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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

10 Sept - The Con is On

SAN FRANCISCO - SEPTEMBER 29:  A traveler stan...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

I Luv co2

Fighting the carbon scam is vitally important

"re: CO2 fascination... was thinking...

I find too much attention on rebelling against something like this a choice that wastes our precious energy that could be put towards positive action in the world. Maybe helping someone:) I just think your keen insight and efforts could do some real good in the world. It hurts me to see such revelry in rebellious nature without some intention of bettering life. I am trying to see the point here... help?

This ideology that many greens cling to so strongly just baffles me to no end. The idea that we exist solely to live in trees and should all be frolicking in the forests and using leaves to wipe our butts is absurdity in its highest form! (Yes, you can quote me on that)
Human beings have come a long way. Our journey has been full of ups and downs, but overall has resulted in great knowledge, understandings, and advancements. From that knowledge we have pushed ahead and evolved, our lives are far richer, healthier and most of all much longer. In fact, if we were still living in caves we'd be considered old agers by 25 or 30.

We now have modern technologies, medicines, transportation, and a far bet
ter understanding of the rest of the world and its people. Most of this progress is thanks to the industrial age and the fuels we burn to make it all possible. These fuels were given to us by Mother Earth, there is nothing "unnatural" about them. In fact, everything we create comes from Mother Earth. Your food, your house, your car, your computer. Everything.

Recently, a Greenpeace statement really struck a chord with me as it goes to show just how many so-called environmentalists view human beings as a whole. The statement basically said "Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions come from both natural and human sources."

Diagram illustrating the ozone-oxygen cycle NO...Image via WikipediaTake a look around you. Everywhere you are bombarded with messages telling you how you're supposedly destroying the planet. What most people don't see or even realize, however, is how much money is being made on this hysteria, and more importantly how many people are suffering and have died because of the green campaigns. The profits are enormous, and the legislation and taxes are coming fast and furious. Here's a quick list of a few notable past fallacies:
- The environmentalist push to replace incandescent bulbs
Turns out CFC bulbs are mini toxic waste dumps.

- The environmentalist push to ban DDT
This has resulted in tens of millions of deaths.

- The environmentalist push to ban chlorine
Come on Greenpeace, you've GOT to be kidding me. Thank god this one didn't fly.

- The environmentalist claim to ban CFC's to save the ozone layer
Turns out even that may be misguided "science". Heh.

- The environmentalist claims of "overpopulation"
Ha! We've barely even scratched the surface and there's lots of room left. Besides, population is levelling off now. The same groups who began promoting the global warming hoax (The Club of Rome, the UN) were also behind the population scare in past decades.

- The recent nutty pop culture fad of mythical "sustainability" and a need to "conserve energy"
Sorry, but that one was conceived by population reduction advocates and extremists, including the same Club of Rome, the UN, and Big Green, all once again the anti-human camps. I've never bought into that sustainability myth for even a second. There are massive oil reservoirs we haven't even tapped yet which could sustain us for hundreds of years thus allowing us to further develop and progress into new technologies for the future, but greenies are blocking all attempts to get this oil. And when I say future technologies, I don't mean those bird-killing windmills, fairyland solar panels in the north, and biofuel crops which have taken over existing crops and are raising the price of food around the world and causing even more starvation. (Every time I see a sticker that says "Powered by biodiesel" I always wonder how many people have starved to death for that corn-fantasy fuel, which by the way not only destroys crops but also ends up producing more of that "evil" CO2 than traditional fuels)

But none of that matters, because it's not about the environment for these campaigners, it's simply the anti-civilization, anti-progress mentality that has taken over. They don't accept that humans are part of the environment, in whatever way we evolve and develop, and they don't accept that true unsustainability would soon be realized if we stopped burning fuels.

The Green Legacy continues - The gift that keeps on killing.

