- DEVELOPMENT: Anti-Poverty Fight Needs More Than M ...
NEW YORK, Oct 18 (IPS) - "Investing in children and securing their rights is one of the surest ways to ending poverty," U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told 1,500 students at the United Nations International School in New York City Friday as part of the Stand Up Take Action Campaign organised ...
- MIGRATION-EL SALVADOR: Broken Homes, Broken Famil ...
SAN SALVADOR, Oct 18 (IPS) - Zoila, 54, is raising her two grandchildren, who were left behind when her daughter headed to the United States in search of a better income. There are many women like her acting as surrogate mothers to their grandchildren in El Salvador, one of the Latin American c ...
- PHILIPPINES: Long Way to Go in Fight Against Pove ...
MANILA, Oct 18 (IPS) - "It’s very difficult," says Joseph, 39, who has lived with his wife and three children in central Manila’s Rizal Park for the past six months after their home, a squat built on government-owned land, was demolished. "There are many people who are experiencing a lot ...
- DEVELOPMENT-SOUTH ASIA: Women’s Peace Offen ...
KABUL, Oct 18 (IPS) - ‘Give peace a chance’ may just be another cliché for many, but for women who have suffered the ravages of war, endless strife and other forms of conflict, joining hands to find meaningful solutions to their collective aspiration lends it a whole new meaning.
- IRAQ: U.S. Diplomatic Adviser's Troubling Role in ...
WASHINGTON, Oct 17 (IPS) - In 2003, U.S. diplomatist Peter Galbraith resigned at the end of a distinguished, 24-year government career. Over the years that followed, he worked as a contract-based adviser to leaders in Iraq's Kurdish community, while also arguing passionately in public media that ...
- Palast on health 'insurance' & Dr. K's accountant
What's killing you, Barack, is what's killing us all: an evil germ called "Medical Loss Ratio.""Medical Loss Ratio" [MLR] is the fancy term used by health insurance companies for their slice, their take-out, their pound of flesh, their gross - very gross - profit.The "MLR" is the difference between ...
- E-Mail Shows Concerns Over Merrill Deal
It was Jan. 15, and the government was about to hand Bank of America its second taxpayer lifeline as the bank was drowning in losses from its recent marriage to Merrill Lynch.Kenneth D. Lewis, the chairman of Bank of America, and other top executives convened a late-afternoon conference call to expl ...
- Crow-like pterosaur found in China
A team of Chinese and British palaeontologists has identified a crow-sized fossil that they believe fills a key gap in our understanding of the mysterious flying reptiles known as pterosaurs.The species has been baptised Darwinopterus modularis in honour of Charles Darwin, who was born 200 years ago ...
- Waterboard JP Morgan and The Mortgage Bankers Assn
How to give an economics writer a coronary:Recommend something that has been done twice before, and both times led to disaster, including being a major contributor to The Great Depression.Well guess what: JP Morgan and the other banks are doing exactly that. Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Banks will push ...
- Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanis ...
RAWA is the oldest political/social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women's rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan since 1977. If you are freedom-loving and anti-fundamentalist, you are with RAWA. Support and help us. » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- US, UK behind attack on Guards, claims Iran
Iran's armed forces yesterday accused the United States and Britain of involvement in a suicide attack which killed five elite Revolutionary Guard leaders, the semi-official Iranian Fars News Agency reported. The military headquarters blamed the bombing on "terrorists" backed by "the Great Satan Ame ...
- Olympic fears as Rio drug gangs shoot down police ...
Police chiefs in Rio de Janeiro yesterday mobilised an additional 4,500 officers in areas of the city that were plunged into violent chaos all day Saturday as rival drugs gangs battled for turf, renewing fears that the city may struggle to ensure security when it plays host to the 2016 Olympic Game ...
- Pakistan army and Taliban claim 'victories' in cla ...
Pakistani troops and the Taliban fought fierce battles yesterday in the militant stronghold of South Waziristan near the Afghan border, with both sides claiming early victories. A Taliban spokesman vowed they would fight to "our last drop of blood" to defend their heartland, where al-Qa'ida fighters ...
- See Varanasi ... and die
She lay on a bed, her head flat on a pillow with her eyes open but seemingly unfocused. She was obviously ill, close to death even, but she did not look in pain. A month before, Sudama Upadhyaa had suffered a brain haemorrhage and her husband, Khrisna, had put her on the bus and brought her here to ...
- Girl sailor sets off on solo record bid
If Jessica Watson felt any trepidation about the challenge ahead of her, the 16-year-old schoolgirl showed no sign of it as she sailed out of Sydney Harbour yesterday in her bright pink yacht, aiming to become the youngest person to circumnavigate the world solo and unassisted.
- Now Pakistan - Sequential Destruction of Muslim Na ...
Summary: A conspiratorial view of the world is frequently inaccurate, exposing more the paranoia of the view rather than the reality of the world. The sequential destruction of Muslim nations -- Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, (and Iran is on the list) --- may or may not be a conspiracy ...
- Jundullah claims responsibility for terror attack ...
Summary: 2007 Zahedan bus bomb Jundullah has accepted responsibility for the deadly attack that rocked a security gathering in southeast Iran, killing 29 people and wounding another 28. source: Press TV read more
- Putin lays down law for Clinton
Summary: For the (Western) news cycle, what stood out from United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to Russia this week was an "appeal for cooperation" and a "challenge" for Russia to open up its political system, embrace "diversity" and shelve Cold War thinking. source: Asia T ...
- Bolton suggests nuclear attack on Iran
Summary: This Friday, the American Enterprise Institute will host an event addressing the question “Should Israel attack Iran?” The event includes, among others, Iran uberhawk Michael Rubin and infamous “torture lawyer” John Yoo, but the real star is likely to be John Bolton, the former ...
- It’s Not Iran, Stupid: US is in violation of NPT
Summary: President Obama sent a message, via Energy Department Secretary Steven Chu, to the September meeting of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, reaffirming the commitments he made, to seek "a world without nuclear weapons," in his "electrifying" speech in Pragu ...
- Will the world end on December 21, 2012? The Mayan ...
(NaturalNews) I don't claim to be able to see the future through any sort of powers of premonition, but when it comes to December 21, 2012, I'll offer an armchair prediction that deserves some discussion: The world will not end .But this doesn't mean the Mayan prophecies about the end of time are wr ...
- Probiotics prevent asthma
(NaturalNews) Did you know that probiotics help prevent asthma? It's not one of those immediately obvious connections, but the more you look into it, the more you'll see why it works. Asthma is often the result of systemic inflammation caused by food allergies . Probiotics, it turns out, can help de ...
- How to Avoid Health Harming Parasites
(NaturalNews) Technically a parasite is any organism that lives off another organism, so this could include bacteria, fungi and viruses. However for the purposes of health, when talking about parasites we are referring to protozoa (single celled organisms), arthropods (insects) and worms that invade ...
- Natural substance in melons relieves stress and fa ...
(NaturalNews) Is there food that you correlate with stress? A fast food, high calorie meal grabbed at a drive-in restaurant might fill the bill. But the color, smell, juicy sweetness and cool texture of a delicious melon -- whether a cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew or another kind -- conjures up a ...
- Mediterranean Diet Reduces Depression Risk
(NaturalNews) There's yet another reason why eating the Mediterranean way is not only delicious but extraordinarily healthy. In addition to helping prevent and even treat type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome (http://www.naturalnews.com/025098_nuts_mediterranean_diet_metabolic_syndrome.html ), heart d ...
SMALL WARS JOURNAL is a site of some depth, devoted to the study of COIN — COunter INsurgency. COIN has been a point of discussion by generations of military thinkers, and not just the product of today's fascination with concepts like Assymetrical Warfare, and 4th-Generation Warfare (4GW). John No ...
- Follow the money . . .
THE WASHINGTON POST has an excellent interview with Elizabeth Warren , Chairman of the Congressional Oversight Committee that is tasked with scrutinizing how the Treasury Department has spent $700 billion to shore up failing American financial institutions. The interview, titled " Voices of Power: E ...
- The More Things Change . . . .
Since there is not a whole lot of current television programming that is worth the time to watch, recently I've been checking out DVDs from the local Vancouver Public Library. Yes, one of those "Socialist" organizations - Horrors! At any rate, this week I've been re-viewing Series #1 of "The Wes ...
- "Take Off the Pajamas," You Lefties . . . .
Ya'll got all excited 'bout the prez comin' to the HRC dinner and makin' promises , didn't ya'? Well, since you're part of what one White House advisor refers to as the "internet left fringe" ya' might wanna put the champagne and noisemakers away for a bit: Partial transcript of Harwood: Sure ...
- The best way to rob a bank is to be a banker
An excellent interview at Democracy Now with William Black : As Foreclosures Hit All-Time High, Wall Street on Pace to Hand Out Record $140B in Employee Bonuses The Dow Jones Industrial Average has topped 10,000 for the first time in a year, as JPMorgan Chase reported massive profits in the third q ...
- Fox News -- home of outrageous smears, falsehoods ...
Fox News has promoted what it has referred to as October 17 "tea part[y]" protests by "Operation: Can You Hear Us Now," an organization that plans "to show the MSM [mainstream media] that we as the American Public are absolutely fed up with their journalistic malpractice." However, Fox News ...
- Hannity fabricates Obama adviser's remarks on Sha ...
During the October 15 edition of his Fox News program, Sean Hannity distorted remarks by Dalia Mogahed, a member of the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, by claiming that Mogahed shared "thoughts about spreading Sharia law" on a British television chann ...
- O'Reilly ignores Limbaugh's history of racially ...
Discussing the controversy that erupted around Rush Limbaugh's failed bid to become part owner of the St. Louis Rams, Fox host Bill O'Reilly claimed "[f]air-minded Americans know that playing the race card is easy and hateful. The only thing we can find about Rush Limbaugh is that he thinks qu ...
- NY Times article ignores anti-gay bigot ...
An October 15 New York Times article by David Kirkpatrick about "Fifty-three House Republicans [who] have signed a letter to the Obama administration asking for the ouster of Kevin Jennings, an official charged with promoting school safety" ignored that a key claim in the letter -- that Jenning ...
- Latest conservative attack on Obama Nobel: Prize i ...
Following the Nobel Committee's announcement that it would award the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, conservative media figures have launched numerous attacks on Obama and the award, asserting, for instance, that Obama won the prize "for trashing America," in Sean Hannity's words, or tha ...
- In Pursuing Human Rights, Argentina Displays a Bro ...
Victims of the former Argentianian military dictatorship are known as The Disappeared. (Photo: longhorndave / flickr )read more
- Health, War, Hypocrisy & Taxes
Over the past several months, conservatives seemingly made headway convincing a good portion of the US public that Congress may not be able to produce a national health care plan that will not bust the budget - something that President Barack Obama has promised not to sign. And then came Afghani ...
- The Stain of Dishonor and the Prerequisites for Re ...
Despite the passage of four decades, America and its military have never come to grips with its own ghastly programs of using soldiers as guinea pigs to test chemical or biological weapons such as LSD, sarin, nerve gases, plague, mescaline, anthrax and hundreds of others. read more
- US-Iran: Congress Begins Pressing Sanctions Legis ...
Washington - As the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama prepares for a critical series of talks about the fate of Iran's nuclear programme, Congress has begun moving long-pending legislation to impose new unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic. In just the past few days, ...
- 2010 Census Faces Challenges on Immigrants, Underc ...
Lawmakers and community advocates continue to work to ensure accuracy in the rapidly approaching 2010 Census. The count will play an important role in determining the amount of dollars flowing to communities across the nation and in the South over the next decade, as well as political representa ...
- The Missing Link in Climate Change: Product Polic ...
Although images of giant coal-fired smokestacks and automobile tailpipes characterize greenhouse gas scenarios, a new report from the Product Policy Institute (PPI) proposes a new way of thinking about it – product policy. Products and packaging contribute 44% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions a ...
- Is Great Lakes Shoreline Public or Private?
Legal skirmishes in Ohio and Michigan are reviving debates over whether those who own Great Lakes shoreline properties exclusively control their waterfront land or whether the public can access and travel along the coast. The same legal doctrine at issue in these battles is a central focus in cu ...
- Algae blooms in Lake Erie bring back bad memories
Lyngbya wollei, south shore Maumee Bay in Ohio, September 23, 2009. Lake Erie, declared dead by the news media in the 1960s because of widespread, repulsive algae blooms, is once again marred, this time by both old and new causes. Some scientists and lake advocates worry that the unsightly algae i ...
- Dog Death Caps Summer of Blue-Green Algae in MN
Blue-green algae blooms on Minnesota lakes are linked to a dog death and illnesses, and apparently caused by runoff pollution. The death of a dog after it frolicked in a Minnesota lake plagued with blue-green algae was a sad coda for a late summer in the state. Although no necropsy was done, a spo ...
- Yellowstone Grizzlies Back on Endangered Species L ...
In 2007 federal protections were dropped for the protection of Yellowstone grizzlies. Ever since then, the Greater Yellowstone Coalition have been fighting to give protection back to the bears. They argued that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) failed to address the loss of essential food s ...
- Time to redefine the mission of the Secret Service ...
Ever since Barack Obama became a credible candidate for the presidency, there have been threats against his life. They were so bad that the Secret Service started protecting him far earlier in the cycle than they ever had any candidate. Then, eleven months ago, we went and elected him in a landslide ...
