IPS - Inter Press Services
- AFRICA: Deal with Guinea Raises Questions About C ...WASHINGTON, Oct 16 (IPS) - Reports of a large infrastructure and minerals agreement between Guinea and Chinese investors this week have turned a harsh spotlight on the human rights and geopolitical stakes of the scramble for Africa's natural wealth.
- CLIMATE CHANGE: Tech Sector Urged to Lead Green E ...UNITED NATIONS, Oct 16 (IPS) - U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has appealed to the information and communications technology (ICT) community to help seal the deal at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December.
- AGRICULTURE-MOZAMBIQUE: Anti-Poverty Campaign Ta ...MAPUTO, Oct 16 (IPS) - Antonio Machava is standing by the gate of his farm listening to election campaigners. The group of young people says their party will fight for a law to protect small farmers and create conditions for them to prosper.
- POLITICS-ZIMBABWE: Unity Govt In ChaosHARARE, Oct 16 (IPS) - Zimbabwe's eight-month-old inclusive government suffered its biggest setback to date, when Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai announced that his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) was partly disengaging from the government.
- VENEZUELA: Indigenous People Killed, Injured in L ...CARACAS, Oct 16 (IPS) - Two members of the Yukpa indigenous community in Venezuela were killed and others were injured in a firefight between supporters and detractors of a government initiative to distribute land to the ethnic group at the northwest tip of Venezuela, where the Yukpa are caught ...
Scoop - NZ
- NZ gets the booby prize "Fossil of the Day " Award ...Developed countries fail to take a lead in the climate change talks leading up to Copenhagen , and NZ reveals that 70% of its reductions will come from purchasing offsets offshore , causing it to get the booby prize twice in Bangkok . » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Killing innocent Afghans "to save our troops"Ten Main Points:1. The execution of America's post-Korean wars in the Third World is all about the differential value of life put on those colored "Others," in other words, race/ethnicity matters. This can be seen in the language/framing of official discourse, in the language of soldiers, and in out ...
- Nationala4™s ACC agendaACC currently collects sufficient levies to meet each year's claims - it has levy revenue of $4.1b in the 2009 June year, compared with claims of $3b. It invests the surplus to help build up some reserves. These investments have suffered in the global recession, exacerbating the funding gap. Sure ...
- USA: Housing risks lurk as buyers returnOn the surface, a glimmer of confidence is returning to the battered U.S. housing market, after more than three years of gut-wrenching defaults, price slumps and foreclosures.But investors and homeowners in California, the most populous U.S. state and a benchmark for housing across the country, are ...
- Citi scrapes the bottom of the barrelIt's exactly the position Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit didn't want to find himself in.Nearly a year after the struggling banking giant hatched a plan to shed problem assets in order to focus on healthier businesses, Citi is seeing several of its crown jewels head for the exit, leaving behind the junk ...
Independent ( London )
- Defiant UN backs Israel war crimes reportBritain and France today failed in an attempt to delay a crunch Middle East vote at the UN, amid warnings by Israel that it could derail the peace process.
- Helmet saves soldier shot in the headA British soldier in Afghanistan who was shot in the head by the Taliban had a lucky escape when the bullet became lodged in his helmet.
- Defiant UN backs war crimes reportBritain and France today failed in an attempt to delay a crunch Middle East vote at the UN, amid warnings by Israel that it could derail the peace process.
- Bomber hits Pakistan police officePakistani forces attacked a Taliban stronghold with aircraft and artillery today, as a suspected suicide bomber killed 10 people in the city of Peshawar in the latest in a wave of militant attacks.
- Bomber strikes at Pakistan police officePakistani forces attacked a Taliban stronghold with aircraft and artillery today, as a suspected suicide bomber killed 10 people in the city of Peshawar in the latest in a wave of militant attacks.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Chinese leader's comments dash Iran sanction hopesSummary: BEIJING — Premier Wen Jiabao said Thursday that China intends to strengthen its cooperation with Iran, an indication Beijing would oppose growing calls in the West for additional sanctions against the Islamic regime for its nuclear program. source: AP read more
- Benchmarks prove elusive in Iran talksSummary: United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's high-profile trip to Moscow this week to shore up Russian support for tougher sanctions on Iran if talks on its nuclear program fail has been openly rebuffed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. source: Asia Times Online read mo ...
- Russia Rejects US Threats for Iran Sanctions: US ...Summary: Speaking today in Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov rejected US threats to press for more sanctions against the Iranian government, insisting that the focus should be on diplomacy and that the repeated threats were “counterproductive.” source: antiwar.com read more
- Iran deplores language of threat, sanctionSummary: Ahead of a planned nuclear meeting in Vienna, Iran slams the West's use of the language of "sanctions and threats" against the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic. source: Press TV read more
- Eagle is grounded over Turks’ Gaza snubSummary: The US has cancelled its biggest air-defence exercise with Israel after Turkey refused to allow Israeli aircraft to participate in the war games, due to begin out of Turkish air bases today. source: Times on line read more
The Daily Galaxy
- Are We Alone in the Milky Way? - The 'Multi or Rar ..."There are maybe 30 million species on the planet today—10 to 30 million. If we look at the fossils, there are hundreds of millions of species in the past. And one time on Earth has intelligence arisen to the point...
- Creating Optical Black Holes to Produce Super Sola ...Chinese scientists have built an optical black hole, but don't worry, this isn't the plot to the next Dan Brown novel - like most terrestrial uses of the phrase "black hole" it's an analogy rather than an accurate description. You...
- Did Mother-of-All-Earth's Asteroid Impacts Pave Wa ...No mass extinction on Earth has been so tightly linked to an impact as the Chicxulub Crater which cuts across the northern Yucatan peninsula in Mexico in a mighty arc 170 kilometers (105 miles) across. The crater's size implies an...
- Cosmic Rays to Light Up Paris!The night sky of Paris, always a romantic view, is being lit up with lasers this week in memory of a man who helped illuminate all humankind. A century ago a German scientist scaled the Eiffel tower to investigate atmospheric...
- Image of the Day: The Blinding Beauty of Star Birt ...The vast nebula NGC 604 above in the Triangulum galaxy (image below) is a Hubble Space Telescope image. Though such nebulae are common in galaxies, this one is nearly 1,500 light-years across -so vast it is easily seen in ground-based...
Natural News
- Ten questions about flu vaccines that doctors and ...(NaturalNews) Vaccine mythology remains rampant in both western medicine and the mainstream media. To hear the vaccination zealots say it, vaccines are backed by "good science," they've been "proven effective" and they're "perfectly safe." Oh really? Where's all that good science? As it turns out, t ...
- Hemp for America! Farmers plant hemp seeds on DEA' ...(NaturalNews) You can buy hemp products in America, including textiles, nutritional supplements, soaps and ropes. You just can't grow hemp in America. So all the hemp used in these products purchased by Americans is grown somewhere else: China, Canada, India, Chile and many other countries. Meanwhil ...
- Got Bad Breath? Try Chlorophyll for Halitosis(NaturalNews) Forget about breath mints. You can never take enough to cover halitosis if your breath really smells bad. The only real way to get rid of bad breath is to solve the problem internally .Fortunately, there's an easy way to do that: Chlorophyll . It's Mother Nature's amazing green cleanin ...
- Cheap, all natural, one minute test outperforms MR ...(NaturalNews) If you have severe dizziness and especially if you have hypertension or high cholesterol, it's important to be checked out to see if you are having a stroke. A trip to the emergency room for those kinds of symptoms usually involves a costly, high tech MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). ...
- There's no such thing as a virus that causes chron ...(NaturalNews) Beware, readers, when you see articles in the mainstream media claiming that a retrovirus causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). The stories quote new research published in the journal Science which claims that this virus -- known as XMRV -- was found in 67% of CFS sufferers but only 4 ...
- Circum(cised)stantial Evidence ? ? ? ?And I thought all the whackos lived in Florida. Look what we've got right here in BC, via CBC News : Home circumcision of 4-year-old ends in conviction Friday, October 16, 2009 | CBC News A Vancouver-area father has been found guilty of negligence causing bodily harm after botching a home-circ ...
- An armed society is a polite society?Another couple of responsible gun owners killed. I suppose we should be grateful it happened at home and not at one the kids soccer games to which Mom regularly brought a sidearm. How long before the firearms fetishist choir declares "she'd still be alive if she'd spent more time on the range practi ...
- Sweet and Sour . . .THE LA TIMES has an opinion piece worthy of your consideration. Titled " China's class ceiling " by Ian Buruma, it points out that all is not well in the Workers' Wonderland, and that things are getting worse. China is the only ancient civilization in human history to have reemerged as a major force ...
- Squid TV Coming to Your Tube ? ? ? ?Are there no depths Goldman Sachs - or as Matt Taibbi refers to them : "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money" - will not go in the pursuit of power and $$$? Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge has the story of G ...
- Obviously, the couple who complained are the real ...If you are a clergyman, you can pick and chose the people for whom you are willing to perform wedding ceremonies. If a couple comes to you and you don't think they should get married you are well within your right to refuse to perform the service or give the couple the blessing of your church, templ ...
Media Matters for America
- Latest conservative attack on Obama Nobel: Prize i ...Following the Nobel Committee's announcement that it would award the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, conservative media figures have launched numerous attacks on Obama and the award, asserting, for instance, that Obama won the prize "for trashing America," in Sean Hannity's words, or tha ...
- Beck-led Fox News "czar" witch hunt moves to ridi ...In attacking Anita Dunn, claiming that she "worships" her "hero" Mao Zedong, Glenn Beck has targeted yet another Obama administration official in his Fox News-assisted witch hunt of President Obama's so-called "czars." Beck and Fox News have previously attacked with falsehoods and spurious clai ...
- Will Beck denounce conservatives who've ...On his Fox News program, Glenn Beck aired a clip of White House communications director Anita Dunn calling Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa two of her "favorite political philosophers" and used those comments to falsely link Dunn to the murder of tens of millions of Chinese under Mao's reign. But ...
- Beck falsely claimed Anita Dunn "worships" "her h ...Throughout most of his October 15 Fox News program, Glenn Beck falsely claimed that White House communications director Anita Dunn "worships" and "idolizes" "her hero" Mao Zedong. In fact, in the video that Beck aired as evidence to support his claims, Dunn offered no endorsement of Mao's ideolo ...
- Breitbart websites' specious claim: Volunteer oppo ...In October 15 and September 18 posts, bloggers for Andrew Breitbart's BigHollywood.com and BigGovernment.com have denounced search engines used to promote volunteer opportunities by the Entertainment Industry Foundation's "I Participate" initiative and the federal United We Serve program, conde ...
Global Research.ca
- Japan to withdraw ships from Afghanistan support r ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Letter from South Africa For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Russia ready to abandon dollar in oil, gas trade w ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Security, Reconciliation in Iraq Are Irreconcilabl ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Funding Sweatshops Globally For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Shame on Schumer and GillibrandBen Smith of Politico reports that New York's Senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, have withdrawn their names from the host committee for J Street's upcoming first-ever conference. Schumer departed first, before the Congressional sponsor list was published; Gillibrand was... Sponsored ...
- UN Human Rights Council PASSES Goldstone Report on ...The United Nations Human Rights Council today voted for a resolution that finds that Israel a committed war crimes during the Israeli invasion last December. According to the New York Times, "On breaches of the Geneva Conventions as grave as... Sponsored Topics: Hamas - Israel - United Nations ...
- Pentagon BoondoggleFrom The Hill. The Pentagon pays an average of $400 to put a gallon of fuel into a combat vehicle or aircraft in Afghanistan. The statistic is likely to play into the escalating debate in Congress over the cost of... Sponsored Topics: Afghanistan - Pentagon - Congress - Asia - US
- Josh Marshall Says Israel Should Recall Ambassador ...Josh Marshall writes that Israel might want to consider recalling Ambassador Michael Oren after the embassy launched harsh (and unusual) criticism of J Street, the new pro-Israel, pro-peace organization. Josh writes that Oren is "pretty clearly defining a whole slice... Sponsored Topics: Michae ...
- Women Warriors: Supporting She 'Who Has Borne the ...When Sergeant Cara Hammer returned from her deployment in Iraq in 2005, she thought her days of fighting were over. But she quickly discovered that she had more battles ahead of her. After surviving roadside bombs and mortar rounds in... Sponsored Topics: Iraq - Sergeant - United States - Milita ...
- Next Nuclear Worry for US: Kazakhstan?So far, the former Soviet state has cooperated with the US on nuclear issues. But a new report suggests that Kazakhstan might be looking to do business with other, less responsible regimes, too. Washington - Does Kazakhstan want to increase its nuclear commerce – doin ...
- Worker at Kansas Company Claims He Was Fired for S ...Elliot Snell believes he was fired from KK Office Solutions in Kansas City, Kan., because he voted for Barack Obama. As evidence, in a lawsuit filed this month in Wyandotte County District Court, is an e-mail sent by the company's president and CEO, Matt Brandt. read more
- Veteran Army Officer Urges Afghan Troop DrawdownWashington - A veteran Army officer who has served in both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars warns in an analysis now circulating in Washington that the counterinsurgency strategy urged by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal is likely to strengthen the Afghan insurgency, and calls for withdrawal of ...
- Unclean Energy"Waste, the Nuclear Nightmare," a documentary by Eric Guéret and Laure Noualhat, produced by Arte France and Bonne pioche. Demain, 20h45, Arte. read more
- Resisting Injustice in Guantánamo: The Story of F ...Fayiz al-Kandari, a Kuwaiti, still held in Guantanamo, who has maintained for nearly eight years that he is an innocent man.(Photo: International Committee of the Red Cross) read more
- Is Great Lakes Shoreline Public or Private?Legal skirmishes in Ohio and Michigan are reviving debates over whether those who own Great Lakes shoreline properties exclusively control their waterfront land or whether the public can access and travel along the coast. The same legal doctrine at issue in these battles is a central focus in cu ...
- Algae blooms in Lake Erie bring back bad memoriesLyngbya wollei, south shore Maumee Bay in Ohio, September 23, 2009. Lake Erie, declared dead by the news media in the 1960s because of widespread, repulsive algae blooms, is once again marred, this time by both old and new causes. Some scientists and lake advocates worry that the unsightly algae i ...
- Dog Death Caps Summer of Blue-Green Algae in MNBlue-green algae blooms on Minnesota lakes are linked to a dog death and illnesses, and apparently caused by runoff pollution. The death of a dog after it frolicked in a Minnesota lake plagued with blue-green algae was a sad coda for a late summer in the state. Although no necropsy was done, a spo ...
- Yellowstone Grizzlies Back on Endangered Species L ...In 2007 federal protections were dropped for the protection of Yellowstone grizzlies. Ever since then, the Greater Yellowstone Coalition have been fighting to give protection back to the bears. They argued that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) failed to address the loss of essential food s ...
- Double Whammy of Pollution for Mississippi River i ...A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employee samples river water for endocrine disrupting pollutants. Study results publicized this week suggest Twin Cities water resources and the Mississippi River downstream from the Cities are suffering from pollution by road salt and endocrine disrupting chemical ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Water safety plans: assuring drinking water qualit ...The Water Research Commission (WRC) has completed yet another study that aims to meet the water qual
- Atmospheric Water GeneratorsIf you need large quantities of pure drinking water then our range of “Dew Catchers” ca
- EPA moves to protect our tap water!If you are following the series on Toxic Waters by Charles Duhigg in the New York Times, his latest
- Water quality trading“Water quality trading is an innovative market-based approach to achieving water quality stand
- The Importance of Waterby Gongfu Girl I’m sure this won’t be the first time you’ve seen a discussion abo
Public Citizen in Texas
- King Williams Parade Pics 051 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Banking on Coal?Take a quick look at this article/video. After the showing of a comedic political documentary, a speech is made about mountain-top removal mining and its ill effects. The crowd of enthusiastic movie-goers then canvasses the sidewalks of a nearby JP Morgan Chase bank with coal graffiti. It brings ...
- Blog Action Day 2009It is blog action day! In case you don’t know, on this day, 15th of October of every year, bloggers from all over the world unite in writing about a common important issue. It started in 2007 by Collis & Cyan Ta’eed. Their first year, they recruited as many as 20,000 bloggers to write about [ ...
- King Williams Parade Pics 062 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Help Us Celebrate Public Citizen Texas’ 25th Ann ...Haaa–aaaaaaaappy Birthday to US! Happy Birthday to US! Happy Biiiiiiiiirrrrrthhhhhhddaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy to UUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS! Happy Birthday to us! It’s our birthday! Our 25th Birthday! Or Anniversary, whatever. The important part is, we’re having a party. And you’re invited! Come on ...
Press TV
- Obama 'hesitant' to ratify Iran sanctions billIran's Parliament (Majlis) reacts to recent US talks of tougher sanctions, one day after Washington approved a bill that aims at choking off the country's energy sector.
- Zimbabwe's MDC quits unity government over rowsZimbabwe's Premier Morgan Tsvangirai says his Movement for Democratic Change party has withdrawn from the fragile unity government, amid disputes over the implementation of February's power-sharing agreement.
- Afghan child slaughtered by Danish fireDanish soldiers have reportedly killed an Afghan child and injured two civilians in southern Afghanistan when allegedly returning insurgent fire.
- Sadrists hold primary vote ahead of Jan. pollsFollowers of Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have gone to the polls to take part in a primary vote and choose candidates for January's parliamentary elections.
- BNP forced to abandon 'all-white' policyThe far-right British National Party, accused of fascism and racism, has agreed to alter its whites-only membership policy in the face of a potentially damaging lawsuit.
Axis of Logic
- An excellent analysis: Imperial Globalization and ...
- “Global Imbalances” versus Internal Inequalit ...
