On Strike
*In protest of the fascist-enabling vapidity of the American people - look hard and objectively at their gleeful collaborations in illicit wars, at the media-fed willful ignorance and blood on their hands ...
Mufti Usmani Holds Blackwater Responsible for Ashura Bomb Blast
*Also see: "American Sponsorship of Global TerCLIMATEGATErorism," and "USAID Officer Arrested with Terrorists in Islamabad," also "DynCorp Sub-Contractor Inter-Risk was Behind the Oct. 10th Suicide Bombing of Pakista...
ADL: Pius XII did not Save Jews in WWII
*" ... the ADL concluded that the claim amounted to an 'apparent campaign of misinformation' and urged Pope Benedict XVI to reject its conclusions. ... " * *By JERUSALEM POST STAFF* | Dec 31, 2009 The An...
Akin Gump Law Firm Engaged in Starbucks Union-Busting
*Decent coffee. But - atchoo! - y'know, I think it's making me sick ...* *" ... Starbucks’ large anti-union operation is headed by CEO Howard Schultz and operated in conjunction with the Akin Gump law fir...
*By Alex Constantine* *"The first prisoner [at Guantinimo] formally charged with committing war crimes was 34 year-old Yemeni Salim Ahmed Hamdan, Osama bin Laden's driver.... His military-appointed attorney...
* Possibility Arises that Someone Working with U.S. Forces was on the Side of the Terrorists* B*y David Martin* CBS News | Dec. 30, 2009 *Eight [Seven CIA] U.S. Civilians Killed in Afghan Bombing * (CBS...
TECHNOLOGY - Russia's space agency today issued a call for a massive planetary effort to ward off a giant asteroid named Apophis that might hit the Earth in 2029. "People's lives are at stake," says Anato...
Rupert Murdoch's progammed "patriots" live in a world that doesn't exist. No wonder they're so thin-skinned - liberals keep burning down their most precious fascistic programmed delusions ...
Examiner | December 12, 2009 Psychological research demonstrates that large-scale dramatic change can escape attention when the change is unsuspected, unannounced, and agents causing the change act as if nothing is different. Two areas of this cognitive study are “change blindness” and “inattentional blindness.” When we include consideration of “cognitive dissonance,” the rejection of facts when they conflict with important beliefs, we can approach an explanation of how educated citizens could accept fascism when it was unsuspected, unannounced, and the responsible agents fraudulently represented the new government as no different from the old. Cognitive dissonance would deter many people to accept the new reality, even when the facts were clear.
The definition of “fascism” has some academic variance, but is essentially collusion among corporatocracy, authoritarian government, and controlled media and education. This “leadership” is only possible with a nationalistic public accepting policies of war, empire, and limited civil and political rights.
Yes, I am making the argument that the US is no longer a constitutinal republic, but a fascist regime that Americans are struggling with cognitive dissonance, change blindness, and inattentional blindness to recognize. Let’s look to history before we consider the US of the present and if we are afflicted with a kind of cognitive blindness to American fascism. ...
Change Blindness: Research and History Show Americans are as Blind to US Fascism as Nazi-Era Germans
Carl HermanExaminer | December 12, 2009 Psychological research demonstrates that large-scale dramatic change can escape attention when the change is unsuspected, unannounced, and agents causing the change act as if nothing is different. Two areas of this cognitive study are “change blindness” and “inattentional blindness.” When we include consideration of “cognitive dissonance,” the rejection of facts when they conflict with important beliefs, we can approach an explanation of how educated citizens could accept fascism when it was unsuspected, unannounced, and the responsible agents fraudulently represented the new government as no different from the old. Cognitive dissonance would deter many people to accept the new reality, even when the facts were clear.
The definition of “fascism” has some academic variance, but is essentially collusion among corporatocracy, authoritarian government, and controlled media and education. This “leadership” is only possible with a nationalistic public accepting policies of war, empire, and limited civil and political rights.
Yes, I am making the argument that the US is no longer a constitutinal republic, but a fascist regime that Americans are struggling with cognitive dissonance, change blindness, and inattentional blindness to recognize. Let’s look to history before we consider the US of the present and if we are afflicted with a kind of cognitive blindness to American fascism. ...
It's 1.2 million people marching on Mexico City in 2006 to denounce the abrogation of their right to fair democratic representation by their government. . You know why I'm posting this picture. For the s...
The Existentialist Cowboy
Demand that Obama End Bush's Policies and War Crimes
I did not support Obama so that the US could continue Bush's criminal policies! I most certainly did not and do not support the commission of new war crimes, aggres...
