new constitution with a 21-gun salute, some people say the nation has to be vigilant during the coming months of implementation to ensure it is not another false start.
- Acronym soup swamps Malaysia reform driveInstead of the action promised by PM Najib Razak to boost this Southeast Asian country's economy, Malaysia has seen the creation of a bewildering array of government thinktanks and confusing acronyms. The question now is whether promises will be delivered.
- Pakistan-India; a $5 million downpayment on a peac ...With Pakistan accepting $5 million in flood aid from India and New Delhi saying it is ready to do more, is this a downpayment on a broader peace initiative? Or another false dawn?
- India, Pakistan can’t break the ice, even in ...Pakistanis carry their belonging as they make their way through the floodwaters
- Did Bloomberg inspire Obama’s speech about N ...President Obama's support for the Cordoba House Muslim center near the site of the 9/11 attacks is consistent with his views on constitutional rights, religious freedom, diversity and outreach to Muslims.
Booman Tribune
- Something's Gotta ChangeSometimes I worry that my readers will get a kind of whiplash as I alternate between alarmist and optimistic messages. The truth is, though, that I am both alarmed and optimistic. As I've said, I think we have the better candidates and the better argument. At the same time, I can read polls, and ...
- Restoring HonorAnyone remember the opening to Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have a Dream speech? "Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seare ...
- Know Thy EnemyHey, Matt Taibbi seems to have finally wised up about the biggest threat facing our country, which isn't, by the way, that we've suddenly become ruled by a bunch of powerful corporate interests. I'm beginning to wonder why effective boycotts against these hate-media channels, and particularly Fo ...
- Understanding WingnutsSteve Benen: I've long looked for consistency -- intellectual, moral, ethical -- among opponents of stem-cell research, and I've never found any. If someone believes a fertilized egg that has grown to a few dozen cells is a full-fledged human being, deserving of the full protection of the law, th ...
- Serious Question What were you doing when Hurricane Katrina hit?
European Tribune
- TGI Open ThreadEvery Friday needs one....
- Heads Will Roll?In the ET Salon today ARGeezer points us to Yves Smith's summary of a New...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 2 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1874 - birth of...
- Thursday Open ThreadAugust afternoon, sun too hot......
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 26 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1845 - birth of...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
Therapy News
- Immersion Training Helps Mental/Behavioral Health ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headlines The National Guard, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and several Tennessee State Agencies are teaming up to help mental and behavioral health professionals become better equipped for treating military personnel. Through a milita ...
- Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-UpA GoodTherapy.org Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-Up We are pleased to share with you ten of the week’s top news pieces and articles related to mental health, psychology, and therapy. Please enjoy and have a great weekend! ⢠BP Finally Agrees to Fund Psychological and Behavioral Health Needs ⢠...
- Mothers Leaving Abusive Relationships Still Strugg ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headlines For women in abusive relationships, getting out of the relationship is very difficult. But it is only the beginning of the struggle. While one might imagine that quality of life improves immediately after leaving the abuser, a new study shows this is not the case. Wo ...
- At Ft. Hood and Elsewhere, Army Faces Unprecedente ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Last November, an Army psychiatrist engaged in a public shooting at Ft. Hood, the U.S. Army’s largest base in the country. Paired with increasing rates of soldiers with PTSD—sometimes treated, and sometimes fighting for recognition of their struggles—the shooting put m ...
- Adult ADHD: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Bests Rel ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headlines For many of the estimated 4.4% of adults in the U.S. who exhibit signs of ADHD, taking medication is not desirable, not advisable (for health reasons), or ineffective. A new study shows that among non-medicinal ADHD therapies, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is th ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Banks Toughen Lending Rules to Coal, PNC & UBS Sti ...Banks Toughen Lending Rules to Coal, PNC & UBS Still Bucking the Trend SolveClimate (blog) “The importance of the major banks moving away from mountaintop removal cannot be underestimated,” says Rebecca Tarbotton, Executive Director of the ...
- Wells Fargo cuts off mountaintop removal mining co ...San Francisco Chronicle (blog) Wells Fargo cuts off mountaintop removal mining companies San Francisco Chronicle (blog) Local bank Wells Fargo recently joined five other major banks in restricting the money it loans to mining companies that practice mountaintop removal , ... Wall Street Backs Away ...
- 7 candidates for US Senate appear at dinner - Hunt ...7 candidates for US Senate appear at dinner Huntington Herald Dispatch Other candidates tied the jobs discussion in with mountaintop removal , which remains a pressing issue. "Ken Hechler believes mountaintop removal has ruined ... and more��
- NY Times: Mountaintop removal must end - Charlesto ...NY Times: Mountaintop removal must end Charleston Gazette (blog) It is now possible to imagine the beginning of the end of a ruinous form of mining called “ mountaintop removal .” Local opposition is growing, ... and more��
- Bearing witness to mountaintop removal with the EP ...Bearing witness to mountaintop removal with the EPA It's Getting Hot In Here (blog) They share their experiences of living with the impacts of mountaintop removal (MTR) mining: John shares the scientific results of testing the water from ...
- Administration halts prosecution of alleged USS Co ...Peter Finn / Washington Post : Administration halts prosecution of alleged USS Cole bomber — The Obama administration has shelved the planned prosecution of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged coordinator of the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, according to a court filing.
- Who Is Michael Enright? - The suspect in an anti-M ...James Taranto / Wall Street Journal : Who Is Michael Enright? — The suspect in an anti-Muslim hate crime worked for an outfit that backs the Ground Zero mosque. — “It's not even Islamophobia, it's beyond Islamophobia,” Daisy Khan, wife of Ground Zero mosque planner Feisal Abdul Rauf, told ABC' ...
- Among Democrats, economic pressures are changing t ...Lori Montgomery / Washington Post : Among Democrats, economic pressures are changing tax-cut dynamics — With the economy rapidly weakening, some senior Democrats are having second thoughts about raising taxes on the nation's wealthiest families and are pressing party leaders to consider extendin ...
- The last refuge of a liberal - Liberalism under si ...Charles Krauthammer / Washington Post : The last refuge of a liberal — Liberalism under siege is an ugly sight indeed. Just yesterday it was all hope and change and returning power to the people. But the people have proved so disappointing. Their recalcitrance has, in only 19 months, turned t ...
- Levi Johnston takes back his apology to Palin (Chr ...Chris Pizzello / Associated Press : Levi Johnston takes back his apology to Palin … ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin's grandson, says he wishes he hadn't apologized for telling lies about the former Alaska governor because he's “never lied about anything.” — John ...
Energy & Environment News
- Europe Announces Breakthrough in Breeding Bluefin ...A hormone-free technique to raise bluefin tuna in Spain is part of efforts to meet exploding global demand for seafood.
- Chevron Sticking With Deepwater DrillingA top company executive says that it expects little long-term impact from the moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
- Missing Piece in Oil Rig Inquiry: Who Was in Charg ...Hearings trying to determine the causes of the Deepwater Horizon explosion have been dominated by disagreements among lawyers for the companies involved.
- Going Green, Without Being Preachy About ItSean Meenan has made Habana Outpost and Café Habana leaders among New York’s growing collection of ecologically conscious restaurants.
- Nuclear Plant’s Use of River Water Prompts ...New York State and a utility disagree on how to handle the Indian Point nuclear plant’s effect on the Hudson River.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.2, South Sandwich Islands regionFriday, August 27, 2010 09:10:13 UTC Friday, August 27, 2010 07:10:13 AM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.3, Kepulauan Aru region, IndonesiaTuesday, August 24, 2010 06:07:57 UTC Tuesday, August 24, 2010 03:07:57 PM at epicenter Depth : 45.20 km (28.09 mi)
- M 5.0, Flores region, IndonesiaTuesday, August 24, 2010 03:06:24 UTC Tuesday, August 24, 2010 11:06:24 AM at epicenter Depth : 176.20 km (109.49 mi)
- M 5.0, offshore Bio-Bio, ChileSunday, August 22, 2010 03:50:03 UTC Saturday, August 21, 2010 11:50:03 PM at epicenter Depth : 25.60 km (15.91 mi)
- M 5.9, Simeulue, IndonesiaSaturday, August 21, 2010 05:42:54 UTC Saturday, August 21, 2010 12:42:54 PM at epicenter Depth : 34.50 km (21.44 mi)
China Dialogue
- “China’s interests must come firstR ...Until recently, Yu Qingtai was Beijing’s top climate negotiator. At a speech earlier this month, Yu argued that the developing world must continue to resist unfair demands from rich countries. Here, chinadialogue publishes a summary of his remarks. On August 6, Yu Qingtai – until recently China’s sp ...
- Invisible heroes of Dharavi In the chaos of Mumbai’s best-known slum, thousands of recyclers process the megacity’s garbage and provide an invaluable environmental service. But the health and social costs are high, writes Anna da Costa. “It’s funny how we popularise our movie stars,” said Vinod Shetty, director of the Acorn Fo ...
- Why Chinese firms don’t apologiseUnlike BP, China’s state-owned polluters have been allowed by friends in government to ignore the consequences of their actions, writes Tang Hao. There is more than one BP in this world. On July 3, toxic waste from a Zijin Mining copper plant spilled into the Ting River in Fujian, south-east China, ...
- Demystifying nuclear powerZhou Shirong is deputy director of nuclear safety at China’s environmental protection ministry. Here, he talks to Cao Haidong and Meng Dengke about managing construction standards – and public anxiety. This article was originally published by Southern Weekend on July 1, 2010. Southern Weekend: The ...
- Panic stationsAs China pushes ahead with its ambitious nuclear programme, public safety fears are growing. Education, open information and citizen engagement are all essential for improving trust, writes Meng Dengke. In mid -June, Hong Kong media reported that the Daya Bay nuclear-power station in Shenzhen, south ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Haitian Women Fight Sexual ViolenceWritten by Amie Newman for RHRealityCheck.org – News, commentary and community for reproductive health and justice. A small group of women in colorful shirts, jeans and skirts stands in a circle, singing and clapping. Some are smiling. All are dancing, shaking their bodies to the sound of their voic ...
- Glenn Beck’s Attempt to Bastardize Dr. King& ...By Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries, Race-Talk contributor, author of Bloody Lowndes Rewriting history is one of the many offenses that political conservatives are constantly accusing liberals of committing. But no one is guiltier of this transgression than conservatives themselves, who have a particular f ...
- New Report Reveals Widespread Toxic Coal Ash Conta ...Power industry lobbyist Jim Roewer: “Wasn’t a problem.” Leslie Stahl: “Well, it was a problem, but we just didn’t know it.” This excerpt from a recent 60 Minutes story on toxic coal waste sums up the current trouble with the millions of tons of toxic ash left over each year from burning coal for en ...
- Disappointed Beck Fans Shut Out of Pre-Game ShowWhen I learned that Glenn Beck was hosting an event titled “Glenn Beck’s Divine Destiny” on the eve of tomorrow’s rally at the Lincoln Memorial, where Beck hopes to hijack the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., on the 47th anniversary of the civil rights leader’s “I have a dream…” speech, [...] ...
- Why Israel, Palestine and Jordan Are Rallying Arou ...Unfortunately their extraordinary plan to revive the Dead Sea could ease tensions or it could create an environmental disaster.
Threat Level
- Hackers Plant Tardis Atop MIT BuildingWhat the heck is that blue box on top of the Small Dome at MIT? Students starting school this week at the venerable geek institution were wondering that themselves. Let’s take a closer look … Yep, it turns out that the Doctor is stopping by to give the first lecture in 6.01, the infamously hard a ...
- Teachbook Vows Facebook Trademark Suit FightSocial-networking upstart Teachbook said Wednesday it would challenge a trademark infringement lawsuit brought by Facebook, which is demanding the teacher-oriented site remove “book” from its name. “It’s a David and Goliath situation,” said Greg Shrader, the managing partner of the Northbrook, Ill ...
- WikiLeaks Airs Classified CIA Memo, But Real Messa ...WikiLeaks dug into its trove of unpublished leaks Wednesday to release a six-month-old classified CIA memo about foreign perception of the United States, underscoring that the secret-spilling website won’t be cowed by Pentagon threats, nor derailed by the Swedish legal problem now circling its lead ...
- Facebook Lawsuit Throws the -book at Social Networ ...Facebook has sued a little-known website for educators called Teachbook, claiming Facebook literally owns the “book” when it comes to naming social networking sites. “Misappropriating the distinctive book portion of Facebook’s trademark, defendant has created its own competing online networking com ...
- Touchscreen E-Voting Machine Reprogrammed to Play ...It turns out paperless touchscreen voting machines are actually good for something after all. Two computer-security researchers recently hacked this Sequoia AVC Edge to play the classic arcade videogame Pac-Man. They picked up the machine after it was decommissioned in Virginia in a statewide purge ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Pakistanis stream out of town as flood spreads* More flooding feared in Sindh * About one million people displaced in previous 48 hours * U.S. worries militants deepen involvement in relief * Plan to export wheat likely to be scrapped (Updates with U.N. comment on displaced) By Faisal Aziz KARACHI, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Fresh flooding sent a mill ...
- Google fixes Gmail bug that re-sent e-mail message ...A Gmail bug that caused messages to be re-sent multiple times, mortifying senders and annoying recipients, has been fixed, Google said Thursday.
- Pakistan militants exploiting floods: U.S. officia ...WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has seen evidence that Pakistani militants and affiliated charities are deepening their involvement in flood relief in an effort to win popular support, a senior U.S. official said.
- Man, shot in head, notices five years laterBERLIN (Reuters) - A Polish man living in Germany went about his business for about five years without noticing he had been shot in the head because he was drunk when it happened. Police in the western city of Bochum said on Tuesday doctors found a .22 caliber bullet in the back of his head after th ...
- "We're about to crash," BA passengers told in erro ...LONDON, Aug 27 (Reuters Life!) - British Airways apologised to passengers after an emergency message warning they were about to crash into the sea was played by mistake.
- News you may have missed #420Nokia and Siemens deny helping Iranian spying. Isa Saharkhiz, a one-time reporter for the Islamic Republic News Agency, is suing Nokia Siemens Networks in US federal court, claiming the companies facilitated his capture and torture at the hands of the … Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #419 (Gareth Williams edi ...Media suggest sexual motive behind MI6 man’s murder. British media claim police suspect sexual jealousy to be behind the death of GCHQ and MI6 employee Dr. Gareth Williams. The Sun suggests Williams was “a secret transvestite who may have been … Continue reading →
- British MI6 employee found dead in London flatBy JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org | British authorities are keeping silent on the mysterious death of a Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) employee, whose body was found in the bath of his London apartment, stuffed in a sports duffle bag. By … Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #418US military pays for intel widely available online. Experts say that the vast majority of the ‘intelligence’ needed by the United States is freely available on the Internet. But that has not stopped a company called Military Periscope from selling … Continue reading →
- Ireland not to recall passports following Mossad f ...By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org | The government of Ireland has decided against recalling millions of passports issued before 2005, following the discovery of several forged Irish passports used by Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. At least seven of the Mossad … Continue reading →
After Downing Street.org
- Driving Lessons on the Big Island: My HawaiiBy Ben Pleasants Can a song played at rush hour over the Islands of Hawaii cause car crashes? Can a song make you suddenly sob and shake and weep and completely lose control of your automobile while you are driving from Honoka’a to Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii? Can a song be banned from the rad ...
- First Amendment AwardMcClatchy journalist Pentagon banned gets First Amendment Award Carol Rosenberg, The Miami Herald reporter banned by the Pentagon earlier this year from covering military commissions at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has been awarded the Society of Professional Journalists' First Amendment Award for her effo ...
- Glen Beck: "I Have a Scheme"Glenn Beck wants to reclaim the civil rights movement on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. (10:19) �
- America Facing Depression and BankruptcyAmerica Facing Depression and Bankruptcy - by Stephen Lendman Long-time economic, political and market analyst Bob Chapman publishes the International Forecaster, offering incisive analysis absent through mainstream sources, especially important now given America's deepening economic crisis getting ...
- Obama Boxed in by Generals on AfghanistanObama Boxed In by Generals on Afghanistan By Ray McGovern Just back from Afghanistan, Marine Commandant, Gen. James Conway held a news conference Tuesday to add his voice to the Pentagon campaign to disparage the July 2011 date President Barack Obama set for U.S. troops to begin leaving Afghanista ...
Grist - News
- Remember that massive clean-energy bill Obama sign ...by Jonathan Hiskes. If you read everything that bloggers declared a "must read," you'd have time for little else. I'll just say that if you want a lucid tour of the Obama administration's work to remake the country's energy and transportation landscape, it's tough to beat Michael Grunwald's new ...
- Does anyone take science seriously?by Randy Rieland. Scientists�get no respect. That became obvious once again yesterday at the latest hearing of the White House's commission investigating the Gulf gusher.�Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, was asked if the White House�consulted her agen ...
- Food prices soar in Russia after droughtby Agence France-Presse. MOSCOW -- Prices of basic foodstuffs like buckwheat and flour have soared in Russia over the past month as the effects of its worst ever drought hit supplies, statistics showed Wednesday. Inflation in Russia was 0.2 percent for the week of August 17-23, considerably hi ...
- Running bike-sharing networks through smartphonesby Jonathan Hiskes. It's August and it's gorgeous outside, at least where I live. I suggest you learn a little about innovations in bike-sharing, then go outside and play. Shareable.net reports on Ryan Rzepecki's Social Bicycles System : Instead of relying on kiosks and docking stations to con ...
- In Alaska, climate change skeptic leads GOP race f ...by Randy Rieland. Just what the Senate needs: another climate change denier. Joe Miller's potential upset of Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska's Republican primary could mean another diehard climate skeptic in the mix.� Not that Murkowski is a hero of enviros. She's been doing her darnedest to sti ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- It's All About the OwnedThere are several reasons why you need to own your content.
- Talking to the Dead: A Conversation with Leighton ...He's hot. He's sexy...what do you mean he's not dead?
- Sparking the Media VacuumSocial media is dramatically changing how crisis communications are conducted.
- Scott Pilgrim: The Last AirbenderMash-up of the Scott Pilgrim trailer with the Last Airbender Cartoon. Excellent.
- A Horrible Way to Die Gets TrailerAdam Wingard returns with intense new horror feature.
Time - Top Stories
- New Orleans' Lower Ninth: Still Recovering from Ka ...It is taking the blighted New Orleans neighborhood longer than other parts of the city to recover from Hurricane Katrina. But its remaining residents are not ready to abandon it
- Trapped Chilean Miners Face a Tough Psychological ...With months left underground, Chilean miners face a harrowing mental ordeal
- Scientists Discover Two New Multiplanet Solar Syst ...Two new discoveries add to the rapidly increasing extrasolar planet count
- K-Pop Online: Korean Stars Go Global with Social M ...For years, anything Korean has been synonymous with cool in Asia. Now K-pop acts like Taeyang and girl group 2NE1 are going online and getting the world's attention
- Mosquitoes and Delays: India's Commonwealth Games ...With five weeks left before it starts, a hugely expensive athletic competition is sodden with allegations of corruption and inefficiency. And then there's dengue fever.
Washington Independent
- On Immigration, ICE Employees See Politics Trump P ...Plenty of politicians have accused the Obama administration of playing politics with immigration policy. But even within Immigration and Customs Enforcement, there’s a growing debate over whether ICE officials make decisions based on policy or politics, the Andrew Becker reported today in the Washi ...
