Yahoo! My Yahoo! 2 Feedspot IBT Daily
11:08 pm MST
(Black Swans Running Over Fake Progressives) Trump Inverts Instantly With Election (Corporatocracy Wins Again As Warmongers Are Warned) Cross-Checked Agony & Henry F. Kissinger Smug About Deplorables (Good-Night, Sweet Leonard - Don't Go!)
“I know I said I’d meet you, I’d meet you at the store, But I can’t buy it,
baby. I can’t buy it anymore. And I don’t really know who sent me, To raise
my voice and say: May the lights in The Land of Plenty Shine on the truth
some day.” - “Land of Plenty” Leonard Cohen dies. Vogue celebrates our
Leonard. Robert Vaughn, Who Starred as Napoleon Solo in ‘Man From
U.N.C.L.E,’ Dies at 83 And
4 Truly Important Items for Your Post-Election List of Things to Protest
*Dylan Charles* - Americans should be out protesting the government, but
for these meaningful reasons.
The post 4 Truly Important Items for Your Post-Election List of Things to
Protest appeared first on Waking Times.
Jop Yap on Trump-Putin connection
Posting with permission Dr. Josef "Jop" Yap's take on the recent US
elections. The images are my addition, not part of Jop's paper. My brief
comments after his article.
*The Russians Did Influence the Outcome of the 2016 US Elections*
*Josef T. Yap*
Many are stunned and dismayed by the victory of Donald J. Trump as
President of the United States. He was a severely flawed candidate, the
Republican Party was splintered, and he was behind in the polls.
However, Trump actually obtained less votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012
and is barely ahead of the 2008 total of John McC... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Fields of Coral”
Vangelis, “Fields of Coral”
"A Look to the Heavens"
“NGC 253 is not only one of the brightest spiral galaxies visible, it is
also one of the dustiest. Discovered in 1783 by Caroline Herschel in the
constellation of Sculptor, NGC 253 lies only about ten million light-years
*Click image for larger size.*
NGC 253 is the largest member of the Sculptor Group of Galaxies, the
nearest group to our own Local Group of Galaxies. The dense dark dust
accompanies a high star formation rate, giving NGC 253 the designation of
starburst galaxy. Visible in the above photograph is the active central
nucleus, also known to be a bright source o... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Broken Web”
*“The Broken Web”*
by Chet Raymo
“Every fall, when a mysterious seasonal alarm clock tells them to go, the
monarch butterflies of our New England meadows set off on one of the most
remarkable migrations in the animal kingdom. They wing their way to a tiny
patch of forest in the mountains of central Mexico that they have never
visited before, where they are joined by millions of their cousins from all
over eastern North America. They rest and feed and wait out the winter.
Then, in the spring, they set out for northern meadows, breeding and dying
along the way. There will be no Mexic... more »
"Alive in Joy: Dispelling Drama"
*"Alive in Joy: Dispelling Drama"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Some people are so used to creating drama that a peaceful existence seems
uncomfortable for them. There are scores of people in the world who seem to
be magnets for calamity. They live their lives jumping from one difficult
to the next, surrounded by unstable individuals. Some believe themselves
victims of fate and decry a universe they regard as malevolent. Others view
their chaotic circumstances as just punishments for some failing within.
Yet, in truth, neither group has been fated or consigned to suffer. They
ar... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Sémalens, Midi-Pyrenees, France. Thanks for stopping by.
"It Would Be So Much Easier..."
"It would be so much easier just to fold our hands and not make this
fight... to say, I, one man, I can do nothing. I grow afraid only when I
see people thinking and acting like this. We all know the story about the
man who sat beside the trail too long, and then it grew over and he could
never find his way again. We can never forget what has happened, but we
cannot go back nor can we just sit beside the trail".
- Poundmaker, Plains Cree Chief, 1842-1886.
His dying words.
The Universe
“There are some things that are best forgotten. And when I remember what a
few of them are, I'll drop you a line. But a couple of things worth
remembering, that are all too easily forgotten, are the times in your life
when you felt absolutely alone and uncertain. Yet somehow, perhaps beyond
perception, there was a great click, after which suddenly a new friend
appeared, an idea was imparted, or a connection established, causing the
tides to turn and the floodgates to open. And remembering this, should such
"alone and uncertain times" ever revisit you, however dark they may seem,
yo... more »
The Poet: Walt Whitman, "Miracles"
"Why, who makes much of a miracle?
