IPS - Inter Press Services
- WORLD SOCIAL FORUM: Reconciling Social and Enviro ...SALVADOR, Brazil, Jan 31 (IPS) - One of the greatest challenges facing the world today is to attend to the urgent social needs of the planet’s population, and particularly the one billion people living "on the brink of survival", while dealing with the equally urgent demands of the environme ...
- U.S.: Landmark Case Could Restore Felon Voting Ri ...ATLANTA, Jan 31 (IPS) - A historic ruling earlier this month on behalf of felons who lost the right to vote could call into question the disenfranchisement of felons and ex-felons in the State of Washington and indeed across the United States.
- BURMA: Ethnic Women Expose Opium Fields in Junta ...BANGKOK, Jan 31 (IPS) - A report exposing the spreading opium fields in the north-eastern corner of the military-ruled Burma has brought to light an equally revealing story. It was produced by a team of ethnic women who risked their lives to document the heroin-filled world they inhabit.
- MIGRATION: Fortress Europe Starts With GreeceATHENS, Jan 31 (IPS) - When Michalis Chrisohoidis, Greek minister of citizens' announed that FRONTEX, the European Agency for Border Control and Protection, would double its representation in this country in spring, it was clear that Greece is being charged with special responsibilities to a ...
- WORLD SOCIAL FORUM: Global South's Growing Role ...SALVADOR DA BAHIA, Brazil, Jan 30 (IPS/TerraViva) - "Society and Governments: debates and alternatives for a post-crisis world" is the name of a Thematic World Social Forum meeting being held in the capital of the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia.
Scoop - NZ
- Exhausted Aid Workers Leaving HaitiWhile the inflow of aid into Haiti is getting more organized, thousands are trying to flee the country. They include tourists, diplomats and reporters. And, increasingly, aid workers who are worn out by what they have experienced. Christen Parker clutches a small, tattered notebook. "These are my s ...
- NZ school ditches Microsoft and goes totally open ...A New Zealand high school running entirely on open source software has slashed its server requirements by a factor of almost 50, despite a government deal mandating the use of Microsoft software in all schools. » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Expert help just a click awayKiwis can now acess the expertise of Doctors, Computer Experts, Mechanics, Vets, Electricians and other experts from a click of their mouse. By visiting www.AskNow.co.nz questions can be asked directly to verified experts and answers received within an hour, sometimes even sooner. "Ask Now allows ...
- The Billionaire Running ChileA right-wing businessman was elected president of Chile this week, flouting the region's recent shift to the left. Antonio Castillo analyses the victory of Sebastián Piñera If you are planning a holiday in Chile this year, it's likely you'll fly with an airline owned by the newly elected Chilean p ...
- Rare warbler found in AfghanistanScientists say they have for the first time discovered a breeding site for the world's least-known bird species. Little is known about the large-billed reed warbler, but researchers have found a thriving flock of the birds in a remote corner of Afghanistan. Robert Timmins from the US based Wildlif ...
Independent ( London )
- Haiti detains Americans for alleged 'child smuggli ...Ten Americans were detained by Haitian police as they tried to bus 33 children across the border into the Dominican Republic, allegedly without proper documents.
- Haiti detains Americans taking kids across borderThe church group, most of them from Idaho, allegedly lacked the proper documents when they were arrested Friday night in a bus along with children from 2 months to 12 years old who had survived the catastrophic earthquake.
- Two guys kissing set to steal the Super Bowl showIt's already a quintessentially American event, combining razzmatazz, cheerleaders, and multimillionaire sportsmen in a few excessive hours of made-for-TV entertainment. But this year, the Super Bowl will be jollified by a side-plot that perhaps reflects the true state of the nation: an angry dispu ...
- Furore over Super Bowl ads reveals America's divis ...It's already a quintessentially American event, combining razzmatazz, cheerleaders, and multimillionaire sportsmen in a few excessive hours of made-for-TV entertainment. But this year, the Super Bowl will be jollified by a side-plot that perhaps reflects the true state of the nation: an angry dispu ...
- UN sets up women-only food aid in HaitiThe World Food Programme has started its first systematic food distribution system for Haiti since the earthquake, with 16 sites set up in the capital where only women may collect food.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Tony Blair accused of putting war with Iran on th ...Summary: Tony Blair has been accused of warmongering spin for claiming that western powers might be forced to invade Iran because it poses as serious a threat as Saddam Hussein. source: The Guardian read more
- 'New ideas' on Iran nuclear fuel raised at DavosSummary: Mottaki TEHRAN — Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has said "new ideas" on the supply of nuclear fuel to Iran were raised in talks with French and Brazilian officials in Davos, reports said on Saturday. source: AFP read more
- IRAN AND OBAMA’S STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS: BACK ...Summary: In a State of the Union address that devoted less time or attention to foreign policy than any recent counterpart, President Obama provided disturbing evidence as to the ongoing strategic regression of his administration’s Iran policy. source: Race for Iran read more
- Obama Losing Control of Iran PolicySummary: In a surprisingly swift move on Thursday night that could have wide-ranging implications, the U.S. Senate passed a bill containing broad unilateral sanctions to punish foreign companies that export gasoline to Iran or help expand its domestic refinery capabilities. source: AntiWar.com ...
- Senate OKs Sanctions on Iran's Fuel SuppliersSummary: US Senate In a vote which had been widely anticipated, the Senate today approved additional sanctions against companies that provide gasoline to Iran, as well as against some companies that provide communications technology to the nation. source: AntiWar.com read more
The Daily Galaxy
- You Create the Caption: Apple Headquarters 'One In ...
- Beyond the Human Genome: MIT Mapping the Planet's ...MIT neuroscientists are making computers smart enough to see the connections between the brain's neurons. A handful of researchers scattered across the globe are attempting to find connectomes of brains more like our own. The scientists, including several at MIT...
- Rare Volcanic Lightning SightedIn the late morning of 12 July 2008, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) received an unexpected call from the U.S. Coast Guard, reporting an explosive volcanic eruption in the central Aleutians in the vicinity of Okmok volcano, a relatively young...
- Extreme Life! Are Hidden Lifeforms Reshaping the P ...Terry Pratchett once described life as a simple, tiny "Yes" being said wherever it could. Even when the question is "Seriously, no, that's impossible, are you SURE somebody isn't just making you up?" Extremobiologists among you may have heard of...
- Image of the Day: Mystical Beauty of Star BirthThe awesome beauty of the Cocoon Nebula shown here, IC 5146, is the H II region located about 4,000 light years away toward the constellation of Cygnus. The 'II' in H II indicates that the hydrogen gas that enshrouds these...
Natural News
- Heal yourself in 15 days by recognizing your innat ...(NaturalNews) This article continues our 15-part article series called Heal Yourself in 15 Days . In part one, we looked at why the real secret to rapid healing is to remove the barriers to healing (http://www.naturalnews.com/028053_self_healing_quality_of_life.html). In part two, we look at why you ...
- Wild Fish Stocks Depleted by Feeding of Farmed Fis ...(NaturalNews) Rather than relieving pressure on wild fish stocks, the explosive growth of aquaculture has actually exacerbated this pressure, according to an international study led by Rosamond L. Naylor of Stanford University and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .The ...
- Use Probiotics to Lose Weight and Treat Illness(NaturalNews) Millions of people suffer from colds, flu and stomach upset every year. Research is showing that this could be caused by a lack of good bacteria in your stomach. Fortunately, there are supplements you can take to increase the amount of good bacteria and improve your health. It's strang ...
- How to Heal Yourself in 15 Days(NaturalNews) Can you really heal yourself in 15 days? Without using prescription drugs, vaccines, chemotherapy or surgery? Absolutely! Your body strives to heal itself automatically, every single day. The only thing that really needs to happen for your body to begin healing itself is for you to rem ...
- Israeli Scientists Show DNA Evidence Can be Fabric ...(NaturalNews) Scientists from the Tel Aviv, Israel-based company Nucleix have demonstrated that it is possible to create fake DNA samples and plant them as evidence at a crime scene, in a paper published in the journal Forensic Science: International Genetics ."You can just engineer a crime scene," ...
- Crazy by any other name is still crazyAmid Haiti's decent into Hell, we see our old friends Pat " Gays caused 9/11 " Robertson and Rush "Take the bone out of your nose" Limbaugh once again overflowing with the rancid milk of compassionate conservatism. From CNN: Robertson, the host of the "700 Club," blamed the tragedy on something t ...
- Banana Republic of the United States of AmericaRemember this ? Well the good ol' US Supreme court just formally gave corporate capital the constitutional right to bankroll whatever political party they choose . The Supreme Court today overturned a century-old restriction on corporations using their money to sway federal elections and ruled that ...
- Prorogation vs Canada's Pro-Democracy MovementFrom The Real News Network : an excellent summary of the issues behind Steve's latest prorogation of democracy and how Canadians are pushing back. Meanwhile, south of the 'longest undefended border in the world', Chris Hedges discusses 'inverted totalitarianism' in Democracy in America Is a Useful ...
- Murder at GitmoHARPER'S MAGAZINE has a frightening report by Scott Horton, titled 'The Guantánamo “Suicides”: A Camp Delta sergeant blows the whistle' . According to Scott, the interrogation of 3 prisoners resulted in death by asphyxiation. The U.S. media has been ignoring the problem, but it's not going away, and ...
- Re-matchTHE GLOBE HAS AN INTERESTING TAKE on the Supreme Court's decision, and Stevie isn't gonna like it . . . according to Kirk Makin, In an 9-0 ruling this morning, the Court said that Canada violated Mr. Khadr's Charter rights by participating in illegal interrogation methods which included sleep depriv ...
Media Matters for America
- Fox News' top shows largely ignore Obama-GOP even ...Following President Obama's address and question and answer session with Republican members of Congress at the GOP House Issues Conference, Fox News' three top-rated programs spent a combined total of four minutes and five seconds covering the event during the January 29 broadcasts. The event wa ...
- "Bolshevik plot": Right-wing media declare Obama ...Urging that "we've got to close the gap a little bit between the rhetoric and the reality," President Obama stated during his January 29 question and answer session with House Republicans that "if you were to listen to the debate" over health care reform "you'd think that this thing was some Bo ...
- Fox cuts away from Obama-GOP Q&A but airs GOP ...During President Obama's question and answer session with Republican members of Congress at the GOP House Issues Conference, Fox News Channel was the only cable news network to cut away and not show the exchange in its entirety. However, Fox News subsequently aired all of the "Republican respon ...
- Conservative media link bin Laden's remarks about ...Numerous conservative media figures responded to Osama bin Laden's reported comments blaming the United States and other industrialized nations for global warming by linking bin Laden with progressives and Democrats. Fox example, Rush Limbaugh likened bin Laden's remarks to "those of the averag ...
- Beck "don't know much about history"... or econom ...On January 28, Fox News host Glenn Beck purported to explain the origins of the financial crisis but instead made several false claims. Beck misinformed his viewers on the difference between institutions that provide student loans and those that purchase existing hom ...
Global Research.ca
- Can the White House Control the NewsFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Israeli Mind-scanner May Take Over US AirportsFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Will A Threatened € Affect the Gold Price? – Short ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- When “Conspiracy Theory” becomes Mainstream: Maybe ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- A Life Well Lived: Remembering Howard Zinn. People ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Triumph Of The WillImagine a state in Palestine to which the Jews of the world are gathered, but in which they have individual rights no greater than its Arab inhabitants. Imagine a country with no privileged religion: everyone goes to his or her... Palestine - Middle East - Israel - Warfare and Conflict - J ...
- Sheikh Jarrah: 'Ground Zero'Yesterday's vigil did not grow in numbers, but it was clear from the people who turned out that it is growing in moral prestige. During the week, J Street issued a statement of support. The world press has begun to... Israel - East Jerusalem - Middle East - Sheikh Jarrah - Warfare and Conf ...
- GOP Media MistakeThe Republican House members invited President Obama to their retreat. The White House suggested that the whole session including the Q & A be on camera. The Repubs agreed. But as Luke Russert tweets from Baltimore. GOP aides telling... Republican - Barack Obama - Baltimore - Luke Russert - Un ...
- A Tribute To TPMtv and Ben CrawAs Josh noted in the Editors Blog, today is longtime video editor Ben Craw's last day at TPM. He's been with us for nearly four years and has created some truly incredible video in the process. Josh paid tribute by... Non-linear editing system - Editing - Talking Points Memo - Video - Unit ...
- Presented By:
- Systemic Failures, by DesignOver the past dozen years, the US has experienced a series of dangerous and costly systemic failures throughout our security and regulatory framework. The unfettered bubble in technology, missed opportunities to prevent 9/11 - leading to two ongoing wars, the tragic response to Katrina, the largest ...
- GRITtv: Rembering Howard Zinn (Video)read more
- Why the Tea Party Convention is Tea-tering on the ...With two major speakers throwing in the towel, the first-ever Tea Party convention is giving Americans a glimpse at internecine fighting over the direction of the libertarian movement. But for now, the show goes on in Nashville. Atlanta - With conservative firebrand Sarah Palin headlining, it’s bee ...
- Drifting Toward Catastrophe: A Seven-Headed BeastSometimes when I'm on a photo shoot, I change my camera focus to close-up, which puts me just inches, say, from the inside of a flower. I can spend much time in-tight like that, marveling at the complexities of a leaf, pistil, stamen, occasionally even a bumblebee inside, stuffing its pollen sacs. ...
- Sundance Reveals the Dark Underside of Political F ...At the Sundance Festival, American documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney recounts the descent into hell of the former lobbyist with links to the Republican Party, Jack Abramoff, offering an indictment of the corruption that infects political financing in the United States. read more
- It’s Time to Get AngryIt’s time to get angry. This is what John Kerry, not exactly the most extreme guy, is saying to us. Is it the best solution? This is what Kerry told advocates of climate legislation recently: “I want you to go out there and start knocking on doors and talking to people and telling people this h ...
- China to Ban Eating Cats and DogsEating dogs and cats–which is an age-old delicacy in China–could soon be against the law. It’s the nation’s first law against such animal abuse. Currently, dog and cat meat is viewed as promoting bodily warmth. But if the law passes, people who eat either animal could face fines of up to $730 ...
- Asian Carp Near Great Lakes: Are They So Bad?U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists with a bighead carp, one of two species whose entry into the Great Lakes is sparking widespread concern. Last week’s edition of Great Lakes Asian carp news brought both a U.S. Supreme Court decision and disclosure of the species’ environmental DNA in La ...
- MN Solid Waste Reform Could Sharply Reduce Greenho ...A new Minnesota stakeholder report identifies 38 solid waste reform recommendations that could dramatically reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. A report submitted December 31 to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) outlines 38 ways the state could achieve a 20-year reduction o ...
- Killer Whales Are Evolving Into Two Different Spec ...Scientists have found that Killer Whales in the North Atlantic Ocean differ in both diet and genetic makeup. In fact, they’re in the process of splitting into two different species all together. Researchers examined the teeth of 62 whale skeletons, some that were hundreds of years old. They fou ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Kula Customers Asked to Conserve Water in February ...Upcountry water storage. File Photo. For the months of February and March, customers in Upper and Lo
- Backlash to Natural GasThe pictures did not carry through with this article but you get the idea by reading it. Our water s
- ISU Research Looks To Increase DDGS In Cattle Diet ...[Source: The Beef Site] Iowa State University researchers are working to safely increase feed use by
- Sustainable water and sanitation infrastructureMatt Damon and Water.org announced at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting a commitment to p
- Advanced High Load FlooBed® MBBR Wastewater Techno ...An advanced biological treatment for highly loaded industrial process or waste waters is being deplo
Public Citizen in Texas
- Nuclear Renaissance Dealt Blow by South Texas Proj ...A critical court ruling today rang the first chime in what could be the death knell of the so-called “nuclear renaissance,” starting with the failed expansion of the South Texas Project (STP). This afternoon’s ruling by 408th District Court Judge Larry Noll that CPS Energy can safely withdraw from ...
- Obama announces new government goal for reducing g ...Also cross-posted at our Energy Blog: President Obama announced this morning he was putting the government on a low carbon diet. Through a series of initiatives, he hopes to decrease energy consumption through efficiency and switching to alternative energy that is less carbon intensive. As the sing ...
- National Day of Action Against Coal WasteTODAY is our National Coal Ash Day of Action - please ask the White House to allow the US EPA to finally regulate coal ash as the hazardous waste it is. Currently, coal ash is less regulated than household trash! This toxic waste stream has never been regulated and that must change, now. 1. Pleas ...
- Help Stop Ozone Pollution, Show Support for Propos ...Right now the EPA is accepting public comments on proposed new ozone standards that will make the air we breathe cleaner and our communities healthier, but they are facing fierce opposition from the coal industry and its allies. The Houston EPA hearing on new ozone standards is one of only three acr ...
- Climate Change Will Increase Storm Activity, Sever ...There’s new information out as to how Texans will be affected by future climate change impacts, and its not looking good. According to new studies and modeling, the number of powerful Catergory 4 and 5 hurricanes will likely increase along with global temperatures, as will the overall frequency an ...
Press TV
- Youth killed in Kashmir demo Clashes between protesters and police in Indian-administered Kashmir have left one person dead and dozens injured.
- Bomb hoax delays Turkish airliner A Turkish passenger plane en route from Istanbul to the eastern city of Van has made an emergency landing in Ankara following a hoax bomb alert.
- 15 killed in US drone strike in northwest Pakistan ...US drones have fired three missiles in northwest Pakistan, killing at least 15 people and injuring several others.
- Toyota president 'sorry' for pedal problemsToyota's president has apologized for a series of recent recalls of its vehicles around the world as the deepening crisis may further damage its sales.
- Blair testimony at Iraq Inquiry 'ludicrous'Two days after former British premier Tony Blair gave his evidence before the country's independent inquiry into the Iraq war, a former cabinet minister has described his testimony as "ludicrous."
Axis of Logic
- Tout Moun Ce Moun: The Haitian Revolution as a Pe ...
- Watt A Hero?
- "Best thing I've read so far" : Haiti 2010: An Unw ...
- Beasts in Samaritan Clothing
- Turkey widens aid efforts for Haiti
They Gave Us a Republic
- President Obama's Weekly AddressLet's sincerely hope this promise to cut the deficit is pure bullshit. Because if it's not, prepare for the Great Depression. Full transcript here.
- Three years ago todayThree years ago today, we all suffered a great loss when Molly Ivins lost her long but valiant battle against breast cancer. A few hours after that news had started to sink in, I got a frantic call telling me that Linda, my best friend and the only friend from my childhood who was still a part of my ...
- Yet the zealots will steadfastly refuse to get itTo most people, abortion exists and they don't really give a rat's ass so long as if a young female in our family is faced with a life-altering choice, she has more than one option to choose from, and polite people don't discuss other people's business or discuss their own in public anyway. I have f ...
- Real DebateCasual Observer makes two excellent points about President Obama's record-breaking smack-down of the GOP on Friday: It has been so long since Americans have seen an actual political debate that they may have gotten pretty excited, understandibly, about what they saw yesterday. MSNBC sure was. When O ...
- We definitely need some new rulesWe don't just need some new rules. We also need the authority to enforce them with a Louisville Slugger. One of the first new rules we need is this: No one who was appointed by Bush the Lesser - especially a P.R. hack who worked as a spin doctor for John Bolton - gets to criticize the performance of ...
Care 2
- Hop to it! A new craze takes seed as pictures show .... Submitted by michael c. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Bases, Missiles, Wars: U.S. Consolidates Global Mi ...Afghanistan is occupying center stage at the moment, but in the wings are complementary maneuvers to expand a string of new military bases and missile shield facilities throughout Eurasia and the Middle East. America, land of the brave? Submitted by David Buchan to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! ...
- Cat House on the Kings fundraiser-Heather LaBonte ...Cat House on the Kings is California's largest no-cage, no-kill, lifetime cat sanctuary and adoption center. Their mission is to place rescued cats and kittens into loving, permanent homes; to provide a safe, happy and healthy home for unwanted cats... Submitted by Ginger Geronimo to Animals | N ...
- Protests As US Halts Life-Flights Out of Haiti - D ...MIAMI – The U.S. military has halted flights carrying Haitian earthquake victims to the United States because of an apparent cost dispute, though a doctor warned that some injured patients faced imminent death if the flights don't resume. Why is it so? Submitted by David Buchan to US Politics & Gov' ...
- HOPE Animal Shelter in Tucson, ArizonaLocated in Tucson, Arizona, HOPE Animal Shelter is a no-kill, cage-free haven for abandoned dogs and cats awaiting adoption. We believe that all animals deserve gentle care, respect, dignity and a loving home. Submitted by Ginger Geronimo to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Online Directory Links Plastic Waste Buyers and Se ...PlasticsMarkets.org, an online directory for buyers and sellers of plastic scrap, has been expanded with a wider scope of materials, scrap pricing and an improved search feature.
- SoCal Utilities Turn to Ice Energy to Put the Chil ...The Southern California Public Power Authority and Ice Energy are launching a project to shift 53 megawatts of peak-time power consumption to hours of lower demand by deploying units that make and use ice to run air conditioners.
- Autodesk, Vestas Listed Among Portfolio 21's Top ...Design software developer Autodesk, Vestas, the East Japan Railway and Henkel are among the firms that have made the Top 10 Green Companies list compiled by global mutual fund Portfolio 21.
- J.R. Simplot, ConAgra French Fry Plants Become Ene ...Two J.R. Simplot Company facilities and one operated by ConAgra Foods' Lamb Weston Inc. have become the first three french fry plants to earn recognition for "superior energy performance" under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star program.
- Online Directory Links Plastic Waste Buyers and Se ...PlasticsMarkets.org, an online directory for buyers and sellers of plastic scrap, has been expanded with a wider scope of materials, scrap pricing and an improved search feature.
Reuters Global
- In Afghanistan: fighting over the terms of a settl ...After last week's London conference it has become clear the fighting is now about the terms of a settlement rather than achieving outright victory.
- Renewing trans-Atlantic ties Finnish-styleGiven their shared history and values, close ties between Europe and the United States are often taken for granted. But relying on history and shared experience is not enough, according to Finland's foreign minister -- it's time for a renewed pact between the European Union and the United States
- Top budget retirement destinations abroadLooking for a fabulous place to retire on a budget? GlobalPost picked 10 intriguing overseas locales where you can stretch every dollar.
- EU, NATO officials call for gender equalityEuropean Union and NATO officials back efforts to involve women more in peacekeeping and conflict resolution, but there is no consensus on whether gender quotas are the solution.
- Obama, Susan Rice and the U.N. — The right a ...When U.S. President Barack Obama came to power, he announced a "new era of engagement" at the United Nations. He appointed his longtime friend and foreign policy adviser Susan Rice to be his ambassador to the world body. He also raised her post to cabinet level, as previous Democratic presidents hav ...
Paul Krugman
- Trying To Cure What Ailes UsRoger and me.
- Smoggy RabbitsLondon "fog" -- actually smog, a term coined not in LA, as I thought, but in Britain in 1904! -- was probably at its peak awfulness circa 1890.
- Worthwhile Canadian ExampleWhat's Canada's financial secret?
- Cossack Rahm Works For The CzarAfter Massachusetts, Democrats were looking for leadership; they didn't get it.
- The Blip ComethA big number, signifying not much.
No Quarter
- In 30 Minutes, Join No Quarter Radio’s Sense on Ce ...4th quarter 2009 GDP came in at 5.7%. November’s employment report showed a gain in jobs. Consumer confidence increased in January. Are these readings to be believed? Will the positive trend continue? On the flip side of the coin, new home sales in January came in much less than expected. Durable g ...
- January 2010 Market ReviewAs January goes, so goes the year. Does this adage hold water? The market direction for the year is correlated approximately 70% of the time with January’s move. I certainly would not make investment decisions based purely upon that rule of thumb. The rule did not hold in 2009 as major equity averag ...
- Opening Show Trial Out-of-TownKSM. The sharp sea-change is not only that POTUS and Attorney General Eric Holder have climbed down from their presumptive and unilateral idea to stage the KSM show trial in Manhattan, not only that the Obama administration does not have a location picked out before it climbed down, not ...
- Larry Johnson on John Batchelor’s ShowTONIGHT AT 10:05 PM ET: Tune in to John Batchelor’s syndicated radio show when Larry Johnson joins the experts’ panel every Sunday. The show is carried on many radio stations and via iTunes. (Open iTunes, then click on Radio || News/Talk Radio || WABC-AM.) FYI, John’s show starts at 9:05 p.m. ET / ...
- I Don’t Know HowNobody told you I don’t know how you were diverted. Â You were perverted too I don’t know how you were inverted. Â No one alerted you Is Congress learning yet? When one party controls everything then we are up a creek without a paddle. It is time for us to balance everything again. Whoever is ...
Environmental Graffiti
- When Airplanes Get Too Close
- Stalin’s Road of Bones
- The Largest Crab on Earth
- The Kamikaze Strikes of WWII in Pictures
- Steampunk Insects Meet their Mechanical Maker
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Fujimori Faces JusticePeru's Supreme Court has upheld the conviction of former president Alberto Fujimori for crimes against humanity.
- Gender: BThe administration earns high marks for its global focus on women’s issues. But its overall approach to war and development still adversely affects women’s lives.
- Multilateralism: B-The Obama administration is UN-friendly. So why hasn't it made more of a push to bring the United States into compliance with international conventions?
- China and India Battle Over Thin AirThe two most populous countries in the world have a great trade relationship. But, as columnist Conn Hallinan explains, they are also on the verge of war.
- Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Forty-Year Drone WarThe wonder weapon of our present moment is the missile-armed unmanned aerial vehicle, or drone, now doing our dirty work, an endless series of targeted assassinations, in the Afghan-Pakistani borderlands.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Execution 'likely' for 9/11 suspectAlleged mastermind of attacks expected to get death sentence, White House spokesman says.
- Karzai rejects Taliban conditionsAfghan leader says demand that US forces withdraw before talks "not meaningful gesture".
- Taliban denies leader is deadCommanders dismiss Pakistani TV reports that Hakimullah Mehsud died in drone attack.
- 'Child smuggling' arrests in HaitiAmericans held after allegedly taking 33 children out of Haiti without authorisation.
- Yemen offers ceasefire to rebelsGovernment says it could end northern offensive if Houthis meet six conditions.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Carbon Market Could Grow 33% This YearAmid uncertainty over carbon policy, the global market for carbon trading is expected to grow by 33 percent this year, according to a report from Point Carbon.
- California Officials Would Not Regulate Electric C ...Whether to treat such companies as quasi-utilities has been a contentious issue for some time.
- Private Equity Is Bullish on Clean EnergyWith strong interest from corporations eyeing the clean energy sector, 2010 could turn out to be a good time for private equity and venture capital firms to pursue investments.
- Overcoming the Ugly Factor in Building-Integrated ...Researchers are pursuing a building facade that generates electricity, heats water, provides interior natural light and doesn't obstruct views from inside.
- Plans for Fast-Charging Stations Raise Concerns Am ...An electric car maker and an manufacturer of charging stations announced a deal this week to deploy fast-charging stations that can re-supply a battery in as little as 15 minutes. Utilities, however, are worried about stress on the grid.
Dot Earth News
- On Water Vapor and WarmingLessons from a new study that blames swings in water vapor for boosting, and slowing, warming over the last two decades.
- On Weather Stations and Climate TrendsA new paper throws cold water on the allegation that bad weather stations have amplified America's warming trend.
- 'Impossible Hamster,' Big Coal, Climate ConcernsPublic cooling on climate and energy while still burning ever more coal.
- 'Is This the Right Room for an Argument?'Are there ways to foster constructive argument on blogs and avoid contradiction wars?
- From Inside and Out, Climate Panel Is Pushed to Ch ...Scientists in and out of the U.N. climate panel discuss its flaws and prospects.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Pearl Harbor: Evidence of shady biz or just a lett ...Remember the Maine, while you're at it! :-D
- Controlling 9/11 "crippled epistemology" via fake ...".... we will suggest below that if the hard core arises for certain identifiable reasons, it can be broken up or at least muted by government action." .... " We suggest a role for government efforts, and agents, in introducing such diversity. Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat ...
- 'Civil support' apparatus appears, Oh noes: Obama ...Article I Section 10 Clause 3.... No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State , or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such immine ...
- TSA goon loses notebook tracing blogger leaks; hon ...Next time at the airport: "resonant effects allow THz waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand"..... But first, Crush the Bloggers with Fake Tweets!!! "Sent Blog Message to entice M... [?] to respond" --Randomly found TSA investigator notebook re manipulating Twitt ...
- New TSA leak PDF; False Flag ops for Detroit Chris ...An interesting confluence of events as Obama suddenly grants INTERPOL diplomatic immunity of sorts, while an apparent airport false flag operation or at least 'shady biz as usual' unravels pretty quickly. Good times in the shadow state for 2010. We found some snippets on the case from two noted ...
Daily Censored
- Hitting bottom at the top – White House forgets to ...People are dying in Haiti because they can’t get out, Dr. Green said. Shala Dewan, New York Times, January 29 Many of us wanted to think that the dreadful behavior during the Bush administration was some sort of aberration. We had a relatively clean election and ended up with a more intelligent and ...
- Mel Gibson on “The Edge of Darkness”Gibson's performance is first rate. He conveys the intensity of the loss and subsequent trauma in a believable way. He's enraged, activated, and confused. Without a lot of help from the screenplay, he conveys the various elements of trauma in a way that tracks with real world reactions.
- Berekely School Board to vote on the proposed REAL ...The issue I am about to attempt to analyze is pressing and I call for all of you who wish to protect public education to please contact Yvette Felarca, yfelarca@gmail.com, National coordinator of the By Any Means Necessary coalition at www.bamn.com, (510) 502-9072 to oppose the privatization of Ber ...
- The Supreme Court: Usurping of Seperation of PowerAssociate Justice Alito http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/27/alito-not-true_n_439672.html More than 225 years ago the Virginian Patrick Henry famously stated that, “”[p]ower is the great evil with which we are contending. We have divided power between three branches of government and erected che ...
- Wages, Prices and Profits(Note: This title is borrowed from Karl Marx, who wrote a brilliant piece of this same title. Likewise for much of the content. I don’t think old Karl would mind. As the postal worker told the poet in the film “Il Postino”: “Poems don’t belong to those who write them; they belong to those who [...]
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Obama to propose $3.8 trillion 2011 budget â ...
- Haiti gov’t says children taken ...
- Colorado officials: Stimulus funds create, save 7, ...
- U.S. satisfied with Toyota recall remedy
- Actor Rip Torn charged with breaking into bank
Institute for Policy Studies
- Fujimori Faces Justice
- Gender: B
- Multilateralism: B-
- China and India Battle Over Thin Air
- Obama's Avatar Moment
Pine River World News
- F. William Engdahl: The Fateful Geological Prize C ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti © F. William Engdahl Source: Global Research January 30, 2010 President becomes UN Special Envoy to earthquake-stricken Haiti. A born-again neo-conservative U.S. business wheel ...
- NORTH KOREA: Citizens asked to project their "ment ...© Pine River World News January 30, 2010 The use of mental powers such as 'visualization' (using one's thoughts to imagine - and achieve - a desired future or outcome) has been investigated on the periphery of science for years - including its use by the military. This stems from a belief that "th ...
- To my RSS subscribers...OK, I see that I have "71 RSS subscribers" to Pine River World News - as per Feedburner today. And, I also realize, that RSS subscribers seldom visit my blog "in person" because the updates arrive on their computers directly via the newsfeeds. This message is specifically for you. A lot of what I ...
- Saudi Arabia's Military Involvement in the Yemen C ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. Saudi Arabia's Military Involvement in the Yemen Conflict © Global Research By Rannie Amiri January 29, 2010 It has been nearly three months since the Saudi military directly inserted itself in the conflict between Zaidi ...
- Existing U.S. home sales fall at record rateThe following commentary is reprinted with permission from World Socialist Web Site. Existing U.S. home sales fall at record rate © World Socialist Web Site By Andre Damon January 26, 2010 Sales of existing U.S. homes plunged in December, exposing the fragility of the housing recovery and its d ...
- Video: Doctors Flowers and Paris Arrested, Re: Oba ...On Jan. 29, 2010, Doctors Margaret Flowers and Carol Paris were arrested outside a hotel, at the Inner Harbor, in Baltimore, MD, where President Barack Obama was to give a speech. They were on a ...
- An Underdog Who Isn’t Daunted by a New Try for the ...By N. R. KLEINFIELD | Cross-posted from the NYT The long shot ate breakfast with his mother. She asked for campaign buttons for her friends. He handed her a dozen. She got worried. That many? Weren’t ...
- Connect the Dots with Lila GarrettMonday morning at 7 on CONNECT THE DOTS the one year anniversary of Obama’ election tune in or use this link http://archive.kpfk.org/parchive/index.php?shokey=ctd as we talk with: TIM CARPENTER Exec Dir. Of PDA, ...
- Yes, we still need HealthCARE reformBy Paulette Garin | PDA Blog Contributor and Cross-posted from Paula’s Blog As part of a recent medical exam, my doctor ordered blood work to evaluate my overall medical condition as well as follow up on ...
- IOT: Stop Global Warming: Jan CallOn this month’s Stop Global Warming/Environmental Issues Organizing Team call, the following topics were covered: Kathy Callan's meeting with Sen. Boxer's staff, results of the Copenhagen climate summit, updates on the Price Carbon Campaign and ...
Marler Blog
- Stewart Parnell's business, Peanut Corporation of ...Sunday’s Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC) said it all: “Blakely peanut illness: Little has changed since scare.” Not only has Food Safety taken a back seat to nearly everything else in Washington DC, but the political theater that is always Washington has accomplished nothing in bringing justice ...
- A few emails on Wholesome Spice and Daniele Salami ...Ya really have to love the internet - Thanks Al Gore for inventing it! Here are a few of the emails and comments we received this week: Daniele As a former owner of a spice company that did extensive work with food processors, I agree that the public has a right to know the information pertaining ...
- Why Organizations Fail - Upcoming Food Safety Spee ...I have had a good run the last 30 days or so on limited travel. Next week that all changes. During the month of February, I will be in Phoenix, Atlanta, Madison, Washington D.C., New York and Dubai either litigating foodborne illness claims, pressing for food safety legislation or giving a speech ...
- Salmonella Montevideo Outbreak linked to Black Pep ...The CDC reports that a total of 202 individuals infected with a matching strain of Salmonella Montevideo have been reported from 42 states and District of Columbia since July 1, 2009. The number of ill persons identified in each state with this strain is as follows: AK (1), AL (2), AZ (5), CA (30), ...
- Chasing the Ambulance Away: Reshaping the Role of ...Date: February 8, 2010 Time: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Great Hall - Memorial Union Sponsor: Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE), Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS), Office of Corporate Relations Overview: William Marler has built his firm, Marler Clark, into a nation ...
- AutoblogGreen for 01.29.10IBM gets 24M hours of supercomputing time to work on lithium air batteries Yikes. DC 2010: Would a federal diesel tax rebate be in order? Diesel coalition thinks so Says it'd be a level playi ...
- DC 2010: DOE Secretary Chu announces closing of Ni ...Filed under: Government/Legal , Nissan , Electric Department of Energy Secretary Chu announced the closing of Nissan 's $1.4 billion Advanced Technology Vehicle Loan Program loan ( originally , the amount was for $1.6 billion) today during the Washington Auto Show . As expected, this money will used ...
- AutoblogGreen for 01.27.10DC 2010: Wheego unveils high-speed Whip, looks a lot like the LSV It's coming this summer for $35k - before tax credits. Washington D.C. to be the third retail market for Chevrolet Volt After ...
- AutoblogGreen for 01.26.10Gas tax pop quiz: how long since it's been raised? Think you're smarter than 60% of Americans? Give us your best guess. Is the Nissan Leaf battery pack under-engineered? Is the s ...
- AutoblogGreen for 01.25.10Toyota won't sell upcoming EV; lease or car-sharing options available instead Tiptoeing into the rEVolution. Done deal: Tesla, DOE complete $465 million loan paperwork You're an investor? Us, ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable Podcast: What the iPad means ...The iPad . Perhaps you've heard of it. Now there are hundreds, maybe thousands of posts and podcasts up about this product, and whether it's worth buying, and what's with the stupid name. But for this podcast I have two smart guests with me with whom I want to step a bit beyond these immediate co ...
- iPad will be to MacBook as Netbook is to PCThere's work ahead for the iPad engineers, but make no mistake: This product is a direct attack on the Netbook category.
- Twitter adds local trends to Web siteNew feature shows you what's hot on Twitter near you.
- Hands-on with Google Voice for the iPhoneiPhone users get somewhat better Google Voice access, still pine for a real app.
- Reporters Roundtable podcast: Charity 2.0This week: Charity in a Connected World. The January 12 earthquake and humanitarian disaster in Haiti had an important technological component: Through the text message giving program, the Red Cross raised $26 million in funds in just 9 days. That's not just a large amount of money to be raised ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- Howard Zinn (1922 - 2010)Howard Zinn, one of the country’s most celebrated historians and author of the seminal work A People’s History of the United States, died of a heart attack Wednesday in Santa Monica, California. He was 87. Over the years, Zinn was a frequent guest on Democracy Now! Click for more
- Let the Haitians InJean Montrevil was shackled, imprisoned, about to be sent to Haiti. It was Jan. 6, days before the earthquake that would devastate Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Montrevil came to the U.S. with a green card in 1986 at the age of 17. Twenty years ago, still a teenager, he was c ...
- Amy Goodman on _Riz Khan_: "The Role of Media in t ...Has the mainstream media in the US replaced serious coverage with “junk news” and tabloidism? Especially in foreign affairs, are Americans less informed than ever? Who is shaping their perceptions of the rest of the world? And who is policing US foreign policy? Riz Khan speaks with Amy Goodman a ...
- The Poetic Justice of Dennis BrutusDennis Brutus broke rocks next to Nelson Mandela when they were imprisoned together on notorious Robben Island. His crime, like Mandela’s, was fighting the injustice of racism, challenging South Africa’s apartheid regime. Brutus’ weapons were his words: soaring, searing, poetic. He was banned, he w ...
- Dennis Brutus (1924-2009): South African Poet and ...World-renowned South African poet and activist Dennis Brutus died in his sleep on December 26th in Cape Town. He was 85 years old. Read more
Farming Pathogens
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- Do Pathogens Time Travel?Evolution arises from a wealth of failure: 1) natural selection requires large and variable populations comprised largely of organisms that fail because their designs do not match their present problems and 2) chance destruction occurs at all spatiotemporal scales. So clearly strict optimization doe ...
- We Are All Astronauts NowFive years ago I gave copies of this essay to a few friends and family as a year-end holiday gift. As a first stab I think it’s aged well, despite its ignorance of the work of Berger, Harvey, Reichenbach, among others. I offer it now to everyone else in a similar spirit–all in good fun, [...]
- Pigs Do Fly! Implications for InfluenzaThe influenza genome is segmented. Eight pieces of single-stranded RNA encode for 11 proteins: PB2, PB1, PB1-F2, PA, HA, NP, NA, M1, M2, NS1, and NS2. The segmentation allows influenza of different subtypes infecting the same host to trade segments like card players on a Friday night. Most of the re ...
- Breeding Influenza: The Political Virology of Offs ...What better way to medicate against a holiday’s genocidal origins and the hunger now swelling worldwide in the wake of a related banker-brought recession than with a bellyful of turkey, stuffing, yams, and pumpkin pie? Despite its rotten ambiguities Thanksgiving remains my favorite American holiday. ...
Digg Green
- Climate researcher calls for radical strategy to b ...Blocking out some of the sun's rays is a faster and cheaper method of controlling the Earth's temperature than cutting greenhouse gas emissions, says a research paper authored by University of Calgary researcher David Keith. ScienceInsider reported that Keith and American climate change researchers ...
- Greenpeace Building Fortress on Planned Heathrow R ...The 65,000 owners of land proposed for London’s Heathrow Airport expansion are asking architects to help fortify the “Airplot” to defend it from police and bulldozers should the Government try to take it by force.
- Climate, Energy Programs May See Boost Despite Bud ...Climate change and clean energy programs, which the Obama administration has championed, are expected to remain priorities at U.S. EPA and the Energy Department in the president's fiscal 2011 budget request despite a request to freeze non-military discretionary spending for the next three years.
- New Mexican Cave Hints at Future WeatherCave formations in New Mexico and China offer clues to how climate change will affect global rainfall.
- America's Vanishing SilenceAudio ecologist Gordon Hempton says there are fewer than a dozen places of silence—areas "where natural silence reigns over many square miles"—remaining in America, and none in Europe.
Invisible Opportunity
- Haiti in Desperate Need of AidIf you are looking to help the now desperate people of Haiti, here is an update from a group of people who have partnered to put together a way to do just that… Day 17 in Haiti Miami, FL-January 28, 2010 Members of Haiti-Life.org , a grass roots organization chartering ships to take aid into ...
- Call to WRH radio show from mother whose college d ...Also see : Is global warming real?
- Troops fire on starving crowds in HaitiBy Patrick Martin January 28, 2010 Troops under United Nations command have opened fire on crowds of hungry Haitians seeking food, an ominous sign of impending confrontation between the people of the earthquake-wracked country and the armed forces dispatched there under the auspices of the imperiali ...
- Haiti Army Occupation
- The Kidnapping of HaitiBy John Pilger January 27, 2010 “Information Clearing House” — The theft of Haiti has been swift and crude. On 22 January, the United States secured “formal approval†from the United Nations to take over all air and sea ports in Haiti, and to “secure†roads. No Haitian signed the agreement, ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- InsurgencyWatch moving to True/SlantIn the coming days, InsurgencyWatch will be moving to True/Slant, “an original content news network tailored to both the ‘Entrepreneurial Journalist’ and marketers who want a more effective way to engage with digital audiences.” (That’s what the official about page says.) It’s not a decision I’ve ma ...
- Kerry-Lugar’s First VictimIf true, this is total bullshit: After strong criticism on the Kerry-Lugar bill in Pakistan, the government has decided to replace Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani and the announcement in this respect is expected within the next two days. There’s nothing in the bill reasonable Pakist ...
- Pakistan’s Civil War Heating UpIn the aftermath of this weekend’s assault on the Pakistani General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Taliban hit again in Alpuri, in the Shangla district east of Mingora in Swat. According to military sources who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, a 13- or ...
- At Home with a Swat LashkarI just finished up a few days in Swat and while I’m working on a story about it, I thought you might like to see a few pictures I took while there. Enjoy. Share/Save
- FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan ...Washington PostFACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in PakistanReutersBy this time he is thought to have fled the region for the safe haven of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. * Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader ...Pakistan to Target Taliba...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Do Employers Really Need to Give Drug Tests for Po ...Many former police officers, city officials, even corrections officers now favor a new drug paradigm. Surely it is time to revisit a system that protects few and harms many.
- South Dakota Advocates Set to Push Again for Medic ...Will the second time be the charm in South Dakota? Four years ago, a medical marijuana initiative there lost by four points. Now, advocates are ready to try again
- False Claims on Rockefeller Drug Law Reform Lead t ...New report takes down the claims that disaster will result from drug law reform, and that judges are incapable of making sound decisions.
- Sewage as a Measure of Society's Drug UseTesting municipal wastewater for drugs may be the next big thing in public health research. The methodology will likely confirm the universality of drug use.
- NJ Allows Medical Marijuana for a Fraction of the ...NJ restricts doctors from prescribing marijuana for anything less than a terminal illness or debilitating condition, such as cancer, AIDS or multiple sclerosis.
Twilight Earth
- Photo Sunday – Poems and Prayers and PromisesPoems and Prayers and Promises. A song in photos. Related posts: Photo Sunday – Wind Photo Sunday – Once By The Ocean Photo Sunday – Golden Aspens
- Single Stream Recycling Video – What Is It – How D ...Single Stream Recycling, not everyone has it, but everyone should. What is it and how do you get it? Related posts: Could recycling really work? What If? AQUS: Innovative Greywater Recycling System Conserves Freshwater Resources Our Green Rant Video for Current.Com
- Our Green Rant Video for Current.ComOur Green Rant Video for Current.Com Related posts: Cop15 Clip Real Video – Greening the Empire State Building Green Hell – What the Anti Environmentalists are Saying About Us (Video) Cop15 – On The Streets – Day One Video
- Churches Filling Pews by -Gasp!- Preaching Environ ...Older, mainline churches approach to environmental issues are attracting younger Americans. Related posts: Pope Benedicts 2010 Message to the World: Environmentalism What is Environmentalism? Pope Says – Environmental Degradation Ends by Living Ethically
- NEWS FLASH: Republicans Believe in Climate Legisla ...American people are eager for Congress to act on climate legislation. Related posts: Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Writing Ant-Environmental Legislation? You Betcha! White House Follow-up on Global Climate Change Impacts Health Care Practices and Climate Change – Dr Bertollini Explains the Connection ...
- GIVEAWAY: Upcycled Zipper Necklace and Cuff Set Wo ...There are only a couple more days left to get your wrists into one of these rocker-chic, upcycled zipper cuffs - with a necklace to boot! Fashioned from broken zippers salvaged from dumpster doom, this stylish set from designer Tara St. James will not only give an extra edge to any outfit, but show ...
- 7 Wacky Upcycled Circuit Board AccessoriesThe art of upcycling isn’t always practical – as is the case with these rather jagged-looking metal undies. But don’t go thinking that all accessories made from old computer chips and circuit boards are so painful. Some, like these rather gorgeous earrings and this opulent bib necklace, are actually ...
- Caboodle is a Prefab Cardboard Condo for Your CatWe’re all about prefab homes for humans, but cats need shelter too! Luckily, there’s Caboodle – a corrugated cardboard modular condo that your feline friends will be delighted to move their little cat possessions into immediately. Aside from having architectural details that are the cat’s meow, Cabo ...
- ECO ART: Brilliant Images Carved into LeavesWhy settle for a postcard of the Mona Lisa, when you could have a hand-carved leaf engraved with her mysterious face? Making art with leaves isn’t a new idea, but several online purveyors have taken the medium to a new level. Offering up intricately cut images of everything from landscapes to th ...
- Amenity Home Sustainable Home Decor for Spring On ...As we begin to peel back the multiple layers of winter  (or are just starting to feel the chill, depending on what part of the world you’re in), Amenity Home launches their latest collection of nature-inspired bedding reflective of the emerging spring season. Taking their cue from ferns, their lat ...
Pogue's Posts
- The Apple iPad: First ImpressionsSome wild speculations of a guy who's never even tried the iPad. Believe me, I'll review it when I get one. But I like what I'm seeing.
- Google Voice Is Back on the iPhone, MostlyHave an iPhone? Tired of waiting for a Google Voice app? There's a workaround from the folks in Mountainview.
- The Apple Guessing GameWhat might Apple be announcing this week? It seems to be a tablet, but the mystery is in the details.
- Introducing Pogue (In)DirectHow to subscribe to and follow all of David Pogue's activities online.
- Bogus Tech MeasurementsDay in and day out, the electronics industry manipulates us. They publish "speeds and feeds" in big bold type - measurements that turn out to mean almost nothing.
Open Your Eyes News
- Russia announces Libya arms deal worth $1.8bnBBC – Russia is to supply Libya with small-arms and other weapons to the value of $1.8bn (£1.1bn, 1.3bn euros), Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has announced. The contract is worth nearly a quarter of the Russian state arms exporter’s entire sales last year, which were put at $7.4bn. Read article
- White House projects record deficit this yearReuters – The White House predicts that the United States will post a record $1.6 trillion budget deficit in the current fiscal year, a congressional source told Reuters on Sunday Read Article
- ‘Statistical Recovery and Human Recession’Wall Street Journal – Key Obama economic adviser Larry Summers coined a telling way to look at the current American economic state of play. He said the U.S. is experiencing a “statistical recovery and a human recession.†It is a phrase that should resonate through much of the industrial world, w ...
- Medeor coordinates German aid effort for earthquak ...Deutsche Welle – After the earthquake hit Haiti, millions needed immediate help. Medeor responded quickly to the disaster because it has been specializing in providing emergency health kits to developing countries for over 40 years. Read article
- Seized North Korea arms were bound for Iran: Thail ...Reuters – A shipment of weapons from North Korea seized by Thai authorities last month were headed for Iran, according to a confidential report the Thai government sent to a U.N. Security Council committee. Read article
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Operation Condor thug heads for trial, puppet mast ...Operation Condor thug heads for trial, puppet masters remain free (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Manuel Cordero was extradited from Brazil to Argentina recently. The former Uruguayan military officer is set to stand trial in Argentina for the 1976 “disappearance” of an Argentine citizen as part ...
- Irish Republican Socialist Flouts ScienceIrish Republican Socialist Flouts Science (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Recently (1) the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP) posted an article attempting to refute a Maoist-Third Worldist perspective on Ireland. The IRSP “criticism” contains no substantial analysis, rather IRSP simply repe ...
- Amerika “disappears” migrants into secret detentio ...Amerika “disappears” migrants into secret detention facilities (raimd.wordpress.com) Recently, journalist Jacqueline Stevens uncovered a list of 186 previously-secret Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sub-field offices. The list reveals the locations into which an unknown number of migrant w ...
- Round 2: Fist Worldist Hoxhaists versus Maoist-Thi ...Round 2: Fist Worldist Hoxhaists versus Maoist-Third Worldists on Counter Revolution (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Recently, a debate took place between First Worldist Hoxhaists and Maoist-Third Worldists. This debate touched on many areas. One of the main issues was the process of counter-r ...
- Round 1:First Worldist Hoxhaism versus Maoism-Thir ...Round 1: First Worldist Hoxhaism versus Maoism-Third Worldism on Three Worlds Theory (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) There was a recent debate between First Worldist Hoxhaists and Maoist-Third Worldists. This debate covered many topics. One of the main topics was Mao’s Theory of Three Worlds fro ...
- Zardari’s Sprititual War: Pakistani President Slau ...Swamped by court challenges and under pressure from a hostile opponents (PML-N), Pakistan’s president, Asif Ali Zardari, has found solace in an unusual form – the ritual slaughter of goats. Zardari has a black goat killed every day at his Islamabad house to ward off “evil eyes” and protect himsel ...
- Video: How Mass Media Control You!This is how they control the masses of this world through media – Yes we all are brainwashed.. doesn’t matters if we are in USA, India, Pakistan or any other part of the world.. we are being fed on deceptions, lies and personal agendas just to rule us. The below amazing interview was don ...
- Alert: U.S. Moves Missiles And Troops To Russian B ...Nuclear and Conventional Arms Pacts Stalled by Rick Rozoff 2010 is proceeding in a manner more befitting the third month of the year, named after the Roman god of war, than the first whose name is derived from a pacific deity. On January 13 the Associated Press reported that the White House ...