- Former FEMA Administrator Michael Brown: Gutsy?Former FEMA Administrator Michael Brown (you know, the guy that became a walking metaphor for the Bush administration’s slow response to Hurricane Katrina) is spending some time in New Orleans in the run-up to the five-year anniversary of Katrina. Gutsy move? That’s the question The New York Times p ...
- GDP Growth SlowsToday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that the U.S. economy grew at a 1.6 percent annual pace in the second quarter. The report was a second analysis, revising the number down from an initial estimate of 2.4 percent. That is a dismally slow pace of growth, but better than economists expect ...
- In Kentucky, Rebellion Against King CoalVia Politico, it looks like several performers have pulled out of playing at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky because Alliance Coal is a sponsor. The story is significant because it shows that there is real resistance to coal in a region in which the economy is very much dependent on the fossi ...
- Political Ad Campaigns Go Big, Go Negative, or Go ...The economy might still be suffering, but political advertising expenditures — both by candidates, political parties, and outside groups — are way up, reports the Associated Press. Candidates have spent $395 million on ads for the November elections thus far, compared to $286 million during the last ...
Digg Green
- New microbe discovered eating oil spill in Gulf A newly discovered type of oil-eating microbe is suddenly flourishing in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists discovered the new microbe while studying the underwater dispersion of millions of gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf following the explosion of BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig.
- Transparency: The Most Fuel Efficient Airlines (Gr ...While some airlines have done experiments in running planes on biofuels, air travel normally requires an enormous output of carbon-emitting jet fuel. Various factors, like plane models, total load, and chosen route can effect one trip's fuel efficiency, but which airlines consistently manage to use ...
- Audio slideshow: 'The secret of life'In 1953, two Cambridge University scientists published their answer to one of the most fundamental questions of biology - how do living things reproduce themselves? In their article for the journal, Nature, James D Watson and Francis Crick described the structure of a chemical called deoxyribonuclei ...
- A Machine That Turns Plastic Back Into OilPlastic causes a trifecta of problems. We're running out of places to dump our non-biodegradable plastic waste and it's clogging up our oceans. Burning plastic releases tons of CO2 into the atmosphere contributing to global warming. And to make the stuff, it soaks up 7% of our annual petroleum use, ...
- 'Virtual Shellfish' Aid In Studying Oil's EffectsThough some of the oil from the Deepwater Horizon has now disappeared, scientists are trying to figure out what the remaining oil is doing to marine life. A damage assessment for a place the size of the Gulf is a huge and complicated job, but out of sight does not mean out of mind.
Invisible Opportunity
- Truth About Gardasil: Website documents HPV vaccin ...By Ethan Huff Merck & Co., Inc., manufacturer of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil, continues to get away with pushing the dangerous drug on both young girls — and now boys — as a supposed prevention method for avoiding cervical cancer. But concerned mothers of daughters who have been ...
- Australia bans flu vaccines in children after vomi ...By Mike Adams The story goes on to say, “The doctor who treated Avery told Mrs Flint her baby was the fifth child with similar symptoms admitted to the hospital that day.” In other words, this was no rare event. Vaccinated children suffering severe convulsions were piling up in hospital emergency ro ...
- Finland Recommends Suspension of H1N1 VaccinationsFinland’s National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has recommended that vaccination against the H1N1 swine flu virus with the Pandemrix vaccine be suspended. The vaccine is not to be used until it is determined if it is linked to an increase in the number of cases of narcolepsy in the country ...
- New Canaan, Connecticut Schools Consider Tracking ...Human RFID tracking continues to creep into our society… by Lee Bains on August 24, 2010 at 03:40 PM One of the United States’ most affluent cities is debating whether or not, and how, to track its students with RFID tags. School officials in New Canaan, Connecticut have engaged in talks with Secure ...
- UN: Israel Not Cooperating in Flotilla Probeby Jason Ditz, August 24, 2010 The international investigation into the May 31 Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara, which left nine aid workers dead, is going extremely poorly according to UN officials, because Israel is refusing to cooperate and has not allowed the investigation team to visit the na ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Six Drug Czars, and Between Them They Can't Muster ...A laughable op-ed appears in the LA Times.
- Is Roger Clemens a Victim of the Drug War?What does the war on drugs have to do with the sport of baseball? Just ask Roger "The Rocket" Clemens.
- Mexico: Bleeding to Death in the War on DrugsAnother 72 corpses found in a new mass grave. Feuding cartels blamed for displays of mutilated bodies. Death toll in four-year crackdown passes 28,000
- California's Marijuana Legalization Initiative is ...Ten weeks from Election Day, it’s clear how much Prop. 19 has already accomplished for the drug policy reform movement.
- Lessons Not Learned Since Tragic Drug Raid in Atla ...Money spent prosecuting and jailing low-level offenders is money not being spent on drug treatment or education.
Twilight Earth
- Pesticides and ADHD (cartoon)From Grist: More research linking pesticide exposure to ADHD in kids Follow all of Mean Joe Green’s environmental cartoons on JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons. Related posts:Chemicals and Obesity Speeding up Puberty in Girls (cartoon) BP’s Getting All Cap-Happy (cartoon) Tea ...
- Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoon)A victory for anyone who likes healthy food, soil, and water! Monsanto’s sour plans for the sweet beet were spoiled as a federal judge banned genetically modified sugar beets. This is great news and hopefully a large step forward to getting food production back on a less toxic track. Sugar beet, ...
- Chemicals and Obesity Speeding up Puberty in Girls ...The news that chemicals and obesity causes premature puberty in girls is the latest of thousands of red flags waving high above our food production and consumption status quo. Of course, things are changing, but are they changing fast enough? Nope. The only thing changing quickly is the level of t ...
- BP’s Getting All Cap-Happy (cartoon)If only BP would put all of this new found cap success to work to stop other toxic gushers… Follow Joe on Twitter @GreenCartoons Follow all of his green cartooning at JoeMohrToons.com. Related posts:Monsanto: They Made good WMD’s–I bet They Make Healthy Food! (cartoon) If Climate Change Was ...
- If Climate Change Was a Dog (cartoon)We did know about climate change back in the 50’s, as evidenced by this Frank Capra Video on Global Warming. But even though it was a monster of a dog back then, it was still just a harmless little puppy. Today, well, it’s different. And I don’t know how much I trust the little man controlling [... ...
- LEED Platinum House With a Brilliant Modernist Des ...LEED Platinum certification and a modernist appeal make this house a prime example of how sustainable design can be so potent. The OS House was featured in the New York Times for its capricious façade and sustainable amendments that stand out in a very staid neighborhood. Located on Lake Superior in ...
- Modern Masi Prefab Home in Montauk Wins AIA Merit ...Read the rest of Modern Masi Prefab Home in Montauk Wins AIA Merit Awardhttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: bates masi, Daylighting, e ...
- German Armory Transformed into Stunning Solar Scho ...This newly-opened solar powered school in Wolfhagen, Germany has repurposed an old cold war army barracks into an energy-efficient modern learning environment. The visionary design takes advantage of the huge footprint of the former tank armory to tuck a campus underneath, while the roof was replace ...
- Italy to Install Solar Hydrogen Fuel Pumps at Gas ...Hydrogen fuel station by Honda Clean energy company Acta has unveiled plans to install a network of solar-powered hydrogen fueling stations throughout Italy. The new fuel pumps will harness solar energy to produce hydrogen fuel from water through electrolysis. While hydrogen-powered cars may not ge ...
- Multi-tasking Eco Stools are a Modern Take on Trad ...Portuguese designers Cláudio Cardoso and Telma Verissimo designed these fun multi-tasking Open stools that combine environmentally-responsible design with a playful modern aesthetic. Inspired by traditional Portuguese stools, each piece features a slot cut into one side that allows it to serve as a ...
Pogue's Posts
- Google Shakes It Up Again With Free Phone CallsA new feature from Google makes it clear that one day, the Internet, not the outrageous cellphone companies, will connect our calls.
- I'm BackMy absence from blogging is explained.
- A College Student Reviews a SmartpenSince students make up a critical portion of the target audience for Livescribe's new smartpen, I figured my summer intern would be the perfect person to review it.
- Three Unknown Features of the iPhone 4A critical mass of tricks and tips for the iPhone 4 have started to pile up. Here's a look at three cool iOS 4 features that nobody, including Apple, seems to be talking about.
- At Snopes.com, Rumors Are Held Up to the LightDavid Pogue interviews David Mikkelson of Snopes.com, where Internet veterans go to get the truth about online rumors.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Video: Dancing Parrot Boogies Better With a Partne ...runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience594239584001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); SEATTLE — Snowball the dancing parrot doesn’t just bob to the beat. The YouTube sensation, who proved last year that humans aren’t the only species that got rhythm, gets h ...
- Live Tiger Found in Bag Full of Toy Tigers at Thai ...On August 22, airport security officials in Bangkok detected something suspicious in an oversize suitcase. X rays indicated that along with stuffed animals, the bag contained bones. Indeed, they belonged to a tranquilized two-month-old tiger. The bag, which had been checked by a 31-year old Tha ...
- Octopus Evades Predators by Mimicking Toxic Sea Cr ...runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience596086619001', 'anId'); The Indonesian mimic octopus has the boldest defense strategy of any of its cephalopod cousins, and now scientists know how that strategy evolved. Rather than blending into the scenery, the octopus mimics th ...
- Planet Hunters Bag Systems With Super-Earths and D ...The planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft has discovered two Saturn-like planets orbiting a single star. The new planetary system, the first in which both planets can be seen crossing in front of their star, may also contain an Earth-sized companion. The August 26 announcement came on the heels of anoth ...
- E.O. Wilson Proposes New Theory of Social Evolutio ...The dominant evolutionary theory for Earth’s most successful creatures, and a proposed explanation for human altruism, is under attack. For decades, selflessness — as exhibited in eusocial insect colonies where workers sacrifice themselves for the greater good — has been explained in terms of genet ...
The Progressive Realist
- Pakistan: Assessing the TragedyThe floods in Pakistan have affected one-fifth of the country (an area roughly the size of England) and engulfed large parts of all four provinces—Punjab, Balochistan, Sindh, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly the North West Frontier Province). The vast scope of the damage makes this a truly ...
- Defining Extremism Down, Ctd.Ross Douthat , thankfully rejecting the incoherent "stealth Jihad" narrative of Andy McCarthy , says just because Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf isn't an extremist doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize him: [M]aking these kind of distinctions doesn’t require us to suspend all judgment where would-be Isla ...
- Iran's Proposal to Russia: Enrichment is Still KeyAli Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Salehi said today that the Islamic Republic has proposed to Russia that the two countries create a joint consortium to fabricate fuel for the Bushehr reactor and other nuclear power plants that Iran plans to build in the future. ...
- Exploiting the Floods in PakistanWith a humanitarian crisis in Pakistan which dwarfs the combined devastation of the 2004 Asian tsunami, the earthquake in Pakistan in 2005, and the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the lack of media attention that the flooding has received is surprising. Whereas the destruction wrought by the Haitian earthqua ...
- Are We Ready: The Consequences of "Bomb Iran"Saturday, Iran celebrated their great victory over the “arrogant powers” by opening their first nuclear power plant at Bushehr. The opening coincided with dynamic conversation on Jeff Goldberg’s recent article in The Atlantic painting a picture of military action as a foregone conclusion, and prom ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Triumphs of Bureaucracy.A number of people have given kudos to Michael Grunwald 's Time magazine piece, " How the Stimulus Is Changing America ." But there's one piece of this that's worth taking note of: [ Joe] Biden himself always saw the Recovery Act as a test — not only of the new Administration but of federal spendin ...
- Defending a Constitution Under Attack.TAP talks with Shahid Buttar, a civil-rights lawyer and executive director of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, about recent constitutional flare-ups. : Has the fact that there's a Democrat in the White House -- and one who has engaged in high-profile legislative battles over things like health ...
- Leave Mitt Romney Alone!Mitt Romney has a problem, which is that the portrait about him has already been written. Not only that, it's the kind that can't really be proved wrong. Let's say you're Sarah Palin , and part of the portrait about you is that you're an utter ignoramus when it comes to things like policy, or things ...
- Lightning Round: In the Beltway, Vindictiveness an ...From the "never let a good crisis go to waste" files, Michael Grunwald surveys the one-sixth of stimulus money dedicated to, in his words, "a long-term push to change the country" and finds an array of programs dedicated to modernizing the country's neglected infrastructure. But, contrary to Grunwa ...
- Extreme Weather and Climate Change.When the DC area and other Southern cities had record snowstorms, conservatives tried to use it as "proof" that global warming didn't exist, as in the Fox News clip above. Climate, as many pointed out in return, is of course different from weather, and any day's given weather event isn't proof or ...
- Ground Zero For Hate In America Is Near Ground Ze ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH The bile that the Tea Party movement spews Is ear-splitting, non-ending and numbing. I’m waiting for one of them to soon say, “That stabbed Muslim cabbie had it coming.” read more
- Right-Wing News Isn't Really NewsBody Fabrications often pass for news these days and the borderline personalities who express dangerously silly opinions on air contribute to a surreal atmosphere that inhibits sensible political discourse. Worst of all a potentially treacherous conglomerate of candidates may win in N ...
- The Anger of Colonization Should Not be Brought In ...BOB KOEHLER FOR BUZZFLASH The participants in this unique dialogue may have been doing no less than opening the window on the next 500 years. As scary and stupefying as our world sometimes seems, we are at a place of enormous potential right now — a transition point of unprecedented understanding ...
- Has the Greed of Our Species Put Us on the Road to ...STEPHEN PIZZO FOR BUZZFLASH Wazzup?� Well -- to put it bluntly-- �time’s up. Or shortly about to be. From wherever you decide to begin the journey, it’s been a hell of ride. From sea bottom slime, to the first mammals, to walking upright, to the first human to step on another heavenly body -- the ...
- Congratulations America! We Haven’t Defeated the E ...DEE EVANS FOR BUZZFLASH What happened on September 11, 2001 was a murderous act of evil and cowardice unlike any our country has ever seen.� And I am saddened to say that what is happening now in this country in 2010 is beginning to boarder not on evil but definitely on a certain level of cowardi ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Debating America's surveillance stateThe fear-mongering used to justify always-expanding government surveillance power is limitless
- An exciting new Muslim country to drone attackAdministration officials anonymously boast of preparations to escalate a bombing campaign in Yemen
- The essence of TimeA two-minute Onion report renders future critiques of the newsweekly unnecessary
- Fact-free accusations about WikiLeaks(updated below - Update II) I realize that it shouldn't, but it nonetheless does still amaze me when I listen to professional political commentators make factual assertions without having the slightest idea or concern for whether they're actually true.��The�Heritage Foundation's Conn Ca ...
- The "mosque" debate is not a "distraction"(updated below - Update II) Opponents of the Park51 Islamic community center held a rally yesterday in Lower Manhattan, and a 4-minute video, posted below, reveals the true sentiments behind this campaign. It has little to do with The Hallowed Ground of the World Trade Center -- that's ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Sciencebase science news links for August 23rd thr ...These are the latest science news links and snippets from Sciencebase: Chemical news – Two years on, a simple color change test emerges from China for melamine in milk, The Alchemist learns. Also, with a Chinese connection, new insights into the mode of action of a former herbal remedy for fever cou ...
- Sciencebase science news links for August 16th thr ...These are the latest science news links and snippets from Sciencebase: That underwater hydrocarbon plume is still there – Things in the Gulf of Mexico may not be cleaning themselves up quite as fast as some had claimed and many had hoped. Surprise, surprise Paracetamol use and risk of asthma in teen ...
- What’s the point of the semantic web?I was scanning journal tables of contents as usual this week and it occurred to me that there must be a better way to find relevant and timely research information that would be of interest to Sciencebase readers…and, of course, out pops the following title: Technically approaching the semantic web ...
- Cleaning up emissionsEmissions trading is an economic workaround, a fudge if you will, to reducing one’s pollution levels by buying off the emissions credits of others who are polluting less. Emissions trading (also known as cap and trade) is a market-based approach used to control pollution by providing economic incent ...
- Drug testing, solar fullerenes, chemicalizationThese are my recent science picks, including my latest contributions to spectroscopyNOW.com Drug testing – A simple analytical approach to identifying drugs of abuse would be a boon to forensic scientists and law enforcement agencies. A collaboration between researchers in the US and Europe demonstr ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Low-Income Women Lack Housing Options Five Years A ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 27, 2010 Institute for Women's Policy Research Fact sheets released today by the Institute for Women's Policy Research show that women of color remained, returned, or moved to New Orleans in low numbers relative to white women in the five years since Hurricane Katrina a ...
- Study: Nation Has Yet to Address Key Failures Expo ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 26, 2010 Institute for Southern Studies On the five year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, a new report finds that many of the problems exposed in the botched federal response to the storm -- from breakdowns in disaster planning to an often misguided and mismanaged re ...
- EPA Policy Restoring Public Right to Know About Ch ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 25, 2010 Earthjustice Twenty-six health, labor and environmental organizations today filed detailed comments voicing resounding support for a long-overdue change in a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policy that denied public access to information EPA receiv ...
- State of California Calls on Federal Government to ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 25, 2010 Equality California (EQCA) The State Senate today approved the U.S. Blood Donor Nondiscrimination Resolution (AJR 13) with a bipartisan vote of 22-8. The resolution calls on the Federal Drug Administration to repeal its outdated and scientifically unnecessar ...
- NOW to President Obama: Alan Simpson Must GoFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 25, 2010 National Organization for Women (NOW) Alan Simpson is not fit to lead the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. The ugliness of his disrespect for women is matched only by his dogged determination to dismantle Social Security by cutting be ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Facebook Should Stop Censoring Marijuana Legalizat ...by Richard Esguerra Facebook is facing down another embarrassing episode of censorship this week after refusing to show ads submitted by the Just Say Now marijuana legalization campaign. The gag is an important reminder that social networks like Facebook - while useful, interesting, and pretty - ...
- From Pearl Harbor, an Answer to 'Hallowed Ground' ...by David Benjamin GREAT NECK, N.Y. — Many thought-provoking parallels have percolated from the wingnuts who oppose the establishment of an Islamic community center and swimming pool on “hallowed ground” in lower Manhattan two blocks from the former site of the World Trade Center (and just around the ...
- The Other Side of the Anchor: Where Else Do Americ ...by Michelle Chen The screeds about " anchor babies " in the media reflect the scale of the paranoia about a foreign invasion destroying America from within. Implicit in the idea of the "dropped" baby is the notion that simply being born in America doesn't make you any less of a foreigner, and th ...
- Monsanto in Gates' Clothing? The Emperor's New GMO ...by Eric Holt Gimenez If you had any doubts about where the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is really placing its bets, AGRA Watch's recent announcement of the Foundation's investment of $23.1 million in 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock should put them to rest. Genetic engineering: full speed ahe ...
- Should the Senate Fund 'Enduring' U.S. Military Ba ...by Robert Naiman Much ink has been spilled over the President's pledge to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan in July 2011. The White House insists that the date is firm. But the pace of withdrawal is yet to be determined, and the White House hasn't said a word about when -- if ever -- a ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- "Half the palace is on the payroll" (Updated)By Steve Hynd The Washington Post has a piece today entitled "CIA making secret payments to members of Karzai administration". The CIA is making secret payments to multiple members of President Hamid Karzai's administration, in part to maintain sources of information in a government in which the Afg ...
