IPS - Inter Press Services
- CLIMATE CHANGE: How Eco-Friendly Is Natural Gas?BUENOS AIRES, Oct 22 (IPS) - Natural gas, a non-renewable yet plentiful energy source, is being promoted by the gas industry as part of the solution to climate change. But experts say that its contribution to global warming is only slightly less than that of coal and oil.
- ENVIRONMENT-US: Greatest of Lakes Hit by Climate ...MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, Oct 22 (IPS/IFEJ) - The weather was right for swimming this summer along the shores of Lake Michigan, but on many days, the only living things seen on the beach were gulls, picking away at zebra mussels ensnared in a thick, green slime that covered every rock, pebble and gr ...
- AGRICULTURE-COTE D'IVOIRE: Small-scale Pineapple ...BONOUA, Côte d'Ivoire, Oct 22 (IPS) - Karim Diabaté, looks questioningly at his vast 20 hectare pineapple plantation in Bonoua in south-eastern Côte d'Ivoire. "I'm asking myself if if I'll get the money I need for in time for the inputs I need and keep my plants going."
- INDIA: Controversy Rages over Genetically Modifie ...NEW DELHI, Oct 22 (IPS) - Scientists and activists say that but for the fact that the 'brinjal', also called 'eggplant' or 'aubergine', is native to India and a favourite on the table, the decision to allow commercial release of its genetically modified (GM) variety may have gone unremarked.
- INDIA: Single Women Break Their Silence, Challeng ...NEW DELHI, Oct 22 (IPS) - It has been more than eight years since the January 2001 earthquake struck the Indian state of Gujarat, but Hansa Rathore still cannot quite shake off memories of that not too distant past — all because it left her a widow.
Scoop - NZ
- Mobile phone users 'inattentionally blind'Pedestrians who talk on a mobile phone are slower, change direction more, have difficulty navigating and are less likely to notice obvious distractions like a unicycling clown, according to a new study.Researchers at Western Washington University observed 317 pedestrians as they crossed the main squ ...
- Nuclear Renaissance StallsThe executives of electric utilities worldwide are dreaming of a renaissance in nuclear power. But problems with a new, state-of-the-art reactor in Finland suggest that this is unlikely to happen. The industry's alternative strategy is to modernize older plants to drastically extend reactor lifetime ...
- German Wise Men fear 'credit crunch' in 2010Germany's leading institutes have warned that the pace of economic recovery is "unsustainable" and that the country's banks may face a fresh crisis over the next year as bad debts surface in earnest. 'There is still a significant risk of further shocks to the international financial system,' said a ...
- An Apartment Complex TeetersOne of the biggest, most high-profile deals of the commercial real-estate boom is in danger of imminent default, say people familiar with the matter, signaling the beginning of what is expected to be a wave of commercial-property failures.The sprawling Manhattan apartment complex known as Peter Coop ...
- Mayans insist 2012 is not the end of the worldApolinario Chile Pixtun is tired of being bombarded with frantic questions about the end of the world. "I came back from England last year and, man, they had me fed up with this stuff," he said.A significant time period for the Mayans does end on the date, and enthusiasts have found a series of astr ...
Independent ( London )
- £1bn for NI policing, now just do itThe Stormont parties have been told “now get on with it” after the Government held out a generous £1 billion budget to cover the cost of transferring police and justice powers from Westminster.
- Man cut off genitals to join eunuch beggarsAn Indian man cut off his genitals in an attempt to join the country's eunuchs and increase his begging income.
- Cleric 'sent hate mail' to bereaved familiesA Muslim activist who calls himself an ayatollah faces up to 14 years in prison after allegedly sending offensive letters to the families of Australian soldiers killed in Afghanistan, police said today.
- Cheney tells Obama to 'stop dithering'Former US Vice President Dick Cheney accused the White House of dithering over the strategy for the war in Afghanistan and urged President Barack Obama to "do what it takes to win".
- Army officer killed in Pakistan attackA pair of gunmen on a motorbike killed a soldier and a high-ranking army officer in the Pakistani capital today, officials said, the latest strike against security forces as the military wages a major anti-Taliban offensive in the northwest.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Israel, Iran officials met in Cairo to discuss nuk ...Summary: Dimona nuclear plant A representative of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission and a senior Iranian official met last month to discuss the chances of declaring the Middle East a nuclear-free zone, Haaretz has learned. This is the first direct meeting between official representatives of th ...
- IAEA lays out draft nuclear deal for Iran, WestSummary: Iran and Western powers have agreed to consider a draft nuclear deal proposed by the UN nuclear watchdog after three days of crunch talks in Vienna. source: Press TV read more
- UN Security Council strongly condemns terrorist at ...Summary: Security Council UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council on Tuesday voiced its strong condemnation of "the deadly terrorist attacks" in the border city of Pishin in Iran, which left at least57 people dead and 150 others injured. source: China View read more
- Slowly But Surely, Iran Talks Moving Forward: Ir ...Summary: Mottaki The second round of talks in Geneva between Iran and the P5+1 are continuing to move forward, albeit more slowly than many had anticipated as the discussion of the oversees enrichment plan gets bogged down in technicalities. source: Anti War.Com read more
- Iran's nuclear talks also hitSummary: It is testimony to the complexity of United States-Iran relations that on Monday news from Vienna suggested solid progress in talks on Iran's nuclear program, even while Iranian officials pointed fingers at the "Great Satan" and its junior partner, Great Britain, as being ultimately res ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Image of the Day: The Strange Beauty of a Rare Rad ...This radio-optical composite image of giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1316 about 70 million light-years away in the constellation Fornax, shows the galaxy (center), a smaller companion galaxy being cannibalized by the radio monster. Gas heated to 10 million degrees by...
- Hypernovas Confirmed: The "Birth Cry" of a Black H ...Most astronomers today believe that one of the most plausible reasons we have yet to detect intelligent life in the universe is due to the deadly effects of local supernova explosions that wipe out all life in a given region...
- Cool Tech! "Mobile" Network for the Solar SystemSunspots have been blamed for everything from hard drive crashes to poor phone reception, but once we start settling the solar system we'll have to worry about more than spots - we'll be blocked by the whole thing. The Sun...
- Arctic Code Red: Could Become an Overwhelming Sou ...Last year, The Daily Galaxy reported on the work of Russian scientist, Sergei Zimov, who has been studying climate change in Russia's Arctic for 30 years now. For years Zimov has been warning the scientific community that as massive amounts...
- Could Cosmic Radiation Fry Astronaut’s Brains Du ...“The exceptional sensitivity of these neural stem cells suggests that we are going to have to rethink our understanding of stem cell susceptibility to radiation, including cosmic radiation encountered during space travel, as well as radiation doses that accompany different...
Natural News
- FDA, FTC threaten Dr. Weil over immune-boosting su ...(NaturalNews) In working to protect the business interests of vaccine manufactures, both the FDA and FTC have declared all-out war against any products that might offer consumers options other than vaccines. This week, that war against natural remedies reached the shores of Dr. Andrew Weil, who is p ...
- Dr. Weil was right: Astragalus herb really helps f ...(NaturalNews) The FTC and FDA are terrorizing Dr. Andrew Weil over his true statements about the immune-boosting properties of astragalus. According to the FDA, astragalus has no antiviral or antibacterial properties whatsoever and is of absolutely no use in the human body. Sound bizarre? I thought ...
- Profit Drive Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up the Vo ...(NaturalNews) This article is part two in a six-part series. Be sure to read part one at http://www.naturalnews.com/027294_swine_flu_vaccines_H1N1.html Back on May 9, 2009, Robin Robinson, a director at the Department of Health and Human Services who oversees pandemic responses, told the Washington ...
- High-Fructose Corn Syrup Produces Toxic Chemical " ...(NaturalNews) If you know anything about the food supply, you know that honey bees are a crucial part of the food production chain. In the United States, they pollinate roughly one-third of all the crops we eat, and without them, we'd be facing a disastrous collapse in viable food production. That's ...
- Omega-3s beat depression(NaturalNews) You're probably already aware of the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascular health, but did you know that omega-3s are also extremely beneficial for moods and cognitive function? In fact, there's a tremendous amount of good evidence demonstrating that omega-3 fatty acids can ...
- COINSMALL WARS JOURNAL is a site of some depth, devoted to the study of COIN — COunter INsurgency. COIN has been a point of discussion by generations of military thinkers, and not just the product of today's fascination with concepts like Assymetrical Warfare, and 4th-Generation Warfare (4GW). John No ...
- Follow the money . . .THE WASHINGTON POST has an excellent interview with Elizabeth Warren , Chairman of the Congressional Oversight Committee that is tasked with scrutinizing how the Treasury Department has spent $700 billion to shore up failing American financial institutions. The interview, titled " Voices of Power: E ...
- The best way to rob a bank is to be a bankerAn excellent interview at Democracy Now with William Black : As Foreclosures Hit All-Time High, Wall Street on Pace to Hand Out Record $140B in Employee Bonuses The Dow Jones Industrial Average has topped 10,000 for the first time in a year, as JPMorgan Chase reported massive profits in the third q ...
- "Take Off the Pajamas," You Lefties . . . .Ya'll got all excited 'bout the prez comin' to the HRC dinner and makin' promises , didn't ya'? Well, since you're part of what one White House advisor refers to as the "internet left fringe" ya' might wanna put the champagne and noisemakers away for a bit: Partial transcript of Harwood: Sure ...
- The Blob in your futureTHERE COULD BE A BLOB in your future. Blob-existance is a perceived problem, according to the National Geographic's report by Christine Dell'Amore, " Giant, Mucus-Like Sea Blobs on the Rise, Pose Danger ". Giant? Mucus-like? We're talking considerable blobbage, here: As sea temperatures have risen i ...
Media Matters for America
- Rove obscures Wash. Post/ABC News poll q ...On Fox News' Hannity , Karl Rove suggested that a Washington Post /ABC News poll that showed broad support for a public option was skewed because "the wording of the question" didn't make clear that the public option would include government involvement. In fact, the Washington Post /ABC News p ...
- Fox News paints White House criticism of Fox as d ...Fox News hosts and contributors are now asserting that the White House's criticism of Fox News is a diversion or a trick to direct attention away from the administration's policies, particularly health care reform. Glenn Beck has referred to the criticism as a "gold coin" used in a magic trick, ...
- Media conservatives baselessly declare poll find ...Numerous conservative media figures have attacked a recently released ABC News/ Washington Post poll that found that 57 percent of respondents supported "having the government create a new health insurance plan to compete with private health insurance plans," with Fox News contributor Newt Ging ...
- Beck, conservative media use violent rhetoric sugg ...Following the White House's recent criticism of Fox News for its conservative slant, Glenn Beck and other conservative media have fearmongered that the Obama administration will harm Fox News and its supporters -- physically or otherwise -- because of their opposition to its policies. Since Septemb ...
- Attack on White House criticism of Fox follows yea ...Following White House communications director Anita Dunn's entirely justified criticisms of Fox News as an "arm" of the Republican Party, conservative media figures have attacked both Dunn and the Obama administration. But Media Matters for America has compiled a list of organized attacks that GOP ...
Global Research.ca
- George W. Bush in Montreal: Persona Non Grata! For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Hundreds protest Bush speech in SaskatoonFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Israeli police don Arab disguiseFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- IF Stone: An Iconic Radical Journalist For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Canadian Military prepares for worst For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Whining LimbaughProgressives are always asking the question "Is Obama tough enough?" To listen to Rush Limbaugh, you would think that the White House political organization is so tough Limbaugh is in danger of being packed off to a Gulag in Northern... Sponsored Topics: Rush Limbaugh - White House - United Sta ...
- The $200,000 Insult: Come to ChicagoKenneth Feinberg, President Obama's compensation czar for bailed out banks, appears to have taken some genuine steps to rein in excessive executive compensation at the basket case banks that received the most TARP money. He cut cash salaries by 90... Sponsored Topics: Troubled Asset Relief Progr ...
- Why Wall Street Reform is Stuck in ReverseAt a conference in London, a Goldman Sachs international adviser, Brian Griffiths, praised inequality. As his company was putting aside $16.7 billion for compensation and benefits in the first nine months of 2009, up 46 percent from a year earlier,... Sponsored Topics: Wall Street - GoldmanSachs ...
- Grab a MopIn August, at the height of the Tea Party Movement, I counseled that the temporary gains of Republican's would turn out to be ephemeral. The new Washington Post/ABC News Poll proves my point. Less than one in five voters (19... Sponsored Topics: Washington - Republican - Politics - United State ...
- Yet Another Israeli Spy Case (UPDATED)Another Israeli spy scandal is making news. Of course, at this point, we don't know much only that like other recent spy scandals, it is an ugly episode that will reverberate negatively on the "Israel, right or wrong" crowd. ITALICIZED... Sponsored Topics: Federal Bureau of Investigation - Israe ...
- Investigating the Attacks in GazaAirtime: Friday, October 23, 2009, at 9:00 PM (EST) on PBS (check local listings here ). read more
- Uncle Sam in Afghanistan: Good Help Is Hard to Fin ...Almost eight years after choosing Hamid Karzai to head the Afghan government, Uncle Sam would like to give him a pink slip. But it's not easy. And the grim fiasco of Afghanistan's last election is shadowing the next. Another display of electioneering and voting has been ordered up from ...
- Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Case of Wrongfully De ...The Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it will hear the case of 13 men who still are imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay despite being cleared for release since 2004. The court also will address the issue of whether a court can order the men released into the United States when there is no o ...
- Catching Up With the Crazy(Illustration: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t ) read more
- It Begins in Wonder: Sy Montgomery's WorldAuthor Sy Montgomery with friend. (Photo: Dianne Taylor-Snow) read more
- Google to Fight Deforestation from SpaceGoogle Inc. is joining forces with space agencies around the world and the conservation organization Group on Earth Observations (GEO) to monitor deforestation rates using satellite imagery. Among the space agencies working on the program are NASA, the ESA, and the national space agencies of Japan ...
- Global Warming: Last Month was the Second Hottest ...This week The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) revealed that last month was the second hottest land and ocean temperature on record for the month of September. NOAA’s records date back to 1880. In the 100 plus year history, only Septembe ...
- Union of Concerned Scientists and the Scientific I ...Have you seen the comic art for the 2010 Union of Concerned Scientists Scientific Integrity Cartoons? Shown above is a cartoon about science and the Endangered Species Act. The entire calendar shows how “ the absurdity of political interference in science is ripe for lampooning-and serves as a co ...
- The Missing Link in Climate Change: Product Polic ...Although images of giant coal-fired smokestacks and automobile tailpipes characterize greenhouse gas scenarios, a new report from the Product Policy Institute (PPI) proposes a new way of thinking about it – product policy. Products and packaging contribute 44% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions a ...
- Is Great Lakes Shoreline Public or Private?Legal skirmishes in Ohio and Michigan are reviving debates over whether those who own Great Lakes shoreline properties exclusively control their waterfront land or whether the public can access and travel along the coast. The same legal doctrine at issue in these battles is a central focus in cu ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- H2OI’ve been volunteering with a group that is working HARD to fight against the water contaminat
- New Cattle Vaccine Can Protect Humans From Harmful ...[Source: Medindia Net] Reports say a new cattle vaccine, created by University of Saskatchewan gradu
- Mexico, Mexico City: potable water quality to be m ...Mexico’s federal district (DF) government will monitor the city’s potable water supply a
- Pollutants in Bottled WaterUnder the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, all annual water quality reports (Consumer Confidence Rep
- Potter County Gas Task Force meeting tonighthttp://today.pottercountypa.net/?p=3312
Public Citizen in Texas
- King Williams Parade Pics 048 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- King Williams Parade Pics 042 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Climate Change: Vets Are “On Board”You would think that the Veterans of the United States would be mostly outspoken about traditional war issues, such as pulling the troops out of Iraq or sending more of them to Afghanistan, but a few groups of veterans have decided to take a different route. Operation Free is the name of a veteransâ ...
- Green-Up your life! Start a compost pile…even in ...By Kirsten Bokenkamp Did you know that in the United States, the average person throws away around 100 pounds of food scraps per year? According to the USDA, “just over a quarter of the country’s food — about 25.9 million tons — gets thrown in the garbage can every year.†But food i ...
- King Williams Parade Pics 038 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
Press TV
- US-Israel "special ties" near breaking point?The US-Israeli relations, on the surface, is depicted by many as a "special relationship," but a silent battle over Tel Aviv's attempts to spy on Washington is underway with the mainstream media opting to keep silent on the issue.
- Iranian minister to discuss Jundullah with Pakista ...The Iranian Interior Minister is expected to visit Islamabad to discuss the deadly bombing attack launched against southeastern Iran by the Pakistan- based Jundullah terrorists.
- Pakistan reports 155 killed in Waziristan offensiv ...The Pakistani army reports killing 155 pro-Taliban militants in the ongoing major offensive in South Waziristan that began Saturday.
- Hamas sounds optimism for inter-Palestinian talksThe deputy head of Hamas political bureau, Moussa Abu Marzouq, says the Islamic Resistance Movement is awaiting an invitation by Cairo to discuss a reconciliation pact with the rival Fatah party.
- Russia pledges military cooperation with IranRussia says it has no plan to restrict its military cooperation with Iran, stressing that Moscow would not allow "competitors a chance to take advantage of the situation".
Axis of Logic
- Challenging the Dahiya Doctrine
- Apartheid government panicking: Time to increase a ...
- Exclusive: Pakistan: On The Edge of The Precipice
- An excellent analysis: Imperial Globalization and ...
- “Global Imbalances” versus Internal Inequalit ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- What Would Molly Do?I headed out this morning a few minutes before seven to catch an express bus to the train station so I could get to Warrensburg this morning and do a bit of digging into the goings-on at my alma mater, a Division II school that has been taken over by an athletic department run amok at the expense o ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapNow we've heard everything We are supposed to not merely tolerate, but embrace, huge inequities in pay in the financial services sector because if executives are obscenely paid, they give to charity. Or something. UT Austin will get Cronkite's Papers The photographs and papers from Uncle Walter's lo ...
- Track MeetCourtesy The Nation.
- The Answer is NoNo, Mr. President: We won't shut up, we won't sit down and we won't stop demanding the genuine health care reform that you're afraid to demand. We're gonna keep screaming bloody murder at you and your Wall Street poodle Rahm until you do the right thing, not only because it's what we want, but bec ...