As to me I know of nothing else but miracles,
Whether I walk the streets of Manhattan,
Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses toward the sky,
Or wade with naked feet along the beach just in the edge
of the water,
Or stand under trees in the woods,
Or talk by day with anyone I love, or sleep in the bed
at night with anyone I love,
Or sit at the table at dinner with the rest,
Or look at strangers opposite me riding in the car,
Or watch honeybees busy around the hive
of a summer forenoon,
Or animals feeding in the fields,
Or birds, or the wo... more »
Call of Cthulhu Actual Play: The Case of Mister Nichols Part 2
Part 1 is here.
His Friend Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm Has Been Released From Prison But Aaron Schock May Soon Be On His Way There
Tuesday, Darin LaHood, not only won reelection-- impressively: 72.2-27.8%--
he won every single one of the 19 counties in the downstate Illinois
district-- with massive margins in the population centers like McLean,
Peoria, Sangamon, Tazwell and Adams. But no one would even notice the
inconsequential backbencher except for one factor: he replaced former
"Future Superstar" Aaron Schock when Schock was forced to resign in March
of 2015 over a series of criminal activities connected to his penchant for
the... flamboyant.
Recently young Aaron paid a fine and I was pissed off that he w... more »
Soros-Funded Anti-Trump Protesters Rioting in Cities Across America: Fomenting National Crisis and Martial Law?
Globalist investor in murder and mayhem George Soros is at it again,
funding his to organize post-election “sour grapes” protests
around the country in response to underdog Trump’s surprising
President-elect victory. Complicit crime partner mainstream media is having
a field day deceitfully spinning these top down, billionaire driven
demonstrations as a spontaneous, grassroots populist uprising against
racist dictator Donald. From a press release from
The gatherings - organized by and allies - will affirm a
continued rejection of Donald Trump’s big... more »
Energy 81, Trump's climate and energy policies
Anthropogenic or "man-made" climate change (CC) hypothesis is actually 5%
climate science and 95% political science. A realistic view is that CC is
natural (ie, 'nature-made') and cyclical
(warming-cooling-warming-cooling...). So a change in political leadership
of one of the major players will significantly increase the % share of real
climate science and reduce the share of political science.
Some big news reports a day after Donald Trump was elected as the next US
*"While vowing to “cancel” the international Paris climate accord Obama
championed, Trump would also rear... more »
Top 1,000 corps 2015, the 401-1,000 ranks
I notice that there is high interest and pageviews of Top 1,000
corporations 2015 here where I posted only the top 400 corporations. To
continue that, here are the next 600 firms, those that ranked 401 to 1,000.
Even the "medium tier" companies in the top 1,000 are actually huge
BusinessWorld will publish the Top 1,000 corporations 2016 later this
month. Serious researchers should get that report -- neat, clean and
glossy. I don't know how much it costs, inquire here,
To Those Who Voted For The Orange Fascist: It's On You Now. Period
*- by Noah*
I'm pretty numb right now. I woke up this morning and I felt like I did
when, as a boy, I woke up on the morning of November 23,1963: heartbreak,
depression, and wondering what would become of all of us. I live in New
York City and the streets are eerily quiet today. The constant cacophony of
honking horns is silenced. No one is stopped at the light blasting their
choice of music for all the world to hear. Normally, it’s only this quiet
during a hellacious blizzard. I haven’t even heard a raised voice.
I worry about what the election of Donald J. Trump says both about... more »
Should we empathize with Trump voters?
In the wake of the shocking US election results, what sometimes seems like
an agreed-upon virtue has become controversial: the demand for empathy.
Writing in the New York Times, longtime Democrat Rabbi Michael Lerner has
put out a call for empathy towards the many voters who supported Trump. As
Lerner sees it, there are deep […]
Hollowed Souls and The Inescapable Box, Donald Trump Edition
*Written by Grant G*
*Donald Trump's presidential victory*...
I have difficulty in describing the hollow feeling within, my internal
compass was and is still spinning wildly, not knowing what direction to
point, an emptiness filled my soul after Donald Trump triumphed and I'm not
an American nor do I live in that country so it's easy to relate to the
despair 50 million Americans are feeling..