- China And India or China Vs India?By Steve Hynd The competition between rising Asian powers China and India has been described as the contest of the coming century: China has officially become the world’s second-biggest economy, overtaking Japan. In the West this has prompted concerns about China overtaking the United States sooner ...
- The Amazing Disappearing Afghan Security ForcesBy Steve Hynd Afghan security forces are disappearing almost as fast as they can be recruited and trained , but like King Canute in reverse the US general in charge, Bill Caldwell, says everything will turn out alright. The American commander in charge of building up Afghanistan ’s security fo ...
- Our Sometime-Allies In Pakistan, Part The UmptiethBy Steve Hynd Late yesterday, both the Washington Post and the New York Times dropped articles casting grave doubts on the zeal of America's "indispensible ally" in the War on Terror. In the Washington Post, the new Afghan national security advisor Rangin Dadfar Spanta writes that "Pakistan is the A ...
- Book Review – The Transformation of War – Martin V ...By BJ Bjornson A few years ago, the blogger Fabius Maximus wrote that the secret to accurately predicting the trends of the Iraq War was to : 1. Carefully read Martin van Creveld’s book The Transformation of War (1991) . 2. Each week read the Sunday newspaper, or one of the major weekly mag ...
Water Wars
- Water Wars[image2] Get Involved The Blue Gold: World Water Wars site has a wealth of information on how to protect your watershed. Go to the tab titled “Action Plan” online. To view the film, download it from iTunes, Amazon on demand or Netflix, or ...
- Protecting the Valleyâs precious resourceCLARKSVILLE, Va. — A recent symposium on Kerr Reservoir water resources drew a lot of attention to the fact North Carolina and Virginia share a vital water system and future economic growth depends on coming to some equitable conclusions to questions that recently began popping up.
- Protecting the Valleyâs precious resourceCLARKSVILLE, Va. — A recent symposium on Kerr Reservoir water resources drew a lot of attention to the fact North Carolina and Virginia share a vital water system and future economic growth depends on coming to some equitable conclusions to questions that recently began popping up.
- Inaugural Conference Unites Georgias Leaders in a ...MACON, Ga., Aug. 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Wednesday, Georgia's academic, civic, economic, and government leaders began a long-awaited conversation about the future of our state. The Macon State College Conference Center played host to the 2010 GeorgiaForward Forum. Over 200 stakeholders, rep ...
- Protecting the Valley�s precious resourceCLARKSVILLE, Va. A recent symposium on Kerr Reservoir water resources drew a lot of attention to the fact North Carolina and Virginia share a vital water system and future economic growth depends on coming to some equitable conclusions to questions that recently began popping up.
WordPress | Economics
- The Overconfidence ProblemThe Overconfidence Problem Mark Twain said “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
- Real Good News? Really? No, Not ReallyNancy Cook at Newsweek: The number of people filing new claims for unemployment benefits dropped las
- IIPM India News - HT City features Moonwalk 2010 @ ...Music, Fun, Laughter and a rocking theme to add to it! PGP (10-12)/ SS & UGP (10-13)/SS witnesse
- US: Flow of imports drags down economic growthBy Howard Schneider A widening U.S. trade deficit has become a substantial drag on economic growth a
- The landlord path to increasing home pricesIn discussing ways to stimulate the housing market, Felix Salmon wonders why we aren’t seeing
Electronic Intifada
- Why Americans should oppose ZionismMore and more people are starting to pay attention to Israel's crimes and indignities. In so doing, more and more people are questioning the origin and meaning of Zionism - ...
- Veolia whitewashes illegal light rail projectLast week the Israeli daily Haaretz reported that the consortium holding the contract to the controversial Jerusalem light rail project surveyed city residents on whether they woul ...
- PA forces raid meeting as dissent growsPalestinian Authority forces today forcibly dispersed a meeting organized by Palestinian parties opposed to the Palestine Liberation Organization's scheduled direct talks w ...
- Math program taps potential of young students in G ...AL-ZAHARA, occupied Gaza Strip (IPS) - In a bright and spacious classroom, with plants overflowing in the courtyard outside, six students lean forward at their desks looking at the ...
- Church boycott calls ring louder The world's churches have long been one of the battlegrounds of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. With the strengthening of the BDS movement, a number of church ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Norwegian journalist gets unprecedented access to ...A Norwegian journalist has claimed that he had been granted unprecedented access to the Taliban army for the first time.
- UK PM Cameron was almost shot down by Taliban rock ...British military sources revealed that insurgents armed with shoulder-launched rockets came close to assassinating Prime Minister David Cameron during his recent trip to Afghanistan.
- Top Afghan official urges US to put sanctions on P ...In what highlights the strained relationship between the two neighbouring countries, a top Afghan official has urged the United States to put sanctions on Pakistan and also refuse visas to military generals of that country.
- Karzai urges US to dismantle Pak based terror safe ...Pointing fingers towards Pakistan, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai has called on the United States to shift its focus on militants based outside his country to see substantial gains in the 'war on terror, which he believes is going nowhere.
- CIA pays many in Karzai administrationWASHINGTON: The CIA is making payments to a significant number of officials in Afghan President Hamid Karzai's administration, The Washington Post reported on Friday.Citing current and former U.S. off...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- New Item in Openness Floor: Ethics Program ReviewsOur opengov community has added a new item to the "Openness Floor," the set of minimum requirements that executive branch agencies must meet in order to be considered "open." The new item falls into category A., Accountability & Influence: 8....
- Was BLM Manager's Relationship with Industry Too O ...One important note to the recent Inspector General (IG) report on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manager-turned industry group president Steve Henke is that the investigation was provoked by a referral from the Government Accountability Office (GAO). That kind of...
- Morning Smoke: Bidding on $40 Billion Ground Comba ...Army to re-start bidding process for new $40B ground combat vehicle program by Roxana Tiron [The Hill] Former Chief of Drilling Agency Says New Inspection System Is Needed by John Broder [NYT Green Blog] SEC Makes Ousting Directors Easier by...
- One If by Land, Two If by FAPIIS Yes friends, FAPIIS is coming! Today, Washington Technology is reporting that FAPIIS will be publicly available by the end of the year. Although details will still be debated via public comments and the rule making process, we can see the...
- GSA Scheduling ConflictGSA schedules are beneficial as intended, but are they a government nightmare in reality? The schedules offer pre-negotiated contracts to federal and state agencies looking to buy commercial goods and services. The prices, terms, and conditions are set, allowing a...
Digital Journal
- There Is No Such Thing As 'Just A Cat'An English lady accused of putting a cat into a garbage can, where it languished for 15 hours before being rescued, excused her actions by claiming: ""I don't know what the fuss is about. It's just a cat.", leading to a global furor raised by cat lovers.
- News and the Internet: Budding journalists urged t ...Budding Journalists who want to take advantage of the online medium to advance their practice of the truth seeking profession must get certain basics to be able to make the desired impact, says a senior practicing Journalist, Yinka Atolagbe.
- Transgenic salmon closer to achieving FDA approvalThe biotechnological company seeking to obtain US - Food and Drug Administration approval to sell genetically modified salmon was notified Wednesday that its application has progressed to the next, and near-final, stage in the approval process.
- Man shot dead in Toronto Wednesday nightA shooting at Cather Cres Wednesday night ended with Toronto's latest murder. He and another shooting victim were taken to Sunnybrook Hospital after police responded to a shots fired call.
- Man found dead at Ontario scrap yardHalton Regional Police are investigating the sudden death of a customer at "B & D Auto Recycling" in Oakville, Ontario yesterday. The man, 64, was found in the yard pinned under a mini van.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Campfire Turned Wildfire Leads to Arrest of Homele ...Eleven homes burned down in a wildfire in Ashland, Oregon this week. But this time, the culprit wasn't mother nature. A homeless man named John Thiry was arrested and charged with 11 counts of reckless burning and 11 counts of reckless endangerment for allegedly building a campfire that got out of c ...
- Homeless Entrepreneur Is Not an OxymoronThis new video comes from Mark's InvisiblePeople.tv 30-city, 11,000-mile, 75-day road trip , going on now. Unfortunately, a severe personal crisis is not an uncommon cause of homelessness. Some stories will wreck the hardest heart, and I hope the next time you see a homeless person drunk on a corner ...
- Computer Access a Digital Path to IndependenceThe thing that turned me from "adventurer" to homeless woman living in a van was lack of financial stability. I didn't have the money I needed to do what I wanted. I had an aging van that needed work, and a storage unit to pay for, and two animals and myself to feed. Housing was at the bottom of my ...
- The U.S.'s Newest Export: Homelessness PolicyThe days of the United States being a net industrial exporter are long gone. In 2008, the U.S. trade deficit was almost $700 billion . But despite the United States' vanishing competitive advantage in manufacturing, the country continues to export science and technology. Judging from a recent articl ...
- Shelters Are Like Prisons, Says a Former ResidentThis new video comes from Mark's InvisiblePeople.tv 30-city, 11,000-mile, 75-day road trip , going on now. I love people. I know everyone says that, especially at job interviews, but I honestly do love people. And yes, it's no secret that I have an extra fondness for homeless people. Often I run in ...
- Petraeus tightens rules of engagementU.S. Gen. David Petraeus, the recently appointed commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, has reportedly added further restrictions to the “rules of engagement” that govern the use of force by most international forces in Afghanistan (Jason Motlagh, “Petraeus Toughens Afghan Rules of Engage ...
- Canadians still want out of AfghanistanAlmost 80 percent of Canadians want Canadian soldiers out of Afghanistan by the end of 2011, as currently scheduled, reports a recent Ipsos-Reid poll (Carmen Chai, âCanadians want to end Afghan mission by 2011, poll shows,â Postmedia News, 5 August 2010): “These numbers are very indicative of a ...
- Ex-Pakistani spy chief says Afghanistan war cannot ...A former head of Pakistani intelligence, Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul, has stated that the conflict in Afghanistan cannot be won. Gul, whose agency worked closely with the Taliban prior to the U.S. invasion and continues to maintain ties with the organization, argued in an interview with CNN that the U.S. pre ...
- BATTLE FOR KANDAHAR IS ON - Real News NetworkIn Afghanistan, the battle for Kandahar is on. That's receiving strangely little attention in the American media—quite low-key if you compare it to other major American campaigns in Afghanistan. Joining us from England, from Essex, is Muhammad Junaid, who's a research scholar studying the Pashtun na ...
- Ceasefire.ca ad campaign continues in the Hill Tim ...The Ceasefire.ca ad campaign continued this week, targeting political circles in Ottawa by running a second ad in the Hill Times. The ad calls on Prime Minister Harper to "Call off the attack on Kandahar," an Afghanistan military offensive expected at the end of the summer.
Kevin Trudeau Show
- EU Food Supplement Crackdown Overrides Consumer Ch ...August 26, 2010 The Business Muse hundreds of food supplements and thousands of health-benefit claims concerning food supplements will be banished from the European market as each European Union member state enforces the EU Supplements Directive of 2002. That administrative rule is one of the Wester ...
- Salmonella Vaccine May Prevent Egg RecallsAugust 26, 2010 Pharm Pro By MICHAEL J. CRUMB Low-cost vaccines that may help prevent the kind of salmonella outbreak that has led to the recall of more than a half-billion eggs haven’t been given to nearly half the U.S.’s egg-laying hens. The vaccines aren’t required in the U.S., although in Great ...
- Make Sure You’re Getting Your Vitamin BAugust 26, 2010 Yourhealthdetective.com Most people are not aware that the “B” vitamins are your best insurance policy against diseases like heart attack and stroke. And, they’re more powerful than any drugs for the same conditions. “B” vitamins are water soluble – you’ll find them in meat of animal ...
- India Halts Vaccine Program After DeathsAugust 26, 2010 Vaccine Truth By: Christina England Vaccine programmes grind to a halt in India once more, when four children died after they received the measles vaccination in Lucknow. The four children were reported to have fainted soon after they were vaccinated and witnesses reported seeing the ...
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-25-10Everything Kevin: Become An Insider! Support Kevin! Kevin is on YouTube! Sign Up For Kevinâs FREE Podcast Follow Kevin on Twitter Become Kevinâs Friend on Facebook Kevin’s Film Club Kevin’s Book Club Take Trudeau on the Go! Click here to download this show to your iPod, mp3 player, or PC throu ...
Pambazuka News
- Black Congress to convene in D.C. to set black age ...As criticisms of President Obama’s war and economic policies mount, the group that first questioned his intentions regarding the concerns of the black community is holding a national Congress to define a black agenda to serve the interests of black p...
- Haiti: Women demand role in reconstructionWomen's civil society groups were noticeable by their absence from the landmark Haiti donor conference on 31 March, which secured pledges of US$5.3 billion over the next two years to support the country’s post-quake recovery. Their lack of a presenc...
- African diplomats reject anti-Cuba resolution pass ...The ambassador of the Republic of Congo to Cuba, Pascal Onguemby, rejected the lies included in an anti-Cuba resolution recently approved by the European Parliament. Addressing participants in the inauguration of the Eleventh International Conference...
- USA: Black coalition to protest expanding U.S. war ...A newly-formed Black coalition has announced a rally and march on the White House to take place November 7, 2009 beginning in Washington, D.C.’s historic Malcolm X Park. The rally and march are to protest the expanding U.S. wars and other policy ini...
- Brazil: Bloggers on why there is still racism in t ...Two weeks ago, Global Voices Online reported the story of Januário Alves de Santana, a black man who had been beaten and punched by security guards of one of the largest international retailers in Brazil. He was waiting for his family in the car park...
War in Context
- Andrew Bacevich: how Washington rulesReprinted with permission of TomDispatch.com The unmaking of a company man An education begun in the shadow of the Brandenburg Gate By Andrew Bacevich Worldly ambition inhibits true learning. Ask me. I know. A young man in a hurry is nearly uneducable: He knows what he wants and where he’s h ...
- Wikileaks — short on intelligenceMaybe Wikileaks has come to the cynical conclusion that in the contemporary media environment the headline is more important than the story. CIA Red Cell Memorandum on United States “exporting terrorism” That sounds like damning material. Plans to insert US-trained terrorists into Iran or Venezuel ...
- CIA wants to cover up US war crimes in YemenA missile strike on December 17 in Yemen last year that killed 41 people including 21 children and 14 women was most likely the result of a US cruise missile strike — an opening shot in a US military campaign that began without notice and has never been officially confirmed. Amnesty International s ...
- How Pakistan shut down Afghan-Taliban peace talksIn the New York Times, Dexter Filkins reports: When American and Pakistani agents captured Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Taliban’s operational commander, in the chaotic port city of Karachi last January, both countries hailed the arrest as a breakthrough in their often difficult partnership in fighting ...
- Liberal defenders of “mosque” get it wrongAisha Ghani points out that much of the liberal defense of Park51 requires that the center be shown as presenting a sanitized form of Islam. t is clear that the kindergarten logic of “hear no evil, see no evil” is being utilized in order to sway public opinion in favor of the Center, but while the ...
Watts Up With That?
- Follow up on the solar-neutrinos-radioactive decay ...Via slashdot: A couple of days ago, WUWT carried a story that was rather shocking: some physicists published claims they have detected a variation in earthly radioactive decay rates, big news by itself, but the shocker is they attributed it … Continue reading →
- Pre-empting on the solar curve fitGuest post by David Archibald We return to Dr Svalgaardâs plot of four solar parameters, updated daily at: http://www.leif.org/research/TSI-SORCE-2008-now.png There are a couple of things to note. Firstly, the solar Mean Field, which is the top line, went into the … Continue reading →
- Hurricane Danielle reaches Cat3, Earl forecast str ...MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS…120 MPH…195 KM/HR, path projected to be away from the East coast of the USA. See the latest bulletin and satellite image and animation below: Animated loop of this image here BULLETIN HURRICANE DANIELLE SPECIAL ADVISORY NUMBERÂ 23 … Continue reading →
- Cherry picking is easyby Steve Goddard Tamino has named me “Mr. Cherry” for picking start dates of graphs which are different from the ones he chooses to cherry pick. For instance, he considers 1975 to be the start of “the modern global warming … Continue reading →
- Solar UV linkage to earth’s atmosphere confi ...From the “you don’t know everything about the sun and earth yet so stop telling us the sun doesn’t matter” department and National Science Foundation: Shrinking atmospheric layer linked to low levels of solar radiation Large changes in the sun’s … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Omar Khadr’s Trial Postponed, Lawyer Leaves ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ www.therealnews.com Carol Rosenberg: Khadr confession ruled admissible by military judge Carol Rosenberg is a senior journalist, currently with the McClatchy News Service. Rosenberg works at the Miami Herald, which has provided extensive coverage of the operation ...
- Five Years and Still Drowning – The New Orle ...by Greg Palast Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.gregpalast.com 24 August, 2010 It’s been five years already. In New Orleans, more than half the original residents have not, cannot, return. “They don’t want no poor niggers back in – that’s the bottom line.” And that’s Malik Rahim, Director of C ...
- Michel Chossudovsky: Death squads invade Iraqhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ RTAmerica | August 24, 2010 In Latin America El Salvadorian death squads were known for targeting clergy members, doctors, and others, similar to what is being said about Iraq. Michel Chossudovsky, the director of the Center for Research on Globalization in Canad ...
- Noam Chomsky: Power hunger tempered by self-decept ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ 5iF3R | August 18, 2010 Professor Noam Chomsky explaining the 2008 bubble, democracy and neo-liberalism / corporatism i.e. the economic / monetary system, from an American perspective. Location: Collège de France – 2010 “Nationalism is power hunger tempered by ...
- Kucinich: The War in Iraq has entered a New Stage ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Congressman Dennis Kucinich Washington, Aug 19, 2010 Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today challenged the notion that removing ‘combat brigades’ but leaving 50,000 U.S. troops in Iraq constitutes an end to combat operations, let alone an end to the war. “Wh ...
Your New Reality
- No titleMurdoch Newspaper Proudly Endorses Australian Coup Like no other media outlet in his worldwide empire, Rupert Murdoch's The Australian national broadsheet newspaper is the voice of Rupert Murdoch. He's lost tens of millions on The Australian over the years, but Murdoch keeps the newspaper going bec ...
- No title"We Cannot Allow The Corporate Takeover Of Our Democracy" 1961 : 2010 : .
- No titleOh yes, this is cynical, and even bitter, but it's also an excellent and short expose of the formula so many, many Hollywood films put into the market every year. In Australia, the pressure is on producers, screenwriters and directors to turn out pap exactly like this, in the belief that the only wa ...
- No titleOkay, Here We Go Just launched the YouTube channel for FTW : The Movie In 2003, during anti-War On Iraq protests, the Australian prime minister was kidnapped by an activist and interrogated for 24 hours. The disappearance of the prime minister was officially covered up as an "unexpected visit ...
- No title"Mommy! Get The Oil Off!" By Darryl Mason Fucking hell. Thousands of Americans are swimming around in this toxic shit : Morons like this guy below are telling Americans it's okay to swim, and to take their children swimming, and for people from other states to come and swim in this oily stick ...
Wired - Science
- Video: Dancing Parrot Boogies Better With a Partne ...runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience594239584001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); SEATTLE — Snowball the dancing parrot doesn’t just bob to the beat. The YouTube sensation, who proved last year that humans aren’t the only species that got rhythm, gets h ...