- Obama's Not FDR, Not JFK; He's LBJ
The parallels are fucking terrifying. Down with Tyranny has been reading Rick Perlstein's Nixonland , and keeps finding how similar the tragically hubristic war in Afghanistan is to the tragically hubristic war in Vietnam. On the third anniversary of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution [which passed on Au ...
- The Nightowl Newswrap
And the goal is what, exactly? "Fierce fighting has broken out as Pakistan's army launched an air and ground offensive against Taliban militants in the South Waziristan area. Officials said 30,000 troops, backed by artillery, had moved into the region where Pakistan Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud ...
- The Billionaires for Wealthcare were in KC today
They took a break from shopping on the Plaza to convene at the Nichols Fountain to protest those protesting the status quo. They are doing just fine, thank you, and they don't want to keep things just the way they are if it's all the same to you. I like the Billionaires for Wealthcare. They always h ...
- Funny Because It's True
ObamaCare to include psychological counseling for Republicans Breaking news: At a White House press briefing, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius announced that a deal was being cut with congress to include a special program in the upcoming health care reform, commonly known as ...
- Amazing bed-fellows as kestrels and barn owls shar ...
At the time of year when the RSPB is urging people to put up nest boxes ready for next spring, a surprising number of unusual shared occupancies have come to light. Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- In Koran contest kid winner takes home AK-47 and g ...
The 17-year-old winner of a Koran recital and quiz organized by rebels in southern Somalia got an AK-47 gun, two hand grenades, a computer and an anti-tank mine as prizes Submitted by Lone Wolf to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Neighbors thought dead man's body was part of Hall ...
The body of Mostafa Mahmoud Zayed, 75, an apparent suicide, sat decomposing on his Marina del Rey balcony for days because neighbors thought the lifeless figure was a dummy and didn't call police. Submitted by Kristi K. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Vaccination Controversy: Drugs You Don't Need And ...
Media hype surrounding the impending swine influenza pandemic of 2009 has frightened many Canadians into desperately seeking flu vaccines and other potentially harmful prescriptions for protection from this perceived threat. Submitted by Karen S. to Health & Wellness | Note-it! | Add a Commen ...
- New Research Suggests Conservation Biologists are ...
A new study by University of Adelaide and Macquarie University (Australia) scientists has shown that populations of endangered species are unlikely to persist in the face of global climate change and habitat loss unless they number around 5,000 mature ind Submitted by Carlos Amorim to Science & Tech ...
- Attack in Iran: What are the links to Pakistan?
One week after an assault on the Pakistan Army headquarters by suspected Sunni Islamist insurgents, a suicide bomber attacks Iran's most powerful military institution, the Revolutionary Guards. Are there links?
- A Big Mona with fries?
Escoffier, Brillat-Savarin and, yes, Julia Child would turn over in their graves at the state of French food, writes Mort Rosenblum in GlobalPost.
- Asylum seeker influx stirs Australians
Australian media is getting worked up again over an influx of boatpeople, even though the numbers may be small compared with other countries, especially Europe
- Insurgency in Pakistan: what next?
The latest wave of attacks in Pakistan represent a step-shift in the violence there. The country is now facing an insurgency in its heartland and few are willing to predict what will happen next.
- Afghanistan’s protracted election sours the ...
Afghanistan's lengthy election count has left the country in limbo, international policy in a holding pattern and the Taliban making the running. Wiping clean serious electoral fraud takes time. But a law of diminished returns applies - the longer it takes, the deeper the disarray around strategy on ...
- Tab Dump
1) Assessing Hillary Clinton's strategy at the State Department. 2) Superheroes photoshopped into old war pictures. Better, and less cheesy, than it sounds. 3) Bruce Bartlett argues against cutting the payroll tax. 4) Some serious climate change/CBO wonkery from David Roberts. 5) The Glenn Beck ...
- Olympia Snowe's Conservatism -- and Ours
My final question to Olympia Snowe was a bit of a throwaway. But it yielded the most telling answer of the interview. What’s the single idea you’d most like to see in the bill but that you don’t think is politically feasible? That’s a good question. You mean politically feasible? Yeah. L ...
- Obama Gets Feisty
From a DNC fundraiser: Now, to the non-Democrats who may be watching today (laughter) I want everybody to know we believe in a strong and loyal opposition. I believe in a two-party system where ideas are tested and assumptions are challenged -- because that’s how we can move this country forward ...
- An Interview With Sen. Olympia Snowe
When Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) became the first congressional Republican to cast a vote for health-care reform, she also became the most influential Republican on health-care reform. Keeping her vote is a priority for Senate majority leader Harry Reid. "He is prepared to do what he can to keep her ...
- More on Super Freakonomics
Brad Plumer joins the chorus assailing the climate change chapter in Super Freakonomics. He gestures towards the same problem I noticed: Much of the original Freakonomics was based on Steven Levitt's original research. Fairly little in Super Freakonomics is based on Levitt's original research. Inste ...
- LiveJournal
Does Not Equal is a webcomic by Sarah Ennals – check out the pre-Futurismic archives, and the strips that have been published here previously. [ Be sure to check out the Does Not Equal Cafepress store for webcomic merchandise featuring Canadians with geometrically-shaped heads! ] Project Wonderf ...
- More positive sf: DayBreak Magazine launches for D ...
Wondering what’s happening with the Shine anthology of postive science fiction that was announced last year? Well, editor Jetse de Vries has more good news; not only is Shine still on the roster of forthcoming releases from the recently-rescued Solaris Books imprint (April 2010), but there will be ...
- Tobias Buckell takes down vertical farming
We’ve mentioned vertical farming a number of times before, and the mighty BoingBoing brought it up earlier in the week; general consensus seems to be that it’s a lovely idea. [Vertical farm image borrowed from VerticalFarm.com] But lots of things are lovely ideas until you run the numbers on the ...
- Images of Heroic Slavery – Gears of War, God of ...
The third-person shooter genre of video games is largely populated by lead characters for whom violence and aggressive self-interest is both a means and an end – but are they heroic individuals, or slaves to a system? ### It may not be obvious from reading them, but there is a process behind the ...
- Google’s Building Maker: crowdsourcing the world ...
Is there anything that can’t be crowdsourced? Google sure don’t think so, as they’ve just announced another new project for Joe Public to muck in on. Google Building Maker will be used to populate Google Earth with 3D models of major buildings: We like to think of Building Maker as a cross bet ...
- When Being Laughed at Doesn’t Seem Funny
A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Though the common adage suggesting that it’s good to be able to laugh at oneself may hold a fair amount of truth in terms of maintaining a healthy self-image and overall well-being, sometimes it can be more difficult to accept or tolerate the laughter of others when ...
- Study Examines Relationship Between Depression, In ...
A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Many studies investigating the different aspects of both depression and inflammation have identified possible links between these two health concerns, but greater research into the precise relationship has been needed for some time. While these seemingly disparate issu ...
- Why The Body?
By Aylee Welch, LICSW, Body Psychotherapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Aylee and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Human beings are fascinating bio-psycho-social organisms. What makes up a person? Traditional psychotherapy works toward congruence in a person’s thinking, emotio ...
- Social Support Wards Off Depression in Parents
A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Though depression can affect anyone at various points of life, it can be especially unwelcome for parents, who may feel guilty about experiencing the mental health issue around their children. Special efforts have been made to study the occurences of depression in par ...
- Sexually Satisfied Women Report Greater Well-Being ...
A GoodTherapy.org News Summary While the links between the occurrences of sexual activity and overall mental health and well-being have been widely documented among men, especially within the context of examining treatments for erectile dysfunction, studies focusing on the role of sexual satisfactio ...
- How Moody's sold its ratings - and sold out invest ...
Kevin G. Hall / McClatchy Washington Bureau : How Moody's sold its ratings — and sold out investors — WASHINGTON — As the housing market collapsed in late 2007, Moody's Investors Service, whose investment ratings were widely trusted, responded by purging analysts and executives who warn ...
- Mr. Deeds for Governor - A LEGACY of sound policie ...
Washington Post : Mr. Deeds for Governor — A LEGACY of sound policies, coupled with the proximity of the federal government, has partially protected Virginia from the harsh retrenchments that the recession has forced on many states. Yet the commonwealth faces a daunting crisis in the form ...
- Fox News isn't just bad. It's un-American. (Jacob ...
Jacob Weisberg / Newsweek : Fox News isn't just bad. It's un-American. — From the magazine issue dated Oct 26, 2009 — Last week, when White House Communications Director Anita Dunn charged the Fox News Channel with right-wing bias, Fox responded the way it always does. It denied th ...
- washingtonpost.com > Opinions > Outlook & Opinio ...
Joseph Cirincione / Washington Post : washingtonpost.com > Opinions > Outlook & Opinions — Iran's expanding nuclear program poses one of the Obama administration's most vexing foreign policy challenges. Fortunately, the conditions for containing Tehran's efforts may be better today than th ...
- Exclusive: I Helped Richard Heene Plan a Balloon H ...
Robert Thomas / Gawker : Exclusive: I Helped Richard Heene Plan a Balloon Hoax — For the first time, 25-year-old researcher Robert Thomas reveals to Gawker how earlier this year he and Richard Heene drew up a master plan to generate a massive media controversy using a weather balloon. To ...
- M 5.3, Mindoro, Philippines
Sunday, October 18, 2009 23:50:09 UTC Monday, October 19, 2009 07:50:09 AM at epicenter Depth : 143.00 km (88.86 mi)
- M 5.2, Tonga
Sunday, October 18, 2009 12:02:33 UTC Monday, October 19, 2009 01:02:33 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.1, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Saturday, October 17, 2009 00:06:52 UTC Friday, October 16, 2009 08:06:52 PM at epicenter Depth : 46.60 km (28.96 mi)
- M 5.0, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Friday, October 16, 2009 23:31:06 UTC Friday, October 16, 2009 07:31:06 PM at epicenter Depth : 49.20 km (30.57 mi)
- M 5.1, Santa Cruz Islands
Friday, October 16, 2009 17:16:58 UTC Saturday, October 17, 2009 04:16:58 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- Forests at the frontline
Nepal supports a global agreement to help protect the climate by leaving the country’s forests intact. Bhimsen Thapaliya investigates the politics of such a deal. Nepal has lobbied in favour of a global pact that will convert its community-managed forests into cash, without cutting down a single t ...
- A chance for Sino-US partnership
Joint projects on low-carbon cities can help the United States and China face the climate crisis and the economic downturn, write Du Tingting and CS Kiang. [Produced in association with Rutgers Climate and Social Policy Initiative] As humanity confronts the climate crisis and the financial cri ...
- Greening Infosys
Two years ago, the Indian IT giant Infosys decided to clean up its act. Rohan Parikh, head of sustainable development at the company, explained to Isabel Hilton how they went about it. Isabel Hilton (IH): Why did Infosys [ Infosys Technologies Limited ] adopt its green initiative? Rohan Parikh ( ...
- Poisoned children test China
Central planners have resolved to clean up the country’s heavy industries, but they don’t always get what they want, writes Patti Waldmeir. In the provinces, local officials often have another agenda. Xiao Wang is a toddler, trapped in the body of an octogenarian. His lungs fight for breath, his ...
- A generation crippled by uranium
The UK’s Observer newspaper has found evidence to suggest a link between the poisoning of Indian Punjabi children and the state’s coal-fired power stations. Gethin Chamberlain reports. Their heads are too large or too small, their limbs too short or too bent. For some, their brains never grew, s ...
- ‘Known Software Bug’ Causes Drama During Brain ...
The maker of a life-saving radiation therapy device has patched a software bug that could cause the system’s emergency stop button to fail to stop, following an incident at a Cleveland hospital in which medical staff had to physically pull a patient from the maw of the machine. The bug affected t ...
- Virtual Sit-Ins Doom Online Animal Rights Activist ...
Setting aside claims of vagueness, a divided federal appeals court is upholding the constitutionality of the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, a statute that makes it a crime to encourage “physical disruption” or “economic damage” against animal research centers. Thursday’s decision (.pdf ...
- Payroll Site Hacked, Employment Numbers Swell
A payroll processing firm that was breached by hackers last month is warning customers about a new breach, after some clients noticed phantom employees popping up on their payrolls. New Jersey-based PayChoice sent a message to customers Thursday indicating that thieves appeared to have stolen custo ...
- Teen Arrested for Creating Website to Bully Other ...
A Missouri ninth-grader has been arrested for creating a website that disparaged another teen, the most recent arrest in a series of crackdowns by Missouri authorities on so-called cyber-bullying. School district authorities in Troy, Missouri, where the female student attends the Troy Buchanan Nint ...
- Judge: Mobile Phone Ringtones are Not Concerts
A federal judge has dismissed music industry arguments that a cell phone’s ringtone begins playing, copyright infringement starts happening since others can hear the song, effectively arguing that a mobile phone is a portable concert hall. That argument meant that millions of mobile phone users we ...
- Like Obama I generally can not stand FOX, especial ...
The New York Times story on my client, Stephanie Smith, has been an old and new media sensation. More blogs and twitters have reprinted her struggle with E. coli O157:H7 than any recent story. All that said, when FOX covers the story with the same level of concern, I think the meat industry and FS ...
- Raw Milk Outbreaks do happen despite what the West ...
