Finally, the 'Chrome' beta download is operational, after much mucking about with research and code. I've used it to generate this blogpost...and it is fast, hasn't crashed, has imported bookmarks. Bonus!
More email temptation
The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the beta release of Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop and Server editions, and the Ubuntu Netbook Remix. Codenamed "Karmic Koala", 9.10 continues Ubuntu's proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop Edition improves on the work of 9.04 to get you going faster, with improved startup times and a streamlined boot experience. Ubuntu 9.10 Server Edition integrates Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud setup in the installer and provides improvements to system security with AppArmor, including an AppArmor profile for libvirtd to further isolate virtual machines from the host system. The Ubuntu 9.10 family of variants, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, and Mythbuntu, also reach beta status today. Desktop features ---------------- GNOME 2.28 featuring Empathy: with this latest beta release, Ubuntu now uses the Empathy instant messaging service by default, introducing the Telepathy framework. Ubuntu Software Center: the first step in a replacement for Add/Remove Software has landed for testing and feedback. New boot experience: multiple changes to look, feel and speed of the boot experience have been included in the Ubuntu 9.10 beta. Please see for details. Server features --------------- Cloud computing: Ubuntu 9.10 builds on the tantalizing cloud support in Ubuntu 9.04, with support for Eucalyptus configuration at install time and publishing of standard VM images for UEC. AppArmor: Ubuntu 9.10 continues to raise the bar for server security, with AppArmor profiles enabled by default for ntpd and libvirt providing another layer of protection from attacks on the network or via guest virtual machines. Ubuntu Netbook Remix features ----------------------------- Ubuntu Netbook Remix is optimised to run on Intel atom based netbooks. It includes a new consumer-friendly interface that allows users to quickly and easily get on-line and use their favourite applications. This interface is optimised for a retail sales environment. It includes the same faster boot times and improved boot experience as Ubuntu desktop. Kubuntu features ---------------- Kubuntu 9.10, built on KDE 4.3, brings users a complete, full-featured KDE4 desktop with many new applications and innovations. This is the first release for a new Kubuntu variant, Kubuntu Netbook Edition. Built on a Kubuntu base, it brings users an exciting first look at KDE's netbook-oriented desktop environment. Please see for all the details. Xubuntu features ---------------- Xubuntu 9.10 comes with the light-weight Xfce 4.6 desktop environment to provide a desktop designed for productivity while conserving system resources. Xubuntu 9.10 is proud to offer an improved multimedia experience with the Exaile media player, a more integrated power management solution with the Xfce4 power manager, and more convenience built right in with improved multimedia volume key support and more consistent desktop notifications. Please see for the full list and details about all the great enhancements Xubuntu 9.10 has to offer. Edubuntu features ----------------- Edubuntu 9.10 transitions from an add-on educational CD that depended on an existing Ubuntu installation to a full Ubuntu derivative delivered on as a DVD image. This allows prospective users and decision makers to try the educational offerings prior to installation and the flexibility to make Edubuntu a first class educational operating system. Mythbuntu features ------------------ Mythbuntu 9.10 introduces MythTV 0.22. The entire stack has been ported to QT4 and now allows for very neat UI effects. Also 0.22 adds support for VDPAU hardware acceleration, and HD-PVR hardware support. Please see for more details about things introduced in 0.22. See for information about the Mythbuntu beta release. Other ----- * On the Desktop: GNOME 2.28, KDE 4.3, XFCE 4.6.1, 3.1.1, X.Org server 1.6.3 * On the Server: Apache 2.2, PostgreSQL 8.4, PHP 5.2.10, LTSP 5.1 * "Under the hood": GCC 4.4.1, glibc 2.10, Linux, Python 2.6.2 The full release notes can be found at About Ubuntu ------------ Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux distribution for desktops, laptops, and servers, with a fast and easy installation and regular releases. A tightly-integrated selection of excellent applications is included, and an incredible variety of add-on software is just a few clicks away. Professional technical support is available from Canonical Limited and hundreds of other companies