- Live Tiger Found in Bag Full of Toy Tigers at Thai ...On August 22, airport security officials in Bangkok detected something suspicious in an oversize suitcase. X rays indicated that along with stuffed animals, the bag contained bones. Indeed, they belonged to a tranquilized two-month-old tiger. The bag, which had been checked by a 31-year old Tha ...
- Octopus Evades Predators by Mimicking Toxic Sea Cr ...runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience596086619001', 'anId'); The Indonesian mimic octopus has the boldest defense strategy of any of its cephalopod cousins, and now scientists know how that strategy evolved. Rather than blending into the scenery, the octopus mimics th ...
- Planet Hunters Bag Systems With Super-Earths and D ...The planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft has discovered two Saturn-like planets orbiting a single star. The new planetary system, the first in which both planets can be seen crossing in front of their star, may also contain an Earth-sized companion. The August 26 announcement came on the heels of anoth ...
- E.O. Wilson Proposes New Theory of Social Evolutio ...The dominant evolutionary theory for Earth’s most successful creatures, and a proposed explanation for human altruism, is under attack. For decades, selflessness — as exhibited in eusocial insect colonies where workers sacrifice themselves for the greater good — has been explained in terms of genet ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- David Gardner: A poisoned process holds little hop ...Arab minister: "We have all been colluding in a gigantic confidence trick, and here we go again"... [T]he heart of the question remains the continuing Israeli occupation. It is essential to... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- Ran Greenstein: Israel/Palestine and the apartheid ..."There is no doubt that the occupation is the biggest festering sore in Israeli-Palestinian relations. Futile negotiations over the last two decades have led to its intensification rather than... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now ...
- Avner Cohen: Why Israel should end its policy of n ..."In the long term, the more Israel appears to reject peace and to be the one that opposes a two-state solution, the more it will be perceived as a regional bully that possesses nuclear weapons. So... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Shalom Boguslavsky: The Israeli right’s secret str ...Over the past two yeas, many of us have felt that the democratic camp in Israel has been under a well-planned, coordinated attack ... organizations from the old-style religious right ... got together... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- EU rebukes Israel over conviction of West Bank sep ...Lady Ashton:"The EU considers Abdallah Abu Rahmah to be a human rights defender committed to non-violent protest against the route of the Israeli separation barrier ... The EU considers the route of... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Bout denies knowledge of Russian state, military s ...Russian businessman Viktor Bout, awaiting extradition to the United States on arms trafficking charges, said on Friday he knows no Russian state or military secrets.
- Bout denies knowledge of Russian state, military s ...Russian businessman Viktor Bout, awaiting extradition to the United States on arms trafficking charges, said Friday he knows no Russian state military secrets.
- Indian-Russian Brahmos venture to produce missile ...The Indian-Russian venture BrahMos Aerospace Ltd. plans to produce engines for Brahmos missiles in India, CEO Sivathanu Pillai said on Friday.
- Changes proposed to Russia's military procurement ...The Russian Federal Service for Defense Contracts (Rosoboronzakaz) has proposed changes to the country's procurement system, a business daily said on Friday.
- Blackseafor warships complete active stage of dril ...Warships from the Black Sea Naval Group, the Blackseafor, on Thursday completed the active stage of three-week drills, the Russian Black Sea Fleet press service said.
- Diabetes Impairs but Does Not Halt Sex Among Older ...Many middle-aged and older adults with diabetes are sexually active, according to a new survey. Seventy percent of partnered men with diabetes and 62 percent of partnered women with diabetes engaged in sexual activity two or three times a month, comparable to those without diabetes. The disease take ...
- Student-Developed Photo Sharing App "Burstn" Helps ...With the countdown to back to school in full swing, university and college students new and old are preparing to head to their campuses. For many, that means saying goodbye to friends and family. For all it means embarking on the social experience of post-secondary education. Luckily for post-second ...
- Rapid Response Team Lowers Hospital Cardiac Arrest ...Implementing a rapid response team to aid in managing "potentially unstable" patients has led to a sharp reduction in the rate of cardiac arrests at a U.S. Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital, reports a study in the September issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia, official journal of the International Anesthes ...
- Surgical Robot Could Be Used for Long-Distance Reg ...An existing surgical robot could be used to perform complex regional anesthesia procedures--in theory, allowing expert anesthesiologists to perform robot-assisted procedures from remote locations, according to a study in the September issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia, official journal of the Internat ...
- People Over 80 Often Have Mixed Pathologies in The ...Most recent studies show that elderly people over the age of 80 often have mixed pathologies in their brains that account for their memory loss and confusion. Very few senior citizens have "pure Alzheimer disease"; therefore, this terminology should be used with caution. It now appears that vascular ...
Natural Health News
- When and How Should You Warm Up, Stretch, Exercise ...by Darin L. Steen I get tons of questions about this topic. There seems to be a lot of confusion about stretching. We all seem to not have enough time in the day for all that we need to do for fitness and fat loss. So it is logical that most of us skip stretching. But that is a big mistake. ...
- Does Music Make You Exercise Harder?In a recent study, researchers asked 12 college students to ride stationary bicycles while listening to music.� They were given a selection of six songs with a range of tempos. During one session, the six songs ran at their normal tempos. In other sessions, the tempo was slowed by 10 percent or inc ...
- Does Insulin Resistance Cause Alzheimer's Plaques?Insulin resistant people with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop plaques in their brains which are associated with Alzheimer's disease. A study looked at 135 elderly participants who were monitored for signs of Alzheimer's disease for 10 to 15 years.� After they died, researchers conducted ...
- Grapefruit's Bitter Taste Holds a Sweet Promise fo ...Naringenin is an antioxidant that causes the bitter flavor of grapefruits and other citrus fruits.� New research shows that it may cause your liver to break down fat while increasing your insulin sensitivity. Naringenin activates a family of proteins called nuclear receptors that cause your liver t ...
- Antihistamine Use Linked to Extra PoundsPeople who use prescription antihistamines could be more likely to gain excess pounds.� The significance of the link is not yet clear. Researchers found that prescription antihistamine users were more likely to be overweight or obese.� A recent study found that 45 percent of antihistamine users wer ...
- Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisisfrom Jake Bernstein and Jesse Eisinger ProPublica ( view source ) Over the last two years of the housing bubble, Wall Street bankers perpetrated one of the greatest episodes of self-dealing in financial history. Faced with increasing difficulty in selling the mortgage-backed securities that had bee ...
- Obama Administration's Expansion of The War on Ter ...Crossposted from Talkleft In the Sunday Times: a feature article on the Obama administration’s " shadow war against Al Qaeda and its allies ." In roughly a dozen countries — from the deserts of North Africa, to the mountains of Pakistan, to former Soviet republics crippled by ethnic and religious s ...
- It's a Muslim World, America's Just Living in ItHat tip to Foster Kamer writing at The Village Voice who notes : Apropos of nothing -- except the whole Islamophobia talking point inspired by that community center downtown (or as people who aren't from New York/are directionally impaired/are reality-impaired call it, the "Ground Zero Mosque" ) ha ...
- ForeclosureThey Go or Obama Goes Robert Scheer, Truthdig, August 25, 2010 Barack Obama and the Democrats he led to a stunning victory two years ago are going down hard in the face of an economic crisis that he did nothing to create but which he has failed to solve. That is somewhat unfair because the basic b ...
- Time to Declare Global War on FloodingMore GRITtv The flooding in Pakistan has displaced 2 million people, killed at least 1600 and affected 14 million.� It should be affecting all of us. A disaster of global proportions, requiring a global response, as Gwynne Dyer noted on our show not long ago, it offers a hint of what we can expect ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Arbitration, Chess, and the Whimsical Strongmanby Chris Borgen It's not often that you run into a story that combines international arbitration, Kremlin politics, post-Soviet autocrats, utopian urban projects, transnational networks, electoral politics, and chess. So, read on... According to the New York Times' chess blog , A lawsuit against ...
- US Submits Its First Report to the UN Human Rights ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller The report is here. I have neither the time nor the stomach to fully engage with it, but I couldn’t let paragraph 82 pass without comment: 82. The United States is currently at war with Al Qaeda and its associated forces. President Obama has made clear th ...
- Dutch Prosecutors to Investigate Peacekeepers at S ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller So reports Reuters: The Dutch prosecutor’s office said on Friday it would look into whether Dutch peacekeeping soldiers should face criminal charges over the 1995 massacre in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica. About 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were k ...
- 20 Things About Americans and the Worldby Julian Ku by Julian Ku OK, that’s not exactly the title of this piece at Huffington Post, but the observations from Gary Arndt about Americans and the World sound true to me. Â Arndt has been traveling around the world since 2007, for no particular reason (see his travel blog here and yes, I’m ...
- Upcoming BIICL Investment Treaty Forumby Duncan Hollis by Duncan Hollis I wanted to flag for interested readers an upcoming event at the British Institute of International & Comparative Law (BIICL). On September 10, BIICL will host its Fifteenth Investment Treaty Forum, with a focus on recent developments in international arbitration ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- History in colourWe've all seen the black and white photos of yesteryear, a time before the invention of colour photography. So how's this picture from the days of Imperial Russia, 1909, grab you: They were taken by a process involving three b&w...
- Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story by Ian Wisha ...It's just been brought to my attention that I haven't offered non-subscribers the chance to pre-order the new book on the Crewe murders being released by us next month. Accordingly, here's the gist of the email that went out to...
- ClimateDepot locates possibly the world’s dumbest ...As an indicator of just how dumbed-down global warming believers are on the science of climate change, Climate Depot's Marc Morano revealed tonight a seminar delegate seriously believed the CO2 from car exhaust fumes would kill him in an enclosed...
- Sins of Science Media Centre’s OmissionPR hack Peter Griffin is at it again, this time complaining that a Waikato farmer should have been left to die by medical science, rather than allowing his family to administer the unproven Vitamin C therapy now claimed to have...
- Free TGIF Edition just outWe're making TGIF available free for now...you can either click on the flash version below, or click the link below it to download the pdf: Open publication - Free publishing - More sport http://www.investigatemagazine.co.nz/Investigate/?attachment_id=975
The World We Live In
- Domain Name Being ChangedSome of your might have noticed that i have not been posting for a while. It was mostly out of frustration, you see when i started this site, I figured i would use it as a space to publish information, that i felt needed more attention in our life’s. New, views or even just facts [...]
- One Facebook, Two Faces: A Piece By A Virtually De ...I had been banned from Facebook and my account had been disabled a night before Facebook was banned in Pakistan. Before all this happened, I visited the blasphemous page “Draw Muhammad Day” and the content on the page hurt me badly. Once again a certain group of westerners called it the “freedom of ...
- New Chemical Element Discovered In PakistanPakistani researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, so far only discovered and found in Pakistan , has been named Zardarium (Symbol = Zm). It has one Presitron, 1 Priministron, 77 Ministrons, 98 deputy Ministrons, 298 National Assemblions, and 100 Senatr ...
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
Center for Food Safety
- Obama Administration Announces Hearings On Approva ...CFS Announces Major Campaign, Calls Decision to Move Forward with Approval of GE Salmon “Misguided and Dangerous” Salmon Would be First-Ever GE Food Animal The Center for Food Safety today criticized an announcement by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that it will potentially approve th ...
- Federal Court Rescinds USDA Approval of Geneticall ...Order Bans Planting or Sale of Controversial Crop. Court Denies Monsanto Request to Allow Continued Planting. Today Judge Jeffrey White, federal district judge for the Northern District of California, issued a ruling granting the request of plaintiffs Center for Food Safety, Organic Seed Alliance, H ...
- San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Fails to ...A recent study commissioned by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (PUC) seeks to mislead and confuse San Francisco residents about the quality of sewage sludge-derived compost distributed by the PUC. The PUC claims that this sewage sludge-derived compost “compares favorably” to several br ...
- The Story of CosmeticsIn the latest installment of her “Story of Stuff” videos, Annie Leonard walks us through “The Story of Cosmetics,” and the ugly truth of toxics in, toxics out. Visit the website for an annotated script, viewing party materials, fact sheets and more. As she explains in the Huffington Post, “It turns ...
- Announcing the True Food Shoppers Guide Mobile AppThe Center for Food Safety today launched a new mobile application that will help shoppers to quickly and easily identify foods made with ingredients from genetically modified (GM) organisms. The free app, “The Center for Food Safety’s True Food Shoppers Guide”, is available for mobile devices thro ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Law and Disorder – After Katrina, New Orleans Cops ...Law and Disorder – After Katrina, New Orleans Cops Were Told They Could Shoot Looters - ProPublica In the chaotic days after Hurricane Katrina, an order circulated among New Orleans police authorizing officers to shoot looters, according to present and former members of the department. It's not c ...
- Markus Salzmann : German army abandons investigati ...German army abandons investigation of officer who ordered Kunduz massacre [wsws.org] No one is to be held accountable for the single biggest massacre carried out by German soldiers since the Second World War. Following the lead of the federal prosecutor, the army has also abandoned its investigati ...
- The late Prof Hastings Okoth-Ogendo, on indigenous ...
- Why are Black Men So Angry?Why are Black Men So Angry? The Boo-Boo Mommy Can't Kiss Away Today my son asked me, “Mama, why do White people treat me like that? Why do they act like they are afraid of me? I held the door for that older White couple to pass through and they ignored me and went through the other door.” I didn’t h ...
- Stop persecution of Roma people, stop deportations ...Stop persecution of Roma people, stop deportations from France|28Aug10|Socialist Worker : "Some 200 Roma people have been deported from France as part of President Sarkozy’s racist scapegoating. Within weeks 700 Roma will be expelled. So far police have broken up over 50 Roma camps, and Sarkozy has ...
- When Suffering is GoodPhoto by G!zM() 17 We live in a world where hedonism and despair abound. It is as if the black death were knocking at our doors, like in Chaucerâs Canterbury Tales. Imagine a world without pain and suffering. Imagine not ever getting sick, physically or mentally. Imagine no disadvantages. Everyone ...
- Inductee to the Creative ClassPhoto by Gui Trento For the past year or so Iâve been flirting with a design college. Iâve been to their events, spoken to their faculty, visited the campus. After 12 years of yearning to return to college, I could very soon enroll again. The degree they are offering sounds slightly business-lik ...
- Asleep (a short story)Photo by eye of einstein I am holding a thread and staring into a labyrinth. Darkness is falling, and the gold of sunset begins to fade from the moss that drapes its walls. Ancient stones lose their friendliness and succumb to moist cold. Only the sky remains cheerful. Inside the labyrinth darknes ...
- Criminal Rule in HondurasPhoto by markarinafotos While Rome is burning, everyone is hypnotized by the fiddling emperor Chavez. Crime and impunity in Honduras, which steadily worsened during Manuel Zelaya’s administration, has only gotten worse under Porfirio Lobo. But Mr. Lobo is busy courting international opinion, in the ...
- Hurricane Alex Aftermath(I wrote the following entry on Friday, July 2, but have been unable to post it until today. As of now, there is no water in my house.) I just arrived home after exploring the are around my home after Hurricane Alex tore through Monterrey. The hurricane made landfall Wednesday night as a category tw ...
Green Times
- Fresh juice in MarrakechIn Djemaa el Fna, a big square in Marrakech, Marocco, you can find lots of stands that sell fresh orange "juice (food-drink/why-organic-juice-is-good-for-you.html)" for little money. Photo by: Ilse Savenije
- Plastic SoupIn the Pacific Ocean there is floating a vast amount of plastic waste. It’s twice the size of the United States! It called “The Plastic Soup” or “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. Fish and sea birds are dying, because their stomachs are filled with the plastic they ate. It also ends up in our foods ...
- Environmental News 27/08/2010Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- Organic Skin Care for MenWhat would make an alpha male go organic? If sex sells and sustainability doesn’t, can organic skin care for men cut it?
- Calculate your carbon footprintA person’s "carbon footprint" (glossary/categories/climate-change/carbon-footprint.html )is the effect that person’s lifestyle and actions have on the environment. You can calculate your own footprint online.Check out our carbon section (directory/categories/Energy/Carbon) in our directory. ...
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Halliburton's $150m Iraq Oilfield DealShareThis Mission Accomplished! Halliburton's $150m Iraq Oilfield Deal 22 Aug 2010 Further to our report last week Halliburton has confirmed that it has been awarded a letter of intent by Shell Iraq Petroleum Development B.V. for the development of the Majnoon field in Southern Iraq. Dow Jones sugge ...
- Afghan recruit kills Nato trainersShareThis Afghan recruit kills Nato trainers 25 Aug 2010 Two Spanish police trainers and their interpreter have died in Afghanistan after being shot by their driver. The driver opened fire while the trainers were teaching a class in Badghis province in western Afghanistan. Other officers then killed ...
- Military Advocate General: Gaza blockade entirely ...ShareThis Military Advocate General: Gaza blockade entirely legal --Brig. Gen. Avichai Mendelblit to panel probing May 31 Gaza flotilla raid: No one in the IDF would think to violate international law . 26 Aug 2010 Military Advocate General Brig. Gen. Avichai Mendelblit testified Thursday before com ...
- Fire at Fort BraggShareThis Fire at Fort Bragg 26 Aug 2010� Fort Bragg emergency services responded to a fire in a three-story building around 10:18 Thursday morning. Officials said firefighters believed they had the blaze extinguished at one point, but it flared up again. The building is a barracks for the 4th Briga ...
- GOP plans wave of White House probesShareThis GOP plans wave of White House probes 27 Aug 2010 If President Barack Obama needed any more incentive to go all out for Democrats this fall, here it is: Republicans are planning a wave of committee investigations targeting the White House and Democratic allies if they win back the majority. ...
Daily Loaf
- Pimpin Commish gets the boot, Rashid’s stable foun ...Norman wins, The Pimpin Commish loses and Sam Rashid's stable is foundering.
- Study: monogamous marriage devastates your sex lif ...If you don’t have sex before marriage, then making your relationship legal will definitely improve your sex life, at least for a few years, and assuming you’re sexually compatible. Otherwise putting that wedding ring on is pretty much like strapping on a metal chastity belt. One recent British po ...
- New poll has Scott up by 5% over Sink; What will C ...A New Rasmussen poll shows Rick Scott with a slight lead over Alex Sink, with Bud Chiles still getting a nice 8% of the vote. Meanwhile, Scott and RPOF chair John Thrasher got together, and Thrasher said essentially it was a beautiful thing. Remember when Charlie Crist was declared by the media a ...
- 1st Rasmussen poll shows Scott over Sink 41%-36%, ...With Scott's financial largess, it should be easy for Thrasher, Jeb Bush, Mike Haridopolos, etc. get behind the only guy they've got.
- Judge’s rejection of SB 360 is a reminder when Cha ...So where does the independent, the guy who replies, "Who cares?" when asked repeatedly as he is these days on who he would caucus with if elected to the Senate as an independent, stand on SB 360 today? He'll alienate either the right or the left no matter which way he rules, which is what happens ...
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Major Israeli Theaters Embrace The SettlementsSome cultural news from Israel: Several of Israel’s leading theater companies have agreed to perform in the new cultural center in the settlement of Ariel, due to open on November 8. The companies include the Habima National Theater, the Cameri Theater, the Be’er Sheva Theater and Jerusalem’s Khan ...
- For Gaza tailors, market is flooded, external mark ...From Gisha’s Gaza Gateway What happens to industry when you open a market to consumer products but restrict raw materials and ban export? What doesn’t happen is economic recovery. The Israeli cabinet decision to ease the closure on the Gaza Strip did not change the sweeping ban on Gaza exports. W ...