Raw milk related bacterial outbreaks have been an unfortunate and expanding part of business at Marler Clark. What now seems to be at least a yearly occurrence (we do not get retained in all outbreaks) raw milk illnesses are on the rise. And, because the proponents of the consumption of raw milks ...
- Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma is being read 5,000 Wa ...
In what some in the Ag community seem to feel is a conspiracy to indoctrinate young minds to a different way to look at how our food is produced in the United States, Washington State University is moving forward with a Michael Pollan lecture scheduled for mid-January 2010. Below is a letter I just ...
- FDA to combat vibrio vulnificus in oysters by requ ...
Elizabeth Weise of USA Today reported on a speech by “FDA's Michael Taylor [where he] outlined the agency's plans to combat the deadly bacteria vibrio vulnificus by requiring Gulf-raised oysters to undergo post-production processing to kill the bacteria. Taylor told the assembled state health dep ...
- California Department of Public Health warns consu ...
Dr. Mark Horton, director of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), today warned consumers not to eat Del Monte whole cantaloupe sold at Northern California and Nevada Raley’s, Bel Air, Nob Hill Foods and Food Source stores between October 5 and October 16, 2009 because the cantaloupe ...
- Ethanol from almost anything? Coskata opens Lighth ...
Filed under: GM , Alternative Fuel Coskata Lighthouse Cellulosic Ethanol Plant - Click above for high-res image gallery Coskata's newly-opened semi-commercial flex ethanol facility in Madison, Pennsylvania is as small as it can possibly be. Co-located at a Westinghouse facility that also in some f ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.16.09
VIDEO: Brammo rides Detroit to Washington, 40 miles at a time 520 miles is a long way to go when you need to recharge every 40 miles. Ford hybrid sales up 73 percent compared to 2008, when Fusion/Milan we ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.16.09
Volkswagen MK VI Golf BlueMotion now on sale, 99 g/km of CO 2 61.9 mpg, and it's not available in the U.S. Figures. Unexpected Greenery: TVR Artemis concept from Niels van Roij The idea of a ...
- REPORT: Energy Secretary Chu - "I would put every ...
U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu has a penchant for making some straightforward statements about energy policy. He's said that electric vehicles are inevitable , for example, and that all American cars should be E85-capable . Recently, he apparently said that "if it were up to me, I would put eve ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.14.09
REPORT: Energy Secretary Chu: "I would put every cent into electric cars" That should calm the fires. Last pre-production Volt comes off the assembly line Can't stop progress. ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: What Windows 7 means
Is Windows 7 just Vista done right, or is it a real departure for Microsoft? This week on the Roundtable, we discuss what Windows 7 means for the industry as well as its impact on vendors like Apple and Google--with special guests Farhad Manjoo of Slate and Mary Jo Foley of ZDNet. Listen now: ...
- Wolfram Alpha opens API to developers
Developers can now put Wolfram Alpha results in their own applications. The company today opened up its API to open access, allowing coders to query the Wolfram system and incorporate its data, calculations, and rich media results. The company put out a blog post about the new API without show ...
- Is Quicken at the end of the road?
Conventional wisdom is that Intuit's acquisition of the personal finance Web service Mint will mean the end of the line for the company's standalone software app, Quicken . Upstart Mint , which is being acquired by Intuit for $170 million, has a personal finance product more in line with the times ...
- Sidekick's lesson: We learn by failing
Technically, we can't blame the loss of Sidekick users' data on a failure of either the concept or the technology of "cloud computing." But Microsoft's clear bungling of basic information management practices (apparently, there were backups--but they didn't work) does cast a pall over not just Micr ...
- Reporters Roundtable #5: Tablets' uncertain future
Next year will probably see new tablet computers from Apple and maybe even Microsoft. What do these companies know that our panel does not? Featuring Ryan Block and Harry McCracken. Listen now: Download today's podcast Subscribe with iTunes (audio) Subscribe with iTunes (video) Subscrib ...
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.
http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so frequ ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...
http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...
http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...
http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.
http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, wit ...
- Lt. Choi Won’t Lie for His Country
Lt. Dan Choi doesn’t want to lie. Choi, an Iraq war veteran and a graduate of West Point, declared last March 19 on “The Rachel Maddow Show,” “I am gay.” Under the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” regulations, those three words are enough to get Choi kicked out of the military ...
- Watch What You Tweet
A social worker from New York City was arrested last week while in Pittsburgh for the G-20 protests, then subjected to an FBI raid this week at home—all for using Twitter. Elliot Madison faces charges of hindering apprehension or prosecution, criminal use of a communication facility and possessio ...
- Nomi Prins on "It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bail ...
Nomi Prins is a former investment banker turned journalist. She worked at Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns. She is the author of several books; her latest, just out, is called It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street . She spoke on the them ...
- Scanning the Horizon of Books and Libraries
A battle is raging over the future of books in the digital age and the role that libraries will play. One case now before a U.S. federal court may, some say, grant a practical monopoly on recorded human knowledge to global Internet search giant Google. The complex case has attracted opposition from ...
- Police Crackdown on G20 Protests: Democracy Now! R ...
World leaders are gathering in Pittsburgh for the G20 summit under the shadow of a police crackdown on protesters in the streets. Heavily-armed riot police are out in force all over the city, using tear gas, stun grenades, smoke canisters, and sound cannons, which direct extremely loud shrill sound ...
- I Do Like Green Eggs and Ham
Much of what we’ve addressed on this blog has focused on the epidemiological failures of industrial farming. But what of the alternatives? Can we farm in another way? Is another world possible? Â Â It’s only since I’ve moved to the Midwest that I’ve learned that not only is that world p ...
- Heart of Modeling
Greed is often mistaken for humanity’s heart of darkness. Look instead to the rationalization that transforms the most rapacious pillaging into an act of benevolence. A one-ton bomb dropped on a peasant wedding party is dissembled into regret without responsibility or, baser yet, a tough love offe ...
- Bird Flu’s Industrial Revolution
Public talks can be private affairs. In sharing our work we bare the triumphs and limits of a thinking born in long hours alone or with a few fellow conspirators sworn to secrecy. But in breaking our oaths we are able to take the next step. In talking bird flu twice this past month I learned [... ...
- The Agro-Industrial Roots of Swine Flu H1N1
Mexico appears ground zero for an outbreak of deadly human-specific H1N1. Of the over 1400 people that have been reportedly infected there so far, 86 have died. Short chains of transmission of the virus have also been reported in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, New York City, Canada and New Zeal ...
- The NAFTA Flu
Cases of swine flu H1N1 are now reported in Honduras, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Austria, Thailand, Israel, etc. Can’t keep up at this point. H1N1 is making its way across the world by hierarchical diffusion. By the world’s transportation network it is bouncing down a hierarchy of citi ...
- Video – David Icke talks to Freedom Central ...
David Icke Interview with Freedom Central in September 2009 in Amsterdam, along side his speaking event David takes time to give detailed information regarding the state of the planet and humanity in general. With some new insight and fresh information which appears in his new book. Be sure to watc ...
- Danish Prime Minister Knew WTC Would Collapse
Giuliani received the same warning – victims and firefighters inside the tower did not Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Friday, October 16, 2009 During a recent interview on Danish television, the former Prime Minister of Denmark admitted that he received a message 5 to 10 minutes beforehand ...
- Did The CIA Have More Motive Than Oswald?
By Jacob Hornberger For the life of me, I still don’t understand what Lee Harvey Oswald’s motive was for killing President John F. Kennedy. The lone-assassin [...]
- Pen Hadow: Arctic Pillock – the comedy saga cont ...
By James Delingpole Yesterday on the Today programme, one of its chief climate fear promoters (aka environment correspondent) Roger Harrabin reported the appropriately spine-chilling news that the Arctic sea ice is definitely going to melt by 2020. How do we know this? Because a Cambridge professor ...
- Snow in Central Europe brings death, chaos and sta ...
Three people, including a shepherd, froze to death in the mountains of southern Poland and a man died when his car was blown off the road in the north of the country. In northeastern parts of the Czech Republic roads and railway lines were blocked by fallen trees after strong winds and snow about 50 ...
- THE TRUTH | Gather
This gentleman is amazing, and I would highly recommend that you not only read this particular post by him but, also, further explore his portfolio to read other ones of his writings. Submitted by Ainsley Jo Phillips to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Israel in Canada: Promised Lands
On the occasion of filmmakers withdrawing last month from the Toronto Film Festival in protest of Israeli involvement in the event, Eric Walberg takes a radical look at Israel's cultural and political connections in Canada Submitted by Eric W. to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- War is peace, ignorance is strength
Barack Obama, winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, is planning another war to add to his impressive record. In Afghanistan, his agents routinely extinguish wedding parties.... Submitted by Eleanor B. to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- the Dossier | UK Online | High Crimes & Misdemeano ...
Homepage of website listing news articles, documents,films, lectures,declassified documents,leaked letters & memoes,central Asian oil and gas infrastructure,links,audio,music & satire Submitted by John Farnham to Business | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace, ...
Professor Chussdovsky has maintained a reference centre for topics relating to the military and foreign policy for years. He is often referred to as an authority. My own reading tends to confirm his thoughts. Submitted by John Farnham to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Stephen Fry's Last Chance to See
20 years on from the original broadcast with Mark Carwardine and Douglas Adams, Stephen Fry joins Carwardine on a search for the world's most endangered animals.
- Putin proposes Central Asian Eurovision rival
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has proposed a Central Asian version of the popular Eurovision Song Contest. Speaking in Beijing, famous macho man Putin invited other leader members of the Shanghai Co-Operation Organisation (SCO) to join with him in creating a rival music competition.
- Humble heroes: Pret joins 10:10
British sandwich retailer, Pret a Manger , has joined the 10:10 campaign , pledging to cut its carbon footprint 10% by 2010. "We’re already working hard on lowering our carbon output," Nicki Fisher, Pret’s Head of Sustainability told Sideways News.
- Winner of the week: Kevin Shields
Climbing extreme routes without even a rope to dangle from is something few of us could do, and it's a prospect that terrifies most, but 31-year-old Kevin Shields stands out from the rest of us.
- Winner of the Week: Kevin Shields
Climbing extreme routes without even a rope to dangle from is something few of us could do, and it's a prospect that terrifies most, but 31-year-old Kevin Shields stands out from the rest of us.
- A DC insider speaks to us about “Voices of P ...
This is someone we should listen to, with a message that must hear. At the end are links to more information about this topic. Voices of Power: transcript of an interview by Lois Romano with Elizabeth Warren, Washington Post, 8 october 2009 — Excerpt: ROMANO: Do you agree with Michael Moor ...
- TomGram: “The Imperial Presidency 2.0″ ...
The power of the Presidency grows inexorably for many reason. One is the political ratchet: each Administration increases some aspects of the Executive’s powers, amidst praise from its partisans and impotent criticism from the loyal opposition. Eventually they trade places, but seldom ...
- Weekend reading recommendations
Lots of great reading material for your weekend pleasure! New material and updates to previous posts. New material Fabius Maximus on Restoring the Republic – posted by Tor at “Dunedain” website, 16 October 2009 — An interview! “Refusing to Admit the Problem“, William K. Black (Prof, ...
- Fixing the government, part XXXIV
This website and a hundred others rant about the need to fix the structural flaws in our government. A waste of time, as these are a feature — not a bug. Each new Administration has to shovel our money into the maws of the special interest groups that elected them, and has no time to [...]
- Correction to my previous posts – not all ci ...
From “Forgotten Soldiers of the Integration Fight“, op-ed in the New York Times, 28 September 2009 — Hat tip to the Instapundit. Excerpt: On Tuesday, Oct. 1, Oxford, Miss., will be coming to terms with one of the major events of its past. Forty years ago on that day, in the early mornin ...
- Missed Kicks Make Brain See Smaller Goal Post
Flubbing a field goal kick doesn’t just bruise your ego — new research shows it may actually change how your brain sees the goal posts. In a study of 23 non-football athletes who each kicked 10 field goals, researchers found that players’ performance directly affected their perception of t ...
- Why Eggs Could Be Getting Harder to Peel
Consider the farm-fresh egg, the pristine symbol of the simple days of pre-industrial farming. People love them, but there’s a problem: They seem to be getting harder to peel. And though I’ve messily discovered this on my own, there’s some science to back this idea up. Here in food-crazed San ...
- Huge Holes in the Earth: Open-Pit Mines Seen From ...
> People have become significant earth movers, outpacing all sources of natural erosion. More and more of our footprint can be seen from space in many forms, including cities, reservoirs, agriculture and deforestation. Among the most impressive human scars on the planet ...
- Edge of Solar System Is Not What We Expected
The edge of the solar system is tied up with a ribbon, astronomers have discovered. The first global map of the solar system reveals that its edge is nothing like what had been predicted. Neutral atoms, which are the only way to image the fringes of the solar system, are densely packed into a narro ...
- Sour: It’s What Carbonation Tastes Like
The carbon dioxide in your favorite soda pop tastes sour to your tongue, thanks to an enzyme that converts CO2 into protons that sour-sensing cells can detect. That means your Coca Cola isn’t just packed with high-fructose sweetness, but, perhaps counterintuitively, its carbonation delivers a del ...
- Fall of the European Left, revisited
Parties of the left are out of power in three of the Big Four now, and everyone expects Labour to lose the next General Election in Britain. Going down the list to the Next-Biggest Four, we have Spain (Zapatero’s center-left government hanging in there), Poland (center-right), Romania (grand coal ...