Alone, that's how I felt when my father died, depressed and bitter when my
long lived animal companions perished in a house fire, but never before did
I feel hollow, dad left me direction... more »
Economic News , Data & Views .....November 11 , 2016.....Quick Hits For Friday - 1) All Things Being Equal , US Stocks Faired Well After The Election Shocker ; Emerging Markets / Commodity Currencies , Oil , Gold Had Brutal Weeks , Europe & Asia Stock Markets Ended Better Than The Week Before. 2) US Political News - Non Trump. 3) Trump Transition Team Reconfigured ; Trump Showing Considerable Flexibility As Movement From Campaigning To Governing Occurs : Additional Items Of Note. 4) Around The Horn In Europe - News Of Note From Ukraine , France , Greece , EU News , Germany , Spain , Portugal.
*Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 2h
2 hours ago
Mad world! Dow rose 5.4% this week, marking its best weekly performance
since Dec2011 after Trump election win.
markets.html …
*ForexLive* @ForexLive 2h
2 hours ago
S&P closes near highs but still down marginally on the day
*Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 18h
18 hours ago
Good morning from Berlin. Asia markets stumble as soaring bond yields fuel
outflow worries. Indonesia hardest hit, FX intervention suspected
*ForexLive* @ForexLive 27m
27 minute... more »
"How It Really Is"
"love trumps hate"... Hang your heads in shame and disgrace! Oh, sorry,
would imply you have a conscience, wouldn't it? Silly me to be so
"If My Answers Frighten You..."
“If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.”
- Samuel L. Jackson as “Jules Winnfield”, “Pulp Fiction”
Congress To Reopen Clinton Investigation Following Election
Congress looks set to reignite the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use
of a private email server following Trump’s victory on Tuesday. Trey
Gowdy, U.S. Representative for South Carolina’s 4th congressional district,
says he has no plans to let Hillary off the hook for “her crimes”. Gowdy
was reelected to Congress this week and has vowed to focus his attention
on bringing Hillary Clinton to justice. “There is sufficient evidence, both
direct and circumstantial, upon which a jury could conclude an intent to
violate the law,” Gowdy commented. “This evidence includes concealment ... more »
Ron Paul Warns Trump That ‘Shadow Government’ Seek To Destroy Him
Former presidential candidate Ron Paul has warned President Elect Donald
Trump that the “shadow government” are going to seek to undermine and
destroy his plans for America. Ron Paul told RT that Trump needs to stand
firm against the New World Order cabal in order to keep independence from
the shadow government and elites that run Washington from behind the
scenes. reports: Trump, 70, enters the US presidency a political
virgin, whose policies will be shaped by advice offered by his political
cabinet. “Unfortunately, there has been several neoconservatives that are
getting... more »
George Soros Funds Anti-Trump Riots Across America
George Soros has been caught organizing anti-Trump riots across America
through a liberal activist group he funds via the Open Society
Foundations. Soros, the man behind the Clinton Campaign, is encouraging
Hillary supporters to set fires, disrupt traffic, and hurl verbal and
physical abuse at citizens who voted for Donald Trump.
reports: But it’s also Soros in action again, as the blogger Dennis Michael
Lynch reports. “, a liberal activist group that has exploded all
across the nation, is funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations. It is now
well known ... more »
Anti Trump Protests Spread To Red States, Canada, UK & Israel
Anti Trump protests have spilled over from blue state strongholds like
Portland, Washington and Los Angeles to red states like Kentucky that
brought Trump to power. Sputnik reports: Hundreds took to the streets in
Louisville, Kentucky, last night, in a protest called “Not My President,
Say No To Trump, Say No To Racism.” Chanting “black lives matter” and “my
body, my choice,” and carrying signs that read “Not My President” and “Make
America Smart Again,” a noisy but peaceful crowd took over the city’s
central business district, the Courier-Journal reports. Kentucky was one of
the ... more »
‘Inconsolable’ Hillary Blames FBI Director For Election Loss
Hillary Clinton was completely inconsolable and “couldn’t stop crying”
according to a close friend who says Hillary blamed FBI directory James
Comey for her loss to Donald Trump on Tuesday’s election. Best selling
author Ed Klein told the Steve Malzberg Show on Wednesday that at “6:30
this morning she called an old friend. She was crying, inconsolably. She
couldn’t stop crying“. reports: “Her friend said — her female
friend from way, way, back — said that it was even hard to understand what
she was saying, she was crying so hard. “This is Hillary we’re talking
about,”... more »
Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, "Democracy"
Leonard Cohen, "Democracy"
Hat tip to Annette Garcia for this song!