- Bil’in’s Abdallah Abu Rahmah Cleared o ...From the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee. Protest organizer Abdallah Abu Rhamah from Bil’in was convicted of incitement and organizing illegal demonstrations today, after an eight months long military trial, during which he was kept behind bars. He was acquitted of a stone-throwing charg ...
- Hudson’s co-founder, the Israeli academic purge an ...Reposted from Didi Remez’s Coteret blog. Evidence is mounting that the Institute for Zionist Strategies (IZS) â an Israeli NGO at the forefront of an ongoing campaign to purge Israeli Universities of faculty and programs deemed âleft-wingâ â is a creature of  The Hudson Institute, a ma ...
- Nation of Misguided Teenagersby Eitan Isaacson, crossposted at his Monotonous.org blog. “I still don’t understand what I did wrong. Seriously, I don’t understand!” Eden said during a morning radio interview after pictures of her posing next to blindfolded Palestinian detainees were found on her Facebook page. Of course she ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Fear of regime change in NYCYves Smith of Naked Capitalism reports her well-connected, wealthy friends are getting twitchy about what they see coming. She doesn’t necessarily agree that major upheaval is coming but found it instructive that some NYC elites are now speaking in these terms. The conversation turned to whether the ...
- Electric vehicle does nearly 300 mph at Bonneville ...Ohio Stateâs “Buckeye Bullet” EV claimed a new FIA battery-powered land speed record yesterday at the famed Bonneville Salt Flats, going nearly nearly three-hundred-miles-per-hour on lithium-ion power.
- Taiwan looks at US IslamophobiaA hilarious (and frightening) new clip from the folks at Taiwan’s Next Media. Don’t miss Barack Obama secretly praying to Mecca in the Oval Office
- Obama backstabs environmental movementThe betrayals continue. The Obama administration has urged the Supreme Court to toss out an appeals court decision that would allow lawsuits against major emitters for their contributions to global warming, stunning environmentalists who see the case as a powerful prod on climate change. Joe Sudbay ...
- Word
- “A silk purse from a sow’s ear”: Israe ...As always happens when the diplomatic process resumes, the air is filled with talk of economic and infrastructure projects. For the principals, the buzz helps in creating an “atmosphere of progress.” The bureaucrats and businessmen behind the leaks are usually angling for a share of the funding that ...
- Yediot publishes minutes of White House negotiatio ...Agreement now, peace later Shimon Shiffer, Yediot, August 27 2010 [front-page] The Obama administration intends to present Israel and the Palestinians with a new outline for ending the conflict. Yedioth Ahronoth has learned that the Americans will pressure the sides to sign a framework agreement f ...
- Is Im Tirzu planning to sue author Meir Shalev?In February, I joined a number of other activists — Roy Yellin, Yuval Yellin, Noam Wiener, Edan Ring, Ari Remez, Tal Niv and Noam Livne — in establishing a Facebook group aimed at exposing the personae and motivation behind the  Im Tirzu smear campaign against the New Israel Fund. Entitled I ...
- Yediot reports on damage to settlement industry ca ...The Politics of economics: The boycott on Israel is expanding Daniel Bettini, Navit Zumer and Ofer Petersburg, Yediot, August 25 2010 [Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] The decision made on Monday by the Norwegian oil fund to divest from Africa Israel and Danya Cebus on the grounds that th ...
- Im Tirzu becomes a right-wing liability (and spark ...Im Tirzu apparently overplayed its hand when it went after Ben Gurion University (BGU). Even the usually timid heads of the Israeli academe felt they had to react: Their institutions were under threat. One by one they gave interviews and published op-eds. As Hebrew University’s Avner de-Shalit wri ...
Deadline Live
- Black Bloc not true anarchistsRe: Anatomy of the G20: What went wrong? Aug. 21 I was one of the many peacefully protesting anarchists present in Toronto during the G20. I was dismayed to see the term “anarchist” used interchangeably and indiscriminately in reference to the dozen or so “Black Bloc” members who may or may not have ...
- Police search for the ‘worst of the worst offender ...Just days after charges were dropped or settled in 73 G20-related cases, Toronto police are appealing for the public’s help to track down the “worst of the worst offenders.” “These are the most prolific individuals in terms of damage done to the city,” said Det. Sgt. Gary Giroux. Giroux is confident ...
- Ron Paul : Audit the Gold!Ron Paul : Audit the Gold! Bookmark It Hide Sites $$('div.d15190').each( function(e) { e.visualEffect('slide_up',{duration:0.5}) });
- Court allows agents to secretly put GPS trackers o ...(CNN) — Law enforcement officers may secretly place a GPS device on a person’s car without seeking a warrant from a judge, according to a recent federal appeals court ruling in California. Drug Enforcement Administration agents in Oregon in 2007 surreptitiously attached a GPS to the silver Jeep owne ...
- This Day In History – August 271789 â The French National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, proclaiming that “men are born and remain free and equal in rights”. 1908 â Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the United States (d. 1973), was born. 1928 â The Kellogg-Briand Pact outlawing w ...
The Air Vent
- UN’s Ideal – Global GovernmentOccasionally there is a comment left which deserves as much notice as possible.  Unfortunately Bart get’s picked again but you could replace his name with Gavin or Mike Mann or really with Ben Santer just as easily. There were a couple of items which looked like links from the comment but weren ...
- Hygroelectric GenerationHmm.. Electricity Collected from the Air Could Become the Newest Alternative Energy Source ScienceDaily (Aug. 25, 2010) — Imagine devices that capture electricity from the air ― much like solar cells capture sunlight ― and using them to light a house or recharge an electric car. Imagine using simila ...
- Solving a SolutionA common theme from climate scientists is how do we get people to act now. They want us to act to stop global warming immediately. They search their brains and write papers and blog posts on how to ‘convince’ the public to take action. Here is laundry list of the Copenhagen ‘solution to global ...
- Wider Band Chlorophyll DiscoveredI don’t have time for much blogging today. Geoff Sherrington sent a link to a different article about this a couple of days ago. It’s interesting because the expanded collection range of this chlorophyll would improve efficiency sligtly for biofuel type solutions. It doesn’t sound like anywhere ...
- Understanding ClimateI’m not sure what the heck this post is. I suppose it’s my attitude toward AGW after two years of discussing climate science in blogland. Perhaps after a couple of weeks of publishing accurate pro-AGW science (not extremist) it’s cathartic to post the rest of the story. Possible alternate titles ...
Focal Point
- Book Review: "The Poisoner's Handbook" I can't say enough good things about Deborah Blum's "The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York." It's an fast-paced narrative that mixes chemistry, physiology, public policy, and history. The heroes of the story are the New York City medical examiner Dr ...
- Judge: Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Destroys ...On Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lambert ruled that all federally funded research on human embryonic stem cells (hESC) is illegal. He reasoned as follows: If a human embryo was destroyed to make a cell line, then any experiment on any cell descended from that embryo is "research" where a h ...
- Let The Eat Cake, Or Brine Shrimp: NYT Celebrates ...How are cutting-edge conspicuous consumers blowing their excess cash? Fantasy fish tanks, according to the New York Times. The Home and Garden section devoted hundreds of words to the "six-figure fish tank" trend. One super-custom tank cost $750,000, according to the article. People who pay over $5 ...
- Book Review: "Charlatan: America's most dangerous ...Charlatan is one of my top two goat-related works of narrative non-fiction. Brock Pope's gripping account of the rise and fall of one of the most flamboyant and deadly quacks of all time edges out Jon Ronson's The Men Who Stare at Goats for the top spot. The quack in question was "Dr." John Brinkey ...
- Why Did SEIU Give $100,000 to the Republican Gover ...By now you've probably heard about Fox News' parent corporation giving a million dollars to the Republican Governors Association. Noteworthy, but not necessarily surprising. While leafing through the RGA's IRS filings for Working In These Times , I discovered something out of the ordinary: The Serv ...
Inside Facebook
- Y Combinator and Facebook Launch Social Startup In ...While Facebook hasn’t done much with its fbFund this year, the company is still busy working to directly nurture its developer ecosystem — today, it is announcing a partnership with early stage venture firm Y Combinator to support social startups. Here’s how Facebook says it will be involved: Weâl ...
- Facebook Rolls Back Questions Access from Many Tes ...Over the last few days, Facebook has turned off its new Facebook Questions product for a significant portion of those who’ve had access since its beta launch on July 28th. Those whose access has been rolled back now see the old status publisher above their news feed, and no longer see the Questions ...
- Arabic Takes a Clear Growth Lead Among Facebook’s ...Editor’s note: The following data is an excerpt from Inside Facebook Gold, our research and data membership service covering Facebook’s platform and advertising ecosystem. Last month we reported that three languages were leading growth across Facebook: Arabic, Portuguese and Spanish. The field has n ...
- Facebook Jobs This Week: Europe, India, Recruiting ...Facebook’s job listings this week continue to emphasize new positions in India and Dublin for its European, Middle Eastern and African operations, as seen on Facebook’s Careers Page. Ad sales positions in Dublin, especially, continue to be numerous and include posts for specialists in many different ...
- Highlights This Week from the Inside Network Job B ...Recently, we launched the Inside Network Job Board – dedicated to providing you with the best job opportunities in the Facebook Platform and social gaming ecosystem. Here are this week’s highlights from the Inside Network Job Board, including positions at MeYou Health, Mighty Play, Lolapps, ohai, Mo ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Study of Coal Ash Sites Finds Extensive ...truthout: Study of Coal Ash Sites Finds Extensive Water Contamination http://bit.ly/a7OVNd #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Broadband Needs Truth in Labeling http:/ ...truthout: Broadband Needs Truth in Labeling http://bit.ly/c7RGma #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Alexander Cockburn | Glenn Beck and Sara ...truthout: Alexander Cockburn | Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin Commandeer Martin Luther King's Dream http://bit.ly/ajEQYi #Truthout #p2
- truthout: North Korea: It's a Cyclical Thing http: ...truthout: North Korea: It's a Cyclical Thing http://bit.ly/aSkyeR #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Joe Conason | The Billionaire Right-Wing ...truthout: Joe Conason | The Billionaire Right-Winger http://bit.ly/cOywwY #Truthout #p2
ReDress News
- Netanyahu and Abbas: what are the possibilities?Lawrence Davidson explains why the US-sponsored direct talks between Israel and Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction, due to start on 2 September, are most unlikely to result in anything that is in the interest of the Palestinian people.
- Iraq war dissenter Kelly’s postmortem report remai ...British Attorney-General Dominic Grieve’s response to widespread calls for Dr David Kelly’s postmortem files to be released continues to indicate that the government is hiding something of importance, argues Christopher King.
- Israel’s sickness goes beyond one soldier and her ...Lawrence Davidson considers the case of the female Israeli soldier who posted pictures of herself with handcuffed and blindfolded Palestinian prisoners. He argues that, rather than being an isolated incident, this is in fact symptomatic of the indecency of the State of Israel and its ideology, Zioni ...
- Zionists in bid to subvert WikipediaGilad Atzmon views the latest attempts by Israelis, Zionists and “anti-Zionist” pretenders to sabotage the free encyclopaedia Wikipedia.
- The secrets in Israel’s archives: evidence of ethn ...Jonathan Cook reports that secrets of serious war crimes, such as the ethnic cleansing of the Syrian Golan Heights following the 1967 war, lay behind the Israeli government’s decision to extend from 50 to70 years the period during which sensitive state documents must remain classified.
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Pretty Words & the Same-O-Same-OIs “This” the New Era of Activism? So I haven’t been writing; pouring out pages and pages of words; analyzing a bit of a sick foreign policy issue here and a handful of plentiful corruption stories there, or marveling at the rapid uncontested descent toward the ever-approaching ‘police state,’… I am ...
- Podcast Show #31The Boiling Frogs Presents Ray McGovern Ray McGovern shares with us his analysis of the recent article published in the Atlantic written by the infamous American-Israeli writer Jeffrey Goldberg on Israel’s case for bombing Iran and the reasons why the United States should join in. He talks about t ...
- Jamiol Presents
- Jamiol Presents
- Podcast Show #30The Boiling Frogs Presents Carlos Miller Carlos Miller provides us with an overview of the history, purpose and mission of his award-winning website Photography is Not a Crime. He talks about First Amendment violations against photographers throughout the country, which occur on a shockingly regul ...
Afro Spear
- Happy 100th Birthday Mother Teresa26 August 1910 – 5 September 1997 100 years ago this selfless humanitarian who dedicated her life to serving the poor, orphans, sick and dying in Calcutta, India was born in Albania. In 1950 she founded the Missionaries of Charity and in 1979 she won the Nobel Peace Prize. Here is a link to her con ...
- Why I Chose Obama For PresidentBecause of hunger. Not the kind of distended belly hunger from poverty and having no food. But a hunger none the less. A hunger for the beauty of my blackness. The hunger for a representation that I can be proud of and hold my head up for. A representation that stares back at me and [...]
- sat’day riddymz
- 3 Things About Islam You Didn’t KnowSomeone sent me this. A further perspective on Islam:
- Happy Birthday Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr.Jamaican National Hero, Black Nationalist, Pan-Africanist, founder of Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL), as well as a major influence and inspiration to many of our African, African-American and Caribbean leaders and intellectuals, Marcus Mosiah Garvey ...
Expose the BNP
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep his po ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- Nick Griffin: “If Hitler hadn’t been s ...The following is a transcript of Dominic Carmen’s speech given at the Expose the BNP media briefing, held at the NUJ headquarters on 7th April. At the 1987 General Election, the BNP put up two candidates and received 553 votes. It was beaten hands down by the Monster Raving Loony Party which put up ...
- Seize BP Demonstrations NationwideSEN believes these demonstrations will help awaken politicians to outrage over inadequate regulation and control of international corporations, even if they do not succeed in gaining temporary seizure of BP on the basis of national emergency and evidence of criminal neglect and fraud by BP.
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on FoxSEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Gulf Oil Disaster Action CentralThe Gulf Oil Disaster is the latest symptom of the madness being unleashed on Mother Earth, Mankind, Wildlife and Life itself. SEN will here post links to every action you can take. Visit often because more will arise in coming weeks and months. If you learn of one we've missed, please enter it in a ...
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on Fox News, PLU ...SEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Climate&Energy “Speak Up&Out” ResultsIn April SENÂ published “Drill Oil and the USA and World to Hell?” To our users we said “Tell Sustainability Education Network’s sen4earth.org what YOU believe and what YOU Demand of government in Energy & Climate policy and legislation.” “SEN will report the overall results to you and to media, AN ...
If Americans Knew
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed at ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage at h ...
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Clinic: ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again on Ga ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner whic ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
David J. Gregory
- AUDITING THE FED!We did this. Together. At every moment, as the Fed and Wall Street sought to undermine this cause, it was the phone calls, letters, e-mails, blogging and sheer power of the people -- ordinary people who cared -- that beat them back. We have delivered a succinct message to Wall Street and the Fed: "W ...
- CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICADo you want to continue to have a say, albeit, not very much, in what goes on in this government? If you do, you must act, as outlined below, as soon as possible. We have got to give it a try, even if we go down, we must stop the corporate takeover. This is so [...]
- TEABAGGERS REFRAINGovernment is the only thing standing between us and all those who would harm us, in one form or another! Be it war, medicine, unsafe products, the list is endless. Corporate America has taken over our Government and it is the reason we’re in such a mess. Don’t blindly get on a bandwagon of non-thin ...
- Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered ...A huge gash on the ocean floor—like a ragged wound hundreds of feet long—has been reported by the NOAA research ship, Thomas Jefferson. Before the curtain of the government enforced news blackout again descended abruptly, scientists aboard the ship voiced their concerns that the widening rift may go ...
- BP BLOCKED WORKERSBP blocked workers cleaning up the oil disaster in the Gulf from wearing protective respirators.
Unsuitable Blog
- Greenpeace Inc. [Guest Article]As some readers may have noted, an email recently came through Greenpeaceâs UK newsletter inviting its supporters to take part in a poll: We’re carrying out a global poll to find out what Greenpeace means to you and which issues you think are most important. This is to help us do an even better j ...
- Cairn Energy Buries Truth in Business SpeakBelow is a verbatim lift from the Corporate Responsibility page on the website of Cairn Energy. I have just highlighted the one key point that you must bear in mind when reading: Cairn’s strategy is to deliver shareholder value through establishing commercial reserves in high potential exploration ...
- Pat Michaels Lets His Funding Veil SlipAfter umpteen years denying the (civilized) human influence on climate change, and in parallel denying he was influenced financially or otherwise by fossil fuel interests, uber-denier Pat Michaels let slip some of the source of his funding – and by implication, some of the source of his climate chan ...
- Greenwashing In The BBC [Guest Article]Greenwashing has a habit of making it into every facet of our society, not just from the obvious sources such as the PR offices of polluting corporations, but also for example from major charities and in the media. A recent example I came across is a blog post from last October by the BBC’s [...]
- Monthly Undermining Task, August 2010: Crash The M ...They (350.org) refuse to countenance the idea that industrial civilization is the problem – every action leads to the Senate, even requests to non-US “members” lead to the Senate. They are like a stuck record – a really dated record, like Alice Cooper trying to down with the kids when he spends mos ...
Subalternate Reality
- Newt Comes Out As A Muslim-BaiterEarly this week, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned that “a commitment to religious freedom and God-given rights is being replaced by a secular oppression…” Just hours after those words appeared on Human Events, Gingrich issued a statement forcefully opposing the constructi ...
- Wealthy Far More Likely To Default On Mortgagescrossposted at Political Correction For much of the past two years, Congressional Republicans have wasted few opportunities to blame poor and working class Americans for the financial meltdown and the subsequent recession. They’ve argued that through well-intentioned government initiatives, includ ...
- GOP House Candidate: Mosque Near Ground Zero Is A ...Conservative activists and the Muslim-baiters among them are furious about a proposed Islamic community center to be built near Ground Zero. The debate has become entirely unhinged and some of the more hateful folks are using the controversy as a rallying cry to oppose the construction of all futur ...
- Ex-Muslim Ergun Caner Is A FraudErgun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive. A self-professed Muslim convert to Christianity, Caner plays an important, and arguably dangerous, role in the community. After the 9/11 attacks, when many Americans were searching for ...
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- New Media Tools Play Pivotal Role in Kenya's Const ...Kenya is moving towards greater democracy and more transparent governance thanks to the recent constitutional referendum that received 70 percent "yes" votes. The new constitution, which is scheduled to be signed into law on Friday, replaces the one drafted during Kenya's colonial era. It includ ...
- Helping D.C. Drinkers and Bikers with Custom MapsIn my last post about TileMill , I outlined some of our general plans and the background for why we’re working on this project to help make it easier for people to design very custom maps online. One question that we get a lot from people who are new to the GIS space is, “When would I need this? How ...
- One-Eight, Afghanistan: Social Media + U.S. Marine ...As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for." In my case, I won a Knight News Challenge grant to launch an online, social media reporting network that follows a battalion of U.S. Marines throughout their deployment to southern Afghanistan. (Congratulations! You've won a year in Helmand Prov ...
- NowSpots: Working to Make Local Web Ads That WorkNowSpots are beautiful online ads that feature the latest social media updates from advertisers, and make it easy for a reader to follow and share their content across the web. For the last year at WindyCitizen.com , a social network for Chicago news aficionados and urban explorers, we've been s ...