- Death Of US Dollar: Secret Images of New Proposed ...The US Dollar is soon going to die and a new currency already planned by Federal Reserve. So if you are investing or saving in US dollars then you should be very concerned about what is coming next! AMERICA-CANADA-MEXICO will become NORTH AMERICAN UNION THE NEW “PROPOSED” BILL FOR NORTH AMERICAN ...
- Video: US Army Takes Haiti – US Blocks Some Aid Fl ...Haiti Earthquake Aid, or Army Occupation – Al Jazeera TV Reports Every country that richer than Haiti is trying to help, but only American government is sending armed occupation forces to build more bases, and never pull out. Karachi-based charity worker, Abdul Sattar Edhi, pledged cash as former ...
- EcoGeek of the Week: CEO of AMP Electric VehiclesWe had the chance to meet Steve Burns when he came to the North American International Auto Show in Detroit earlier this month. Steve Burns is the CEO of AMP Electric Vehicles , a Cincinnati, OH-based company that is creating electric vehicles without building cars themselves. AMP believes in el ...
- Federal Government Will Cut Its GHG Emissions 28% ...Many of us were disappointed by the State of the Union address Wednesday night. Sure the president stressed the importance of a climate bill and clean energy development, but he also committed to pursuing more nuclear energy, new offshore oil drilling and "clean" coal. That makes today's announce ...
- Florida Getting First High-Speed Rail FundsLast year, the government promised $10.5 billion in funds for high-speed rail development and the first state to receive some of that money is Florida. Tomorrow, President Obama will be awarding $2.5 billion to the state to jump-start the first phase of their train system that will run from Orland ...
- 10 GW of Wind Power Installed in U.S. Last YearWith all of the conflict over Cape Wind and the constant reduction in scope of T. Boone Pickens' wind projects , it's easy to feel discouraged, but here's something to lift your spirits. Great news came from the American Wind Energy Association today. During 2009, 10 GW of new wind power capacity ...
- Study Says Algae Biofuel Has Dirty Life CycleAlgae has seemed like a great biofuel candidate because it's extremely efficent at creating energy from sunlight and it could potentially form closed loops for power plants - absorbing exhaust while creating new fuel - but a recent study has knocked algae off its pedestal. University of Virginia r ...
Times Online - Science
- Royal Society meet to discuss if extra-terrestrial ...It is the classic sci-fi scenario: discovering aliens, not in outer space, but right here on Earth, sitting next to you in the workplace, serving food in your local restaurant, or, scariest of all, in your own home.
- Ocean 'X Factor' to reach deepest point will net £ ...Fifty years ago today two men sealed themselves inside a tiny steel sphere and were lowered over the side of a ship in the Western Pacific. For the next four hours they dropped steadily down through the ocean depths. A porthole cracked, shaking the craft, but they continued. Within another hour ...
- Sexy science: Spiral tap gives snails a new twistIn Ian Fleming’s novel Dr No, James Bond’s nemesis Julius No survives a murder attempt thanks to a rare medical condition. The shot that is fired into the left side of his body misses its mark because No’s heart is located on the right. Situs inversus is a congenital condition that reverses th ...
- Dinosaur footprints in quarry to be preservedDinosaur footprints formed 165 million years ago on an ancient shoreline in north Oxfordshire are to be given special protection by the Government’s conservation experts, Natural England.
- Horse owners warned after 'swamp fever' case in Br ...Britain’s 1.2million horse owners were on alert last night after two horses were found to be suffering from a notifiable disease known as “swamp fever” in the first case in the country for 34 years.
Environment _ National Geographic
- Haiti Earthquake & Voodoo: Myths, Ritual, and Robe ...A voodoo scholar explains how Haiti's many believers may view the earthquake, why he thinks Pat Robertson's post-quake remarks were "cruel, ignorant, unforgivable"—and more.
- Green Energy "Oasis" to Bloom in the Desert?A research center slated to be built in 2010 as part of the Sahara Forest Project is meant to serve as a proving ground for new technologies designed to bring green living to the desert, project managers say.
- Strongest Hurricanes May Triple in Frequency, Stud ...The U.S. Southeast, Mexico, and the Caribbean will be pounded by more very intense hurricanes in the coming decades due to global warming, a new computer model suggests.
- BPA Linked to Heart Disease, Study ConfirmsBisphenol-A—used in many sunglasses, reusable bottles, food packaging, and baby bottles—is linked to heart disease, a new study confirms. In a separate development, the FDA changes course and announces concern over BPA.
- Chemical BPA Linked to Heart Disease, Study Confir ...Bisphenol-A—used in many sunglasses, reusable bottles, food packaging, and baby bottles—is linked to heart disease, a new study confirms.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Judge Orders Breitbart Brat Home to Mommy and Dadd ...Co-conspirators Stan Dai and James O'Keefe seen leaving the courthouse in a photo that O'Keefe did not have a chance to tamper with before I could: After getting caught messing with the phone lines in Senator Landrieu's Louisiana office , even videoing his and his co-conspirators with their pant ...
- When it comes to Joe Lieberman...If Joe Lieberman... Originally uploaded by msgeek93 Nothing to add.
- Rep. Anthony Weiner Teaches Lieberman To SpellIn his own special way : Sharp-eyed Ben was reading my story when he noticed something I had missed: Lieberman managed to misspell the name of Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), who, I swear, has uttered the phrase "As long as you spell my name right" in my presence. Wrote Lieberman: "I fear the people who ...
- After waiting 6 months for Franken to join the Sen ...Months and months of obstruction that the Democratic party had to sit through waiting for Norm Coleman to give up what he had lost in the elections, a reality of election law that the Dem party had to deal with in Minnesota and in the Senate waiting for a 60th vote. And Scotty Brown is out there mak ...
- Some things are worth crowing about:Via Tengrain at Mock, Paper, Scissors : Our own Cassie is now a published author! Read Cassie’s article in Mother Jones, and be sure to leave a comment for her there . Go Cassie! And the article is worth the read... The Parent Trap — Flickr/kapungo (Creative Commons) We love seeing bad parents ...
SPL Center
- Columnist Describes Barrage of Threats from Nazi L ...ROANOKE, VA. — Pulitzer-prize winning columnist Leonard Pitts told the jury this afternoon that his “blood ran cold” when he received an E-mail from white supremacist Bill White with his home address, telephone number and a reference to his wife. When he clicked a link in the E-mail and saw that Whi ...
- Federal Jury Convicts Missouri ExtremistWhoever complained that the wheels of justice move slowly would have enjoyed this week’s trial of Robert Joos Jr. A federal jury in Springfield, Mo., needed nine minutes to convict the reputed antigovernment white supremacist on charges of being a felon in possession of firearms and a felon in posse ...
- Indictments Detail Alleged Police Cover-up in Beat ...At about 11:30 on the night of July 12, 2008, six teenagers brutally assaulted a Latino man in a Shenandoah, Pa., park while yelling “Fucking spic, “Go back to Mexico” and “Tell your fucking Mexican friends to get the fuck out of Shenandoah.” As they gathered at one of their homes after the attack, ...
- Racist Skinhead’s Wife Behind European ̵ ...The online news site European Union Times (EUT) — which recently “broke” a story about President Obama preparing for an imminent civil war — is being cited as a credible source by several libertarian bloggers who are hyping the story. It turns out the EUT was created in October and is registered t ...
- Oath Keepers Chief Denies Accused Rapist Was Membe ...Antigovernment “Patriots” are pledging support for a former Marine and self-described Oath Keeper who recently was charged with the rape of a child in Oklahoma and illegally having a grenade launcher. They say the man is being set up because of his own unorthodox and antigovernment views. Stewart Rh ...
change: org.
- Change is Here. Change is Great. My grandmother used to say she didn’t believe any generation would ever see as much change as hers had. She grew up in rural Tennessee, and watched cars, telephones, and televisions go from clumsy oddities to sleek must-haves for modern life. My grandmother, of course, was wrong. The change in our l ...
- Explaining the School-to-Prison PipelineIt's well-established that low-income students are much less likely than their more affluent counterparts to receive a challenging, fulfilling education. When one group of students is at a disadvantage from the beginning, they don't perform as well on the standardized tests required to graduate from ...
- My Dangerous Loverboy: Pop Music to Warn Girls Abo ...Pop quiz: Is "My Dangerous Loverboy" a.) the most recent book in the Twilight series, b.) the horse that won the Kentucky Derby in 2007, or c.) the name of a new campaign which seeks to warn teen girls about the dangers of boyfriend-turned-pimps, also known as "loverboys." If you picked c.), then ei ...
- What Could the iPad do for Global Health?Critics say the iPad is just an overgrown iPhone. But in its defense, an overgrown iPhone turns out to be a pretty useful thing -- one with some real possible implications for global health. Like any other tablet computer, it can be used at a bedside in the same way a clipboard could be, but with ma ...
- Ad Fail: Don’t Waste Energy on ManCrunchThe Super Bowl ad war has devolved into the hottest of messes. As it stands right now, the anti-choice Focus on the Family ad will air, while progressives are left complaining that a fledgling man-on-man hookup site’s ad isn’t also airing … Really? This is not how this was supposed to go down. Th ...
Common Dreams -News
- Leaks Imperil Nuclear Industry; Vermont Yankee Amo ...by Beth Daley VERNON, Vt. - The nuclear industry, once an environmental pariah, is recasting itself as green as it attempts to extend the life of many power plants and build new ones. But a leak of radioactive water at Vermont Yankee, along with similar incidents at more than 20 other US nuclear pla ...
- Copenhagen Accord: Poor Response to Climate Deadli ...Just 19 countries out of 193 have sent letters of intent to the United Nations to be part of a global climate change accord, the UN's climate chief says. Countries met in Copenhagen, Denmark, in December in pursuit of a legally binding deal to follow the Kyoto protocol on limiting global warming. Bu ...
- Pentagon to Rank Global Warming as Destabilizing F ...by Suzanne Goldenberg The Pentagon will for the first time rank global warming as a destabilizing force, adding fuel to conflict and putting US troops at risk around the world, in a major strategy review to be presented to Congress tomorrow. read more
- Pie Throwers Serve Up Long Tradition of Political ...by Mark Iype Political protests take countless forms. The hunger strike and the wildcat strike. The protest march and the protest song. The sit-in and the petition. They all have their place in history for combating the powerful. But none match the splendidly photogenic, questionably effective, some ...
- US Marines Facing a 'Different War' in Afghanistanby Jason Gutierrez SOUTHEAST OF MARJAH, Afghanistan - For the US Marines deployed to the battlefields of southern Afghanistan, life is fragile and thoughts focus on the day they see their families again, but something about this war is different. They are preparing for an offensive on Marjah, one o ...
- Current Crop of E-Readers Compared: iPad vs. the R ...Developer and blogger Darren Beckett rounds up a crop of five e-readers and gives them a short price and feature comparison with the newly released iPad—and rolled the results in to an eye-friendly infographic. (Click the image above for a closer look.) We may have our problems with the iPad , but ...
- Defrag Your Mind in Five Steps [Mind Hacks]We recently highlighted personal development blogger Dragos Roua's suggestion to treat yourself as a computer to become the best version of yourself. One of his suggestions: Defrag your mind. Here's a closer look at what he meant. Roua extended his brain-as-computer metaphor a bit further, offering ...
- Make a Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder from a Bottle an ...If squirrels are looting your bird feeder and the poor birds aren't getting anything, this inexpensive DIY bird feeder can help keep the squirrels at bay. The design is inexpensive and ingenious for its simplicity. The bird seed is held in a candy tin and the tin is connected to the supporting surfa ...
- Five Best Public BitTorrent Trackers [Hive Five]A great BitTorrent client is all well and good, but you need a great tracker to get the actual torrent files and stoke the bandwidth burning fire in your client of choice. Here's a rundown of five of the most popular options. A bit of clarification is in order before we share the list of the top fiv ...
- Mod Your NES for Stereo Sound, Arcade Games, and a ...The last time we talked NES hardware with you, it was a tip on how to repair a broken pin connector and get your old system working again. These hacks will take your old-school system to another level all together. Over at Raphnet.net the personal site of a Linux and electronics enthusiast, Raph has ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Karzai: Afghan Mineral And Oil Reserves Worth $Tri ...By Steve Hynd Karzai, announcing a survey of Afghan oil and mineral deposits: "I have very good news for Afghans," Karzai said. "The initial figures we have obtained show that our mineral deposits are worth a thousand billion dollars -- not a thousand million dollars but a thousand billion," he said ...
- The Next Problem With The Afghan Police - Tribal L ...By Steve Hynd It's almost an article of faith among the COIndinista set right now that the answer in Afghanistan is "tribal". Tribal militias, Tribal Jirgas, deals with smuggling tribes to fight their smuggling rivals the Taliban. Many analysts who know the country and the people have been sceptical ...
- Karzai: Afghan Mineral And Oil Reserves Worth $Tri ...By Steve Hynd Karzai, announcing a survey of Afghan oil and mineral deposits: "I have very good news for Afghans," Karzai said. "The initial figures we have obtained show that our mineral deposits are worth a thousand billion dollars -- not a thousand million dollars but a thousand billion," he said ...
- The Next Problem With The Afghan Police - Tribal L ...By Steve Hynd It's almost an article of faith among the COIndinista set right now that the answer in Afghanistan is "tribal". Tribal militias, Tribal Jirgas, deals with smuggling tribes to fight their smuggling rivals the Taliban. Many analysts who know the country and the people have been sceptical ...
- Afghan Conference Gives Us Nothing NewBy Steve Hynd Here's the official communique from the London conference on Afghanistan today. And here's the best commentary on it you'll find, one written in advance with total accuracy: As ever in the noble art of diplomatic summitry, it is all about upside down news. Let me explain. This is the A ...
Water Wars
- Cuckoo for Coconuts (New York Post)Madonna has become so nuts for coconut water that she recently invested about $1.5 million in one of the leading makers of the drink, which has taken Hollywood and The Big Apple by storm, The Post has learned. Guy Oseary, the Material Girl's manager, told On the Money...
- Water leaders set for Colusa Farm Show (Colusa Cou ...With California's historic water wars on center state at the state Capitol, Family Water Alliance will host the second annual Water Forum during the Colusa Farm Show. The event will feature a panel of California's leading water experts and will be...
- Star Valley, Payson poised to end water wars (Pays ...Payson and Star Valley this week turned the water war into a support group, with a “monumental” agreement to give Star Valley access to a deep water well and an existing water main that could support commercial development and fire hydrants along the highway.
- Fish wrap: Big rains stir up sturgeon bite; Delta ...UNTIL floodwaters deposit the Marin IJ offices high and dry atop Mount Tamalpais I will refrain from describing the recent rains as biblical.
- Things to do: Documentary to be screened at NCC (T ...North Central College 's Cultural Events and Office of International Programs will co-host a free screening of the documentary "Blue Gold: World Water Wars" at 7 p.m. in Meiley-Swallow Hall, 31 S. Ellsworth St., Naperville.
WordPress | Economics
- Chile: Salmon Slide Sparks Widespread LayoffsTriggered by the outbreak in 2007 of a deadly fish disease, Chile’s long buoyant farmed-salmon
- A financial economist's take on Sons of Gwalia.The High Court’s judgement has been severely criticised by the debt capital markets as well as
- Gone Fishing!!!The article”Finding Fish” by Maywa Montenegro is actually a forum where six experts disc
- The Ascent of Money, Part 2
- An Open Letter to President ObamaAn Open Letter to President Obama Subject: Repairing Lack of Trust in Government The decline of trus
Electronic Intifada
- Floods bring more misery for tented communities in ...OCCUPIED GAZA STRIP (IRIN) - Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza made homeless by Israel's 23-day military assault on the Gaza Strip which ended just over a year ago, are sti ...
- "Together we can end this occupation"The Israeli military recently dropped hundreds of leaflets warning Palestinian residents from the village of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip not to travel within 300 ...
- "Our community is at risk": An interview with Itti ...Ittijah, the Union of Arab Community Based Associations, was founded in 1995 in response to a widely felt need for increased cooperation and exchange between Palestinian Ar ...
- Goldstone member to EI: Gaza ambulance shelled "po ...Desmond Travers, member of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict led by Judge Richard Goldstone, responds to the description of an attack on an ambul ...
- Bilin grassroots leader Mohammed Khatib arrested i ...BILIN, occupied West Bank - At 1:45am today, Mohammed Khatib, his wife Lamia and their four young children were woken up by Israeli soldiers storming their home, which was ...
CS Monitor - News
- podcast091204Fewer US jobs lost in November and impact on economy.
- October 16, 2009The UN Human Rights Council votes to adopt the Goldstone Report on Israel's military incursion into Gaza.
- October 19, 2009Saudi Arabia is wary of terrorists, especially from neighboring states.
- October 20, 2009How some TV insiders view parents and children on reality television.
- October 21, 2009How African Anglicans might respond to the Vatican's offer.
The Wonk Room
- JSOC-ing Al Qaeda Around The WorldOur guest blogger is Brian Katulis, a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. As indicated by a Washington Post story earlier in the week on the U.S. military’s clandestine involvement in operations in Yemen and the news that more special forces are headed there, the Joint Spe ...
- Why Obama Choose To Ignore Most Republican Health ...At today’s House Republican retreat, President Obama emphasized the Republican ideas in the House and Senate health care bills and called on the party to abandon their harsh rhetoric and work on reform in a bipartisan manner. “[F]rom the start I sought out and supported ideas from Republicans, I eve ...
- Biden Throws Down The Gauntlet And Sets Stage For ...Vice President Biden has an important op-ed today in the Wall Street Journal. In it, Biden firmly addresses one of the main arguments used by conservatives to oppose arms-control efforts, namely that the US nuclear stockpile is too unreliable to make further reductions. In response, Biden says the A ...
- Obama Commits Government To Major Cuts In Global W ...Today, President Barack Obama announced that “the federal government will reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution by 28 percent by 2020.” These cuts are long overdue, and promise a sea change in government procurement and practices, with the promise of major savings from energy efficiency. In a st ...
- Obama Reprimands GOP: Stop Saying ‘This Guy’s Doin ...This afternoon, during a conciliatory visit with the House Republicans, President Obama suggested that the party’s bitter political attacks prevented any possibility of negotiation or compromise on health care reform. “If you were to listen to the debate, and frankly how some of you went after this ...
thwap's schoolyard
- What's Next?I think the Anti-Prorogation rallies were successful in that they gave harper a major public-relations black-eye. But as someone wrote on some other blog's comments section somewhere, back in the day, various parliaments blithely ignored hand-written petitions with over ONE MILLION signatures, so t ...
- Too Busy 2 WriteSo I'm linking to KITH: Hope you liked it. (I didn't have much to do with it though, did i?)
- Canadian Newsmedia Rediscovers HaitiI gotta say that it puts a bad taste in my mouth to see all these fucking newspaper headlines about the earthquake in Haiti and how "Canada is doing this" and "Canadians are doing that" for Haiti. I've mentioned several times on this blog how curious it is that Canadian news media say Jack Shit abo ...
- harpercon bleat: "B-B-B-ut Prorogation is 'Constit ...That's one of the things that I've been reading on the "Blogging Tories" response to the Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament movement. Duh. The proposed Liberal-NDP coalition was constitutional too. But they called it a "coup." Anyway, CAPP isn't against proroguing parliament so much as we'r ...
- Childish PranksPMO spokesperson Dimitri Soudas on the "Yes Men" stunt : "Time would be better used by supporting Canada's efforts to reach an agreement instead of sending out hoax press releases," Soudas wrote in an email to CBC News. "More time should be dedicated to playing a constructive role instead of childis ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Market Observation: Emerging Markets, Copper, Tumb ...by Gary Dorsch. "A trend in motion, will stay in motion, until some outside force, knocks it off its course." So far in January, a whirlwind of events have suddenly knocked the global commodity and stock markets off their 10-month upward trajectory. Beijing is clamping down on Chinese bank loans and ...
- The Other Oil Play You Simply Can't Ignore by Marin Katusa. "The biggest economic shift of our time is under way. Cheap and easy oil is gone for good. And given our addiction to low-cost oil, the results are about to put the squeeze on your pocket book."
- Bernanke's Burn Notice -- Why Now? by Robert Prechter. "Like a spy who gets a burn notice, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has suddenly lost his support. Bernanke has gone from being Time magazine's Man of the Year in 2009 to … what? A Fed chairman embroiled in a controversial reconfirmation process before U.S. Congress. Why th ...
- Where Will US Job Growth Come From? by James Quinn. "Employment in the U.S. peaked in November, 2007 at 146.6 million people. As of December 2009, only 137.8 million Americans were employed -- a loss of 8.8 million jobs in 25 months. Using the official (U3) measurement, the unemployment rate is 10%. Using the broader, more realistic ( ...
- Why I Hope Gold Falls to $1,000 by Jeff Clark. "As a self-professed gold bug, why would I possibly want my favorite investment to fall in value? Have the long hours finally caught up with me? Au contraire; my near-constant devotion to all things gold has only served to crystallize one of the things I really want out of this. Here’ ...
on Government Oversight
- Former SEC Attorney Responsible for Diming Out Whi ...Yesterday POGO published an article in Politics Daily which revealed that George Demos, a former Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) attorney who is now running for Congress, was previously cited in an SEC Inspector General (IG) report for improperly disclosing...
- If You're Looking for Another $80 Billion in Savin ...Key quote from Wednesday's State of the Union address: "Starting in 2011, we are prepared to freeze government spending for three years. Spending related to our national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will not be affected." [Emphasis POGO's] As...
- Morning Smoke: Post-Confirmation Bernanke May Have ...Bernanke May Have Harder Fight Defending Fed After Confirmation by Scott Lanman [Bloomberg] Jury Convicts Former SEC Lawyer by Kara Scannell [The Wall Street Journal] DoD's '11 Budget: $10.7B for F-35, $4B for New Bomber, More for SpecOps by John...
- Morning Smoke: Defense Spending Freeze Exemption U ...Defense Analysts Blast Military Exemption to Spending Freeze by Spencer Ackerman [Washington Independent] Obama's 2010 State of the Union address fact-checked [Washington Post] Will Sen. Dorgan Disclose His Potential New Employers? by Kate Sheppard [Mother Jones] QDR Kills Two MTW...
- Five Areas of Government In Need of ReformBefore you sit down to watch the State of the Union address tonight, make sure to take a look at our latest recommendations to President Obama. While the administration has implemented many important reforms in their first year, there's still...
Science Express
- Study offers evidence that spongiform brain diseas ...Scientists have determined how a normal protein can be converted into a prion, an infectious agent that causes fatal brain diseases in humans and mammals.
- Research may hold key to maintaining embryonic ste ...In a new study that could transform embryonic stem cell (ES cell) research, scientists at UT Southwestern Medical Center have discovered why mouse ES cells can be easily grown in a laboratory while other mammalian ES cells are difficult, if not impossible, to maintain.
- Physical reality of string theory demonstratedString theory has come under fire in recent years. Promises have been made that have not been lived up to. Leiden (The Netherlands) theoretical physicists have now for the first time used string theory to describe a physical phenomenon. Their discovery has been reported in Science Express.
- Bcl6 gene sculpts helper T cell to boost antibody ...Expression of a single gene programs an immune system helper T cell that fuels rapid growth and diversification of antibodies in a cellular structure implicated in autoimmune diseases and development of B cell lymphoma, scientists at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center reported toda ...
- Scientists discover gene mutation responsible for ...University of Utah researchers and their colleagues have identified the gene that is mutated in a hereditary form of a rare neuroendocrine tumor called paraganglioma (PGL). The gene, called hSDH5, is required for activation of an enzyme complex that plays a critical role in the chemical reactions th ...
- Seriously: Where Is The Link Between Copyright Inf ...Over the past few years, the entertainment industry has been pushing hard on the claim that copyright infringement and organized crime (or terrorism) are somehow connected . It's a regular talking point and is often brought up in discussions about ACTA. And yet, where is this supposed link? Glyn ...
- New Data Shows No Decrease In Crashes After Drivin ...We've been suspicious of whether or not "driving while yakking" laws actually do any good. There are already laws against reckless driving, and picking out specific driving distractions doesn't seem likely to change things, since people just switch to other distractions. A study back in 2006 found ...
- Econ 101: Study Shows That If Record Labels Lowere ...Having talked with a bunch of music execs recently, as well as a few different companies that do analytics in the music space, one thing became clear: unlike most other industries, record label execs tend not to be particularly data or analytics-driven. Let's just say they didn't get into the recor ...
- Retail Giant Tesco Gets Into The Movie BusinessEven as the movie business has had yet another record breaking year at the box office, we still hear claims from Hollywood that online downloading of unauthorized movies is going to kill the movie business. And yet, where there's demand, new business models will be created. ethorad points us to t ...
- Publishers Beginning To Recongize The Value Of Fre ...We've seen how various book publishers have freaked out about the growing popularity of ebooks, often with a price capped at $10 -- arguing that it's cannibalizing the higher margins found on hardcover books. And yet, at the same time, some of those very same publishers are perfectly happy to offer ...
- Miscarriage prompts halt to flu jabsMinistry denies link, launches an inquiry Bangkok Post 01/29/2010 H1N1 flu vaccinations among pregnant women have been suspended after a woman who received a jab lost her baby to miscarriage a day later. The Public Health Ministry yesterday denied any link between the vaccinations and the foetal de ...
- Forced Vaccinations, Government, and the Public In ...By Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. thehnf.com December 2009 Those who are observant have noticed a dangerous trend in the United States, as well as worldwide, and that is the resorting of various governments at different levels to mandating forced vaccination upon the public at large. My State of Missis ...
