*Blog/About/ Resource Index as well as live Personalized RSS Aggregator Working Demonstration
IPS - Inter Press Services
- EGYPT: Rooftops Empower the PoorCAIRO, Jan 3 (IPS) - In one of the poorest and most populous neighborhoods of Cairo, Hussein Soliman and his family live in a small apartment that is a model of clean energy living.
- HEALTH-INDIA: Hunger Haunts Hospitals NEW DELHI, Jan 3 (IPS) - As a nurse at the busy, charitable hospital run by the Rural Medicare Society (RMS) at Mehrauli, on the outskirts of the national capital, Amita Dhaka sees much suffering. But what she finds hard to handle is inadequate nutrition and even hunger among poor in-patients ...
- TANZANIA: Addressing Energy Crisis Through Alter ...DAR ES SALAAM, Jan 2 (IPS) - Tanzania's electricity grid is fed by a mixture of natural gas, diesel and hydropower; however, over the past few years the country has experienced severe blackouts and power rationing in urban areas due to drought and subsequent low-water levels.
- COLOMBIA: Women Empowered by Restoring Desertifie ...NATAGAIMA, Colombia, Jan 2 (IPS) - Indigenous and rural women from southern Tolima, a province located in the heart of Colombia, are lending a hand to the bleak land around them, with the aim of simultaneously recovering the ecosystem and regaining their own dignity, in a community effort that ...
- MIDEAST: 'Prince of Peace' - Obama or Netanyahu?JERUSALEM, Jan 1 (IPS) - United States President Barack Obama’s intended broad Mideast policies are running into the complexities of peacemaking - especially after the ‘Prince of Peace’ began insisting on the necessity of, sometimes, fighting for peace.
Scoop - NZ
- Eurozone Credit Contraction AcceleratesThe European Central Bank said that loans to companies fell by a record 1.9pc from a year earlier. The broad M3 money supply - watched closely as a leading indicator for the economy a year ahead - fell by 0.2pc and has now been shrinking for several months.Julian Callow from Barclays Capital said th ...
- Where we're heading in 2010 ..Let's score the 2009 edition first: * The economy will NOT recover in 2009: I'll take this one, although some would argue I only deserve half (I said 8% unemployment U3, we actually got 10%.) * Deflation, not inflation, will become evident well beyond housing. Miss. Valid if you look at en ...
- Conflicts of Interest at Environment CanterburyThe Auditor-General has ruled that four Canterbury Regional Councillors violated conflict of interest rules to vote down a motion which affected them financially. » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Recession warning as bank lending fallsProfessor Charles Goodhart, a former top official at the Bank of England now at the London School of Economics, said policymakers have neglected the flashing danger signal of the monetary data."What has happened to all the monetarists? Growth in money holdings and lending has plummeted. Thirty, or 4 ...
- Climate Change's first refugees : a pointer to the ...On an island in Papua New Guinea the 3000 residents are seeking to be relocated to Bougainville....in what will become the story of the Pacific for the next decade as islands in the Pacific succumb to severe storms and inundation from climate change . They don't cause the problem...they just get the ...
Independent ( London )
- One in four Icelandic voters oppose UK compensatio ...Around a quarter of voters in Iceland signed a petition against a bill to repay £3.4 billion (3.8 billion euros) lost by savers in Britain and the Netherlands when the country's banking system collapsed, it emerged today.
- US embassy in Yemen closes over terror threatThe US Embassy in Yemen closed today in response to ongoing al-Qa'ida threats to attack American interests in the Arabian Peninsula country.
- US Embassy in Yemen closes over terror threatThe US Embassy in Yemen says it has closed in response to ongoing al-Qa'ida threats to attack American interests in the Arabian Peninsula country.
- UK and US agree to fund anti-terrorism unit to tac ...Gordon Brown and President Barack Obama have agreed to fund a counterterrorism police unit in Yemen to tackle the rising terrorist threat from the country, it was announced in London early today.
- Abdulmutallab trained and equipped by al-Qa'ida in ...The Christmas Day bomb suspect was trained and armed by a Yemeni terror group linked to al-Qa'ida, President Barack Obama confirmed yesterday. He vowed that all those involved in the failed Northwest Airlines bomb plot would be "held to account" by the US.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Iran gives West ultimatum to accept uranium swapSummary: Mottaki TEHRAN (AFP) – Iran's foreign minister gave the West a one-month "ultimatum" on Saturday to accept a uranium swap, warning that it will produce its own nuclear fuel for a Tehran reactor if there is no deal. source: AFP read more
- French media caught red-handed: Honduras coup pro ...Summary: France 2 The German daily Junge Welt reported that the French public national television channel "France 2" has diffused an image of a protest in Honduras against the June 2009 military coup and portrayed it as young Iranians resisting security forces during the Ashura day protests in T ...
- "Terrorists" in the Eye of the American BeholderSummary: In the early 1970s the shah, via his intelligence organisation SAVAK, the CIA and the Israeli MOSSAD, sponsored a sustained "covert war" of Iraqi-Kurdish factions under the leadership of Mustafa Barzani against the Ba'thist leadership in Iraq which led to bombings of oil installations ...
- Obama’s New Year’s ResolutionsSummary: Philip Giraldi American presidents, rarely introspective by nature and driven by hubris and a sense of national exceptionalism, are not particularly motivated to make serious New Year’s resolutions. Past presidents sometimes declared themselves prepared to make lifestyle changes, to ex ...
- Iran warming to Turkish role in nuke disputeSummary: Özügergin also reiterated that Turkey firmly favors holding dialogue to resolve this issue, as he strongly indicated Turkey’s unwillingness to use military means or to impose sanctions on the neighboring country. Less than a week ago, Mottaki said Iran is open to exchanging uranium on T ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Stephen Hawking: "Why Isn't the Milky Way Crawling ...In his famous lecture on Life in the Universe, Stephen Hawking asks: "What are the chances that we will encounter some alien form of life, as we explore the galaxy?" If the argument about the time scale for the appearance...
- "Dark Flow" Discovered at the Edge of Observable U ...Back in the Middle Ages, maps showed terrifying images of sea dragons at the boundaries of the known world. Today, scientists have observed strange new motion at the very limits of the known universe - kind of where you'd expect...
- New Year's Greetings Our best wishes for a healthy and rewarding 2010! We're posting several of our most popular pieces from the past few months for your enjoyment this Holiday Season. In a couple of weeks we hope to go live as a...
- Health Secrets of a 114-Year Old Man -A Galaxy Cla ...Research on the bone health of one of the oldest persons in the world raises the question of which has the most effect on the human lifespan: genetics or a healthy lifestyle, or some combination of the two? Research reveals...
- Does Our Universe Exist in a Black Hole?Some of the world's leading string theorists -"the theory of everything"- believe that our entire universe exists in a black hole. In this bizarre view, the pre Big-Bang universe is vast, infinite, and stretching back indefinitely in time. Meanwhile, scientists...
Natural News
- 2009 in review: A year of FDA censorship, Big Phar ...(NaturalNews) 2009 has been a crazy year for health and medicine. It was the year that Congress rammed through a mandatory health "reform" bill that violates the U.S. Constitution in forcing all Americans to buy government-mandated products and services from greedy corporations. Although it hasn't b ...
- NaturalNews announces the "Dumb and Dumber and Dum ...(NaturalNews) Some of the health-related events that took place in 2009 were so stupid they deserve an award. So as a service to our comedy-minded readers, we've put together the "Dumb and Dumber and Dumberer" awards covering the dumbest things we've seen in the health industry throughout 2009. Let' ...
- New study: amino acids could heal brain damage(NaturalNews) A head-on car collision, a stumble that slams your head to the ground, a wound from a military battle in Afghanistan, a violent criminal assault -- these and other causes of sudden blows to the head can result in traumatic brain injury (TBI). According to the National Institutes of Hea ...
- NaturalNews launches the 2010 New Year's Health Pr ...(NaturalNews) Responding to popular demand from readers, we've just published the NaturalNews 2010 New Year's Health Products Discount Guide . This free guide lists over 50 natural health products from dozens of companies who are offering exclusive discounts for NaturalNews readers. Access the full ...
- Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products Found in N ...(NaturalNews) The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has issued support for a proposed law that would require the Department of Environmental Protection in New York City to test the city's drinking water supply for personal care product and pharmaceutical residue. Citing numerous studies that have fo ...
- If you read nothing else today...You will read Montreal Simon . You will be disgusted. I offer something in the way of an apology. Not for Simon. For forcing you to accept that the government you allowed to exist, under Steve Harper, is so blinkered by its own ideology. It will kill us as a nation. We used to be so strong. Peop ...
- 1 in 10 408 947......are apparently the odds of being a victim of aerial terrorism in the past decade. Looking at the problem that way, it makes me wonder if those persons who are suddenly apoplectic at mention of the word "terrorism" or its derivatives might be suffering from something found here , and treated acc ...
- Iggy gone inside 90 days?But Harper still gets a majority...according to a numerologist. Still, disregarding the source, it is an interesting scenario to ponder: Bob Rae for all his faults would at least have the Liberals acting like an Opposition. But to get there, the Liberals would at least have to join the present.
- Change for the New Year . . . .It's time for WEB to make some changes for the New Year. You probably won't see much activity from me here for awhile on "The Beav" site - as far as posting goes, anyway. Who knows? That, too, may change. We'll see. (I'll definitely still be reading and commenting!) In the meantime, you ...
- Wish you were hereVia Impolitical , who suggests a companion pic of the opposition parties showing up on Jan 25th as originally scheduled to fill the opposition benches would make a very strong statement against the rogue PM. Travers, today : "Last year ministers threatened to go over the head of the de facto head ...
Media Matters for America
- Quick Fact: On CNN, Matalin falsely claims "Bush ...On the December 27 edition of CNN's State of the Union, Mary Matalin falsely claimed that President George W. Bush "inherited a recession from President Clinton, and we inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation's history." In fact the 9-11 attacks occurred eight months int ...
- Conservative media revive "death panels" yet agai ...The conservative media are now labeling the Independent Medicare Advisory Board created by the Senate health care reform bill a "death panel," even though the board is explicitly prohibited from "modify[ing] eligibility," "restrict[ing] benefits," or "ration[ing] health care" and its recommenda ...
- Beck's Dec. '09 Fusion magazine: A rehash ...Glenn Beck's Fusion magazine claims to provide its subscribers with "the latest perspective on what is happening in our world, coupled with [Beck's] personal thoughts as 'work in progress' as well as cutting edge comedy and satire." But the December 2009 issue of Fusion simply rehashed many of the ...
- O Tannen-Mao? The right-wing's White House Christ ...Taking a cue from Andrew Breitbart's BigGovernment.com, several conservative media outlets have reported on three ornaments on the White House Christmas tree depicting President Obama's face superimposed on Mount Rushmore, Mao Zedong, and Hedda Lettuce. Despite the suggestion that those three C ...
- Morris falsely asserted Medicare Advisory Board i ...On Fox & Friends , Dick Morris falsely claimed that the "Medicare Advisory Board" in the revised Senate health care bill will "be saying no, you can't give this person a hip replacement, they are too old, and no, you can't treat this person with colon cancer with the best drug available." In fac ...
Global Research.ca
- Award Winning Movie: "SUPERPOWER": For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Iraq Outraged Over US Clearing BlackwaterFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Venezuela Accuses Netherlands Of Assisting U.S. At ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Venezuela Warns US Against Incursions From Aruba, ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Record US Aid Goes on ArmamentsFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- The Gaza Story (Animated) From IsraelThis Israeli-made animation tells it all.... Israel - Middle East - Warfare and Conflict - Israel-Palestine - Human rights
- The Gaza Story (Animated) From IsraelThis Israeli-made animation tells it all.... Israel - Middle East - Warfare and Conflict - Israel-Palestine - Human rights
- Austerity Advocate, Peter G. Peterson, Buys "Media ...On Thursday, December 31, the last day of 2009, The Washington Post published an article, presented as a news story, which could be a signal of the death of the Post as an independent and objective news source. The piece,... Washington Post - Senator Conrad - Social Security - United States - ...
- Presented By:
- Some Contrarian 2010 PredictionsI was at a dinner party on Wednesday night and we were each asked to give a couple of predictions for 2010. Here are mine. China Trade War- The Chinese government is acting like a classic 19th Century Mercantilist Power... China - Government - United States - 19th century - Politics
- Obama Indicates Escalating US Military Involvement ...This morning, President Barack Obama for the first time attributed the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a Detroit-bound plane to al Qaeda. In his weekly radio address, Obama painted the bombing attempt as an act of war. He reiterated his intent to continue fighting the US's "war against a far-reac ...
- Transcript: President Barack Obama | The Fight Aga ...Weekly Address: President Obama Outlines Steps Taken to Protect the Safety and Security of the American People In his weekly address, President Barack Obama discussed his responsibility to protect the nation and the steps the administration has taken. Transcript: Remarks of President Barack Obama ...
- Pakistan Volleyball Game Attack: Will Local Opposi ...Lahore, Pakistan - The death toll from a massive suicide attack at a volleyball tournament in northwest Pakistan mounted to 95 on Saturday, in what appears to be another retaliatory strike for recent Army offensives against the Taliban. read more
- Success of Afghanistan Troop Surge Doubted Widely“There isn’t the slightest possibility that the course laid out by Barack Obama in his Dec. 1 speech (at West Point) will halt or even slow the downward spiral toward defeat in Afghanistan,” writes Thomas Johnson in a report published Dec. 10 in Foreign Policy magazine. And for emphasis, he adds the ...
- The "Coalition of the Willing" in Iraq Becomes an ...The British said cheerio back in July, around the same time the Romanians cleared out "Camp Dracula," their compound on a U.S. base in southern Iraq. Tonga and Kazakhstan left ages ago, and no one seems to remember if any Icelandic forces ever made it to Iraq. read more
- Barn Owl’s Wisconsin Appearance A Rare EventThe Common Barn Owl is not so common in Midwestern states where it’s considered vulnerable. A recent surprise appearance in Wisconsin highlighted the species’ fragile status in the region. A raptor listed as an endangered or threatened species in seven Midwestern states made a rare appearance in W ...
- Michigan Offshore Wind Proposal Stirs WavesA map prepared for Michigan’s Great Lakes Offshore Wind Council shows areas of high wind power production potential in the state’s offshore waters. One of the first proposals for a major offshore wind project in America’s freshwater has surprised Michigan regulators and begun to stir oppositi ...
- Friendship between LION, TIGER and BEAR This post contains additional media. Click here to view the full post . . If we could all just get along like these three unusual friends, we would live in a much different world. In human society, people often do not like others simply because they are different. Humans kill over this matter. In ...
- Coalition Says MN Climate Solution Includes NukesThe Prairie Island nuclear plant at Red Wing, Minnesota, on the Mississippi River. Nuclear power advocates want to repeal the state’s 15-year-old ban on new nuclear plants. The state that enacted one of the nation’s most farsighted clean energy laws in 2007 may be a battleground over nuclear p ...
- Curbside Vs. Deposit and GHG ReductionThe beverage container industry continues to fight state and national container legislation despite evidence that such laws could contribute significantly to greenhouse gas reduction while providing energy, recycling and litter control benefits. The industry says community recycling programs, which ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Unsafe Drinking Water Found at Thousands of School ...According to investigation released by the Associated Press in September 2009, the drinking water at
- Do guns kill people or do people kill sea life by ...Drinking water is good, but not out of plastic bottles By Michael Hughes December 20, 2009 Two years
- National Drinking Water DatabaseEnvironmental Working Group http://www.ewg.org/tap-water/home To search this database, look for the
- old friends and wise words... I spoke with my good friend Robert yesterday evening – you know when you meet someone who you
- Public Supports Rules for DrillersBy DAVID THOMPSON – dthompson@sungazette.com POSTED: December 17, 2009 More than 100 people tu
Public Citizen in Texas
- Recap: Roll Beyond Coal TourThe November/December edition of Public Citizen News, a bi-monthly newsletter distributed to Public Citizen members, featured this article on our statewide “Roll Beyond Coal” Tour. Since not all of you out there get the newsletter, I thought I’d share: ‘Roll Beyond Coal’ Tours Texas By Geena W ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round UpThe Texas Progressive Alliance would like to thank everyone for reading all of the weekly blog roundups this year. This is the last roundup of 2009, and we are all looking forward to 2010. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants everyone to be afraid of drug cartels buying our politicians. We’ve al ...
- $18.2 Billion! Amores Nucleares: San Antonio Nucle ...The San Antonio Nuclear Expansion Soap Opera plot thickens. Today’s update brings the shocking news that South Texas Project Reactors 3 & 4 could actually cost, not $13 Billion, not even $17 Billion… but $18.2 Billion! With all the trouble CPS has gotten into recently regarding transparency (a gen ...
- Green-up Your Life! Make change happenBy Kirsten Bokenkamp During his campaign, President Obama said “change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.†As individuals, we need to internalize this, and act on it. This is the last blog in ...
- 60 Seconds to Save the EarthSixty seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time; however, there are lots of things that can be done in sixty seconds or less. For instance, an average adult can type 38 to 40 words and blink between ten and 30 times every sixty seconds (sometimes simultaneously). Furthermore, an elite distance runne ...
Press TV
- Anti-Mousavi slogans purged in TehranThe Tehran Municipality has been clearing the Iranian capital of graffiti containing negative comments about defeated presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi.
- Rare chimpanzees threatened by volcano's eruptionThe eruption of Africa's most active volcano, Mount Nyamuragira, has threatened rare chimpanzees in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
- Death toll hits 99 at volleyball bombingMore bodies have been pulled from the rubble of a sports complex in northwestern Pakistan, raising the death toll in Friday's attack on a volleyball game to at least 99.
- Two Passenger trains collide in TurkeyTwo passenger trains have collided in Bilecik in northwestern Turkey, killing at least one and injuring four others, Turkish media has reported.
- Israel: Abbas does not represent all PalestiniansIsrael's ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman says Palestinian acting Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas lacks legitimacy to represent Palestinians.
Axis of Logic
- Pakistan's Strategic Nuclear Assets: Why are they ...
- The Australian Ombudsman
- Pakistan: Did Benazir Die For Democracy?
- A Manifesto for Today
- COP15 Copenhagen: A Road to Ecocide
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Nightowl NewswrapSmells like democracy. "The Afghan parliament has turned down 17 out of President Hamid Karzai's 24 nominees for his new Cabinet. Energy minister nominee Ismail Khan, a former warlord, was among the rejected. Nominees for justice, health, commerce, economy and women's affairs were among others rejec ...
- Because the President is Neither King Nor DaddyI just finished watching "By the People: the Election of Barack Obama," and recommend it highly to every liberal who thinks we can't reach our goals because President Obama hasn't made them his priorities. Remember "The Lion King?" The best review I read of it made the point that the story is profou ...
- The M$M's Conflicts of InterestEx-Homeland Security chief head said to abuse public trust by touting body scanners Or is it only Democrats who can have conflicts of interest? Since the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff has given dozens of media intervie ...
- President Obama addresses terrorism in his weekly ...President Obama's weekly address set the chattering classes to chattering in a most excited way this morning when he told the nation matter-of-factly that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the would-be terrorist who failed at his attempt to blow up an airplane over Michigan on Christmas, did in fact have t ...
- Primary ChangesVia Susie Madrak at Crooks and Liars , Jerome Armstrong at MyDD has the changes the Democratic National Committee is making to the Presidential primaries. This seems like a significant change of rules for the DNC nominating process. If adopted, the superdelegates would remain with the status of bein ...
Care 2
- Montana Ruling Bolsters Doctor-Assisted SuicideDENVER — The Montana Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that state law protects doctors in Montana from prosecution for helping terminally ill patients die. But the court, ruling with a narrow majority, sidestepped the larger landmark question of whether Submitted by Lone Wolf to Health & Wellness | ...
- New Age Music on Media Positive Radiothemes include environmental and natural sounds, space and comic sounds, and any new age music that promotes well being and harmony. Submitted by Larry M. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Sacrificed Animals, Blood Found in Philadelphia-Ar ...Call it creature carnage. A graveyard of nearly 500 dead animals, ranging from white-tailed deer to cobra to monkeys, were found strewn inside and outside of a Philadelphia-area home in what investigators believe is evidence of religious ritual Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals | Note-it! | ...
- Hope for Tasmanian devils as scientists find origi ...Fierce as they are, numbers of the spaniel-sized animals have been severely depleted in recent years, as the furry black marsupials spread a fast-killing cancer by biting each other's faces. Since the disease's discovery in 1996, their number Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals | Note-it! | ...
- Tim Weaver, Yakama tribes' salmon champion, says h ...The lawyer for the Yakama tribes has spent nearly four decades fighting over salmon. Many people in Judge James Redden's court for the most recent hearing on the Northwest's signature fish recognized that Weaver knew as much as anyone about salmon and Submitted by Lone Wolf to Health & Wellness | ...
- What Are You Excited Most About in 2010?As the sun began to set on 2009, we asked some of our readers and partners to share their innovations, commitments, and passions for the coming year.
- What Are You Excited Most About in 2010?As the sun began to set on 2009, we asked some of our readers and partners to share their innovations, commitments, and passions for the coming year.
- The Advent of a New 'Oil War' after CopenhagenCritics of George Bush say he has led us into a quagmire in Iraq during the last decade from which we will never emerge. They say his way of doing business led to all the disagreements visible in the Copenhagen climate talks. They're wrong.
- Ford To Roll Out Plug-Ins, Battery Electric Vehicl ...From now until 2012, Ford will introduce a range of electric vehicles, from continuing its work with hybrids to releasing plug-in and battery electric vehicles.
- Coca-Coca, Carbon Reduction, Copenhagen -- and Pol ...That's Muhtar Kent, the CEO of Coca-Cola, on the right. On the left is a polar bear. I caught up with Muhtar Kent at COP15, where he was one of a few Fortune 500 CEOs to show up in an effort to influence the climate talks.
Reuters Global
- Interview with North Korea border crosser Robert P ...North Korea said on Tuesday it had detained a U.S. citizen who entered its territory, apparently confirming a report that an American activist crossed into the tate to raise awareness about Pyongyang's human rights abuses. Robert Park, 28, walked over the frozen Tumen river from China and into the ...
- Allah, Antarctica and Ancient Inca-The best reads ...A great read should tell readers something they don't already know, enlighten them about the world and its people, inform them about the human condition. Readers should be moved to laughter, tears, anger, action through superb writing and extraordinary reporting.
- Failed airline attack raises fresh questions about ...The failed Christmas Day attack on a flight to Detroit has renewed a debate on how best to tackle al Qaeda and its Islamist allies.
- Was Nigerian bomber a one-off?Although Nigeria is the world's sixth biggest Muslim country by population, there are reasons why it is not likely to produce a rash of bombers like the London-educated Nigerian who tried to blow up a plane.
- Lessons for coup makers?African coup makers may be better off holding quick elections than leaving confusion about what their plans are, but should the international community support any of them?
Paul Krugman
- Atlanta is ours, and cheaply wonStingy economists, unite.
- Not my actual lecture textBut more or less what I'm planning to say.
- Warnings not heeded, self-referential editionWhy haven't I been spending the last year touting my prescience? Because I forgot about the whole thing.
- 2010A special greeting.
- Macroeconomic effects of Chinese mercantilismMaybe 1.4 million U.S. jobs.
No Quarter
- “A Less Than Honest Policy”I’ll say. Oh, wait – I have been saying that. This is not good for Obama when many of the columnists who sold their souls, um, I mean, supported him wholeheartedly with little good reason are now taking a step back. Well, some of them don’t flat out say anything negative about Obama [...]