- Programmer-Journalists Apply Talents to News21 Mul ...Manya Gupta and Andrew Paley are the first Knight "programmer-journalist" scholarship winners to participate in the News21 multimedia reporting project, an initiative in its fifth year that engages some of the nation's top journalism master's students. The Northwestern University team that Manya an ...
Cutting Edge News
- The Mortgage Meltdown - Some Foreclosure Rescue Sc ...Desperate U.S. homeowners facing foreclosure are being duped by con artists. The scammers employ a variety of schemes such as a “forensic mortgage loan audit” that promises to find errors in loan origination terms that will help the homeowner negotiate a loan modification or even cancel the loan, ac ...
- The Toxic Edge - Mexico's Asbestos Casualties Moun ...Situated among homes and schools in Barrio de San Lucas, a working-class neighborhood in the Mexico City suburb of Iztapalapa, the fortress-like brick building emits a pungent, scorched-rubber odor that makes the eyes water and the head throb. It’s impossible to see inside. A maker of asbestos brake ...
- Ground Zero Mosque - Russell Simmons is Quite Wron ...I�still remember, Russell, when you came to my debate with Rev. Al Sharpton, nine years ago, in New York City. You struck me then as a man of warmth and openness. In that spirit I offer you this response to your recent blog postings in the Huffington Post�supporting the Ground Zero mosque and your c ...
- Ground Zero Mosque Endorsed by Hamas as a "Must"The Hamas terror group has endorsed the Ground Zero Mosque. Its cofounder Mahmoud al-Zahar declared, "We have to build everywhere." He also said, "We have to build the mosque, as you are allowed to build the church and Israelis are building their holy places." Now what does this tell you about the p ...
- Mendoza Against the Deaf - The Last Stand for the ...Special interest groups with a lack of ethics are currently making their way through the Capitol in Sacramento to lobby for the bill AB 2072. On one hand, in the legal prose, AB 2072 is about parents’ choices for their Deaf newborns. On the other hand, analyzing the jargon, it is about corporations’ ...
High Country News
- Parting the Redwood CurtainA one-mile-long highway project could change life for two remote counties in Northern California.
- How green is Judge Molloy?A pro-wolf ruling by Montana Judge Don Molloy provokes accusations that he's a "nutzoid" greenie, but he doesn't always side with environmentalists.
- What have we learned a century after the Big Blowu ...The West's most devastating wildfire left its marks on the land in more than one way.
- Surprises flow from Ruby PipelineA conservation fund provided by an energy company enrages ranchers across Oregon, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming.
- Slobs at Lake Powell foment a revoltRather than rail against Lake Powell's mere existence, conservationists should try to restore and protect the landscape that is still there.
- The Simple Future Beyond Oil: The Convergence Of O ...By Paul Mobbs Change is essential, but also inevitable because we can no longer maintain our global levels of consumption and pollution. Whilst once rigidly separate, the economic and ecological world are now converging to recognise the impending restrictions on business as usual . How we deal wit ...
- Rethinking GandhiBy Ted Glick Those of us who want to be effective leaders have to be prepared, have to welcome even, taking a back seat so that others can step forward to speak up and give leadership. Our organizing work has to be about working with others in such a way that they grow to become not just leaders th ...
- Why Kashmiris Should Speak To Indians, Not IndiaBy Shivam Vij People-to-people dialogue is the best way out of the Kashmir logjam
- Am I An Activist For Caring About My Grandchildren ...By James Hansen Concerted action to tackle climate change will happen only if the public demands it for the sake of future generations
- The Top 5 Most Ignored Humanitarian CrisesBy Mark Leon Goldberg The sluggish international response to the Pakistan floods emergency is actually not all that sluggish, at least compared to these humanitarian crises. Introducing the five most under-funded and ignored humanitarian crises
Contagious Love Experiment
- WAR IS OVER… If You Claim It?In the midst of pleasant nods about “the end of the Iraq War,” Mr. Stephen Colbert celebrates in style… (Click The Word-What if they threw a peace and nobody came) The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The Word – What If You Threw a Peace and Nobody Came? www.colbertnation.com Colbert Repo ...
- Vigiling in AfghanistanMore amazing work from Our Journey to Smile
- 92219 Pieces of my Broken Afghan HeartThe following letter was sent to me from the young people in Afghanistan who tried to come to the U.S. this summer for our speaking tour. The U.S. embassy flatly denied them, but their voices continue to cry out. The official narrative of the Afghan War is that it has greatly served the people of A ...
- The other side of Afghanistan
- Days 9-11: Solitude, Mountains, and HumanityThe first time I talked to Ymani, one of our hosts in Asheville, NC, I was at Salam’s house in Berkeley, CA. The first cross-country trek that I embarked on was drawing to an end and I was entering all kinds of scenarios into google maps to try to incorporate Asheville into the plans before [...]
Yid With Lid
- SEC "Screws" Average Investor, Gives Unions New Po ...The Securities and Exchange Commission approved a rule that could making it easier for Big shareholders to force out directors. The rule allows a big shareholder can get its board nominees listed on a company-mailed "proxy" ballot alongside the candidates favored by management Management also pay fo ...
- Black Activists Agree With Lid About Al Sharpton's ...Earlier this week in a post called, Hypocritical Al Sharpton Doesn't Know the First Thing About Martin Luther King's Legacy I said: Al Sharpton is a professional bigot. During his long career the Reverend has incited� two anti-Semitic pogroms ;�the Crown Heights riot and the firebombing of th ...
- The "Moderate Muslim" Litmus TestBy Barry Rubin In the controversy over the "Ground Zero" mosque in New York and other issues, Muslims are often asked if they condemn terrorism, Iran, or Hamas and�other revolutionary Islamist groups, along with other questions. The idea is to determine whether they are moderates or radical ...
- Richard Trumka's History As Pres.of the UMW Proves ...AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, traveled to Sarah Palin's home state to blast her, saying that her rhetoric could lead to violence by her supporters. Sadly, if anygbody has a track record of inciting violence, its Trumka.� His reign as President of the United Mine Workers was both violent and bloo ...
- NJ Governor Christie to Obama "Are You Guys Mindle ...This is a great example of why videos of NJ Governor Chris Christie speaking are described as porn for conservatives, this guy says what the "common folk" are thinking.� This time he goes after the Obama administration and federal bureaucracy. After making a bid for hundreds of millions of doll ...
The Real Agenda
- Influenza H1N1: El Fraude que fue … el Pelig ...Cuando el médico, el director de la escuela o colegio o su jefe le diga que es obligatorio inyectarse la vacuna para poder estudiar o trabajar, edúquelo(a). Enseñele la diferencia entre un mandato y una ley, y explíquele que no hay ninguna ley que obligue a nadie a inyectarse. Ningún gobierno tiene ...
- Bancor: The Global Currency The IMF is ProposingThe Economic Collapse Sometimes there are things that are so shocking that you just do not want to report them unless they can be completely and totally documented. Over the past few years, there have been many rumors about a coming global currency, but at times it has been difficult to pin down ev ...
- H1N1 Flu: The Fraud that was… the Danger to ...How would you like a seasonal flu vaccine mixed with an H1N1 virus? How would you like it to be mandatory? The people did not buy the lies last season, but as it happens in the best of the sequels, the villans are back more aggressive than ever. The pharmaceutical corporations concocting a plan ...
- Death is “Reasonable” to Save SocietyIn a 1995 article written by Gretchen Daily and Ecoscience co-author Paul R. Ehrlich, the authors put forward the proposition that physicians should no longer concentrate on improving the health of their individual patients, or treat occurring infections in order to save the patients life, but rathe ...
- Enough Government Control and Quackery? Not yet. M ...Real honest pharmaceutical drugs — antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — are in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans. In addition, illegal drugs like cocaine and LSD end up in water, as a studies in Europe reveal. Not only are public officials not ...
Wind Watch
- Human noise ‘leads fish from habitats’Noise pollution from shipping, drilling for oil or wind farms could lead fish away from their natural habitat into areas where they could die, potentially devastating future fish stocks. A British-led team made the discovery while working on the Great Barrier Reef â as well as debunking the myth t ...
- Villagers ready for another battle against giant t ...Villagers have stepped up their latest campaign against a wind farm plan believed to be among the most unpopular planning applications Dorset has ever seen. Two years ago, a record 1,987 people wrote to North Dorset District Council to object to plans to build six giant turbines – each 120 metres (3 ...
- JCIDA: all jurisdictions must agree to PILOTsJefferson County could see repeats of the rancor that accompanied the Galloo Island Wind Farm payment-in-lieu-of-taxes approval at the county Legislature after changes made Tuesday morning. A payment-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement for any wind power project will need approval from all of the involved ta ...
- Lightning strike burns down wind turbinePETERSON, Iowa — A lightening strike started a fire in a wind turbine Saturday morning, destroying the turbine and one of three new blades that had been laid out on the ground beneath it in order to be installed as replacements. Damages totaled $760,000, according to Peterson Fire Chief John Winterb ...
- Wind farms could face new restrictions as Governme ...Energy companies could face new restrictions on wind farm projects after ministers launched a review of the way noise pollution is taken into account by planners. The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has admitted noise regulations are applied “inconsistently” by councils and planning ...
Not My Tribe
- When I get my gunIf I had a gun it would serve as my point of meditation. [Excerpt, Swimming Upstream, Eve Ensler editor] And I would look at it and re-remember Harriet Tubman’s steely whisper and Nanny’s ear-splitting yell, Ida B. Wells’ unrelenting voice and Fannie Lou Hamer’s unwavering glare. I’d remember Nat ...
- Giuliani on 9/11, on National Geo-crap-ic “A ...Uh… yeah. The dude got skunked on his watch twice in the same place by the same group, (by his account) and has spent the last few years, since they kicked his numb nuts out of the Mayoralty, running seminars where he gets really STUPID people to pay him money to tell them that he’s [...]
- From last Friday’s action, some pictures, so ...The linked commentary isn’t about the bus lack-of-service, it’s to fellow local activist Loren Wirbel made a short documentary film just showing a FEW of the multi-gazillionaire “defense” plants around town. You know the ones, our Magnificently Superior Business Experts at City Hall made the command ...
- American Flag DIYWhen’s the next flag-waving fest? Will it be the anniversary of 9/11? We missed July 4th, but maybe the next tea party will do. How about a concession booth where we sell modified little American flags, or upgrade theirs for free? A magic marker or black paint will do. The Stars and Stripes already ...
- Can you imagine a Palestinian “boy in stripe ...Israelis are indignant at comparing the Palestinian Territories to Nazi concentration camps, but can you imagine a “boy in striped pajamas” crossing the security perimeter of Gaza?
Debunking the Debunkers
- 9/11 Heroes Ask for Medical Attention; Receive Nai ...The House of Representatives recently voted down the 9/11 workers' health fund and Rep. Weiner of New York "blasted" them for it . Now I would like to do a bit of blasting myself in the blogosphere. In a post that presented only one side of the story about the cause of death of 9/11 hero James Zad ...
- Debunking the DebunkersPermanent Top Post--Scroll Down for Newer Posts Comments are only open to blog contributors , but feel free to contact us here if you have a point of contention or some kind words you would like to share. Ad hominems will be ignored, but well-formed rebuttals may be addressed (and that is a subjec ...
- Debunking Joseph Nobles: Three Big Issues IndeedJoseph Nobles of ae911truth.info has finally completed his critique of what he considers three of ae911truth's biggest mistakes, which he calls "The Big Three." According to him, these are three issues ae911truth claims that debunkers never address. Here are my thoughts on it. The Big Three, Part O ...
- Actually, no Mr. Nobles...I think it's time to correct you on a few issues. A couple of weeks ago Mr. Joseph Nobles posted a response to my debunking of his posts on the thermal conductivity of the WTC steel and the corroded steel samples. And on Tuesday, he posted a request to me that I correct myself. I'll be doing some ...
- Responding to a Response to my ResponseWell, today's a rarity, as I will be doing two posts in one day. I was originally just going to write a response to a section on Joseph Nobles' website ae911truth.info, but I'll need to respond to this first. Mr. Nobles has decided to address a post I recently did about his site. It would also be ...
- Should We be Happy? It’s Not Our Personal Fault We ...You know an article is important when you get links to it in multiple emails, tweets and facebook updates. We got numerous links to Saturday’s Fixing a World That Fosters Fat, in the business section of the New York Times. And it truly is an interestin g piece, touching upon a critically important q ...
- Is Chocolate Milk Losing Ground in School Lunches?Chocolate milk contains way too much sugar. An 8 fl oz serving (the standard carton served in schools) contains 3 teaspoons of added sugar! That sounds more like a treat than a healthy drink. Not something kids should be getting with their lunch at school on a daily basis. The New York Times ran an ...
- Another Health Halo Shattered – Bottled Teas Conta ...Tea is the worldâs most widely consumed beverage, not coffee. Just in the US, the market last year stood at $7 Billion in sales of tea bags and bottles, including iced tea. The industry has quadrupled itself since the early 1990’s partly due to the health halo tea , and especially green tea, enjo ...
- Four Cheese Pizza – DiGiorno’s vs. Newman’s OwnEveryone loves pizza. It’s the #1 looked up entry in yellow pages and very popular in google searches as well. While dining at a pizzeria or getting delivered to your home are the most popular consumption modes, people are going to want this goodness on call in their freezer as well. There’s an ent ...
- Nothing Special About Added Fiber in Special K Cer ...Kellogg’s Special K line of cereals has quietly been upgraded nutritionally. Sort of. The company has added 1 gram of fiber to the Special K’s, excluding the original flavor. One gram doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s 50% more than the 2 grams already present. And more importantly, it takes the fi ...
- 5 Facebook Apps That Really Make MoneyGuest post by Alexis Bonari If you aren't on Facebook by now, you are probably the only one who isn't. My grandmother has a Facebook page and anyone who can type, is able to start their own page with no problem. Most everyone uses Facebook as a social meeting place, but did you know that you coul ...
- Online Profits Re-Opens (and now it’s free)!Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips started a membership site, Online Profits , last year to help people learn about making money online. Daniel has just re-launched and re-vamped Online Profits, and this time there is no charge to get all of the valuable content. The only requirement is that you open ...
- 3 Ways to Ensure Internet Marketing Continues to W ...This is a guest post by Susan White Gone are the days when Internet marketing was perceived as the bold, new and innovative way to market and publicize your products and services. Today, email marketing and other forms of pushing your products on the web are passé. The Internet is growing faster th ...
- Cloud Living Now Available From Glen AllsoppOne of my friends has just launched a new product that I think may be of interest to many Traffikd readers. Glen Allsopp has written an e-book, Cloud Living , based on his experiences from making a five-figure monthly income from his websites. Cloud Living is actually more than an e-book, it i ...
- 5 Reasons New Bloggers Should Use Niche Social Med ...I've been talking to some new bloggers recently and I've been asked questions about how they should work on growing their blog, increasing subscribers, and getting more visitors. Most bloggers know about the potential impact of social media and some even spend considerable amounts of time on sites l ...
- FarewellDear friends, As time passes it is getting harder and harder for me to keep the English part of my blog. I will therefore have to stop it here. Thank you very much for reading it and commenting. Special thanks to Meow, ersi and James for their insightful inputs. It was my honour to receive them. ...
- Not our faultI had to write an article on Lacan for a Greek magazine recently. In the past couple of months that I’ve been reading all related literature, I was impressed by the way Lacan tried to solve the riddle of human psychology. At the root of every want/desire that we feel, he said, there is a primary wan ...
- Happiness super marketI’ve been into the triptych “love-beauty-enlightenment” since I was 18. I’ve tried many methods, among which: the Emin Way , Reiki , SRT , channeling and divinations of sorts. I’ve read tons of New Age books about spirituality, enlightenment, immortality and so on and so on. I boasted that I knew th ...
- Test your EQ!I am going on vacation for a week, but I’ll leave you with a little test which is supposed to measure the EQ: There is a woman and a man, who love each other but live on two different islands. The man shares his island with a savage. The woman seeks a way to get to the man’s island, because she lov ...
- PredispositionFor the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, the soul had something that was called “fora”, meaning direction. In other words, the soul was thought to have taken up, long before the birth of the body it inhabited, the direction of good or evil. Thus, man was considered to be born good or bad. Quite som ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Africa's Women Turn 50 Fifty years into African independence, African women still face a much more challenging existence than men, with significant political, social and economic changes needed for gender equality.
- Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Life Su ...Sierra Leone has diverse tribal and cutural practices that works against the education of the nation's children.
- Re: Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Lif ...Our children are taught right from wrong when growing up.
- Re: Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Lif ...Despite war, we are doing our best to cope.
- Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsHundreds of millions of dollars flow into resource-rich areas such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, but that money goes to corrupt rebel forces who abuse and exploit their own people.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- New FranceFrance was a colonial power in North America from the early 16th century, the age of great European discoveries and fishing expeditions, to the early 19th century, when Napol�on Bonaparte sold Louisiana to the US. From
- Fur TradeFur trade in Canada began as an adjunct to the fishing industry. Early in the 16th century fishermen from northwest Europe were taking rich catches of COD on the Grand Banks off Newfoundland and in the Gulf of St Lawrence (
- Native People: Eastern WoodlandsMajor Language and Tribal GroupsEastern Woodland Indians spoke languages belonging to 2 unrelated families, Iroquoian and Algonquian. At the onset of the historic period, Iroquoians occupied much of southern Ontario, northern
- Canadian Pacific RailwayCommencement of a transcontinental railway within 2 years and completion within 10 years were conditions of British Columbia's entry into Confederation in 1871 (seeRAILWAY HISTORY). Competition for the lucrative contract for the
- World War IIMemories of WWI - the tragic loss of life, the heavy burden of debt and the strain on the country's unity imposed by CONSCRIPTION- made Canadians, including politicians of all parties, loath to contemplate another such
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I reuse or recycle mouldy bread?We’ve had an email from Milly: I know about making breadcrumbs with stale bread but is there anything that can be done with bread that’s gone a bit mouldy? I don’t mean eat it of course but compost it? Obviously the best thing to do is avoid it going mouldy in the first place – [...]
- Crazy-wonderful & crafty emails I’ve receive ...This is usually a links round-up but this week everything seems to have arrived in my inbox instead ;) Daniel emailed us pictures of cannon he made reusing and recycling stuff. Yes, you read that right, a CANNON. (Ok, ok, a decorative rather than functioning cannon but still). I applied for a job wo ...
- What can I reuse or recycle to build a wormery/ver ...We’ve had an email from Kate/Glitter Pixie: Hi, I wonder if the Recycle This community can help. My husband and I have finally moved into a house with outdoor space and want to seize the opportunity to begin composting. However, our yard is completely concreted over so a normal compost bin won’t wor ...
- How can I reuse or recycle old rubber stamps?We’ve had an email from Lise, asking: How can rubber stamps be recycled? I found a box full in the stationery cupboard from two department name changes ago! Given the department name comment, I imagine these are custom ones, not generic “approved” or date stamps – I’d put the latter on eBay or Freec ...
- How can I reuse or recycle perspex display props?We’ve had an email from Joe, who works for a fancy handbag designer with a number of select boutiques around the UK: I am trying to find a way to recycle these display Perspex props. We used them in lots of our London stores and have loads of them. Sadly they are mostly all damaged [...]
