- The Scream – The 9/11 blue's - OIL$
- Deng Xiaoping, the former Premier of China set forth the current transformation of modern China in the early 1990s. His actions open the door to international corporations to exploit China's ability to manufacture cost effective products. The main attraction of Deng's new plan for China was the low manufacturing overheads, due to the cheap labor, leading to larger profit margins for the international cooperates. Since that date the initial international investments has place China as the world leading manufacturing base, with an economy and infrastructure that has improved in leaps and bounds.
- It's my thought that plans where made to cull Russian influence in the Caspian Sea Basin, Iran and Iraq. Also to ensure that China's growth is slowed down by making it harder for china to import its oil requirements. USA wants to control the supply of oil on an international scale, so that it maintains its world dominance as a capitalistic entity.
- Looking at the Global picture I see many thousands of people that have been maimed and killed, where others have had their life's placed in ruining by a few men and women playing a game of international political chess. These types of games have been played down the centuries where as millions of lives instead of thousands have been effected by greed and international power struggles. The problem is that more civilians are now become a target for these bastards to claim as collateral damage in a game that's getting more dangerous. The saddest thing there is nothing much we citizens can do, as only the political parties, corporate and religious sects are the ones that have the power to change things. They do not want to change a thing.
women have traditionally been seed keepers and seed breeders. The knowledge and skills related to seed conservation and seed breeding have been women’s expertise. The seed economy was a women’s economy. As long as seed was in women’s hands, there was no debt and no suicides. Women have acted as custodians of the common genetic heritage through the shortage and preservation of grain. In a study of rural women of Nepal, it was found that seed selection is primarily a female responsibility. In 60.4 percent of the cases, women alone decided what type of seed to use, while men decided in only 20.7 percent. As to who actually performs the task of seed selection in cases where the family decides to use their own seeds, this work is done by women alone in 81.2 percent of the households, by both sexes in eight percent and by men alone in only 10.8 percent of the households.
Throughout India, even in years of scarcity, grain for seed was conserved in every household, so that the cycle of food production was not interrupted by loss of seed. The peasant women of India have carefully maintained the genetic base of food production over thousands of years. This common wealth, which had evolved over millennia, was defined as ‘primitive cultivars’ by the masculinist view of seeds, which saw its own new products as ‘advanced’ varieties.
The replacement of traditional varieties of seeds with genetically engineered Bt. cotton is an appropriation of women’s skills, knowledge and decision making on issues related to seed by corporations like Monsanto. This is disempowerment of women, not empowerment.
Seeds of Suicide India's desperate farmers
It's an epidemic in India, where farmers try to keep up with the latest pest-resistant seeds only to find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle of pesticides that don't work, drought and debt. Since 1997, more than 25,000 farmers have committed suicide, many drinking the chemical that was supposed to make their crops more, not less, productive.
Failure to Yield
28 December 2009
If the current Afghan crisis can be said to have begun at any single moment, it was in the last week of 1979.
At dusk on Christmas Eve, following orders from President Leonid Brezhnev, units of the Soviet army crossed pontoon bridges over the Amu Darya river into Afghanistan. Brezhnev's decision was a catastrophic error that not only deeply damaged his country but also contributed to its extinction as a nation state. History is beginning to suggest, though, that decisions made in Washington during that week were just as tragically shortsighted.
One way for the US to have reacted to the Soviet invasion would have been to cheer the Soviets' stupidity and wait patiently for Afghan resistance fighters to do their duty to history. This would have been a prudent, restrained policy, one of limited ambition and risk. It would have kept the US out of a dangerous place where it had not previously been entangled and which it did not know well.
Instead the US chose the opposite path: hyperactive engagement. The CIA launched its biggest operation ever, pouring billions of dollars into the Afghan resistance, matched dollar-for-dollar by Saudi Arabia. This operation contributed decisively to the Soviet defeat, culminating in the Red Army's retreat back across the Amu Darya in 1988.
America's decision to escalate this war also had other effects that only became clear later. It brought tens of thousands of foreign fighters, including Osama bin Laden, to the Afghanistan-Pakistan region. With them these outsiders brought harsh forms of Islamic fundamentalism that had been little known in Afghanistan. Their influence – Wahhabi fanaticism preached to Afghan resistance fighters in a war paid for by the US and Saudi Arabia – gave birth to the Taliban. Pakistan served as eager midwife and quickly turned the Taliban into its proxy force in Afghanistan. Once in power, the Taliban offered a safe haven to al-Qaida, which prepared the September 11 attacks there.