- Exclusive: A Trail of Failed Policies and Lost Bat ...
- Venezuelan president meets with New York unionists
- Latin America’s Twenty-First Century Socialism i ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- The irksome frustration of pollstersOkay, so when I was in college, one of the classes I tutored and later T.A.'d was Statistics. One of the things I tried to impress upon every student during the unit on polling that a poll is only as good as the questions asked. After the 1992 presidential election, I made a transparency for the ove ...
- The imaginary "War on Christmas" is already underw ...And it isn't even Halloween! And this year, they have an all new imaginary adversary! A foreign-born, madrassa-educated, muslin usurper in the oval office! And he isn't going to have a Christmas tree! Or accept religious-themed ornaments for the tree he's not going to have! The White House Historica ...
- She'll be home for ChristmasA month ago I relayed a tale of fury over a relative who was struggling with our broken healthcare system, a cousin who was carrying a baby girl with a pre-existing condition, Gastroschisis. Well she's here, and she is gorgeous, and we could not be more pleased, either with her or her care team at S ...
- Labor Stands Firm on Public OptionLast week there was some speculation that the White House would try to force labor to back down on the public option and accept the Max Baucus' piece-of-shit Finance Committee health deform. Not so much. Stopping by the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC last night, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka discuss ...
- Want to Win Elections? Turn Left, Young DemIn three months, Democratic New Jersey Governor has gone from fighting for his political life, 30 points down to a loyal bushie opponent, to tied and surging. John Nichols at The Nation explains how he did it. What did Corzine do? Instead of steering to the center, or the Blue Dog right, he turned ...
Care 2
- Pebble toad's rock and roll lifeWhen confronted by a predator, some animals fight, others run while a few hide, hoping not to be noticed. The pebble toad of Venezuela does something altogether different: it curls up like a ball and throws itself down the side of a mountain Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a ...
- Capitol Hill Considers Tax Breaks For Pet OwnersThe Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years measure, also called the HAPPY Act, aims at helping current pet owners in these tough economic times and also hopes to encourage pet adoption through attractive incentives. Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- World Animal Week reaches the UNWSPA, alongside key governments supporting the development of a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW), hosted a series of meetings at the United Nations during World Animal Week. Together we highlighted the vital link between animal welfare and Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat | Note-it! ...
- Dole Finally Drops Fatuous Lawsuit Against Bananas ...I am thrilled to report that the Dole Food Company has finally dropped their ridiculous lawsuit against the filmmakers of the powerful documentary Bananas!*. It appears that the courts have ruled that the fatuous defamation lawsuit of the criminally Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat | Note-it! | ...
- Special Report: Agent Orange in Vietnam, Ignoring ..."...it was acknowledging what veterans have long claimed: in addition to 13 ailments already traced to exposure to the chemical, it was also responsible for three more dread diseases -- Parkinson's, ischemic hedart disease, and hairy-cell leukemia." Submitted by Just Carole to US Politics & Gov't ...
- U.S. Stimulus Creates, Saves More Than 30,000 jobs ...At least 30,383 jobs have been created directly or saved by contractors receiving money from the U.S. government's stimulus program, according to new reports.
- InterfaceFLOR's Thailand Facility Certified to Sus ...InterfaceFLOR's Thailand facility is the first manufacturing plant outside of North America to be certified to the sustainable carpet standard developed by NSF International.
- Recycled Carpets and Energy From Trash: Shaw Indus ...Flooring company Shaw Industries has published its first sustainability report, and it had plenty to write about. For years the company has been recycling carpet, developing Cradle-to-Cradle products, using manufacturing waste to provide energy and taking a number of other steps to lower its resourc ...
- Greening Higher Ed, from the Top Down and the Bott ...Two sets of rankings released in the last week aim to gauge the greening of the nation's colleges and universities. But it's in the gap between the rankings that the most interesting results are found.
- A Green Supply Chain Starts in ChinaFor companies looking to increase their supply chain’s energy efficiency, China is a good place to start because it is a key location for energy-intensive manufacturing and its rank as the world's top emitter, which makes it more likely it will face regulatory pressure to improve its performance. ...
Reuters Global
- A Big Mona with fries?Escoffier, Brillat-Savarin and, yes, Julia Child would turn over in their graves at the state of French food, writes Mort Rosenblum in GlobalPost.
- Asylum seeker influx stirs AustraliansAustralian media is getting worked up again over an influx of boatpeople, even though the numbers may be small compared with other countries, especially Europe
- Insurgency in Pakistan: what next?The latest wave of attacks in Pakistan represent a step-shift in the violence there. The country is now facing an insurgency in its heartland and few are willing to predict what will happen next.
- Afghanistan’s protracted election sours the ...Afghanistan's lengthy election count has left the country in limbo, international policy in a holding pattern and the Taliban making the running. Wiping clean serious electoral fraud takes time. But a law of diminished returns applies - the longer it takes, the deeper the disarray around strategy on ...
- It’s still the economy, stupid, in PakistanPakistan's anaemic economy remains the biggest challenge, more than even the threat from militants, says a diplomat
Ezra Klein
- The Business of Business in WashingtonThe American Farm Bureau's vicious opposition to addressing climate change is a good example of the different biases that affect trade groups. When someone like the AFB blasts out an angry press release, there's a tendency to say that "farmers" are against something. But that's not always the case. ...
- Does the Stock Market Affect Elections?Joshua Tucker says no : Studies of economic voting in the United States show a strong relationship between economic conditions and presidential vote (or vote for the president’s party in congressional elections), but the variables that have tended to matter have been more focused on economic grow ...
- Balloon Boy a Hoax?It seems depressingly possible that Balloon Boy was a hoax dreamed up by a family with an uncommon appetite for appearing on television (the parents have been on the reality show "Wife Swap." Twice). But whether or not the drama was staged, it certainly served as a perfect metaphor for cable news: ...
- CBO Estimates The House Bills: 95%+ Covered, About ...Lori Montgomery reports that the House has gotten its new CBO scores, and they look pretty good: $905 billion for the more generous package that also includes the strongest public plan, and $859 billion for the less generous package that carries the weaker public plan. Both bills push total coverage ...
- Tab Dump1) Some cool maps showing how credit card defaults and house foreclosures and student loans are distributed across the nation. 2) Did you know Michael Savage's son is behind Rockstar energy drinks? 3) The AMA wavers on health-care reform. 4) Maybe the amendment that the House Financial Services C ...
Booman Tribune
- GOP: Riding the Crazy TigerThe Republicans have unleashed a beast that they don't seem able to control. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the Sunshine State, where Governor Charlie Crist's campaign for U.S. Senate is starting to look a little wobbly. But, it's also evident in Upstate New York, where a special election is ...
- Deadbeat Dad a FatherSeems like a redundant title, doesn't it? It's not, sadly: O’FALLON, Mo. — With three small children and her marriage in trouble, Pat Bond attended a spirituality retreat for Roman Catholic women in Illinois 26 years ago in hopes of finding support and comfort. [...] Ms. Bond separated from ...
- Baseball ThreadWhat's your preferred matchup for the World Series? Here are your options: Phillies vs. Yankees Phillies vs. Angels Dodgers vs. Yankees Dodgers vs. Angels For my part, I'd be really happy with the Yankees against either National League team, but with so many friends who are Phillies fans, ...
- Carter Saboteur RevealedI was only ten years-old at the time, but I remember the flap that arose before the debate between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Someone inside Carter's camp stole his briefing book and handed it over it to the Reagan campaign. It turns out that it was a Kennedy guy, as is revealed in a new book ...
- Serious QuestionIs it just me, or do the Republicans seem genuinely confused to learn that Rush Limbaugh is considered to be far too much of raving racist to be eligible to buy an NFL team?
European Tribune
- Friday Open ThreadIt's Friday!...
- Dutch MP Wilders in the UKGeert Wilders: Right-Wing Dutch MP 'Has Nothing To Fear In UK' After Ban Over Islam...
- Sarkozy tries to outbrazen BushIn a long interview with (the usually friendly) Figaro, Nicolas Sarkozy very aggressively rejects the...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 16 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1726 – Daniel Chodowiecki,...
- Thursday Open ThreadYour comments welcome!...
- More positive sf: DayBreak Magazine launches for D ...Wondering what’s happening with the Shine anthology of postive science fiction that was announced last year? Well, editor Jetse de Vries has more good news; not only is Shine still on the roster of forthcoming releases from the recently-rescued Solaris Books imprint (April 2010), but there will be ...
- Tobias Buckell takes down vertical farmingWe’ve mentioned vertical farming a number of times before, and the mighty BoingBoing brought it up earlier in the week; general consensus seems to be that it’s a lovely idea. [Vertical farm image borrowed from VerticalFarm.com] But lots of things are lovely ideas until you run the numbers on the ...
- Images of Heroic Slavery – Gears of War, God of ...The third-person shooter genre of video games is largely populated by lead characters for whom violence and aggressive self-interest is both a means and an end – but are they heroic individuals, or slaves to a system? ### It may not be obvious from reading them, but there is a process behind the ...
- Google’s Building Maker: crowdsourcing the world ...Is there anything that can’t be crowdsourced? Google sure don’t think so, as they’ve just announced another new project for Joe Public to muck in on. Google Building Maker will be used to populate Google Earth with 3D models of major buildings: We like to think of Building Maker as a cross bet ...
- Packaging the genre: publishers as curatorsThere aren’t many business methods worth copying from the record business at the moment, but should book publishers be trying to work more like record labels? Over at the if:book blog, one Bob Stein thinks there’s something to be learned from the days when books had a distinctive look that immed ...
Therapy News
- Sexually Satisfied Women Report Greater Well-Being ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary While the links between the occurrences of sexual activity and overall mental health and well-being have been widely documented among men, especially within the context of examining treatments for erectile dysfunction, studies focusing on the role of sexual satisfactio ...
- Chimps Suggest Altruism is Easier Won When Request ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Many studies have been conducted on the nature of altruism, a concept which science in general and psychology in particular has striven to understand for some time. Recently, in the Primate Research Institute and the Wildlife Research Center at Kyoto university, a stu ...
- An Introduction to Hakomi Body-Centered Psychother ...By Jaffy Phillips, MA, Hakomi Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Jaffy and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Hi, my name is Jaffy Phillips. I am a certified Hakomi therapist, and I have studied a number of other body-centered approaches to therapy as well. I volunteered to be the topi ...
- Performance Influences Perception: A Study in Athl ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Those who tackle challenges in any setting are likely to have experienced, at some point, a phenomenon in which tasks seem more difficult when attempts are unsuccessful, and easier when goals are reached. This experience recently been studied and documented within the ...
- Mental Health and Pregnancy: Be Wary of LicoriceA GoodTherapy.org News Headline It’s not often that a specific food is linked with mental health concerns, but those expectant mothers with a chronic hankering for licorice might want to re-consider their snack of choice, according to a study recently conducted in Finland. Among participants who, ...
Mountaintop Removal
- DEP Meeting on Mountaintop Removal (WSAZ NewsChann ...Leaders in West Virginia are continuing to ask for answers on how to make the Mountaintop mining permits acceptable.
- Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green News Report -- ...IN TODAY'S AUDIO REPORT: Bush Administration smacked down (again); Critics of mountaintop removal coal mining shouted down; GOP complaints shut down a hearing on...
- Bruce Nilles: Mountaintop Removal Hearings Get Ten ...This week has seen some very tense and passionate hearings on mountaintop removal coal mining permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Local residents...
- Environmentalist fined over mine protest (The Char ...MADISON, W.Va. -- An environmental activist has been convicted of trespassing and conspiracy after a mountaintop removal mining protest in Southern West Virginia. Matthew Louis-Rosenberg was among six activists who chained themselves to a rock truc...
- Environmentalist in court over W.Va. mine protest ...MADISON, W.Va. (AP) -- An environmental activist charged with trespassing and conspiracy after a mountaintop removal mining protest in West Virginia is getting his day in court.Matthew Louis-Rosenberg was among six activists who chained themselves to a roc...
- Christie's weight, Corzine's beard: Politics goes ...Juliet Fletcher / pressofAtlanticCity.com : Christie's weight, Corzine's beard: Politics goes skin deep — By any standard, what David Rice said to Chris Christie took guts. — But Rice was glad afterward that he said it. — Ambling up to the Republican candidate for governor last w ...
- Tea-Party Activists Complicate Republican Comeback ...Naftali Bendavid / Wall Street Journal : Tea-Party Activists Complicate Republican Comeback Strategy — PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. — The rise of conservative “tea party” activists around the country has created a dilemma for Republicans. They are breathing life into the party's quest to regai ...
- Sen. Vitter: Reid wants illegals counted in Census ...Jordan Fabian / The Hill : Sen. Vitter: Reid wants illegals counted in Census — Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), who is sponsoring an amendment to an appropriations bill that would require illegal immigrants list their status on next year's Census, said late Wednesday that Senate Majority Leader H ...
- Sky-high drama ends in the family attic (CNN)CNN : Sky-high drama ends in the family attic — (CNN) — After scouring northern Colorado by foot and air, frantically chasing a Mylar balloon for miles and repeatedly interviewing his big brother, authorities ended the search for 6-year-old Falcon Heene where it began — at his house. ...
- Don't Call Me a Slut (Meghan McCain/Blogs and Stor ...Meghan McCain / Blogs and Stories : Don't Call Me a Slut — Blogs and Stories — Hours after The Daily Beast's Meghan McCain posted a self-portrait on Twitter it made national news and she was a pariah. But she says it's the media who are the real boobs. — On Wednesday I posted a ...
Energy & Environment News
- E.P.A. Vows Better Effort on WaterThe E.P.A. administrator said the agency was “falling short of this administration’s expectations” for the effectiveness of clean water enforcement.
- U.S. Rejects Nuclear Plant Over Design of Key Piec ...The Nuclear Regulatory Commission was concerned that a shield building for a new reactor might not withstand events like earthquakes and tornadoes.
- Las Gaviotas Journal: An Isolated Village Finds th ...Visitors to Las Gaviotas can get a glimpse into a four-decade experiment to alter civilization’s dependence on finite fossil fuels and industrial agriculture.
- U.S. Curtails Snowmobiles in YellowstoneThe National Park Service has approved a plan to restrict the number of snowmobiles in Yellowstone National Park to fewer than half last year’s limit.
- The Road to Copenhagen: Biggest Obstacle to Global ...The price of a climate agreement will be $100 billion a year by 2020, many economists estimate; some put the cost at closer to $1 trillion.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.1, Santa Cruz IslandsFriday, October 16, 2009 17:16:58 UTC Saturday, October 17, 2009 04:16:58 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 6.1, Sunda Strait, IndonesiaFriday, October 16, 2009 09:52:52 UTC Friday, October 16, 2009 04:52:52 PM at epicenter Depth : 50.60 km (31.44 mi)
- M 5.7, Sulawesi, IndonesiaThursday, October 15, 2009 18:33:35 UTC Friday, October 16, 2009 02:33:35 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 6.0, Galapagos Triple Junction regionThursday, October 15, 2009 17:48:22 UTC Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:48:22 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.1, south of the Kermadec IslandsThursday, October 15, 2009 05:52:55 UTC Thursday, October 15, 2009 05:52:55 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
China Dialogue
- Forests at the frontlineNepal supports a global agreement to help protect the climate by leaving the country’s forests intact. Bhimsen Thapaliya investigates the politics of such a deal. Nepal has lobbied in favour of a global pact that will convert its community-managed forests into cash, without cutting down a single t ...
- A chance for Sino-US partnershipJoint projects on low-carbon cities can help the United States and China face the climate crisis and the economic downturn, write Du Tingting and CS Kiang. [Produced in association with Rutgers Climate and Social Policy Initiative] As humanity confronts the climate crisis and the financial cri ...
- Greening InfosysTwo years ago, the Indian IT giant Infosys decided to clean up its act. Rohan Parikh, head of sustainable development at the company, explained to Isabel Hilton how they went about it. Isabel Hilton (IH): Why did Infosys [ Infosys Technologies Limited ] adopt its green initiative? Rohan Parikh ( ...
- Poisoned children test ChinaCentral planners have resolved to clean up the country’s heavy industries, but they don’t always get what they want, writes Patti Waldmeir. In the provinces, local officials often have another agenda. Xiao Wang is a toddler, trapped in the body of an octogenarian. His lungs fight for breath, his ...
- A generation crippled by uraniumThe UK’s Observer newspaper has found evidence to suggest a link between the poisoning of Indian Punjabi children and the state’s coal-fired power stations. Gethin Chamberlain reports. Their heads are too large or too small, their limbs too short or too bent. For some, their brains never grew, s ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Outrage: House Sneakily Passes Bill Banning Releas ...The provision was slipped into a Homeland Security spending bill "apparently under direct orders from the Administration."
- Schwarzenegger Creates Harvey Milk Day While Rejec ...The CA governor is putting symbolism over substance.
- AP Asks: Is Obama "Obnoxiously Articulate&quo ...What a quandary!
- Limbaugh's New Low: A Final Word On Racist Rush's ...Rush: "This is the latest assault on people who believe in rugged individualism and liberty and freedom."
- Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License in Loui ..."My main concern is for the children," explained the justice of the peace.
Threat Level
- Payroll Site Hacked, Employment Numbers SwellA payroll processing firm that was breached by hackers last month is warning customers about a new breach, after some clients noticed phantom employees popping up on their payrolls. New Jersey-based PayChoice sent a message to customers Thursday indicating that thieves appeared to have stolen custo ...
- Teen Arrested for Creating Website to Bully Other ...A Missouri ninth-grader has been arrested for creating a website that disparaged another teen, the most recent arrest in a series of crackdowns by Missouri authorities on so-called cyber-bullying. School district authorities in Troy, Missouri, where the female student attends the Troy Buchanan Nint ...