- Denver Public Schools Turned Into Vaccine Clinics
- Over 250 Studies and Case Reports Your Pediatricia ...Jeffry John Aufderheide 1/29/10 There is a massive body of vaccine literature waiting to be discovered for the budding researcher. I have pared down a list of interesting studies and case reports on the topic of vaccines. Many, as you can see, are not in the native English language. Most of the l ...
- Novartis chief warns states over cancelled vaccine ...Source: AFP BASEL, Switzerland — The head of Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis on Tuesday warned that governments now trying to cancel swine flu vaccine contracts might not be dealt with so swiftly in the next pandemic. Chairman and chief executive Daniel Vasella said those that had been reliab ...
- Irrational Fears and the Status QuoIt seems like I have spent my entire life trying to fight off the irrational fears that people have tried to instill in me. I was advised not to ride the bus in Ft. Lauderdale or I’d get robbed. I was told if I went to Liberty City, I would get beat up. Before [...]
- Howard Zinn Will Be MissedI feel very lucky that I had the opportunity to see Howard Zinn at Busboys and Poets last year. I wish I had a recording of his talk. The gist of it was that no politician is going to bring us the change we need. We have to make the change happen. Here is an [...]
- Women, Are You Up for a Gathering?You may have heard about a conference coming up in San Francisco called Libertopia. Its purpose is to create a worldwide movement of individuals who choose their own form of governance – a voluntary society based on mutual respect for each individual’s dignity and ownership of his/her own body and ...
- Are Cynic and Optimist Mutually Exclusive?People often complain that I’m cynical and pessimistic. I’m always looking for the catch, the ulterior motive, the dark side. Every new plan, from health care to tax reform, I am immediately poking holes in. Many of my friends are liberal, nonprofit types who are very attached to these plans. ...
- Things You Might Have MissedI know there are some people who really believe that enforcing anti-prostitution laws will help women, but it is really hard to have patience for those people when I read things like this. On a more inspiring note, these women in South Korea are bad asses. Howard Zinn recently spoke about the myths ...
Executive Intelligence Review
- Simply & SummarilyEditorial, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
- Behaviorism and Summers' Bad BehaviorReprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
- Why Larry Summers Must Go Now!By Scott Thompson and Paul Gallagher Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
- Time To Stop Lying and Get It Right!By John Hoefle Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
- Nerobama Defies the Mass StrikeBy Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
Armies of Liberation
- US Sanctions Iran Based al Qaeda, Zawahiri Promise ...The US Treasury Department placed financial sanctions on Saad bin Laden, thought to be in Pakistan, and three alleged al Qaeda operatives in Iran including a Yemeni. The terrorist designation Friday froze their assets within US jurisdictions and prohibits Americans from financial dealings with the ...
- Arabian Peninsula al Qaeda groups mergeIn the face of Saudi Arabia’s success against the al Qaeda organization, many Saudi operatives have fled to the more hospitable climate in Yemen, joining others who recently arrived from Iraq, Somalia, and Pakistan. Al Qaeda in Yemen announced its merger with Saudi Arabia’s al Qaeda organization to ...
- Yemen strikes multi-faceted deals with al QaedaYemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh recently struck a deal with Ayman Zawahiri, and Yemen is in the process of emptying its jails of known jihadists. The Yemeni government is recruiting these established jihadists to attack its domestic enemies as it refrains from serious counter-terror measures aga ...
- Yemen’s Multi Faceted Deals with Al Qaeda (A ...اليمن تعقد صÙقات متعددة الوجوه مع القاعدة كتبت: جين نوÙاك – Ùبراير/ 2009 عبدالله عبدالوهاب ناجي- ترجمة خاصة بالمستقلة عقد الرئيس اليمني علي عبدا لله ØµØ§Ù„Ø Ù…Ø¤Ø®Ø±Ø§ صÙقة مع ...
- Yemen’s three terror frontsBy Jane Novak March 28, 2009 3:18 PM Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took credit in an internet statement Friday for a pair of suicide attacks that targeted South Koreans in Yemen. A teen-aged suicide bomber killed four South Korean tourists in Shibam, Hadramout on March 15. A second terror att ...
Dark Politricks
- "Lincoln on Liberty: Friend or Foe?"By Matt Hawes I don’t think that question is too hard to answer, and it is also the name of one of our C4L-sponsored events at CPAC 2010 – taking place Feb. 18-20 in Washington, D.C. – that I am really looking forward to. Featuring Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo, our Thursday, February 18 “Lincoln on Liberty: ...
- UN agency calls for global cyberwarfare treaty, ‘d ...AFP Sunday, January 31st, 2010 The world needs a treaty to prevent cyber attacks becoming an all-out war, the head of the main UN communications and technology agency warned Saturday. International Telcommunications Union secretary general Hamadoun Toure gave his warning at a World Econo ...
- UN climate change panel based claims on student di ...Richard Gray and Rebecca Lefort London Telegraph Sunday, January 31st, 2010 The United Nations’ expert panel on climate change based claims about ice disappearing from the world’s mountain tops on a student’s dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine. The revelation will cause fresh ...
- Controversial climate change boss uses car AND dri ...Simon Parry UK Daily Mail Sunday, January 31st, 2010 He is the climate change chief whose research body produced a report warning that the glaciers in the Himalayas might melt by 2035 and earned a Nobel Prize for his work – so you might expect Dr Rajendra Pachauri to be doing everything he can to re ...
- The Sharp Dressed Man Who Aided Mutallab Onto Flig ...Kurt Haskell Infowars.com January 30, 2010 Please note that in the article that follows, I am not claiming that the U.S. Government knew Mutallab had a bomb or intended to hurt anyone on Flight 253 when the U.S. Government let him board. Since our flight landed on Chr ...
food and water watch
- The Real FarmvilleFarmville, the virtual farming game on Facebook.com, has recently become an online phenomenon with millions of active players. The game portrays an idyllic farming community where players can create small, personalized farms with options to harvest anything from tomatoes to Clydesdales (for horse h ...
- Turning Trash into More TrashThe bottled water industry tries very hard to convince consumers that buying their product is fine, because all those empty bottles are recyclable. What they don’t address is exactly what plastic bottle recycling often entails. Check out this video from National Geographic for a closer look at the p ...
- Jobs, Pipes, WaterLast night the House of Representatives passed the Jobs for Main Street Act by a vote of 217-212. The Act would provide $2 billion for wastewater and drinking water infrastructure. This could lead to about 50,000 people having good jobs repairing water mains, detecting leaks, and modernizing treatm ...
- Target Hits the Mark with a Phase-out on Farmed Sa ...With an overload of sketchy news stories about corporations trying to control our food and water resources, pieces of good news on food safety can seem few and far between. But today, there is great news – the ever-popular Target has eliminated farmed salmon from its more than 1,700 stores across t ...
- Big Ag Squeezes Value While Farmers and Consumers ...The government is finally wising up to Monsanto's industry bullying. The Justice Department's current investigation of the stranglehold agribusinesses have on the food system reveals the confidential commercial licensing agreements at the heart of Monsanto's market monopolization.
- Wasps Help Fig Trees Have Sex Over Long DistancesPhoto via Aluka Life has never been too easy for the African wasp Certosolen arab... Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Wyoming Wants to Tax Wind Producers on Par With Di ...photo via world-ctl When I lived in Wyoming, I was continually impressed with its Governor, Dave Freudenthal. The former US attorney spoke with a plain tongue, advocated for pragmatic solutions, and managed to get elected in a very conservative state as a Democrat. I thought he was a model for ...
- Teach Kids Creativity and Composting with Organic ...Photo via Aminals Keeping your kids' toybox green is one of the most daunting challenges as an eco-friendly parent--it requires you to keep a constant lookout for toxic dyes, fabrics, materials, paint, and plastic while giving your little ones the variety and inspiration they need for creative, ...
- Food Chain Radio Discusses Mitigating the Problem ...photo: J. Novak We've become a nation dependant upon drugs. For better or worse, we use pharmaceuticals for everything from getting to sleep to waking up. We use them to stabilize our moods and to increase our sex drives. But what happens to these drugs once we're done with them? Lloyd wrote a ...
- Humanitarian Designer Emily Pilloton on the Colber ...(Colbert adjusting his prescription with adaptive eyewear. Image: Comedy Central) Humanitarian design advocate Emily Pilloton was Stephen's guest on the Colbert Report earlier this month, and we dare say she crushed it (isn't that what the kids are saying these days?). Emily demonstrated a number o ...
- Antioxidants aren’t always good for you and ...Antioxidants increasingly have been praised for their benefits against disease and aging, but recent studies at Kansas State University show that they also can cause harm. Researchers in K-State’s Cardiorespiratory Exercise Laboratory have been studying how to improve oxygen delivery to the skeletal ...
- To restore vision, implant preps and seeds a damag ...Researchers trying to restore vision damaged by disease have found promise in a tiny implant that sows seeds of new cells in the eye. The diseases macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa lay waste to photoreceptors, the cells in the retina that turn light into electrical signals carried to the ...
- Gene function discovery: Guilt by associationScientists have created a new computational model that can be used to predict gene function of uncharacterized plant genes with unprecedented speed and accuracy. The network, dubbed AraNet, has over 19,600 genes associated to each other by over 1 million links and can increase the discovery rate of ...
- Nutrient mix shows promise in fighting Alzheimer’sIn the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, patients typically suffer a major loss of the brain connections necessary for memory and information processing. Now, a combination of nutrients that was developed at MIT has shown the potential to improve memory in Alzheimer’s patients by stimulating grow ...
- The Year in BiomedicineAdvances in antiaging drugs, acoustic brain surgery, flu vaccines–and the secret to IQ. via Technology Review: The Year in Biomedicine.
- CFACT continues their mission in Cancún
- Greenpeace Opts for Millions of Blind KidsWe can't prevent earthquakes, but we can prevent blindness.
- Not Exactly Mother TeresaIn fact, unethical Greenpeace actions threaten the livelihoods and lives of millions
- Illegal aliens: An environmental boon?
- Peta's thrust into classrooms
Ria Novosti Online News
- Turkmen leader to visit France on MondayTurkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov will pay his first official visit to France on Monday.
- Russia cancels restrictions on pork imports from I ...Russia's agricultural regulator has cancelled provisional restrictions on pork imports from Ireland, imposed in late 2008 following a contamination risk warning by Irish authorities.
- Russia's security chief to visit India on February ...Russia's security chief Nikolai Patrushev will visit India on February 1-2 for regional and international security talks with his new Indian counterpart Shiv Shankar Menon.
- Thirteen killed, 20 wounded in Mexico party massac ...Thirteen youngsters died and 20 were wounded in the world's most crime-ridden city of Ciudad Juarez in northern Mexico, when a group of gunmen entered a house where a party took place in the early hours of Sunday and opened fire.
- Thirteen die, 20 wounded in Mexico party massacreThirteen youngsters died and 20 were wounded in the world's most crime-ridden city of Ciudad Juarez in northern Mexico, when a group of gunmen entered a house where a party took place in the early hours of Sunday and opened fire.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Soyuz spacecraft blasts off to space stationThe Soyuz TMA-17 spacecraft which is to carry three astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) was launched in the early hours of Monday, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported.
- Soyuz spaceship crew ready for blastoff to space s ...The crew of a Russian Soyuz spaceship is ready for early Monday's blastoff to the International Space Station (ISS), the spaceship commander said Sunday.
- Shuttle Endeavour to bring Tranquility to space st ...Space shuttle Endeavour is to deliver on February 9 a new technological module, Tranquility, to the International Space Station for its U.S. segment, a NASA expert said Friday.
- Iran to unveil military satellite in FebruaryIran will present a new-generation military satellite in early February, the country's defense minister said on Wednesday.
- Russia's Soyuz TMA-17 docks with space stationRussia's Soyuz TMA-17 spacecraft carrying a crew of three has docked with the International Space Station (ISS), Mission Control said Wednesday.
Pruning Shears
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Bruce Schneier writes , “In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts.” The bargaining away of our civil liberties in the name of keeping us Safe From T ...
- Thomas Hoenig Will Save Us All!No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post NOTE: Shortly before I finished this post Ben Bernanke was confirmed by the Senate for a second term as Fed chairman. I’m posting this anyway because I think it was a terrible decision that will only look worse with time, and maybe ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post I keep waiting for some official word on Scott Horton’s blockbuster exposé on detainee deaths in Guantánamo. In the mean time here are two observations on media coverage of this bombshell story. First, Yves Smith :Anyone familiar ...
- Is a Tea Party Dynamic Growing on the Left?No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Most of the blame in Martha Coakley’s defeat Tuesday is on her. She had a series of blunders, some of which were such a ridiculous caricature of liberal elitism it makes me wonder if she was a GOP double agent. So: That point, fir ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Among the problems with torturing detainees is that your choices afterwards are 1) imprison them until they die 2) kill them 3) release them. If you can’t do #1 and you won’t do #2, #3 implies that all the horrific details will be a ...
Natural Health News
- High Blood Pressure Linked to DementiaControlling blood pressure just might be the best protection yet known against dementia. In a flurry of new research, scientists scanned people's brains to show hypertension fuels a kind of scarring linked to later development of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Those scars can start buildi ...
- Aluminum Lurks in Crystal DeodorantsSome of the most popular natural deodorants in that aisle are the "crystal" deodorant stones and sprays. But most people don't know that these crystal deodorant products contain aluminum. The crystal deodorant stones are made from alum. The most widely used form of alum used in the personal car ...
- Are You a Productive Person?During the course of the average working day, you probably make a number of promises to get back to people -- some of them verbally, some in writing, sometimes simply as a personal promise to yourself. Many of us are resigned to believing that there are not enough hours in the day to respond to eve ...
- Mom Sues Botox Maker Over Death of Her ChildThe case of a mother who says her 7-year old daughter died from a fatal reaction to Botox treatments for cerebral palsy is believed to be the first case alleging a fatal reaction to the drug to reach trial. Kristen Spears died in November 2007 of respiratory failure and pneumonia. Her mother, Dee, ...
- CDC Discloses that Recipients Received Blood Conta ...The CDC has reported today that in last year, several people accidentally received blood products with yellow fever vaccine in them. The investigation documents evidence for transmission of vaccine virus through infected blood products. This raises a question frequently asked about live virus ...
- California Senate Approves Single-Payer Health Car ...Despite a firm veto threat from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the California Senate on Thursday passed a measure along party lines to create a $200 billion state-run, single-payer health care system. The bill—SB 810—now heads to the state Assembly for consideration. The legislation calls for the creat ...
- Want to Run for Office? Get a Corporate Sponsor!The 1886 U.S. Supreme Court case of Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad Company established by head note the proposition that a corporation is a person with Fourteenth Amendment rights. The above proposition has propounded much shock and confusion for law students tackling the subject ...
- Torture Accountability Letter 4 - Chair Conyers, C ...Happy Monday and welcome to the Dog’s letter writing campaign for accountability under the law for the apparent torture program of the Bush administration. The point of this effort is to keep the issue of accountability alive. We all know there are other critical issues, and the President and many i ...
- Lessons that should be learned from Coakley's defe ...Jon Walker over at Fire Dog Lake makes a very effective argument about why learning the wrong lesson from the defeat of Martha Coakley in yesterday's Massachusetts Senate race will lead to disaster. Not only will Democrats lose badly if they adopt this strategy, but they will be laughed at. Republic ...
- The Deep State, A Powerless President, The CIA, Af ...Peter Dale Scott , a former Canadian diplomat and Professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. His most recent books are Drugs, Oil, and War (2005), The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (2007), The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11 ...
Son of Alex Constantine's Blacklist
- UnderpantsGate: Big Oil, the CIA and the Attempted ...Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine (Supplementary revisions, 12-30-09, 1:29 pm) It’s All, Once Again, About Big Oil and a Pipeline … Abdulmutallab’s exploding unmentionables “Why Was Umar AbdulMutallab in Houston in August 2008? Whom Did He Visit There? What Did H ...
- Celebrities Lead Charge against ScientologyHollywood figures quit ‘rip-off’ church as Australian prime minister threatens parliamentary inquiry into its activities Peter Beaumont in London, Toni O’Loughlin in Sydney, and Paul Harris in New York The Observer | 22 November 2009 The security at the red-brick and glass-walled horseshoe of the Jo ...
- Baltimore: Cultist Withdraws Guilty Plea in Baby&# ...BALTIMORE — A former member of a defunct religious cult has backed out of a plea deal and will face trial on charges he and others starved a toddler to death. Marcus Cobbs had agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of accessory after the fact. But his attorney abruptly withdrew the plea Friday mo ...
- What’s Wrong with this RFID Chip?RFID chip brought to you by the Carlyle Group and Matrics, Inc.
- Will Donor Scandals Doom Crist’s Senate bid?” … Three of Crist’s top fund-raisers have been hamstrung by federal investigations in the past nine months, and a fourth, Jupiter sports agent and real estate investor Marc Roberts, is facing a federal lawsuit alleging he defrauded a business partner out of $100 million to support his own ‘lavish p ...
- Global Warming on SEC’s RadarAfter a wave of financial-fraud cases, the Securities and Exchange Commission has issued guidance for companies on disclosing global-warming risks. The WSJ editorial page's James Freeman weighs in with the reason why. Related posts: Woman Who Invented Credit Default Swaps is One of the Key Archite ...
- Major new analysis by Aussies show IPCC manipulate ...The Doomed Planet blog in Australia's Quadrant discusses two work done by two Australian scientists that show manipulated data by the IPCC. Related posts: Russian scientists’ say Climategate data rigged Is the NOAA, not CRU, is ground zero for exaggerated warming data? Climate claims fail science ...
- Prosecutor humiliated in Climategate U-turn:charge ...It now turns out that last week's statement by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) that alleged climate con man, Professor Phil Jones could not be prosecuted was wrong. Sterling journalism from the UK Telegraph is now assisting our campaign to bust the climate crimes being hidden by implausi ...
- Mountain ice disappearance claims by IPCC based up ...First we learn that Greenpeace is the source of quite a few Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) "facts," and now we find out that the climate panel based claims about ice disappearing from the world's mountain tops on a student's dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine ...
- Dr. Pachauri moonlighting as smut novelistDr. Rajendra Pachauri is a busy boy. Climategate fraud and writing smut movels. Yup, he's written a sex-filled book called Return to Almora. Complete with Shirley MacLaine. Related posts: Who is UN top climate change scientist Dr Rajendra Pachauri? Not a climate change scientist. The questions Dr ...
Opinio Juris
- Our Upcoming YJIL Discussionby Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson A note to our readers: Â I inadvertently jumped the gun a bit in my earlier post about the Security Council and raised Professor Michael Glennon’s YJIL article, The Blank Prose Crime of Aggression, on which Kevin has also commented. Â We imagine that some r ...
- Thoughts on Glennon’s “Blank-Prose Crime of Aggres ...by Kevin Jon Heller I want to offer two thoughts on Glennon's article , which -- though I am generally skeptical of the ICC's attempts to define the crime -- I find anything but convincing. The first has to do with his central thesis: that the Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression' ...
- U.S. Supreme Court Can’t Wait to Say More About th ...by Deborah Pearlstein by Deborah Pearlstein Cross-posted at Balkinization Ok, the headline is a bit misleading. It’s only two justices – Scalia and Thomas – who, in dissenting from a denial of certiorari by the Supreme Court this week, argued that the Court should settle once and for all whether ...
- Contracting Around the Security Councilby Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson As we get closer to the review conference on the ICC, many of us have been watching, and perhaps commenting on, ways in which the US might or might not take part as an observer. It seems certain that the US will be an observer at the review conference, and ...
- U.S. Supreme Court Can’t Wait to Say More About th ...by Deborah Pearlstein by Deborah Pearlstein Cross-posted at Balkinization Ok, the headline is a bit misleading. It’s only two justices – Scalia and Thomas – who, in dissenting from a denial of certiorari by the Supreme Court this week, argued that the Court should settle once and for all whether ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- IPCC's 69 year old boss writes lustfully of young ...OK, I know I asked the question in the last post, can it get any worse? Apparently it can. UN IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri has just released a febrile bodice-ripper to melt what little is left of his credibility. The...
- BREAKING: New shock embarrassment for IPCC - it ju ...The UN IPCC is tonight reeling yet again after revelations some of its 'peer reviewed' science was in fact based on a university student's essay, and an article in a popular climbing magazine. The Sunday Telegraph in Britain is reporting:...
- New Scientist admits: climate Emperors had no clot ..."Some argue that the views of an untutored blogger, or even a scientist from another discipline, should never carry the same weight as those of someone with a lifetime's expertise in a relevant field. But if occasionally the emperors of...
- IPCC was Greenpeace and WWF sock-puppetWe've already seen this week how the IPCC's "peer reviewed" literature that it boasted about included great screeds of propaganda pamphlets produced by the World Wildlife Federation (WWF). Now we can add Greenpeace as a 'credible' source in several of...
- Too good to pass upMy mate Mark Gillar emailed this little gem through to me overnight, but my TGIF deadline committments got in the way of watching it. Until now. You have to, you really have to.
Public News Service
- AZ 2010 Homeless Count: A Sad but Significant Tall ...AZ 2010 Homeless Count: A Sad but Significant Tally Phoenix, AZ – The annual one-night homeless count takes place tonight in central Arizona. Last year's count showed a 20-percent increase in people without a place to live. Comments from Brande (Brandy) Mead, human services planner for the Maricopa ...
- Good News! Research Shows Many AZ Health Resolutio ...Good News! Research Shows Many AZ Health Resolutions Will Stick Phoenix, AZ - Arizonans who made resolutions this year to improve their health have a great shot at following through, according to research from the American Heart Association. Their surveying shows 73 percent will keep health goals th ...
- Saturday Immigration March Expected to Draw Thousa ...Saturday Immigration March Expected to Draw Thousands Phoenix, AZ – Organizers of tomorrow’s (Saturday’s) immigrant rights march in west Phoenix are expecting up to 20-thousand demonstrators. The marchers are voicing concerns about a federal policy that allows county jail officials to check the immi ...
- Kids Advocate: More Cuts Threaten Arizona’s ...Kids Advocate: More Cuts Threaten Arizona’s Recovery Phoenix, AZ – Governor Jan Brewer put a high priority on job creation in her State of the State speech, but a leading children’s advocate says further deep cuts to kids’ programs will damage the state’s chances for economic recovery. Comments from ...
- Call for Closed Captioning on the Web Heard by Goo ...Call for Closed Captioning on the Web Heard by Google Phoenix, AZ – The explosion of video and audio on the Internet has left much of the deaf community behind, but that is starting to change. Groups that advocate for people who are deaf are cheering a recent decision by Google to add automatic capt ...
My Care2 Picks
- Carbon Markets Violate Indigenous Peoples' Rights ...Most of the forests of the world are found in Indigenous Peoples' land. REDD-type projects have already caused land grabs, killings, violent evictions and forced displacement,threats to cultural survival,militarization and servitude." Submitted by John Farnham to Environment | Note-it! | Add ...
- Koalas up a gum tree as turns eucalyptus poisonousONE of Australia's most iconic creatures is under threat because its food is being poisoned by growing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, research has shown. The koala could be the latest species to fall victim to increasing levels of Submitted by June Marshall to Animals | Note-it! | ...
- Submit Comments to STOP the Release of 260,000 GE ...The Stop GE Trees Campaign is a national and international alliance of organizations that have united toward the goal of prohibiting the ecologically and socially devastating release of genetically engineered trees into the environment. Submitted by Elena P. to Environment | Note-it! | Add a ...
- The Invasion of Genetically-Engineered EucalyptusHere’s a great idea: Let's bring into our country a genetically-engineered, non-native tree that is known to be wildly invasive, explosively flammable, and insatiably thirsty for ground water. PLEASE TAKE ACTION! Submitted by Ellyn S. to Environment | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Genetically Modified Forest Planned for U.S. South ...Two industry giants are planning to transform plantation forests of the southeastern United States replacing native pine with genetically engineered eucalyptus Submitted by John Farnham to Environment | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
- Haiti heads for debt crisis as emergency loans pil ...The Observer: "Haiti is sleepwalking towards a debt crisis because international help for the earthquake-hit country is being given in the form of new loans, anti-poverty campaigners are warning.... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- American church group held after trying to take ch ...guardian.co.uk: "The social affairs minister Yves Cristallin told AP that the Americans were suspected of taking part in an illegal adoption scheme. Cristallin said the 33 children were lodged late... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- U.S. steps up arms sales to Persian Gulf allieswashingtonpost.com: "DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES -- The Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- “A routine of violence”: Moral rot caused by milit ...Hybrid States — Between Dome of the Rock and a Hard Place:The blogosphere is burning today with the recently published accounts of female soldiers in the IDF, who are expected to compensate for their... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- 'Mercenary' behind gold bid in Solomons | Stuff.co ...Stuff.co.nz: "A FORMER self-described mercenary who once 'declared war' on the New Zealand government has been creating controversy with plans to start a gold mine in the troubled Solomon Islands.... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Blacklisted News
- U.S. steps up arms sales to Persian Gulf allies The Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for oil terminals and other key infrastructure in a bid to thwart future military attacks by Iran
- Libya strikes billion-dollar Russian arms dealLibya has struck a deal to buy Russian arms worth almost two billion dollars, Russian news agencies quoted Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as saying Saturday.
- US beefs up military presence off Iranian shoresIn addition to imposing new sanctions on the Tehran government, the US has reportedly begun beefing up its military presence and war paraphernalia off the Iranian coast.