"Trump's True Mission — Lance The Boil"
*“Trump's True Mission — Lance The Boil”, Introduction*
by Brian Maher
"Can’t a fellow get a moment’s peace around here?! We’d just settled in for
supper after nine hours at hard labor. But before we could take our first
hack, a racketing din broke over Mount Vernon Place… just one block from
our Baltimore castle. A flashback seized us- from last year’s riots. The
approaching rumble of the crowd… the unifying chants… all the raucous
hullabaloo of an army on the march. We heard bellows of, "Not my
president!", "Two, four, six, eight, no to Trump and no to hate!", and
"Immigrants are... more »
Editor's Note
Stuck going to a dinner engagement tonight. Blogging will return Saturday
Russian President Putin Knows That Talks With A President Donald Trump Will Not Be Easy
*Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg:* *Putin Knows Working With Trump Won't Be
In Moscow, many allies of President Vladimir Putin appeared to be in a
festive mood after Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential
election. They aren't stupid, though: They know the gap between Trump's
relatively pro-Russian rhetoric during the campaign and his actual policy
may be "yuuuge." The celebratory noise is tactical -- an attempt to flatter
Trump so he doesn't forget all the nice things he had promised Putin while
he ran against that notorious Russia hawk, Hillary Clinton.
The Kremlin w... more »
The perfect gifts for your Teen/Tween
Tweens can be hard to shop for. You want to buy them something fun, trendy
and that they will love, but what is that? Check out our list for the
hottest clothes, accessories, electronics and books all aimed at Tweens.
Get your Tween something they will truly love this year .
LitJoy Crate is a subscription box that delivers a new book to the
recipient each month. The crate contains a new release hard cover book,
usually a note from the author and signed book plate for the book and then
other items that go along with the story.
LitJoy Crate is my FAVORITE subscription box, it ... more »
Why Did We Call It Wrong?
Some didn't. No doubt they're feeling smug as others flail around in
horror. But for the bulk of "us", the commentariat people spanning the
academic pundits specialising in voting behaviour, the professional
commentators paid for their opinion-forming opinions, and neither
forgetting those weirdos who write about politics because they want to,
Tuesday represented a unanimity of failure. That so few called it for Trump
goes beyond bad analysis: it's a social phenomenon. How then did everyone
get it wrong?
Well, for starters, we didn't. We were wrong, and yet we were right too.
Not ... more »
Russia And Syrian Rebels Accuse The Other Side Of Using Chemical Weapons In The Battle For Aleppo
*Wall Street Journal:** Russia Says Militants in Aleppo Used Chemical
Weapons Against Civilians*
*Commander of one rebel groups says insurgents don’t have such weapons*
MOSCOW—Russia’s Defense Ministry said Friday that it had proof militants in
the Syrian city of Aleppo had recently used chemical weapons against the
civilian population and Syrian government soldiers, accusations the rebels
“After a rapid analysis in a mobile laboratory it was established that the
artillery shells fired by militants most likely contained chlorine and
white phosphorous,” Defense Ministry sp... more »
U.N reporting That Massacres Are Being Committed In Mosul
*New York Times*: *ISIS Is Massacring Mosul Civilians as Troops Advance,
U.N. Says*
GENEVA — Islamic State militants have summarily killed scores of civilians
in the Iraqi city of Mosul in recent days, sometimes using children as
executioners, and have used chemical agents against Iraqi and Kurdish
troops, United Nations officials said on Friday.
Video posted by the militants on Wednesday showed four children, who appear
to be 10 to 14 years old, shooting four civilians accused of disloyalty at
a location near the Tigris River, said Ravina Shamdasani, a spokeswoman for
the Unite... more »
Sometimes people do what you expect of them:
Sometimes, however, people can surprise you:
GHGs Slow Down, As They Speed Up (Or Something Like That)
By Paul Homewood h/t AC Osborn
From the “Make it up as you go along department”! The Mail reports:
Carbon-hungry plants may have ‘paused’ the growing build-up of greenhouse
gas in the atmosphere, scientists claim. A new study suggests that while
human activity continues to pour out increasing amounts of […]
BWorld 90, Who should set the energy mix, government or consumers?