- "A Gentleman's Agreement?": I heard it on the radi ...What started with outrage and disgust over one bigoted comment by a wanna-be shock jock who is really nothing more than a minnow in the great lakes is turning out to be far more than simple bigotry. It's starting to look like a festering cesspool of cronyism and good-ole-boy back scratching of the f ...
Care 2
- Urgent - Ask the EPA to Protect Prairie Dogs from ...Black-tailed prairie dogs are currently being considered for protection under the Endangered Species Act, and their decline has had a devastating effect on black-footed ferrets -- one of the rarest animals in the world. So how could the EPA even think abo Submitted by Gillian M. to Animals | Not ...
- BBC - Beds Herts and Bucks - Nature - Autumnwatch: .... Submitted by Mick Cave to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- BSR 2009: How Business Can Make the Changes the Wo ...Fortunately, at the Business for Social Responsibility conference under way in San Francisco, a number of business and public sector leaders are coming together to show how the urgency of climate change also underlies the most important decisions that com Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Green Lifesty ...
- Largest web-spinning spider on record found in Sou ...A spider larger than any other web-spinning species on record has been found in South Africa. The species Nephila komaci is a member of the golden orb weaver family, and was identified as a new species after being found in a nature reserve. Submitted by Sigrid D. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a ...
- Dude, where's my bailout?With foreclosures at a record high and the national unemployment rate at 9.8 percent, I went to talk with some of the people still waiting for their recovery, their bailout, at a massive homeowner relief event in the San Francisco Bay Are Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Business | Note-it! | A ...
- Enterprise Community Partners Commits $4B to Green ...The nonprofit Enterprise Community Partners has pledged $4 billion to an ambitious plan to create, preserve or retrofit 75,000 green homes and community and commercial buildings within the next five years.
- Incremental Cost, Measurable SavingsThis report highlights the incremental cost of building to meet Enterprise Green Communities Criteria and outlines the long-term benefits of green building methods. Bottom line: Estimated lifetime savings from green and affordable housing exceed the initial investment necessary to create it, the stu ...
- GE, Cleantech and Your Tax DollarsLet me state my bias upfront: I'm am admirer of GE. But I can't help but be struck by the extent to which the firm's clean energy businesses depend on federal and state tax and regulatory policy, along with grants and loans from the government.
- Green Cities California Unveils Best Practices Web ...Green Cities California, the collaborative of 10 cities and counties acknowledged as sustainability leaders, launches a website today that's to serve as a resource for other communities striving to go green.
- IBM Extends Green IT Offerings to Supply Chain Man ...IBM drew upon its IT expertise and work with its own massive supplier network to create a new consulting service aimed at helping companies improve the efficiency and environmental impacts of their supply chains.
Reuters Global
- Afghanistan, Pakistan and … all the other co ...Afghan President Hamid Karzai has agreed to a second-round run-off in Afghanistan's elections. But how significant is this in the overall context of a region where instability seems to be growing by the day?
- Pomegranates, dust, rose gardens and warOur new blog on Afghanistan launches with this post by visiting Reuters political editor Sean Maguire (pictured on Kabul's Swimming Pool hill). It's a taster of the blog's mix of insight, colour, analysis and personal observation from the many Reuters journalists working the Afghan story.
- Attack in Iran: What are the links to Pakistan?One week after an assault on the Pakistan Army headquarters by suspected Sunni Islamist insurgents, a suicide bomber attacks Iran's most powerful military institution, the Revolutionary Guards. Are there links?
- A Big Mona with fries?Escoffier, Brillat-Savarin and, yes, Julia Child would turn over in their graves at the state of French food, writes Mort Rosenblum in GlobalPost.
- Asylum seeker influx stirs AustraliansAustralian media is getting worked up again over an influx of boatpeople, even though the numbers may be small compared with other countries, especially Europe
Ezra Klein
- Lunch breakRainn Wilson -- better known as Dwight from “The Office” -- gives a lesson in vandalizing a home. Sigh. That makes me feel young again.
- A difficult graph for health-care reformersFor people, like, well, me, who think that the health insurance exchanges have a real shot at lowering health-care costs throughout the system, the graph above is difficult. For conservatives who believe that the key to constraining health-care costs is to encourage competition between insurers an ...
- Cutting bankers' payThe Obama administration is getting serious on bankers' pay: The Obama administration plans to order companies that have received exceptionally large amounts of bailout money from the government to slash compensation for their highest-paid executives by about half on average, according to people fa ...
- Live ChattingToday at noon . Submit questions here .
- A guide to the public option compromises in the Se ...There are three "compromise" public options currently being considered in the U.S. Senate (and yes, I know many argue that the public option is itself a compromise, and there's something to that). Ben Nelson is advocating one. Olympia Snowe is behind another. Jay Rockefeller is talking up a third ...
Booman Tribune
- What is Going On?Harry Reid does his best Rodney King impression from the Senate floor. "I want everyone within the sound of my voice to understand that Washington is being driven by a small number of people on that side of the aisle that are preventing us from doing things that help the American people," Reid sa ...
- Real Americans Don't Do RetirementRetire? Now? What hard working American would even consider the idea? We Americans just love to work, even if only some of us get the Big Bucks for our efforts. Besides, we can't retire. We don't have enough money. A study to be released on Thursday by Canadian insurer Sun Life Financial Inc ...
- Froggy Bottom Cafe
- Baseball ThreadCongratulations to the Philadelphia Phillies on winning their second consecutive National League Pennant. I very much hope to invite them to the Bronx. But the Angels are a great team and I am not counting them out yet. It does certainly look, though, like the Yanks and Phils are on a collision c ...
- Shave and a HaircutI have been waiting patiently for a little FDR: Responding to the growing furor over the paychecks of executives at companies that received billions of dollars in federal bailouts, the Obama administration will order the companies that received the most aid to deeply slash the compensation to the ...
European Tribune
- Presidents vs. Parliaments: now playing in RomaniaIn the middle of plunging into the Global Financial Crisis, this month, there has been...
- If you can't stop the press, buy itAfter yesterday’s failed resolution by the European Parliament on press freedom in Italy, as reported...
- Get used to itPublic must learn to 'tolerate the inequality' of bonuses, says Goldman Sachs vice-chairman Bankers' soaring...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 22 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1937 – Birth of...
- Press Freedom in Italy Resolution Fails3 votes just stopped a resolution by the European Parliament on press freedom in Italy....
- New sf mag on the block: Lightspeed to launch in 2 ...Via BigDumbObject, some excellent news in the short fiction publishing sphere: Prime Books are launching a new science fiction magazine called Lightspeed in the summer of next year. Fiction editing duties will be handled by John Joseph Adams, who will leave his current assistant editor post at F&SF ...
- The B&N Nook – is it the ebook reader we’ve be ...I don’t know for sure, but it’s certainly ticking a lot of my requirement boxes by comparison to the alternatives. Barnes & Noble have dropped a minor bombshell in the form of the Nook ebook reader, which is powered by Google’s Android operating system and open to a whole lot of everyday file ...
- Multitouch tabletop RPGing?Hell yeah, I want some of that action. Hat tip to Chris Roberson; good find. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Multitouch tabletop RPGing? Tags: D&D • gaming • interface • multitouch • RPG Related posts Wearable projector augments your reality and makes ...
- Space JockeysI was interviewed twice last week, and both times the topic of space flight came up. One of the questions one of the interviewers, Annie Tupek, asked me was, “You write about mankind’s future in space. What do you think is the largest obstacle opposing space colonization today?” Here†...
- Smarter than the new Apple mouseSteve Jobs and company may have radically re-engineered the mouse, but a team of researchers from the States and China have been busy re-engineering the rat, culminating in the quaintly-named Hobbie-J, a rodent who owes her preternatural smarts to the over-expression of a particular gene associated ...
Therapy News
- Silver Achievement Award for Smoking Cessation Pro ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Efforts to advocate smoking cessation nation-wide and around the world have been accelerating in recent years as the understanding of the negative aspects of smoking improves. One program, called CHOICES, has won a Silver Achievement Award for its work with smoking ce ...
- WSU Researcher Asks if Bad Behavior is Driven by P ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline The possible reasons for scolding a child or other person when observing bouts of bad behavior are the subject of a new study carried out at Washington State University. The study sought to understand why situations in which bad behaviors are present can yield differ ...
- Self-Esteem and the Myth of Not Needing OthersBy Tina Gilbertson, MA, Self-Esteem Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Tina and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile “I am a rock, I am an island,†sang Gilbert & Sullivan. “And a rock feels no pain / And an island never cries.†Many people believe that having healthy s ...
- Anxiety: Why Me?By Evelyn Goodman, Psy.D, LMFT, Anxiety Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Evelyn and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile What causes someone to develop an anxiety disorder? This question is one asked by many people struggling with an anxiety disorder, be it panic, phobias, social anxiety ...
- Study Finds CBT More Effective for SAD than Light ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Each year as the sun begins to tuck its familiar summer warmth into a gray blanket of clouds, some people just can’t seem to get into the Autumn spirit. Feelings of loss, sadness, remorse, and other negative and often strong emotions may arise, making it difficult t ...
Mountaintop Removal
- W.Va. mining activists lock selves to coal truck ( ...QUARRIER, W.Va. (AP) - Climate Ground Zero says eight of its activists have been arrested in a mountaintop removal mining protest near Quarrier.State Police did not immediately have information because officers at the scene had poor radio reception.But a s...
- Protesters arrested after locking selves to coal t ...QUARRIER, W.Va. -- Climate Ground Zero says eight of its activists have been arrested in a mountaintop removal mining protest along Cabin Creek.State Police did not immediately have information because officers at the scene had poor radio reception.But a ...
- Editorial: Battle over coal points to future of ou ...The battle over the future of coal is a battle for the future of Appalachia. For the moment, it is largely a war of words - strong words and at times desperate words - to influence government policy regarding the practice of mountaintop-removal mining. The war of words is taking place in public foru ...
- Rob Perks: EPA to Revoke Permit for Infamous WV Mo ...The EPA is taking unprecedented action to bring to an end the saga of the infamous Spruce Mine, jamming a stake in the heart of what would have been the largest mountaintop removal project in the history of West Virginia.
- World climate-change forum may touch on W.Va. mine ...MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) -- Environmentalists who want Gov. Joe Manchin to stop Massey Energys blasting on the Coal River Mountain say the world is watching southern West Virginia.And they aim to boost the pressure.A Google Earth video on mountaintop removal...
- Democrats Lose Big Test Vote on Health Legislation ...New York Times : Democrats Lose Big Test Vote on Health Legislation — WASHINGTON — Democrats lost a big test vote on health care legislation on Wednesday as the Senate blocked action on a bill to increase Medicare payments to doctors at a cost of $247 billion over 10 years.
- The Next Financial Crisis Hits Wall Street, as Jud ...Pam Martens / CounterPunch : The Next Financial Crisis Hits Wall Street, as Judges Start Nixing Foreclosures — The financial tsunami unleashed by Wall Street's esurient alchemy of spinning toxic home mortgages into triple-A bonds, a process known as securitization, has set off its second rou ...
- Reagan conservative in North Country (Ken Blackwel ...Ken Blackwell / The Politico : Reagan conservative in North Country — Doug Hoffman didn't have a chance to make his case to Republican voters in a primary in New York's 23rd Congressional District. That's because the local GOP establishment chose its candidate behind closed doors, in a fo ...
- There's No Substitute for Troops on the Ground (Ma ...Max Boot / New York Times : There's No Substitute for Troops on the Ground — “I HOPE people who say this war is unwinnable see stories like this. This is what winning in a counterinsurgency looks like.” — Lt. Col. William F. McCollough, commander of the First Battalion, Fifth Mar ...
- Latest N.J. governor's race poll has Corzine, Chri ...Associated Press : Latest N.J. governor's race poll has Corzine, Christie neck-and-neck with Daggett gaining — A poll released today found Gov. Jon Corzine and Republican challenger Chris Christie running nearly even in the New Jersey governor's race. — The Rutgers-Eagleton Poll showe ...
Energy & Environment News
- China and U.S. Try to Speed Global Climate Strateg ...Senior American and Chinese officials urged their governments on Thursday to accelerate joint efforts to reduce pollution.
- State-Run South Korean Oil Company Buys Canadian P ...Korea National Oil Corp., the state-owned oil and gas company of South Korea, said it would buy Harvest Energy Trust in a deal worth $3.9 billion.
- Finding Ease, Efficiency and Fun on a ScooterAmericans are being won over by scooters’ 70-plus mile per gallon efficiency, traffic-dodging agility and easy parkability.
- Inquiry to Focus on Royalty Rates for Oil Shale Pr ...The interior secretary said the variation in rates was a primary reason for a closer look at an earlier decision.
- Energy Firms Find No Unity on Climate BillEnergy producers are battling over policy decisions worth hundreds of billions of dollars in coming decades.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.1, Santa Cruz IslandsMonday, October 19, 2009 10:48:30 UTC Monday, October 19, 2009 09:48:30 PM at epicenter Depth : 43.80 km (27.22 mi)
- M 5.6, Mindoro, PhilippinesSunday, October 18, 2009 23:50:09 UTC Monday, October 19, 2009 07:50:09 AM at epicenter Depth : 143.00 km (88.86 mi)
- M 5.3, Carlsberg RidgeSunday, October 18, 2009 14:14:04 UTC Sunday, October 18, 2009 07:14:04 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.0, Lake Edward region, UgandaSunday, October 18, 2009 00:39:44 UTC Sunday, October 18, 2009 03:39:44 AM at epicenter Depth : 13.60 km (8.45 mi)
- M 5.0, Near Islands, Aleutian Islands, AlaskaSaturday, October 17, 2009 07:26:35 UTC Friday, October 16, 2009 10:26:35 PM at epicenter Depth : 45.20 km (28.09 mi)
China Dialogue
- Rhinos in perilTrade in horn to Asia has grown in demand and sophistication, creating a surge in poaching in South Africa, reports David Smith. And, writes Jonathan Watts, dealers are hoarding horn like gold. South Africa is witnessing a massive surge in rhino poaching, an activity blamed on criminal syndicates st ...
- Against tiger farmingAncient Chinese tradition and modern scientific thinking both respect the tiger’s role in protecting wild nature. Farming the big cat, writes poet Ruth Padel, ruins China's reputation abroad. One of China’s oldest traditions is its respect for wild nature. Love for nature shines from the early C ...
- Herding big catsTiger farming advocates say that legally selling body parts of the big cat could thwart the poachers. But a new report puts these claims to the test – and finds dangerous flaws in the economic arguments. Jan McGirk reports. Farming tigers in order to save them may turn out to be the equivalent of ...
- Forests at the frontlineNepal supports a global agreement to help protect the climate by leaving the country’s forests intact. Bhimsen Thapaliya investigates the politics of such a deal. Nepal has lobbied in favour of a global pact that will convert its community-managed forests into cash, without cutting down a single t ...
- A chance for Sino-US partnershipJoint projects on low-carbon cities can help the United States and China face the climate crisis and the economic downturn, write Du Tingting and CS Kiang. [Produced in association with Rutgers Climate and Social Policy Initiative] As humanity confronts the climate crisis and the financial cri ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Happy Days Are Here Again for Wall Street but Main ...The contrast is striking.
- Is the Military Ignoring Its Heroin Problem in the ...Occupy the world's largest heroin producer in Afghanistan and it's no wonder the methadone clinics are overpacked -- but the military is mum on the subject.
- Want to Inspire Action on Climate Change? What We ...Overcoming inertia on climate change is unlikely to take place through hectoring and lecturing.
- Even Pat Buchanan Thinks Obama/Nixon Comparisons A ...Top Nixon aide Pat Buchanan dismissed out-of-hand any comparison of Obama to Nixon.
- John Kerry Delivers in AfghanistanIt's nice to John Kerry get some well-deserved credit.
Threat Level
- California Investigating Voting Machine’s Undete ...LOS ANGELES — California is conducting a months-long investigation in the state’s electronic voting systems after reports of serious flaws — including registered users’ ability to delete votes without even leaving an electronic trail. The investigation is examining how the system†...
- House Considers Limiting Patriot Act Spy PowersPowerful House members are proposing sweeping reforms to U.S. surveillance law that puts them on a collision course with legislation in the Senate that favors domestic spying. The proposals (.pdf) come as key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire at year’s end. The act, hastily adopted s ...
- Judge Refuses to Lift 5-Year-Old Patriot Act Gag O ...A federal judge on Tuesday declined to remove a gag order imposed on the president of a small ISP who wants to reveal the contents of a national security letter he received from the FBI. The NSL demanded the president of the New York company provide the government with e-mails from a customer the g ...
- Time Warner Cable Exposes 65,000 Customer Routers ...A vulnerability in a Time Warner cable modem and Wi-Fi router deployed to 65,000 customers would allow a hacker to remotely access the device’s administrative menu over the internet, and potentially change the settings to intercept traffic, according to a blogger who discovered the issue. Time War ...
- Despite Fraud, ‘Hope’ Remains for Obama Artist ...Street artist Shepard Fairey committed an egregious legal and ethical blunder by lying to a federal judge in his copyright battle with the Associated Press. But legal experts say his fundamental “fair use” case remains sound. The nearly year old legal dispute centers on Fairey’s iconic Obama H ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- S&P and Nasdaq fall; earnings lift DowNEW YORK (Reuters) - The S&P 500 and Nasdaq fell on Thursday as worse-than-expected jobless claims offset generally positive earnings reports.
- Top pay at bailed out companies to be cutWASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Top earners at financial and auto companies bailed out by the U.S. government will see their pay slashed under an Obama administration plan aimed at addressing public outrage over eye-popping paychecks, two sources familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.
- Poor earnings hit stocks, dollar bouncesLONDON (Reuters) - Disappointing corporate results knocked equities lower on Thursday while the dollar bounced off 14-month lows.
- Modern man a wimp says anthropologistLONDON (Reuters) - Many prehistoric Australian aboriginals could have outrun world 100 and 200 meters record holder Usain Bolt in modern conditions.
- Like Windows 7, Vista got good reviews tooSAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - As Microsoft Corp's Windows 7 release approaches, early reviews are generally positive. But so were reviews for Windows Vista just before its launch.
