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IPS - Inter Press Services
- ECONOMY-SOUTHERN AFRICA: Threat of States Collapsi ...The mooted restructuring of the revenue-sharing agreement of the world's oldest customs union could lead to at least two of its Southern African members collapsing into "failed states" status as well as macroeconomic crises in two of their neighbours in the sub-region.
- SINGAPORE: Films Show Other Side Of Migrant Worker ...Migrant workers may be what one filmmaker calls a "socio- political hot potato" in Singapore, but that is precisely why a film festival opted to showcase the plight of workers who often remain faceless although they are vital to the city- state's everyday life and economy.
- MIDEAST: Dreaming of Fish, and FlowersAs the many colours of the fish and flowers slowly disappear from the Gaza landscape, the already grim prospects of the besieged residents begins to look even bleaker.
- EUROPE: New Permits to Pollute SoughtExtra permits to pollute the atmosphere would be given to corporations that invest in areas surrounding tropical rainforests under plans drawn up by one of Europe's most influential pressure groups.
- CAMBODIA: Methadone Scheme Steps Up Drug Treatment ...Twenty-nine-year-old Ramy shuddered as he described the years he has spent addicted to heroin. Lying to his family, stealing from friends to scrape together the money to feed his addiction – until a few months ago, that was the life he led.
Scoop - NZ
- VIDEO: The a4So Coal Networka4: Confronting Face ...Everyone has had a friend in a destructive relationship - a relationship that you just know is going to hurt your friend in the long run, and which also hurts others around it. Mark Zuckerberg and his company certainly have an electric relationship with coal power, but we can see that it just isn't ...
- USA: Blue-collar, Unemployed, Seeing Red.Scott Stevenson was only 10 years old when he first heard grown-ups voice the gloomy words that, in retrospect, predicted the disappointing arc his life has taken. "I remember them actually telling us that our generation would be the first not to be better off than our parents," said the ...
- Lomborg, Climate Skeptic, Has a Change of HeartControversial climate change skeptic Bjorn Lomborg will call global warming "a challenge humanity must confront" and push for a massive global financial investment to confront this issue, according to The Guardian. The Danish academic, whose change in position just happens to be timed with ...
- Who Gets to Rebuild New Orleans ?Two weeks before the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans' mayor, Mitch Landrieu (D), just three months into his tenure, made a major announcement. A hundred recovery projects, from libraries to fire stations to parks, were ready to go after years of red tape and implementation scanda ...
- Al Hayat: US Economy Hostage of the RE SectorThe real estate sector is a staple element of the U.S economy, and hence its growth or lack thereof can be seen as an indicator of the state of the entire economy. Meanwhile, homes are the main pivot of activity within this sector on one hand, and the general economy on the other hand. When the Chai ...
Independent - London
- Bruni books reveal there are two sides to every st ...A much-awaited "unauthorised" biography of the French first lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, published yesterday, paints a scathing picture of a vain and selfish woman who neglects her official and charitable work.
- Gaza militants launch rocket attacks in effort to ...Short-range rockets and mortars rained on southern Israel yesterday as militants sought to derail the revived peace process on the second day of talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
- Google engineer fired for snooping on emailsGoogle vowed to step up monitoring of its employees after firing an engineer who rifled through children's email accounts and phone records.
- Pakistan flood survivors now face threat of malari ...Wali Khan shifts his eyes nervously from side to side as he points to the tumbled walls which are all that remain of his mud-brick house. The 45-year-old labourer is frightened that his neighbours in the battered town of Charsadda will suspect he is receiving help denied to other flood victims. He ...
- Mafia's dirty money linked to clean energyAfter decades of drug-running, extortion and prostitution, the Mafia appears to have found a rather more ecological way of laundering their money: green power.
Rogue Government.com
- Video: Christine O'Donnell's Insane Anti-Masturba ...
- `Appalled' Pa. gov. shuts down reports on protest ...Information about an anti-BP candlelight vigil, a gay and lesbian festival and other peaceful gatherings became the subject of anti-terrorism bulletins being distributed by Pennsylvania's homeland security office, an apologetic Gov. Ed Rendell admitted.
- The EU demands recognition as a state by the Unit ...Now, Eurocrats want formal recognition from the United Nations. They want Herman Van Rompuy to be able to address the General Assembly as a head of state, and to create a seat for Baroness Ashton , the EU’s foreign minister (hat-tip, EU Observer ).
- Military Not Probing Heroin Smuggling The Canadian Forces insists there is no proof to back up allegations British military police are investigating allegations that soldiers are smuggling heroin out of Kandahar.
- Secretive Executive Order Establishes 'Big Brothe ...Executive Order 13544 , Establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council is a short document outlining the goals and scope of the order.
Innovation Canada
- A new musical realityImagine a live improvised musical performance — in surround sound, with a computer manipulating and spinning instruments’ sounds around eight different speakers in real time. That’s being made possible through the University of Guelph’s new Advanced Digital Audio Production and Performance Studio. I ...
- Project UFOAs alien invaders go, the giant hogweed is particularly nasty. The weed spreads quickly, growing up to seven metres high, and defends itself by spitting a toxic sap — a gooey concoction that causes painful skin blisters that last for weeks and purple scars that can remain visible for several years. ...
- Songbird secretsTalk about getting a bad rap. In the extensive scientific literature about songbirds, the purple martin has long been described as a leisurely migrant that takes its time each fall flying from breeding grounds in Canada and the northern United States to its winter home in Brazil or elsewhere in Sout ...
- Playing with fireAs one of the world’s most powerful natural forces, fire holds many different meanings to everyone. To some, it’s an instrument of destruction — and a cause for worry. For others, it means warmth during chilly weather, or just a way to roast marshmallows. But for George Hadjisophocleous, a Carleton ...
- Painless parentingTaking a child to the emergency room or to get a routine immunization is an experience most parents dread. Instinctively, they seek to soothe their children by telling them that everything will turn out fine. But Dalhousie University researchers Meghan McMurtry and Christine Chambers have some surpr ...
Signs of the times
- Atlanta Awash in Empty Offices Struggles to Recove ...For the workers at 3630 Peachtree, a new Atlanta office tower that sits 98 percent empty, life can be both lonely and gratifying. "They treat you like a king," said Andy McCartney, a vice president at Mansell Group, as he walks into a building where the digital marketing firm's name is prominentl ...
- U.S. Home Prices Face Three-Year Drop as Supply Ga ...The slide in U.S. home prices may have another three years to go as sellers add as many as 12 million more properties to the market. Shadow inventory -- the supply of homes in default or foreclosure that may be offered for sale -- is preventing prices from bottoming after a 28 percent plunge from ...
- Mysterious force holds back Nasa probe in deep spa ...A space probe launched 30 years ago has come under the influence of a force that has baffled scientists and could rewrite the laws of physics. Researchers say Pioneer 10, which took the first close-up pictures of Jupiter before leaving our solar system in 1983, is being pulled back to the sun by a ...
- HFCS Name Sanitized to Boost Flagging SalesA rose by any other name? The Corn Refiners Association (CRA) has been trying for years to make high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which I prefer to call the 'Corn Refiners Association Product' (CRAP), as acceptable as all other forms of sugar. As more and more studies show that CRAP (HFCS) is a majo ...
- Ovi maps out Google competitorAny place you can find, I can find better Nokia World Ovi Maps has a new beta, bringing creepy tracking and Web2.0rhea to compete with Google Mobile Maps. The new beta sports an improved interface and better search (including suggestions). It also supports local reviews and comments, and "check-in ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Harper amongst the shoalsThere is one thing about those of us who live our lives at sea in ships: we must occasionally make landfall. It doesn't matter how much deep water I traverse, I must regularly engage my pilotage mind and negotiate the rocks and shoals of coastal waters. There are millions of rocks around the globe ...
- HST, BC and the horsehit that falls out of Campbel ...Mygod, this i s amazing. If British Columbians vote against the HST in a referendum, the province will dump the controversial tax, says B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell. Because he says so?! Jesus Christ! It's not within his authority to make such a pronouncement. He has no law to support that and w ...
- The Pope is going to Carnaby Street!Why would he go there? Well, to recruit unhappy Anglicans it seems. The pope also has a delicate path to tread during his four-day-trip to England and Scotland in relations with the Church of England after his offer last October making it easier for disaffected Anglicans, unhappy over women ordi ...
- Mega Larceny . . .THE NYTIMES has an article by Robert Mazur, "Follow the Dirty Money" , which describes how international money gets moved. Problem is, nobody's going to jail. LAST month, a federal district judge approved a deal to allow Barclays, the British bank, to pay a $298 million fine for conducting transacti ...
- All political, all the time...Everything is political. The Harperites know all. If science, including bona fide peer reviewed research, doesn't fit their illusion of ice cream coming from an irritating little truck spewing pollution, it doesn't make it to the page. Even though you pay for it. Via Impolitical comes the latest i ...
Media Matters for America
- "Mike Castle is over. Christine O'Donnell is now" ...Media Matters for America presents a timeline of how Fox News hosts and contributors -- with a few exceptions -- came to tout Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell and celebrated her primary victory. December 2009: Rove reportedly urges tea parties to support Castle 9-12 P ...
- "I think you're an ass": Conservative media final ...In the run-up to Delaware's Republican Senate primary, conservative media figures noticed that their colleagues are "lazy and unfair" "idiot" and "mouthpieces for the Republican establishment" who engage in "ranting, not serious arguments" and whose commentary consists of "smear tactics," "m ...
- Fox & Friends is launching pad for ...Following their primary victories, Republican candidates have routinely turned to Fox & Friends as their favored venue to mark the launch of their general election campaigns. Through softball interviews, Fox & Friends , in turn, provides them an open platform to promote their campaigns. Fox & ...
- Right-wing media turn on Rove for "trashing" O'Don ...Right-wing media figures are attacking Fox News' Karl Rove for "trashing" Christine O'Donnell after her victory in the Delaware GOP Senate primary, stating that his comments were "disgraceful" and that Rove "came across as an effete sore loser." Rove attacked O'Donnell's "checkered background," sa ...
- Conservatives attack NRSC for having no plans to f ...Following Christine O'Donnell's victory over Republican Rep. Mike Castle in the Delaware Senate Republican primary, right-wing media have taken up O'Donnell's cause, attacking the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) for reportedly deciding not to support O'Donnell. O'Donnell slams G ...
Global Research.ca
- Hugo Chavez, the Fifth International, and the Shad ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Bizarre Background of the ‘911’ New York Mosqu ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Double standards: The United States and its allies ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Artificial People: End Corporate Personhood. "Corp ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Real Versus Fake Crises: Concealing The Risk of An ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Jeff Goldberg Defends Marty Peretz -- But Not That ...Here is Jeff Goldberg citing with approval a defense of Martin Peretz by Andrew Sullivan. Sullivan basically argues that Peretz is a well-intentioned man who is nuts on the subject of Arabs and Muslims but is decent nonetheless. Sullivan writes, "Marty is a man of deep passion and such passion, e ...
- Exporting Your Reader BlogYou may have noticed that we just closed access to reader blogs at TPMCafe. If you'd like to move your reader blog to another platform, we're providing an export tool that coverts your blog to a format called WXR. Short for WordPress eXtended RSS, WXR is the de-facto blog interchange format and is s ...
- Presented By:
- The Republican Threat to Shut Down the Federal Gov ...Newt Gingrich is saying if Republicans win back control of Congress and reach a budget impasse with the President, they should shut down the government again. GOP pollster Dick Morris is echoing those sentiments, as is Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R. Ga), and Alaska GOP Senate candidate Joe Miller. I ...
- Dear Pat Toomey, 2002 Called and Wants Its Campaig ...In case there was any doubt that Republicans are campaigning on arguments that are impervious to the passage of time or even the facts, we have an ugly foreign policy snit today from the nominee for PA-Sen, Pat Toomey. Toomey must be getting his foreign policy advice from John Bolton and Dick Cheney ...
- Doubling of Special Operations Forces' Night Raids ...Washington - During a round of media interviews last month, Gen. David Petraeus released totals for the alleged results of nearly 3,000 "night raids" by Special Operations Forces (SOF) units over the 90 days from May through July: 365 "insurgent leaders" killed or captured, 1,355 Taliban "rank and f ...
- Anti-Masturbation Crusader Christine O'Donnell is ...Christine O'Donnell is master of her domain. The deeply conservative Tea Party darling won the Republican senate nomination in Delaware last night with a stunning upset of establishment favorite Rep. Mike Castle. read more
- News in Brief: Raid in Iraq Kills Civilians, Soldi ...Raid in Iraq Kills Civilians, Soldiers read more
- A Message from William Rivers Pitt: Media Nightmar ...I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty sick and tired of seeing these Tea Party idiots all over my television. I turn on the "news," and there they are, holding badly spelled signs and chanting nonsense. The networks just love to show these people, probably for the same reasons they love to ...
- Propaganda U is BornClick the image to view larger version. (Image: Stephen Pitt / t r u t h o u t )
- Last Remaining Tigers Living in Six Percent of Ava ...The world’s biggest cat, the tiger, is now living out its life in about six percent of the available habitat it could be living in. This according to a new peer-reviewed paper by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and other groups who have identified 42 source sites scattered across Asia that w ...
- NASA Captures Tropical Hurricanes From SpaceOn September 15 the NASA satellite The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite called GOES-13 satellite captured an image of Tropical Storm Karl and Hurricanes Igor and Julia. At that time, Tropical Storm Karl (left) was making landfall in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, Category 4 Hurricane I ...
- Glaciers Help Mountains Grow TallerGlaciers in the colder climates of our planet have been helping the mountains grow taller, according to new research which contradicts previously held theories regarding the effect glaciers had on mountains. Before this study, scientists thought that any interaction between a mountain and a glacier ...
- The Irony of Global Warming DenialDenying reality: the irony of global warming denial in one simple phrase Climate change (global warming, global climate disruption, it doesn’t matter what you call it) has become such an idealogical and political football that some who claim they “don’t believe in global warming” seem to have lost s ...
- Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon)Opposition to health care reform, threats of holy book burning, anti-immigration legislation, opposition to gay marriage, and the growing influence of the horrifically xenophobic Hate-Everyone-Not-Like-Me Party…WOW! Is this 2010 or 1810??? We are on a fast track to SCARY!!! These hate-children of Pa ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- What's Wrong With My Lake? The Algae Scourge!KILLENS –DOVER 9/15/10 We went to Killens today on 9/15/10 and found less than desirable condi
- USGS Water Data for the NationUSGS National Water Information System http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis These pages provide access to
- Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Seaso ...Journal of the American Water Resources Association (first published online: September 7 2010) / by
- ‘Loading the dice’ for the ‘new normal’Will Hoyer Flooding is more and more a serious concern in Iowa. Some call it the “new normal.” A boo
- Local “Living Green” TV show explains how stormwat ...Water carries litter, fertilizers, dirt, pesticides, oil, grease and other forms of pollution into t
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Immersed in Empire By William BowlesBy William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Creative-i crossposted on Strategic Culture Founda
- The Fraudulent Criminalization of Marijuana by Wil ...by William John Cox Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.thevoters.org September 15, 2010 Image by wa
- By One Vote, US Court OKs Torture and “Extraordina ...by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 15 September, 2010 Ima
- The Terrorism of Temper Tantrums: Where's the Toug ...by Robert S. Becker Featured Writer Dandelion Salad rbecker@cal.net September 15, 2010 Image by odds
- Pakistan Is Dying – The World Yawns By Siv O’NeallBy Siv O’Neall Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Axisoflogic.com September 15, 2010 On August 22 a dro
Axis of Logic
- Mississippi Shrimpers Refuse to Trawl, Fearing Oil ...BILOXI, Mississippi, Aug 20, 2010 (IPS/IFEJ) - The U.S. state of Mississippi recently reopened all of its fishing areas. The problem is that commercial shrimpers refuse to trawl because they fear the toxicity of the waters and marine life due to the BP oil disaster. "We come ...
- Is the US trying to "fix" Venezuela? - Bolivarian ...In 2002, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) arrived in Venezuela with a mission: Remove Hugo Chavez from power. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez then stood up at the UN in 2006 calling former US President George W. Bush "the devil" for meddling in foreign affairs. Eva Golinger ...
- Why is Venezuela a threat? - Bolivarian Republic ...In 2003, USAID funded 66 programs in Venezuela, today that figure has grown to 623 programs that cost more than $20 million dollars. The increase in programs was due to the United States growing interest in expelling Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez from office. As the upcoming elections take p ...
- Pakistan Is Dying – The World Yawns - PakistanOn August 22 a drone strike against the house of “suspected militants” in North Waziristan killed 20 people. It also destroyed a neighboring house full of women and children.[1] So what! Collateral damage. And, as our dear Mr. Rumsfeld once said [2] - ‘Shit happens. Get ov ...
- Truth and the Twin Towers - Both Bite the Dust - ...Dedicated to the angels with beautiful hearts and clipped wings, the emergency responders who toiled for days, giving their very lives - quite literally - often suffering debilitating diseases and disorders, dying slow and ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Nightowl NewswrapIt was like the Siths turned on the Emperor or something "With the battle won by the ultra-right in Delaware, the national conservative pundits who backed Christine O'Donnell in last night's GOP Senate primary have turned on a man who is presumably one of their own: Karl "The Architect" Rove. After ...
- Time to Gouge the RichThe whole tax cut debate is proceeding from the wrong premise. The question is not whether obscenely rich plutocrats seeking to turn the middle class into serfs should have to pay taxes at the same 39.6 percent rate they paid during the Clinton Prosperity. The question is why obscenely rich plutocra ...
- Fearing Change, GOP Ready to Party Like it's 1964Does the GOP really intend to party like it's 1964? It might, considering last night's jaw-dropping admission by CNN political analyst and right wing blogger Eric Erickson that the Tea Party is less interested in winning elections than pushing the Republican Party as far to the right as possible. � ...
- The word you are looking for is "Kansification"The republicans broke the first rule of politics. They decided to ride the tiger and didn't give the dismount a moment's thought. Now they have extremists calling the shots. Oopsie. As soon as races started being called for the tea party candidates who won last night, the wedge was already set, an ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapThe choice won't get any more clear-cut than this. The Associated Press reports that Christine O'Donnell has pulled off an almost-surprising upset over Rep. Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican primary, after receiving the conservative-coveted endorsement of Sarah Palin last week. With 85% of prec ...
Care 2
- Saving the Last Strongholds for TigersThe scientists have identified 42 source sites that should be prioritized in the fight to save tigers from extinction. These placesfound in Russia, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Lao PDRgive the worlds remaining tiger Submitted by Simone D. to World �|� �Note-it! ...
- Canada's Infamous Tar Sands Extraction Is Approved ...The extraction of oil from the Athabasca tar sands in Alberta, Canada has been a source of immense controversy as production continues to expand. The technique is known to be detrimental to the environment Submitted by Mamabear Claw to Green Lifestyle �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 7 Ways To Kick The Plastic Habit: Tips And Tricks ...We need to break our dependence on oil, no doubt about that. One real culprit of our oil addiction is plastic. It's everywhere -- from single use packaging, to toys, to household objects. Estimates put the percent of world consumption of oil that goes tow Submitted by Mamabear Claw to Green Lifestyl ...
- Dont Call them Animal SheltersAfter listening to Mike Arms, president of Helen Woodward Animal Center in Rancho Sante Fe, CA, I am looking at animal shelters in a new light. Ive been reluctant to enter many because of how they were run in the past. Good news: change is coming. Submitted by Michele Hollow to Animals �|� �Note-i ...
- Depressed heart patients 'at risk'The combination of depression and coronary heart disease in a patient could be much more deadly than either condition alone, researchers say. Submitted by Nancy Bridget to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Smirking Chimp
- How the Rich Conduct Class WarfareFirst, let me get this out of the way -- I have no problems with the rich. I plan on being rich. I'm an American. I believe. We all believe we can get to the top and enjoy the spoils of wealth. We are Americans. That's never been the issue. And in my lifetime the poor or middle class have never come ...
- Bones to Pick With ObamaBarack Obama is on the road these days, taking off after the special interests and elites, and defending the middle class. He is talking about equity and openness. He wants to end tax cuts for the wealthiest. Given Obama's rhetoric, one might think that in his appointment recently of a new chairman ...
- Obama's image crisis: Why the president should ram ...More than a half-century ago, the Democrats had a candidate who in some ways was sort of a white Barack Obama. His name was Adlai Stevenson. He was a brilliant speechmaker, also from Illinois, smart, sane and witty. Once, an adoring woman told him that all the thinking people in the country were beh ...
- As the Aging Stoop to Their Labors, Prosperous Pun ...The aging American workforce has been vilified a lot lately, in much the same way the poor were in previous decades. Politicians who once might have spread myths about "welfare queens" are now describing retired people as "greedy geezers." Not to be outdone, well-paid pundits are rushing to lectur ...
- Afghan War LiesSupport for Occupation Relies on Lies and Spin There's an exception. It is a limited set of circumstances. If the armies of another nation invade your country, there is no need to resort to lies to sell war. The battle is already joined. The threat is palpable. Anyone with a smidgen of patriotism an ...
Paul Krugman
- Travel TomorrowNot there, exactly.
- It's Demand, StupidWhat businesses really worry about.
- The Economics Of High-End Tax CutsA bad bargain, however you measure it.
- Is Real Appreciation In Emerging Markets A Problem ...Global Savings Glut II: the empire strikes back.
- Happy Lehman Day!The bust heard round the world.
No Quarter
- OPEN THREAD + I had so many hopes for Michelle Rhe ...… but now her term as superintendent of schools in Washington, D.C. is in doubt because the mayor (Adrian Fenty) — who supported Rhee’s monumental, daring changes — has lost his bid for reelection, thanks in NO small part to vicious television ads paid for by — you guessed it — teachers’ unions. Yo ...
- The Establishment Doesn’t Get It/ Bumped up from Sept. 14 / The Tea Party is a force and the political establishment, Republican and Democrat, does not get it. With election results rolling in tonight from today’s primaries we are seeing more evidence that this year is an anti-incumbent year. I fear that the corruption in Washin ...
- OMG! now this is hateFor those of you who may have missed it, Bristol Palin was on the Jay Leno show the other night. She was there to promote her participation on Dancing with the Stars. �
- Speaking of Bullshit, Karl Rove?Our old “friend” Karl Rove touched off a bit of a firestorm last night with his disparaging comments about the unexpected primary victory of Christine O’Donnell in Delaware: So, what do you think? Is Karl full of shit or spot on? Meanwhile, despite initial reports that the National Republican Senat ...
- NFL BullshitI’m not a NY Jets fan, but the furor over the so-called “sexual harassment” of Mexican Reporter, Ines Sainz, is ridiculous. Rex Ryan and crew are getting a raw deal. For starters I want you to watch this video: Ines is clearly proud of her rack. Was the Fox News anchor drooling? If you [...]
Environmental Graffiti
- Tourists Must Act as Eco Role ModelsSo much could be done in the world of tourism to extend the good done by carbon offsetting. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Axe Murder Incident: How Two US Officers Were ...How the Korean War was nearly reignited by a single tree. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- A Decade in Natural Disasters: 2000 to 2010A blow by blow account of natural disasters over the last ten years. In the lead up to 2012 are these catastrophic events getting more frequent? Or are we, in our multitu read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the art ...
- 5 Creative Ways to Beat Office BoredomIf you are bored at the office, you need a way to fight boredom. Here are five creative ways to combat office boredom. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- How a Transfer of Trust Can Combat Climate ChangeThe Transfer of Trust could be a humanist's alternative to carbon offsetting, repairing the damage caused by international travel. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Ahmadinejad's Apocalypse-Soon Proclamations: For R ...Why do conservatives believe that Iran's President Ahmadinejad seeks the end of the world?
- Robert Wright and the Koran: Grappling with the Wr ...The overriding religion in America is not the Judaeo-Christian tradition, it's nationalism.
- Don't Celebrate Mexico's Independence...YetIt is the 200th anniversary of Mexico's independence and the 100th anniversary of its revolution. But the celebrations taking place this week are premature.
- 60-Second Expert: Plan Colombia in Mexico?The only thing surprising about Clinton's horrifying proposal to apply a Colombian model to Mexico is that she said it out loud, reports columnist Laura Carlsen.
- Dealing With IranThe initial scenario in Iran turns out to be considerably more complicated.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Pope admits church lacked vigilancePontiff criticises own church over sex abuse scandal, saying he was shocked by the "perversion" among the priesthood.
- Turks cool to EU membershipTurkish enthusiasm for joining the European Union is waning as the country is increasingly looking east, a report shows.
- French workers kidnapped in NigerAt least two French nationals among seven workers kidnapped in Niger. All worked for state-owned nuclear giant, Areva.
- Deadly blast hits southeast TurkeyPowerful blast kills at least nine people on board a minibus in southeast Turkey near the border with Iraq and Iran.
- Charges over Philippine bus rescueProsecutors seek to charge up to 10 people over a failed hostage rescue that left eight Hong Kong tourists dead.
Green Inc. - NYT
- From the Roof, to a Battery, to the GridStoring energy for use when a cloudy day results in a drop of solar power production.
- Salvos Fly as Ethanol Ruling NearsAn engineering firm reports that over all, the risks of switching to 15 percent ethanol content in gasoline are low and manageable for the nation's light vehicle fleet.
- New Lawsuit Filed in Fracking CountryA group of residents in Susquehanna County, Pa., accuse a drilling company of contaminating their water supplies and making them sick.
- Beyond Animal Rights, the Antibiotics BattleIs there evidence that the liberal administration of antibiotics to prevent disease and promote growth in pigs, chickens and cows poses a serious medical threat?
- Oil Industry Takes On SchwarzeneggerAn executive derides the governor as the "Terminator" of the oil industry.
Dot Earth News
- Saving Wild Tigers Cheaply, With Apple's Help?A new study lays out a smart, cheap strategy for invigorating the world's last wild tiger populations.
- Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Summer SlideThe sea ice around the North Pole is poised to end this summer's retreat shy of a record, but on track toward more open Arctic waters in decades to come.
- Signs of New Energy at the World BankA specialist in energy innovation and energy poverty takes on a role at the World Bank.
- Big Birthdays for Clean Air Act and OPECReflections on anniversaries for America's clean-air law and the planet's oil cartel.
- Which Comes First – Peak Everything or Peak ...Does the human capacity for foresight matter or are we destined to hit environmental walls?
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Turkish Neocon Conspiracy 1981 - Eagleburger Perle ...This is a pretty classic one. Turkey has suddenly passed big reforms as the nasty NATO-friendly military post-coup power structure gets knocked back a step. Ergenekon and the neocon network, etc etc. Perle and Wolfowitz, the creation of the American-Turkish Council came after this memo. Possibly b ...
- Video: Lawsuit Zombies fight state repression with ...Video release of sorts from the Minneapolis zombies, and a fun edit. 1min40s, brevity! Plz subscribe to Youtube & now Scribd document service as well. If you haven't yet, check out Scribd for a marvelous array of all sorts of documents (PDFs, office, etc)...w00pw00p. Press release: Zomb ...
- California rolls out heat cannon torture weapon Ac ...Oh Shit!!! Let's explain how the mass torture weapon deployment rollout program works in the global scientific dictatorship. First the weapons are used on brown people in the field by the military, then on military prisoners, then on domestic prisoners. Then on protesters, then on random people. Thi ...
- Kanye West Masonic/Egyptian "Power"; Viktor Bout's ..."In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake, the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens, into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had the ...
- Barclays Bank: The design of criminal banking oper ...Crossposted - Barclays Bank Forfeits $298 Million for Aiding Rogue Nations 18 August 2010 Court filings: http://cryptome.org/0002/barclays/usa-v-barclays.htm Barclays Bank Forfeits $298 Million for Aiding Rogue Nations http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2010/August/10-crm-933.html Department of Ju ...
Daily Censored
- Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren’s role downgr ...Michael Collins The White House snatched back one of the few bones it’s thrown to the people outraged at the looting of the United States Treasury by failed financial concerns – the big banks and Wall Street. The promised appointment Elizabeth Warren as head of the new agency to protect consumers fr ...
- Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid. Not all conspiracies ar ...During the run up to the Presidential primaries, two years ago, something bothered me very much. I liked the policies and plans that Edwards had in mind for this country. However, he received absolutely NO press coverage, except when they could say something bad about him. When his wife’s cancer ...
- Tax Cuts, what the Republicans are all about.Lets go back to 1978. California passed an initiative known as Prop. 13. It was officially called People’s Initiative to Limit Property Taxation. Wikipedia says that a positive affect was to save the California taxpaying citizen $528 billion dollars. Positive? Let’s look at that. Yes, it saved ...
- No titleJORDAN BRINGS THE HEART OF A MARKETER TO CBS-TV: ONE ON ONE: CEO OF PARENT WESTINGHOUSE HAWKS ‘VALUE’ MESSAGE, 1997 Where is the value? The interview was published: From Adage — February 03, 1997 According to Adage, in 1997: âIt remains to be seen if Michael Jordan, chairman-CEO of Westinghouse El ...
- Liberal v ConservativeI would really prefer not to dignify ignorant comments. However, because so many people think that going back to Republicans or worse, Teabagers, will solve their problems, I will address this Foster, if that is even his real name. I know that the address he uses to post his comments is invalid. T ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Clinton to meet Abbas after threat to quit peace t ...
- Burden on N.Korea to kickstart nuclear talks: US
- Obama jabs Republicans over tax, immigrants
- China currency strong ahead of Geithner scrutiny
- New START nuclear treaty faces key US Senate test
Institute for Policy Studies
- Don't Celebrate Mexico's Independence...YetIt is the 200th anniversary of Mexico's independence and the 100th anniversary of its revolution. But the celebrations taking place this week are premature.
- Dealing With IranThe initial scenario in Iran turns out to be considerably more complicated.
- Japan's Three ElectionsThe U.S. military base in Okinawa is at the forefront of three Japanese elections this year.
- The Lineup: Week of September 13-19, 2010Our latest editorial package includes an op-ed by Joy Zarembka about a young woman who perished in a Washington car bombing long before 9-11.
- Remembering RonniIn 1976, Ronni Karpen Moffitt was killed on her way to work as the car she was riding in succumbed to a car bomb planted by agents of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Equality Trust
- Sign up to our email newsletterDon't forget to sign up to our email newsletter to receive quarterly updates about our work and next week's response from Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett to questions about the Spirit Level analysis.
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently spend ...
- Excessive pay and bonuses in public sector under s ...Daily Telegraph reports on bold moves in the public sector . But what about the private sector which originated the "crazy" bonus system and still leads the way on excessive top pay...?
- Splendid: government targets second homesAs reported in today's Daily Telegraph , proposed hike in capital gains tax aims to part-fund increase in tax allowances for those on lower incomes. David Cameron describes second homes as "not .... necessarily splendid" for the economy.
- Hannah Gurman on Iraq, Norman Solomon on Petraeus ...Cross-Posted From CounterSpin, CounterSpin is a half-hour-long weekly radio program of media criticism produced by FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting that airs on many public, community, and college radio stations across North America. Click Here ...
- Congressman Henry Waxman and US Senator Sherrod Br ...Friends: In case you missed CONNECT THE DOTS this morning, the guests were Congressman Henry Waxman and US Senator Sherrod Brown. For one hour it restored our faith in elected officials. ...
- Los Angeles Launches Nation’s First Israel D ...y Linda Milazzo, PDA Blog ContributorOn April 1, 2010, in a no-holds-barred interview with the Christian Science Monitor, Israeli peacemaker Jonathan Ben Artzi, a PhD candidate at Brown University and nephew to Israeli ...
- Video from BobFest 2010Fighting Bob Fest is an annual Chautauqua featuring progressive speakers, networking opportunities, and entertainment. Fighting Bob Fest carries on the tradition of Robert “Fighting Bob” La Follette by providing a forum for progressive ideas on ...
- Michael Moore Teaches Rahm Emanuel a F**cking Econ ...By Michael Moore, MichaelMoore.com Posted on September 7, 2010, Printed on September 8, 2010 http://www.alternet.org/story/148106/ Dear Rahm Emanuel, I read this week that â according to a new book by Steven Rattner, your administration’s former “Car Czar” â during ...
Marler Blog
- Does China have the right idea about food safety?I am heading to the 4th CIFSQ Conference & Expo to be held in the dynamic city of Shanghai as a keynote speakers on November 10. So, I am keeping up to date on all things food safety on China. This AP headline caught my eye – “China vows harsh penalties for food safety crimes.” The official Xinhu ...
- When you are talking tens of millions sickened by ...Since the 1999 article by Mead PS, Slutsker L, Dietz V, McCaig LF, Bresee JS, Shapiro C, Griffin PM, Tauxe RV., Food-related illness and death in the United State have been estimated at approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year. Th ...
- The Union of Concerned Scientists find that some s ...If you want a disturbing read, see the Union of Concerned Scientists, “Voices of Federal Food Safety Scientists and Inspectors.” Clearly, a system that allows undue influence on those that are bound to protect the public should not be allowed. To evaluate how well the government uses science to pr ...
- I am not becoming a Republican - I hopeLike many interested in food safety, I keep hoping to see S. 510 move to a vote on the Senate floor. Politico reports : Senate Democrats say they are on the brink of passing a sweeping food safety overhaul the House approved more than a year ago — but Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) is blocking a fin ...
- The Salmonella egg man is about to get friedChairman Henry A. Waxman and Subcommittee Chairman Bart Stupak today sent a letter to Austin DeCoster , the owner of Wright County Egg, regarding records obtained by the Committee indicating that the company tested positive for Salmonella contamination in its Iowa facilities prior to the recent wide ...
- AutoblogGreen for 09.16.10At $28,000, plug-in Toyota Prius should be cheapest PHEV in U.S. Once 2012 rolls around. Paris Preview: Fisker will show off first "factory-built" Karma plug-in hybrid More to come, as alway ...
- AutoblogGreen for 09.15.10LA Preview: Toyota/Tesla RAV4 EV on display; affordable PHEV Prius will arrive in mid-2012 The $28,000-ish plug-in Prius is around the corner. 40 "non-retail salable" Chevrolet Volts have rolled off the l ...
- AutoblogGreen for 09.14.10Report: Nissan's COO says next-gen GT-R could be 100% electric Should Tesla be concerned? Riding 2,500 miles to support a 100% green American grid On a "rocket trike," no less. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 09.13.10That's more like it: plug-in Prius gets 83 mpg over 3,450 miles More miles and more miles per gallon. GM to be less transparent regarding future Voltec-based vehicles Not secretive, exactly, ...
- AutoblogGreen for 09.10.10Hyundai unveils i10-based BlueOn electric vehicle in South Korea One to watch. Nissan and this polar bear want to love you - if you drive a Leaf Awwww. ...
Rafe's Radar
- Foound launches Foursquare of the futureDemo Fall 2010 sees the excellent demo of Foound, a clean mobile app for planning "hangouts" with friends.
- 'Smart' credit cards get closer to consumers' wall ...Customers of a company called Dynamics are preparing to release credit and debit cards with programmable, rewritable magnetic stripes. ...
- Turning everyday garbage into gasolineAt Demo Fall 2010, E-Fuel Corporation is showing off its home and business "reactor" that converts organic waste into ethanol or electricity. ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Google Instant in depthGoogle this week deleted the Enter key from search , with the launch of Google Instant. The new results page gives you search results as you type. Is it just a simple interface change or will it fundamentally change how we use search--and how advertisers pay for clicks? Today we talk about Ins ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Checking in with Facebook a ...The new hotness in tech investing today is the location check-in app. From social services like Foursquare and Gowalla to shopping-focused business like Shopkick, investors love check-in. And why not? They're making money already, even though but a tiny fraction of the population has ever used a ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- A Little Missed SunshineBONN, Germany—When first lady Michelle Obama started an organic garden at the White House, she sparked a national discussion on food, obesity, health and sustainability. But the green action on the White House lawn hasn’t made it to the White House roof, unfortunately. Back in 1979, President Jimm ...
- Sept. 11: A Day Without WarThe ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States should serve as a moment to reflect on tolerance. It should be a day of peace. Yet the rising anti-Muslim fervor here, together with the continuing U.S. military occupation of Iraq and the escalating war in Afghanistan (and Pakistan ...
- Eve Ensler: Bald, Brave and BeautifulBald, brave and beautiful: Those words can’t begin to capture the remarkable Eve Ensler. She sat down with me last week, in the midst of her battle with uterine cancer, to talk about New Orleans and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Eve, the author of the hit play "The Vagina Monologues" and the cr ...
- Watch: Muslim Taxi Driver Attacked in Hate Crime S ...New York City Taxi Driver Ahmed Sharif and his supporters hold a press conference on the steps of City Hall on August 26th, just days after he was attacked by a passenger for being Muslim. Speakers include Ahmed Sharif, Bhairavi Desai of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, and CAIR-NY Civil Rights ...
- Rotten Eggs and Our Broken DemocracyWhat do a half-billion eggs have to do with democracy? The massive recall of salmonella-infected eggs, the largest egg recall in U.S. history, opens a window on the power of large corporations over not only our health, but over our government. While scores of brands have been recalled, they all ...
Farming Pathogens
- The Axis of ViralThe enemy of my enemy is my friend. We might accept that viruses and bacteria at best instantiate the coincidental nature of such an alliance. The success of one bug might pave the way for another. But we’d be hard pressed to imagine that theyâd whittle the syllogism to a sharper point and activel ...
- Follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on FacebookFollow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on Facebook here. Includes the latest in media reports and journal articles on agriculture, disease, evolution, dialectical biology, and the practice of science, as well as any appearances or new work by FP contributors. Filed under: Uncategorized
- Imperial Storm ScientistsThe Red Army Faction was a communist guerilla group operating 1970-1998 in, of all places, West Germany. The RAF engaged in a variety of operations in the 1970s, including assassinations and bombings, primarily around the German government’s material support of the U.S. war in Vietnam. As depicted i ...
- Does Influenza Evolve in Multiple Tenses?The past may possess a power greater than prologue. Any one with a social networking account knows that. All of a sudden you find yourself daily interacting with people long thought boxed away. People mature, yes, but sensibilities remain largely intact and an old year, fine wine or vinegar, pours b ...
- Influenza’s Historical PresentI delivered the following speech, co-written with economic geographer Luke Bergmann, at the NIH-FAO-sponsored ‘Second International Workshop on Community-based Data Synthesis, Analysis and Modeling of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in Asia’ held in Beijing earlier this month. The speech is b ...
- Time to Genuflect!The Pope visits Britain today and to mark the auspicious occasion I have posted a video of Tom Lehrer’s Vatican Rag. On a more serious note, here is an article on the ongoing debate about pedophile priests which the Pope’s visit has highlighted. Investigation: Many Convicted Pedophile Priests Are ...
- Good News: Norwegian princess Martha Louise claims ...by Igor I. Solar, Digital Journal, Sep 13, 2010 Oslo– Princess Martha Louise of Norway stated last week in an interview that she can establish connections with the spirit of dead people and intended to take a course to improve her ability. Martha Louise, 38, revealed last week her “ability to establ ...
- Will Arizona Give Neo-Nazi Border Vigilantes An Of ...Will Arizona give neo-Nazi border vigilantes an official blessing? Crooks & Liars- By David Neiwert September 13, 2010 04:00 PM Those armed neo-Nazis out running vigilante border patrols apparently now want to obtain official status for their group: J.T. Ready, a neo-Nazi who recently began conducti ...
- September 11 Nine Year AnniversarySeptember 11 Anniversary Stained By Politics And Prejudice Huff Post-Â First Posted: 09-11-10 09:23 AMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 09-11-10 09:23 AM NEW YORK (AP) — Politics threatened to overshadow a day of mourning Saturday for nearly 3,000 Sept. 11 victims amid a polarizing national debate over a plann ...
- 9th. Anniversary of 911 rolls around with Neocons ...With the 9th. Anniversary of 911 Current U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan are reaching 95,000, more than we have in Iraq. We are leaving the Worlds largest embassy, Fortress America, in Iraq and currently working on a similar one in Pakistan, while boasting of 737 military bases worldwide. As the fr ...
- Max Keiser On The Middle ClassYouTube Continue reading the article . . . Catherine Austin Fitts’ Blog Commentaries The Shrinking Middle Class (27 July 10)
- Stocks For The Long Run? Not So MuchBy Joe Weisenthal View Larger Chart. . Continue reading the article . . .
- Blackwater’s Black OpsBy Jeremy Scahill Blackwater author Jeremy Scahill reveals in The Nation new evidence about the connection between the security firm and a host of companies, from Disney to Monsanto. Says Scahill: âOne of the most incendiary details in the documents is that Blackwater, through Total Intelligence, ...
- The United States of InequalityView Larger Chart By Timothy Noah The American aristocracy is less different from you and me than it was in Fitzgerald’s day. “Before World War II,” they wrote, “the richest Americans were overwhelmingly rentiers deriving most of their income from wealth holdings (mainly in the form of dividends).” ...
- Sugar Addiction: Getting It, Ending ItThis Thursday I will be speaking with Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the University of California - San Francisco’s Benioff Children’s Hospital. Dr. Lustig is a nationally recognized in the field of neuroendocrinology, with an emphasis on the regulation of energy balance b ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Blair Should Take a Journey to JailHow do we bring liars like Tony Blair to justice? Continue to disrupt their lies everywhere they go.
- Big Primary Night for Tea Party -- And a Big Win F ...In G.O.P. primaries in Delaware, Wisconsin, New Hampshire and New York, victorious Tea Party candidates signal wins for creationism, gender discrimination and racism.
- France Flouts EU Law with Mass Deportations of Rom ...Panels display "Everyone has the right to a decent standard of living," "No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of property." A short distance away is evidence to the contrary.
- Conservative and Tea Party Rallies and Trainings D ...Conservative protests in Washington show the breadth of energy and money marshaled to organize the right-wing base, while progressives lag behind.
- Will Obama's Paralysis on Gay Rights Issues Worsen ...A handful of outspoken conservatives are tacking left of the White House on gay marriage. It's time for the White House to step up their game.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign , challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project .
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become obsol ...
Fabius Maximus
- Uncle Screwtape explains how to build support for ...Summary: This is a follow-up to yesterday’s post by Professor Finel about two new reports questioning the purposes and conduct of the Af-Pak War. Here we consider a shorter explanation: Uncle Screwtape has given them sound advice, which they’ve taken to heart. “You donât know the horrible a ...
- Our leaders have made a discovery of the sort that ...Summary: A brief note looking behind the headlines, at a major discovery. Insights about politics can change the destiny of nations as much or more than those about science. “Name that neocon!” That would be a great post to write (spoiler: it’s Obama). But we’ll leave that for another da ...
- On Strategy (specifically in Afghanistan)Summary: This guest post by Bernard Finel discusses the nature of strategy in the context of the Afghanistan War. It’s timely, as there have been two important reports about the war this month, links to both in the for more information section at the end. Let’s hope this debate gets more polic ...
- Can we reignite the spirit of America?Summary: The newest member of the FM website team, USMC Corporal, registers a protest about the FM website’s bold motto: “a discussion about ways to reignite the spirit of a nation grown cold.”  Does it still accurately represent the content of the website? No, it doesn’t. What’s the new ...
- Most-read posts on the FM websiteThese are the articles and series on the FM website with the most hits. “Most-read” does not mean “most popular.” Look to the Reference Library on the right side menu bar to see the full range of articles on the FM website. Individual stories: Why has the worst recession since the 1930â²s had s ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Chilean mercenaries guarding Australian embassyABC – The Defence Department plans to fully privatise security at Australia’s Baghdad embassy by the end of the year, after quietly outsourcing most of the guard duties to Chilean paramilitary and army veterans, the ABC can reveal. Senior army sources say 60 Chilean contractors work 12-hour shifts a ...
- BP aids state’s school contentThe Sacramento Bee – BP, the energy giant responsible for the largest offshore oil spill in history, helped develop the state’s framework for teaching more than 6 million students about the environment. Despite a mixed environmental record even before the Gulf of Mexico disaster, state officials inc ...
- New Additions To Feature Page: The effects of Anth ...EDITORS WARNING: Do not read the list if you are of a nervous disposition, easily confused or easily scared. CLICK HERE TO READ THE UPDATED LIST
- ‘Sewage crisis’ overtakes the great lakesBuffalonews -They’re branding it a “sewage crisis” in the Great Lakes. A new study has found that five cities — including Buffalo — dumped 41 billion gallons of untreated sewage and dirty storm water into the Great Lakes last year. How much is 41 billion gallons? That’s how much water flows over Nia ...