- Judge: Mobile Phone Ringtones are Not ConcertsA federal judge has dismissed music industry arguments that a cell phone’s ringtone begins playing, copyright infringement starts happening since others can hear the song, effectively arguing that a mobile phone is a portable concert hall. That argument meant that millions of mobile phone users we ...
- Blow-Up Over Artist’s Giant Copy Of Obama Stippl ...Pablo Picasso once said, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” But Wall Street Journal illustrator Noli Novak says Spanish artist Jose Maria Cano engaged in outright plagiarism in producing a large painting that meticulously duplicates Novak’s stipple portrait of President Barack Obama, in ...
- California County Hoarding Map Data Ordered to Pay ...A California county’s three-year battle to prevent a nonprofit group from obtaining public mapping data has ended disastrously for the county after it was ordered by a court to pay the group $500,000 in legal costs. Last February, Santa Clara County, the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, wa ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Colorado balloon boy's dad denies saga was a hoax* Boy says he stayed hidden "for the show" * Father rejects media accusations are pathetic * Mother says really thought she had lost their son DENVER, Oct 16 (Reuters) - A Colorado father rejected suggestions on Friday that a search-and-rescue operation triggered by fears his son had floated away in ...
- Sorry, no jobs. This is CaliforniaSAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - If you're looking for work, don't look in California.
- U.S. charges 6 in record insider trading caseNEW YORK (Reuters) - Galleon Group founder Raj Rajaratnam and five others were charged with engaging in the largest ever hedge fund insider-trading scheme, generating profits of more than $20 million over several years, U.S. prosecutors, the FBI and the SEC said Friday.
- U.S. F-16 pilot missing after mid-air collisionMIAMI (Reuters) - The U.S. Coast Guard, Navy and Air Force were searching on Friday for the missing pilot of an F-16 fighter after his aircraft collided with another F-16 off the South Carolina coast during a night training exercise.
- Modern man a wimp says anthropologistLONDON (Reuters) - Many prehistoric Australian aboriginals could have outrun world 100 and 200 meters record holder Usain Bolt in modern conditions.
- Love Has No LimitsYou know that I am starting to recover from my cough and feeling more relaxed when I put up 2 blog posts in one day. However I could not resist this heartwarming clip A Lion Called Christian. It brought tears to my eyes (maybe partly because I am missing our dog Bonnie who will give [...]
- How Do We View God?I am busily getting ready for my last day here at WorldView and reflecting on how we all view God. I think that there is no better way to see how others view God than to look at the art with which we depict God. I know that I have done something like this before [...]
- How Traffic Jams Help the EnvironmentHere is an article from the Washington Post that I thought you might find interesting. By requiring car drivers to pay a fee to drive in a city at peak hours, congestion pricing reduces traffic and raises money that can be used to support public transit—both worthy goals. Yet congestion pricing h ...
- Catching the Rhythm of Godlast night I conducted my first ever Spirituality of Gardening seminar here in Australia and this morning shared with the students at the World View Institute. Afterwards the students went out to spend half an hour wandering the gardens, reflecting on the lessons that God was teaching them. Many c ...
- Flu TherapyAnother day at World View Institute in Launceston. Â I love the rhythm here – lectures Monday and Tuesday and then a day off (at least for me) which is just as well because I am still fighting a cold and have not felt well since I first caught the flu back in Los Angeles about [...]
Equality Trust
- Co-operative Economists Win Nobel PrizeHere's a major coup for new co-operative economic thinking over old competitive economics - you can read more here...
- Inequality is the source of our schools gapRead the Observer's Editorial
- Inequality caused the 'broken society'Read a report from the Guardian's Anne Perkins about our fringe event at the Conservative Party Conference yesterday.
- Goodbye social democracy, hello economic democracyBill Kerry writes for Labour List about the limits of social democracy and the need for economic democracy.
- Shattering the myth of equalityAn article by Boris Frankel in Melbourne's newspaper 'The Age'.
- Russia jails man for passing military secrets to U ...A Serb national was given an eight-year sentence by a Russian court earlier today, for allegedly passing classified information on Russian defense projects to an agent of the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
- News you may have missed #0145Alleged Norwegian spies appeal Congo sentence. Mother of Israeli-handled spy sues government. Pakistan defends spy agencies after week of carnage.
- Russia accuses Georgian intelligence of aiding Isl ...The director of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB, has accused Georgian intelligence and security services of aiding anti-Moscow militants in Russia’s southern republics.
- News you may have missed #0144Was British MP a Czech agent during Cold War? Cuban Five convict's sentence cut to 22 years. West German spies collected East German jokes during Cold War.
- News you may have missed #0143Man killed by Houston Police was not our agent, says CIA. Documents shed light on secret US-Japan nuclear deal.
- IOT: End the Occupation, Redirect Funding Call Oc ...On this UFPJ updated us on current legislation, Joe Comerford from the National Priorities Prpject also joined us and we rolled out our new "brown bag vigil" project.
- Video: 350.org - In every corner of the globeR ...On 24 October, we will stand together as one planet and call for a fair global climate treaty. United by a common call to action, we’ll make it clear: the world needs an international plan ...
- Mobilization for Health Care for All Goes NationalIn just two more days, the Mobilization for Health Care for All goes national. When we launched this campaign we envisioned about 100 people signing up to sit in in the first weeks of the campaign ...
- County governments employ few American IndiansBy Gregory W. Paquin | The Bemidji Pioneer At election time all the politicians come looking for native American votes and our money — dollars derived from Indian gaming revenues. The real story of what these ...
- Step Up To Mike’s ChallengeBy Linda Milazzo, PDA Blog Contributor Our great buddy Mike is angry. For the past twenty years, Michael Moore, our everyday hero, has worked hard for us. He’s documented sadistic acts against us ...
Marler Blog
- Cow Tonsils can carry Bovine Spongiform Encephalop ...Nebraska Firm Recalls Beef Tongues That Contain Prohibited Materials J.F. O'Neill Packing Company, an Omaha, Neb., establishment is recalling approximately 33,000 pounds of beef tongues that may not have had the tonsils completely removed, which is not compliant with regulations that require the r ...
- Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and P ...The Committee just announced that it will have a hearing next week. It might be a quick hearing considering that no one is listed as a witness. Perhaps they are looking for my phone number? Email? Seriously, I assume they will be talking about S.B. 510. If you were Senator Harkin who would you ...
- www.foodsafetynews.com is being read worldwide - w ...We are now into the fourth week of the publication of www.foodsafetynews.com . Our offices in Seattle, Denver and Washington DC have been busy gathering the most up to date news on food safety - there has been a lot. In analyzing visitors to the site today, the USA, including Alaska (is that you S ...
- Marler as Don Quixote?I just finished reading an editorial from Capital Press “Food safety comes from market.” The opinion writer opined: But Seattle attorney Bill Marler, a veteran litigator of damage suits over foodborne illness incidents, had some of the trappings of the Spanish dreamer and idealist Don Quixote ...
- CDC Recommends Increased Testing and Surveilance o ...A few weeks ago I posted “Petition for an Interpretive Rule Declaring all enterohemorrhagic Shiga Toxin-producing Serotypes of Escherichia coli (E. coli), Including Non-O157 Serotypes, to be Adulterants Within the Meaning of 21 U.S.C. § 601(m)(1),” and hand-delivered the Petition to USDA Secret ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.16.09VIDEO: Brammo rides Detroit to Washington, 40 miles at a time 520 miles is a long way to go when you need to recharge every 40 miles. Ford hybrid sales up 73 percent compared to 2008, when Fusion/Milan we ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.16.09Volkswagen MK VI Golf BlueMotion now on sale, 99 g/km of CO 2 61.9 mpg, and it's not available in the U.S. Figures. Unexpected Greenery: TVR Artemis concept from Niels van Roij The idea of a ...
- REPORT: Energy Secretary Chu - "I would put every ...U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu has a penchant for making some straightforward statements about energy policy. He's said that electric vehicles are inevitable , for example, and that all American cars should be E85-capable . Recently, he apparently said that "if it were up to me, I would put eve ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.14.09REPORT: Energy Secretary Chu: "I would put every cent into electric cars" That should calm the fires. Last pre-production Volt comes off the assembly line Can't stop progress. ...
- Tesla introduces Mobile Service Rangers, the Geek ...Filed under: Convertible , Tesla , Alternative Fuel Doctors may not make many house calls anymore, but Tesla Motors believes an at-home service is just the ticket for its pricey electric cars. The company recently announced a new Tesla Mobile Service Rangers program that makes getting the recomme ...
Rafe's Radar
- Wolfram Alpha opens API to developersDevelopers can now put Wolfram Alpha results in their own applications. The company today opened up its API to open access, allowing coders to query the Wolfram system and incorporate its data, calculations, and rich media results. The company put out a blog post about the new API without show ...
- Is Quicken at the end of the road?Conventional wisdom is that Intuit's acquisition of the personal finance Web service Mint will mean the end of the line for the company's standalone software app, Quicken . Upstart Mint , which is being acquired by Intuit for $170 million, has a personal finance product more in line with the times ...
- Sidekick's lesson: We learn by failingTechnically, we can't blame the loss of Sidekick users' data on a failure of either the concept or the technology of "cloud computing." But Microsoft's clear bungling of basic information management practices (apparently, there were backups--but they didn't work) does cast a pall over not just Micr ...
- Reporters Roundtable #5: Tablets' uncertain futureNext year will probably see new tablet computers from Apple and maybe even Microsoft. What do these companies know that our panel does not? Featuring Ryan Block and Harry McCracken. Listen now: Download today's podcast Subscribe with iTunes (audio) Subscribe with iTunes (video) Subscrib ...
- In defense of fanboysI'm on the take. Microsoft pays my salary. I'm an Apple elitist. If you listen to the "fanboys," as tech product boosters are often called, you'll find that I've been accused, as have most tech writers, of all these things. Often in the same day. But ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so frequ ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, wit ...
Democracy Now!
- Lt. Choi Won’t Lie for His CountryLt. Dan Choi doesn’t want to lie. Choi, an Iraq war veteran and a graduate of West Point, declared last March 19 on “The Rachel Maddow Show,” “I am gay.” Under the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” regulations, those three words are enough to get Choi kicked out of the military ...
- Watch What You TweetA social worker from New York City was arrested last week while in Pittsburgh for the G-20 protests, then subjected to an FBI raid this week at home—all for using Twitter. Elliot Madison faces charges of hindering apprehension or prosecution, criminal use of a communication facility and possessio ...
- Nomi Prins on "It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bail ...Nomi Prins is a former investment banker turned journalist. She worked at Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns. She is the author of several books; her latest, just out, is called It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street . She spoke on the them ...
- Scanning the Horizon of Books and LibrariesA battle is raging over the future of books in the digital age and the role that libraries will play. One case now before a U.S. federal court may, some say, grant a practical monopoly on recorded human knowledge to global Internet search giant Google. The complex case has attracted opposition from ...
- Police Crackdown on G20 Protests: Democracy Now! R ...World leaders are gathering in Pittsburgh for the G20 summit under the shadow of a police crackdown on protesters in the streets. Heavily-armed riot police are out in force all over the city, using tear gas, stun grenades, smoke canisters, and sound cannons, which direct extremely loud shrill sound ...
Farming Pathogens
- I Do Like Green Eggs and HamMuch of what we’ve addressed on this blog has focused on the epidemiological failures of industrial farming. But what of the alternatives? Can we farm in another way? Is another world possible? Â Â It’s only since I’ve moved to the Midwest that I’ve learned that not only is that world p ...
- Heart of ModelingGreed is often mistaken for humanity’s heart of darkness. Look instead to the rationalization that transforms the most rapacious pillaging into an act of benevolence. A one-ton bomb dropped on a peasant wedding party is dissembled into regret without responsibility or, baser yet, a tough love offe ...
- Bird Flu’s Industrial RevolutionPublic talks can be private affairs. In sharing our work we bare the triumphs and limits of a thinking born in long hours alone or with a few fellow conspirators sworn to secrecy. But in breaking our oaths we are able to take the next step. In talking bird flu twice this past month I learned [... ...
- The Agro-Industrial Roots of Swine Flu H1N1Mexico appears ground zero for an outbreak of deadly human-specific H1N1. Of the over 1400 people that have been reportedly infected there so far, 86 have died. Short chains of transmission of the virus have also been reported in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, New York City, Canada and New Zeal ...
- The NAFTA FluCases of swine flu H1N1 are now reported in Honduras, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Austria, Thailand, Israel, etc. Can’t keep up at this point. H1N1 is making its way across the world by hierarchical diffusion. By the world’s transportation network it is bouncing down a hierarchy of citi ...
Digg Green
- CO2 Emissions: Cumulative vs Annual (INFOGRAPHIC)Two bubble maps show the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by different countries. Left - cumulative emissions since 1751; right - emissions in 2006. The two diagrams are to scale. The colours of the circles indicate membership of the G20.
- Introducing the Green Slime SkyscraperA new high-rise building in Boston USA is to grow biofuel algae on its outer walls.
- How does pollution impact on people's lives?This graphic will give you an enduring understanding of the ways industry and condensed populations contribute to air and water pollution and the ways pollution affects people’s health.
- 9 Weirdest-Looking Animals You Didn't Know Existed ...From newly-discovered deep sea crustaceans to rodent-resembling primates, nature has brought us some outright weird-looking creatures. Check out these animals that just seem out-of-this world and vote for the one you think is the weirdest of them all!
- Controversy over 'right to dry'?Buoyed by people’s desires both to be frugal and help the environment, clotheslines are making a comeback. That hasn’t been without controversy. If you live in an older neighborhood, you can hang your wet clothes out with impunity. But if, like 60 million Americans, you live in a homeowner assoc ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Video – David Icke talks to Freedom Central ...David Icke Interview with Freedom Central in September 2009 in Amsterdam, along side his speaking event David takes time to give detailed information regarding the state of the planet and humanity in general. With some new insight and fresh information which appears in his new book. Be sure to watc ...
- Danish Prime Minister Knew WTC Would CollapseGiuliani received the same warning – victims and firefighters inside the tower did not Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Friday, October 16, 2009 During a recent interview on Danish television, the former Prime Minister of Denmark admitted that he received a message 5 to 10 minutes beforehand ...
- Did The CIA Have More Motive Than Oswald?By Jacob Hornberger For the life of me, I still don’t understand what Lee Harvey Oswald’s motive was for killing President John F. Kennedy. The lone-assassin [...]
- Pen Hadow: Arctic Pillock – the comedy saga cont ...By James Delingpole Yesterday on the Today programme, one of its chief climate fear promoters (aka environment correspondent) Roger Harrabin reported the appropriately spine-chilling news that the Arctic sea ice is definitely going to melt by 2020. How do we know this? Because a Cambridge professor ...
- Snow in Central Europe brings death, chaos and sta ...Three people, including a shepherd, froze to death in the mountains of southern Poland and a man died when his car was blown off the road in the north of the country. In northeastern parts of the Czech Republic roads and railway lines were blocked by fallen trees after strong winds and snow about 50 ...
Care2 Picks
- the Dossier | UK Online | High Crimes & Misdemeano ...Homepage of website listing news articles, documents,films, lectures,declassified documents,leaked letters & memoes,central Asian oil and gas infrastructure,links,audio,music & satire Submitted by John Farnham to Business | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace, ...Professor Chussdovsky has maintained a reference centre for topics relating to the military and foreign policy for years. He is often referred to as an authority. My own reading tends to confirm his thoughts. Submitted by John Farnham to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Beneath the hype: Is Iran close to nukes?Retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern speaks on disinformation, Iran, and "faith-based intelligence : he presented morning intelligence briefings at the White House ( Part 1 of 2 ) Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Stop Dish Network from trafficking underage girls ...Every evening, after dinner, Dish Network broadcasts "sponsors" selling "hot chat" with underage teenage girls on the Comedy Channel. Please help stop Dish network from this lascivious irresponsible behavior that attracts and reinforces predatory acts ag Submitted by Suzybell H. to Society & Cultur ...
- Apple Priased for Cutting Down on Dangerous Chemic ...Apple and 6 other companies have taken major steps to remove dangerous chemicals, Chlorine and Bromine from their products according to a report issued by not for profit organization ChemSec. Submitted by Steve Roper to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- One-on-one with Canada's new ambassador to Afghani ...One-on-one with Canada's new ambassador to Afghanistan CTV.ca Crosbie arrives to the job as Canada's Representative at a critical time: The NATO-lead war is entering its ninth year, the Taliban seems stronger, ...
- Treasury Department freezes al-Qaida member assets ...Treasury Department freezes al-Qaida member assets The Associated Press ... to terrorist activities and suicide attacks. In May, Harrach was added to a UN list of individuals connected to al-Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban . and more »
- In pictures: Pakistan police attacks - BBC NewsIn pictures: Pakistan police attacks BBC News Pakistan has seen an upsurge in violence in recent weeks, with attacks being targeted at the country's police and security forces. and more »
- Sanctions: OFAC Update 20091015 - Banking Insuranc ...Sanctions: OFAC Update 20091015 Banking Insurance Securities 5209243072 (Germany) expires 7 Sep 2013; Passport 5208116575 (Germany) expires 7 Sep 2013; Believed to be in the Afghanistan/ Pakistan border area ... and more »
- Obama Signs Pakistan Aid Bill - Courthouse News Se ...Obama Signs Pakistan Aid Bill Courthouse News Service Last May, alarm spread in Congress after the Taliban fought its way to within 60 miles of Islamabad, the capital of the nuclear-armed country. ... and more »
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Why Are Cops Tasering Grandmothers, Pregnant Women ...Police officers are brutalizing innocent civilians with accelerating lunacy. How did this happen? How can we make it stop?