- Did Obama F**k the CIA?Short answer? Yes! President Barack Obama’s public statment statement of condolence last Thursday regarding the suicide bombing of a CIA base in eastern Afghanistan may have been heartfelt but it was a bonehead move. In fact, it probably puts more CIA personnel at risk and compromises a CIA opera ...
- POTUS Discovers “War on a Far-Reaching Network of ...Editor’s Note: John’s radio show is on now, and he’s talking about the president’s speech today. Go to iTunes, Radio, News/Talk Radio, WABC-AM. Protection Money. PGA class back-filling going on by White House messaging unit. POTUS weekly radio address is the first draft of the New-New Oba ...
- “The Hollow Men” and ObamaObama is a “hollow man” according to Shelby Steele. Since we’ve often said similar things here at NQ, I thought it might be a good time to re-read a classic poem by T. S. Eliot – “The Hollow Men.” Eliot was an American who moved to England, so both the US and Britain claim [...]
- Cornhusker Kickback a Place Marker???Ben Nelson feels he has taken enough heat for selling his health care vote to get Nebraska an exemption for paying the coming increase in Medicaid. His chief of staff sent a letter to the ringleader of the Republican states attorneys general proposing to file suit against the federal government on ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Enjoy the Sparkler Art: Happy New Year from Enviro ...
- Hunting with Nature’s Most Extreme Camouflage Arti ...
- Moon Rising
- 5 Most Incredible Early Flying Attempts
- The Airplane Graveyard of St Augustine
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Obama's Surge and PakistanU.S. military strategy in Afghanistan is built on two coups, one in Kabul and the other in Islamabad.
- Honduran Elections a Parody of DemocracyThe recent elections are the latest act in the Honduran theater of the absurd, reports columnist Laura Carlsen.
- Crapshoot in CopenhagenFPIF's weekly update.
- The AfPak Train WreckThe president's goals in escalating the war in Afghanistan are deeply flawed. Just ask the Russians.
- Africa and the Economic CrisisWhile the world focuses on Afghanistan, Africa is addressing the global economic crisis in new ways.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- US shuts Yemen embassy over threatsMove comes after plan is announced to fund an Yemeni "anti-terror" force.
- US dismisses Iran nuclear ultimatumWashington says Tehran "standing in its own way" by ignoring UN-backed proposal.
- Leak threatens China's Yellow RiverBurst oil pipeline dumps thousands of litres of diesel into major tributary.
- 'Payout plan' angers Iceland votersPetition demands veto on bill to repay foreign savers after bank collapses.
- UK to back US efforts in YemenMove comes ahead of London meeting to deal with "rising extremism" in the country.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Canadian Natural Gas Pipeline Gets Federal BackingA federal review panel issued a detailed report endorsing the 800-mile MacKenzie Gas Project.
- California Climate Law Faces OppositionCalifornia's ambitious global-warming law is facing a campaign to keep it from taking effect.
- Chinese Shipping Company Mulls a Nuclear-Powered F ...Making the idea acceptable to the general public could be the biggest hurdle, says Cosco's chief executive.
- Report Predicts Offshore Wind BoomA consulting firm predicts a spike in offshore wind projects over the next decade.
- The Smoldering Wood Pellet BusinessThe North American wood pellet industry is thinking optimistically about environmentally-minded uses for waste timber.
Dot Earth News
- The Greatest Story Rarely ToldDespite "Climategate" and Copenhagen, global warming remains a blip on the media landscape.
- Passing TimeThe human awareness of time's passage is amplified as we mark the end of a year and decade.
- Polar Pressure, Snowstorms and Sea IceUnusual pressure patterns around the North Pole are shaping wintry weather and possibly summer sea ice.
- China's Take on How It Saved Climate TalksChina's official account of the Copenhagen climate talks describes its leader's acumen and President Obama's awkwardness.
- From the Files: Christmas in Deadhorse and BeyondA holiday thank-you note to Dot Earth visitors and comment contributors.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- New TSA leak PDF; False Flag ops for Detroit Chris ...An interesting confluence of events as Obama suddenly grants INTERPOL diplomatic immunity of sorts, while an apparent airport false flag operation or at least 'shady biz as usual' unravels pretty quickly. Good times in the shadow state for 2010. We found some snippets on the case from two noted jo ...
- First protest of 2010: Palestinian popular committ ...With a new year comes renewed awareness of the various interlocking scams and awful scenes continuing to unfold around the world. The activities in Gaza are also prompting more action in the West Bank - today's demonstration vs Israeli settler colonial operations near Bethlehem is the first protest ...
- Corrupt Transportation Security Administration goo ...The Transportation Security Administration is a headless corrupt golem that threatens the safety of all Americans. No one is even in charge of this messed up agency, however like many of the federal security-oriented bureaucracies, its security divisions have become bloated and aggressive. Becaus ...
- ORBIES DOWN UNDER: Mysterious orbs or dust on the ...I got a message from YouTube user Stanley0306173 of Perth Australia , who has posted a ton of videos of what he claims are "orbies" or spirits or aliens or something, whizzing around his apartment. He has posted lots of these videos, and invited people to come check it out. Unlike other ghost hunt ...
- The Monckton climate battle rap; I want to specula ...What could possibly go wrong?! Analysis: Climate summit showcases new world order - thestar.com Tripod operations block coal train - tripods are super funny: Copenhagen failure sparks coal terminal blockade | Rising Tide Australia . Earlier: Indymedia Danmark - If you're in, you're in, if you're ...
Daily Censored
- Do Charter Schools Encourage Innovation and Best P ...And as the Hoover Institute so laconically and candidly stated, the real, rarely spoken of goal is the replacement of all traditional public schools, at least in urban areas, with retail charter chains run for profit, or in the case of non-profits, run by Boards of Directors – stocked with privatize ...
- Top Global Media Figures of 2009PU L S E has just released their list of the top Global Media Figures of 2009. Include in the list is Nora Barrows-Friedman and Dennis Bernstein from Flashpoints Radio at KPFA in Berkeley. Flashpoints has recently been under threat by management at KPFA loosing over 50% of its funding in the past th ...
- Joe Klein’s Fatuous FantasyMichael Collins Time Magazine’s Joe Klein is having an allergic reaction to free speech and public debate. The title of his latest column says it all: Â The Left’s Idiocy on Health Reform. It’s an ex cathedra pronouncement from a made man at one of the nation’s oldest media properties. What’s go ...
- American Mantra: Free Market Capitalism and ObamaAmerican Mantra: Free Market Capitalism and Obama By Peter Phillips Free Market Capitalism remains the the dominant American ideological truth. The decline of communism opened the door for unrepentant free marketers to boldly espouse market competition as the final solution for global harmony. Accor ...
- 74% of 29,000 respondents in 27 countries critical ...Global Survey surprisingly unknown in Latin America: 74% of 29,000 respondents in 27 countries critical of neoliberal capitalism, 91% of Chileans want to redistribute wealth and 84% want more state control By Ernesto Carmona * (special for Argenpress) Nine out of ten Chileans are demanding governmen ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Iran Video: Gunman opens fire on demonstrators, cr ...
- St. Louis Blues sack Murray as coach
- The new Katrina flood: Hospital liability
- Official Army history finds Bush admin. â&eu ...
- Claims: UK interrogators ‘routi ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- Lessons of the Gaza Freedom March
- Stone Hammered to Gravel
- Don't Negotiate with the Taliban
- Can Beijing and Moscow Help with Tehran?
- Geneva Conventions Still Hold Up
Pine River World News
- CIA swears revenge for Afghan attackThe following article is from The Times of India. CIA swears revenge for Afghan attack © The Times of India By Chidanand Rajghatta January 2, 2010 WASHINGTON (TNN): The CIA has sworn to avenge the killing of seven of its operatives by a suicide bomber at a forward operating base (FOB) close to t ...
- Alex Lantier: Thirty years since the Soviet invasi ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from World Socialist Web Site. Thirty years since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan © World Socialist Web Site By Alex Lantier December 30, 2009 In the press coverage of President Barack Obama's recent decision to deploy more US troops to Af ...
- Muttallab: What happened?The following opinion is reprinted with permission from The African Executive, Nairobi. Muttallab: What happened? © Patrick Nwadike Source: The African Executive December 30, 2009 After all the hue and cry, it is important to look at the events of the past few days, from 25th December to 27th ...
- U.S. military bases in Colombia will increase drug ...The following article is from Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias (ABN), Caracas. Military bases in Colombia will increase drug production © ABN December 29, 2009 CARACAS - Setting up seven new U.S. military bases in Colombian territory will lead to a significant increase on the levels of drug produ ...
- Paul Craig Roberts: Israel RulesThe following column is reprinted with permission from Paul Craig Roberts. Israel Rules © Paul Craig Roberts December 29, 2009 On Christmas Eve, when Christians were celebrating the Prince of Peace, The New York Times delivered forth a call for war. "There's only one way to stop Iran," declared A ...
- Connect the Dots with Lila GarrettFrom Dec 28th 2009, Brad Parker hosts this Connect the Dots. Our guests are David Swanson, Marcy Winograd and Wayne Williams. We will be discussing Progressive Peace Plans, Progressive Candidate Messaging and the Fair ...
- The Israel/Gaza Face-Off In Los AngelesBy Linda Milazzo | PDA Blog Contributor onday night, in remembrance of the one-year anniversary of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead that killed 1,400 Gazans, and in solidarity with the 1,400 international peace pilgrims converging in Egypt ...
- 2009—The PDA Year in Review2009—The PDA Year in Review This year was only weeks old when PDA members came together in Washington for a grassroots leadership meeting. The eyes of the world were focused on Washington in anticipation of the ...
- Gaza Freedom MarchSlideshow pictures from the Gaza Freedom March from Fickr
- More ways the health-care bill will help create jo ...On Christmas, I wrote an article called “Health-care bill will stimulate economy and create tens of thousands of jobs“. Within hours it had gone semi-viral with over 3000 hits on the web. Progressive Democrats of America posted ...
Marler Blog
- So, why still the silence from CDC, FSIS, National ...To refresh, on Christmas Eve, National Steak and Poultry recalled approximately 248,000 pounds of beef products (“mechanically tenderized” steak) that may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. The recalled meat was linked to illnesses in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, South Dakota and Washington. ...
- "We're not waiting to be the victim of the next fo ...So say, Peter Hurley. Lynn Terry of the Portland Oregonian profiled my clients, Peter and his young son who was a victim of the Peanut Corporation of America Salmonella Outbreak in 2009 – “Year-end profile: Portland officer advocates food safety on son's behalf.” It is a great read and a great pict ...
- First Lady Michelle Obama on Iron Chef America - W ...Michelle Obama, America’s First Lady, will be a guest of ‘ ’Iron Chef America,” a show I have never watched on the Food Network. It will be airing January 3, 2010 and the White House portion was filmed in late October . My friends over at Obamafoodorama were kind enough to put up this teaser video ...
- Dubai International Food Safety Conference - 21st ...The 5th Dubai International Food Safety Conference is just around the corner. I need to finish up my speech.
- Time for 2010 Food Safety ResolutionsOver at Food Safety News we have made lists of who has been naughty and nice in food safety for 2009. We listed the top stories in food safety for 2009 and we guessed on what the top food safety issues for 2010 just might be. Now, we are on to making 2010 food safety resolutions for others. Here ...
- AutoblogGreen for 12.31.09Study: Plug-in cars are cleaner than gas, hydrogen cars could be worse But some hydrogen cars are as clean as EVs, say the study authors. Gas To Electric, Santa Monica make up in PHEV conversion fight ...
- AutoblogGreen for 12.30.09The decade's top five green transportation predictions - and how they fared Nostradamus had it easy. Enterprising DIYer adds boat tail to Pontiac Firefly to boost mileage It loo ...
- AutoblogGreen for 12.29.09AutoblogGreen's Top Ten most popular stories of 2009 It starts with the World's Most Miserly VW Bus. VIDEO: Kia remains committed to fuel cells, check out Borrego FCEV The updates keep on com ...
- REPORT: 76% of "electric propulsion vehicle" paten ...Toyota is the undisputed world leader in hybrid vehicle sales, so it's no surprise the company dominates the charts when it comes to patents for "electric propulsion vehicles." A recent study conducted by the Japan Patent Office on global trends in the EV industry found that 76 percent of the 16 ...
- AutoblogGreen for 12.28.0910 signs your new car won't be electric, and 5 signs that it will Which list makes more sense to you? Fool's Outlook: Tesla IPO's bumpy road Money maker or bad idea? ...
Rafe's Radar
- Valley VC learns to embrace governmentFamous venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson avoided politics--as long as he could. Now dealing with the feds is a job skill.
- Reporters' Roundtable Podcast: Biggest tech storie ...This week on the Roundtable: The biggest tech stories of 2009! With my boss, CNET Editor in Chief Scott Ard , and Buzz Out Loud host (and my co-conspirator on Real Deal ) Tom Merritt . Listen now: Download today's podcast Subscribe with iTunes (audio) Subscribe with iTunes (video) Subsc ...
- Dear newspapers: I will pay for your content, onceAsking subscribers to pay for the same content twice will not work.
- Blippy launches the Twitter of personal financeThere's more to this service that sharing spending data with friends, thank goodness.
- Reporters' Roundtable Podcast: Google Chrome OSWhat's behind the Google Chrome OS, technologically and from a business perspective? This week on the Roundtable, I discuss the pending operating system with CNET writers Stephen Shankland ( Deep Tech ) and Gordon Haff ( Pervasive Data Center ). Listen now: Download today's podcast Subs ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so frequ ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, wit ...
Democracy Now!
- The Poetic Justice of Dennis BrutusDennis Brutus broke rocks next to Nelson Mandela when they were imprisoned together on notorious Robben Island. His crime, like Mandela’s, was fighting the injustice of racism, challenging South Africa’s apartheid regime. Brutus’ weapons were his words: soaring, searing, poetic. He was banned, he w ...
- Dennis Brutus (1924-2009): South African Poet and ...World-renowned South African poet and activist Dennis Brutus died in his sleep on December 26th in Cape Town. He was 85 years old. Read more
- TARIQ ALI: “Obama’s Afghan-Pak Syndrom ...Tariq Ali is author of more than 20 books, including history, politics, and fiction. His most recent books are Protocols of the Elders of Sodom (2009) and The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power (2008). He is a regular contributor to The Guardian, New Left Review, and the London Rev ...
- The Globe and Mail: Amy Goodman's border woes has ...The Globe and Mail: Canada Border Services Agency won’t comment on why the host of the widely syndicated radio and TV program Democracy Now had her speech checked at border Read more
- Vancouver Observer: Amy Goodman Gets Brilliant Sto ...Read the Vancouver Observer article about Amy Goodman’s detention at the Canadian border: “Well, it’s official. Suspicion of criticizing the 2010 Olympics gets you on a watch list at the Canadian border. Want to come to Canada and discuss the environmental shame that is the tar sands? Go ahead. W ...
Farming Pathogens
- We Are All Astronauts NowFive years ago I gave copies of this essay to a few friends and family as a year-end holiday gift. As a first stab I think it’s aged well, despite its ignorance of the work of Berger, Harvey, Reichenbach, among others. I offer it now to everyone else in a similar spirit–all in good fun, [...]
- Pigs Do Fly! Implications for InfluenzaThe influenza genome is segmented. Eight pieces of single-stranded RNA encode for 11 proteins: PB2, PB1, PB1-F2, PA, HA, NP, NA, M1, M2, NS1, and NS2. The segmentation allows influenza of different subtypes infecting the same host to trade segments like card players on a Friday night. Most of the re ...
- Breeding Influenza: The Political Virology of Offs ...What better way to medicate against a holiday’s genocidal origins and the hunger now swelling worldwide in the wake of a related banker-brought recession than with a bellyful of turkey, stuffing, yams, and pumpkin pie? Despite its rotten ambiguities Thanksgiving remains my favorite American holiday. ...
- A Visitation of the InfluenzaIn seeping through the world’s every nook and cranny, pandemics have a way of forcing themselves into our lives as a lurking presence. Even the most insular of functionaries, who typically makes his living solving problems by ignoring them, straightens up and takes notice. Â Â As an epidemic wave a ...
- I Do Like Green Eggs and HamMuch of what we’ve addressed on this blog has focused on the epidemiological failures of industrial farming. But what of the alternatives? Can we farm in another way? Is another world possible? Â Â It’s only since I’ve moved to the Midwest that I’ve learned that not only is that world possible, it’ ...
Digg Green
- Beyond recycling and light bulbsIf Americans really take the plunge and enter a carbon-constrained world, it might look a little like the Stokes family's home in Falls Church. With help from Sweden, 4 Northern Virginia families are 'Climate Pilots'
- Are Tigers Butchered for Trade at "Zoos" in China?Many Chinese tourist attractions are secretly operating as fronts for illegal tiger farming, butchering captive tigers for the multibillion-dollar black market in wildlife parts, conservationists say.
- Keeping Your Clunker: More Eco-Friendly than the P ...Life cycle dynamics and other issues are discussed.
- No rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide in past 160 ...Most of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity does not remain in the atmosphere, but is instead absorbed by the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems according to a recent study.
- Remarkable Photos Of Waves Breaking Against The Sh ...Churning up the golden sands, a wave breaks upon the shore in a glorious mix of emerald greens and frothy whites.
Invisible Opportunity
- Once in a Blue Moon over GazaBy Les Visible The New Year approaches and that seems like something that would go into the Petri Dish, literally. Remember where you are this evening because by this time next year the world will have changed more than most of us can presently imagine. This is the turning point; the tipping point o ...
- The Blue Moon Gaza PrayerHere is the prayer in support of the Gazan people and others. People around the world will be reciting this prayer at midnight (Gaza time) tonight. That is at 5 PM Eastern time in the US. Please join in this effort to bring true peace to Gaza and the entire world… The Blue Moon Gaza Prayer Out ...
- Blue Moon-The Marcels-1961In honor of today’s “blue moon.”
- Cowboy Junkies – Blue Moon RevisitedCowboy Junkies Blue Moon Revisited I only want to say That if there is a way I want my baby back with me ’cause he’s my true love my only one don’t you see? And on that fateful day Perhaps in the new sun of May My baby walks back into my arms I’ll keep him beside me forever from harm You see I was ...
- Time to Revisit Falsified Science of CO2By Dr. Tim Ball Climate science is a productive pursuit with Nobel Prizes, an Oscar, billions in research funding, massive tax grabs and wealth for exploiters. Continuation of these activities partly validated the claim the disclosed files from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of E ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- InsurgencyWatch moving to True/SlantIn the coming days, InsurgencyWatch will be moving to True/Slant, “an original content news network tailored to both the ‘Entrepreneurial Journalist’ and marketers who want a more effective way to engage with digital audiences.” (That’s what the official about page says.) It’s not a decision I’ve ma ...
- Kerry-Lugar’s First VictimIf true, this is total bullshit: After strong criticism on the Kerry-Lugar bill in Pakistan, the government has decided to replace Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani and the announcement in this respect is expected within the next two days. There’s nothing in the bill reasonable Pakist ...
- Pakistan’s Civil War Heating UpIn the aftermath of this weekend’s assault on the Pakistani General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Taliban hit again in Alpuri, in the Shangla district east of Mingora in Swat. According to military sources who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, a 13- or ...
- At Home with a Swat LashkarI just finished up a few days in Swat and while I’m working on a story about it, I thought you might like to see a few pictures I took while there. Enjoy. Share/Save
- FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan ...Washington PostFACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in PakistanReutersBy this time he is thought to have fled the region for the safe haven of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. * Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader ...Pakistan to Target Taliba...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- The Year In Pot: Top 10 Events That Will Change th ...There has been a tidal shift in politics and on Marijuana laws in America, from Obama lightening up on pot prosecutions to the recognition of cancer prevention properties.
- AlterNet's Most Popular Sex and Drugs Stories of 2 ...From "Big Booty Beauty and the New Sexual Aesthetic" to "5 Things the Corporate Media Don't Want You to Know About Cannabis."
- The Search for an Endangered Mushroom That Could C ...Unlocking the secrets of this fungi may be one of the most important discoveries to the future of human health. But time is running short for the endangered mushroom.
- 10 Reasons the U.S. Military Should (Officially) U ...Medical marijuana may have a host of advantages over other treatments for traumatized vets, but the VA won't even study its efficacy.
- Mexican Drug War Dispatch: The Life and Death of K ...In Mexico, if you call someone "Don," it means you respect him to the extreme, and even fear him. Some people still don't believe he's dead.
Twilight Earth
- Flow – For the Love of Water: Full DocumentaryThe full documentary film "Flow - For the Love of Water." This award winning documentary is a must see film about what is becoming one of the most important issues of our time. Related posts: Food Inc. – Full Documentary The World According to Monsanto – Full Documentary WaterCheck Clean Water Gi ...
- Food Inc. – Full DocumentaryIn this full online Food Inc. documentary, filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry. You'll never eat the same. Related posts: Putting the Gross in Groceries – Food Inc. the Documentary The World According to Monsanto – Full Documentary Good News Monday – Bloggers Dona ...
- Make a Video – Win $2,500.00: Reduce-ReUse-Recycle ...The U.S. EPA is sponsoring a video contest that challenges people to produce short, creative videos that highlight the “Three Rs†of individual consumption. Related posts: Do You Want to Do More Than Recycle? How to Precycle. Reuse-day Tuesday, 3 Ring Binders, Plastic-ware and Coffee Grounds ...
- Pope Benedicts 2010 Message to the World: Environm ...Pope Benedict's 2010 Environmental message: If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation. Related posts: Pope Says – Environmental Degradation Ends by Living Ethically What is Environmentalism? Full Copenhagen Speech Transcripts of 5 World Leaders
- Global Youth Video to World Leaders: Youre Not Don ...Check out this awesome video message to world leaders from the global youth climate movement: "You're Not Done Yet & Neither Are We." Related posts: Twilight Earth Exclusive Cop15 Video – China Youth in Copenhagen Full Copenhagen Speech Transcripts of 5 World Leaders One Question for the World ( ...
- Top 7 Wearable Technology Concepts of 2009 (Vote f ...Wearable tech isn’t just reserved for the likes of James Bond anymore, nor is it limited to your waterproof plastic Casio watch. 2009 definitely made for some amazing new tech pieces, and while some may not be hitting the market just yet, we’ve named a few stellar prototype-ready standouts that real ...
- EDITORS’ FAVORITE INHABITOTS STORIES OF 2009 – Vot ...We saw Inhabitots, our site devoted to green design for the next generation, grow so much in 2009! We celebrated its first steps as well as its very first birthday(!), and along the way we shared the best green products and tips for kids and babies with all of our readers. Check out our editors’ [.. ...
- Top 7 Bizarre Eco-Fashion Stories of 2009 (Vote fo ...From the creepy and the kooky to the mysterious and spooky, we had a total blast bringing you the most bizarre eco-fashions of 2009. Did you have a special thing for the taxidermied rat hats, or did the blowup doll body part jackets float your boat? Check out all of these zany stories here and [...]
- INHABITAT NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS FOR 2010!Happy New Year’s Everyone! The ball has dropped, the countdown has ended, and a brand new year now unfolds before us! This past week we reflected upon the best of 2009, and now team Inhabitat is looking towards the future with our New Year’s resolutions! 2010 is shaping up to be a great year already ...
- ROCK ET ROLL: Eco Champagne Bottle Rocket for New ...Looking for a way to give your New Year’s Eve bottle-poppin’ festivities a bit of fun eco flair? Check out Zo Loft’s awesome little Rock-et-Roll champagne bottle rockets! These spaceworthy eco-crafts are composed of bioresin and recycled foam rubber, and are 100% recycled and recyclable – talk about ...
Pogue's Posts
- Check-in Done RightHow one hotel uses already-collected information to help streamline your arrival.