around the world. For more information about support, visit To Get Ubuntu 9.10 Beta ----------------------- To upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 Beta from Ubuntu 9.04, follow these instructions: Or, download Ubuntu 9.10 Beta here (choose the mirror closest to you): Europe: * (Bulgaria) * (France) * (Germany) * (Ireland) * (Netherlands) * (Norway) * (Sweden) North America: * (United States) * (United States) Oceania/Australia: * (New Zealand) Rest of the world: (Great Britain) Please download using Bittorrent if possible. The final version of Ubuntu 9.10 is expected to be released in October 2009. Feedback and Participation -------------------------- If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of ways you can participate at Your comments, bug reports, patches and suggestions will help turn this Beta into the best release of Ubuntu ever. Please note that, where possible, we prefer that bugs be reported using the tools provided, rather than by visiting Launchpad directly. Instructions can be found at If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but are not sure, first try asking on the #ubuntu IRC channel on FreeNode, on the Ubuntu Users mailing list, or on the Ubuntu forums: More Information ---------------- You can find out more about Ubuntu and about this preview release on our website, IRC channel and wiki. If you are new to Ubuntu, please visit: To sign up for future Ubuntu announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu's very low volume announcement list at: |
Online ed turned up as a topic in a Care2 update email
Oh, Who Will Rid Us of This Meddlesome Public Option?By: Jane Hamsher Monday October 5, 2009 7:24 am |

This morning's story in the Hill is probably more on the mark:
It doesn't make any sense -- Harkin says there are 54-57 votes for a public option. That's a clear majority. And it would certainly pass the House. No, the only reason to pass a bill without a public option is if the White House doesn't want one. But who is going to let the public know? Who is going to make the announcement that there will be no public option? Who's going to take that political hit?"President Obama clearly articulated his blueprint in his speech, and everyone knows Finance has the bulk of the bill that reflects that blueprint," the source said. "Everyone, including the White House, knows the Finance bill is the only bill that’s paid for and can pass. In short, the White House wants a win, and using the bulk of the Baucus bill is the playbook to get the 'W.' "
The White House doesn't have the stomach for it. They want someone else to take the hit. Maybe Harry Reid? Um. . . no:
There are certainly Democrats in the Senate who have said that they won't support a public option, but, so far, nobody has stepped forward to say they'll join a Republican filibuster to stop it. Nobody wants that hot potato alone.Having deferred the issue to Baucus this summer, Reid signaled on Thursday that he is prepared to join Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and John Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), who both pushed a public option amendment that failed in a committee vote last Tuesday.
But they have to do something, because if a public option winds up in the Senate bill, it's going to be damn impossible to get out of there.
Putting America Back to Work: What a Principled Government Would DoBy: Scarecrow Monday October 5, 2009 6:02 am |
I'm watching Ken Burns' fascinating story of the national parks, and tonight's episodedescribes how FDR created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in his first days.
The CCC was immediately assigned the task of fixing up the national parks. And within three months of its creation, the CCC had over 300,000 men building/repairing roads, trails, cabins and lodges -- creating access and national park treasures that are still enjoyed today by millions of Americans. Eventually, they would plant a billion new trees.*
The CCC was only one of several public works projects created in the New Deal. They put millions of people back to work, doing public projects that were worth doing that wouldn't otherwise have been done without public investment. They gave folks who were broke and jobless a real job, some dignity and a little money to send back home. Burn's film shows them at work, at play, and lining up to get their mere $25 per month -- but proud to get it and proud of what they were doing.
We were a decent country once.
The last few days have featured stories about how unemployment is now between 9.8 percent and 17 percent, depending on how/whom you count. The people who keep track of these things tell us that there were 800,000 more jobless during 2008 than they originally thought.