- Misreading the Goldstone Report: Aluf Benn and Rea ...
Aluf Benn must be living in an alternate universe : “Operation Cast Lead in Gaza was perceived in Israel as a shining victory. Rocket fire from Gaza was brought to a halt almost completely. The Israel Defense Forces emerged from its failure during the Second Lebanon War and deployed ground forces ...
- China and America: Stuck At The Hip?
The idea of being attached to a conjoined twin you're not particularly fond of is a fairly horrifying one to say the least. Yet for the past decade or more, this is exactly the predicament in which the U.S. and China have found themselves. "Chimerica" is a term concocted by the British histori ...
- Iran’s Uranium Useless For Weapons?
A couple stories this morning — one predictable, the other quite surprising — could push the Iran policy debate in two very different directions. The Wall Street Journal reports that, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials, “ U.S. spy agencies are considering whether to r ...
- Pakistan in Denial
Via Spencer Ackerman, Jane Perlez writes that Pakistani security officials are concerned that anti-Indian extremist groups they’ve nurtured are building ties with al-Qaeda but they don’t know how to admit this : The senior personnel in the security forces seem to understand the gravity of the mi ...
- Lightning Round: A Taste of Armageddon.
Even though the option of passing health-care reform through the reconciliation process is now available , it seems increasingly likely that Democrats will be able to hold together their caucus for a cloture vote, and even manage to bring a bill to the floor that contains a public option. Not only ...
- A Standard Of Proof.
Conor Friedersdorf responds to my earlier argument about his standard for describing something as racist: Mr. Serwer and I seem to agree that Mr. Limbaugh hurts minorities with some of the comments that he makes. For example, when Mr. Limbaugh claimed that in Barack Obama ’s America, white kids a ...
- The Dynasty Effect.
On Wednesday, Rory Reid , son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid launched his Nevada campaign for governor. Yesterday, Beau Biden said that he was "absolutely" considering running for the Senate seat formerly held by his father. Add that to the likes of Rand Paul , Robin Carnahan and Ethan Haster ...
- Defending Goldstone.
Michelle Goldberg on the Israeli reaction to the Goldstone Report: Richard Goldstone 's report to the U.N. Human Rights Council on Israel's invasion of Gaza appears to have struck a nerve. Even given the extreme defensiveness typical of Israel's government and its apologists, the reaction to Gold ...
- The Ghost of Anna Politkovskaya.
Hillary Clinton and Obama adviser Michael McFaul may have made it seem as though the United States had become less interested in supporting democracy and human-rights advocates in Russia, but today United Nations experts made their views about these issues crystal clear and addressed the blatant abu ...
- Andy Worthington Is In Technorati’s Top 100 Worl ...
I was delighted to hear, via my colleague Jason Leopold (Truthout, The Public Record), that Technorati, one of the leading analysts of the blogosphere, has recently revamped its appraisals of the blogging community, introducing Top 100 lists, and that this site, Andy Worthington, now features in the ...
- Resisting Injustice In Guantánamo: The Story Of F ...
At Guantánamo, as was recently revealed in the ruling of a District Court judge in the habeas corpus petition of one of the remaining 222 prisoners, the authorities’ view about the prisoners, back in 2003 or 2004, was that “there is no innocent person here.” The man who spoke these words was ...
- A full house for the launch of “Outside the Law: ...
The 300 free tickets for the UK launch of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” have all been booked a week before the event. The launch is taking place on Wednesday October 21 at the Cochrane Theatre, Southampton Row, London WC1, and while this is great news for all involved in the film, ...
- Finding New Homes For 44 Cleared Guantánamo Priso ...
In a recent article, “75 Guantánamo Prisoners Cleared For Release; 31 Could Leave Today,” I examined the implications of an announcement that 75 of the remaining 223 prisoners in Guantánamo have been cleared for release. This came by way of a list posted in the prison, identifying the prisoner ...
- A Letter From Afghanistan: Bagram, Afghan sufferin ...
Last year, I received one of those special emails out of the blue, from someone wise and compassionate, who, to my great delight, wished to thank me for the courage of my writing. This woman, who has worked in rural development and post-disaster rehabilitation for 20 years, mostly in Africa, has spe ...
- Time for Regular Folks to Organize
Body How tortured our belief systems have become. Things that seemed immutable in the past have been warped into unrecognizable forms whether the topic is religion, the economy, or our political environment. Agencies we always thought would protect us are often fronts that don’t speak ...
- Limbaugh's Well-Known Racist Remarks Hurt His Chan ...
In related news , Michael Richards Will probably have to miss Out on becoming the new producer Of "Everybody Hates Chris." And Mel Gibson , even if he made An effort that was marathon Won't ever wind up hosting the Chabad's yearly telethon. read more
- Rep. Robert Wexler: I Am Leaving Congress -- Thank ...
BUZZFLASH NEWS ALERT Today, with both sadness and excitement, I announced that I am leaving Congress in January to accept the position of President of the Center for Middle East Peace, a non-profit institute devoted to achieving a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East. This decision was no ...
- Chris Hedges: Smart Guy
BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY "Private capital tends to become concentrated in [a] few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of th ...
- The scandalous cynicism of Congressional politics
Body It was a pithy lede -- "Now they have an enemy" -- meant by the Washington Post's Ceci Connolly to describe the morphing if not amorphous central front in the healthcare wars. But stay tuned, for it will morph again, and quite possibly into oblivion. "They" are described by the Post ...
- David Rohde's insights into what motivates the Tal ...
(updated below) The New York Times ' David Rohde writes about the seven months he was held hostage by a group of extremist Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan and conveys this observation about what motivates them: My captors harbored many delusions about Westerners. But I also saw how s ...
- British High Court rejects U.S./British cover-up o ...
(updated below) There is a vital development -- a new ruling from the British High Court -- in a story about which I've written many times before : the extraordinary joint British/U.S. effort to cover up the brutal torture which Binyam Mohamed suffered at the hands of the CIA while in Pakist ...
- Another Goldman executive named to key government ...
(updated below) Apparently, the U.S. government didn't have enough Goldman Sachs executives in key financial and regulatory positions, so the following happened this week : A Goldman Sachs executive has been named the first chief operating officer of the Securities and Exchange Commission' ...
- Talking about Iran on the TV
(updated below - Update II - Update III) Earlier this morning, I was on MSNBC, on Dylan Ratigan's Morning Meeting program, discussing Iran. Although I didn't know beforehand, the person charged with making the case that Iran is a Grave Threat was . . . Arianna Huffington. Also on the pan ...
- How similar are the cases against Iran and Iraq?
(updated below - Update II) Scott Shane has an article in today's New York Times examining whether the government and media's behavior now with regard to Iran is similar to what happened in 2002 and 2003 concerning Iraq. I'm quoted in the article in several places, including saying that th ...
- Time to boycott Rush Limbaugh sponsors
The boycott of Glenn Beck’s sponsors seems to be effective. Last I heard the man was running out of advertising options. CNN, after getting rid of Beck, is now looking to dump Lou Dobbs for... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Bipartisanship: The Eulogy
A pretty ironic title for a post on a site called Bipartisan Report, isn’t it? Back in January I joined this site with a strong belief that it is possible to have a conversation around issues... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- #WeLovetheNHS
The astroturf organization, Conservatives for Patients' Rights (CPR), started a backlash across the Pond yesterday. As reported by the Daily Times the Brits didn't take too kindly to have their... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Conservatives and “The Big Lie”
It was GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss who pushed me over the edge. Not that I should be surprised that Chambliss would make up a lie out of whole cloth about health care. The only way that he got elected... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Why the GOP can’t afford to have Obama succeed o ...
I’m no big fan of Newt Gingrich, but I also know that he has a lot of political smarts (not that he always uses them appropriately). In the early part of the year, he made a very interesting... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Climate Change Action
It’s Blog Action Day 2009 and the subject this year is Climate Change. So, here are a few resources for readers seeking out climate information: IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – The IPCC assesses the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the unders ...
- Metal Bottle Tops and Landfill Mining
Reduce, re-use, and recycle. Just one of the countless mantras of the twenty-first century that we are told will save the planet. Of course, my grandmother used to put it far more succinctly and in a much more accessible form: waste not, want not. Now, we have carbon footprints, emissions targe ...
- Moon, Earthquakes, Chemical Weapons
The media was today almost drenched with the idea that water and other wonders would be been found on the Moon, but unfortunately LXPRESS was the least moist of damp squibs ever and no 50 km plume was seen, not even a little splash. NASA scientists are trying to figure out why. Meanwhile, in th ...
- Gen-F Scientists Ignoring Social Networking
A quick analysis of online social networks, such as LinkedIn and Xing would suggest that a mere 1 in 7 research scientists use such tools as part of their work. This contrasts starkly with the business world where uptake is up to 88%. In other words almost 9 out of every ten employees in the [. ...
- Organic, Nano, Pharma
Challenging natural products succumb to radical synthetic prowess, the Alchemist hears this week, while US researchers find a way to construct macroscopic crystals from tiny DNA triangles. The growing problem of obesity drug abuse in the UK is highlighted in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacol ...
- Beijing Cuts Smog But Adds 1,500 Cars Each Day
Changing attitudes to emissions is a gradual process, with baby steps which should given credit, despite the short length of the stride. China's baby steps are 221 "blue sky days" that indicate pollution in Beijing is down . With the number of days enjoying dangerous levels of pollution down to onl ...
- Sustainable Food Will Benefit From Fewer Americans ...
With fewer Americans relocating than anytime in the last 50 years, communities, families and the environment stands to gain . Settling in one place for a longer time is helping build more resilient communities, with alternative industries thriving. The report explains that Wal Mart won't be replace ...
- Rhode Island, and the Quest for Gay Marriage Throu ...
When it comes to gay marriage and New England, all eyes are on Maine as voters prepare to decide whether the state's same-sex marriage law will be kept on the books, or repealed at the hands of anti-gay church folk. But three states down is the tiniest state in the country, Rhode Island, and if Mai ...
- Coolest Job Title at the Opportunity Collaboration
"Forest Whitaker's Assistant for Social Innovation." I kid you not.
- Meet the New Healthcare Editor
Editor's Note: This post was originally scheduled for Friday, 10/9. Due to a system upgrade, it got lost in the ether. My apologies for the delay in introducing myself to all of you. A stranger has gained access to the Change.org healthcare blog and has been posting (perhaps perplexing?) stories. T ...
- FOIA Lawsuit Seeks Bush-Era DOJ Opinion
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 15, 2009 Brennan Center for Justice Today, the Brennan Center for Justice is filing a federal lawsuit to compel release of a long-suppressed Bush-era legal opinion; the opinion in question purportedly acknowledges that a federal law -- which requires organizations recei ...
- Free Press: Berkman Study Shows Need for Better Br ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 15, 2009 Free Press A new study by Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society examines broadband systems and practices throughout the world and finds that the United States is only "a middle-of-the-pack performer." The report shows that open access polic ...
- CNN Runs Away From Its Dobbs Problem ... Again
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 15, 2009 Media Matters for America Today, Media Matters for America responded to news that CNN has refused to air a new advertisement from America's Voice and Media Matters calling out the network for giving Lou Dobbs a prominent platform. "CNN is willing to stand beh ...
- Diverse Coalition Re-Launches Multi-Million Dollar ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 15, 2009 Equality California (EQCA) Today a broad-based coalition re-launched Let California Ring, a comprehensive campaign to build support for marriage for California's same-sex couples with a focus on work in communities of color. A joint effort of lesbian, gay, bise ...
- Louisiana Court Battle Over Guantanamo Psychologis ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 15, 2009 Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) Today, attorneys filed an appeal before the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal, in the case Dr. Trudy Bond v. Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists . Toledo-based psychologist Dr. Trudy Bond is calling o ...
- Goldman Can Spare You a Dime
by Frank Rich AT the dawn of the progressive era early in the last century, muckrakers attacked the first billionaire, John D. Rockefeller, for creating capitalism's most ruthless monster. "The Octopus" was their nickname for Standard Oil, the trust that controlled nearly 90 percent of American oil. ...
- David Rohde's Insights Into What Motivates the Tal ...
by Glenn Greenwald The New York Times ' David Rohde writes about the seven months he was held hostage by a group of extremist Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan and conveys this observation about what motivates them: read more
- Sheriff Arpaio: "I Could Be Elected on Pink Underw ...
by Isabel Macdonald As Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in increasing defiance of the feds' decision to strip him of his street-level federal immigration authority, charges forward with another of his notorious anti-immigrant sweeps today, listeners of NPR's "The Takeaway" were treated to an illu ...
- Corporations Badmouth Public Water
by Patti Lynn Things aren't looking pretty for drinking water these days. Recent articles from The New York Times and the Associated Press have exposed unchecked pollution, grave gaps in oversight, decaying infrastructure, and concerns about emerging contaminants. read more
- Eight Years Later, We Still Don’t Get It in Afgh ...
by Ted Rall Eight years. We’ve been in Afghanistan longer than any other war in American history. The party of the president who invaded Afghanistan has been repudiated at the polls. Yet we still haven’t altered the flawed strategy that allowed uneducated tribesmen with outdated weapons to defea ...
- i2eye with Bif Naked
The last few years have been a roller-coaster ride for Bif Naked. After two years of touring, TV work and datelessness following her 2005 album Superbeautifulmonster, the Vancouver-based alt-rock singer-songwriter — whose real name is Beth Walker — met and married her husband, sportswriter Ian W ...
