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Learn more "EDL Respect 9/11 Victims & Oppose Muslim Extremists" Muslims Burn US Flag at London Embassy If only the world were that simple, eh? 1. The Muslims would not be here if not for government open border a...
CANADA/UNITED STATES - According to surveys conducted in the USA and Canada, 1 in 4 American university students actively cheats on a regular basis and 1 in 5 Canadian university students also regularly ch... September 6, 2010 *By Leonard Peltier Sisters, brothers, friends and supporters, * I wish I could sit across the table from each of you right now. We'd share a meal and ref...
POLITICS - *EVERY PARENT IN THE UNITED STATES SHOULD SEE THIS DOCUMENTARY: "Waiting for Superman".* America's education system is seriously messed up and out of 30 industrialized nations American childr...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 4 hours ago
*There are inventors and 'inventors'* that keep amazing me. *John Searl*from the UK is one of them. On which side I have to put him, I am not sure about. Is he a man driven by imagination or a new 'Einstein...
The popularity of Lotusland's estimable premier is currently running at * 12%.* There are a lot of very good reasons for this but let's just go with what 83% of the people polled told Angus Reid : they d...
YouTube - Letter to Israel *Journalist Lauren Booth was on the first Free Gaza voyage and stayed to work in Gaza after the boats left. Her heartfelt letter to the people of Israel should be read and seen ...
*Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer*, a former senior intelligence officer, became a reluctant whistleblower of Operation Able Danger after his statements to 9/11 Commission director Philip Zelikow about his knowledg...
The June Pentagon report on Iraq was released a couple of days ago, and it includes the magic words that I love to hear: * * *U.S. Forces will redeploy from Iraq completely by December 31, 2011, fulfil...
*Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer* - *Operation Dark Heart: Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan -- and The Path to Victory*. Shaffer was an intelligence officer working in Afghanistan, and the...
Vinnie Paz - "Keep Movin' On" Feat. Shara Worden
"The Almighty has His own purposes," *said* Abraham Lincoln in his Second Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865. Those five simple words explain a lot. It humbles us in a good way. There are some things in th...
"The Almighty has His own purposes," *said* Abraham Lincoln in his Second Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865. Those five simple words explain a lot. It humbles us in a good way. There are some things in ...
According to a new study, flying fish fly as well as birds.
In the Wake of 9/11, Israel Put Iran into “Axis of Evil” By Marsha B. Cohen lobeblog On September 11, 2001, after two terrorist attacks occurred on U.S. soil, Israeli political figures anticipated that ...
Late on Thursday evening, in a triumph for the Russia-India defence relationship, the two countries signed off on a joint venture to co-develop a 15-20-tonne payload, 2,500-km range multi-role transport ai...
After Exercise Kakadu, the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force worked side by side with members of the Royal Australian Air Force, utilising the Joint Task Force 639 Air Component Coordination Element hangar...
China’s military planners covet the ability to prevent U.S. and allied forces from intervening effectively in the event of a future Taiwan Strait crisis and to constrain the latter’s influence on China’s m...
Richard Gage: Chemical Fingerprint "Thermite" Points to Control Demolition on 9/11 - Part 1 Part 2
CANADA/ENTERTAINMENT - Yesterday Canada's largest telecommunications company, Bell Canada (BCE) bought an 85% stake in CTV Inc., one of Canada's leading broadcasters for a sum of $3.1 billion. The monumen...
Russell Means, 71, returns after a period of pain and illness. Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
*The Beauty of Language: Like a river, Dine', O'odham and Spanish* Article and photo by Brenda Norrell Censored News TUCSON -- Like a river, they flowed together, Sherwin B...
According to Jane, Steve has a new initiative to protect the Cons from their own appallingly bad ideas. Twenty-six committees, comprised of three senators and six MPs each, will vet "proposed legislation,...
To work and prosper in the corporate media, whether print or television, you have to be a person; a) with little courage, b) with a small intellect, and generally ignorant about history, politics, and the ...
As Space Shuttle Discovery prepares for its final launch before retirement, a slight technical hitch has delayed the attachment of the external fuel tank and twin solid rocket boosters.
YOU Can't Handle the 9/11 Truth: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Explains
CANADA - Take a look at this amusing video mocking Toronto mayoral candidate Rob Ford. The guy is a moron and this video takes him to task over his past and his ridiculous, unrealistic policies. Funny. ...
More evidence has been spotted for the existence of the elusive "intermediate" black hole in the form of a throbbing x-ray source 300 million light-years away.
Curtain raised with a hellish wicker man sacrifice, trauma, bleeding and blaming, cheering useful idiot Arabs followed by cheering useful idiot Westerners. All fooled. As long as you remember, Muslims did...
What failure actually caused the deadly, Bruckheimer-like natural gas explosion in San Bruno?
As Nichole Doub -- Head Conservator at the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory -- was helping extract the remains of an 18th century ship from the mud of the World Trade Center construction sit...
*Washington’s Blog* has compiled a list of senior intelligence officers, 9/11 commissioners, current and former congressmen, and other government officials who question the official 9/11 story in some mann...
Feed crops, farting, belching and manure contribute a fifth of the planet's greenhouse gas emissions
These fools will get louder and louder as things get worse.
For some patients, the thoughts are there, but the words can't come. New mind-reading technology could help them speak.
. And not just this moran - all the morans. If a moran burns a Quran in the forest and no one is around to plug and play it ... . Mike Thomas at the Orlando Sentinel (h/t Dammit Janet) *What if media had i...
CANADA - Canada's economy is heading back into a recession (the dreaded double dip recession) and *Stephen Harper* is looking for a scapegoat for his bad economic policies. Canada's unemployment rate jump...
