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- Yes, we are being sprayed
- Pooka pages for Pagan kids
- Reagan’s Refugees: Why Undocumented Migrants Have a Right to Work Here
- The Epistemological Basis of Anarchism:
- "1945-1998" by Isao Hashimoto"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe.
- Quotes from President Ahmadinejad of Iran
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- 21st Century Political Dynasties
- Afghanistan Talking Points
- More bias and inaccurate reporting in the mediaResearch Climate Scientist's Blog
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- Read the IAEA Reports on Iran
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- Canary ReportMultiple Chemical Sensitivity
- Cramped on Land, Big Oil Bets at Sea
- Let’s seal the Gulf oil well by using atomic weapons!Snark
- The Dangers of Wind Power
- We feed the world part 1 with English subtitles
- What's UP with that?
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- The Bomb: Howard Zinn's last call to rebel against war
- America: The Grim Truth
- The Ticking Time Bomb II
- Felled Not
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- Salmon: Canaries in The Water Mine
- Not mine - but I wish I had written it
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- Why our agricultural empire will fall
- Raids are increasing on farms and private food-supply clubs—here are 5 tips for surviving one
- Invisible War: How Thirteen Years of US-Imposed Economic Sanctions Devastated Iraq Before the 2003 Invasion
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Think Tanks
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Noam Chomsky
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- Chomsky InfoArticles Page
- Obama's position on Gaza crisis 'approximately the Bush position'
- Noam Chomsky Page
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Top Picks
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Deaths from military actions
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- The Military Death Toll While Enforcing the Occupation of Iraq
Old favourites
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- an experiment in ideas
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- The Real Victor in Iraq: Monsanto
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Pipes - Group RSS
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- Board Reader - Forum Search
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Historical Notes
Image via WikipediaFidel Castro
- Fidel Castro History ArchiveTab seemed to migrate to others !
- Castro Speech database