 Probe International

Carbon trading no cure-all: Detractors cite lack of enforcement, fraud potential

Of all the systems pitched as environmental panaceas, few seem seem to be as mired in controversy and confusion as carbon trading.
At its core, carbon trading is an attempt to use market economics to reduce the world's output of carbon dioxide, one of the leading greenhouse gases that has been linked in scientific research to climate change.
Carbon trading, also known as carbon offsetting or a cap-and-trade system, allows companies and governments that produce a lot of carbon dioxide to mitigate the noxious impact of their activities by paying other companies and governments to reduce theirs by a corresponding amount.
It sounds great in theory, but detractors say it's riddled with inconsistencies in practice.
"My main issue is the lack of accountability," University of Guelph environmental economics professor Ross McKitrick says. "The problem with the whole offset system is that it's very hard to maintain."
...McKitrick related the tale of a British automaker that recently shut its domestic plant and moved production to China. In one fell swoop, the automaker got the benefit of a lower-cost production centre in China and valuable credits for reducing its carbon footprint in Europe.
In 2007, Alberta became home to North America's first rudimentary carbon trading market when that province set up the Alberta Offset System.
Much like the European model, the Alberta Offset System has no hectic, gleaming trading floor on which to buy and sell credits. Indeed, the only people who know about the system are polluters, firms that have reduced their carbon footprint and received credits for doing so, and brokers who act as intermediaries between the two parties.
After the province assesses how much carbon a polluting company is allowed to emit, the company can either pay $15 for every tonne of excess carbon it produces to a government-run green technology fund, or purchase credits from companies who are under their target.
When the Alberta system was launched, the going rate for carbon credits was $6 to $8 a tonne. It's up to about $13 now.
Some of the clear winners in the system are farmers, many of whom have reaped six-figure windfalls for using Earth-positive farming techniques to help capture more carbon. But beyond a token transfer of funds from polluters to non-polluters, there's some doubt as to what the program has accomplished — the province is emitting more greenhouses gases today than at any point in its history.

Climategate: Alarmism Is Underpinned by Fraud (PJM Exclusive)

( YouTube video from Ian Plimer was included in the references/articles from science writer Dr. John v. Kampen - among the first posts made here on AWG and related topics Dec 2009 )

Files from the UK Climatic Research Unit were hacked. They show that data was massaged, numbers were fudged, diagrams were biased, there was destruction of data after freedom of information requests, and there was refusal to submit taxpayer-funded data for independent examination

Carbon Traders Arrested for Tax Fraud

 British customs officials arrested seven people near London on Wednesday  who are suspected of dodging taxes that should have been paid for selling large amounts of carbon dioxide permits — the main currency in the European Union’s Emissions Trading System.

Many polluting businesses in Europe are required to buy the permits, which are part of a cap-and-trade system similar to the one under consideration in the United States, and which currently trade for about 15 euros ($21) for each ton of CO2 emitted.
The market, created in 2005, has been criticized for volatility and for rewarding some of the largest utilities with billions of euros in windfall profits

Cap and Trade: Organized Crime’s Best Friend

The Financial Times adds:
Anand Doobay, a partner at Peters & Peters, a City-based law firm specialising in financial crime, said the ethereal nature of the fast-expanding multi-billion dollar international market in carbon credits had made them an attractive target for graft: “There is an increasing amount of fraud connected with them as a commodity. It’s trading with something that’s intangible, and that isn’t regulated in the way some other commodities are.”
Since carbon credits are a completely intangible unlike every other real commodity on the planet, cap and trade has afforded organized crime a new avenue to defraud taxpayers and other unsuspecting victims. Now where have we heard people predict exactly that would happen?
Carbon Trading Is an Invitation to Fraud

Why Should the U.S. Embrace Failure?

Lies Environmentalists Tell
The Fraud at the Core of Cap and Trade
Cap and Trade’s Inevitable Central Planning Conclusion
The Fraud behind Carbon Reduction Targets


Less ice in the Arctic Ocean 6000-7000 years ago

From a press release of the Geological Survey of Norway: 20 Oct 2008

Recent mapping of a number of raised beach ridges on the north coast of Greenland suggests that the ice cover in the Arctic Ocean was greatly reduced some 6000-7000 years ago. The Arctic Ocean may have been periodically ice free.

Copenhagen… Denmark Rushes in Laws to Stop ‘Carbon Trading Scam’  Dec 4  2009

 Media warming to public’s disbelief – Opinion – Op-eds – TheSunNews.com.

Media Myth: Networks Stick to Warming Theme Despite Avalanche of Chilling News

Mounting environmental fraud ( Fox )

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