- White House briefing for Jewish-American leadershi ...The following article appears on the front page today's Yediot Ahronoth, and was translated by Didi Remez on his blog Coteret. Agreement now, peace later Shimon Shiffer, Yediot, August 27 2010 [front-page] The Obama administration intends to present Israel and the Palestinians with a new outline for ...
- Anti-Defamation League condemns the very ‘anti-Mus ...A month after the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the “nation’s premier civil rights” agency (in their words), came out against building an Islamic community center blocks away from Ground Zero because “building [it] in the shadow of the World Trade Center will cause some victims more pain,” the grou ...
- It’s not about religionGregory Harms is author of Straight Power Concepts in the Middle East: U.S. Foreign Policy, Israel and World History. Since the September 11 attacks, the topic of Islam, and in particular Muslim extremism, has come front and center in the news coverage and public discourse. This focus has in some ca ...
- Israeli troops fire on nonviolent anti-wall protes ...and other news from Today in PalestineLand and Property Theft and Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing US former official arrives in Israel to discuss settlements BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Former US envoy to the Middle East Denis Ross arrived in Israel on Thursday evening on an unannounced visit, Israeli sources ...
- I wish Jewish journalists would emulate Aslan and ...One of the interesting things about the debate about the Islamic center near Ground Zero is that American Muslim journalists have offered confessions about their identity in taking a stand in favor of the mosque/center. I have heard Reza Aslan and Fareed Zakaria speak openly about their degree of Mu ...
Media Consortium
- Can apps save news journalism? | Adrian Monck | Co ..."Serious news organisations have placed their bets. With Apple selling a million iPads in barely a month, paid iPad applications from the likes of the Times and the Financial Times line up on app stores with free offerings from the BBC and Thomson Reuters. But already there are signs that native ne ...
- Can apps save news journalism? | Adrian Monck | Co ...But taking Anderson's argument face on, where does the rise of the app leave the news business, the flatulent Rottweiler in the dog shelter of online content? Can apps give it a caring home at last?
- Times Builds 'Jargonator' to Help Readers Decipher ...Apparently the Times Interactive News Technologies team also realized that the two dozen or so documents they were unleashing on their Web site weren't going to have much impact if their readers couldn't make head or tails of them. So they quickly developed a nifty roll-over tool, which internally t ...
- All Our Ideas facilitates crowdsourcing — of opini ...Meet All Our Ideas, the “suggestion box for the digital age“: a crowdsourcing platform designed to crowdsource concepts and opinions rather than facts alone. The platform was designed by a team at Princeton under the leadership of sociology professor Matt Salganik — initially, to create a web-native ...
- A Magazine Meant for Mobile - NYTimes.comThe magazine, called Nomad Editions and created by a New York start-up of the same name, will feature the work of freelance journalists with expertise in a specific area, like surfing or movies. Every Friday, starting in October, subscribers will receive through a mobile application what amounts to ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
- "Martial Law" G20 charge disappearsIt appears government doesn't want to test Public Works Protection Act in court. [View:http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRealNews#p/u/3/ZdFj9EsKM5Y:640:360]
- Investing in schools and infrastructure is the bes ...In Washington, a great debate has broken out. The Republicans want to keep the Bush tax cuts in place, saying that it's a good stimulant for the economy. Others are saying direct funding by states in infrastructure and schools is a much better form of stimulus and growth. A new study by Jeff Thompso ...
- A "STINKER" OF A JOBS REPORT AND HARPER SAYS IT'S ..."It's a stinker," says Bill Gross about the latest report on Canadian unemployment.� As manager of the world's largest mutual fund (based in California), I guess Gross knows a thing or two about money. As reported in Bloomberg, Gross also said commodity-based economies like Canada's aren't doing as ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Handful of narcolepsy cases sparks pandemic vaccin ...The European Medicines Agency launched a review on 27 August of a putative link between GlaxoSmithKline's Pandemrix pandemic H1N1 vaccine and a handful of cases of narcolepsy - a rare sleeping disorder. A temporal association between vaccination and development of the disease has been reported in 15 ...
- AMS hits the roadThe US Air Force has finally picked up a giant, space-bound particle detector from CERN, Europe’s particle laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a 15 year, US$2 billion detector designed to measure cosmic rays while perched on the outside of the Internatio ...
- How U.S. science got stimulatedView larger version of image at right After Republican leaders recently denounced “wasteful” science and technology research in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)—otherwise known as the 2009 economic stimulus package—the Obama Administration is taking steps to encourage a more fa ...
- Ahoy harPutin!Prime Minister Valdimir Putin has a carefully manicured image as Russia’s premier macho-man: he’s often seen at the controls of a fighter jet and fly-fishing shirtless. But lately, he’s become a one-man research team. After shooting a Siberian tiger and tagging a polar bear , he’s now been spott ...
- Pachauri cleared of financial wrongdoingAn auditor's report into the financial dealings of the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has cleared him of any wrongdoing. Rajendra Pachauri had faced numerous allegations about his relationship with the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), a non-profit based in New Delhi o ...
new geography
- Has America Caught the British Disease?As the economy stalls, analysts are worrying that the United States might repeat the experience of Japan’s “lost decade” (actually, two lost decades). Is America turning Japanese? We should be more worried about the prospect that America is turning British. The United Kingdom went from creating t ...
- The Housing Bubble: The Economists Should Have Kno ...Paul Krugman got it right . But it should not have taken a Nobel Laureate to note that the emperor's nakedness with respect to the connection between the housing bubble and more restrictive land use regulation. A just published piece by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, however, shows that much ...
- The China SyndromeChina's ascension to the world's second-largest economy, surpassing Japan, has led to predictions that it will inevitably snatch the No. 1 spot from the United States. Nomura Securities envisions China surpassing the U.S.' total GDP in little more than a decade. And economist Robert Fogel predicts t ...
- The Disappearance of the Next Middle ClassEvery week we read that yet another major housing project has been turned down by the Courts here in New Zealand because of the need to protect "rural character" or "natural landscapes". This may well have profound short and long-term consequences for the future of our middle class, as it does for t ...
- China's Sliver of a Housing BubbleFew finance issues have received such a wide range of opinions among financial experts than the "housing bubble" in China. This is an issue of international importance because what happens in what is now the world’s 2nd largest economy affects the rest of the world. Differing Views: There are fre ...
GM Watch
- Monsanto in Gates' clothing? The emperor's new GMO ...
- FDA begins GM salmon approval process
- Gates Foundation invests in Monsanto�
- Toxic row for Obama
- Sugar beet farmers troubled by judge's decision
- Me human, you chimpIn a sparkling, erudite polemic, Helene Guldberg demolishes the idea that apes are just like humans, and puts the case for rescuing, and celebrating, the story of our uniqueness.
- Could anybody bend it like Beckham?Maybe – if they practised for about 10,000 hours. An Olympic sportsman turned award-winning sports writer argues that the idea of natural talent is overrated.
- The man from Stratford wrote these works of geniusIn this entertaining book, James Shapiro shows that the rush to discover who really wrote Shakespeare’s plays is underpinned by modern prejudices rather than historic fact.
- The word of the LordThe trouble with Lord Mandelson’s autobiography is that the thing he tries to paint as tragedy – the thwarting of his and Tony’s big plans – is enjoyed by most sane people as comedy.
- ‘Lifestyles will have to be redesigned’ ...A Guardian journalist’s ranting about the ‘neglect, greed and human filth’ of modern China shows that new prejudices about a ‘Green Peril’ have replaced old fears of the ‘Yellow Peril’.
- Fed Seeks Delay of Bank Data Release While Conside ...Via: Bloomberg: The Federal Reserve Board sought to delay the court-ordered release of documents identifying banks that might have failed without the U.S. government bailout while it considers an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Fed asked the U.S. Court of Appeals in New York yesterday to delay ...
- UVB-76 Activity Picking Up Over Last Several DaysVia: Wikipedia: UVB-76 is the callsign of a shortwave radio station that usually broadcasts on the frequency 4625 kHz (AM suppressed lower sideband). It is known among radio listeners by the nickname The Buzzer. It features a short, monotonous buzz tone, repeating at a rate of approximately 25 tones ...
- One in 10 Homeowners with a Mortgage Face Foreclos ...Via: AP: One in 10 American households with a mortgage is at risk of losing its home, and the foreclosure crisis could worsen if jobs remain scarce. About 9.9 percent of homeowners had missed at least one mortgage payment as of June 30, the Mortgage Bankers Association said Thursday. That number, ad ...
- 48 Foot Yacht, Worth $1 Million, Registered with/t ...Update: Stolen from Cancun? Via: AP: The owner of a 48-foot Mexican yacht that mysteriously ran ashore with no one onboard and its engines running said today he had reported it stolen from a Cancun marina days earlier. Arturo Millet Reyes said the yacht was taken from private marina on Saturday and ...
- Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Rovin ...Via: Forbes: As the privacy controversy around full-body security scans begins to simmer, it’s worth noting that courthouses and airport security checkpoints aren’t the only places where backscatter x-ray vision is being deployed. The same technology, capable of seeing through clothes and walls, has ...
The Economic Collapse
- Foreclosures Continue To Dramatically Increase In ...In a very alarming sign for the U.S. economy, foreclosures have continued to dramatically increase in 2010. But there has been a shift. Back in 2007 and 2008, experts tell us that most foreclosures were due to toxic mortgages. People were being suckered into mortgages that they c ...
- A Two-Tier Internet?The Internet as you know it is in serious, serious danger. Some of the most powerful communications companies in the world have been involved in negotiations and have been making agreements that would throw net neutrality out the window and would move us toward a two-tier Internet. ...
- Credit Crunch 2010Over the past several decades, one of the primary engines of U.S. economic prosperity has been a constantly expanding debt spiral. As long as the U.S. government, state governments, businesses and American consumers could all continue to borrow increasingly large amounts of money, ...
- 11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is BadMillions of Americans are waking up to the fact that the Federal Reserve is bad, but very few of them can coherently explain why this is true. For decades, an unelected, privately-owned central bank has controlled America's currency, run our economy and has driven the U.S. governme ...
- 2011: The Year Of The Tax IncreaseUnless the U.S. Congress acts, there is going to be a massive wave of tax increases in 2011. In fact, some are already calling 2011 the year of the tax increase. A whole host of tax cuts that Congress established between 2001 and 2003 are set to expire in January unless Congress c ...
- Korea : ‘Forestation will be No. 1 priority ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/biz/2010/08/123_72075.html ‘Forestation will be No. 1 priority after unification’ By Kim Tae-gyu Planting trees and preserving the forests of North Korea is expected to become the first crucial project when the two Koreas ...
- ‘Drought-tolerant’ corn and famine (Google / One b ...Read at : Google Alert – drought http://www.one.org/blog/2010/08/26/what-were-reading-drought-tolerant-corn/ What Weâre Reading: âDrought-tolerantâ corn New Corn Varieties Could Combat Famine During Drought Increasingly frequent droughts across Africa threaten to destroy the livelihoods of mil ...
- Drought Resistant CropsRead at : Google Alert – drought http://www.psfk.com/2010/08/creating-drought-resistant-crops.html Creating Drought Resistant Crops Creating Drought Resistant Cropscientists have created a synthetic chemical called pyrabactin that helps plants protect themselves from drought conditions. Pyrabactin p ...
- Drought-Tolerant Maize In Africa (Google / U.S. Gl ...Read at : Google Alert – drought http://globalhealth.kff.org/Daily-Reports/2010/August/26/GH-082610-Maize-Study.aspx Study Evaluates Use Of Drought-Tolerant Maize In Africa Reuters reports on a study (.pdf) examining the use of drought-tolerant maize in 13 African countries, which was published o ...
- IMPROVING HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE IN AFRICA (UNNews)Read at : UNNews UN AND AU SIGN PACT ON IMPROVING HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE IN AFRICA New York, Aug 26 2010Â 5:05PM The United Nations and the African Union (AU) have signed an agreement that outlines key areas of collaboration on … Continue reading →
The Paper Trail
- MONEY & POLITICS: Conservative Fund Taps ̶ ...The American Future Fund , which aims to almost triple its issue advertisement spending for this year’s election, launched a hard-hitting television ad today using the proposed Islamic mosque in New York City to attack Iowa GOP candidate Ben Lange’s Democratic opponent.
- MONEY & POLITICS: Boehner’s Pro-Business ...House Republican Leader John Boehner’s high-profile speech yesterday urging the Obama administration to fire its top economic advisers and offering advice on job creation reflects the Ohio congressman’s long ties to the business sector, detailed in the Center for Public Integrity’s investigation, “ ...
- ENVIRONMENT: Volunteer Vessels at BP Rig Were R ...One of the many lessons learned from the BP disaster is to better coordinate responses by private boats that hurry to an offshore rig explosion, the retired Coast Guard admiral leading the federal relief effort said today, referring to an issue spotlighted in a Center for Public Integrity story.
- MONEY & POLITICS: American Crossroads Spin-off ...Conservative group American Crossroads , launched barely six months ago with help from GOP uber-consultants Ed Gillespie and Karl Rove, has raised $17.6 million through August 20, the group’s president Steven Law told the Center for Public Integrity.
- ENVIRONMENT: EPA Sets Public Hearings on Coal Ash ...Environmental advocates plan to organize citizens by the busload for a series of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency meetings on its proposal to regulate the disposal of coal ash, an environmental hazard that was the subject of an investigation by the Center for Public Integrity last year.
- Anatomy of a G20 mishmashBy Frank Moher The massive article, "Anatomy of the G20," published by the Toronto Star last Friday, is a curious document indeed, especially coming from a newspaper that has taken a hard editorial line against the police's actions that weekend. It feels like one of those articles that has gone a ...
- Oil sands science seeps outBy Alison@Creekside Remember that two year Environment Committee study on the tarsands that was ultimately shredded because the four parties at the table couldn't agree on the wording of the witnesses's testimony? The Lib members of that committee have now released their own report on the testimo ...
- Who needs a BC arts council when we have the Liber ...By Frank Moher Jane Danzo, in her letter of resignation as Chair of the BC Arts Council and in various exit interviews that followed, has confirmed what most of us already suspected: that the Liberal government now sees itself as arbiter of all things cultural in the province. At last, we ...
- Canada: Please stop annoying Steve.By Alison@Creekside “They don’t bother us. It’s just that they are annoying,” a "senior Conservative official" told the G&M's Dear Jane yesterday about the public's uproar in reaction to the Cons' scrapping of the compulsory long-form census. "Census freedom," this same anonymous Conbot amusin ...
- Book Review: Freedom (TM), by Daniel SuarezBy Eric Pettifor FreedomTM is the sequel to Daniel Suarez’s book Daemon which I reviewed previously, giving it four stars out of five. The sequel likewise is a very good read, progressing logically from the foundation laid in the first novel. The reason I didn't give Daemon a full five stars ...
- Judge Praises Chris Brown In Progress Report ...Chris Brown has received praise from a Los Angeles judge for doing a "great job" following the terms of his probation...
- Cholera epidemic threatens all Nigeria, gover ...(CNN) -- A cholera epidemic in northern Nigeria has killed more than 350 people since June and threatens to spread to the entire country, according to the west African nation's health ministry. The outbreak had sickened more than 6,400...
- Concerns as obesity surgery soars in UK HEALTH campaigners have warned that surgery is being seen as an easy option to tackle obesity following the release of figures showing weight-loss operations have...
- Ballack out of Germany squad for Euro qualifi ...Berling: Former captain Michael Ballack has been left out of Germany's squad for their Euro 2012 qualifiers next month, coach Joachim Loew said on Friday. Ballack suffered an ankle injury in last season's FA Cup final while playing for his former club Chelsea. He was forced to miss the World Cu ...
- Hero or villain? UN war crimes trial will dec ...THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — To fellow Croatians he's a war hero. For Serbs he's a criminal who lent tacit support to ethnic cleansing. Of one thing there's little doubt: Gen. Ante Gotovina has led a life on the edge. He...
Alex in Wonderland
- Daily Briefing—19th Aug 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: 33% More Alleged Prison Sexual Abuse Claim ...Reported sexual abuse is rising in prisons and jails across the U.S. Most inmates accuse guards inflicting the crime than other captives.
- Daily Briefing—25th-26th Aug 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Evening Briefing—24 Aug 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- ‘Militants’ Today, Cops Tomorrow in Af ...Kabul today announced it plans to replace U.S. militant contractors with Afghan militants. Jack Rice---criminal defense attorney, journalist and former C.I.A. analyst---discussed why he doesn't expect U.S. military contractors out of Afghanistan soon. He stressed that Afghan President Hamid Karzai's ...
MY Daily Apple
- Healthy ears hear the first sound, ignoring the ec ...Voices carry, reflect off objects and create echoes. Most people rarely hear the echoes; instead they only process the first sound received. For the hard of hearing, though, being in an acoustically challenging room can be a problem. For them, echoes carry.
- Biosynthetic Corneas Restore Sight In Patients Wit ...Patients with corneal damage and considerable vision loss had biosynthetic corneas implanted into their eyes with FibroGen's proprietary rhCIII (recombinant human type III collagen), which restored their vision and promoted nerve regeneration. A report on this 2-year Phase I clinical trial has been ...
- Capturing Women's Tennis in Slow MotionBreathtaking photography and video capture the striking athleticism and beauty of some of the world's top female tennis players. (Source: NYT Health)
- More Polish women seen seeking abortions abroadWARSAW (Reuters) - More Polish women are traveling abroad to have an abortion to bypass strict laws outlawing the practice in their overwhelmingly Catholic country, a pro-choice group said on Thursday. (Source: Reuters: Health)
- Cellular imaging: Table of suppliersTable 1
Common Dreams
- Obama Resists Pressure for Red Line on Iran's Nucl ...by Gareth Porter WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's refusal in a White House briefing earlier this month to announce a "red line" in regard to the Iran nuclear programme represented another in a series of rebuffs of pressure from Defence Secretary Robert Gates for statement that the United St ...
- Ninth Circuit: The Government Can Use GPS to Track ...by Adam Cohen Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own dr ...
- UN Security Council Urges Justice for Congo Rape V ...UNITED NATIONS – An outraged UN Security Council called Thursday on the Democratic Republic of Congo to find and punish those behind a horrific mass rape in the war-torn east of the country. The United Nations on Monday reported that at least 179 women and children had been raped between Jul ...
- Is Fracking Even Worse Than Drilling?by William Fisher NEW YORK - With cleanup of the Gulf of Mexico barely underway, energy companies are already assuming a crouching stance in anticipation of a no-holds-barred attack by environmentalists on what the industry says is the next major breakthrough in natural resource extraction. ...
- Climate-Related Security Predictions Coming True i ...by Matthew O. Berger WASHINGTON - Analysts have been warning for several years that the impacts of climate change directly relate to the national security of the U.S. and other countries, but the link has never been so clear as it is today in northwest Pakistan. The security implications ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Dr. Laura Schlessinge ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Dr. Laura Schlessinger used the "N" word eleven times in a call with a black lady http://ow.ly/18ygOI
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel It's not always ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel It's not always pleasant - In some ways, we resist God. We don’t want him to work with us bec... http://ow.ly/18yaHn
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel The smell of defeat - ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel The smell of defeat - Could it be the stench of rotting flesh? Or is it that oh-so-aweful smell that att... http://ow.ly/18xXS5
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Who are the locusts m ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Who are the locusts mentioned in The Book of Joel and The Book of Revelation? http://ow.ly/18xPeT
- ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Pray for Mentors - Wa ...ExamineReligion: R&S Channel Pray for Mentors - Washington Park: Friendship Ministries of Grand Rapids has a great curriculum for spe... http://ow.ly/18xFPc
Energy Collective
- Self-Cleaning Solar Panels: More from NASA’s LabCommercial solar cells with dust shields in NASA lab (Photo by Dr. Carlos Calle)
- Why Conservatives Are Bad on Energy: It's All Abou ...Conservatives,� let's talk about energy. And why so many conservatives are so wrong -- so liberal, even -- on wind and solar energy. Let's start with a recent editorial from the home of 'free markets and free people," the Wall Street Journal. Photovoltaic solar energy, quoth the mavens, is a "specu ...