The New McCarthyism
The awful irony is that persecuting Muslims at home actually endangers American security, just as the red scares of the mid-20th century aided the USSR.
Applying a Rational Standard to "911 Truth'ers"
From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad
Violent Soviet-Era Textbooks Complicate Afghan Education Efforts
In the twilight of the Cold War, the United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.
The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books, though the radical movement scratched out human faces in keeping with its strict fundamentalist code.
As Afghan schools reopen today, the United States is back in the business of providing schoolbooks. But now it is wrestling with the unintended consequences of its successful strategy of stirring Islamic fervor to fight communism. What seemed like a good idea in the context of the Cold War is being criticized by humanitarian workers as a crude tool that steeped a generation in violence.
( Construing psyops lies as self-fulfilling prophecy. Recirculating the koolaid! )
War with Iraq - Keeping a Perspective
Iraq War - End Times Info & Related Articles
A Video Letter To All Of Those That Are Concerned About The New-World Order - (YouTube)
Israeli Supreme Court NWO Building:
Rock and Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution (DVD)
Joe Schimmel - Exposes - Aleister Crowley, Timothy Leary, Kinsey and other 60's Satanists (Video 6:15)
NWO Brainwashing - Some examples of NWO mind control at work (Video 9:30)
Fascist America, in 10 easy steps - Time-tested tactics to close down an open society
As difficult as this is to contemplate, it is clear, if you are willing to look, that each of these 10 steps has already been initiated today in the United States by the Bush administration.
The Police State Road Map - Part 2 THE ART OF KILLING QUIETLY (PDF 152 Pages)
When the ruling class (Government-NWO) can control all the material essentials of life, they can grant and withdraw them as if they were privileges, as George Orwell explained:
Bush Sr. Link to Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy
Former President Gerald Ford, we need to remind ourselves how deeply Illuminati Mr. Ford truly was
Now, we know that, at the time he was appointed to the Warren Commission on November 29, 1963, Gerald Ford was a 33rd Degree Mason, and a trusted member of the inner elite of the Illuminati - the whitewash Warren Commission, whose job was to make people believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the murder of our President.
Rescuing the Refugees
A BROKEN SYSTEM March/April 2002 The reconstruction of Afghanistan presents a variety of unique problems, but it also illustrates the larger dilemmas that characterize most modern humanitarian emergencies. Around the globe, more people are displaced today than ever before, and the costs of assisting them are rising. The source of the problem, increasingly, is internal conflicts, in which Western powers often intervene. Indeed, both the concept of sovereignty and the nature of war are evolving, altering the landscape for humanitarian action in the process. Unfortunately, the institutions that deal with refugees have not yet adapted effectively to these new realities.
Modern refugee crises require solutions that pair crisis response with nation building, and private agencies with national and international actors. But the organizations devoted to such tasks remain outdated, uncoordinated, and shackled by politicians and bureaucrats. The system is broken, and it cannot be fixed from within.
Mexico heats up cross-border issue with renewed tariffs
It would be safe to say that our NAFTA partners threw some real red hot spices on the cross-border trucking issue by announcing it would renew exports tariffs on 99 products (about 10 more than last year) because its partner to the north was slow in resolving the controversy over allowing Mexican trucks to travel deep in to the U.S. and vice versa.
Looking at the Mexico Tariff Issue
Wednesday, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood was questioned about what was being done to fix the trucking issue that prompted the Mexican government to level tariffs on dozens of U.S. products including cherries, apples, pears, potatoes and more grown here in the NW.
Mexico is now sourcing potatoes out of Canada and even if this tariff were to end tomorrow, their fear is they’ve lost some business relationships that they just won’t get back tomorrow. Just because a tariff goes away it’s a longer term thing.
Mexico Adds Tariffs to U.S. Pork Over Truck Access Issue
The Mexican government has added pork to the list of U.S. products against which it is retaliating for the failure of the United States to live up to its obligations under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to let Mexican trucks haul goods into the United States. The tariff rate on ham and shoulder cuts is 5% and on cooked skin pellets it is 20%. The new list also includes certain types of U.S. cheese, pistachios and a range of U.S. fruits and vegetables.
Connecting the Dots: SOA Watch activists join Bolivian and U.S. partners in the struggle against impunity
August 1-8, 2010
As members of the SOA Watch delegation to Colombia, we are deeply concerned about the U.S.-Colombia Defense Cooperation Agreement signed on October 30, 2009, by which Colombia permits the U.S. to use seven Colombian military bases. We are in Colombia in order to express our solidarity with Colombians and other Latin Americans in protesting and denouncing this agreement, and we commit ourselves to continue this struggle in the U.S.