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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

16 Jan - BlogNews


 No Fees on Charitable Contributions


Water is the lifeblood of Haiti now: how you can help

Aid Haiti by Cancelling their Debt

The Militarization of Emergency Aid to Haiti: Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?



 Breaking news videos- Haiti
Aerial view of cityImage via Wikipedia


Outside Port-au-Prince, 'towns are absolutely destroyed'

Belle described a harrowing scene on the road to Port-au-Prince:

"Moving into the city ... the destruction gets worse and worse and the street is lined with piles of swollen, rotting bodies. ...Periodic road blocks have been set up by residents, protesting the lack of any aid presence and angry at stench and indecency. Huge tractors and dump trucks were just beginning to arrive and load bodies as we passed thru."


Techies unite to brainstorm help for Haiti

 CrisisCamp Haiti will bring together professionals from tech companies, universities and government agencies for a free-form session of firing out ideas, then turning those ideas into action.

The result, they hope, will be tools that will help rescue workers find victims and help family members find loved ones, along with other kinds of computer-based assistance.

"It's a way to provide technological tools and expertise to help those who are on the ground in Haiti with their humanitarian relief efforts," said Gabriela Schneider, whose group, the Sunlight Foundation, will be hosting the Washington meeting. "It's kind of like the way Doctors Without Borders might go and help, or people from afar might get together to send goods."

The eight-hour event is being coordinated by Crisis Commons, a group which, according to its wiki page, "is meant to capture knowledge, information, best practices, and tools that support crisis preparedness, prevention, response, and rebuilding."

Part of complete coverage on

updated 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
Presidents lead effort to raise funds
President Obama announced Saturday that President George W. Bush and President Clinton have agreed to lead an effort to raise funds for Haiti.

updated Sat January 16, 2010

Bush shakes hands with New Orleans Mayor Ray N...Image via Wikipedia
Survivor: Without port, 'We'll starve'
Raymond Thomas would like to forget the devastation at Haiti's port, where aid cannot be unloaded quickly. "We're just starving to death," he said.

updated Sat January 16, 2010
Where bodies go after disasters
Efforts are under way to bury the dead as thousands of bodies lay exposed to the sun or draped in sheets and cardboard.

updated Sat January 16, 2010
Making connections amid chaos
Punctuating the scenes of heroic rescue and devastating death in Haiti is another drama: moments of connection.
Locate eyewitness accounts from Haiti
Use our interactive map to see stories from CNN reporters, photographers and iReporters.
Photographers turn lenses on tragedy
See high-resolution images of the devastation and chaos in Haiti following the 7.0-magnitude quake.
Are you looking for loved ones?
Are you searching for family members or friends in Haiti? Send us their photos and any relevant information.
Help us cover the quake
If you are there or have been affected, CNN wants to hear your story. Please share your experience, videos and photos


 Homeowners Say Banks Not Following Rules for Loan Modifications

Servicers have created unnecessary hurdles that, in some instances, violate the loan program’s rules.

Housing advocates say they frequently see homeowners rejected or kept in a trial modification for questionable reasons. “There’s a real resistance on the servicers’ part to making permanent modifications,” said Diane Thompson of the National Consumer Law Center.

The administration set a goal of helping up to 4 million homeowners through the $75 billion mortgage modification program as a way to blunt the boom in foreclosures. Treasury has produced a growing number of mandatory guidelines for banks and other loan servicers to review applications and perform the modifications. In exchange for tailoring loan payments to 31 percent of the homeowner’s monthly income, both the servicer and the owner of the loan receive incentive payments.

Servicers have been slow to convert hundreds of thousands of trials into permanent modifications — as of November, only about 31,000 had been made permanent. That spurred Treasury to publicly criticize the servicers’ performance and to put out new guidelines in recent months to speed up the process.

Six months into a trial modification, Gary Fitz of California still doesn’t know whether or when his mortgage will be permanently modified, and he’s been told he’ll have to wait for a few more months.

Under the program’s design, the trial period was supposed to last three months, giving time for the servicers to collect and evaluate the homeowner’s financial information. At the end of the trial, if the homeowner fit the program’s criteria and had made all three modified payments, the servicer was supposed to promptly make the modification permanent.Instead, trial modifications routinely last more than six months, homeowners and housing advocates say.

Underground Egypt-Gaza tunnel dubbed 'wall of death'

BRENDAN TREMBATH: There are mounting tensions on the border between Egypt and Gaza over plans by Egypt to cut off the tunnels Palestinians use to circumvent a strict Israeli blockade.Egypt has begun building a formidable underground wall to block the tunnels once and for all.

Rafah border crossing (Gaza-Egypt border point...

A week ago the project sparked violent protests along the border which left one Egyptian dead and several Palestinians injured. Now Hamas leaders are demanding Egypt stop construction of what they call the "wall of death". 

