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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

20 Oct - Personality,Dissembling,Misdirection

Obama Lauded For New Policy On Medical Marijuana

By: David Dayen Monday October 19, 2009 12:37 pm
Fulfilling a campaign promise, the Obama Administration moved away from DEA raids and crackdowns on legal medical marijuana dispensaries in 14 states. The Administration had previously been criticized for allowing raids to go forward despite rhetoric claiming that they would focus on higher-level drug trafficking than the dispensaries where sick Americans can seek relief. Now they’ve codified the language into new guidelines.
“It will not be a priority to use federal resources to prosecute patients with serious illnesses or their caregivers who are complying with state laws on medical marijuana, but we will not tolerate drug traffickers who hide behind claims of compliance with state law to mask activities that are clearly illegal,” Holder said. “This balanced policy formalizes a sensible approach that the Department has been following since January: effectively focus our resources on serious drug traffickers while taking into account state and local laws.”
Salon’s Glenn Greenwald called it “one of those rare instances of unadulterated good news from Washington,” and he’s right. The Bush Administration was pre-empting state laws legalizing marijuana for medicinal use and preventing sick patients from care. This will now end.
Viewers who are willing to watch the entire lecture will be rewarded. In a rare case of total candor, Dunn admitted selling a presidential candidate to America that had almost no experience as well as controversial ties to former terrorists.

"In retrospect, it looks much easier than it felt at the time," Dunn said. "We made experience, which was a prime target of our opponent, we made it a negative trait."

Imagine that. 

Citizen Wells certainly has nice quotations to surround this find.

Barack Obama - Zionist Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
(and you thought the oil was for the U.S.)
You are looking at the reason for the war against Iraq. This war was initiated by Ariel Sharon for Israel's strategic benefit!

Thats what Israel does. It has its intelligence organization, Mossad, carry out false flag operations and deceives others into attacking their enemies. In short they get others to fight their wars for them.
( Maps outlining bases and deployments on original page )
Israel is in the midst of its plan to use the United States military, which it controls, to conquer Iraq and divert Iraqi oil to the Haifa refinery via the Mosul to Haifa pipeline. The U.S. has built airbases at H1, H2 and H3 (which stand for Haifa 1, 2 and 3) to protect this strategic pipeline. The pipeline is used to send oil to Israel. Paid for with the blood of American soldiers that die in Iraq. See: The Reason Bush Is Pushing For Syria's Invasion PDF
Iraq is being turned into another Palestine state for Israel.
This war was fought in order to secure Israel's future. Israel, being a parasite nation, needed to create an income stream that would continue if funding from the United States should dry up. They have been working on the plan to steal Iraqi oil for years. Read Israel's Blitzkrieg on Middle East Oil PDF by Joe Vialls for more on this.
To quote Mr. Vialls article, "... they are already planning to steal 1,825 million barrels of Iraqi oil per annum. Taking a nominal price of US $25.00 per barrel ... the Israeli-Jewish terrorists stand to make a cool US $45,625,000,000.00 each year .... " [Thats over 45 1/2 Billion dollars a year or $125 million each day!!!]
Mr. Vialls claims that the 45 billion a year jackpot is more than just a lot of money, it's a matter of survival for Israel.
The reshaping of the Middle East by America's military will allow Israel to:
(1) Control the strategic oil reserves in this region which will ensure low cost oil to Israel and ensure their economic survival.
(2) Ensure Israel is the dominant military force and the sole nuclear equipped military power in the region for many years to come .
(3) Neutralize Israel's enemies in the region.
(4) Expand borders per "Greater Israel". The Nile forming the border on the West through Egypt, and the Euphrates on the East through Turkey, Syria and Iraq.
(5) Allow even further expansion of borders to encompass surrounding countries.
Israel has become the 3rd largest exporter of weapons in the world PDF, selling everything from Uzis to PHALCON airborne early warning systems. Defense Ministry figures show Israeli weapons export contracts were worth $4.1 billion in 2002. Only the United States with $13.2 billion and Russia with $4.4 billion sold more weapons that year.
Israel's possesses the fourth largest army in the world.

Israel is the only nuclear enabled country in the Middle East. Israel has overtaken England to become the worlds 5th largest nuclear power, roughly equivalent to France and China in the size and sophistication of its nuclear arsenal. Recent reports indicate that Israel has deployed five different nuclear weapons designs. It is estimated to have 2000-5000 conventional nuclear warheads and many micro nuclear devices like the bomb that destroyed the Sari Club in Bali. (These new nuclear devices only emit alpha radiation that is invisible to a standard geiger counter). In addition they have the neutron bombs, (that can kill people and leave the buildings intact) and hydrogen bombs PDF. Hydrogen bombs are currently the most fearsome and intimidating weapon on earth, capable of causing over 60000 times the damage of a nuclear bomb like the one used on Nagasaki. The Hydrogen bomb is so intimidating that most nations vow never to produce it, though it is really not much harder than producing regular nukes. When we are talking WMD, this is the big Kahuna.

Israel has the capability to take out every major city in Europe. Israel refuses to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) or to allow inspections of its nuclear facilities by International inspectors.