- Beacon Solar Energy ProjectTodd Woody reports on licensing of the nation’s first large-scale solar thermal power plant in two decades. Licensing of the 250-megawatt Beacon Solar Energy Project comes after a two-and-a-half-year environmental review. The author is now hopeful that several other big solar farms will receive appr ...
- Taxes and liability issues tie nukes in knots in G ...If these two countries want nuclear energy, they have a strange way of showing it
- Looking Back to Look Ahead: USDOE Annual Energy Re ...Last week the Energy Information Agency of the US Department of Energy released its Annual Energy Review for 2009. Although it doesn't offer predictions concerning the energy transition that was the subject of last Wednesday's posting , it does include a wealth of charts and graphs visualizing the r ...
Green House - USA Today
- Prince Charles to install solar panels on his home ...Prince Charles, an ardent environmentalist, has received permission from the Westminter City Council to install solar panels on the roof of his 180-year-old home.
- Organic food grows on New York City rooftopsNo room to garden? In New York City, farmers are looking skyward to grow fruits and veggies, turning rooftops into gardens that help feed the Big Apple.
- Existing house is remade into green home-of-the-fu ...A lucky British couple won a free home makoever that reduced their carbon emissions 80% and turned their energy bills into net income.
- Brad Pitt touts New Orleans as 'sexy and sultry'Actor Brad Pitt says he and partner Angelina Jolie like to bike around New Orleans, and he enjoys seeing the energy-efficient homes his Make It Right Foundation built for families displaced by Hurricane Katrina.
- Seafood guide suggests consumers avoid imported fi ...Given the Gulf oil spill, what's the safest seafood to eat? A guide, released today, steers consumers away from imported seafood as well as farmed salmon, bluefin tuna, Atlantic cod and for adventurous eaters -- American eel.
Prior Art
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
- Patent Litigation Weekly: International Trade Comm ...Over the past two decades, the question of what constitutes a domestic industry has typically been heard by the same ITC administrative law judges who ultimately rule on the patent disputes that come before the agency. It's rare that the full commission considers the issue. On April 14, th ...
- Patent enforcement companies speak at SF conferenc ...Earlier this month, MDB Capital Group--an that promises to help investors understand "the hidden value of intellectual property assets and future technological leadership"--held what it billed as its first annual "Bright Lights" intellectual property conference, bringing together IP-centric ...
Peoples Voice
- Is the Iraq War Over? Are U.S. Troops Still Fighti ...Kevin Zeese No, the war is not over, troops are still dying and they are still engaged in combat . In the week since the much publicized withdrawal of "combat" troops from Iraq it has become more evident that the Iraq War continues under a new name: "Operation New Dawn." The first off-message com ...
- America Facing Depression and Bankruptcyby Stephen Lendman Long-time economic, political and market analyst Bob Chapman publishes the International Forecaster, offering incisive analysis absent through mainstream sources, especially important now given America's deepening economic crisis getting harder to conceal as evidence mounts. ...
- John F Kennedy just won’t dieRoland Michel Tremblay I couldn’t care less for JFK, apart from the fact that he is now but an international airport. I only care to see how many died talking about his death, over 40 now at the last count, and I wonder, deep down, if I will be shot for writing this article. The powers that be cer ...
- No "Home Sweet Home" Five years after Katrinaby Matt Pascarella "Matt Pascarella and I encountered Patricia Thomas while she was breaking into a home at the Lafitte Housing Project in New Orleans. It was her own home. Nevertheless, if caught, she'd end up in the slammer. So would we. Matt was my producer for the film, Big Easy to Big Empty , ...
- WHY ARE TROOPS STILL GOING TO IRAQ?Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox Five peace activists successfully blockaded six buses carrying Fort Hood Soldiers deploying to Iraq outside Fort Hood's Clarke gate this morning at around 4 a.m. While the activists took the width of Clarke Rd. and slowed the buses to a halt, police made no arrests, but inst ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Reflections on the Tamil migrants from the child o ...Many of us at the CCPA have been troubled by Canada's reaction to the arrival of 492 Tamil asylum seekers on the MV Sun Sea. Seth Klein, Director of our BC Office, put words to this discomfort in an excellent post on PolicyNote.ca (our blog on BC public policy issues). Seth, son of Vietnam war resis ...
- Listen to CCPA's Yalnizyan take on the census long ...Yesterday CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan appeared on CBC radio's As It Happens to speak further about the elimination of mandatory long-form questionnaires in the gathering of census data. Armine's appearance on CBC follows her open letter to the Honourable Tony Clement, Ministry of Ind ...
- The HST and BC family budgetsThat the HST will take a bite out of family budgets is clear to everyone. The main question right now is just how big of a bite. Two studies released earlier this week asked this exact question but came to very different conclusions... Visit Policy Note to read the rest of The HST and BC family b ...
- Spring issue of Our Schools/Our Selves looks at wh ...What kinds of messages are today's youth receiving in their lives?� What normative values are educational institutions creating for them? Where does racism fit? What impact is it having?� Is it being challenged and, if so, how and by whom? These are some of the questions the spring issue of Our Sch ...
- Housing Crisis in Saskatchewan: PATHS ReportIn Saskatchewan, homelessness has become a grave concern and a serious reality for�many women and children. Saskatchewan now has the highest rates of homelessness in the country�with one in five people saying that they are homeless or at risk of being homeless. �In the past 3 years in Saskatchewan ...
World Wide Hippies
- Anywhere But Here?For Mosques, ‘Anywhere But There’ Echoes Far Beyond Ground Zero | LA Progressive Last week, we noted that the Islamic community center planned near ground zero is safe on legal grounds. Political outcry, nonetheless, has not subsided. (Note to our readers: The Park51 plan is indeed for a community c ...
- Fair and Balanced Don’t Mean What You ThinkFox News Ignores Ken Mehlman’s Coming Out, Runs Zero Segments On Story | Think Progress When Judge Vaughn Walker struck down Proposition 8, Fox News barely mentioned the story and its most prominent conservative commentators ignored it entirely. Yesterday, after the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder reported ...
- Medical Marijuana Busts in MichiganMedical Marijuana Facilities Raided | Click On Detroit Police have arrested 15 people on numerous drug charges following raids at two medical marijuana facilities in Oakland County. The raids took place Wednesday at the Clinical Relief in Ferndale and Everybody’s Cafe in Waterford Township. The Oakl ...
- Tax Cuts for the Rich!Tax Cuts for the Rich and What Else? Tax Cuts for the Rich! | Politics Plus Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) went on Fox News last night to back up House Minority Leader John Boehner’s (R-OH) over-the-top call for President Obama to sack his entire economic team, including Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and ...
- Latest Wikileak Is No SurpriseWikiLeaks Airs Classified CIA Memo, But Real Message Is No Secret | Wired WikiLeaks dug into its trove of unpublished leaks Wednesday to release a six-month-old classified CIA memo about foreign perception of the United States, underscoring that the secret-spilling website won’t be cowed by Pentagon ...
Doug's Darkworld
- Through Thick and ThinAnother week gone. First, the economy. It’s in big trouble. The “stimulus” of last year has run its course. Printing a huge pile of money and spending it was never any more than a stopgap solution, and there doesn’t seem to have been a “Plan B.” In fact in a very real sense that sums [...]
- The Pont St Esprit AffairPont St Esprit, a small town in southern France. August 1951. There was nothing remarkable about Pont St Esprit, it was just a typical French town in post war Europe. It had been a wet summer, but otherwise unremarkable. And the war had been over for six years, so things were getting back to normal ...
- USMC General Warns Obama that Pulling Troops out o ...Yes, that’s right, the head of the USMC, general James Conway, has warned that President Obama’s deadline to begin pulling troops out of Afghanistan is encouraging the Taliban. Anyone who knows anything about how the military works should be worried right now. What this general has done is called in ...
- “Hello Gliese 581d inhabitant. Can you help ...There’s been some new thinking in SETI research. Well, it’s not that new, but it’s been brought into prominence by an important SETI researcher recently. His theory is that biological intelligences such as ourselves will quickly evolve into, or spawn, thinking machines. And those machines will also ...
- Conversations with GeoffreyLast U.S. combat convoy has left Iraqwww.cnn.com From Facebook: Doug: Woohoo! Mission accomplished, again! How many countries can win the same war twice? Of course Iraq is still a ghastly bloody failed state, and we simply relabeled the remaining troops in Iraq as “non-combat” troops, as if that mea ...
- âWeâre seeing way more dispersant than ever be ...
- Uncovering the Lies That Are Sinking the Oil
- Gulf Health Problems Blamed on Dispersed OilDAUPHIN ISLAND, Alabama, Aug 12, 2010 (IPS) - BP says it is no longer using toxic dispersants to break up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Gulf Coast residents claim otherwise, and say they have the sicknesses to prove it. On Aug. 5, Donny Mastler, a commercial fisherman who also works on boats, was at ...
- Commander equivocates when grilled over BP using d ...Press Briefing by National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen, August 9, 2010: � Elizabeth Cook: Yes. My question, Admiral Allen, is that there are persistent rumors from fishermen in Louisiana that dispersant is still being sprayed both offshore and in the marshes of Barataria Bay. And I have a ...
- Mekong River / CatfishVIEW VIDEO http://www.vimeo.com/11817894 August 9, 2010
Crisis Maven
- Economic Musings VI: Modern Economies – Dyin ...There is a great debate in the history of economics whether there can be under-consumption in any real historic moment of the state of an economy and if so, whether it has detrimental effects and if so, what is to be done about it. And modern economists seem to have found a magic wand with [...]
- Blogs and Web Sites you may want to followThe following is a list of blogs and websites that CrisisMaven has followed and observed over the last few months and that readers may want to check out from time to time. Note: neither the sequence of how the blogs are listed here nor any comments by CrisisMaven are an endorsement nor criticism of ...
- Economic Musings VII: Marketing doesn’t adve ...Have you ever wondered if marketing and advertising are the same, if not, what’s the difference and which is the more important of the two? And why should you care? The most successful economic model is without doubt the market economy. It is the consequence of the wealth effects of the division of ...
- CrisisMaven’s Blog News 2010-03-07: Over 25,000 We ...Yesterday around 16:37 GMT we passed the 25,000 threshold … - next report will probably be posted when we’re past the 50,000 mark. Thanks to all avid readers: on 2010-03-18 at around 19:25 GMT we went past our first 20,000 views on our blog in about eight weeks since we began publishing! After that, ...
- Economic Musings VIII: Is there a limit to economi ...Something which puzzles many thinkers and frightens many young people concerned about waste or the pillaging of our natural resources is the question: can “an economy” (whatever that is – we’ll come to that in a minute) grow indefinitely? How can there be unlimited economic growth if we’ve never hea ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further evid ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The following ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagflatio ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest bus ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trade de ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy porte ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This articl ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings were ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- Guest Essay: Why Conservatives Are Bad on EnergyJoin the forum discussion on this post I am working on yet another project, due at the end of this week. Therefore, I haven’t had a chance to work much on my next essay, which will be about the potential for E85 to push Iowa much closer to energy self-sufficiency. Meanwhile, I have been sent [...]
- What’s Really Holding Cellulosic Biofuels BackJoin the forum discussion on this post There was a recent article in MIT Technology review called What’s Holding Biofuels Back? There is a relatively simple answer to the question that I will delve into below, but the short answer is “what’s holding biofuels back” is that we placed unreasonable exp ...
- Range Fuels Produces SomethingJoin the forum discussion on this post I began to hear rumors about a week ago that Range Fuels had started to produce some methanol from their plant in Soperton, Georgia. This week they announced that they have indeed begun to make some product: Range Fuels Finally Gets its Cellulosic Plant Runni ...
- BP, Exxon, and Peak LiteJoin the forum discussion on this post My vacation is over, so it’s back to work. I am still working on the followup to the MixAlco story, but there is a lot of material to digest. I am exchanging e-mails with Professor Holtzapple just now, trying to get answers to questions around the energy balan ...
- The Ethanol Question I Did AskJoin the forum discussion on this post Last December, I received an intriguing request from the Public Relations Director at the world’s largest ethanol producer. Nathan Schock asked if I would be interested in posing a video question that would be answered by POET CEO Jeff Broin. He said that any ...
Discovery Educator Network
- School Improvement NetworkTags: school , network , improvement , education , professionaldevelopment , teaching , professional_development , PD360 , ondemand by: Dean Mantz
- [video] Veleni tossici e radioattivi in BasilicataComments: Una Basilicata che non vorremmo raccontare, una terra violentata, spolpata e spopolata. Storie di rifiuti e scorie, una “connection” raccontata da e con Gianni Lannes, Pietro Dommarco, Giuseppe Di Bello e Ulderico Pesce (Rivello, 21 agosto 2010). Guarda il servizio. - OLA Channel Tags: bas ...
- Google - In QuotesComments: Search and compare quotes from political figures found in stories on Google News from the United States, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom. - Jennifer Dorman Tags: google , quotes , politics , search , tools , reference , web2.0 , research , education , learning by: Jennifer Dorman
- Freakonomics THE MOVIE Trailer HD OfficialTags: Freakonomics , Trailer , Superfreakonomics , movie , release , documentary , film , “Steven , Levitt” , “Stephen , Dubner” , “human , behavior” , education , funny , entertainment , comedy , wtf , hilarious by: Erik Keith
- FREE: online survey | Free online surveys | Free s ...Comments: Here you can create, and analyze surveys for FREE !! 12 Reasons you should join Kwik Surveys today. 1. There are NO hidden subscription charges, its FREE ! 2. We do not send unsolicited emails 3. Free and easy to use 4. Instant survey results 5. Customizable Logo's and the ...
Rodale News
- Heavy Traffic a Possible Cause of DiabetesRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—According to the American Diabetic Association, 7.3 percent of the population suffers from type 2 diabetes, and while many people develop the condition as a result of being overweight or obese, increasing research has found that others seem to develop it as a result environm ...
- Surefire Shellfish-Grilling Tips, and 5 Fabulous R ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Tired of barbecuing burgers, salmon, and chicken? OK, even if you’re not (we’re not either), maybe it's about time to mix things up a bit anyway. With summer winding down, now's the time to try your hand at grilling seafood. If you've never done it, don't worry. We've pick o ...
- Want to Prevent Dementia? Eat an Anti-Diabetes Die ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—No one wants to experience, or watch a loved one experience, the stages of dementia: memory loss, difficulty communicating, paranoia, hallucinations. So when a recent report from the National Institutes of Health found that no solid scientific evidence exists to support theo ...
- What to Do about Those Annoying Do-GoodersRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—There's one in every office, charity, church, and neighborhood block association: that person who always volunteers to take on the next task regardless of how long it will take or how much he or she has already agreed to do. And admit it, you've always found those people sec ...
- 5 Recipes for a Splendid Summer Garden PartyRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Summer's winding down, but that makes these last days all the more sweet—and a great time to host an evening gathering on your balcony, deck, or in the backyard. Using homegrown or local produce makes for a cost-efficient and healthy meal, and for the menu, we have some grea ...
big think
- Parenting Advice From "The Worst Mom in America"Ever since she wrote a New York Sun article about why she let her 9-year old son ride the subway alone, journalist Lenore Skenazy has been lambasted by the media as "the worst mom in America." As a self-proclaimed "free range parent" and the author of "Free-Range Kids," a how-to guide for raising .. ...
- #26: Disband NATOIt's been over 20 years since the Berlin Wall fell, yet the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO), a military group which was originally created to defend Western Europe from Russia, continues to exist, with 28 member states pledged to collectively defend one another in the face of outside ... Read ...
- America's New Muslim CollegeNear where I live in Berkeley, the country’s first four-year Muslim college just started its first semester. Zaytuna College , which for the time being is run out of the American Baptist Seminary that also houses the U.C. Berkeley program where I used to teach, has just 15 students right now. But .. ...
- Book Review: "The Poisoner's Handbook" I can't say enough good things about Deborah Blum's "The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York." It's an fast-paced narrative that mixes chemistry, physiology, public policy, and history. The heroes of the story are the New York City medical examiner Dr ...
- Counter-Frames in Action: Is Nuclear Power a Rip-O ...Perhaps the most effective frame used by opponents of nuclear energy is that it is simply not "cost effective." Not only is it wasteful, argue opponents, but government subsidies are a leading example of the big-money influence of industry lobbyists. As the Sierra Club's Carl Pope told Big Think . ...
Information Liberation
- The Fatal CureAmong the premises with which the Feds justify their War on Terror are the hordes of bad guys overrunning the planet. The government wants us to believe that millions of terrorists lurk worldwide, scheming to blow us sky-high. They penetrate our airp...
- Video: How Technological Advancements Are Changing ...Fantastic video on the progression of information technology, researched by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Brenman, remixed...
- Breaking the Information MonopolyWith modern information and publishing technologies, it is easier than ever for average folks to actively participate in the spread of information. We can look beneath the official story and create our own narratives that are not based in helplessnes...
- The Rise and Fall of the U.S.S.A.?In the latest issue of Trends Journal Gerald Celente, the founder and director of Trends Research Institute and also bestselling author of Trends 2000 and Trends Tracking, writes that the United States is walking down the same road of demise as the f...
- Philadelphia: The City of Big Brotherly LoveAccording to a recent article in Philadelphia*s City Paper, Philly bloggers report receiving government duns for a $300 *business privilege* tax. The city*s government, operating on the unsafe assumption that these blogs have made raked in some form...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- The Next Emperor?Even the Middle Kingdom is no match for one small sniffer dog when he’s in the mood! LibertyGibbert’s grand master of mirth, Fenbeagle, this week aims his pencil at an oft-forgotten but oddly familiar chapter in Chinese history…
- Libertarianism And The Welfare StateToday I’d like to talk about an aspect of Libertarianism that is often widely misunderstood. Those of you that have been following my series on Libertarianism will know that, around a century ago, most of the societies of the West … Continue reading →
- Dobson, Dykes And Diverse DisputesG’day All, Ozboy here. As you may have noticed recently, I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to spend here creating posts. Rather than me offering another mere one-paragraph “spill post”, MemoryVault has kindly offered his services in … Continue reading →
- The Dragon’s DissentAs you’re probably aware, most warmists appear to believe it vitally important that the reputed consensus in the scientific community regarding CAGW remains inviolate. Any questioning of this consensus, any appearance of pockets of dissent anywhere in the world, is ruthlessly … Continue reading →
- Milanković And The Exploding Chook ShedI thought I’d cover another science topic today, after this week’s fill of politics. Most of you have probably heard mention of MilankoviÄ Cycles (the spelling usually Anglicized to Milankovitch Cycles) in relation to the study of the earth’s climate. Today I’ll explain what … Continue reading ...
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