In the response to the earthquake in Haiti, many organizations have created sites where people could find one another, or least information about their loved ones. This excellent idea has been undermined by its success: within 24 hours, it became clear that there were too many places where people were putting information; each site became a silo.
People within the IT community recognized the danger of too many unconnected sites, and Google became interested in helping. Google is now running an embeddable application at:
With the Cuban doctors in Haiti: January 17
The worst tragedy is not being
able to do more
Article as presented in Google Translate - note the date
January 13, 2010, 2:24 PM
Chávez pide "elevar una plegaria" por Haití Chavez calls "a prayer" for Haiti
CARACAS, VENEZUELA.- El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, pidió el miércoles "elevar una plegaria" por Haití, devastado el martes por un "terremoto espantoso" y al que su gobierno ya envió un primer contingente de ayuda humanitaria. CARACAS, VENEZUELA .- The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, called yesterday "a prayer" for Haiti, devastated on Tuesday as a "terrible earthquake" and the government has already sent its first contingent of humanitarian aid.
"Elevemos una plegaria por Haití", pidió Chávez durante la transmisión televisada de un acto público. "Let us raise a prayer for Haiti," Chavez asked during the televised broadcast of a public event.
"Es una tragedia que nos duele mucho", añadió. "It's a tragedy that hurts us," he added. "Hubo un terremoto espantoso. "There was a terrible earthquake.
Desde aquí nuestro corazón, nuestro dolor por ese pueblo hermano", agregó el mandatario. From here our heart, our sorrow for that brotherly people, "added the president.
El gobierno de Chávez envió la mañana del miércoles una primera misión humanitaria de 50 personas entre médicos, bomberos y miembros de Protección Civil para cooperar en las laborares de rescate tras el fuerte sismo que asoló el país caribeño. The Chavez government on Wednesday morning sent the first humanitarian mission of 50 people, including doctors, firefighters and members of Civil Protection laborare to cooperate in the rescue after the strong earthquake that hit the Caribbean country.
Haiti earthquake: fault visible from Space
"Elevemos una plegaria por Haití", pidió Chávez durante la transmisión televisada de un acto público. "Let us raise a prayer for Haiti," Chavez asked during the televised broadcast of a public event.
"Es una tragedia que nos duele mucho", añadió. "It's a tragedy that hurts us," he added. "Hubo un terremoto espantoso. "There was a terrible earthquake.
Desde aquí nuestro corazón, nuestro dolor por ese pueblo hermano", agregó el mandatario. From here our heart, our sorrow for that brotherly people, "added the president.
El gobierno de Chávez envió la mañana del miércoles una primera misión humanitaria de 50 personas entre médicos, bomberos y miembros de Protección Civil para cooperar en las laborares de rescate tras el fuerte sismo que asoló el país caribeño. The Chavez government on Wednesday morning sent the first humanitarian mission of 50 people, including doctors, firefighters and members of Civil Protection laborare to cooperate in the rescue after the strong earthquake that hit the Caribbean country.
Haiti earthquake: fault visible from Space
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