- Verizon's New Motto: Why Not Be Evil?Verizon Wireless continues in its efforts to be the least-liked mobile carrier in America.
- Verizon Responds to Consumer ComplaintsThe wireless carrier addresses two issues raised by consumers and this blog.
- Should e-Books Be Copy Protected?The issues involved with copy protection haven't changed. They're the same on e-books as they are with everything else.
- Free Speech (Recognition)This week, I tried out Dragon Dictation, a new, free, very real app for the iPhone from Nuance.
Open Your Eyes News
- Fishing in the SewerIPS – After four hours on the Nile in a rowboat with his two sons, fisher Hussein Abdel Malek tallies the morning catch: a plastic water bottle, an empty juice box, a half dozen plastic bags and two small tilapia. “The fish were sleeping today,” he jests. It has been years since the fish [...]
- Terror Attempt May Hinder Plans to Close Guantánam ...New York Times – The attempted bombing of an American passenger plane on Christmas Day could greatly complicate President Obama’s efforts to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, as lawmakers in both parties call on the administration to rethink its approach. The task of determining ...
- Technology aims to tackle oil sands environmental ...Calgary Herald – In 2000, Alberta’s massive bitumen resource was not well-known internationally as a secure source of oil. It wasn’t a target for environmentalists — protesters chaining themselves to equipment, and oily dead ducks wouldn’t be news around the world for many years. As the cent ...
- Solution to killer superbug found in NorwayYahoo – Aker University Hospital is a dingy place to heal. The floors are streaked and scratched. A light layer of dust coats the blood pressure monitors. A faint stench of urine and bleach wafts from a pile of soiled bedsheets dropped in a corner. Look closer, however, at a microscopic level, and ...
- Ocean pollution a danger to wildlifeThe Examiner – Have you heard of the “garbage patch†in the North Pacific Ocean? Its an area in the North Pacific where marine debris is concentrated by ocean currents. Most people think of the “garbage patch†as a large area of floating debris such as bottles and other litter. In reality, m ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Happy new year to all Maoist-Third Worldists and o ...Happy new year to all Maoist-Third Worldists and our allies! (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Our movement has made impressive gains in the past year. Maoist-Third Worldist cells aligned with Monkey Smashes Heaven (MSH) have increased in North America and in the rest of the world. The Revolution ...
- Amerikkkans reactionary as hell on the Iran issueAmerikkkans reactionary as hell on the Iran issue (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) A new poll confirms that Amerikans are still thirsty for Iranian blood. A surprising 84 percent of the US population says that it has been following news reports about Iran’s nuclear program. Nearly half, 48 perc ...
- More Fuck the Troopsfrom Politics Are Over Posted in ..Politics Are Over, Amerikkka, anti-fascism, Communism, Idiot Amerikkkans, Maoism, Maoism Third Worldism, Maoisme, Maoismo, North America
- Stalin, Mao, and Lin Biao born in DecemberStalin, Mao, and Lin Biao born in December (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Three great revolutionaries were born in December. Stalin was born on December 21st, 1887. Stalin is remembered for his great accomplishment of leading the Soviet Union through socialist construction. He is also remember ...
- “Merry Christmas”, Published in New Ma ...“Merry Christmas”, Published in New Masses (Dec. 1930) by Langston Hughes From the gun-boats in the river, Ten-inch shells for Christmas gifts, And peace on earth forever. Merry Christmas, India, To Gandhi in his cell, From righteous Christian England, Ring out, bright Christmas bell! Ring Merry Ch ...
- Aman ke Asha – A Cornerstone of the new Indian Col ...By Ahmed Shahid Just one day after the Indian army chief, Deepak Kapoor, gave out a statement promoting going to war with Pakistan and China at the same time (with him painting a picture of New Delhi annihilating Pakistan within few hours of war), the Indian media in collaboration with Pakistani m ...
- False Flag Event in Detroit a Pretext to Invade Ye ...Kurt Nimmo The UK PM Gordon Brown called for an “emergency summit of world leaders last night to stop Yemen becoming a new terror center,” reports The Sun. Brown declares the poverty-stricken country — increasingly described as a “failed state” by government officials and the corporate media (the ...
- In Pictures: India’s Ridiculous Mumbai Evidence Vs ...Ø See A Comparison Between India’s evidences and Pakistan’s proof of Indian terrorism inside Pakistan Ø China Has Strong Evidence Of Indian Terror Involvement In Tibet & Western China Ø Musharraf showed a photograph to US ambassador where Baitullah Mehsood was seen coming out of one of the Indian ‘d ...
- Tussle Inside Indian Army: Rift Among Indian Army ...Chief Gen. Kapoor locks horns with his possible successor Gen. Singh A Daily Mail investigation Gen. Kapoor is trying to minimize Gen. Singh’s chances of promotion. Singh responds by exposing his real estate interests. This is why Lt. Gen. P.C. Bhardwaj was promoted by Kapoor as the Indian Army’s ...
- The Avatar Movie, Maitreya and our “New Age” Dajja ...Paul A Drockton M.A. The Avatar movie is just the latest installment from Hollywood to move us closer to accepting the Global Elite’s psychopathic religious beliefs. Plato, the Greek philosopher, taught that there are 5 elements: Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Aether (Ether). The last element, A ...
- All Londoners Will be Within a Mile of a Charging ...London mayor Boris Johnson launched a new plan called the Electric Vehicle Delivery Plan for London that will allow all Londoners to be within one mile of an electric vehicle charging station in five years. The plan calls for the installation of 25,000 charging points at public, residential and com ...
- Will Dolphins Need Noise-Canceling Headphones? Ri ...Researchers at the University of Hawaii have discovered a strange and potentially damaging result of increased CO2 in the atmosphere: louder oceans. More CO2 in the atmosphere leads to more acidic seas and more acidic seas produce fewer sound-absorbing chemical reactions meaning noise will travel ...
- 10 Most Popular Stories of 20092010 is quickly approaching and we can only hope that it holds even more innovations that will benefit the world we live in. As we move forward, here's a look back at the stories you clicked on most during the past year. From gadgets to urine fuel, these are the top ten. 10. Power-Generating Sho ...
- Map of Countries' Emissions, PledgesThe AP Climate Pool kept us well informed over the course of the COP15 negotiations. Part of that great coverage is contained in this interactive map of the participating nations' current emissions and the reductions they've pledged to make. You can find plenty of articles analyzing what was accom ...
- NASA Unveils Amazing GHG ModelsNASA's Aqua spacecraft has been taking daily CO2 measurements with its Atmospheric Infrared Sounder instrument (AIRS) for the past seven years and now all that information gathering has led to beautiful and frightening maps and models of the concentration and movement of greenhouse gases in ou ...
Times Online - Science
- Air passengers face two body searchesExtra body searches, new restrictions on moving around aircraft and greater use of sniffer dogs are among the security measures being planned by Britain following the Christmas Day bomb plot.
- Confessions of a Tourist: My Adonis turned out to ...After two weeks in Greece, the only person I’d shared my room with had been Melanie, a Canadian girl with whom I’d decided to split costs. I’d flirted with the locals a bit, but my dream — common to most of my girlfriends back in America — of a classic Greek god just wasn’t coming true.
- Travel ClinicQ. In the wake of the attempted terror attack on a Northwest flight into Detroit, do we all have to get to the airport a lot earlier?
- Why are UK airports so child unfriendly?There’s one thing you can guarantee in the wake of the attempted plane bombing above Detroit: we’re all going to spend longer at airports — great news if you like buying Harrods teddy bears. For everyone else, especially those with children, it is not.
- My Hols: Alistair McGowanAlistair McGowan, 45, grew up in Badsey, Worcestershire. Having tried his hand at stand-up, he honed his talent for mimicry doing the voices for Spitting Image. Later came The Big Impression, with the comedienne Ronni Ancona, with whom he had a three-year relationship. In recent years, he has a ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Melting Glaciers Nourishing Oceans With Ancient Ca ...Alaska's marine animals have an unexpected nutrient in their diets: ancient carbon from glacier melt, a new study says.
- Giant Salamanders Helped to SpawnA new program in Japan is helping giant salamanders get past dams built to control flooding so the rare amphibians can lay their eggs upstream. Video.
- PHOTOS: Dolphin "Drive Hunts" Continue in Japan, E ...Dolphin "drive" hunts, a bloody tradition denounced in the recent documentary The Cove, continue in Japan and Denmark's Faroe Islands.
- Sharks Killed for Oil Used in Swine Flu VaccineMillions of doses of the H1N1/09 vaccine contain a substance called squalene, which is extracted from the livers of rare deep-sea sharks caught in the wild, conservationists say.
- VOLCANO PICTURES: Philippines' Mayon About to Blow ...Flowing lava and increasing gas levels, quakes, and ash explosions are among signs that a major eruption of Mayon Volcano could occur at any time, experts say.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Do they know it's Christmas time?We grabbed a card off of one of those Christmas "Wish Trees" for a local homeless shelter when I took the boys out to get their hair cuts the other day. It was from a 10 year old girl living in the shelter. What was she asking for? "Home Essentials" Ya know: Tooth brush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo ...
- Who the heck is Barry Cafero?Via ctblogger : I know it's early to be making this call but I'm almost certain no one topping this comment today: It's ok that Larry Cafero doesn't know my name. Over the course of the next year, he'll quickly realize that Connecticut voters don't know his, either. -Connecticut Democratic Party C ...
- Monday Morning PeakImage Taken From National Geographic Forget about Wednesday being hump day this week. The peak was already hit this morning, if you are among today's sleepy heads that stayed up to watch the Gemenids meteor showers : Coming fast on the heels of its more famous cousin the Leonid meteor shower —which ...
- Jon Stewart on HealthcareThe Daily Show's Jon Stewart takes a look at the healthcare successes of the Democrats: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Democratic Super Majority www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Ron Paul Interview (h/t GottaLaff :)
- Score One For The Working Families Party in NYCScore two, actually... Via The Gotham Gazette, The Working Families Party , a political party that has made significant contributions to Connecticut's political landscape, has taken over New York city : Both Liu and de Blasio had the endorsement of the Working Families Party , yesterday and in th ...
SPL Center
- Hal Turner Trial Set to Begin TomorrowThe federal trial for white supremacist Hal Turner is scheduled to begin tomorrow morning. Turner, a neo-Nazi blogger and Internet radio host, is charged with threatening to assault and murder three federal judges in Chicago. Turner wrote on his blog that they “deserve to be killed” and posted their ...
- Jury Finds Bill White Guilty on Four CountsA federal jury today agreed with some but not all of the government’s allegations that former neo-Nazi leader Bill White made threats against various people with whom he disagreed. White was found guilty of threatening a Citibank employee, intimidating tenants of a Virginia Beach, Va., apartment com ...
- Canadian Neo Nazi Wanted in Connection with Calgar ...A prominent member of a Canadian neo-Nazi group is wanted for attempted murder in connection with two bombings in Calgary. Police announced Monday that they’re looking for 24-year-old Kyle Robert McKee, along with a 17-year-old who cannot be publicly identified under Canadian law because he’s consid ...
- Opening Arguments Held in Bill White TrialROANOKE, VA. — Did white supremacist Bill White threaten people with whom he disagreed? Or were his outrageous comments protected speech under the First Amendment? The jury appeared to listen closely as lawyers for both sides presented opening arguments this morning in White’s trial, which began yes ...
- Turner Jury Reports Deadlock, But Sent Back to Rec ...BROOKLYN, N.Y. — Jurors were told to continue working today after they said they were divided on whether hate blogger Hal Turner is guilty of threatening judges. “We are hopelessly deadlocked,” the jury wrote in a note around 3:30 p.m. after deliberating for less than three hours. “Time will not cha ...
change: org.
- 5 Reasons to Feel Hopeful in 2010Homelessness reached crisis proportions in 2009. But there's reason to feel hopeful that things will take a turn for the better in 2010. Here are the top five reasons why: 5. Ending veteran homelessness While many have called the VA's commitment to ending veteran homelessness in five years "bold," w ...
- Structure Labs: Perfect For Tax SeasonWith the hubbub of the holidays safely behind us, it's the time that most Americans turn to their least favorite holiday season: tax season! While individuals are deciding between HR Block or TurboTax, however, many social venture startups are trying to figure out just where they sit between nonprof ...
- After 35 Deaths, Philadelphia Cracks Down on Domes ...In 2009, at least 35 women were killed in Philadelphia by current or former partners in cases of domestic violence (two more cases are still under investigation), nearly double the prior year's rate. You can blame our economic train wreck for that. Twenty of these victims had called the police an as ...
- Animal Sacrifice in AmericaOn Sunday, December 27, the bodies of hundreds of animals were found in a Philadelphia home. Among the dead were cats, dogs, deer, sheep, goats, and turtles. The animals are believed to have been killed as part of some sort of Santeria rituals. According to the UPI , George Bengal of the Pennsylva ...
- Promoting Racial ProfilingA New York lawmaker’s plan to introduce legislation this month legitimizing racial profiling in an attempt to prevent terrorist attacks is more than just offensive. It’s counter-productive and dangerous, too. NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind says law enforcement officers and other government agents should ...
Common Dreams -News
- US Judge Dismisses All Charges in Blackwater Iraq ...WASHINGTON - A federal judge dismissed manslaughter charges Thursday against five Blackwater security guards in the 2007 deaths of Iraqi civilians in a Baghad square, finding that prosecutors wrongly used the men's own statements against them. The September 2007 shootout in Baghdad's Nusoor Square l ...
- US Plots Retaliatory Strikes Against al-Qaida in Y ...by Chris McGreal in Washington, Nasser Arrabyee in Sana'a, and Hugh Macleod The US is planning retaliatory strikes in Yemen against al-Qaida over its attempt to blow up a transatlantic flight on Christmas Day. read more
- Canada's House of Commons Shut Down, Opposition Fu ...by Les Whittington OTTAWA - Furious opposition MPs accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of muzzling the House of Commons after he moved for the second time in a little more than a year to suspend Parliament. Mired in controversy over an alleged cover-up on the torture of Afghan prisoners and eager ...
- Single-Payer’s Last Stand?by Greg Kaufmann The Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the largest caucus in Congress with 82 members--it dwarfs the often-hyped Blue Dog Democrats with its 52 yapping pups. Yet the CPC has struggled to get the respect and attention it has strived for--prior to this Congress, it seemed like the mainstrea ...
- International Activists Protest Against Gaza Siege ...Activists, both from Gaza and abroad, have held demonstrations on either side of an Israeli border crossing to the Palestinian territory, protesting against its continued siege by Israel. Hundreds of protesters gathered around the Erez crossing on Thursday, ...
- Good Eats Fan Page Is a Kitchen Hacker's Wonderla ...Do we love us some Alton Brown food science around here? We most certainly do . You can learn a whole lot more from the Food Network star and kitchen hacker at the wonderful Good Eats Fan Page. To put it mildly, the Fan Page has neither a slick interface (frame navigation ahoy) nor the kind of inter ...
- How—and Why—to Conceal Naughty Credit ...You might want to think twice before picking up the bar tab too often; money blog Realm of Prosperity says some credit card purchases may get your account flagged and lower your customer value in the eyes of your credit card company. Photo by stevendepolo . Financial blogger Simon Zhen says that cre ...
- Gorillacam Brings Timers, Burst, and More Extra F ...iPhone only: The iPhone's built-in camera is capable, but its features (or lack thereof) aren't exactly electrifying. Gorillacam adds all the tools you wish the default Camera app had and then some, including timed shots, time-lapse, burst mode, and more. If you've ever watched the perfect shot pass ...
- Google Similar Pages for Chrome Finds Related Sit ...Chrome only: Google's Similar Pages for Chrome extension adds a button to the toolbar that uses Google's search algorithms to find other web sites similar to the one you are currently browsing. Once you've installed the extension, you can simply click the new button in the toolbar to see a list of r ...
- How Can I Defog My Car Windows Quicker? [Ask Life ...Dear Lifehacker, I hate when my car windows fog up. Is there a trick to defogging them as quickly as possible? Signed, Can't See the Street Photo by Muffet . Dear Can't See the Street, Depending on the temperature and the situation you'll want to attack the condensation on your windows with differen ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Sustainability and AfghanistanBy Dave Anderson: The basic US strategy in Afghanistan is to use a surge of forces to create temporarily more favorable facts on the ground against the Taliban, Pashtun tribal militias and other armed groups that are not favorably disposed to the current Kabul government while the Kabul goverment gr ...
- Revisiting Defensive LegalizationBy Dave Anderson: In August 2008, I argued that drug prohibition is counter-productive and stupid as well as expensive, especially as it applies to marijuana because it creates and sustains a massive black market. The black market has norm enforcement through violence instead of lawyers, and the fun ...
- Revisiting Defensive LegalizationBy Dave Anderson: In August 2008, I argued that drug prohibition is counter-productive and stupid as well as expensive, especially as it applies to marijuana because it creates and sustains a massive black market. The black market has norm enforcement through violence instead of lawyers, and the fun ...
- Yet Another Picture of the Week Plus A RantCommentary By Ron Beasley Blue Monday - Click on Picture for larger image. My partner here at Hoggers, John Ballard, sent me this link to a piece by Robert Parry: Why Obama Is Failing. Faced with a dire financial crisis and two foreign wars – not to mention a host of long-festering problems like hea ...
- Clinton IICommentary By Ron Beasley With apologies to Pastor Niemöller: First they came for the banksters, and showered them with money and put them in the Administration in a way that was not change we could believe in. Then they came for the military industrial complex, and sent more and more of our childre ...
Water Wars
- Mike Nichols: Carp canal but another chapter in th ...There are a lot of fish tales going around. Here is a true one that is about more than just the recently famous Asian carp.
- Water Wars: Governors of Three States Meet (First ...TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Gov. Charlie Crist has returned from the water summit. Tuesday afternoon, Crist met with Alabama Gov. Bob Riley and Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue in Montgomery to discuss the 18-year water wars among the states.
- Top 9 Local Stories (The Austin Chronicle)1) WET OR DRY? For it or agin' it, the 25-years-in-the-planning Water Treatment Plant No. 4 dominated city politics for several months, with City Council finally voting narrowly to move forward with the massive multiphase project.
- Water wars: public-monitoring chance opens this mo ...Foothills counties where water flows start have a stake in federal and state proceedings, say officials from the Regional Council of Rural Counties.
- Officer shootings top story of the year (Chattanoo ...1: Officer-involved shootings From March through August, five area law enforcement agencies had officers involved in fatal shootings of suspects. Two occurred in Chattanooga; one in Meigs County, Tenn.; one in East Ridge; and one in Fort Oglethorpe. On July 18, six Chattanooga police officers shot A ...
WordPress | Economics
- Abu Dhabi rescues DubaiDUBAI, one of seven members of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is now in the middle of its internati
- The Predicament of the American “Middle Clas ...In this essay, when I say “Americans,” I mean citizens of the United States, with apologies to the g
- Americans doing more for themselves, buying less - ...Quietly but noticeably over the past year, Americans have rejiggered their lives to elevate experien
- Pure AWESOME!The Anti Obama Shop! Oh. My. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, I’m not going to clip any, You’ve GO
- Let Us Look Back At TARPLots of anger….lots of shouting….lots of frustration….lots of cash……lo
Electronic Intifada
- Targeting human rights defendersIsrael still believes it can act with impunity. It will only stop if there is a cost to its human rights violations. Appeals to the Israeli authorities to respect due process are not enough, as ...
- Gaza Freedom March activists target Egypt's compli ...While it was deeply disappointing for the nearly 1,400 delegates with the Gaza Freedom March who came from 43 countries that they could not physically be in Gaza today, this was a momentous and ...
- New year in Gaza reopens wounds of oldGAZA CITY, occupied Gaza Strip (IPS) - For many survivors of the last Israeli war on Gaza, time has not healed their wounds, physical or emotional. Halil Amal Samouni, 10, still suffers vision problem ...
- Blogging beneath the bombs: An interview with Shar ...Activist Sharyn Lock sailed to Gaza on the first "Break the Siege" boat with the Free Gaza Movement in 2008. During Israel's winter attacks last year, Lock documented the invasion on her blog " ...
- Photostory: Egypt further encaging GazaWith and the Egyptian government's new underground wall and the closure of the Rafah crossing -- Gaza's sole exit to the outside world -- Egypt's complicity shines more than ever. The following are ex ...
CS Monitor - News
- podcast091204Fewer US jobs lost in November and impact on economy.
- October 16, 2009The UN Human Rights Council votes to adopt the Goldstone Report on Israel's military incursion into Gaza.
- October 19, 2009Saudi Arabia is wary of terrorists, especially from neighboring states.
- October 20, 2009How some TV insiders view parents and children on reality television.
- October 21, 2009How African Anglicans might respond to the Vatican's offer.
The Wonk Room
- Krauthammer’s Al Qaeda SmearIn an effort to politicize the failed Christmas day attack, neocon Charles Krauthammer accused President Obama of not caring about fighting Al Qaeda because the Administration has dropped the ludicrous phrase “war on terror.” Krauthammer put forth the smear yesterday in the National Review: Obama ba ...
- Fed And Treasury Put ‘Intense Pressure’ ...ith 2009 coming to a close and the stock market having rebounded from its March low, “Wall Street is ready to pat itself on the back for its huge gains with big bonuses.” Despite the brouhaha caused by bonuses in the last year — and the role that perverse pay incentives played in bringing about [... ...
- Climate Activists Jailed For Saying ‘Coal ...Four climate activists are being held in a West Virginia jail for protesting how coal mining is killing the people and land of their state. On Tuesday, December 29, four activists with Climate Ground Zero — a grassroots campaign of non-violent civil disobedience in southern West Virginia to address ...
- The Right Advocates Offering Lifeline To Iranian R ...In response to the Iranian regime’s violence, the Green Movement protests have grown bolder. The regime now seems stuck in a self-perpetuating cycle, in which almost every action it takes in response to the protests seems to only further erode its standing among Iranians and strengthen the opposit ...
- NYC Court Official Slams Lenders For Failing To Mo ...Recently, the Obama administration has increased its verbal assault on banks and mortgage lenders that are failing to get troubled borrowers into sustainable modified mortgages. The banks have been firing back that borrowers themselves are to blame for the lack of progress, with the favorite claim b ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Prorogation and the Culture of ImpunityNote: The following is a response to Todd, who critiqued my last post from a Marxist perspective. Todd, I've been in transit, seeing family members, and now, drinking heavily due to my numerous psychological problems. I have been wrestling with some of your comments on and off over the last few da ...
- Dear General Natynczyk, ... You've confused me.Hunh. No sooner do I post the results of a morning's work and I find out that it's old news . 11:50 a,m. And here we go! The CDS is up -- and, as predicted by Colleague Fitz-Mo, he begins by citing his May 2007 statement on that whole prisoner-who-wasn't-a-prisoner transfer-that-wasn't-a-transfer ...
- harper Prorogues Parliament (Again)Well, he did it . Together with our shit-for-brains Governor General, harper has prorogued parliament again. His insulting rationalization is that he can concentrate on the economy (which, you'll remember, harper has been insisting has been recovering nicely thanks to his steady hand on the tiller ...
- If harper ProroguesOthers in the blogosphere point to the even stronger rumours that harper is planning to cowardly prorogue parliament until after the fascist spectacle of the Olympics in order to avoid public accountability for his possible complicity in war crimes in Afghanistan. This is unacceptable. If harper d ...