"Neocons are dumb, stupid animals (who think they are God's gift to the world) to be used as pawns for Illuminati global domination"

--Webber Dec. 1, 2006

Hotovely appeared on the nightly current events program "London and Kirschenbaum" on Channel 10. For seven minutes the pair tried to get one answer out of their guest: What is your alternative?

The question was repeated no fewer than 10 times, in various versions, but they didn't get an answer. Instead they heard replies that seemed better suited to an amusing skit: "I'm very happy that you're asking that question"; "What's important is not the alternative"; "Palestinian society is not ripe for a solution"; "Jews will not be evicted from their homes again." Hotovely knows what she doesn't want, but she hasn't the faintest idea what she does want.....From the prime minister down to the last of the right wingers, none of them has an answer to the simplest, most natural and most obvious question of all: What, in heaven's name, do you suggest? How will the country look according to your vision, and only according to your vision, 15 to 20 years from now?.....We therefore have before us the marvelously easy and effective way to bring down the right's house of cards in one fell swoop: Ask them what they suggest. Ask them what their solution is. They will squirm like Hotovely; there isn't a single decent right winger who has a ready answer.
Molly's polls 

Use SUSE Studio to Build a Linux OS From Scratch

 Think you can make a better fast-booting, Chrome-focused OS than Google? Want to craft a custom Linux system that boots from a USB stick? SUSE Studio gives you 15 GB to do exactly that, and you do it all online.
Virtual Radios Made from Paper, RFID

Toyota Sai: New Dedicated Hybrid Sedan Based on the Lexus HS 250h Officially Launched in Japan

Americans beginning to embrace e-bikes

HIV vaccine trial was significant
Scientists announced last month that a combination of vaccines gave a 31% level of protection in trials among 16,000 heterosexuals aged 18-30.

Doubts had been raised about whether the finding was significant.

But new data published at a conference in Paris indicates that, while small scale, the findings are robust and statistically significant.

We now, after 26 years of trying, believe that we can go down that road with confidence that we will be able to develop a vaccine that is globally effective
Colonel Nelson Michael
US military HIV research program

However, the scientists say they do not understand what is causing the effect, and it seems to offer less protection to those most at risk.

Turkish judge orders PKK release
A judge in Turkey has ordered the release of five Kurdish rebels who crossed into the country from Iraq as part of a 34-strong "peace group".

The Kurdistan Workers Party members were charged with belonging to a terrorist organisation. The PKK is banned in Turkey.

But the judge ruled that they should not be held in custody as they had returned of their own free will.

US top court to hear Uighur case
A number of ethnic Uighurs are still being held despite no longer being deemed a threat to the US, after the Pentagon cleared them in 2004.

The court will decide whether federal judges have the right to order their release into the US when no other country can be found to take them.

Blasts rock Pakistan university
Orla Guerin
BBC News, Islamabad

One of the blasts happened outside the office of the professor of Sharia law. The blast was so powerful that it punched a massive hole in the wall of that office.

Afghan Archives - Military Ops & Forces

 War on Taliban Cannot be Won, Says Army Chief
Death at a Distance: The U.S. Air War
Western Forces Hooked on Air Power in Afghan War
The Secret Air Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan  
Supplier Under Scrutiny on Arms for Afghans
The Nato Mission In Afghanistan Was Flawed By Design
Conflicting Assessments of War in Afghanistan
Revealed: British Plan to Build Training Camp for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan 
U.S. Trainers' Killer Was Afghan Soldier  

NATO Winning Battles, Losing Afghanistan
Independent Panel on Canada's Future Role in Afghanistan
Defying U.S. Plan, Prison Expands in Afghanistan
US Airpower in Iraq (OIF) and Afghanistan (OEF): 2004-2007
Security Firms in Afghanistan: Part of the Problem?
Democratization of a Dependent State: The Case of Afghanistan
Private Military Contractors also Creating Problems in Afghanistan 
Private US Military Contractors Move Into Helmand 

Afghanistan, Iraq and Self-Inflicted Wounds   
Non-Military Tools Neglected in Debate Over Afghan-Pakistani Border Operations    

Africa trade bloc suspends Niger
The president's move to stay in power in the uranium-rich nation sparked international outrage and dismay among opposition groups.

He had been due to stand down in December after serving two five-year terms.

But his supporters say the people want him to stay in power because he has brought financial stability to one of the world's poorest nations.
In January, French company Areva signed a deal to develop what it said would become the world's second biggest uranium mine.

The mine is in the semi-desert north, where ethnic Tuareg rebels have been fighting for more autonomy.

President Tandja has signed a peace deal with several Tuareg groups.

Two held after TV racism expose

UK postal strike
Discussions between Royal Mail and the CWU have continued to try to avert the strike.

Royal Mail says it is willing to go to conciliation service Acas but only if postal staff call off their strike.

Union sources say there is no sign yet of a breakthrough ahead of the first of two 24 hour walk-outs on Thursday.

US new housing figures disappoint
Housing starts rose by 0.5% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 590,000 homes, compared with a revised figure of 587,000 in August.

But the rate was still down by 28.2% on the 822,000 homes started in September 2008