- Is America communitarian?Did communitarianism arise naturally out of society in the United States? No. Is there any evidence to support the claim that it not only arose from our society but that it was the very foundation for our revolution?
- Thousands in Tokyo Protest Against US Troops in Ja ...Inquiring minds are noting increasing resentment against US militarism in places some might least expect. Please consider Thousands protest in Tokyo against U.S. military presence in Japan
The Intelligence Daily
- Inteldaily's RSS/Feedburner feeds
- Pentagon Confronts Russia In The Baltic SeaBy Rick Rozoff (The Intelligence Daily) — Twelve months ago a new U.S. administration entered... For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- This Presupposition of Passivity: The portrayal of ...By John Michael Greer (The Intelligence Daily) — The conversation about community that’s... For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Gazprom: Angel or Demon?By Philip H. de Leon (The Intelligence Daily) — Gazprom faces regular opprobrium for its... For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Historian Zinn Said ‘Largest Lie’ was U.S. ‘War on ...By Sherwood Ross (The Intelligence Daily) — The “largest lie,†wrote hisorian Howard Zinn who... For more details, please click on the link to read the article
My AntiWar
- Tony Blair accused of putting war with Iran on the ...Summary: Tony Blair has been accused of warmongering spin for claiming that western powers might be forced to invade Iran because it poses as serious a threat as Saddam Hussein. source: The Guardianread more
- Obama to Propose $3.8 Trillion 2011 Budget
- ‘New ideas’ on Iran nuclear fuel raise ...Summary: MottakiTEHRAN ? Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has said “new ideas” on the supply of nuclear fuel to Iran were raised in talks with French and Brazilian officials in Davos, reports said on Saturday. source: AFPread more
- Saturday: 5 Iraqis Killed, 41 Wounded
- Turkey Warns Deal With Armenia Could Fall Through
Rogue Government.com
- Jim Cramer: Bavarian Illuminati And Trilateral Co ...
- Deficit to Hit All-Time High President Barack Obama will propose on Monday a $3.8 trillion budget for fiscal 2011 that projects the deficit will shoot up to a record $1.6 trillion this year, but would push the red ink down to about $700 billion, or 4% of the gross domestic product, by 2013, according to congressional aides.
- U.S. Beefs Up Military Presence Off Iran's Coast In addition to imposing new sanctions on the Tehran government, the US has reportedly begun beefing up its military presence and war paraphernalia off the Iranian coast.
- Ridiculous Fearmongering: Terrorists Plan Attacks ...
- Tea Party Movement: From Margins To Mainstream Less than a year after the tea party movement was born out of conservative discontent at soaring spending and budget deficits, it is migrating from the margins to the mainstream of US politics.
Innovation Canada
- Rethinking the pine beetleWhen he talks about the fight against the mountain pine beetle, Joerg Bohlmann likes to use a medical analogy. “Imagine we’re trying to combat malaria,” says the genome biologist based at the University of British Columbia, “but we don’t know the makeup of the disease-causing parasite, so we leave i ...
- A Partnership of peoples(Courtesy of Frontier magazine, University of British Columbia) Forget what you may have heard about anthropology: it is not solely a science of lost cultures, dusty relics and ancient peoples. This widely misunderstood discipline provides a critical link to contemporary history, and its contributio ...
- Decade in reviewThe first decade of the 21st century will be remembered as a decade of breakthroughs in science and technology. “It’s well known that discoveries in science are often drivers for important technological developments; for example, fuel cells,” says Thomas Ellis, director of research at the Canadian L ...
- i2eye with James HesserTwo years ago, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2009 the International Year of Astronomy (IYA). From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, people around the globe have been marking the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei. Laypeople, especially children ...
- Model scientistsWhen hurricane season officially blew to a close in the Atlantic basin at the end of November, two Quebec researchers did not exhale in relief. That’s because René Laprise and Louis-philippe Caron were still looking for hurricane data from the past to help create a tool to predict future storm patte ...
Signs of the times
- The Origins of World War IIIPart I: An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order Introduction In the face of total global economic collapse, the prospects of a massive international war are increasing. Historically, periods of imperial decline and economic crisis are marked by increased international violence and war. The decl ...
- Egypt to soon announce King Tut DNA test resultsCairo - Egypt will soon reveal the results of DNA tests made on the world's most famous ancient king, the young Pharaoh Tutankhamun, to answer lingering mysteries over his lineage, the antiquities department said Sunday. Speaking at a conference, archaeology chief Zahi Hawass said he would announ ...
- Intense MoonlightFriday's night's full Moon was the biggest and brightest of 2010. "It certainly made an impression on me," says Martin McKenna of Maghera, Northern Ireland, "and not only because of its beauty in the sky. I decided to aim my camera at the ground for a different angle on the event." He snapped this p ...
- California: Man Finds Jesus in CoconutA Paradise man claims he discovered a miracle in the produce section of his local grocery. In a letter to News10, Mike Zachweija said he went shopping to buy bananas a few days before Christmas. He glanced at a bunch of coconuts and noticed one that looked like it had a silhouette of a face on it. ...
- EU Farmers Face Genetic Contamination of SeedsBerlin - Biodiversity, already decaying fast as a result of climate change and intensive farming, is under further threat by genetic modification (GM) of seeds, says a leading German ecological activist. Genetic modification of seeds is dangerous, "since it is at the beginning of the agricultural c ...
Threat Level
- Courts, Congress Shun Addressing Legality of Warra ...Heads spun four years ago this weekend, when AT&T was accused of funneling every one of its customers’ electronic communications to the National Security Agency — without warrants. A Jan. 31, 2006, lawsuit alleged major violations of the Fourth Amendment right to be free from warrantless searches an ...
- Obama Speaks Transparency, Practices SubterfugeFrom healthcare to public debt, pundits are attacking President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address from almost every conceivable angle. When it comes to Obama transparency, Electronic Frontier Foundation privacy attorney Kurt Opsahl points out that the chief executive told the American ...
- Report: Critical Infrastructures Under Constant Cy ...Critical infrastructure systems around the world are the targets of repeated cyberattacks, according to a new global survey of technology executives in these industries. They believe some of the attacks are coming not just from individual cybercriminals but terrorists and foreign nation states. The ...
- 250,000 White House Staffers, Visitors Affected by ...A data breach at the National Archives and Records Administration is more serious than previously believed and involved sensitive personal information of 250,000 Clinton administration staff members, job applicants and White House visitors, and included the Social Security number of at least one dau ...
- Settlement Rejected in ‘Shocking’ RIAA File Sharin ...The recording industry is demanding Jammie Thomas-Rasset pay $25,000 to settle out of court the nation’s first file sharing case against an individual to have gone to trial –- a settlement offer the Minnesota mother of four is rejecting, lawyers in the case said Wednesday. The development came day ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- GOP Hypes April Fool's Budget at Obama MeetingDuring their unprecedented televised gathering Friday, 140 House Republicans were intellectually and politically outnumbered by President Obama. Perhaps on no subject was the rout more complete than on the federal budget. Led by Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling, the Republicans touted...
- On Stimulus, Nothing Fails Like Success for ObamaAs President Obama prepares for his State of the Union address, two stories Monday regarding his stimulus package highlighted his political conundrum. USA Today's quarterly survey of 50 economists produced a median estimate that the $787 billion American Recovery and...
- Three Strikes for John McCainYears ago, John McCain said of the Keating Five scandal that nearly ended his career, "The fact is, it was the wrong thing to do, and it will be on my tombstone and deservedly so." But if his new cause...
- Cornyn Not Threatening Judges After SCOTUS RulingApparently, judicial activism like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. On Sunday, Texas Senator John Cornyn told Fox News that the impact of the Supreme Court's Citizen United ruling, which erased decades of precedents on corporate political campaign...
- Deficit Hawks, Peacocks and VirginsShaking his head at the bad economics and worse politics of the White House's proposed spending freeze, Paul Krugman deemed President Obama not a deficit hawk, but a "deficit peacock." "You can identify deficit peacocks," he wrote, "by the way...
Blackspot News Feed
- The 6 Weirdest Things Women Do to Their VaginasWhat the hell is vaginal rejuvination? Who would want their vagina bleached? Here's a list of the strangest ways to make your genitals meet the demands of the beauty industry.
- Jesse Ventura Takes the Soaring Interest in Conspi ...Bringing formerly taboo issues to TV, the former Minnesota governor and professional wrestler's show has caught on. Conspiracy theorists probably aren't surprised.
- Food and Investigations: Feed Your Appetite For To ...AlterNet's hottest new sections -- Food and Investigations -- have just launched. Find out how to get the latest stories.
- Dollar Stores Reign: Appetite for Cheap Food Is St ...Dollar stores may be places to nab a bargain but for many they are the only place to buy food -- the rock-bottom of the food chain, the last stop before the food pantry.
- Justice Department Clears Torture Memo Authors Joh ...A long-awaited Department of Justice watchdog report that probed whether John Yoo and his former boss Jay Bybee violated professional standards when they provided the Bush White House with legal advice on torture has cleared both men of misconduct, according to Newsweek , citing unnamed sources who ...
Consortium News
- Yoo, Bybee Get Pass on Torture MemoA revised Justice Department report lets John Yoo and Jay Bybee off the hook for their torture memo, writes Jason Leopold. January 31, 2010
- Accountability Again Put on HoldMore than a year after George W. Bush's departure, his crimes have still drawn no formal U.S. inquiry, notes David Swanson. January 31, 2010
- America's Sorry History with HaitiAmid talk about the U.S. rebuilding role in devastated Haiti, Lisa Pease takes a look back on past interventions. January 30, 2010
- Howard Zinn and Other HeroesThree writers -- John Hope Franklin, Ivan Van Sertima and Howard Zinn -- changed how we see history, says William Loren Katz. January 31, 2010
- Remembering Howard ZinnDaniel Ellsberg reflects on the courageous life and historic contributions of his friend Howard Zinn, who died Wednesday. January 29, 2010
- Daniel Ellsberg : A Memory of Howard Zinn
- Alexander Cockburn : The Oldest Game in Washington
- Jeffrey St. Clair : Showdown in the Malheur Marshe ...
- Steve Early : The Night They Drove Old Labor Down
- Joe Bageant : The Annotated Obama
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- In the West Bank's stony hills, Palestine is slowl ...Area C doesn't sound very ominous. A land of stone-sprinkled grey hills and soft green valleys, it's part of the wreckage of the equally wrecked Oslo Agreement, accounting for 60 per cent ...
- Israel denies Gaza war crimes in report to UN (Ro ...Israel has delivered a report to the UN defending its actions in last year's Gaza war and insisting its troops did not violate international law, but has not agreed to hold an independent investigation as demanded. In the 46-page report, submitted on Friday and released late that night, Israeli auth ...
- Gaza residents denied eye treatment by Israel (Al ...
- "Hamas accepts existence of Israel within 1967 bor ...We have already stated repeatedly that we accept the existence of Israel within the 1967 borders as a political reality even if we do not approve its moral legitimacy. Israel on the other ...
- Inside Israeli land grabs (The Real News)
Water - AlterNet
- Water Heist: Corporations Are Targeting Cash-Strap ...From wastewater to drinking water, big business is looking to cash in on public water systems and they've got a new tactic.
- Where To Find 1 Million Acre-feet of Water for Cal ...A new report by the Pacific Institute points the way to how urban and agricultural users can save water.
- Pennsylvania Gas Wells Booming, But So Are SpillsReports of toxic spills are coming on the heels of a string of other incidents that have killed fish in one of the state's most prized recreational lakes.
- What Should Be in Obama's State of the UnionObama has the next 10 months to demonstrate some progress or face a shellacking in the midterm elections this November. Here's what his speech should outline.
- Study: Algae Biofuels Enviro-Impact Worse Than Cor ...Using algae as a new fuel source may mean taking more steps than anticipated to ensure its environmental sustainability.
- American Theocracy divorces the US Constitution, p ...America wants to be ruled by TV Evangelist Bankers who are always holier than everyone else until they're caught! This is where Religion has buddied up with weapons manufacturers to promote killing in the name of Jesus.
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up Jan 4, ...The Texas Progressive Alliance is still somewhat amazed to be living in the year we make contact, and we hope we’re all still going strong when Odyssey Three rolls around. Texas has most drilling, worst regulation. Texas made national news this week in the ProPublica investigative report and they us ...
- Weary Soldiers At Risk, They Know ThisA poignant editorial on Al Jazeera seems to have more in depth observations than America’s Corporate media. Mainstream media must follow the money, toe the line for sponsors and political perks that promise ’scoops’. ‘The US military is exhausted” By Sarah Lazare The call for over 30,000 more tro ...
- Darth Vader Strikes AgainThe botched terrorist attack on Christmas Day is NOT Obama's fault.
- Try To Remember AmericaWell, few public schools, and few private schools, will fill in the gaps between America the fantasy and America the reality. The name of America has been invoked with reverence when describing its history of righteous endeavors. What is seldom included in these filtered history lessons, is some o ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Inside the mind of a psychopath and the Chilcot ‘I ...By William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Creative-i 1 February 2010 Reams have been written
- No titleby Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 29 January 2010 Andy W
- NPR Finds Right-Wing Crank to Spit on Zinn's Gravehttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ But remember, this power of the people on top depends on the ob
- Bill Moyers Journal: SCOTUS and Campaign Finance + ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Bill Moyers Journal January 29, 2010 Full program: by Helen Cox
- Rick Rozoff on Russia Today: The United States ext ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO -Opposition to global militarism
Unexplained Mysteries
- Water vapour a major cause of climate changeA new study has revealed that water vapour high in the atmosphere plays a crucial role in influencing world temperatures. Up until now climate scienti...
- Concerns expressed over "space spam"Astronomers and astrophysicists have expressed doubts over the wisdom of choking the airwaves around Earth with radio signals. Top astronomers have wa...
- Grumpiness a sign of advanced civilization ?Researchers believe that people who are short tempered may be higher up the evolutionary ladder than those who are easy going. In what seems contradic...
- Drug could offer "super-survivability" to soldiersA new drug has been developed that could help keep injured soldiers alive by preventing their bodies from shutting down. While not a miracle cure the ...
- Experts discuss asteroid warning systemExperts have converged in Mexico City to discuss the concept of implementing a new asteroid detection and warning system. Experts including former ast...
- Howard Zinn – a remembrancezinn__1264635536_4226.jpg Historian, activist, and Grassroots International friend Howard Zinn died January 27 at the age of 87. read more
- Grassroots International Partners in Haiti receive ...haiti-fruit_nursery.JPG Since a devastating earthquake shook Haiti more than two weeks ago, Grassroots International’s partners on the ground have been working to assess the situation and respond to the needs of the community – even as they t ...
- From Honduran ally organization: "Solidarity with ...Trinidad-Central_America_site_visit_143.JPG The letter below comes from one of Grassroots International's allies in Honduras -- Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH)-- and expresses solidarity with their ne ...
- Palestinians in Gaza Donate to HaitiAn article I came across recently in the midst of much depressing news around Haiti, and a lot else, was: "Palestinians in Gaza donate to Haiti." It spoke of how Gazans were collecting something -- anything -- to donate to earthquake victims in Haiti. Dr. read more
- From Gaza to Haiti and Back AgainIMG_4910.JPG GAZA CITY—I dreamt of Haiti last night. Something about the scene felt eerily familiar. The visions of people trapped under folded sheets of concrete, children crying out to family members they would never see again, and incapac ...
- January 30-31, 2010China Leading Global Race to Make Clean Energy (New York Times) China vaulted past competitors in Denmark, Germany, Spain and the U.S. last year to become the world's largest maker of wind turbines, and is poised to expand even further in 2010. India Reaffirms Opposition to Binding Car ...
- January 29, 2010U.S. Formally Commits to Copenhagen Accord (Washington Post) The U.S. pledged Thursday to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 17% by 2020 from 2005 levels under the Copenhagen Accord, though it made its commitment contingent on passing legislation at home. Obama Said to Seek $54 Billion ...
- January 28, 2010Obama Aims to Win Climate Bill with Nuclear (Reuters) Pres. Obama, trying to save the stalled U.S. climate bill, appeared to back away from creating a cap-and-trade scheme in his first state-of-the-union address, while reaching out for Republican votes by promoting nuclear and offshore drill ...
- January 27, 2010Japan Sticks to 25 Percent Carbon Cut Target (Reuters) Japan has stuck to its offer to cut GHG emissions by 25% by 2020 for the UN "Copenhagen Accord" on condition major emitters agree on an ambitious climate deal, a statement from the foreign ministry showed. U.S. Advocates of Climate ...
- January 26, 2010Kan. Utility, Federal Agencies Settle Lawsuit (AP) Kansas' largest electric company has agreed to spend at least $200 million to upgrade pollution controls at its biggest coal plant under a settlement announced by the utility and federal officials. Government officials say closer to $500 mil ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- House Dem on the Senate: "There is No Way We're Go ...We had a very frank conversation with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz on The Young Turks . We talked about whether it makes sense to reach out to Republicans or if it's a poor strategy, we talked about corporatism inside the Democratic Party and we talked about the state of the health care bill in Con ...
- War won with talks, not troops: The answer to endi ...The U.S. and its NATO allies are losing the nine-year-old war in Afghanistan. So Washington and London, both in dire financial straits, say they are now ready for a possible face-saving peace deal with the Pashtun Taliban and its nationalist allies. If you can’t bomb them into submission, buy them o ...
- Zinn was historian who made historyHoward Zinn, the unabashedly "radical historian" whose book "A People's History of the United States" has sold more than 1 million copies and influenced millions of lives, died Wednesday in California at the age of 87. I was honored to have known him since 1997, when we met in Washington, D.C., at a ...
- Congressman Payne: I Won't Oppose War Money Becaus ...Congressman Donald Payne (D., N.J.) has voted against war funding bills for years. Last summer he was one of 32 heroes to vote No under intense pressure from the White House to vote Yes. When I asked him a couple of years ago to sign onto impeaching Bush he immediately said "Sure!" and he did it. ...
- Hollywood Eager to Finally Fuck Up Catcher in the ...HOLLYWOOD (The Borowitz Report) - Just hours after author J.D. Salinger passed away at his New Hampshire home on Wednesday, Hollywood studios were salivating at the chance to finally ruin his masterpiece, Catcher in the Rye. "If we are fortunate enough to acquire the rights to Mr. Salinger's book, w ...
Ten Percent
- UK Border Agency Helping Ahmadinejad’s RegimeIn the light of massive Human Rights violations in Iran and the worsening situation under the hardline government of President Ahmadinejad we appeal to the government of the United Kingdom to lift the threat of deportation to Iran hanging over two brothers aged 19 and 15 at Quintin Kynaston School, ...
- Friday! The Sound of SilenceHello to anyone who makes it here from the wordpress blog, this will get you up to speed- I first became aware of the message ‘ Warning: We have a concern about some of the content on your blog. Please click here to contact us as soon as possible to resolve the issue and re-enable posting.‘ [...]
- I’m BackWell rattling the cage in the forum (apparently haunted by the cast of a daytime soap opera) seemed to have worked, or maybe seeing other blogs taking notice tipped the scales, so far all is back working although without explanation…gremlins? Thank you to Earwicga, Jotman, The Selfish Site & Godles ...
- Globalised Torture Inc.The intelligence factory: How America makes its enemies disappear By Petra Bartosiewicz:- The continued political appetite for a global war on terror has led to a commodification of “actionable intelligence,” which is a product, chiefly, of human prisoners like Aafia Siddiqui. Because this war, by ...
- Art or ExtinctionLook! It’s evil me, channelling Dr. Mabuse & Professor X through the Happy Famous Artist’s Lichtenstein Device, there are some terrifying & reassuring Rules For A New Decade too. And in glorious big vision me, her, him.
Booman Tribune
- What to Make of Those PollsI don't live in Nevada so I don't know precisely why the elecorate there is so sour on Harry Reid that they say they'll vote for virtually anyone other than him. I do know that some recent polling showed that alternative Democrats (other than Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman) fared no better, so it ca ...
- Some Thoughts on Obama and FDRFranklin Roosevelt was able to connect with ordinary American people during the Depression despite coming from an immensely wealthy family (and a family that had been in the White House before) because he knew that all good fortune can be taken away at a moment's notice. He knew that because he had ...
- Casual Observation During World War Two, Edward R. Murrow flew twenty-five combat missions as a broadcast journalist. His first combat mission involved 500 planes, of which 50 were lost, but the novelty of his reporting won him even more fame and respect than his rooftop reporting during the London Blitz. He had bec ...
- Open ThreadThis is a really feel-bad story.
- Shameful Cowardly Hawai'ian DemocratsThere's a strange procedural gap in the rules of the Hawai'i House of Representatives. Normally, representatives have the right to demand a roll call vote after a voice vote. But, in Hawai'i, the Vice Speaker of the House was able to erroneously rule that 'the noes have it,' and kill off an effort ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 1 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1942 – Birth of...
- Sunday Open ThreadThe weekends fly by...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 31 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1865 – Birth of...
- Saturday Open ThreadAway we go......
- Trench WarfareThe kabuki performance around the Clearstream affair in French politics (see yesterday's Salon) is now...
- VerificationDoes Not Equal is a webcomic by Sarah Ennals – check out the pre-Futurismic archives, and the strips that have been published here previously. [ Be sure to check out the Does Not Equal Cafepress store for webcomic merchandise featuring Canadians with geometrically-shaped heads! ] Project Wonderfu ...
- Econopocalypse scenario #3654: the Fat-finger Coll ...Ars Technica has an interesting article about a couple of recent stock-market glitches caused by high-frequency trading algorithms run amok. Long story short: a screw-up at Credit Suisse was caused by “a trader who accidentally double-clicked an icon in a trading program’s interface, when he should’ ...
- A fistful of writing tips and toolsIt seems like ages since I last relinked any good writing advice here, so let’s take a look at a few items that got tangled up in my intertube trawler-nets this week. First of all Luke Reid points us toward the blog of the pseudonymous Doctor Grasshopper, a medical student and sf/f author who aims [ ...
- UK police to deploy military UAV drones, snoop mor ...Futurismic readers resident outside the UK may wonder why exactly it is that I keep battering on about the omnipresent surveillance systems that are saturating this silly little island. After all, if I’m not doing anything wrong, I should have nothing to fear, right? Well, if believing that helps yo ...
- The artwork that sells itselfConsider, for a moment, the trials and tribulations of the plastic artist. You create your masterpiece, and – if you’re lucky – you sell it. And that’s your lot – not only is it beyond your control once it leaves your studio, but it can’t make you any further income. Or can it? Caleb Larsen thinks [ ...
Therapy News
- Young UK War Veterans Show Greater Need of Prepara ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline The United States has been working through a great deal of criticism as its military personnel grapple with high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health concerns, but soldiers around the world are finding the return from the wars in Iraq and Af ...
- Bipolar Parents’ Children at High Risk for ADHD, O ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Though many people affected by psychological concerns, including those who are bipolar, are able to manage their concerns either on their own or with professional mental help, some may experience difficulty in raising children who do not develop certain mental health i ...
- On Being A New ParentBy Susan Martinez, MA, LMFT, Parenting Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Susan and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile I think most of us wish our kids came with an instruction manual. Wouldn’t that be nice? Whenever I have a concern about my minivan, I simply pop open the glove compartm ...
- Children Facing Consequences of Mental Health Budg ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline As many states have announced sweeping budget cuts including the closing or significant downsizing of several institutions and treatment programs, advocates have warned that potentially severe consequences may arise for those in need of care. Recently, a family in Nor ...
- Australian Couple Fights for Better Care After Son ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary The availability of mental health care, including therapy services, hospitalization, and other types of treatment has significantly risen in recent decades, yet many parts of the world experience programs and institutions that cannot keep up with the demand for treatme ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Bread & Puppet's imagery packs political punch - B ...Bread & Puppet's imagery packs political punch Boston Globe “Stargazers and Money Artists'' lampooned capitalism, while “ Mountaintop Removal '' depicted the bludgeoning into submission of dissenters, followed by a ... Review: Bread & Puppet Theater "Tear Open the Door of Heaven" Open Media Boston ...
- W.Va. mining fight tests EPA's regulatory resolve ...Boston Globe W.Va. mining fight tests EPA's regulatory resolve Boston Globe The EPA's attempts to crack down on mountaintop removal have met with bitter opposition in West Virginia. (Michael Williamson/ Washington Post) By David A. ... Obama wants W.Va. coal to make a 'transition' Charleston Gazett ...
- With 57 years in Congress, West Virginia's Byrd 's ...Pittsburgh Post Gazette With 57 years in Congress, West Virginia's Byrd 'still fighting' Pittsburgh Post Gazette Also last month, Mr. Byrd released an op-ed essay challenging his home state's coal industry on the topic of mountaintop removal mining, a form of strip ... and more »
- Scientists urge ban of coal mining mountaintop rem ...West Virginia Public Broadcasting Scientists urge ban of coal mining mountaintop removal Examiner.com Scientists urge ban for mountaintop removal for coal mining. A group of scientists from the University of Maryland last Thursday urged the Federal ... Mountaintop removal mining study will test Oba ...
- Kennedy and Blankenship to Debate Mountaintop Remo ...Treehugger Kennedy and Blankenship to Debate Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining It's Getting Hot In Here (blog) This Thursday evening at 6:30pm Robert F. Kennedy Jr will debate Don Blankenship on the future of coal, mountaintop removal and economic opportunities for ... Must-read report: The decline o ...