- Child Slaves in HaitiSay! Why don't we check in on " Haiti ... the core [of] our engagement in the Americas, as our largest program in the region ," Canada's second-biggest foreign initiative after the mega-success [please note: that's sarcasm] of Afghanistan? How are Canada and Haiti doing? After all, Canada (at the ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Agri-Food Thoughts by Ned Schmidt. "Living in Florida, as this author does, often comes with minor problems. As one of the biggest batches of cold, snowy winter storms ravages North America, records of all kinds are being broken. Dallas, as an example, had a white Christmas for the first time in 80 years. But, the UK ...
- Gold & Silver: Market Wrap Week Ending December 25 ...by Doug Gnazzo. "The CCI index at the bottom of the chart has gone from overbought (+200) to 89. When an asset moves from being this overbought to back below 100, it often signals a consolidation/correction is likely."
- Leading the American Middle Class Through a Lost D ...by Chuck DiFalco. "As people prepare to pop champagne corks at midnight on New Year’s Eve, I see media hype about the years 2000-2009 being the "lost decade" in America. Those years overall were bad ones for Wall Street, but not for Main Street."
- Elvis Has Left The Building by Captain Hook. "In his most recent work, Martin Armstrong postulates that because of accelerating inflation, possibly leading to hyperinflation, a falling dollar ($), cycles associated with his Economic Confidence Model (ECM), and a move away from immovable assets by the investing public..."
- Holiday Gold, Oil and Index Trading by Chris Vermeulen. "Last week the market fell into its regular holiday tradition of light volume, as institutions and big traders enjoyed the holidays thus allowing prices to drift higher. We still have one more week of light trading volume before this year and holiday season is officially over." ...
on Government Oversight
- LANL Researchers Blow Up Building with Civil War-l ...Nope, that's not a headline from The Onion. POGO has just learned that researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory accidentally blew a building apart a few weeks ago with a massive gun that acts like a Civil War cannon....
- A Video Message from DanielleAs Danielle says, it's been one heck of a year over here at POGO. We covered a lot of ground and are proud of our accomplishments, but we wouldn't have been able to make it without you. Thank you for...
- Morning Smoke: Obama Signs Defense Appropriations ...Spending Bill Becomes Law [Air Force Magazine] Classified Bomber Under Consideration [Aviation Week] Oshkosh FMTV Bid 'Unbelievable [DoD Buzz] New Executive Order Awaits Presidential Decision [Secrecy News] Washington to Reduce Funding for U.S. Contractors in Pakistan [ProPublica] Doctors' Spat Expo ...
- Morning Smoke: More Tales of Moneyed Military Ment ...Military mentors hired, fired in discreet fashion [Federal Times] Defense Bill Earmarks Total $4 Billion [The Wall Street Journal] Inadequate Oversight Cited in Weatherization Program [The New York Times] White House seeks input on federal research info sharing program [Federal...
- California Courts to Whistleblower: 'You're Out of ...Accountable California, a project of SEIU Local 721's Center for Public Accountability, has posted a story about Michael Paul, an employee of the California Administrative Office of the Courts. Paul thought he saw misconduct occurring on multimillion dollar contracts and...
Science Express
- Chronic infection now clearly tied to immune-syste ...A new study finds the cross-talk between 'killer T-cells' and 'helper T-cells' can only happen in the presence of interleukin-21, a powerful immune-system protein. UAB researchers say if interleukin-21 is missing, the immune system's anti-viral efforts fail. The study mice were treated for lymphocyt ...
- German 'science train': next stop Shanghai 2010?How will we feed nine billion people in the future? Can we ever have a disease-free world? Can robots play football?
- New mechanisms of action found for drugs used to t ...(PhysOrg.com) -- In the course of his or her life, every seventh German will develop an anxiety disorder that will require treatment. Standard anti-anxiety medications (anxiolytics) are based on the benzodiazepine class of drugs. These calm the patient and quickly diminish feelings of anxiety.
- Milky Way's super-efficient particle accelerators ...Thanks to a unique "ballistic study" that combines data from ESO's Very Large Telescope and NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have now solved a long-standing mystery of the Milky Way's particle accelerators. They show in a paper published today on Science Express that cosmic rays from ou ...
- Physical reality of string theory demonstratedString theory has come under fire in recent years. Promises have been made that have not been lived up to. Leiden (The Netherlands) theoretical physicists have now for the first time used string theory to describe a physical phenomenon. Their discovery has been reported in Science Express.
- Creativity, Innovation And HappinessLast year, for our final post of the year, I wrote a message On Staying Happy . It seems, at time, that people think that I am filled with anger or rage , because of all the annoying or "bad" stories that show up here all the time. Of course, for folks who know me, this is pretty funny. I'm prett ...
- Tomorrow Is National Book Burning Day; Thank Your ...January 1st of each year should be National Public Domain Day, when many different creative works enter the public domain, where they can be made useful. In years past, it was a regular occurrence as tons of creative works went into the public domain each year. Often this was by choice on the part ...
- The Problem Isn't Middlemen, It's MonopoliesI love middlemen. Yes I do! Most indie filmmakers I talk to complain about distributors and "middlemen," but they're missing the real problem. Middlemen -- publishers, distributors, resellers -- can do excellent work. The problem is not middlemen; it's monopolies. So many middlemen insist on mon ...
- FCC Boss Spams Facebook Friends With Make Money No ...Hey, sooner or later everyone falls for some sort of phishing/scamware type of thing, right? It's just especially embarrassing if you're the head of the FCC. The NY Times is reporting that FCC Chair Julius Genachowski had his Facebook account spam all his friends with a message saying "Adam got me ...
- Who Says Data Centers Aren't Cool?This post is part of the IT Innovation series, sponsored by Sun & Intel. Read more at ITInnovation.com . Of course, the content of this post consists entirely of the thoughts and opinions of the author. Ah data centers. They may seem like a rather boring concept, but Data Center Knowl ...
- Garlic prices soar in China amid flu fears. . . By Calum MacLeod USA TODAY BEIJING Wrapped up in earmuffs and a heavy jacket to fight the Beijing winter, Liu Zhan shows little sign of soaring wealth. Until he removes his gloves — and reveals a large gold ring. At the Chinese capital’s biggest vegetable wholesale market, other traders cal ...
- How Many Children Will Be Taken This Year Due to a .... . . Look at this article for a real life example of this tragedy.
- Repeated immunization with antigen causes systemic .... . . Repeated immunization with antigen causes systemic autoimmunity in mice otherwise not prone to spontaneous autoimmune diseases For the full article visit: Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity Background The cause of autoimmunity, which is unknown, is investigated from a differe ...
- More Propaganda to Sell Vaccines: Swine flu virus .... . . BBC December 29th, 2009 The head of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned the global swine flu pandemic is not yet over and the virus could still mutate. Dr Margaret Chan said it was important to “guard against complacency” despite signs the disease had peaked in North America and ...
- WHO chief says worst of swine flu pandemic is over .... . . By Eliane Engeler Associated Press GENEVA — Many more people could become sick with swine flu this winter even though it has peaked in North America and some European countries, the head of the World Health Organization said Tuesday. The worst of the swine flu outbreak is over in the United S ...
- Happy New Year
- What You Liked, 2009 EditionBreaking news isn’t really my thing, but it does bring the traffic. The article I wrote after attending CATO/Glenn Greenwald’s release of the Portugal decriminalization study was the most popular post this year. And the snowball war post came in at number three. White America’s Existential Crisi ...
- Poor Man Can’t Eat, Rich Man Can’t Sle ...I used to shoplift as a kid. When I was about fourteen, I was busted with a purse full of makeup and banned from Rite Aid for life. My father was unusually rational about the whole incident. Clearly, all the crap I had in my room could not have been purchased with my babysitting money. And [...]
- Times Are Tough
- Some Things You Might Have MissedEveryone wants to think that they are a good person. But the truth is that all of us are capable of doing horrible things. As a Nadder! points out in Milgram, Rape & Silence, “It is much safer to acknowledge your violent potential since then you’re better placed to watch out for signs things a ...
Executive Intelligence Review
- The LaRouche Show, January 2, 2010Our New Year's Resolve: Repulse the British Empire Onslaught!
- Why Do We Call Susan Rice a Racist?By Lawrence K. Freeman Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, December 25, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 50
- The Failed System Has Become UnmanageableBy John Hoefle Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, December 25, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 50
- The Copenhagen Summit: Lies Have Short Legs, or, t ...By Helga Zepp-LaRouche Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, December 25, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 50
- Bernanke Exits Now!: National BankingBy Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, December 25, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 50
Armies of Liberation
- US Sanctions Iran Based al Qaeda, Zawahiri Promise ...The US Treasury Department placed financial sanctions on Saad bin Laden, thought to be in Pakistan, and three alleged al Qaeda operatives in Iran including a Yemeni. The terrorist designation Friday froze their assets within US jurisdictions and prohibits Americans from financial dealings with the ...
- Arabian Peninsula al Qaeda groups mergeIn the face of Saudi Arabia’s success against the al Qaeda organization, many Saudi operatives have fled to the more hospitable climate in Yemen, joining others who recently arrived from Iraq, Somalia, and Pakistan. Al Qaeda in Yemen announced its merger with Saudi Arabia’s al Qaeda organization to ...
- Yemen strikes multi-faceted deals with al QaedaYemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh recently struck a deal with Ayman Zawahiri, and Yemen is in the process of emptying its jails of known jihadists. The Yemeni government is recruiting these established jihadists to attack its domestic enemies as it refrains from serious counter-terror measures aga ...
- Yemen’s Multi Faceted Deals with Al Qaeda (A ...اليمن تعقد صÙقات متعددة الوجوه مع القاعدة كتبت: جين نوÙاك – Ùبراير/ 2009 عبدالله عبدالوهاب ناجي- ترجمة خاصة بالمستقلة عقد الرئيس اليمني علي عبدا لله ØµØ§Ù„Ø Ù…Ø¤Ø®Ø±Ø§ صÙقة مع ...
- Yemen’s three terror frontsBy Jane Novak March 28, 2009 3:18 PM Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took credit in an internet statement Friday for a pair of suicide attacks that targeted South Koreans in Yemen. A teen-aged suicide bomber killed four South Korean tourists in Shibam, Hadramout on March 15. A second terror att ...
Dark Politricks
- Twitter Updates for 2010-01-03Watching #UFC 103 on Five USA, glad the JuJitsu toe pinchers cant win every bout now makes it more exciting 2 watch #TKD #Boxing # Newark #Liberty Airport 2 receive full body scanners http://bit.ly/5WQ3qR #253 #flight253 #terrorism #waronterror #detroit # #Afghan #CIA bomber was courted as ...
- GOP attorneys general demand a change in Senate he ...Meg Kinnard Washington Post Friday, January 1, 2010 COLUMBIA, S.C. — Republican attorneys general in 13 states are threatening legal action over a provision in the federal health-care reform bill that would shield Nebraska from the costs of expanding Medicaid programs — language that was ins ...
- Pope urges lifestyle changes to save environmentReuters Friday, January 1, 2010 VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Benedict used his traditional New Year address on Friday to call on people to change their lifestyles to save the planet, saying environmental responsibility was essential for global peace. Recalling that world leaders had gathered in C ...
- Cold weather kills scoresIOL Friday, January 1, 2010 New Delhi – At least 17 people died as towns and cities in India’s northern states were hit by cold weather, officials said on Friday. “Sixteen people have died in Uttar Pradesh since early Wednesday due to cold [weather] conditions in the state. Most victims were home ...
- New Year Begins With Random Searches On Streets Of ...AFP Friday, January 1, 2010 A huge crowd crammed under tight security into New York’s Times Square to witness the traditional midnight drop of the New Year crystal ball and the first seconds of 2010. For the security services, however, this was no time to relax. New York is on a heightened st ...
food and water watch
- Day 1 in RomeHello from Roma, viva Roma. I am Dave Andrews, Senior Representative for Food & Water Watch. I am in Rome for the World Food Summit which is taking up the issue of one billion hungry people in the world, most of them farmers and most of them women. The solution of the US is high [...]
- Day 4 in RomeThe official FAO meeting began on the 16th of November with the Pope followed by Libya’s Gaddafi, an interesting pairing! The Kings and Presidents (but not Obama) had the roads of Rome closed off for them, getting near the FAO was a big challenge so I waited until things calmed down later in the day ...
- Pangasius PandemoniumLast week, the state of Alabama instituted a stop sale order on imported catfish and pangasius, a catfish-like fish (pangasius is frequently mislabeled as catfish) after discovering that high numbers of the samples that had been inspected were contaminated with illegal antibiotics called flouroquino ...
- Day 3 in RomeToday, a group of us from Agribusiness Action Initiative and other NGOs went to the Civil Society Forum early in the morning and visited the farmers market that was set up there. We visited other NGO representatives from Via Campesina, International Federation of Agriculture Producers, Greenpeace, P ...
- Day 2 in RomeToday, we began the official Civil Society Forum on the Peoples’ Food Sovereignty. The morning started with an opening by the Mayor of Rome and by Jacques Diouf, the Secretary General of FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization). He encouraged us to insist on our rights and told of how he has wo ...
- Ditch Your Dead-Tree Daily Planner for a Virtual M ...Credit: jmussuto via Flickr. It's January, a time when many people realize their daily planner has run out of pages. Time to buy another refill from the store. Twelve months of the popular FranklinCovey pages will set you back $25 or more. That company and others offer recycled paper products for p ...
- 2009 Year of the Mannahatta Project photo via WCS Most people when they think back on 2009 might not think of it as the quadricentennial of Henry Hudson's famous voyage of 1609, but for fans of the Mannahatta Project, it has been a year to celebrate. Mannahatta, the book was a big hit, mentioned on many holiday-round up lists, inclu ...
- Japanese Scientists Create See-Through GoldfishPhotos via AFP Japanese researchers have produced a new species of goldfish with see-through skin. You can see the fish's beating heart, brain, and other internal organs, right through its invisible scales. And that's precisely the point--the scientists created the fish to eliminate the need for ...
- Watch New Year's Countdowns Around the World and J ...Are fireworks green ? Photo by Kev Gibbo via Flickr A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other, as the saying goes. So start by staying home tonight and watch Earthcam to see New Year's Eve celebrations in 35 locations around the world. Earthcam will webcast the ...
- Girls, Gators, Giant Fish and Environmental Awaren ...Credit: A Nile perch caught in Uganda. By smudger888 , via Flickr. Field & Stream is famous for its photo galleries featuring the biggest fish, bucks and other creatures caught and shot in the outdoors. The magazine has rounded up 25 of its best galleries to end the year, including:... Read the ful ...
- Research team develops technique to determine ethn ...An international team of scientists led by researchers at The Scripps Research Institute has developed a straightforward technique to determine the ethnic origin of stem cells. The Scripps Research scientists initiated the study—published in the January 2010 edition of the prestigious journal Nature ...
- Researchers Decipher Parts of the Neuronal CodeThe human brain works at a far higher level of complexity than previously thought. What has been given little attention up to now in the information processing of neuronal circuits has been the time factor. “Liquid computing” — a new theory about how these complex networks of nerve cells actually wo ...
- Gene Therapy May Stall Inherited EmphysemaA new type of gene therapy may help stop the progression of emphysema in young people who have an inherited form of the deadly disease. Researchers say previous attempts to correct the gene mutation that predisposes young people to emphysema have failed to achieve lasting results. But a new study sh ...
- Nervy Repair JobIn a lab at the University of Pennsylvania, a plastic dish holds two rows of tiny black dots, pairs of them connected by dozens of thin, hairlike filaments. Each dot is a cluster of thousands of neurons, explains Douglas Smith, who is a professor of neurosurgery and the director of Penns Center for ...
- Technology Review: Making Drugs Survive Longer in ...Taking a hint from natural antibiotics, a startup spun out of Stanford University is developing a way to chemically alter existing drugs to dramatically improve their half-life By sequestering the drugs within cells, the researchers hope to protect them from the bodys efforts to destroy them. So far ...
- D.C. drinking water controversy sinks lead scare
- Suburbs ain’t no place for a Street Fightin& ...
- Something fishy about mercury hype
- No end to end of oil fears
- Dr. Roy Spencer on Day After Tomorrow
Ria Novosti Online News
- Russia's Medvedev offers condolences over Brazil m ...Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has offered his condolences to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva over mudslides that killed at least 64 people in southeastern Brazil, the Kremlin press office said on Sunday.
- Strong quake in east Tajikistan inflicts $1.5 mln ...A strong earthquake that hit Tajikistan's mountainous Gorno-Badakhshan province in the country's east on Saturday and left about 20,000 people homeless, has inflicted damage estimated at $1.5 million, local officials said on Sunday.
- Festive New Year fireworks injure 18 people in Mos ...A total of 18 people, including eight children, were injured during New Year celebrations in Moscow over the careless use of fireworks, Moscow's emergencies center said on Sunday.
- New York holds Computer Recycling DayNew York authorities are holding Computer Recycling Day on Sunday in a bid to help New Yorkers unload old computers free of charge and stimulate the development of environmentally-friendly technology.
- An ice town on Poklonnaya HillAn ice sculpture festival, Kremlin-Art, on Moscow’s Poklonnaya Hill
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Roscosmos to consider Earth rescue project from de ...
- Roscosmos to consider project to save Earth from a ...Roscosmos will soon consider a project to prevent a large asteroid from colliding with Earth after 2030, the head of Russia's space agency said on Wednesday.
- Russian Proton rocket delivers U.S. telecoms satel ...A Russian Proton-M carrier rocket has delivered into orbit the U.S. telecommunications satellite DirecTV-12, the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos said.
- RIA Novosti's choice: ten key events in environmen ...Below are top ten environmental and scientific events which RIA Novosti correspondents have chosen for producing the greatest impact in Russia.
- Russia launches Proton rocket with U.S. telecoms s ...Russia has made this year's last launch from the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan, launching a Proton-M carrier rocket with the U.S. telecommunications satellite DirecTV-12, the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos said
Pruning Shears
- Best Music of 2009Introduction If you dig these songs please consider buying them. Most can be had for less than a buck. All these were downloaded freely and legally this year so I’m posting them in good faith. Links will be live for a week. If you hold the copyright on one and would like it removed, please let me ...
- A Bold PredictionI’m going to go out on a limb here and say the Wall Street Journal will not have an article on December 30th, 2010 detailing the ways in which various stakeholders attempt to coordinate end-of-life decisions in order to take advantage of the nearly expired estate tax holiday.
- Through the Looking Glass With the DOJNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post The case of Guatánamo detainee Abdul Hamid Al-Ghizzawi took a bizarre turn last week. He is represented by habeas lawyer H. Candace Gorman and is, as Andy Worthington pointed out , overwhelmingly likely to be innocent. He has neve ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post David Obey Bluster Watch. On Afghanistan :“There ain’t going to be no money for nothing if we pour it all into Afghanistan,” House Appropriations Chairman David Obey told ABC News in an exclusive interview. “If they ask for an incre ...
- America's Metastasizing Intelligence ApparatusNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Barack Obama’s reversal on the Patriot Act was in the news again this week courtesy of Elizabeth Gorman’s reporting ( via ). It is not cynical or misanthropic to say the reversal is not surprising. He ended up supporting the FISA A ...
Natural Health News
- Winter Workouts Can Boost Your MoodWinter can put a chill on even the most enthusiastic exerciser's plans. But sticking to your exercise program throughout the colder months is beneficial for multiple reasons, experts say. Not only can physical activity lift your spirits during days of limited sunlight, it can help make sure you're i ...
- Study Debunks Notion of 'Healthy Obese' ManNo man who is fat is truly healthy over the long term, a new study finds. That assessment is based on research that has followed almost 1,800 men, starting at age 50, for 30 years, recording those who died or had a cardiovascular problem such as a heart attack or stroke. Previous studies found no in ...
- Lifestyle Changes That Will Keep You AliveHave more sex Sex has many apparent health benefits. Studies suggest sex can boost your immune system and reduce stress. Keep your teeth clean Diabetes, low birth weight babies and heart disease have all been linked to gum and bone disease in the mouth. Even heart attacks have been linked to bad ...
- How to Erase Your Phone Remotely if You Lose ItA handset may be valuable, but it's easily replaced. The data on it, however, is often much more important. Banking passwords, corporate documents and VPN access are better off kept secure. All of the major smartphone platforms have some kind of remote erase capability. Here's a rundown of what's o ...
- New Strains of Old Diseases Prove Antibiotic ProofDoctors and scientists around the world are seeing a disturbing new trend. Not only are old diseases making a comeback, but the antibiotics that used to work now do little against them.
- Shooting Handcuffed ChildrenBy David Swanson The occupied government of Afghanistan and the United Nations have both concluded that U.S.-led troops recently dragged eight sleeping children out of their beds, handcuffed some of them, and shot them all dead. While this apparently constitutes an everyday act of kindness, far les ...
- Crony Capitalism, Part 4In Part 4 of his continuing series about the causes of and possible fixes for the ongoing economic and banking crisis with Paul Jay of The Real News, Dr. Robert Johnson , Director of Financial Reform for the Roosevelt Institute, and Executive Director of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET ...
- You Have Nothing To Lose But Your ChainsCrossposted from Docudharma Tired of being Chained to a Party that let's you down time after time? Tired of being chained to a Party that bald faced lies to you? Tired of getting Pissed On by the Democrats and having them and the "supporters" tell you it is fresh spring rain? Tired of the same old ...
- Look Who Just Funded the EscalationBy David Swanson The U.S. House of Representatives approved on Wednesday another $130 billion for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and (it goes without saying) Pakistan, money that will be used to continue the wars and to escalate the war in Afghanistan. In the spring, they will try to pass another $ ...
- Democrats and Health Care Reform: A Tale of No Tes ...Moments ago, Democratic Senators told reporters that the caucus yielded to Sen. Joe Lieberman ’s (I-CT) demands and dropped the Medicare buy-in provision from the Senate health care bill, leaving only a network of nonprofits to stand in for the public health insurance option. While Senators stresse ...
Son of Alex Constantine's Blacklist
- UnderpantsGate: Big Oil, the CIA and the Attempted ...Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine (Supplementary revisions, 12-30-09, 1:29 pm) It’s All, Once Again, About Big Oil and a Pipeline … Abdulmutallab’s exploding unmentionables “Why Was Umar AbdulMutallab in Houston in August 2008? Whom Did He Visit There? What Did H ...
- Celebrities Lead Charge against ScientologyHollywood figures quit ‘rip-off’ church as Australian prime minister threatens parliamentary inquiry into its activities Peter Beaumont in London, Toni O’Loughlin in Sydney, and Paul Harris in New York The Observer | 22 November 2009 The security at the red-brick and glass-walled horseshoe of the Jo ...
- Baltimore: Cultist Withdraws Guilty Plea in Baby&# ...BALTIMORE — A former member of a defunct religious cult has backed out of a plea deal and will face trial on charges he and others starved a toddler to death. Marcus Cobbs had agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of accessory after the fact. But his attorney abruptly withdrew the plea Friday mo ...
- What’s Wrong with this RFID Chip?RFID chip brought to you by the Carlyle Group and Matrics, Inc.
- Will Donor Scandals Doom Crist’s Senate bid?” … Three of Crist’s top fund-raisers have been hamstrung by federal investigations in the past nine months, and a fourth, Jupiter sports agent and real estate investor Marc Roberts, is facing a federal lawsuit alleging he defrauded a business partner out of $100 million to support his own ‘lavish p ...
Blacklisted News
- World’s Sole Military Superpower’s 2 Million-Troop ...
- A lost decade for U.S. economy, workers For most of the past 70 years, the U.S. economy has grown at a steady clip, generating perpetually higher incomes and wealth for American households. But since 2000, the story is starkly different.
- Israel to issue gas masks to population No indication or threat has been made against Israel from any country that an attack is planned. No country in the Middle East is believed to be likely to engage in chemical or biological warfare with Israel, either.