- Let The Sun Shine In: Marriage Equality Comes to B ...The classic protest musical, Hair, is back to tackle what many consider to be the biggest civil rights issue of our era: marriage equality.
- Pelosi Is an Expert at 'Drowning out Opposing View ...Why Speaker Pelosi's "drowning out opposing views is un-American" remark is steeped in irony.
- Right-Wing Militias Haven't Always Been Racist -- ...There are growing signs that militias are on the rise again. This time, many of their partisans are angry at Blacks and Latinos.
- In Illinois, Another Workers' Rebellion Flares Up ...In Illinois, a dozen union members blocked a road outside Wells Fargo’s local headquarters -- the latest in a wave of direct actions by workers.
Sideways News
- HTA encourages gardeners to get fruityGardeners are being encouraged to grow fruit trees and shrubs , after new research showed most people choose to grow vegetables over their sweeter ally.
- Beleaguered BerlusconiItalian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi – surely one of the few world leaders who can add songwriting and ownership of a world-famous
- Zero waste plan for UK outlinedBritain is on the way to becoming a zero waste nation following an announcement by environment secretary Hilary Benn earlier this week.
- WHO declares war on boozeThe World Health Organization (WHO) is declaring war on booze in a bid to prevent deaths from alcohol-related diseases. Between now and January 2010, the organisation will prepare the first draft of its global strategy on reducing health damage from alcohol abuse, reports the New Scientist.
- Beleagured BerlusconiItalian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi – surely one of the few world leaders who can add songwriting and ownership of a world-famous
Fabius Maximus
- Correction to my previous posts – not all ci ...From “Forgotten Soldiers of the Integration Fight“, op-ed in the New York Times, 28 September 2009 — Hat tip to the Instapundit. Excerpt: On Tuesday, Oct. 1, Oxford, Miss., will be coming to terms with one of the major events of its past. Forty years ago on that day, in the early mornin ...
- Attention fellow sheep: let’s open our eyes ...These are self-explanatory, and would arouse rage in any but the most domesticated of subjects. These are brief excerpts. I esp recommend reading the first in full. Then doing something about it. Do something, anything. Passivity is our greatest enemy. Contents “Who’s in Big Brother’s Databas ...
- Is the Swine Flu pandemic being used to an excuse ...Part 3 of this series – disturbing evidence from the UK. The previous chapters were: (1) What about all the hype, the extreme warnings, about swine flu?, 3 September 2009 (2) Update: about the swine flu epidemic, 9 october 2009 Today’s reading:  Response by The Nationa ...
- The three kinds of advocacy for the Af-Pak WarSummary: After years of conditioning, advocates of the Af-Pak can trot out the most shoddy reasoning without fear of ridicule. When reading these things we should chant the mantra of the 21st century American: Say it now and say it loud — we’re sheep and we’re proud! There are t ...
- The falling US dollar – bane or boon?Summary: The US dollar is falling in value vs. most other currencies and gold. As usual, much of the material in the mainstream media about this important economic trend is misleading or wrong. It is potentially both bane and boon. Which depends upon us. This is just a sketch; please see t ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Presents John Cole,Fmr ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Presents John Cole,Fmr FBI Official,on his new book, Israel, spies, infiltration& and more! http://123realchange.blogspot.com
- sibeledmonds: Just Published: Recent interview wit ...sibeledmonds: Just Published: Recent interview with Peter B Collins: http://bit.ly/4mVM86
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Interview Series Prese ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Interview Series Presents Richard Barlow on CIA, Pakistan Politics, AQ Khan, Congress,&more http://123realchange.blogspot.com
- sibeledmonds: @JohnMCole and we want to thank YOU ...sibeledmonds: @JohnMCole and we want to thank YOU for your integrity, John. Your Boiling Frogs Interview will be posted next week, with info on your book
- sibeledmonds: From BradBlog:FBI Veteran Executive ...sibeledmonds: From BradBlog:FBI Veteran Executive Calls For Special Counsel Investigation, Prosecutions in Sibel Edmonds Case http://tinyurl.com/yd5crbb
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Missed Kicks Make Brain See Smaller Goal PostFlubbing a field goal kick doesn’t just bruise your ego — new research shows it may actually change how your brain sees the goal posts. In a study of 23 non-football athletes who each kicked 10 field goals, researchers found that players’ performance directly affected their perception of t ...
- Why Eggs Could Be Getting Harder to PeelConsider the farm-fresh egg, the pristine symbol of the simple days of pre-industrial farming. People love them, but there’s a problem: They seem to be getting harder to peel. And though I’ve messily discovered this on my own, there’s some science to back this idea up. Here in food-crazed San ...
- Huge Holes in the Earth: Open-Pit Mines Seen From ...> People have become significant earth movers, outpacing all sources of natural erosion. More and more of our footprint can be seen from space in many forms, including cities, reservoirs, agriculture and deforestation. Among the most impressive human scars on the planet ...
- Edge of Solar System Is Not What We ExpectedThe edge of the solar system is tied up with a ribbon, astronomers have discovered. The first global map of the solar system reveals that its edge is nothing like what had been predicted. Neutral atoms, which are the only way to image the fringes of the solar system, are densely packed into a narro ...
- Sour: It’s What Carbonation Tastes LikeThe carbon dioxide in your favorite soda pop tastes sour to your tongue, thanks to an enzyme that converts CO2 into protons that sour-sensing cells can detect. That means your Coca Cola isn’t just packed with high-fructose sweetness, but, perhaps counterintuitively, its carbonation delivers a del ...
The Progressive Realist
- Pakistan in DenialVia Spencer Ackerman, Jane Perlez writes that Pakistani security officials are concerned that anti-Indian extremist groups they’ve nurtured are building ties with al-Qaeda but they don’t know how to admit this : The senior personnel in the security forces seem to understand the gravity of the mi ...
- COIN Insights from David KilcullenI did say that I wasn't going to review this book, and this won't be a long review at all. If you want a good review of David Kilcullen's " The Accidental Guerrilla ," see here . I was, however, so impressed by the book that I just had to say a few words about it. As I mentioned in a previous ...
- The EU, NATO and Hard PowerA couple news items today warrant following up on this previous post regarding the EU and its ability to project power. But this time, I'd like to focus on hard power. Of course, when it comes to hard power, the major constraint on the EU's ability to project force is the unwillingness of its member ...
- Obama's Iran Sanctions DelusionAs anticipated in our post on this blog on October 13 (and a monograph published by Johns Hopkins' Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies earlier this week), China authoritatively signaled today that it will not support the imposition of anything approaching "crippling" international sanctions ag ...
- The Risk of Bio ResearchForeign Policy features an interesting article discussing how biodefense research might be more risky than bioterrorism . I think that's a bit of an exaggeration, but hey, the authors have a book to sell. It is one step from those real-world events to a bioterrorist attack that would dwarf 9/11 - ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Defending Goldstone.Michelle Goldberg on the Israeli reaction to the Goldstone Report: Richard Goldstone 's report to the U.N. Human Rights Council on Israel's invasion of Gaza appears to have struck a nerve. Even given the extreme defensiveness typical of Israel's government and its apologists, the reaction to Gold ...
- The Ghost of Anna Politkovskaya.Hillary Clinton and Obama adviser Michael McFaul may have made it seem as though the United States had become less interested in supporting democracy and human-rights advocates in Russia, but today United Nations experts made their views about these issues crystal clear and addressed the blatant abu ...
- DeBlasio Blasts Bardwell.Hey, you know who's not happy about Louisiana Justice of the Peace Keith Bardwell denying a marriage license to an interracial couple? Bill DeBlasio , the Democratic politician who is running for public advocate in New York and whose interracial family, Ben Smith reported yesterday, has become a pr ...
- There Are Still No Racists In America. Conor Friedersdorf has an interesting column for the Daily Beast pointing out that for all his bluster about "race pimps," Rush Limbaugh makes frequent frivolous accusations of racism against other people. Unfortunately, Friedersdorf, while eschewing the second conservative rule of racism (all racis ...
- If You Need To Explain The Definition of Chutzpah. ...Emily Bazelon has a useful article about the Los Angeles district attorney's laudable decision to bring Roman Polanski to justice. I liked the deadpan first paragraph: As the latest legal fighting in the Roman Polanski cases bounces from Switzerland to the California appeals courts, it's clear that ...
Andy Worthington
- A full house for the launch of “Outside the Law: ...The 300 free tickets for the UK launch of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” have all been booked a week before the event. The launch is taking place on Wednesday October 21 at the Cochrane Theatre, Southampton Row, London WC1, and while this is great news for all involved in the film, ...
- Finding New Homes For 44 Cleared Guantánamo Priso ...In a recent article, “75 Guantánamo Prisoners Cleared For Release; 31 Could Leave Today,” I examined the implications of an announcement that 75 of the remaining 223 prisoners in Guantánamo have been cleared for release. This came by way of a list posted in the prison, identifying the prisoner ...
- A Letter From Afghanistan: Bagram, Afghan sufferin ...Last year, I received one of those special emails out of the blue, from someone wise and compassionate, who, to my great delight, wished to thank me for the courage of my writing. This woman, who has worked in rural development and post-disaster rehabilitation for 20 years, mostly in Africa, has spe ...
- Andy Worthington And Jason Leopold Discuss Guantá ...Three months ago, veteran progressive radio host Peter B. Collins interviewed me for an in-depth podcast on his website, where, as I described it at the time, he is “pioneering a listener-funded new media project to make hard-hitting political interviews available online without editorial interfer ...
- Two More Guantánamo Prisoners Released: To Kuwait ...So it’s good news — of a sort — from Guantánamo, as two more prisoners were released on Thursday. The first is Khalid al-Mutairi, a Kuwaiti whose habeas corpus petition was granted by District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly two months ago, after she ruled decisively that “there ...
- 25 Million Underinsured Americans 'Might As Well B ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS by Meg White If you've been following the healthcare debate, you've probably heard that there are 45 million uninsured Americans in this country, and that 62 percent of bankruptcies occur due to medical expenses. What you may not have heard is that there are 25 million Americ ...
- Nikolas Kozloff: Anthony Bourdain, Coolness Factor ...BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY By Nikolas Kozloff Celebrity Anthony Bourdain has never made a secret of his disdain for vegetarians and vegans. In his best-selling book "Kitchen Confidential," the former New York cook remarked somewhat amusingly, "Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, ...
- BuzzFlash Mailbag for October 16, 2009BUZZFLASH MAILBAG Want to join the conversation? Share your thoughts with other Mailbag readers by clicking here . You also may comment below; post articles yourself at BuzzFlash.net ; or send urls for BuzzFlash to post to: www.buzzflash.com/contact/newstip.html . Subject: If Only If only our politi ...
- Barbara's Daily BuzzFlash Minute for October 16, 2 ...BARBARA'S DAILY BUZZFLASH MINUTE Rush Limbaugh may have a right to own a business, but so also does that business group have the right to refuse his participation! "HARRIS: Talk show host Rush Limbaugh no longer in the running for an ownership stake in the NFL's St. Louis Rams. A group bidding to bu ...
- Jimmy Lohman: No Medal for Olympia SnoweBUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY by Jimmy Lohman There is nothing especially heroic about voting to provide better health care to the American public -- especially when you represent the predominantly Democratic state of Maine where a large majority of voters favor the President's plan. So you won't be he ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Another Goldman executive named to key government ...(updated below) Apparently, the U.S. government didn't have enough Goldman Sachs executives in key financial and regulatory positions, so the following happened this week : A Goldman Sachs executive has been named the first chief operating officer of the Securities and Exchange Commission' ...
- Talking about Iran on the TV(updated below - Update II - Update III) Earlier this morning, I was on MSNBC, on Dylan Ratigan's Morning Meeting program, discussing Iran. Although I didn't know beforehand, the person charged with making the case that Iran is a Grave Threat was . . . Arianna Huffington. Also on the pan ...
- How similar are the cases against Iran and Iraq?(updated below - Update II) Scott Shane has an article in today's New York Times examining whether the government and media's behavior now with regard to Iran is similar to what happened in 2002 and 2003 concerning Iraq. I'm quoted in the article in several places, including saying that th ...
- Georgia/Russia: how our political discourse worksJust a timely reminder of the deceitful methods that permeate our political discourse, especially when it comes to demonizing America's Enemy du jour: British Telegraph , today : EU blames Georgia for starting war with Russia An EU investigation into the roots of last August's conflict h ...
- Post editors should read their own columnistsThe Washington Post Editorial Page today lashes out at "Roman Polanski's apologists," a group it says is "typified by the comments of Swiss filmmaker Otto Weisser, Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, film and TV celebrity Whoopi Goldberg" and includes "a number of Hollywood luminaries -- Martin ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Time to boycott Rush Limbaugh sponsorsThe boycott of Glenn Beck’s sponsors seems to be effective. Last I heard the man was running out of advertising options. CNN, after getting rid of Beck, is now looking to dump Lou Dobbs for... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Bipartisanship: The EulogyA pretty ironic title for a post on a site called Bipartisan Report, isn’t it? Back in January I joined this site with a strong belief that it is possible to have a conversation around issues... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- #WeLovetheNHSThe astroturf organization, Conservatives for Patients' Rights (CPR), started a backlash across the Pond yesterday. As reported by the Daily Times the Brits didn't take too kindly to have their... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Conservatives and “The Big Lie”It was GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss who pushed me over the edge. Not that I should be surprised that Chambliss would make up a lie out of whole cloth about health care. The only way that he got elected... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Why the GOP can’t afford to have Obama succeed o ...I’m no big fan of Newt Gingrich, but I also know that he has a lot of political smarts (not that he always uses them appropriately). In the early part of the year, he made a very interesting... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Climate Change ActionIt’s Blog Action Day 2009 and the subject this year is Climate Change. So, here are a few resources for readers seeking out climate information: IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – The IPCC assesses the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the unders ...
- Metal Bottle Tops and Landfill MiningReduce, re-use, and recycle. Just one of the countless mantras of the twenty-first century that we are told will save the planet. Of course, my grandmother used to put it far more succinctly and in a much more accessible form: waste not, want not. Now, we have carbon footprints, emissions targe ...
- Moon, Earthquakes, Chemical WeaponsThe media was today almost drenched with the idea that water and other wonders would be been found on the Moon, but unfortunately LXPRESS was the least moist of damp squibs ever and no 50 km plume was seen, not even a little splash. NASA scientists are trying to figure out why. Meanwhile, in th ...
- Gen-F Scientists Ignoring Social NetworkingA quick analysis of online social networks, such as LinkedIn and Xing would suggest that a mere 1 in 7 research scientists use such tools as part of their work. This contrasts starkly with the business world where uptake is up to 88%. In other words almost 9 out of every ten employees in the [. ...
- Organic, Nano, PharmaChallenging natural products succumb to radical synthetic prowess, the Alchemist hears this week, while US researchers find a way to construct macroscopic crystals from tiny DNA triangles. The growing problem of obesity drug abuse in the UK is highlighted in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacol ...
change: org.
- Developing world standing up to developed nations, ...I'm currently on the Greenpeace ship Esperanza in the South Pacific. We're on the Defending Our Pacific tour, which is a campaign to establish a global network of marine reserves, stop overfishing of Pacific fisheries, and support Pacific island nations efforts to stop Illegal, Unreported, and Unreg ...
- Crisis Looming for NYC Homeless SystemThe New York City homeless shelter population has hit an all-time high. Over 120,000 people sought shelter in NYC during the past year and 39,000 homeless people check into NYC shelters each night. With cold weather on the horizon, the number of people seeking shelter inevitable increases. What wi ...
- University Cancels Pollan Talk To Placate Agribusi ...Michael Pollan is frightening agribusiness everywhere. They're so worried about his EVIL influence ("Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants") that they pressured a California school to demand a speech by Pollan be cancelled . "I find it unacceptable that the university would provide Michael Pollan a ...
- Women Rule The Social Web, Except For Digg.comWomen are taking over the social web . Everywhere except for....Digg.com. Not that I couldn't see that coming.
- Ending the Cocaine/Crack DisparityA bill introduced in the U.S. Senate yesterday by Dick Durbin is aiming to end the sentencing disparity between cocaine and crack, an advocacy group says all of pieces are finally in place to make it happen, and Gawker missed the point. Durbin's bill, the Fair Sentencing Act, was introduced with ni ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Brave New Foundation Raises Funds for Food for Afg ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 16, 2009 Brave New Foundation Prompted by the hardships faced by Afghan refugee (as highlighted by the Civilian Casualties segment of the documentary Rethink Afghanistan ), Brave New Foundation asked for donations from their online members to send as aid. The funds we ...
- Interior Department Urges Stronger International P ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 16, 2009 Defenders of Wildlife The U.S. Department of the Interior's announcement today of proposed measures to stop the international trade of polar bears and bear parts is seen by conservationists as a major step forward in the effort to protect the iconic animal alre ...
- 287(g) Program Should Be Ended, Not MendedFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 16, 2009 National Day Laborer Organizing Network Today, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it plans enter into new Memorandums of Agreement with 67 local law enforcement agencies as part of the 287(g) Program, although only 55 have been finalized. rea ...
- Honduras: Stop Blocking Human Rights InquiriesFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 16, 2009 Human Rights Watch (HRW) The international community should strongly back the efforts of prosecutors in the human rights unit of the Honduras Attorney General’s office to investigate army and police abuses in Honduras and to overturn a decree by the de facto ...