- Cultural evolution
When Jane Goodall reported her observations of tools use by chimps to famed anthropologist Louis Leakey, he responded by saying, “Now we must redefine tool, redefine man or accept chimpanzees as humans.” Leakey would have likely had a similar reaction to the current work of University of Calgary ...
- Faces of aggression
Even if you can’t distinguish NHL enforcers Todd Bertuzzi and Chris Neil from a referee, you’d probably know at first sight not to mess with them. And not just because of their physical size. The men employed to intimidate the opposition tend to have wide faces, and that, Brock University’s Ch ...
- i2eye with Bruce McNaughton
One of the world’s foremost neuroscientists, Bruce McNaughton is renowned for his groundbreaking research into how the human brain stores, processes and transmits information. One year ago, the Ottawa-born McNaughton was lured back to Canada after spending more than a quarter century in the United ...
- Little boxes
With more than half the Canadian population now living in the suburbs, Jill Grant says it’s an obvious time to study this increasingly popular living option, one that remains a bane to urban planners and downtown boosters. Are people drawn to the concept of perfectly matching houses throughout a n ...
- US pays $400 per gallon for gas in Afghanistan
Last year, the price of gasoline in the United States topped the $4 per gallon mark. This year in Afghanistan, the price has topped $400. The stunning revelation emerged Thursday in a report from the Pentagon to House officials. The information conveyed offers new insight into a recent report by t ...
- US spends $1 million per soldier in Afghanistan, g ...
The monthly cost of the US presence in Afghanistan isn't quite as much as the planned 2009 bonuses at Goldman Sachs. At $3.6 billion a month, however, the annual total does exceed the firm's planned $23 billion in bonuses for the year. That's the taxpayer toll of the US war in Afghanistan according ...
- Sacramento County sheriff's veteran pleads guilty ...
In the latest blow for the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department, a retired veteran lieutenant has pleaded guilty to possession of hundreds of images of child pornography found on his home computer, federal court documents state. Mark Kessell, 51, whose background included working the command cent ...
- Canada: Montreal Mafia controls 80 per cent of roa ...
The alleged plans for fixing bids among Montreal construction companies known as the "Fabulous Fourteen" were passed along by telephone, often using a code based on golf. "We'll start on the fourth hole, we'll be a party of nine," an instruction would go. The code meant the contractor pretending to ...
- Canada will expand prisons to suit tough crime law ...
The Conservative government has doubled the budget for prison construction and maintenance as it prepares federal institutions for an influx of inmates resulting from its suite of new crime laws. In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan revealed the government ...
- ‘Known Software Bug’ Causes Drama During Brain ...
The maker of a life-saving radiation therapy device has patched a software bug that could cause the system’s emergency stop button to fail to stop, following an incident at a Cleveland hospital in which medical staff had to physically pull a patient from the maw of the machine. The bug affected t ...
- Virtual Sit-Ins Doom Online Animal Rights Activist ...
Setting aside claims of vagueness, a divided federal appeals court is upholding the constitutionality of the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, a statute that makes it a crime to encourage “physical disruption” or “economic damage” against animal research centers. Thursday’s decision (.pdf ...
- Payroll Site Hacked, Employment Numbers Swell
A payroll processing firm that was breached by hackers last month is warning customers about a new breach, after some clients noticed phantom employees popping up on their payrolls. New Jersey-based PayChoice sent a message to customers Thursday indicating that thieves appeared to have stolen custo ...
- Teen Arrested for Creating Website to Bully Other ...
A Missouri ninth-grader has been arrested for creating a website that disparaged another teen, the most recent arrest in a series of crackdowns by Missouri authorities on so-called cyber-bullying. School district authorities in Troy, Missouri, where the female student attends the Troy Buchanan Nint ...
- Judge: Mobile Phone Ringtones are Not Concerts
A federal judge has dismissed music industry arguments that a cell phone’s ringtone begins playing, copyright infringement starts happening since others can hear the song, effectively arguing that a mobile phone is a portable concert hall. That argument meant that millions of mobile phone users we ...
- Sepsis
A short film written and directed by Artur Llobell. Sepsis from Esteve Boix on Vimeo .
- The Extinction Distinction by Steven Jonas, MD, MP ...
by Steven Jonas, MD, MPHFeatured WriterDandelion Saladcrossposted on TPJmagazineOct. 18, 2009There have been five Great Extinctions in the history of Earth. And yes, all you creationists out there, according to a great deal of scientific evidence, that is evidence that is based on observation, exper ...
- Now, Let Us Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance By ...
By Gary CorseriFeatured WriterDandelion SaladOctober 18,2009“Maybe that’s what it’s all about. … Maybe all that happens is, you get older and you know less.” — Frank SinatraChildren:In Amerika today we have two parties … the Fascist Union (also known as the F.U. party) and the Phony Co ...
- Hopeless? by Cindy Sheehan
by Cindy SheehanFeatured WriterDandelion SaladCindy Sheehans Soapbox BlogCindy Sheehans SoapboxOct. 18, 2009I attended a march and rally in San Francisco today that had about 400 people in attendance. The numbers were low and so were the spirits.People were leaving early and many were just dejected ...
- Scott Horton interviews Cindy Sheehan
with Cindy SheehanFeatured WriterDandelion SaladCindy Sheehans Soapbox BlogCindy Sheehans SoapboxAntiwar RadioOct. 16, 2009Peace activist Cindy Sheehan discusses plans for continuous civil disobedience in Washington D.C. until the Iraq and Afghanistan wars end, lessons learned from the Pittsburgh G- ...
- Sabotage Experts: US Coast Guard Exercise on 9/11, ...
Coast Guard to review exercise after Potomac security scare Security incident on Potomac River prompted by “training exercise,” two police sources say Coast Guard told them. With the nation already on edge and somewhat paranoid on September 11 each year, what is the LAST thing you want to do? ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance August 31, 2009
It’s the week before Labor Day, and the Texas Progressive Alliance is hard at work bringing you the best of the Texas blogosphere. Here are this week’s highlights. The Texas Cloverleaf wonders why only one person showed up to a budget meeting where taxes are being increased in Denton County. No ...
- Who Will Carry The Kennedy Torch? Op Ed
The passing of Ted Kennedy may have dealt a blow to progressive humanitarian warriors. The Senate is missing the most effective voice for the disenfranchised. From his perch atop the mountain of comfort built by his family, Ted Kennedy used his position to battle legislative discrepancies that ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – August 24, 2009
School is starting, and the Texas Progressive Alliance is prepared as always to ace the test. Here is this week’s roundup of blog highlights. From TXsharon: Woo Hoo! EPA testing has now confirmed wells are contaminated “with various substances connected with gas drilling‖proof that h ...
- Bi-Polar America – Who is Worthy of a Healthy Li ...
The rationing of health care is already a fact of life. The new reform will remove some of that rationing and make health care a right instead of a privilege. Bi-Polar America - I am worthy, You are not. Jesus was a socialist.
- Land + Water + Food = Resource Rights = Human Righ ...
October 17th is marked as by the United Nations as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty . At Grassroots International, we have been working with our partners for over 25 years towards achieving that goal. Clearly, a lot needs to be done to get us there. read more
- Family farmers feed Brazil
brazil200907-078.jpg The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) recently published a report on the country’s agricultural sector. The last report had been published in 1996. The new document supports several points raised by ...
- Today is World Food Day!
1._Sign_-_Food_sovereignty_yes.jpg Today is World Food Day! World Food Day is celebrated every year on October 16 – the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. World Food Day raises awaren ...
- Act Now for Trade Justice - Replace NAFTA!
For some, October 12th is commemorated as the day that Christopher Columbus "discovered" the Americas. For many more, it marked the beginning of over 500 years of foreign domination, cultural destruction and systematic exploitation. Over the last 15 years, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NA ...
- What is the Global Week of Action on Trade?
Subheadline: 15 Years of NAFTA - Enough is enough! The Global Week of Action is a collaborative action between different communities worldwide, to protest the atrocities caused by free trade while highlighting alternatives to NAFTA, CA ...
- October 17-18, 2009
Republican Senator Says Open to U.S. Climate Bill (Reuters) A senior Republican in the Senate, conservative Sen. Lisa Murkowski, said she would consider voting for the climate bill that Democrats are pushing if it contains a vigorous expansion of nuclear energy and domestic oil drilling. Bigg ...
- October 17-18, 2009
Republican Senator Says Open to U.S. Climate Bill (Reuters) A senior Republican in the Senate, conservative Sen. Lisa Murkowski, said she would consider voting for the climate bill Democrats are pushing if it contains a vigorous expansion of nuclear energy and domestic oil drilling. Biggest E ...
- October 16, 2009
EU: Developing Countries Softening Tech Transfer Demands (Financial Times) Developing countries have dropped some of their demands for access to rich countries’ technology to cut greenhouse gas emissions, removing a big obstacle to an international deal on climate change, EU officials say. ...
- October 15, 2009
US Aims for Bilateral Climate Deals with China, India (Guardian) The Obama administration hopes to win new commitments to fight global warming from China and India in back-to-back summits next month, including an Indian plan to develop a carbon emissions trading system. CBO Director: ACES Would ...
- October 14, 2009
Analysis: US Carbon Price to Hit $15 Under Boxer-Kerry (Business Green) A new analysis by Point Carbon suggests that the carbon price in the Senate’s cap-and-trade plan is unlikely to rise much above the bill's proposed price floor. Senators Say US Climate Bill Making Progress (Reuters) Dem ...
- Tomgram: Will Today's U.S.-Armed Ally Be Tomorrow ...
[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: In the past weeks, you could catch original pieces by Barbara Ehrenreich , Arundhati Roy , Pepe Escobar , Michael Klare , Ann Jones , and Rebecca Solnit , among others, at this website. It's the sort of line-up you might otherwise find at a top-notch magazine. Every ...
- Tomgram: David Swanson, The Imperial Presidency 2 ...
October 7th marked the eighth anniversary of the Bush administration's invasion of Afghanistan and so of the... well, can we really call it a war?... that won't end, that American commanders there now predict could last for another decade or more. And yet, here's the weird thing: because Congress ...
- Tomgram: Barbara Ehrenreich, Do Women Have the Bl ...
Hardly less startling than finding herself with breast cancer was Barbara Ehrenreich's discovery of the "pink ribbon culture," of, that is, the enforced cheerfulness and positive thinking that accompanied it (and the teddy bears and "cornucopia of pink-ribbon-themed breast cancer products" which w ...
- Tomgram: William Astore, Apocalypse Then, Afghani ...
Here's the thing: This may be our next "Vietnam moment," but Afghanistan is no Vietnam: there are no major enemy powers like the Soviet Union and China lurking in the background; no organized enemy state with a powerful army like North Vietnam supporting the insurgents; no well organized, unifie ...
- Tomgram: Are We the Martians of the Twenty-First ...
[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: Every now and then, I recommend books that especially appeal to me. Let me suggest three today. First published in 1999, Beverly Gologorsky's gripping, gritty, moving set of linked stories on Vietnam vets and their wives and kids, The Things We Do to Make It Home ...
- America, Heal Thyself: Healthcare As A Metaphor Fo ...
Are we a sick society? Oh yeah. You betcha. That's why we need healthcare reform. Pardon me, however, for wondering if the treatment is just as bad as the disease. At a minimum, the events of the last six months have demonstrated that we have a political system worthy of intensive care, to go alo ...
- The Secret Democratic healthcare filibuster
The Democrats need 60 votes to end filibusters. The Democrats control 60 Senate seats. Democratic leaders do not yet have 60 votes to end filibusters on healthcare and other issues. Sherlock Holmes to Watson: If they need 60 votes, and they control 60 seats, why don’t they have 60 votes? The answe ...
- War next door creates havoc in Pakistan
Pakistan, increasingly destabilized by the U.S.-led war in neighbouring Afghanistan, is getting closer to blowing apart. Bombings and shootings have rocked this nation of 167 million, including a brazen attack on army HQ in Rawalpindi and a massive bombing of Peshawar's exotic Khyber Bazaar. Pakista ...
- Why Are Dems and Beltway Reporters Pretending Olym ...
I may be the only person following the debate over health care who is shocked at the attention Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) is getting for voting for the Senate Finance Committee health care bill - but yes, as my new newspaper column explains , I am surprised, and for what should be obvious reasons. re ...
- Oh Goldman: A Song for Your Bonus Babies
Daily Finance.com: "Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) faces a gargantuan public relations headache when it reports third quarter result. Investors will be angry if the New York-based bank fails to hit Wall Street's consensus of earnings of $4.24 per share on revenue of $11.02 billion, or if it does not ...
- Royal Mail Is Lying
London Review of Books, Diary by Roy Mayall:- The truth is that the figures aren’t down at all. We have proof of this. The Royal Mail have been fiddling the figures. This is how it is being done. Mail is delivered to the offices in grey boxes. These are a standard size, big enough to carry [...]
- Rubbish Excuses Part 743
(Reuters) - A Rwandan doctor working at a hospital in northern France is suspected of being a wanted war criminal, in a case that has puzzled French authorities. Eugene Rwamucyo was suspended from his post at a hospital in the northern town of Maubeuge after a nurse did an Internet search for his n ...