- Concern as China clamps down on rare earth exportsNeodymium is one of 17 metals crucial to green technology. There’s only one snag – China produces 97% of the world’s supply. And they’re not selling
- Jordan asks Canada to seize Dead Sea scrolls 2,000-year-old Hebrew artifacts, which Jordan claims were illegally taken by Israel in 1967, are on display in Toronto
The Intelligence Daily
- Ridding America of the WarmongersFor more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Francis Boyle: The United States Promotes Israeli ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Re-Thinking the Art of Military PlanningFor more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Attack Yemen? Disingenuous OmissionsFor more details, please click on the link to read the article
- U.S. Intelligence Found Iran Nuke Document Was For ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
My AntiWar
- Iran gives West ultimatum to accept uranium swapSummary: MottakiTEHRAN (AFP) ? Iran’s foreign minister gave the West a one-month “ultimatum” on Saturday to accept a uranium swap, warning that it will produce its own nuclear fuel for a Tehran reactor if there is no deal. source: AFPread more
- US Aid Tied to Purchase of Arms
- A Decade After Israeli Withdrawal, Lebanon Border ...
- Gaza Remains Under Pressure and ‘Waiting to ...
- Gaza Family’s Lives Torn Apart in Night of W ...
Rogue Government.com
- Demolition Men Accident Create Leaning Tower Of L ...
- Blackwater Guards Off The Hook For Manslaughter In a rebuke to government prosecutors, a federal judge dismissed criminal charges against five Blackwater security guards accused of fatally shooting 14 people in Baghdad in September 2007.
- Anti-terror drill by Mumbai police triggers panic ...Rumours of a terror attack flew thick and wide as platoons of cops surrounded the Oberoi Mall in Goregaon (E) on Monday morning to conduct a mock drill.
- The End Of The Western World And Birth Of A New G ...Historians may someday debate whether the financial crisis that began a year ago is most notable for how much damage it did to the United States, or how little it inflicted on the world’s major rising power, China.
- C.I.A. Takes On Expanded Paramilitary Role on Fro ...The deaths of seven Central Intelligence Agency operatives at a remote base in the mountains of Afghanistan are a pointed example of the civilian spy agency’s transformation in recent years into a paramilitary organization at the vanguard of America’s far-flung wars.
Innovation Canada
- i2eye with James HesserTwo years ago, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2009 the International Year of Astronomy (IYA). From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, people around the globe have been marking the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei. Laypeople, especially children ...
- Model scientistsWhen hurricane season officially blew to a close in the Atlantic basin at the end of November, two Quebec researchers did not exhale in relief. That’s because René Laprise and Louis-philippe Caron were still looking for hurricane data from the past to help create a tool to predict future storm patte ...
- i2eye with Andrew WeaverAs a child growing up in Victoria, if Andrew Weaver had to choose between watching a hockey game or a Jacques Cousteau program, the ocean explorer won out every time. Now a professor and Canada Research Chair in Climate Modelling and Analysis at the University of Victoria, Weaver has joined a crew o ...
- Extreme exposureIt’s about 5°C in the chamber, and Geoff Hartley, wearing a burlap tunic and sandals, is trying with numb fingers to put small pegs in small holes. It’s just another day of chillin’ out at the Brock University lab of Stephen Cheung, a world-renowned scientist who studies the impacts of extreme tempe ...
- Green GrowersDeborah Henderson likes to think about the Cuban capital of Havana when she goes in to work. Not the music or the beaches, per se, but the vegetables and the gardens. “Over 75 percent or more of the vegetables consumed in Havana are produced within the city,” claims Henderson. As the director of the ...
Signs of the times
- New Study: Amino Acids Could Heal Brain DamageA head-on car collision, a stumble that slams your head to the ground, a wound from a military battle in Afghanistan, a violent criminal assault -- these and other causes of sudden blows to the head can result in traumatic brain injury (TBI). According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), TBI ...
- Nine Killed in Bus Crash in Southeast IranNine people were killed in southeastern Iran when a bus on the Bam-Kerman road overturned. Massoud Ghaffarian, the commander of the Kerman Province Traffic Police, said that the bus was travelling from Zahedan in southeastern Iran to Yazd in central Iran. The accident, which occurred late on Thurs ...
- Why Repair of Brain's Wiring FailsScientists have uncovered new evidence suggesting that damage to nerve cells in people with multiple sclerosis accumulates because the body's natural mechanism for repair of the nerve coating called "myelin" stalls out. The study, published July 1, 2009, in the print edition of Genes & Development, ...
- Baby Blues: A Search Beyond NeuronsSurprising insight into postpartum depression The miracle of birth is one of life's greatest joys, but paradoxically many women suffer serious depression after delivering their new baby. Surprisingly, one in seven women will be stricken with postpartum depression, making it the most common medical ...
- Glia: The Other BrainGlia - brain function beyond neurons With eager hands of a ten-year-old boy, I sliced the heart in two with a butcher knife. All was revealed-four chambers separated by moist gristly valves that suck blood into auricles and squeeze it out the aorta and pulmonary artery. Fascinated, I asked Mom, "Ne ...
Threat Level
- TSA Withdraws Subpoenas Against BloggersIn the wake of public outcry against the Transportation Security Administration for serving civil subpoenas on two bloggers, the government agency has canceled the legal action and apologized for the strong-arm tactics agents used. Travel writer and photographer Steven Frischling, who was served wit ...
- Feds Warn Small Businesses to Use Dedicated PC for ...In the wake of a rash of hacks on computers owned by small businesses, the FBI and the American Banking Association have issued an alert advising businesses to use only a dedicated PC for online banking, according to USA Today. The alert was issued after numerous small businesses, universities and l ...
- Holy Lawsuit! Communion-Wafer Flap Lands in CourtA holy war of sorts has broken out in the communion-wafer–dispensing space. A Minnesota marketer of communion-wafer dispensers is accusing its former president of patent infringement and misappropriation of trade secrets. (.pdf) The allegations in a Dec. 30 federal lawsuit come amid a fledgling mar ...
- The Decade’s 10 Most Dastardly CybercrimesIt was the decade of the mega-heist, when stolen credit card magstripe tracks became the pork bellies of a new underground marketplace, Eastern European hackers turned malware writing into an art, and a nasty new crop of purpose-driven computer worms struck dread in the heart of America. Now that th ...
- Underground Services Let Virus Writers Check Their ...I have often recommended file-scanning services like VirusTotal and Jotti, which allow visitors to upload a suspicious file and scan it against dozens of commercial anti-virus tools. If a scan generates any virus alerts or red flags, the report produced by the scan is shared with all of the particip ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Ohio State Makes Oregonian Columnist Eat Rose Bowl ...The University of Oregon has a great football team. And with 18 returning starters on both sides of the ball, next season the Ducks will be one of the pre-season favorites to win the national championship. But for all of...
- GOP to Wealthy: Die Here, Die Now, Pay Less!In its December 30 article "Rich Cling to Life to Beat Tax Man," the Wall Street Journal reminded the wealthiest of its readers that 2010 will be an excellent year to die. The estate tax, which in 2009 impacted only...
- The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its NameConservatives this morning are apoplectic about some of the vile, hate-filled comments generated online in response to the hospitalization of Rush Limbaugh. And rightly so, as a quick glance at Twitter reveals. But before the right-wing faithful rush to condemn...
- GOP's Madden Faults Obama for Being from HawaiiFor some Republicans, among the sins of this President of the United States is being from one of them. That's the word from GOP strategist and Mitt Romney aide Kevin Madden, who on Wednesday declared that Hawaii "seems like a...
- Shoes vs. Underwear: The GOP's Terror DistinctionThe similarities between failed airplane bombers Richard Reid and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab are striking. Each Al Qaeda convert was radicalized in London. Reid and Abdulmutallab were each subdued by fellow passengers after their explosive devices failed to detonate. The two...
Blackspot News Feed
- Thanks to Dems' Pussyfooting, Health Industry Stoc ...The bump does not appear to be indicative of broader economic improvement.
- How to Trap a President in a Losing War: Petraeus, ...Excuse the gloom in the holiday season, but I feel like we’re all locked inside a malign version of the movie Groundhog Day. You remember, the one in which the characters are forced to relive the same 24 hours endlessly. Put more personally, TomDispatch started in November 2001 as an email to frie ...
- Reid Schedules Final Vote on Health Care Bill for ...The Hill reported this afternoon that a final vote on the Senate health care bill will take place at 8 am Christmas Eve, about 11 hours earlier than originally expected. read more
- House Blue Dog Switches Party, Stiffing Democrats ...Rep. Parker Griffith enjoyed campaign support of $1 million from the Democratic Party. But that was a year ago, and this is now.
- Touchdowns and Lockdowns: Transcending Racial Poli ...I spent a decade organizing sports leagues amongst those who failed in their struggle against violence and oppression: in prison.
Consortium News
- Are Presidents Afraid of the CIA/ A document from Harry Truman's library sheds light on tensions between the White House and CIA, writes Ray McGovern. December 29, 2009
- Obama's Unheralded Nuke ProgressWith little fanfare, President Obama is closing in on a new reduction in the U.S.-Russian nuclear arsenals, notes Ivan Eland. December 29, 2009
- What the New Year DemandsThe political battle lines for 2010 already are clear -- and they suggest a comeback for the Right, writes Robert Parry. December 28, 2009
- The Jesus Genealogy MythsThe New Testament's conflicting genealogies for Jesus reflect contrasting interests of the gospel writers, says Howard Bess. December 28, 2009
- 'Avatar': A Metaphor for the 'Long War'"Avatar" evokes U.S. cheers even as a thinly disguised metaphor critical of U.S. wars in Iraq and elsewhere, says David Swanson. December 28, 2009
- Alexander Cockburn : Goodbye to 2009, Hello to 201 ...
- Andrew J. Bacevich : Obama's Post-Modern War of At ...
- Joanne Mariner : Terror Suspects and U.S. Courts
- John Feffer : Emulating Nixon: Peacemaker as Warmo ...
- Franklin Lamb : The Israel Lobby's War on Al Manar ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Settlers, tell us, what do you think will happen? ...The settler goes to and from his home without seeing anything. He does not see his neighbors, he does not see the danger he exposes his children to, he does not see the moral baggage he carries on his back. ...
- Israelis protest Gaza blockade (Al Jazeera)Hundreds of Israelis have rallied in central Tel Aviv to protest against the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip. Israeli Arab and Jewish activists marched on Saturday in the city's Rabin square, chanting slogans and waving signs calling for "Freedom and Justice in Gaza". The protesters demanded Isra ...
- Israel acts like the world's "spoilt child" (Reut ...Saudi Arabia said on Saturday said Israel was the world's "spoilt child" and got away with what Riyadh said were violations of international law and war crimes without punishment. Saudi Foreign Minister Prin ...
- Not acceptable (The Jordan Times)Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will have been pleased with the Egyptian reaction to his visit in Cairo last week. Egyptian diplomats praised Netanyahu for "surpassing" expectations. Nothing new, t ...
- "End the siege of Gaza!" - demonstration in Tel Av ...
Water - AlterNet
- New York City Calls for Drilling Ban in Watershed, ...New York City officials have called for a ban on natural gas drilling within the city’s 2,000-square-mile upstate watershed.
- Ric O'Barry: The Man Behind the Crusade to Save Do ...Ric O'Barry would love to be at home watering his bamboo and playing with his five-year-old daughter. Instead, he spends most of his time with people who hate him.
- The Toilet That Can Help Solve Our Water and Energ ...There is a 'toilet revolution' taking shape -- and it may be coming just in time.
- Cheap Great Lakes Water Offered In Exchange For Jo ...Although superficially, this may seem quite sensible, there is a high risk of unintended and unwanted consequences if a cheap water incentive were offered to all comers.
- NASA Report Highlights Need to Retire Drainage Imp ...The retirement of drainage impaired land on the San Joaquin's west side should be a priority if we want to preserve California's limited water supply and fisheries.
- Weary Soldiers At Risk, They Know ThisA poignant editorial on Al Jazeera seems to have more in depth observations than America’s Corporate media. Mainstream media must follow the money, toe the line for sponsors and political perks that promise ’scoops’. ‘The US military is exhausted” By Sarah Lazare The call for over 30,000 more tro ...
- Darth Vader Strikes AgainThe botched terrorist attack on Christmas Day is NOT Obama's fault.
- Try To Remember AmericaWell, few public schools, and few private schools, will fill in the gaps between America the fantasy and America the reality. The name of America has been invoked with reverence when describing its history of righteous endeavors. What is seldom included in these filtered history lessons, is some o ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up Dec 14, ...TXsharon at Bluedaze: DRILLING REFORM FOR TEXAS helps you follow the money to see why Governor Perry and others want Texans to keep breathing toxic air. BossKitty at TruthHugger is proud to give a Hat Tip to Houston – Annise Parker inherits a City of Progress. The Stonewall Democrats of Denton Coun ...
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Coney Islands of the Mind: ...Christ Climbed Down Lawrence Ferlinghetti Lawrence Ferlinghetti, famous for running the City Lights bookstore in San Francisco, wrote this poem in the 1950s and published it in his book: A Coney Island of the Mind, Poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, A New Directions Book, Copyright 1958 by Lawrence Fer ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- This Year The Gloves Come Off By Timothy V. GattoBy Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com January 2, 2010 During t
- Gangs, Resources and the Truth about American Inte ...By Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com January 1, 2010 I was wa
- American Disappointment by Joel S. Hirschhornby Joel S. Hirschhorn Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.foavc.org Jan. 1, 2010 My anger has morphe
- Gangs, Resources and the Truth about American Inte ...By Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com January 1, 2010 I was wa
- Courage To End Total War by Bruce Gagnonby Bruce Gagnon featured writer Dandelion Salad Organizing Notes Jan. 1, 2010 It’s a brilliant strat
Unexplained Mysteries
- Eerie outpost unnerves US MarinesMarines stationed at eerie Observation Point Rock in Afghanistan have reported that the place could be haunted. Locals believe it to be 'cursed' a...
- Man 'buys' $3billion CD-ROM on AmazonA US man who discovered a mispriced item on Amazon decided to purchase the $3 billion CD and see what happened. Brian Klug was charged $3.99 posta...
- Christmas UFO sighting in CanadaA couple in Canada reported witnessing four unidentified flying objects over Mount Benson on Christmas Day. The four orange lights were seen to zo...
- Designer babies of the futureIn the not too distant future parents will have the chance to customise their unborn baby any way they see fit, everything from immunity to certai...
- The mechanics of a coin tossResearchers in Vancouver have found that it is possible to influence the outcome of a coin toss and that contrary to popular belief the chance of ...
- Gaza Freedom March -- No Token DelegationNitin Sawhney, a friend of Grassroots International and long time activist for Palestinian rights, was one of the 100 delegates, from the over 1300 international delegate-members of the Gaza Freedom March, chosen to go into Gaza through a last minute intervention by Suzanne Mubarak, wife of Egyptian ...
- Gaza Freedom Marchers await entry, keep vigilHedy-sign.jpg Starting on New Year’s Eve, the Gaza Freedom March (sponsored by Grassroots International and scores of other organizations) was set up to be an amazing international show of solidarity for the Palestinian people trapped in thi ...
- Remembering Dennis Brutusdennisbrutus.jpg South African poet, anti-apartheid and human rights activist, climate change warrior, and Grassroots International founder, Dennis Brutus passed away in Cape Town, South Africa on Saturday, December 26, 2009. He was 85. Accord ...
- Money’s Coming to Cool the PlanetSubheadline: What’s the Winning Spending Plan? Outside Author: Daniel Moss Previous publication: Foreign Policy in Focus ...
- Cooling the Earth with Food SovereigntyOutside Author: Loie Hayes Previous publication: Insights, Vol. 23 #2 (Fall 2009) brazil200907-332.jpg read mor ...
- January 2-3, 2010Nations Made Limited Progress at Copenhagen Summit, India Says (Bloomberg) Indian PM Manmohan Singh said nations made "limited progress" at the Copenhagen climate change summit, and no one was satisfied with the outcome. Australian Ruling Party Has Solid Lead (Reuters) Australia's Labor gov ...
- January 1, 2010US Agencies May Have to Consider Climate Before They Act (Los Angeles Times) The White House is poised to order all federal agencies to evaluate any major actions they take, such as building highways or logging national forests, to determine how they would contribute to and be affected by clima ...
- December 31, 2009Global Warming Blamed for Rise in Malaria on Mount Kenya (London Times) Global warming has caused a seven-fold increase in malaria cases on the slopes of Mount Kenya, researchers found. A 2C increase in average temperatures there in the past 20 years allowed disease carriers to reach higher alt ...
- December 30, 2009Court Rejects France’s National Carbon Tax (New York Times) France’s constitutional court rejected the planned tax on carbon emissions on the grounds that it contained too many exemptions for polluters, broke with past practices and threatened to make tax collection unfair. Quebec Adopts Cali ...
- December 29, 2009Brazil Keeps Emissions Target Despite Summit Failure (Reuters) Brazil will make its 2020 greenhouse gas emissions targets, roughly 20 percent below 2005 levels, legally binding even though global climate talks failed this month, the country's environment minister says. Katrina Who? Louisiana ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- Strange Days Indeed"Most peculiar, mama. Hoo." - John Lennon I know, I know, the decade doesn't really end until next year, but whatever to that. The calendar police can come and arrest me, because I'm calling this damnable decade over and done with first thing Friday morning. To hell with it, and anything that looks ...
- CEO Obama"Doonesbury has turned against Obama," my wife wails. It's not only Garry Trudeau; recently, many progressive commentators have criticized the President, describing his first year in office as a failure. Were our expectations for Obama too high? Or are we using the wrong evaluation criteria? Ambi ...
- If Napolitano should resign, Bush and Cheney shoul ...If Janet Napolitano should be fired for her role in the Christmas bombing plot, George W. Bush should have been impeached for being warned about planes flying into buildings in New York and ignoring those warnings, and Dick Cheney should have been impeached for his role in the CIA leak case and pros ...
- Shooting Handcuffed ChildrenThe occupied government of Afghanistan and the United Nations have both concluded that U.S.-led troops recently dragged eight sleeping children out of their beds, handcuffed some of them, and shot them all dead. While this apparently constitutes an everyday act of kindness, far less intriguing than ...
- Our Blue-Mooned, Baby-Boomed 64th Birthday Baptism"Will you still need me? Will you still feed me?" --the Beatles The moment has come. The first Baby Boomer cohort has turned 64 It officially happened on midnight December 31-January 1, 2009-10. I celebrated the moment 7 hours and 24 minutes early by jumping into a tiny cove in the Florida Bay. ...
Ten Percent
- Gaza Freedom March StatementThe Gaza Freedom March has come to an end, but before the protesters dispersed they agreed on the following statement: End Israeli Apartheid Cairo Declaration January 1, 2010 We, international delegates meeting in Cairo during the Gaza Freedom March 2009 in collective response to an initiative from ...
- New Year, Same Shit?Courtiers relaying gossip to the hoi polloi. Canada under its Neocons, who needs a parliament? The Genocidal Lusts of Imperial Elites Tribal justice- The Blackwater mercenaries who massacred 17 Iraqi civilians have been let off by a US judge because they gave evidence under duress – the threat of ...
- 2010, The Year We Make ContactWhat the!?!?! Yes it’s almost a New Decade but Xmas, my birthday and a failed phone line have all made this the first post in a couple of days, worst of all I missed my birthday/blog’s birthday which was yesterday (though the splendid Happy Famous Artists blog did manage to commemorate this most imp ...
- Global Peace IndexAnd the figures are in for ‘09! Possibly only as meaningful as the top 40 but, notice the bottom four are nations with US support/involvement/intervention while the US is at 83 sandwiched between the Ukraine and Kazakhstan, hey Mr ONobel give peace a chance eh?
- Gaza, Not A Difference A Year MakesA year ago- Israel Defense Forces will try to “send Gaza decades into the past” in terms of weapon capabilities while achieving “the maximum number of enemy casualties and keeping Israel Defense Forces casualties at a minimum,” GOC Southern Command Yoav Galant said. “What happened in the Dahiya quar ...
Booman Tribune
- Open ThreadWhat's on your mind?
- Again With the Messed Up DatesComing from Mitch McConnell, this made me want to regurgitate my dinner. “Some look at Washington and wonder how lawmakers who always seem to disagree can ever solve any of our problems. And while it’s true that many of us approach the issues differently, at the beginning of a new year, it’s imp ...
- Just for the RecordViagra, the stuff Rush Limbaugh was caught with illegally once upon a time, can cause angina pectoris (i.e., chest pains) as a side effect. Not that Limbaugh's recent wonderful experience with the great health care treatment he received in Hawaii (a state that provides better health care for its re ...
- Quote of the DayFrom Dangerstein: Democratic strategist Dan Gerstein also said Napolitano's response to the incident should be the last straw. "I tend to think she will be pushed out in the next couple of months," Gerstein, a former adviser to Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., said. What was the first straw? ...
- It's A BoyFinn arrived at 6:12 pm on January 1st. A fine New Year's Day present.
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 3 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1929 – Birth of...
- So, how large is the global plutocratic class?The Financial Times' US editor Chrysta Freeland has an article today which can be interpreted...
- Saturday Open ThreadHere we are!...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 2 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1938 – Birth of...
- New Year's Day Open ThreadAny resolutions?...
- The Top Ten Substitutive Pieces ListSven Johnson reports back from the Future Imperfect once again, rounding up the hottest body-mods, elective surgeries, prosthetic add-ons and extensions of the human condition from a year that’s probably less distant from our own than we suspect. *** I don’t normally care for lists, especially at t ...
- BOOK REVIEW: Booklife, by Jeff VanderMeerBooklife by Jeff VanderMeer Tachyon Publications, November 2009; 330pp; US$14.95 RRP – ISBN13: 9781892391902 There are dozens – possibly even hundreds – of books out there that purport to tell you how to be a writer. I should know, as I think I’ve read most of them, from the general guides to cr ...
- Happy new year!By the time this post goes live, I (and doubtless most other Brits) will be preparing to celebrate the turning of another year… so I thought I’d take this opportunity to thank you all for following Futurismic in 2009, and to wish you all a great 2010. The new year promises – by pretty much [...] Pr ...
- This monkey’s gone to heavenI had to agree with Jay Lake when he Tweeted that ‘Any article with the line “Any monkeys sent into space will be supervised by robots.” is totally FTW’. [image by kiewic] And here is that article… which is actually just a short post on the Freakonomics blog pointing to a longer piece at the Telegra ...
- What will reading look like in 2010?Well, it’s been a lively year for changes in the publishing industry, hasn’t it? This time last year, I wrote a post titled 2009 – the year the physical bookstore lays down and dies? – and over here in the UK, Borders has just gone into receivership, a few days before Amazon claimed to have [...] ...
Therapy News
- India Straining to Bring Therapy, Mental Health Se ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline As one of the world’s leading developing economies, India has been under intense global pressure and scrutiny in recent years as it attempts to improve the quality of life for its citizens. But mental health services such as therapy and counseling are still lacking on ...
- NHS Launches National Stress Helpline in EnglandA GoodTherapy.org News Summary In England, as with most parts of the world, stress has taken a decidedly central role in the lives of millions of people, and recent turmoil within the financial markets has created substantial sources of worry and emotional difficulty among the population. As the New ...
- Study Asks: How Much Exercise is Needed to Realize ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Exercise has long been associated with receiving a positive mental health benefit. From adopting a regular running or aerobics regimen to joining in on a group sports activity, those who lead active lives are less likely to suffer from symptoms of depression and other ...
- Support Program for Loved Ones of Alcohol Abusers ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Though mental health difficulties are able to affect a wide number of people of many different types of lifestyles, a significant number of people facing mental health challenges are also confronted by issues of alcoholism, and their friends and family members may be ...