- Getting Ready For HalloweenOne of the things that really surprised and horrified me when I first came to the US was the huge emphasis on Halloween. Even churches organized Halloween celebrations with kids dressed as witches and no one thought twice about feeding the monsters that came to their doors trick or treating. Today ...
- Do You Believe in the Corporation?This morning we have been talking about the challenges of the global economy and how it seduces us into its values. Â We also talked about how easily we buy into the values of our secular culture – its work rhythms, its suburban lifestyles, its consumer patterns – and then living our Christian ...
- A Manifesto for Slow CommunicationThis morning at our Tabor College class here in Adelaide we are talking about the pressures that distract our lives. I began with a devotional juxtaposing the version of Psalm 23 (antithesis) which I know I have quoted before and the real Psalm 23. We are more and more concerned about how the in ...
- Meeting the Twelve ApostlesTom & I have now arrived in Adelaide, after a long (1000 km) but spectacular 2 day trip along the coast between Melbourne and Adelaide. I last made this trip with my family when I was 12 years old so as you can imagine there was a great deal of nostalgia and remembering for me. Things [...]
- Love Has No LimitsYou know that I am starting to recover from my cough and feeling more relaxed when I put up 2 blog posts in one day. However I could not resist this heartwarming clip A Lion Called Christian. It brought tears to my eyes (maybe partly because I am missing our dog Bonnie who will give [...]
Equality Trust
- Co-operative Economists Win Nobel PrizeHere's a major coup for new co-operative economic thinking over old competitive economics - you can read more here...
- Inequality is the source of our schools gapRead the Observer's Editorial
- Inequality caused the 'broken society'Read a report from the Guardian's Anne Perkins about our fringe event at the Conservative Party Conference yesterday.
- Goodbye social democracy, hello economic democracyBill Kerry writes for Labour List about the limits of social democracy and the need for economic democracy.
- Shattering the myth of equalityAn article by Boris Frankel in Melbourne's newspaper 'The Age'.
- US spy agencies invest in Internet-monitoring comp ...In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture-capital investment arm, is funding a private software company specializing in monitoring online social media, such as YouTube, Twitter and Flickr.
- Iran government spying on ex-pat dissidents, says ...A German intelligence official has said Iranian government agents are actively spying on Iranian dissidents living in Germany.
- Mossad declassifies a document for the first time ...For the first time in its existence, the Mossad, Israel’s national intelligence agency, has released a document from its secret archive.
- News you may have missed #0148Secret special service held to commemorate 100 years of MI5 and MI6. Canadian court ends spy services' free rein in deporting foreigners.
- Senior Afghan official says Pakistan aided Kabul s ...A senior advisor to the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai has accused Pakistani intelligence services of aiding suicide bombers strike targets in Afghan capital Kabul and other areas in Afghanistan.
- Ted Turner Would Fire Lou DobbsBy Linda Milazzo | PDA Blog Contributor Ted Turner would fire Lou Dobbs. How do I know? Because Ted Turner said so: This excerpt from Ted Turner’s April 1, 2008 interview on PBS, in which ...
- Fight the Freeze. Save Social Security!By Marcy Winograd | PDA Blog Contributor Fight the Freeze - No Diet COLA for Seniors! Let’s thank Congressman Anthony Weiner, our single payer champ, for taking to the streets of New York again, this time to ...
- Clearing up some misconceptionsBy Laura Bonham, PDA Deputy Director and Communications Director As the frenzied healthcare debate inches forward under a cloud of misinformation, we want to reiterate that PDA is firmly committed to Medicare for All, single-payer healthcare. Our ...
- No Surprises: Baucus-Braly-Blue Cross Bailout Adva ...Whew. Saddle up, America. And say it three times, really fast: Baucus-Braly-Blue Cross Bailout, Baucus-Braly-Blue Cross Bailout, Baucus-Braly-Blue Cross Bailout. Get ready for the next act in the intricate drama that has been unfolding under the ...
- Chomsky On VietnamA couple of weeks ago Noam Chomsky, whose works need no introduction from me, addressed a conference co-sponsored by the Pacific Green Party in Portland. He spoke about a variety of topics, and ranged ...
Marler Blog
- Keeping America's Families Safe: Reforming the Foo ...Committee: Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Title: Keeping America’s Families Safe: Reforming the Food Safety System Date: Thursday, October 22, 10:00 a.m. Place: SD-430 - Click on picture below to watch live:
- Camp Bournedale in Massachusetts Likely Linked to ...According to news reports, the Rhode Island Department of Health was notified Monday of several sixth grade students from Lincoln Middle School with diarrheal illness. The students just returned from Camp Bournedale in nearby Plymouth, Massachusetts which they attended from October 13th through 16 ...
- Food Safety on Senate's To Do List?Andrew Zajac of the Los Angeles Times penned what I hope to be correct – “Bill giving FDA new powers to oversee food supply has wide support.” He says, “Industry and public backing -- a recent poll showed 90% of voters favor measures similar to those in the legislation -- adds up to a "quic ...
- Food Safety News widget now availableEveryone will want one - a Food Safety News widget. Next is video on FSN and perhaps an Iphone App? Get the Food Safety News - Global Food Safety News & Info widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox ! Not seeing a widget? ( More info )
- Second Chance by Kip Moore - another E. coli Horro ...This what I am reading as I board another plane:
- AutoblogGreen for 10.22.09Tokyo 2009: hybrid-only, Japan-only Toyota Sai unveiled The Prius' bigger brother has arrived. Quick Spin: newly upgraded Bright IDEA delivers It's better in person than in pictures, that's ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.21.09Tokyo 2009: Nissan confirms three EVs for production, including Infiniti The EV onslaught continues in Japan. GM's OnStar EV Lab opens its doors, loves the Chevy Volt All those y ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.20.09REPORT: Nissan Land Glider could come to the States as an Infiniti Didn't see this one coming. eBay Find of the day: battery powered Porsche 356 Speedster replica Wonderful choice for a conve ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.19.09Is this the World's Most Miserly VW Bus? Might be the cutest, too. Reader spots Chevy Volt prototype parked in a driveway Parked by a Dodge minivan, no less. ...
- Ethanol from almost anything? Coskata opens Lighth ...Filed under: GM , Alternative Fuel Coskata Lighthouse Cellulosic Ethanol Plant - Click above for high-res image gallery Coskata's newly-opened semi-commercial flex ethanol facility in Madison, Pennsylvania is as small as it can possibly be. Co-located at a Westinghouse facility that also in some f ...
Rafe's Radar
- Hands-on with Twitterized BingBing's Twitter search starts with a zeitgeist view. (Credit: Screenshot by Rafe Needleman/CNET) Microsoft is getting into the real-time search business, as we reported earlier Wednesday from the Web 2.0 Summit. It's good to see a mainstream product dive into this stream, as one of ...
- HP can't save print. But big props for tryingHewlett-Packard is announcing two projects at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco on Wednesday it hopes will give new life to print--books and magazines in particular. Additions to two projects, BookPrep and MagCloud, let content that's been too expensive or difficult to print get out to reade ...
- GE shows off pocket-size ultrasound scannerJeff Immelt holds the GE Vscan ultrasound scanner. (Credit: Rafe Needleman/CNET) SAN FRANCISCO--In a wide-ranging interview at the Web 2.0 Summit, Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric, announced a low-cost and very portable ultrasound scanner called the Vscan. "It's about the same size as a ...
- Wolfram Alpha iPhone app is cool but overpricedThe iPhone app for Wolfram Alpha ( iTunes store link ) got approved by Apple surprisingly quickly, I was told in a breathless e-mail from Wolfram PR on Sunday. But the real surprise was the price: The app is $49.99. The rationale is twisted. "It's less than half the price ...
- KaChing takes on mutual fund industryWhen I wrote about KaChing last December, the site was a fantasy stock market where you could track the pretend portfolios of other investors. But the game of make-believe is coming to an end at the company, and KaChing is now letting users attach real money to their accounts. In ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so frequ ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, wit ...
Democracy Now!
- Trick or Treat for Climate ChangeHalloween is around the corner, and children will soon be dressing up and chanting “trick or treat,” their demand for candy backed up by the threat of a prank. Climate-change activists, from pranksters to presidents, are doing the same. Read More
- Lt. Choi Won’t Lie for His CountryLt. Dan Choi doesn’t want to lie. Choi, an Iraq war veteran and a graduate of West Point, declared last March 19 on “The Rachel Maddow Show,” “I am gay.” Under the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” regulations, those three words are enough to get Choi kicked out of the military ...
- Watch What You TweetA social worker from New York City was arrested last week while in Pittsburgh for the G-20 protests, then subjected to an FBI raid this week at home—all for using Twitter. Elliot Madison faces charges of hindering apprehension or prosecution, criminal use of a communication facility and possessio ...
- Nomi Prins on "It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bail ...Nomi Prins is a former investment banker turned journalist. She worked at Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns. She is the author of several books; her latest, just out, is called It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street . She spoke on the them ...
- Scanning the Horizon of Books and LibrariesA battle is raging over the future of books in the digital age and the role that libraries will play. One case now before a U.S. federal court may, some say, grant a practical monopoly on recorded human knowledge to global Internet search giant Google. The complex case has attracted opposition from ...
Farming Pathogens
- A Visitation of the InfluenzaIn seeping through the world’s every nook and cranny, pandemics have a way of forcing themselves into our lives as a lurking presence. Even the most insular of functionaries, who typically makes his living solving problems by ignoring them, straightens up and takes notice. Â Â As an epidemic ...
- I Do Like Green Eggs and HamMuch of what we’ve addressed on this blog has focused on the epidemiological failures of industrial farming. But what of the alternatives? Can we farm in another way? Is another world possible? Â Â It’s only since I’ve moved to the Midwest that I’ve learned that not only is that world p ...
- Heart of ModelingGreed is often mistaken for humanity’s heart of darkness. Look instead to the rationalization that transforms the most rapacious pillaging into an act of benevolence. A one-ton bomb dropped on a peasant wedding party is dissembled into regret without responsibility or, baser yet, a tough love offe ...
- Bird Flu’s Industrial RevolutionPublic talks can be private affairs. In sharing our work we bare the triumphs and limits of a thinking born in long hours alone or with a few fellow conspirators sworn to secrecy. But in breaking our oaths we are able to take the next step. In talking bird flu twice this past month I learned [... ...
- The Agro-Industrial Roots of Swine Flu H1N1Mexico appears ground zero for an outbreak of deadly human-specific H1N1. Of the over 1400 people that have been reportedly infected there so far, 86 have died. Short chains of transmission of the virus have also been reported in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, New York City, Canada and New Zeal ...
Digg Green
- Turtles prefer the 'City Life'Urbanisation has long been at odds with wildlife.However, scientists have found a turtle that does better in a suburban habitat than it does in nature reserves.
- Award Winning Wildlife PhotosSome truly stunning images
- Leaping Wolf Snatches World Wildlife Photo Prize ( ...The captivating image of a wolf wins the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year award. Wow - just wow!
- Secret Files Reveal Covert Network Run by Nuclear ...The force is authorised to send informers to infiltrate organisations and to conduct undercover surveillance under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA). It is also permitted to obtain communications data such as phone numbers and email addresses.
- How Green is Tofu, Really? It doesn't grow on tree ...Experts say your potential emissions savings depend more on what protein you're swapping out instead.
Invisible Opportunity
- The Hour is Coming Round at Last as Surely it MustBy Les Visible I hate to say that I don’t trust very many people and almost no organizations. I used to look at moveon.org and Code Pink the same way I looked at The Daily Kos; just power grabs of empty space to posture in. I don’t mean to be a cynic. I have powerful belief [...]
- Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for Global ...
- Mystery over British nuclear expert’s death ...All is not well at the UN. The question is, “What did he know?” or maybe he just did not want to play the war game… A British nuclear expert has plunged to his death from the 17th floor of a United Nations HQ, just as top-level talks with Iran began. The 47-year-old official, only identifi ...
- Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intellige ...By Jonathan | TruthAlliance.net | Oct. 20, 2009 Here is the mp3 of the 2nd appearance on Kevin Barret’s show where I explained in detail the rest of the story of the art students. Kevin Barret’s Show (MP3) - Jonathan Elinof on the Israeli Art Student Mossad Connection WATCH: Video of †...
- Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey handed down gag-order t ...Jerry Mazza Infowars October 20, 2009 This tale begins during and shortly after 9/11/2001, when a writer named Randy Lavello published a story at Prison Planet, Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is a Conspiracy Fact. Among the many tales in this article, a number ...
Care2 Picks
- THE TRUTH | GatherThis gentleman is amazing, and I would highly recommend that you not only read this particular post by him but, also, further explore his portfolio to read other ones of his writings. Submitted by Ainsley Jo Phillips to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Israel in Canada: Promised LandsOn the occasion of filmmakers withdrawing last month from the Toronto Film Festival in protest of Israeli involvement in the event, Eric Walberg takes a radical look at Israel's cultural and political connections in Canada Submitted by Eric W. to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- War is peace, ignorance is strengthBarack Obama, winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, is planning another war to add to his impressive record. In Afghanistan, his agents routinely extinguish wedding parties.... Submitted by Eleanor B. to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- the Dossier | UK Online | High Crimes & Misdemeano ...Homepage of website listing news articles, documents,films, lectures,declassified documents,leaked letters & memoes,central Asian oil and gas infrastructure,links,audio,music & satire Submitted by John Farnham to Business | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace, ...Professor Chussdovsky has maintained a reference centre for topics relating to the military and foreign policy for years. He is often referred to as an authority. My own reading tends to confirm his thoughts. Submitted by John Farnham to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
- Schools close in Pakistan following university bom ...Schools close in Pakistan following university bombings Emirates Business 24/7 ... in Pakistan after suspected militants bombed a university close to the capital, sowing fear across the country as the army presses a major anti- Taliban ... and more »
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Why Are Cops Tasering Grandmothers, Pregnant Women ...Police officers are brutalizing innocent civilians with accelerating lunacy. How did this happen? How can we make it stop?
- Let The Sun Shine In: Marriage Equality Comes to B ...The classic protest musical, Hair, is back to tackle what many consider to be the biggest civil rights issue of our era: marriage equality.
- Pelosi Is an Expert at 'Drowning out Opposing View ...Why Speaker Pelosi's "drowning out opposing views is un-American" remark is steeped in irony.
- Right-Wing Militias Haven't Always Been Racist -- ...There are growing signs that militias are on the rise again. This time, many of their partisans are angry at Blacks and Latinos.
- In Illinois, Another Workers' Rebellion Flares Up ...In Illinois, a dozen union members blocked a road outside Wells Fargo’s local headquarters -- the latest in a wave of direct actions by workers.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign , challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Scrapping human rights 'would shame UK'Conservative plans to scrap the Human Rights Act would bring "shame" on Britain, according to the director of public prosecutions Keir Starmer .
- Oxfam tackles Ethiopia's cycle of hungerA new report from Oxfam has called for changes to the food aid system, as the people of Ethiopia once again face severe food and water shortages.
- Ethiopian famine of 1984See BBC footage from the Ethiopian famine of 1984 and why we shouldn't let it happen in the 21st century.
- 1Sky launches 1Climate 1Tweet campaignTwitter users are being encouraged to join a competition to help raise awareness of climate change through the power of tweeting.
Fabius Maximus
- Lewis Lapham holds a mirror so that American can s ...Here are few of the many insights given in Lights, Camera, Democracy! by Lewis Lapham (2001), a book I strongly recommend ever America read. He paints portraits of us, and they’re seldom pretty.  I hope they’ll help shock us back to consciousness. Observations in the preface ...
- An important letter sent to the President about th ...An important conference was held in January at Brown University: “The Present Interglacial, How and When Will it End?â€Â   (The October issue of Science had a summary of the it) As a result, the following letter was sent to the President. The media has not reported this, bu ...
- Stratfor: The U.S. Challenge in AfghanistanThis is a superlative job of myth-making. Not just fictionalizing the past (the staple work of US geopol experts), but proactively creating a myth to explain future actions. Nobody does this better than George Friedman. For those oddities in the audience who dislike pleasing myths (the images on ...
- More hidden history, more unsettling truths: the L ...We know so little about our world and its history. Sometimes events rip aside the veil and show us aspects of the governmental machinery that ours our nation. It’s not pretty to look at, but important for us to know. Today we look at one such event. Sidenote: The wealth of informat ...
- More attempts to control the climate science debat ...The public climate science debate (not the debate among scientists) has seen some of the most blatant info ops in modern American history. True believers mark the boundaries of acceptable thought by pissing on those who transgress them. These are powerful demonstrations of John Robb’s “o ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: Just Posted: Jamiol Presents- FBI Na ...sibeledmonds: Just Posted: Jamiol Presents- FBI National Security Letters http://123realchange.blogspot.com
- sibeledmonds: @JohnMCole: Looking forward to it Jo ...sibeledmonds: @JohnMCole: Looking forward to it John. Scott is a great interviewer;always a pleasure to be on his show. You'll agree:-)
- sibeledmonds: Just Out- Military.Com cover story: ...sibeledmonds: Just Out- Military.Com cover story: Espionage- Perle, Feith, Grossman & Sibel Edmonds http://military.com
- sibeledmonds: Just Posted:The Makings of a Police ...sibeledmonds: Just Posted:The Makings of a Police State-Part 3- FBI National Security Letters: In Peril or Deep Trouble http://123realchange.blogspot.com
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Presents John Cole,Fmr ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Presents John Cole,Fmr FBI Official,on his new book, Israel, spies, infiltration& and more! http://123realchange.blogspot.com
WIRED Magazine | Science
- 70 Years of Telescopes Tuned to Cosmic Radio> Radio astronomy began with static. Bell Laboratories wanted to get rid of it and went looking for its causes. With a hand-built radio telescope, Karl Jansky discovered a clear signal of something else amidst the noise from thunderstorms near and far: a steady static th ...
- 1889 Pennsylvania Flood Was as Big as Mississippi ...PORTLAND, Ore. — The devastating flow released when a dam burst upstream of Johnstown, Pa., in May 1889 transformed a small, normally tranquil river into a raging torrent that briefly rivaled the mighty Mississippi, a new study reveals. Johnstown, which lies about 100 kilometers east of Pittsburg ...
- Out of LSD? Just 15 Minutes of Sensory Deprivation ...You don’t need psychedelic drugs to start seeing colors and objects that aren’t really there. Just 15 minutes of near-total sensory deprivation can bring on hallucinations in many otherwise sane individuals. Psychologists stuck 19 healthy volunteers into a sensory-deprivation room, completely d ...