- Senator suggests Holder step down (Molly K. Hooper ...Molly K. Hooper / The Hill : Senator suggests Holder step down — A top-ranking Senate Republican suggested that Attorney General Eric Holder should “step down” one year into the job. — GOP Conference Chairman Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) said on “Fox News Sunday” that the embattled Holder like ...
- 'This Week' Transcript: Barbara Walters Exclusive ...ABCNEWS : ‘This Week’ Transcript: Barbara Walters Exclusive with Massachusetts Senator-Elect Scott Brown — Transcript: “This Week” with Massachusetts Senator-Elect Scott Brown, Fox News' Roger Ailes, George Will, Paul Krugman and Arianna Huffington. — WALTERS: So you have a fascinating resume ...
- More impact is what's next for the Tea Party movem ...Glenn Reynolds / Washington Examiner : More impact is what's next for the Tea Party movement — A year ago, the Tea Party movement didn't exist. Today, it is arguably the most popular political entity in America. The movement is already more popular than the Republican or Democratic parties, ac ...
- Top House Republican cites few opportunities to wo ...CNN : Top House Republican cites few opportunities to work with Dems — (CNN) - Despite White House overtures for congressional Republicans to work with Democrats, the top GOP official in the House said Sunday that such opportunities are limited. — “There aren't that many places where we can co ...
- Gibbs: Accused 9/11 plotter likely to be executed ...msnbc.com : Gibbs: Accused 9/11 plotter likely to be executed — Still no decision on where Mohammed will be tried — WASHINGTON - Accused Sept. 11 plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is likely to be executed after being tried and convicted, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Sunday.
Energy & Environment News
- Green Civil War: Projects vs. PreservationHow do environmentalists balance promoting renewable energy with protecting natural resources?
- That Tap Water Is Legal but May Be UnhealthyThe federal law regulating tap water is so out of date that the water Americans drink can pose serious health risks.
- China Leading Race to Make Clean EnergyShifting to sustainable energy could leave the West dependent on technology from China, much as the developed world now depends on oil from the Mideast.
- Sites to Refuel Electric Cars Gain a Big Dose of F ...The infusion of cash is a vote of confidence for Better Place, the closely watched start-up that hopes to create vast networks of charge spots for electric vehicles.
- Why Is a Utility Paying Customers?As saving energy becomes a rallying cry, Idaho Power is in the vanguard, paying farmers and others to cut peak use.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.3, Atacama, ChileSaturday, January 30, 2010 05:50:10 UTC Saturday, January 30, 2010 01:50:10 AM at epicenter Depth : 48.00 km (29.83 mi)
- M 5.0, south of Java, IndonesiaThursday, January 28, 2010 04:01:20 UTC Thursday, January 28, 2010 11:01:20 AM at epicenter Depth : 34.20 km (21.25 mi)
- M 5.1, VanuatuSunday, January 31, 2010 15:18:44 UTC Monday, February 1, 2010 02:18:44 AM at epicenter Depth : 231.50 km (143.85 mi)
- M 5.5, Tristan da Cunha regionTuesday, January 26, 2010 15:22:05 UTC Tuesday, January 26, 2010 02:22:05 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.1, south of the Fiji IslandsSunday, January 31, 2010 09:55:46 UTC Sunday, January 31, 2010 09:55:46 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
China Dialogue
- Facing America’s demons (3)In the conclusion of a three-part article on American Indians, Judith Shapiro urges China to heed the grievous mistakes of the United States in the development of its lands. The history of the forced removal of the Lakota Sioux from their lands, while it seems to have happened long ago, is vibrantly ...
- Facing America’s demons (2)White settlers in America uprooted indigenous people from their lands, causing untold environmental and cultural destruction. In the second segment of a three-part article, Judith Shapiro tells the story of one tribe. The Lakota , a division of other Sioux nations including Dakota and Nakota, were o ...
- Facing America’s demons (1) The treatment of indigenous peoples in the United States has left a stain on the past that China should not ignore, argues Judith Shapiro. In its current phase of rapid development, China often looks to the experience of western countries for inspiration. The development and nature-conquest of the w ...
- Restoring the grasslands?China has introduced a number of policies to protect the environment of the grasslands. But studies suggest the ecological and social benefits of such measures have been overstated, writes Emily Yeh. In 2003, China introduced a new programme, known as “retire livestock and restore grassland” ( tuimu ...
- Policies for an eco-plateauClimate change poses new threats to life on the grasslands of the Tibetan plateau. Beth Walker introduces a week-long series about government responses to the challenge, their environmental and social effects. Tibetan grasslands constitute one of the most important grazing ecosystems in the world. S ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Cameron Douglas Faces More Time Than a Murderer or ...Who benefits from Cameron Douglas getting at least 10 years in prison? No one does. But the govt. is hell bent on punishing him for the crime of being an addict.
- Dollar Stores: The Last, and Not So Healthy Eating ...Dollar stores may be places to nab a bargain but for many they are the only place to buy food -- the rock-bottom of the food chain, the last stop before the food pantry.
- Food and Investigations: Feed Your Appetite For To ...AlterNet's hottest new sections -- Food and Investigations -- have just launched. Find out how to get the latest stories.
- Jesse Ventura Takes the Soaring Interest in Conspi ...Bringing formerly taboo issues to TV, the former Minnesota governor and professional wrestler's show has caught on. Conspiracy theorists probably aren't surprised.
- The 6 Weirdest Things Women Do to Their VaginasWhat the hell is vaginal rejuvenation? Who would want their vagina bleached? Here's a list of the strangest ways to make your genitals meet the demands of the beauty industry.
Threat Level
- Courts, Congress Shun Addressing Legality of Warra ...Heads spun four years ago this weekend, when AT&T was accused of funneling every one of its customers’ electronic communications to the National Security Agency — without warrants. A Jan. 31, 2006, lawsuit alleged major violations of the Fourth Amendment right to be free from warrantless searches an ...
- Obama Speaks Transparency, Practices SubterfugeFrom healthcare to public debt, pundits are attacking President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address from almost every conceivable angle. When it comes to Obama transparency, Electronic Frontier Foundation privacy attorney Kurt Opsahl points out that the chief executive told the American ...
- Report: Critical Infrastructures Under Constant Cy ...Critical infrastructure systems around the world are the targets of repeated cyberattacks, according to a new global survey of technology executives in these industries. They believe some of the attacks are coming not just from individual cybercriminals but terrorists and foreign nation states. The ...
- 250,000 White House Staffers, Visitors Affected by ...A data breach at the National Archives and Records Administration is more serious than previously believed and involved sensitive personal information of 250,000 Clinton administration staff members, job applicants and White House visitors, and included the Social Security number of at least one dau ...
- Settlement Rejected in ‘Shocking’ RIAA File Sharin ...The recording industry is demanding Jammie Thomas-Rasset pay $25,000 to settle out of court the nation’s first file sharing case against an individual to have gone to trial –- a settlement offer the Minnesota mother of four is rejecting, lawyers in the case said Wednesday. The development came day ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Scientists say crack HIV/AIDS puzzle for drugs* Study solves puzzle that eluded scientists for 20 years
- Macmillan books pulled from Amazon websiteNEW YORK (Reuters) - Amazon.com Inc has removed all e-books published by Macmillan from its website after a dispute over pricing, according to media reports.
- It's ladies' night at the GrammysLOS ANGELES (Reuters) - In a historic first, three women will each vie for the top three prizes at the Grammy Awards on Sunday, with Taylor Swift likely to prolong her fairy-tale success story.
- UPDATE 2-Accused 9/11 plotter likely to face execu ...* Republican says they will deny funds for New York trial (Updates with Axelrod quote, more background)
- NZ musician Pauly Fuemana of "How Bizarre" fame di ...WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand musician Pauly Fuemana, who found international fame with his country's biggest selling record ever, "How Bizarre," died in hospital on Sunday after a short illness, according to media reports.
Equality Trust
- Comment Is Free: Inequality harms all of usLesley Riddoch writes that it's not only the poorest who suffer from inequality – in an equal society, fulfilment and health improve for everyone. Read her article on Comment is Free
- Unequal BritainRichest 10% now 100 times better off than the poorest. Read the Guardian report See the data behind the story Read other news coverage
- How economic democracy would have prevented the Ca ...A letter in today's Guardian points out that employee ownership would have prevented the Cadbury sell-off. Had the Cadbury family followed the examples of the families behind John Lewis, Ove Arup, Tullis Russell, Scott Bader, the Baxi Group and others in selling their shareholdings into employee ...
- Harriet Harman puts class at the heart of election ...Labour deputy leader to make inequality a key dividing line with Conservatives. Harriet Harman will reopen the politically explosive debate over class tomorrowby insisting that it remains the single biggest factor in determining individual achievement. In a speech designed to put the fight against ...
- Memo to the mainstream: where's the vision, where' ...Bill Kerry's guest blog at Left Foot Forward
- News you may have missed #0274Japanese reporter cleared of 1974 espionage charges. CIA interrogated al-Qaeda suspect in Poland, claims UN.
- News you may have missed #0273Tinner nuclear spy ring worked for CIA, documents confirm. Son of Georgia's former president charged with spying for Russia.
- Analysis: Landrieu-Gate is Scary, but is No Waterg ...The arrests by US Marshals of four self-described conservative activists, who were caught trying to tamper with the telephone lines of Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu’ New Orleans office, have caused outcry in liberal and silence in conservative blogs. Most political allies of the four young men ha ...
- News you may have missed #0272Outcry in Turkey over revealed coup plot. US jails Sri Lankan LTTE operatives. Czechoslovakian spy lookout to be opened to public.
- US report sheds light on mysterious Chinese front ...A new report by a US Congressional commission sheds light on a mysterious Chinese corporate group, which intelligence observers have long-suspected to be a front company for Chinese spy agencies.
After Downing Street.org
- The Price Of Reform: Our New Health Care System Ha ...The price of reform: Our new health care system has not been a Massachusetts miracle By Timothy P Cahill, Treasurer, Massachusetts State | Commonwealth Magazine From an economic standpoint, health care reform has proven to be an unsustainable financial burden that poses a long-term risk to the sta ...
- Activists Gear Up for National March & Rally in DC ...1. TAKE THE PEACE BUSES FROM THE HUDSON VALLEY The Activist Newsletter and Peace and Social Progress Now have chartered several buses to the nation's capital Saturday, March 20, leaving from Kingston, New Paltz, and Poughkeepsie in the early hours and returning at night. We will consider establishi ...
- Howard Zinn On "Obama At One" & Remembering Howard ...Howard Zinn on "Obama at One" | The Nation | Submitted by Michael Munk | www.MichaelMunk.com The Nation recently published various opinions by distinguished voices of Obama's first year. Below is Howard Zinn's: I've been searching hard for a highlight. The only thing that comes close is some of Oba ...
- Talk Now with the Taliban (We're Going to End Up H ...By Dave Lindorff You had to love the headline the Philadelphia Inquirer put on the jump page of columnist Trudy Rubin’s Sunday commentary about word that the Obama administration is hoping to talk with at least some mid-level Taliban leaders about giving up the fight and “coming over” to the “gover ...
- Clinton Threatens China With Isolation Over Iran S ...Clinton Threatens China With Isolation Over Iran Sanctions China's Latest Call for Talks Enrages US by Jason Ditz | AntiWar Chinese officials again stressed their support for additional talks with Iran and objection to sanctions , sparking a surprising condemnation from US Secretary of State Hill ...
Grist - News
- Bin Laden blames industrial nations for global war ...by Agence France-Presse DUBAI -- Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden blamed industrial nations for global warming and urged a boycott of the U.S. dollar to end "slavery" in an audio tape aired by Al-Jazeera television on Friday. "All industrial nations, mainly the big ones, are responsible for the c ...
- U.S. government to cut greenhouse emissions by 28 ...by Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON -- The White House announced Friday that President Obama would order the federal government to reduce its greenhouse-gas pollution by 28 percent by 2020. "As the largest energy consumer in the United States, we have a responsibility to American citizens to red ...
- Obama and Kerry continue to push for climate billby Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama and his congressional allies Wednesday insisted they would move ahead on fighting climate change despite a toughening political climate. Obama appealed for action in his first State of the Union address to the two chambers of Congress ...
- Apple’s new iPad is deep green, but a planet ...by Matthew Wheeland The iPad.Photo: Apple This post is reprinted courtesy of GreenerComputing.com .The day that gadget-lovers have been waiting for with bated breath for months if not years has finally arrived. On Wednesday, just after 10 a.m., Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad -- something along ...
- THINK plans to charge into U.S. electric-car marke ...by Agence France-Presse The THINK City.WASHINGTON -- With a jump-start from a new quick charging system, Norwegian electric carmaker THINK is taking aim at the U.S. market with a new assembly facility set to begin operations later this year. The maker of quirky plug-in electric minicars, which ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
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- Plugging in the Chevy VoltMore expensive than other electric car models, the Chevy Volt looks to charge up the competition
- Florida Lottery Winner's Death Leaves Unanswered Q ...Winning a lottery changes a person's life, sometimes for the worse
- Parenting Solutions - Promoting Reading Over Video ...Studies Show in Increase in Amount of Time Spent on Video Games and a Decrease Amount of Time Reading.
Time - Top Stories
- Live On Tape with Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly!A TIME reporter mingles with the believers on the duo's "Bold and Fresh Tour" as it makes its Rochester, New York stop
- Chocolate vs the Drug Lords: Peru's move from Coca ...U.S. and U.N. programs are trying to get Peru's farmers to substitute cacao beans for coca leaves as a cash crop
- Avatar Pushes Mel Gibson Off the EdgeAvatar sent Gibson into a ditch, earning $30 million, according to early studio estimates, and bringing its 45-day total in North American theaters to $594.5 million.
- Fox News' Roger Ailes Offers to Pose NudeAiles offered to pose nude for $100, defended Glenn Beck against the critique of Paul Krugman and Arianna Huffington, and finished by offering President Obama some political advice.
- A Lifetime Penalty: Spinal Cord Injuries in High S ...In Texas, catastrophic spinal injuries aren't enough to change high school football
Washington Independent
- National Tea Party Convention Organizers Push BackMembers of the Tea Party Nation e-mail list received an astonishing e-mail this afternoon, naming, rebutting, and attacking their critics. Sherry Phillips’s email is posted after the jump. Judson and I have stayed silent in the face of intense media scrutiny and attacks by former members. As a w ...
- The Hillary 2012 MemePeter Roff, an influential, under-the-radar conservative pundit, has made the most put-together argument I’ve seen for something you’ll hear more conservatives talk about: a 2012 primary challenge to President Obama from Hillary Clinton. The sourcing is ingeniously specious: “The ongoing decline in ...
- RNC ‘Purity Test’ WithdrawnThe butt of many jokes since Indiana RNC committeeman James Bopp introduced it last year, the RNC 10-point test for candidates has been scrapped. That’s according to CNN’s Peter Hamby, reporting from the RNC meeting in Hawaii.
- New York Terror Trial ‘Unraveling’For a one-stop compendium of how the prospects for trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City for his role in 9/11 have deteriorated, ProPublica’s Dafna Linzer has you covered. What remains interesting: There has yet to be any effort by any New Yorker skeptical of holding the trial in Manhattan ...
- Boehner to GOP: Embrace the Tea PartiesThis nugget from Jake Sherman and Patrick O’Connor’s preview of the House GOP retreat deserves more attention. [House Minority Leader John] Boehner has told his rank and file to embrace the so-called tea party movement “because it will be critical as we proceed,†according to excerpts from his r ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Change, They Say, Is Good. But Is It?It's said that Alexander the Great wept when he realised there were no more lands left for him to conquer. In other words, there was nothing new to challenge him; there was no raison d'être. It's a laughable thought today, isn't it? Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Not ...
- Teacher breaks 4th grader’s arm for ‘forgetting Iq ...LAHORE: A female teacher of a private school thrashed Muhammad Jahanzeb, a fourth grade student when he was unable to explain a poem by Allama Iqbal, causing multiple fractures in his arm. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Will Whole Foods’ new mobile slaughterhouses squee ...Massachusetts poultry farmer Jennifer Hashley has a problem. From the moment she started raising pastured chickens outside Concord, Mass. in 2002, there was, as she put it “nowhere to go to get them processed.” While she had the option of slaughtering her Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society ...
- Cow beaten to death with plankA farmer has condemned an attack in which a cow died after being repeatedly beaten around the head with a 4ft plank of wood. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- ND food pantries reach halfway goal of 700 deerA North Dakota program that distributes venison to the needy is halfway to its goal of collecting 700 deer carcasses despite a hunting season that barely got off with a bang. "I was a little worried about the hunting season," said Ann Pollert, Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture ...
- SNL: Scott Brown – 1/30/10 (VIDEO)Hunky Scott Brown Is Every Democrat’s Fantasy (VIDEO) First Posted: 01-31-10 09:56 AMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 01-31-10 10:17 AM In an “SNL” sketch last night, Democrats unable to find the appeal of newly elected Scott Brown were swooned by a winking, shirtless Jon Hamm. The guest host was hilarious i ...
- SNL: State Of The Union- 1/30/10 (VIDEO)‘SNL’ Takes On The State Of The Union (VIDEO) Huffington Post |Â Â Dan Abramson First Posted: 01-31-10 09:27 AMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 01-31-10 09:39 AM SNL took on the State of the Union last night, cutting together clips of Fred Armisen as Obam ...
- The Unraveling Of The Tea Party ConventionTea Party Nation Speaks Out: ‘We Never Did This To Be Rich And Famous’ TPM Muckraker Christina Bellantoni | January 30, 2010, 5:49PM Tea Party Nation organizers today issued a long defense of their unraveling convention, lambasting former members they say are trying to harm the movement and outlin ...
- Haiti: 900,000 living without a roofTents urgently needed as rainy season looms Brett Popplewell, thestar.com, Jan 29, 2010 PORT-AU-PRINCE–Every night since losing her home to the devastating earthquake that reduced much of this country to rubble, Marie Carole Joseph, 54, has slept under open skies with not even a bed sheet for p ...
- Storm of protest as Blair slinks into Iraq inquiryBy Paddy McGuffin, Morning Star Online, January 29, 2010 A sea of placards filled Parliament Square on Friday morning “Blair lied, thousands died.” That was the chant which reverberated around Parliament Square on Friday as former prime minister Tony Blair gave evidence to the Iraq inquiry. ...
- A Letter to Barclays CapitalTo: CorporateCommunicationsAmericas@barclayscapital.com, Corporate.Communications@barclayscapital.com Ladies & Gentlemen: I was distressed to read that your head of global investment banking, Hugh “Skip” McGee, recently called for the dismissal of Upper School Principal Michael Saltman, Headmaster D ...
- Meditations on Volatility and Our Financial Tapewo ...We are in a period in which volatility is rising and is going to keep rising. Markets are centrally managed. Economic warfare has overridden the capital raising and allocation functions of currency and capital markets. An investor wants to put money in things with utility or values expected to hold ...
- The Solari Report Digest - New Podcast Available!Solari has produced a new free podcast—The Solari Report Digest #8. Listen to Solari Report Digest #8 The Solari Report Digest is a podcast featuring highlights from the live one-hour Solari Report briefings. In the rapidly changing political and economic landscape the Solari Report Digest provi ...
- Wolf Moon of 2010By Robert Britt Tonight’s full moon — called the wolf moon — will be the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. It offers anyone with clear skies an opportunity to identify easy-to-see features on the moon. This being the first full moon of 2010, it is also known as the wolf moon, a moniker d ...
- Home Condemned - Solar Batteries InsufficientBy Eddi Trevizo An Avondale woman who spent 11 days sleeping in her car said the city treated her unfairly when her home was condemned in December for lack of electricity. But city officials said Christine Stevens violated building codes, a health and safety concern because Avondale homes are requi ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more »
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Cameron Douglas Faces More Time Than a Murderer or ...Who benefits from Cameron Douglas getting at least 10 years in prison? No one does. But the govt. is hell bent on punishing him for the crime of being an addict.
- White House in a Bind; Pressure Builds to Move Key ...Obama is being forced to seek alternate venues for the trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed after a revolt by local politicians, reigniting right-wing opposition to a civilian trial.
- Pregnant and Shackled: Hard Labor for Arizona's Im ...Undocumented immigrants like Miriam Mendiola Martinez are forced to give birth while wearing "soft restraints."
- 10 Ways to Stop Corporate Dominance of PoliticsIt's not too late to limit or reverse the impact of the Supreme Court's disastrous decision in Citizens United v. FEC. Here's how.
- Three Reasons Racial Profiling Will Make Us Less S ...There is no evidence that racial or ethnic profiling decreases terrorism. Instead, it alienates the very constituencies that are needed to prevail against terrorist plots.
Sideways News
- Week in pictures: 25th January 2010A picture for every day, taking a snapshot view of what is happening in the world around us. Come and browse through our gallery of this week's most inspiring images.
- Competition calls for Twitter-sized CVsWaffle-filled, rambling CVs are hurting a number of job candidates' chances of securing employment, leading Workthing+ to launch a competition calling for Twitter -sized applications.
- Winner of the week: Wayward pooch pulled from Balt ...A stranded dog has been pulled from the freezing waters of the Baltic Sea after ocean-going scientists saw him floating on an ice floe 15 miles off the coast of Poland. The frozen pooch, nicknamed 'Baltic' by his rescuers, was spotted by the crew of the Baltica on Monday, sparking a frenetic rescue ...
- Scientists solve dinobird puzzleA fossil skeleton discovered almost six years ago that was initially believed to be one of the earliest species of bird has finally been identified as a dinosaur. The 10ft Haplocheirus sollers, which lived 160 million years ago, was found by scientists during an expedition to the Gobi Desert in Chin ...
- Astronomers prepare for Mars showcaseAmateur astronomy buffs have been preparing for a celestial showcase as Mars gets ready to dazzle star-gazers on Friday evening. The red planet is due to live up to its name late on Friday night as it moves within 62 million miles of Earth directly opposite the Sun. The effect promises to be stunnin ...
Fabius Maximus
- PropagandaNote: first in a series of dashed off speculative opinions. Normal procedure on this website would call for these to be 3 thousand word posts, supported by dozens of links. I dont’ have the time to finish them, and to many of these outlines have accumulated in my drafts file. Perhaps thes ...
- An important step to take before we spend a trilli ...There will be many benefits of ClimateGate, the liberation of emails and documents from the UK Climate Research Unit. One of them might be the professional handling of the global temperature datasets, one of the great scandals of climate science. As described in this comment by Ross McKitrick, poste ...
- FM newswire for 30 January, articles for your morn ...Today’s links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, pass it to a friend or colleague. Scum at work: update on the workings of our military contractors: “Open the Shut Case. Why is KBR so afraid of letting Jamie Leigh Jones have her day in court?“, Dahlia Lithwick, Slat ...
- “Night Raids, Hidden Detention Centers, the ...The recent news has not not been kind to those of us retaining illusions about America. Executive orders to assassinate Americans. Rumors of mysterious deaths in American-run prisons. And, as described here, reports that our special operations forces have become more like assassins than elite ...
- FM newswire for 29 January, articles for your morn ...Today’s links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, pass it to a friend or colleague. “A Commedia for our times“, Spengler, Asia Times, 5 January 2010 Briefing on “Training the Afghan army“, Lawrence Sellin (Colonel, US Army Reserve, retired), UPI, 5 January 2010 A brief ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post Weekly Round Up: ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post Weekly Round Up: Updates, Fethullah Gulen does Arizona! Phil Giraldi on Israel & More http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Interview with Chris Hedges at Boil ...sibeledmonds: Interview with Chris Hedges at Boiling Frogs Post on Obama as a brand, Empire of Illusion, US Media & more http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Show presents Chris He ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Show presents Chris Hedges. Listen to the interview at Boiling Frogs Post: http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: ‘Taking Back Our Government: J ...sibeledmonds: ‘Taking Back Our Government: Jury Duty For All?’ by Richard ‘Ishmael’ Scott @ Boiling Frogs Post: http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: From Judith Miller to Dean Baquet to ...sibeledmonds: From Judith Miller to Dean Baquet to Ethan Bronner- NYT Disgraced Editors, Shady Reporters & Agenda-Driven Correspondents @ Boilingfrogspost
WIRED Magazine | Science
- How to Keep Black Bears WildPepper spray, rocks or rubber slugs are good tools for scaring bears from park picnic areas. But the best way to get rid of black bears is to not invite them over to begin with. Trying out various techniques on bears in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California, wildlife managers report ...
- Chemistry Creates Self-Stirring LiquidsIn a tail wagging the dog reversal, researchers have found that simple chemical reactions can mix a solution. Usually, chemicals are stirred to enhance a reaction, but a new study finds that the reverse is also true: Simple chemical reactions can trigger fluid flows, reports a paper in the January ...
- NASA Releases First Free E-Book, on History of X-1 ...NASA continues to stay ahead of the government pack when it comes to public outreach. In addition to its many popular Twitter streams, iPhone apps and opportunities for citizens to participate in scientific programs, the agency is jumping into the e-book space. For space geeks looking for a little ...
- Cigarettes May Cause InfectionsThe tobacco in cigarettes hosts a bacterial bonanza — literally hundreds of different germs, including those responsible for many human illnesses, a new study finds. “Nearly every paper that you pick up discussing the health effects of cigarettes starts out with something to the effect that smokers ...
- Come to Wired.com’s Biometric Super Bowl PartyYou’ve seen your fair share of sad Super Bowl parties: the guacamole, the cheap beer, the bored significant others. Well, forget all that! Wired Science has a distinctly different, nerdier kind of Super Bowl party planned. We want you to come to the Wired office in San Francisco’s SoMA neighborho ...