- Americans United Opposes Proposed Congressional La ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 16, 2009 Americans United for Separation of Church and State Americans United for Separation of Church and State has urged U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) to withdraw legislation that would grant seven acres of Coast Guard land to Cornerstone Christian School in Cheboyg ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Sheriff Arpaio: "I Could Be Elected on Pink Underw ...by Isabel Macdonald As Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in increasing defiance of the feds' decision to strip him of his street-level federal immigration authority, charges forward with another of his notorious anti-immigrant sweeps today, listeners of NPR's "The Takeaway" were treated to an illu ...
- Corporations Badmouth Public Waterby Patti Lynn Things aren't looking pretty for drinking water these days. Recent articles from The New York Times and the Associated Press have exposed unchecked pollution, grave gaps in oversight, decaying infrastructure, and concerns about emerging contaminants. read more
- Eight Years Later, We Still Don’t Get It in Afgh ...by Ted Rall Eight years. We’ve been in Afghanistan longer than any other war in American history. The party of the president who invaded Afghanistan has been repudiated at the polls. Yet we still haven’t altered the flawed strategy that allowed uneducated tribesmen with outdated weapons to defea ...
- Does Astroturf Ever Die?by Timothy Karr How do we rid Washington of astroturf? It's a blight that's spread over the Capitol like kudzu, smothering genuine public debate under a tangle of misinformation. Sporting names like "Tea Party Patriots," "Energy Citizens" and "Americans for Broadband," astroturf groups have pocket ...
- 10 Things We Should Teach Every Kid About Foodby Rob Smart Food is essential to our survival. It impacts our health and wellbeing. It has the power to bring people together. Food can be manipulated in many ways, from cooking to processing to using it as fuel. It provides tremendous opportunities to create value, and, as such, food is big bu ...
Karl Burkart
- Emissions fit for a QueenWhen your power plant is 2 km from the seat of government and its primary fuel stock is garbage, it better be clean.
- Watch the green social media revolution on USTREAMWatch my Bioneers panel on social media and sustainability. We'll be tackling the changing role of the internet in helping individuals and companies to go green.
- Denmark, Sweden, Germany dominate top 10 cleantech ...Sustainable World Capital ranks the top 10 cleantech countries. Not surprisingly, Denmark is #1 with Germany & Sweden close behind. The U.S. comes in at #7.
- Saudia Arabia predicts more revenue from solar tha ...Part 3 of an interview with Danish Climate Minister Connie Hedegaard on the cost of 'business as usual' and which countries are scrambling to be part of the next (decarbonized) industrial revolution.
- Could Solar Roadways power the U.S.?Innovative solar start-up awarded $100,000 grant by the Department of Transportation for a new road system that could power America.
Blacklisted News
- Merck Wins U.S. Approval for Gardasil Vaccine in B ...
- Angry Farmers Set Fires on the Champs-Elysees
- 40,000 say ‘I do’ in global mass ‘Moonie’ ...
- HAARP Creates Bullseye In The SkyScientists create 'artificial ionosphere' using radio waves
- French troops were killed after Italy hushed up †...Months before the French soldiers arrived in mid-2008, the Italian secret service had been paying tens of thousands of dollars to Taleban commanders and local warlords to keep the area quiet, The Times has learnt. The clandestine payments, whose existence was hidden from the incoming French forc ...
The Intelligence Daily
- Why? 25th suicide at France Telecom in 18 months
- AfPak: War on two fronts
- Finding New Homes For 44 Cleared Guantanamo Prison ...
- Constitutional Hypocrisy
- The American way of debt: Turning a profit by prey ...
My AntiWar
- UN Rights Council Endorses Gaza War Report
- UN Vote Sends Gaza War Report to Security Council
- Prime Minister in Zimbabwe Boycotts Unity Governme ...
- Turkish FM: We Won’t Cancel TV Show No Matte ...
- Suicide Bomber Kills 12 Worshippers at Iraq Mosque
Rogue Government.com
- U.S. Troop Funds Diverted To Pet Projects
- HAARP Creates Bulls Eye In The Sky An experiment that fires powerful radio waves into the sky has created a patch of 'artificial ionosphere', mimicking the uppermost portion of Earth's atmosphere.
- Internet Eyes To Pay Austrailians For Spying On U ...
- LEAKED NETWORK MEMO REVEALS: Obama Controls Your ...
- Foreclosures Hit Record In Third Quarter Of 2009
Innovation Canada
- i2eye with Bif NakedThe last few years have been a roller-coaster ride for Bif Naked. After two years of touring, TV work and datelessness following her 2005 album Superbeautifulmonster, the Vancouver-based alt-rock singer-songwriter — whose real name is Beth Walker — met and married her husband, sportswriter Ian W ...
- Cultural evolutionWhen Jane Goodall reported her observations of tools use by chimps to famed anthropologist Louis Leakey, he responded by saying, “Now we must redefine tool, redefine man or accept chimpanzees as humans.” Leakey would have likely had a similar reaction to the current work of University of Calgary ...
- Faces of aggressionEven if you can’t distinguish NHL enforcers Todd Bertuzzi and Chris Neil from a referee, you’d probably know at first sight not to mess with them. And not just because of their physical size. The men employed to intimidate the opposition tend to have wide faces, and that, Brock University’s Ch ...
- i2eye with Bruce McNaughtonOne of the world’s foremost neuroscientists, Bruce McNaughton is renowned for his groundbreaking research into how the human brain stores, processes and transmits information. One year ago, the Ottawa-born McNaughton was lured back to Canada after spending more than a quarter century in the United ...
- Little boxesWith more than half the Canadian population now living in the suburbs, Jill Grant says it’s an obvious time to study this increasingly popular living option, one that remains a bane to urban planners and downtown boosters. Are people drawn to the concept of perfectly matching houses throughout a n ...
Signs of the times
- Germany: Historic Graves Under SupermarketArchaeologists believe they have traced a mass grave of soldiers who fought in a 17th Century battle in Germany under a modern-day supermarket. Scots - many of them Highlanders - were among the ranks of Protestant soldiers fighting Catholic forces at Lutzen, a key clash during the 30 Years War. Cu ...
- Bank of America Loses $2.24 Billion as Loan Losses ...Bank of America Corp. said Friday it lost more than $2.2 billion in the third quarter as loan losses kept rising, providing more evidence that consumers are still struggling to pay their bills. The nation's second-largest bank said it wrote down loans on its books by almost $10 billion during the J ...
- Machines Designed to Change HumansThe Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab creates insight into how computing products - from websites to mobile phone software - can be designed to change what people believe and what they do. Yes, this can be a scary topic: machines designed to influence human beliefs and behaviors. But there's g ...
- Soldiers Use Technology to Track InsurgentsQalat, Afghanistan - In an attempt to curb Southern Afghanistan's recent surge of violence, Task Force Zabul's Provincial Reconstruction Team is starting to track down and identify high valued targets through the use of a biometric facial recognition system. The Biometric Automated Toolset system c ...
- Building big brotherFuturescope's vision of tomorrow is typically benign: providing a glimpse of a world where advances in all kinds of technology have improved our lives in all kinds of ways. But as we all know - from nuclear fission to robotics - most major advances also come with an unwelcome, and often destructive, ...
Threat Level
- Payroll Site Hacked, Employment Numbers SwellA payroll processing firm that was breached by hackers last month is warning customers about a new breach, after some clients noticed phantom employees popping up on their payrolls. New Jersey-based PayChoice sent a message to customers Thursday indicating that thieves appeared to have stolen custo ...
- Teen Arrested for Creating Website to Bully Other ...A Missouri ninth-grader has been arrested for creating a website that disparaged another teen, the most recent arrest in a series of crackdowns by Missouri authorities on so-called cyber-bullying. School district authorities in Troy, Missouri, where the female student attends the Troy Buchanan Nint ...
- Judge: Mobile Phone Ringtones are Not ConcertsA federal judge has dismissed music industry arguments that a cell phone’s ringtone begins playing, copyright infringement starts happening since others can hear the song, effectively arguing that a mobile phone is a portable concert hall. That argument meant that millions of mobile phone users we ...
- Blow-Up Over Artist’s Giant Copy Of Obama Stippl ...Pablo Picasso once said, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” But Wall Street Journal illustrator Noli Novak says Spanish artist Jose Maria Cano engaged in outright plagiarism in producing a large painting that meticulously duplicates Novak’s stipple portrait of President Barack Obama, in ...
- California County Hoarding Map Data Ordered to Pay ...A California county’s three-year battle to prevent a nonprofit group from obtaining public mapping data has ended disastrously for the county after it was ordered by a court to pay the group $500,000 in legal costs. Last February, Santa Clara County, the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, wa ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- 15 Years Too Late, Bob Dole Backs Health Care Refo ...When it comes to his role in health care issues, most Americans probably associate former Kansas Senator Bob Dole with Viagra. Yet this week, the 1996 GOP presidential candidate stood up (so to speak) for the cause of health care...
- The Return of Iran/ContraAs the United States begins multiparty talks with Iran over its nuclear program, many of the cast of characters from Tehran fiascos past are coming out of the woodwork to weigh in once again. Jimmy Carter advised President Obama that...
- Obama and the Right-Wing "Bull" MarketAmong the rarely acknowledged truths of American politics is that the U.S. economy in general and the stock market in particular almost always do better under Democratic presidents. Of course, that oversight is no accident, but instead the predictable result...
- Carper's State Run Health Plans a Bridge to Nowher ...As Democrats in the House are nearing a consensus on health care reform, Delaware's Tom Carper has introduced a potential compromise in the search of common ground in the Senate. Hoping to bridge the chasm between the watered down Baucus...
- Forgetting Right-Wing Terrorism at the Atlanta Oly ...Conservatives may be having a blast now celebrating America's loss of the 2016 Olympics, but during the 1996 Atlanta games the explosion was literal. Right-wing terrorist Eric Rudolph detonated a bomb that killed one and injured over 100 people at...
Blackspot News Feed
- Playing God? Texas Jury Consulted Bible Before Sen ...Khristian Oliver is set to be executed next month, after jurors used Old Testament passages to determine whether he should live or die.
- Thought For The DayDoes it not bother anyone that the most beautifully and ambitiously shot (and soundtracked) programme on BBC television is in fact TOP GEAR?
- COMBOAwesome roving camerawork documents huge great graffiti pieces being painted on the walls, floor and roofs of a derelict courtyard over ten days, and stop-motion animation techniques bring it all to life. Add weird layers of sound design and a looping pattern to melt your mind even more, and this st ...
- Veteran Army Officer Urges Afghan Troop DrawdownIn a 63-page paper reflecting conversations with others who have served in Afghanistan, Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis argues that it's too late for the U.S. to defeat the insurgency.
- Financial Regulation Bill Passed Despite Financial ...The Obama administration achieved one small step Thursday, successfully passing legislation that would guarantee oversight of the financial derivatives market. This bill, passed by the House Financial Services Committee on a 43-26 vote, would be the first time the market would be forced to rein ...
Consortium News
- The Politics of the Public OptionEnacting a health-reform bill without the public option could have dire political consequences for Democrats, says Robert Parry. October 16, 2009
- Unnecessary Death and US Health CareThe emergency room death of Edith Rodriguez explains why a single-payer health system makes sense, says Rosemarie Jackowski. October 15, 2009
- Obama and the Left's Old Schism The Obama presidency has reopened an old schism on the Left between the purists and the pragmatists, says Robert Parry. October 14, 2009
- Saying 'No' to a Wider Afghan War President Obama is under mounting pressure to send more troops to Afghanistan, but Ivan Eland urges a different course. October 13, 2009
- Insurers Make Case for the Public OptionBy demanding harsher fines on Americans who don't buy health insurance, the industry revives a public option, says Robert Parry. October 12, 2009
- Saul Landau : Autumn of the Patriarch
- Carl Ginsburg : Where $18 an Hour is Too Much
- Ralph Nader : Barney Frank the Bankers' Consort
- Nikolas Kozloff : Rainforest Beef, Factory Farms a ...
- Catherine Rottenberg / Neve Gordon : Educating Chi ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- UN human rights council endorses Goldstone report ...The UN human rights council has endorsed the Goldstone report on Israel's war on Gaza, which accuses the military of using disproportionate force as well as laying charges of war crimes on Israeli occupation ...
- The tears of the sea (Flora Nicoletta, The Palest ...The Gaza Strip has only one beach, but it is long approximately 45 km, from north to south. Golden sand, cafeterias, restaurants, palm shelters, and a summer without end. It is the local riviera, not directl ...
- UN rights chief backs Gaza report (Al Jazeera)The UN human rights chief has endorsed the Goldstone report on Israel's war on Gaza, and called for "impartial, independent, prompt and effective investigations" into the alleged war crimes. Navi Pillay said ...
- World Focus: why Palestinians have lost faith in O ...For a man who is sometimes seen as the Palestinian politician that the Israelis and the Americans like best, Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad was in a strikingly robust mood during a two-hour press conference in ...
- Gaza replenishes fuel supply, residents pleased ( ...Gaza has managed to replenish its fuel supply by using smuggling tunnels from Egypt, and residents of the Strip rejoiced as benzene prices hit a low of just NIS 1.5 (around 40 cents) per liter, after having ...
Water - AlterNet
- Mining's Destructive Legacy on WaterwaysScientists are now beginning to see that mining's most lasting damage may be the massive amounts of debris dumped into valley streams.
- The CA Legislature Unveiled 5 New Water Bills -- A ...I would urge that California's water warriors hold their opinions until they actually read and digest these bills.
- Vitaminwater's Empty Calories Are at the Heart of ...Vitaminwater tells its customers to "hydrate responsibly." That means not drinking 125-calorie sugar rushes like ... Vitaminwater.
- Why Corporations, Emerging Powers and Petro-States ...In the past six months, big players in the global economy have grabbed 50 million acres of arable land, from Africa to Southeast Asia.
- Goodbye Pools, Lawns and a Whole Lot More: Why Lif ...Water in the very near future will be neither cheap nor plentiful, and much of the Southwest is destined for real trouble.
- Sabotage Experts: US Coast Guard Exercise on 9/11, ...Coast Guard to review exercise after Potomac security scare Security incident on Potomac River prompted by “training exercise,” two police sources say Coast Guard told them. With the nation already on edge and somewhat paranoid on September 11 each year, what is the LAST thing you want to do? ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance August 31, 2009It’s the week before Labor Day, and the Texas Progressive Alliance is hard at work bringing you the best of the Texas blogosphere. Here are this week’s highlights. The Texas Cloverleaf wonders why only one person showed up to a budget meeting where taxes are being increased in Denton County. No ...
- Who Will Carry The Kennedy Torch? Op EdThe passing of Ted Kennedy may have dealt a blow to progressive humanitarian warriors. The Senate is missing the most effective voice for the disenfranchised. From his perch atop the mountain of comfort built by his family, Ted Kennedy used his position to battle legislative discrepancies that ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – August 24, 2009School is starting, and the Texas Progressive Alliance is prepared as always to ace the test. Here is this week’s roundup of blog highlights. From TXsharon: Woo Hoo! EPA testing has now confirmed wells are contaminated “with various substances connected with gas drilling‖proof that h ...
- Bi-Polar America – Who is Worthy of a Healthy Li ...The rationing of health care is already a fact of life. The new reform will remove some of that rationing and make health care a right instead of a privilege. Bi-Polar America - I am worthy, You are not. Jesus was a socialist.
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Misleading by Omission by Bruce Gagnonby Bruce Gagnon featured writer Dandelion Salad Organizing Notes October 13, 2009 The Washingto
- U.S. Expands Asian NATO Against China, Russia by R ...Submitted on Buzzflash by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO http://rickrozoff.
- Afghanistan, President Obama, and Nobel Intentions ...by Steven Jonas, MD, MPH Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted on Buzzflash.com Oct. 15, 20
- Winning the Nobel Peace Prize without Even Trying ...By Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com October 12, 2009 I wa
- Thomas Greco’s “The End of Money and the Futur ...Submitted on Buzzflash by Richard C. Cook Featured Writer Dandelion Salad richardccook.com Octobe
Unexplained Mysteries
- Brain to brain communication developedBritish scientists have developed the world's first brain to brain communication technology that allows thoughts, words and images to be sent dire...
- 'Magnetic electricity' discovered The magnetic equivalent to electricity has been discovered, dubbed magnetricity the phenomenon involves the use of magnetic monopoles that exist i...
- The reverend at RoswellNew information has emerged indicating that the Base Chaplain at Roswell at the time of the alleged 1947 UFO crash, Reverend Elijah H. Hankerson, ...
- Twitter seance to contact Michael JacksonTweance, a paranormal publicity stunt in time for Halloween, is an online attempt to contact deceased celebrities such as Michael Jackson and Patr...
- 'Naked' scanner in airport trial A new scanner is being trialled at Manchester Airport that is able to produce "naked" images of passengers in order to reveal concealed weapons or...
- Family farmers feed Brazilbrazil200907-078.jpg The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) recently published a report on the country’s agricultural sector. The last report had been published in 1996. The new document supports several points raised by ...
- Today is World Food Day!1._Sign_-_Food_sovereignty_yes.jpg Today is World Food Day! World Food Day is celebrated every year on October 16 – the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. World Food Day raises awaren ...
- Act Now for Trade Justice - Replace NAFTA!For some, October 12th is commemorated as the day that Christopher Columbus "discovered" the Americas. For many more, it marked the beginning of over 500 years of foreign domination, cultural destruction and systematic exploitation. Over the last 15 years, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NA ...
- What is the Global Week of Action on Trade?Subheadline: 15 Years of NAFTA - Enough is enough! The Global Week of Action is a collaborative action between different communities worldwide, to protest the atrocities caused by free trade while highlighting alternatives to NAFTA, CA ...