- Obama Win Turned Male Republicans Into Girlie MenThose who remember the street parties of Election Night 2008 might think the testosterone levels of Obama voters had shot up in triumph. That would be wrong. Instead, liberal testosterone levels stayed stable, while those of male Republican voters plummeted. The latter also reported feeling submiss ...
- Bone Crunching Debunks ‘First Monkey’ Ida Foss ...Originally promoted as the stem of the primate family tree, it now appears that Darwinius masillae — better known as “Ida,” the fossil that “changes everything” — belonged to a fringe branch. This is the conclusion of researchers who analyzed primate fossils to determine where the ...
The Progressive Realist
- Afghanistan: The Politics of Escalation vs. the Po ...If you're having trouble keeping the Afghanistan war debate straight, I can't recommend highly enough Tony Corn's article in Small Wars Journal (.pdf), titled, "Toward a Kilcullen-Biden Plan? Bounding Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan." Corn essentially argues that the problem with Gen. Stanley McChr ...
- Beware of Neocons Bearing Best Case Scenarios for ...One of the most interesting things about Christopher Hitchens’ latest argument for war — other than its extraordinarily bad timing, considering the positive news coming out of Vienna — is that he really seems to be under the impression that the Iraq war has gone well, and that he didn’t come ...
- Can the U.S. Strike an Enemy's Nuclear Forces? Sh ...I woke up this morning to find the latest Foreign Affairs under my door. Good times. Flipping through, I noticed an article (not yet up on their site, so you'll just have to trust me) by Keir Lieber and Daryl Press on nuclear deterrence in the 21st Century. These two authors published a piece a few ...
- Dealing with the Iranian Nuclear Problem.Big news out of Vienna this morning, as International Atomic Energy Agency director Mohamed ElBaradei announced that the US, Russia, and France had reached a limited deal with Iran to curb its nuclear programs. Here are what details we know at the moment: If approved, the deal would commit Iran to t ...
- The Russian Economy and the Balance of PowerIn assessing the balance of power between Russia and the West throughout the Eurasian space, many analysts have focused on political decisions. Does the Obama administration's decision to cancel the deployment of a missile-defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic leave pro-American governmen ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Why Journalists Are Defending FOX News.Let's be clear: FOX News is a GOP opposition research dump more than it is a news organization. They reprint Republican press releases verbatim, they have no compunction about airing stories without having verified the information in them, they unabashedly promoted -- not covered -- the anti- Obama ...
- Regional Zero.Ha'aretz 's report that the governments of Israel and Iran have been conducting discussions on nuclear issues is encouraging enough, but this specific tidbit is astonishing (via Blake Hounshell ): During the meetings, [Israeli diplomat Meirav] Zafary-Odiz explained the Israeli policy of being willi ...
- What to Make of the TARP Pay Cuts?Last week, we touched on the symbolic win the administration's compensation watchdog, Kenneth Feinberg , scored against Bank of America CEO Kenneth Lewis . Now the administration is rolling out a plan for executives at seven TARP companies to cut their pay by about 50 percent. Many populists are say ...
- Belief In A Watchdog Press Depends On Who's In Pow ...Pew comes through with another essential insight about journalism and human nature. Basically, whether or not you believe in a "watchdog" role for the press depends on who's president, and who's team you happen to be on. Hopefully they won't mind if I borrow this chart: I don't really think it shou ...
- Cheney Admits To Eight Years Of "Dithering" In Afg ...Yesterday, torture advocate Dick Cheney emerged to accept an award from the Center for Security Policy, and gave a speech blasting the Obama administration for "dithering" on Afghanistan, saying, "Signals of indecision out of Washington hurt our allies and embolden our adversaries." Cheney said the ...
Andy Worthington
- Photos from the launch of “Outside the Law: Stor ...Yesterday’s launch of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” at the Cochrane Theatre in London was a great success. The documentary was extremely well received, with numerous members of the audience explaining afterwards that it spelled out “man’s inhumanity to man” in the context o ...
- FILM LAUNCH TONIGHT: Outside the Law: Stories from ...So the time has finally arrived when the project that filmmaker Polly Nash and I began two years ago has its first public screening. “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” has its UK premiere this evening at the Cochrane Theatre, in London’s West End. I hope to see some of you there, and ...
- Justice At Last? Guantánamo Uighurs Ask Supreme C ...One year and two weeks ago, District Court Judge Ricardo Urbina ordered that 17 Uighur prisoners at Guantánamo be released into the United States. Muslims from China’s Xinjiang province, the Uighurs were seized and sold to US forces by Pakistani villagers in December 2001, after they had fled a s ...
- UK Judges Order Release Of Details About The Tortu ...In August 2008, while British resident Binyam Mohamed still languished in a prison cell in Guantánamo, two British High Court judges attempted to inform the public about what, in May 2002, the CIA had told their British counterparts about how they had treated him while he was being held in Pakistan ...
- “Respect My Anonymity,” Says Guantánamo Priso ...On October 9, as I reported here, two prisoners were released from Guantánamo, several months after they had successfully challenged the basis of their detention through habeas corpus petitions in the US courts. One, Khalid al-Mutairi, was repatriated to Kuwait, while the other, who was not identif ...
- Michael Moore: 15 Things Every American Can Do Rig ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ALERT Friends, It's the #1 question I'm constantly asked after people see my movie: "OK -- so NOW what can I DO?!" You want something to do? Well, you've come to the right place! 'Cause I got 15 things you and I can do right now to fight back and try to fix this very broken system. He ...
- Protester Assails Former Prime Minister Blair In P ...The fact this attack was just verbal Is the part of this story that's news Since it suggests in the West Bank There's a distinct shortage of shoes. VERSE CASE SCENARIO Tony Peyser provides daily poems and weekly cartoons for BuzzFlash and also writes the BuzzFlash column, " Blue State Jukebox ." He ...
- As Production Shifts from First to Third World, UN ...GREEN IS GOOD by Margaret Smith Marketed as a "green" energy source, in recent years biofuel use has increased around the world. Global ethanol production tripled between 2000 and 2007, increasing from 17 billion to more than 52 million liters. Biodiesel expanded 11-fold, from less than 1 billion to ...
- Too Integral to Fail: Why Community Banks and Smal ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS by Meg White As the U.S. stock market opened this week, investors were treated to plummeting prices due to poorly-performing regional banks . While the "too big to fail" banks are trying to decide how massive their bonus checks should be and how best to avoid new regulations ...
- BuzzFlash Mailbag for October 19, 2009BUZZFLASH MAILBAG Want to join the conversation? Share your thoughts with other Mailbag readers by clicking here . You also may comment below; post articles yourself at BuzzFlash.net ; or send urls for BuzzFlash to post to: www.buzzflash.com/contact/newstip.html . Subject: Our President's advice.... ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- What "controlling the media" really meansHypocrisy is far too common a feature of our political culture to comprehensively chronicle, particularly when there is a change of party control and each side starts doing exactly that to which they spent the last several years vociferously objecting; see here for a vivid example of that dynamic, ...
- A large majority of Americans once again stand wit ...It was always quite bizarre to witness the Bush administration and its various Fox News/talk radio appendages equate opposition to the war in Iraq with a lack of patriotism or sympathy for the Terrorists when a large majority of Americans held precisely that view . In general, it's quite noxious w ...
- A Rumsfeld-era reminder about what causes Terroris ...(updated below - Update II - Update III) The debate over Afghanistan -- or, more accurately, the multi-pronged effort to pressure Obama into escalating -- is looking increasingly familiar, i.e. , like the "debate" over Iraq. The New York Times is publishing articles filled with quotes from ...
- David Rohde on the "why do they hate us?" questionYesterday I wrote about the first installment of the account by The New York Times ' David Rohde of his seven months as a hostage held by the Taliban, and specifically how -- as he put it -- some of "Washington’s antiterrorism policies had galvanized the Taliban." His second installment is no ...
- Obama's commendable change in federal drug enforce ...(updated below) This is one of those rare instances of unadulterated good news from Washington: The Obama administration will not seek to arrest medical marijuana users and suppliers as long as they conform to state laws, under new policy guidelines to be sent to federal prosecutors Monday ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Time to boycott Rush Limbaugh sponsorsThe boycott of Glenn Beck’s sponsors seems to be effective. Last I heard the man was running out of advertising options. CNN, after getting rid of Beck, is now looking to dump Lou Dobbs for... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Bipartisanship: The EulogyA pretty ironic title for a post on a site called Bipartisan Report, isn’t it? Back in January I joined this site with a strong belief that it is possible to have a conversation around issues... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- #WeLovetheNHSThe astroturf organization, Conservatives for Patients' Rights (CPR), started a backlash across the Pond yesterday. As reported by the Daily Times the Brits didn't take too kindly to have their... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Conservatives and “The Big Lie”It was GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss who pushed me over the edge. Not that I should be surprised that Chambliss would make up a lie out of whole cloth about health care. The only way that he got elected... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Why the GOP can’t afford to have Obama succeed o ...I’m no big fan of Newt Gingrich, but I also know that he has a lot of political smarts (not that he always uses them appropriately). In the early part of the year, he made a very interesting... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- A month with an electricity monitorRight, the kettle is on for a morning brew and apparently our household is using 3.07 kilowatts. That will include the chest freezer in the garage, the refrigerator in the kitchen, the electric kettle, my laptop and wireless network, oh and a little device sitting on my desk right now that’s monit ...
- Breast Cancer, Plankton, TelluridesMy latest contributions to SpectroscopyNOW.com and my current Alchemist column on ChemWeb.com are now live: Sweetening breast cancer risk – Experimental and epidemiological evidence previously suggested that circulating glucose and insulin may play a role in the emergence of breast cancer. Now a s ...
- Climate Change ActionIt’s Blog Action Day 2009 and the subject this year is Climate Change. So, here are a few resources for readers seeking out climate information: IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – The IPCC assesses the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the unders ...
- Metal Bottle Tops and Landfill MiningReduce, re-use, and recycle. Just one of the countless mantras of the twenty-first century that we are told will save the planet. Of course, my grandmother used to put it far more succinctly and in a much more accessible form: waste not, want not. Now, we have carbon footprints, emissions targe ...
- Moon, Earthquakes, Chemical WeaponsThe media was today almost drenched with the idea that water and other wonders would be been found on the Moon, but unfortunately LXPRESS was the least moist of damp squibs ever and no 50 km plume was seen, not even a little splash. NASA scientists are trying to figure out why. Meanwhile, in th ...
change: org.
- Consensus Grows for DUI PreventionCalifornia took a big step this month toward preventing drunk driving fatalities by launching a pilot program in five counties that will require interlock devices installed in cars for a period of time after a first offense of driving under the influence. I've written about my support for interlock ...
- When Public Popularity Means Being in LimboConsider this a watch list update. Things are looking rosy for a public option right now. The majority of Americans support it, up to 57% from 52% two months ago. Bipartisanship is no longer in vogue, with 51% preferring a public option to a bipartisan one. Nancy Pelosi is rumored to be inserting a ...
- Nutritional Bang for Your Grocery BuckIn an economic climate where people are pinching their grocery pennies and a food climate where the unhealthiest food is often the cheapest — or at least the most obviously cheap — it’s great to hear that someone’s come out with a most-nutritional-bang-for-your-buck assessment tool to prev ...
- USDA Study Aims to Make Food Aid More EffectiveFor the first time in the agency's history, the USDA will conduct a five-year analysis --the National Household Food Purchase and Acquisition Study (NHFPAS)--to document the food choices and expenditures made by families in the U.S. The study will provide the first hard data on where households p ...
- "Shooting a Moose Is an Accomplishment Whether You ...The latest in the ongoing series of "Yay! We taught kids to kill!" stories: "12-Year-Old Bags a Moose in Hunt of a Lifetime." "I feel really happy and proud,’’ Kelly said Wednesday. "Shooting a moose is an accomplishment whether you’re 12 or 38 – you’re going to put the same amount of e ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- US: Join the Landmine BanFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 22, 2009 Human Rights Watch (HRW) The United States should participate in a milestone meeting of the international treaty banning antipersonnel landmines and make a commitment to the join the agreement, Human Rights Watch said today. "In the decade since the Mine Ban Tr ...
- Report: US Risks Falling Behind Other Nations in F ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 22, 2009 Green America Although significant clean-tech investments are being made in America, the United States risks losing ground to other nations -- such as China and South Korea -- that are pursuing aggressive clean-tech growth initiatives, according to a new report ...
- Senate HELP Committee Weighing FDA Reform Legislat ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 22, 2009 Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) Yes, the United States Senate is focused on health care reform. But if legislators want to save 5,000 lives and prevent 325,000 unnecessary and expensive hospitalizations each year, they should fix food safety to ...
- Report Details 350 Species Threatened by Global Wa ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 22, 2009 Center for Biological Diversity In anticipation of this Saturday's Global Day of Climate Action, the Center for Biological Diversity today released an extensive inventory of species threatened by global warming. The interactive Web site " 350 Reasons We Need ...
- Katrina Cleanup Rife With Fraud and MayhemFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 22, 2009 Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers allowed rampant fraud, widespread safety violations and serious threats to public health in its massive Mississippi clean-up operations following Hurricane Katrina, accord ...
Common Dreams-Views
- What 'Controlling the Media' Really Meansby Glenn Greenwald Hypocrisy is far too common a feature of our political culture to comprehensively chronicle, particularly when there is a change of party control and each side starts doing exactly that to which they spent the last several years vociferously objecting; see here for a vivid example ...
- NoEscalation.org: Can the Peace Movement Reach Pre ...by Robert Naiman If there were ever a time when the peace movement should be able to have an impact on U.S. foreign policy, that time should be now. If there were ever a time for extraordinary effort to achieve such an impact, that time is now. read more
- Obama's Choice: Failed War President or the Prince ...by Nick Turse When the Nobel Committee awarded its annual peace prize to President Barack Obama, it afforded him a golden opportunity seldom offered to American war presidents: the possibility of success. Should he decide to go the peace-maker route, Obama stands a chance of really accomplishing so ...
- Rising Seas, Rising Awarenessby Mike Tidwell Here's an idea: Why don't the residents of Smith Island - at the fragile center of the Chesapeake Bay - rent a few scuba-diving suits and hold a town hall meeting under water? Scientists say a huge part of the Chesapeake region could be below water in a few decades due to rapid globa ...
- Women's Health Not 'Special Interest'by Dave Zweifel Just before the Senate Finance Committee wrapped up debate over its Sen. Max Baucus-designed health care bill, its members debated one of Sen. Jon Kyl's amendments, which would have cut language defining which benefits employers are required to cover. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., ...
Karl Burkart
- Rappin' for Climate ActionSaturday is the International Day of Climate Action. Here's the rap encouraging you to join in.
- Green giant inspires kids to take on climate chang ...A new, hip educational group called ACE leads high school assemblies that inspire kids to take action on climate change.
- OMG.. another Kindle killerBarnes & Noble announces the Nook an e-Reader that matches the Kindle in price but includes full color.
- Beer: carbon capture technology I believe inMy trip to the Norrebro Brewhouse proved that the tastiest brews in Denmark might also help to save the planet.
- ReNu solar charger takes top Consumer Electronics ...Regen gives solar power a high-design finish. The result... $40,000 from the Consumer Electronics Association.
Water Privatization
- Daley budget steers clear of more layoffs, tax inc ...Spending plan digs deep into skyway, parking meter windfalls; more privatization considered Reluctant to raise taxes, slash services or fire workers, Mayor Richard Daley on Wednesday pitched a less painful way to steer Chicago through the recession -- tapping the city's savings accounts and peddling ...
- In Olympia, recession is looking like an opportuni ...Call me skeptical bordering on cynical, but I doubt Washington state government will emerge from this economic crisis reborn. Sure, there’s been a lot of talk in Olympia over the past year about "rebooting" state government and seizing the opportunity presented by the Great Recession to knock down ...
- Meet Jennifer Peitz (Milford Times)Jennifer Peitz takes the time to get involved.
- Daley's plan digs into skyway, meter windfalls (Ch ...Spending plan digs deep into skyway, parking meter windfalls; more privatization considered Reluctant to raise taxes, slash services or fire workers, Mayor Richard Daley on Wednesday pitched a less painful way to steer Chicago through the recession -- tapping the city's savings accounts and peddling ...
- A city council race snapshot (Concord Monitor)With another painful budget season on the horizon, six city council candidates prioritized fiscal responsibility last night during a forum hosted by the Concord Taxpayers Association.
- Anti-BNP protesters arrive at BBCProtesters from first of about 16 Unite Against Fascism coaches begin demonstration against BNP leader Nick Griffin's appearance on show The protest in pictures The first coach carrying Unite Against Fascism protesters has arrived at BBC Television Centre and begun a noisy demonstration about Briti ...
- Belfast army base hit by bombNo one injured by small device thrown at home of North Irish Horse Regiment Dissident republicans have mounted their second terror attack in less than a week in Greater Belfast. An improvised bomb was thrown at an army base in the north of the Northern Ireland capital some time before 2am. No one wa ...
- Huw Stephens' music tour of CardiffRadio 1 DJ introduces the city's sights and sounds - and meets James Dean Bradfield Christian Bennett
- EastEnders spinoff launches on webThe 13-part web TV series EastEnders:E20, which launches in January, will focus on four new teenage characters The BBC is to launch the UK's most high-profile web TV series to date with a youth-targeted spin-off of flagship BBC1 drama EastEnders. EastEnders:E20 will follow the the story of four new ...
- Woman 'trampled to death by cows'Friend tells court how woman fell while trying to pull her dog away A woman suffered fatal injuries when she was trampled by cows as she walked across a field, an inquest heard today. Anita Hinchey, 63, was out for a long walk in countryside near Cardiff with her boxer dog, Woody, together with her ...
Diigo | Green Community
- All About Ashtraystrash can, trash, recycling, waste, cleaning, environment, green, society Highlights and Sticky Notes: Far fewer people smoke now than did thirty years ago, but that's not to say it's completely left in the past. Tags: trash , can , recycling , waste , cleaning , environment , green , society by: al ...
- Climate talks may go to last minuteThe world may have to wait until the dying seconds of a U.N. climate summit in December for a global deal to channel business dollars into low-carbon energy, industry and analysts said on Wednesday. Comments: The world may have to wait until the dying seconds of a U.N. climate summit in December for ...