- Support John McDonnell
John McDonnell is appealing for help to get him re-elected. He is a hard-working constituency MP and has consistently provided a platform for socialist ideas. John has never flinched in showing solidarity for people struggling against exploitation. He has tirelessly represented his constituency, tra ...
- Royal Mail’s Management Strategy- Scabbing
Wankers! Royal Mail will recruit up to 30,000 temporary staff to deal with upcoming strikes by postal workers and the Christmas rush, the service has said. The Communication Workers Union has called two nationwide strikes next week over pay, conditions and reform. The firm said it would hire twice t ...
- Injustice
The man behind one of the largest cannabis operations in the UK has been jailed for nine years. Bo Xing He, 31, ran a series of cannabis factories across north Wales producing drugs with an estimated annual street value of almost £14m. Caernarfon Crown Court was told that the cannabis factory in H ...
- In 15 Minutes, Join No Quarter Radio’s Sense on ...
Join me at 8PM for NQR’s Sense on Cents with Larry Doyle as we dig deeper and work harder in navigating the economic landscape. The detonation of the bombs that have hit our economy may have been launched on Wall Street, but certainly the collateral damage has been experienced nationwide if not g ...
- GLBT People Finally Getting A Clue
Well, Obama is pandering to the GLBT community again. He gave a speech to the Human RIghts Campaign Friday, October 9th. Personally, I think he was trying to ward off the big-ass march planned against him in DC byt the GLBT community. It didn’t work, I might add. Seems some folks [...]
- Larry Johnson on John Batchelor’s Nationally Syn ...
Tune in to John Batchelor’s West Coast show by 11:00 p.m. EDT. From John Batchelor’s schedule for tonight’s show: Sunday 1105P: (805P Pacific Time): Larry Johnson, No Quarter, Jeff Bliss, Forbes.com, Craig Unger, re Baucus Hearts Snowe, re Pelosi presses the public option, re is Rangel a pro ...
- No Quarter Radio’s Sense on Cents with Larry Doy ...
The detonation of the bombs that have hit our economy may have been launched on Wall Street, but certainly the collateral damage has been experienced nationwide if not globally. While regulators were admittedly asleep at the wheel during these attacks, who in our country is now positioned to hold ...
- Juan Williams Calls Out the Race Baiters…This Is ...
Whatever one may think of Rush Limbaugh, the controversy surrounding his attempts to participate in a consortium buying the Rams has made for some strange bedfellows. Apparently Limbaugh was falsely accused of making racist statements he did not make. Juan Williams of FOX News stood up for the tr ...
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there wil ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...
Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...
Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...
Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA
Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
- A quick hit from the G20: Democracy 101 by Indymed ...
I was proud to help contribute some footage to this video - soon enough there will be more video out from what happened at the G20. For now please just check this out. It's certainly a "rough cut" and needs some help in the narrative & so forth, but it's a great intro to the widespread police abuse ...
- Afghanistan UN elections approval unit breaks up u ...
Gold busted up and out of the old confines as good ol' snarly British antiwar journalist Robert Fisk broke the big news: the Petrodollar cycling system is finally going off the rails as the world's central bankers start digging for a new solution. [This Petrodollar system was the big achievement of ...
- Sibel Edmonds case: spelled out with the names & d ...
For those of you just tuning in... Sibel Edmonds worked at the FBI after 9/11, bumped into a big criminal conspiracy, tried to blow the whistle in 2002, got the "States Secret Privilege" gag, which she defied a couple months ago for a deposition in an Ohio case. In a new interview with Phil Giraldi, ...
- Yr humble correspondent reports back on G20 with A ...
Alright so I've been out in Pittsburgh helping cover the G20 conference -- things got pretty hairy out here. We've hunkered down at the Pittsburgh Indymedia Center ( http://indypgh.org ) and the crew has turned out a ton of videos of police brutality that have gone viral over Internets! I just did a ...
- Supercoca Boliviana Negra cocaine win: Glyphosate/ ...
Boliviana negra - Wikipedia, Also known as supercoca or la millionaria , Boliviana Negra is a relatively new form of coca that is resistant to herbicide Roundup , or the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate . The coca plant is the precursor to the addictive stimulant cocaine , one of the most widely c ...
- The Glenn Beck Week That Was; The Telephone Editio ...
Read the full story at News Hounds Guest blogged by Aunty Em Here on The Beck Week That Was we not only bring to you the latest smears on President Obama, SEIU, Valerie Jarrett, ACORN and all that other fun stuff, but more importantly, we bring you the hits. And here at The Home of the [...]
- Fox Nation Allows Racist Comments Directed Towards ...
Read the full story at News Hounds The title of the thread is “Artists Crucifies Ape, Electrocutes Jesus.” It links to an article which describes an art exhibit, in a former British church, in which the crucified gorilla demonstrates “the plight of the Western Lowland Gorilla as well as to cha ...
- Sen. Kerry: It would ‘irresponsible’ for Obama ...
Read the full story at Think Progress During an interview with CNN’s John King, Sen. John Kerry argued that it would “irresponsible” to commit more troops to Afghanistan at a time when the legitimacy of the Afghanistan government is in doubt. Kerry’s comments came in the context of arguing t ...
- Obama rips health insurance lobby as ‘deceptive, ...
Read the full story at Think Progress Earlier this week, the health insurance lobby AHIP (America’s Health Insurance Plans) issued a false and dishonest report claiming that the Baucus health care bill would increase health care costs. Even the firm hired to do the analysis — PriceWaterhouseCoo ...
- LatAm Leftists Tackle Dollar with New Currency
Read the full story at CommonDreams.org Headlines COCHABAMBA, Bolivia – Leftist Latin American leaders agreed here on the creation of a regional currency, the Sucre, aimed at scaling back the use of the US dollar. Nine countries of ALBA, a leftist bloc conceived by Venezuelan President Hugo Cha ...
- The American Self Emulation, Truly a Sight to See
The following column is reprinted with permission from Stanislav Mishin. The American Self Emulation, Truly a Sight to See © Stanislav Mishin Source: Mat Rodina October 17, 2009 As my readers know, I am a fan of economics and of history, as well as politics, a combination that forms some very ...
- Joe Biden: the worrying rise of Barack Obama's Mr ...
The following opinion is from the Daily Telegraph, London. Joe Biden: the worrying rise of Barack Obama's Mr Wrong © Telegraph By Toby Harnden October 17, 2009 Want to know how to deal with a momentous issue of war or grand strategy? You could do a lot worse than check out what Vice-President J ...
- Haaretz analysis: U.S. using Goldstone report to p ...
The following analysis is from the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz. U.S. using Goldstone report to punish Netanyahu © Haaretz By Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondent October 17, 2009 Operation Cast Lead in Gaza was perceived in Israel as a shining victory. Rocket fire from Gaza was brought to a halt alm ...
- CAIR responds to 'spying' claims by anti-Islam act ...
The following article is from Today's Zaman, Istanbul. CAIR responds to 'spying' claims by anti-Islam activists © Today's Zaman By Ali H. Aslan October 17, 2009 WASHINGTON - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, has ...
- Nigerian Government: Report being circulated in U. ...
IntelTrends - The following article is from the Daily Sun, Lagos. Niger Delta: FG debunks military offensive claim © Daily Sun (Nigeria) By Faith Hassan Friday, October 16, 2009 The Federal Government on Thursday debunked a report being circulated in the United States of America (USA) that it ...
- How Rewards Can Backfire and Reduce Motivation
Surely one of the best ways to generate motivation in ourselves and others is by dangling rewards? Yet psychologists have long known that rewards are overrated. The carrot, of carrot-and-stick fame, is not as effective as we've been led to believe. Rewards work under some circumstances but sometime ...
- How to Make People Believe in Telepathy
Have you ever been thinking about someone and then moments later they've called you? Is that random coincidence or something more? People love to believe in supernatural powers like telepathy. At least one-third of Americans report a belief in extra-sensory perception (ESP), with a further 40% refu ...
- Are You a Liar?
Do people really lie 3 times within 10 minutes of meeting someone new? It's a statistic often quoted to show how callous and heartless people are. It's the kind of number the misanthrope TV doc Gregory House (played by Brit Hugh Laurie) should have tattooed across his forehead. But what kinds of li ...
- PsyBlog Now on Twitter
PsyBlog is now on Twitter, right here. So many people have kindly been sharing articles from PsyBlog with others on Twitter that the tweet count for recent articles is now fairly hefty. Thanks very much to all the Twitterers who've been spreading the word! PsyBlog's Twitter feed is another way to ...
- How Long to Form a Habit?
Research reveals a curved relationship between practice and automaticity. Say you want to create a new habit, whether it's taking more exercise, eating more healthily or writing a blog post every day, how often does it need to be performed before it no longer requires Herculean self-control? Clear ...
- Letter to the Pastor of St. Patrick's
LETTER TO THE PASTOR OF ST. PATRICK’S On Sunday, October 4, 2009, Martha Cone was one of five people who attended St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Armonk in a bannering campaign that has been conducted in Westchester County over the last two years to encourage clergy and parishioners to ...
- Symbolic Actions Don't Solve Real Problems
Symbolic Actions don't Solve Real Problems My Speech at anti-war Rally in San Francisco By Cindy Sheehan | Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox It’s nice to see everybody here today as we are about to embark on another symbolic march to nowhere. How many self-congratulatory miles do you think we’ve march ...
- Military Children in Crisis
Military Children in Crisis By Stacy Bannerman | Truthout A seven-year-old second-grader attempted suicide while his father was serving yet another tour in Iraq. Seven years old. Seven. His mother was one of half a dozen military spouses I have spoken with about soldiers' kids who have attempted ...
- Fraudulent Afghan Election Raises Odds Against U.S ...
FRAUDULENT AFGHAN ELECTION RAISES ODDS AGAINST U.S. “SUCCESS” By Sherwood Ross The fraudulent Afghan election of last August 20th has delayed the possibility of a new regime taking over promptly to replace the corrupt rule of the discredited, U.S. hand-picked President Hamid Karzai. The ballot ...
- Bybee Avoids Judicial Complaint
Bybee Avoids Judicial Complaint By Scott Horton | Harper's As head of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, Jay Bybee issued a series of memoranda—rescinded by the Justice Department before Bush left office—purporting to legalize the torture and mistreatment of prisoners held in ...
- Maldives cabinet rehearses underwater meeting
by Agence France-Presse Photo courtesy iujaz via Flickr COLOMBO -- Ministers in the Maldives dived in their final rehearsals Friday ahead of an underwater cabinet meeting this weekend aimed at drawing attention to the dangers of global warming for the island nation. Ministers in full scuba gear und ...
- Is the Congressional Budget Office trying to kill ...
by Brad Johnson Cross-posted from Wonk Room .Yesterday, Doug Elmendorf, the director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), testified before the Senate energy committee about the "comparatively modest" cost of a cap-and-trade system to limit carbon pollution. The Washington Post and Wall Street ...
- Berlin brothel goes green to beat the crisis
by Agence France-Presse BERLIN -- Stung by the economic crisis, a brothel in Berlin has leapt on the "green" bandwagon and is offering discounts to clients who can prove they arrived by public transport or bicycle -- with some success. "Everyone's a winner," explained Regina Goetz, a former prostit ...
- A touch of green trumps the blues
by Agence France-Presse PARIS -- City dwellers residing near parks and greenery enjoy better health and fewer bouts of depression than those living in enclaves of concrete and asphalt, according to a study released on Thursday. A dense concentration of trees, shrubs, and flowers close to home had t ...
- Bye-bye Arctic ice cap
by Agence France-Presse LONDON -- The Arctic ice cap will vanish completely in summer months within 20-30 years, polar researchers said Thursday, sounding the alarm two months before a critical climate change summit in Copenhagen. It is likely to be largely ice-free during the warmer months within ...
- Local Social Summit in London Nov. 3
Dylan Fuller and Simon Baptist have put together a very interesting event in London on November 3. It’s called the Local Social Summit . As the name suggests, it explores the connections between local and social media. There’s also a dose of mobile in there too. They’ve asked me to come and ...
- Fab Favorite! Kim Kardashian’s Jet Jeans
Kim Kardashian has been spotted a few times rocking her fab favorite Jet by John Eshaya destroyed white jeans. She switched it up each time by pairing the jeans with either a black tee, blazer, vest, flip-flops, or heels. Source
- Ford Spending 25% of Marketing on Digital and Soci ...
Ford Motor Co. this year will spend 25% of its marketing dollars on digital media, more than twice the amount spent by the industry. According to J.D. Power, about 9% of spending this year by automakers will be digital, but that will rise to about 12% by 2012 as more companies embrace social netw ...
- US Mobile DTV standard finally approved
Well freaking finally . The Advanced Television System Committee just approved the Mobile DTV standard , meaning we're finally about to see for-real mobile television in the US. LG and Samsung have already made gear for the new standard, and the tech will be demoed later today before a rollout... ...
- Giveaway: Win one of ten very special pink Nyko Ka ...
Hey there, happy Friday! We here at Engadget love giving things away, as you probably already know... and today we have something very special for our dear, beloved readers. Nyko 's graciously provided us with 10 very special pink Kama wireless nunchuks for the Wii (which should go very nicely wi ...
