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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

20 Jan - Morning BlogNews

*Andaman Islands, India *I shot quite a few fr...
Avatar is not a fantasy, says Survival
The futuristic story of an indigenous tribe living in harmony with nature and facing the decimation of their community and their ancestral lands by aggressive invaders is not only a fantasy.
Like the Na’vi of ‘Avatar’, the world’s last-remaining tribal peoples – from the Amazon to Siberia – are also at risk of extinction, as their lands are appropriated by powerful forces for profit-making reasons such as colonization, logging and mining.

Like the Na’vi, tribal peoples are discriminated against by a world that believes them to be backward because they do not aspire to the ways of life of industrialized countries and often choose to rely, as they have done for millennia, on their natural environments to survive.
Just as the Na’vi describe the forest of Pandora as ‘their everything’, for most tribal peoples, life and land have always been deeply connected.
Many tribal peoples believe that a sustainable attitude to the caretaking of the earth is essential. It is ironic that while the Arctic melts, the seas rise, the rainforests burn – as ecosystems are damaged beyond repair – so the peoples with a detailed understanding of them are also threatened, such as the Jarawa, who inhabit the Andaman Islands’ last remaining tracts of virgin rainforest.

Survival names winner of ‘Greenwashing Award’ 2010
The company, Yaguarete Porá S.A., has won the award for ‘dressing up the wholesale destruction of a huge area of the Indians’ forest as a noble gesture for conservation’.
Plans submitted by Yaguarete to Paraguay’s Environment Ministry reveal that the amount of ‘continuous forest’ in the reserve will be just 16,784 hectares out of the 78,549 hectares total, and the company in fact plans to convert around two thirds of the land to cattle ranching.
Some of the Totobiegosode have already been contacted and vehemently condemned the plans for the ‘reserve’, pointing out that it violates their rights under both Paraguayan and international law. The contacted Totobiegosode have been claiming legal title to this land since 1993, but most of it is still in private hands.
The Totobiegosode are the only uncontacted Indians in the world having their territory destroyed for beef production.

Global advertising campaign exposes malice of Botswana government
The ‘Defying logic’ ads draw attention to the government’s refusal to allow the Bushmen access to a water borehole on their lands, forcing them to make up to 300 mile round trip journeys to fetch water from outside the CKGR. At the same time, the government is drilling new boreholes for wildlife and has given the go ahead for a safari lodge complete with swimming pool for tourists in the Reserve, which opened last month.

Bushmen in Deception Valley, Botswana demonstr...
In 2002, the Botswana government evicted the Bushmen from their ancestral lands; an act that was later ruled to be illegal in a landmark court ruling, which also ruled that the Bushmen have the right to go home. However, since the ruling, the government has banned the Bushmen from accessing a borehole which they used before they were evicted and which they rely on for water in the CKGR.
Bangladesh: Rape and repression continue, despite promises of peace
 Jumma activist Subir Chakma said, ‘Our girls and women are not safe. They cannot go to schools, they cannot go to the rivers to fetch water or to take baths, they cannot go to their work, they cannot go to the temples, they cannot visit their relatives, they cannot go to the market places, they cannot go to the nearby jungles, they cannot work in the paddy fields, and now they cannot even stay home, they are raped everywhere.’

MIDEAST: Israel Crushes Local Dissent, Attacks Global Criticism

NAHAL OZ, ISRAEL - FEBRUARY 12: Israeli tanks ...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Several recent incidents have dominated media headlines, including the arrest of a Jewish-American journalist on the grounds of security, threats by an Israeli minister against international diplomats and the arrest of Israeli and Palestinian peace activists.

The raid on a foreign activist’s home in Ramallah, supposedly under full Palestinian control, by a large Israel Defence Forces (IDF) contingent allegedly for a visa infringement, and her subsequent arrest at gunpoint and deportation has also raised eyebrows.

"We will not allow a situation where every country will kick us. If there will be an attack on Israel, we will leave all options open, including the expulsion of ambassadors," Israel’s deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon said on Saturday.

"We do not want to argue with anyone, but we will not sit idly by," he added. Ayalon’s outburst followed, amongst other incidents, a much publicised political confrontation with Turkey over a Turkish TV programme critical of Israel.

This outburst led Israeli analyst and journalist Zvi Barel to comment acerbically in the Israeli daily Haaretz, "Britain wants to boycott Israeli goods? We'll summon the British ambassador and have him sit on a bed of nails’’.

"The United States handles the settlements unfairly? We'll point an unloaded gun at the American ambassador's head and pull the trigger, just to scare him. We're not murderers. We're just trying to frighten, which, as is well known, creates respect. Just ask the Godfather," was Barel’s scathing comment.

Furthermore, Haaretz recently broke a story over the extent of Israel’s political blackmail of the Palestinian Authority (PA) over last year’s Goldstone report, which has received unanimous support internationally, and highlighted how sensitive the Jewish state is to negative publicity.

Israel Defense ForcesImage via Wikipedia
Floods force hundreds from their homes in Gaza
The Israeli government has so far not commented on allegations that Israel opened dams in Gaza valley, exacerbating flooding in the Strip.

LABOUR-ICELAND: Centre Gives Leg Up to Listless Youth
For young Icelanders at a loose end the Fjolsmidjan (multi-workshop) can prove to be a turning point.
HAITI-DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Sisters in Catastrophe
 DEVELOPMENT: India Holds Public Meetings on GM Food Crop
 FRANCE: Time to Pay Back Haiti
 LATIN AMERICA: From Peacekeeping to Humanitarian Relief in Haiti
 RIGHTS: U.N. Condemns Land Grabs in Native Territories
 ZIMBABWE: Training Teachers to Cope with HIV-positive Students
 U.S.: Obama Urged to Grant Haitians "Protected Status"
 BRAZIL: 'Colonisation Made Us Poor,' Say Indigenous Peoples
 MALI: Small Farmers in the Carbon Market
 HAITI: As Aid Efforts Flounder, Haitians Rely on Each Other

 Wireless Providers Respond to Pressure on Haiti

Baha'i International Community rejects allegations that arrested Baha'is had weapons in homes
9 January 2010 - re Iran

 allegations lodged against the Baha'is by Iran's government

Alex Constantine's Anti-Fascist Research Bin
 Motives of Convicted Ex-CIA Agent still a Mystery
The Jakarta Post | 01/18/2010 While police are preparing to deport former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent Bob Marshall, who was arrested in January 2008 in Bogor, his motives for entering Indonesi...
A Stolen Painting, the Murder of Martin Luther King, the FBI .... and Steven Spielberg
*" ... IT’S SOMEWHAT IRONIC that a Rockwell has been caught up in such a maelstrom of controversy and conspiracy. The American illustrator is best known for his nostalgic scenes of simpler times ... " " ...


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I am the pro rogue
*Only in Canada ...* "Go searching for the last time a Westminster-style parliament was shut down to free its leaders from unwanted censure or scrutiny — and you'll end right back in Canada, where you s...

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The Sarcasm Symbol

Swimming pool of a resort in Curaçao.

Ever had some confusion online or with your cellphone when someone fails to catch the sarcasm? Well now with the SarcMark you can get your point across. Launched this week by Sarcasm Inc. ...
 Cat Goddess Temple found in Egypt

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