- Social Psychology Tools Singled out for Measuring ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary The choices that people make, whether they’re major decisions with the potential to have a considerable impact on daily life or are less heavily weighted, play major roles in the psychological environment, and can greatly influence mood and well-being. Efforts to under ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Book Review | 'Face Boss: The Memoir of a Western ...Book Review | 'Face Boss: The Memoir of a Western Kentucky Coal Miner' Louisville Courier-Journal Most news of coal these days is above the ground: strip mining, including mountaintop removal ...
- Not a health trend - Barre Montpelier Times ArgusNot a health trend Barre Montpelier Times Argus Others are minerals being mined in the rain forests in Africa, coal from mountaintop removal in the Appalachians and a new technique for extraction of ... and more »
- Jeff Biggers: New Year's Resolution: Mountaintop R ...Jeff Biggers: New Year's Resolution: Mountaintop Removal Ends in 2010 AlterNet This is what we know: Mountaintop removal provides less than 8-10 percent of all national coal production, while utilities coal stockpiles have increased ... and more »
- Environmental protest groups shut down Chicago's f ...Gazette Chicago Environmental protest groups shut down Chicago's financial district Gazette Chicago The protesters also stopped at JPMorgan Chase for its reported funding of new coal-fired plants across the country and mountaintop removal coal mining. ...
- Eat, drink, and watch a film on mountaintop remova ...Eat, drink, and watch a film on mountaintop removal C-Ville Weekly You know how I feel about mountaintop removal already—namely, angry and sad. I'm looking forward to learning more. Anyone else planning to go?
- Barack Obama is vulnerable on terror - and he know ...Telegraph : Barack Obama is vulnerable on terror - and he knows it — Barack Obama is playing politics over the attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack and Republicans sense he is weak on the issue, writes Toby Harnden in Washington — In his weekly radio address yesterday, President Barack Ob ...
- Low favorables: Dems rip Rasmussen (Alex Isenstadt ...Alex Isenstadt / The Politico : Low favorables: Dems rip Rasmussen — Democrats are turning their fire on Scott Rasmussen, the prolific independent pollster whose surveys on elections, President Obama's popularity and a host of other issues are surfacing in the media with increasing frequency.
- Aughts were a lost decade for U.S. economy, worker ...Neil Irwin / Washington Post : Aughts were a lost decade for U.S. economy, workers — For most of the past 70 years, the U.S. economy has grown at a steady clip, generating perpetually higher incomes and wealth for American households. But since 2000, the story is starkly different. — The pas ...
- For Some in Japan, Home Is a Tiny Plastic Bunk (Hi ...Hiroko Tabuchi / New York Times : For Some in Japan, Home Is a Tiny Plastic Bunk — TOKYO — For Atsushi Nakanishi, jobless since Christmas, home is a cubicle barely bigger than a coffin — one of dozens of berths stacked two units high in one of central Tokyo's decrepit “capsule” hotels. — “It' ...
- Charles Johnson Denounces the "Right-Wing Racism" ...Patterico's Pontifications : Charles Johnson Denounces the “Right-Wing Racism” of a Picture Forwarded by . . . a Democrat — Charles Johnson denounces the “right-wing racism” of the photo. — Just one problem: the worker is a registered Democrat: … Reacting to the news of the woman's party affi ...
Energy & Environment News
- Loan Program May Stir Nuclear IndustryThe Energy Department is set to announce $18.5 billion in loan guarantees to build nuclear reactors.
- That Tap Water Is Legal but May Be UnhealthyThe federal law regulating tap water is so out of date that the water Americans drink can pose serious health risks.
- Fight Against Asian Carp Threatens Fragile Great L ...A nonnative fish that consumes the food of other, native fish is unwanted in Michigan, and the state is suing to have waterways shut down.
- Chilly Climate for Oil RefinersFalling demand for gas has the nation’s oil refiners mired in a crisis, and analysts say worse times may be ahead.
- E.U. Blames Others for ‘Great Failureȁ ...European Union leaders on Tuesday sought to deflect criticism that they had fumbled their strategy at the Copenhagen climate summit meeting.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, VanuatuSunday, January 3, 2010 09:10:37 UTC Sunday, January 3, 2010 08:10:37 PM at epicenter Depth : 188.20 km (116.94 mi)
- M 5.0, Hokkaido, Japan regionTuesday, December 29, 2009 19:23:05 UTC Wednesday, December 30, 2009 04:23:05 AM at epicenter Depth : 72.60 km (45.11 mi)
- M 5.8, eastern New Guinea region, Papua New GuineaSunday, January 3, 2010 04:11:42 UTC Sunday, January 3, 2010 02:11:42 PM at epicenter Depth : 57.50 km (35.73 mi)
- M 5.0, Fiji regionThursday, December 31, 2009 17:42:15 UTC Friday, January 1, 2010 05:42:15 AM at epicenter Depth : 376.20 km (233.76 mi)
- M 5.0, Babuyan Islands region, PhilippinesThursday, December 31, 2009 12:22:28 UTC Thursday, December 31, 2009 08:22:28 PM at epicenter Depth : 33.20 km (20.63 mi)
China Dialogue
- Dubai: a modern parableWith its debt, excess and exploitation, the glitzy emirate is not alone in a world living on credit. But, writes Jonathan Freedland, its riches could have been spent so much better. When future generations sit their children down to tell the story of the great crash of the early 21st century, they w ...
- Slideshow: eye on Mozambique (2)In the second segment of a two-part slideshow, Daniel Ribeiro looks at the problem of handling solid waste in the country’s capital, Maputo. .
- Madagascar feels the heatDeforestation, drought and political instability have ravaged a nation rich in wildlife but poor in infrastructure. And, reports David Smith, climate change is blamed for playing havoc with harvests and the seasons. Remanonjona Feroce founded the village of Anjamahavelo – meaning At the Lucky Baobab ...
- Briefing: the Copenhagen AccordWhat happened at the COP15 climate talks? Tan Copsey explains the new agreement. After two chaotic weeks, 188 countries reached a limited agreement in Copenhagen to continue global efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in order to address climate change. The talks were quite unlike the ...
- Slideshow: eye on Mozambique (1)In the first section of a two-part slideshow about environmental concerns in the southeast African nation, Daniel Ribeiro introduces deforestation, water and energy issues. NEXT: Sorting the rubbish in Mozambique
AlterNet Top Stories
- Orrin Hatch's $50 Million Sex BoondoggleWhen will they stop pushing this stupidity?
- Won't Somebody Please Think of the Bankers?Their plight hurts all of us.
- Michael Chertoff's Pushing "Full-Body Scanner ...The media is not calling him on it like they should.
- Mega Giant Corporations Are Very Bad for AmericaWal-Mart delivers at least 30% and sometimes more than 50% of the entire U.S. consumption of products. Why the monopolization of our economy should scare you.
- A Foreign Tourist Tipped Me a Buck for Being Ameri ...A strange occurrence.
Threat Level
- TSA Withdraws Subpoenas Against BloggersIn the wake of public outcry against the Transportation Security Administration for serving civil subpoenas on two bloggers, the government agency has canceled the legal action and apologized for the strong-arm tactics agents used. Travel writer and photographer Steven Frischling, who was served wit ...
- Feds Warn Small Businesses to Use Dedicated PC for ...In the wake of a rash of hacks on computers owned by small businesses, the FBI and the American Banking Association have issued an alert advising businesses to use only a dedicated PC for online banking, according to USA Today. The alert was issued after numerous small businesses, universities and l ...
- Holy Lawsuit! Communion-Wafer Flap Lands in CourtA holy war of sorts has broken out in the communion-wafer–dispensing space. A Minnesota marketer of communion-wafer dispensers is accusing its former president of patent infringement and misappropriation of trade secrets. (.pdf) The allegations in a Dec. 30 federal lawsuit come amid a fledgling mar ...
- The Decade’s 10 Most Dastardly CybercrimesIt was the decade of the mega-heist, when stolen credit card magstripe tracks became the pork bellies of a new underground marketplace, Eastern European hackers turned malware writing into an art, and a nasty new crop of purpose-driven computer worms struck dread in the heart of America. Now that th ...
- Underground Services Let Virus Writers Check Their ...I have often recommended file-scanning services like VirusTotal and Jotti, which allow visitors to upload a suspicious file and scan it against dozens of commercial anti-virus tools. If a scan generates any virus alerts or red flags, the report produced by the scan is shared with all of the particip ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Man who snatched wig will have toupeeTAIPEI (Reuters) - A man was detained in Taiwan after snatching the wig of a member of parliament who had complained against the former president Chen Shui-bian's release from jail, officials said on Tuesday.
- Obama blames al Qaeda for plane attackHONOLULU (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Saturday zeroed in on al Qaeda as the driving force behind an attempt to bomb a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas and promised again to hold accountable those involved in the failed attack.
- JAL against bankruptcy, favors Delta offer: reportTOKYO (Reuters) - The president of Japan Airlines Corp said he is against a bankruptcy proceeding under a state restructuring plan and has no plans to completely withdraw the carrier from overseas flights, the Asahi Shimbun reported.
- Mexico detains brother of slain drug bossMEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican forces have detained the brother of a powerful drug boss killed two weeks ago in a movie-like raid that landed a key victory for President Felipe Calderon's drug war, the security ministry said on Saturday.
- Bomb suspect "reached out" to UK militants: reportLONDON (Reuters) - British security services knew three years ago that the Nigerian accused of trying to blow up a U.S.-bound plane had "multiple communications" with Islamic extremists in Britain, a newspaper reported on Saturday. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, charged with trying to blow up Northw ...
Equality Trust
- Call for fundamental rethink of the value of workHospital cleaners are worth more to society than city bankers, according to a new method of calculating the value of different jobs published today. The new economics foundation (nef) called for a "fundamental rethink" of how the value of work was recognised and rewarded. The think tank said its s ...
- The Spirit Level - New Statesman book of the decad ...Wilkinson and Pickett's study gave scientific weight to a long-held claim of the left: that people are happier and healthier when they live in societies where wealth is distributed more equally. But the book's influence stretches across party lines and its findings are likely to shape political deba ...
- Levelling the bankers' bonusesRead a letter by Malcolm Clark, Director of the One Society Campaign in today's Guardian, about the positives for bankers of losing their bonuses. Peter Preston (The rewards of banking, 7 December) has a point: bankers are human too. Most of them want exactly the same as us: a decent quality of life ...
- Dr Lynne Friedli on the impact of inequality on me ...Dr Lynne Friedli talks about the impact of inequality on mental health, in a discussion with John Humphrys on the Today Programme - scroll down to 07.33 Listen to the discussion
- Plans to force banks to reveal millionaire staffBanks will be forced to reveal how many of their staff earn more than one million pounds a year, under recommended reforms of the financial sector to be released today. Read more
- US court upholds NSA’s refusal to admit or deny wi ...A US federal appeals court has concluded that the National Security Agency can refuse to admit or deny it possesses information about the US government spying on lawyers representing Guantánamo prison detainees. The decision by the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York relates to a Freedom of ...
- News you may have missed #0239Iran denies secret deal to import Kazakh uranium. US travel security lapses to mark end of the line for DHS?
- Analysis: The Meaning of the Suicide Attack on the ...The recent killing of seven and the serious injury of another six CIA personnel in Afghanistan’s Khost province has undoubtedly shocked an Agency not used to mass casualties. But what exactly is the significance of Wednesday’s suicide attack at the Forward Operating Base (FOB) Chapman, and how will ...
- News you may have missed #0238The real story behind underwear bomber security lapses. Obama orders creation of declassification center.
- News you may have missed #0237Christmas Day bomb plot exposes fissures in US spy community. Mysterious life of Soviet spy couple unveiled.
After Downing Street.org
- Baltimore Vigil in Solidarity with GazaOn New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2010, a vigil was held at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, MD. It was sponsored by the “Women in Black.” According to a press release from Peace and Justice Activist Max Obuszewski, today’s vigil was “in support of the [Gaza] Freedom Marchers and the Palestinian people.” ...
- Obama, Take Your Soldiers Out of Afghanistan
- Backward, Into FearBackward, Into Fear by Missy Comley Beattie I know with certainty that Uman Farouk Abdulmutallab, charged with attempting to take down Flight 253, is not responsible for the confiscation of a can of black-eyed peas I was trying to slide past airline security. That rule—the one about liquids—was a ...
- Courage To End Total WarCourage to End Total War By Bruce Gagnon | Organizing Notes It’s a brilliant strategy if you think about it. Make the public afraid of each other. Every person could be a terrorist - everyone is suspect. There is no better way to defeat an organized anti-war opposition than to make the people terr ...
- Virginians Rally for Voter Restoration on Thursday ...WHO/WHEN/WHERE: Join fellow citizens from Virginia civil rights and social justice organizations for a rally in downtown Richmond on Thursday, January 7th, 2010 at 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 starting at 6pm. RSVP at: Rally - Restore Our Vote WHY: There is an urgent matter that Govern ...
Grist - News
- Britain embraces the new faux grasby Agence France-Presse LONDON -- From foie gras produced without making birds suffer to "sustainable" fish, British retailers and restaurants are fast embracing politically correct food, helped by celebrity-fueled pressure. Faux (false) gras is the ethical answer to the foodstuff which has been th ...
- Sarkozy scrambles to salvage carbon taxby Agence France-Presse PARIS -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy faced an embarrassing setback Wednesday after the high court struck down a planned carbon tax to fight global warming, just days before it was to kick in. The constitutional court ruled that too many exemptions to the tax on carbon d ...
- Brazil’s Lula signs law cutting CO2 emission ...by Agence France-Presse BRAZIL -- President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva signed a law Tuesday requiring that Brazil cut greenhouse gas emissions by 39 percent by 2020, meeting a commitment made at the Copenhagen climate talks. Brazil announced at the summit a "voluntary commitment" to reduce CO2 emiss ...
- On the move: Species face race against climate cha ...by Agence France-Presse PARIS -- Land ecosystems will have to move hundreds of meters each year in order to cope with global warming, according to a letter published on Thursday in Nature, the British-based science journal. On average, ecosystems will need to shift 420 meters (about a quarter of a ...
- Global warming hike may be steeperby Agence France-Presse PARIS -- Global temperatures could rise substantially more because of increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than previously thought, according to a new study by U.S. and Chinese scientists released Sunday. The researchers used a long-term model for assessing climate ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- The Essential List of Free SEO ToolsDiscover the most essential free SEO tools for helping you to improve your search engine ranking
- Will Carlo Ancelotti Run Naked for Chelsea to Win ...Chelsea's January transfer action may be lucrative for Valencia and damaging to England's eyes
- Sir Elton Helps Eminem Fight His Drug AddictionSir Elton and Eminem, an unlikely pairing in Eminem's battle against drug abuse
- American Idol Premiere Set for January 12thFox's 'American Idol' to premiere January 12th with a two-night, four-hour opening blast off
- Stillness: The Greatest Resolution of 2010Simple exercises can help busy consumers unplug and recharge
Time - Top Stories
- Frau Europa: Angela Merkel's MomentA trailblazer and the unchallenged leader of Europe's largest economy, Germany's Chancellor now faces an uncomfortable question, How should her country use its power?
- The Top 10 Sports Moments of 2009The Top 10 Sports Moments of 2009
- The Downward Spiral of David MametHe's America's most influential playwright. But his new play shows how far wrong he's gone
- Iran's Hardliners: How to Fight Spontaneous Combus ...Six months after controversial elections, protests still spring up from the grass roots and in the face of repression. Meanwhile, pro-government rallies are sounding increasingly hollow
- The Year in Fleeting CelebritiesTIME charts the highs and lows of the past year in 50 wide-ranging lists
Washington Independent
- 7. Allen WestIn 2008, one of the worst years to run as a Republican candidate for Congress, Lt. Col. Allen West (Ret.) ran against freshman Rep. Ronald Klein (D-Fla.) in the wealthy, evenly divided Gold Coast. Outspent five to one, West lost by only 10 points, running close to even with the McCain-Palin ticket. ...
- 6. Sarah PalinHer fans would say she mattered in 2009, and though she certainly generated headlines, too much of the year’s Palin coverage focused on the opinions and lower body of her estranged son-in-law. In 2010, Palin will have completed her transition from struggling governor of an obscure state to full-time ...
- 1. Marco RubioThe former speaker of the Florida State House jumped into the 2010 race for U.S. Senate days before Gov. Charlie Crist (R-Fla.), and more than a year before voters would actually go to the polls. For part of 2009, Crist’s camp successfully planted rumors that Rubio was bound to bow out of the race, ...
- The Resurgent Right: Top 10 in ‘10Yesterday, TWI showcased the top ten conservatives of 2009. Now, we present ten conservatives who will shape America's political landscape in 2010.
- 9. Erick EricksonIn 2009, Erickson’s RedState blog became a key resource for conservative Republicans. Some of them, such as Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), gave the site exclusive news. Others penned red-meat blog posts. And some traveled to a national conference held in Erickson’s home state of Georgia, where he introdu ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Change, They Say, Is Good. But Is It?It's said that Alexander the Great wept when he realised there were no more lands left for him to conquer. In other words, there was nothing new to challenge him; there was no raison d'être. It's a laughable thought today, isn't it? Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-i ...
- Teacher breaks 4th grader’s arm for ‘forgetting Iq ...LAHORE: A female teacher of a private school thrashed Muhammad Jahanzeb, a fourth grade student when he was unable to explain a poem by Allama Iqbal, causing multiple fractures in his arm. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- We're expanding, while economy shrinksAmericans now have another excuse for hitting the fast food establishments and getting farther out of shape by adding unwanted weight, and it's allegedly not their fault. The latest health discovery is called "recession pounds," and some researchers Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Cul ...
- Reports call for radical rethink on food policy to ...The food and farming sector is not pulling its weight when it comes to tacking climate change and food shortages could be the consequence if we fail to make fundamental changes to the way we farm, process, distribute and eat our food over the next 20 year Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society ...
- TV host curious about attacks on animal ag (audio)“Anybody from a city, in my opinion, who spends a day, a week, maybe even just a few hours on a working farm is going to be quickly disabused of a lot of what they believe,” Rowe told AgriTalk radio host Mike Adams last week. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | ...
- Muslim-Only Lines At Airports??What’s Next: Muslim-Only Lines At Airports? By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, New America Media. Posted January 1, 2010. The public whispers and the right wing’s open talk of Muslim-only airport lines are fueling even greater racial division, fear and hysteria. Are Muslim-only lines at airports next? ...
- Happy New Year 2010!!!
- Welcome to Orwell’s World 2010By John Pilger, Information Clearing House, Dec 30, 2009 In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell described a superstate called Oceania, whose language of war inverted lies that “passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls th ...
- Vanunu once again under house arrestMordechai Vanunu breaches terms of 2004 jail release by meeting ‘a number of foreigners’, says Israeli police Simon Tisdall, The Guardian/UK, Dec 29, 2009 Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu arrives at a Jerusalem court. Photograph: Gali Tibbon/AFP/Getty Images Mordechai Van ...
- Republican Hypocrisy on TerrorismFormer Vice President Dick Cheney’s public relations apparatus was firing on all cylinders Wednesday morning, with the release of a predictable statement about the failed Underpants Bomber fracas. And by “public relations apparatus” I mean “cable news and Politico.” Needless to say, Cheney is well-q ...
- GATA Distributes International Press Release on La ...GATA Press Release via Business Wire GATA Sues Federal Reserve to Disclose Gold Market Intervention Records Wednesday, December 30, 2009 The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. today brought suit against the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, seeking a court order for disclosure of the central bank’s rec ...
- Happy New Year 2010!This year is going to be a goodie. As you make your New Years resolutions, consider some of the steps we’ve outlined in our comprehensive guide to Coming Clean. You’ll find valuable suggestions in this article.
- Condi Rice - American FaustContinue reading American Faust From Condi to Neo-Condi Related Articles: American Faust: From Condi to Neo-Condi American Faust - video American Faust: From Condi to Neo-Condi Wikipedia
- The Solari Report Digest - New Podcast Available!Solari has produced a new free podcast—The Solari Report Digest #7. Listen to or subscribe here. We have added new functionality to our podcasts. If you listen to the Solari Report Digest in iTunes, you now have the option of navigating to a specific chapter of that podcast. SRD #7 chapters include ...
- RUSAL Plans Up To $2.6 Billion IPOBy Michael Flaherty Russia’s UC RUSAL moved closer to its planned $2.6 billion Hong Kong initial public offering by unveiling key details as it aims to raise cash to repay $14.9 billion in debt. And for the first time, in its 1,100-page listing prospectus, the world’s largest aluminium maker detail ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more »
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- What's Next: Muslim-Only Lines At Airports?The public whispers and the right wing’s open talk of Muslim-only airport lines are fueling even greater racial division, fear and hysteria.
- Judge Gives Blackwater Huge New Year's Gift, Dismi ...Judge Ricardo Urbina dismissed all charges against the five Blackwater operatives accused of gunning down 14 innocent Iraqis in Baghdad's Nisour Square in 2007.
- The Global War on Stealth UnderwearThere is no "war" against terrorism. What George W. Bush launched and Barack Obama insists on perpetuating does not qualify.
- Why Obama Must Keep Releasing Yemenis From Guant&A ...The failed bomb plot on Christmas Day has prompted lawmakers to declare that no more Yemenis should be released from Guantánamo. They're wrong.
- One Day We'll All Be TerroristsOur descent is the familiar disease of decaying empires. Dissent is starting to become defined as an act of terrorism.
Sideways News
- Party politics: nature or nurture?The arrival of a presidential-style debate in the UK, with all three of the main party leaders agreeing to a series of televised head-to-heads, has given some fresh impetus to the political arena after a disastrous year. The expenses scandal, the recession and party political point-scoring have seen ...
- Powerful don’'t practise what they preach Influential members of society with a strict moral outlook have often been accused of hypocrisy when news emerges of private-life scandals. The MP expenses saga is a good example, where those in power call for high ethical standards while adopting morally suspect practices themselves.
- Brits rediscover their homeland in 2010Last year saw the word "staycation" enter the national vocabulary, with the Oxford English Dictionary revealing this week that it would be included in upcoming editions. Reflecting 12 months in which household finances were squeezed, the pound weakened and overseas holidays suddenly appeared an extr ...
- 10 endangered species in 2010As we enter 2010, Sideways News looks at the 10 most endangered species we need to save according to the World Wildlife Fund annual list of animals to watch.
- Local heroes dominate New Year Honours Iconic actor Patrick Stewart, rugby legend Ian McGeechan and National Theatre director Nicholas Hytner are among the high-profile names recognised for knighthoods in the 2010 New Year Honours List , but this year has seen some noticeable changes in the roll-call of the great and the good, reflecting ...
Fabius Maximus
- FM newswire for 3 January, hot articles for your m ...Today’s links to interesting news and analysis. “Keeping America’s Edge“, Jim Manzi, National Affairs, Winter 2010 — Powerful insights from a bright guy. “China’s Population to Peak at 1.4 Billion Around 2026, India to Become Most Populous Country in 2025“, Census Bureau, 15 December 2009 “Ri ...
- FM newswire for 2 January, hot articles for your m ...Today’s links to interesting news and analysis. “The Odds of Airborne Terror“, Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight, 27 December 2009 — America’s bed-wetting geopolitical analysts can sleep soundly. Driving to work is far more dangerous than flying. “The Cash Committee: How Wall Street Wins On The Hil ...
- More about those pirate demons in SomaliaSummary: A follow-up to What is this “justice†that war-loving Americans speak of? about the Somalia pirates. As so often the case on the FM website, the comments were disturbing — examples of the widespread modern America our love of force and disdain for justice (for others, that is). ...