- Technorati Ranks TWI No. 1 U.S. Politics News Site
Via The Minnesota Independent, shortly after the Web-tracking site Technorati revamped it’s algorithm for ranking blogs and other Websites, The Washington Independent now ranks as Technorati’s No. 1 U.S. Politics News Site. TWI also ranks No. 4 on the list of U.S. Politics Sites, which combines ...
- Kerry: It’s Premature to Send More Troops to ...
The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is in Kabul today and will travel on to Pakistan to discuss his hugely-and-needlessly-controversial $7.5 billion civilian-aid package. But before he left he filmed a CNN interview, set to air tomorrow, according to The Associated Press, in which ...
- Orly Taitz, Master Attorney
The heroes at Politijab.com got their hands on the full court transcript of the October 5 hearing in Alan Keyes et al v. Barack Obama et al, the district court hearing for the “birther” lawsuit that’s progressed the furthest. There’s a lot here, but I liked this exchange between Orly Taitz a ...
- Western CPAC Brings Together Pawlenty, Whitman, an ...
The Western Conservative Political Action Conference has always been a smaller sibling to the annual Washington, D.C., CPAC. It’s gained some strength this year with the addition of speakers like Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-Minn.) and California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman. But it’s also attrac ...
- Fox News Poll: Fox Will Defeat the White House
This is just a … strange question from the new Fox News poll: What does “on top” mean? I can’t figure it out. Do 65 percent of independents think that President Obama will resign and hand his office to Chris Wallace?
- Last Time Carbon Dioxide Levels Were This High: 15 ...
You would have to go back at least 15 million years to find carbon dioxide levels on Earth as high as they are today, a UCLA scientist and colleagues report Oct. 8 in the online edition of the journal Science. Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Environment | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- High Rates Of Childhood Exposure To Violence And A ...
A new study from the University of New Hampshire finds that U.S. children are routinely exposed to even more violence and abuse than has been previously recognized, with nearly half experiencing a physical assault in the study year. Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Culture | Note-it! | ...
- Seaweed invasion plagues France's pristine Brittan ...
Hillion is a picture-postcard Breton town with grey stone houses, a pretty granite church and long sandy beaches. But the seaside idyll has been ruined by mounds of rotting seaweed that have settled across swathes of France's northwestern coast, giving o Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Business | ...
- Pennyslvania regulators threaten to prosecute land ...
This is an actual letter sent to a man named Ryan DeVries regarding a pond on his property. It was sent by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Quality, of the state of Pennsylvania. Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Animal waste agreement reached at landfill
CLINTON — After more than a year of negotiations, cattle brain and spinal cord material could start coming to the Clinton County landfill next week, according to recent action by the Clinton County Area Solid Waste Agency board. Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Health & Wellness | Note-it! | ...
- Balloon Boy confesses to media connections
Confessions Of A Patriot I’m on my way to Washington DC to speak out on my opinions on world issues. My apologies for the old flying saucer balloon trick, but It did get me in the spotlight, and like it or not, I am currently more famous than Joe the Plumber, Newt Gingrinch, Sarah Palin, and [... ...
- In a war for democracy, why worry about public opi ...
Escalation in Afghanistan is aimed at rescuing the credibility of western power, whatever Afghans or westerners might want Seumas Milne guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 14 October 2009 20.30 BST Whoever is in charge, it seems, the war on terror has truly become a war without end. Eight y ...
- Obama, US media ignore Palestinian suffering
John S. Hancock, Concord Monitor, Oct 12, 2009 The United Nations reports that the lives of the 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children, remain seriously threatened by severe shortages of essential supplies of food, drinkable water and medicine because of Israel’ ...
- What Lies Beneath the War in Afghanistan
by Eric Margolis, Toronto Sun, Oct 11, 2009 Truth is war’s first casualty. The Afghan war’s biggest untruth is, “we’ve got to fight terrorists over there so we don’t have to fight them at home.”Many North Americans still buy this lie because they believe the 9/11 attacks came directl ...
- American Police Force Ends Bid for Hardin Jail
VIDEO By NEWS KULR Story Published: Oct 9, 2009 at 2:49 PM MDT Story Updated: Oct 9, 2009 at 5:26 PM MDT BILLINGS – A California company drops its proposal to take over the Hardin jail. The news comes just days before the Montana Attorney General’s deadline for American Police Force to hand ove ...
- The Global Chessboard
On this week’s Solari Report, we will be talking about the economics and geopolitics of food and energy with F. William Engdahl from his office in Frankfurt, Germany. Engdahl’s latest books, Seeds of Destruction and Full Spectrum Dominance, both quote George Keenan in 1948: “We have about ...
- Ten Days in Space = $35 Million
By Mansur Mirovalev Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte said Tuesday his mission was accomplished after a 10-day trip to the International Space Station where he hosted a global Web broadcast that featured rock stars and politicians. The Canadian billionaire, dubbed the first clown in space, sai ...
- Ruling Could Undo Thousands of Foreclosure
By Jerry Kronenberg A real estate judge is refusing to reverse a landmark ruling that opens the door to voiding tens of thousands of Bay State foreclosures dating as far back as 1989. “The foreclosure sales (in question are) invalid because they failed to meet the requirements of (Massachusetts l ...
- United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009
The United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between December 7 and December 18, 2009. The conference includes the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the 5th Meeting of ...
- Freeze in Social Security Benefits
By Robert Pear, For the first time in more than three decades, Social Security recipients will not get any increase in their benefits next year, federal forecasts show. The absence of a cost-of-living adjustment, calculated under a formula set by law, will be a shock to older Americans already hit b ...
- Less Than a Week Away
We encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia Guidestones
On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The Creation
THE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...
In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George Green
Dear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
- Technology Transfer and Climate Change (Video)
“”Tech Transfer” is a phrase everyone who’s serious about climate change should have at the top of their “to advocate for” list. What KINDS of technologies to develop is one conversation to have. Another one is whether or not to share them with developing countries who would otherwise bu ...
- Blog Action Day: It’s Up to Us
Whether you call it global warming or climate change, the issue of human impact on the earth’s systems is a very real one. For climate change skeptics, it’s a big jump to imagine that we are affecting the world around us, and it’s easy to point the finger at other people’s actions and say t ...
- Living Off-Grid: Micro Hydro Electric Alternative ...
Straight from the pages of Blue Living Ideas, Jennifer Lance tells us about the Hydro Electric Energy System that she has been using for 13 years. Related posts: Senate Finance Committee Approves $31 Billion in Alternative Energy Tax Credits and Incentives Electric Cars Run on Coal, But are They ...
- Twilight Earth Visits The DC Solar Decathlon. Info ...
The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2009 is held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., Oct. 9-13 and 15-18, 2009. One of the wonderful things about working in Washington DC is having access to things like the bi-yearly Solar Decathlon which is held on the Washington Mall. So on a bea ...
- Senior Citizens March 25 Miles Against Mountaintop ...
Fifteen participants between the ages of 50 and 83 set off on a Senior Citizen’s March to End Mountaintop Removal at 10 a.m. this morning. Related posts: Ending Streamlined Mountaintop Coal Removal Permits Is Not Enough EPA Approves More Mountaintop Removal Mines: MTR = WTF? Daryl Hannah and Ja ...
- Green Your Halloween With Wildlife Inspired Knits!
Halloween is just around the corner and if you’ve got any little ones in your life, you’re probably racking your brain for cute and clever Halloween costume ideas. If you’re on the verge of giving in to sheer desperation and contemplating holding your nose while buying a plastic Spongebob cost ...
- Fall Eco-Fashion Pop Quiz!
How well do you know YOUR eco-fashion? Put your sustainability savvy to the test and get the best Ecouterre news of the week in easy-to-swallow, bite-size morsels with our eco-fashion pop quiz. 1. Playing off “farm to table,” what designer is bringing “ranch to runway”? 2. What suede-like, ...
- Cashmere Tissue Rolls Out Toilet Paper Couture for ...
Who knew that toilet paper couture could look so darn good?! Some of Canada’s fashion elite rolled out their hottest designs for Cashmere Bathroom Tissue’s Sixth Annual White Cashmere Collection 2009: Fashion with Compassion Runway Show to raise funds and awareness for the Canadian Breast Cancer ...
- Used Wine Crates Make Glowing Light Boxes
Wine makes the whole world more beautiful. Seriously, can you argue otherwise, given wine bottle cheese boards, used cork accoutrement — and now, these stunning light boxes from artist Tracey Johnson? They’re made out of used wine crates and a little bit of magic. Can’t tell? Read on. J ...
- Rocking Chair Uses Motion to Power Attached OLED L ...
The serene back-and-forth movement of a rocking chair is nothing if not relaxing. It can also be useful and productive, according to Rochus Jacob. The designer’s Murakami Chair, a winner in designboom’s Green Life competition, uses the kinetic energy produced by rocking to power an attached OLED ...
- Health insurers “deceptive and dishonest”: Oba ...
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama lashed out on Saturday against the “deceptive and dishonest” efforts of health insurance companies, who he said are trying to kill healthcare reform, no matter the cost to the country. Sharpening his attack on insurers, Obama also sig ...
- A Level students ‘can get by with 50 years of hi ...
The Telegraph - A level History exams have become so watered down that pupils can pass them having studied only a fifty year period, a leading academic has claimed in a damning report. Under new rules, sixth formers study just four topics for A-level history, compared to about ten a decade ago, ensu ...
- Home teeth whiteners may weaken enamel
The Gazette - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Teeth bleaching products for home use may minimally reduce the surface hardness of tooth enamel and enamel’s ability to “bounce back” from normal wear and tear, a laboratory study suggests. Azer said, “human enamel has been shown to heal itself and ...
- Big anti-abortion rally in Spain
BBC - More than a million people are said to have taken part in a march in Madrid to oppose government plans to liberalise Spain’s abortion law. Several dozen centre-right opposition party joined the demonstration, which was backed by Roman Catholic bishops. Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Ro ...
- Russia ready to abandon dollar in oil, gas trade w ...
Rai Novosti - Russia is ready to consider using the Russian and Chinese national currencies instead of the dollar in bilateral oil and gas dealings, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. The premier, currently on a visit to Beijing, said a final decision on the issue can only be made af ...
- Trial to defend comrade Stalin
Trial to defend comrade Stalin (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Stalin has lost in court in a much publicized libel case. Stalin’s grandson, Yevgeny Dzhugashvili, charged the paper Novaya Gazeta with libel. Last April, author Anatoly Yablokov accused Stalin of being a “bloodthirsty cannibalâ ...
- Ganapathi on Jihadists, revisionists in Nepal
Ganapathi on Jihadists, revisionists in Nepal (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) In a recent interview, Ganapathi, General Secretary of the CPI (Maoist) elaborates his positions on key issues. Ganapathi correctly describes the revolutionary position on Islamic anti-imperialist movements. It is im ...
- 150 years ago today, John Brown’s raid at Ha ...
“October 16 is the 150th anniversary of the raid of Harpers Ferry in 1859. Led by abolitionist, nation traitor, and revolutionary John Brown, this failed raid was intended to arm Black slaves in a rebellion against white Amerika and for freedom for the Black Nation…” Read more at: RAIM: John ...
- Polish translation of the Sunrise Statement
Polish translation of the Sunrise Statement (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com, Polish translation by KPN(M)) Plagą pierwszego świata są organizację rozwijające trockistowską permanentną rewolucję pod sztandarem Mao. Plagą Pierwszego Świata są organizację podtrzymujące biały nacjona ...
- Which side are you on: 61% of Amerikkkans favor us ...
Which side are you on: 61% of Amerikkkans favor using force against Iran, 28% oppose (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) According to a new poll, the majority, 61 percent, of Amerikkkans favor the use of military force against Iran. Of the 61 percent, 53 percent are Democrats, 55 percent are indepe ...
- Ten questions about flu vaccines that doctors and ...
Mike Adams Natural News October 17, 2009 Vaccine mythology remains rampant in both western medicine and the mainstream media. To hear the vaccination zealots say it, vaccines are backed by “good science,” they’ve been “proven effective” and they’re “perfectly safe.” Y ...
- Iran to completely drop dollar from foreign exchan ...
Editor’s note: I guess this means an attack is imminent. Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization has announced a near future plan to completely exclude the US dollar from the country’s foreign revenues and reserves. Iran has recently asked Japan to replace the US dollar with the yen in oil deals ...
- Video: Is The Stock market rally Fake? Market CRAS ...
BUY GOLD AND SILVER before the real revolution starts. Greenspan, Bernanke, Paulson, Bush, Geitner, Obama, Kissinger : be prepared to die in…. HELL ! Also See: CAUTION ALERT: Stock Market Crash /Collapse Dead Ahead Say Faber, Rogers, Dent and Celente Trend Alert: People Should Brace For The Wo ...
- What Obama Reads
In the photo here, Obama is spotted with a book penned by Fareed Zakaria, The Post-American World. Zakaria’s book argues that a world order is emerging led by the authoritarian slave state China and India. “Criticism of the book focused on certain assertions made by Zakaria, as well as the focu ...
- An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order: The Or ...
Part 1 by Andrew Gavin Marshall Introduction In the face of total global economic collapse, the prospects of a massive international war are increasing. Historically, periods of imperial decline and economic crisis are marked by increased international violence and war. The decline of the great ...
- Germany Wins Solar Decathlon
For the past week, 20 teams took over the National Mall with their best attempts at a net-zero, solar-powered home, all with hopes to win this year's Solar Decathlon . Today, after competing in ten different contests, the winners were crowned, and for the second time, Germany took first place. Th ...
