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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Personal Liberty Articles

Personal Liberty Articles

Bob Livingston Newsletter

KUSI-TV: NASA Manipulated Climate Change Data

A major embarrassment may be brewing for the U.S. government as researchers have allegedly found evidence that NASA scientists manipulated data in order to claim that the year 2005 was the warmest year on record, KUSI-TV has reported.
The San Diego-based TV station presented these findings in a one-hour special that aired on Jan. 14. It told the story of how computer expert E. Michael Smith and meteorologist Joseph D’Aleo discovered extensive manipulation of the temperature data by the government’s two primary climate centers—the National Climate Data Center in Ashville, N.C., and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies at Columbia University in New York.
Smith and D’Aleo claim these centers engaged in data manipulation in order to give the appearance of warmer temperatures than actually occurred by reducing the number and locations of weather observation stations from about 6,000 in the 1970s to about 1,000 now.
"That leaves much of the world unaccounted for," D’Aleo said, with his colleague adding that comparing data from years when the figure was produced by averaging a large number of temperatures with those produced from a small temperature base "is like comparing apples and oranges."

Earl_E says:
After scanning a few of these comments, I’m sure that America is mentally unbalanced.
Since 1952, our government has used the military to provide escorts for private oil enterprises. These private companies do not pay for this military cover.
That is socialism. We have been a socialist nation for over a half-century.
The lack of common sense in America isn’t a secret. If you notice all the unemployed people sitting around reading these useless websites, you’ll understand that America has lost it’s competitive edge right along with it’s manufacturing base.
I read these comments and wonder just what world these people live in, but it really doesn’t matter anymore.
There is no difference between the two parties. They both are bought and paid for by big oil and big weapons. You don’t have a choice. Are we still in Iraq? Are we still in Afghanistan? Do we still send a trillion dollars a year to the mideast for their oil?
Where is the new center of the financial world? Dubais?
Who is making solar panels? China?
During the last republican presidency we were attacked in New York city. We lost millions of jobs to overseas off-shoring, and as we approached bankruptcy the Fed doled out the cash to keep their buddies in charge.
What this country will get is a very long depression that no medication will help.
It doesn’t matter what you read, what sources you rely on, you can never know anything for sure.
The ice up north will melt away more this summer because the El Nino, the return of the sunspots, and an increase flow of warm ocean water under the ice.
I keep reading the question “Is global warming manmade or natural?”
Mankind is natural. I know that seems obvious, but people seem to think that what they do isn’t natural. The human brain is the brightest brain ever created by the universe. It has tinckered with fusion, the power of the stars. Do you really think a creature that can light fires as hot as the sun could not eviscerate all life on the planet?
Wake up sleepy cavemen, the world is your kindling, burn it however you want. Its natural to want to stay warm. But every society in history has failed because of natural events, diseases, droughts, volcanoes, and sometimes they killed themselves unintentionally, but they all died off.
I can guarantee that over the next 100 years over 6 billion people will die. That is a fact. Imagine if each person were placed in a gold lined casket and buried in a cemetary plot.
There wouldn’t be any trees or gold left.

Until the beginning of the development of modern antibiotics in the 1940s, colloidal silver was the natural antibiotic of choice and had been for 50 years. 
As there are more and more resistant strains to antibiotics, colloidal silver is reappearing. There is no doubt about the anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties of colloidal silver.
The most resounding recommendation of colloidal silver, at this time, is that it has been officially disapproved of by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA fronts for big pharma, who do not want any competition from a low-cost natural antibiotic like colloidal silver.
The only caveat is that the overuse of certain types of protein-bound silver compounds cause a gray discoloration of the skin called argyria. Most colloidal silver preparations do not have this risk because they are prepared as a homeopathic substance rather than an antibiotic with, of course, the same medicinal effect.

Ancient Fighter of Rheumatoid Arthritis!