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last November 02, 2016.
This question seems to have a “default” answer: the government and it is
time to revisit the premise of government being the central planning body
that sets the Philippines’ energy mix.
The Energy Policy Development Program (EPDP) composed of mostly UP School
of Economics (UPSE) faculty members as fellows and researchers produced
their most recent paper, “Filipino 2040 Energy: Power Security and
Competitiveness.” The 52-page long paper projects two scenarios for the
Philippines until 2040, the strong/fast growth and slo... more »
What the Frack? BLM Walks out on Dine' at Shiprock
Chaco Canyon is targeted with fracking. Bureau of Land Management walks out
on Dine' at Shiprock By Rebecca SobelClimate and energy Senior
CampaignerWild Earth Guardians November 10, 2016 SHIPROCK, N.M., NAVAJO
NATION -- Today, at the first of eight Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) scoping meetings, agency officials walked
out on community members
Historical Appreciation: Reflecting on the 2016 Presidential Election
November 11, 2016 | :
by Roberto Rodriguez
On election night, I received hundreds of messages from friends and
colleagues from throughout the country. Most seemed to be in utter
disbelief. When I got to campus in the morning, I went into the student
lounge where I came upon students who were crying.
All day, everyone kept asking me: “How do you feel?”
Strong and determined, primarily because I was prepared. In large part,
because I come from peoples who were subjected to the worst genocide in
human history (tens ... more »
George Soros & BLM Sued By Father Of Slain Dallas Cop
The father of a Dallas police officer who was killed by a lone gunman
during a Black Lives Matter protest is suing George Soros for $550 million.
George Soros being sued for $550 Million for paying Black Lives Matter
leaders to incite violence. — Hashtag Deplorable
(@realshady8kers) November 11, 2016 Enrique Zamarripa, the father of slain
officer Patrick Zamarripa has filed a lawsuit claiming that both George
Soros and Black Lives Matter activist Rashad Turner incited people to riot,
resulting in the death of his son. In another lawsuit a Baton Rouge police ... more »
We the Majority have the Actual Power.
With the Electoral College U.S. Presidential win by Donald J. Trump,
self-proclaimed racist, xenophobe, misogynist, scientific skeptic and
assaulter of women, the majority of people in the United States woke up on
11/9/2016 in a state of shock, bewilderment and despair. Trump's proposed
agenda [of stepped-up corporate welfare, dramatic tax cuts for the 1% (who
are already not paying their fair share), elimination of healthcare
benefits for millions of people, rolling back of civil rights for women,
minorities and immigrants, state control of women's reproductive choices,
unconstrain... more »
Have I Got Grieving Trump-haters For You
Even if you didn't watch it I bet you can already guess what tonight's *Have
I Got News For You *was like.
Its guest presenter, panel and audience united in grief and bitter fury at
the election of Donald Trump.
It was like last night's *Question Time *with fewer laughs.
Paul Merton pulled faces. Ian Hislop pulled faces. Maureen Lipman was
aghast. Charlie Brooker sneered. And Rich Hall was so depressed he ritually
disembowelled himself midway through one of Paul's Toblerone jokes.
Still, you'll doubtless be delighted to hear that The Donald wasn't the
only political target fo... more »
Less government means good governance
I posted this quote in my fb wall more than 4 years ago, the merits of
small or limited government. And two weeks ago, I attended the EPDP forum
on energy efficiency at UPSE. Good initiative, good and articulate speaker.
But since they (he and his coalition) want another legislation, another law
that will give special privileges to them but are not given to other
sectors (income tax holiday, subsidies,...), I questioned their proposal
and warned that more government intervention and favoritism would lead to
more distortion, more problems.