The Progressive Realist
- The European Central Bank’s ComplacencyWhen you consider what a large share of world output is concentrated in the Eurozone, this interview with ECB Chief Jean-Claude Trichet is really terrifying. Take this: FOCUS: Mr President, the rate of inflation in the euro area is close to zero. You have done a good job – are you now out of work? ...
- The Mistral Amphibious Ship Sale and the Russian I ...On December 1, 2009, the Center of Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) in Moscow published a collection of essays about the August 2008 Russia-Georgia conflict . The report is written in Russian so it is unlikely to be widely disseminated, but for English readers, the Jamestown Foundation ...
- Why the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review Matt ...By and large, progressives don’t care so much about the QDR . This shouldn’t be taken as an absolute statement; every progressive think tank has specialists on defense, there are many progressive journalists who take an interest in defense and security issues, and there are plenty of ordinary progr ...
- What Exactly Do Promoters of Sanctions on Iran See ...The New York Times ‘ Editorial Board fell into lock-step with the Obama administration yesterday, calling for the United States to impose additional sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran. I have so many disagreements with this article that it is difficult to know where to start, but here are ...
- The Use of Special Forces to Combat al-Qaeda Globa ...As indicated by a Washington Post story earlier in the week on the U.S. military’s clandestine involvement in operations in Yemen and the news that more special forces are headed there, the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) has been playing an increasingly central role in U.S. national secur ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: The First Rule About Televizing P ...It's probably a fool's hope that the public will ever care about the details of public policy, but perhaps all that's needed is to demonstrate that in our current political moment only one of the two major political parties cares at all about crafting sensible public policy. It seems to me that Bar ...
- James Rucker's Making Sense. Color of Change's James Rucker has an important post on his efforts thus far to make sense of the Congressional Black Caucus' entrenched opposition to net neutrality. The arguments Rucker been hearing on his visits to Capitol Hill repeat themselves, running along the lines that if telecom companies ...
- Big Government, Big Lasers(The interior of the NIF target chamber. Credit is given to Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the Department of Energy under whose auspices this work was performed.) At a time when we're arguing vehemently about what government should and should ...
- The Little Picture: Remember George Tiller.A candlelight vigil is held for Dr. George Tiller on June 6, 2009, in Austin, Texas. Today, a Kansas jury found Scott Roeder guilty of his murder. (Flickr/ Heather Busby )
- Human Rights First Goes After Keep America Safe.Via Ben Smith comes a video from Human Rights First, parodying the State of the Union response ad from the Cheneys ' Keep America Safe group. I blogged about the Cheneys' ad yesterday here . "Paid for by Keep America Afraid, a place where Liz Cheney defends her dad's policies." -- A. Serwer
Andy Worthington
- Murders at Guantánamo: Scott Horton and Andy Worth ...Just over two hours into progressive radio host Jeff Farias’ Thursday show (available here), I joined Jeff to discuss Scott Horton’s extraordinary article for Harper’s Magazine (which I discussed here), in which, through interviews with four members of the US military who were serving at Guantánamo ...
- The madness of Tony Blair, the futility of the Chi ...So will the Chilcot Inquiry into the illegal invasion of Iraq actually do anything when it finally reaches its conclusions? It seems unlikely. Over the last two months, we have had some fascinating moments: on November 26, for example, when Sir Christopher Meyer, Britain’s ambassador to the US, deli ...
- UN Secret Detention Report Asks, “Where Are The CI ...A major new report on secret detention policies around the world, conducted by four independent UN human rights experts, concludes that, “On a global scale, secret detention in connection with counter-terrorist policies remains a serious problem,” and that, “If resorted to in a widespread and system ...
- The Guantánamo Files: An Archive of Articles ̵ ...Please support my work! For four years, I have been providing detailed information about the prisoners in Guantánamo, first through my book The Guantánamo Files, which tells the story of the prison and around 450 of the prisoners held, and then through 12 online chapters, which provide inform ...
- “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” – ...On Saturday February 27, 2010, at 2 pm, the BFI (the British Film Institute) is screening the new Guantánamo documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo,” in NFT2 (the National Film Theatre). Tickets are £5 and can be booked here. A map and directions are here. The screening will be ...
- The Source of Corporate PowerBUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY By Robert C. Koehler “If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech.” The words are those of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, writing for the majority in last wee ...
- The Rise and Fall of ACORN ‘Gotcha’ Man James O’Ke ...BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY The man who dressed as a pimp and was responsible for a series of surreptitious videos ‘exposing’ ACORN may wind up in the company of real pimps if he is convicted and serves time for being part of a plot to tamper with the phones in the office of Senator Mary Landrieu. ...
- Barney Frank: We're broke because of warBUZZFLASH NEWS ALERT Barney Frank said at the World Economic Forum: "I think the biggest problem in the U.S. is...far too large a percentage of our resources go into the relatively unproductive segment of Defense. If we had not started the war in Iraq, and spent a trillion dollars there...we would ...
- BuzzFlash Applauds and Welcomes President Obama Gi ...BUZZFLASH EDITOR'S BLOG By Mark Karlin As Harry Truman said just tell the Republicans the truth, and they'll just think it's Hell. That's what President Barack Obama did in a bravura appearance before a GOP House member retreat in Baltimore on Friday. It was a jaw-dropping trip to the woodshed for t ...
- Andre Bauer Wins BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite Award For ...Andre Bauer Welcome back to BuzzFlash's GOP Hypocrite of the Week. Not that we're experts at running for office, but usually candidates who are looking to burnish their image with voters take up the cause of hungry children, or at least kiss a baby or two. Not Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer! The man second in ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Nostalgia for Bush/Cheney radicalismAs has been voluminously documented here, one of the most notable aspects of the first year of the Obama presidency has been how many previously controversial Bush/Cheney policies in the terrorism and civil liberties realms have been embraced. Even Obama's most loyal defenders often acknowledge t ...
- Remember the illegal destruction of Iraq?British political news has been consumed for the last several weeks by a formal inquiry into the illegality and deceit behind Tony Blair's decision to join the U.S. in invading Iraq. Today, Blair himself is publicly testifying before the investigative commission and is being grilled about numerou ...
- Comment section -- AlitoIn the comment section on this morning's post regarding Justice Alito , I accidentally clicked the "close comments" button. Apparently, this is an act with grave consequences, as the Salon system does not permit its reversal, no matter how compelling the plea. Feel free to use the comment sectio ...
- Justice Alito's conduct and the Court's credibilit ...(updated below) As I wrote at the time , I thought the condemnations of Rep. Joe Wilson's heckling of Barack Obama during his September health care speech were histrionic and excessive. Wilson and Obama are both political actors, it occurred in the middle of a political speech about a hi ...
- Presidential assassinations of U.S. citizensThe Washington Post 's Dana Priest today reports that "U.S. military teams and intelligence agencies are deeply involved in secret joint operations with Yemeni troops who in the past six weeks have killed scores of people." That's no surprise, of course, as Yemen is now another predominantly Musl ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Dennis Kucinich: Enemy of the good, pursuer of the ...
- How to teach physics to your dogThere have been rough guides, books for dummies, even howtos for idiots, but Chad Orzel is probably the first to take explain an important corner of human endeavour solely to his dog in How to teach physics to your dog. Ironically, the subject on which he focuses, physics, is a realm usually the pr ...
- Research BloggingIf you blog about peer-reviewed research, then you’ve probably heard about ResearchBlogging.org by now. It’s an aggregator that pulls together posts from around the world that have added a snippet of code to identify themselves as blogging about peer-reviewed research. The keen-eyed regulars among ...
- Melamine’s on sale againThe Associated Press and others are reporting that milk products tainted with the toxic chemical melamine are on sale again in China. Melamine-tainted milk products have been pulled from convenience store shelves in southern China more than a year after hundreds of thousands of children were sicken ...
- Indian urban wetland heavy metalA study of heavy metal contaminants in the urban lakes of India, particularly around Bangalore have revealed that attempts at mitigation meant to remove these pollutants have not so far worked and may not be a long-term remedy for the problem. I’ve provided more detail on the analysis in the Atomic ...
- Alcoholic drug discovery truthsAs with much of medical science, the appearance of a fascinating research paper and an accompanying press release do not usually mean that a new pharmaceutical intervention, a medicine, is ready to be prescribed to patients on the very day that the paper appears. The drug discovery, research, and t ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- NARAL Pro-Choice America Statement on Jury’s Convi ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2010 NARAL Pro-Choice America Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, issued the following statement in response to a jury's conviction of Scott Roeder as guilty of first-degree murder in the death of Dr. George Tiller. read more
- Medicare-for-All Doctors Arrested Outside Obama-GO ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2010 Physicians for a National Health Program Rising to President Obama's challenge in his State of the Union address that others come up with a better approach to health care reform than his own, two Maryland physicians who advocate for a single-payer program stood ...
- Action Alert: NPR Finds Right-Wing Crank to Spit o ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2010 FAIR When progressive historian Howard Zinn died on January 27, NPR 's All Things Considered (1/28/10) marked his passing with something you don't often see in an obituary: a rebuttal. read more
- Constitution Project Applauds Obama Administration ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2010 Constitution Project The Constitution Project applauds the Obama administration for standing firm in its commitment to conduct the previously-announced September 11th trials in federal court. In recent days, there has been extensive media buzz about the planned ...
- Canadian Supreme Court Finds Guantánamo Detainee's ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2010 ACLU The Canadian Supreme Court today found that the rights of Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen who was captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan in 2002 when he was 15, were violated during his interrogation and detention in Guantánamo Bay. The American Civil Liber ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Tebow and His Mom: A Speculative Focus on Familyby Pierre Tristam Tim Tebow and I have at least one thing in common. Our mothers were both counseled to abort us. I should say I'm grateful my mother didn't listen to the advice. But that would be a lie. I'm not so presumptuous to think that had she done so, or had a miscarriage achieved the same re ...
- Today's Deadline: Copenhagen's Moment of Truthby Jonathan Lash Today, January 31st, we will learn if world leaders meant what they said when they agreed last month to act collectively to stabilize Earth's overheating climate. Having failed to complete a legally binding agreement at the chaotic Copenhagen summit, world leaders instead endorsed ...
- Obama’s Meager Pitch Meets a Brick Wallby Robert Kuttner PRESIDENT OBAMA'S State of the Union address was a reminder of why so many Americans invested so much hope in this man - and why he often makes us want to scream. There it all was again - the sheer decency, the intelligence, the plea for an appreciation of complexity, the call to h ...
- Massachusetts Senate Race: Pro-Democrat and Pro-Br ...by Brian Conley and Rachael Cobb Forget latte-loving, granola-eating Volvo-driving Democrats. Enter the pro-Obama, pro-Democratic agenda voters who voted for Scott Brown. read more
- We are Haitians. We are Like People Like Anybody E ...by Lenore Daniels "The past is never dead-it's not even past." -- William Faulkner From the ground, people hear the sound of helicopters above. Twenty Black Hawk helicopters circling the airport! Water! Food! Medical supplies! The people wait as the helicopters of the 82nd Airborne division land an ...
Karl Burkart
- Top 5! lists on Planet 100On Planet 100 we've started a new Top5 list every friday of cool eco trivia. This week is the Top 5 concert benefits.
- Obama says 28% & DiCaprio says 'this is our moment ...Obama announces 28% CO2 reduction and Leonardo DiCaprio and a host of celebs get behind the NRDC's Senate plea to pass clean energy legislation.
- What do Obama and iPad have in common?They both have had to follow the toughest act in town -- Inflated Expectations. How did they do?
- Power to the People: more energy-saving appsPeople Power unveils Unplug app for Earth Day and Power Tutor coaches you on energy-efficient smart phone etiquette.
- Organic 'from A to Z' video libraryPlanet Green's web video series features 26 tasty organic treats... in alphabetical order.
Water Privatization
- Watchdogs - Another year, another Titan protest (T ...In what's becoming an annual affair, Titan opponents will gather in downtown Wilmington and petition the county commissioners. Opponents of the Titan America cement plant have made an annual ritual of putting together a big mob and going before the county commissioners.
- Nine O'Clock (Nine O'Clock)As of Sunday meteorologists reinstated yellow code again, throughout several southern counties, due to end tomorrow morning. The warning is for counties Ialomita, Tulcea, Calarasi, Galati, Braila and Bucharest metropolitan.
- Rural care is Herkes' priority (Hawaii Tribune-Her ...A mobile medical van could be serving Ka'u and South Kona residents within months, following 10 years of effort by state Rep. Bob Herkes.
- Global recovery still a fragile process: World Ban ...The global economic recovery currently underway will slow down later this year and the process remains fragile, the World Bank has cautioned.
- The 'state of' these speeches is robust (Milwaukee ...As each new year begins, it's important to provide an update on the state of things. That's why the president gives a State of the Union address, the governor gives a "state of the state" address and the mayor delivers a "state of the city" address.
- US raises stakes on Iran by deploying missile shie ...Pentagon says Patriot shield will deter strike on American allies in the Gulf Tension between the US and Iran heightened dramatically today with the disclosure that Barack Obama is deploying a missile shield to protect American allies in the Gulf from attack by Tehran. The US is dispatching Patriot ...
- Couple held by pirates beg for help• Rachel Chandler tells of 'cruelty' in new video • Husband, Paul, pleads for UK government to step in Alone, frightened and increasingly desperate, a gaunt Rachel Chandler spoke of her "cruel" treatment at the hands of her Somali kidnappers in a video released today appealing for help. It has been ...
- US group 'took Haitian children'Ten Baptist workers to appear in Port-au-Prince court after attempting to take youngsters out of country Ten Americans will appear in court tomorrow in Port-au-Prince after attempting to take 34 children out of Haiti, saying that they were trying to rescue them. The Baptist aid workers, from the Ida ...
- Arsenal 1-3 Manchester UnitedManchester United won easily at the Emirates, just as Chelsea had in November. Arsenal rallied after that earlier embarrassment, but another recovery seems unlikely. Some despondent fans began leaving the ground with 15 minutes left, so missing the flurry in which their side reduced the damage as Th ...
- Abbas pressures Israel on West BankExclusive interview: Palestinian president hints at mediated talks to restart moribund peace process Israel's continuing colonisation of the West Bank is leading to a "one-state solution", the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, has told the Guardian, while indicating that he may be poised this we ...
- Obama budget targets women amid complaints
- Pakistan Islamist tied to CIA bombing believed dea ...KABUL, Afghanistan — The Pakistani Taliban leader tied to the Dec. 30 bombing of a CIA encampment in Afghanistan has died from injuries sustained in a U.S. missile strike in mid-January, Western military officials said Sunday.
- Commentary: South Carolina's history of poverty is ...Lost in all the justifiable outrage over Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer's "stray animals" remarks and his suggestion that we starve poor children was an intriguing comment: He said when he was on reduced-price lunch, he was "mortified" to present his ticket because others around him would know he was getting ...
- Commentary: A smaller, bipartisan health-care bill ...I've heard many people say it won't be possible to pass a bipartisan health-care bill in today's poisoned environment. But we will ultimately have real health care reform in this country for a very simple reason: We have no choice and both Democrats and Republicans understand that. More important, ...
- Commentary: Corporations, the high court and the F ...Who knew that decades-old campaign-spending limits threatened to prevent newspapers from opinionating on candidates for public office?
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Crunch time for the cosy cousin?You'd think that conserving the world's biodiversity would be a pretty uncontroversial aim - wouldn't you? Who wouldn't think it a good idea that the giant panda survives for our children's children to marvel at, that the intricate dependencies of coral reef ecosystems remain un-ruptured by dynamit ...
- Reflections on a hugely changed climateIt's hard to overstate how much the events of the last two months have altered the global picture of climate politics. Picture the scene you'd have found on any day towards the end of last year: more prime ministers and presidents talking publicly about climate change than ever before; the vast maj ...
- The attack of the killer everythingAbout two decades ago, the world's frog experts realised they were characters in the opening chapter of a detective novel. It wasn't so much a whodunnit as a wotisdoinit - killing, that is, frogs and salamanders in different parts of the world at a rate that merited the description "dramatic" . Th ...
- Back to school on biodiversityI'm spending part of this week at biodiversity school. Not any ordinary school, mind, but Britain's Royal Society . This week it hosts a conference with the somewhat arcane title Integrating Ecosystem Services into Biodiversity Management - which doubles as the triennial conference of the InterAca ...
- Conservation contemplates the pre-emptive strikeAmong those who work on and care about the preservation of nature's plants and animals, the word "endangered" is an absolute touchstone. Endangered species will in general have more conservation resources devoted to them. There may be political or community or scientific action aimed at saving them ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Taliban rejects report about Hakimullah's dea ...Islamabad, Jan.31 : The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has once again rejected reports regarding the death of its chief Hakimullah Mehsud, even as the Pakistan Army said it was still investigating reports which said the extremist chieftain was killed in a US drone attack earlier this month.
- Prince Harry one step closer to winning helicopter ...London, January 31 : Prince Harry has come one step closer to realising his dream of returning to the Afghanistan frontline as an Apache gunship pilot.
- Taliban spokesperson Muslim Khan declared 'pr ...Islamabad, Jan.31 : A Malakand Division Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) has declared Swat Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan a proclaimed offender and has issued his arrest warrant.
- 'There Has To Be Peace Now'dpa Afghan President Hamid Karzai: "What has happened to cause the Afghan people in the south to allow the Taliban to return to their villages? Something must have gone wrong. But who allowed things t...
- The 'Burn Pits' Of Iraq And AfghanistanJanuary 31, 2010 At bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military disposes of trash in about 80 giant "burn pits." During the early days of the wars, everything was tossed into these burn pits &mda...
- VerificationDoes Not Equal is a webcomic by Sarah Ennals – check out the pre-Futurismic archives, and the strips that have been published here previously. [ Be sure to check out the Does Not Equal Cafepress store for webcomic merchandise featuring Canadians with geometrically-shaped heads! ] Project Wonderfu ...
- Econopocalypse scenario #3654: the Fat-finger Coll ...Ars Technica has an interesting article about a couple of recent stock-market glitches caused by high-frequency trading algorithms run amok. Long story short: a screw-up at Credit Suisse was caused by “a trader who accidentally double-clicked an icon in a trading program’s interface, when he should’ ...
- A fistful of writing tips and toolsIt seems like ages since I last relinked any good writing advice here, so let’s take a look at a few items that got tangled up in my intertube trawler-nets this week. First of all Luke Reid points us toward the blog of the pseudonymous Doctor Grasshopper, a medical student and sf/f author who aims [ ...
- UK police to deploy military UAV drones, snoop mor ...Futurismic readers resident outside the UK may wonder why exactly it is that I keep battering on about the omnipresent surveillance systems that are saturating this silly little island. After all, if I’m not doing anything wrong, I should have nothing to fear, right? Well, if believing that helps yo ...
- The artwork that sells itselfConsider, for a moment, the trials and tribulations of the plastic artist. You create your masterpiece, and – if you’re lucky – you sell it. And that’s your lot – not only is it beyond your control once it leaves your studio, but it can’t make you any further income. Or can it? Caleb Larsen thinks [ ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- While The Whistleblower Sits in Prison, More Peopl ...Yesterday, the Washington Post announced that the Swiss government has suspended the disclosure of information about tax cheats to the United States under a February 2009 “deferred prosecution” agreement and may seek to renegotiate the deal. Under the agreement the Swiss government was supposed to ...
- Camp Delta Sergeant Joe Hickman blows the whistle ...In its March issue, Harpers Magazine challenges the official and widely reported story that three prisoners being held in Guantánamo Bay committed suicide in an act of “asymmetrical warfare.” The article, written by Scott Horton, is based largely on observations of whistleblower Joe Hickman, the hi ...
- On February 10, OSHA will listenThe federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has announced that it will conduct an "OSHA listens" meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 2010, at the Department of Labor headquarters auditorium in Washington, DC. To speak at the "OSHA listens" meeting, participants must register by ...
- Attorneys Issue Response to Inspector General Repo ...Key FBI Whistleblower Urges Strong Corrective Action Washington, D.C. January 20, 2010. Today at 10 a.m. the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General released a report that confirms the allegations regarding an illegal FBI domestic surveillance program, which were reported on ...
- FBI Whistleblower Instrumental in Exposing Constit ...In a front-page article today, the Washington Post reported that between 2002 and 2006 the FBI illegally collected “more than 2,000 U.S. telephone call records between 2002 and 2006 by invoking terrorism emergencies that did not exist or simply persuading phone companies to provide records, accordin ...
Defense and the National Interest
- On War #323: MilestoneWilliam S. Lind 23 November 2009 One of the ongoing themes of this column has been gangs and the role they play in a Fourth Generation world. Here in the United States they already serve as an alternative primary loyalty (alternative to the state) for many urban young men. Gangs will likely be a m ...
- DNI to close — update23 November 2009 Many thanks to everyone who wrote in. Â My wife and I are deeply touched. We’ll try to find someone to at least take over the site as it is and keep the links intact. Â Several people have contacted me with ideas. Â In the meantime, I’ll leave everything up unless we start having mo ...
- DNI to closeProbably on Monday, November 23, depending on how my travels work out. Please go ahead and download any thing you’d like to keep — I’d particularly recommend Boyd’s briefings and the 4GW manuals. I have great faith in the growing number of bloggers and commentators who cover many of the same subjec ...
- On War #322: What Is “Political Correctness?”William S. Lind 18 November 2009 In response to the killing of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by an Islamic U. S. Army major, a number of senior officials have expressed their fear, not of Islam, but of a possible threat to “diversity.” “Diversity” is one of the many false gods of “Political Corr ...
- What should we do with terrorists?Security guru Bruce Schneier has the right idea: We should treat terrorists like common criminals and give them all the benefits of true and open justice — not merely because it demonstrates our indomitability, but because it makes us all safer. Once a society starts circumventing its own laws, the ...
Digital Journal
- Hockey: Toronto Maple Leafs player trading flurryToronto -- The Toronto Maple Leafs have announced player trades involving the Calgary Flames and the Anaheim Ducks. Notable players acquired for the blue and white are Dion Phaneuf and Jean-Sebastien Giguere.
- Marquez Will Fight Khan,Aims To Win Title In FourW ...Juan Manuel Marquez will fight Amir Khan for the WBA junior welterweight title on May 18. Marquez aims to become the only Mexican boxer to win world titles in four different weight divisions.
- Clara Hughes Named Canada's Olympic Flag BearerIn what many are saying is the most apropros selection in years, Clara Hughes was named as the person who will be leading Canada's Olympic team into BC Place Stadium at the Opening Ceremonies for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada.
- Freedom to Read Week Canada-wide EventsMany communities in Canada are having events to celebrate Freedom to Read Week. Getting involved with these is a great way to show you care about the concept of the freedom to read whatever you wish without having to worry about government interference.
- UN estimates on mountain ice based on student's di ...The United Nations climate panel that had recently claimed that ice was disappearing from the Himalayas, based its assumptions on a student's dissertation.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Mapping the Impact of the Recovery ActI recently met a woman whose story blew my mind. I'll call her Nadia. She is a single mother with eight kids. She and her husband were middle-school sweethearts, and although they struggled financially, both working two minimum-wage jobs, they were somehow managing to make ends meet. Sadly, Nadia's ...
- Homeless Advocate Miss Florida Competes for the Cr ...Grab your body glitter and evening gown and get ready to watch the Miss America pageant on Saturday night (8 p.m. EST on TLC). Why on earth would you do that, you ask? Why, to root with all your might for Miss Florida, Rachael Todd . Like all Miss America contestants, Todd has chosen a platform on w ...
- Parasites vs. Homeless PeopleAs a social worker , I get head lice a lot. Usually I catch lice working on the streets because it's not uncommon for me to hug homeless friends hello (plus I have long hair). But I can afford the treatment and getting rid of them is no big deal for me. For my homeless friends who live on the street ...
- The Push to End Homelessness Among Returning War V ...Neil J. Donovan is part of Change.org's Changemakers network, comprised of leading voices for social change. Neil is the executive director of the National Coalition for the Homeless. The Butler family has honored this country for generations, at first while enslaved and now free, though persistentl ...
- Pajamas Have Nothing To Do With HomelessnessTalk about out of touch. Tomorrow is the fifth annual PJ Day in Denver, when Mayor John Hickenlooper will be sporting fuzzy slippers and pajamas in an attempt to raise awareness about the city's homeless problem. Only this time, instead of parading around his office in silk jammies, he's also deckin ...
- Mental health and the militaryWhat has killed the most U.S. military personnel during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars? Surprisingly, the answer is suicide. That disturbing statistic could also be true for Canadian soldiers participating in the Afghanistan war, but we just don’t know. Testifying to a forum on the problems faced by ...
- London Conference “welcomes” negotiations with Tal ...On January 28th, the London Conference convened to discuss the future of Afghanistan. The two main initiatives discussed by the more than 60 foreign ministers in attendance were a proposal for the gradual transfer of security responsibility to Afghanistan and, more controversially, an Afghan governm ...
- Support treaty banning nuclear weapons: ExpertsPrime Minister Harper should actively support new calls for a global treaty to ban all nuclear weapons, experts said today. “The Canadian government needs to step up its efforts to stop the dangerous spread of nuclear weapons” said former Senator Douglas Roche following a two-day conference in Otta ...
- NATO to seek negotiated end to Afghan war?The NATO-led coalition in Afghanistan “is considering a plan to end the war by entering power-sharing negotiations with Taliban leaders and former fighters,” the Globe and Mail reports (Doug Saunders, NATO weighs Taliban truce in plans for Afghan peace, 25 January 2010). The paper says that “the sc ...