- Honduras: 19 Days of Democracyder-protestas--13979.jpg The standoff in Honduras is reaching a critical point. The coup government, led by Roberto Michelleti Bain, has suspended five constitutional rights for 45 days. According to the Executive Decree, it is prohibited to a ...
- October 16, 2009EU: Developing Countries Softening Tech Transfer Demands (Financial Times) Developing countries have dropped some of their demands for access to rich countries’ technology to cut greenhouse gas emissions, removing a big obstacle to an international deal on climate change, EU officials say. ...
- October 15, 2009US Aims for Bilateral Climate Deals with China, India (Guardian) The Obama administration hopes to win new commitments to fight global warming from China and India in back-to-back summits next month, including an Indian plan to develop a carbon emissions trading system. CBO Director: ACES Would ...
- October 14, 2009Analysis: US Carbon Price to Hit $15 Under Boxer-Kerry (Business Green) A new analysis by Point Carbon suggests that the carbon price in the Senate’s cap-and-trade plan is unlikely to rise much above the bill's proposed price floor. Senators Say US Climate Bill Making Progress (Reuters) Dem ...
- October 13, 2009UN: Climate Negotiators Don't Meet Leaders' Pledges (Reuters) Negotiators at global climate change talks are not delivering on promises by their leaders to clinch a deal in Copenhagen in December, a top U.N. environmental official says. Coal, Environmentalists Massing for MTR Hearings (OH&S) ...
- October 13, 2009UN: Climate Negotiators Don't Meet Leaders' Pledges (Reuters) Negotiators at global climate change talks are not delivering on promises by their leaders to clinch a deal in Copenhagen in December, a top U.N. environmental official says. Coal, Environmentalists Massing for MTR Hearings (OH&S) ...
- Tomgram: David Swanson, The Imperial Presidency 2 ...October 7th marked the eighth anniversary of the Bush administration's invasion of Afghanistan and so of the... well, can we really call it a war?... that won't end, that American commanders there now predict could last for another decade or more. And yet, here's the weird thing: because Congress ...
- Tomgram: Barbara Ehrenreich, Do Women Have the Bl ...Hardly less startling than finding herself with breast cancer was Barbara Ehrenreich's discovery of the "pink ribbon culture," of, that is, the enforced cheerfulness and positive thinking that accompanied it (and the teddy bears and "cornucopia of pink-ribbon-themed breast cancer products" which w ...
- Tomgram: William Astore, Apocalypse Then, Afghani ...Here's the thing: This may be our next "Vietnam moment," but Afghanistan is no Vietnam: there are no major enemy powers like the Soviet Union and China lurking in the background; no organized enemy state with a powerful army like North Vietnam supporting the insurgents; no well organized, unifie ...
- Tomgram: Are We the Martians of the Twenty-First ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: Every now and then, I recommend books that especially appeal to me. Let me suggest three today. First published in 1999, Beverly Gologorsky's gripping, gritty, moving set of linked stories on Vietnam vets and their wives and kids, The Things We Do to Make It Home ...
- Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Cold War's Ghost Blocks Mid ...And you thought "don't ask, don't tell" was a U.S. law on gays in the military that Barack Obama has promised to change . As it turns out, the same phrase plays quite a different role in the Middle East, where Obama seems to have no intention of changing it at all. Successive administrations hav ...
Smirking Chimp
- The Dumbing of AmericaIn 1994, when Forrest Gump famously observed, "stupid is as stupid does," no one expected that Forrest would become the poster boy of the Republican Party. Nonetheless, as an integral component of its "just say no" strategy, the GOP is steadily dumbing down the level of American political discourse ...
- Millions of Americans Waste Entire Fucking Afterno ...COLORADO (The Borowitz Report) - Moments after a little boy who was believed to be in his parents' homemade helium balloon was found safe and sound, millions of Americans came to the realization that they had flushed the entire fucking afternoon down the fucking toilet. "I watched the entire drama u ...
- Capitalism MonteAbout 10 years ago, there was a short moment where the lawmakers of New York City mulled over the idea of legalizing the three-card monte game, calling it "a game of skill." But really--it's not. It's not even a gamble. You play, you'll lose. It's that simple. Slot machines, those are a gamble. You ...
- Too Illegit to Quit: We Can't Make Afghans Accept ...LOS ANGELES--Eight years. We've been in Afghanistan longer than any other war in American history. The party of the president who invaded Afghanistan has been repudiated at the polls. Yet we still haven't altered the flawed strategy that allowed uneducated tribesmen with outdated weapons to defeat u ...
- Stopping the Great American Job Scam In DenverFor the last month on my morning drive-time radio show on AM760 , we have been discussing the Frontier Airlines situation, and how it serves as an important microcosm of all the debates about jobs, the economy, public policy, and corporate welfare inherent in Greg LeRoy's terrific book called The G ...
Ten Percent
- …and Now Their Torture Cover Up Is FailingThe High Court has ruled that US intelligence documents containing details of the alleged torture of a former UK resident can be released. Ethiopian-born Binyam Mohamed, 31, who spent four years in Guantanamo Bay, claims British authorities colluded in his torture while in Morocco. Mr Miliband said ...
- New Labour, War Criminals To The LastIraqi asylum seekers sent back to Baghdad by the UK government have been refused re-entry to their homeland, and flown back to Britain. The flight, carrying about 40 asylum seekers, landed in Baghdad on Thursday. Ten were admitted but the rest were turned away and have now arrived back. Human righ ...
- Hip + GroovyHip Op went fine, mum is recovering slightly better than for the other one, the hospital is still hellishly warm and airless though (and what’s up with the water pipes -still!?). Meanwhile Patientline, not only a disgraceful rip off, but seriously has to be the worst interface I have seen since… ...
- RAWA Thanks War ResistersSolidarity statement to U.S. war resisters and Afghanistan occupation veterans from Zoya, Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). October 10, 2009 Our message to all the soldiers who are fighting and veterans who were fighting in Afghanistan: We thank you because we think that ...
- Stop the first mass deportation flight to BaghdadVia Earwicga- First demonstration at Communications House, London, on Wednesday 14th October, 5pm. The Stop Deportation network and the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees, along with other groups and organisations, are demanding that the first mass deportation flight to southern Iraq, expect ...
Paul Krugman
- Citi and B of AWhere's the recapitalization?
- A counterintuitive train wreckSometimes the snark has to stop.
- Samuel Brittan's recipe for recoveryWho are you calling radical?
- Smart guys and Wall StreetCalvin Trillin is right.
- Jim Rogers makes my head hurtFun with balance of payments accounting.
No Quarter
- The Neverending Gravy TrainI used to be against term limits. I thought the more experienced members of Congress would better understand our needs. But over the last few years it appears that instead they have become insulated from the people they are supposed to care about and represent. Now the main motivation appears to ...
- Kos Spanks Harry ReidIt’s well known that Senate majority leader Harry Reid is in trouble in his own state of Nevada, and that even his son (photo left) is running third in the primary contest for governor of Nevada. The Reids aren’t very popular with the hard-hearted Democratic left either. In “Harry Reid abdicat ...
- A Skeptical Simon Johnson on The Sun King, The Ins ...Almost everyone agrees that our financial system is broken. That our government is complicit in this broken system. That the American economy and the American people are suffering the consequences. And most people would even agree that it will take limits on capitalism and greed to fix it. So wh ...
- Is Obama Uncomfortable Around Women?Republished from The Huffington Post with the express permission of Amy Siskind, President and Co-Founder of The New Agenda. There’s a sign going up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It reads: “Boy’s Club: Girls Not Allowed.” Despite much talk of hope and change, President Obama seems largely ...
- Say It Ain’t So, Hillary, Say It Ain’t So!Okay, I admit it - I have tried to be in total denial about the following interview of Secretary of State Clinton and Ann Curry. My aunt sent me the pertinent quote earlier this week, and I just didn’t want to believe it. I still don’t want to believe it, to be honest. [...]
Environmental Graffiti
- Rama’s Bridge: The 30-Mile Sandbank That Divides ...
- Megaliths and Murder: The History of Stonehenge
- Flash Flood!
- Incredible Time-Lapse Graffiti by Blu and David El ...
- Exploring the Sinister Catacombs of the City of Li ...
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Interview with Malalai JoyaThe Afghan activist and legislator says no to the United States and NATO, the warlords, and the Taliban, and says yes to democracy.
- Legacy of Abuse in Sri LankaThe Sri Lankan government has brushed aside Western criticism of its abusive practices. But that might be about to change.
- Strategic Dialogue: AfghanistanShould we stay or should we go: that's the question.
- Good Moon Rising?UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon is under attack. The critics are missing his many achievements.
- The Secret About Jobs Military Contractors Don't W ...A new report finds military hardware we don't need isn't as great for job creation as advertised.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there wil ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
Al Jazeera
- UN backs Gaza war crimes reportRights council in Geneva endorses resolution critical of Israel's conduct in Gaza.
- Iraqi refugees sent back to BritainTwenty-nine asylum-seekers deported to Baghdad have been returned to the UK.
- Polls close in Botswana electionsPresident Ian Khama's party expected to win despite criticism of "authoritarian" rule.
- Pressure mounts on Guinea leadersFrance urges its citizens to leave the country citing detoriating security situation.
- Protest at Dutch MP's London visitAnger as Geert Wilders, who faces prosecution at home for anti-Islam remarks, arrives in UK.
Green Inc. - NYT
- For Wind Power Developers, Outlook BrightensWind energy representatives are crediting the stimulus package for restarting their stalled industry.
- Biofuels Push Britain Toward Wheat ImportsA combination of decreased yields and increased biofuel production may force Britain to seek our foreign sources of wheat for the first time.
- Bringing Low-Cost Solar to the World's PoorA small startup company is bringing inexpensive solar power to rural Africa and using a network of villagers to sell its wares.
- Q.&A.: When Green Becomes RoutineEric G. Olson, a management consultant and author of the coming book "Better Green Business," says green will become business as usual.
- California Utility Taps Arizona Solar ProjectThe move comes Just days after Gov. Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill that would have limited utilities' ability to tap out-of-state renewable energy projects.
Dot Earth News
- Queries on The Times and the EnvironmentAn exploration of questions about The Times and the environment.
- Branson on the Power of Biofuels and EldersAn entrepreneur and balloonist with a knack for pushing limits while managing risk muses on how to smooth the human journey.
- A Greenhouse Gas That's Already a CommodityThe E.P.A. says its own estimates of a potent greenhouse gas escaping from natural gas wells are 12 times too low.
- 'Striving for No' in Climate TalksA student of Saudi Arabia's climate policies sees signs of engagement, but worries about a "deal-breaker" role in treaty talks.
- Giant Snakes Pose 'High Risk' to U.S. EcosystemsA federal analysis concludes that five giant snakes introduced to the United States through the pet trade pose a high risk to ecosystems.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- A quick hit from the G20: Democracy 101 by Indymed ...I was proud to help contribute some footage to this video - soon enough there will be more video out from what happened at the G20. For now please just check this out. It's certainly a "rough cut" and needs some help in the narrative & so forth, but it's a great intro to the widespread police abuse ...
- Afghanistan UN elections approval unit breaks up u ...Gold busted up and out of the old confines as good ol' snarly British antiwar journalist Robert Fisk broke the big news: the Petrodollar cycling system is finally going off the rails as the world's central bankers start digging for a new solution. [This Petrodollar system was the big achievement of ...
- Sibel Edmonds case: spelled out with the names & d ...For those of you just tuning in... Sibel Edmonds worked at the FBI after 9/11, bumped into a big criminal conspiracy, tried to blow the whistle in 2002, got the "States Secret Privilege" gag, which she defied a couple months ago for a deposition in an Ohio case. In a new interview with Phil Giraldi, ...
- Yr humble correspondent reports back on G20 with A ...Alright so I've been out in Pittsburgh helping cover the G20 conference -- things got pretty hairy out here. We've hunkered down at the Pittsburgh Indymedia Center ( http://indypgh.org ) and the crew has turned out a ton of videos of police brutality that have gone viral over Internets! I just did a ...
- Supercoca Boliviana Negra cocaine win: Glyphosate/ ...Boliviana negra - Wikipedia, Also known as or , Boliviana Negra is a relatively new form of coca that is resistant to herbicide Roundup , or the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate . The coca plant is the precursor to the addictive stimulant cocaine , one of the most widely consumed illegal drugs in ...
Daily Censored
- Multipolar Machinations: Chávez Endeavors to ‘S ...Read the full story at NACLA Online News During Hugo Chávez’s tour of nine countries across northern Africa, western Asia and Europe in early September, the Venezuelan president orchestrated the signing of a flurry of energy accords. read more …
- No improvement for fourth-graders on national math ...Read the full story at Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories The 2009 math scores reported by NAEP, a national assessment, represented the first time since 1990 that no gains were made. …
- Iraqi-Syrian crisis deepens; Baghdad looks to UN f ...Read the full story at Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Wednesday he’s optimistic that a UN investigator would examine claims that Syria, Iran, and others were interfering in Iraq’s affairs. …
- Hannah Giles Palin-ites Answers, Thinks ACORN Is A ...Read the full story at News Hounds On Wednesday night’s The O’Reilly Factor (10/14/09), O’Reilly talked about how “ACORN has imploded,” and, as his guests, featured none other than the wanna-be Woodward & Bernstein “sting” journalist, Hannah Giles – the one who gives herself credit f ...
- In His Latest McCarthyism, Hannity Distorts And Sm ...Read the full story at News Hounds So many smears, so little time! That could have been the motto for a one-minute portion of Hannity’s America last night (10/15/09). In that brief time, Sean Hannity and his producers misrepresented the background of the CEO of Britain’s The Islam Channel, attac ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Pittsburgh steels for G20 protests
- Iowa congressman: Same-sex marriage 'a purely soci ...
- Woods seeks to salvage season with pot-of-gold pay ...
- IREX latest entrant in US e-reader field
- Dalai Lama prays at site of Martin Luther King's d ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- A Late September Morning With Fidel, Part 1From guerrilla warrior to statesman — now comfortably retired.
- A late September Morning with Fidel, Part 2A very retired Fidel has become reflective.
- Obama Must Pick Gurneys Over GunsTwo expensive problems. Lots of debt. Will the administration make the right choice when it comes to health care or war?
- The Secret About Jobs Military Contractors Don't W ...A new report finds military hardware we don't need isn't as great for job creation as advertised.
- General McMoreland in VietistanThe White House and the Pentagon should heed lessons learned in the past.
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Colorado balloon boy's dad denies saga was a hoax* Boy says he stayed hidden "for the show" * Father rejects media accusations are pathetic * Mother says really thought she had lost their son DENVER, Oct 16 (Reuters) - A Colorado father rejected suggestions on Friday that a search-and-rescue operation triggered by fears his son had floated away in ...
- Sorry, no jobs. This is CaliforniaSAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - If you're looking for work, don't look in California.
- U.S. charges 6 in record insider trading caseNEW YORK (Reuters) - Galleon Group founder Raj Rajaratnam and five others were charged with engaging in the largest ever hedge fund insider-trading scheme, generating profits of more than $20 million over several years, U.S. prosecutors, the FBI and the SEC said Friday.
- U.S. F-16 pilot missing after mid-air collisionMIAMI (Reuters) - The U.S. Coast Guard, Navy and Air Force were searching on Friday for the missing pilot of an F-16 fighter after his aircraft collided with another F-16 off the South Carolina coast during a night training exercise.
- Modern man a wimp says anthropologistLONDON (Reuters) - Many prehistoric Australian aboriginals could have outrun world 100 and 200 meters record holder Usain Bolt in modern conditions.
Pine River World News
- Nigerian Government: Report being circulated in U. ...IntelTrends - The following article is from the Daily Sun, Lagos. Niger Delta: FG debunks military offensive claim © Daily Sun (Nigeria) By Faith Hassan Friday, October 16, 2009 The Federal Government on Thursday debunked a report being circulated in the United States of America (USA) that it ...
- Kosovo Needs To Put up Monument to Bill Clinton Hu ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Pravda, Moscow. (Bold font appears in original article.) Kosovo Needs To Put up Monument to Bill Clinton Hugging Madeleine Albright © Pravda By Sergey Balmasov October 15, 2009 A monument to former U.S. President Bill Clinton is to appea ...
- Reaction of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to ...[ Pine River World News occasionally republishes selected mujahideen statements so that readers can access "different perspectives" on current affairs, political and military issues.] The following statement is reprinted with permission. Reaction of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to the Biased ...
- French troops were killed after Italy hushed up 'b ...The following article is from The Times, London. French troops were killed after Italy hushed up 'bribes' to Taleban © Times Online By Tom Coghlan October 15, 2009 When ten French soldiers were killed last year in an ambush by Afghan insurgents in what had seemed a relatively peaceful area, the ...
- Study: Cell phone users at higher risk of brain tu ...[ Blogmaster note : Back before the internet was used to disseminate the news, I recall reading a newspaper or magazine article about a lawsuit (initiated in the late 70s or early 80s) by some police officers who claimed the "new 800-megahertz walkie-talkies" caused their brain tumors. This is the ...
MSM Blogging
- How Rewards Can Backfire and Reduce MotivationSurely one of the best ways to generate motivation in ourselves and others is by dangling rewards? Yet psychologists have long known that rewards are overrated. The carrot, of carrot-and-stick fame, is not as effective as we've been led to believe. Rewards work under some circumstances but sometime ...
- How to Make People Believe in TelepathyHave you ever been thinking about someone and then moments later they've called you? Is that random coincidence or something more? People love to believe in supernatural powers like telepathy. At least one-third of Americans report a belief in extra-sensory perception (ESP), with a further 40% refu ...
- Are You a Liar?Do people really lie 3 times within 10 minutes of meeting someone new? It's a statistic often quoted to show how callous and heartless people are. It's the kind of number the misanthrope TV doc Gregory House (played by Brit Hugh Laurie) should have tattooed across his forehead. But what kinds of li ...