Here's another example that less government... more »
Yes, look for change under Trump, say "the two Pauls,' but not the kinds his angry voters imagined
*Will Trump henchmen Newt, the Krispyman, and nutty Rudy be trying to
"bring down the system"? (Click to enlarge, if you dare.)*
*"One thing [the Trump presidency] will not be is a threat to the
establishment, or the system, or whatever you want to call it."*
*-- Paul Waldman, in his Plum Line post today,*
"If you voted for Trump because he’s 'anti-
establishment,' guess what: You got conned"
*"The true awfulness of Trump will become apparent over time. Bad things
will happen, and he will be clueless about how to respond; if you want a
parallel, think about how Katrina revealed the h... more »
Gilad Atzmon and the National Socialism of George Orwell- Interview
*hattip Gallier2!*
*It's amazing the reads that post, of more then three years ago, still
*Recently there were a batch of comments and an offer of a book*
*Terrific! *
* Wednesday, March 13, 2013- Aldous Huxley letter to George Orwell*
gallier2November 8, 2016 at 12:14 AM
*There's also this interview with Gilad Atzmon about George Orwell which is
very interesting
that he was in fact national-socialist (not nazi) a thing that the PC lefty
crowd ... more »
Capital liberalization and stockmarket growth in Asia
The ADB released its "Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2016" report
nearly two weeks ago. I found these data interesting. These tables are
cropped, I removed other countries and years to focus on these important
economies in the region.
This is a good summary why the PH and TH, CN, JP and NZ, were among the
best performing economies in stock market until last year.
Another group of economies have maintained their high levels of stocks
capitalization but in terms of growth and % share of GDP, they performed
badly: SK, TW, ID, MY, SG and AU.
In terms of growth rates, overal... more »
Zuckerberg Denies Facebook Spread ‘Fake News’ To Tilt Election
Mark Zuckerberg has turned his back on critics who say his company’s news
feed algorithm helped tilt the U.S. election result by spreading ‘fake’
news stories. Facebook’s CEO strongly defended his social media network by
stating that in fact there are not enough people using Facebook news to
stay better informed and connected. To suggest that a small amount of “fake
news” influenced the election is “a pretty crazy idea” says Zuckerberg. Fox
News reports: “Personally I think the idea that fake news on Facebook—of
which it’s a very small amount of the content—influenced the election ... more »
*President-elect Donald Trump with attitude*
*I originally posted this column in May, 2016 and posited that America had
achieved the pinnacle of H.L.Mencken’s famous quote about the eventual
election of a moron with the disputed election of George W Bush but that
was just a rung above the growing possibility of a President Trump. Donald
Trump represents the last desperate hope of an American electorate who have
been left out of the political process and have lost respect for our
Oligarchy ~ so in their powerless dilemma, many have turned to a
billionaire huckster who wi... more »
BWorld 89, President Duterte's outbursts and PH economic momentum
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last October 27, 2016.
Several issues preoccupy President Rodrigo Duterte’s mind and mouth: the
violent anti-drug campaign and murders, his anti-US, anti-EU, and anti-UN
expletives and polemics (but later reversing his earlier attacks against
these countries and/or multilateral bodies).
After his anti-Obama, anti-US tantrums before and during the ASEAN and
related summit meetings, he repeated the same vitriol in his China visit
last week, citing his “separation from the US” and that the Philippines is
united with China and Russia against the wo... more »
Post you may have missed: Prominent researcher in Scotland resigns
With apologies that our email software appears to have had another hiccup
today, read about a researcher who has resigned from the University of
Dundee following an investigation that found he had committed misconduct.
The post Post you may have missed: Prominent researcher in Scotland resigns
appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Nov 11: The election of no choice.
Norbert Cunningham has, not surprisingly, a stunningly hackneyed commentary
on Remembrance Day. It's all about how Canadians fought to bring peace and
freedom to the world.
I wish we had. And I have no doubt our military thought they were fighting
for those because that's what we told them. But it's just not true.
We have seen almost nothing but wars since 1945, most of them wars
triggered by aggression on our side, particularly from the U.S., Britain
and France. Our military fought for freedom? Our side established
dictatorships in Iran (1948), all over the Caribbean and South Ame... more »
President Obama Has Ordered The Pentagon To Find And Kill The Leaders Of Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria
Al-Nusra Front fighters. Khalil Ashawi/Reuters
*Washington Post:* *Obama directs Pentagon to target al-Qaeda affiliate in
Syria, one of the most formidable forces fighting Assad*
President Obama has ordered the Pentagon to find and kill the leaders of an
al-Qaeda-linked group in Syria that the administration had largely ignored
until now and that has been at the vanguard of the fight against the Syrian
government, U.S. officials said.