Economists tells us the "recovery" -- we need another name for a process that is so indifferent to continued human suffering -- will be "jobless." That means we'll have unemployment rates of 8 to 10 percent for at least the next couple of years and still unacceptable levels into 2012, unless we do better. Heck of a job, Democrats.
It's true that most of what we see now began in December 2007, and the financial collapse was handed to Obama; but are Democrats really planning to run on that message?
Early Morning SwimBy: Blue Texan Monday October 5, 2009 4:45 am |
- Still have no idea what we're doing there.
- What's Petraeus thinking?
- Jones to McChrystal: STFU.
- Is the public optional alive and well?
- New SCOTUS session starts today.
- MC Steele gets the hammer.
- Rachel slams right on MTP.
Doing more than just cheering against AmericaBy: Attaturk Monday October 5, 2009 1:30 am |
They might as well just chant "G.O.P." instead of "U.S.A."
Late Late Night FDL: Five Flat RocksBy: Eureka Springs Sunday October 4, 2009 10:00 pm |
Featuring new videos from the Avett Brothers and the Del McCroury Band.
Sunday Late Night: Let Her, ManBy: Teddy Partridge Sunday October 4, 2009 8:01 pm |
Is Howie Kurtz's front-page Washington Post treatment of the David Letterman "scandal" and subsequent shakedown really worth a second article on the front of the Style section the same day and a WaPo0 chat Monday? Or is there a word in the scandal that makes a thrill go up the Hacktackular One's leg? Is that word "intern?"
Can Skittles help fix the PATRIOT Act and FISA?By: JonPincus Sunday October 4, 2009 7:15 pm |
This Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee plans to vote on a couple of amendments by Russ Feingold proposing significant reforms to the PATRIOT Act and the FISA wiretapping statutes. These votes are the best chance yet to influence the PATRIOT Act reauthorization in the Senate. We're kicking off a last-minute Twitter- and Faceboo- based activism campaign to pressure key politicians and try to get some media coverage on the issue. Please get involved!
- On Twitter, thank Arlen Specter for his vote last week -- and come back Tuesday night and make another tweet about the Patriot Act
- On Facebook, sign up for Tuesday's Action to fix the Patriot Act and invite your friends
- Help get the word out by sharing this link with your friends (via Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, or carrier pigeon).
Jones to McChrystal - STFUBy: Siun Sunday October 4, 2009 6:00 pm |
Granted, NSA Advisor Ret. General James Jones used much more polite words (WaPo said he "chided" McChrystal) but the message was quite clear.
The Total Nail Polish Remover Awareness Program, Brought to You by the Democratic PartyBy: emptywheel Sunday October 4, 2009 5:00 pm |
The discussion in Thursday's hearing on the PATRIOT Act pertaining to ongoing investigations.
Obama Passes the Public Option Hot PotatoBy: Jane Hamsher Sunday October 4, 2009 4:00 pm |
Looks like the President is desperate to get out from under the burden of disappointing the country by failing to follow through on his campaign promises for a public option
Capitalism and how to destroy the ruling conservative coalition in both the Republiklan and Democratic parties.
In my view of history the Republican party encourages corporations to break the law and act immorally towards the less fortunate in society and even act mean spirited towards the less fortunate and the leaders of the Republican party as well as their tribunes like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck also act mean spirited and boorish towards the less fortunate in society and encourage their listeners to act this way.
So we need to keep on message and tell independents and moderates that Republicans do not do capitalism well, given evidence of the 2 great depressions of Herbert Hoover and George W Bush and that we should keep Republicans out of power for at least 32 years.
We also need to go after some of these Republican and conservative supporting companies with massive consumer boycotts to pressure them to get us the legislation they help block. Besides, every time you buy some of these conservative supporters products, you fund the Republican party.
I have the solution to too much company influence over legislation.
Boycott some of those companies en masse and make them get it
for us. Yes, we will need to get at least 100,000 people to act on
these. With these actions you can help limit corporate power.