- Israel refuses to meet European ministers for sett ...The Independent – Israel has said it will not meet a delegation of European foreign ministers, including William Hague, this week as diplomatic pressure mounts on its government to extend a 10-month settlement freeze that ends next week. The Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, yesterday told Tony Bl ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- RAIMD: Antonio on Lowkey’s ‘Obama Nation’Music review from RAIM-Denver: (raimd.wordpress.com) [Last week, we posted the video, Obama Nation, the new single from UK hip-hop artist, Lowkey. The video itself generated some discussion which can be viewed below. Here is a comment by a RAIMer, Antonio, analyzing the content of the song:] Lowkey ...
- Cholera epidemic, a symptom of underdevelopment in ...Cholera epidemic, a symptom of underdevelopment in Nigeria and the Third World (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Cholera has killed 87 and infected 1,315 over the past month in Nigeria. The two northern states affected most are Bauchi and Borno. In Bauchi alone 47 are dead and 1,200 infected. Born ...
- O sekciarstwieO sekciarstwie (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (Polski) (English) „Drodzy trzecioświatowi maoiści, Wasza strona internetowa jest sekciarska. Krytykujecie tak wiele innych grup. Jak można traktować was poważnie? * Dziękujemy za twoje pytanie. Wielu liberałów bierze krytykę wobec innych grup za de ...
- A spy and the use and abuse of historyA spy and the use and abuse of history (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Poland is likely to extradite Uri Brodsky to Germany. Uri Brodsky is suspected of being part of an Israeli death squad that has recently been in the spotlight. The Israeli agent, likely a member of a Mossad hit team, was inv ...
- Israel “purchasing” advanced aircraft from U.S. fo ...Israel âpurchasingâ advanced aircraft from U.S. for Use Against Iran (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Israel is purchasing roughly 20 F-35I strike jets from the United States. Four billion dollars will be used to purchase the Lockheed Martin “Joint Strike Fighters,” along with services, parts ...
- Tony Blair: US Peace Medal for War Criminal? – Vid ...Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has been awarded America’s prestigious Liberty medal for his global human rights work. Despite this honor, however, the former PM’s policies in Iraq and Afghanistan earned him accusations of having blood on his hands.
- Dumbing Down Society Part 3: How to Reverse its Ef ...The first two parts of this series describes the negative effects that some commonly consumed chemicals have on the body and brain. This third and final part looks at some natural ways to keep the brain healthy and provides tips to rid the body of dangerous substances. In other words, how to fight b ...
- Another UFO Shuts Down Another Airport in ChinaHere we go again. Just months after an unidentified object temporarily shut down an airport in China, another UFO briefly halted operations at a different Chinese airport. According to initial sketchy reports in ShanghaiDaily.com and the People's Daily Online, the UFO forced the Baotou airport in ...
- Japan, China, Russia and World War 3As I have stated in previous articles, I believe that the current and future alliance between Russia, Japan and China is a prelude to the next war; East versus West. According to the Book of Revelations, this global conflict will wipe 1/3rd of the world's population completely off the map and will s ...
- Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain groundEconomists peddling dire warnings that the world’s number one economy is on the brink of collapse, amid high rates of unemployment and a spiraling public deficit, are flourishing here.
Andy Worthington
- Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Par ...This is the first part of an eight-part series telling the stories of all the prisoners currently held in Guantánamo (176 at the time of writing). See the introduction here. The 20 prisoners listed below were the first group of prisoners seized crossing from Afghanistan to Pakistan in December 2001 ...
- Introducing the Definitive List of the Remaining P ...Over the next month, in an attempt to focus attention more closely on Guantánamo, and on the remaining prisoners who are held there, I’ll be publishing an eight-part series of articles (in conjunction with Cageprisoners, for whom I work as a Senior Researcher), telling, for the first time, the stori ...
- By One Vote, US Court OKs Torture and “Extraordina ...Sometimes a story is so troubling that it takes some time to digest, and the ruling delivered last Wednesday by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (PDF), in a lawsuit filed by the ACLU on behalf of five men subjected to âextraordinary renditionâ and torture, is one such story. The men — Binyam M ...
- Nine Human Rights Organizations and Lawyers’ Group ...Today, nine organizations, including Amnesty International, Cageprisoners, Liberty and Reprieve, published a letter written to Sir Peter Gibson, who was nominated by Prime Minister David Cameron to head the inquiry into UK involvement in the mistreatment of detainees held abroad, which was announced ...
- Obama’s Hollow Guantánamo ApologyOn Friday, in his first press conference since May, President Obama was concerned primarily with the economy, but also found time to answer a couple of questions about Guantánamo that were put to him by Ann Compton of ABC News Radio. For the most part, the media overlooked this section of the press ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Hope for Stemming Wind Energy’s Toll on BatsWind energy projects pose a threat to migratory bats, but simple steps show promise for protecting them. Energy - Wind - Renewable - Business - Technology
- Why the Gulf Oil Spill Isn't Going AwayAs BP prepares to permanently seal the damaged well, experts warn that remnants of the Gulf oil spill are still plentiful underwater. Oil spill - BP - Environment - Energy - Gulf of Mexico
- Presented By:
- Hurricane Igor Now Strongest Storm—But U.S. Spared ...Hurricane Igor is the 2010 Atlantic season's biggest so far, but a lucky low-pressure system should steer the storm away from the U.S. Tropical cyclone - United States - Low-pressure area - hurricane - Earth Sciences
- San Bruno Fire Pictures: "Hell on Earth" in Califo ...NoneA gas line explosion that unleashed deadly, thousand-foot-high fireballs reduced blocks of San Bruno, California, to "hell on earth" on Thursday, one resident said. California - San Bruno - United States - San Bruno California - Business and Economy
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Warren FTWI have been geeking out over yesterday’s big primaries, and the ensuing act of Republican cannibalism that really, really belongs in one of Linda McMahon’s WWE Smackdowns. (I mean seriously: who doesn’t want to see Sarah Palin kick Karl Rove in the crotch, followed up by Rush Limbaugh taking a bite ...
- The Root Of The Problem: EducationFrom former New Milford raised a glass and brewed Todd Umbarger and without further comment since it says enough on its own (and I could add an essay to this BUT...) : click on this for larger With previous permission from Todd Umbarger . Todd is a New York-based illustrator and draws the politi ...
- Add hawkI’m a regular citizen. I love my town, I love my town’s school system. I hate arbitrarily high taxes, and I hate wasting time and money. Like most people, I have ideas on how things in my town could be improved. But I’m not an elected official, or a personal friend of the mayor, and I don’t have ...
- Is Walter Bayer a DINO?Walter Bayer was at the Republican fundraiser for Probate Judge Martin Landgrebe last night. He appeared to be meeting and greeting like a member of the "R" crowd. And you can sometimes find him tipping back a beverage with Roger Szendy and other "R's" at local watering holes. Considering how eas ...
- Simmons Running Senate AdsConsidering Simmons is running neck and neck with Linda McMahon in the primaries even after he dropped out of the race. Why not? From The Day: Rob Simmons, who halted his campaign for the Republican Senate nomination after losing the party endorsement to former WWE CEO Linda McMahon, will begin ai ...
SPL Center
- Author Interview: Journalist Probes ‘Backlash’ Und ...After Barack Obama’s 2008 election as the nation’s 44 th president, the Tea Party movement sprang up, as did increasingly shrill assertions that the president was a socialist, a communist, a Muslim and more. Gun-rights advocates fretted that the new administration would impose draconian gun controls ...
- Racists Need Funds to Give Terrorist a Viking Fune ...So many causes, so little money. With groups beseeching us for financial help to find cures for diseases, to protect the environment, to help the less fortunate and so forth, it can be tough to decide to whom and what to dole out donations. And now this: An appeal for money so that a murderous terro ...
- Little Pulaski, Tenn., to Suffer Through Another R ...Although it’s a small town of about 7,800, Pulaski, Tenn. may well be the white supremacist epicenter of the nation — at least if the number of rallies held there by bigoted groups is any indication. The mayor and other residents aren’t pleased. “There’s never been a local person involved in these m ...
- Anti-Latino Hate Crimes Seen From Baltimore to Ari ...Record-breaking high temperatures have been the norm this summer in the United States and other countries. But for Latinos, it’s been even hotter than the thermometer suggests, with one after another targeted for hate crimes around the country. Here’s a sampling of recent incidents: Early last Satu ...
- Nebraska City’s Defense of Anti- Immigrant Law May ...This coming Aug. 31, the Fremont, Neb., City Council will consider hiking property taxes to pay to defend its recently passed anti-immigrant law. Two civil rights organizations have challenged the law, saying the voter-approved ordinance amounts to discrimination. The law, which bans the housing and ...
change: org.
- Excited About SoCap? Check Out Their Interactive P ...The Social Capital Markets conference is just around the corner, and the communities of participants and planners are already beginning to converge. In San Francisco, the Hub at SOMA (run by the same folks who run SoCap) is buzzing with the pre-event energy, and with an interactive press call tomorr ...
- Which Came First: the Rescuer or the Hoarder?The Associated Pres s recently reported that "rescues and shelters now make up a quarter of the estimated 6,000 new hoarding cases reported in the U.S. each year." Taking in 7,000 cats over a 14-month period and only adopting out 23 of them is not rescue. Never was. That's hoarding. The AP described ...
- Christine O'Donnell: People Who Get AIDS Deserve I ...It's been less than 24 hours since Christine O'Donnell shocked the country by claiming the GOP nomination for the upcoming U.S. Senate race in Delaware. And in that period of 24 hours, the skinny on O'Donnell's past has started to come to light. There's the video where she called masturbation a sin ...
- Talbots Pulls Fur From Fall Clothing LineVictory sometimes arrives in the most undramatic packages — reasonable consumers presenting reasonable facts and preferences in a reasonable fashion. That's exactly what happened at women's clothing retailer Talbots, which has once again given fur the cold shoulder, thanks to requests from the publi ...
- Gay Saudi Diplomat Fears Death if Denied AsylumAli Ahmed Asseri, a Saudi diplomat currently living in Los Angeles, really doesn't want to go home. It's not just that he loves the L.A. weather and attractions, although Asseri happily made use of the nightlife during his stay in America. Unfortunately, he was caught by fellow Saudis frequenting ga ...
Common Dreams -News
- Nuclear Waste Piles Up With No Disposal Planby Raju Chebium WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of tons of potentially lethal radioactive waste have been piling up across the nation for more than a generation, but the federal government has yet to decide how to get rid of it permanently. After axing a multibillion-dollar plan to bury the waste be ...
- Fewer Hungry, but More Hunger Waitsby Paul Virgo ROME - Figures the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) presented here Tuesday revealing a reduction in the world's number of hungry people in 2010 for the first time in 15 years should be a cause for celebration. In reality it is a hollow success. It is not that the fall is too sma ...
- As Regulators Weigh Drilling in Marcellus Shale, E ...The Environmental Protection Agency has begun public hearings in Binghamton, New York on hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," a controversial technique that mining companies use to extract natural gas from rock formations thousands of feet underground. The hearings are part of a broad investigation ...
- U.S. Chamber, Energy Trade Groups Urge Spending Pa ...by Ben Geman A group of powerful industry trade associations is urging House and Senate appropriators to delay looming EPA climate change rules that the groups contend will harm the economy and block job creation. Joint letters Tuesday from two-dozen groups - including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, ...
- France Faces Legal Threat Over Roma The European Union may take legal action against France for its expulsion of hundreds of Roma, the bloc's justice commissioner has said. Viviane Reding described last month's deportations as a "disgrace" on Tuesday and said that France had been duplicitious in how it dealt with European authorities ...
- How to Enable HDR Photography on Your iPhone 3GS [ ...Apple's iOS 4.1 update brought HDR photography to the iPhone 4 but left out the iPhone 3GS. Here are two ways to add HDR photography to your unsupported device. More��
- Collars are Less Dangerous for Cats Than You Think ...Fewer than two percent of lost or wayward cats ever make it from a shelter back to their owners, while 15-19 percent of dogs do. The difference? Cat owners' fear of collar problems, which a new study finds mostly unwarranted. More�� ...
- Pick the Desk Shape Best Suited for Your Space and ...Most people pick their desk based on the space they can jam it into—"Open corner? Corner desk it is!"—and treat different desk layouts as though they are largely interchangeable. Pick out your desk based on your workflow needs. More » ...
- Chrome and Firefox 4 Beta 6 Push Critical Bug, Sec ...Mozilla and Google made some quick moves last night to patch up their browsers. In Chrome's camp, a batch of bugs went down , but also a high-level Mac security flaw that Google hasn't released details for. On the Firefox side, lots of small s ...
- Let Lifehacker's Newsletter into Your Inbox, Prior ...Some days, you're way too busy to click, scroll, or feed-read through all our stuff—we get that. Sign up for our newsletter, and you'll get a convenient skim of that day's top stories, plus an entire feature. More »
Water Privatization
- Council discusses 'privatization' of water service ...Cape Coral City Council may look at turning its water services operations over to a private company to run. Councilmember Pete Brandt brought the idea of "privatizing" the city's water system to council during a workshop session Wednesda.
- 2010 Pennsylvania 3rd District race: Democrat Kath ...Democrat Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper arrived from nowhere politically, besting seven-term incumbent Phil English in 2008 in Pennsylvania's 3rd House District. Unable to swim against the tide that year, English lost an incredibly tight race that could be just as close this year. Dahlkemper faces Mike Kelly ...
- Va. trooper dies in training exercise on Lake AnnaA Virginia State Police trooper has died after a training exercise on Lake Anna. Trooper Mark D. Barrett, 41, died after a conducting a deep-water dive on Tuesday, according to the state police.
- State budgeters wait for ax to fallOLYMPIA — When lawmakers wrote the last state budget, in early 2009, they were hoping the economy would be well on its way to recovery by now. No such luck.
- 'Unacceptable' ratings for 7 Valley levee systemsSTOCKTON, CALIF. — The Army Corps of Engineers says seven of the 10 Central Valley levee systems it inspected do not meet the agency's safety criteria.
- Pope visits UK – livePope Benedict XVI arrives in Edinburgh today for the start of a four-day papal visit to the UK. Follow live coverage of every turn of the popemobile plus all the pomp and protests 9.22am: The Daily Mail has launched vitriolic attack on more than 50 public figures who signed a letter to the Guardian ...
- Poor must accept benefit cuts, says defiant CleggWelfare should encourage mobility not compensate poor, says deputy PM ahead of potentially fractious Lib Dem conference Nick Clegg today issued a staunch defence of radical benefit cuts as he geared up for potential clashes with Liberal Democrat activists at the party's annual conference. The deputy ...
- John Lewis profits up by 28%Employee-owned group reports strong growth at John Lewis department stores and Waitrose supermarkets The John Lewis Partnership has bounced back from the recession by reporting strong sales and earnings growth at its department stores and Waitrose supermarket chain. The group, which is owned by its ...
- Khmer Rouge leaders indictedFour top surviving leaders face trial for crimes committed by murderous 1970s regime Cambodia's UN-backed genocide tribunal has indicted the four top surviving leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime blamed for 1.7 million deaths in the 1970s, paving the way for the panel's long-awaited second trial next ...
- Michael Jackson's mother suesKatherine Jackson alleges promoters AEG Live failed to provide life-saving equipment and oversee singer's personal doctor Michael Jackson's mother has sued a concert promoter, alleging the firm failed to provide life-saving equipment and oversee a doctor who was hired to look out for the pop star's ...
- Tea party wins could derail GOP bid for Senate con ...WASHINGTON — The tea party movement's upset victory Tuesday by an insurgent conservative in Delaware's Republican Senate primary puts GOP chances to win control of the U.S. Senate in November in serious jeopardy.
- NOAA head: Scientists' work on Gulf spill far from ...WASHINGTON — More than a week since a second university research cruise found oil on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, the head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Wednesday that teams of academic and federal scientists would make an aggressive effort to search for oil "from ...
- South Carolina GOP lawmaker defends picture with ' ...A photo of South Carolina Senate President Pro Tem Glenn McConnell, outfitted in a Union Navy captain's uniform and posing with two African-Americans dressed in "slave garb," is making the rounds on the Internet.
- Frog 1, weasel 0 as California considers species t ...California wildlife officials Wednesday voted to consider the declining mountain yellow-legged frog as an endangered species. But they said the Pacific fisher, a forest carnivore, should not get that consideration.
- Another kind of Afghan mission: Organizing a ropin ...BURLESON, Texas — In a place where life can end abruptly or change forever in an instant, Arnold Norman is offering a belt buckle to the best soldier.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Nulear waste goes the hole wayFirst week back from holidays last week, and straight down a big hole in the ground at the BBC's behest. Onkalo - no ordinary hole... It's no ordinary hole. It's where Finland will store all of the high-level waste from its nuclear power programme, if things go according to plan. I last visi ...
- Mea culpa and au revoirAs several readers have pointed out in comments on my previous post , and several more by e-mail, I made a schoolboy howler in this week's article about how rice yields are responding to temperature rise in Asia. There are 101 reasons I could bore you with as to why it happened, but essentially it ...
- Delivering biochar's triple winLast year, there seemed to be an unwritten rule in enviro-circles: whenever two or more enviro-folks were gathered together in a place of meeting, talk must turn to biochar . Accounts would be exchanged of articles half-read and half-digested...the pros would be arrayed against the cons...the words ...
- Noaa: The right answer to the wrong question?While listening to the latest briefing on the Gulf of Mexico oil leak , I've been wondering whether the questions being answered are the right ones. The key factoid presented by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) is that about three-quarters of the 4.9 million barrels that e ...
- An equal partnership with the land?The journal Nature this week debates one of the most important questions of our age: how can we feed the Earth's growing population such that no-one goes hungry and nature is left with some land and water of its own? Being a science journal, you'll not be surprised to hear that one of the things it ...
The Wonk Room
- Biden Blames Politics For Inability To End DonR ...Earlier this evening, during an appearance on The Rachel Maddow Show, Vice President Joe Biden expressed confidence that the Senate will pass the defense authorization bill and repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, saying that “everyone who was fired should be able to be reinstated if they wanted ...
- Blue Dog Matheson Using Discredited GOP Argument F ...This week, Republicans have solidified the notion that they will hold an extension of middle class tax cuts hostage unless $830 billion in tax cuts is also given to the richest two percent of households. To justify such a move, they’re relying on the phony argument that letting the Bush tax cuts for ...
- Cornyn Endorses Anti-Gay Christine O’Donnell ...n late July, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) — who has a questionable record on gay rights — announced that he would attend a fundraiser next week for the Log Cabin Republicans — the GOP’s leading gay advocacy organization. âSome things we wonât agree on,â Cornyn, who is also chairman of the National ...
- LGBT Groups Look Towards Implementing A Repeal Of ...With the defense authorization measure now moving in the Senate, two organizations dedicated to the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell are urging to Department of Defense to adopt new regulations to ensure that gays and lesbians can serve openly and equally. Under the amendment in the defense bill, the ...
- What The DREAM Act Has To Do With U.S. Defense And ...Since Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) announced that the defense authorization bill will include the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act — which would put eligible undocumented youth who were brought to the U.S. as children on a path to citizenship — Republicans have accused the Ma ...
thwap's schoolyard
- I Agree With Andrew Sullivan! (Hat-tip to Brian!)So there's this pro-war putz named Brian Platt who I used to keep on my blog-roll as a source of decent-minded pro-war information until he turned out to be a dishonest, cowardly hack/crybaby. For a lark, I went to check out his response to the Wikileaks story and his first entry was some sputt ...
- What Dawg Said ...About criticisms of the Sun newspaper chain's readership . Oh yeah, and what Montreal Simon said too. It's a continuation of a theme .
- Standing Up to the Financializers (Important Artic ...Once again, CounterPunch offers excellent analysis. (I've paid for their newsletter on occasion, but I can't right now.) Mark Weisbrot: " Hungary Defies IMF and European Authorities " This is the great fear among the defenders of European “pro-cyclical” policies – that is, policies that weaken the ...
- Hard to Get Excited by the Census ControversySo yeah, anti-harper (AKA "normal, decent people") have been typing a lot about stephen harper's bone-headed attack on the Census. But I'm having a hard time getting excited about this story. Not because I agree with harper and his bimbo partner-in-stupidity, Maxime Bernier on the subject. Way back ...
- So That's What "Rope-a-Dope" Meant
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Sentencing delayed again for former head of OSCFormer Special Counsel Scott Bloch pled guilty earlier this year to one count of criminal contempt of Congress. He was due to be sentenced on Wednesday, but it was delayed so that the magistrate judge can decide whether there is a minimum one-month mandatory jail term. The statute (2 U.S.C. Section ...
- Seattle Teacher Released After Revealing School's ...A recent story published by Seattle’s KOMO News presented yet another case of an individual’s seemingly wrongful termination, after blowing the whistle on his superiors. Sean Taeschner, a former seventh grade teacher at the St. Paul School in Seattle, WA, claims he was fired after revealing that the ...
- State Department gives no mention of whistleblower ...Last April, I submitted a report to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the U.S. State Department about how U.S. law fails to give whistleblowers customary remedies for their retaliation claims. My report listed the international treaties that required the United States to prot ...
- New York court orders reinstatement of whistleblow ...A New York State appellate court has ordered the�New York City Department of Transportation to reinstate whistleblower John Tipaldo. When Tipaldo reported that his superiors violated bidding rules, we was demoted from his position as Acting Assistant Commissioner for Planning. That was in 1996. In 2 ...
- Harper's reports on yet another whistleblower pros ...Harper's Magazine is publishing a report by Scott Horton on yet another prosecution for releasing information. Called " Obama's War on Whistleblowers ," the article focuses on the prosecution of Steven Kim, a scholar of North Korea’s nuclear program. Since Kim did consulting work for the State Depar ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- Canadian Recording Industry Claims That Canadian C ...Michael Geist points us to an article about the state of Canada's proposed copyright reform bill, C-32 , which has significant problems in that it basically tries to export failed DMCA provisions to Canada, driven largely by US diplomatic pressure . However, with C-32, it seems that no one's partic ...
- New Book Highlights How Technology Isn't Killing S ...In the past, when discussing more modern technopanics around the internet itself, email, file sharing and other modern day technologies, we've often pointed to similar arguments about how chess , comic books, rock 'n roll, the waltz and pinball have all been designated as cultural evils in the past. ...
- Juror Using iPhone To Look Up Definition Of 'Prude ...We've had a number of stories recently about juries getting in trouble for using forbidden technology while on the jury -- and some of our most heated discussions have been over whether or not it makes sense to block these tools from jurors. Of course, for now, the tools are very much blocked, but ...
- Senators Make One Last Push For Bad Patent Reform ...It looks like the same fate may be facing the latest attempt at patent reform that has befallen each and every previous attempt this decade: it will die out without ever being voted on. We had noted that this bill appeared to be stalled out earlier this year, and now the Senators behind it have bee ...
- Is Publishing A Magazine & Website About Ohio Stat ...Earlier this year, we highlighted the ridiculousness and troubling implications of various court rulings that held that only sports teams or universities themselves could legally offer sports paraphernalia such as t-shirts, completely wiping out the tradition of fan-created t-shirts. The reasoning ...
- The Possible Role of Vaccines in Causing Retrogres ...Today, in stark contrast, approximately one third of our youngsters are afflicted with the 4-A disabilities (Autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies). Could today’s infant and childhood vaccine programs with their steadily increasing numbers of vaccines be a contributory cause of this ominous health trend?
- Protecting Our Children and The Vaccine ProgramArmies of parents are reporting that they took a normally developing child to the pediatrician for routine shots and their child’s health or behavior changed--never to be the same as before that visit. Thousands upon thousands of parents report similar “coincidental” symptoms related in time to vac ...
- Vaccine Meeting at FDABoth sides of the vaccine injury issue need to interact intelligently because, as one member at that meeting said privately, “We’re both on the same page only at different paragraphs.”
- Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine AdministrationA “new” type of vaccine injury that is surfacing called Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration, or SIRVA. The damage centers on the shoulder and/or upper arm where a vaccine was administered. Sometimes there is an inability to use the affected arm.
- Epidemic of vaccine suspensions worldwide, as adve ...This year alone, has seen India suspend the Measles vaccine, the Cervical cancer vaccine and the HIB vaccine, Australia, the Flu vaccine, Sweden, the Swine Flu vaccine along with Finland and the USA, Switzerland and Jordan, the Rotavirus vaccine. What is going on? Last year the world faced a 'so ca ...
- Things You Might Have MissedLately, I’ve been coming across a lot of articles on the effects of inequality. This one is quite good. I’m particularly interested in how he relates inequality, status seeking, consumerism, and crime. I’ve read a bit of the crime research he is referring to. Good stuff. And it relates to ...
- Growing Up Jewish – High Holiday EditionHappy New Year!!!!! L’Shanah Tovah !!!!!* Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are the big deal Jewish holidays. If you work for a law firm, you might get those days off. If not, you’ll be working, but the token Jew in your office might not. (Note: If they are anything like me, they are not going to [. ...
- Things You Might Have MissedHope you all had a lovely long weekend. The weather here in DC is gorgeous. Hopefully, it will stay nice for the radical book fair in Baltimore this weekend. I expect to read about how coops fair better in economic crisis from Dominion. But I don’t expect to read a plug for coops from The Wall ...
- Is Universal Possible?A couple weeks ago, I went to a forum at Cato called Are Liberty and Equality Compatible?. (Cato, meh. Free lunch, score!) The short story is that James P. Sterba was trying to find a way to squeeze a liberal philosophy into a libertarian mold. What he came up with was this: 1. Libertarians bel ...
- Things You Might Have MissedHello all. Sorry that I disappeared again last week. I had every intention of posting while on vacation, but once we busted out that bottle of vodka on the train up there, it was pretty much over. Who was I kidding? If you haven’t seen it already, the results of the anarchist survey are in. ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- An Extraordinary International Dialogue with Lyndo ...Interview with Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, September 10, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 35
- FDR's Emergency Measures: The First Hundred DaysReprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, September 10, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 35
- A Leaf from FDR's Book: And It Will Be GoodBy Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, September 10, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 35
- The Economic Past Is Now Behind Us! Money or Credi ...By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, September 10, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 35
- Rachel Brown To Take On Barney Frank in DebateEIR News Service press release.
Armies of Liberation
- The blockade of South Yemen follows tactics of Saa ...As Yemen’s blockade on southern Yemen enters its third week, stocks of food, medicine and oil have dwindled to dangerous levels. Prices have skyrocketed and already malnourished children bear the brunt of the military action. The blockade began 17 days ago when the Western Armored Division establish ...
- بقلم الكاتبة الامريكية جين نوفاك : ثلاثة أسابيع من ...مع دخول الحصار اليمني على اليمن الجنوبي أسبوعه الثالث ، إنخفضت المخزونات من المواد الغذائية والدواء و المشتقات النفطية الى مستويات تنذر بالخطر. و ارتفعت الأسعار و أصبح الأطفال يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية تحت وطأة العمليات العسكرية. وبدأ الحصار قبل 17 يوما عندما قامت وحدات المنطقة الغربية المدرعة بإ ...
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- Collapsible Water Bottle Invention Helps Save the ...Image from Aquatina Let's face it; sometimes a person needs a bottle of water. In your handbag, briefcase, while hiking, or for a thirsty child. Here's one answer. Called Aquatina , its inventor claims that it is the world's first collapsible pocket water bottle. Challenged by his mot ...
- Artists Draw Parallels Between the Behaviour of Pi ...Photo credit: Lisa Klappe Throughout history, they have served in the military, sent love letters or have been dished out as dinner. Nowadays, few citizens appreciate them and most call them "rats with wings" while their real name is "Colomba Livia". Some cities, like Hollywood, put them on bir ...
- Weekday Vegetarian: A Little Advance Planning to M ...Photo: Kelly Rossiter I arrived home from my cottage last week to find a rather large number of eggplant ready for harvest.I was quite happy with the harvest we had throughout August, and I thought we were more or less done with them. I was a bit surprised to find 5 or 6 ready to eat with anoth ...
- Waste Fruit Feeds the Hungry in CanadaImage credit: A News Yesterday I posted about the Fresh 1% sustainable food grant . In the process, I came across an awesome project called LifeCycle which is working in Victoria, Canada, to glean unwanted fruit and redistribute it to those in need. The trouble is, this year has not been a grea ...
- Laser and Satellite Technology Maps How Much Carbo ...Photo via alextorrenegra While we know that deforestation means a loss of carbon storage , it's difficult to quantify just how much carbon can still be stored in what is left of the Amazon rainforest. Standing in the way is both practicality issues (each tree trunk must be measured to estimate ...
- Novel sensing mechanism discovered in dendritic ce ...Dendritic cells are the grand sentinels of the immune system, standing guard 24/7 to detect foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, and bring news of the invasion to other immune cells to marshal an attack. These sentinels, however, nearly always fail to respond adequately to HIV, the virus c ...
- New Research Finds Evidence of Charitable Behavior ...Researchers from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard and from Boston University have discovered that charitable behavior exists in one of the most microscopic forms of life—bacteria. Their findings appear in the current issue of Nature. In studying the development of ...
- Exercise, calorie restrictions can rejuvenate olde ...Harvard researchers have uncovered a mechanism in mice through which caloric restriction and exercise delay some of the debilitating effects of aging by rejuvenating the connections between nerves and the muscles that they control. The research, published online by the journal Proceedings of the Nat ...
- Researchers discover that gut bacteria affect mult ...Biologists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have demonstrated a connection between multiple sclerosis (MS)—an autoimmune disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord—and gut bacteria. The work—led by Sarkis K. Mazmanian, an assistant professor of biology at Caltech, and postdoc ...
- HIV prevention science scores a victory — th ...Today at the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna, Austria, members of the International Rectal Microbicide Advocates (IRMA) and thousands of other HIV advocates and scientists cheered a long-awaited, much anticipated success in the quest for new HIV prevention technologies. Researchers ann ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- Eco-terrorism hits Maryland: 'Inconvenient Terrori ...Inconvenient terrorist James Lee who was shot and killed by a SWAT team in the Discovery Channel Building in Silver Spring, Maryland, is the latest of a long line of eco-terrorists
- How to save the Chesapeake Bay: Oysters vs. Regula ...Oysters kept the Bay clean in the past, but the EPA is ignoring this proven solution in favor of big government regulations.
- New ethanol policy poses heavy cost for consumersE15 ethanol mandates would bring huge benefits for ethanol producers at the expense of the rest of us.
- New coal mine approved in UtahIn a victory for the nation̢۪s beleaguered resources industry, Utah officials have approved a permit for a coal mine in their state.
- EPA set to crack down on farm dustAgency believes dust is a pollutant and wants to impose stringent limitations on the amount of dust farmers are allowed to kick up while plying their trade.
Ria Novosti Online News
- Russia, Canada agree to resolve Arctic dispute bas ...
- Indonesia says bodies of 3 Russian engineers to be ...
- Can the new coalition survive till the next electi ...
- Moscow yet to get official invitation to NATO summ ...Russia has not so far received an official invitation to attend a NATO summit in Lisbon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday.
- Bengal tiger cubs live in the animal shelterMore than 800 sick and old animals, saved from circuses and animal traffickers, live in the Villa Lorena animal shelter in Colombia. One of the inhabitants, the Bengal tigress, gave birth to three cubs not long ago.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Cuba may link up to Glonass systemMoscow and Havana plan to connect Cuba to the Glonass navigation satellite system, the Russian ambassador to Cuba said on Wednesday.
- Russia's Mission Control set to readjust ISS orbitThe orbit of the International Space Station (ISS) will be raised on Wednesday by about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles).
- Russia plans to restore its weather satellite netw ...Russia will fully rebuild its network of weather forecasting and monitoring satellites by 2030 under a state program for the development of meteorology.
- Sirius XM-5 satellite delivered to Baikonur for Oc ...A giant An-124 Ruslan cargo plane has landed at the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan with a telecommunications satellite that will be launched for Sirius XM radio in mid-October.
- Russian Progress craft docks with International Sp ...The Progress M-07M cargo spacecraft docked as planned with the International Space Station, two days after it was launched from Kazakhstan.
Pruning Shears
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. Also: Contrast that report from a government-friendly American outlet with this :The United States claims its drone attacks target militant ...
- The Persistence of SelfishnessNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post While reading ECONned by Yves Smith I was struck by the following from her coverage of neoclassical economics (p. 99): Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen uses an anecdote to illustrate the problem of assuming actors act solely out of sel ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post The ACLU provided the latest reason for card carrying members (like me) to be grateful they’re around. Thanks for nothing, President Corleone. I’ve linked to this Paul Krugman piece before (here is his latest version of it), but I t ...
- The Ongoing Relevance of the White House Email Fia ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post On Monday Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released a detailed report ( pdf ) on the Bush administration’s loss of millions of emails. They inherited a system called ARMS (Automatic Records Managements Sys ...
- PAYPAL IS THE WORST COMPANY IN THE WORLDPer your request , John.� Hope it helps.
Organic Consumers.org
- Researchers: Put Public Health First When Regulati ...St. Paul, Minn. - Two prominent researchers studying the impact of chemicals on fish and other animals hope enough people will become educated about the issue to push for tighter environmental regulations. Click here to read this article
- How Peru's Wells are Being Sucked Dry by British L ...Asparagus grown in Peru and sold in the UK is commonly held up as a symbol of unacceptable food miles, but a report has raised an even more urgent problem: its water footprint. Click here to read this article
- Whole Foods 'Does the Right Thing' in its New Poli ...Austin, Texas-based Whole Foods Markets announced today that it is launching a sustainability-rating program for wild-caught seafood sold in all of its 298 stores, becoming the first national retailer to provide that information to customers, courtesy of their partnership with Blue Ocean Institute a ...
- Tom Philpott Uncovers the Massive Egg Industry Con ...DeCoster evidently views paying fines for his companies' misdeeds the way most folks see keeping up with insurance premiums or taxes: as a necessary evil, one of life's inconveniences. In other words, his companies just keep on breaking laws, and DeCoster pays up when he has to. Americans might tak ...
- Wal-Mart Targeted by Labor Union, Farmers on Antit ...Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is the target of an unlikely alliance between a labor union and farmers and ranchers who say the world's largest retailer is using its power to hold down prices in the agriculture industry. Click here to read this article
- Rosas de colores parte III (10 fotografías gratis)Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor) 1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes y vea más fotografías 2.- Conozca nuestro fotoblog oficial (www.1m4g ...
- Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes XINota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor) 1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes y vea más fotografías 2.- Conozca nuestro fotoblog oficial (www.1m4g ...
- Variedad de imágenes y fotos 1 (revoltijo mix)Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor) 1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes y vea más fotografías 2.- Conozca nuestro fotoblog oficial (www.1m4g ...
- Marcos, frames y portaretratos .png para tus fotos ...Quizás algunos de ustedes recuerden que hace no mucho, estábamos compartiendo aquí en el Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas, diversos paquetes con marcos, frames o porta retratos para colocar sus fotos. Porque ustedes lo han pedido, aquí tenemos una vez más esta colección de recursos que seguramente harán ...
- Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes XNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor) 1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes y vea más fotografías 2.- Conozca nuestro fotoblog oficial (www.1m4g3 ...
Center for a Livable Future
- NIAID responds to CLF on antibiotic resistance tes ...The principal deputy director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Hugh Auchincloss, notes “success against antimicrobial resistance will require a multifaceted approach that includes increased surveillance, more judicious use of antimicrobial drugs, and increase ...
- NPR Asks CLF Scholar: Is Organically Produced Food ...Center for a Livable Future Visiting Scholar, Kate Clancy, joined two other prominent scientists for a panel discussion Friday on National Public Radio’s Science Friday program. The conversation centered on recent research showing organically grown strawberries have more vitamin C and antioxidants t ...
- Tour dem veggies: An East Baltimore bicycle garden ...Fueled by cherry tomatoes and lemonade, three-dozen bikers (this blogger included) hit the pavement last Saturday afternoon for a seven-mile tour of seven great community gardens in East Baltimore. We started the ride at the 22-year old Duncan Street Miracle Garden, a one-acre fruit and vegetable ha ...
- Richmond’s Urban Agriculture Institutes: A First ...I wanted to post an impact study that I performed this year of the Urban Agriculture Institutes that I used to run in Richmond, Calif. This paper represents the first step in a program evaluation of Urban Tilth’s Urban Agriculture Institutes. While this study had an intervention/control cross se ...
- Response to “Math Lessons for Locavores” op-edGrist.org recently invited bloggers through it’s Grist Talk: Food Fight series to respond to an August 20th op-ed piece, “Math Lessons for Locavores,” by Stephen Budiansky in the New York Times. Â What follows is my response: “I agree with Mr. Budiansky that freight is by some measures cheap, and ...
- Killing them by giving them what they wantIf the Dems don’t hold Congress now, the party clearly needs new leadership and I don’t mean more centrists. The Teabaggers won last night and the Republicans are saddled with Christine “masturbation is bad” O’Donnell, Ovide Lamontagne (NOT Palin endorsed!?) and Carl “bastards r us” Paladino. Add th ...
- Disjointed, disgruntled and not nearly enough dism ...Bob Herbert: Americans are not being honest with themselves about the structural changes in the economy that have bestowed fabulous wealth on a tiny sliver at the top, while undermining the living standards of the middle class and absolutely crushing the poor. Neither the Democrats nor the Republica ...
- & Clusterfuck and Taibbi shall lead usAs you might have guested from the title of this post, it’s time to consult some bloggers. What’s wrong with us: Today, no one present in the political arena appears to have a clue and, lacking clues, any ability to articulate the terms of what we face. Both major parties are hostage to a peculiar [ ...
- Safely post-9/11 (for another year)Frank Rich on Obama fighting back today. For a guy facing a tidal wave, the president was so ebullient, you had to wonder if he knew something we didn’t. Maybe he simply read the unabridged poll numbers rather than the CliffsNotes summaries of cable news. Those numbers are hardly as monochromatic as ...
- Jerking ourselves off dayJingo hells, jingo hells . . . happy Rudy Giu911ani Day! This screenshot from this morning’s Strib. How, pray tell, do you add “politics” to the most politicized holiday this side of Hitler’s birthday? The NYTimes says, “The rebirth of ground zero honors the victims.” Ground Zero has been reborn? Wh ...
Public News Service
- AZ Trust Lands Proposition Would Benefit Conservat ...AZ Trust Lands Proposition Would Benefit Conservation, Military Phoenix, AZ – One ballot proposition this November asks voters to authorize land exchanges between the Arizona Land Department and the federal government. The exchanges could be for protecting military bases or for land conservation. Co ...
- Disability Activists: Dump the PityDisability Activists: Dump the Pity Phoenix, AZ - The annual Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon has again raised millions of dollars for services and research into muscular dystrophy, ALS and related diseases. But some former "Jerry's Kids" claim that the telethon promotes stereotypes of people with disabilit ...
- AZ Union Leader: Little to Celebrate This Labor Da ...AZ Union Leader: Little to Celebrate This Labor Day Phoenix, AZ – The head of Arizona’s largest labor organization says unemployment has yet to bottom out in the state, and that the political climate is making things worse. AFL-CIO Executive Director Rebekah Friend says the federal stimulus program ...
- Some Back-to-School Products & "Bounce Houses" Spe ...Some Back-to-School Products & "Bounce Houses" Spell Danger for AZ Kids Phoenix, AZ – Backpacks, lunchboxes, “bounce houses” ... many common products that are bought for kids to go back to school or play in contain chemicals deemed to be unhealthy, even in small amounts. That's according to Michael ...
- Arizona Narrowly Misses Second Try at “Race ...Arizona Narrowly Misses Second Try at “Race to the Top” Funding Phoenix, AZ – Arizona’s second attempt at getting school reform money in the federal “Race to the Top” grant competition has come up short. Nine states and Washington D.C. were announced as winners Tuesday. Comments from Panfilo (PON-fe ...
My Care2 Picks
- Rory Kennedy's "The Fence". Would you pay $5,000 to come to America to pick crops in subhuman conditions at less than minimum wage? How horrible must ones life be for them to want to pay that price for such work? Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Never Forget: Bad Wars Aren't Possible Unless Good ...We invaded Iraq because most Americans -- including good liberals like Al Franken, Nicholas Kristof & Bill Keller of the New York Times, David Remnick of the New Yorker, the editors of the Atlantic and the New Republic, Harvey Weinstein...->GREAT READ! Submitted by Kit B. to US Politics & Gov't �|� ...
- Brazilian Indians held prisoner by gunmenA large group of Guarani Indians in Brazil is being held prisoner by gunmen hired by ranchers. The gunmen have cut off the Indians access to food, water and health care since they surrounded their community one month ago. Submitted by Hearth Solitude to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Put Karl Rove In JailA new campaign and website by American Crossroads Watch is offering $100,000 to anyone with information leading to Rove's arrest and conviction for "money laundering, election rigging or felony campaign finance violations." Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a ...
- There's a lot of money in institutionalized misogy ...Women of childbearing age have frequently been denied healthcare coverage if they are not sterilized and have delivered a child by c-section in the past. Submitted by John Farnham to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
- Independence On AscendanceThey're Trying To Disentangle In The Polynesian Triangle. A Small Island Nation Causing A Sensation is Winning Everyone's Admiration. So What Is It They're Spreading & Where's It All Heading?... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Skateboarder Stops Extremist From Burning The Qur' ...[[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Hipocresía de Occidente, la expulsión de minorías: ...La Jornada en Internet:México, DF. El líder cubano Fidel Castro criticó en una de sus “Reflexiones” titulada “La infinita hipocresía de Occidente” la política francesa contra las deportaciones de... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- American Civil Liberties Union : Court Ignores Ame ...Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union � Court Ignores America's Grim History of Racial Discrimination: "It would seem, at least according to a recent federal court... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Don't Let the Military's Deadly "Pain Ray" Machine ...Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union � Don't Let the Military's Deadly "Pain Ray" Machine Invade the L.A. County Jail: "Los Angeles County Jail has just installed an... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- The US Congress: “misbranded and adulterated”Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved ________________________________________ S.3767 (or is it S.3669? Has the number changed yet again?) In reading this “companion bill” to S.510, one has to wonder: Isn’t this Rosa Delauro’s HR 8 ...
- Who Put Bill Gates In Charge of the World?Most Americans have been trained to love and worship philanthropic psychopaths that openly talk about killing us and get away with such chatter. They form non-profit organizations to protect their wealth and to use against the everyday people of the world.
- Biotechnology – A Basic OverviewA comprehensive overview of genetic engineering as applied to our food supply. Includes techniques, hazards, consequences, and tips for industry whistleblowers.
- Bob Abbey’s BLM “Horse Harvesting” Machine Continu ...Masterfully hiding true reasons and motives, the PR writers make the BLM look like honest to goodness hero’s, utilizing the concoctions of starvation, dehydration and range deterioration.
- Republic Defiance Radio Hits the Airwaves!Tonight we will be discussing several news topics and providing special commentary on the battle between liberty and tyranny. Our special guests tonight will be Marti Oakley and Barbara Peterson of the Truth Squad Radio Show.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Civilians killed in joint U.S.-Iraqi raidShareThis Civilians killed in joint U.S.-Iraqi raid 16 Sep 2010 At least six Iraqis were killed during a joint Iraqi-American counter terrorism operation on the outskirts of Fallujah on Wednesday, in the deadliest incident involving U.S. troops since the United States declared an end to its combat o ...
- Air defence exercises to be held in WashingtonShareThis Air defence exercises to be held in Washington 13 Sep 2010 The US military will hold air defence exercises over the nation's capital beginning Monday to test its rapid response capability in case of an intrusion of an unauthorized aircraft into the area, a military command announced. The e ...
- Aging gas pipe at risk of explosion nationwideShareThis Aging gas pipe at risk of explosion nationwide 14 Sep 2010 The tragic explosion of a gas pipeline in a San Francisco suburb has shed light on a problem usually kept underground: Communities have expanded over pipes built decades earlier when no one lived there. Utilities have been under pr ...
- Republican Leaders Pledge Support for O'Donnell Af ...ShareThis Republican Leaders Pledge Support for O'Donnell After Infighting 15 Sep 2010 Influential Republicans pledged Wednesday to support Christine O'Donnell's general election campaign after party leaders initially turned their backs on the Tea Party candidate following her upset win in the Delaw ...
- Health Insurers Seeking Rate Hikes of More Than 20 ...ShareThis Health Insurers Seeking Rate Hikes of More Than 20 Percent In Connecticut 15 Sep 2010 Health insurers are asking for immediate rate hikes of more than 20 percent in Connecticut for some plans, citing rising medical costs and federal health reform laws as [false] reasons. It remains to be s ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- New Arthur Allan Thomas book just over a week awayLaunching 27 September...the cat will well and truly be set amongst the pigeons...