- My nominee for America’s most important New ...America’s political system offers two stark choices at each election. Vote for Turd Sandwich. Turd Sandwich brings us hope for change. A vote for Turd Sandwich is a Vote for Tomorrow! Vote for Giant Douche.   The benefits to America are too obvious to state. In 2010 let’s break free of th ...
- What is this “justice” that war-loving ...Much of America’s self-image as a “city on a hill” comes from our love of justice. We see this clearly in the righteousness we bring to foreign affairs.  “The Audacity of Rope — Crush all the Pirates — Now“, Ralph Peters, New York Post, 14 April 2009 — Excerpt: Attack their harbors wit ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post Updates: Lithuani ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post Updates: Lithuania & CIA Black Sites, the Case of Mysterious Helicopters in Afghanistan &More http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Show presents AT&T Whi ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Show presents AT&T Whistleblower Mark Klein on NSA illegal wiretapping program, US Media & more http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: The Star Power of Chicago: A Preside ...sibeledmonds: The Star Power of Chicago: A President, a Chief of Staff, a Governor, a Mayor, a Criminal Convict…Read here: http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post: Chicago! Not the ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post: Chicago! Not the Musical, but the Action-Suspense Docudrama! New Era Politics ala Chicago… http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post on The Erosion & ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post on The Erosion & Rotting of a Nation’s Foundation: Political System Termites (PST) & Hastert: http://boilingfrogspost.com
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Tasmanian Devil Cancer Culprit RevealedScientists have discovered the true identity of a contagious form of cancer that is killing Tasmanian devils. The cancer, called devil facial tumor disease, stems from cells that normally insulate nerve fibers, a new study shows. Genetic analysis of tumors taken from infected devils in different ...
- Top Scientific Breakthroughs of 2009> With so many incredible scientific advances and discoveries this year, Wired Science had a tough time choosing which 10 were the biggest. So, we went with the ones that stood out for us. From the amazing collective power of jellyfish, to a new human ancestor, to a canc ...
- 2009’s Sleepy Sun Finally Woke Up in Decembe ...2009 will go down as the sun’s third quietest year on record, under-shone only by 1913 and 2008. Two hundred-sixty of the year’s 365 days (71 percent) were sunspotless. Last year saw 266 sunspotless days, while the sun had no spots on 311 of the days in 1913. It was only a very active December th ...
- NASA Narrows Robotic Missions to 3 ContendersNASA selected three finalists on Tuesday to be the agency’s next cheap, robotic exploration mission. Depending on which wins, a probe will head for Venus, the moon, or a near-Earth object no later than 2018. The latter two missions would include the return of samples, while the Venusian lander woul ...
- Sharks, Zombies, Weird Clouds: The Most Popular St ...> This has been Wired Science’s most successful year, by far. We like to think this is the result of a combination of your excellent taste and our efforts to learn what you like to read. digg_url ="http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/12/topstories-gallery/"; We have o ...
The Progressive Realist
- Krauthammer’s Al Qaeda SmearIn an effort to politicize the failed Christmas day attack, neocon Charles Krauthammer accused President Obama of not caring about fighting Al Qaeda because the Administration has dropped the ludicrous phrase “war on terror.” Krauthammer put forth the smear yesterday in the National Review: Obama ba ...
- Finding Balance in YemenMarc Lynch has a smart post on Yemen that all and sundry should read. Obviously, I’m no kind of Yemen expert. But in the broadest possible sense the challenge posed by these kind of problems is that you need to find a middle ground in terms of commitment. The risk, as Lynch says, is that if you make ...
- Krugman, Protectionism, and the RMBThis is the next installment in a catching-up-with-the-week's-events series, as advertised here . Today's topic: US-China relations, economic imbalances, and the value of the Chinese RMB. In his NYT column yesterday , Paul Krugman discussed the Chinese government's refusal to let the RMB rise agains ...
- New Year Begins With 2 Ships HijackedIt is not a good sign for piracy in 2010 when on the first day of the year, two ships are hijacked. From the Washington Post . A British-flagged cargo ship and a chemical tanker from Singapore have both been hijacked by pirates in the perilous waters off the coast of Somalia, officials said Saturda ...
- Leveling Up or Leveling Down With ChinaI hesitate to disagree with Paul Krugman about something like this, but I think today’s column on the US/China currency imbalance would benefit from adding in a distinction he doesn’t draw. Look at Brad DeLong’s chart of how dropping the gold standard helped countries recover from the Great Depress ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- The Decade in Liberalism: The People.Everyone knows that policies are nothing without a strong public champion. Here are the figures we've watched shape the political landscape of the aughts: Nancy Pelosi : The San Francisco liberal who took control of the House. Al Gore : His post-Clinton reinvention. Markos Moulitsas : The founder ...
- The Decade in Liberalism: What Makes Us Liberals ( ...Sometimes the hardest part of politics is articulating exactly why you've picked the position you have. Here are our attempts to pin down what makes us liberals, and them, conservatives: We've toyed with the idea that liberals should walk away from an interest-group approach to politics . And dis ...
- The Decade in Liberalism: Defining the Agenda.The Prospect began 20 years ago with a mission to rethink ideas about public policy and thereby restore plausibility and persuasiveness to American Liberalism. Then it was a quarterly out of Princeton, New Jersey, now, it's a monthly with a lively Web site. Over the past decade, we've made a point ...
- The Year In: Economy.As the "Great Recession" dragged on, the unemployment rate climbed. Here are the top five articles explaining how we got into this situation and how we can get out of it: Through the debate over the bailouts, it seemed that every financial institution was "too big to fail." But when it comes to b ...
- The Year In: Afghanistan.During the 2008 presidential campaign, we argued that Barack Obama offered, "the most sweeping liberal foreign-policy critique we've heard from a serious presidential contender in decades." This first year was his chance to show how it would affect the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here are ...
Andy Worthington
- On Antiwar Radio, Andy Worthington Discusses Guant ...In the dying days of the decade, I was delighted to talk once more to Scott Horton of Antiwar Radio about the latest news regarding Guantánamo. The show — my 12th appearance with Scott — is available here, and in it Scott and I focused initially on the ABC News story linking the failed Christmas [. ...
- Why Obama Must Continue Releasing Yemenis From Gua ...The weekend before Christmas, 12 prisoners were released from Guantánamo. In two previous articles, I told the stories of six of these men — two Somalis and four Afghans — and in this final article I look at the stories of the six Yemenis who were also released. These releases were enormously impor ...
- Andy Worthington Discusses Guantánamo with Brad Fr ...On Tuesday, I was delighted to talk once more with Brad Friedman, muckraking citizen journalist and host of The Brad Blog, standing in for Mike Malloy on the progressive talk show out of Dallas, Texas. This was a 2 am start for me, but it’s always a pleasure to talk to Brad, and I’m happy that [...]
- Video: Q&A with Moazzam Begg, Omar Deghayes, Andy ...On October 21, at the launch of the new documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (directed by Polly Nash and Andy Worthington) at the Cochrane Theatre in London, Spectacle, the production company, filmed the Q&A session following the screening, in which Moazzam Begg, Omar Deghaye ...
- An Interview With Andy Worthington About Guantánam ...Recently, Amelia King, an independent journalist and community activist based in Brighton, asked me for an interview by phone. Amelia recently created her own website and is beginning to publish online as a way of exploring her interest in human rights issues and sharing ideas through interviews and ...
- BuzzFlash Mailbag for December 28, 2009BUZZFLASH MAILBAG Want to join the conversation? Share your thoughts with other Mailbag readers by clicking here . You also may comment below; post articles yourself at BuzzFlash.net ; or send urls for BuzzFlash to post to: www.buzzflash.com/contact/newstip.html . Subject: Airport "Security" Hi Buzz ...
- Jimmy Lohman: One Nation, Under MilitaryBUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY by Jimmy Lohman One of the many ugly and destructive legacies of the Bush regime is the pervasive and seemingly permanent militarization of our society. It is horrific enough that we invaded Iraq for no good reason, killing untold thousands of innocent Iraqis, and that hun ...
- Reality: Military Repeatedly Fails to Meet Recruit ...A BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY By Paul Sullivan On December 28, the Christian Science Monitor published an op-ed that was misleading – to the point of being pure propaganda. The lead sentence is so far from reality that I stayed late at the office on New Year’s Eve to kill this myth dreamed up by ...
- Bill Berkowitz: Ralph Reed-ifornicationBUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY by Bill Berkowitz Are you ready for another round of 'GOPers Gone Wild?' Should Lisa Baron's book see the light of day, it could … well … blow the socks off a number of Ralph Reed's conservative cohorts. If over the past few decades you didn't take Ralph Reed seriously eno ...
- 'Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work' -- ...THOM HARTMANN'S INDEPENDENT THINKER REVIEW OF THE MONTH Each month, BuzzFlash is privileged to have Air America progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann review a progressive book or DVD exclusively for BuzzFlash. See other DVDs and progressive premiums at the BuzzFlash Progressive Marketplace .For a ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- The degrading effects of Terrorism fearsI never thought I'd hear myself say this, but David Brooks actually had an excellent column in yesterday's New York Times that makes several insightful and important points. Brooks documents how "childish, contemptuous and hysterical" the national reaction has been to this latest terrorist episode ...
- They hate us for our freedomsNational Review 's Cliff May, yesterday : A Bipartisan Proposal Step (1): Return all Gitmo detainees to Yemen. Step (2): Use Predator missiles to strike the baggage-claim area 20 minutes after they arrive. Just an idea. Virtually all of the 90 Yemeni detainees currently at Guantanamo have bee ...
- Fulfilling Al Qaeda's "warrior" wishIt's so striking how often the agenda of America's Right and the desires of Al Qaeda Terrorists perfectly coincide. The greatest gift one could give Terrorists is to fulfill their supreme wish: to treat them ( i.e. , venerate them) as warriors -- enemy combatants -- rather than as what they are: ...
- Craving terrorist melodramaAs dumb as our political discourse typically is, it gets dumber by many magnitudes whenever there's a terrorism-related scare (of the Islamic variety). From The Washington Pos t's editorial writer Jo-Ann Armao : Why is Obama still in Hawaii? President Obama wants us all to know he’s tak ...
- Making "Islam" synonymous with "terrorism"No matter how many times you see it, the capacity for people to believe what they want to believe, rather than what is actually true, is astounding -- and those who want to depict Islam as the ultimate evil seem to grant themselves special license to live that way: From Jeffrey Weiss, Politics Dail ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Dennis Kucinich: Enemy of the good, pursuer of the ...
- Betsy’s Bullshit, Round 2
- Intute hot topics in physical scienceOver on the Intute site in the physical sciences section you will find the December science news round up from yours truly: What’s the buzz at the LHC? – After a frustrating false start, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) finally got it up and running in its underground home at CERN on the Swiss-Frenc ...
- Five-step plan for green designI recently saw a research paper discussing the lack of tools for designers hoping to make their products greener, more environmentally benign, sustainable even. The paper focused more on the likes of coming up with a green espresso machine and offered a five-step scheme for getting the green creden ...
- Happy Solstice EventWishing all readers, commenters, contacts, fellow tweeps and scientwists, Facebook fans, and friends everywhere a happy mid-seasonal, solstice feast event from sciencebase.com… …I couldn’t just say Happy Christmas could I? It’s not as if it’s scientifically possible to reconcile a belief in any arc ...
- Religious science and other science booksHaving posted about atheism recently on the SciScoop science forum, it seems quite apt to have received for review a couple of books with a religious theme at this time of year. The first is The Faith Instinct by Nicholas Wade. Wade is a well-known New York Times writer who presents the case for an ...
- Myrrh, bones, and medical wasteHepatic epiphany for myrrh – A statistical analysis of experimental data on laboratory animals shows that the resin of the middle-eastern tree Commiphora, better known as “myrrh” can act as a protective antioxidant against liver damage caused by organic lead compounds. Myrrh is a rust-coloured resi ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Freedom to Marry Celebrates a Remarkable YearFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 31, 2009 Freedom to Marry 2009 was the winningest year yet in the movement to achieve the freedom to marry for gay couples, a year which once again showed that momentum is on the side of equality. More legislatures than ever discussed the need to end the exclusion of ...
- Waging Class Warfare - The Rich Win Again FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 31, 2009 United for a Fair Economy On New Year's Day, the estate tax, which has been part of the US tax system for nearly 100 years, will disappear due to the failure of the Senate to pass an extension in December. Now, Congressional leaders are pledging to act in earl ...
- United States: End Detention of Refugees for Failu ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 29, 2009 Human Rights Watch US Immigration and Customs Enforcement arbitrarily detains refugees and holds them indefinitely for failing to meet paperwork requirements, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. People who have already been accepted as refugees ...
- CSPI Urges FDA Crackdown on False & Misleading Foo ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 29, 2009 CSPI Can orange juice really help prevent or treat arthritis? That's the implication on the label of a Minute Maid orange juice fortified with glucosamine hydrochloride "designed to help protect healthy joints." And it's exactly the kind of misleading health c ...
- Federal Study: Manatee Death Rate Is Seven Times S ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 29, 2009 Center for Biological Diversity The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has finalized new stock assessments for manatees that puts the population of Florida manatees at about 3,800 and a Puerto Rico population at 72. The stock-assessment reports resulted from settl ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Good Riddance to Decade That Began With Theft of t ...by John Nichols The British press has taken to referring to the passing decade as "the Noughties" has made quite a big deal of trying to identify the political, economic and cultural trends of period from 2000 to 2009. It is an amusing pastime that has some value, but only if we're focused on iden ...
- Since 9/11, We've Embraced Our Inner Cowardby Ted Rall NEWYORK -- Home of the free and the brave. Live free or die. Shoot first; ask questions later. Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out. These were the mottos of a brash, impetuous, audacious-to-a-fault nation. That nation is dead. read more
- Right and Left Agree: Mandates are the Road to Neo ...by Jane Hamsher There is tremendous fear rising on both the right and the left that the announced intention of Congress - to force every American to pay tribute to private corporations, with no government alternative - sets a dangerous and frightening precedent with implications far outside the scop ...
- Obama’s Royal Scam and The Iron Fist Of Rahmby FireDogLake's Bmaz Audacity To Hope Change We Can Believe In Rule of Law Accountability Freedom From Lobbyists and Special Interests Privacy Harm From Illegal Surveillance Constitutional Scholar Transparency Predatory Business Practices Closing Guantanamo Withdrawing From Iraq and Afghanistan rea ...
- 12 Innovations From the ‘00s That Could Save Usby Sarah van Gelder With climate disruption, war, and a faltering economy, the '00s were tough. Still, seeds were sewn for a more green and egalitarian 2010s. And peoples movements offer the power to make real change happen. In my last column , I listed nine crises of the ‘00s. read more
Karl Burkart
- 11th Hour: How one film saved an ancient forestOn the heels of a failed COP15, one story reminds me of the importance of media in the fight to save our planet.
- Glowing wallpaper could replace the bulbWhat incandescents did for the oil lamp, OLED wallpaper may do for the light bulb.
- 2010 may be Finland's breakthrough year in cleante ...Technology pundit Shawn Lesser identifies 11 breakthrough companies in Finland's expanding cleantech sector.
- EcoSnoop on polluters via iPhoneEcoSnoop starts a new class of vigilante green apps for the iPhone.
- Shop for good karmaNew iPhone app lets you check into nearby stores, and check out with a stash of 'karma points.'
Water Privatization
- 2009 provided no shortage of highs and lows in Ric ...Looking back on 2009, it is no surprise that the state of the economy dictated most of the year's headlines. Issues such as mass layoffs, budget problems, stimulus projects and even crimes can all be traced back to the faltering economy. Despite the tough financial times, many annual events went off ...
- Not attending Naval Academy led to a life filled w ...As a sea-loving East Coaster, I grew up with visions of attending the U.S. Naval Academy. Instead, thanks to my big break, I ended up at an Indiana engineering school, far from the saltwater I love but well on my way to making water my life. In fact, I've spent the last 25 years making sure the peop ...
- Local economic forecast for 2010: Dark clouds, wit ...After struggling through the past two years of the Great Recession, there are some hopeful signs of local recovery in 2010. Yet, those in the Muskegon area who remain unemployed, under-employed and without basics such as health care benefits, 2010 will be another year of stress and suffering.
- 2009 provided no shortage of highs and lows in Ric ...Looking back on 2009, it is no surprise that the state of the economy dictated most of the year's headlines. Issues such as mass layoffs, budget problems, stimulus projects and even crimes can all be traced back to the faltering economy. Despite the tough financial times, many annual events went off ...
- Privatization could be 2010 trend for Indianapolis ...Mayor Greg Ballard begins his third year in office with a lot on his plate.
- UK and US shut embassies in Yemen after threatsEmbassies in Sana'a closed due to 'ongoing threats' as US citizens in Yemen urged to be vigilant Al-Qaida threats have forced Britain and the United States to close their embassies in Yemen today amid increasing concern about the roots of terrorism in the Arabian peninsula in the wake of the Christm ...
- Moore asks for privacy after returnBritish hostage freed on Wednesday says he is delighted to be reunited with family after 31 months in captivity Peter Moore, the British hostage freed in Iraq on Wednesday, has appealed for privacy as he gets to know his family again after 31 months in captivity. Moore, the only survivor of five Bri ...
- Man United v Leeds United – live!Click the auto-refresh thingummy (above the photograph of Billy Bremner) for all the latest updates. Email your thoughts to barry.glendenning@guardian.co.uk . You can keep up to date with the goals as they go in around the UK and beyond with our Live Scores service 8 min: Manchester United win a thr ...
- Afghan MPs snub new cabinetPresident dealt political body blow ahead of key international conference in London later this month Afghanistan's president, Hamid Karzai, was dealt a painful political blow yesterday when the country's parliament rejected 70% of his nominees for a new cabinet, including a regionally powerful warlo ...
- Inside a children's sanctuaryDamaged, disturbed and prone to appalling violence, they are often demonised as 'feral'. Amelia Hill visits Mulberry Bush school in Oxfordshire where 40 youngsters are helped to come to terms with their nightmare pasts When Lucy plays with her dolls, there are no happy endings. Instead, the nine-yea ...
- Seattle attorney battles to keep girls' schools op ...MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan — In late September, Julia Bolz got disturbing news about the first girls' school she had helped build in this country.
- Seattle attorney battles to keep girls' schools op ...MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan — In late September, Julia Bolz got disturbing news about the first girls' school she had helped build in this country.
- Commentary: A chicken's flight for Latin America?The good news is that Latin American economies are expected to do reasonably well in 2010. But economists warn that unless they become more competitive, their recovery will look like a chicken's flight — they get a few feet off the ground, and fall.
- Commentary: Where we stand in the war against terr ...WASHINGTON — Since 9/11, Americans have been rightly concerned about how the numbers stack up in the struggle against terrorism. Whether one calls it a war or something else, a sense of direction is not just necessary but vital.
- Mortgage foreclosures still swamping federal effor ...WASHINGTON — Banks and other lenders are still foreclosing on Americans' homes at a rate that's outpacing the Obama administration's main effort to stem the crisis.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- 2010: Intruders on a biodiverse year?In a somewhat dank and dreary London back garden, I've just been watching grey squirrels carrying off and eating bits of stale Christmas cake that we'd left out for them and the birds. If we'd been quick enough with the camera, it would have made a fantastic picture, with the bushy-tailed squirrel ...
- Best wishes from a white landJust a quick note, today, to say "best wishes" to everyone about to celebrate Christmas or some other winter festival. Here in London, it's been refreshing (in more ways than one!) to see snow on the ground and kids out playing in it - a reminder of childhood days. For me, it's time to put the lap ...
- COP15: (No) Hopenhagen?Everywhere you go in Copenhagen, you're met with two kinds of advertising poster. One sells lingerie, the morning walk to the railway station bringing a sequence of scarcely clad models smiling unfeasibly in the freezing morning air. The other sells hope. "Hopenhagen" has been the city's alterna ...
- COP15: Deal or no deal?0043 CET Saturday: Now, we are totally - totally - into uncharted territory. A US president has reached an climate change agreement with leaders of just four countries - although a few more clearly had a inkling of what was going on. The White House announced the deal - this is supposed to be a UN ...
- A tale of two superpowers1926 CET: It's supposed to be about two degrees. It appears to have come down to two men. As I write, US President Barack Obama and China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao are locked in a room somewhere around this conference centre - a meeting that could answer the question of whether ther's a deal here ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Afghan parliament rejects 17 of Karzai's 24 c ...Kabul, Jan 3 (DPA) Afghanistan's parliament Saturday rejected 17 out of 24 cabinet nominees proposed by President Hamid Karzai, including a powerful ex-warlord and the only female candidate put forward.
- CIA suicide attack mastermind Haqqani was 'go ...New York, Jan. 2 :It has now been shockingly admitted that the suicide bombing that killed seven CIA employees in eastern Afghanistan this week was masterminded by warlord and one-time key CIA ally Jalaluddin Haqqani.
- CIA agents' assassination in Afghanistan expo ...Kabul, Jan. 3 : The assassination of seven CIA operatives in Afghanistan this week has exposed the "dirty secret war" being fought between American intelligence agencies, the Taliban and al-Qaeda on t...
- Afghan Cabinet dispute a 'setback'The head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan said Sunday that lawmakers' decision to reject 70 percent of President Hamid Karzai's Cabinet nominees was a political setback that will only delay efforts ...
- Afghan Cabinet dispute is a 'setback'My son who is a Sergeant based where these 8 soldiers were killed just recently left for leave on Sept 22nd. I flew out to see him in Colorado on Oct 1st. While returning home on Oct 4th, I received a...
- The Top Ten Substitutive Pieces ListSven Johnson reports back from the Future Imperfect once again, rounding up the hottest body-mods, elective surgeries, prosthetic add-ons and extensions of the human condition from a year that’s probably less distant from our own than we suspect. *** I don’t normally care for lists, especially at t ...
- BOOK REVIEW: Booklife, by Jeff VanderMeerBooklife by Jeff VanderMeer Tachyon Publications, November 2009; 330pp; US$14.95 RRP – ISBN13: 9781892391902 There are dozens – possibly even hundreds – of books out there that purport to tell you how to be a writer. I should know, as I think I’ve read most of them, from the general guides to cr ...
- Happy new year!By the time this post goes live, I (and doubtless most other Brits) will be preparing to celebrate the turning of another year… so I thought I’d take this opportunity to thank you all for following Futurismic in 2009, and to wish you all a great 2010. The new year promises – by pretty much [...] Pr ...
- This monkey’s gone to heavenI had to agree with Jay Lake when he Tweeted that ‘Any article with the line “Any monkeys sent into space will be supervised by robots.” is totally FTW’. [image by kiewic] And here is that article… which is actually just a short post on the Freakonomics blog pointing to a longer piece at the Telegra ...
- What will reading look like in 2010?Well, it’s been a lively year for changes in the publishing industry, hasn’t it? This time last year, I wrote a post titled 2009 – the year the physical bookstore lays down and dies? – and over here in the UK, Borders has just gone into receivership, a few days before Amazon claimed to have [...] ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Birkenfeld asks Justice Department to reconsider p ...Attorneys for UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld have written to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder asking that he reconsider the Justice Department's prior recommendation that Birkenfeld be sentenced to prison. The attorneys have asked specifically that the Justice Department investigate the vera ...
- 60 Minutes to feature Birkenfeld caseThe CBS news magazine 60 Minutes will feature a story about UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld this Sunday. In the story, Birkenfeld says he is the first Swiss banker ever to speak publicly about the famously secretive industry. He provided inside information that helped uncover thousands of untax ...