- Water Filtration Systems: What You Can Do To Stay ...Clear and chemical-free water is a primary way to achieve health and wellness. Thanks to the fact that these days there is a better understanding of the relationship between drinking water and health Comments: Clear and chemical-free water is a primary way to achieve health and wellness. Thanks to t ...
- World leaders must intervene in climate deal - Bri ...British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Monday urged world leaders to intervene personally to break deadlocked talks to agree a global climate change deal in December. Comments: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Monday urged world leaders to intervene personally to break deadlocked talks to agre ...
- Global Warming May Spur Increased Growth In Pacifi ...Global warming in the next century could cause a significant increase in the productivity of high-elevation forests of the Pacific Northwest, a new study suggests. However, forests at lower elevations – which in recent years have accounted for more than 80 percent of the region’s timber harvest ...
Electronic Intifada
- "They killed him because he was Palestinian"On 30 September 2009 at 11am, 17-year-old Fuad Mahmoud Nayif Turkman was standing outside his school in the West Bank village of Yabad, when he was run over by an Israeli military jeep. An Israeli mil ...
- Tony Blair and the business of covering up war cri ...On 7 October 2009, Tony Blair gave a lecture at a New York university. In responding to an unexpectedly direct student question, he publicly joined, for the first time, the US and Israeli Zionist cons ...
- Book review: Orientalism and Islamophobia in the A ...Steven Salaita's new collection of political essays, The Uncultured Wars, Arabs, Muslims and the Poverty of Liberal Thought exposes orientalism and Islamophobia on the American left. Joseph Sha ...
- Second chance at lifeTouching the old scar on her forehead, 14-year-old Samah Owda fought back tears while telling her story. For the past four years she has carried on, proving that internal wounds are sometimes more di ...
- Report: Israeli intelligence illegally profiling t ...Last month South Africa's premier investigative journalism TV show, Carte Blanche , aired an investigation of allegations that security personnel from Israel's national carrier, El Al Airlines, ...
Blacklisted News
- 7 Months After Stimulus 49 of 50 States Have Lost ...America Now Over 6 Million Jobs Shy of Administration's Projections
- Pentagon used psychological operation on US public ...A months-long review of documents and interviews with Pentagon personnel has revealed that the Bush Administration's military analyst program -- aimed at selling the Iraq war to the American people -- operated through a secretive collaboration between the Defense Department's press and community rel ...
- Hank Paulson Held A Secret Meeting With Goldman Sa ...During that long summer between the collapse of Bear Stearns and the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Hank Paulson held a secret meeting with the board of Goldman Sachs in Moscow.
- Geo-Strategic Chessboard: War Between India and Ch ...Since 1947, India has not fully pledged itself to any camp or global pole during the Cold War and as a result was a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement (N.A.M.). Since the post-Cold War era that position has eroded. New Delhi has been gradually moving away from its traditional position, rela ...
- Britain: Man Arrested for Shining Flashlight at Ap ...
The Intelligence Daily
- Israeli Police Don Arab Disguise
- U.S. behind Pakistan offensive
- One in six Americans in poverty in 2008
- Colombian vice president investigated over paramil ...
- Idiots: Paid protesters in Chicken Little suits pa ...
My AntiWar
- Time for a democratic discourserr r r rr r rr r rr r rr r rr rrr rThis weekend, J Street, a new Jewish “Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace” Washington-based public action committee is holding its first national conference. The two of us, along with another artist, were scheduled to perform and read poems at several sessions during the con ...
- Israel, Iran officials met in Cairo to discuss nuk ...Summary: Dimona nuclear plantA representative of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission and a senior Iranian official met last month to discuss the chances of declaring the Middle East a nuclear-free zone, Haaretz has learned. This is the first direct meeting between official representatives of the tw ...
- US Congress May Set New Curbs on Military Aid to P ...
- Poland Tells Biden It Is Ready for New Missile Shi ...
- Bomb Injures 13 in Bangladesh, Ruling Party MP Esc ...
Rogue Government.com
- Bill Granting FDA New Powers To Oversee Nation's ...Legislation granting the Food and Drug Administration new powers to oversee the nation's food supply has elbowed its way onto Congress' crammed calendar with bipartisan support and rare agreement between consumer groups and an industry stung by product recalls.
- Blackburn: Net neutrality is "fairness doctr ...Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) spoke against net neutrality regulations today at an event put on by the Safe Internet Alliance.
- Hoyer: Constitution's General Welfare Clause Allo ...
- Niall Ferguson: The Dollar Is Finished And The Ch ...Economic historian Niall Ferguson warns that China's love affair with the dollar is fading faster than anyone realizes.
- Bailout May Cost $23.7 Trillion: Barofsky Under the worst of circumstances, the report said, the government's maximum exposure could total nearly $24 trillion, or $80,000 for every American.
Innovation Canada
- Fuels of the future?A recession-related dip in flight demand might actually be considered a green blessing. Just a small one, mind you. The David Suzuki Foundation estimates that aviation is responsible for up to nine percent of the total global climate-change impact of human activity, so it would take a huge drop to ...
- i2eye with Bif NakedThe last few years have been a roller-coaster ride for Bif Naked. After two years of touring, TV work and datelessness following her 2005 album Superbeautifulmonster, the Vancouver-based alt-rock singer-songwriter — whose real name is Beth Walker — met and married her husband, sportswriter Ian W ...
- Cultural evolutionWhen Jane Goodall reported her observations of tools use by chimps to famed anthropologist Louis Leakey, he responded by saying, “Now we must redefine tool, redefine man or accept chimpanzees as humans.” Leakey would have likely had a similar reaction to the current work of University of Calgary ...
- Faces of aggressionEven if you can’t distinguish NHL enforcers Todd Bertuzzi and Chris Neil from a referee, you’d probably know at first sight not to mess with them. And not just because of their physical size. The men employed to intimidate the opposition tend to have wide faces, and that, Brock University’s Ch ...
- i2eye with Bruce McNaughtonOne of the world’s foremost neuroscientists, Bruce McNaughton is renowned for his groundbreaking research into how the human brain stores, processes and transmits information. One year ago, the Ottawa-born McNaughton was lured back to Canada after spending more than a quarter century in the United ...
Signs of the times
- Spying on Americans: The Bipartisan National Secur ...Telecoms Lobby US Congress The bipartisan consensus that encourages unaccountable secret state agencies to illegally spy on the American people under color of a limitless, and highly profitable, "war on terror" was dealt a (minor) blow October 13. Federal District Court Judge Jeffrey White denied ...
- You're Not The Customer: Don't Trust Cops, Never T ...Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden, in discussing the "balloon boy" hoax, inadvertently gave discerning CNN viewers a heads-up on police procedure. Remember Detective Columbo's little schtick? "Oh, there's just one thing I still can't figure out, sir...." "Just one more question, sir...." Appar ...
- Big Brother Britain: £380 a MINUTE spent on track ...An astonishing £380 a minute will be spent on surveillance in a massive expansion of the Big Brother state. The £200million-a-year sum will give officials access to details of every internet click made by every citizen - on top of the email and telephone records already available. It is a 1,700 ...
- Father arrested over kidnap of daughter's killerA German doctor who went on the run after poisoning his lover's 14-year-old daughter more than 27 years ago has been found, bound and gagged, outside a French court. The girl's father has been arrested on suspicion of kidnap. Andre Bamberski, 71, has accused the French and German authorities of be ...
- UK man arrested for shining torch at Apache attack ...A man who was arrested after he shone a torch at an Apache attack helicopter flying "10ft" above his garden will not be charged, police have said. Torben Merriott, 63, of Stradbroke, Suffolk, was arrested on "suspicion of "acting in a manner likely to endanger an aircraft" on 18 September. Police ...
Threat Level
- California Investigating Voting Machine’s Undete ...LOS ANGELES — California is conducting a months-long investigation in the state’s electronic voting systems after reports of serious flaws — including registered users’ ability to delete votes without even leaving an electronic trail. The investigation is examining how the system†...
- House Considers Limiting Patriot Act Spy PowersPowerful House members are proposing sweeping reforms to U.S. surveillance law that puts them on a collision course with legislation in the Senate that favors domestic spying. The proposals (.pdf) come as key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire at year’s end. The act, hastily adopted s ...
- Judge Refuses to Lift 5-Year-Old Patriot Act Gag O ...A federal judge on Tuesday declined to remove a gag order imposed on the president of a small ISP who wants to reveal the contents of a national security letter he received from the FBI. The NSL demanded the president of the New York company provide the government with e-mails from a customer the g ...
- Time Warner Cable Exposes 65,000 Customer Routers ...A vulnerability in a Time Warner cable modem and Wi-Fi router deployed to 65,000 customers would allow a hacker to remotely access the device’s administrative menu over the internet, and potentially change the settings to intercept traffic, according to a blogger who discovered the issue. Time War ...
- Despite Fraud, ‘Hope’ Remains for Obama Artist ...Street artist Shepard Fairey committed an egregious legal and ethical blunder by lying to a federal judge in his copyright battle with the Associated Press. But legal experts say his fundamental “fair use” case remains sound. The nearly year old legal dispute centers on Fairey’s iconic Obama H ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Bush to "Replenish the Ol' Coffers" as Motivationa ...Back in September 2007, George W. Bush revealed his plans for life after the White House. First, Mr. Bush said, "I'll give some speeches, just to replenish the ol' coffers." The following July, Kathryn Jean Lopez, one of his bath...
- South Carolina Edges Oklahoma to Top BCS StandingsIn a surprise to many, South Carolina narrowly topped Oklahoma in the first BCS standings released this week. Not, that is, in college football's Bowl Championship Series, but in the Battle of Crazy States. Oklahoma dropped to the #2 spot...
- McChrystal's Intel Leak Doubtless Warms GOP HeartsSeemingly with each passing day, General Stanley McChrystal grows in the esteem of President Obama's conservative foes. After having savaged General Eric Shinseki for his pre-Iraq war testimony that the occupation would require "several hundreds of thousands" of American troops,...
- Senate GOP: Delay, Define and Derail Health Care R ...For months, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has led the Republican campaign of fear-mongering "reform that that denies, delays, or rations health care." Now unable to filibuster Democratic legislation on their own, Roll Call reports that McConnell's minions are unveiling...
- Washington Post Aids GOP in Medicare Role Reversal ...That the elderly of all groups of Americans most strongly oppose President Obama on health care reform shows the success of Republican fear-mongering over supposed Medicare cuts and "death panels". And on Monday, the Washington Post did the GOP a...
Blackspot News Feed
- Drones and international lawErlich Pt2: In Pakistan US continues to assert right to attack sovereign countries without declaring war
- Station Ident: This Is Sort Of Warren Ellis Dot Co ...Well… it is , but I have a fair amount of stuff to slog through today, so I’m ignoring this place until tonight. I’ll keep twitter on, probably, and you can always send me interesting materials, nice things and dirty pictures at my "dump" email address, which is warrenellis [at] gmail dot com. ...
- Bill That Would Block Release of Torture Photos Ex ...(Photo Illustration: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t , Adapted From: buhsnarf , read more
- Investigating the Attacks in GazaAirtime: Friday, October 23, 2009, at 9:00 PM (EST) on PBS (check local listings here ). read more
- Video: Grayson: FOX News the "Enemy of America," I ...Florida's pugilistic Democratic congressman claims that in appearances on their network, FOX News "cut off my mic."
Consortium News
- US Health Insurers Up the AnteAmerica's private health insurers have won concession after concession in the health-reform battle, writes Robert Parry. October 21, 2009
- Sorting Out the Facts of AfghanistanAs Washington elites press President Obama to escalate in Afghanistan, Ivan Eland suggests a review of five key facts. October 20, 2009
- Wilkerson Gets Intel Integrity AwardEx-State Department chief of staff Larry Wilkerson is praised for truth-telling about Iraq War deception, writes Coleen Rowley. October 19, 2009
- Pakistan's Double GameAfter a 2 1/2-year study, foreign policy expert Bruce P. Cameron warns against a U.S. military escalation in Afghanistan. October 18, 2009
- Riding Obama's Peace Prize on a RailThe U.S. political commentariat has ridden President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize out of town on a rail, notes Michael Winship. October 17, 2009
- Mike Whitney : The Dollar Will Not Crash
- Greg Moses : The Cash Cops of Tenaha
- John Ross : Chronicle of a Tormenta Electrica
- Michael Donnelly : Outside Agitator
- Pam Martens : The Next Financial Crisis Hits Wall ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Believing in the nonviolent struggle (Ahmed A. Kh ...The tactics of Israel seem to promote armed resistance. They refuse to release just one of the 11,000 Palestinian prisoners currently rotting away in Israeli jails, but when an Israeli soldier is taken hosta ...
- Israel and Iran met in Cairo discuss nuke-free Mid ...A representative of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission and a senior Iranian official met last month to discuss the chances of declaring the Middle East a nuclear-free zone, Haaretz has learned. This is the ...
- Goldstone challenges US over Gaza report (Al Jaze ...
- Ezra Nawi gets month in jail for assault (Aviad G ...After the sentencing Nawi told Ynet, "The judge would rather take the word of two Border Guard officers who lied and coordinated their testimonies. The entire system wants to see me in jail. "The court has b ...
- Tibi to Knesset: Goldstone report turns Israel fro ...On Wednesday, Palestinian Member of the Israeli Knesset Ahmed Tibi told fellow members during a parliamentary session that Israel is refusing to investigate the Goldstone report because it would transform Is ...
Water - AlterNet
- Mining's Destructive Legacy on WaterwaysScientists are now beginning to see that mining's most lasting damage may be the massive amounts of debris dumped into valley streams.
- The CA Legislature Unveiled 5 New Water Bills -- A ...I would urge that California's water warriors hold their opinions until they actually read and digest these bills.
- Vitaminwater's Empty Calories Are at the Heart of ...Vitaminwater tells its customers to "hydrate responsibly." That means not drinking 125-calorie sugar rushes like ... Vitaminwater.
- Why Corporations, Emerging Powers and Petro-States ...In the past six months, big players in the global economy have grabbed 50 million acres of arable land, from Africa to Southeast Asia.
- Goodbye Pools, Lawns and a Whole Lot More: Why Lif ...Water in the very near future will be neither cheap nor plentiful, and much of the Southwest is destined for real trouble.
- Sabotage Experts: US Coast Guard Exercise on 9/11, ...Coast Guard to review exercise after Potomac security scare Security incident on Potomac River prompted by “training exercise,” two police sources say Coast Guard told them. With the nation already on edge and somewhat paranoid on September 11 each year, what is the LAST thing you want to do? ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance August 31, 2009It’s the week before Labor Day, and the Texas Progressive Alliance is hard at work bringing you the best of the Texas blogosphere. Here are this week’s highlights. The Texas Cloverleaf wonders why only one person showed up to a budget meeting where taxes are being increased in Denton County. No ...
- Who Will Carry The Kennedy Torch? Op EdThe passing of Ted Kennedy may have dealt a blow to progressive humanitarian warriors. The Senate is missing the most effective voice for the disenfranchised. From his perch atop the mountain of comfort built by his family, Ted Kennedy used his position to battle legislative discrepancies that ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – August 24, 2009School is starting, and the Texas Progressive Alliance is prepared as always to ace the test. Here is this week’s roundup of blog highlights. From TXsharon: Woo Hoo! EPA testing has now confirmed wells are contaminated “with various substances connected with gas drilling‖proof that h ...
- Bi-Polar America – Who is Worthy of a Healthy Li ...The rationing of health care is already a fact of life. The new reform will remove some of that rationing and make health care a right instead of a privilege. Bi-Polar America - I am worthy, You are not. Jesus was a socialist.
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Reviving the Local Economy with Publicly-Owned Ban ...by Dr. Ellen Brown Featured Writer Dandelion Salad webofdebt.com Oct 15, 2009 The credit crunch is
- Health care Rx from my socialist fire department b ...Submitted on Buzzflash by Greg Palast Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.gregpalast.com crosspo
- An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order: The Or ...by Andrew Gavin Marshall Featured Writer Dandelion Salad October 22, 2009 Introduction In the fac
- Exclusive: The Delayed Toll of Modern Warfare by G ...by Gary Sudborough Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Oct. 14, 2009 After the Vietnam War, US milita
- Upcoming Iraq Election Seen as Key to Promote Inve ...by Jeremy R. Hammond Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Foreign Policy Journal 21 October 2009 With
Unexplained Mysteries
- Police officer sees "aliens" at crop circleIn a bizarre case that occured earlier this year a policeman in Wiltshire contacted UFO experts after claiming to have seen three aliens examining...
- Algae: a key player in mass extinctions?A new study suggests that algae could be responsible for the extinction of many of the world's prehistoric species, with large quantities of the g...
- Tiniest dinosaur in North America foundWeighing less than a teacup Chihuahua the newly discovered Fruitadens haagarorum which lived 150 million years ago was just 28 inches long and is ...
- Hadron collider sabotaging itself from the future ...Two distinguished physicists have suggested that the particle the Large Hadron Collider is attempting to create could at some point in the future ...
- Scientists discover 32 new exoplanetsScientists have announced the discovery of 32 new extrasolar planets that exist around distant stars beyond our own Solar System, a find suggestin...
- Grassroots International Partner receives prizeVia-prize-small.jpg At a gathering of food and trade activists from arounnd the world, Grassroots International's partner, the Via Campesina, receieved the 2009 Food Sovereignty Prize for its relentless struggle for people of the world and aga ...
- Towards Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming Autonomous Fo ...TowardsFoodSovereignty-smallcover.jpg The International Institute for Environment and Development ( IIED ), an independent international research and development organization, recently published a book that should be of interest to Grassroots ...
- Land + Water + Food = Resource Rights = Human Righ ...October 17th is marked as by the United Nations as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty . At Grassroots International, we have been working with our partners for over 25 years towards achieving that goal. Clearly, a lot needs to be done to get us there. read more
- Family farmers feed Brazilbrazil200907-078.jpg The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) recently published a report on the country’s agricultural sector. The last report had been published in 1996. The new document supports several points raised by ...
- Today is World Food Day!1._Sign_-_Food_sovereignty_yes.jpg Today is World Food Day! World Food Day is celebrated every year on October 16 – the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. World Food Day raises awaren ...