- NREL Helps Green Building Designers with Updated S ...
One of the most important changes we can make in the fight against climate change is to make buildings more energy efficient both through retrofitting existing buildings and making new construction ultra-efficient. Luckily, that task is becoming easier for building designers. The National Renew ...
- New Mexico "SuperStation" Could Link Maj ...
A new idea for a large substation based in Clovis, New Mexico has the potential to solve one of the biggest hurdles to clean energy growth: transmission. The SuperStation, as its being called, would link the three largest grids - the east, west and Texas - allowing renewable energy producers to ...
- Solar Powered E-Reader Makes E-Books Eco-Friendlie ...
A recent study by the Cleantech Group revealed the much lower envrionmental impact of e-readers - specifically the Kindle - compared to traditional publishing, but the devices still require charging from the grid. LG's new e-reader takes care of that: it's outfitted with its own integrated sola ...
- George Soros Investing $1 Billion in Clean Energy
Hedge-fund manager George Soros is the latest billionaire to throw his money behind clean technology. Soros announced yesterday that he will be investing $1 billion in clean energy technology and will also be spending $100 million to create a climate policy advisory organization. He made it clear ...
- PICTURES: Best Mountain Photos of 2009 Announced
A steam-shrouded bison, a bikini-clad diver, a seven-year-old shepherd, and other wild wonders stalk our selection of winning pictures from the latest Banff Mountain Photography Competition.
- Giant Rock to Be Closed for Religious Reasons?
Australia's iconic, island-like Uluru, or Ayers Rock, may soon be off limits to climbers, mainly because Aborigines see the desert sandstone formation as sacred. Video.
- Arctic Largely Ice Free in Summer Within Ten Years ...
The Arctic Ocean could be largely ice free in summer within a decade, scientists announced today—the latest in a stream of wildly varying predictions. What does it all mean?
- Stormier Arctic Predicted as Ice Melts
With summer ice apparently disappearing in the Arctic, the regions faces a stormy future, according to a recent atmospheric study—more rain, more snow, more whitecaps.
- VIDEO: Arctic Ice Mostly Gone in Ten Years?
Data released this week by researchers who spent three months this spring measuring ice on the Arctic Ocean suggests that the North Pole could be largely open sea in summer within a decade—and ice free by 2029.
- Shorter Erick Erickson: "It's because he's black!"
And he is Jimmy Carter too! "I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news. There is no way Barack Obama earned it in the nominations period." Per usual, Red State's Trike Force always keepin' it classy ... A ...
- The only thing between us and the terrorists?
Is the neoconservative echo-chamber between Joe Lieberman's ears : "I don't think anybody who has any fairness or is in their right mind would think the president or the secretary of homeland security would raise an alert level and scare people for political reasons... That's outrageous." - Joe Lieb ...
- Bethel First Selectman Arrested
ctblogger had the story up early at HatCityBLOG and MLN , and the Newstimes got around to covering it as well, on Bethel's First Selectman, Bob Burke, being arrested for making harassing phone calls. Ellis said Burke and the alleged victim had a personal relationship that was private between them an ...
- The Lion Sleeps Tonight
RIP Edward Kennedy Via WCVB Boston: Kennedy, who waged a public fight against a malignant brain tumor in the last year of his life, was surrounded by family members who had come in recent days to say a last goodbye to him. His death marks the end to a life where like the phoenix. Kennedy rose abov ...
- A pie fight between an incompetent poseur and a re ...
There has been a lot said and written about the current arguments between Salon's Glenn Greenwald and Time's Joe Klein . I wonder what the real journalist will have to say in response to Klein? That didn't take long? Beltway culture, checks on journalists and secrecy obligations I'm ambivalent about ...
- Leaked Neo-Nazi E-mails Show Contacts With Militar ...
Hatewatch recently posted a report about private E-mails of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) showing up on the Internet. While that post focused on the infighting that has dogged America’s largest neo-Nazi group, some of the E-mails also shed light on a more serious matter: racial extremists ...
- New SPLC Report on Latino Immigrants in Suffolk Co ...
Last Nov. 8, Marcelo Lucero, an Ecuadorian immigrant living in Suffolk County on New York’s Long Island, was murdered in the town of Patchogue. Lucero was attacked by a gang of teenagers calling themselves the Caucasian Crew, who targeted Latino residents as part of a sport they called “beane ...
- Neo-Nazi Group’s Dirty Linen Aired in Leaked ...
Like most hate groups, the National Socialist Movement (NSM) conducts virtually all its business in secret. So leaders of America’s largest neo-Nazi group couldn’t have been happy last week when hundreds of its private E-mails appeared on the Internet. The messages — more than 600 of them date ...
- Justice Department Takes a Second Look at New Blac ...
The Department of Justice has begun an internal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the dismissal in May of voter intimidation charges against members of the New Black Panther Party, a black separatist group. Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee ...
- Dobbs a Headliner at Hate Group’s D.C. Gathe ...
For those two or three people remaining in America who are still uncertain if Lou Dobbs is an immigration extremist, the CNN and radio show host has removed any doubts: He is. Dobbs is a headliner next week when the Federation for American Immigration Reform — FAIR — takes its annual “Hold The ...
- Congolese Seeks Refuge in Rio
By Juliana Tafur, Contributing Reporter Kasongo is only 23 years old, but seems wise beyond his years. Nearly two meters tall, well-built and strong, he also looks like a 35-year-old. As he shares his life’s story, it becomes clear why he was forced to grow up quickly. Kasongo barely escaped ...
- Brazil New Contributor to IMF
By Jaylan Boyle, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - For the first time, Brazil has become a creditor rather than a debtor to the IMF (International Monetary Fund), pledging US$10 Billion to be spent on IMF bonds. “This is an historic moment for us,” said Guido Mantega, Brazilian Minister of ...
- Brazil’s 2008… Pre-Crisis
By Lindsay Spratt, Sub Editor RIO DE JANEIRO - 2008 National Census figures were released last month by the Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD, National Research by Sample of Residences), carried out by the Insituto Brasileiro de Geográfia e Estatística, (IBGE, Brazilian Institute ...
- Neurocosmetics Line to Launch in Brazil
By Sarah Coursey, Editor RIO DE JANEIRO - The telenovela sensation of 2009, Caminho das Ãndias (Road to India), contained an unforgettable scene in which the character Melissa Cadore explains the secret of beautiful, youthful skin to her domestic maid. She offers the advice,” We must talk to o ...
- Rio 2016: Economic Impact
By Bruno De Nicola, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - The election of Rio de Janeiro as host city for the 2016 Olympic Games is expected to cause a sharp increase in foreign investment in the country. An Olympic Games Committee survey carried out by Credit Suisse estimates a R$30 Billion financ ...
- Beijing Cuts Smog But Adds 1,500 Cars Each Day
Changing attitudes to emissions is a gradual process, with baby steps which should given credit, despite the short length of the stride. China's baby steps are 221 "blue sky days" that indicate pollution in Beijing is down . With the number of days enjoying dangerous levels of pollution down to onl ...
- Sustainable Food Will Benefit From Fewer Americans ...
With fewer Americans relocating than anytime in the last 50 years, communities, families and the environment stands to gain . Settling in one place for a longer time is helping build more resilient communities, with alternative industries thriving. The report explains that Wal Mart won't be replace ...
- Rhode Island, and the Quest for Gay Marriage Throu ...
When it comes to gay marriage and New England, all eyes are on Maine as voters prepare to decide whether the state's same-sex marriage law will be kept on the books, or repealed at the hands of anti-gay church folk. But three states down is the tiniest state in the country, Rhode Island, and if Mai ...
- Coolest Job Title at the Opportunity Collaboration
"Forest Whitaker's Assistant for Social Innovation." I kid you not.
- Meet the New Healthcare Editor
Editor's Note: This post was originally scheduled for Friday, 10/9. Due to a system upgrade, it got lost in the ether. My apologies for the delay in introducing myself to all of you. A stranger has gained access to the Change.org healthcare blog and has been posting (perhaps perplexing?) stories. T ...
- Millions to Rally Against Poverty This Weekend
by Jeffrey Allen WASHINGTON - Well over 100 million people around the world are expected to "stand up" this weekend to call governments to action on poverty, hunger, and gender inequalities -- a set of global issues that most Americans say they would like their government to fund much more than it h ...
- Joel Salatin, America's Farming Heavyweight
by Virginie Montet and Caroline Groussain SWOOPE, Virginia - A diehard activist for some, a pioneer for others, Joel Salatin is fighting against America's genetically-modified foods and for local subsistence farming. Leading his crusade from the heart of the Shenandoah Valley in the foothills of the ...
- Code Pink Delivers Afghan Petition To President
SAN FRANCISCO -- Using a meet-and-greet at a Democratic fundraiser Thursday night, Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans hand delivered a petition to President Barack Obama allegedly signed by Afghani women who want an end to the war in their country. Evans was among those attending a sold-out Democrati ...
- How Dems Set Stage for Corporate-Backed Health Car ...
by Ben Smith and Kenneth P. Vogel At a meeting last April with corporate lobbyists, aides to President Barack Obama and Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) helped set in motion a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign, primarily financed by industry groups, that has played a key role in bolstering public su ...
- The People vs Wall Street
by Stephen Foley Amidst the economic wreckage, after 7 million job losses and approaching 2 million home foreclosures in the US alone, with businesses and consumers around the world still struggling to get finance after the long credit crunch, Wall Street is finally on trial. A little piece ...
- Ask the Commenters Roundup [Hive Mind]
I was wondering if anybody here knows how to circumvent a workplace barrier to check Gmail accounts? What pitfalls might I run into if I decide to go paperless? Does anyone want to teach me integrals in five minutes? Does anyone know of a Foobar2000 configuration or skin that is just a thin bar? Any ...
- App of the Day Rotates Highly-Voted iPhone Apps [ ...
There are too many iPhone apps to sift through, and iTunes nor the iPhone App Store interface don't make it easy to find the best stuff. App of the Day blogs and Twitters one member-voted app per day It's a simple idea, but it's a good start at sifting through the more than 85,000 applications avail ...
- This Week's Top Downloads [Download Roundup]
Blackra1n Jailbreaks iPhone 3.1.2 Firmware Windows: Blackra1n continues in the long tradition of jailbreak apps that never say die when faced with Apple updates. It won't unlock an iPhone for carrier switching, but Blackra1n does give you third-party, unofficial apps and features on your iPhone. Vis ...
- Google Wave Does Great Film Reenactments [Google ...
If you were looking to quickly understand how you might someday put Google Wave to good use, then this two-minute video makes a lot of sense . That's not what these videos are about. If, on the other hand, you want to see someone having a little fun with Wave and its support for real-time conversa ...
- This Week's Most Popular Posts [Highlights]
This week you clicking fingers were most interested in how you might use Google Wave, alternative task managers, reminder tools for the forgetful set, and a handful of beautiful autumn-themed wallpapers. Wallpaper Roundup: Color Splashes and Cooler Days Fall is a colorful time of year and the vibra ...
- Report: White House Says Afghan "True Partners" A ...
By Steve Hynd It looks like the neo-whatever interventionist crowd might wait a long while for their troop escalation. The White House has said that it will take no decision on sending more troops to Afghanistan until it determines the new government is a "true partner". White House Chief of Staff R ...
- John Kerry: Too Soon To Send More Troops To Afghan ...
By Steve Hynd AP (sorry) is reporting that Senator John Kerry has said it would be irresponsible and misguided to send more troops to Afghanistan at this point, while that nation is still in turmoil over its crooked election. Kerry follows the usually-hawkish Dem, Rep. Jane Harman, who earlier this ...
- Pakistan Military Assaults South Waziristan (Updat ...
By Steve Hynd The ground attack into South Waziristan that the Pakistani government and military has been telegraphing since June has finally begun. Around 30,000 Pakistani regulars, backed by Frontier Force paramilitaries,are advancing in three columns in an attempt to cut of Pakistani Taliban supp ...
- The Talibs
Commentary By Ron Beasley Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton don't get it but the perennial trouble maker Ted Rall does: Not only is every Taliban not al-Qaida, there’s no such thing as a Taliban, as in: “That guy is a Taliban.” Members of the Taliban are called Talibs. You invade a country, sen ...
- Screwing the numbers in an uncomfortable place...
By Dave Anderson: The US Army knows how to manipulate numbers, especially embarrassing numbers so they don't look so bad, or they look even worse then needed in order to "justify" a favored policy or to flip a vote or two. Nothing too wrong with any of that, this is just normal bureaucratic function ...
SideBar Search
Water Power
San Jose Mercury News
- Oct 18, 2009
- 11 hours ago
AP LAS VEGAS—Las Vegas water officials hope to wring a little extra water from the sky this winter by reviving a cloud-seeding program that appeared doomed ...
The Associated Press
- Oct 18, 2009
- 10 hours ago
Chinese legend credits Emperor Yu the Great with taming floods in Neolithic times by dredging new river channels to absorb excess water. ...
Times of India
- Oct 18, 2009
- 13 hours ago
BEIJING: China on Sunday unveiled a giant plan to relocate a vast population to make way for the south-north water diversion project. It is this project, ...
- Oct 18, 2009
- 3 hours ago
Israel has begun examining the possibility of importing water from Turkey, despite recent tensions between Jerusalem and Ankara, according to a memo ...
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