Bathed in cool temperatures in the West and wet weather in the East, most of the U.S. is enjoying a quiet wildfire season.
Pediatricians may soon track brain size the same way they monitor patients' height and weight.
POLITICS - Preliminary hearings in a gruesome case are expected to begin this Autumn. The case centers around American soldiers who murdered Afghanistan civilians and then collected their body parts and ot...
As more athletes try gene therapy to boost their performances, scientists step up efforts to detect the cheating.
Forget flat; these printers deliver 3D objects in full color.
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) will co-develop a Multi-Role Transport Aircraft according to agency reports quoting India Strategic magazine. The governme...
These so-called "frankenfish" are raising questions about how they'll impact the environment and the future of food.
On Wednesday, the Federal Council decided to transfer for free to Pakistan the last ten Alouette III helicopters that are currently still in possession of the Air Force. These helicopters, which were due f...
Science fiction is often inspired by real science advances, but all-too-often it works the other way too. On Star Trek's 44th birthday, let's take a look at how the show has inspired modern society.
9/11 Truth News: Mainstream Media Boycott for 9/11 Justice An activist group is calling for a complete boycott of corporate mainstream media, starting on the 9th anniversary of 9/11. According the group’s...
As insulting as burning the Koran is to many Muslims, the widespread fear over how they might react is even more insulting.
Habitat loss, hunting, and a lucrative pet trade are all contributing to the decimation of the world's freshwater turtle populations, according to Conservation International, which has just named 10 of the...
Keep your eyes to the sky and your feet in the mud...G: ZZZZZzzzzzz.....
*9/11 Blogger:* Jeremy William Rothe-Kushel: Would you describe your own experience with Satyagraha, in terms of where you learned about it? Reverend James Lawson: Gandhi can be called the father of “non...
US Leaving Iraq in Worse Shape Than Saddam By Michael O'Brien September 9, 2010 I spent 14 months as the Real Estate Advisor to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense in Baghdad. My job was to assist t...
The Longest Walk Northern Route 3 for Diabetes has changed the route. Here's the new map, with walkers going through Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Northern route coordinator: Chris Franci...
Hate, very simply, is something that no right minded person likes. In fact, we may well hate hate, or if that is too paradoxical, we moderately dislike hate. Most people do not truly hate unless some prett...
With the 9th. Anniversary of 911 Current U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan are reaching 95,000, more than we have in Iraq. We are leaving the Worlds largest embassy, Fortress America, in Iraq and currentl...
You know, he's right. The big winners in this are surely the atheists. Alas, the quran burning has been cancelled. Score one for political correctness. Reminder to all, the battlefield is between your ears...
As we celebrate the 44th anniversary of the sci-fi classic's first TV episode, has another Star Trek technology been proven?
Puppet Obama's Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform is working behind the scenes, away from the scrutiny of the press, to cut social programs that were won many generations ago, and which protect...
By Charles Moffat - September 2010. ENTERTAINMENT - Vanilla Coke was first introduced in 2002 and despite widespread popularity and being hailed as "the greatest innovation since Diet Coke in 1983" it was...
*Indigenous Environmental Network *This video is part of Aboriginal Peoples Television Network - Canada. IEN offers the clips that pertain to their actions, interviews, and information provided by the ne...
This year marks the deadline of the Millennium Development Goal for preserving biodiversity, and a group of scientists weighed in on just how well we achieved our targets. Want to guess how we did?
POLITICS - Tonight at 9 PM EST the CBC will begin airing the documentary series "*Meltdown*" which will go through the highs and lows of the Great Recession, what caused it, who is to blame and the major f...
It's no T-100, but this shape-shifting robot can keep working even after it has lost a limb.
Crafty male bowerbirds fabricate staged scenes to make themselves look bigger than they really are.
A 17-year study of the Potomac River found that restoration efforts have brought back much of its native vegetation.
The Viking mission on Mars may have destroyed compounds that make biology possible while trying to detect them.
Eight new kinds of the earliest animals from the Cambrian Explosion have been found in a newly explored section of ancient rock in Canada.
Hundreds of years before Charles Goodyear figured it out, the Mayans turned latex into rubber.
A pair of robotic eyes in the sky could help forecasters predict volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and landslides.
If a volcano with the explosive power of 600,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs blew up on a planet 30 light-years away, would we notice?
The US had taken up concerns by Pakistan on the perceived ‘Cold Start’ strategy of the Indian Army that envisages rapid deployment of troops on the western border to escalate to a full blown war within day...
The Indian Air Force, in a significant development, today announced that it was ready to launch its state-of-the-art digital information system that will provide real time data, voice and images to command...
Turkey has shown a strong interest in joining Korea’s KF-X fighter development plan, after having already won investment from Indonesia, a chief of the military's aircraft programs said.Maj. Gen. Choi Cha-...
With the latest addition, the Air Force has a total of 42 F-15Ks. Under the first-phase program from 2002-2008, 40 F-15Ks were delivered, but one crashed in the waters off Pohang during a nighttime mission...
Censored News By Brenda Norrell It has been wonderful to hear from some of the youth walkers from the Longest Walk Northern Route who are considering going on the Long...
Habitat loss, wildfire suppression, and poaching are combining to push many species to the brink of extinction, despite the fact that science knows very little about them.
11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is Bad *By The Economic Collapse Blog* Millions of Americans are waking up to the fact that the Federal Reserve is bad, but very few of them can coherently explain why t...
ENTERTAINMENT/TECHNOLOGY - Google has announced plans to build a computer tablet (similar to the iPad, the HP Slate and other products) which will use Google’s Chrome operating system. (Google's Android OS...
September 10, 2010
September 9, 2010
September 8, 2010
September 7, 2010