- October 22, 2009EU Offers 95% Cut by 2050 If Deal Sealed at Copenhagen (Guardian) Europe attempted to reassert its international leadership in the fight against global warming, offering to slash its greenhouse gas emissions 95% by 2050 and 30% by 2020 if a climate pact is sealed at Copenhagen. China, US Lead ...
- October 21, 2009Obama to Give Climate Bill a Boost with MIT Speech (ClimateWire) President Obama will try to push the Senate climate bill forward Friday with an energy-themed speech at MIT, just days before the start of a marathon of hearings. India, China Sign 5-Year Pact on Climate Change (Dow Jones) India ...
- October 20, 2009Nations Leave 91% of Green Stimulus Funds Unspent (Bloomberg) The United States, China and other major economies have yet to spend 91% of the $177 billion in stimulus money promised for clean-energy development because projects haven’t been evaluated, a report shows. Concession Raises Hopes ...
- October 19, 2009India Environment Minister Suggests Major Shift on Climate (Times of India) India’s environment minister, in a letter to the prime minister, suggested that India junk the Kyoto Protocol, delink itself from G77 and take on greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments under a new deal without a ...
- October 17-18, 2009Republican Senator Says Open to U.S. Climate Bill (Reuters) A senior Republican in the Senate, conservative Sen. Lisa Murkowski, said she would consider voting for the climate bill that Democrats are pushing if it contains a vigorous expansion of nuclear energy and domestic oil drilling. Bigg ...
- Tomgram: Nick Turse, What the U.S. Military Can't ...[ Note to Tomdispatch Readers: The other day, I appealed to you to consider writing your friends, neighbors, colleagues, and workmates to suggest that they go to the "sign up" window at the upper right of the Tomdispatch main screen, put in their email addresses, and sign on for an notification wh ...
- Tomgram: Jo Comerford, Three Cheers for the War D ...[ Note to TomDispatch Readers: I'll be on the road for the next week with limited email access. I may not be answering letters and requests. Be patient. For those of you living in the Santa Fe, New Mexico area, this Wednesday night (October 21st) at 7 pm at the Lensic Performing Arts Center I' ...
- Tomgram: Will Today's U.S.-Armed Ally Be Tomorrow ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: In the past weeks, you could catch original pieces by Barbara Ehrenreich , Arundhati Roy , Pepe Escobar , Michael Klare , Ann Jones , and Rebecca Solnit , among others, at this website. It's the sort of line-up you might otherwise find at a top-notch magazine. Every ...
- Tomgram: David Swanson, The Imperial Presidency 2 ...October 7th marked the eighth anniversary of the Bush administration's invasion of Afghanistan and so of the... well, can we really call it a war?... that won't end, that American commanders there now predict could last for another decade or more. And yet, here's the weird thing: because Congress ...
- Tomgram: Barbara Ehrenreich, Do Women Have the Bl ...Hardly less startling than finding herself with breast cancer was Barbara Ehrenreich's discovery of the "pink ribbon culture," of, that is, the enforced cheerfulness and positive thinking that accompanied it (and the teddy bears and "cornucopia of pink-ribbon-themed breast cancer products" which w ...
Smirking Chimp
- Why Does the Unhinged Fringe Hate America?Ugly Americans Stay Home, Soiling Our Nest We're growing strange species of anti-American reactionaries these days. Earlier, arrogant Ugly Americans strutting abroad were always brash cheerleaders for their Homeland. Today, scores of deluded, unpatriotic numbskulls equate good citizenship with debun ...
- Obama Administration Determined To Usher In New Gr ...Paul Volcker must feel like he's going crazy. The former Federal Reserve chairman, current chairman of the newly formed Economic Recovery Advisory Board, and the man Austan D. Goolsbee, counselor to President Obama, calls a "giant," "genius," and "great human being," can't get any respect these days ...
- Go all out: End price-fixing by insurersThere is gathering momentum in both the House and Senate to repeal the antitrust exemption for insurers, which I proposed three weeks ago in my column, " Optional health deal ." The reaction I have received is powerful and electric. That column has been at the top, or near the top, of the most widel ...
- Afghanistan - Don't Get Schooled AgainIn the fall of 2002 — little more than a year after the Al Qaeda attacks on the United States set off a chain of events that soon toppled the brutal, misogynistic Taliban regime in Kabul, and well before the fateful and misguided decision to invade and occupy Iraq — I went to Afghanistan to beg ...
- I did know Jack: Looking back on Kevorkian, good a ...Film crews were swarming around the Wayne and Oakland county courthouses last week, shooting a few final scenes for the forthcoming HBO movie, You Don't Know Jack, about our once-nationally famous zero-population-growth activist, Dr. Kevorkian. Well, I do know Jack. Did, anyway. I covered all the ma ...
Ten Percent
- CWU Picket Lines For ThursdayListed here (ht2 Harpy).
- EntitledOil tycoon T. Boone Pickens told Congress on Wednesday that U.S. energy companies are “entitled” to some of Iraq’s crude because of the large number of American troops that lost their lives fighting in the country and the U.S. taxpayer money spent in Iraq. So costs incurred by rapists, murdere ...
- Asked & Answered“We have to tolerate the inequality as a way to achieve greater prosperity and opportunity for all,” Brian Griffiths, who was a special adviser to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, said yesterday at a panel discussion at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. The panel’s discussion t ...
- Robin Hood Goes Postal- Support The Posties!The postmen & women who are being forced to defend their careers against a dishonest and rapacious management & government are to be applauded. What has become clear is the corporatist Neoliberals of New Labour and the bullying management have conspired to continue a backdoor process of privatisatio ...
- Ezra Nawi Sentenced To 1 Month(via Facebook) This morning the judge, Eilata Ziskind, sentenced Ezra as follows: - 30 days in prison - 750 NIS fine which he will not pay and thus get extra 7 days in prison. - 500 NIS to each of the border police officers he “assaulted”. - 6 months if he violates law in the occupied territorie ...
Paul Krugman
- The facts have a liberal health-care biasSound-bites and slogans are mattering less, and CBO estimates are mattering more. And this is pushing reform in a progressive direction.
- Is Japan on the fiscal brink?Mr. Market doesn't seem to think so.
- Limbaugh to Times reporter: drop deadAlways good to remember what we're dealing with.
- The aura strikes backFor now, at least, the aura of inevitability has settled on policies that I believe should be enacted.
- Two easy-money piecesZIRP must abide. Oh, and we need more stimulus.
No Quarter
- The Shortage of Physicians Who’ll Accept Patient ...Fox News — especially commentator and columnist Charles Krauthammer — and a few other media outlets have pointed out that doctors cannot make ends meet if their patients are primarily on Medicare or Medicaid. A public health plan will add to the numbers of patients that physicians will not be e ...
- Time For Some Insurance CompetitionPotential good news on the Hill today–Congress is going to withdraw the insurance industries’ monopoly status and anti-competitive business practice. I am a strong free market advocate. I love genuine capitalism. It ultimately will make people and society better. Unfortunately, we do not liv ...
- Careless or Uncaring?A token is a token. Especially for a token leader. However, it IS the American flag. And at the least it should be straight: Damn straight. Every day, I get photos of Barack Obama, via Zimbio, a great site for images. Granted, in the scheme of things, this is probably minor. Or is it?
- Mao Is Mighty Popular Among Obama’s CzarsNope, I am not talking about Anita Dunn this time. Ron Bloom is the latest Obama Czar (Manufacturing) to quote Mao as an authority. And just wait to see which quote he uses from Mao. Oh, and he disses that whole free market thing, too. See for yourself: You may recall that [...]
- Fox Not a News Station?Talk about back to the future. Here I thought we were looking at a repeat of the lousy Presidency of James Earl Carter and Barack Obama goes ahead and starts emulating Tricky Dick Nixon. Let’s give Obama his due–he’s a better talker (as long as TOTUS is working) than Nixon and he certainly [ ...
Environmental Graffiti
- The Buddhist Monastery that Rises 2,500ft from a G ...
- Bald Eagle Striking its Prey [Photo Gallery]
- Atacama’s Inhospitable Valley of the Moon
- Treading Gingerly Across the Lost Bridges of the I ...
- 20 Incredible Primate Expressions
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Coup's Impact on Honduran Women The coup is claiming more and more victims, particularly women.
- Torture and the BombBush's use of torture and Truman's use of nuclear weapons bear some sinister parallels.
- Pranksters Fixing the WorldWith a new film, the Yes Men carry forth their gonzo brand of anti-corporate activism.
- Swing RegionFPIF's weekly update.
- Turkmenistan: Still Waiting for the Second StepThe United States can help improve human rights in this Central Asian country.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there wil ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
Al Jazeera
- Somali pirates seize cargo shipHostages held on Panama ship hijacked in waters off coast of Somalia.
- Rape used as weapon in DR Congo warAbout 5,400 cases of rape reported in South Kivu province in six months.
- Iran denies 'secret Israel talks'Newspaper says officials met in Egyptian capital to disucss nuclear-free Middle East.
- Karadzic threatens trial boycottFormer Bosnian Serb leader threatens to stay away for being given "insufficient time".
- Brigadier killed in Pakistan ambushGunmen attack military vehicle in Islamabad, killing at least two army personnel.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Nudging Grocers and Consumers Toward More Healthy ...With a new report and a "Super Green List," Monterey Bay Aquarium is aiming to nudge retailers and consumers away from problematic seafood products.
- 'The Violent Twilight of Oil,' Part IIThe second part of a two-part Q&A with Peter Maass, a contributing writer for The New York Times magazine, and author of the new book, "Crude World."
- Solar and Auto Makers Unite in Tough TimesSkyline Solar announced on Tuesday that a maker of body and chassis parts for big auto makers will begin fashioning metal components for its panels.
- Mulling Wind Power? Check Your iPhone.For those wondering if their backyards experience enough wind to sustain a turbine, a Nevada company offers an iPhone application.
- On Our Radar...Turkey's alternative energy rush, global cooling, and other energy and environment stories from around the Web.
Dot Earth News
- Keeping Natural Gas in Pipelines, Not the AirMore evidence that capturing a potent greenhouse gas can pay off with profits.
- Thought Experiments on Birth and DeathRush Limbaugh reacts to a population report by proposing that a reporter kill himself to save the planet.
- A Branson Video Without Climate CommentsRichard Branson's comments on climate and conflict don't make the cut in a Wall Street Journal video.
- On CO2, Small Steps for Big Emitters?Slow going for a process created by President Obama to aid work on a new climate treaty.
- Smil on Hummers, Hondas, Meat, HeatA longtime student of global risk says humans are both Wile E. Coyote, over the cliff, and the ultimate escape artist.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- A quick hit from the G20: Democracy 101 by Indymed ...I was proud to help contribute some footage to this video - soon enough there will be more video out from what happened at the G20. For now please just check this out. It's certainly a "rough cut" and needs some help in the narrative & so forth, but it's a great intro to the widespread police abuse ...
- Afghanistan UN elections approval unit breaks up u ...Gold busted up and out of the old confines as good ol' snarly British antiwar journalist Robert Fisk broke the big news: the Petrodollar cycling system is finally going off the rails as the world's central bankers start digging for a new solution. [This Petrodollar system was the big achievement of ...
- Sibel Edmonds case: spelled out with the names & d ...For those of you just tuning in... Sibel Edmonds worked at the FBI after 9/11, bumped into a big criminal conspiracy, tried to blow the whistle in 2002, got the "States Secret Privilege" gag, which she defied a couple months ago for a deposition in an Ohio case. In a new interview with Phil Giraldi, ...
- Yr humble correspondent reports back on G20 with A ...Alright so I've been out in Pittsburgh helping cover the G20 conference -- things got pretty hairy out here. We've hunkered down at the Pittsburgh Indymedia Center ( http://indypgh.org ) and the crew has turned out a ton of videos of police brutality that have gone viral over Internets! I just did a ...
- Supercoca Boliviana Negra cocaine win: Glyphosate/ ...Boliviana negra - Wikipedia, Also known as supercoca or la millionaria , Boliviana Negra is a relatively new form of coca that is resistant to herbicide Roundup , or the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate . The coca plant is the precursor to the addictive stimulant cocaine , one of the most widely c ...
Daily Censored
- Central Asian Gas Now Flowing Directly to ChinaThe once proposed TAPI pipeline of decades past which is widely cited in the alternative media as a rationale for ongoing occupation of Afghanistan has been superseded and made redundant by more recent developments. PetroChina’s First West-to-East Pipeline Supplies 60 BCM Proposed West – to – ...
- Obama regime vows to “engage” SudanAfter stripping away the hyped allegations of “ongoing genocide” leveled against the government of Sudan the U.S. concerns become quite apparrent. The problem that Sudan poses is that like Syria and Iran it is friendly toward Palestinian resistance movements and could serve as a haven from perse ...
- A Modern Story of Pervasive Racism: America’s Wa ...Blacks constitute 13 percent of drug users, but are 38 percent of people arrested for drug offenses, and 59 percent of those convicted.
- FIDEL PART 3 –FINALAfter Fidel Castro’s abdominal surgery in the summer of 2006, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice assured Cubans in Bush’s name: “You must know that you have no greater friend than the United States of America.” This great pal showed amity by not allowing Cubans to see relatives and limit ...
- A Step Back for Gender Equality…Make it 15 StepsIt’s nice to know that as we enter the Twenty-First century that we’re returning to a simpler way of life. Back to a place when rats were allowed to run amok spreading diseases, Popes led armies into battle to prove that one could truly love thy neighbor, men were simply men, and women were simp ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Mobile phone giant Nokia sues Apple over patents
- Bands ‘Rage’ ...
- McDonald's heats up profit, revenues hit by exchan ...
- NY Times posts net loss but sees improved ad clima ...
- Does Obama ease or worsen US race relations?
Institute for Policy Studies
- A Late September Morning With Fidel, Part 1From guerrilla warrior to statesman — now comfortably retired.
- A late September Morning with Fidel, Part 2A very retired Fidel has become reflective.
- Obama Must Pick Gurneys Over GunsTwo expensive problems. Lots of debt. Will the administration make the right choice when it comes to health care or war?
- The Secret About Jobs Military Contractors Don't W ...A new report finds military hardware we don't need isn't as great for job creation as advertised.
- General McMoreland in VietistanThe White House and the Pentagon should heed lessons learned in the past.
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- S&P and Nasdaq fall; earnings lift DowNEW YORK (Reuters) - The S&P 500 and Nasdaq fell on Thursday as worse-than-expected jobless claims offset generally positive earnings reports.
- Top pay at bailed out companies to be cutWASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Top earners at financial and auto companies bailed out by the U.S. government will see their pay slashed under an Obama administration plan aimed at addressing public outrage over eye-popping paychecks, two sources familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.
- Poor earnings hit stocks, dollar bouncesLONDON (Reuters) - Disappointing corporate results knocked equities lower on Thursday while the dollar bounced off 14-month lows.
- Modern man a wimp says anthropologistLONDON (Reuters) - Many prehistoric Australian aboriginals could have outrun world 100 and 200 meters record holder Usain Bolt in modern conditions.
- Like Windows 7, Vista got good reviews tooSAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - As Microsoft Corp's Windows 7 release approaches, early reviews are generally positive. But so were reviews for Windows Vista just before its launch.
Pine River World News
- AFGHANISTAN: British army alleged to be using Chin ...IntelTrends - The following article appeared in The Frontier Post, Peshawar, Pakistan, citing news agency NNI as the publisher. UK army 'providing' Taliban with air transport © NNI News Agency Source: The Frontier Post October 21, 2009 LONDON (NNI): The British army has been relocating Taliba ...
- Watchdog Group Fears Global Oil CrisisThe following article is reprinted with permission from Voice of America. Watchdog Group Fears Global Oil Crisis © Voice of America By Selah Hennessy October 20, 2009 LONDON - A global watchdog group says world oil supplies are running low and that may lead to food shortages and spiraling armed ...
- IRAN: General blames CIA and other spy agencies fo ...Pine River World News / IntelTrends October 20, 2009 Sunday's terrorist attack in Iran's Sistan and Balouchestan province, which resulted in at least 42 deaths and 28 wounded (including high ranking Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps personnel), has mobilized Iranian military and security forces acc ...
- Examination. The Pakistani army is under the threa ...IntelTrends - The following article is reprinted with permission from Kavkaz Center, Caucasus mujahideen media. Examination. The Pakistani army is under the threat of defeat in Waziristan © Kavkaz Center October 18, 2009 The Islamabad based correspondent of American "The Christian Science Moni ...
- The American Self Emulation, Truly a Sight to SeeThe following column is reprinted with permission from Stanislav Mishin. The American Self Emulation, Truly a Sight to See © Stanislav Mishin Source: Mat Rodina October 17, 2009 As my readers know, I am a fan of economics and of history, as well as politics, a combination that forms some very ...
- How Rewards Can Backfire and Reduce MotivationSurely one of the best ways to generate motivation in ourselves and others is by dangling rewards? Yet psychologists have long known that rewards are overrated. The carrot, of carrot-and-stick fame, is not as effective as we've been led to believe. Rewards work under some circumstances but sometime ...
- How to Make People Believe in TelepathyHave you ever been thinking about someone and then moments later they've called you? Is that random coincidence or something more? People love to believe in supernatural powers like telepathy. At least one-third of Americans report a belief in extra-sensory perception (ESP), with a further 40% refu ...
- Are You a Liar?Do people really lie 3 times within 10 minutes of meeting someone new? It's a statistic often quoted to show how callous and heartless people are. It's the kind of number the misanthrope TV doc Gregory House (played by Brit Hugh Laurie) should have tattooed across his forehead. But what kinds of li ...
- PsyBlog Now on TwitterPsyBlog is now on Twitter, right here. So many people have kindly been sharing articles from PsyBlog with others on Twitter that the tweet count for recent articles is now fairly hefty. Thanks very much to all the Twitterers who've been spreading the word! PsyBlog's Twitter feed is another way to ...
- How Long to Form a Habit?Research reveals a curved relationship between practice and automaticity. Say you want to create a new habit, whether it's taking more exercise, eating more healthily or writing a blog post every day, how often does it need to be performed before it no longer requires Herculean self-control? Clear ...