- How objective was the Climategate inquiry?I've been too busy writing and editing the new Arthur Allan Thomas book to blog much in recent weeks, but couldn't resist this revelation about the old boys network's whitewash of Climategate. Here's how it happened...originally from Climate Audit, via...
- Biggest aftershock rocks Christchurch again
- Open thread on Christchurch earthquakeYour comments and experiences are welcome
- IPCC gets a credibility hammeringThis alert through from Benny Peiser's newsletter The Daily Telegraph. 31 August 2010 By Stephen Adams and Robert Winnett An independent investigation into the UN's climate change body has warned it to stop lobbying and to restrict its role to...
- Israeli intel firm behind Pennsylvania’s  ...The Institute of Terrorism Research and Response website. Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell has just ordered his state's Homeland Security director to cancel a $125,000 contract with an outfit called the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR). The Associated Press reports:�HARRISBURG ...
- Duss 1, Oren 0Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren has an op-ed in today's Los Angeles Times responding to the Time magazine article last week on whether Israelis care about peace with the Palestinians or not. He uses the occasion to pretty much just repeat every Israeli cliche on the peace process we've heard for the ...
- Due to Gaza closure, 40,000 students refused from ...From Gisha: UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) can't meet enrollment demand because of ban on construction materialsUNRWA needs to build 100 schools, none built since 2007 closure UNRWA schools have specialized curriculum on human rights and cr ...
- Israel issues 16 demolition notices for Palestinia ...And other news from Today in Palestine:Land and Property Theft and Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing Report: New East Jerusalem housing plans TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma'an) -- Israeli city planners will in the coming weeks discuss a scheme to build over a thousand housing units beyond the Green Line in Jerusa ...
- Help Mondoweiss continue to grow – give a tax dedu ...Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to Mondoweiss through the Nation Institute. Mondoweiss is growing - we've had over 700,000 unique visitors and 1.2 million page views in the past three months alone. This traffic is being driven by our coverage of the stories that matter to you: the Ede ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: New Generation Cancer Vaccine Will Cause Infe ...In the race to the top of the Vaccine manufacturing foodchain product side effects such as infertility are being overlooked in favor of scientific advancement. One competitor, U.S. firm Celldex Theraputics are vying for major positioning in the ranks with a radical new generation cancer vaccine now ...
- VRM: United States 2010-11 Flu Vaccine Affluria &# ...The United States flu vaccine for 2010-2011/AFLURIA® will be manufactured by CSL Laboratories in partnership with Merck Pharmaceuticals. Ingredients: 24.5 mcg of thimerosal mercury (safe level for a 2450 pound adult), Neomycin & Polymyxin (antibiotics associated with Kidney Failure, hazardous to ...
- VRM: Multi-Virus Vaccine Quinvaxem Proving DeadlyQuinvaxem, a powerful 5 in 1 vaccine currently being distributed in India, containing live Diphtheria, Tetanus, Hib oligosaccharide (Haemophilus influenzae) & Hepatitis B virus plus an inactivated B. pertussis virus (heat treated or attenuated), has already caused the deaths of at least 5 children i ...
- VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation – Rulers of ...“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly, ‘Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy; The way into my parlour is up a winding stair, And I’ve a many curious things to shew when you are there.” Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain, For who goes [...]
- VRM: Britain’s National Health Service ̵ ...Britain’s National Health Service is rapidly destroying the UK Health Care system; dismantling local programs, stripping hospitals of essential service staff, downsizing hospitals altogether, refusing to upgrade old equipment – all under the guise of tightening the belt, preserving what’s left of di ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. � If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner fo ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- One Cell Phone at a Time: Countering Corruption in ...Dan Rice and Guy Filippelli American commanders are preparing for a major offensive in Afghanistan to attack one of the most formidable enemies we face in country: corruption.��� Despite sincere efforts to promote governance and accountability initiatives, Afghanistan has slipped from 112th to158th ...
- Even While the World Watched: Part IMichael Yon 20 June 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand Recent violence focused world attention on the Kingdom of Thailand. As the attention flowed in, foreigners poured out, even though fighting was tightly localized and not focused on travelers. Tourists literally had to search for trouble to find it. ...
- PerspectivePublished: 21 July 2010 Apologies that this article is available only in Thai language. Please click here to view the entire article. {loadposition user8}
- Even as the World Watched IV: Peaceful, or Pistol?12 July 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand During the Thailand fighting in May, the rain of media mixed with the dust of politics, creating mud that left honest people feeling bogged down. People desiring clarity slogged knee deep, then waist deep, and it kept coming. My reports avoided politics largely ...
- Even as the World Watched III: Getting Hit to Get ...Published: 07 July 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand During the Bangkok fighting in May, radio interviewers back America kept asking about the overuse of force by the Thai Army. I answered that’s not happening, and there seem to be hundreds of journalists crawling over the streets, and I see them with ...
The Killing Train
- Bruce Levine on Surviving America's Depression Epi ...I'm reading Bruce Levine's "Surviving America's Depression Epidemic". The story of how I got the book is interesting. I was reading some psychology books a while back (Alfie Kohn, Alice Miller) and a reader of this blog suggested that no psychology reading list would be complete without Levine's "Co ...
- The Rwandan ElectionPaul Kagame is headed for a landslide victory at the Rwandan polls. Exit polls indicate 93% of the electorate voted for him. If some Western media commentators could vote in Rwandan elections, the number would likely be even higher. Take Stephen Kinzer, who wrote a biography of Kagame subtitled “Rwa ...
- The Afghan War Diary Data - an initial lookAn initial look at the first 76,000 records in the "Afghan War Diary" leaked by Wikileaks yields some important information, much of which has been known or suspected by analysts for years. Given the sheer size of the database, there is a great deal more to be learned, but here are some initial find ...
- The Drug War in Afghanistan - the Dyncorp connecti ...Just reading some of the 800+ hits on the drug war in Afghanistan, and these are real - the US is fighting a drug war in Afghanistan. There are DEA agents running around arresting people, there are troops eradicating poppy in farmers fields, and they are finding and burning piles of opium, heroin, h ...
- Reading the incidents in Pakistan - some notes[Analysis of the Wikileaks Afghan War Diary]. I pulled out the 170-or-so incidents that mention Pakistan and are actually in Pakistan. A lot of them involve coordination with the Pakistani military, getting it, failing to get it, etc. An observation post comes under indirect fire, they track the poi ...
- Collapsible Water Bottle Invention Helps Save the ...Image from Aquatina Let's face it; sometimes a person needs a bottle of water. In your handbag, briefcase, while hiking, or for a thirsty child. Here's one answer. Called Aquatina , its inventor claims that it is the world's first collapsible pocket water bottle. Challenged by his mot ...
- Artists Draw Parallels Between the Behaviour of Pi ...Photo credit: Lisa Klappe Throughout history, they have served in the military, sent love letters or have been dished out as dinner. Nowadays, few citizens appreciate them and most call them "rats with wings" while their real name is "Colomba Livia". Some cities, like Hollywood, put them on bir ...
- Weekday Vegetarian: A Little Advance Planning to M ...Photo: Kelly Rossiter I arrived home from my cottage last week to find a rather large number of eggplant ready for harvest.I was quite happy with the harvest we had throughout August, and I thought we were more or less done with them. I was a bit surprised to find 5 or 6 ready to eat with anoth ...
- Waste Fruit Feeds the Hungry in CanadaImage credit: A News Yesterday I posted about the Fresh 1% sustainable food grant . In the process, I came across an awesome project called LifeCycle which is working in Victoria, Canada, to glean unwanted fruit and redistribute it to those in need. The trouble is, this year has not been a grea ...
- Laser and Satellite Technology Maps How Much Carbo ...Photo via alextorrenegra While we know that deforestation means a loss of carbon storage , it's difficult to quantify just how much carbon can still be stored in what is left of the Amazon rainforest. Standing in the way is both practicality issues (each tree trunk must be measured to estimate ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Police forces bolstered in RangoonAdditonal troops deployed in combat gear in possible attempt to beef up security in Burma's main city prior to 7 Novembr elections
- World reacts to the demise of Suu Kyi’s partyFrance and the UN launch attack on the ruling junta as the National League for Democracy tells the world that the game isn't over yet
- Conflicts of interestConflicts of interest
- 37 parties to run in electionsState media today announces final list of parties to compete in 7 November elections and outlines strict laws governing media campaiging
- Army to vote in separate ballot boxesWar Office orders army units to build new ballot boxes for 7 November elections and vote for PM's party or otherwise be punished
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Bill Bryson calls for 1980s bottle deposit schemeBill Bryson has called on Britain to reintroduce a bottle deposit scheme after new research found that returning used drinks containers to the shop could save money, reduce litter and boost recycling.
- Doubt remains over 'climategate'A 'huge cloud of doubt' remains over the case for man made global warming, according to Lord Lawson of Blaby, following a new study into the 'climategate' scandal.
- Arctic fox joins polar bear on new list of Arctic ...Polar bears are not the only species in danger from global warming, a new report has warned.
- Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary denies man-made clima ...Controversial airline chief denies the existence of man-made climate change, striking a sour note with environmental campaigners.
- Prince Charles takes Royal Train on eco-tour of Br ...The Prince of Wales embarks on a tour of Britain today to promote his sustainable living initiative START.
National Geographic | Environment
- Hope for Stemming Wind Energy’s Toll on BatsWind energy projects pose a threat to migratory bats, but simple steps show promise for protecting them. Energy - Wind - Renewable - Business - Technology
- Why the Gulf Oil Spill Isn't Going AwayAs BP prepares to permanently seal the damaged well, experts warn that remnants of the Gulf oil spill are still plentiful underwater. Oil spill - BP - Environment - Energy - Gulf of Mexico
- Presented By:
- Hurricane Igor Now Strongest Storm—But U.S. Spared ...Hurricane Igor is the 2010 Atlantic season's biggest so far, but a lucky low-pressure system should steer the storm away from the U.S. Tropical cyclone - United States - Low-pressure area - hurricane - Earth Sciences
- San Bruno Fire Pictures: "Hell on Earth" in Califo ...NoneA gas line explosion that unleashed deadly, thousand-foot-high fireballs reduced blocks of San Bruno, California, to "hell on earth" on Thursday, one resident said. California - San Bruno - United States - San Bruno California - Business and Economy
Jurist - Legal Research
- EU court rejects registration of Lego red brick tr ...[JURIST] The European Court of Justice (ECJ) [official website] on Tuesday denied an appeal [judgment text] by the Danish company Lego [corporate website] to restore its EU trademark for its interlocking toy bricks. The court held that the company's red eight-stud brick is not registrable as a commu ...
- Federal judges approve pilot project to televise c ...[JURIST] US federal judges reached an agreement Tuesday on a pilot project allowing certain civil trails to be televised [press release]. Federal appellate judge David Sentelle [official profile] said that, while the details still needed to be worked out, the judges agreed that the faces of jurors a ...
- France court rejects Rwanda extradition request fo ...[JURIST] A French court on Wednesday declined to extradite Dr. Eugene Rwamucyo [personal website, in French] to Rwanda to face charges for his alleged involvement in 1994 Rwandan genocide [BBC backgrounder; JURIST news archive]. The court also granted his release [AFP report]. The ruling is due to s ...
- UN rights expert urges investigation into Darfur a ...[JURIST] UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Sudan Muhamed Chande Othman called Tuesday for a thorough and transparent investigation [press release] into the early September attack in Northern Darfur [JURIST news archive] that left many civilians dead. The Janjaweed [Slate back ...
- Europe court rules Dutch police violated publicati ...[JURIST] Police in the Netherlands violated a Dutch magazine's right to free expression by compelling disclosure of documentary evidence relating to anonymous sources, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled [judgment text] Tuesday. The unanimous ruling centered around a 2002 feature on ille ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Stupid Pundit Tricks: IncumbencyBecause political pundits like to be contrarian on mornings like this, they'll unleash one of their old standbys, like, "Well, you know, Steve Doocy, 98 percent of incumbents are going to get re-elected. So it's really not correct to say that this is an anti-establishment, anti-incumbent cycle." Tha ...
- Party Down!A few weeks ago, I wrote a short piece for the New York Times on why it seems that the Republican Party label is quite toxic. Some excerpts might be apt this morning: "Activists ... consider themselves conservatives first and Republicans second. And over the past few years, they have directed their ...
- An Epic End to the Primaries: What It MeansRepublicans -- would you like some decaf with that Tea? Amid the celebrations and recriminations, here are a few different ways to look at the primaries of September 14, 2010: 1. The Republican base has repeatedly, when given the opportunity, declared its divorce from the party leaders in Washington ...
- What's the Value of an Ivy Degree to a Tea Pa ...In politics, what is the value of any Ivy League education? The answer this year might be: a certain ability to walk a very fine line. Consider that two of the Tea Party's most potent insurgents, Joe Miller in Alaska and Ken Buck in Colorado, possess Ivy League graduate degrees. The progressive ...
- The Last Super-Mega-Uber Tuesday of the CycleWILMINGTON, DE -- In politics, one day you're in, and the other, you're out. After Labor Day, the people who write about politics are midway through the stories they've created about the 2010 cycle. But every new primary night adds an extra twist, because analysts are self-conscious about repeating ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- The Terror Industry and Anti-Jihadism, Who Benefit ...Norman Finkelstein coined the phrase the “Holocaust industry” in his book of the same name, to describe the nexus of Jewish groups, lawyers, politicians, and communal leaders who enrich their power and pocketbook by trumpeting the anti-Semitism threat and causing anxiety and paranoia among world Jew ...
- Are You a Pro-Israel Media Maven? HasbArianna IsIf you are, the Israeli foreign ministry (MFA) has a junket for you: it’a a real metzieh. Â Israel has allocated $25-million for hasbara efforts of which $15-20 million will be dedicated to romancing the stones of the pro-Israel social networking and media world: Arianna Huffington, that means you, ...
- Links for 2010-03-30 [Digg]Overseas Media Begins Reporting Kam Case An Israeli journalist disappears into the maw of the intelligence services. A gag order prevents newspapers reporting the story. Only overseas media can do so, but they hesitate since so little is known. That's why blogs exist and that's the role that ...
- Israel Liberates ‘@Israel’ from Twitter Porn KingThe Israeli government has “liberated” the Twitter account “@Israel” from the clutches of a Spanish porn entrepreneur, who found he couldn’t make any money off it due to the onslaught of anti-Israel attacks that greeted his every erotic tweet: Israel has acquired the user name @israel on Twitter, t ...
- Links for 2010-05-04 [Digg]Dershowitz Incites Hate Against Michael Lerner It is absolutely no accident that Alan Dershowitz singled Rabbi Michael Lerner out for special opprobrium in his most recent Jerusalem Post and Huffington Post column...
Ode Magazine
- All sugars are not created (or metabolized) equalBy: VictoriaKlein Corn is cancerous! OK, not quite - the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) that is made from corn is a cancer-lover, according a new study. Published in the Cancer Research journal, Dr. Anthony Heaney at UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center found a link betwe ...
- A Prime Directive for humanityBy: Turil Science fiction fans know that in the Star Trek universe, the Federation has evolved a guideline that is raised far above all other guidelines. It's a guideline that is used to keep allow all the various species in the universe to develop at a healthy, ec ...
- Less money means more compassionBy: VictoriaKlein Money is a popular subject around here. I’ve talked about the wide world of renting , shopping for quality over quantity , and today, inspired by a recent study, let’s talk about Ebenezer Scrooge. Do you remember Ebenezer Scrooge, from the c ...
- Silk saves: the Kohtrad Silk ProjectBy: Kohtrad The Kohtrad Silk Project , a social enterprise that helps silk producers sell their goods online , has begun the first phase of building a community internet hub in the rural Thai village where many of the silk products are made. The hub is being funded ...
- Putting lives in perspective with people and Polar ...By: VictoriaKlein How often do you think about your own mortality ? For most of us, probably not very often because, you know, it can be depressing. On the flip side, contemplating the reality of our short human existence can help us refocus our lives on what reall ...
OpEd News
- Washington Rules - America's Path to Permanent WarAndrew Bacevich once again writes a clear authoritative account of the United States military and its influence on global affairs - and thus on the homeland.
- U.S. Constitution Grants People Ultimate Power For ...Our founders did not leave us hopeless, helpless or defenseless, instead they carved out a road to rebellion in our Constitution to carry out our ideals of a FREE NATION.
- The Power and Influence of the Military Establishm ...We have been led to believe that ours is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. If you still believe that to be true then ask yourself this question: Who has more power and influence over the Congress and President Obama, the people of America or the military establishment? T ...
- Reporting live from La-la Land . . .Could Washington D.C. steal the right to be called La-la Land from L. A.?
- The Power of Coming Out With GLEENational Coming Out Day is October 11, 2010 but when asked, "Tell your story", I find it difficult because there are so many times my husband & myself have had to come out. This year, in honor of the ground-breaking TV series GLEE,myself & my husband decided to tell a story of self-empowerment with ...
- Incidents where hydraulic fracturing is a suspecte ...Updated: September 15, 2010 NRDC supports federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing under the Safe Drinking Water Act. We believe this is a sensible approach that would ensure a minimum federal floor of drinking water protection in the more than 30 states where oil and gas production ...
- The Chicago River health study: time to clean up ...The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District ’s study of the human health impacts of Chicago River recreation, more than three years in the making, is finally out. According to the District, the verdict is in: come on in, the water’s fine. Or at least, no less fine than Lake Michiga ...
- Boiler Owners Use Old Recipe to Cook Up New Number ...Today, the Council of Industrial Boiler Owners (CIBO) released a ‘ study ’ (subscript required) claiming that forthcoming EPA rules to cut toxic and other pollution from thousands of industrial sources would (drum roll, please) . . . cause economic ruin and devastation. Specifically, ...
- 40 Years of Clean Air ProgressI attended the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Clean Air Act at EPA yesterday. It was a breath of fresh air (sorry) to hear so many speakers from industry as well as health groups and from across political divides to give concrete examples of how much good this landmark l ...
- No More Delay Tactics: Time for GE to Fully Commit ...We’ve all known people with a “fear of commitment,” but lately it seems that the syndrome can also strike big corporations like General Electric, which for decades dumped toxic chemicals (polychlorinated biphenyls, aka PCBs) into the Hudson River. If not removed, those PCBs will conti ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Bandidos YanquisI have to say that I am shocked, shocked by the general level of evil and ill will demonstrated by Yankee partisans: A curious phenomenon has emerged at the intersection of fashion, sports and crime: dozens of men and women who have robbed, beaten, stabbed and shot at their fellow New Yorkers have d ...
- Annals of Self-PromotionFor those in or in some proximity to New York’s capital region, tomorrow evening I will be delivering a free lecture for Constitution Day that may well be worth at least that much. Related posts:Annals of Desperate Hackery Annals of Sports Self-Pity Presidents Say the Darnedest Things Relate ...
- Do Women Threaten National Security?A good question for Christine O’Donnell. Related posts:National Security and Democratic Electoral Chances More Thoughts on Whistle-Blowing and National Security Checks, Balances and National Security Related posts: National Security and Democratic Electoral Chances More Thoughts on Whistle-B ...
- Least. Scary. Parade. Of. Horribles. Ever.Scalia’s attempt to use the nullification of masturbation bans as a scare tactic is definitely one of my favorite passages in the U.S. Reports. Related posts:Only 10? Scary Gossip I Will Disappear to Join the Link Parade Related posts: Only 10? Scary Gossip I Will Disappear to Join the Link P ...
- Should Democrats Actually Be Happy About the GOP P ...Yglesias says no: Looks like Christine OâDonnell will be the Republican nominee for Delaware. That means the aggregate impact of the Delaware Senate race is likely to be Democrats holding the Senate seat and picking up the House seat Mike Castle is vacating. In the short-term, thatâll be good ...
Desert Research Institute
- The American Indian Science and Engineering Societ ...The Most Promising Engineer/Scientist Award will be presented to Dr. Karletta Chief at the 32nd American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Annual National Conference.
- Innovative Equipment Manufacturer Features Work wi ...The latest update from Campbell Scientific features a cover article on DRI’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP), touting the program for providing information gathered by volunteers in near-real time and posting it to the program website.
- Dr. Henry Sun: Looking for Life on MarsThe Viking landers found strange evidence that suggested the presence of life on Mars (later disproven). A new study about life's preference for left- or right-handedness could help scientists design better versions of the Viking life tests.
- DRI Assists with West Point Cadet Training Dr. Eric McDonald his group of DRI scientists have partnered with West Point to develop a curriculum to teach cadets how to take soil samples and measurements with different geotechnical equipment, as well as manage large data sets.
- DRI Researcher Named to National CommitteeDuane Moser, Ph.D., has been elected to the Executive Committee for the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Research Association (DuRA).
Earth Techling
- I’d Save How Much Using An Electric Car?Southern California Edison has unveiled an online tool for calculating the potential savings from ditching your gasoline car and going electric.
- California Approves 1,000 MW Solar PlantCalifornia has approved a new 1,000 MW concentrated solar power facility, which reportedly will be the world's largest of its type and powering 300,000 homes.
- iPhone 4 Cases Embrace Recycled PlasticTrtl Bot has unveiled two new iPhone 4 cases made in Los Angeles, California from recycled plastic, including one which has a built-in kickstand.
- Uncle Sam Enforces Appliance EfficiencyThe federal government is going after nearly 30 companies, including Sanyo and GE, for failure to get products certified to appliance efficiency requirements.
- U.K. Claims Lead In Marine EnergyA giant socket goes into the seabed off the Cornwall coast and Britain says it's ready to dominate marine-energy development for the next quarter century.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- OPINION: Fashion design protection bill: the right ...Given the three-year term and other limits, the threat of monopoly over essential techniques is remote.
- DOJ, tobacco lawyers back in court over injunctionGovernment lawyers and attorneys for a group of tobacco companies met Wednesday to discuss how to implement a sweeping injunction lodged against the industry in 2006 by a federal judge, who found the companies conspired for decades to conceal the health risks of smoking.
- Nominee for 2nd Circuit faces experience questionsFederal judicial nominee Susan Carney told senators at her confirmation hearing Wednesday that she's qualified to serve on an appeals court, despite not having argued before one.
- Jury: Welch's misled consumers, but didn't harm Po ...A federal jury has found that Pom Wonderful did not lose sales of its 100% pomegranate juice even though Welch Foods Inc. deceived consumers when marketing its rival pomegranate juice product.
- Former partner must arbitrate dispute with Epstein ...A former Epstein Becker & Green partner who sued the law firm over his capital contribution in California state court will have to arbitrate the dispute in New York.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Gas Bubbling from the Susquehanna Riverhttp:// Gas Bubbling from River at Sugar Run – by David Keeler – 9/2/2010 Click here for video clip
- Keep the Promise Town Hall-PA Severance Tax!September 9, Thursday— Keep the Promise Town Hall in Jersey Shore, Lycoming County between Williamsport and Lock Haven, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Robert H. Wheeland Center, 1201 Locust Street, Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (part of Citizens Hose Company, Station 45) www.station45.org/wheeland_center.htm To register a ...
- EPA’s Public Meeting on Hydraulic FracturingEPA’s Public Meeting on Hydraulic Fracturing Study to Take Place in Binghamton, New York; Meeting Scheduled for September 13 and 15 at the Broome County Forum Theater Release date: 08/31/2010 Contact Information: John Senn, (212) 637-3667, senn.john@epa.gov New York, NY – The U.S. Environmental Prot ...
- Letter to the Editor, Aug. 29, 2010A Letter to the Editor, Towanda, PA: Loss of one resource for another? EDITOR: Being a licensed Pennsylvania water well driller for the past 40 years and being born and raised in the Towanda area, I feel I must respond to the stories I keep reading about the gas drilling companies shifting the blame ...
- NEW PENN STATE RESEARCH CENTERThis is brand new… http://www.marcellus.psu.edu/
News Blaze
- Operation Designed to Enhance The Protection of Ci ...The peacekeeping force said that as a result of the operation, there has been a growing recognition by illegal armed groups that UN peacekeepers are well-equipped, willing and able to respond vigorously to attacks on civilians.
- Ban Says 'Democracy Vital Tool for Achieving Devel ...At next week's summit, 'we have an important opportunity to underline the pivotal role that democracy plays in reducing poverty and promoting human well-being,' Mr. Ban said in his message for the Day.
- Swine Flu Vaccines Dumped in AfricaIt was recently announced that as much as 43% of the U.S. out of date and dangerous swine flu vaccine supply would ultimately go unused and be destroyed.
- 36 Governments to Meet in Mexico on Greenhouse Gas ...'With methane and other harmful pollutants hurting our world's atmosphere, addressing climate change and improving air quality are domestic and international priorities that require every country's help and ideas,' said EPA Administrator Lisa P.
- UN Anti-Poverty Photographic Contest Displays Str ...UNDP Administrator Helen Clark, who will hand out the awards today in New York, said the contest - now in its second year - helps to show that the series of anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals are 'not just abstract target
environment 360
- In Scotland’s Search Roots, A Push to Restore Wild ...As Scotland asserts its identity and its autonomy, environmentalists are working to restore its denuded landscape – planting native forests, creating wildlife corridors, and reintroducing species that were wiped out centuries ago. BY CAROLINE FRASER
- As Tigers Near Extinction, Groups Propose Program ...A consortium of conservation groups and tiger scientists has put forth a detailed plan, costing $82 million annually, to save the world’s tigers , which now number fewer than 3,500 animals and occupy just six percent of their original range. Writing in the journal PLoS Biology , the organizations an ...
- German Chancellor Defends Decision to Extend Life ...Noting that it will take time to develop alternative energy sources, the German government has agreed to extend the operating life of the nation’s 17 nuclear plants. AFP/Getty Images Angela Merkel The decision, which will extend the life of Germany’s nuclear facilities an average of 12 years, was c ...
- Reserves of Forest Carbon May Be Widely Overestima ...The amount of carbon stored in the world’s tropical forests varies widely according to underlying geology and other factors, and current estimates of forest carbon reserves may be too high , according to a new study. A research team from the Carnegie Institution for Science used satellite mapping, l ...
- A Symbolic Solar Road Trip To Reignite a Climate M ...An activist caravan to bring one of Jimmy Carter’s solar panels back to the White House symbolizes the time that the U.S. has lost in developing new energy technologies – and the urgent need for taking action on climate. BY BILL MCKIBBEN
Red Ice Creations
- The island that came out of nowhereOn the horizon, a low, white crescent shimmered in the sunshine: the perfect image of a desert island, save for a disappointing shortage of palm trees. "There you have it," said Pierre Becker, chairman of the Sauveteurs de Mer (lifeboatmen) of Royan, a seaside resort at the mouth of the Gironde estu ...
- Diagrams of the Sinking of the Deepwater Horizon ( ...The US Federal Government, a full-blown accomplice, has enabled BP – the perpetrator of a Crime against Humanity, a Crime against the Planet, a Crime against a Nation (USA), a Crime against a Major Body of Water – to completely control its own crime scene. What we have, therefore, are psychopaths, w ...
- New Find Pushes Age of Stone Tools Back A Million ...The genus Homo is no longer the sole primate lineage known to have used stone tools to consume the meat of large mammals. New research pushes that skill back nearly a million years. Large fossilized animal bones with ends shattered for sucking out marrow and cut marks deliberately made with sharp st ...
- With BP spill under control, US looks at drill banNow that the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history has effectively been stopped, the White House is considering an early end to its moratorium on deepwater drilling. But four months after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, regulators have only started to make good on promises to overhaul dri ...
- Experts call for David Kelly inquestA group of prominent legal and medical experts today called for a full inquest into the death of the government scientist David Kelly in 2003. An inquest was suspended by Lord Falconer, then lord chancellor, before the Hutton inquiry into the circumstances of the scientist's death. It was not resume ...
Russia Today
- Russia and Canada bicker over Arctic seabedThe future of the Arctic is being debated in Moscow, where the foreign ministers of Russia and Canada have just held talks following Ottawa's announcement it will challenge Moscow's claim to parts of the Arctic seabed.
- Ak Bars – KHL’s only championsRT presents a series of reports featuring the competitors of the Kontinental Hockey League, beginning with the league's reigning champions – Ak Bars from Kazan.
- Russia returns to European golf mapSome of the world’s top golfers arrived in the Moscow Region this week, ready to show their best swings at the Russian stage of the European Challenge Tour.
- Communists want “pot-singer” Sting to perform in j ...St. Petersburg’s communists, who are famous for their eyebrow-raising ridiculous statements, are calling on Russian drug police to have British singer Sting arrested for promoting marijuana.
- Sakhalin Region: wild beauty and salmonThe Sakhalin Region is an exquisite region in Russia’s Far East, where its beauty is only matched by its unique wildlife.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- UFO Casebook: Silver Object in ColoradoIt’s hard to get decent pics of UFOs now-a-days, but I found these gems on UFO Casebook. What do you think? Blimp? Dirigible? Alien spaceship? US military black project? You be the judges! … … [...] I looked up and noticed an odd-shaped object moving slowly from a westerly direction moving easterly. ...
- Another take on SETI and the Fermi ParadoxSETI and the Fermi Paradox has had it’s share of mainstream media attention lately, usually via the ruminations of Dr. Stephen Hawking. That can be a good thing, because Hawking has basically taken it upon himself to educate the great unwashed masses that human-kind probably aren’t the only “intelli ...
- Spiral Death Star: Is It Natural, Or A Beacon?Last week Phil Plait, the Bad Astronomer, posted a photo from the Hubble Telescope of a star that was going into death spirals. Death spirals? Ol’ Phil, being the debunker he is, thought it was fake. But after further investigation, found it was real! When I first saw this picture, my reactions, in ...
- Close Shaves and Alien VolcanoesDid you hear of the close shave we had with an asteroid yesterday? (The asteroid is the streak) Check this out from Wired: When asteroid 2010 RX30 zipped past Earth early Wednesday, observers at the Remanzacco Observatory in Italy were ready. At 12:45 a.m. Mountain time, amateur astronomers Ernesto ...
- Out of body experiences, 9/11 Premonitions and Syn ...My ol’ pal Highwayman have been having quite a discussion lately (with him doing most of the ‘discussin’ of course lol!) about Dr. Hawking, God and such. While talking about spiritual things leave me feeling a little itchy, I of course ran across this little synchronistic piece on Jason Offutt’s blo ...
Tippers News
- Secretary-Generals Press Encounter, Announcing Ms ...Today, I am delighted to announce the appointment of Ms. Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile, as the head of UN Women, the newly created UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, established on 2 July by the General Assembly Res Submitted by Jytte Nhanenge to World �|� �N ...
- Picture MeThe American fashion industry has a glittering, fluffy, so-this-season exterior that young girls around the world yearn to be a part of. But behind all that glam often lies a frightened, overworked, sexually abused teenager who is quickly learning that mo Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note- ...
- Park Slope Brooklyn Woman Posts Free Kittens On Cr ...Still she couldnt help but fear the worst: that the kittens had been swept by a buncher an underground pet-gatherer who takes advantage of free to a good home animal giveaways and then passes the pets on to laboratories for animal testing. Submitted by Kenny V. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� � ...
- Okada Apologizes to U.S. ex-POWs over Wartime 'Inh ...Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada apologized Monday to six former American prisoners of war over "inhumane treatment" they suffered during World War II, as they visited Tokyo on the first trip sponsored by the Japanese government. Submitted by Naoko I. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The tragic case of Honey Bandit embodies what's wr ...No one at the BLM seems to know what happened to Honey Bandit's mother, but what is beyond dispute is that the foal was in a state of severe dehydration and starvation by the time he was rescued by Palomino Armstrong on Thursday, September 2nd. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
The Freeman
- The Complexity of Simple EconomicsThe most basic insight of economics is fairly simple: the spontaneous order of the market.
- Senates Moves to Create Small-Business Lending Fun ...“Senate Democrats snagged two GOP votes Tuesday to clear the way for a bill aimed at creating jobs in part by giving small businesses easier access to credit.” (Washington Post) The managed economy will get more so. FEE Timely Classic “From Wartime Expedient to Permanent Pork Barrel: WFC to RFC to S ...
- Regulator Questions Government Mortgage Role“The federal regulator of mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac raised concerns on Tuesday about the Obama administration’s approach toward housing, questioning whether the government should continue to play a significant role in helping borrowers get home loans.” (Washington Post) Who ...
- Are We Headed for Deflation – or Inflation?The inflation wolf may well be at the door, but we need to do a better job of explaining why the current situation exists.
- No Rationing of Care, Medicare Boss Says“The nation’s health-care system cannot be transformed by rationing medical care, President Obama’s new Medicare chief said Monday in his first major speech.” (Washington Post) If the market isnât allowed to work, there will be no alternative to rationing. FEE Timely Classic “The Market Doesnât ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Smacking down the hierarchiesMy favorite word this week is heterarchy . I don’t think I’ve ever had a favorite word before, and I confess I was not familiar with the meaning of this one when I saw it in an article from one of those scholarly journals at which journalists like to scoff. So I turned to merriam-webster.com , as I ...
- New York Times seeks multimedia journalism internsPoking around in The New York Times’s job listings, I found this description of three distinct internships “in the Web Newsroom of The New York Times”: Front-end Interactive Designer: full skill-set of client-side technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript/Prototype. Experience with Ruby on ...
- A fresh look at reporting skillsIn June I posted a ranked list of skills needed by todayâs journalists . In reviewing it today, I wondered whether it would be different if instead of saying journalist we said reporter . Say you want to hire a reporter — for a Web-only organization, a magazine, a newspaper, a TV or documentary o ...
- Getting started with WordPressHere’s a new, stripped-down, easy-to-follow introduction to WordPress — the free blogging platform that also works as a versatile content management system: WordPress Basics This short tutorial is based on the second installment in my Reporter’s Guide to Multimedia Proficiency , but I have shorten ...
- Online video still growing, gaining viewersJust because comedy or humorous videos are the most popular among U.S. adults ( source ) does not mean journalists should wring their hands and despair about public tastes. What’s more important, I think, is that among people who have broadband Internet access at home, 75 percent watch online video ...
Facing South
- Hundreds speak out at EPA's coal ash hearing in No ...There was a big turnout for the Environmental Protection Agency's public hearing yesterday in Charlotte, N.C. on proposed coal ash regulations, with about 250 people delivering testimony in proceedings that lasted from 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. Held at a Holiday Inn, it was one of eight coal ash hearing ...
- The great Gulf offshore drilling jobs hoaxWhen the Interior Department announced a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling in the wake of the BP disaster, the energy industry and conservatives rushed to declare that the Obama administration was bent on destroying the Gulf Coast economy. For example, in a July report for the Ameri ...
- BP's oil continues to wash ashore in LouisianaA new wave of oil from the BP disaster washed ashore along the Louisiana coast late last week, coating beaches and polluting interior marshes. About 16 miles of beach in Plaquemines Parish south of New Orleans were fouled with massive black oil slicks and tar balls as big as 12 feet in diameter, th ...
- VOICES: Plutonium bomb fuel in the Tennessee Valle ...By Sara Barczak, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is considering a partnership with the Department of Energy (DOE) to use plutonium bomb fuel in TVA's Sequoyah and Browns Ferry nuclear reactors. The public is invited to comment on this proposal by Sept. 17, 20 ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Torture, American-styleDate on which a federal appeals court dismissed a lawsuit brought by five foreign plaintiffs transported by CIA contractors to U.S.-run prisons or foreign intelligence agencies overseas, where they were tortured: 9/8/2010 The vote in that case, in which the Justice Department invoked the "state ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Africa's Women Turn 50 Fifty years into African independence, African women still face a much more challenging existence than men, with significant political, social and economic changes needed for gender equality.
- Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Life Su ...Sierra Leone has diverse tribal and cutural practices that works against the education of the nation's children.
- Re: Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Lif ...Our children are taught right from wrong when growing up.
- Re: Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Lif ...Despite war, we are doing our best to cope.
- Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsHundreds of millions of dollars flow into resource-rich areas such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, but that money goes to corrupt rebel forces who abuse and exploit their own people.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- New FranceFrance was a colonial power in North America from the early 16th century, the age of great European discoveries and fishing expeditions, to the early 19th century, when Napol�on Bonaparte sold Louisiana to the US. From
- Fur TradeFur trade in Canada began as an adjunct to the fishing industry. Early in the 16th century fishermen from northwest Europe were taking rich catches of COD on the Grand Banks off Newfoundland and in the Gulf of St Lawrence (
- Native People: Eastern WoodlandsMajor Language and Tribal GroupsEastern Woodland Indians spoke languages belonging to 2 unrelated families, Iroquoian and Algonquian. At the onset of the historic period, Iroquoians occupied much of southern Ontario, northern
- Canadian Pacific RailwayCommencement of a transcontinental railway within 2 years and completion within 10 years were conditions of British Columbia's entry into Confederation in 1871 (seeRAILWAY HISTORY). Competition for the lucrative contract for the
- War of 1812On 18 June 1812, at the height of the Napoleonic conflict ( see NAPOLEONIC WARS ), the US declared war on Great Britain and struck at the only British possession on the continent: Canada. Most of the battles that followed
How Can I Recycle This ?
- 5 fantastic reuses: what to do with egg shellsWe’ve had loads of really good suggestions for what to do with egg shells over the years but here are some of my favourites: 1. Feed them back to your chickens (or lizards, or dogs…) Eggs shells contain a considerable amount of calcium – they’re 95% calcium carbonate, with the remaining 5% being a b ...
- Recycling for charity: how to set up a money-raisi ...I regularly get emails from people involved with small charities asking how to set up recycling programs that will help them raise money for their cause. Collection/recycling programs have been part of charity fundraising for a long time, but recently most seem to have moved from collecting large am ...
- How can I reuse or recycle perspex display props?We’ve had an email from Joe, who works for a fancy handbag designer with a number of select boutiques around the UK: I am trying to find a way to recycle these display Perspex props. We used them in lots of our London stores and have loads of them. Sadly they are mostly all damaged [...]
- How can I use my oven more efficiently during baki ...Yesterday, over on my new growing/cooking/making/frugal blog The Really Good Life, I discussed my love affair with slow rise/no knead bread. It’s really frickin’ ace – it doesn’t take much effort, reduces our food waste, is cheap in itself & stops us spending money in other ways too – and most impor ...
- Upcycling advice: how can I reuse/recycle cans to ...We’ve had an email from Pauline: I would like to use steel and aluminium cans to make jewelery. Do you know how to cut the metal out? Should the can be crushed first? Do you know how to smooth the edges so they don’t cut? If you could throw any light on this or point [...]
- Israeli intel firm behind Pennsylvania’s  ...The Institute of Terrorism Research and Response website. Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell has just ordered his state's Homeland Security director to cancel a $125,000 contract with an outfit called the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR). The Associated Press reports:�HARRISBURG ...
- Duss 1, Oren 0Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren has an op-ed in today's Los Angeles Times responding to the Time magazine article last week on whether Israelis care about peace with the Palestinians or not. He uses the occasion to pretty much just repeat every Israeli cliche on the peace process we've heard for the ...
- Due to Gaza closure, 40,000 students refused from ...From Gisha: UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) can't meet enrollment demand because of ban on construction materialsUNRWA needs to build 100 schools, none built since 2007 closure UNRWA schools have specialized curriculum on human rights and cr ...
- Israel issues 16 demolition notices for Palestinia ...And other news from Today in Palestine:Land and Property Theft and Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing Report: New East Jerusalem housing plans TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma'an) -- Israeli city planners will in the coming weeks discuss a scheme to build over a thousand housing units beyond the Green Line in Jerusa ...
- Help Mondoweiss continue to grow – give a tax dedu ...Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to Mondoweiss through the Nation Institute. Mondoweiss is growing - we've had over 700,000 unique visitors and 1.2 million page views in the past three months alone. This traffic is being driven by our coverage of the stories that matter to you: the Ede ...
Media Consortium
- 10 of the Web's Most Insightful News InfographicsGreat round up of different kinds of interactive journalism products. "A picture is worth a thousand words. But if you include an entire database, make it interactive, and add filtering options, the word-to-picture exchange rate is even better. Infographics at their best are more than just pictu ...
- The Media Consortium » Weekly Diaspora: Immigrants ...
- Can apps save news journalism? | Adrian Monck | Co ..."Serious news organisations have placed their bets. With Apple selling a million iPads in barely a month, paid iPad applications from the likes of the Times and the Financial Times line up on app stores with free offerings from the BBC and Thomson Reuters. But already there are signs that native ne ...
- Can apps save news journalism? | Adrian Monck | Co ...But taking Anderson's argument face on, where does the rise of the app leave the news business, the flatulent Rottweiler in the dog shelter of online content? Can apps give it a caring home at last?
- Times Builds 'Jargonator' to Help Readers Decipher ...Apparently the Times Interactive News Technologies team also realized that the two dozen or so documents they were unleashing on their Web site weren't going to have much impact if their readers couldn't make head or tails of them. So they quickly developed a nifty roll-over tool, which internally t ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Shake-up in world’s top-ranking universities There is a considerable shake-up among the top dogs in this year’s league table of the world’s best universities, published by the Times Higher Education magazine today. Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the only university in the top ten that managed to maintain its position fro ...
- NOAA attempts to clean up oil spill research effor ...Is there an extensive oil plume in the Gulf of Mexico or no oil plume? Are oil-eating bacteria making quick work of the spill or chomping slowly? In the nearly two months since BP capped the well and stopped the flow, conflicting reports have surfaced about the amount of lingering oil. Now, in a ...
- A new twist to Clostridium difficile toxicity Posted on behalf of Kate Larkin A study published today in Nature sheds new light on two key toxins in the diarrhoea-causing bacterium Clostridium difficile and their role in infection. Researchers led by Nigel Minton, a microbiologist at the University of Nottingham, UK, produced the first doubl ...
- Canadian government muzzling scientistsPosted on behalf of Nicola Jones A news story in the Ottawa Citizen this week raises the ugly spectre of government “muzzling” of scientists in Canada – a problem that received much attention in the United States under George Bush’s presidency (see this Nature editorial from 2006). The story add ...
- Make mine a doublePosted on behalf of Zoë Corbyn There have been some radical suggestions to increase citation counts of late but heavy drinking would probably rank at the bottom of most researchers' lists. Yet a new study has found that the world's most highly cited ecologists and environmental scientists typi ...
new geography
- High Speed Rail: Fast Track To NowhereGiven that Warren Buffett ponied up $44 billion in cash and stock to take private the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, I wonder why President Obama is betting that the way to lift the country out of stagnant growth is to invest another $50 billion, in public funds, to swing aboard the dream of ...
- Why Housing Will Come BackFew icons of the American way of life have suffered more in recent years than �homeownership. Since the bursting of the housing bubble, there has been a steady drumbeat from the factories of futurist punditry that the notion of owning a home will, and, more importantly, should become out of reach fo ...
- Unmanageable Jakarta Soon To Lose National Capital ...Jakarta is the world's third largest urban area with 22 million people (Note 1) and the second largest metropolitan area with 26.6 million people (Note 2). Jakarta is the capital of the world's fourth most populous country, the Republic of Indonesia, which has 240 million people (following China, In ...
- Urban Plight: Vanishing Upward MobilitySince the beginnings of civilization, cities have been crucibles of progress both for societies and individuals. A great city, wrote Rene Descartes in the seventeenth century, represented “an inventory of the possible,” a place where people could create their own futures and lift up their families. ...
- Fortress Australia: Ground Hog DayA decade ago, politics in Australia lurched to embrace all things rural, happily demonizing urban interests. This happened in response to a renegade Politician – Pauline Hanson – who for a time captured public sympathy with populist anti-immigration sentiments, threatening to unseat entire governmen ...
GM Watch
- Monsanto and Blackwater's black ops
- Lord Sainsbury pushing GM crops again
- Venter's one-man algae fuels bubble
- Opposition grows against GM salmon
- False promises of GM rice research
- Crusade against the pope: an Inquisition-in-Revers ...The campaigners against the pope’s visit have more in common with the fanatical Inquisitors of old than with Enlightened liberal humanists.
- The White Atheists’ Burden: save the savagesThe idea that the pope is responsible for spreading AIDS in Africa is built on some very dodgy, colonial-style prejudices.
- What really gets their goat about CatholicismThe current Catholic-baiting springs from the cultural elite’s suspicion of anyone who, unlike them, has strong beliefs.
- Bringing blasphemy back from the deadAs the pope arrives in Britain, the Advertising Standards Authority bans an anti-Catholic advert. Where are the protests?
- Fighting against slavery? Pull the other oneAnti-traffickers promiscuously use the s-word in order to present themselves as heroic rescuers of fallen women.
- Laws of Physics Vary Throughout the Universe, New ...Via: Science Daily: A team of astrophysicists based in Australia and England has uncovered evidence that the laws of physics are different in different parts of the universe. The team — from the University of New South Wales, Swinburne University of Technology and the University of Cambridge — has s ...