If the Egyptian wall succeeds Gaza will lose its last commercial lifeline and become virtually dependent on humanitarian aid.  Some reports suggest Egypt is acting under pressure from Israel or even the US, although Egypt has its own motives for cutting supplies to Gaza and punishing Hamas.  Palestinians fear Egyptian authorities are even planning to fill the tunnels with water. 


Has Obama Outsourced the Job of Chastizing Israel to Turkey?

Erdoghan has won boisterous praise in the East, and few reprimands in the West for his tough criticism of Israel. Western politicians from one end of the political spectrum to the other are silently, satisfied to see Israel’s leadership brought up short for continuing to implant its citizens in the heart of what should be a future Palestinian state, making a mockery of Western efforts to jump-start negotiations, and ignoring regional peace offers.

Syria is also the beneficiary of this new Obama strategy – which might be called benign neglect.

Obama is powerless to change America’s relationship with Israel. He continues to provide it with more and better arms.  He cannot stop it from acquiring ever more Palestinian land and progressively whittling away at the prospect of a Palestinian state, but he can stop the US from acting as an overt cheerleader and advocate of this usurpation.

In the case of Syria, initial efforts to “remake the relationship” have been abandoned. No ambassador has been named. Sanctions have been reaffirmed, most strikingly with the recent refusal to allow Sarkozy to supply Airbuses to Syria causing serious ire in the Élysée Palace. All the same, Syria enjoys a period of delightful benign neglect from the White House. It is not being abused in the press. It has been allowed to reassert itself in Lebanon. Washington made no effort to stop Hariri’s visit to Damascus. Saudi Arabia has warmed up to Assad; the most recent visit by Assad to Riyadh lasted several days rather than the customary one. Turkey and Syria are still in the heady blush of young love after a century of estrangement. Obama has allowed the Iran deadline to slip by and is still holding out hope for a deal. 

As Syria knits together a strategy for renewal, as Iran tip-toes through the minefield set for it by the Bush administration, and as Obama resists conflict with the Israel’s opponents, Authorities in Jerusalem will discover a more challenging environment in which it will have fewer defenders. 


Ukrainian Election Carries Global Ramifications

Why Is The Ukraine So Important?

First, if the Ukraine were admitted to the E.U. today, it would be the largest country of all the member countries geographically, and it is a great exporter of metal, grain and other goods. Also, its workforce is well-educated and very productive and can work for less than perhaps all E.U. member countries, which concerns E.U. members a bit.

Second, it is the strongest European country militarily only after the Russia, and it knows how best to stand up to and deal with Russia. For years it was a major, integral part of the old Soviet Union, and it also is the largest and best manufacturer of ICBM missiles.

Third, its strategic location along the Black Sea gives the Ukraine quick accessibility to other major ports of call for trade and strategic military reasons. Having the Russian 7th Fleet still situated in Sevastopol along the Black Sea gives Russia the fastest access to the open oceanways and to the coastlines of other countries deemed important to the Federation.

MLK's FBI Files May Soon See Daylight

On Monday, Jan. 18, 2010, the United States will commemorate the achievements of civil rights pioneer Martin Luther King, Jr.

While today we look at King with great respect and admiration, any student of history will know that this wasn't always the case.

King's efforts to end racial discrimination were seen as a threat by segregationists, white supremacists and even the government of the United States.

For years, King was under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for allegedly having connections to Communists -- a charge King repeatedly denied. The FBI even set up a task force, labeling King the "most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country." For J. Edgar Hoover, then the director of the FBI, King was almost an obsession.

Although the investigation turned up almost no evidence that King had any association at all with Communists, embarrassing details about King's sex life were uncovered, which would later be used against him.


Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal

 Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs  overseeing policies relating to privacy, information quality, and statistical programs. While at Harvard Law School, Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-"independent" advocates to "cognitively infiltrate" online groups and websites -- as well as other activist groups -- which advocate views that Sunstein deems "false conspiracy theories" about the Government.  This would be designed to increase citizens' faith in government officials and undermine the credibility of conspiracists.  The paper's abstract can be read, and the full paper downloaded, here

Sunstein advocates that the Government's stealth infiltration should be accomplished by sending covert agents into "chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups."  He also proposes that the Government make secret payments to so-called "independent" credible voices to bolster the Government's messaging (on the ground that those who don't believe government sources will be more inclined to listen to those who appear independent while secretly acting on behalf of the Government).   This program would target those advocating false "conspiracy theories," which they define to mean: "an attempt to explain an event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role."  Sunstein's 2008 paper was flagged by this blogger, and then amplified in an excellent report by Raw Story's Daniel Tencer.


Star Viewer Explores the Night Sky Google-Map-Style


Keeping an Eye on Marijuana in Mingora


SPS#3157: Pakistan’s Gift to the People of Britain

Pakistan’s gift of a steam engine to UK in 1981 and the interesting story of this loco’s arrival in Manchester


A Plethora of Inspired Thought

If you are looking for inspiration today, you have come to the right place.  The links below will take you to the answers and insights you seek.  

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