- PsyBlog Now on TwitterPsyBlog is now on Twitter, right here. So many people have kindly been sharing articles from PsyBlog with others on Twitter that the tweet count for recent articles is now fairly hefty. Thanks very much to all the Twitterers who've been spreading the word! PsyBlog's Twitter feed is another way to ...
- How Long to Form a Habit?Research reveals a curved relationship between practice and automaticity. Say you want to create a new habit, whether it's taking more exercise, eating more healthily or writing a blog post every day, how often does it need to be performed before it no longer requires Herculean self-control? Clear ...
After Downing Street.org
- Why Does WellPoint Deny Payments to Premium Paid C ...On Thursday morning, Oct. 15, 2009, in down town Washington, D.C., in a steady rain, about 15 supporters of single payer, Medicare for All solution to our healthcare crisis engaged in a "sit-in" outside a building which houses an office/PR branch of the insurance giant, WellPoint. The demonstrat ...
- Women Warriors: Supporting She 'Who Has Borne the ...Women Warriors: Supporting She 'Who Has Borne the Battle By Paul Rieckhoff | Huffington Post When Sergeant Cara Hammer returned from her deployment in Iraq in 2005, she thought her days of fighting were over. But she quickly discovered that she had more battles ahead of her. After surviving roads ...
- Agent Orange in Vietnam: Ignoring the Crimes Befor ...By Dave Lindorff On Oct. 13, the New York Times ran a news story headlined “Door Opens to Health Claims Tied to Agent Orange,” which was sure to be good news to many American veterans of the Indochina War. It reported that 38 years after the Pentagon ceased spreading the deadly dioxin-laced herb ...
- The War on LanguageThe War on Language By Chris Hedges | Truthdig There is a scene in “Othello” when the Moor is so consumed by jealousy and rage that he loses the eloquence and poetry that make him the most articulate man in Venice. He turns to the audience, shortly before he murders Desdemona, and sputters, †...
- Attorney Reports Human Rights Abuses of GI Resiste ...Attorney Reports Human Rights Abuses of GI Resisters Dahr Jamail | Truthout Attorneys and veteran's groups are alarmed by recent reports that two US Army soldiers imprisoned at the Fort Lewis Regional Correctional Facility (RCF) have been subjected to human rights abuses and violations of their co ...
Grist - News
- Is the Congressional Budget Office trying to kill ...by Brad Johnson Cross-posted from Wonk Room .Yesterday, Doug Elmendorf, the director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), testified before the Senate energy committee about the "comparatively modest" cost of a cap-and-trade system to limit carbon pollution. The Washington Post and Wall Street ...
- Berlin brothel goes green to beat the crisisby Agence France-Presse BERLIN -- Stung by the economic crisis, a brothel in Berlin has leapt on the "green" bandwagon and is offering discounts to clients who can prove they arrived by public transport or bicycle -- with some success. "Everyone's a winner," explained Regina Goetz, a former prostit ...
- A touch of green trumps the bluesby Agence France-Presse PARIS -- City dwellers residing near parks and greenery enjoy better health and fewer bouts of depression than those living in enclaves of concrete and asphalt, according to a study released on Thursday. A dense concentration of trees, shrubs, and flowers close to home had t ...
- Bye-bye Arctic ice capby Agence France-Presse LONDON -- The Arctic ice cap will vanish completely in summer months within 20-30 years, polar researchers said Thursday, sounding the alarm two months before a critical climate change summit in Copenhagen. It is likely to be largely ice-free during the warmer months within ...
- Japanese airline asks fliers to flush first to sav ...by Agence France-Presse TOKYO -- A Japanese airline is taking its weight-saving efforts to new heights, asking passengers on some of its flights to visit the restroom before flying. The unusual request is one of a number of measures being tried out by All Nippon Airways (ANA) to reduce fuel consump ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Old Folks Review MGMT's "Kids" VideoFor every person that loved Ray Tintori's video for MGMT's "Kids," there were two therapists sending their contact info to the monster-terrorized child's mom. The little tyke looked terrified! So the old folks at Breakfast At Sulimay's just filmed a very special video-review segment of their show, ...
- TLC to Jon -- Pants on Fire!Filed under: Celebrity Justice , TV , Jon & Kate TMZ has obtained a copy of the lawsuit TLC just filed against Jon Gosselin, and the network is essentially saying Jon is a liar by now claiming he stopped production because he's concerned about the welfare of his kids -- TLC says Jon is concern ...
- YouTube to Include Live Tweets in Full-Length View ...Facing increasing competition from companies like Hulu , YouTube has been working hard over the last year to forge partnerships with commercial content providers to bring full-length TV shows and movies to its users. Tonight at 9pm ET, YouTube will be holding a viewing party for the film “T ...
- More with Less:”Efficient” Renoise Music Track ...You don’t actually have to put foliage on your desktop to inspire you to conserve energy, unless it, you know, helps. A lovely Ubuntu screenshot by Akira Ohgaki. A challenge to efficiency brings some terrific results. We’ve got tracks for you to hear, a few quick tips on production with Renois ...
- Oops, Double Jeopardy For Kareem Abdul JabbarOne would think that Kareem Abdul Jabbar answering a “Jeopardy” question about himself would be, excuse the expression, a slam dunk. Well, um … . Abdul-Jabbar was on Thursday’s episode of “Jeopardy,” where a full category was dedicated to his alma mater, UCLA. Kind of unfair to fellow ...
Time - Top Stories
- After a Key Vote, Health Care Now Turns to Harry R ...It falls to Majority Leader Harry Reid to cobble together a health-care bill that can pass the Senate
- Troops to Afghanistan: Logistics May be Tougher th ...The terrain, the military's requirements and the enemy all pose massive challenges to fielding more U.S. troops in Afghanistan
- Snowe Day: Will One GOP Senator Make a Difference ...Olympia Snowe didn't make a liar out of Max Baucus, who had been predicting for months that he would have at least some GOP support when passing his health care reform bill out of the Finance Committee
- For Doctors, Less Sleep Linked to More MistakesThe debate over the lengthy hours and the sleepless overnight shifts that characterize medical training programs continues to rage, both in the U.S. and abroad
- Music's Health Benefits: Calmer PatientsNew research shows that brain-surgery patients can be helped with musical intervention
Washington Independent
- Harkin: Health Bill Will Include Public Option, Hi ...Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), head of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, told reporters on Friday that a public option will be included in the health reform bill ultimately signed by President Obama. Harkin said that a “vast majority” — as many as 55 of the Senate’s 60 D ...
- Rubio Surging in Florida?Marc Caputo reports on the rumors of a Chamber of Commerce-sponsored poll in Florida that shows Gov. Charlie Crist (R-Fla.) slipping below the 50 percent line in his primary with former state Speaker of the House Marco Rubio. The rumored poll numbers, which differ by only “one or two points” amo ...
- Judges Aren’t the Only Confirmations Being H ...The Washington Post’s story today about liberals who are frustrated that the Obama administration isn’t pressing harder to win confirmation for liberal-leaning judges to the federal courts should also serve as a reminder that there are a whole lot of key Justice Department posts still not confir ...
- Lunchtime LinksIran’s nuke program might not be as much of a threat as previously thought. The vast majority of Obama’s judicial nominees remain unconfirmed. Palin is less popular than ever. The Sierra Club and SEIU are the tech-savviest political organizations. Michael Steele: I’m a cow on the train tracks ...
- Rep. Honda: Slander of Muslims Is ‘Slander A ...Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.), the chairman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, just released this statement blasting recent Republican accusations that the Council on American-Islamic Relations has sent interns to Capitol Hill to spy on the U.S. government and advance a radical Islamis ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Refining Poop Power: Wastewater In, Cellulosic Eth ...There's no nice way of saying this: A group of green-minded entrepreneurs are making a clean-burning car fuel out of, well, poop. They don't call it that, of course -- they prefer to call it "municipal wastewater" or "sewage sludge," but trust me, that's Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Business | ...
- If you think drinking raw milk is weirdRead this story to learn how a man, who was dedicated to a diet of raw vegan foods and striving to be healthy, had a powerful experience that led him to start eating raw meat: Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Belatedly, Egypt Spots Flaws in Wiping Out PigsPigs were the champion garbage consumers in Cairo. Goats just don't seem up to the task. CAIRO — It is unlikely anyone has ever come to this city and commented on how clean the streets are. But this litter-strewn metropolis is now wrestling Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Culture | N ...
- Beware the dog, and cat, contracting horrific rabi ...If you've never seen old film clips of animals with rabies, you're really missing something. All that slobbering, slathering aggression and piteous disorientation is truly disturbing stuff. It's not that I want to subject you to a serious Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Animals | Note-it! | ...
- Milk May Endanger Your Health, and the Dairy Indus ...A mutant protein linked to major diseases has invaded the world’s dairy supply, including, most likely, the jug of milk in your fridge. The protein, called A1 beta-casein, is well known in the scientific community. While most dairy companies, trade Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Health & Wellness ...
- In a war for democracy, why worry about public opi ...Escalation in Afghanistan is aimed at rescuing the credibility of western power, whatever Afghans or westerners might want Seumas Milne guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 14 October 2009 20.30 BST Whoever is in charge, it seems, the war on terror has truly become a war without end. Eight y ...
- Obama, US media ignore Palestinian sufferingJohn S. Hancock, Concord Monitor, Oct 12, 2009 The United Nations reports that the lives of the 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children, remain seriously threatened by severe shortages of essential supplies of food, drinkable water and medicine because of Israel’ ...
- What Lies Beneath the War in Afghanistanby Eric Margolis, Toronto Sun, Oct 11, 2009 Truth is war’s first casualty. The Afghan war’s biggest untruth is, “we’ve got to fight terrorists over there so we don’t have to fight them at home.”Many North Americans still buy this lie because they believe the 9/11 attacks came directl ...
- American Police Force Ends Bid for Hardin JailVIDEO By NEWS KULR Story Published: Oct 9, 2009 at 2:49 PM MDT Story Updated: Oct 9, 2009 at 5:26 PM MDT BILLINGS – A California company drops its proposal to take over the Hardin jail. The news comes just days before the Montana Attorney General’s deadline for American Police Force to hand ove ...
- President Obama Wins Nobel Peace PrizeObama Wins Nobel Peace Prize KARL RITTER and MATT MOORE | 10/ 9/09 11:42 AM | OSLO — President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to build momentum behind his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions [...]
- Bruce Wasserstein, Chairman of Lazard, Dies Unexpe ...Bruce Wasserstein, the Wall Street investment banker who helped pioneer the hostile takeover in the 1980s and reshaped the mergers and acquisitions business into a high art, died Wednesday. Mr. Wasserstein, 61, was the chairman and chief executive of Lazard. The cause of death could not be immediat ...
- Building Your Local Food IQOn this week’s Solari Report, we will be talking about fresh food. Let’s say my normal practice is to grab take-out on the way home from work or hit the grocery store at high speed to buy food processed by strangers thousands of miles away. How do I instead delight in a dinner made of ingredien ...
- Foreclosures: Five Best and Five Worst StatesView larger chart and article at businessinsider.com . . .
- Congresswoman Kaptur: It’s a Financial Coup ...Bill Moyers Journal : Simon Johnson & Rep. Marcy Kaptur
- The Government Debt ExplosionView Larger Chart By: John Carney and Kamelia Angelova| Continue reading Chart of The Day: The Government Debt Explosion
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- Kerry-Lugar’s First VictimIf true, this is total bullshit: After strong criticism on the Kerry-Lugar bill in Pakistan, the government has decided to replace Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani and the announcement in this respect is expected within the next two days. There’s nothing in the bill reasonable Pa ...
- Pakistan’s Civil War Heating UpIn the aftermath of this weekend’s assault on the Pakistani General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Taliban hit again in Alpuri, in the Shangla district east of Mingora in Swat. According to military sources who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, a 1 ...
- At Home with a Swat LashkarI just finished up a few days in Swat and while I’m working on a story about it, I thought you might like to see a few pictures I took while there. Enjoy. Share/Save
- FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan ...Washington PostFACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in PakistanReutersBy this time he is thought to have fled the region for the safe haven of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. * Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader ...Pakistan to Target Taliba...
- Editorial: Indo-Pak dialogue: some basic questions ...Editorial: Indo-Pak dialogue: some basic questions Daily Times Neither of these conditions obtains in the case of India and Pakistan . * We all know that the Taliban and Al Qaeda get their “terror money” from diverse ... and more »
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Burning Questions for the Authors of 'Marijuana Is ...The authors of a new book on misconceptions about marijuana respond to the torrent of comments on an excerpt published on AlterNet.
- The Epidemic of Pot Arrests in New York CityMarijuana possession is legally decriminalized in NY State. Nonetheless, NY City makes more pot arrests than any city in the world. How do they do it?
- The Shocking Benefits of Legalizing PotHere are some pluses to legalization that you probably haven't heard about.
- Does the Marijuana Pill Work?The government says a pill called Marinol offers the same benefits as medical marijuana. Is it true?
- Marijuana Is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People t ...A new book explains how we're steering people away from cannabis and toward the use of a very harmful and deadly substance: alcohol.
Twilight Earth
- Technology Transfer and Climate Change (Video)“”Tech Transfer” is a phrase everyone who’s serious about climate change should have at the top of their “to advocate for” list. What KINDS of technologies to develop is one conversation to have. Another one is whether or not to share them with developing countries who would otherwise bu ...
- Blog Action Day: It’s Up to UsWhether you call it global warming or climate change, the issue of human impact on the earth’s systems is a very real one. For climate change skeptics, it’s a big jump to imagine that we are affecting the world around us, and it’s easy to point the finger at other people’s actions and say t ...
- Living Off-Grid: Micro Hydro Electric Alternative ...Straight from the pages of Blue Living Ideas, Jennifer Lance tells us about the Hydro Electric Energy System that she has been using for 13 years. Related posts: Senate Finance Committee Approves $31 Billion in Alternative Energy Tax Credits and Incentives Electric Cars Run on Coal, But are They ...
- Twilight Earth Visits The DC Solar Decathlon. Info ...The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2009 is held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., Oct. 9-13 and 15-18, 2009. One of the wonderful things about working in Washington DC is having access to things like the bi-yearly Solar Decathlon which is held on the Washington Mall. So on a bea ...
- Senior Citizens March 25 Miles Against Mountaintop ...Fifteen participants between the ages of 50 and 83 set off on a Senior Citizen’s March to End Mountaintop Removal at 10 a.m. this morning. Related posts: Ending Streamlined Mountaintop Coal Removal Permits Is Not Enough EPA Approves More Mountaintop Removal Mines: MTR = WTF? Daryl Hannah and Ja ...
- Links Roundup of the Week: Solar, Solar, SolarThe winner of the Solar Decathlon Competition was announced today — congratulations Team Germany! We’ve been following the competition happenings all week. Our friends have been as abuzz as us, and we’ve noticed that everyone is in a flurry of excitement about solar technology and energy effic ...
- SOLAR DECATHLON 2009: Cornell Silo HouseThings really heated up this past few days as we inched closer to finding out who the winner of this year’s Solar Decathlon would be, and in the end Team Germany’s surPLUShouse stole the show. We were sad to see that Cornell University’s Silo House did not place in the top 3, but we [...]
- Illinois Gable House Takes 2nd Prize in Solar Deca ...Coming in at 2nd place, right on the heels of Team Germany’s powerhouse, is the University of Illinois’ Gable House. Their unique farmhouse-inspired home is a welcome respite for anyone who prefers more traditional architecture. Illinois’ Gable House made an excellent showing at this year’s ...
- Germany’s Solar Coated surPLUShome Wins Solar De ...The final results just rolled in from this year’s Solar Decathlon, and team Germany’s sleek surPLUShome finished first in an incredible upset victory! The German team took top honors in the Net Metering and Engineering categories this morning, steamrolling the competition to secure their second ...
- Team Germany Wins the 2009 Solar Decathlon!GERMANY WINS THE 2009 SOLAR DECATHLON! Drumroll please… after an exciting week of competition and judging, the winner of the Solar Decathlon 2009 has just been announced, and it’s a stunner! In a huge upset (as Team Illinois was leading on the scoreboard until just a few moments ago) the Germans ...
Pogue's Posts
- Computerized Health RecordsAn interview with Dr. David Blumenthal, the President's medical-records czar.
- AT&T Does the Right ThingYou'll soon be able to make unlimited phone calls on your iPhone - without using up any of your monthly airtime minutes.
- Tech's Most Elusive Innovation: Plain-Old EnglishIt's 2009, tech industry. Can we lose some of the jargon and gobbledygook, please?
- A New Campaign: Squash the Bug!Those little network logos that live in the corner of your TV screen--what's the point of those, other than to get in the way?
- The Secret of the Dancing Boxes RevealedShen Wei was the principal choreographer of the stunning opening ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I learned some of his backstage secrets.
Open Your Eyes News
- Elderly Patients Being (Legally) Executed in UK Ho ...The Telegraph - Being “made comfortable” is no longer the reassuring euphemism it once was, says Liz Hunt. At around 4am on Monday, a friend of mine was woken by a call from the private care home in south-west London where her 98-year-old grandmother is resident. “Mrs ——- has breathing dif ...
- Indonesian fishermen say oil spill is destroying t ...ABC - Today marks eight weeks since the Montara well head began spilling oil into the Timor Sea, at the rate of about 400 barrels a day.While the damage caused to wildlife in Australian waters is reportedly small, Indonesian fisherman are saying the spill has killed thousands of fish.Amhad Junaidi, ...