- Recovery: Foreclosures Rise; Repossessions Set Rec ...Via: CNBC: US foreclosure activity rose in August from the previous month, and banks and lenders took ownership from homeowners at a record pace, according to a new report released Thursday. Bank repossessions, often the final step in the foreclosure process after a home fails to sell at auction, in ...
- Banner Image: Not PhotoshopSome questions have been coming in with regard to the current banner image. No, I didn’t make that in Photoshop. Yes, that’s marijuana. Via: Boston Globe – Big Picture – Reuters: Cpl Ryan Belgrave with the Canadian Army’s 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group, walks through a field ...
- DIY, Small Scale Algae ProductionVia: Shareable: Microscopic spinning orbs and spirals of green goo are the answers to our planet’s energy crisis and arable land shortage. At least that’s what Aaron Baum, a 40-year-old Harvard graduate and Stanford PhD, has concluded. And Baum should know. After a mid-life crisis of sorts, he spent ...
- Twitter Feed Working AgainA reader let me know that Cryptogon’s Twitter feed has been broken for the last couple of weeks. (Shows you how much I deal with Twitter.) It should be working again.
The Economic Collapse
- A Two-Tier Internet?The Internet as you know it is in serious, serious danger. Some of the most powerful communications companies in the world have been involved in negotiations and have been making agreements that would throw net neutrality out the window and would move us toward a two-tier Internet. ...
- 11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is BadMillions of Americans are waking up to the fact that the Federal Reserve is bad, but very few of them can coherently explain why this is true. For decades, an unelected, privately-owned central bank has controlled America's currency, run our economy and has driven the U.S. governme ...
- Currency WarAre you ready for a currency war? Well, buckle up, because things are about to get interesting. This week Japan fired what is perhaps the opening salvo in a new round of currency wars by publicly intervening in the foreign exchange market for the first time since 2004. Japan's bo ...
- 50 Mind Blowing Facts About America That Our Found ...If our Founding Fathers were alive today, what would they think of America? Surely they would be very proud that the United States stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific and has built some of the most amazing cities that the world has ever seen. They would probably be surprise ...
- Even Tony Robbins Is Warning That An Economic Coll ...It seems like almost everyone is warning of a coming economic collapse these days. Do you remember Tony Robbins? He is probably the world's best known "motivational speaker" and his infomercials dominated late night television during the 80s and 90s. He was always urging all of u ...
- Autumn in my garden: Laurocerasus officinalis (Wil ...Anywhere on this planet, the beauty of plants in a garden is food for the soul. Therefore, from time to time, I post pictures of flowers and plants in my own garden. I like to share these with my readers, … Continue reading →
- Vertical farming, drip irrigation, organic crop pr ...Read at : Google Alert – drought http://www.marketwatch.com/story/vertical-farming-biopesticides-drought-resistant-seeds-take-center-stage-at-the-agriculture-20-global-investments-conference-2010-09-15?reflink=MW_news_stmp Vertical Farming, Biopesticides & Drought-Resistant Seeds Take Center Stage a ...
- Brazil heading for its worst drought since 1963? ( ...Read at : Google Alert – drought http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gqojw6Kqy1pGQMAaemGcEyz2ipVQ Drought shrinks Amazon River to lowest level in 47 years (AFP) RIO DE JANEIRO â A severe drought parching northern Brazil this year has shrunk the mighty Amazon River — the world’s … Co ...
- Nigeria : shelter belt to curb the menace of deser ...Read at : http://www.afriqueavenir.org/en/2010/09/15/nigeria%E2%80%99s-sokoto-state-constructs-46-km-shelter-belt-to-fight-desertification/ Nigeriaâs Sokoto State constructs 46-km shelter belt to fight desertification APA â Lagos (Nigeria) In its effort to combat desertification, the Sokoto Stat ...
- Protection of environment and sustainable developm ...Read at : ECOSENSORIUM.org Individual efforts for protection of environment and sustainable development Posted: 15 Sep 2010 10:41 AM PDT Committed individuals of all ages and nationalities find their own ways to help save the environment, all over the world. … Continue reading →
The Paper Trail
- Financial Planner, Stockbroker, Investment Adviser ...A new survey shows what the writers of the Dodd-Frank law suspected: Most U.S. investors don’t really understand the differences among stockbrokers, investment advisers, and financial planners, or know which must put a client’s interests ahead of their own.
- Top Pipeline Regulator Missing From Congressional ...The Obama administration’s top pipeline safety official has recused herself from matters related to Enbridge Inc’s massive oil spill in Michigan because she previously worked for the company’s American arm.
- The End of Lehman, Part 1Two weeks ago, with another dismal anniversary looming, Mr. Fuld went to Washington.
- Reform, WatchedWant to give an economist a fit? Insist that supply is “better” than demand. Or, as we recently discovered, ask for a quick take on the new financial reform law.
- Center’s Campus Assault Series Part of Congr ...The Center for Public Integrity’s Sexual Assault on Campus became part of the official record of a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing today on the widespread underreporting of rape cases in the United States.
- Say goodbye to Meridia — and all other diet ...by Jodi A. Shaw Surprise, surprise, another diet pill may be pulled from store shelves. Meridia, manufactured by Illinois-based Abbott Laboratories, is under review by the FDA after a study raised concerns that the pill increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Yesterday, fully half of ...
- HST Follies: BC dumps electoral officer. Revenge?By Alison@Creekside The popularity of Lotusland's estimable premier is currently running at 12%. There are a lot of very good reasons for this but let's just go with what 83% of the people polled told Angus Reid: they don't trust the bastard. Here's another reason, not that you'd know anythin ...
- When Green is Meanby Eric Pettifor Way back in February of 2007 I wrote of an announcement by GE that they were developing an energy efficient incandescent light bulb. I speculated that they were motivated by a proposed California law to outlaw the incandescent. Later on in March I noted that it wasn't just ...
- James Cameron to visit the oilsands: FUBAR!By Nicole Walyshyn Forget Nancy Pelosi. The news that James Cameron is coming to visit the oilsands, combined with the premiere of Fubar 2 at the Toronto Film Festival last night, creates a perfect PR storm for Alberta. Cameron (who is, of course, the successfully grandiose director of Titanic ...
- A Facebook narcissist? Moi?By Frank Moher I have been outed. A new study by a York University student reveals that heavy Facebook users are "narcissists" who enjoy monitoring "how many friends they have." Guilty as charged. I'm not sure I qualify as a "heavy" Facebook user -- I'm much too busy twittering for that -- ...
- Portugal eye short-term Mourinho deal The Portuguese Football Federation want Jose Mourinho to take charge of the national team for their next two Euro 2012 qualifiers in October, according to a report. Record claims that FPF president Gilberto Madail has travelled to Madrid...
- CARROW ROAD TO HOST UNDER-21s England Under-21s will play the first leg of their European Championship play-off against Romania at Norwich next month, the Football Association confirmed today. Stuart Pearce's Young Lions secured one of the best-placed runners-up berths...
- ICC to take stern action against guilty playe ...The ICC today made it clear that it would not tolerate corruption in cricket and warned of stern action against players found guilty in the spot-fixing scandal which has rocked world cricket. ICC President Sharad Pawar also said that Scotland Yard's investigations into the...
- David Villa: Barcelona Coach Pep Guardiola Me ...Pep Guardiola meets my expectations as a coach, says Barcelona attacker David Villa. By Paul Macdonald Share Share Barcelona attacker David Villa admits he is enjoying life in his new surroundings, and that the team are currently working hard to expel the memory of their shock defeat to Hercule ...
- Anger in curfewed Kashmir as talks end in dea ...SRINAGAR - A wave of disappointment swept across curfewed Indian Kashmir on Thursday after no concrete results emerged out of a government meeting aimed at ending spiralling protests. Faced with criticism of not dealing with the protests seriously, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday hel ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Red States’ ‘Weird Government Monopoly’it's not clear that more and cheaper liquor provides greater utility
- Weekend Briefing—4th-5th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Daily Briefing—2nd-3rd Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
MY Daily Apple
- Less smog due to U.S. downturn: scientistsSome government scientists say the economic downturn in the U.S. may have had a silver lining for Canadian air quality. (Source: CBC | Health)
- Siemens Awards Excellence In Preclinical Imaging A ...Siemens announced today the seventh annual "New Point of View" Preclinical Image of the Year awards for cutting-edge images from pioneering preclinical research at the World Molecular Imaging Congress in Kyoto, Japan. Four category winners and four honorable mentions were announced, with the "Image ...
- Boeing Announces Space-Tourism BusinessBoeing’s move could bolster the Obama administration’s efforts to point NASA’s focus more to commercial space.
- New Study Finds Positive Return On Investment For ...A new study released by the American Lung Association, and conducted by researchers at Penn State University, finds that helping smokers quit not only saves lives but also offers favorable economic benefits to states...
- Cabbage can beat period pain... and other home rem ...These natural remedies may have some medical credence, according to a new book by Rob Hicks, a GP and hospital doctor.
Common Dreams
- Nuclear Waste Piles Up With No Disposal Planby Raju Chebium WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of tons of potentially lethal radioactive waste have been piling up across the nation for more than a generation, but the federal government has yet to decide how to get rid of it permanently. After axing a multibillion-dollar plan to bury the waste be ...
- Fewer Hungry, but More Hunger Waitsby Paul Virgo ROME - Figures the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) presented here Tuesday revealing a reduction in the world's number of hungry people in 2010 for the first time in 15 years should be a cause for celebration. In reality it is a hollow success. It is not that the fall is too sma ...
- As Regulators Weigh Drilling in Marcellus Shale, E ...The Environmental Protection Agency has begun public hearings in Binghamton, New York on hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," a controversial technique that mining companies use to extract natural gas from rock formations thousands of feet underground. The hearings are part of a broad investigation ...
- U.S. Chamber, Energy Trade Groups Urge Spending Pa ...by Ben Geman A group of powerful industry trade associations is urging House and Senate appropriators to delay looming EPA climate change rules that the groups contend will harm the economy and block job creation. Joint letters Tuesday from two-dozen groups - including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, ...
- France Faces Legal Threat Over Roma The European Union may take legal action against France for its expulsion of hundreds of Roma, the bloc's justice commissioner has said. Viviane Reding described last month's deportations as a "disgrace" on Tuesday and said that France had been duplicitious in how it dealt with European authorities ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: What is Dr. Marsland really sayin ...ExamineReligion: What is Dr. Marsland really saying?: About the photo: Copy of Nazi propaganda encouraging public acceptance of for... http://exm.nr/chOz06
- ExamineReligion: Bill Gates wants death panels to ...ExamineReligion: Bill Gates wants death panels to decide when to end a life - video: Bill Gates, the father of the computer softwar... http://exm.nr/cAJY2N
- ExamineReligion: Sixty hunters in DOJ sights for i ...ExamineReligion: Sixty hunters in DOJ sights for illegal harvest: More than 60 hunters are in the Justice Department’s sights for j... http://exm.nr/bmPLSG
- ExamineReligion: US sues California city for denyi ...ExamineReligion: US sues California city for denying Buddhist permit: According to the Associated Press on September 13, 2010, "The... http://exm.nr/9oaVaI
- ExamineReligion: CBS "Survivor Nicaragua" - slides ...ExamineReligion: CBS "Survivor Nicaragua" - slideshow: CBS "Survivor Nicaragua" will be airing on Wednesday evenings in its origina... http://exm.nr/bKnY9p
Energy Collective
- BHP Boss: Time For A Carbon TaxThe SMH has an article on a recent speech by BHP CEO Marius Kloppers, calling for a carbon tax to be introduced to Australia - BHP boss dumps on future of coal .
- Will faking a consumer cartel help make power mark ...Does the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) really want to go down this path? Do they really think that faking a consumer cartel will help make wholesale power markets work more efficiently?
- North Dakota'sUnconventional Oil Boom and Risks to ...
- ExxonMobil Says No to SubsidiesEarlier this week I participated in a conference call with ExxonMobil that was hosted by the American Petroleum Institute (API). It is the first API blogger call I have joined in a very long time, but my schedule was open and I was interested in the subject matter. ExxonMobil would be talking about ...
- Checking the pulse at the World Energy Congress: D ...The Pulse Poll of the Energy stakeholders’ community at the WEC has turned up another interesting series of results in response to day two’s “Availability” challenge of how the global energy mix will develop by 2030. Here are a few that caught my eye: 45.9% of delegates believe that renewable energy ...
Green House - USA Today
- Louisiana sues Transocean over Gulf of Mexico oil ...The state of Louisiana filed a lawsuit against the owner of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, asking a New Orleans federal judge to rule that Transocean is a responsible party in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
- U.S. requires idle wells in Gulf of Mexico to be p ...The federal government said Wednesday that it will require oil and gas companies operating in the Gulf of Mexico to plug in nearly 3,500 nonproducing wells and dismantle about 650 production platforms that are no longer being used.
- Allen: 'Ninety-six hour window of killing the well ...The busted well that spewed an estimated 206 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico could be killed within the next four days, National Incident Commander adm. Thad Allen told reporters Wednesday.
- Studies: Green offices improve workers' healthWorkers who moved from conventional office buildings to eco-friendly ones reported less absenteeism and greater productivity, according to two studies by researchers at Michigan State University.
- Study: Women more likely to accept climate science ...Gender appears to be the latest divide in the climate debate with women more likely than men to accept the "scientific consensus on global warming," a new academic paper finds.
Prior Art
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
- Patent Litigation Weekly: International Trade Comm ...Over the past two decades, the question of what constitutes a domestic industry has typically been heard by the same ITC administrative law judges who ultimately rule on the patent disputes that come before the agency. It's rare that the full commission considers the issue. On April 14, th ...
Peoples Voice
- THE HISTORY OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ARMENIAN AND T ...by Anna Aleksanyan On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the establishment of the Turkish Theater Historic evidence shows the establishment and the first 50 years of the development of the Turkish theater are strongly connected with the activity of Ottoman Armenians. The proof is that Armen ...
- The GOP 'Scorched Earth' Policyby Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy The American Democratic party, the party of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, was a force to be reckoned with. Most often allied with labor, Democrats --not Republicans --presided over the hard-won triumph over the Great Depression. It was Dem ...
- Does the Palestinian Diaspora Care Enough To Becom ...By Alan Hart The real history of the making and sustaining of the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel invites the conclusion that the Arab regimes - more by default than design in my view - betrayed the Palestinians. The question this article addresses is: Will future historians conc ...
- The questions of 9/11 are still unansweredKourosh Ziabari It's not unjustifiable or irrational to argue that the 9/11 attacks were designed and intended to rescue Israel from a political dissolution which was seen by many thinkers as its ultimate destiny, and to promote the cordial coalition of Bush and Bin Laden families. It's no wonder t ...
- NATO's Secret Armiesby Stephen Lendman In his book, "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe," Daniele Ganser described their clandestine Cold War operations, run by European secret services, collaborating with NATO, the CIA and Britain's MI6 and Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) agai ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- The economic case for universal pharmacareThe main argument that is typically made against the establishment of universal Pharmacare is economic in nature. However, a new CCPA report shows that the economic argument in favour of such a program is loud and clear, regardless of which industrial policy is subsequently considered. Canadians ...
- Living from paycheque to paychequeThe recession may be officially over, but six in 10 Canadians say they would be in financial trouble if their paycheque was delayed by just a week, according to a new national survey. The survey coincides with an OECD warning that record high debt levels have left many Canadians vulnerable “to any ...
- “Public Solutions Are The Cure For Health Care Wai ...� � A Public Forum with Dr. Michael Rachlis � Health policy analyst, University of Toronto Associate professor and author of Prescription for Excellence: How Innovation is Saving Canada's Health System. � Public Solutions are the Cure for Health Care Wait Lists Wednesday, September ...
- CCPA Saskatchewan presents Trevor HerriotJoin us on October 15th and 16th for a special evening with Trevor Herriot. A renowned prairie naturalist, essayist and commentator, Trevor will discuss the intersection of culture and nature on the northern Great Plains in his talk entitled "All Flesh is Grass: Toward a Re-Engagement with the Prair ...
- Canada's housing bubbleA new CCPA study finds that for the first time in 30 years, six of Canada's hottest real estate markets are in a housing bubble. Canada’s Housing Bubble: An Accident Waiting to Happen examines trends in house prices in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal and Ottawa between 1980 and 2010 ...
World Wide Hippies
- Prop 19Is Proposition 19 Unconstitutional? | Reason Nine former DEA administrators are urging the Obama administration to challenge Proposition 19, California’s marijuana legalization inititiative, if voters approve it in November. They argue that state legalization of marijuana would violate the Constitut ...
- Worldwide Hippies Peace Symbol Necklace: Buy One o ...Heavy glass peace symbol on braided necklace. Top quality, adjustable clasp. Satisfaction guaranteed! Check out our other fine products! Glass Necklace Peace Symbol (US shipping) $10.00 Peace Symbol (Overseas shipping) $15.00 Delivery Time: 6 to 8 weeks
- Come out! Come out, wherever you are!WWH-This is the second article in the series “Hippies may be the only sane and rational force left.” We welcome your feedback and opinions. Come out! Come out, wherever you are! By Phil Polizatto-I often hear people referring to themselves as a “closet” hippie, “wannabe” hippie, “used-to-be” hippi ...
- Indecision 2010Tea party wins in northeastern primaries could bode well for Democrats | Washington Post In the era of the “tea party,” is the moderate northeastern Republican in danger of going completely extinct? Tuesday’s primaries could give a clue. Although tea party candidates have bumped off establishment fa ...
- Politics pays, children!This has ghost-written all over it. Obama’s New Kiddie-Book | Salon The President of the United States is about to publish “an inspiring marriage of words and images, history and story”, says Chip Gibson, president and publisher of Random House Children’s Books. From the “patriotism” of America’s fi ...
Doug's Darkworld
- Falling ForeverAnother wonderful image courtesy of the Hubble Telescope. This is galaxy NGC 4911, located some 320 million light years away. So that means we are seeing it as it was 320 million years ago. That was the Mississippian period on Earth, so called because the rocks from that area are exposed along the M ...
- Fridays are FunWell, in retrospect I’m so unhappy with the Deerfield post that I’m going to delete it and rewrite it as a single post. I like trying to fit a story into a few pages in such a way that people not only enjoy reading, it even evokes a bit of wonder, emotion, amazement, etc. It’s [...]
- “The Only Divine Light is a Burning Church.& ...Well, I’ll finish the Deerfield thing later, I don’t have it in me today. Benoni and his friends and family will be OK, sort of. Today I’m inspired to comment on current events, especially the plan to burn Korans on 9/11. My first thought is that I’m with Perroquet, if you’re gonna burn one “holy” [ ...
- The Raid on Deerfield. Part One: Unexpected GuestsIn 1702 Queen Anne’s War broke out. This was the second in what would later be called the French and Indian Wars, which is to say that they were conflicts between England and France. Since the French at the time had many Indian allies in what is now Canada, much of the fighting was between [...]
- Reader’s Choice Week on Doug’s Darkwor ...I honoured the Labour Day weekend by doing exactly nothing. Well, the last two days I did nothing, the first day I moved a ton of my belongings from one place to another in a frenzied hurry that involved many stairs. I sometimes believe that the purpose of human civilization is to put stuff into [.. ...
- BP Oil Spill Disaster! Corexit in Florida and Alab ...This is some raw video footage taken from a Project Gulf Impact boat trip we took on August 24th, 2010. Within minutes of departing in Perdido Bay, Florida, we came across massive amounts of oil that had been obviously freshly sprayed with Corexit. The problem was, the dispersed oil wasn't just in o ...
- Confirmed: Corexit Still Being Sprayed in the Gul ...Veteran chemist Bob Naman says that Corexit is still being sprayed in the Gulf, and that he found 13.3 parts per million in Cotton Bayou, Alabama. As I pointed out last week: Parts per million might not sound like much. But the EPA has found that exposure to 42 parts per million killed 50% of mysid ...
- âWeâre seeing way more dispersant than ever be ...
- Uncovering the Lies That Are Sinking the Oil
- Gulf Health Problems Blamed on Dispersed OilDAUPHIN ISLAND, Alabama, Aug 12, 2010 (IPS) - BP says it is no longer using toxic dispersants to break up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Gulf Coast residents claim otherwise, and say they have the sicknesses to prove it. On Aug. 5, Donny Mastler, a commercial fisherman who also works on boats, was at ...
Crisis Maven
- Economic Musings VI: Modern Economies – Dyin ...There is a great debate in the history of economics whether there can be under-consumption in any real historic moment of the state of an economy and if so, whether it has detrimental effects and if so, what is to be done about it. And modern economists seem to have found a magic wand with [...]
- Blogs and Web Sites you may want to followThe following is a list of blogs and websites that CrisisMaven has followed and observed over the last few months and that readers may want to check out from time to time. Note: neither the sequence of how the blogs are listed here nor any comments by CrisisMaven are an endorsement nor criticism of ...
- Economic Musings VII: Marketing doesn’t adve ...Have you ever wondered if marketing and advertising are the same, if not, what’s the difference and which is the more important of the two? And why should you care? The most successful economic model is without doubt the market economy. It is the consequence of the wealth effects of the division of ...
- CrisisMaven’s Blog News 2010-03-07: Over 25,000 We ...Yesterday around 16:37 GMT we passed the 25,000 threshold … - next report will probably be posted when we’re past the 50,000 mark. Thanks to all avid readers: on 2010-03-18 at around 19:25 GMT we went past our first 20,000 views on our blog in about eight weeks since we began publishing! After that, ...
- Economic Musings VIII: Is there a limit to economi ...Something which puzzles many thinkers and frightens many young people concerned about waste or the pillaging of our natural resources is the question: can “an economy” (whatever that is – we’ll come to that in a minute) grow indefinitely? How can there be unlimited economic growth if we’ve never hea ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further evid ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The following ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagflatio ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest bus ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trade de ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy porte ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This articl ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings were ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- ExxonMobil Says No to SubsidiesJoin the forum discussion on this post Earlier this week I participated in a conference call with ExxonMobil that was hosted by the American Petroleum Institute (API). It is the first API blogger call I have joined in a very long time, but my schedule was open and I was interested in the subject ma ...
- Maxwell Forecasts Peak Oil in Seven YearsJoin the forum discussion on this post Respected oil analyst and oil industry veteran Charles Maxwell (nicknamed the âDean of Oil Analystsâ) has forecast peak oil by 2017 or 2018: Bracing For Peak Oil Production By Decade’s End His prediction is not so remarkable, as is where he made his pred ...
- Why Oil Prices Aren’t Going DownJoin the forum discussion on this post I saw a humorous story a few days ago: Oil Should Be Around $10 a Barrel The price of a barrel of oil would be closer to $10 if the commodity wasn’t traded as an investment instrument, given the record-high levels of U.S. oil inventories, Peter Beutel, presi ...
- Crude Oil From Biomass: Evaluating KiORJoin the forum discussion on this post Cracking Biomass Back when I worked in a refinery, I used to spend a lot of time thinking about how biomass would behave in certain refining processes. A fluidized catalytic cracker (FCC), for instance, takes oil and subjects it to heat and a catalyst to frac ...
- Leaked Study on Peak Oil Warns of Severe Global En ...A study on energy supply conducted by a German military think tank reports on the potential for serious consequences as oil production declines.
Discovery Educator Network
- Generation YES » Free ResourcesTags: generation , resources , GenY , webinars , how-to , research , presentations , educators by: Dean Mantz
- Students blaze high-tech trail | livingstondaily.c ...Tags: students , HS , digital , constitution by: Dean Mantz
- Greenville [A sustainability game by Phantom Compa ...Tags: game , greenville , sustainability , ecofriendly , LarryFerlazzo , education by: Dean Mantz
- U.S. ConstitutionComments: Constitution Day resources. - Dean Mantz Tags: constitution , USA , education , history , ConstitutionDay , livebinders by: Dean Mantz
- The Education Conference CalendarComments: The Conference Calendar (TCC) was first conceived by ITEG, LLC in 1999. Listing every single educational technology related conference that could be found in the US, it was eagerly taken on and supported by the T.H.E Journal. Over the next decade TCC established itself as the industry's le ...
Rodale News
- Michelle Obama to Restaurants: Stop Supersizing Ou ...RODALE NEWS, WASHINGTON, DC—Mixing praise and criticism, with more of the latter, Michelle Obama told members of the National Restaurant Association this week that they haven’t done nearly enough to fight childhood obesity. The meals kids eat in restaurants, she said, have twice as many calories a ...
- 5 Great Recipes Using Store-Bought Rotisserie Chic ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Looking for some healthy and inexpensive meal ideas? Consider making recipes using store-bought rotisserie chicken. Polls show that chicken is already America's favorite entrée choice, and picking up a precooked rotisserie chicken just makes mealtime that much easier. Availa ...
- Why Vending Machines in Schools Need Parental Supe ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PAâVending machines in schools may be a necessary evil, particularly during a recession when budgets are tight. After all, the money is used to fund field trips and new band uniforms, after-school programs, and supplies for classrooms. But at what cost to the students feastin ...
- Are You Sudsing Yourself Sick?RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Antibacterial soap? How about antibacterial bodies? With cold and flu season right around the corner, the thought of germ-killing chemicals pulsing through our veins may seem appealing at first mention, but the truth is, antimicrobial chemicals like triclosan are injected in ...
- 5 Recipes for Quick Back-to-School BreakfastsRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—If your kids are back in school, your mornings are probably a little extra-hectic. But a time crunch shouldn't mean sending the little ones out the door without a good meal. Healthy breakfast recipes are essential for kids to experience success at school, so the morning is n ...
big think
- Creating the Scent of a Virgin: A Lesson on Fine F ...When you smell a ripe strawberry or your morning coffee, what you're really smelling are hundreds of molecules, says fine fragrance perfumer Chistophe Laudamiel. But that doesn't mean the brain of even the best nose in the world registers all of these molecules . "It's processed like patches, like ...
- The Brain in LoveThere are precious few love songs that mention the brain, which is unfortunate because the brain, according to research by biological anthropologist Helen Fisher , is at the heart of love. According to Fisher there are three components to love. The first is lust, or the craving for sexual ... Read ...
- Contingency Plan: The Art of Richard WrightUnhappy with his art, Richard Wright destroyed all of his paintings in the late 1980s and gave up painting altogether for two years. Returning to the art world from that self-imposed exile, Wright began painting unique minimalist works in the corners of galleries and other spaces, only to have them ...
- A Better Way to Predict Epidemics?Your friends likely have more friends than you do. Please don't take that personally. As the sociologist Scott L. Feld was first to point out , this is simply a mathematical fact about human ties. (Satoshi Kanazawa nicely explains it here .) This "friendship paradox" may have medical uses: Accordin ...
- Joel Grey on the "Honor" of Being an ActorSpanning over 69 years, and taking him from vaudeville theater to feature films to Broadway to television series, Joel Grey has had a storied career as an actor and entertainer. He is best known for his role as Master of Ceremonies in the musical and film versions of "Cabaret" (for which he won a .. ...
Information Liberation
- The George W. Bush Memoir: Now Here*s a Book I Mig ...Admirers of George W. Bush will soon have an opportunity to get inside the head of their dearly beloved neo-conservative icon. His much-hyped memoir, 'Decision Points' is due out in bookstores on November 9th. We're told that 'The Decider' has...
- What If This Were Bush?It goes without saying that if Bush had presided over a phony end to the Iraq war, expanded the Afghanistan war, extended its reach into Pakistan, solidified the state secrets doctrine and claimed in no uncertain terms the right to assassinate Americ...
- Pennsylvania Homeland Security Puts Anti-tax Prote ...The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports Pennsylvania's Democrat governor Ed Renell is "deeply embarrassed" by the disclosure that state Homeland Security officials have designated anti-tax protesters and other folks exercising their First Amendment ...
- The Great Food Truck Lobbying RaceThe City of Emeryville, California, is looking for individuals to serve on its new *Food Truck Taskforce* -- a bureaucratic reaction to the increased competition local *brick and mortar* restaurants face from mobile kitchens. Local worker Catherine H...
- The System's Not Rigged Enough for Cops and Prosec ...Rupert Myers, at The Guardian (*Tricks and cheats are the price of cutting legal aid,* September 5), recently did a bit of hand-wringing about the role of crowdsourced law (i.e. free legal advice websites) in providing those accused of traffic and ch...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- Here’s A Real One-Way Climate TrendSeeing as we’re back onto our favourite topic, I thought I’d mention an issue that’s been buzzing around the Ozboy headspace for a while now. In the AGW debate, it’s clear the battle lines (for such they are) were drawn … Continue reading →
- Be PreparedToday I’m taking a slight detour around AGW, with a brief visit to one of my own personal hobby horses. I’d like to talk to you about disaster preparedness; why you should think about it, and some of the simple … Continue reading →
- An ill windNo ill wind can pass unnoticed by the nose of the Lincolnshire Sniffer Dog! Continuing his historical romp through alternative energy sources, LibertyGibbert’s Leonardo of lampoon, Fenbeagle, this week zeroes in on the Tudor era, and one man’s relentless alchemic quest … Continue reading →
- Green Scam: Business Creating Its Own DemandI commented on this issue recently on the DT blog in response to this article by Christopher Booker, but it’s a topic worthy of further attention. I’m sure most of you have heard of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a … Continue reading →
- The Next Emperor?Even the Middle Kingdom is no match for one small sniffer dog when he’s in the mood! LibertyGibbert’s grand master of mirth, Fenbeagle, this week aims his pencil at an oft-forgotten but oddly familiar chapter in Chinese history…
FAS - Secrecy News
- Pentagon Delays Publication of New BookThe Department of Defense says that a forthcoming book about the war in Afghanistan contains classified information, and that it should not be put on the market in its current form. Instead, the Pentagon is considering whether to purchase and destroy the entire first printing of the book, “Operati ...
- Conventional Arms Transfers, and More from CRSNoteworthy new and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service include the following (all pdf). Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2002-2009, September 10, 2010. Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses, August 20, 2010. China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Na ...
- State Secrets vs. the Rule of LawThe inherent tension between the state secrets privilege and the rule of law reached the breaking point last week when an appeals court dismissed the claims of several persons who said they were illegally transported and tortured through a CIA “extraordinary rendition” program. They would not be p ...
- The New Nobility: Russia’s Security State“The Soviet police state tried to control every citizen in the country. The new, more sophisticated Russian [security] system is far more selective than its Soviet-era counterpart; it targets only those individuals who have political ambitions or strong public views.” That’s what Andrei Soldat ...
- Pentagon Seeks “Coordination” of Media ...The Department of Defense last week increased its efforts to require that Department contacts with the media be monitored and approved by DoD public affairs officials. “I am asking the heads of the Military Services, the Joint Staff and the Combatant Commands to reinforce to all of their employees t ...
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- 13 of the best Facebook fans everIn the spirit of exploiting the three principles of uber-link bait titles mentioned over on sciencetext, I wanted to express my thanks to a few people who are fans, or “likers”, of the Sciencebase Facebook page. These diamond people have all been particularly active recently on the fan page, liking, ...
- Social media and scienceI was recently commissioned to write a short piece about the adoption of social media and networking tools by scientists for The Euroscientist. I briefly covered various aspects of the evolution of the web and the notion of a Facebook for Science. Of course, there are lots of networks out there and ...
- Spectral science and moreMore science news snippets from Sciencebase: CRISPR X-rays – New on my SpectroscopyNOW column – "It would be exciting if a CRISPR-like system could be transferred into mammalian cells," Doudna told us, "where it might be engineered to silence the expression of deleterious host cell genes, or genes e ...
- Latest science news linksMore science news snippets from Sciencebase: Cannabis should be licensed and sold in shops, expert says – Cannabis should be legalised for the over-21s with approval from a doctor. I know several doctors…wonder if they'll approve? Oprah magazine and pseudoscience – Did a science columnist for Oprah’ ...
- Antioxidants, fingerprint testing, peersThese are the latest science news links and snippets from Sciencebase: Healthy antioxidants may do more harm than good – This has been my hunch for years. Now, scientists (J Agric Food Chem, ACS) are calling for more research on the possibility that some supposedly healthy plant-based antioxidants – ...
RFF Library
- USGS Water Data for the NationUSGS National Water Information System http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis These pages provide access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern ...
- High-resolution forest carbon stocks and emissions ...PNAS / Gregory P. Asner et al http://tinyurl.com/37gpxud [Abstract] Efforts to mitigate climate change through the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) depend on mapping and monitoring of tropical forest carbon stocks and emissions over large geographic areas. With a new integ ...
- Energy and Urban InnovationWorld Energy Council http://www.worldenergy.org/documents/eui_2010_1.pdf [From executive summary] This report outlines the energy-related challenges that cities, particularly large and “mega-cities”, will face during the coming decades. It analyses the technical and policy actions that must be take ...
- California Roadkill Observation SystemUniversity of California Davis, Road Ecology Center, Information Center for the Environment http://www.wildlifecrossing.net/california/ This web system can record observations from reporters out in the field who come across identifiable road-killed wildlife. This includes what animal type and/or spe ...
- Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Seaso ...Journal of the American Water Resources Association (first published online: September 7 2010) / by Robert M. Hirsch, Douglas L. Moyer, and Stacey A. Archfield http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00482.x/full A new approach to the analysis of long-term surface water-quality d ...
Scientific American - News
- Calling All Predators: Caterpillar Saliva May Be a ...Plants have evolved many direct defenses against herbivores, such as thorns, slippery leaves, lethal toxins and irritating resins. But some plants also employ indirect defenses by releasing chemicals that attract the natural enemies of herbivores. When a caterpillar starts feasting on a tobacco pl ...
- Cancer-Zapping Precision Radiation Beams Could Soo ...Targeted beams of high-intensity radiation can shrink early-stage tumors with limited collateral damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The addition of robotics and image guidance systems in recent years has made these stereotactic, or directed beam, radiosurgery systems an even more versatile weap ...
- Cyber Sensitive: Therapeutic Buddy Bots Get Emotio ...Diabetic children that enter the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy, are often full of apprehension about their disease, their diet and the possibility of giving themselves injections. Hospitals have tried introducing pets to calm young patients down. "Pets don't mind being at hospitals, can redu ...
- First Ant Genomes Promise Insight into Epigenetics ...Some ants live longer than others--way longer. And the mapping of the first full genome sequences of ants helps to reveal how two ants from the same colony, and with much the same genetic material , can have such different life histories. The work may also provide insights into longevity in another ...
- Stem Cells from Reprogrammed Adult Cells Found to ...Realistic stem cell therapies to replace diseased or damaged tissue may still be years away, but researchers have uncovered a promising new use for these undifferentiated cells: they can be programmed to become patient-specific laboratory models of inherited liver disease. These new tools could be u ...
- Warlords and killers seek re-election to Afghan pa ...McClatchy Newspapers: The man who directed the onslaught, according to residents and human rights groups, was Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayyaf, an Islamist member of parliament's lower house who's close to U.S.-backed President Hamid Karzai. He's running for re-election from Kabul, and analysts say he could ...
- One Year After the Kunduz Air Strike - No Sign of ...Der Spigel: After the deadly German-ordered air strike in Kunduz on Sept. 4, 2009, German Chancellor Angela Merkel promised a full investigation. One year on, questions about the bombing in Afghanistan are still unanswered and many of the details remain classified.
- NATO air strike kills 10 civilians: Afghan preside ...AFP: Ten Afghan civilians were killed Thursday in a NATO air strike on three vehicles carrying election campaign workers in northern Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai said in a statement. Karzai strongly condemned the incident in his statement, confirming earlier reports of an air strike that kill ...
- Lack of security biggest challenge in Afghan polls ...Monsters and Critics: Baraki Barak, Afghanistan - About 3,000 people including government officials and police were about to begin a prayer when a man shouted that he had an important message to deliver. The crowd had gathered Friday on Eid al-Fitr, a day of festivities that follows the fasting mon ...
- Were Afghan schoolgirls who collapsed in classroom ...Mail Online: Blood samples taken from Afghan schoolgirls who collapsed in an apparent mass poisoning showed traces of toxic chemicals found in nerve gas, the Health Ministry said today. Suspicion has fallen on the Taliban, the hard-line Islamist militia that opposes education for women and prohibite ...
- Conservation week – lords of the forestTane Mahuta, lord of the forest. A tree that is truly magnificent, along with Te Matua Ngahere, father of the forest, who is our second largest Kauri. Estimated to be over 2000 years old, this means that it is possible that it lived through the large Taupo eruption of 180CE. Both tr ...
- PPTA strikes for pay and conditionsYesterday I ducked out of the office to march through Wellington with the secondary school teachers on strike for improved pay and conditions. I talked to teachers on the march about how it felt and they all said they would rather be negotiating. There had been eight years of succe ...
- Pacific palms, poverty and Prime MinistersA month ago if you had asked me to think about the Pacific Islands, I would be mentally transported to a palm-clad, golden-sand idyllic paradise instantaneously. However, having recently visited Kiribati and the Solomon Islands I now have a different place in my mind. I was privileg ...
- General debate, September 16, 2010
- Conservation week – under the seaI live on an island close to the sea. The opening lyrics of Jess Chambers memorable song Island which featured in our 2008 election campaign will ring true with many. Our coastline features heavily in our recreational opportunities. Many of us yearn for a sunny day at the beach unde ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- Is Perfect Research PossibleSome claim that there is no hope of doing perfect research. So, is there hope of doing perfect research? Of course there issometimes! It all depends on the whetherwhether the subject is limited and whether the researcher can write and is intelligent enough to adequately evaluate the evidence. ...
- The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Last Gasp of ...No civilization in history that collapsed after a period of greatness has ever regained its dominance. Egypt lasted for three millennia; today it is little more than a field for archeological study. The Persian Empire, which lasted for more than three hundred years, became the largest and most p ...
- Specie, Script, and War: The Contradictory Practic ...Wars are fought for business, but business and the economy are synonymous. Wars will continue to be fought for the economy as long as this economy is not abandoned. War is a logical consequence of it, not a means utilized by it. No attempt to eliminate war and preserve the economy can succeed. A ...
- Knowledge, Truth and Human Action: America Hits th ...Americans have a problem with the truth. They seem to be unable to accept it. Beliefs somehow always overwhelm it, even when they are so contradictory that any effective action becomes impossible. By calling people with opinions experts and relying on adversarial debate between them, not only is ...
- The Psychopathic Criminal Enterprise Called Americ ...Is America a criminal enterprise? Government in America consists of law. Legislators write it, executives apply it, and courts adjudicate it. But the law is a lie. We are told to respect the law and that it protects us. But it doesn't. The law and law enforcement only come into play secundum vit ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Making Basel WorkThe Financial Times reports that the new Basel III banking standards might get toughened up in a few countries: Top bankers in the UK, US and Switzerland are braced for their national regulators to impose tougher capital requirements than those required by Sunday’s landmark global agreement, even ...
- Quote of the Day: More Preservatives, PleaseFrom Robert Waldmann, responding to criticism of preservatives in food: I stress this post is not a joke. I think that BHA and BHT are good for people's health. I even think that use of BHA and BHT are partly responsible for the increase in life expectancy since they were introduced. You may r ...
- The End of TennisAh, tennis. The rain-delayed U.S. Open — currently suffering through yet another rain delay — is on right now, and twitterer @jenningscraig says, "Would love to hear some commentary on this year's tourney." Sadly, though, the truth is that I've only watched bits and pieces of the Open this year. In ...
- Is the Gulf Recovering Faster Than Expected?This is all tentative and preliminary, so don't break out the champagne yet. Still, it's increasingly looking like the Gulf might be recovering from the BP blowout more quickly than we expected: As the weeks pass, evidence is increasing that through a combination of luck (a fortunate shift in oce ...
- The Mind of America, Part 2Via the latest New York Times poll, here's the Obama administration's problem in a nutshell: This is, of course, a simple factual question with a simple factual answer: Obama has lowered taxes for virtually all Americans. Unfortunately, hardly anyone knows it. In other news, people hate Democrats b ...
Insanity Report
- IC 195: Clitoris Portis (Video)image: http://theinsanityreport.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/IC195_Clitoris_Portis_9152010.jpg Share with your friends:
- IC 195: Clitoris Portis"Instead of random commentary, how about you work on not sliding like a QB when you end your runs"
- Dear Clinton Portis…Shut Up and Play FootballBy now you’ve probably heard of the NFL’s investigations into the treatment of reporter Ines Sainz by some New Jets’ players during an in locker room pregame interview. The whole situation is full of fail by all parties involved. First and foremost, let me piss off some women. Sainz…was wrong for ...
- C 194: The Takeover (Video)image: http://theinsanityreport.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/IC194_The_Takeover_9122010.jpg Share with your friends:
- IC 189: Punditry – The New Religion (Video)image: http://theinsanityreport.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/IC189_Punditry_The_New_Religion_8222010.jpg Share with your friends:
Simple Climate
- Saturday round-up: Choosing between food, fuel and ...As nature wilts in the heat, humans attack more directly
- Turbo-charged changes create climate roadkillWarming's extent and speed are both serious, says Jens Borken-Kleefeld
- Saturday round-up: Getting CO2 questions wrongAssumptions on plant growth and household efficiency are both suspect
- Struggling to adapt: Sea creatures – and humans?Warming's ecosystem harm to be “dwarfed” says Stanford's George Somero
- Fighting sea rise with mirrors and mock volcanoesPumping out sulphur dioxide could lower sea levels, but at what risk?
Blacklisted News
- Navy to test its ability to vaccinate masses in a ...It may be part of an exercise, but have no doubt: The needles in this simulated pandemic flu scenario are real. And so are the deltoids of thousands of sailors to be immunized in coming days as part of a test of the Navy's capacity to "surge" huge quantities of vaccines to its work force.
- Bank of America employee stole $200K from elderly ...
- Homeland Security works for the oil companiesThe US Department of Homeland Security has been spying on people who don't like gas drilling and handing on the data to the oil companies.
- Cashless Society FAIL: Chase Site Still Crippled; ...
- NYC to try banning smoking in parks and beachesCity officials announced new legislation on Wednesday that would outlaw smoking in parks, beaches, marinas, boardwalks and pedestrian plazas throughout the city
The Intelligence Daily
- Eric McDavid: Victimized by Green Scare State Terr ...By Stephen Lendman The October 2001 USA Patriot Act’s Section 802 created the crime of...
- Peak Oil is the real emergency — 4 videosLeft: Image of Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino from the novel Dune Saddam Hussein This is what...
- Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike WallaceVideo: Youtube User: gunman806 Aldous Huxley, social critic and author of Brave New World, talks to...
- The State: The New IdolVideo courtesy of YouTube User: 1236bigcat Thus Spake Zarathustra – The State – The New...
- IntelFilter: September 10, 2010Headline of the day: 100 million workers join India’s September 7 general strike Intelligence Iran...
My AntiWar
- US OKs $30 Million in Military Aid to Colombia
- Iran’s Nuclear Power Plant Launch Stirring U ...
- Wednesday: 24 Iraqis Killed, 29 Wounded
- Iran: in Video, Prisoner Says She Was Not Whipped
- Ahmadinejad Says Will Not Intervene for Release of ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Iran-Africa cooperation can establish lasting peac ...Summary: Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki: "The Islamic republic undeniably considers any progress of the African continent to be in line with African people attaining their right and in line with sustainable peace and security in the world and reduction of the South-North gap." sou ...
- IAEA not a UNSC subsidiary: IranSummary: soltaniyeh The Iranian envoy went on to say that the report contains "extensive details" about the "ordinary technical activities" in the framework of Iran's peaceful nuclear program which contradicts the principle of protecting "sensitive information of member states." "I wonder why th ...
- IRAN, THE IAEA, AND NUCLEAR MYTH-MAKINGSummary: For a richly informed and, we believe, more accurate take on the IAEA report, we are pleased to publish the post below by Peter Jenkins, a former member of the British diplomatic service who served as the United Kingdom’s Permanent Representative to the IAEA from 2001 to 2006. He is cu ...
- The Non-Aligned Movement urges the IAEA to provide ...Summary: members of the Non-Aligned Movement The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) has called on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to provide a comprehensive report on Israel's nuclear activities. The Egyptian government, on behalf of NAM member states, demanded on Tuesday that IAEA Chief Y ...
- Double standards: The United States and its allies ...Summary: US nuclear weapons in Europe For years, the United States and its allies have accused Iran of being a major nuclear threat because it has violated the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Ironically, the real violators of the NNPT are the same nations accusing Iran. The U.S. and its allies ...
The Daily Galaxy
- May 2011: Science Researchers Predict Discovery of ...The first Earth-like planet orbiting another star will be announced in May next year, if the discovery of extrasolar planets continues at its present rate, say researchers Samuel Arbesman from Harvard Medical School in Boston and Gregory Laughlin at the...