After Downing Street.org
- Keith Olbermann Countdown: A Medicare Expansion? read more
- Rep. Weiner on Chris Matthews Hardball: Is Public ...Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News , World News , and News about the Economy read more
- Nabucco: Pipeline PoliticsNabucco: Pipeline Politics Azerbaijan could scuttle the Nabucco pipeline over the Turkey-Armenia rapprochement, Brian Whitmore writes for RFE/RL. By Brian Whitmore for RFE/RL | ISN Azerbaijan could scuttle the Nabucco pipeline over the Turkey-Armenia rapprochement, Brian Whitmore writes for RFE/ ...
- Bricks in the Chamber Pot of CommerceBy David Swanson The US Chamber of Commerce blew a mere $39 million on lobbying in Washington in the past three months. Lobbying for the promotion of global warming, the denial of healthcare, the further deregulation (if possible) of the financial "industry", blockage of the right to unionize, the ...
- Big Companies Getting Closer To Big Iraq Oil Field ...Big companies getting closer to big Iraq oil fields By Ben Lando | Uruknet A half dozen major international oil companies are close to deals with Iraq, on the heels of BP and the Chinese National Petroleum Corp., which are one step away from receiving the first new oil contract issued by Baghdad †...
Grist - News
- India and China sign climate change pact ahead of ...by Agence France-Presse Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh.Photo courtesy Matthew McDermott via Flickr India and China put aside a diplomatic spat to sign a five-year agreement Wednesday to cooperate on climate change leading up to crucial talks in Copenhagen. The pact establishes a working ...
- Could climate change spark the first worldwide gra ...by Agence France-Presse PARIS -- Even as politicians dial down expectations for the Dec. 7-18 U.N. climate talks in Copenhagen, analysts and activists detect a groundswell of anger, channeled through the Internet and voiced especially by the young, demanding action on global warming. Conventional w ...
- Yes Men chase Sen. Arlen Specter in Survivaball su ...by Jonathan Hiskes Unidentified SurvivaballersCourtesy theyesmen.orgToday the Yes Men offered up another prank in preparation for the International Day of Climate Action , just a day after punking the Chamber of Commerce with a fake press announcement. The climate-minded stuntmen showed up on Capit ...
- A victory for Katrina victims; a defeat for Alaska ...by Hannah McCrea Cross-posted from Warming Law . A federal appeals court has reversed the dismissal of a lawsuit brought by victims of Hurricane Katrina seeking damages related to global warming, while a federal district court in California has dismissed a similar lawsuit brought by an Alaskan vill ...
- Report finds massive hidden energy costs, mostly f ...by David Roberts A new report from the National Research Council on the "hidden costs of energy" is, frankly, stunning. In a sane world, it would be headline news. Producing and using energy imposes all sorts of costs on public health, crop yields, ecosystems, recreation, educational performance . ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- What Is the EPA Hiding?Last week, I got word that the EPA and the Obama administration appears to be suppressing dissent within the career professional ranks at EPA. Here’s a portion of Joe Barton’s press release on the subject: EPA has not yet released the final, suppressed report that was written by career ...
- With Liberty and Justice for Baby NamesFiled under: Pregnancy & birth , Holidays If your due date falls around Independence Day, the idea has probably crossed your mind: "Born on the 4th of July." Should you mark the occasion with a name, at least a middle name? A generation ago, a founding father name like Madison or Jefferson might ...
- Diehl me outJackson Diehl’s End the Spat with Israel , is a very important op-ed. It’s also interesting that both Diehl and David Ignatius are showing skepticism of the administration’s tactics regarding Israel. That’s not to say Diehl’s column is perfect - it isn’t, but he makes some very import ...
- Britney Spears Has Double the HappinessBritney Spears had two of her favorite things - Jason Trawick and Starbucks - while out in LA on Friday. The happy couple was also together earlier in the day and during their afternoon outing Brit flashed a big smile and drew some attention to the sparkling new ring on her left hand. She showed o ...
- Parenting, Analogies, And Insults With @phdinparen ...A few years ago I was a co-moderator on a brand new forum that had opened. I helped moderate the breastfeeding section of the parenting board, and it was nasty. Maybe because it was a brand new forum, maybe because the site it was linked with tended to draw younger people, or maybe because the site ...
Time - Top Stories
- A Goldman-Sachs Exec: My Paycheck Makes You RichI get the feeling that Brian Griffiths' words at a panel discussion in London Tuesday might go down in history as some kind of let-them-eat-cakish landmark.
- How Drug Industry Lobbyists Got Their Way on Healt ...You don't know him (he's a lobbyist), but he may be the biggest winner in health-care reform. So who loses?
- The Senate Prepares to Challenge the CzarsPresidentially appointed 'czars' have been around at least since F.D.R. But now they're getting committee scrutiny
- Survey Shows Many Americans Now Plan To Work Past ...The bear market in stocks and the downturn in home prices have triggered a major rethinking of retirement plans, according to a new survey
- Curtains Up at the Dallas Performing Arts CenterWith the opening of a new theater and opera house, Dallas comes two giant steps closer to tying the bow on its downtown performing arts mecca
Washington Independent
- Appropriations Bill Continues Controversial E-Veri ...One small and largely overlooked part of the $44.1 billion Homeland Security budget that passed the Senate on Tuesday involves a provision to expand the Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify program, which relies on the Social Security database to verify a job applicant’s immigration status ...
- House Panel Approves Creation of Consumer Financia ...The House Financial Services Committee this morning passed legislation to create a new agency designed to protect consumers from tricks and traps in the banking and mortgage industries. Supporters say the agency is vital to prevent a finance collapse like the one that devastated the global economy i ...
- The Nadir/Apex of ‘Obama’s War on Fox& ...I nominate this Mike Lester cartoon from the Rome (Ga.) News-Tribune, which posits, hilariously, that the president wants soldiers to murder people who like Fox News. Including fellow soldiers!
- Lunchtime LinksRise up against the Obamautocracy in a new computer game, “2011 Obama’s Coup Fails”! The anti-gay marriage arguments are making less and less sense. Daggett surges, and Corzine stands to gain. Daniel Inouye is now the third-longest-serving senator in U.S. history. HHS brushes off Grassley’s ...
- Push to Expedite Credit Card Reforms Gains Momentu ...Democrats on Capitol Hill were all cheers when they passed first-of-its-kind credit card reform earlier in the year — only to become publicly indignant when the card companies began hiking rates and fees in advance of those changes taking hold. So after some Democrats initially delayed the impleme ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Refining Poop Power: Wastewater In, Cellulosic Eth ...There's no nice way of saying this: A group of green-minded entrepreneurs are making a clean-burning car fuel out of, well, poop. They don't call it that, of course -- they prefer to call it "municipal wastewater" or "sewage sludge," but trust me, that's Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Business | ...
- If you think drinking raw milk is weirdRead this story to learn how a man, who was dedicated to a diet of raw vegan foods and striving to be healthy, had a powerful experience that led him to start eating raw meat: Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Belatedly, Egypt Spots Flaws in Wiping Out PigsPigs were the champion garbage consumers in Cairo. Goats just don't seem up to the task. CAIRO — It is unlikely anyone has ever come to this city and commented on how clean the streets are. But this litter-strewn metropolis is now wrestling Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Culture | N ...
- Beware the dog, and cat, contracting horrific rabi ...If you've never seen old film clips of animals with rabies, you're really missing something. All that slobbering, slathering aggression and piteous disorientation is truly disturbing stuff. It's not that I want to subject you to a serious Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Animals | Note-it! | ...
- Milk May Endanger Your Health, and the Dairy Indus ...A mutant protein linked to major diseases has invaded the world’s dairy supply, including, most likely, the jug of milk in your fridge. The protein, called A1 beta-casein, is well known in the scientific community. While most dairy companies, trade Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Health & Wellness ...
- US Vows to Stand By Israel Over Gaza War CrimesPeres Condemns UN for ‘Spreading Lies’ by Jason Ditz, Antiwar.com, October 21, 2009 In a meeting today with America’s Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, Israeli President Shimon Peres condemned the UN for “spreading lies” in allowing the Goldstone Report’s consideration. R ...
- Depleted Uranium Weapons: Dead Babies in Iraq and ...By Dave Lindorff, Couterpunch, Oct 20, 2009 The horrors of the US Agent Orange campaign in Vietnam, about which I wrote on Oct. 15, could ultimately be dwarfed by the horrors of the depleted uranium weapons which the US began using in the 1991 Gulf War (300 tons), and which it used much more extens ...
- Judge Revokes Bail For Bernie Kerik Corruption Cas ...Bernie Kerik Jailed As Judge Revokes Bail In Corruption Case TPM MUCKRAKER–Justin Elliott | October 20, 2009, 1:48PM A federal judge has revoked $500,000 bail for former NYC police commissioner Bernard Kerik in his corruption case and ordered him to jail, Fox reports. Prosecutors allege that Ke ...
- Evening Jukebox- So Far AwayDire Straits – So Far Away (Wembley Arena)
- GOP: Whack-A-Doodles Brand Of CrazyApparently The Smoking Gun Won’t Be In the Form Of An Intern Daily Kos- by BarbinMD Share this on Twitter – Apparently The Smoking Gun Won’t Be In the Form Of An Intern Mon Oct 19, 2009 at 05:50:05 PM PDT First, the good news: Four Republican lawmakers have not submitted a request to the Hous ...
- FDIC’s Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program End ...Some of the nation’s largest financial companies, including Citigroup (NYSE: C), GE Capital (NYSE: GE), JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM), Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC), Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) and others will no longer have certain debt guaranteed by the federal government through the FDIC’s Temporary ...
- Round ‘Em Up, Stock Goes UpBy Eric Martin William Ackman said he bought shares of Corrections Corp. of America, giving his Pershing Square Capital Management LP hedge fund a 9.5 percent stake in the biggest U.S. operator of private prisons. “We’re in with two feet,” Ackman said today at the Value Investing Congress in ...
- Google Search: Buy Gold vs. Dollar CollapseView Larger Chart Continue reading CHART OF THE DAY: Google Searchers Are Obsessed With The Dollar Collapse
- Goldman + Treasury = Still CluelessContinue reading Bush TARP Head: Obama Picking Up Where We Left Off, “Actions Are Very Consistent” (VIDEO)
- ‘Goldman Sachs says ‘Tolerate The Ineq ...By Kathryn Hopkins One of the City’s leading figures has suggested that inequality created by bankers’ huge salaries is a price worth paying for greater prosperity. In remarks that will fuel the row around excessive pay, Lord Griffiths, vice-chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- Kerry-Lugar’s First VictimIf true, this is total bullshit: After strong criticism on the Kerry-Lugar bill in Pakistan, the government has decided to replace Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani and the announcement in this respect is expected within the next two days. There’s nothing in the bill reasonable Pa ...
- Pakistan’s Civil War Heating UpIn the aftermath of this weekend’s assault on the Pakistani General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Taliban hit again in Alpuri, in the Shangla district east of Mingora in Swat. According to military sources who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, a 1 ...
- At Home with a Swat LashkarI just finished up a few days in Swat and while I’m working on a story about it, I thought you might like to see a few pictures I took while there. Enjoy. Share/Save
- FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan ...Washington PostFACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in PakistanReutersBy this time he is thought to have fled the region for the safe haven of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. * Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader ...Pakistan to Target Taliba...
- Editorial: Indo-Pak dialogue: some basic questions ...Editorial: Indo-Pak dialogue: some basic questions Daily Times Neither of these conditions obtains in the case of India and Pakistan . * We all know that the Taliban and Al Qaeda get their “terror money” from diverse ... and more »
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Burning Questions for the Authors of 'Marijuana Is ...The authors of a new book on misconceptions about marijuana respond to the torrent of comments on an excerpt published on AlterNet.
- The Epidemic of Pot Arrests in New York CityMarijuana possession is legally decriminalized in NY State. Nonetheless, NY City makes more pot arrests than any city in the world. How do they do it?
- The Shocking Benefits of Legalizing PotHere are some pluses to legalization that you probably haven't heard about.
- Does the Marijuana Pill Work?The government says a pill called Marinol offers the same benefits as medical marijuana. Is it true?
- Marijuana Is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People t ...A new book explains how we're steering people away from cannabis and toward the use of a very harmful and deadly substance: alcohol.
Twilight Earth
- 23 Million Starve in Kenya as Deforestation Leads ...Deforestation of the Mau Forest and its resulting Climate Change leads to drought as 23 million Kenyans to go hungry. Related posts: Strategic Threat to the Earths Water System – Deforestation Oil Executive Epiphany Leads to $125 Billion Climate Change Funding Human Rights Violated by Climate Ch ...
- Middlebury College to Burn Willow for Biomass HeatMiddlebury College to us quick growing Willow shrub as a fossil fuel alternative to heat. Related posts: UK Grocery Chain to Divert 92,000 Pounds of Waste per Week for Biomass Power UFOs, Heat from Dead Bodies, Veggies on Drugs, and Bush’s Trail of Devastation College Students and Ethnic Minori ...
- Giveaway: A Global Warning? History Channel DVDWe’ve got a copy of the History Channel’s A Global Warning? DVD to giveaway for one lucky reader, courtesy of Attention USA. Details on how to enter are at the end of the post. Is it hot in here? Understand the most pressing global issue of our age with this definitive two-hour The History Chann ...
- Technology Transfer and Climate Change (Video)“”Tech Transfer” is a phrase everyone who’s serious about climate change should have at the top of their “to advocate for” list. What KINDS of technologies to develop is one conversation to have. Another one is whether or not to share them with developing countries who would otherwise bu ...
- Blog Action Day: It’s Up to UsWhether you call it global warming or climate change, the issue of human impact on the earth’s systems is a very real one. For climate change skeptics, it’s a big jump to imagine that we are affecting the world around us, and it’s easy to point the finger at other people’s actions and say t ...
- Biooctanic: Giant Cactus-Shaped Biofuel TowersBiofuel is a sexy topic right now, and we’ve seen everything from crop waste to algae to even tuberculosis as possible energy sources. But how about whole buildings that can generate biofuel? While the idea is still largely hypothetical, architects like UPI 2M in Croatia are jumping on the band ...
- Fountainhead Reposited: A Pedal Powered Water Puri ...Synch your workout with a little river detox, then rehydrate with a cup of the fresh water you just filtered. This people-powered water purification island, designed by Jakub Szczesny as part of the Synchronicity architecture and art festival in Warsaw, Poland, hooks up basic exercise machines to ki ...
- Water Pumping Plant Renovated Into Gorgeous Living ...Berlin is a burgeoning modern city with a compelling history, a diverse culture, abundant art, and distinctive architecture that rivals the likes of Paris, London and New York. But if there is one thing that can set the city apart from its pricey peers, it’s the unbelievably inexpensive property. ...
- The Kitchen of the Future TodayThe kitchen of the future was going to be so high-tech. Frigidaire’s Dream Kitchen of Tomorrow had it all; an IBM punch card recipe file, automatic dispensing and online TV ordering. And that’s not all – read on as we take a look at several extraordinary retro-futuristic kitchens to see how th ...
- Join Our Chat With Boston Bike Czar Nicole Freedma ...Our Green Talks series of interviews with green thought-leaders has been a smash success so far – garnering hundreds of registrants and viewers from all over the globe, and we’re super excited about the next one, which is happening TOMORROW at 3:30pm est! with Boston’s Bike “Czar” Nicole F ...
Pogue's Posts
- Computerized Health RecordsAn interview with Dr. David Blumenthal, the President's medical-records czar.
- AT&T Does the Right ThingYou'll soon be able to make unlimited phone calls on your iPhone - without using up any of your monthly airtime minutes.
- Tech's Most Elusive Innovation: Plain-Old EnglishIt's 2009, tech industry. Can we lose some of the jargon and gobbledygook, please?
- A New Campaign: Squash the Bug!Those little network logos that live in the corner of your TV screen--what's the point of those, other than to get in the way?
- The Secret of the Dancing Boxes RevealedShen Wei was the principal choreographer of the stunning opening ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I learned some of his backstage secrets.
Open Your Eyes News
- Poland ready to take part in Obama missile defenseReuters – Poland stands ready to take part in a revamped missile defense system unveiled by Washington last month, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said after meeting U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Wednesday. Poland and the Czech Republic are still smarting from President Barack Obama’s decision ...
- US ‘plans bail-out firm pay cut’BBC – Firms in the US which received billions of dollars of government aid in the financial crisis are to be told to cut the pay of top executives, reports say. The seven companies that received the most aid from the US Treasury will have to reduce the basic salaries of their 25 best-paid employee ...
- The Nature of Corporations: All aboard the carbon ...The Australian – “NOT that I’m biased or anything,” says Geoff Evison, “but I think it’s the greatest investment opportunity of a lifetime.” He is talking about the opportunity presented by fears of climate change or global warming, fears that the planet is choking, humans are ruining ...
- Afghan opium fuels ‘global chaos’BBC – Afghanistan has a monopoly on illegal opium production that has devastating global consequences, a UN report says. UN findings say an opium market worth $65bn (£39bn) funds global terrorism, caters to 15 million addicts, and kills 100,000 people every year. The UN says corruption, lawles ...
- Possible Link Between Autism And Oxytocin Gene Via ...Science Daily — Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have uncovered a new genetic signature that correlates strongly with autism and which doesn’t involve changes to the DNA sequence itself. Rather, the changes are in the way the genes are turned on and off. The finding may suggest n ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- We told you so: crypto-Trotskyism in Nepal, and el ...We told you so: crypto-Trotskyism in Nepal, and elsewhere (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) For years, our movement has been exposing the Trotskyism within the onetime Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) organizations. And, before us, the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) had thoro ...
- Lekcje Yody (Polish)Lekcje Yody (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com, Yoda’s Lessons in Polish translated by KPN(M))) W filmach z serii Star Wars, Moc jest garścią czarów-marów pomieszaną z melodramatycznym mistycyzmem. W tym fikcyjnym świecie Moc stanowiła źródło siły Rycerzy Jedi. ...
- Ganapathi on Jihadists, revisionists in Nepal, Ame ...Ganapathi on Jihadists, revisionists in Nepal, Amerikkkans* (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) In a recent interview, Ganapathi, General Secretary of the CPI (Maoist) elaborates his positions on key issues. Ganapathi correctly describes the revolutionary position on Islamic anti-imperialist movem ...
- Trial to defend comrade StalinTrial to defend comrade Stalin (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Stalin has lost in court in a much publicized libel case. Stalin’s grandson, Yevgeny Dzhugashvili, charged the paper Novaya Gazeta with libel. Last April, author Anatoly Yablokov accused Stalin of being a “bloodthirsty cannibalâ ...