- Bailed-Out Banks Raking In Big ProfitsWashington Post - The nation’s largest banks, preserved from failure by federal aid and romping in markets revived by federal aid, are racking up vast profits even as the broader economy struggles to emerge from recession. While loan losses continue to mount, the banks are making it up on Wall Str ...
- Secret meetings: What is the Bilderberg Group?LA Times - The organization refers to international financiers, world leaders and others (also referred to as the “high priests of capitalism”) who first met in the Netherlands at the Hotel de Bilderberg in 1954. The group’s founders include a member of the Rockefellers and Henry Kissinger, an ...
- Designed (explosive) proteins debunked?The Scientist - Duke biochemist Homme Hellinga is facing another potential blow to his troubled career in protein and enzyme design. Hellinga has been under investigation for possible research misconduct, following the retraction of a Science paper on computational design of enzymes in February 2008 ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Polish translation of the Sunrise StatementPolish translation of the Sunrise Statement (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com, Polish translation by KPN(M)) Plagą pierwszego świata są organizację rozwijające trockistowską permanentną rewolucję pod sztandarem Mao. Plagą Pierwszego Świata są organizację podtrzymujące biały nacjona ...
- Which side are you on: 61% of Amerikkkans favor us ...Which side are you on: 61% of Amerikkkans favor using force against Iran, 28% oppose (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) According to a new poll, the majority, 61 percent, of Amerikkkans favor the use of military force against Iran. Of the 61 percent, 53 percent are Democrats, 55 percent are indepe ...
- Reparations demanded for eco-destruction of AfricaReparations demanded for eco-destruction of Africa (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) At a forum in Burkina Faso’s capitol Ouagadougou, African Union officials have demanded billions of dollars in compensation from the countries of the First World. The AU officials demand reparations for the da ...
- Будет ли первомиристам полÑ ...Будет ли первомиристам польза от социализма? (monkeysmahesheaven.wordpress.com, this is a Russian translation of Dear Maoist-Third Worldist… Will First Worlders benefit from socialism?) Социализм повлечёт снижение материальн ...
- Significant numbers of PLA fighters in Nepal decom ...Significant numbers of PLA fighters in Nepal decommissioned (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) The decommissioning of an estimated 4,000 members of the People’s Liberation Army of Nepal has begun. Since the end of the people’s war, roughly 19,000 PLA fighters have been placed into what Maoists ...
- Kerry’s ‘Explanatory Statement’ Does Not Sol ...A AHMEDQURAISHI.COM Report Friday, 16 October 2009. WWW.AHMEDQURAISHI.COM ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—One of the brightest stars of the next generation of Pakistani leaders, Pakistan Muslim League politician Marvi Memon, a member of Parliament, has rejected the manner in which Washington has embed ...
- Obama Signs ‘Kill Bill’. What Can Pakistan Do?President Obama has signed the ‘Kill Bill’ [Kerry-Lugar bill] despite the reservations of most Pakistanis on offensive language in some clauses. Pakistanis do not doubt the intentions of President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Senator Kerry. We know they are friends of Pakistan. We ju ...
- Video: What happens after the US goes bankrupt?It’s hard for me to imagine a scenario where the US does not face a major financial dislocation. Or to put it it in plainer language cannot pay its bills. What happens then? Well, some of your favorite people have that covered… and they are right on schedule. Bye Bye USA “Reorganizing†...
- The Muslims are Coming!By Dean Obeidallah October 15, 2009 “Huffington Post” — Not only are Muslims coming — but they want to take over America! At least that’s what four Republican Members of Congress alleged today. Representatives John Shadegg (Ariz.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Trent Franks (Ariz.) and Sue Myrick (N. ...
- The Beginning Of The End: Obama signs Kerry-Lugar ...Obama signed the bill hours after militants unleashed coordinated attacks on Pakistani police in which 40 people died on Thursday, storming offices in Lahore and bombing a northwest station to escalate 11 days of carnage. WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama signed a 7.5 billion dollar aid pac ...
- New Mexico "SuperStation" Could Link Maj ...A new idea for a large substation based in Clovis, New Mexico has the potential to solve one of the biggest hurdles to clean energy growth: transmission. The SuperStation, as its being called, would link the three largest grids - the east, west and Texas - allowing renewable energy producers to ...
- Solar Powered E-Reader Makes E-Books Eco-Friendlie ...A recent study by the Cleantech Group revealed the much lower envrionmental impact of e-readers - specifically the Kindle - compared to traditional publishing, but the devices still require charging from the grid. LG's new e-reader takes care of that: it's outfitted with its own integrated sola ...
- George Soros Investing $1 Billion in Clean EnergyHedge-fund manager George Soros is the latest billionaire to throw his money behind clean technology. Soros announced yesterday that he will be investing $1 billion in clean energy technology and will also be spending $100 million to create a climate policy advisory organization. He made it clear ...
- Dow Introduces Stealth Solar ShinglesThis week Dow Chemical Company joined the ranks of companies trying to make renewable energy both practical and visually pleasing . The company introduced its POWERHOUSE Solar Shingle this week and, I have to say, I'm impressed. The new shingles almost seemlessly blend in with asphalt shingles, ...
- Northeastern States Joining Forces for Offshore Wi ...So far there's been quite a bit of competition between countries and states, all trying to plan and build the latest and greatest renewable energy projects, but a group of East Coast states has decided the key to getting offshore wind and wave projects off the ground is to stop trying to beat one a ...
Times Online - Science
- Urban residents living near parks are healthier an ...City dwellers living near parks are healthier and suffer fewer bouts of depression, a study has revealed.
- Placebo effect starts in the spine – not jus ...If you thought the placebo effect was all in the mind, think again. Scientists have solved the mystery of why some people benefit from remedies that do not contain any active pain-relief ingredients.
- Dyson answers the call to fill a vacuum in British ...If David Cameron becomes Prime Minister next year the men in white coats will be back in Downing Street. The Tory leader made it clear in his speech at Manchester this week that he wants to be surrounded by boffins rather than bankers. Sir James Dyson, the vacuum cleaner tycoon, has been asked to r ...
- Nasa scientists crash rocket into the Moon in sear ...It seems a long way to go and a lot of money to spend to find a drop of water. But after a voyage of 250,000 miles, at a cost of $79 million, and ending with a 5,600mph crash onto the lunar surface $— Nasa hoped to have touched and tasted ice on the Moon last night.
- Climate change feared to blame as dead zones suffo ...When lobsters swarm up the beach and octopuses try to clamber up fishing lines to get out of the water, you know that something has gone badly wrong in the ocean.
Environment _ National Geographic
- Arctic Largely Ice Free in Summer Within Ten Years ...The Arctic Ocean could be largely ice free in summer within a decade, scientists announced today—the latest in a stream of wildly varying predictions. What does it all mean?
- Stormier Arctic Predicted as Ice MeltsWith summer ice apparently disappearing in the Arctic, the regions faces a stormy future, according to a recent atmospheric study—more rain, more snow, more whitecaps.
- VIDEO: Arctic Ice Mostly Gone in Ten Years?Data released this week by researchers who spent three months this spring measuring ice on the Arctic Ocean suggests that the North Pole could be largely open sea in summer within a decade—and ice free by 2029.
- Swine Flu in Swine: Flu Could Worsen; Industry at ...It's only a matter of time before swine flu jumps to U.S. pigs, experts say. Scientists say H1N1 could sharpen while in the animals, while farmers—already battered by the perception that pork is unsafe—fear even worse sales.
- GIANT SNAKE PICTURES: Alien Species Invading U.S.?Giant alien snakes--some of which have been known to kill humans--could easily colonize Florida and other parts of the United States, a new report says.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Shorter Erick Erickson: "It's because he's black!"And he is Jimmy Carter too! "I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news. There is no way Barack Obama earned it in the nominations period." Per usual, Red State's Trike Force always keepin' it classy ... A ...
- The only thing between us and the terrorists?Is the neoconservative echo-chamber between Joe Lieberman's ears : "I don't think anybody who has any fairness or is in their right mind would think the president or the secretary of homeland security would raise an alert level and scare people for political reasons... That's outrageous." - Joe Lieb ...
- Bethel First Selectman Arrestedctblogger had the story up early at HatCityBLOG and MLN , and the Newstimes got around to covering it as well, on Bethel's First Selectman, Bob Burke, being arrested for making harassing phone calls. Ellis said Burke and the alleged victim had a personal relationship that was private between them an ...
- The Lion Sleeps TonightRIP Edward Kennedy Via WCVB Boston: Kennedy, who waged a public fight against a malignant brain tumor in the last year of his life, was surrounded by family members who had come in recent days to say a last goodbye to him. His death marks the end to a life where like the phoenix. Kennedy rose abov ...
- A pie fight between an incompetent poseur and a re ...There has been a lot said and written about the current arguments between Salon's Glenn Greenwald and Time's Joe Klein . I wonder what the real journalist will have to say in response to Klein? That didn't take long? Beltway culture, checks on journalists and secrecy obligations I'm ambivalent about ...
SPL Center
- Justice Department Takes a Second Look at New Blac ...The Department of Justice has begun an internal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the dismissal in May of voter intimidation charges against members of the New Black Panther Party, a black separatist group. Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee ...
- Dobbs a Headliner at Hate Group’s D.C. Gathe ...For those two or three people remaining in America who are still uncertain if Lou Dobbs is an immigration extremist, the CNN and radio show host has removed any doubts: He is. Dobbs is a headliner next week when the Federation for American Immigration Reform — FAIR — takes its annual “Hold The ...
- FAIR Embraces Racist FounderDespite John Tanton’s long, documented history of racism, Dan Stein, the president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), called the founder of his organization a “Renaissance man” of wide-ranging “intellect” in a Washington Post article published today. It’s hard, of ...
- Putting Glenn Beck to the Truth Test: He Flunks, A ...Fox News commentator Glenn Beck sparked a firestorm in July when he declared on the air (though not on his show) that President Barack Obama possesses “a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture” and called him “a racist.” He seemed unchastened even after his own network dist ...
- Nativist Group Founder Admits Contact with Forde H ...Laine Lawless, the Mexican-flag-burning founder of the Arizona-based hate group Border Guardians, admitted last week that she met with fellow nativist vigilante leader Shawna Forde less than 24 hours after Forde allegedly took part in the home invasion slayings of a Latino man and his 9-year-old dau ...
Gringo Times - Rio
- Congolese Seeks Refuge in RioBy Juliana Tafur, Contributing Reporter Kasongo is only 23 years old, but seems wise beyond his years. Nearly two meters tall, well-built and strong, he also looks like a 35-year-old. As he shares his life’s story, it becomes clear why he was forced to grow up quickly. Kasongo barely escaped ...
- Brazil New Contributor to IMFBy Jaylan Boyle, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - For the first time, Brazil has become a creditor rather than a debtor to the IMF (International Monetary Fund), pledging US$10 Billion to be spent on IMF bonds. “This is an historic moment for us,” said Guido Mantega, Brazilian Minister of ...
- Brazil’s 2008… Pre-CrisisBy Lindsay Spratt, Sub Editor RIO DE JANEIRO - 2008 National Census figures were released last month by the Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD, National Research by Sample of Residences), carried out by the Insituto Brasileiro de Geográfia e Estatística, (IBGE, Brazilian Institute ...
- Neurocosmetics Line to Launch in BrazilBy Sarah Coursey, Editor RIO DE JANEIRO - The telenovela sensation of 2009, Caminho das Ãndias (Road to India), contained an unforgettable scene in which the character Melissa Cadore explains the secret of beautiful, youthful skin to her domestic maid. She offers the advice,” We must talk to o ...
- Rio 2016: Economic ImpactBy Bruno De Nicola, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - The election of Rio de Janeiro as host city for the 2016 Olympic Games is expected to cause a sharp increase in foreign investment in the country. An Olympic Games Committee survey carried out by Credit Suisse estimates a R$30 Billion financ ...
change: org.
- Developing world standing up to developed nations, ...I'm currently on the Greenpeace ship Esperanza in the South Pacific. We're on the Defending Our Pacific tour, which is a campaign to establish a global network of marine reserves, stop overfishing of Pacific fisheries, and support Pacific island nations efforts to stop Illegal, Unreported, and Unreg ...
- Crisis Looming for NYC Homeless SystemThe New York City homeless shelter population has hit an all-time high. Over 120,000 people sought shelter in NYC during the past year and 39,000 homeless people check into NYC shelters each night. With cold weather on the horizon, the number of people seeking shelter inevitable increases. What wi ...
- University Cancels Pollan Talk To Placate Agribusi ...Michael Pollan is frightening agribusiness everywhere. They're so worried about his EVIL influence ("Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants") that they pressured a California school to demand a speech by Pollan be cancelled . "I find it unacceptable that the university would provide Michael Pollan a ...
- Women Rule The Social Web, Except For Digg.comWomen are taking over the social web . Everywhere except for....Digg.com. Not that I couldn't see that coming.
- Ending the Cocaine/Crack DisparityA bill introduced in the U.S. Senate yesterday by Dick Durbin is aiming to end the sentencing disparity between cocaine and crack, an advocacy group says all of pieces are finally in place to make it happen, and Gawker missed the point. Durbin's bill, the Fair Sentencing Act, was introduced with ni ...
Common Dreams -News
- Millions to Rally Against Poverty This Weekendby Jeffrey Allen WASHINGTON - Well over 100 million people around the world are expected to "stand up" this weekend to call governments to action on poverty, hunger, and gender inequalities -- a set of global issues that most Americans say they would like their government to fund much more than it h ...
- Joel Salatin, America's Farming Heavyweightby Virginie Montet and Caroline Groussain SWOOPE, Virginia - A diehard activist for some, a pioneer for others, Joel Salatin is fighting against America's genetically-modified foods and for local subsistence farming. Leading his crusade from the heart of the Shenandoah Valley in the foothills of the ...
- Code Pink Delivers Afghan Petition To PresidentSAN FRANCISCO -- Using a meet-and-greet at a Democratic fundraiser Thursday night, Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans hand delivered a petition to President Barack Obama allegedly signed by Afghani women who want an end to the war in their country. Evans was among those attending a sold-out Democrati ...
- How Dems Set Stage for Corporate-Backed Health Car ...by Ben Smith and Kenneth P. Vogel At a meeting last April with corporate lobbyists, aides to President Barack Obama and Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) helped set in motion a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign, primarily financed by industry groups, that has played a key role in bolstering public su ...
- 11 Charged with Trespassing at Health Care Protest ...by Matt Rocheleau Eleven health care activists were arrested and charged with trespassing at a protest in front of the Massachusetts branch of the health insurance company CIGNA in Newton yesterday. For the second time in about three weeks, about 60 demonstrators went to the health insurance company ...
- Hulu Desktop Integration Brings Hulu to Windows 7 ...Windows only: Free application Hulu Desktop Integration brings Hulu's remote-friendly desktop app to your Windows Media Center. Whether or not you're a fan of Windows operating systems, there's no denying that Windows has one of the best media center apps available (especially if you want to turn yo ...
- Performance Test Pits Windows 7 vs. Snow Leopard ...With the Windows 7 release looming next week and Snow Leopard having stretched its legs for a couple of months now, tech site CNET decided that it'd be a good time to see how the two stack up against each other. It may seem unfair that the tests use a MacBook Pro booting Snow Leopard and Windows 7 i ...
- Polish Chrome With Aluminum Foil and Cola [MacGyv ...Whether you've got rusty chrome on your car or dirty chrome on the faucets on your sink, possibly the quickest and easiest way to get them clean and sparkling again is simple: aluminum foil. Instructables user Captain Pedantic caught an episode of Mythbusters (with our pal Adam Savage ) where he hea ...
- AVG 9 Free Now Available for Download [Downloads] ...Windows only: AVG 9 Free—one of the most popular free antivirus apps on the market —is now available for download. A couple weeks back, the popular antivirus maker AVG released AVG 9 with performance improvements other updates , but on launch only the commercial version of AVG 9 was available. T ...
- FlyScreen Puts Calendars, Weather, and More on Yo ...Android/Symbian: FlyScreen saves you the trouble of unlocking, clicking, and waiting for an app to open to get calendar items, weather updates, SMS messages, or most anything else by putting swipe-accessible widgets on your "lock" screen. Anything you can grab from an RSS feed can be loaded into Fly ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- The Difference between "Success" and "Crisis"By Steve Hynd This week, around 160 people have died in terror attacks in Pakistan. It's a tragedy, something to be deplored - and according to Westen media hype it is a "crisis" for Pakistan such that the whole state edifice, including control of Pakistan's nukes, is in danger. Meanwhile, in Iraq, ...
- A Militarized Foreign PolicyBy Steve Hynd Democracy Arsenal's Michael Cohen: the growing predisposition to view all security challenges through the prism of the military portends even more reliance on America’s fighting men and women. For progressives, the ever-expanding military-industrial complex presents grave dangers to ...
- Taliban appeals to Shanghai Cooperation Organizati ...By Steve Hynd Given recent murmerings from China, this is very interesting and I can't figure out whether the Taliban jumped on those murmerings or were pushed by elements in Pakistan's military: they've appealed to the SCO for help sorting out the mess in Afghanistan. "We call on Shanghai Cooperati ...
- Time's on their side...By David Anderson: All else being equal and held constant, time is on the side of the insurgent or non-state force that is seeking to delegitimate the state based actors. This is because the existence of an active non-state force is in and of itself an expression of the state's loss of its monopoly ...
- Just Look Nonchalant!By Steve Hynd Dexter Filkins has a long piece for the NYT's magazine based upon his trailing Gen. Stanley McChrystal around Afghanistan. It's not Filkins best work ever but it's still interesting reading. One paragraph that caught my attention reveals that McChrystal's famously spartan lifestyle - s ...
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