- Could Vanishing Sunspots Signal a Little Ice Age?Sunspot formation is triggered by the Sun's magnetic field, which scientists at the National Solar Observatory say is steadily declining, predicting that by 2015 there may be no remaining sunspots. The sun may stay spotless for several decades. The last...
- Using Robotic Probes to Identify Fossils on Jupite ...If extraterrestrial life exists on Jupiter's moon Europa, instead of deploying probes to drill past its ice shell to look for alien life in the ocean below, robotic probe might just find fossils on the icy surface. Europa might not...
- EcoAlert: Global Warming Drives Alaska's Massive W ...Scientists fear declining Arctic sea ice may have caused an unprecedented mass migration of thousands of walrus from the ice floes to dry land along Alaska's coast. Researchers from the US Geological Survey (USGS), who have been tracking walrus movements...
- Image of the Day: Hubble Captures a Ghostly Pinwhe ...This spooky image expanding pinwheel spiral shows a rare binary system called LL Pegasi and a surrounding "pre-planetary nebula" known as IRAS 23166+1655. This striking pattern is formed by material being ejected from a dying staralong with a second star...
Natural News
- Gwyneth Paltrow reveals vitamin D deficiency cause ...(NaturalNews) Gwyneth Paltrow has revealed to her online fans that she has a severe vitamin D deficiency. "My doctors tested my vitamin D levels which turned out to be the lowest thing they had never seen -- not a good thing," she said earlier this month. She then went on to reveal she is suffering ...
- New nuclear imaging technology causes breast cance ...(NaturalNews) Over and over, women are pushed to have mammograms in order to detect breast cancer. But you rarely hear about the research that shows these tests, which expose breast tissue to radiation, may actually cause breast cancer. For example, as NaturalNews has covered previously, a study pre ...
- Corn Refiners Association wants to change name of ...(NaturalNews) Consumers have largely ignored every marketing effort by the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) to "health-wash" high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as being the same as all other forms of sugar. But the group refuses to give up. According to the Associated Press, CRA is now petitioning the U ...
- Millions of Chinese oppose mass vaccination plan(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization is at it again trying to push mass vaccinations, this time on the people of China. But its efforts to "eradicate measles" by vaccinating 100 million Chinese children have fueled widespread protest by Chinese citizens who not only distrust their own governm ...
- Cancer solutions from five experts revealed in new ...(NaturalNews) We already have many cancer solutions that are highly effective, time-tested and scientifically proven. The NaturalNews Talk Hour has just wrapped up its 5 week series, "American Heroes - Cancer Experts Speak Out". Five doctors reveal natural, non-toxic therapies for reversing cancer. ...
Threat Level
- Alleged HDCP Encryption Crack Is No Pirate BonanzaHollywood studios and the maker and licensing authority of the High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection standard were scrambling Wednesday to determine whether a so-called “master key” to the anti-piracy encryption technology has leaked onto the internet. HDCP is a copy-protection technology that ...
- Ex-Googler Allegedly Spied on User E-Mails, ChatsGoogle acknowledged Wednesday that two employees have been terminated after being caught in separate incidents allegedly spying on user e-mails and chats. David Barksdale, 27, was fired in July after he reportedly accessed the communications of at least four minors with Google accounts, spying on G ...
- Report: Voting Machine Problems Highlight Urgent N ...In 2008 in Ohio, election officials discovered that voting systems made by Premier Election Solutions dropped at least 1,000 votes in 9 county elections. Premier (formerly Diebold Election Systems) initially blamed the problem on anti-virus software the county had installed on systems running the e ...
- Iran Activists Disable Privacy Tool After Security ...A highly lauded privacy tool designed to help Iranian activists circumvent state spying and censorship has been disabled after an independent researcher discovered security vulnerabilities in the system that could potentially expose the identities of anonymous users. Users have been instructed to d ...
- Appeals Court Guts Landmark Computer Privacy Rulin ...Bowing to the Obama administration, a federal appeals court Monday gutted its own decision that had dramatically narrowed the government’s search-and-seizure powers in the digital age. The 9-2 ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals nullifies Miranda-style guidelines the court promulgated la ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Senate Republicans Unveil PIG ActAs promised, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) this week introduced legislation proposing to make the budget-busting 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts permanent. The so-called Tax Hike Prevention Act wouldn't merely drain $3.9 trillion from the U.S. Treasury over the next decade. At a time o ...
- The Soft Expectations of Low BigotryIn his speech to school children carried live on CNN, PBS and many other networks, the President implored students, "Take control -- challenge yourself," adding, "Only you know how hard you work." Those quickly forgotten and uncontroversial words were delivered by President George H.W. Bush in 1991 ...
- Senate GOP Stiffens as Boehner Goes Limp on TaxesAfter months of pretending the Bush tax cuts paid for themselves and calling President Obama's opposition to another $700 billion windfall for the wealthy a "job killer" and "class warfare," House Minority Leader John Boehner on Sunday signaled his willingness to accept a compromise. But in the Sen ...
- Polls Support Letting Tax Cuts for Wealthy ExpireBack in April 2009 , 74% of respondent in a CBS/New York Times poll said that letting the Bush tax cuts expire for those earning over $250,000 was a "good idea." Now 18 months later, even with President Obama's approval sliding and Congressional Democrats wavering in their commitment, the American ...
- Respect, Not a Veto, for 9/11 FamiliesFor the families who lost loved ones in the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001, the anguish and suffering must be incomprehensible - and never ending. But the compassion, sympathy and respect Americans rightly feel for them cannot obscure the fact that 9/11 was an attack on the United States an ...
Blackspot News Feed
- UntitledBidding is still running on these beautiful Eliza Gauger art pieces.
- New York State Senate passes gas drilling (frackin ...ByJerry Mazza Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted atOnline Journal www.jerrymazza.com August 13, 2010 It isnt often these days that the good guys win one. But heres a beautiful example of a successful effort so far by the activist groupCatskill Mountainkeeper and friends. The fight to preven ...
- The Women Who Won't Abandon the GulfWhile the two main industries on the Gulf Coast, oil and fishing, are both male-dominated, it’s women who are now in leadership roles picking up after this latest mess.
- Gas Is Really Costing Us About $15 a GallonCalculating the true cost of living in a country built on oil.
- EPA defers hearing on fracking By Jerry MazzaByJerry Mazza Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.jerrymazza.com August 13, 2010 The New York Times and Catskill Mountainkeeper have reported that the EPAs last hearing on fracking, held in Canonsburg, Pa. in July drew over 1200 people without a hitch. Unfortunately, the follow-up, all-day hearing t ...
Consortium News
- Islam Basher Claims to Unmask ClericPropagandist Steve Emerson's jihad against cleric Rauf fails to live up to the hype on right-wing radio, reports Robert Parry. September 10, 2010
- Toning Down the 9/11 TiradesNine years after 9/11, the anniversary sadly has become an opportunity for political opportunists, laments Michael Winship. September 9, 2010
- The Value of Real JournalismUS journalism has fallen short, but the profession of separating fact from fiction is vital to the future, says Mort Rosenblum. September 8, 2010
- Iraq Pullout v. the Base TemptationPresident Obama promises to complete the US withdrawal from Iraq, but pressure builds to keep some bases, writes Ivan Eland. September 8, 2010
- Why the Israeli Boycott Is GrowingThe Israeli Right's insistence that it can seize Palestinian land is fueling a growing boycott movement, says Lawrence Davidson. September 8, 2010
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
- :
- Greg Moses : Mormons for Racial Profiling?
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- No concessions in Middle East talks (Al Jazeera)Israeli and Palestinian leaders have failed in talks in Sharm el-Sheikh to resolve disputes over Jewish settlement building, but the one year timeline for a comprehensive peace deal remains, US envoy George Mitchell has said. No news emerged of any compromise on settlements or other issues emerged a ...
- Divided we educate (Mel Frykberg, Inter Press Ser ...A thin Palestinian boy, no older than ten, darts between the piles of garbage and the congested lines of traffic which converge at the Qalandia checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem. ...
- Israeli troops kill Palestinians with impunity - r ...The Israeli military has failed to investigate its forces for killing dozens of Palestinian civilians in recent years, spawning a climate of impunity, a human rights group said on Tuesday ...
- Understand anti-Semitism, and anti-Muslim bigotry ...In a recent On Faith posting, Rabbi Shmully Hecht of Eliezer, a Jewish student society at Yale University, criticized a column I wrote for the Yale Daily News. Sadly, Hecht employed a tac ...
- Direct Talks 2010: Experts Available for Comments ...The IMEU provides journalists access to an array of experts and analysts to comment on the latest round of US-mediated talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Experts include ...
Water - AlterNet
- Billionaire Farmers Scheming to Privatize Californ ...Two devastating lawsuits have been filed this summer in an attempt to claw back hundreds of millions (and possibly billions) of dollars in ill-gotten profits.
- Why 'Gandhi of Water' Rajendra Singh Is Traveling ...He wants to save the Ganges river from pollution, misuse, damming and climate change, and thus save the 600 million people who depend on the river for their water needs.
- Your Idle Computer Can Solve Global Water ProblemsIBM is looking to tap the computing power of 1.5 million volunteer PCs to figure out better techniques for producing clean, safe drinking water on three continents.
- Why 'Gandhi of Water' Rajendra Singh Is Walking th ...He wants to save the Ganges river from pollution, misuse, damming and climate change, and thus save the 600 million people who depend on the river for their water needs.
- Where California's Next One Million Acre-Feet of W ...We must do the most critical and effective things first, from a technical, political and economic perspective.
Public Citizen in Texas
- P2080110 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Ali Rawaf: Media and Campaign Finance Intern at Pu ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Ali studies Political Science and Int'l Studies at University of Texas at Austin.
- Federal Investigation of Texas’ Radioactive Waste ...NRC and EPA called upon to examine radioactive waste site and licensing process, risks of groundwater contamination and potential risks to the Ogallala Aquifer, which lies beneath eight states AUSTIN – Environmental groups today asked the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the U.S. Environ ...
- Melissa Sanchez at Old Settlers Music Festival 200 ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Mellisa enjoys cooking in the rain
- Fed’s getting into the energy storage act, along w ...Long thought to be the last commodity that can’t be saved for later use, large scale electrical energy storage is finally looking like a technology who’s time might have come. Recently introduced the “Storage Technology of Renewable and Green Energy Act of 2010″ Act (S. 3617) introduced by U.S. Sena ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Could glasses soon be history ?Scientists have identified the gene responsible for short-sightedness that could lead to a cure within 10 years. Short-sightedness is one of the most ...
- Dog poo used to fuel streetlamp in parkThe Park Spark methane digester is able to take dog mess and turn it in to enough electricity to power a streetlamp. Its part of a new initiative to d...
- Gran with migraine wakes up with French accentA 49-year-old grandmother went to bed suffering from a migraine and woke up to find that she had a French accent. In this latest case of what is known...
- Do Egyptian mummies have a right to privacy?Ancient mummies are often exhumed and studied but shouldn't our ancestors have a right to rest in peace ? Issues concerning the privacy and beliefs of...
- Searching for England's Loch Ness MonsterA team is leading the hunt for a mysterious creature said to be living in England's Lake Windermere. Nicknamed "Bow-Nessie" the alleged creature has b...
- Ending Poverty by Rebuilding Local Food Economies- ...us_food_sovereignty_alliance.jpg Emerging out of the US Working Group on the Food Crisis , the US Food Sovereignty Alliance will be the first of its kind in the United States. Grassroots International is a member of this new alliance. To celeb ...
- Director of Grantmaking & AdvocacyGrassroots International (GRI) is a dynamic, social justice-oriented, human rights and international development organization and public foundation that works to create a just and sustainable world by building alliances with progressive movements through grantmaking and advocacy. GRI’s grantmaking a ...
- Referendum on Land Holding Used to Educate about L ...plebiscito_popular_logo.jpg As part of a larger campaign to support the right to land, this week Grassroots International provided a $10,000 grant to boost education and organizing around a powerful national referendum in Brazil. The referendu ...
- Pakistan Floods: Secular, Liberal & Progressive Or ...pakfloods2.jpg The recent monsoonal floods in Pakistan have devastated nearly a third of the country’s landmass – by some estimates�area the size of Italy. More than 20 million people have been directly impacted by the rising waters of the Ind ...
- Pakistan Floods: Secular, Liberal and Progressive ...pakfloods2.jpg The recent monsoonal floods in Pakistan have devastated nearly a third of the country’s landmass – by some estimates�area the size of Italy. More than 20 million people have been directly impacted by the rising waters of the Ind ...
- September 15, 2010U.S. Drilling Ban "Unlikely" to Be Extended: Official (Reuters) The Obama administration is unlikely to extend its six-month ban on deepwater drilling because of the progress the industry has shown since the massive spill in the Gulf, an Interior Department official said on Tuesday. Sta ...
- September 14, 2010GOP Considers Plan to Stymie New Greenhouse Gas Rules at Senate Markup (The Hill) Senate Republicans may use a markup of EPA’s annual spending bill Thursday to try and block the agency from implementing new climate change rules. Utah Agency Approves Oil-Sands Project (AP) A top Ut ...
- September 13, 2010California Regulators Order PG&E To Inspect Gas Lines After Explosion (Wall Street Journal) California regulators on Sunday ordered PG&E Corp.'s utility to inspect its entire natural gas pipeline system after one of the company's pipelines near San Francisco ruptured and killed at least f ...
- September 11-12, 2010Calif. Gas Pipe Ranked High Risk (AP) The section of gas pipeline that exploded in suburban San Francisco was ranked as high risk because it ran through a highly populated area, state and federal authorities said Saturday. 7 Confirmed Dead, 6 Missing in San Bruno Blast At least sev ...
- September 10, 2010 EPA Officials: Kan. Must Revise Air Permit Process (AP) Federal officials told Kansas legislators Thursday that the state will be expected to cut greenhouse gas emissions as it considers air-quality permits for power plants, large factories and oil refineries — and if it refuses, the EPA cou ...
- Mine the Gap: Connecting Water Risks and Disclosur ...This paper outlines potential water-related risks facing the mining industry and highlights important gaps in water-related disclosure.
- More Jobs, Less WasteThis report from Friends of the Earth Europe shows how countries that boost their recycling rates can add as many as 500,000 new jobs while cutting their waste to landfill significantly.
- Energy Efficiency Sleuths Uncover $350M in SavingsThe 2010 EDF�Climate Corps Fellows illustrate the power of energy efficiency with $350 million in reduced operating costs, 400,000 metric tons of annual greenhouse gas emissions avoided, and more than 650 million kilowatt hours of electricity saved.�
- Climate Corps 2010: Why is the Reality of Energy E ...Most companies are so preoccupied with external factors, such as sales that contribute to top-line growth, that they often neglect operational improvements and energy efficiency -- two opportunities with huge potential to boost the bottom line.
- Sony Seeks Best Idea to Repurpose Products for Gre ...�Sony and WWF have launched a competition seeking ways that existing technologies can be used to address environmental problems.
Reuters Global
- How many al Qaeda can you live with ?A furious debate has raged for several months now whether it makes sense for the United States to throw tens of thousands of soldiers at a handful of al Qaeda that remain in the Afghanistan-Pakistan theatre, nine years after launching the global war on terrorism
- Merkel fights back with drop-dead argumentChancellor Angela Merkel comes alive in spirited debate in parliament on Wednesday, defending her centre-right government's performance from a withering attack from the opposition Social Democrats.
- Nigeria on the brink? Of what?Is Nigeria on the brink of crisis and conflict or the greatest period of economic and social development the country has ever seen?
- Attack survivors at UN: Save the sharks!Nine shark-attack survivors from five countries headed for the United Nations in New York City to plead the case for shark preservation. U.N. member countries could take this issue up this week as part of an annual resolution on sustainable fisheries.
- Pakistan, India and the value of democracyThe debate in Pakistan on the failings of its civilian government shows no sign of dying down. And even the discussion itself shows how shallow are the roots of democracy in the country.
Booman Tribune
- A Video Election I love Nate Silver and I think his analysis isn't just the best in the business...he's got the business to himself. But there is one problem, and that is that he's relying on polls. He'll tell you all the limitations of his analysis because he's totally honest and has complete integrity, but there ...
- Stupid Harry ReidHarry Reid is about as popular as an antibiotic-resistant case of chlamydia, so I fail to see why he thinks it is helpful to repeatedly refer to Delaware senate candidate Chris Coons as 'my pet.' "I'm going to be very honest with you Chris Coons, everybody knows him in the Democratic caucus. H ...
- Greenspan Exposes Himself Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve Chief who served under four Presidents including both Bushes, and, whatever you think of him, one of the most influential people of the last 30 years, has come out of the closet. No, not that closet. This one: Taxes must rise while fiscal stimulus need ...
- Stupid Evan Bayh I'll be glad to see Evan Bayh go because he's basically a moron. His political worldview is so lazy and conventional that he spews nonsense like this: Q: What is the state of your political party? A: Its momentarily very strong. Its not common for a party to control the White House and bo ...
- Governors Drive TurnoutHistorically, when there is a governor's race and a senator's race on the ballot in a non-presidential year, it is the governor's race that gets the most votes. We tend to focus on federal offices because they impact all of us, while gubernatorial races only impact the people of that particular sta ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 16 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1400 - Owain Glyndŵr,...
- Wednesday Open ThreadAccept no substitutes!...
- Reporting on France as a "Stan"DES NOUVELLES DE FRANCE, ETAT VOYOUParis, 14 septembre. Une féroce lutte de clans a éclaté...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - Se ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:668 - death of...
- Tuesday Open ThreadCome on in...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
Therapy News
- At UIC, Institute for Juvenile Research Marks 100 ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline October first will mark the one hundredth anniversary of the Institute for Juvenile Research at the University of Chicago College of Medicine. Children’s mental health has been the institute’s focus since the start, as it has spearheaded efforts in the areas of resear ...
- Psychotherapy Makes a Big Difference in Early-Stag ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline People identified as being in the early stages of schizophrenia will very often be given prescription drugs to help monitor their symptoms right away. But a new study finds that the long-term mental health, social adjustment, and overall well being of such patients is ...
- Constructive Wallowing and Self-EsteemBy Tina Gilbertson, MA, Self-Esteem Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Tina and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile What do you do when you feel bad? Do you clean the house? Take a walk? Eat an entire bag or box of something sweet or salty? Whatever you do, does it work? Do the bad feelin ...
- Exploring Co-Occurrence of Addiction and Mental He ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary A new collaboration will provide increased resources, publications, events, and training opportunities for professional counselors, therapists, and advocates who care for individuals struggling with the co-occurrence of addiction and mental health disorders. The two or ...
- Sound HealingBy Nicole S. Urdang, M.S., NCC, DHM, Holistic Psychotherapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Nicole and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile. One of my favorite healing modalities is sound therapy, since everyone who is not deaf has a cornucopia of experiences with sound. Perhaps, it was ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Teens have mixed feelings on mountaintop removal - ...Teens have mixed feelings on mountaintop removal Charleston Gazette Mountaintop removal is a type of strip mining that involves leveling the top of a mountain to mine for coal. ... and more��
- Coal miners rally against Obama, for mountaintop r ...Kansas City Star Coal miners rally against Obama, for mountaintop removal Charleston Gazette by AP AP WASHINGTON -- Hundreds of coal miners rallied on Capitol Hill Wednesday against the Obama administration's attempts to rein in mountaintop removal ... Bloomfield Public Square: Dialogue for the 21s ...
- Hechler speaks against mountaintop removal at Lair ...Hechler speaks against mountaintop removal at Lair campaign rally The Daily Athenaeum Joe Manchin, held a campaign rally in front of the Mountainlair in support of his anti- mountaintop removal mining agenda. "Mountaintop mining is leveling ... Hechler Getting Younger Voter Support for Mountaintop ...
- Coal miners rally against Obama administration - T ...Boston Globe Coal miners rally against Obama administration The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Hundreds of coal miners rallied on Capitol Hill Wednesday against the Obama administration's attempts to rein in mountaintop removal mining, ... W.Va. miners head to DC to rally for coal jobs BusinessWeek ...
- All Eyes on Spruce - unEARTHED, from Earthjustice ...PlanetSave.com All Eyes on Spruce unEARTHED, from Earthjustice (blog) 1 mine is one of the largest mountaintop removal mining projects ever considered in Appalachia. Last spring, the EPA released a proposal to rescind this ... Don't move mountains Los Angeles Times RAN Protests Spruce Mine at EPA H ...
- Warren to Unofficially Lead Consumer Agency (Sewel ...Sewell Chan / New York Times : Warren to Unofficially Lead Consumer Agency — WASHINGTON — Elizabeth Warren, who conceived of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, will oversee its establishment as an assistant to President Obama, an official briefed on the decision said Wednesday evening.
- Teachers union helped unseat Fenty (Ben Smith/Ben ...Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog : Teachers union helped unseat Fenty — The American Federation of Teachers spent heavily to unseat Washington, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty and to put the breaks on his aggressive efforts to shake up the city's schools system. — The national union spent roughly $1 milli ...
- Rebel Jim DeMint sparks GOP Senate civil war (Manu ...Manu Raju / The Politico : Rebel Jim DeMint sparks GOP Senate civil war — South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint accidentally walked into a room full of lobbyists Wednesday morning and declared that “Republicans are not prepared to take over the Senate,” according to people in the room. — Some Republ ...
- TRENDING: Palin says Karl Rove should 'buck up' (C ...CNN : TRENDING: Palin says Karl Rove should ‘buck up’ — (CNN) - Sarah Palin has a message for former top Bush aide Karl Rove: “Buck up.” — Palin sent her message to Rove Wednesday on Fox News, after he expressed the doubt that Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell does not … ...
- Ayotte defeats Lamontagne in U.S. Senate primary ( ...John Distaso / UnionLeader.com : Ayotte defeats Lamontagne in U.S. Senate primary — CONCORD - 4:11 p.m. Ovide Lamontagne has conceded the Republican U.S. Senate primary to Kelly Ayotte. — At a news conference at the Legislative Office Building, still in progress, Lamontagne began by saying he ...
Energy & Environment News
- China Struggles to Meet Energy Efficiency GoalsA senior official said the country still hopes to reach a self-imposed goal of reducing "energy intensity" by 20 percent over the five-year period ending at the end of this year.
- Pipelines and Anxiety: What Next?There may be a lasting political impact from recent accidents, especially these days, when memories of the BP spill in the gulf are still fresh.
- As Europe Kicks Coal Habit, Hungarian Town Feels P ...The European Commission is fighting a complicated battle against an influential but polluting industry.
- BP Spill Report Hints at Legal DefenseBP released the results of an internal investigation that heaped some of the blame on itself, but mostly pointed at other companies.
- No Risk, Says Leader of Spill ResponseAfter a new blowout preventer was latched to the wellhead, BP prepared to conduct tests that should allow the company to finish plugging the well.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.8, TongaThursday, September 16, 2010 01:54:40 UTC Thursday, September 16, 2010 02:54:40 PM at epicenter Depth : 82.00 km (50.95 mi)
- M 5.0, Mindanao, PhilippinesWednesday, September 15, 2010 18:42:57 UTC Thursday, September 16, 2010 02:42:57 AM at epicenter Depth : 89.70 km (55.74 mi)
- M 5.0, Southern AlaskaWednesday, September 15, 2010 16:06:41 UTC Wednesday, September 15, 2010 08:06:41 AM at epicenter Depth : 120.80 km (75.06 mi)
- M 5.2, Izu Islands, Japan regionMonday, September 13, 2010 23:05:19 UTC Tuesday, September 14, 2010 08:05:19 AM at epicenter Depth : 40.50 km (25.17 mi)
- M 5.1, Gulf of CaliforniaWednesday, September 15, 2010 07:50:08 UTC Wednesday, September 15, 2010 12:50:08 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.20 km (6.34 mi)
China Dialogue
- Time to drop the one-child policyThe original arguments for China’s strict family-planning laws no longer hold and these outdated restrictions should now be relaxed, argue Zuo Xuejin and Yang Xiaoping. Since 1980, China has implemented a strict family-planning policy . In the past 30 years, the country has seen major changes in its ...
- Hiding behind the numbersYesterday, Sara Parkin urged policymakers to focus on fertility as a means to cutting emissions. But David Satterthwaite believes an emphasis on population is a distraction from the real problem – consumption by the rich. In our concern for the ecological sustainability of the planet – or some subse ...
- Peak populationFertility policies have failed to win favour among climate-change strategists but lowering the global birth rate is a workable way to cut emissions, argues Sara Parkin, kicking off a series of articles on demography. At the time of the first United Nations World Population Year in 1974, there were 4 ...
- Hidden risks of low-energy bulbsEnergy-saving lights have been promoted as efficient alternatives to traditional incandescent ones. But, writes Yuan Duanduan, they come with a dark side: small quantities of mercury pollution. Energy-saving bulbs are seen as a more efficient alternative to their traditional incandescent cousins. In ...
- Coming back down to earthAs global warming intensifies, demands for human manipulation of the climate system are likely to grow. But carrying out geoengineering plans could prove a political and logistical nightmare, says Mike Hulme. [This article was originally published by Yale Environment 360 on June 7 and is used here w ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Five Reasons to Let the Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich ...Congress is actively debating whether to retain President Bush’s 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for the wealthy that are due to expire at the end of this year. President Obama supports extending tax cuts for households with incomes under $250,000, but ending the tax breaks for higher income households. He ...
- Blair Should Take a Journey to JailHow do we bring liars like Tony Blair to justice? Continue to disrupt their lies everywhere they go.
- Is Obama Selling Out Elizabeth Warren?ABC News is reporting that President Barack Obama will appoint Elizabeth Warren to a “special advisory” position to set up the Co ...
- Sexy Primary Victories On Both SidesThe other day on the show, Melissa Harris-Lacewell suggested media “need to be covering the left as much as we cover, with anxiety, the right.â Anxiety reached a fever pitch Tuesday night with the Tea Party primary victory for Christine O’Donnell, anti-masturbation crusader, in Delaware’s Senate r ...
- Michael Moore Blames Iraq War on Liberals and The ...Never forget: Bad wars aren't possible unless good people back them.
Threat Level
- Alleged HDCP Encryption Crack Is No Pirate BonanzaHollywood studios and the maker and licensing authority of the High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection standard were scrambling Wednesday to determine whether a so-called “master key” to the anti-piracy encryption technology has leaked onto the internet. HDCP is a copy-protection technology that ...
- Ex-Googler Allegedly Spied on User E-Mails, ChatsGoogle acknowledged Wednesday that two employees have been terminated after being caught in separate incidents allegedly spying on user e-mails and chats. David Barksdale, 27, was fired in July after he reportedly accessed the communications of at least four minors with Google accounts, spying on G ...
- Report: Voting Machine Problems Highlight Urgent N ...In 2008 in Ohio, election officials discovered that voting systems made by Premier Election Solutions dropped at least 1,000 votes in 9 county elections. Premier (formerly Diebold Election Systems) initially blamed the problem on anti-virus software the county had installed on systems running the e ...
- Iran Activists Disable Privacy Tool After Security ...A highly lauded privacy tool designed to help Iranian activists circumvent state spying and censorship has been disabled after an independent researcher discovered security vulnerabilities in the system that could potentially expose the identities of anonymous users. Users have been instructed to d ...
- Appeals Court Guts Landmark Computer Privacy Rulin ...Bowing to the Obama administration, a federal appeals court Monday gutted its own decision that had dramatically narrowed the government’s search-and-seizure powers in the digital age. The 9-2 ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals nullifies Miranda-style guidelines the court promulgated la ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Japan PM says ready to step into forex markets aga ...TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's prime minister signaled on Thursday that authorities would keep intervening to curb yen strength as sagging manufacturing confidence underscored the threat the currency poses to the fragile economic recovery.
- Senate could pass small-business bill ThursdayWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Thursday could pass a long-stalled measure that would boost lending to small businesses, giving President Barack Obama's Democrats one of their last chances to show voters they are working to revive the sluggish economy.
- Republicans take stock after Tea Party stunnerWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Divided Republicans pointed fingers and vowed to regroup on Wednesday after a stunning Tea Party upset in Delaware dealt a blow to their hopes of recapturing control of the Senate in November.
- Austin ranked sexiest city in U.S.NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - New York, Las Vegas or Los Angeles may seem like more likely choices but Austin, Texas has been named the sexiest city in the United States in a magazine survey.
- No evidence for routine prostate screening: studyNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Routine prostate cancer screening does not appear to help men live longer, according to a new study that pooled the best available data on the controversial topic.
- CIA knew of Colombian infiltration of Bogota embas ...By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org | A Colombian former intelligence official has testified in court that the CIA was aware of an aggressive intelligence collection program by Colombian spies, involving the infiltration of several foreign embassies in Colombian capital Bogota. … Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #431WikiLeaks to publish massive Iraq War document cache. A massive cache of previously unpublished classified US military documents from the Iraq War is being prepared for publication by WikiLeaks in a few weeks, a new report has confirmed. Untangling the … Continue reading →
- US Pentagon to ban book by DIA intelligence office ...By IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org | American military officials are in negotiations with a major publishing firm to prevent the distribution of a new book on the Afghanistan War by a US intelligence officer, even though thousands of copies of … Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #430Russians arrested outside US power plant. Police in the US state of Georgia have arrested one Kazakh and two Russian citizens, who were carrying “a machete, shovel, wire cutters and ski masks”, outside Georgia Powerâs Plant McIntosh, at 1:00 in … Continue reading →
- Irish republicans used cameras to spy on MI5By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org | British government officials in Northern Ireland have ordered 20 trees cut down outside a spying installation, after a number of surveillance cameras were discovered hidden among the tree branches. The trees are located around … Continue reading →
After Downing Street.org
- Effective UK Torture InquiryEverywhere but here in the U.S.! NGOs call for effective UK torture inquiry 14 September 2010 - Amnesty International and eight other NGOs have urged the UK government to ensure that its forthcoming inquiry into torture and ill-treatment of detainees held abroad during ongoing counter-terrorism oper ...
- Man-Made MayhemWhen crumbling, neglected infrastructure leads to gas explosions, bridge collapses, and other disasters. Policymakers and politicians like to advocate infrastructure spending as an economic boost—most recently President Obama, who on Sept. 6 proposed a $50 billion spending package aimed at roads, ...
- Shifting Health Care CostAnd without a full Health Care Bill in place! In U.S., 13% More Have Gov't Healthcare Since Recession Began September 15, 2010 - More than one-quarter of American adults reported having government health insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, or military/veterans' benefits) in August. This number is up 13% ...
- America's War on IslamAmerica's War on Islam - by Stephen Lendman America prides itself on religious freedom, the Constitution's First Amendment stating: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or t ...
Grist - News
- BP well could be ‘killed’ by Sundayby Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- BP is on the cusp of finishing drilling operations to seal its blown-out Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico and could declare it permanently "killed" by Sunday, a top U.S. official said. "We're moving faster than we expected," retired U.S. Coast Guard Admi ...
- Welcome to the real climate war: Big Oil versus th ...by Randy Rieland. The big news is the upset victory of Tea Partier and Republican Party reject Christine O'Donnell in Delaware's GOP Senate primary. It means that now all the Republican candidates for the Senate are climate change deniers . It also means�Republicans have a much slimmer chance of ...
- Senators renew efforts to rein in EPA on regulatin ...by Randy Rieland. Well, that didn't take long. Congress is barely back in town and already there's talk of another�attempt�to rein in the EPA.�So, first the Senate punts on controlling greenhouse gas emissions itself;�now it wants to take the ball away from anyone else.� We have ways of making ...
- Long-delayed BP well kill back on in Gulf of Mexic ...by Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- BP on Monday began drilling the final stretch of a relief well that will allow engineers to permanently seal its disastrous Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico. Drilling stopped more than a month ago due to the threat posed by a tropical storm, and a leng ...
- Congress is back, but can it really pass a Renewab ...by Randy Rieland. If you listen really, really hard, you might be able to detect a pulse for a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES). Congress comes back to Washington this week and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says (I know, it's not easy to believe Harry), it may actually get ser ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
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Time - Top Stories
- Tea Party Time: The Making of a Political UprisingA conservative revolt is shaking up the Republican Party nationwide. But are Democrats next?
- Craigslist Really Comes Clean: No More "Adult Serv ...Even after the site "censored" itself last week, many Web freedom advocates hoped that Craigslist would return to the legal fray. It won't
- On the Road: Underwater in DetroitDismayed by politics and politicians, voters sense that some of their economic problems are homegrown
- Spain's Tolerance of Gypsies: A Model for EuropeAs France, Italy and other European countries focus on expelling gypsies, Spain has learned to embrace them. Is this an example the rest of the region should follow?
- Does Being Left-Handed Make You Angry?We used to think the left brain controlled your thinking and the right brain controlled your heart. But neuroscientists have learned that it's a lot more complicated
Washington Independent
- Obama Renews Call for Immigration Reform, Still Wi ...Obama promised immigration reform in 2008, and immigrants rights advocates have not forgotten that he broke his promise. The president attempted to play damage control yesterday at a dinner for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, blaming Republicans for the lack of reform legislation. “Now, ...
- The DREAM Act and National SecuritySome senators balked at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision to attach the DREAM Act, a measure that would help some students become legal residents, to the defense authorization bill. It may have been a political move, but the DREAM Act does have something to do with defense: Because undocu ...
- Federal Grant Agency For Faith-Based Organizations ...“Phone calls, faxes and e-mails to executive agencies go unanswered, redactions continue to happen,” says Anne Weismann, chief counsel for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics.
- Report: Obama to Name Warren to New White House/Tr ...Rather than naming Elizabeth Warren to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, President Obama plans to name her to a new White House and Treasury advisory post, helping to set up the CFPB, Jake Tapper reports. Obama chose not to nominate Warren to head the CFPB — her idea in the first pl ...
- The Plight of Blue-Collar WorkersVia Felix Salmon, Reuters writer James B. Kelleher has a great, long-form story on unemployed industrial workers and the fate of manufacturing in Michigan. He profiles Scott Stevenson, a blue-collar worker who feels his generation is living more poorly than his parents’. He has been unemployed for y ...
Digg Green
- Around the Solar System - The Big Picture With dozens of spacecraft currently orbiting, roving or otherwise and traveling through our solar system, I thought it would be interesting to get a general snapshot in time, using images from NASA and ESA spacecraft near Mercury, Earth, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and a few in-transit to further de ...
- Micro Hybrids Bring the Benefits of Start-Sto ...Micro hybrids are big business in Europe, because they can offer the mpg boost of start stop engines in a cheaper package. Conversion kits are also a real possibility for retrofitting standard cars here in the U.S., and may be coming sooner than you think.
- Back to Earth [PIC] Back to Earth
- Can Humans Fly & Land (On Their Own)? This Gu ...Jeb Corliss (professional base jumper) says if the birds can do it, so can he -- and he's got the vision, engineering plans & guts to do it...maybe.
- 5 Scientific Reasons You're a Bad Employee ...Science, you're really starting to chap our asses.
Invisible Opportunity
- Time for that Old Time False Flag ReduxBy Les Visible Get ready people because they are at it again. Yes, those wild and crazy, zany Marx Brother’s typos posing as art students, without palettes, brushes or berets are back on the scene. We’re hearing from people in B.C. and maybe we’ll even hear from people in A.D. that… Israelis with va ...
- Israeli art student activity reported at federal o ...Wayne Madsen – Online Journal September 13, 2010 On the eve of the 9/11 anniversary and in an eerie repeat of Israeli “art student” activity a year and a half prior to the 9/11 attack at the offices and homes of federal government, U.S. military, and even federal judges, WMR has been informed of an ...
- Millions of Chinese oppose mass vaccination planBy Jonathan Benson The World Health Organization is at it again trying to push mass vaccinations, this time on the people of China. But its efforts to “eradicate measles” by vaccinating 100 million Chinese children have fueled widespread protest by Chinese citizens who not only distrust their own go ...
- The Truth is an Unwelcome GuestBy Les Visible One of the things I always try to remember is the sort of treatment that much greater souls than me have experienced over the course of time. I say to myself, “Well, if that happened to them; why should I expect any different? This is one of the problems with relative truth, [...]
- Stand up to the cancer industry and its celebrity- ...By Mike Adams If there’s one thing to be learned from the recent “Stand Up To Cancer” telethon that gathered top Hollywood celebrities to raise money for the cancer industry, it’s that you probably shouldn’t get your health advice from actors. The cancer industry is losing its propaganda battle as m ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- It's Time for Unity in the Marijuana Reform Moveme ...It appears that there is a growing contingent of marijuana users and people associated with the industry who are fighting against efforts to make it legal for all adults.
- Andrew Weil: Medical Marijuana's Tremendous Potent ...Cutting through all the government misinformation.
- Former Police Chief: Legalize Pot, NowAs San Jose's retired chief of police and a cop with 35 years experience on the front lines in the war on marijuana, I'm voting yes on Prop. 19.
- Lawyers' Advice on What Marijuana Suspects Should ...Panel of marijuana criminal defense attorneys on the opening day of NORML's 39th Annual National Conference in Portland unanimously suggest: exercise your right to remain silent.
- Pop Quiz: How Much Do You Really Know About Drugs ...Here is your chance to test your knowledge and find out how much you know about drugs and drug policy.
Twilight Earth
- Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon)Opposition to health care reform, threats of holy book burning, anti-immigration legislation, opposition to gay marriage, and the growing influence of the horrifically xenophobic Hate-Everyone-Not-Like-Me Party…WOW! Is this 2010 or 1810??? We are on a fast track to SCARY!!! These hate-children of P ...
- Frankenfish Should be OK Because of BPA (cartoon)Bill McKibbenâs New Book: The Old Economy is Killing the Earth; Itâs Time for a New Living Economy Don’t Let Experimental Genetically Engineered Salmon Reach Your Plate Follow all of Mean Joe Green’s environmental cartoons on JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons. Related post ...
- Water: Nature’s Wonderdrug–Now with Wonderdrugs! ( ...Between 2006 and 2007, the Southern Nevada Water Authority in Las Vegas screened tap water from 19 US water utilities for 51 different compounds. The 11 most frequently detected compounds are highlighted in the cartoon and described below. 1.used to treat cardiovascular disease, 2.an herbicide ba ...
- Pesticides and ADHD (cartoon)From Grist: More research linking pesticide exposure to ADHD in kids Follow all of Mean Joe Green’s environmental cartoons on JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons. Related posts:Chemicals and Obesity Speeding up Puberty in Girls (cartoon) BP’s Getting All Cap-Happy (cartoon) Tea ...
- Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoon)A victory for anyone who likes healthy food, soil, and water! Monsanto’s sour plans for the sweet beet were spoiled as a federal judge banned genetically modified sugar beets. This is great news and hopefully a large step forward to getting food production back on a less toxic track. Sugar beet, ...
- Solar-Powered Crystalline Towers Unveiled for Abu ...Read the rest of Solar-Powered Crystalline Towers Unveiled for Abu Dhabihttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture" ...
- PARK(ing) Day 2010 Takes Place This Friday Around ...Heads up city dwellers – Park(ing) Day 2010 takes place all over the world this Friday, so get out there and explore the pop-up parks in your neighborhood! Park(ing) Day participants take over parking spaces in cities across the world and put them to better use by setting up impromptu cafes, parks, ...
- Are Wind-Catching Sails the Future of Skateboardin ...We love innovations that keep people out of their cars and using alternative methods of transportation, so we were intrigued to hear about the Sporting Sail. This $79 kite-like device purportedly lets skateboarders harness the wind to control their speed. Read the rest of Are Wind-Catching Sails th ...
- Check Out GreenHomeNYC’s DIY Green Block Party on ...Join us for GreenHomeNYC’s DIY Green Block Party on October 2nd! Heads up New Yorkers! Summer may be on its way out, but this October 2nd GreenHomeNYC is kicking off an awesome outdoor DIY Green Block Party to celebrate new ideas for a better, brighter future. There will be hundreds of DIY activiti ...
- Inkless PrePeat Printer Lets You Undo Print JobsInkless printers? Those are so last year. How about a printer that uses no toner but also lets you “erase” pages you’ve printer and reuse the paper?! That’s what the PrePeat by Sanwa does. The $5000+ printer (hey, we didn’t say it was going to be cheap) comes with special paper made from PET plastic ...
Pogue's Posts
- My Favorite Flight CompanionDavid Pogue's favorite laptop bag is a Timbuk2 Commute 2.0.
- Are You Hip to Hipmunk?A new travel service reveals flight schedules in graphical form.
- Another Mystery: Buying E-Books OverseasWhy can't an American overseas buy an e-book?
- More on the Virgin MiFiThe Virgin MiFi review got a lot of reaction--including complaints from readers on what I didn't mention.
- Laptops Look Like Racecars - and Not in a Good WayA new Windows PC comes covered with advertising stickers even though computer companies are trying to make their laptops beautiful. They ought to stop.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- EPA’s Pollution-Busting Cops Have Lost Focus, Say ...The federal government’s anti-pollution detectives have lost their focus, allege government watchdog group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. According to documents obtained by Peer under the Freedom of Information Act, the Environmental Protection Agency’s investigation unit is un ...
- Glaciers Help Mountains GrowGlaciers can help mountains grow by shielding them from erosion. The finding contradicts the usual view of glaciers as icy razors that slowly scrape mountains away. But the new data, collected from rocks in the Andes Mountains in the Patagonia region of South America, shows glaciers can both protec ...
- Dog Poop Powers Park LightsBy Olivia Solon Conceptual artist Matthew Mazzotta is using dog faeces to power lampposts in a park in the US city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mazzotta’s Project Park Spark, which was funded through MIT and created in partnership with the City of Cambridge, comprises of a special “methane digester ...
- Protecting Tigers’ Final StrongholdsThe world’s remaining tigers are clustered in just a few dozen small areas that could serve as source populations for a recovery, but only if resources are in place to keep poachers out. Tigers have been driven to the brink of extinction, primarily by poaching for pelts, body parts and live trade, ...
- 9/11 Memorial Lights Trapped Thousands of BirdsOn the evening of the ninth anniversary of 9/11, the twin columns of light projected as a memorial over the World Trade Center site became a source of mystery. Illuminated in the beams were thousands of small white objects, sparkling and spiraling, unlike anything seen on other nights. Some viewers ...
The Progressive Realist
- Ahmadinejad Continues to Sidestep Khamenei’s Deman ...While purporting to accede to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s wishes by cosmetically changing the title of “Special Envoy” to “Special Advisor,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues to sidestep the demands of the Supreme Leader, Foreign Ministry, and parliament. The move is an insult ...
- Creeping Sharia "Team B" Report Presented to Congr ...The Washington Times today has a couple of items noting a new “Team B” report on the threat entitled Sharia: The Threat To America , released today by the Center for Security Policy, a think tank led by Washington Times columnist Frank Gaffney. Bill Gertz reports that “ A panel of national security ...
- Unsterilized Foreign Exchange Interventions Might ...(cc photo by MShades) Japan announced a currency intervention today aimed at making the Yen weaker and bolstering the country’s export sector. Such interventions rarely actually succeed in changing currency prices since foreign exchange markets are so big. But as Felix Salmon explains, the Japanes ...
- One Iranian Hostage Out: What Does It Mean?Today U.S. hiker/hostage Sarah Shourd left Iran on a chartered plane for Oman. She had spent more than a year in an Iranian prison, much of it effectively in solitary confinement. There are several reasons for her release: read more
- Corruption in AfghanistanI’ve beaten on this horse before, but our focus on corruption in Afghanistan is an example where existing COIN theory is often at odds with reality. From yesterday’s NYT ( U.S. Debates Karzaiâs Place in Fighting Corruption ): The Obama administration is debating whether to make Afghanistanâs pr ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Tax Pro-Cons.Obama announced his tax-cut plan today, but some Blue Dog Democrats continue to oppose it. In a conversation with The Washington Post ’s Greg Sargent , Jim Matheson (D-Utah), explains that even though national polls show support for letting the tax cuts for the rich expire, that’s not necessarily ...
- The Little Picture: Economy on the Brink.The cover of The Wall Street Journal September 15, 2008. Two years ago today, the economy teetered on the brink of collapse as the nation’s largest financial institutions began to fail.
- Let's Keep Future Texans as Ignorant as Possible.After years spent stripping public school history textbooks of references to Thomas Jefferson , minimizing the importance of the New Deal, and inflating the role Christianity played in founding the country, the Texas Board of Education has turned to ridding their children's classrooms of a new scour ...