See our web site at http://DEMOCRATZ.ORG
So we need to keep on message and tell independents and moderates that Republicans do not do capitalism well, given evidence of the 2 great depressions of Herbert Hoover and George W Bush and that we should keep Republicans out of power for at least 32 years.
We also need to go after some of these Republican and conservative supporting companies with massive consumer boycotts to pressure them to get us the legislation they help block. Besides, every time you buy some of these conservative supporters products, you fund the Republican party.
I have the solution to too much company influence over legislation.
Boycott some of those companies en masse and make them get it
for us. Yes, we will need to get at least 100,000 people to act on
these. With these actions you can help limit corporate power.
See our web site at http://DEMOCRATZ.ORG
What I Saw at the Afghan Election
dispute was really about whether the U.N. mission would respond to the massive electoral fraud
As policymakers debate whether to deploy more troops, training at Camp Pendleton and Twentynine Palms is being tweaked to reflect a counterinsurgency mission in mountain terrain.
Jones To McChrystal: Enough
Adam ("Without a legitimate Afghan government, the COIN strategy cannot succeed, so it's best that the administration consider its options very carefully, given at the moment, there isn't one")
E. Coli Path Shows Flaws in Beef Inspection
Neither the system meant to make the meat safe, nor the meat itself, is what consumers have been led to believe.
( 'Blame the Inspector' won't address the roots of the problem : although the agencies supposedly protecting the public are underfunded, corrupt and politicized. In Canada, Maple Leaf's problems with listerosis illustrate the disease generated by a centralized system based on monoculture, known to be unsustainable, using practices which generate and distribute disease resistant to antibiotics and germicides...
This when water - the cleaning agent and basis for agriculture and hygiene - is itself 'compromised'
Excuse me while I rather disregard the "Health Care Debate" as irrelevant and unsupported : a scam to enrich 'Insurers' and drug companies at the expense of public health. That cynicism comes looking at the state of a country spending money it doesn't have to expend munitions globally...while remaining unwilling to service the needs of its own population. )
Dr. John's Hiding Place
From Quakes to Quantum Mirages...
Sometimes blogging becomes difficult when you would like to address a subject that appears 'simple', but researching it reveals it isn't. Earthquakes on Samoa and Sumatra for instance. Quakes have my special interest now we start to see the 'geo-activity' of our still hibernating Sun. We could have known some heavy quakes were coming. That is currently kicking in an open door for modern physics. Where they occur is just another story. The coupling of Sun, Earth and Moon (at intervals also planets) is wellknown. But it doesn't explain everything. Neither for the coupling of our climates, nor for these major earthquakes with a strength above '5', or some other cosmic phenomena. The answer for this may be found in the seemingly contradiction between the world as we see it and the world of quantum physics, the invisible particles and waves that build our world. Quantum mirages maybe involved, but to explain them? Let us take a lead to my subject -in a following blog post- this way...
Science: You never Sleep alone !
FRIDAY, 2. OCTOBER 2009, 06:26:10
Soft Care-Ware and other Oddities...
WEDNESDAY, 30. SEPTEMBER 2009, 16:18:00
Our Universe - a hall of mirrors?
SATURDAY, 26. SEPTEMBER 2009, 19:25:31
Ubuntu File Management and more...
FRIDAY, 25. SEPTEMBER 2009, 10:27:14
Nostradamus, Vaticinio and 2012
WEDNESDAY, 23. SEPTEMBER 2009, 06:35:54
What you must know...
- Israeli minister avoids UK visitVice-prime minister calls off trip amid fears he could be arrested for war crimes.
- Blast hits UN office in PakistanExplosion inside World Food Programme's offices in Islamabad causes deaths.
- Rescuers end Sumatra quake searchHunt for trapped survivors called off as focus shifts to relief and recovery work.
- Heavy security around al-AqsaScuffles erupt between Israeli police and Palestinians amid restrictions on mosque entry.
- Yemeni cleric blames Iran for warSunni religious leader says Tehran is supporting unrest in country's north