- Canadian Auto Workers support Ceasefire.caThe Canadian Auto Workers’ Social Justice Fund has made a $15,000 donation to the Rideau Institute’s Ceasefire program. The CAW and the Rideau Institute “have worked together on important issues and expect to do so in the future,” said Annie Labaj, the Director of the CAW’s International Department ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Corporate Branding Attacks Teen CharityJanuary 29, 2010 Wallet Pop By Lou Carlozo You couldn’t blame Lauren McClusky of Chicago if she were a bit squeamish about using her last name in this story without fear of reprisal from Ronald McDonald and his legal posse. For McClusky, 19, finds herself at the center of a thorny dispute that invol ...
- Scientists: DNA Can be FabricatedJanuary 29, 2010 Natural News By David Gutierrez Scientists from the Tel Aviv, Israel-based company Nucleix have demonstrated that it is possible to create fake DNA samples and plant them as evidence at a crime scene, in a paper published in the journal Forensic Science: International Genetics. “You ...
- Bin Laden Urges Abandoning Dollar & Rebukes US on ...January 29, 2010 Reuters By Cynthia Johnston The authenticity of the tape, aired on Friday and the second by bin Laden to air on Arab satellite channel Al Jazeera this week, could not be immediately confirmed. “It is necessary for us to avoid doing business in the dollar, and to finish with it in th ...
- Senate Permits Government To Borrow an Additional ...January 29, 2010 Breitbart By Andrew Taylor The Democratic-controlled Senate has muscled through a plan to allow the government to go a whopping $1.9 trillion deeper in debt. The party-line 60-40 vote was successful only because Republican Sen.-elect Scott Brown has yet to be seated. Sixty votes wer ...
- FDA Tells Drug Companies to be Aware of AbuseJanuary 29, 2010 Los Angeles Times By Andrew Zajac The Food and Drug Administration is calling on pharmaceutical firms to give more attention to the potential for abuse of new drugs when subjecting them to pre-market testing. The agency this week released a draft of voluntary guidelines to assist dr ...
Pambazuka News
- US: System owes Troy Davis another day in courtIt is wrong to execute an innocent man. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit will now consider whether it is constitutional. Troy Anthony Davis, convicted of murder, is asking the courts to hear evidence that key government witnesses have r...
- Caribbean: Civil society demands Haiti debt cancel ...Organizations representing Caribbean civil society organizations and social movements have written to G8 finance ministers, the World Bank, and the IMF, to demand an immediate and unconditional cancellation of Haiti's external debt....
- USA: Uhuru movement endorses McKinney/Clemente tic ...The International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) has endorsed the McKinney/Clemente ticket in the U.S. presidential race. The endorsement was based on the support that Green Party V.P. candidate Rosa Clemente’s expressed for InPDUM’s “Re...
- Haiti: Women and girls require life-saving assista ...More than 800,000 people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance in Haiti in the wake of hurricanes Fay and Gustav and tropical storm Hanna. Houses, medical facilities, main roads and bridges have been destroyed, and an estimated 100,000 people h...
- Haiti: Lula visit prompts protests in Brazil, Mex ...Demonstrators in many Brazilian cities and San Francisco denounced Brazil's brutal 4-year military occupation of Haiti -- on the occasion of the May 28th visit to Haiti by Brazilian President Luiz Lula da Silva, marking the 4th anniversary of the arr...
War in Context
- How Israelis learned to brutalize Palestinian chil ...Women in the Israeli Defense Forces break their silence: A female soldier in Sachlav Military Police unit, stationed in Hebron, recalled a Palestinian child that would systematically provoke the soldiers by hurling stones at them and other such actions. One time he even managed to scare a soldier w ...
- Israel is very pleased with the cage in which it h ...Zvi Bar’el in Haaretz: Speeches, so it turns out, are an excellent substitute for policy. There’s no solution to the problem of radical Islam? Talk about reaching out in friendship to moderate Islam. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is stuck? Talk about the legitimate rights of the Palestinians. Th ...
- Fear of flyingSo now we have what surely sounds like the worst imaginable terrorist threat: the bomber whose weapon is concealed inside their body. Are we going to need MRIs before boarding a plane? Maybe it’s time to make the inevitable psychological shift from prevention to risk management. Flying has always ...
- Why the Taliban won’t be bought offSun Tzu wrote: It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in [...]
- How the US sustains corruption in AfghanistanHow the US sustains corruption in Afghanistan in order combat the insecurity caused by people enraged by the corruption. The meeting in a muggy tent at Kandahar Airfield was dragging on when a lieutenant colonel with the Army Corps of Engineers broke in with an uncomfortable question. “I’m not sur ...
Watts Up With That?
- NODC revises ocean heat content data – it ...NODC Ocean Heat Content (0-700 Meters) – 2007, 2008 & 2009 Corrections Guest post by Bob Tisdale The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) recently updated its 4th quarter and annual 2009 Ocean Heat Content (OHC) data. The data that was presented in conjunction with the Levitus et al (2009) Pape ...
- IPCC now in Bizarroland: Pachauri releases “ ...Just when you think things can’t get any more bizarre with the IPCC, having just learned that the IPPC 2007 report used magazine articles for references, head of the IPCC, Dr. Rajenda Pachauri, provides comedy gold. According to the UK Telegraph, he’s just released what they describe as a “smutty” r ...
- IPCC Gate Du Jour: UN climate change panel based c ...It’s worse than we thought! Now the IPCC has been citing magazine articles, like this one from Climbing Magazine, issue 208, shown at left. We’ve heard the title before, according to their index: “Canaries in a Coal Mine,†– Feature on global loss of glaciers. But wait there’s more! If you think ...
- Debunking National Wildlife Federation Claims R ...Both WUWT and Climate Audit had posts regarding the ridiculous WaPo story about snowfall being a result of climate change. This is a follow up to those posts done by guest contributor Steven Goddard. One of the NWF claims about global warming is that snow in the Colorado mountains is diminishing a ...
- Uh Oh – Pachuri caught out in IPCC 2035 glac ...The London Times is reporting: “The chairman of the leading climate change watchdog was informed that claims about melting Himalayan glaciers were false before the Copenhagen summit, The Times has learnt. Rajendra Pachauri was told that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment tha ...
Dandelion Salad
- Max Keiser on Egill Helgason’s TV show: Fina ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ MaxKeiserTV January 31, 2010 Part one of two. Max Keiser on Icelandic TV to talk about Icesave, Britian, Iceland and the financial collapse. more about “Max Keiser on Egill Helgason’s TV sho…“, posted with vodpod *** more about “Max Keiser on Egill Helga ...
- Ron Paul on the CIA’s Assassination Policy + ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ liamh2 January 31, 2010 On the evening of Jan. 27, 2010, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) spoke, in Baltimore City, before a capacity audience at Loyola University Maryland. He addressed a wide range of issues, including civil liberties, civil disobedience, the CIA’s as ...
- Permaculture around the world + Fairview Gardens O ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ ermasolutions January 11, 2010 Australia’s Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) recently visited the Permaculture Research Institute in Australia to check out the work of Geoff Lawton at Zaytuna Farm. more about “Permaculture around the world“, posted with v ...
- The Battle of the Titans: JPMorgan vs. Goldman Sac ...by Dr. Ellen Brown Featured Writer Dandelion Salad webofdebt.com Jan. 29, 2010 We are witnessing an epic battle between two banking giants, JPMorgan Chase (Paul Volcker) and Goldman Sachs (Geithner/Summers/Rubin). Left strewn on the battleground could be your pension fund and 401K. The late L ...
- Peter Dale Scott: The War Machine is the Mindset i ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ http://therealnews.com New mindset for US foreign policy? Peter Dale Scott: The President does not choose the mindset, it chooses the people who become President Peter Dale Scott a former Canadian diplomat and Professor of English at the University of Califor ...
Your New Reality
- No titlePaywalls Will Dry Out The News Junkies By Darryl Mason Here are 16 stories I've now got open in various windows and tabs. I intend to read them all, but there doesn't seem to be enough time to soak it all up, so much fresh news and information flooding in, constantly, sometimes feel stressed when ...
- No titleFox News Poll : Obama's Leadership Puts Him At The Top Of The Class Fox News polls its audience on how President Barack Obama performed during his first year in the White House. More than 473,000 had voted when I did this screen capture : I saw it on Fox News. It must be true. This result will ...
- No titleBarack Obama's face moments before he went to take the oath of office. This is a detail from a larger image , which reveals Obama is actually looking at himself, in a mirror. As I've said here before, regardless of the intent, the official White House photography of the Obama administration ha ...
- No titleFrom the New Yorker, thirteen stories by JD Salinger : “ A Perfect Day for Bannanafish ” (January 31, 1948) “ Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut ” (March 20, 1948) “ Just Before the War with the Eskimos ” (June 5, 1948) “ The Laughing Man ” (March 19, 1949) “ For Esmé—With Love and Squalor ” (April 8 ...
- No titleTony Blair looks to be going down for his involvement in the war of lies that preceded the War On Iraq, but it will take a few years. His public shaming begins soon, and hopefully will be followed by a stiff sentence fit for a war criminal. In the meantime, a long procession of former Blairians tak ...
Wired - Science
- How to Keep Black Bears WildPepper spray, rocks or rubber slugs are good tools for scaring bears from park picnic areas. But the best way to get rid of black bears is to not invite them over to begin with. Trying out various techniques on bears in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California, wildlife managers report ...
- Chemistry Creates Self-Stirring LiquidsIn a tail wagging the dog reversal, researchers have found that simple chemical reactions can mix a solution. Usually, chemicals are stirred to enhance a reaction, but a new study finds that the reverse is also true: Simple chemical reactions can trigger fluid flows, reports a paper in the January ...
- NASA Releases First Free E-Book, on History of X-1 ...NASA continues to stay ahead of the government pack when it comes to public outreach. In addition to its many popular Twitter streams, iPhone apps and opportunities for citizens to participate in scientific programs, the agency is jumping into the e-book space. For space geeks looking for a little ...
- Cigarettes May Cause InfectionsThe tobacco in cigarettes hosts a bacterial bonanza — literally hundreds of different germs, including those responsible for many human illnesses, a new study finds. “Nearly every paper that you pick up discussing the health effects of cigarettes starts out with something to the effect that smokers ...
- Come to Wired.com’s Biometric Super Bowl PartyYou’ve seen your fair share of sad Super Bowl parties: the guacamole, the cheap beer, the bored significant others. Well, forget all that! Wired Science has a distinctly different, nerdier kind of Super Bowl party planned. We want you to come to the Wired office in San Francisco’s SoMA neighborho ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Ameer Makhoul: “Our community is at risk”Israel is pushing the Palestinian community to a big confrontation, in order to harm the whole community. We must look at the whole of the Palestinian community since 1948. We need to include the 1.4... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- Ur Shlonsky: an exchange on the academic boycott o ...An illuminating e-mail exchange between Ur Shlonsky, professor of linguistics at the Universite de Geneve, and the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation. As Shlonsky points out, it is remarkable... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Sheikh Jarrah demonstrations – updated 31 Jan 2010Sheikh Jarrah - weekly protest The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website for much more...
- Carleton U (Canada) students launches pension dive ...Carleton University (Canada) students' new BDS campaign video which re-tells the story of the censorship of a poster by the University and the reasons behind the new divestment campaign. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fi ...
- Gideon Levy: Israeli left needs to wake up before ...We can continue to remain silent and know that silence means collaboration. But when the left wakes up it will be too late. In fact, it is already too late. Meretz is dead, Labor is dying, Kadima is... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Pilot error likely to blame for Russian jet fighte ...
- China suspends military contacts with U.S. over Ta ...China suspended on Saturday military contacts with the U.S. over its plans to sell $6.4 billion worth arms to Taiwan, the official Xinhua agency reported.
- Russia says talk of $2 bln arms contract with Liby ...Russia's state arms exporter Rosoboronexport confirmed on Saturday ongoing arms talks with Libya, but said no new contracts have been signed yet.
- China warns U.S. about arms sales to TaiwanChina summoned the U.S. ambassador on Saturday warning him about consequences for bilateral relations of planned arms sales to Taiwan.
- Russian Defense Ministry denies Baltic Fleet reinf ...The Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday plans to build up the Baltic Fleet were not connected to the deployment of U.S. missiles in Poland, refuting remarks by a Navy source.
- Kentucky Research Looks at Respiratory Weakness in ...A University of Kentucky researcher is investigating respiratory weakness as a factor in the morbidity of intensive-care patients and will soon be testing new treatments that could improve long-term patient outcomes while reducing costs of care.
- Super Bowl Stock Market Predictor Still a Winner, ...A Washington and Lee University finance professor has updated a study demonstrating that over the course of the event's 43-year history, the Super Bowl winner has correctly predicted whether the market will go up or down 77 percent of the time.
- Stony Brook University-BNL Research Team Receives ...Institute of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery will collaborate with Brookhaven National Laboratory on Multidisciplinary Research Project.
- Emo-Journalism: Should Reporters be the News?Though professional journalists are taught to remain removed from and objective about the subject of their story, sometimes the events are so tragic it is impossible to maintain that distance. But a recent trend in news reporting, known as "emo-journalism," has taken understandably human responses t ...
- Spinal Cord Injuries to Hockey Players Have Decrea ...The past decade has seen a significant reduction in the number and severity of spinal cord injuries in Canadian ice hockey, reports a study in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine.
Intel Trends
- IntelTrends 31-JAN-2010NIGERIA: Army beefs up security in Abuja, Lagos Nigeria Sun, 31 Jan Tighter security measures have been thrown around the country, particularly the seat of power, Abuja, and some states regarded as key, following reports of moves by some politicians to lure the military to take over government. ...
- F. William Engdahl: The Fateful Geological Prize C ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti © F. William Engdahl Source: Global Research January 30, 2010 President becomes UN Special Envoy to earthquake-stricken Haiti. A born-again neo-conservative U.S. business ...
- Statement of the Leadership Council Regarding rumo ...The following statement is reprinted with permission from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Statement of the Leadership Council Regarding rumors of Meeting between UN Special Envoy and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Source: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan January 30, 2010 07:17 admin ...
- IntelTrends 30-JAN-2010Saudis 'launch 17 air raids' on Houthis Press TV, 30 Jan The Saudi air force has reportedly launched seventeen air raids on Houthi fighters in Yemen despite the Houthi leader's call for a ceasefire. Taliban Fighters Can't Be Bought Off APA Baku, 30 Jan Not for Sale: Kabul's Western allies want ...
- NORTH KOREA: Citizens asked to project their "ment ...© Pine River World News January 30, 2010 The use of mental powers such as 'visualization' (using one's thoughts to imagine - and achieve - a desired future or outcome) has been investigated on the periphery of science for years - including its use by the military. This stems from a belief that ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Mortal Threat to Organics: GMO Seed ContaminationBiodiversity, already decaying fast as a result of climate change and intensive farming, is under further threat by genetic modification (GM) of seeds, says a leading German ecological activist. Click here to read this article
- Neurotoxic Chemical Common in FoodsA neurotoxic flame retardant resists environmental breakdown and builds up in the food chain, a new study conducted by researchers from the Boston University School of Public Health and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives has found. Click here to read this article
- Biosolids Concerns Bubble to SurfaceMyra Dotson developed red bumps on her knees and forearms after gardening. When they became infected, a doctor diagnosed her with MRSA, the antibiotic-resistant "super bug." Click here to read this article
- Health Scandal of the Decade – Monsanto’s GMO Perv ...n the 2010 growing season Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment on the American and Canadian public, a new version of genetically mutated corn with eight abnormal gene traits called Genuity SmartStax corn. It is the culmination of an astonishing scandal that has been steadily ...
- USDA’s Deputy Secretary Discusses Local, Organic F ...It was by no means Kathleen Merrigan's first trip to the Ecological Farming Conference (EcoFarm). But when the Deputy Secretary of Agriculture stood at a podium to address last week's annual gathering of farmers, retailers, processors, and advocates, it was clear she had never had quite such a cruci ...
- Imágenes de Amor para el Día de San ValentínNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. En varios lugares, el 14 de Febrero se celebra el Día del Amor y la Amistad o también conocido como el día de San Valentín . Es común regalar flores, chocolates, ropa, joyas y perfumes, pero sobre todas las cosas, lo mej ...
- Álbum de Fotografías con mucha imaginaciónNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.
- 25 ejemplos de paisajes naturalesNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.
- Selección de imágenes by A.madestra. WNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.
- Animales con quienes compartimos el planetaNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.
Executive Intelligence Review
- Simply & SummarilyEditorial, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
- Behaviorism and Summers' Bad BehaviorReprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
- Why Larry Summers Must Go Now!By Scott Thompson and Paul Gallagher Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
- Time To Stop Lying and Get It Right!By John Hoefle Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
- Nerobama Defies the Mass StrikeBy Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 4
Center for a Livable Future
- New analysis claims Monsanto skewed GM corn findin ...Monsanto conducted studies to evaluate the toxicity of genetically modified (GM) corn on rats as part of European regulatory registry of GM food and feed, prior to commercialization. To our knowledge, only a summary of the findings were made available to the public (for examples see European Food Sa ...
- Baltimore Food Makers potluckOn the recommendation of a friend, I had to good fortune to attended the Baltimore Food Makers monthly potluck this Saturday to share home-grown, home-preserved and home-made food with a group of ~30 “food makers.”  Before eating we all gathered around the spread of food and each maker discussed w ...
- Antibiotics in Farming: Has Tyson Foods Shot Itsel ...-From the Animal Welfare Approved web site Tyson Foods’ recent agreement to settle a lawsuit for falsely advertising its “raised without antibiotics” chicken brand has received limited media coverage – no doubt to the relief of the company’s boardroom. And with an annual turnover of nearly $27 bill ...
- Vegetarian and low-carbon diets emerging in China?Yesterday I spotted a segment on the China Central Television (CCTV) web site describing the vegetarian restaurant scene in China and the emergence of a low-carbon diet trend. Meat consumption has risen dramatically in China in the last few decades; research by Barry Popkin at the University of Nort ...
- Study Finds Menu Labels Including Daily Caloric Re ...Last week I discussed why obesity experts, such as Drs. Kelly Brownell and David Kessler, believe highly processed foods are leading to excessive overeating. Until healthier unprocessed foods are more readily available and affordable, today I want to focus on one way we can thwart the cravings belie ...
- Shoot, whine, reloadFrank Rich on the SOTU: [O]ur union is not strong. It is paralyzed. Many Americans were more eagerly anticipating Steve Jobs’s address in San Francisco on Wednesday morning than the president’s that night because they have far more confidence in Apple than Washington to produce concrete change. ...
- Bearing false witness: the Katherine Kersten storyKatherine Kersten’s finally experienced a complete break from reality. Here is her version of the year-long healthcare insurance reform battle. These are all direct quotes: Republicans…were pushed out of the process. Democrats accused [Republicans] of being in the pocket of special interests…. the f ...
- Breaking!Via David Dayen (who swiped it from Taegan Goddard [who I'm also not linking to]), a brilliant anatomy of a news story. Share this one with your friends as it really does explain what you’re watching when you think you’re watching the news.
- In wake of 9/11, NYC easily disruptedThe rumors were flying both ways but the Times is pretty emphatic that it’s time to start spreading the news:Â the Feds are turning tail and are moving the 9/11 plotters trial out of New York City. Which forevermore should be known as Bedwetters National Park, formerly a courageous band of entrepren ...
- Give NYC some rubber sheets and get that trial sta ...This is an abomination: The White House ordered the Justice Department Thursday night to consider other places to try the 9/11 terror suspects after a wave of opposition to holding the trial in lower Manhattan. The dramatic turnabout came hours after Mayor Bloomberg said he would “prefer that the ...
The Seferm Post
- Links for 2010-01-24 [del.icio.us]Female Genital Mutilation Banned By Muslim Leaders In Africa It is estimated two million female a year are subjected to genital mutilation. Pope Benedict XVI Commandment To Priests: Go Forth And Blog "The spread of multimedia communications and its rich 'menu of options' might make us think i ...
- First Rabbit Jumping Competition In UKHilarious show jumping pictures with a twist show how rabbits are being trained to run the gauntlet - leaping high obstacles in a new British craze. Rabbit Jumping UK is the country's only rabbit jumping club and began when retired office worker Maureen Hoyle visited a fellow breeder in Sweden and g ...
- 52nd Annual Grammy Award 2010 NomineesHalo, Beyonce, I Gotta Feeling, Black Eyed Peas, Use Somebody, Kings of Leon, Poker Face, Lady GaGA, You Belong With Me, Taylor Swift
- U.S. Drone Missile Attack Kills Taliban Hakimullah ...Hakimullah Mehsud's death would be an important success for both Pakistan the U.S.
- Haitians Police Arrest 10 Americans For Child Traf ...Haiti Social Affairs Minister Yves Cristallin says the, "Americans were suspected of taking part in an illegal adoption scheme."
The World We Live In
- War Begets War, Don’t Call it TerrorismSlate | By William Saletan | 11 January 2010 Traitor, Bomber, Soldier, Spy Stop crying “terrorism†every time we’re attacked. Afghan police officers inspect the site of a blast in Khost province Photo: REUTERS Two weeks ago, a Jordanian suicide bomber blew up seven CIA employees at a U.S. m ...
- Indian army doesn’t posses ability to fight in nig ...NEW DELHI: While the Indians celebrate 62nd Army Day, country’s Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor, just after a couple of weeks of announcing a new war doctrine of Indian army to eliminate Pakistan and China in matter of hours even if it has to fight on simultaneous fronts, outrageously admitted I ...
- Freedom of Speech for a FictionBy CHRISTOPHER KETCHAM I often correspond with a long-time Washington DC operator named Leigh Ratiner, who spent 40 years in government, serving under Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford and Reagan, with cabinet-level posts in the Defense Department, under the Secretary of the Interior, in the ...
- War Begets War, Don’t Call it TerrorismSlate | By William Saletan | 11 January 2010 Traitor, Bomber, Soldier, Spy Stop crying “terrorism†every time we’re attacked. Afghan police officers inspect the site of a blast in Khost province Photo: REUTERS Two weeks ago, a Jordanian suicide bomber blew up seven CIA employees at a U.S. m ...
- Indian army doesn’t posses ability to fight in nig ...NEW DELHI: While the Indians celebrate 62nd Army Day, country’s Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor, just after a couple of weeks of announcing a new war doctrine of Indian army to eliminate Pakistan and China in matter of hours even if it has to fight on simultaneous fronts, outrageously admitted I ...
Center for Food Safety
- Farmers and Conservation Groups Seek to Halt Plant ...Earlier Court Decision Found Federal Approval of GE Sugar Beets to Be Unlawful Earthjustice and Center for Food Safety announced today that they filed court papers seeking a ban on genetically engineered (GE) sugar beets and sugar beet seeds. The motion was filed in Federal Court on behalf of a coal ...
- Supreme Court to Hear First Genetically Engineered ...Monsanto Takes Center for Food Safety Legal Victory to Highest Court Today, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear a first-time case about the risks of genetically engineered crops. Named Monsanto v. Geertson Seed Farms, No. 09-475, the case before the high court will be yet another step in an ongoi ...
- Tell USDA That You Care About GE Contamination of ...In 2006, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) sued the Department of Agriculture (USDA) for its illegal approval of Monsanto’s genetically engineered (GE) Roundup Ready alfalfa. The federal courts sided with CFS and banned GE alfalfa until the USDA fully analyzed the impacts of the plant on the environm ...
- USDA AGAIN AIMS TO ALLOW UNLIMITED PLANTING OF GEN ...Center for Food Safety to lead coalition to protect public, farmers and environment from GE crop hazards The Center for Food Safety today announced that it will lead a coalition of concerned farmers, consumers and environmentalists to hold USDA accountable in its responsibility to protect all farme ...
- Center for Food Safety and Institute for Agricultu ...Groups Urge Government Ban of Common Additives Used in Feed for Chicken, Turkeys and Hogs Today, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling for the immediate withdrawal of approvals ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Bolivia: ‘We are here to serve people, not capital ...Federico Fuentes Pledging to move the country towards “communitarian socialism”, Bolivian president Evo Morales proclaimed the death of the “colonial state” during the January 21 inauguration of his second term as president. He said “a new plurinational, autonomy and solidarity-based state is being ...
- Robbie Thorpe ft M1 (Dead Prez) at Trades HallRobbie Thorpe and m1 (Dead Prez) speak out against the Northern Territory Intervention at Trades Hall, Melbourne, 26th Jan 2010.
- Quotes of the Decade: Lewis and Clark and GenocideQuotes of the Decade Quotes from 'Lewis and Clark Genocide Re-enactors Told to Turn Around' On the banks of the Missouri, Lakota, Ponca and Kiowa told of the genocide that Lewis and Clark heralded Article and photo by Brenda Norrell http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ Original article at UN OBSERV ...
- Ten Events of the DecadeBy Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ Photo: Havasupai Gathering to Halt Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon/Photo by Brenda Norrell Indigenous Peoples made history throughout this decade, struggling to protect Mother Earth, resisting colonization and exposing genocide. ...
- Lipan Apache Targeted for More Abuse at BorderBy Brenda Norrell Narcosphere Photo courtesy Margo Tamez The US made new threats about the condemnation and seizure of Lipan Apache lands in Texas for the US/Mexico border wall, as the abuses of Indigenous Peoples in the borderzone continues unabated. President Obama continues the genocidal border ...
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