- Innovations In Newsvertising.If you watch local morning "news" shows - I'm not judging here, but just so you know, doing so puts your very soul in mortal danger - you may have seen various "consumer advocate" types come on and tell you about some awesome new products out there. But guess what? As James Rainey of the L.A. Times ...
- Fin Reg Goes International.Tim Fernholz says Basel III is a tough new international regime, a rare sign of optimism in the battle with the banks : When the market crashed, the limits of those standards became apparent: Suddenly, reserves were worthless. Liabilities increased as debts that hadn't been counted in the ratio wer ...
- Two Reasons That Florida’s “Let’s Burn The Koran!” ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH Terry Jones shares a name with a guy in Monty Python. If that isn’t enough reason to make him appear all nuts, He’s a dead ringer for the actor in “The Sopranos” who Played that hothead and total numbskull Paulie Walnuts. read more
- Jonathan Westminster: The 15% Solution, Serializat ...This is the eighth installment of a project that is likely to extend over a two-year-period from January, 2010. It is the serialization of a book entitled The 15% Solution: A Political History of American Fascism, 2001-2022 . Under the pseudonym Jonathan Westminster, it is purportedly published in ...
- On 9/11 It's Time, If We Honor Those Who Died, to ...BUZZFLASH EDITOR'S BLOG BY MARK KARLIN Given the history of savagery that has accompanied civilization, every nation and ethnic group has its historical losses of life to mourn. Until 9/11, we had the dead of World War II, the Korean War, the more than 50,000 GIs who died in the Vietnam War and a ...
- How the U.S. Stepped Into bin Laden's 9/11 Terrori ...STEPHEN PIZZO FOR BUZZFLASH I’ve mentioned before that what bin Laden did on 9/11 was a page right out of Ronald Reagan’s playbook. Sound strange? Well, stop and think about it. After half a half-century long game of Mexican Standoff with the Soviets, Reagan baited the Soviets with his then myt ...
- The Republicans Want to Rule Rather Than GovernBARBARA'S BUZZ FROM ATLANTA http://pr.thinkprogress.org/2010/09/pr20100903/index.html "Social Security Under Assault"� How like the Repuglicans, they want to eliminate Social Security but they want to keep the Bush tax cuts for the very rich.� "Privatizing" Social Security is the first leg in the Re ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Obama in WonderlandEight months after imposing the death penalty on a U.S. citizen, Obama considers indicting him
- Interview with Sen. Russ FeingoldThe Wisconsin Democrat faces a very tough re-election fight: why the outcome genuinely matters
- Transcript: Interview with Sen. Russ FeingoldTalking with the Wisconsin Democrat about Obama's civil liberties record and his own re-election bid
- The Democratic fear-based strategyRather than tout their own accomplishments, Democrats look to fear of Sarah Palin to motivate their base
- America the ExceptionalThe U.S. forces Iraq to pay $400 million to torture victims 2 days after America's victims are denied court access
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- 13 of the best Facebook fans everIn the spirit of exploiting the three principles of uber-link bait titles mentioned over on sciencetext, I wanted to express my thanks to a few people who are fans, or “likers”, of the Sciencebase Facebook page. These diamond people have all been particularly active recently on the fan page, liking, ...
- Social media and scienceI was recently commissioned to write a short piece about the adoption of social media and networking tools by scientists for The Euroscientist. I briefly covered various aspects of the evolution of the web and the notion of a Facebook for Science. Of course, there are lots of networks out there and ...
- Spectral science and moreMore science news snippets from Sciencebase: CRISPR X-rays – New on my SpectroscopyNOW column – "It would be exciting if a CRISPR-like system could be transferred into mammalian cells," Doudna told us, "where it might be engineered to silence the expression of deleterious host cell genes, or genes e ...
- Latest science news linksMore science news snippets from Sciencebase: Cannabis should be licensed and sold in shops, expert says – Cannabis should be legalised for the over-21s with approval from a doctor. I know several doctors…wonder if they'll approve? Oprah magazine and pseudoscience – Did a science columnist for Oprah’ ...
- Antioxidants, fingerprint testing, peersThese are the latest science news links and snippets from Sciencebase: Healthy antioxidants may do more harm than good – This has been my hunch for years. Now, scientists (J Agric Food Chem, ACS) are calling for more research on the possibility that some supposedly healthy plant-based antioxidants – ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Lawsuit to Unravel Varying BP Spill EstimatesFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 16, 2010 PEER The Obama administration is hiding the memos and e-mails behind official scientific assessments of the size of the massive BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a lawsuit filed today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEE ...
- CCR And ACLU Response To Report That The Governmen ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 14, 2010 ACLU / Center for Constitutional Rights The Obama administration is considering filing criminal charges against Anwar Al-Aulaqi, a U.S. citizen located in Yemen whom the U.S. government has already targeted for death without charge or trial, according to ...
- Faith Leaders Call For Religious Freedom And Toler ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 14, 2010 ACLU The American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) today released a video featuring religious leaders from multiple faiths proclaiming that freedom of religion is a fundamental right. The video is being released in resp ...
- Will GOP Leaders Share a Stage with the Most Anti- ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 14, 2010 People for the American Way This weekend (Sept. 17-19), conservative luminaries including Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachman, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, and 2012 presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, and Mike Pence, will be speaking a ...
- CEO of Israeli Cosmetic Firm Ahava Rattled by Grow ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 14, 2010 CODEPINK In a recent, quietly circulated letter from the desk of Yaacov Ellis, CEO of Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories—a company at the center of a growing international boycott campaign—and directed at the company’s retail partners, Ellis deploys specious informa ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Notes on the White House Enthusiasm Gapby Bill McKibben I got to see the now-famous enthusiasm gap up close and personal last week, and it wasn’t a pretty sight. read more
- Blackwater's Black Opsby Jeremy Scahill Over the past several years, entities closely linked to the private security firm Blackwater have provided intelligence, training and security services to US and foreign governments as well as several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Comp ...
- Hedge Fund-Funded Charter School Lobby Buys Electi ...by Margaret Kimberley Rich people have always had the ability to bend electoral politics to their collective will. They determine who has the opportunity to run for office and sadly, more often than not, they determine who will win. This subversion of democracy is now on full display in race ...
- Five Reasons to Let the Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich ...by Chuck Collins Congress is actively debating whether to retain President Bush’s 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for the wealthy that are due to expire at the end of this year. President Obama supports extending tax cuts for households with incomes under $250,000, but ending the tax breaks for higher ...
- Never Forget: Bad Wars Aren't Possible Unless Good ...by Michael Moore I know we've been "free" of the Iraq War for two weeks now and our minds have turned to the new football season and Fashion Week in New York. And how exciting that the new fall TV season is just days away! But before we get too far away from something we would all just like to f ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Europeans' Afghan Apathy And Consequences For NATOBy Steve Hynd Across the pond, public support for NATO's out-of-area adventure is cratering: The wide-ranging Transatlantic Trends study by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) also saw deep divisions between Europe and the United States on how to handle Iran's nuclear ambitions. Whil ...
- Petraeus - All Hat, No Cattle?By Steve Hynd Perhaps the most disturbing part of ABC's exclusive interview with General David Petraeus is his "cowboys driving the cattle home" metaphor. He pointed to a Frederick Remington print on the wall of his office in Kabul, called "The Stampede". "If you look at that print, you'll see that ...
- How The Bush Administration Fubarred Af/Pak From T ...By Steve Hynd George Washington University has unveiled a series of previously unseen documents relating to the beginnings of the war in Afghanistan. War was always and entirely the only option on the table. As current U.S. strategy increasingly pursues policies to reconcile or “flip” the Taliban, t ...
- Where's The Progress, General Petraeus?By Steve Hynd An important article by the New York Times' Rod Nordland puts a massive dent in the Saintly General's PR campaign to suggest, without evidence, that there's any kind of progress in Afghanistan. Unarmed government employees can no longer travel safely in 30 percent of the country’s 368 ...
- Burnt Korans? What About Murder Rings?By Steve Hynd As my Twittering pal Keith Boyea notes, we've been treated to an awful lot of news reports and media pontification about one wingnut's plan to burn Korans - media attention that has created blowback in the form of mass demonstrations in Afghanistan in which one person has died and over ...
Water Wars
- Don't repeat 'water wars,' former governor tells J ...A river summit such as the one that opened Wednesday in Jacksonville might have spared Tampa-area residents years of costly "water wars," former Gov. Bob Martinez said as he encouraged participants to work together. "I wish we had done this as a community when it first became evident that water was ...
- Water wars over neighborhood annexation in Rock Hi ...The city of Rock Hill wants to annex two neighborhoods and a church along the Highway 161 corridor in York County. Homeowners are fighting annexation.
- Pittsburg ChickFest 2010 to be Bigger and Better t ...PITTSBURG – The streets of Historic Downtown Pittsburg will transform into an open-air marketplace on September 18 as vendors from all over East Texas converge on the city for ChickFest. Estimated attendance at the annual festival, which is Pittsburg’s biggest, is 10,000.
- Pittsburg ChickFest 2010 to be Bigger and Better t ...PITTSBURG – The streets of Historic Downtown Pittsburg will transform into an open-air marketplace on September 18 as vendors from all over East Texas converge on the city for ChickFest. Estimated attendance at the annual festival, which is Pittsburg’s biggest, is 10,000.
- Pakistan Has Water Shortage Despite FloodsDespite recent floods, Pakistan and other Asia nation have a shortage of usable water.
WordPress | Economics
- Breaking News : Mervyn King States The ObviousImage by Downing Street (Mervyn King) It’s taken him 3 years but Mervyn King, the governor of
- OMO basicNhân đọc bài này và bài này, tôi viết rõ hơn một số vấn đề về thị trường liên ngân hàng và OMO. Thị
- UK's August Retail Sales slumps as inflation and l ...Retail sales in UK reflected the effect of elevated inflation levels and weak economic conditions in
- THE INFLUENCE GAME: Renewable energy goal stallsWASHINGTON – A powerful lobbying coalition to require more IS Campaigning Electricity to Come
- UK retail sales fall 0.5 pct in August from JulyLONDON – Official data show retail sales in Britain fell 0.5 percent in August compared to Jul
Electronic Intifada
- Washington peace talks: democracy need not apply The image of the five men attending peace talks at the White House can easily be dissected as the following: a dictator, a monarch, a puppet and two heads of state responsible for ...
- Israeli discrimination drives kids from schoolDue to the endemic poverty in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied West Bank, hundreds of Palestinian children are forced on to the streets by parents who are livin ...
- Two steps back for Palestinians in Lebanon"Everyone here works without a permit," said Shatila refugee camp resident Mohammed Khalife. "Being legal and having a work permit is the strange thing, not the other way around." ...
- Academic research collaboration emboldens Israeli ...Israel aggressively courts research partnerships with American universities by hosting academic delegations. These academic delegations are political-educational junkets, w ...
- Gaza subjected to air strikes, water crisisThree Palestinian farmers were killed by Israeli tank shelling late at night 12 September in the northernmost occupied Gaza Strip, along the no-go "buffer zone" enforced by ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Karzai castigates Pakistan for providing refuge to ...At a press conference with Asif Ali Zardari, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai has criticised Pakistan for harbouring sanctuaries and training camps of the terrorists within its territorial limits.
- Pakistan, Afghan leaders discuss security, coopera ...The leaders of Pakistan and Afghanistan Wednesday called for greater cooperation in security and intelligence to tackle rising militancy that has rocked their countries.
- Afghan president arrives in Pakistan to talk secur ...Afghan President Hamid Karzai arrived in Islamabad Wednesday to discuss security on the two countries' shared border, a Pakistani official said.
- US seeking more 'sophisticated' approach ...In an attempt to root out corruption in Afghanistan, the United States is reportedly debating whether Afghan President Hamid Karzai should be given any veto power over anticorruption efforts in his country.
- Afghan minority leader says government blocking hi ...JABAR KHAN, Afghanistan (Reuters) - The Afghan government has deliberately shut polling stations under a pretext of insecurity in relatively safe areas where the Hazara ethnic group dominates, their l...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- POGO Testifies on SECrecy ProvisionThe House Financial Services Committee holds a key hearing tomorrow on the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) new-found secrecy privileges. The hearing is entitled "Legislative Proposals to Address Concerns Over the SEC’s New Confidentiality Provision." POGO Director of Public Policy...
- Questions for Lew: Will OMB Curb Out-of-Control Co ...The Senate Budget Committee is set to hold its confirmation hearing tomorrow for Jacob Lew, the nominee to succeed Peter Orszag as the new head of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Here are just a few of the...
- Grassley and Issa Conclude Amtrak IG Was Removed w ...In case you missed it, Senators Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Darrell Issa, R-Calif., on Monday released a final report on the circumstances surrounding the apparent removal of Amtrak’s long-standing Inspector General (IG), Fred Wiederhold. The Washington Times first reported on...
- Pentagon IG's Response to Grassley Highlights Diff ...On Monday, Gordon Heddell, the Pentagon's Inspector General, sent a detailed eight-page response to Senator Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who last week criticized the Pentagon Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) audits in a withering report. Sometimes agreeing, sometimes disagreeing with Grassley's...
- Morning Smoke: New Defense Buying Plan Rewards Con ...The Party Is Over - Gates Unveils New Buying Rules by Sandra Erwin [National Defense Magazine] Lawmakers rap Amtrak for IG dismissal by Robert Brodsky [Government Executive] Senate Rejects Nelson Amendment, Oil Industry Applauds by Andrew Restuccia [Washington Independent] Air...
Digital Journal
- Quality Chinese films hit Toronto film festivalThe 35th Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) kicked off the other day in the largest city of Canada. Such quality Chinese-language films as Zhangke Jia's I Wish I Knew and Xiaogang Feng's Aftershock were shown at the premier film festival.
- Cynthia Agbozo's Aromas from GhanaHer name is Cynthia Aba Agbozo. She is from Ghana but she was not born in Ghana. She was born in London, United Kingdom. At the tender age of three she returned to Ghana with her parents.
- New Pornographers show cancelled because of nameCalvin College cancelled a show by Canadian band The New Pornographers because of its name. They admitted that the band’s music was good, but said their name was impossible to explain to many people.
- Dognapping caught on videoYork Regional Police have released CCTV footage showing suspects in a dognapping which took place in August. The dog is diabetic and should have medication daily.
- TIFF 2010 - Blame's tension will keep you rivetedRight from the initial scenes, the action in Blame hooks you into this Australian thriller. Screening at the Toronto International Film Festival, Blame's few actors and sparse location has taut energy and compelling insights into human behaviour.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Spare Some Change? New Ways of Raising Money for t ...Raising money for the homeless has always been a trying endeavor. Throw a recession into the mix, and you've got a nightmare for people looking to fill budget gaps in both the public and private sector . In times like these, public officials and non-profit fundraisers alike are getting creative with ...
- How Good Customer Service Helps the HomelessI spent most most of the day fuming at my computer. The $85 power cord to my MacBook, the fourth one in four years, is shot. Don't lecture. My aging PC never had this problem. It has power cords I could tow my van with. Apple has, I learned today, beefed up its cords so this doesn't happen anymore, ...
- Blaming the Poor Never Gets OldNapoleon advanced on Alexandria and through Egypt; the U.S. Public Health Service began to take shape; and in Britain, as French troops offered support to the Irish rebellion at the dawn of the seventeenth century, Thomas Malthus wrote somewhere from an ivory tower about the inevitability of poverty ...
- Which Glee Character Is Headed for Homele ...Millions will be glued to their sets when the second season of the toe-tapping, must-see show Glee premieres on FOX next Tuesday, Sept. 21. Homeless advocate and likely "gleek" Joel John Roberts recently posed a silly question with a very serious answer on Poverty Insights : which Glee character is ...
- An Alcoholic Talks Openly About His Alcoholism This new video comes from Mark's InvisiblePeople.tv 30-city, 11,000-mile, 75-day road trip , going on now. Ed moved to New Orleans for a job. Homelessness was never part of the plan. Even with a college education he can't find work. Ed talked about the New Orleans Mission's recent decision to charge ...
- Joint Task Force 2 under investigation for imprope ...Canada’s Defence Department is quietly conducting its second investigation into allegations regarding the conduct of Joint Task Force 2, the highly secretive Canadian special forces unit, in Afghanistan from 2005 to 2008. The initial probe, Sand Trap I, lasted a year and a half and resulted in ...
- Russian bomber flights rare: NORADNORAD statistics obtained by the Ottawa Citizen show that Russian bomber flights near Canadian airspace–which the Harper government has been hyping in its efforts to sell Canadians on the controversial plan to buy F-35 fighters–have occurred only three to five times a year since 2007 (David Pugliese ...
- Petraeus tightens rules of engagementU.S. Gen. David Petraeus, the recently appointed commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, has reportedly added further restrictions to the “rules of engagement” that govern the use of force by most international forces in Afghanistan (Jason Motlagh, “Petraeus Toughens Afghan Rules of Engage ...
- Canadians still want out of AfghanistanAlmost 80 percent of Canadians want Canadian soldiers out of Afghanistan by the end of 2011, as currently scheduled, reports a recent Ipsos-Reid poll (Carmen Chai, âCanadians want to end Afghan mission by 2011, poll shows,â Postmedia News, 5 August 2010): “These numbers are very indicative of a ...
- Ex-Pakistani spy chief says Afghanistan war cannot ...A former head of Pakistani intelligence, Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul, has stated that the conflict in Afghanistan cannot be won. Gul, whose agency worked closely with the Taliban prior to the U.S. invasion and continues to maintain ties with the organization, argued in an interview with CNN that the U.S. pre ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 9-15-10Today, LIVE from a Top Secret location, Kevin reveals what is really going on in Iran and how it affects YOU! Plus, find out how the government is using the media to run your life and why Natural Cures is too controversial to advertise! Self Help: Loss The Extra Baggage Stand with Kevin Sleep Better ...
- US Regulator Raps PR Group For EndorsementsAugust 27, 2010 The Financial Times By: David Gelles Last year the US Federal Trade Commission put advertisers, celebrity endorsers and bloggers on notice – mislead consumers online, and there would be penalties. Now the FTC is making good on that threat. In its first enforcement of last year’s revi ...
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 9-14-10Today, after 5 long weeks, Kevin is back LIVE from a Top Secret location! Find out what he’s really been doing the last month and how it affects this show AND you! Self Help: Revitalize Damaged Hair Protect Your Skin Increase Energy Protect Yourself Reverse Aging Lose Weight For Good Increase Streng ...
- Obama, White House Says ‘NO’ To Solar ...September 14, 2010 Natural News Ethan A. Huff Efforts to get the Obama administration to install solar panels on the White House roof have failed, according to a recent New York Times piece. Bill McKibben, leader of the environmental activist group 350.org, and his team met with White House official ...
- Herbal Supplements ‘Shunned’ By FedsSeptember 14, 2010 Wall Street Journal by Laura Landro Elderberry extract and acai to boost the immune system. Black cohosh to lessen the discomforts of menopause. Soy capsules to prevent bone loss and prostate cancer. Many botanical supplements—made from the seeds, bark, leaves, flowers and stems o ...
Pambazuka News
- Black Congress to convene in D.C. to set black age ...As criticisms of President Obama’s war and economic policies mount, the group that first questioned his intentions regarding the concerns of the black community is holding a national Congress to define a black agenda to serve the interests of black p...
- Haiti: Women demand role in reconstructionWomen's civil society groups were noticeable by their absence from the landmark Haiti donor conference on 31 March, which secured pledges of US$5.3 billion over the next two years to support the country’s post-quake recovery. Their lack of a presenc...
- African diplomats reject anti-Cuba resolution pass ...The ambassador of the Republic of Congo to Cuba, Pascal Onguemby, rejected the lies included in an anti-Cuba resolution recently approved by the European Parliament. Addressing participants in the inauguration of the Eleventh International Conference...
- USA: Black coalition to protest expanding U.S. war ...A newly-formed Black coalition has announced a rally and march on the White House to take place November 7, 2009 beginning in Washington, D.C.’s historic Malcolm X Park. The rally and march are to protest the expanding U.S. wars and other policy ini...
- Brazil: Bloggers on why there is still racism in t ...Two weeks ago, Global Voices Online reported the story of Januário Alves de Santana, a black man who had been beaten and punched by security guards of one of the largest international retailers in Brazil. He was waiting for his family in the car park...
War in Context
- What would Cheney say?Greg Mitchell reports (parts one and two) on the suicide of Spc. Alyssa Peterson, one of the first women soldiers to die in Iraq. She took her own life exactly seven years ago after being reprimanded for showing empathy for Iraqi prisoners who were undergoing interrogation. All records of the techni ...
- What really shapes Muslim perceptions of AmericaAs American politicians, administration officials, military leaders and commentators from across the political spectrum denounced a plan to burn Qurans in Florida, preeminent among the reasons given for this condemnation was that such an act would cast the United States in a very unfavorable light a ...
- Islam and America
- Engelhardt and Turse: the wacky world of American ...The American way of war quiz By Tom Engelhardt and Nick Turse Yes, it would be funny if it weren’t so grim. After all, when it comes to squandering money and resources in strange and distant places (or even here at home), you can count on the practitioners of American-style war to be wildly over ...
- Scapegoating-psychology and rising xenophobia in A ...Peter Beinart compares the mood in America with the hysteria that provoked the Palmer Raids in 1919 and the anti-Communist fearmongering of McCarthyism that began in the late 1940s. Ever since 9/11, according to opinion polls, Republicans have worried more about terrorism than have Democrats. Initi ...
Watts Up With That?
- Engelbeen on why he thinks the CO2 increase is man ...About carbon isotopes and oxygen use⦠1. The different carbon isotopes in nature. The carbon of CO2 is composed of different isotopes. Most is of the lighter type: 12C, which has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in its nucleus. About … Continue reading →
- Study: Glaciers help build mountainsVia press release from Eurekalert: Glaciers Help High-Latitude Mountains Grow Taller A UA-led team of geologists reports that glaciers can help actively growing mountains become taller â contrary to the conventional view that the only role for glaciers in mountain … Continue reading →
- Hump day hilarity – better skiing through ho ...We all have heard about this story: One person decided that “due to global warming” he didn’t need his skis anymore. Then, he used a unique homogenization process to solve the problem of having skis. Watch the video:
- They only come out at night: “The Dark Side ...Looks like they’ve discovered what great heat sinks asphalt and concrete make: Photo by Tyrone Turner/National Geographic – infrared showing heat loss from NYC buildings From the National Resources Defense Council via press release posted at investorideas.com (h/t to Mark) … Continue reading →
- NOAA’s sea ice extent blunderNow you see it…(09/14/2010) Now you don’t…(09/15/2010) In their zeal to get on the “death spiral” train of wild claims about Arctic sea ice, NOAA has made a major blunder, which they’ve now had to correct. Thanks to sharp eyed … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- US Media Intensifies Campaign Against Chavez by Ev ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Eva Golinger Postcards from the Revolution Sept 15, 2010 As election time approaches in Venezuela, international media increase negative coverage of the South American nation. CNN applauds terrorism against Venezuela, while Fox News accuses the Chavez governme ...
- Asia: Pentagon Revives And Expands Cold War Milita ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism Sept. 14, 2010 The year before the Korean War began the United States established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Western and Southern Europe to contain and confront the Soviet Union and its ...
- The Truth and Its Consequences By Timothy V. GattoBy Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com Sept. 14, 2010 The current political paradigm in the United States is untenable. This rift between left and right, liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican is not a natural state of affairs, it is engineered. This s ...
- Noam Chomsky: President Obama is involved in war c ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Alyssa McDonald New Statesman 13 September 2010 Do you consider yourself to be primarily a scientist or a political activist? If the world would go away, I would be happy to keep to the science, which is much more interesting and challenging. But the world has ...
- Lauren Booth: Letter to Israel (must-see) + Transc ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Warning This video may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war/violence and should only be viewed by a mature audience. gazafriends | September 12, 2010 Journalist Lauren Booth was on the first Free Gaza voyage and stayed to work in Gaza after the ...
Your New Reality
- No titleRepublicans Finally Outdo Nazis For War Propaganda The 'Ground Zero Mosque' is actually one floor of an office tower, blocks away from the still empty World Trade Centre site, and the Republicans know it. But this is a religious war, after all. Note that the ad clearly states that the entire Mus ...
- No titleLife under occupation :
- No titleIf you've found your way here after listening to my 'Weird & Unusual News' spot on ABC Newcastle today, here are links to the two main stories that were discussed : 'Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Spiritual Day Of Reckoning On August 15' 'Five Human Senses? Actually, We Have More Than 2 ...
- No titleCreating new realities? It's the CIA's main mission, isn't it?
- No titleThis is as close to a video of an actual nightmare as I've ever seen. Chris Cunningham's Rubber Johnny : What Chris Cunningham has been working on lately : "I've been living next to the railway line for 12 years and I've become obsessed with the harmonics of the trains on the lines. "For yea ...
Wired - Science
- EPA’s Pollution-Busting Cops Have Lost Focus, Say ...The federal government’s anti-pollution detectives have lost their focus, allege government watchdog group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. According to documents obtained by Peer under the Freedom of Information Act, the Environmental Protection Agency’s investigation unit is un ...
- Glaciers Help Mountains GrowGlaciers can help mountains grow by shielding them from erosion. The finding contradicts the usual view of glaciers as icy razors that slowly scrape mountains away. But the new data, collected from rocks in the Andes Mountains in the Patagonia region of South America, shows glaciers can both protec ...
- Dog Poop Powers Park LightsBy Olivia Solon Conceptual artist Matthew Mazzotta is using dog faeces to power lampposts in a park in the US city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mazzotta’s Project Park Spark, which was funded through MIT and created in partnership with the City of Cambridge, comprises of a special “methane digester ...
- Protecting Tigers’ Final StrongholdsThe world’s remaining tigers are clustered in just a few dozen small areas that could serve as source populations for a recovery, but only if resources are in place to keep poachers out. Tigers have been driven to the brink of extinction, primarily by poaching for pelts, body parts and live trade, ...
- 9/11 Memorial Lights Trapped Thousands of BirdsOn the evening of the ninth anniversary of 9/11, the twin columns of light projected as a memorial over the World Trade Center site became a source of mystery. Illuminated in the beams were thousands of small white objects, sparkling and spiraling, unlike anything seen on other nights. Some viewers ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Amira Hass: Where has the hypocrisy gone?No one thinks to ask about the consensus among the residents of Palestinian cities and villages on whose land the settlements have been built. The millions of Palestinians don't count at... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its ...
- UK: TUC votes for campaign of boycott and disinves ...The motion called for the General Council to work closely with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to actively encourage affiliates, employers and pension funds to disinvest from, and boycott the goods... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- East Jerusalem housing plans cast new shadow over ...In a move that could strike a blow at already fragile peace talks, Jerusalem city planners will in the coming weeks discuss a scheme to build over a thousand housing units beyond the Green Line. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now i ...
- Yitzhak Laor: Guide for the holiday travelerIsrael does not want to recognize the Palestinian minority within its borders because it seeks to continue to grant privileges to Israeli Jews and to Diaspora Jews, at the expense of the cheap labor,... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- CodePink: CEO of Israeli Cosmetics Firm Ahava Ratt ...In a recent, quietly circulated letter from the desk of Yaacov Ellis, CEO of Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories—a company at the center of a growing international boycott campaign—and directed at the... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, no ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Talks on Russian military base to start after Kyrg ...Russia will start negotiations on the status of its military facilities in Kyrgyzstan only after parliamentary elections in the Central Asian republic, the Russian foreign minister said on Thursday.
- Russian military facilities in Kyrgyzstan
- Kyrgyzstan agrees to keep rent for Russian bases u ...Kyrgyzstan will not increase the rent for Russian military facilities on its territory and wants to continue receiving payments in the form of military assistance, the Kyrgyz defense minister said on Thursday.
- Russia, U.S. sign memorandum on military cooperati ...Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates have signed a memorandum of understanding intended to boost military cooperation between the countries.
- Russia, U.S. establish defense working groupThe U.S.-Russian Defense Relations Working Group agreed to be created during a visit by the Russian defense minister to Washington will focus on issues related to U.S. and Russian military reforms and help achieve transparency in military cooperation between the counties.
- JAK Inhibitor Provides Rapid, Durable Relief for M ...An oral medication produces significant and lasting relief for patients with myelofibrosis, a debilitating and lethal bone marrow disorder, researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center report in the Sept. 16 New England Journal of Medicine.
- Undergrads to Design a Room That's Literally Out o ...A team of University of Wisconsin-Madison undergraduate students is among three teams selected to design, build and test an inflatable habitat that will integrate with an existing NASA operational hard-shell prototype, providing a space crew with more livable room.
- 'Friendship Paradox' Helps Predict Spread of FluResearchers at UC San Diego and Harvard used a basic feature of social networks to study the 2009 flu epidemic among 744 students. The findings, they say, point to a novel method for early detection of contagious outbreaks.
- CRDF Hosts Annual George Brown Award for Internati ...Dr. Bruce Alberts, the late Dr. Norman Borlaug and Sen. Richard Lugar to be Honored with International Science Award
- UIC Physician Honored by Ophthalmology SocietyDr. Marilyn Miller, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, was awarded the Howe Medal by the American Ophthalmology Society, the specialty's premier professional society.
Natural Health News
- Are You Making These Mistakes With Your Workouts?by Darin L. Steen Ok; so you are fed up and you are on a mission. You are going to lose the weight, even if it kills you. You are working out with weights, you are jogging, and you are even cutting out the desserts. You are drinking less soda and more water. You have drawn that proverbial “line ...
- Teens with Bad Habits Risk HeadacheResearchers analyzed data on more than 5,800 teenagers, and found that among those who were overweight, smoked and did not exercise, about 55 percent had recurring headaches.� Only 25 percent of the teens who had none of these traits suffered from such headaches. Smoking raised the risk for headach ...
- Antibiotics Mess Up Your StomachEven supposedly gentle antibiotics can severely disrupt the balance of microbes living in your stomach -- and this can have unforeseen health consequences. A study of women given ciprofloxacin showed that the drug suppressed entire populations of beneficial bacteria.� It took up to a month for them ...
- Breastfeeding Burns 500 Calories a DayBreastfeeding advocates are offering another incentive for mothers -- weight loss.� Nursing can burn up to 500 calories a day. This can translate into other health benefits, including a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes.� The information comes from a New York Department of Health public health educat ...
- Chemicals in Indoor Swimming Pools Increase Cancer ...A new study is the first to provide a comprehensive characterization of the effects of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in an indoor pool environment.� It found that swimming in indoor chlorinated pools may induce DNA damage that can lead to cancer.� DBPs form from reactions between disinfectants a ...
- Inverted Totalitarianism: Collapse of American Lib ...Yesterday in Part 1 of this conversation between veteran journalist Chris Hedges and Paul Jay of The Real News Network we heard Hedges talk about the collapse of the liberal classes as the main driver and mechanism for change in America. Today in Part 2 Hedges gives us his thoughts on what we can ...
- The Collapse of American LiberalismReal News Network - September 5, 2010 Chris Hedges: "When you have bankrupt liberalism you descend into moral nihilism" This is Part 1. Part 2 is here .
- Pollutants From BP Oil Leak As Far North As New En ...As Atlantic hurricane season heats up, storms could send toxic hydrocarbons lingering from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill surging inland, scientists say. National Geographic: Could pollutants from the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico end up as far north as New England? That could happen if a hurric ...
- A Reminder: "Wall Street's Mercenaries Ride Donkey ...From David Swanson's review of TruthDig.com's Editor in Chief and veteran journalist Robert Scheer 's new book "The Great American Stickup : How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street" : Here's the short answer that Scheer provides: Reagan announced ...
- Mr. UnpopularHow Barack Obama Became Mr. Unpopular Michael Scherer, Sept. 02, 2010, Time.com A couple of weeks back and a dozen miles west of Elkhart, hundreds gathered in another school gym — except this time it was for a job fair. With the local unemployment rate above 12% and rising again this summer, about ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- General Principles of International Law for Apport ...by Roger Alford by Roger Alford I have received a significant amount of feedback on my previous post on apportioning responsibility for international violations and therefore I wanted to do a couple of follow up posts on the subject. As Judge Simma indicated in his Separate Opinion in the Oil Pl ...
- Is this ETA’s Farewell to Arms?by Chris Borgen by Chris Borgen Something that our European readers have already probably heard as it is one of the most viewed stories on the BBC website (but not so much here in the U.S.), the Basque separatist terrorist organization ETA has renounced (at least for now) the use of violence: Ar ...
- What If Al-Aulaqi Was in Phoenix?by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Ben Wittes has a post at Lawfare today discussing ways in which the Obama administration might be able to avoid litigating the ACLU/CCR lawsuit challenging Al-Aulaqi’s targeting. Â One of his preferred responses is the “political question” doctrine; in his ...
- If the States Can Repeal Federal Law, Can They Als ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Georgetown law professor Randy Barnett and Virginia legislator William Howell lay out the case for a new “Repeal Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution in tomorrow’s WSJ. Â Such an amendment would permit repeal of any federal law if two-thirds of the state legislatures appr ...
- The Return of French Exceptionalism: France Bans t ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku The conventional wisdom among many international law folks is that the U.S. has (wrongly) embraced American exceptionalism in world affairs, often to the detriment of compliance with international law.  I don’t disagree that American exceptionalism exists, but I think ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- New Arthur Allan Thomas book just over a week awayLaunching 27 September...the cat will well and truly be set amongst the pigeons...
- How objective was the Climategate inquiry?I've been too busy writing and editing the new Arthur Allan Thomas book to blog much in recent weeks, but couldn't resist this revelation about the old boys network's whitewash of Climategate. Here's how it happened...originally from Climate Audit, via...
- Biggest aftershock rocks Christchurch again
- Open thread on Christchurch earthquakeYour comments and experiences are welcome
- IPCC gets a credibility hammeringThis alert through from Benny Peiser's newsletter The Daily Telegraph. 31 August 2010 By Stephen Adams and Robert Winnett An independent investigation into the UN's climate change body has warned it to stop lobbying and to restrict its role to...
The World We Live In
- Domain Name Being ChangedSome of your might have noticed that i have not been posting for a while. It was mostly out of frustration, you see when i started this site, I figured i would use it as a space to publish information, that i felt needed more attention in our life’s. New, views or even just facts [...]
- One Facebook, Two Faces: A Piece By A Virtually De ...I had been banned from Facebook and my account had been disabled a night before Facebook was banned in Pakistan. Before all this happened, I visited the blasphemous page “Draw Muhammad Day” and the content on the page hurt me badly. Once again a certain group of westerners called it the “freedom of ...
- New Chemical Element Discovered In PakistanPakistani researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, so far only discovered and found in Pakistan , has been named Zardarium (Symbol = Zm). It has one Presitron, 1 Priministron, 77 Ministrons, 98 deputy Ministrons, 298 National Assemblions, and 100 Senatr ...
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
Center for Food Safety
- National Organic Coalition Testifies at Senate Hea ...Celebrating 20 Years and Identifying Opportunities for the Future Today, the National Organic Coalition (NOC) joined Congress in celebrating two decades of nationally-regulated organic food production. This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA), the landma ...
- CFS Launches New GE Fish Campaign Website!The Center for Food Safety today launched a new campaign website, www.ge-fish.org, Â focused on the pending approval and labeling of genetically engineered salmon, the first GE animal intended for human consumption. The website comes one week before the FDA’s scheduled public hearing on the approval ...
- Farmers and Conservationists File Suit Challenging ...Today, the Center for Food Safety, Organic Seed Alliance, High Mowing Organic Seeds, and the Sierra Club, filed a lawsuit in federal district court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco, challenging the issuance by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspe ...
- Public Still In The Dark On Transgenic SalmonFDAâs Incomplete Data Release is âToo Little, Too Lateâ — Fails to Uphold President Obamaâs Call for Openness and Transparency A broad coalition of consumer and environmental groups, along with community fishing organizations and food retailers, declared todayâs partial data release by th ...
- Coalition Of Farm And Consumer Groups Condemns USD ...USDA VIOLATES ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS IN ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT RECENT FEDERAL COURT ORDER MAKING THE PLANTINGS ILLEGAL On September 1, 2010, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced that it was in the process of issuing permits to a ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- 11th Annual Steve Biko Memorial LecturePulitzer Prize-winning author Professor Alice Walker delivered the 11th annual Steve Biko Memorial Lecture at UCT on 9 September titled "Coming to See You Since I was Five Years Old: An American poet's connection to the South African soul"
- John S. :Keith Harmon Snow on UN “Leaked” Report o ...AfrobeatRadio » Blog Archive » Keith Harmon Snow on UN “Leaked” Report on Atrocities on the Congo 1993 -2004 The United Nations has accused Rwanda of wholesale war crimes, including possibly genocide, during years of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. An unprecedented 600-page Report base ...
- The Existentialist Cowboy: Cold War Origins of the ...The Existentialist Cowboy: Cold War Origins of the CIA Holocaust By Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy A new book by James W. Douglass [JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters] addresses an "an evil whose depth and deceit seemed to go beyond the capacity of words to describe." A fe ...
- John John: The View From Occupied CanadaThe Tyee – The Fight of Our Lives How do progressives decide on which issues to fight? The question reminds me of my conversations with Myles Horton, founder of the Highlander Folk School in Tennessee and one of the most brilliant and effective leadership-trainers of the past century. He died in 199 ...
- John John: Cops = Murderers: John T. Williams and ...Cops = Murderers: John T. Williams and 6 More Killed by Washington State Cops | Mostly Water : Cops = Murderers - John T. Williams and 6 more killed by Washington Cops By Annie Elation - September 11, 2010 Blog posts are the work of individual contributors, reflecting their thoughts, opinions and ...
- Cuban Communism’s Death Knell?Photo by “Carolonline” Last week, Fidel Castro made statements that were astoundingly out of character for him. Instead of the usual âblack is whiteâ propaganda, he publicly said that the âCuban modelâ no longer works. This week Cuba has announced mass layoffs from government jobs, and the s ...
- When Suffering is GoodPhoto by G!zM() 17 We live in a world where hedonism and despair abound. It is as if the black death were knocking at our doors, like in Chaucerâs Canterbury Tales. Imagine a world without pain and suffering. Imagine not ever getting sick, physically or mentally. Imagine no disadvantages. Everyone ...
- Inductee to the Creative ClassPhoto by Gui Trento For the past year or so Iâve been flirting with a design college. Iâve been to their events, spoken to their faculty, visited the campus. After 12 years of yearning to return to college, I could very soon enroll again. The degree they are offering sounds slightly business-lik ...
- Asleep (a short story)Photo by eye of einstein I am holding a thread and staring into a labyrinth. Darkness is falling, and the gold of sunset begins to fade from the moss that drapes its walls. Ancient stones lose their friendliness and succumb to moist cold. Only the sky remains cheerful. Inside the labyrinth darknes ...
- Criminal Rule in HondurasPhoto by markarinafotos While Rome is burning, everyone is hypnotized by the fiddling emperor Chavez. Crime and impunity in Honduras, which steadily worsened during Manuel Zelaya’s administration, has only gotten worse under Porfirio Lobo. But Mr. Lobo is busy courting international opinion, in the ...
Green Times
- Environmental News 15/09/2010Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- A Call For Direct Action In The Climate MovementAn open letter from the Rainforest Action Network, Greenpeace USA, and 350.org: What will it take to finally get serious about climate change (http://www.greentimes.com.au/glossary/categories/climate-change/climate-change-impact-2.html)?
- Add some colourWhy not use more colour? Be inspired by these houses on the island of Burano, in the northern part of the Venetian Lagoon. Surrounding yourself with beautiful colours makes you happy. But make sure you’re using natural paint (housing-building/painting-au-naturel.html) if you decide to give your hou ...
- Green Wedding Dress of the FutureBritish students have created an eccentric and environmentally friendly (http://www.greentimes.com.au/glossary/categories/lifestyle/environmental-sustainability.html) wedding dress, but no crying please…
- Environmental News 14/09/2010Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Civilians killed in joint U.S.-Iraqi raidShareThis Civilians killed in joint U.S.-Iraqi raid 16 Sep 2010 At least six Iraqis were killed during a joint Iraqi-American counter terrorism operation on the outskirts of Fallujah on Wednesday, in the deadliest incident involving U.S. troops since the United States declared an end to its combat o ...
- Air defence exercises to be held in WashingtonShareThis Air defence exercises to be held in Washington 13 Sep 2010 The US military will hold air defence exercises over the nation's capital beginning Monday to test its rapid response capability in case of an intrusion of an unauthorized aircraft into the area, a military command announced. The e ...
- Aging gas pipe at risk of explosion nationwideShareThis Aging gas pipe at risk of explosion nationwide 14 Sep 2010 The tragic explosion of a gas pipeline in a San Francisco suburb has shed light on a problem usually kept underground: Communities have expanded over pipes built decades earlier when no one lived there. Utilities have been under pr ...
- Republican Leaders Pledge Support for O'Donnell Af ...ShareThis Republican Leaders Pledge Support for O'Donnell After Infighting 15 Sep 2010 Influential Republicans pledged Wednesday to support Christine O'Donnell's general election campaign after party leaders initially turned their backs on the Tea Party candidate following her upset win in the Delaw ...
- Health Insurers Seeking Rate Hikes of More Than 20 ...ShareThis Health Insurers Seeking Rate Hikes of More Than 20 Percent In Connecticut 15 Sep 2010 Health insurers are asking for immediate rate hikes of more than 20 percent in Connecticut for some plans, citing rising medical costs and federal health reform laws as [false] reasons. It remains to be s ...
Daily Loaf
- Home run hero: Johnson cranks 2 in 4-3 Rays win ov ...Tampa Bay’s Dan Johnson jacks 2-run homers in consecutive at-bats, collecting all 4 RBIs in the series clincher against New York.
- Do It Today: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers/ZZ To ...See Tom Petty and his Heartbreakers in concert. They still have it.
- Viva New Orleans! Blackened shrimp with corn maque ...Maque choux is believed to be a combination of Acadian French (Cajun) and Native American in origin; this stewed vegetable dish with bacon and cream is hearty and rustic and makes for a great accompaniment to seafood.
- Gulf oil spill updates: Oil on the sea floor and p ...On September 10th, Samantha Joye, a professor at the Marine Science Department at the University of Georgia, found thick layers of oil on the seafloor in the Gulf of Mexico. The finding of freshly packed oil on top of typical sea floor mud, with recently dead shrimp and worms, suggests the Deepwate ...
- Pinellas County Commission candidates talk issues, ...Although he distanced himself from the label of politician, Hackworth offered his record as Mayor of Dunedin as proof of the type of fiscal responsibility he would practice as a commission member.
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Video: Gaza, Bethlehem, and rememberance (Yizkor) ...A friend of The Only Democracy? wanted to share the following videos. Here is a recent one made by someone who spent years trying to visit Gaza. and here is an older piece, made by residents of Aida refugee camp and Anne who made the first film. It is about the Checkpoint from Bethlehem to what I ...
- Israel tries to lock up Abu Rahmah for two years f ...The trial of Bil’in protest organizer, Abdallah Abu Rahmah will renew this Wednesday, after his conviction of incitement and organizing illegal demonstrations was harshly criticized by the EU, the Spanish Parliament and human rights organizations. Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s trial will resume on Wedn ...
- Israel demolishes entire village for fifth time, i ...From the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality, all photos by Oren Ziv of activestills.org The Bedouin unrecognized village of Al Arakib was demolished this morning for the 5th time,immediately after Eid Al-Fitr (one of the most important Muslim holidays marking the end of Ramadan). The villag ...
- Jewish Voice for Peace’s Rabbinical Council ...By Jesse Bacon We have been posting less frequently in the past week at The Only Democracy? because of the Rosh Hashana holiday, enough so that we missed one of the proud moments of this season. Our mother organization Jewish Voice for Peace has announced its first ever Rabbinical Council. While not ...
- Israeli right wing admits to dispossessing Palesti ...By Jesse Bacon Reading the press coverage of Jewish Voice for Peace’s fabulous campaign in support of the Israeli theater artists boycotting settlements, I was struck by an item in Arutz Sheva, the settler’s news service, which ends with this paragraph.. The liberation of Israeli territory in the Wa ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Not that dumb…
- Skateboarding sailsGive this refinement to the sport a few years and they’ll be doing totally insane things!
- Oman brokered release of female hiker in IranCurzon tells us why Oman is everyone’s friend Among the tidbits Oman is a safe country that is easy to visit, but what Iâve found most interesting is what Iâve learned from reading about Omanâs modern history and its truly unique foreign policy, which can be characterized in wonkish terms as a ...
- Michael Moore’s mush-brained view of the Iraq and ...From his latest newsletter Never forget: Bad wars aren’t possible unless good people back them Spare me the weepy, hand-wringing liberal sentiments. If we’d only gotten together and sang “Cumbaya” none of this would have happened. Hogtwaddle. Wars often happen regardless of whether the good guys bac ...