The decision to deploy more drones and intelligence assets against the
militant group formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra reflects Obama’s concern
tha... more »
STANDING ROCK Warriors take on Pipeline Friday, Nov. 11, 2016
Below: Photos and videos by AJ+, Digital Al Jazeera and Red Warrior Camp.
Today, water protectors run onto construction site to halt bulldozers.
Friday, Nov. 11, 2016 Below: Breaking News Photos by Red Warrior Camp
Above: Breaking News Photos by Red Warrior Camp.
STANDING ROCK Warriors take on Pipeline Friday, Nov. 11, 2016
Watch breaking news video below. Friday, Nov. 11, 2016
The Moment That Donald Trump Learned That He Won The U.S. Presidential Election
Gateway Pundit
*ABC News:* *The Moment Donald Trump and His Family Knew He Won the
As the Trump family watched the results come in on election night at Trump
Tower in New York City, Eric Trump’s wife said there was a moment when she
realized Donald Trump was going to win the presidency.
“My moment of Zen briefly was when we won North Carolina,” Lara Trump told
ABC News' “20/20,” which is her home state.
But Trump said her father-in-law didn’t want to believe it just yet.
“He didn’t want it to be said until we knew, because he said, ‘Don’t tell
me that if we haven’t real... more »
UK Guardian journalist calls for the assassination of Donald Trump
I wonder how many BBC journalists agree with her.
Prominent researcher in Scotland resigns after misconduct finding upheld
A rising star in the field of infectious disease has resigned from the
University of Dundee in Scotland after the university upheld the findings
of an investigation concluding that he committed misconduct. Earlier this
year, Robert Ryan was suspended amidst the investigation, which focused on
data doctoring in several publications. We’ve now been forwarded an […]
The post Prominent researcher in Scotland resigns after misconduct finding
upheld appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Anne Coulter - 1 : Bill Maher audience and panel - 0
X-Zone Broadcast Network - John Shirley
John Shirley
This week’s show was with John Shirley, a noted science fiction writer who
is also a songwriter and has had his songs recorded by some of the big
names in the industry. John is also something of a skeptic and I believe
that a skeptical point of view is essential for researching the strange,
the paranormal and UFOs because it is way too easy to be sucked into a
belief system. And while we did talk about the explanations for some UFO
sightings and how human perception can be fooled, we also talked about some
of the strange UFO sightings that seem to defy conventional expl... more »
Are the US Democrat Party so out of touch with middle America?
It would appear yes.
Election 2016 and the Weaponization of the American Public
*Dylan Charles* - How much longer will we allow ourselves to act as pawns?
The post Election 2016 and the Weaponization of the American Public
appeared first on Waking Times.
BBC Explain Climate Change
By Paul Homewood h/t Stewgreen
BBC Newsbeat is the flagship news programme for Radio 1, and its remit is
to provide news tailored for a specifically younger audience. In fact, ever
since its early days, it has tended to treat its listeners as babies,
totally incapable of taking in any serious news […]
UN Report: The Arab Spring Has Cost The Middle East $600 Billion In Lost Growth
*BBC*: *Arab Spring 'cost region $600bn' in lost growth, UN says*
The Arab Spring protest movement has cost the region $614bn in lost growth
since 2011, the UN says.
The estimate is the first of its kind by a major economic body.
It is equivalent to 6% of the region's total GDP between 2011 and 2015, the
UN's Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) says.
The uprisings, which started in Tunisia, saw leaders toppled in four
countries, and led to war in Libya, Syria and Yemen.
The UN says Arab states have faced economic and social stagnation since the
uprisings in 20... more »
Hiker On A New York Trail Meets Bill And Hillary Clinton Taking The Same Walk
*BBC*: *Hiker runs into Hillary Clinton on New York trail*
Margot Gerster was "heartbroken" by the result of the US election and, to
unwind, went on a hike with her daughter and dog through the woods in
Chappaqua, New York.
The last person she was expecting to see, presumably doing the same thing,
was the woman who lost to Donald Trump just two days earlier.
But that's exactly what happened.
A photo of the hiker standing alongside Hillary Clinton marks the first
appearance of the Democratic presidential candidate since her concession
speech on Wednesday.