Are Presidents Afraid of the CIA ?
( Len segues into the JFK assassinatiion here )
Happy new year 2010
El lobo, la luna y la noche...
Lilith News
The Capitalization of Love
SEX - In recent years it seems like love is constantly becoming more and more connected to money. Let's cite some examples: #1. Online personals charging $XX / month. #2. Matchmaking services charging an ...
Cable Cars & Gondolas in Toronto?
Morton Nadler's Blog
In an interview on Morning Edition, Danny Ayalon, , Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister, lays claim to the occupied land. On NPR and in the Wall Street Journal he declared that occupation is of foreign land. But “Samaria, Judea [Israeli terms for the occupied West Bank], Bethel, certainly Jerusalem, is not foreign land to us.”
In the West Bank village of Bilin, Palestinian activists and their international allies have been gathering every Friday for the past five years. They're protesting Israel's West Bank barrier. Palestinians called the protest an example of nonviolent resistance and say it's a model they're trying to expand. Israelis call them riots, and the police have been arresting the movement's leaders.
Ms. DANA BUTU (Lawyer): Nonviolent resistance is the Achilles heel of Israel. When they see nonviolent resistance, soldiers don't know how to act.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: She says many Palestinian activists are now focusing on other nonviolent methods of protest that include boycotts of Israeli products.
Ms. BUTU: The nonviolent resistance movement is very much a threat to Israel, and I think that the Bilin model is very much a threat to Israel. They're also soon going to start targeting people who call for boycotts, who call for divestment, who call for sanctions on Israel.
Ayalon continued the claim to the (“non“)-occupied Palestinian land in an op-ed in the Wall Street journal.
Abbas will reevaluate security ties with Israel after continued unilateral raids and extra-judicial executions of Fatah activists.
LARRY DERFNER –in the Jerusalem Post
There's a question we Israelis won't ask ourselves about the Palestinians, especially not about Gaza. The question is taboo. Not only won't anyone ask it out loud, but very, very few people will dare ask it in the privacy of their own minds.
However, I think it's time we start asking it, privately and in public. If we don't, I think there's going to be Operation Cast Lead II, then Operation Cast Lead III, and each one is going to be worse than the last, and the consequences for Palestinians and Israelis are going to be unimaginable.
The question we have to ask ourselves is this: If anybody treated us like we're treating the people in Gaza, what would we do?
We don't want to go there, do we? And because we don't, we make it our business not to see, hear or think about how, indeed, we are treating the people in Gaza.
The 1400 Gaza Freedom Marchers assembled in Cairo have been confronted by Egyptian police and (at least) indifference from the US Embassy, to which they had appealed for assistance. Egypt refused to open the crossing into Gaza at first, then offered to allow 100 in. The leadership of the march refused the offer, but in the end 80 accepted.
Anthropogenic Global Warming, history's biggest scam
http://www.climategate.comGerman Physicists Trash Global Warming “Theory”
essential points made by Dr. Gerhard Gerlich, a respected German physicist, that counter the bogus theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW).
Before going further, it’s worth bearing in mind that no climatologist ever completed any university course in climatology–that’s how new this branch of science really is. Like any new science the fall-back position of a cornered AGW proponent is the dreaded “appeal to authority” where the flustered debater, out of his or her depth, will say, “Well, professor so-and-so says it’s true – so it must be true.” Don’t fall for that proxy tree-ring counter’s gambit any longer. Here is the finest shredding of junk science you will ever read.
In a recently revised and re-published paper, Dr Gerlich debunks AGW and shows that the IPCC “consensus” atmospheric physics model tying CO2 to global warming is not only unverifiable, but actually violates basic laws of physics, i.e. the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics. The latest version of this momentous scientific paper appears in the March 2009 edition of the International Journal of Modern Physics.
The central claims of Dr. Gerlich and his colleague, Dr. Ralf Tscheuschner, include, but are not limited to:
1) The mechanism of warming in an actual greenhouse is different than the mechanism of warming in the atmosphere, therefore it is not a “greenhouse” effect and should be called something else.
2) The climate models that predict catastrophic global warming also result in a net heat flow from atmospheric greenhouse gasses to the warmer ground, which is in violation of the second law of thermodynamics.