- US border guard gets 20 years for drug corruptionMartha Garnica was in league with a Mexican drug cartel and allowed large shipments of drugs to pass through the border, mostly by having her or other corrupted guards at a specific aisle at the check point. Maybe a possible solution to that would be to have vehicles randomly assigned to lanes by a ...
- Yediot: Despite Berlusconi’s promises, Italy ...Paper sanctions Menahem Ganz, Yediot, September 14 2010 [page 19, Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] Rome — Half a year after returning from a visit to Israel, in the course of which Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi promised to act to reduce the volume of trade between Italy and Ira ...
- Yediot to Abe Foxman: Are we anti-Semitic too?Not exactly, but close. For those of you who have missed the latest chapter of what Matt Duss calls “the continuing attempt to redefine ‘blood libel’ as ‘saying things about Israel I don’t particularly like’”, here’s a brief: This week’s TIME Magazine cover story was a feature by Karl Vick, entitle ...
- The new frontiers of Israeli diplomacy: Lieberman ...This morning’s Israel Hayom reports: (full translated text at bottom): a decision was made that, for the first time, the Foreign Minister will address the UN General Assembly in New York at the end of the month You don’t need to be an expert to understand that this is not a very wise matching of [.. ...
- Maariv: French and American envoys working to re-s ...Maariv summarizes a news item from the Lebanese A-Safir. It’s unclear, however, whether the section on Mitchell visit is also from that source. The byline is unusual. Bardenstein is the junior diplomatic affairs correspondent and probably does not speak Arabic. Items based on direct monitoring of ...
- Maariv: Israel a significant importer (and re-expo ...This is a fairly wide-raging, if shallow, review. I found the section the section describing a botched attempt by an Israeli company to re-export Iranian marble to the US interesting. Particularly insightful was the justification for an Israeli double standard on this issue, as articulated by Danny ...
Deadline Live
- Big Pharma Scores Big Win: Medicinal Herbs Will Di ...Big Pharma has almost reached the finish line of its decades-long battle to wipe out all competition. As of 1 April 2011âless than eight months from nowâvirtually all medicinal herbs will become illegal in the European Union. The approach in the United States is a bit different, but it’s having ...
- Deadline Live – September 15 2010Breaking News from Deadline Live.info and Jack Blood takes your calls. Bookmark It Hide Sites $$('div.d15787').each( function(e) { e.visualEffect('slide_up',{duration:0.5}) });
- WTC Employee Discusses pre 9/11 Power DownsWhile waiting for the 9/11 press conference to begin, Gary Corbett a former employee of the World Trade Center, approached us and wanted to share his story about the power downs that took place just days before the Twin Towers were attacked. Bookmark It Hide Sites $$('div.d15785').each( function(e) ...
- This Day In History – September 161920 â The Wall Street bombing: a bomb in a horse wagon explodes in front of the J. P. Morgan building in New York City â 38 are killed and 400 injured. 1925 â B. B. King, American musician, was born 1932 – Mahatma Gandhi begins his hunger strike in opposition to Britain new Caste [...]
- This Is A Revolution! Dr Ron PaulSeptember 15, 2010 CNN Bookmark It Hide Sites $$('div.d15783').each( function(e) { e.visualEffect('slide_up',{duration:0.5}) });
The Air Vent
- No titleMeadow Lake wind farm is located along I-65 in Indiana. This weekend, while driving to and from a tradeshow, I had the pleasure of seeing the windfarm first hand. The turbines are huge and spread literally to the horizon from the roadway, actually they were very impressive looking from the car a ...
- Bishop Hill Review of ReviewsI strongly recommend that interested people read this paper by Andrew Montford, it’s really a well done review of the reviews of climategate. Follow the first link below to the pdf. ————- Andrew Montfordâs review of the Climategate Inquiries is released today and is online here. More discussion ...
- Pots and Kettles – Follow the moneyBob Ward (Andrew Montford’s recent nemesis), has written a piece titled – Why ExxonMobil must be taken to task over climate denial funding. Before we get into that, his recent review of Andrew Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion was incredibly biased, missed the technical meaning of nearly the wh ...
- Judith Curry’s New BlogIt looks like Dr. Judith Curry has decided to start down the road of climate blogging. This should be an interesting experience and I’m glad that someone else in climate science is willing to address concerns of the public in a direct fashion. Check it out and welcome Dr. Curry to the crowd.
- OxymoronsAgain there isn’t much time for blogging today, but in a strange change of circumstance, China, the regionally capitalist country which saved us all from Copenhagen, the same country which is building a coal plant every two weeks, is now calling for international cooperation on climate change. In ...
Focal Point
- Anti-Masturbation Crusader Christine O'Donnell is ...Anti-masturbation crusader Christine O'Donnell beat establishment favorite Rep. Mike Castle last night in Deleware's GOP senate primary, with a helping hand from the Tea Party Express. O'Donnell first rose to national prominence as the founder and president of the SALT, an anti-masturbation youth m ...
- Sex Games vs. Sex Slavery: Who Can Tell? Irin Carmon of Jezebel put a disturbing spin on the very disturbing case of a cognitively disabled teenage runaway who was allegedly tortured, mutilated, tricked into fictive bonded servitude, pimped, waterboarded, partially suffocated, and shocked into cardiac arrest by the middle aged man who took ...
- How To Sabotage Your Career at Citibank: Play By T ...Blogger David Xia friend swiped this card from Citibank while he was there for an interview. It's a list of tips for women on how not to sabotage their careers with Citibank. The friend says the cards were on every desk in the HR department. My favorite is item #8 on the list of things NOT to do if ...
- "Birth Rape" Rhetoric is Ugly, MisleadingSome factions within the natural childbirth movement are attempting to popularize the concept of "birth rape." The idea is that women who are handled roughly, verbally abused, or bullied into unwelcome interventions during labor are literally being raped by their health care providers. Amity Reed d ...
- Sarah Palin's Never Going to Run for PresidentWill Sarah Palin run for president? Could she win? Garance Franke-Ruta argues that Palin's best strategy would be to remake herself as a leader within the Republican Party . She notes that female candidates in other democracies have used own-party leadership to break through the glass ceiling and at ...
Inside Facebook
- Facebook and Girls In Tech Hackathon Promotes Fema ...Facebook’s Girls In Tech Dev Garage Hackathon aimed to stimulate third-party developers to use the Open Graph API and promote women’s place in engineering. A panel of female influencers from the tech space moderated by journalist Kara Swisher set the stage for a day of frenzied app development. Afte ...
- Facebook Launches Dashboard for Multiple Advertise ...As more businesses and other organizations have begun advertising on Facebook, more advertising professionals are handling multiple accounts. To help this group of power users, Facebook has recently introduced a dashboard that allows them to see basic information about each of their accounts in a si ...
- Facebook Traffic Powers Through July, Third Party ...In June, Facebook’s US traffic looked like it might be hurting, perhaps from user frustration with a variety of privacy issues — key demographics registered a decline, and growth appeared to be roughly flat. But July brought recovery, as Facebook’s own data showed it gaining millions more users. Her ...
- Now Available: The Facebook Quarterly Business Rev ...Facebook has had one of the most exciting years in its history in 2010, presenting extraordinary opportunities alongside substantial challenges. As part of its growth, the Facebook ecosystem is now more diverse and complex than ever. To further understanding of the key opportunities on Facebook toda ...
- Facebook’s Help Center Gets a Leaderboard, but Big ...Facebook has added a new incentive mechanism called Top Contributor to the Help Discussions section of its Help Center. The feature, a leaderboard like what you see in games, inspires people to answer questions well in exchange for recognition. However, there are bigger changes coming to the Help Ce ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Propaganda U is Born http://bit.ly/9ggnH ...truthout: Propaganda U is Born http://bit.ly/9ggnHJ #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: A Message from William Rivers Pitt: Medi ...truthout: A Message from William Rivers Pitt: Media Nightmares http://bit.ly/bi9KMj #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Andrew Weil: Medical Marijuana's Tremend ...truthout: Andrew Weil: Medical Marijuana's Tremendous Potential for Curing Ailments http://bit.ly/8Xszv9 #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Drone Attacks Surge in Afghanistan; 70 S ...truthout: Drone Attacks Surge in Afghanistan; 70 Strikes Launched This Year http://bit.ly/9bLYMp #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: "Value-Added" Assessment: Tool for Impro ...truthout: "Value-Added" Assessment: Tool for Improvement or Educational "Nuclear Option"? http://bit.ly/9ydPAI #Truthout #p2 #p2b
ReDress News
- Disbanding the Palestinian Authority would scupper ...Nureddin Sabir argues that the time has come to dismantle the Palestinian National Authority – a principal tool of Israeli policy in Palestine – and to replace it with a progressive, patriotic and democratic grassroots liberation movement
- Start again with a clean sheet, PalestiniansStuart Littlewood argues that the Palestinian National Authority has become “an abomination” whose “leaders have so fouled the nest that the stink is unbearable” and that the future “hinges largely on Hamas, who at least are fiercely patriotic” and “see the enemy for what they really are”.
- Fatah: Collaborationist Israeli allyStephen Lendman charts the shameful record of Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah faction, who since the Oslo accords of 1973 have played the role of Israel’s sheriffs in the occupied territories.
- Does the Palestinian diaspora care enough to becom ...Alan Hart argues the time has come for Palestinians to disband the corrupt and discredited Palestinian National Authority and put policy making and implementation back into the hands of a reconstructed and reinvigorated Palestinian National Council, the pan-Palestinian parliament.
- Does international law have a future?Lawrence Davidson considers how the application of international law has become “class based”, where the criminal leaders of powerful states – or those with powerful patrons – enjoy impunity, while the relatively weaker are brought to account for their criminal behaviour.
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Podcast Show #33The Boiling Frogs Presents Glenn Walp Glenn Walp discusses his recently published book, Implosion at Los Alamos: How Crime, Corruption, and Cover-Ups Jeopardize America’s Nuclear Weapons Secrets, and describes major lapses in security at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, where scie ...
- September 11, the 9th YearCondolences My Deepest Condolences, To the family members and friends of those ‘sacrificed’ here, To those who have lost their loved ones as a ‘result;’ the civilian casualties of our illegal wars over ‘there,’ …and, to every American, to all of us, for the loss of our liberties and integrities. W ...
- A Potpourri of Noteworthy LinksPhony Commissioners & Phony Reports, Central Asia, Laos, Bryza Candidacy, Gulen…You Name it! This post is similar to what I usually publish under my ‘Weekly Round Up’ series, only with a caveat: the time period covers more than a week, make that more than a month. I’ve been saving links and articles ...
- Podcast Show #32The Boiling Frogs Presents Tom Engelhardt Tom Engelhardt discusses his latest book, The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s, Washington’s ongoing commitment to military bases to extend its empire, and the US empire’s deep historical roots that precede the former administration and ...
- Pretty Words & the Same-O-Same-OIs “This” the New Era of Activism? So I haven’t been writing; pouring out pages and pages of words; analyzing a bit of a sick foreign policy issue here and a handful of plentiful corruption stories there, or marveling at the rapid uncontested descent toward the ever-approaching ‘police state,’… I am ...
Afro Spear
- My love for 2PacI have mad love for 2Pac. I refer to it as “mad” because it’s a love that you know you shouldn’t have for someone (or something) but you can’t help it. You just do. I didn’t realize today was the 14th anniversary of his death until I read this article at theloop21. Interestingly though, last week [ ...
- Black People of Suriname Fight To Hold On To Their ...Wanze Eduards and Hugo Jabini Mobilized the Saramaka People and Stopped Loggers In the Rainforest! I remember the first time I became familiar with the country of Suriname. I was listening to a Donnie McClurkin song that is a language medley psalm. He sings in the language of a number of count ...
- sat’day riddymz
- Byts and BytesAs we remember the tragic and world changing event of September 11th 2001, let me share 2 articles from the New York Times which brings a “9 years after” perspective tied to that event: 1. “Building on Faith in Lower Manhattan” by Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf of the Cordoba Initiative 2. “The Healers of ...
- “Mr. Museveni, you can retire now” by ...Little bird confessed to me that Ugandan strong man wanted the retiring age to be suffocated from 60 to 55 years! What appalls so as to create amber of anger is the fact that the advocate who, in essence is a grand provocateur, is himself above 60 and he does not seem to think about retiring! This [ ...
Expose the BNP
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep his po ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- Nick Griffin: “If Hitler hadn’t been s ...The following is a transcript of Dominic Carmen’s speech given at the Expose the BNP media briefing, held at the NUJ headquarters on 7th April. At the 1987 General Election, the BNP put up two candidates and received 553 votes. It was beaten hands down by the Monster Raving Loony Party which put up ...
- No to Monsanto and GMO: Action Central"SEN is greatly concerned that Monsanto and GMO give rise to a threat that if unchecked could eventually prove as catastrophic to mankind and the sustainability of all life on earth as global warming. We must scream bloody murder, and do so with facts." -- Gregory Hilbert, Co-Founder Sustainability ...
- Bill Gates On Climate Change & Energy: We Must and ...Whether you know a little or a lot about Climate Change (aka Global Warming), SEN urges you to watch this one-hour video, because you will learn a great deal either way. Gates lays out a sweeping set of ideas for reducing CO2 emmissions to zero. Gates is no fool when it comes to matters of [...]
- Week 2 – Worldwide Campaign to Save the Gran ...The Grand Canyon is one of the world's most pristine and majestic treasures. Mother Nature needs our help to save it. We all need to act to protect the Grand Canyon. Pledge to do your part. Help us by adding your signature to the petitions and ask everyone you know and who cares for earth to do the ...
- Seize BP Demonstrations NationwideSEN believes these demonstrations will help awaken politicians to outrage over inadequate regulation and control of international corporations, even if they do not succeed in gaining temporary seizure of BP on the basis of national emergency and evidence of criminal neglect and fraud by BP.
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on FoxSEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
If Americans Knew
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed at ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage at h ...
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Clinic: ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again on Ga ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner whic ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
David J. Gregory
- Rand Paul the road to disasterDo you remember Rand Paul? He’s the Republican candidate for Senate in Kentucky that went on Rachel Maddow to oppose provisions in the Civil Rights Actafter his surprise victory in the primary. He’s taken max-out checks from Citizens United – the group whose lawsuit led to the new avalanche of corpo ...
- ALAN SIMPSON AN IDIOTAlan Simpson compared Social Security to welfare, saying: “We’ve reached a point now where [Social Security] is like a milk cow with 310 million tits.” Well, progressives in Congress are fighting back. Can you help? It’s been widely reported that Simpson’s “deficit reduction” commission will make So ...
- Happy Fuckin’ Labor Day!September 6th, 2010 7:25 PM Happy Fuckin’ Labor Day! By Michael Moore Dear Rahm Emanuel: Happy Fuckin’ Labor Day! I read this week that — according to a new book by Steven Rattner, your administration’s former “Car Czar” — during White House meetings about how to save the tens of thousands of jobs t ...
- The Grand DesignHawking and Mlodinow return with a unifying ‘Grand Design’ The Grand Design By Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow Bantam. 208 pp. $28 Reviewed by Fred Bortz Rarely do the title and authorship of a book carry such high expectations as The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow. ...
- AUDITING THE FED!We did this. Together. At every moment, as the Fed and Wall Street sought to undermine this cause, it was the phone calls, letters, e-mails, blogging and sheer power of the people -- ordinary people who cared -- that beat them back. We have delivered a succinct message to Wall Street and the Fed: "W ...
Unsuitable Blog
- Global Cool Self-Nomination Campaign Goes AwryFlicking through my news feeds I came across an article by George Monbiot in The Guardian entitled “Green heroes working for the right kind of environmental change”. As always, I quickly scanned it looking for anyone who was actually doing anything to undermine the industrial system, and was pleasa ...
- Sony Open Planet Ideas Exposed“Just imagine if todayâs technology could be re-purposed in radical ways to help solve our planetâs environmental problems? Well, a new project called Open Planet Ideas has been designed to enable you to do just that.” Ok, thought experiment, so I’m doing just that and you can join in too. What ...
- Astroturf Alert: Rally For Jobs is Oil Industry Fr ...Just in from Public Citizen is a report on a series of rallies around the USA which are being organised by the American Petroleum Institute (API) on behalf of the oil industry. Here is the report: Rallies Against Congressional Oil Spill Measures Represent Industry Views – Not Citizens Today marks ...
- Greenpeace Inc. [Guest Article]As some readers may have noted, an email recently came through Greenpeaceâs UK newsletter inviting its supporters to take part in a poll: We’re carrying out a global poll to find out what Greenpeace means to you and which issues you think are most important. This is to help us do an even better j ...
- Cairn Energy Buries Truth in Business SpeakBelow is a verbatim lift from the Corporate Responsibility page on the website of Cairn Energy. I have just highlighted the one key point that you must bear in mind when reading: Cairn’s strategy is to deliver shareholder value through establishing commercial reserves in high potential exploration ...
Subalternate Reality
- Newt Comes Out As A Muslim-BaiterEarly this week, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned that “a commitment to religious freedom and God-given rights is being replaced by a secular oppression…” Just hours after those words appeared on Human Events, Gingrich issued a statement forcefully opposing the constructi ...
- Wealthy Far More Likely To Default On Mortgagescrossposted at Political Correction For much of the past two years, Congressional Republicans have wasted few opportunities to blame poor and working class Americans for the financial meltdown and the subsequent recession. They’ve argued that through well-intentioned government initiatives, includ ...
- GOP House Candidate: Mosque Near Ground Zero Is A ...Conservative activists and the Muslim-baiters among them are furious about a proposed Islamic community center to be built near Ground Zero. The debate has become entirely unhinged and some of the more hateful folks are using the controversy as a rallying cry to oppose the construction of all futur ...
- Ex-Muslim Ergun Caner Is A FraudErgun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive. A self-professed Muslim convert to Christianity, Caner plays an important, and arguably dangerous, role in the community. After the 9/11 attacks, when many Americans were searching for ...
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- PRX Story Exchange, Spot.us Bring Crowdfunding to ...Story Exchange (formerly Story Market) is a way for local public radio stations, producers, and listeners to pitch, find and fund documentaries and stories on important local issues. We're also one of this year's winners of a Knight News Challenge grant. Here's how we envision it working: Let's s ...
- The Cartoonist Aims to Bring Newsgames to the Mass ...The Cartoonist, our winning entry in the 2010 Knight News Challenge, emerged from two research programs. For the past two years, my research group at the Georgia Institute of Technology has been cataloging and analyzing the burgeoning genre of "newsgames" -- videogames about current and past real-wo ...
- SeenReport Helps Citizens Report on Floods in Paki ...The devastating floods in Pakistan have been covered by trained reporters and mainstream media outlets around the world. Citizens, often on the front lines of the flood, have also been contributing thousands of reports though mobile phones, in part enabled by the citizen journalism service Seen ...
- New Media Tools Play Pivotal Role in Kenya's Const ...Kenya is moving towards greater democracy and more transparent governance thanks to the recent constitutional referendum that received 70 percent "yes" votes. The new constitution, which is scheduled to be signed into law on Friday, replaces the one drafted during Kenya's colonial era. It includ ...
- Helping D.C. Drinkers and Bikers with Custom MapsIn my last post about TileMill , I outlined some of our general plans and the background for why we’re working on this project to help make it easier for people to design very custom maps online. One question that we get a lot from people who are new to the GIS space is, “When would I need this? How ...
Cutting Edge News
- The Deaf After Mendoza Eugenics Should Say Never A ...After my involvement fighting during the California bill AB 2072 (Mendoza), I thought it would be appropriate to look at the wisdom of Deaf leaders in the past to understand the struggles of the Deaf community which continue to this day.�The words of George Veditz, former president of the National A ...
- Brazil on the Edge - The Stakes are High in Brazil ...In a scene from my first book, Hugo Chávez: Oil, Politics and the Challenge to the U.S. , I discuss how Brazil became an ally of Venezuela during a key moment of heightened political tensions. It was December, 2002 and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez was facing down an economically damaging lock-ou ...
- Edge on Freedom - America's Free Speech Rights mus ...Although Washington is often mired in partisan political battles, there are some issues on which Democrats and Republicans in Congress can agree — and where they can work together in unison. One of these is our nation’s tradition of freedom of speech. Thanks to strong, bipartisan cooperation, an imp ...
- The Obama Edge - President Obama's Unfinished Busi ...“Mission accomplished.” Two words. A phrase that haunted one president is now the calling card of success for another. While President Obama technically claimed no victory in his national Oval Office address last week, the subtext was clear: in this election charged season, your president has delive ...
- Edge on Petro-Politics - How to Crash OPEC's PartyFifty years ago this week, five of the world’s top oil-producing countries convened in Baghdad to form the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The goal of the cartel was to “assert its member countries’ legitimate rights” and gain “a major say in the pricing of crude oil on wor ...
High Country News
- Live fee or dieUser fees for public land keep rising, even as campground hours and services are cut.
- Love wilderness? Thank a veteranSome of the environmental movement’s greatest heroes were also heroes of World War II.
- Some neighbors behave like boorsFeeding wild bears just encourages them to misbehave, ultimately endangering the bears’ own lives.
- I think we're all anchor babies on this busIf we're no longer considered U.S. citizens by birthright, then how do we know we're citizens at all?
- Of history and homePoet and novelist Leslie Marmon Silko serves up a place-based memoir in The Turquoise Ledge.
- NATOs Secret ArmiesBy Stephen Lendman America, to this day, is the worlds leading state-sponsored terrorism exponent, at home and abroad. CIA, FBI, and Homeland Security operatives are in the lead, putting a myth to their abiding by the rule of law or a nation espousing democratic freedoms, human rights, civil liber ...
- Interfaith Amigos: On 9/11,Getting Beyond Religiou ...By Rabbi Ted Falcon, Pastor Don Mackenzie & Sheikh Jamal Rahman Brought together by the events of 9/11, three friends from different faiths reflect on what it will take to reach the other side of hatred
- Banning SlaughterBy Kathy Kelly Will we ever acknowledge our role in slaughtering other human beings?
- Globalisation - Use It or Lose It?An exchange between Helena Norberg-Hodge & George Monbiot The exchange was initiated by the editor of the Ecologist, and published in the Ecologist magazine in September 2003
- Half The Indian Children Are MalnourishedBy Gethin Chamberlain Damning ActionAid report warns nearly half the countrys children are malnourished and calls on the west to deliver on its aid promises
Contagious Love Experiment
- WAR IS OVER… If You Claim It?In the midst of pleasant nods about “the end of the Iraq War,” Mr. Stephen Colbert celebrates in style… (Click The Word-What if they threw a peace and nobody came) The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The Word – What If You Threw a Peace and Nobody Came? www.colbertnation.com Colbert Repo ...
- Vigiling in AfghanistanMore amazing work from Our Journey to Smile
- 92219 Pieces of my Broken Afghan HeartThe following letter was sent to me from the young people in Afghanistan who tried to come to the U.S. this summer for our speaking tour. The U.S. embassy flatly denied them, but their voices continue to cry out. The official narrative of the Afghan War is that it has greatly served the people of A ...
- The other side of Afghanistan
- Days 9-11: Solitude, Mountains, and HumanityThe first time I talked to Ymani, one of our hosts in Asheville, NC, I was at Salam’s house in Berkeley, CA. The first cross-country trek that I embarked on was drawing to an end and I was entering all kinds of scenarios into google maps to try to incorporate Asheville into the plans before [...]
Yid With Lid
- Four Reasons I'm An Optimist: And Three Analogies ...By Barry Rubin Possibly the�question I'm most often asked by readers is this: How can you remain optimistic (or can you help me be less pessimistic?) given all the problems you talk about, the bad news you cover, and the mistakes you expose and explain? How can you hold out hope when you do ...
- New Questions About Barney Frank and the OneUnited ...In January 2009 we reported that as part of the release of TARP dollars, Congressman Barney Frank directed funds to a local Massachusetts bank Cited by regulators for excesses (they bought the CEO a Porsche). Even worse the Bank has been cited for unsound Business Practices . This is the sam ...
- O'Donnell Wins in Delaware, Is The Senate Lost For ...There were three major surprises in the sometimes nasty Republican Senate primary results last night. The first is the most obvious, Christine O'Donnell pulled off a stunning upset over nine-term Congress Mike Castle. O'Donnell must have surged late and big which leads us to the second surpr ...
- Reid To Attach Partial Illegal Immigrant Amnesty t ...Its called the DREAM Act, but should be called the partial amnesty bill. The DREAM Act has two major components, it grants amnesty to illegal aliens who entered the country as children and have met minimal educational requirements; and serves in the armed forces, it also reverses current law to allo ...
- Millions of Virgins; Millions of Martyrs. These Gu ...By Barry Rubin Yes, it’s true; a fringe minister with just fifty followers in America wanted to burn a Koran. But he didn’t. Meanwhile another nut wants to kill all Jews, wipe Israel off the map, destroy the United States, eliminate all Christians,�indoctrinate children into being suicide b ...
The Real Agenda
- Jarabe de Maíz Alto en Fructosa es ahora “Azúcar d ...Nuevo nombre, mismo veneno. La gente está despertado a los peligros del jarabe de maíz con alto contenido de fructosa y han enviado el consumo de productos con el ingrediente a los niveles más bajos en 20 años
- Nadar en Piscinas tratadas con Cloro puede conduci ...Los principales efectos de la exposición al gas de cloro son las enfermedades del pulmón y la corrosión de los dientes. Lo mismo sucede cuando se usa el cloro en agua para beber o para cocinar. Las personas con enfermedad pulmonar previa, los fumadores, y aquellos con problemas respiratorios son más ...
- China Despierta al Fraude de la Vacunación"Esta campaña no habría sido problema en la época de Mao, pero hoy sabemos que con la globalización, Internet, la explosión de la información, la sociedad civil es cada vez más firme, y quieren participar en el proceso de políticas públicas", dijo Yanzhong Huang, investigador principal para la salud ...
- High-Fructose Corn Syrup is now´Corn Sugar´Scientists have linked consumption of full-calorie soda — the vast majority of which is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup — to obesity.
- Vaccine-Autism Court Awards $1.5M to FamilyHannah’s family will also receive more than $500,000 per year to cover their daughter’s care. Although this case was settled before trial by the government in 2007, the compensation was not agreed upon until now.
Wind Watch
- Human noise ‘leads fish from habitats’Noise pollution from shipping, drilling for oil or wind farms could lead fish away from their natural habitat into areas where they could die, potentially devastating future fish stocks. A British-led team made the discovery while working on the Great Barrier Reef â as well as debunking the myth t ...
- Villagers ready for another battle against giant t ...Villagers have stepped up their latest campaign against a wind farm plan believed to be among the most unpopular planning applications Dorset has ever seen. Two years ago, a record 1,987 people wrote to North Dorset District Council to object to plans to build six giant turbines – each 120 metres (3 ...
- JCIDA: all jurisdictions must agree to PILOTsJefferson County could see repeats of the rancor that accompanied the Galloo Island Wind Farm payment-in-lieu-of-taxes approval at the county Legislature after changes made Tuesday morning. A payment-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement for any wind power project will need approval from all of the involved ta ...
- Lightning strike burns down wind turbinePETERSON, Iowa — A lightening strike started a fire in a wind turbine Saturday morning, destroying the turbine and one of three new blades that had been laid out on the ground beneath it in order to be installed as replacements. Damages totaled $760,000, according to Peterson Fire Chief John Winterb ...
- Wind farms could face new restrictions as Governme ...Energy companies could face new restrictions on wind farm projects after ministers launched a review of the way noise pollution is taken into account by planners. The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has admitted noise regulations are applied “inconsistently” by councils and planning ...
Not My Tribe
- Oil Company and Military “job creation” ...Are going to go to… people who already work for the oil companies and the Military Industrial Complex. The (God this is a stupid term) Surge in employment is of the trickle down variety. Like the ghost of Reagan pissing on us in death the way he did in life. Let’s dissect the Oil Jobs, [...]
- Biggest Advertising Faux PasJust cruised by a TV. Tonight the diet-and-exercise show Biggest Loser… which has promotional sponsors who for one show hawk their wares, apiece, usually a food related sponsor, or Pilates, or something like that. Campbell’s Soup, SubWay, Wendy’s. Tonight… the United States Army. OOOPS. So the Army, ...
- Bill Sparkman still dead, Murderous TeaBag SKKKulk ...Even though their Fellow Klansmen in the KKKentucKKKy state police found them not guilty by fiat. The Nazi Pigs find their Nazi Pig Komrades to be not guilty, what a sweet setup… for Them. But not for Bill Sparkman and not for his family and not for America. Or, let’s be really inclusive, the entire ...
- “Capital” Punishment, forced complianc ...If, as a Corporate Lawyer and somewhat friend suggests, Capital were the be-all and end-all for progress, economically, politically, technologically, and even spiritually, why then is Participation Made Mandatory? The Capitalist PIGS go after not only nations who opt for a more socialist economy, bu ...
- Racist Arizona Law, the Mosque and the connectionThe Arizona State police are running cover for the Murdering Scum Minutemen who killed among others Raul and Briseña Flores, father and 9 year old Daughter, both of them American. The PIGS are parroting the unproved Racist Minutemen accusation that Raul was a drug dealer. Easy to do when the accused ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- Debunking Dave Thomas, Ryan Mackey, and Zdenek Baz ...So the 9/11 debate between Richard Gage, from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth , and Dave Thomas, a physicist from New Mexicans for Science and Reason took place on Coast to Coast AM last night, and I forgot to tune in. A commenter at the JREF forum says they are going to post it, if so I wil ...
- SPLC Claptrap'Patriot' Paranoia: A Look at the Top Ten Conspiracy Theories http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2010/fall/patriot-paranoia Errm... Excuse me SPLC, but I am not "radical right" and I believe in these things . Martial law has already happened - it happens eve ...
- The Real 9/11 Mastermind?This is a post I found�on George Washingtons Blog. Dick Cheney's Oily Dream Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is currently saying that Dick Cheney's vision of policy towards the Middle East after 9/11 was to re-draw the map: Vice-President Dick Cheney's vision of completely redrawing the m ...
- The Truth About TruthBurnHere is the take of the " 911TRUTHINATOR ": 911TRUTH SIGN -THERMITE FAIL Here is the truth from the creator of the "TruthBurn" display, John Parulis: That gave me a good laugh. Boy these people can't seem to stop their obsession with us. I hope we drive them batty. It's true that I did modify t ...
- Dogs Can't Smell Lazers and Eric Lawyer Has Not Be ...In a recent post purporting to debunk Eric Lawyer of FireFightersFor911Truth.org , Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog first quotes a JREFer who notes that: "NFPA is not a law enforcement agency, and makes no laws." Correct, but Lawyer doesn't claim otherwise. Next up, Pat quotes a person ...
- The McDonald’s Parody Ad You Might See on The Dail ...It’s not clear if the above parody will be broadcast on TV tonight, but what’s sure is that McDonald’s execs are fuming at this dark satire linking Big-Mac consumption with high cholesterol, heart attacks, and ultimately death. The “commercial” was created by PCRM – Physician’s Committee for Respon ...
- Dr. Corn Sugar and Mr. High Fructose Corn SyrupIt’s not Halloween, but somebody’s already putting on a mask. More precisely, some-THING. Goodbye High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), Hello CORN SUGAR. Make no mistake, these are one and the same. So why the name change? The answer: Marketing, of course. HFCS has been battered in the past few years by ...
- Thoughts on ObesityThis is a guest blog post by Daniel Green. In her August 21 New York Times Slipstream column, Natasha Singer opens “WHY are Americans getting fatter and fatter? The simple explanation is that we eat too much junk food and spend too much time in front of screens — be they television, phone or comput ...
- Cool Carrot CommercialsIt’s rare to see commercials for unprocessed foods these days. Milk is about the only example. That’s why we were happy to find out about the new ads for baby carrots (See below, H/T to Marion Nestle). The videos are aimed at adults. Now if they could make a kiddie version so young impressionable mi ...
- Total Plus Omega 3 Cereal. Three Plus Tsp of Sugar ...Have you seen the commercials for Total Cereal with Omega-3? Amber did, and she emailed us asking for an opinion: As I was watching television last night, a new commercial came on for Total cereal with Omega-3… I immediately thought of your blog. I think a breakdown of the claim would be perfect f ...
- 5 Facebook Apps That Really Make MoneyGuest post by Alexis Bonari If you aren't on Facebook by now, you are probably the only one who isn't. My grandmother has a Facebook page and anyone who can type, is able to start their own page with no problem. Most everyone uses Facebook as a social meeting place, but did you know that you coul ...
- Online Profits Re-Opens (and now it’s free)!Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips started a membership site, Online Profits , last year to help people learn about making money online. Daniel has just re-launched and re-vamped Online Profits, and this time there is no charge to get all of the valuable content. The only requirement is that you open ...
- 3 Ways to Ensure Internet Marketing Continues to W ...This is a guest post by Susan White Gone are the days when Internet marketing was perceived as the bold, new and innovative way to market and publicize your products and services. Today, email marketing and other forms of pushing your products on the web are passé. The Internet is growing faster th ...
- Cloud Living Now Available From Glen AllsoppOne of my friends has just launched a new product that I think may be of interest to many Traffikd readers. Glen Allsopp has written an e-book, Cloud Living , based on his experiences from making a five-figure monthly income from his websites. Cloud Living is actually more than an e-book, it i ...
- 5 Reasons New Bloggers Should Use Niche Social Med ...I've been talking to some new bloggers recently and I've been asked questions about how they should work on growing their blog, increasing subscribers, and getting more visitors. Most bloggers know about the potential impact of social media and some even spend considerable amounts of time on sites l ...
Survival International
- Controversial tourism company ignores Bushman righ ...The pool of Wilderness Safaris' new lodge in the CKGR. © Survival Controversial tour operator Wilderness Safaris has won a ‘World Savers Award’, despite erecting a luxury tourist lodge with swimming pool on the land of Kalahari Bushmen who are struggling for water. Wilderness Safaris opened th ...
- Brazilian Indians held prisoner by gunmenThe Guarani's plight is one of the worst in Brazil © Fiona Watson/ Survival A large group of Guarani Indians in Brazil is being held prisoner by gunmen hired by ranchers. The gunmen have cut off the Indiansâ access to food, water and health care since they surrounded their community one mont ...
- Mapuche hunger strike enters 65th dayThe Mapuche hunger strike has generated protests worldwide © Survival Thirty-four Mapuche prisoners in Chile today entered the sixty-fifth day of a hunger strike. The protest began to highlight the use by the Chilean government of anti-terror legislation to criminalise attempts by the Mapuche t ...
- Cartoon book satirizing ‘development’ launched in ...Survival's 'There you go!' can be read in two minutes. © Oren Ginzburg/Survival Survival has today launched in Malaysia a biting critique of how tribal peoples are being destroyed in the name of âdevelopmentâ. The critique is presented in a cartoon book called âThere you go!â that can ...
- India forms new tribal council in wake of Vedanta ...The Dongria Kondh are just one of many tribes in India. © Jason Taylor Following the Dongria Kondh tribe’s groundbreaking successful defense of their mountain homeland, the Prime Minister of has created a new committee for tribal rights. Led by the Prime Minister, the new ‘National Council for ...
Greg Palast
- Bush'd again? New Orleans, Mr. O and Mr. Goby Greg Palast for The Huffington Post Five years ago this week, a beast drowned New Orleans. Don't blame Katrina: the lady never, in fact, touched the city. The hurricane swept east of it. You want to know the name of the S.O.B. who attacked New Orleans? Locals call him "Mr. Go" - the Mississippi ...
- No “Home Sweet Home”Five years after KatrinaMatt Pascarella and I encountered Patricia Thomas while she was breaking into a home at the Lafitte Housing Project in New Orleans. It was her own home. Nevertheless, if caught, she'd end up in the slammer. So would we. Matt was my producer for the film, Big Easy to Big Empty, and he encouraged [.. ...
- Five Years and Still DrowningThe New Orleans CNN W ...It's been five years already. In New Orleans, more than half the original residents have not, cannot, return. "They don't want no poor niggers back in - that's the bottom line." And that's Malik Rahim, Director of Common Ground, who led the survivors who rebuilt their homes in the teeth of official ...
- Five Years and Still DrowningThe New Orleans CNN w ...Get Moviefone's top choice of Katrina documentaries Big Easy to Big Empty: The Untold Story of the Drowning of New Orleans "Greg Palast brings you exclusive footage on the hidden political agendas and the suppressed eyewitness reports involved in the disaster." Get the DOWNLOAD Free of Char ...
- Separation of Church and Hate:The Kate Mosque Solu ...by Greg Palast Since everyone seems to have an opinion about the mosque near Ground Zero (and President Obama has two), I like to ask you all a couple of questions: Given that white Christian supremacist Tim McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City Federal Building, shouldn't we ban white churches from th ...
Telegraph UK - oil
- Deepwater lessons Telegraph View: It is crucial that we learn from the oil-spill catastrophe.
- Greenpeace claims to have shut down Greenland oil ...Greenpeace claims its activists have shut down a ''dangerous'' oil drilling operation by a British energy company in the Arctic.
- BP handout 'saved the summer' in Florida Visitor numbers in Florida have risen despite the BP oil spill, thanks to a £20m promotion, reports Richard Luscombe.
- Microbe eating spilled oil in Gulf of MexicoA newly discovered species of microbe is breaking down oil from the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico much faster than scientists thought possible.
- Gulf oil spill: other slicks 'saved' by microbes The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has been described as the " worst environmental disaster in history".
Ian Welsh
- What the Primaries meanTea party crazies are winning, and it’s not even close. The deep rich, like the Koch’s, have funded this. The Republicans figure they’ll get in eventually, and with a strong crazy hard right wing, they’ll be able to pass the stuff they really want to pass. I think it’s going to backfire on the r ...
- Yes Virginia, SS can be cutSorry, it doesn’t work like this: Nevertheless, Grijalva is right. Social Security will most likely be left intact. Not because of any efforts of the CPC. Not because Progressives will stand up to block cuts. Not because Social Security is popular with the people. Social Security “reform” will fail ...
- Nigerian methods move to MexicoThe Nigerian Movement for the Emancipation of the Nigerian Delta (MEND) group has waged an effective infrastructure sabotage and intimidation campaign in the Nigerian oil production regions. MEND has consistently shut in 20% to 40% of total possible Nigerian oil production, and thus 18% to 36% ...
- When Labor Is Strong Democrats Win…Given that itâs Labor Day weekend let’s chat about laborâorganized labor. This post from 2007 is still relevant. If you take a look at the map on your left something may jump out at you, as it did me. Where Labor is strong â Democrats tend to win. Where Labor is [...]
- Jan 19th: “In 2010 Democrats will be slaught ...Yup. In 2010 Democrats will be slaughtered, absolutely slaughtered, because Obama and the senior Democratic leadership does not learn. In 2012 Obama will become a 1 term president, and a right wing populist will get into power. That populist will turn out not to be a populist, and will do even ...
Age of Autism
- Autism Speaks Mangles the Poling Decision: NYT Blo ...By J.B. Handley On the one hand, I get it. Autism Speaks treads a very delicate balance in how they address the idea that vaccines might be causing all this autism. If they are too strongly supportive of the hypothesis—poof!—away...
- A Night of Comedy to Benefit AutismBy Kent Heckenlively, Esq. Okay, so I haven't been out much in the past ten years. I've gone to two autism events during that time, one in San Francisco and one in Chicago. But when I heard that Generation Rescue...
- My Dog Ate Our Book!By Dan Olmsted I know many of you are awaiting next Tuesday's release of "The Age of Autism" but I have to tell you ... the dog ate it. Yes, our 10-pound Havenese, Rida, managed to get ahold of the...
- S.A.N.E. Vax Asks: Gardasil® - Another Uncontrolle ...North Hollywood, CA, August 30, 2010 — In 2003, Susan Rako published her groundbreaking book “No More Periods? The Blessing of the Curse,” stating that ‘manipulating women’s hormonal chemistry for the purpose of menstrual suppression threatens to be the largest...
- Winners: Glow Back To School with Glow GF Cookies ...Congrats to the winners, Brandon Woodland, Kimberly Wood and Kelley. The contest is CLOSED. Glow Back to School! Three winners will scoop up a gift pack of Glow Gluten Free Cookies. Looking for a fun gluten free and casein free...
Global BDS Movement
- BNC condemns repression of French BDS activists BNCcondemns repression of French BDS activists read more
- Upcoming confernece: A JUST PEACE FOR PALESTINE – ...At the India International Centre Auditorium, New Delhi, India, September 22nd - 23rd, 2010-------------------------------------------- read more
- CALL FOR ENDORSEMENTS AND DONATIONS FOR 2010 BDS Q ...Dear friends and allies, On October 22 to 24, 2010, a historic conference will take place inMontreal which aims to consolidate and move forward the movement forBoycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid. read more
- Opponents of Israeli occupation greet truckers at ...Press release – for immediate release August 24, 2010 Opponents of Israeli occupation greet truckers at port of Vancouver read more
- Norwegian government pension fund excludes more Is ...Norwegian government pension fund excludes more Israeli companies read more
Farm Wars
- The US Congress: “misbranded and adulterated”Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved ________________________________________ S.3767 (or is it S.3669? Has the number changed yet again?) In reading this “companion bill” to S.510, one has to wonder: Isn’t this Rosa Delauro’s HR 8 ...
- Who Put Bill Gates In Charge of the World?Most Americans have been trained to love and worship philanthropic psychopaths that openly talk about killing us and get away with such chatter. They form non-profit organizations to protect their wealth and to use against the everyday people of the world.
- Biotechnology – A Basic OverviewA comprehensive overview of genetic engineering as applied to our food supply. Includes techniques, hazards, consequences, and tips for industry whistleblowers.
- Bob Abbey’s BLM “Horse Harvesting” Machine Continu ...Masterfully hiding true reasons and motives, the PR writers make the BLM look like honest to goodness hero’s, utilizing the concoctions of starvation, dehydration and range deterioration.
- Republic Defiance Radio Hits the Airwaves!Tonight we will be discussing several news topics and providing special commentary on the battle between liberty and tyranny. Our special guests tonight will be Marti Oakley and Barbara Peterson of the Truth Squad Radio Show.
Open Your Eyes News
- New Additions To Feature Page: The effects of Anth ...EDITORS WARNING: Do not read the list if you are of a nervous disposition, easily confused or easily scared. CLICK HERE TO READ THE UPDATED LIST
- ‘Sewage crisis’ overtakes the great la ...Buffalonews -They’re branding it a “sewage crisis” in the Great Lakes. A new study has found that five cities — including Buffalo — dumped 41 billion gallons of untreated sewage and dirty storm water into the Great Lakes last year. How much is 41 billion gallons? That’s how much water flows over Nia ...
- Israel refuses to meet European ministers for sett ...The Independent – Israel has said it will not meet a delegation of European foreign ministers, including William Hague, this week as diplomatic pressure mounts on its government to extend a 10-month settlement freeze that ends next week. The Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, yesterday told Tony Bl ...
- BHP CEO: It’s time for carbon taxThe Australian – THE world’s biggest mining company, BHP Billiton, is urging the Gillard government to impose a tax on carbon before any international agreement. This is in order to protect Australia’s long-term economic interests. “We do believe that such a global initiative will eventually come an ...
- Dollar at 15-Year Low Vs Yen; Tumbles Against EuroABC – The dollar staggered Tuesday, hitting a one-month low against the euro and dropping to a new 15-year low versus the yen after a key election made Japanese intervention to weaken its currency less likely. The dollar also fell below one Swiss franc, which investors are using as a safe-haven curr ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Endangered vaquita faring better in Gulf of Califo ...Beneath the waves of the Gulf of California thrives a rich ecosystem, from plankton to the vaquita, the world's smallest and rarest cetacean. Only about 300 critically endangered vaquita remain in the wild, most of them clinging to existence in...
- LA Port develops a passion for green jobsPortTechLA, a relatively new business incubator operated by a coalition that includes the port and city of Los Angeles, officially launched Wednesday. The project is looking for office space for a campus that will house and nurture start-up companies with...
- Are Energy Star ratings too lax?Energy Star standards, which rate the energy efficiency of buildings and products, need an update, according to Consumer Reports. On the heels of criticism of Energy Star last week from a New York congresswoman, the magazine said the ratings program...
- Garbage-to-energy? California has second thoughtsGovernment officials from around the world used to come to Long Beach, Southern California's industrial port city, to catch a glimpse of the future: Two-story piles of trash would disappear into a furnace and eventually be transformed into electricity to...
