My friend Batocchio of Vagabond Scholar is celebrating his 5-year blogiversary, and in stopping by to add my congrats, I read one of his fine posts, "We Cheat the Other Guy and Pass the Savings To You". In it, he links to one of the greatest speeches I have ever heard, one that breaks my heart every time I hear or read it.
................For twelve years this Nation was afflicted with hear-nothing, see-nothing, do-nothing Government. The Nation looked to Government but the Government looked away. ..Powerful influences strive today to restore that kind of government with its doctrine that that Government is best which is most indifferent..We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace‹business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.
They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.
Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me - and I welcome their hatred.
Google Fights Censorship with Transparency Report
Using OpenID to Create a TPM Commenting Account
Since we rebuilt our commenting system, we have been asking you, our readers, to log into our system using identities created on Facebook, Twitter, Gmail or Yahoo. Many thousands of you have been doing this without a hitch. But we heard from many who said you do not want to use identities on other networks (or frankly have anything to do with them) mostly for privacy reasons. To help this group out, we are offering a new login option: MyOpenID. If you're concerned about your privacy and don't want to register with Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo or Google, read on to find out why this might be the right registration and login option for you.
The Abiotic Oil Formation Theory

Self Replenishing Oil Wells
If correct, the abiotic oil theory means that petroleum sources are probably not as limited as currently thought and may indeed be in plentiful supply. It is also likely that since removing the oil in reservoirs reduces the pressure in that area, further seepage of oil from the mantle to that part of the crust is more likely. The equilibrium law of chemical reactions also predicts that this removal of petroleum from close to the mantle will encourage further production.
A New Theory Is Needed
There are detractors for both the biotic oil theory and the fossil theory, and both make valid arguments. It is most likely that oil is produced by both mechanisms and also possibly as a waste product of deep living bacteria. However, no one theory can account for all the phenomena associated with oil finds. There are deposits of oil that seem to support both the abiotic oil and the fossil oil theories.
While is is not known what speed this oil production is occurring at in the mantle of the planet, it is possible that the rate is high which could account for some oil wells refilling to some degree
years after being capped and abandoned.
Unsustainable Growth
Our economy is built on cheap natural resources. While oil gets most of the publicity to day it's not just oil. We are also approaching cheap copper, cheap iron, cheap rare earth minerals, cheap phosphorus and yes cheap water. Our credit based economy requires economic growth to pay the interest and that economic growth is dependent on cheap and abundant natural resources.
Why No Amount of Fiscal or Monetary Stimulus Will Be Enough, Given How Small A Share of Total Income the Middle Now Receives
The problem is consumers, who are 70 percent of the economy. They can’t and won’t buy enough to turn the economy around. Most don’t qualify for more credit given how much they already owe (or have already defaulted on).Without consumers, businesses have no reason to borrow more. Except to speculate by buying back their own stock and doing mergers and acquisitions, which is exactly what they’re doing.
Here are 5 surprising facts about spying in America.
International Tribunal serves Pope Summons: Tribes demand truth about 50,000 missing children
( It looks like this is a Hoax...and is a real crime if so...because it shouldn't be only that )
The Summons asks the Pope to respond to charges that he is complicit in crimes against humanity, child abuse and trafficking, and that he has failed to respond to inquiries into the deaths of more than 50,000 children in church-run Indian residential schools in Canada.
Following on a similar Tribunal into crimes of the church in 1998 sponsored by a United Nations affiliate, the April Tribunal will be the first international forum to bring actual charges against the Pope and the Vatican.
3. Your promulgation and enforcement of a policy of concealing and denying violence and rape against children within your Church, and your practice of actively concealing, protecting and aiding and abetting child rapists and other criminals within your Church, and of thereby perpetrating an international obstruction of justice.
For years, America’s military has been divided, competent military professionals and patriots on one side and Christian Zionists, loyal to Israel and addicted to a propaganda “dreamworld” on the other. Americans sat, on 9/11, with their military “asleep at the switch,” their president in a daze and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, perhaps out of confusion, we may never know, talking about airliners being shot down and the Pentagon being attacked by missiles. Yes, he said these things, things he couldn’t “unsay” but things the press showed once and quickly buried. Something terribly wrong happened, something years in planning, but not planned in a cave in Afghanistan. Everywhere investigators look, one thing pops up, Israel. The moment that door is opened, it is slammed shut, often with threats, often with more than threats.
We may never know the full extent of the brutality used against those who have spoken up. We know that Arab leaders can be assassinated anywhere, any time. America will remain silent and the news will always support Israel. Israel owns the news.
What about the “suicided” British scientist Dr. David Kelly, the man responsible for moving the Israeli nukes out of South Africa? Reliable sources tell us he was ready to come forward with the facts about a massive political scandal, a cover-up of lost nuclear weapons, blackmail and bribery.
Gulf War Illness Research Results Published
Reports on Gulf War illness (GWI) implicated the use of the pesticide permethrin (PER), and the insect repellent N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET), in its etiology, as well as pyridostigmine bromide (PB), which was given as a prophylactic treatment against nerve agent exposure.
The Economy is Just a Symptom – it’s Hypocrisy, Stupid!
The powers that be have convinced the gullible to embrace hypocrisy, and ironically, it’s that very hypocrisy that’s causing us to cut our own throats. While they claim that God wants us to love our neighbor, it is the hatred of our neighbor that’s driving both our foreign and domestic policy.