- Ganapathi on Jihadists, revisionists in NepalGanapathi on Jihadists, revisionists in Nepal (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) In a recent interview, Ganapathi, General Secretary of the CPI (Maoist) elaborates his positions on key issues. Ganapathi correctly describes the revolutionary position on Islamic anti-imperialist movements. It is im ...
- Driving Zionist Agenda: Corrupt Feudal Politicians ...A glimpse into how corrupt feudal “Pakistani democracy” works – Fozia Wahab thrashed by Mubasher Lucman Pushing Pak Military To Revolt? The Kerry-Lugar-Berman Big Bribe will go into the usual pockets. In return, the ‘democratic’ Pakistani government is permitting Washington to secretl ...
- Israel Spearheading deadly US, India TroikaTurkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Friday that a controversial television drama which shows actors dressed as Israeli soldiers killing Palestinian children will not be taken off air. This is the latest, in line of cracks that have appeared in the Israeli-Turkish relationship. Recently ...
- Special Report: How Pakistani Foreign Minister’s ...Let’s just hope that he lost Pakistan’s case on the Kerry-Lugar bill because of personal lack of conviction than a soft corner for Mr. Kerry who gave his son a job in a powerful place. Special Report Wednesday, 21 October 2009. WWW.AHMEDQURAISHI.COM ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Normally, it woul ...
- Pictures: Anti-Pakistan TTP Terrorists Equipped Wi ...In one case, Germany sent 10,000 small weapons to Afghanistan. Half of them have disappeared. This is a classic way of supporting insurgencies without being caught. German investigators can never accuse German intelligence of crossing the NATO mandate and helping CIA in extracurricular activit ...
- Pakistani Foreign Minister’s Son lobbying agains ...Islamabad—The debate on the controversial John Kerry-Lugar Bill has taken a new critical turn after lawyer Ahmad Raza Kasuri revealed in a private television talk show that son of the foreign minister is on staff of Senator John Kerry in Washington, working as Legislative Fellow. Foreign Ministerâ ...
- Microsoft Hohm Gets First Utility PartnerMicrosoft announced on its blog recently that Seattle City Light will be the first utility to offer customers the ability to monitor their energy consumption with the Hohm application . Customers who sign up for the service will receive automatic data feeds on their energy use through the online ...
- Toyota Joins SmartGridCity ProjectToyota announced yesterday that it will be contributing ten plug-in Priuses to the SmartGridCity project, the world's first comprehensive smart grid demonstration. The project is being coordinated by Xcel Energy and the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI) at the University of Colorad ...
- Germany Wins Solar DecathlonFor the past week, 20 teams took over the National Mall with their best attempts at a net-zero, solar-powered home, all with hopes to win this year's Solar Decathlon . Today, after competing in ten different contests, the winners were crowned, and for the second time, Germany took first place. Th ...
- NREL Helps Green Building Designers with Updated S ...One of the most important changes we can make in the fight against climate change is to make buildings more energy efficient both through retrofitting existing buildings and making new construction ultra-efficient. Luckily, that task is becoming easier for building designers. The National Renew ...
- New Mexico "SuperStation" Could Link Maj ...A new idea for a large substation based in Clovis, New Mexico has the potential to solve one of the biggest hurdles to clean energy growth: transmission. The SuperStation, as its being called, would link the three largest grids - the east, west and Texas - allowing renewable energy producers to ...
Times Online - Science
- First womb transplant could take place in 2 yearsBritish doctors have moved a step closer to carrying out what they hope will be the world’s first successful human womb transplant, giving hope to thousands of women who are unable to have children for medical reasons.
- Tests must be rock solidPhysicists like to joke of nuclear fusion that it has been 30 years away for the past 30 years, and something similar could easily be said of womb transplants.
- Emily Howell, the virtual composer making waves in ...Emily Howell could be the next big hit in the classical music world. She has already received critical acclaim for her compositions and secured a record deal, with her debut album due for release next year.
- Hype surrounding fossil find Ida has mislead score ...Darwinius masillae, a fossil primate better known as "Ida", has been leading a double life. As presented in the scientific journal PLoS One, Darwinius was a lemur-like creature of uncertain relevance to the ancestry of anthropoid primates, or the group containing monkeys and apes (including us) ...
- Fossil hailed as Man's ancestor is 'not even close ...It was billed as one of the most important fossil finds in history, a “missing link” that would challenge everything we knew about human evolution.
Environment _ National Geographic
- Crime-Fighting Leech Fingers PerpPolice in Australia say a blood-engorged leech, through DNA testing, led them to a man responsible for the robbery eight years ago of a 71-year-old woman. Video
- Alligators Sing to Set Up Singles Clubs? (With Vid ...Only an alligator could truly understand the allure of this thunderous "chorus." But a new study says the song may be an invitation to reptilian romantic networking.
- Presented By:
- Leaves "Magnetized" by Air Pollution, Study FindsAlthough they wouldn't be physically attracted to a magnet, "magnetic" tree leaves along heavy traffic routes may offer a quick, cheap way to test for air pollution, a new study says.
- PICTURES: Best Mountain Photos of 2009 Announced A steam-shrouded bison, a bikini-clad diver, a seven-year-old shepherd, and other wild wonders stalk our selection of winning pictures from the latest Banff Mountain Photography Competition.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- If you are like most Single Payer supporters...I think you'll find the following links are the bomb! Weiner Amendment || Kucinich Amendment || Public Option || Healthcare Reform || Republican Healthcare Plan || Democratic Healthcare Plan || Doctors on Healthcare Reform || Nurses on Healthcare Reform Don't be shy to click on them and feel free ...
- Flushing Out the Ongoing Bank Fraud and Financial ...The number of foreclosure filings hit a record high in the 3rd quarter: "Despite signs of broader economic recovery, number of foreclosure filings hit a record high in the third quarter - a sign the plague is still spreading." And banks are keeping losses off the books as they ignore the people t ...
- Shorter Erick Erickson: "It's because he's black!"And he is Jimmy Carter too! "I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news. There is no way Barack Obama earned it in the nominations period." Per usual, Red State's Trike Force always keepin' it classy ... A ...
- The only thing between us and the terrorists?Is the neoconservative echo-chamber between Joe Lieberman's ears : "I don't think anybody who has any fairness or is in their right mind would think the president or the secretary of homeland security would raise an alert level and scare people for political reasons... That's outrageous." - Joe Lieb ...
- Bethel First Selectman Arrestedctblogger had the story up early at HatCityBLOG and MLN , and the Newstimes got around to covering it as well, on Bethel's First Selectman, Bob Burke, being arrested for making harassing phone calls. Ellis said Burke and the alleged victim had a personal relationship that was private between them an ...
SPL Center
- FAIR Embraces Racist FounderDespite John Tanton’s long, documented history of racism, Dan Stein, the president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), called the founder of his organization a “Renaissance man” of wide-ranging “intellect” in a Washington Post article published today. It’s hard, of ...
- Justice Department Takes a Second Look at New Blac ...The Department of Justice has begun an internal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the dismissal in May of voter intimidation charges against members of the New Black Panther Party, a black separatist group. Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee ...
- Dobbs Boosts Conspiracy-Monger as Immigration Expe ...It’s no surprise when CNN’s Lou Dobbs bashes immigrants on his TV and radio programs. But recently the factually challenged talk show host has been veering even further toward the far-right fringe. Last week, as Media Matters documented, Dobbs approvingly introduced conspiracy hound Jerome Corsi ...
- Olson, Michigan Militia Leader in ’90s, Back ...A key figure of the 1990s antigovernment “Patriot” movement who largely dropped from public view in 2002 has resurfaced in Alaska, where he’s recruiting for his newly formed Alaska Militia. Norm Olson, who founded the Michigan Militia in 1994, held an organizational meeting last Thursday at a ...
- Nativist Group Founder Admits Contact with Forde H ...Laine Lawless, the Mexican-flag-burning founder of the Arizona-based hate group Border Guardians, admitted last week that she met with fellow nativist vigilante leader Shawna Forde less than 24 hours after Forde allegedly took part in the home invasion slayings of a Latino man and his 9-year-old dau ...
Gringo Times - Rio
- Houses for Sale in Zona SulBy Karen Shishiptorova, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO – As with any big city, apartments are the bulk of the real estate market. However scarce, houses are also available for sale in Rio. Usually further from main public transportation, in some areas, the noiseless tree-lined cobblestone s ...
- Interview with Rio Tourism Police ChiefBy Karen Shishiptorova, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Many Gringos coming to Rio understand the Marvelous City has its share of crime, and are careful to avoid pickpocketing and dangerous places. What many don’t know is that underneath the tourist veneer of postcard-perfect views of moun ...
- Brazilian Nuclear Ambitions?By Jaylan Boyle, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Incendiary remarks from Brazilian Vice President Josá Alencar last month regarding the country’s nuclear ambitions have provoked speculation that Latin America may soon cease to be the world’s largest nuclear-free region. Although confir ...
- Leblon Reacts to School ProposalBy Sarah Coursey, Editor RIO DE JANEIRO - When a mansion in Alto Leblon on the street Rua Timóteo da Costa was approved as the future site of a new school, residents decided to take action. A prominent neighborhood group has taken up a petition, claiming that the school will increase traffic in the ...
- Beaches Out WestBy Lindsay Spratt, Sub Editor RIO DE JANEIRO - Although the beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon are a must on any Gringo’s list, in the summer months they can get so full that the ’sea’ is one of tanned bodies rather than the Atlantic Ocean. Offering respite from the sun worshiping c ...
change: org.
- Consensus Grows for DUI PreventionCalifornia took a big step this month toward preventing drunk driving fatalities by launching a pilot program in five counties that will require interlock devices installed in cars for a period of time after a first offense of driving under the influence. I've written about my support for interlock ...
- When Public Popularity Means Being in LimboConsider this a watch list update. Things are looking rosy for a public option right now. The majority of Americans support it, up to 57% from 52% two months ago. Bipartisanship is no longer in vogue, with 51% preferring a public option to a bipartisan one. Nancy Pelosi is rumored to be inserting a ...
- Nutritional Bang for Your Grocery BuckIn an economic climate where people are pinching their grocery pennies and a food climate where the unhealthiest food is often the cheapest — or at least the most obviously cheap — it’s great to hear that someone’s come out with a most-nutritional-bang-for-your-buck assessment tool to prev ...
- USDA Study Aims to Make Food Aid More EffectiveFor the first time in the agency's history, the USDA will conduct a five-year analysis --the National Household Food Purchase and Acquisition Study (NHFPAS)--to document the food choices and expenditures made by families in the U.S. The study will provide the first hard data on where households p ...
- "Shooting a Moose Is an Accomplishment Whether You ...The latest in the ongoing series of "Yay! We taught kids to kill!" stories: "12-Year-Old Bags a Moose in Hunt of a Lifetime." "I feel really happy and proud,’’ Kelly said Wednesday. "Shooting a moose is an accomplishment whether you’re 12 or 38 – you’re going to put the same amount of e ...
Common Dreams -News
- Barack Obama to Order Salary Cuts at Bailed-Out Fi ...by Andrew Clark The US government is preparing to order bailed-out banks and car companies to slash the cash salaries of their top executives by an average of 90% in an effort to quell outrage over multimillion-dollar boardroom excess. read more
- Pro-Israel Group's Money Trail Veers Hard Rightby Eli Clinton WASHINGTON - StandWithUs - an "organization that ensures that Israel's side of the story is told" - has become increasingly aggressive in challenging the "pro-Israel" credentials of moderate Jewish-American groups, going so far as to suggest that receiving money from Arab donors and s ...
- Orangutans Struggle to Survive as Palm Oil Boomsby Beh Lih Yi KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia - Cinta, a baby orangutan found lost and alone in a vast Borneo palm oil plantation, now clings to a tree at a sanctuary for the great apes, staring intently at dozens of tourists. She is one of the casualties of the boom in palm oil -- used extensively for biof ...
- Pickens says US Firms 'Entitled' to Iraqi Oilby Tom Doggett WASHINGTON - Oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens told Congress on Wednesday that U.S. energy companies are "entitled" to some of Iraq's crude because of the large number of American troops that lost their lives fighting in the country and the U.S. taxpayer money spent in Iraq. Boone, s ...
- Stop Texting, to Save Lives in Africaby Jeffrey Allen WASHINGTON- Activists asked cell phone users to stop texting for one hour on Wednesday -- not to save energy or focus on the road, but to call attention to one of the deadliest and most underreported conflicts in the world. What's the Story? read more
- Tintii Gives a Colorful Boost to People and Objec ...Windows/Mac/Linux: If you're a fan of photos that are desaturated save for a an interesting burst of color left behind—often a vibrant one like a yellow flower or red carpet—Tintii makes it easy to play with the technique. Source photo by O Palsson . Tintii is available as a stand-alone tool, th ...
- USPS Mobile Tracks Packages from Your Phone [Snai ...The U.S. Postal Service has launched a mobile-sized version of its web site, with only the most useful links out front: package tracking, post office location, and two-way ZIP code look-up. The site works from any mobile phone that heads to m.usps.com , though it seems sized for the Android/iPhone/P ...
- OpenDNS Deluxe Adds Deeper Controls and Email Sup ...We've written many times about the benefits of pointing your router to OpenDNS instead of your ISP's ad-shoving re-direct service. OpenDNS now offers a $10-per-year Deluxe version that offers whitelist-only surfing, customized block pages, and one year of surfing stats. We dig the free version of Op ...
- Access a Windows 7 Installation in Mac OS X with ...Tech thinker Anil Dash gets "uncharacteristically nerdy" and breaks down the process he used to install Windows 7 in Boot Camp—and then get access to it from OS X, without rebooting, using the free virtualization software VirtualBox . This isn't installing Windows 7 by itself into a new VirtualBox ...
- Remains of the Day: Tweets in Your Search Results ...Bing and Google start indexing Twitter updates, Google and Facebook get into music, and searching the internet feels good to your brain. Bing is Bringing Twitter Search to You Bing is indexing the Twitter firehose, available for search here . [Bing Blog] RT @google: Tweets and updates and search, ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Dumbest Drone Strike EverBy Steve Hynd Associated Press reports that the U.S. has conducted yet another drone attack in Pakistan, and U.S. officials believe they've killed two Al Qaeda members. There's a bit of a snag though - the strike was inside territory claimed by anti-U.S. militant leader Hafiz Gul Bahadur's territory ...
- Is Quetta Qaeda's Sugar Daddy?By Dave Anderson: If two organizations are deeply intertwined so that operationally they are indistinct from each other, it would follow that the merged organization would not be partially rolling in the dough and partially flat broke. Bernard Finel makes this point in regards to the question of whe ...
- Not a bad ideaBy Dave Anderson: Defense in the National Interest is pointing out the obvious; the critical interest for the United States in Afghanistan is the prevention of "far enemy" terrorist strikes. Everything after that is a secondary or tertiary goal. And those goals have minimal real importance to Americ ...
- Collective Punishment In South Waziristan?By Steve Hynd Anyone who cared to look already knew that the Pakistani military doesn't practise anything akin to "population centric counterinsurgency". But their assault on TTP strongholds in South Waziristan seems to be taking matters to a whole new level. A level in which the phrases "collective ...
- A Rushed Runoff In Hunt For LegitimacyBy Steve Hynd So, Hamid Karzai and his pet electoral commission have accepted the results of fraud investigations which dumped 1.5 million votes from the Afghan election counts and the need for a runoff election - but only after Western governments told him in no uncertain terms that if he didn't th ...
Water Wars
- ACF Stakeholders incorporate, sets initial meeting ...UNDATED - There's a new player in the tri-state water wars: ACF Stakeholders, made up of people from Alabama, Georgia, and Florida with a "common intrest" in seeing that the decades-old ispute involving water in the Appalachicola/Chattahoochee/Flint river basin is resolved.
- Basin group to take on water wars (The Gainesville ...After nearly 20 years of litigation and no resolution concerning the allocation of water shared by Georgia, Alabama and Florida, a group involving parties with vested interests in those states plans to assert its voice.
- Water wars continue (Hartselle Enquirer)Now that the years-long drought is officially over with one of the wettest Septembers on record, it is hard to believe that Alabama is still engaged in what the press is calling a “water war” with Georgia.
- "Blue Gold" Kicks Off Unique Film Series Tonight ( ...Before Blue Gold: World Water Wars screened at April's Newport Beach Film Festival, Irvine-based indie filmmaker Sam Bozzo vowed it would be his first and last documentary because it proved...
- 1071 coalition to hold second annual meeting (Appe ...October 20, 2009 BUFORD – On Oct. 27, the 1071 Coalition – a nonprofit organization advocating for better long-term management of Lake Lanier – will hold its second annual meeting, open and free to the public.
WordPress | Economics
- Paying The Cost To Be The BossStephen Lebaton in NYT: Responding to the furor over executive pay at companies bailed out with
- "Wild" animals, and "pets"Gayle J. Fritz notes in Foraging and Farming in the Eastern Woodlands: Before reviewing the evidence
- Bernanke Explains Quantitative Easing, RevisitedNow that the discussion has turned to the Fed finding an “exit strategy,” we should revi
- No titlePrice fixing does not solve cost problems October 21, 2009 by Ed Morrissey Perhaps the leading econo
- Healthcare = Poor HealthI wrote the title of this blog entry as an equation because it depicts the simplicity of the error i
- Slain Sacramento student sometimes victim of bulli ...The student killed at his Sac State dormitory room Wednesday afternoon was an avid history buff, a quiet religious man who had come to the school in August in hopes of becoming a history teacher or professor.
- Competive parents set Chico, Calif., school hockey ...A brutal confrontation between two fathers after a girls' field hockey match on Monday in Chico left Davis Senior High School players, coaches and parents on edge Wednesday.
- Commentary: Louisiana justice of the peace Bardwel ...Why does Keith Bardwell still have his job?
- Hundreds of disabled Kansans affect by state backl ...Beset by a nerve disorder brought on by diabetes, Michael Lentz can't drive, work or walk more than a few steps. But with some assistance from the state, he is able to home-school his 9-year-old daughter, Mariah.
- After a century of rumors, mountain lion spotted r ...After more than a century of rumors of mountain lions in Kansas, state wildlife biologists confirmed this week that a live mountain lion has been found in Kansas.
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