Scientists at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) carried out two impressive studies. The first shows that a cup of tea—specifically green tea—not only reduces the severity of RA but also, in some cases, prevents it all together! The second study offers even more promising hope as to the healing power of green tea for RA sufferers.
The usual prescription for a patient diagnosed with RA is bed rest and a regulated exercise program. But the mainstay of treatment is a two-tiered drug therapy. The first tier consists of what is known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These range from common over-the-counter analgesics—pain medications like aspirin and Bufferin®—to similar prescribed drugs which do nothing but lower the level of pain. Meanwhile, the person’s body is still slowly crumbling away.
Once the cornerstone of RA therapy, NSAID usage is declining because these drugs have been found to be more toxic than once believed. A recent study from the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center found that some of the new NSAIDs just recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) might increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other harmful cardiovascular problems! Additionally, almost all NSAIDs can cause serious gastrointestinal side effects—including ulceration, bleeding and perforation—at any time and without warning.
Second-line drugs are called disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). These drugs actually address some of the causes of arthritic pain, such as inflammation and swelling. The belief is that their use may help prevent any further damage to the joints. But the price RA victims pay for this “cure” can be very high.
Among the least harmful side effects of the more commonly prescribed drug, Methodtrexate®, are headaches, upset stomach, loss of appetite and mouth sores. More dangerous is the drug’s potential to reduce the patient’s white and red blood cell counts and even to cause kidney damage! Cytoxan®, another commonly used DMARD, can increase the risk of developing leukemia and bladder cancer and can cause temporary or permanent sterility in both men and women!

Tai Chi Can Reduce Knee Pain

A new study, conducted by researchers from Tufts University, has found that patients over 65 years of age with knee osteoarthritis (OA) can improve their physical function and experience pain relief through regular tai chi exercise.

No airline employee—not a single pilot, flight attendant or even a mechanic—has to endure the same security procedures that you and I do. In many airports they have their own private entrances where all they need do is to flash some ID and, presto, they pass through their own private portal. I’ve been told that they never even have to take off their shoes.
How difficult would it be for a potential terrorist to steal or forge some airline ID? They’d be waved through security in a second, while some 80-year-old grandmother has her denture cream checked. (We can’t be guilty of “profiling,” don’t you know.)
Let’s be honest here: Airport security has become the biggest boondoggle since Franklin Roosevelt created the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has given jobs to tens of thousands of people who would barely qualify to flip burgers at McDonald’s. And don’t some of them just love the authority they’ve been given to boss us around? Talk about creating several thousand petty tyrants.
Another issue that really rankles me is the millions of productive man-hours that are being lost every year, as we shuffle through lines that are longer, slower and far more degrading than anything you have to endure at Disney World.
Is there anything worse than being herded like sheep by people you probably would never hire at your office—all the while knowing that none of this is really making you any safer?
And worse than all of the individual indignities is the effect on us as a people. We are being conditioned to be docile and obedient… to never question authority, no matter how unreasonable or abusive it becomes. And that’s what frightens me the most.
Thanks to the ridiculous rules and their degrading enforcement by Homeland Security we’re becoming afraid to speak out, to protest when some low-level employee abuses his authority, to stand up and say, “This is wrong.”
I’d do it, but I don’t want to risk missing my plane.

Intelligence Ties to The Underwear Bomber

President Obama, in a news conference on Jan. 7, said a “systemic” failure allowed Abdulmutallab to board a plane at the Amsterdam Schiphol airport carrying the explosives. But was it a failure, or was it an orchestrated event?
WMR reports that the security company that cleared Abdulmtullab in Schiphol is the Israeli-owned International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS). Many of ICTS’s officers are former Israeli intelligence agents.
The firm also cleared attempted shoe bomber Richard Reid for a Miami-bound American Airlines flight from Paris in December 2001. And, on Sept. 11, 2001, ITCS handled security at Boston Logan Airport, Newark Airport and Dulles Airport, the three airports from which the ill-fated 9/11 planes took off. ITCS also handled security at the London transportation system when the July 7, 2005, bombing took place there.
There is another common link between Reid and Abdulmtullab: the explosive PETN. Duff told AFP that the explosives Abdulmtullab had on him “couldn’t have blown up his own seat. Even if full power, it wouldn’t have worked.”