The LA Examiner has an excellent 3-part exclusive interview with S. Fred Singer regarding the global warming hoax. Who is Singer and what does he know? He’s an American atmospheric physicist, Professor Emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, specializing in planetary science, global warming, ozone depletion, and other global environmental issues. He was a Special Advisor on space developments to President Eisenhower and the first Director of the National Weather Satellite Service Center. He is President of the non-profit Science & Environmental Policy Project, author of Hot Talk Cold Science: Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate, Unstoppable Global Warming (NY Times Bestseller), and editor of Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate.
Part 1: Climate Change 101: Is the globe warming?
Part 2: Climate Change 101: Does carbon dioxide cause global warming?
Part 3: Climate Change 101: Does the IPCC have it all wrong?
UK independence Party leaders tell it like it is
Oceans love carbon dioxide, say sea scientists
“I feel bad that Michael Crichton didn’t survive to see #ClimateGate. He’d have died laughing.” (original tweet) If you are unfamiliar with author Michael Crichton’s views on global warming, here are some references for you. Good reading:
The Case for Skepticism on Global Warming (speech, 2005)
Environmentalism as Religion (speech, 2003)
State of Fear (Novel, 2004)
Michael Mann’s WSJ Letter to the Editor:
Science Must Be Unpolluted by Politics
James Delingpole: The warmists’ evolving tacticsDo you see, now, what I meant when I describe Clover’s piece as the scariest article you’ll read all year? It’s frightening because it prefigures in all its grisly cynicism just where the argument about “climate change” is going next. Or rather where the argument isn’t going – because as far as the lobbyists, eco-correspondents, government leaders, EU apparatchiks and “scientists” pushing AGW theory are concerned, there won’t be an argument at all. For an argument to happen, you need two sides to engage with one another using facts. And facts as far as the AGW lobby is concerned are sublimely irrelevant. They have already made their decision: never mind the truth – CO2 is a deadly poison. There are too many vested interests at stake for them to change course now.The global warming believers won’t let the facts get in the way of a good socialist agenda.
Sacré Bleu! France rules Carbon tax unconstitutional just two days before taking effect
Food prices to rise (even more): Obama wants to turn farms into forestsDecember 29, 2009 · 3 comments
Oh the unintended consequences…Just as when the price of corn and other agricultural products soared when the U.S. government pushed Ethanol on us, if Barack Obama gets his way you’ll be paying even more for your food.
The cap-and-trade bill offers initiatives for farmers and ranchers to do something that sounds oh so wonderful: turn farms into forests to save the world from the sure destruction of global warming. You see. forests trap CO2 and heat better than farms do. The Washington Times reports:
The latest Agriculture Department economic-impact study of the climate bill, which passed the House this summer, found that the legislation would profit farmers in the long term. But those profits would come mostly from higher crop prices as a result of the legislation’s incentives to plant more forests and thus reduce the amount of land devoted to food-producing agriculture.
According to the economic model used by the department and the Environmental Protection Agency, the legislation would give landowners incentives to convert up to 59 million acres of farmland into forests over the next 40 years. The reason: Trees clean the air of heat-trapping gases better than farming does.
Just why would a farmer want to plant trees instead of food?
The legislation would give free emissions credits, known as offsets, to farmers and landowners who plant forests and adopt low-carbon farm and ranching practices. Farmers and ranchers could sell the credits to help major emitters of greenhouse gases comply with the legislation. That revenue would help the farmers deal with an expected rise in fuel and fertilizer costs.
As Allison Specht, an economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation, summed it up: “That’s one of the realities of cap-and-trade legislation. The biggest bang for your buck for carbon credits is planting trees,”
We hope those are trees are tasty.
The Fraud Didn’t Start With Climategate: It has been there for years
This is from Professor Seitz’s 1996 Wall Street Journal article:
This IPCC report, like all others, is held in such high regard largely because it has been peer-reviewed. That is, it has been read, discussed, modified and approved by an international body of experts. These scientists have laid their reputations on the line. But this report is not what it appears to be–it is not the version that was approved by the contributing scientists listed on the title page. In my more than 60 years as a member of the American scientific community, including service as president of both the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society, I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer-review process than the events that led to this IPCC report.
A comparison between the report approved by the contributing scientists and the published version reveals that key changes were made after the scientists had met and accepted what they thought was the final peer-reviewed version. The scientists were assuming that the IPCC would obey the IPCC Rules–a body of regulations that is supposed to govern the panel’s actions. Nothing in the IPCC Rules permits anyone to change a scientific report after it has been accepted by the panel of scientific contributors and the full IPCC.
Climategate: 'The stones cry out'
The extraordinary revelation of Climategate through the alternative media the world over raises provocative questions about the health of Western notions of truth, science, and intellectual freedom .
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