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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

27 Sept - RSS Update

Where Are The Jobs?
When it comes to the economy,the typical American citizen just wants to be able to get a good job, make a decent living and put bread on the table for the family. For generations, this arrangement has worked out quite well. The U.S. economy has provided large numbers of middle class jobs and the American people have worked hard and have helped this nation prosper like no other.But now people are starting to notice that something has shifted. Millions of people are looking around and are realizing that the jobs that are supposed to be there are not there anymore.

Currency War
The governments of the U.S. and China continue to exchange increasingly heated rhetoric regarding currency policy. In Europe, there is growing sentiment that the euro needs to be devalued in order to help European exports become more competitive.

S. 510: 12 Reasons Why The Food Safety Bill From Hell Could Be Very Dangerous For The U.S. Economy

19 Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Will Blow Your Mind

20 Signs That The Economic Collapse Has Already Begun For One Out Of Every Seven Americans

Cultural Foundation Native Expressions

GNU Telephony Statement on new Internet Surveillance Laws

( GNU is basic Linux Open Source of the Free Software Foundation )
In the United States the Obama administration is actively seeking a new law to legally mandate the forced introduction of insecure back doors and support for mass surveillance into all communication systems. Specifically targeted are Internet VoIP and messaging systems.
( Insecure back doors are conduits for malware which trash computers. The USA is a prime 'supplier' of such. )

China police investigate 'black jails' for protesters

Chinese police are investigating claims that a security firm colluded with officials to detain protesters in secret prisons, known as "black jails".
'Beyond one company'
Phelim Kine, Asia researcher for Human Rights Watch, told AFP news agency that the police investigation into Anyuanding Security Services was an "encouraging development".
But he said the case was only the tip of the iceberg.
"The fact is that the problem of black jails goes far beyond one company. It involves a web of government officials, security forces, huge numbers of plainclothes thugs and dozens of facilities in Beijing alone.
"Meaningful action against black jails will require the political will to locate and close all of them, freeing their detainees and prosecuting their captors."
There's a disparity between the US and UK. While in the US, formal challenges to books in school libraries are routine, they are very unusual in the UK.

After a march from Freedom Plaza and a rally at Lafayette Park, more than 100 stage a sit-in in front of the White House to demand President Obama follow his own science and end mountaintop mining. The likely charge is obstruction.
The science is clear, mountaintop removal destroys historic mountain ranges, poisons water supplies and pollutes the air with coal and rock dust, said renowned climate scientist James Hansen, who was arrested in today 's protest at the White House. Mountaintop removal, providing only a small fraction of our energy, can and should be abolished. The time for half measures and caving in to polluting industries must end.  

'World's biggest' forest protection deal for Canada

Over 72 million hectares are included in what will become the world's largest commercial forest conservation deal.
Logging will be totally banned on some of the land, in the hope of sustaining endangered caribou populations.
Timber companies hope the deal will bring commercial gains, as timber buyers seek higher ethical standards.
The total protected area is about twice the size of Germany, and equals the area of forest lost globally between 1990 and 2005.

10 mysterious diseases

A Ukrainian physician, Dr F. Karach, presented what he called a remarkable treatment at a conference of the all Ukranische-Union of the Oncologists (specialists for tumor diseases) and Bacteriologists, a part of the Academy of Sciences of UDSSR. His talk involved a super simple healing process for the human body which he called Oil Pulling and which he said involved sunflower oil.
( A brief note really. It  reminded me that my 84-year old mother tends to be lemon happy - and an advocate. . )

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