Pakistanis who are also Americans, and as affluent and highly skilled professionals, can help. Please do help. Many of you are physicians, and your skills could save lives. Those of you who responded after the earthquake in Pakistan have experience that could be invaluable in Haiti. If you want to help, beyond donating money - which is also needed - you can email Ethan or Laila Karamally for specific advice.
Avatar and Property Rights in China
January 14
The bull-dozers await at the gates. An evil corporation sends its guards, using every possible threat to move the residents from their land. But all resistance is futile. The people watch in horror, as their homes get torn down to rubble and they are forced to relocate.
This is a not-so-unfamiliar storyline in China where forced land acquisitions by influential real estate companies are rarely away from the headlines. Here, home demolitions are arguably the most controversial of social issues, and widely regarded as the biggest cause of social unrest.
This also happens to be the plotline of James Cameron’s epic blockbuster film ‘Avatar,’ which opened in China last week and has seemingly taken the country by storm.
A week on after its January 4 release, the show is set to break all records at the Chinese box-office....
Former CIA Analyst on How the American People are being Duped
Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses the rare outspoken exception to the subdued White House press corps, the Obama administration’s refusal to explain the motivations of terrorists, the lack of contextual explanation in US media where history begins anew with each terrorist attack and how the US is fighting battles that Israel started.
The World We Live In!!!
Arrest warrants keep Israeli team away from UK
Israel canceled a delegation of senior military officers to Britain last week after the UK failed to guarantee that they would not be arrested over alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip.
America at War
From the Imperium

Civilian Casualties: »
Danger Room | By Nathan Hodge | 13 January 2010 UN Raps Taliban for War's Massive Civilian Toll Over the past few [...]- Former CIA Analyst on How the American...
- George W. Obama: Neither Transparency...
- Never-before-seen photos of Guantanamo...
- Israel Rabbi Asks Pope to Halt...
- At war, America need not respect...
- Russian Nuclear Submarine for » Xinhua | 13 January 2010 Russia to lease nuclear submarine to India for decade: report MOSCOW, Jan. [...]
Voice of Jihad | 15 January 2010 Response of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Concerning the Desecration of the Holy Quran and Martyrdom of Innocent Afghans Last Sunday, the American and Coalition invading troops burnt a copy of the Holy Quran in Darvishan area of [Read More]
From Imperial Allies
India Being Groomed to Take Over »
The Vancouver Sun | By Jonathan Manthorpe | 6 January 2010 Success after NATO's Afghanistan exit largely depends on India Regional superpower has [Read More]
George W. Obama: Neither Transparency Nor Rule of Law
- War Begets War, Don’t Call it Terrorism
Slate | By William Saletan | 11 January 2010 Traitor, Bomber, Soldier, Spy Stop crying "terrorism" every time we're attacked. Two weeks ago, a Jordanian suicide bomber blew up seven CIA employees at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan. The CIA called it a "terrorist attack." So did the Associated Press in a report published in dozens of news [...]
Anti-Muslim Bigotry in Australia: A Short History
Links (Australia) | By Helen Patterson | 15 December 2009 Australia: How governments and the capitalist media marginalise the Muslim community December 15, 2009 -- The antipathy of mainstream Australian society toward Muslims is not a new development. As early as 1912, Australians were being cautioned about the danger of Australia falling [...]
Beware Anti-Muslim Hysteria
The Progressive | By Matthew Rothschild | 4 January 2010 The hysteria has begun. With the attempt to bring down that Northwest jet flying into Detroit on Christmas, the urge to profile Muslims and demonize Islam is becoming irresistible for some—especially those on Fox. On Sunday, retired General Thomas McInerney said, “We have to use [...]
Afghanistan: The Forgotten Conflict in Kashmir
NYR Blogs | By Pankaj Mishra | 8 December 2009 “... the road to stability in Pakistan and Afghanistan runs through the valley of Kashmir, and Obama’s failure to even mention a likely solution to the subcontinent’s primary conflict will doom his new strategy just as surely as his other decision to continue assassinating suspected militants [...]
D.I.A. Conspiracy Theory