- Recovery.gov whistleblower poster misses key detai ...The federal government has released a new poster that employers have to post to their employees if they are receiving stimulus money. The new poster, however, is missing a few key details whistleblowers should know. For example, if a whistleblower wants to know where to file a complaint, the governm ...
- Passing the buck and covering the butt in middle m ...Washington attorney, former prosecutor and former SEC enforcer Dan Hurson has written an article of advice for middle managers who become targets of internal corporate investigations. It is called, Memo to Middle Management: How to Avoid Becoming Road Kill In a Corporate Internal Investigation . H ...
- A beautiful quote on employer pretextsMy friend Paul Taylor of the Truckers Justice Center shares this beautiful quote that I will be using in briefs for my clients: "Today’s employers, even those with only a scintilla of sophistication, will neither admit discriminatory or retaliatory intent, nor leave a well-developed trail demonstra ...
Defense and the National Interest
- On War #323: MilestoneWilliam S. Lind 23 November 2009 One of the ongoing themes of this column has been gangs and the role they play in a Fourth Generation world. Here in the United States they already serve as an alternative primary loyalty (alternative to the state) for many urban young men. Gangs will likely be a m ...
- DNI to close — update23 November 2009 Many thanks to everyone who wrote in. Â My wife and I are deeply touched. We’ll try to find someone to at least take over the site as it is and keep the links intact. Â Several people have contacted me with ideas. Â In the meantime, I’ll leave everything up unless we start having mo ...
- DNI to closeProbably on Monday, November 23, depending on how my travels work out. Please go ahead and download any thing you’d like to keep — I’d particularly recommend Boyd’s briefings and the 4GW manuals. I have great faith in the growing number of bloggers and commentators who cover many of the same subjec ...
- On War #322: What Is “Political Correctness?”William S. Lind 18 November 2009 In response to the killing of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by an Islamic U. S. Army major, a number of senior officials have expressed their fear, not of Islam, but of a possible threat to “diversity.” “Diversity” is one of the many false gods of “Political Corr ...
- What should we do with terrorists?Security guru Bruce Schneier has the right idea: We should treat terrorists like common criminals and give them all the benefits of true and open justice — not merely because it demonstrates our indomitability, but because it makes us all safer. Once a society starts circumventing its own laws, the ...
Digital Journal
- Don Jail Inmate Dead in TorontoAn inmate at Toronto's Don Jail died Saturday. Police are investigating the death of the inmate. No name or age has been released in the case.
- 3D TV coming to a home near youThe electronics and entertainment industry want to bring 3D capable televisions in 2 years. Sony and Hollywood studios want to lead the way by delivering the technology into our living rooms
- Southwestern Ontario hit by snow and a section of ...Snow is accumulating in areas of Southwestern Ontario and many roads are snow covered. One section of 402 is presently closed.
- Canada's maritime provinces hit by severe winter s ...The Canadian maritime provinces are being hit by a severe winter storm today that is expected to dump up to 30 cm (1 foot) of snow on the region before it ends late tonight.
- Floyd's Best Option? Give up Random Blood Test and ...In the wake of Pacquiao filing a defamation lawsuit against Floyd's camp and Arum shopping for a new opponent for the Filipino boxing superstar, Floyd is left looking for an opponent that would cement his legacy while giving him a big payday.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- 5 Reasons to Feel Hopeful in 2010Homelessness reached crisis proportions in 2009. But there's reason to feel hopeful that things will take a turn for the better in 2010. Here are the top five reasons why: 5. Ending veteran homelessness While many have called the VA's commitment to ending veteran homelessness in five years "bold," w ...
- It's up to Citizen Journalists to Uncover the Face ...Everyone knows a mainstream, disciplined, and socially responsible journalism industry that reveals deeper truths about things like homelessness is dead. This same industry has been droning on about every detail of its uncomfortably self-indulgent gasps from beyond the grave for at least 10 years. ...
- The 5 Most Shocking Homelessness Stories of 2009The end of the year is nigh, but there's still time for one more reflection. These stories grabbed our attention, tugged at our heartstrings, and made us pay attention to the plight of those living without a home in 2009. Yes, these stories will disturb you. But hopefully, they'll make us resolve to ...
- The 10 Most Notable Homelessness Stories of 2009The economic recession made homelessness a hot topic in 2009. It seemed every day there was a story about shelter bed shortages, record numbers of school children, or a new tent city popping up. But which stories stood out the most? Change.org has scoured the headlines and trends to compile the 10 m ...
- Top 5 Ridiculous Homelessness Stories in 2009When it comes to homelessness, there are plenty of stories to make you sad, get you angry, or make you think. But this list is all about the ridiculous. The year 2009 was chock full of ridiculous homelessness moments. Whether it was thwarted attempts to "raise awareness", couture homelessness fashio ...
- Happy nuke year?The world’s nuclear arsenal has declined significantly from its Cold War peak, but the number of nuclear weapons still in existence remains absurdly high, as a recent overview produced by the Federation of American Scientists and the Natural Resources Defense Council shows. Worldwide deployments of ...
- PM prorogues ParliamentPrime Minister Stephen Harper went ahead with his much-anticipated plan to prorogue Parliament on Wednesday, shutting down the operations of the House of Commons and Senate until March 3rd. The prorogation will have the effect of preventing parliamentary discussion of the detainee torture scandal fo ...
- We want to hear from you! Take our surveySurvey results (so far)
- Moens warns of “existentialist” threatSimon Fraser University professor Alexander Moens warns in a new paper published by the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute that Canada and its NATO allies face an “existentialist threat”. But, no, the problem apparently is not that Jean-Paul Sartre or one of the other existentialists has ...
- Military spending “cuts” underway?David Pugliese reports that “the Canadian military is looking for savings of more than $190 million by March to help pay for the Harper government’s defence strategy.” The Army is reportedly looking at an $80-million cutback, while the Navy is facing a $52-million cut and the Air Force is facing a $ ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 12-30-09Today, Kevin explains why Barack Obama decided to declare a state of emergency and what it means to you. Plus, get the secrets they don’t want you to know about… Cure Illness & Disease Boost Your Immune System Get Free Coral Calcium Celebrity Endorsement Scam Plus, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and ...
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 12-29-09Today, Kevin gives you his recession survival tips and ways to avoid the toxins that are giving you cancer. Suzanne Somers stops by to expose the truth behind improving your health to avoid and cure cancer without the use of chemotherapy! Plus, The Amazing Kreskin reveals the secret to being the wor ...
- Second Man Detained For Detroit Flight BombingDecember 30, 2009 M.live.com By Sheena Harrison A person was detained by customs at Detroit Metro Airport on Friday following Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s alleged attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253, according to a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. It is unknown why the person was ...
- GMAC To Get $3.5 Billion More In Government AidDecember 30, 2009 Reuters The announcement is expected within days, the source said, speaking anonymously because the talks have been private. GMAC has already received $12.5 billion in aid from the U.S. government since December 2008. News of the potential capital infusion lowered the cost of prote ...
- Secret Mobile Phone Code CrackedDecember 30, 2009 Financial Times By Maija Palmer Computer hackers this week said they had cracked and published the secret code that protects 80 per cent of the world’s mobile phones. The move will leave more than 3bn people vulnerable to having their calls intercepted, and could force mobile phone ...
Pambazuka News
- Katrina victims face evictionFollowing reports of federal government plans to repossess temporary housing from Katrina victims, the US Human Rights Network - http://www.ushrnetwork.org has called for the Obama administration to reverse this decision and provide those affected with substantive directive support.
- Extradition threat for Black Liberation activistAs the US opens up political channels with Cuba, Black Liberation Army - http://www.thetalkingdrum.com/freedomfighters.html activist Assata Shakur faces extradition from the country where she has lived under political asylum since 1984, writes Paul Scott. While the mainstream media portrays Shakur h ...
- Stop senate renege on black farmer compensationColorOfChange.org - http://www.colorofchange.org/farmers/?id=1842-429864 is campaigning to ensure that a US senate bill to compensate black farmers in the South for discrimination gives them the money they deserve, rather than capping the total amount available at $100 million, which would only cove ...
- Ekiti must hold free, fair electionsThe North America-based Ekiti Focus Group has strongly condemned election violence and intimidation in Nigeria’s Ekiti State, describing reported cases of ‘arson, maiming, ballot stuffing, ballot hijacking, and shooting’ as ‘barbaric acts’. In a statement the group called for ‘the release of true an ...
- Global: Why Haiti can't forget its pastThank you for the attention you have brought to the country of Haiti. In response to your New York Times op ed piece I wanted to widen your perspective a bit. I don't pretend to represent anyone. I've been living in Haiti since 1985. I grew up in New...
War in Context
- From the Cairo Speech to the Cairo DeclarationFrom the Cairo Speech to the Cairo Declaration By Paul Woodward, War in Context, January 2, 2010 In early June last year, after Barack Obama gave his Cairo speech, the think tanks in Washington were abuzz as analysts could barely contain their excitement at witnessing the new Democratic president ma ...
- Simultaneous solidarity marches held on northern a ...Simultaneous solidarity marches held on northern and southern borders of Gaza Strip By Saed Bannoura, IMEMC, January 1, 2010 A s a group of Israeli peace activists gathered near the Erez crossing on the northern border of the Gaza Strip, 1200 international activists with the ‘Gaza Freedom March’ ...
- The role of place in the worldThe role of place in the world By Harm de Blij, Los Angeles Times, October 26, 2009 In recent years, the notion that the world, if not flat, is rapidly flattening as a result of the forces of globalization has gained currency to the point of becoming a platitude. So mobile, so interconnected, so int ...
- Standoff in Iran deepens with new show of forceStandoff in Iran deepens with new show of force By Michael Slackman, New York Times, January 2, 2010 Iranian authorities sent police officers into the streets to deter protests on Friday as Mir Hussein Moussavi, the principal opposition leader, said in a statement that he did not fear giving his lif ...
- Different Taliban groups claim role in Afghanistan ...Different Taliban groups claim role in Afghanistan bombing By Alissa J Rubin, New York Times, January 2, 2010 Both Afghan and Pakistani Taliban groups claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing this week that killed eight Americans — seven of them C.I.A. officers — suggesting that the attack was ...
Watts Up With That?
- Swiss ETH: Glaciers melted in the 1940’s fas ...From ETH Zurich: The stupefying pace of glacier melt in the 1940s The most recent studies by researchers at ETH Zurich show that in the 1940s Swiss glaciers were melting at an even-faster pace than at present. This is despite the fact that the temperatures in the 20th century were lower than in this ...
- G.P. Bear goes to Washington – part 9By Bill Steigerwald “Boxer blows her top” U.S. CAPITOL BUILDING “Senator Boxer,” Grandpa began, his powerful voice shaking the room, “I want to thank you for this opportunity to tell the American people the truth about polar bears.” Senator Arlen Specter had already dozed off. “The American public ...
- Spencer: Earth sans greenhouse effect – what ...What If There Was No Greenhouse Effect? by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. The climate of the Earth is profoundly affected by two competing processes: the greenhouse effect, which acts to warm the lower atmosphere and cool the upper atmosphere, and atmospheric convection (thermals, clouds, precipitation) whi ...
- The Met Office getting a clue? – “one ...It’s not like there haven’t been clues. Like for example as I pointed out the Arctic Oscillation has gone strongly negative. The article says: “The cold weather comes despite the Met Office’s long range forecast, published, in October, of a mild winter. That followed it’s earlier inaccura ...
- Record cold weather roundup – hundreds of ne ...From the “weather is not climate department. Oh the weather outside is frightful…. Prisoners used to shovel snow-bound US capitol Here’s the roundup of cold and snow records for the past 7 days. While there is a handful of new high temp records, it is clear where the bulk of the statistics is. Note ...
Dandelion Salad
- Noam Chomsky: Want to reduce terrorism, don’ ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ 23:28 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=676452061991429040&hl=en# more about “Noam Chomsky Interview (2002)“, posted with vodpod Noam Chomsky speaks to BBC’s Francine Stock at London’s St Paul’s Cathedral, Dec ‘02. Harold Pinter’s Nobel Lecture video: ...
- Glenn Greenwald on the Five Wars US Is Fighting in ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Democracy Now! Dec. 31, 2009 2009 in Perspective: Glenn Greenwald on the Five Wars US Is Fighting in Muslim Countries As 2009 comes to a close, today we begin by taking a step back and putting this year of war in perspective. Salon.com blogger Glenn Greenwald d ...
- 2010: U.S. To Wage War Throughout The World by Ric ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO http://rickrozoff.wordpress.com 31 December, 2009 January 1 will usher in the last year of the first decade of a new millennium and ten consecutive years of the United States conducting war in the Greater Middle East. Beginning with the Oct ...
- Viva Palestina Convoy sets sail tonight for El Ari ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by John Hurson Ireland To Gaza 2 Jan. 2010 Today, Saturday January 2nd, the 250 vehicles that make up the “Viva Palestina Convoy” were loaded onto a Turkish cargo ship in the port city of Latikia in Syria. The ship will set sail tonight for El Arish port in Eg ...
- The Iron Wall by Uri Avneryhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Uri Avnery Crossposted from Planetary Movement Movements at The Moving Planet Blog – The Iron Wall by Uri Avnery Jan. 2, 2010 SOMETHING ODD, almost bizarre, is going on in Egypt these days. About 1400 activists from all over the world gathered there on their ...
Your New Reality
- No titleThe Pyramid Of People Power Bono : A lot of us have seen or lived the organizational chart of the last century, in which power and influence (whether possessed by church, state or corporation) are concentrated in the uppermost point of the pyramid and pressure is exerted downward. But in this new c ...
- No titleHold The Presses! We Haven't Mentioned The Nazis Today! Rupert Murdoch's The Sun scrapes the absolute bottom of the 'Nazi Outrage!' barrel with this story of some idiotic British tourist seeing swastikas in a pane of glass in a German hotel, and kicking up a shitstorm over it. The pane of glass : ...
- No title2010, According To The BBC A summary of the stories BBC World correspondents believe will be the big headline grabbers of 2010 : * World Cup, South Africa. * Iran, and the fall of President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. * Israel's reluctance to make peace with Palestinians, Syria, and what they will do ab ...
- No titleIt's funny because it's true :
- No titleFilm critic Roger Ebert has a fantastic collection of the Best Movie Posters Of The Decade . I can't go past this one from 2002 : The Rest Are Here
Wired - Science
- Tasmanian Devil Cancer Culprit RevealedScientists have discovered the true identity of a contagious form of cancer that is killing Tasmanian devils. The cancer, called devil facial tumor disease, stems from cells that normally insulate nerve fibers, a new study shows. Genetic analysis of tumors taken from infected devils in different ...
- Top Scientific Breakthroughs of 2009> With so many incredible scientific advances and discoveries this year, Wired Science had a tough time choosing which 10 were the biggest. So, we went with the ones that stood out for us. From the amazing collective power of jellyfish, to a new human ancestor, to a canc ...
- 2009’s Sleepy Sun Finally Woke Up in Decembe ...2009 will go down as the sun’s third quietest year on record, under-shone only by 1913 and 2008. Two hundred-sixty of the year’s 365 days (71 percent) were sunspotless. Last year saw 266 sunspotless days, while the sun had no spots on 311 of the days in 1913. It was only a very active December th ...
- NASA Narrows Robotic Missions to 3 ContendersNASA selected three finalists on Tuesday to be the agency’s next cheap, robotic exploration mission. Depending on which wins, a probe will head for Venus, the moon, or a near-Earth object no later than 2018. The latter two missions would include the return of samples, while the Venusian lander woul ...
- Sharks, Zombies, Weird Clouds: The Most Popular St ...> This has been Wired Science’s most successful year, by far. We like to think this is the result of a combination of your excellent taste and our efforts to learn what you like to read. digg_url ="http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/12/topstories-gallery/"; We have o ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Duncan Campbell: Vanunu – our duty to speak upThe real reason for harassing Vanunu is a vindictiveness towards a man who has been impertinent enough to come out of jail unbowed. Of course, if Vanunu had been allowed to leave the country, he... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now ...
- Will MKs be required to swear loyalty to a Jewish ...The bill, proposed by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's Yisrael Beitenu Party, suggests changing the wording of the current oath taken by MKs so that instead of swearing loyalty to "the State of... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
- A real threat of ICC prosecution"Suddenly, the ICC has turned into a potential threat," warned Reisner, who was one of the architects of Israel's policy not to have the military police investigate IDF soldiers suspected of... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in i ...
- Gaza Freedom Marchers issue the “Cairo Declaration ...Gaza Freedom Marchers approved today a declaration aimed at accelerating the global campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli Apartheid. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA ...
- Shin Bet: 2009 had lowest terror levels in Israel ...The Shin Bet credits the low number on the ability of Israeli security forces to thwart attacks, as well as efforts by Palestinian security organizations... The report also noted that Hamas was... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now i ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- CIA chief confirms deaths of 7 agents in Afghanist ...CIA chief Leon Panetta has confirmed in an official statement that seven CIA operatives were killed and six others wounded in a recent terrorist attack in eastern Afghanistan.
- N. Korea urges dialogue on nuclear-free Korean Pen ...North Korea stressed dialogue in improving relations with the United States as a key step toward a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula in a New Year's message on Friday
- Russia's Nerpa sub passes final trialsRussia's Nerpa nuclear attack submarine, damaged in a fatal accident during tests in November last year, has successfully passed final trials.
- Russia eyes new arms markets in Asia-Pacific regio ...Russia is planning to strengthen its positions as a key supplier of weaponry in the Asia-Pacific region by seeking new customers at a major arms show in Malaysia, state arms exporter Rosoboronexport has said.
- Iran's nuclear program
- Top Ten Evolution/Creationism Stories of the YearDarwin celebrated; evolution still under attack. The Year in Review.
- Nominations Wanted for Jacobson Award for Physicia ...The Vascular Disease Foundation is seeking nominations for the 2010 Julius H. Jacobson II Award for Physician Excellence.
- For Depressed Workers, Stress on Job Lowers Produc ...Psychological stress at the office -- or wherever people earn their paychecks -- can make it more difficult for depressed workers to perform their jobs and be productive.
- Ginkgo Biloba Does Not Appear to Slow Rate of Cogn ...Older adults who used the herbal supplement Ginkgo biloba for several years did not have a slower rate of cognitive decline compared to adults who received placebo, according to a study in the December 23/30 issue of JAMA
- Findings Suggest Cardiovascular Devices Often Appr ...Pre-market approval by the FDA of cardiovascular devices is often based on studies that lack adequate strength or may have been prone to bias, according to a study in the December 23/30 issue of JAMA. The researchers found that of nearly 80 high-risk devices, the majority received approval based on ...
Intel Trends
- PAKISTAN: U.S. embassy requests bulletproof vehicl ...The following article is from Geo News, Pakistan. U.S. embassy requests bulletproof vehicles © Geo December 26, 2009 Updated at: 1002 PST ISLAMABAD: The U.S. embassy has made formal request to government of Pakistan to provide bulletproof vehicles for its staff deputed in Pakistan. The sources ...
- PAKISTAN: Attacks feared on Benazir's death annive ...The following article is from Daily Times, Lahore, Pakistan. Attacks feared on Benazir's death anniversary © Daily Times December 26,2009 LAHORE: Intelligence agencies have warned of possible terrorists attacks on the occasion of Benazir Bhutto's death anniversary. "Terrorists are planning to att ...
- IntelTrends 26-DEC-2009"Israel Opening Gates of Hell" by Killing 6 Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank Al Manar, 26 Dec TURKEY: Three detained for passing military secrets to Greece Zaman, 26 Dec Turkey arrests 8 soldiers plotting assassination of state minister Trend.az, 26 Dec SOMALIA: Government denies negotiations with t ...
- TPLF Troops Launch An Attack In The Zalambesa Fron ...[ Blogmaster note : The following news release concerns actions by the Ethiopia-based Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF) operating in Zalambesa, a disputed territory on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea, claimed by both countries.] TPLF Troops Launch An Attack In The Zalambesa Front S ...
- IntelTrends 02-JAN-2010SOMALIA: 'Al-shabab takes over control of Dhusomareb town': spokesman Shabelle, 02 Jan Islamist officials of Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen have taken over the control of Dhusomareb town in Galgudud region, just after bitter fighting between forces loyal to Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a clerics and Harakat Al ...
Organic Consumers.org
- 15 of the Most Heinous Climate VillainsSome of the bastards responsible for subverting public understanding of climate change Click here to read this article
- Review of Recent Monsanto and Biotech BullyingGMWATCH MONTHLY REVIEW No. 76 - Here's a look back at December 2009. Click here to read this article
- Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products Found in N ...The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has issued support for a proposed law that would require the Department of Environmental Protection in New York City to test the city's drinking water supply for personal care product and pharmaceutical residue. Citing numerous studies that have found measurable ...
- The Search for an Endangered Mushroom That Could C ...Unlocking the secrets of this fungi may be one of the most important discoveries to the future of human health. But time is running short for the endangered mushroom. Click here to read this article
- Some Analysis of Recent Counterintuitive Health Ar ...Pharmaceutical companies have their fingers in everything. Click here to read this article
- 58 pinturas digitales de Raphael LacosteNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. PresidiaCreative , comparte con todos nosotros 58 trabajos artísticos realizados por Raphael Lacoste . Un artista digital de la ciudad de Montreal que ha participado en videojuegos como Prince of Persia y Assassin’s Cree ...
- BibliOdyssey en BlogspotNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. BibliOdyssey , es un sitio que recientemente fue reconocido por Blogger como Blog of Note . Las razones son muchas y entre ellas podemos descubrir la enorme cantidad de imágenes relativas a libros, ilustraciones, ciencia ...
- Wallpapers de celebridades en Skins.beNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. Skins.be , es un sitio especializado en ofrecernos la más grande y variada colección de wallpapers dedicados a las celebridades, mujeres hermosas , personajes famosos del cine y la televisión, artistas consagradas como; ...
- La creatividad de ChevronGuy en DeviantArtNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. Chevron Guy , es un magnífico diseñador gráfico que a través del DeviantArt , nos comparte sus grandes dotes de creatividad. La fusión de elementos en cada uno de sus trabajos, dan testimonio de su gran capacidad para cr ...
- Colección de wallpapers en InterfaceLIFTNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. InterfaceLIFT , es más que todo un excelente lugar donde usted podrá encontrar una enorme colección de wallpapers . Le sugiero explorar con cuidado las diferentes categorías, tamaños y fechas. Según nuestros cálculos, es ...
Executive Intelligence Review
- The LaRouche Show, January 2, 2010Our New Year's Resolve: Repulse the British Empire Onslaught!
- Why Do We Call Susan Rice a Racist?By Lawrence K. Freeman Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, December 25, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 50
- The Failed System Has Become UnmanageableBy John Hoefle Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, December 25, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 50
- The Copenhagen Summit: Lies Have Short Legs, or, t ...By Helga Zepp-LaRouche Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, December 25, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 50
- Bernanke Exits Now!: National BankingBy Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, December 25, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 50
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Water Power
New York Times- Jan 03, 2010- 1 hour agoThe Yellow River, which stretches for about 5500 kilometers, or about 3400 miles, is a source of water for approximately 140 million residents, ...Seattle Times- Jan 03, 2010- 3 hours agoAt the turn of the 20th century, the city of Seattle was installing a new water system supplied by the Cedar River. Members of the City Council posed for ...Towanda Daily Review- Jan 03, 2010- 5 hours agoPennsylvania politicians have strived mightily to get out of drillers' way, for example, while their counterparts in New York have determined that water is ...Seattle Times- Jan 02, 2010- 11 hours agoBy Alan Moores by Steven Solomon There's a slick catchphrase in the air these days — "Water is the new oil" — that author Steven Solomon and others use when ...