- Rail-yard pollution: Federal court rules against a ...Air-quality watchdogs in Southern California can't impose limits on pollution from idling trains because that could interfere with interstate commerce -- a federal responsibility -- a U.S. appeals court ruled Wednesday. The lawsuit filed by the Assn. of American Railroads...
- Water.org and Barclay Martin partnership (KC Star)Water.org and musician Barclay Martin form partnership (Kansas City Star) KANSAS CITY, Mo. – With the release of his fourth full-length album, Kansas City-based musician and international philanthropist Barclay Martin will give fans the opportunity to join him and be part of a clean water project in ...
- Conference call tonightThis is your chance to hear first-hand from Water.org’s International Programs Director about our work in Haiti, our approach, the progress made so far, and plans for the future. It’s also a chance to ask questions about our work during an open question and answer session. (*As a courtesy to other c ...
- Videos to support Water.org (One Day on Earth)Support Water.org with your video creation (One Day on Earth) - CALL TO ACTION: Share video of your water Without water, life would not exist. It is a prerequisite for all human and economic development. This 10.10.10 we invite you to share with the world how you access life’s most precious commodi ...
- Water.org at TEDxKC (Brainzooming)What the World Needs Now â Innovative Ideas from TEDxKC â Part II (Brainzooming) – For whatever reason, McCamonâs TEDxKC presentation was incredibly brief. It provided staggering statistics about the amount of solid human waste thatâs left untreated globally in a world where more people have ...
- Matt Damon’s trip to Ethiopia for water (Top Cel.)Matt Damonâs trip to Ethiopia to advocate for clean water (Top Celebrity Headlines) – Matt Damon is advocating for clean water and plumbing throughout the world as part of the charity he co-founded, Water.org. He appeared in a video for CNN to show how difficult it is for people in rural northern ...
Before It's News
- Western_Desert_Resources_confirms_high_grade_iron_ ...
- Thundelarra_Exploration_reports_further_drill_resu ...
- Bass_Metals_completes_hedging_programme_for_12_mil ...
- Big_Brother_stars_home_burns_down
- Audio_Typing:_Low_Rates_Audio_Typing_Services_for_ ...
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley break ...
Margaret's News
- Could Middle East peace plan jump start clean ener ...I've been putting some thought into whether the Middle East peace plan could somehow be the jump start that clean energy and climate change policy needs in America. Although Netanyahu and Arab countries still have their work cut out for them. Submitted by Michelle Matthews to World �|� �Note-it! �| ...
- 2,066 settlement homes to be built as soon as free ...New report indicates an overall of 13,000 previously authorized West Bank housing units, construction sites could be built after the Sept. 26 freeze expiration date. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- N.Y. imam: Ground Zero mosque debate is stirring ' ..."We are Americans. We are doctors. We are investment bankers. We are taxi drivers. We are store keepers. We are lawyers. We are part of the fabric of America. And the way that America today treats its Muslims is being watched by over a billion Muslims... Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �No ...
- Media Matters!: Fox News thinks you're all idiotsSo often a story comes along that is so mind-bogglingly absurd that it exposes in no uncertain fashion the entire conservative media for what it is: a propaganda machine far more interested in pushing pre-determined narratives than conveying accurate info Submitted by Ralph Banned to US Politics & G ...
- Women Say No to WarWon't you join me wishing the women in Afghanistan a happy Eid to mark the end of Ramadan and letting them know your commitment to building a more peaceful, torelant world? Send youe message TODAY! Submitted by Naoko I. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- California PUC Approves Abengoa Solar Thermal Plan ...large The California Energy Commission has approved the Abengoa solar thermal plant slated for the desert outside San Bernardino, California.
- Obama Says No to Installing Solar Panels on the Wh ...large To the disappointment of environmental activists, the Obama administration has declined to put solar panels on the White House roof.
- U.S. Solar Energy, Seeing the Cup as Half-Fulllarge On June 29, 2009, a joint announcement by the U.S. Department of Energy, or DOE, and the U.S.
- Solar Roadways Offer Immense PotentialImagine a world-wide system where the "lit" half of the world is always powering the "dark" half of the world. In this world everyone has power. No more power shortages, no more roaming power outages, no more need to burn coal (50% of ...
- Las Casas Verdes: First Texas Solar-Powered Commun ...large Imagine moving into a brand new home that is not only beautiful and affordable, but will use the solar power to reduce utility bills and heat water. Las Casas Verdes ...
News Blaze
- Operation Designed to Enhance The Protection of Ci ...The peacekeeping force said that as a result of the operation, there has been a growing recognition by illegal armed groups that UN peacekeepers are well-equipped, willing and able to respond vigorously to attacks on civilians.
- Ban Says 'Democracy Vital Tool for Achieving Devel ...At next week's summit, 'we have an important opportunity to underline the pivotal role that democracy plays in reducing poverty and promoting human well-being,' Mr. Ban said in his message for the Day.
- Swine Flu Vaccines Dumped in AfricaIt was recently announced that as much as 43% of the U.S. out of date and dangerous swine flu vaccine supply would ultimately go unused and be destroyed.
- 36 Governments to Meet in Mexico on Greenhouse Gas ...'With methane and other harmful pollutants hurting our world's atmosphere, addressing climate change and improving air quality are domestic and international priorities that require every country's help and ideas,' said EPA Administrator Lisa P.
- UN Anti-Poverty Photographic Contest Displays Str ...UNDP Administrator Helen Clark, who will hand out the awards today in New York, said the contest - now in its second year - helps to show that the series of anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals are 'not just abstract target
- Truck drivers and railway workers strike in GreeceAfter the August thaw between the Greek government and the fuel carrying truck drivers, the latter are once again showing their teeth, while railway workers defy court ruling and strike. The thaw between fuel carrying truck drivers and t ...
- Spain: Madrid CNT Calls for Strike Participation, ...arton932-11afe_0.jpg The CNT of Madrid are calling for participation in the September 29 general strike while noting the dangerous possibility that the state-sponsored unions who are calling the strike m ...
- Greece: Pakistani workers go on strike after polic ...Today, hundreds of Pakistani migrants living and working in Skala, Laconia took the decision to go on strike after a police attack that was unleashed against them earlier. After returning from their work in collecting oranges, they found ...
- Warsaw: ZSP Starts Rent Strike Actionjcrop_strajkczynszowy.jpg ZSP is calling for a rent strike in Warsaw starting on Oct. 1. The strike is meant as a protest against the housing policy of the city and against serious ...
- Spain: CNT Joins Call for September 29 General Str ...The labor reform that the PSOE [Spanish Socialist Party] intends to introduce will be the greatest act of aggression against the rights of workers since the transition to democracy. We must use the one-day strike as a trigger for later and broader mobilisation ...
Free Range International
- A New Way Forward?A very tense week for those of us outside the wire has finally passed which means it is time for some good news. We have been on a restricted movement routine (for the first time in five years) which provided the opportunity to digest a report from The Afghanistan Study Group entitled A New Way For ...
- Rocky RoadAs the summer started I was optimistic regarding the chances that we would see some indications that we are gaining ground in Afghanistan but that has not happened. Incident rates are skyrocketing which in and of itself is not a negative thing if it is our side who are instigating the incidents but ...
- The Dog Days of SummerMany apologies for the delay on posting.  I was laid low by some sort of viral affliction which mimicked  malaria.  Like most people who get sick maybe once a decade, when I do catch a bug you would think I was on death’s door I’m such a sissy about it.  But the fever is gone [...]
- The Good Don’t Always Die YoungThe Godfather of Free Range International – the man who pioneered the techniques, tactics and procedures we use to travel in remote districts was executed last week in Badakhshan Province. Dan Terry was a good man. Â He was humble, self-effacing, and competent. Â He lived in Afghanistan with his fam ...
- Getting After ItOne of the Chim Chim’s dropped in for a visit last month. Â He was on some sort of training inspection type team which I didn’t ask too much about and told us that every-time he asked officers from the unit he was looking at what they were doing the reply was “getting after it.” Â They [...]
The Story Behind the Story
- America’s Entitlement ElitistsAmerica is Great —– Because America is Good!! By A. True Ott, PhD, June 1, 2010 The famous French statesman and historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) traveled widely through America in the year 1832. Following his tour of America, he wrote extensively about what he saw and experienced here. ...
- SENATORS TO BE ADDED TO UNEMPLOYMENT ROLLSALL the senators on this list need to be OUT OF OFFICE by November 15. It will soon be payback time for these senators – forward this list to everyone you know. Don’t forget. November 2nd is “Take out the trash day” !!!!!! The following senators voted against making English the official langua ...
- IMPORTANT BREAKING NEWS — Horowitz and Kane ...In a most cowardly and dastardly fashion, Leonard G. Horowitz and his consort/accomplice Sherri Kane have chosen to target me, A. True Ott, PhD in a clear and actionable case of libel where they accuse me of being “A Satanist” with only the flimsiest of circumstantial hearsay as their “evidence”.  ...
- Ellen Brown LIVE on The Story Behind the Story  ...Axing the Bankersâ Money Tree: Homeowners’ Rebellion against Wall Street Recent Rulings Could Shield 62 Million Homes from Foreclosure by Ellen Brown http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=20688 Ellen Brown developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil litigation in ...
- IMPORTANT INFO ON MORTGAGES!!!!Every homeowner in America needs to read this very carefully. Homeowners’ Rebellion: Could 62 Million Homes Be Foreclosure-Proof? August 20th, 2010 | Author: Stephanie Over 62 million mortgages are now held in the name of MERS, an electronic recording system devised by and for the convenience of the ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny hou ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plans fo ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being pro ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re in ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human effect ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain temper ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here’s ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing to do ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM says t ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Robert Fowler, Held Hostage by al Qaeda in Africa ...Kidnapped by al Qaeda. The very thought causes shudders. But it happened to this week's guest: one of Canada's former senior diplomats in Africa on a special mission for the United Nations. The challenge: solving a dispute between the government of Niger and the rebel movement MNJ. This week, the Un ...
- Steve Nash, Two-time NBA MVP (Sept 19, 2009)He's one of the best basketball players on the planet, and he's made millions at it. But there's more to this week's guest than just the game. A lot more. This Canadian now makes his name on the courts, in the movies, and doing some pretty good things around the world. This week, he's our guest.
- Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of Canada (Sept ...We know it was a recession, but do we know if it's really a recovery? And what about that huge deficit? A dollar again approaching parity with its US counterpart? And the unemployment rate -- could it soon be in double digits? Difficult questions for this week's guest, the man who has to consider th ...
- Dr. Shana Kelley, University of Toronto (October 3 ...Research labs around the world are on the constant hunt for new ways of fighting one of the world's great killers - cancer. In one lab in Toronto, exciting promise on a new technique for early detection. The possibilities are endless: for fighting cancer, and other diseases, both here in our world, ...
- Dr. Susy Hota, Infectious Diseases Specialist (Oct ...Are you tired of hearing about HINI -- the swine flu? That's not surprising because there's been a half year of information coming your way -- some of it contradictory, much of it confusing. This week's guest helps us get down to basics -- what you need to know, and why you need to know it.
Scotts Contracting
- Climate Change Causing Ice Melts Unveils Ancient T ...On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: Home of "Ice Giants" thaws, shows pre-Viking hunts Buzz up! Share retweet Email Print Play Video Reuters â Pre-Viking find in Norway mountains Slideshow:Ancient Reindeer Hunting Gear Play … Continue reading → - Smart Grid-News-Pilots, AcceleratingOn Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: Accelerating successful smart grid pilots According to the World Economic Forumâs Smart Grid Steering Board and Task Force, the utility industry has seen over the past year the … Continue reading → - FREE Green Apps for Your PhoneOn Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 5:51 PM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: While Browsing for Green and Eco friendly info I stumbled upon this site for Green Aps for your Smart Phone. If you are one of the 59% of … Continue reading → - Urge the Senate+Clean Energy Creates JobsSmall Businesses Urge US Senate To Let Clean Energy Create Jobs A new report released today by four American small business associations claims that 1.9 million jobs have been lost in the U.S. due to the Senate’s inability to pass … Continue reading →
- Bad Faith Move from Fannie and Freddie Highlights ...On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: PACE Update: Latest Bad Faith Move from Fannie & Freddie Highlights the Need for Congressional Action by Rosalind Jackson, Vote Solar Published: September 13, 2010 Summer may be … Continue reading →
The View From Abroad
- Obama’s Policies Hurt the Working ClassThe unintended consequences of Obama's Cash for Clunkers and credit card reform are hurting the working class.
- Stimulus Spenders and Their Silly ExcusesAt the end of the day, government spending, quantitative easing or whatever the political establishment wants to call it simply doesn’t work.
- Lies, Intolerance, and Disrespect for the Rule of ...The latest debate over the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" is replete with lies, intolerance and disrespect for the law.
- Tocqueville as ProphetFed poised for another round of quantitative easing.
- U.S. Property Rights in Line with Tenets of Commun ...Treatment of private property in America would make Lenin smile.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- How to Convince a State That Thinks It Wants Nucle ...There are plenty of options to prevent proliferation other than force.
- When Nuclear Terrorism Isn't TerrorismWhat if a state emulated a terrorist group and tried to smuggle nuclear weapons into the U.S.?
- The US-Japan 'Alliance', Okinawa, and Three Loomin ...World attention through the early months of 2010 focused on the tiny hamlet of Henoko in Northern Okinawa as Prime Minister Hatoyama struggled to find a way to meet his (and the Democratic Party of Japan's) electoral commitment to see that no substitute for the existing Futenma Marine Air Station be ...
- Bacevich Held Over Another Week!When it comes to evaluating our military, Andrew Bacevich's analyses are as accurate as they are eloquent.
- Obama Fighting on all FrontsUnited States President Barack Obama will try this week to underline his progress in extricating the US from the morass his predecessor's "war on terror" in the Greater Middle East.
- The Careerist: Women Partners Get Paid Less -- Duh ...Check out some of the latest posts on the lawjobs.com blog, The Careerist. Women Partners Get Paid Less -- Duh? And Maybe a Girl's Got to Be Manipulative: What Joan and Peggy of "Mad Men" Can Teach Us Plus Are Flex/Part-Time Options Holding Women Back?
- Another Record Year for Laterals?Last week saw a deluge of press releases from law firms touting new partner hires. When asked about the bonanza of lateral announcements, one recruiter said with the close of the third quarter, partners have a better idea of how things are shaping up for themselves and their firms. Another recruite ...
- Partial Settlement Reached in Pa. 'Sexting' CaseOne of the high school students at the center of a "sexting" controversy in Pennsylvania has agreed to a partial settlement of a civil rights suit that said her constitutional rights were violated when a principal confiscated her cell phone, found nude images she had taken of herself and turned over ...
- Specter's Last Stand: Requiring Cameras in the U.S ...Sen. Arlen Specter says it's full steam ahead for his effort to require the Supreme Court to allow televised broadcast of its proceedings, in spite of a newly announced experiment with camera access in lower federal courts. Specter dismissed the Judicial Conference's new pilot program for civil tria ...
- E-Discovery Sanctions: Not for Defendants OnlyAccording to Leonard Deutchman, Pension Committee and Medcorp are two extreme examples of a phenomenon that e-discovery observers will acknowledge if pressed to be honest and candid: The plaintiffs bar knows far, far less about e-discovery than does the defense bar.
- Iran: In Video, a Prisoner Says She Was Not Whippe ...A woman [ Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani ] facing death by stoning after being convicted of adultery appeared on state television on Wednesday to say she had not been whipped or tortured.
- Iran Quietly Moves On BahrainSeptember 13, 2010: Bahrain's Sunni leaders are increasing efforts to round up Shia citizens, and foreigners, believed to be plotting to overthrow the government. Although Bahrain won't accuse Iran publicly, many Bahrainis believes that Iran is involved. Most Bahrainis are Shia, and Iranian leaders ...
- Venezuela Cancels Round-Trip 'Terror Flight' to Sy ...A Venezuelan airline's “mystery” flight that shuttled among the capitals of three of the world’s most terror-friendly nations — Venezuela, Syria and Iran — has abruptly canceled its regularly scheduled departures amid accusations that it was used primarily to transport spies, terrorists and lethal c ...
- Iran lays claim to British Museum's Cyrus CylinderIn a ceremony on Sunday President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad draped a Palestinian-style keffiyeh scarf worn by Basij militiamen over the shoulders of a bowing actor dressed as Cyrus. He also described Cyrus reverentially as "King of the World" – a striking phrase in a country where pride in Iran's pre-Isla ...
- طراحی کودتا براساس گزارش شورایعالی امنیت ملیدر ابتدای این گزارش که عنوان "بررسی و تجزیه و تحلیل ساختار و سازمان فتنه 88" را دارد، آمده است: "پاور پوينت حاضر شامل بررسي و تجزيه و تحليل ساختار و سازمان فتنه اخير، حاصل جلسات متعدد كارشناسان با حضور مسئولين و كارشناسان عالي وزارت اطلاعات، نيروي انتظامي و سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامي مي باشد كه بن ...
Most Revolutionary Act
- How Capitalism Suffocates Intellectual LifeI have already done five blogs (see Aug 14 “Is Capitalism Doomed?”) regarding John Strachey’s 1932 classic The Coming Struggle for Power about the future of capitalism. Previously I focused exclusively on the economic structure of capitalism that dooms it to stagnation and eventual failure. Another ...
- Afghanistan: Is It All Smoke and Mirrors?After the July Time magazine cover of the noseless Afghan woman was exposed as a fake (it turns out that the woman’s nose wasn’t removed by the Taliban, as Time reported, but by her husband three years earlier – see http://www.huffingtonpost.com/abdulhadi-hairan/times-aisha-story-is-fake_b_692123.ht ...
- Hanan Ashrawi: Women in the Palestinian StruggleI have just watched a remarkable talk by Palestinian leader Hanan Ashrawi at the July 2010 Chautaqua convocation (see http://fora.tv/2010/07/13/Hanan_Ashrawi_Palestinian_Womens_Quest_for_Validation ). Ashrawi, long a spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority, has been largely absent from the US med ...
- In Defense of SmokersAs a doctor, I am well away of the negative health effects of smoking. Studies show a life time of smoking subtracts an average of ten years from your life expectancy. I also read about the considerable health costs of treating smoking-related illnesses, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart ...
- US Customs: the New Thought PoliceOne of my New Zealand friends, a solar and wind energy engineer, travels to the US frequently to attend alternative energy conferences and check out potential venture capitalists. Every time he goes through US Customs, he is deemed to pose a security threat and taken aside to be questioned about his ...
Free Movement
- New policy on childrenUKBA has published a new policy on dealing with children, specifically asylum applications by unaccompanied children. It went ‘live’ on 1 September 2010 and can be found with the earlier link or in the Asylum Process Guidance Special Cases section. The policy is a considerable improvement on the pre ...
- Fees going up againSubstantial rises are set for most immigration fees on 1 October 2010, on the basis of the laughable justification that UKBA ‘want to ensure that we can offer a good level of customer service’. They also openly state that the increases are to ‘mitigate against a reduction in income to the Agency’. I ...
- Adverts on Free MovementIt has come to my attention that Google Ads sometimes (or possibly always) show on Free Movement to those not already logged in as WordPress users – i.e. everyone except me sometimes sees Google Ads on my blog, basically. This blog is hosted mainly for free on WordPress.com. In truth nothing in life ...
- Lions Led By Donkeys?The tragic demise of Refugee and Migrant Justice, formerly known as the Refugee Legal Centre, leaves a gaping and unfillable void in the immigration sector. With its higher than average success rate and top notch training and nurturing programme for asylum lawyers, it is simply irreplaceable. What h ...
- New PBS casesThe tribunal has allowed two appeals on the basis that Pankina does not only apply to the three month rule and that all an applicant need do is comply with the requirements of the Immigration Rules themselves. See FA and AA (PBS effect of Pankina) Nigeria [2010] UKUT 304 (IAC) in relation to the sco ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- Daniel Ellsberg Calls for Release of Wikileaks “Wh ...Michael Moore to broadcast event live Daniel Ellsberg helped end the war in Vietnam when he leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press in 1970. Pfc. Bradley Manning , the alleged “whistleblower” accused of releasing documents and combat video showing the gunning down of Iraqi civilians and Reuters ...
- The 9/11 SpiritFrom: Eric Bauman Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 14:31:08 To: MichaelMoore.com Subject: Fw: Receipt for your donation to Cordoba Initiative I wish I could have donated more, but I'm unemployed and money is really tight. Thanks for matching this, Mr. Moore. From: Al B. Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 15:29:59 T ...
- ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT DELIVERED BY RADIO FROM T ...PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT: I have been on a journey of husbandry. I went primarily to see at first hand conditions in the drought states; to see how effectively Federal and local authorities are taking care of pressing problems of relief and also how they a ...
- The Real Lesson of Labor DayWelcome to the worst Labor Day in the memory of most Americans. Organized labor is down to about 7 percent of the private work force. Members of non-organized labor — most of the rest of us — are unemployed, underemployed or underwater. The Labor Department reported on Friday that just 67,000 new pr ...
- HOW THEY GOT THEIR FICTITIOUS WARPart I: Revving Up the Lie Machine ; "... we now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Among other sources, we've gotten this from the firsthand testimony of defectors – including Saddam's own son-in-law ..." – Vice President Dick Cheney in August 27, 2002 spe ...
- Let's stop pretending that hard work conquers allWith the possible exception of sex, few topics make smart people stupid like anything to do with wealth, intelligence and social class. Question the relationship among talent, hard work and sheer good luck in any area of American life -- business, academia, the arts, even athletics -- and prepare ...
- Exclusive: Elizabeth Warren in her own wordsThis is the first installment of "The Influencers," a six-part interview series that Lynn Parramore,� a media fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, is conducting for Salon. She sat down with Elizabeth Warren, whom President Obama will reportedly deputize to help launch the new Consumer Financia ...
- Breaking: Christine O'Donnell has had sexStop it with all those "41-year-old virgin" jokes, OK? Delaware Senate candidate and anti-masturbation activist Christine O'Donnell has totally had sex. She admitted it in 2004, to the Wilmington News Journal, in a piece about her lawsuit against the Intercollegiate Studies Institute for gender d ...
- Meg Whitman breaks U.S. campaign spending recordsMeg Whitman, the Republican candidate for California governor, has surpassed New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for the highest personal contribution in American campaign history.
- Dana Milbank makes 100 puns about Tea PartiesMaking fun of the whiteness of the Tea Parties -- and their sad attempts to change said whiteness -- is incredibly easy pickins. And that is why it is the subject of today's Op-Ed column by newly minted Washington Post opinion columnist Dana Milbank . And Milbank's opinion is that puns are really ...
SMB News
- Reduce global hunger by 2010 is: flourRome: the number suffering from chronic hunger in the world 15 years due to improved economic conditions and food prices decreased for the first time, the UN food agency, said Tuesday. However, the World Health Organization, may be a danger to the food crisis threatened to spark droughts and floods ...
- Hameed rubbishes accusing players in betting rowLONDON: Pakistan batsman Yasir Hameed denied Saturday having told a British newspaper that his teammates on the England tour were involved in a betting scam. The News of The World quoted Hameed in its edition due out Sunday as saying that some Pakistan players were fixing in “almost every match”. “I ...
- Iran working against Iraqi democracy: US generalWASHINGTON: Iran is funding extremist groups in Iraq out of fear of a strong democracy as a neighbor, the commander of US forces in Iraq said Sunday. “I think they don’t want to see Iraq turn into a strong democratic country, General Ray Odierno told CNN. “They would rather see it become a weak gove ...
- New flood tide roars into Dera Allah YarJAFFERABAD: High flood tide raged its way into Jafferabad area of Dera Allah Yar, rendering thousands of people homeless, these stranded people are waiting for help, Geo News reported Monday. The new flood tide further exacerbated the situation in the area where people are present on the high places ...
- Enraged flood victims get physical with police, Ra ...SUKKUR: Floods continue to cause devastation in Sukkur and rendered thousands of people stranded in various areas while enraged flood victims burned tyres, blocked road and exchanged blows with police and Rangers after one of the affectees died in a relief camp here at Sukkur-Shikarpur Road. The wat ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Not so dumb metersThe opposition parties at Queen’s Park have found a new bogeyman: smart meters, the devices that not only measure the volume of electricity used but also record the time of day. With the newly installed meters, local hydro companies can charge hous ...
- Education movie points the wrong way for changeThe real challenge in improving education is to attract great people to teaching and create public respect for their skills
- Good advice on clogged courtsJustice is supposed to be blind. Yet judges have long blinded themselves to the grave injustices of a court system so complex and costly that it often bankrupts feuding parents and sells their children short.
- One voice for the GTARather than elbowing each other aside in a frantic effort to attract jobs, cities in the Greater Toronto Area would do better to pool their efforts under a single economic marketing agency. One clear voice is easier to hear than several arguing at ...
- New bank rules good first stepFireproofing the world’s banks against another fit of Wall Street folly isn’t going to come cheaply. Bankers in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia will have to set aside “hundreds of billions” of dollars in reserves, to remain solvent in fu ...
Energy Collective
- BHP Boss: Time For A Carbon TaxThe SMH has an article on a recent speech by BHP CEO Marius Kloppers, calling for a carbon tax to be introduced to Australia - BHP boss dumps on future of coal .
- Will faking a consumer cartel help make power mark ...Does the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) really want to go down this path? Do they really think that faking a consumer cartel will help make wholesale power markets work more efficiently?
- North Dakota'sUnconventional Oil Boom and Risks to ...
- ExxonMobil Says No to SubsidiesEarlier this week I participated in a conference call with ExxonMobil that was hosted by the American Petroleum Institute (API). It is the first API blogger call I have joined in a very long time, but my schedule was open and I was interested in the subject matter. ExxonMobil would be talking about ...
- Checking the pulse at the World Energy Congress: D ...The Pulse Poll of the Energy stakeholders’ community at the WEC has turned up another interesting series of results in response to day two’s “Availability” challenge of how the global energy mix will develop by 2030. Here are a few that caught my eye: 45.9% of delegates believe that renewable energy ...
EU Times
- The Tarim MummiesAn amazing discovery of 2,000 year old Caucasian descent mummies in the Tarim basin of Western China occurred in the early 90s. But more amazing than the discovery itself was the astonishing fact that the mummies were blond haired and long nosed. In 1993, Victor Mayer a college professor collected D ...
- Sweden loses patience with refugee champion roleSix years after his brother was beheaded by Iraqi insurgents, Riyad is still haunted by the memory of identifying the disfigured body and watching the mutilation on a video distributed by the killers. Yet Riyad now has fresh worries to contend with: the threat of deportation from Sweden, which recen ...
- Turkey tells US it won’t adhere to new sanctions o ...Turkish officials have told an American delegation that it has no intention of following unilateral US sanctions on Iran, a move likely to deepen a rift between the two NATO allies over the Islamic republic’s contentious nuclear program that Washington believes is aimed at developing nuclear weapons ...
- Official US Deficit Put At Staggering $202 Trillio ...The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecasts the U.S. budget deficit will hit $1.3 trillion this year. An astronomical figure, to be sure, but thatâs lower than was projected in March. Itâs also less than last yearâs record $1.41 trillion deficit, which was close to 10% of GDP. And, that’s ...
- Goldman Sachs accused of trying to destroy ChinaGoldman Sachs & Co., reviled in the U.S. for its role in the financial crisis, is now getting hammered in the world’s No. 2 economy with a sensationalist new book accusing the investment bank of trying to destroy China. The “Goldman Sachs Conspiracy,” which has sold over 100,000 copies since it was ...
Stonecipher News
- Jessica's Early Years With AutismIn my last article, The Day I Saw My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ , I discussed how Jesus helped my wife and I get through a difficult time with Jessica hospitalized as an infant with meningitis and was on life support for more than a month. With this article will be the first in a series that gives ...
- Can Hand Episode 3: Bedroom Fun Wakes GrandpaThis is a sponsored post! WD-40 has more than 2000 uses. One of my favorite uses is cleaning up permanent markers off title or linoleum flooring. I discovered this by accident last week while installing my linoleum floor. I mistakenly used a permanent marker to make my marking measurements instead ...
- Studies Claim That One Million Children Misdiagnos ...According to Jo Oliver "Several studies this month in the Journal of Health Economics are looking at ADHD. Separate studies by researchers at North Carolina State University, Notre Dame, the University of Minnesota, and Michigan State University all arrive at similar conclusions about ADHD. For tho ...
- Education: What Does It Mean For Your ChildFrom my Factoidz page: The PACER Center is a Minnesota training and information center funded by the U. S. Department of Education Office of Special Education (n.d., http://www.pacer.org/) writes an article for LD online explaining to lay people the evaluation process for special education. The arti ...
- Tests and Measurements for the Parent, Teacher, Ad ...Peter and Pam Wright compose a comprehensive article for parents, teachers, advocates and attorneys. The purpose of which is to help lay people and professionals recognize the value of reading and understanding educational test scores. Attorney Peter Wright Esq., and Psychotherapist Pam Wright who ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Sartain to Space (Needle): Joliet Bishop to Seattl ...Roman Noon... and with the current docket's most significant opening on these shores, the Hatman Era begins in the Stateside church. In a move that's as much masterstroke as surprise (at least, to many), the Pope has named J. Peter Sartain, 58, bishop of Joliet since 2006, as... Tags: joliet benedic ...
- WICB Accuses WIPA of Disseminating Lies about Ramn ...The West Indies Cricket Board has reacted strongly to the accusations by the West Indies Players Association regarding Ramnaresh Sarwan’s treatment and his not being offered a contract by the WICB. WIPA had spoken out earlier claiming that injustice was being meted out to Sarwan... Tags: cricket fit ...
- How 3 firms survived the recessionDoug McAllister’s company has shrunk from 440 employees and $50 million in revenues to about 20 in two entities with combined sales of $7 million. Aurelio Barreto Aurelio Barreto owns three related companies, one a chain of 10 retail shops whose sales are half what they were before... Tags: recessio ...
- The ugliness of the settlements and of the settler ...“Baruch the man,” a song praising Baruch Goldstein, who killed 29 Muslims in the Cave of the Patriarchs in 1994, and “Torat Hamelech,” a theological treatise licensing the killing of Gentiles, are the fruit of settlement literature. Their icons are powerful dealers who... Tags: ugliness plastic sder ...
- Kylie Minogue: ‘Danni has taken to motherhood so w ...Kylie Minogue has admitted that she is remarkably proud of her baby sister Dannii and said that the new mum has take to her role ‘so well.’ The pint sized pop star was talking to ITN on the red carpet of new film, The Kid, when she admitted that she first met Dannii’s son Ethan... Tags: motherhood k ...
- talian Constitutional Court gives way to Free-Soft ...The Constitutional Court in Italy has ruled1 on the compliance with the Italian Constitution of a Regional law issued by Piedmont on Free and Open Source Software and Open Standards in public administrations. The decision affirmed that a Regional law on public procurement may give more "weight" to ...
- Look Who's Using Free Software: US Department of D ...The US Department of Defense is the federal department responsible for national security and the United States armed forces. Daniel Risacher is the US Department of Defense's Associate Director of the Information Policy Agency. We asked him to explain the US armed forces approach to using free softw ...
- Look Who's Using Free Software: CERNCERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is at the forefront of scientific and technological advancement. CERN operates the world's largest high-energy particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We asked Markus Schulz, the leader of the Grid Deployment group at CERN, to expl ...
- Look Who's Using Free Software: European Commissio ...The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union. Michael Mann, spokesman for EU Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic, explains how the European Commission uses free software. "Free software plays an important role in the collaboration between public administrations in Europ ...
- Look Who's Using Free Software: Chris Blizzard, Mo ...If men can not gather together to work on something they love and make something new, what does it say about the overall health of our society? If men are not allowed to innovate and create the world they want, are we really able to create a better world for our children? This might sound lofty, bu ...
- The Truth Behind The DebtDavid Bolwell look beyond the deficit propaganda and exposes the truth about the UK debt crisis.
- Media Hyping New NDM-1 Superbug That Could Travel ...NDM-1 Superbug often found in E. coli is immune to antibiotics and quickly spreading around the world.
- Blair Ready For We Are Change Tactics At Book Sign ...Extreme security in place for Tony Blair's book signing; bags must be checked at the door.
- 9/11 Truth Campaign To Advertise On TVTV campaign to target New York showing footage of Building 7 collapse. “BuildingWhat?”
- Satellite Error Puts Decade Of Warmist Data In Dou ...Taxpayer funded NOAA satellite reports impossible temperatures, shedding doubt on a decade of warmist data.
Waterkeeper Alliance
- Board names new Altamaha RiverkeeperBoard names new Altamaha Riverkeeper
- N.J.'s Salem nuclear power plants showing their ag ...N.J.'s Salem nuclear power plants showing their age
- LNG pipeline issue moves to countyLNG pipeline issue moves to county
- Riversweep puts focus on water qualityRiversweep puts focus on water quality
- Going Green Not Always Easy In HOAsGoing Green Not Always Easy In HOAs
Politics in the Zeros
- Not that dumb…
- Skateboarding sailsGive this refinement to the sport a few years and they’ll be doing totally insane things!
- Oman brokered release of female hiker in IranCurzon tells us why Oman is everyone’s friend Among the tidbits Oman is a safe country that is easy to visit, but what Iâve found most interesting is what Iâve learned from reading about Omanâs modern history and its truly unique foreign policy, which can be characterized in wonkish terms as a ...
- Michael Moore’s mush-brained view of the Iraq and ...From his latest newsletter Never forget: Bad wars aren’t possible unless good people back them Spare me the weepy, hand-wringing liberal sentiments. If we’d only gotten together and sang “Cumbaya” none of this would have happened. Hogtwaddle. Wars often happen regardless of whether the good guys bac ...
- US border guard gets 20 years for drug corruptionMartha Garnica was in league with a Mexican drug cartel and allowed large shipments of drugs to pass through the border, mostly by having her or other corrupted guards at a specific aisle at the check point. Maybe a possible solution to that would be to have vehicles randomly assigned to lanes by a ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- Judge lifts suppression in David Garrett caseA judge in the North Shore District Court has lifted the suppression on Act MP David Garrett's 2005 passport fraud case
- Kaikoura highway, railway reopens after slipState Highway 1 south of Kaikoura has reopened this afternoon after being closed nearly a week ago by a massive land slip
- Govt appeals for Canterbury rental homes after qua ...People in Canterbury are still struggling to find places to live 13 days after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck the region
- Garrett wants suppression lifted in his passport f ...Act MP David Garrett is now taking legal moves to open up on his passport fraud case
- State of emergency lifted after Canterbury quake 1 ...Aftershocks have continued but the state of emergency has been lifted following the big earthquake in Canterbury
Just World News
- Just World Books website is born!Okay, I know I've been promising my readers here that the JWB website will be published "any day now"... And the day is here! So head on over and check out the site's many great features and the fast-growing amount of content we have there! (Now including two podcasts already-- one featuring JWB aut ...
- Plea of the Israeli political prisoner's wifeRead this powerful article penned for Electronic Intifada by Janan Abdu, spouse of Palestinian-Israeli political prisoner Ameer Makhoul, who has shockingly been held without trial since May. Abdu quotes the stirring (but possibly empty?) words that Secretary Clinton uttered recently at the 10th ann ...
- Just World Books update #4We're still tweaking the website at Just World Books, so until it's ready to roll out, I'll be sending out my updates from here. I've signed three new contracts in the past couple of weeks. Two are with Manan Ahmed , who's the principal blogger (Sepoy) at Chapati Mystery and also blogs at Informed ...
- 550 IDF soldiers interrogated re possible war crim ...Huge kudos to Max Blumenthal, who found a report in yesterday's Yediot stating that (in Max's translation), More than 550 officers and men of IDF who participated in the “Cast Lead” operation have been interrogated by the investigative military police of the IDF in the last 18 months. The Yediot r ...
- Powerful rebuke of SA Chief Rabbi over GoldstoneThe great, strongly anti-Apartheid South African journo Allister Sparks has penned a powerful rebuke of his country's Chief Rabbi, Warren Goldstein, over the latter's strongly expressed criticism of Constitutional Court member Richard Goldstone, and Goldstone's role in heading the UN's fact-finding ...
First Truths
- The Political Alchemy of JobsMy latest commentary piece , a response to the announcement of the President's jobs plan, can be found at the Center for a Stateless Society.
- Antitrust and the Ultimate Monopoly ReduxIn a leading text for the study of antitrust law, law professors Phillip Areeda, Louis Kaplow and Aaron Edlin assert: In the absence of legal impediments, competitors would like to join together to eliminate competition among themselves, restricting output and raising prices. A perfect scheme wou ...
- Peace Talks For WarI opined for the Center for a Stateless Society on the United States-negotiated peace talks between Israel and Palestine. I've previously written on the issue here .
- Green Rising: Dissecting Environmentalism's Lethal ...For those who value individual rights, the question of whether human beings are responsible for global climate change can bear no weight on arguments concerning the role of the state in society; the answer to that question, no matter what it is, could not justify or legitimize any measure that woul ...
- Intellectual Property Against Freedom: The Hidden ...Both the justness and the economic efficacy of intellectual property laws, as embodied in copyrights and patents, are taken for granted by almost all political theorists who consider the question. The prevailing conversation, perhaps due to the extent to which economic life is saturated with the pr ...
Media Co-Op
- Mt. Milligan mine in Northern BC far from a done d ...Nak'azdli people have yet to agree to the copper-gold project in their lands With all eyes on Tetzan Biny (Fish Lake) and the looming threat of government approval of Taseko's proposed Prosperity Mine, the proponents of the Mt. Milligan mine i ...
- Why do we hate and fear the poor who try to enter ...At this point, you are probably assuming that I'm talking about the Tamil refugees, and even though that's not completely incorrect, the specific incident that this piece is about is the much less publicized issue of the refusal by Mr Kenney's minions to issue visas to about 100 Tibetan scholars, wh ...
- Sweatshop UPart-time, precarious work becoming the norm at Canadian universities Laura Penny is an author of two full-length books. She has a PhD in Comparative Literature and has written for several magazines and newspapers, including the Globe and Mail ...
- Brunch Against Borders"I totally stand in solidarity with those facing charges, and all those who felt intimidation and were too afraid to come out [to the protests]," says Dave Bush, who was in Toronto during the G20 meetings in last June. Bush and several others are enjoying a brunch of pancakes and tofu scramble at a ...
- Tamil Refugee Support RallyThe Vancouver Media Co-op's collective coverage of Saturdays noise demo for the Tamil refugees being held at the Burnaby detention center includes photos by Murray Bush and Isaac Oommen, and a full-length article by Andre Guimond.
David Seaton's News Links
- Fascism is coming to the USA... Literally (no kidd ...David Seaton's News Links I thought twice before using the word "fascism" in the title of this post, because by now the word "fascism" and "fascist" have become degraded into simply all purpose terms of abuse without any concrete meaning, except disaproval: so perhaps it might be a good thing to go ...
- Erdogan and the future of... Egypt�"For too long, many nations, including my own, tolerated, even excused, oppression in the Middle East in the name of stability. Oppression became common, but stability never arrived. We must take a different approach. We must help the reformers of the Middle East as they work for freedom, and striv ...
- 9-11: Nine Years OnDavid Seaton's News Links Seen through a cloud of burning Koran smoke, nine years on and counting, most Americans still have no real idea what happened on the eleventh of September in 2001 or why it happened. The big mistake almost all Americans make when contemplating 9-11 is to think that we were ...
- Burning a Koran in a crowded theater"America - the most contradictory, the most depressing, the most stirring, of any land in the world today." Sinclair Lewis 's Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1930 Sinclair Lewis should rise from his grave, have a stiff drink and write up the following story: A small US church says it will defy internati ...
- The Korean mess"As we have learnt again and again in this long period of turmoil, the impossible can become inevitable without even passing through improbable." Anatole Kaletsky - The Times David Seaton's News Links We seem to be immersed in a period of cumulative disasters, rather similar to the astrological idea ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- Nanomaterials May Soon be in Your Sportswear and U ...Contact: 202.667.6982. alex@ewg.org Washington, D.C – Environmental Working Group (EWG) has sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) opposing its proposal to approve a Swiss nanosilver textile coating for sale in the... [[ This is a content summary onl ...
- EWG Seeks FCC-Cell Phone Industry Communications Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, -- Environmental Working Group (EWG) filed a FOIA with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today to shed light on whether the trade association for the wireless... [[ This is a content summary only. ...
- Widespread Chemical Linked to Higher Cholesterol i ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs 202-667-6982 Children and teens exposed to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), the chemical used to make many non-stick and stain-proof coatings, have elevated cholesterol levels, reports a landmark study by West... [[ This is a content summary only. V ...
- Chemicals Law Overhaul Proposed in HouseContact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 WASHINGTON, DC – Congressional leaders today introduced in the House the first comprehensive overhaul in more than 30 years of a federal law that has been widely condemned for failing to protect... [[ This is a content summary on ...
- EWG Tests Find High BPA Loads on ReceiptsContact: EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982. alex@ewg.org WASHINGTON, DC – Laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group (EWG) have found high levels of the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) on 40 percent of... [[ This is a content summary only. ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Botox Found Guilty of Illegal Marketing and Promot ...Allergan, which manufactures the cosmetic medication Botox, has agreed to pay $600 million to settle a federal investigation into its marketing of the botulin-based drug. The company will plead guilty to one misdemeanor charge of "misbranding" – meaning the company's marketing led physicians to use ...
- Women: How to Slash Your Diabetes Risk in Half - J ...Researchers have discovered that women who breastfeed are half as likely to develop type 2 diabetes. It may have something to do with the additional weight that expectant mothers gain — breastfeeding helps them lose extra abdominal fat more efficiently. While abdominal fat is important for a gestat ...
- 10-Fold Rise in Obesity SurgeryA study has discovered that the use of bariatric (weight loss) surgery has increased ten-fold in hospitals in England since 2000. One reason for this rapid rise is increased demand from obese patients. Bariatric surgery is performed on people who are dangerously obese. Techniques include gastric ba ...
- Why This Toxic Sweetener is FAR Worse than High Fr ...It’s been nearly 20 years since the artificial sweetener aspartame gained FDA approval, but the debate about its safety, or lack thereof, has continued on unabated. Today, aspartame can be found in more than 6,000 products, including food products not specifically aimed at diabetics or dieters. Mi ...
- Why Do Researchers Recommend this Common Drink tha ...Research has consistently found that people who don't drink actually tend to die sooner than those who do. A new paper suggests that abstainers' mortality rates are actually higher than those of heavy drinkers. Even after controlling for many possible variables, such as socioeconomic status, level ...
- A 29-Year-Old Woman With Flulike Symptoms [Clinica ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- This Week in JAMA [This Week in JAMA](No abstract is available for this citation)
- Relationship Between Burnout and Professional Cond ...Context The relationship between professionalism and distress among medical students is unknown. Objective To determine the relationship between measures of professionalism and burnout among US medical students. Design, Setting, and Participants Cross-sectional survey of all medical students att ...
- The National Institutes of Health: 1991-2008 [Book ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Becoming a Doctor: From Student to Specialist, Doc ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
Survival - tribal peoples
- Controversial tourism company ignores Bushman righ ...The pool of Wilderness Safaris' new lodge in the CKGR. © Survival Controversial tour operator Wilderness Safaris has won a ‘World Savers Award’, despite erecting a luxury tourist lodge with swimming pool on the land of Kalahari Bushmen who are struggling for water. Wilderness Safaris opened th ...
- Brazilian Indians held prisoner by gunmenThe Guarani's plight is one of the worst in Brazil © Fiona Watson/ Survival A large group of Guarani Indians in Brazil is being held prisoner by gunmen hired by ranchers. The gunmen have cut off the Indiansâ access to food, water and health care since they surrounded their community one mont ...
- Mapuche hunger strike enters 65th dayThe Mapuche hunger strike has generated protests worldwide © Survival Thirty-four Mapuche prisoners in Chile today entered the sixty-fifth day of a hunger strike. The protest began to highlight the use by the Chilean government of anti-terror legislation to criminalise attempts by the Mapuche t ...
- Cartoon book satirizing ‘development’ launched in ...Survival's 'There you go!' can be read in two minutes. © Oren Ginzburg/Survival Survival has today launched in Malaysia a biting critique of how tribal peoples are being destroyed in the name of âdevelopmentâ. The critique is presented in a cartoon book called âThere you go!â that can ...
- India forms new tribal council in wake of Vedanta ...The Dongria Kondh are just one of many tribes in India. © Jason Taylor Following the Dongria Kondh tribe’s groundbreaking successful defense of their mountain homeland, the Prime Minister of has created a new committee for tribal rights. Led by the Prime Minister, the new ‘National Council for ...
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