Dick Cheney's Oily Dream

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is currently saying that Dick Cheney's vision of policy towards the Middle East after 9/11 was to re-draw the map:
Vice-President Dick Cheney's vision of completely redrawing the map of the Middle East following the 9/11 attacks is "not stupid," and is "possible over time," former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says.
In his new book, A Journey, the former Labour Party leader wrote that Cheney wanted a wholesale reorganization of the political map of the Middle East after 9/11. The vice president "would have worked through the whole lot, Iraq, Syria, Iran, dealing with all their surrogates in the course of it -- Hezbollah, Hamas, etc," Blair wrote.
What does this mean?
Well, as I have repeatedly pointed out, the "war on terror" in the Middle East has nothing to do with combating terror, and everything to do with remaking that region's geopolitical situation to America's advantage.
Note the Kurds now effectively have an independent nation...a menace to Turkey because of PKK raids striking at the nation...and a complication for Baghdad to exercise control over oil contracts...as if the puppet government hadn't already been controlled by Bremer's 100 Orders.
Blue Girl Red State made an eye-opening illustrated post a couple of blogs ago showing how Kurds lived in the heart of Turkey. An interesting footnote was citing the Assyrian International News Agency which has had ongoing notes on Kurdish ethnic cleansing of the Iraqi Christian pacifists.
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Comments :
This is a good occasion to remember and talk about
by Onlyiran on Wed Sep 08, 2010 09:56 AM PDT
other mass murders and genocides in more recent times. Six million people have been killed in Congo in the past decade. And no one seems to care about them. It's a genocide that the world is sweeping under the rug because the world's high tech industry needs the raw material Coltan that is mined in the Congo and that is being fought over and controlled by the rebels who commit these crimes against humanity. Our computers and cell phones all rely on this blood tainted material...and no one seems to care. Girls as young as seven being gang raped, mothers and daughters raped in front of their families...and no one seems to lift a finger...shame on humanity.
And of course, we should not forget other mass murders and deaths, of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan (more than a million dead there), The Khmer Rouge, Rowanda, etc.
And the Israelis should look at these camps and reflect on the crimes that they are committing against people under their occupation, especially in the world's biggest concentration camp, Gaza.
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