She even said Hillary's ... more »
Obama Forgives Trump And Shakes His Hand
U.S. President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump shook hands
yesterday in their first ever face to face meeting to keep America great
for future generations. In the great American tradition of peacefully
passing on the reigns of political power, Obama invited the president-elect
to the Oval office for a private meeting to start the transition process.
Putting aside their past antagonisms, the two presidents shook hands with
Trump calling Obama ‘a very good man’ in front of cameras. President Obama
showed no signs of disappointment for having to hand power over to a man ... more »
Taliban Kill 6 In Car Bomb Attack On German Consulate In Afghanistan
Taliban suicide bombers attacked the German consulate in the city of
Mazar-i-Sharif in northern Afghanistan overnight, killing six people and
wounding more than 120. The German foreign minister said Friday that all
consulate staff were safe and accounted for. The militants stormed the
diplomatic facility after using a powerful car bomb to ram into the
compound. VOA News reports: The bomb-and-gun attack in the city of
Mazar-i-Sharif left at least six civilians dead and wounded around 130
others, mostly civilians, according to hospital officials. Foreign Minister
Frank-Walter Steinm... more »
Dear reader of my blog: By incredibly good luck I have received a life membership of the current day-to-day works of David A Stockman, Ronald Reagan's Director of the Office of Management and Budget. (I also received a free copy of his #1-New-York-Times-best-selling-author publication entitled "Trumped!".) Here I reproduce his latest email. And below is his latest explanation of the US stock market about to implode. So if you have savings in the stock market, read the below and then watch his hours-old video imbedded at the bottom ...and then take heed.
A Sucker's Rally Like No Other
*By David Stockman. Posted On Friday, November 11th, 2016*
This week has seen a political earthquake followed by a financial eruption.
But don't be fooled. The Dow's 500 point surge amounts to a Sucker's Rally
like no other; it was just a case of raging robo-machines determined to tag
an all-time high on the charts
After all, what happened Tuesday night is that for all practical purposes
the US became ungovernable. The ruling establishment pulled out every stop
to smash Trump's insurgent candidacy, and, instead, it ended ... more »
Ukraine Reacts To Donald Trump's Election Win
*Reuters: **Ukraine hopes Trump is 'no Tsar', will not abandon Kiev*
Ukrainian authorities are laying the groundwork for President Petro
Poroshenko to visit Washington early next year, hoping to shore up U.S.
support against Russia and allay concerns about what a Donald Trump
presidency means for Kiev.
Ukraine has relied on Western support and economic aid since street
protests in 2014 which toppled a Kremlin-backed president and were followed
by a war with pro-Russian separatists and Russia's annexation of the Crimea
peninsula from Ukraine.
Some of Trump's campaign comments, fro... more »
Trump's Worse Than Bush and Obama Because You Think He Isn't
*November 12, 2016* (LD) - US President-elect Donald Trump is already
lining up a tell-tale team of Wall Street and Washington insiders as well
as warmongering Neo-Conservatives and sponsors of terrorism to fill his
cabinet and serve in key positions within his upcoming administration. He's
also openly reneging on his campaign promises, before even getting into
The Intercept in an article titled, "Donald Trump Recruits Corporate
Lobbyists to Select His Future Administration," would reveal that:
*Trump for America Inc., a nonprofit group chaired by Gov. Chris Christie,
R-N.... more »
Brief Notes on Self Organizing, the Election, and Fukushima Daiichi
I have so much I want to post and so little time right now.
Let me first pass on a link suggested by John:
Jerome Roos. 'The Days of Innocence Are Over': Self-Organization in a
of Monsters
Next, I am going to quickly note that my students' analyses of political
memes accurately predicted election results, although their studies were
based on selective sampling, rather than representative sampling. I will
try and post more on this later.
Third, I... more »
UN Expert's Report on Standing Rock and Dakota Access Pipeline -- Will it make any difference?
UN Expert's Report on Dakota Access Pipeline -- Will it make any
difference? The UN Expert spent three days at Standing Rock and issued a
summary. The question is: 'Will it make a difference? Will there be any
result?' (The UN report refers to the water protectors as 'protesters.')
The UN Expert's general summary concludes with, "I call upon the United
States government to intervene to
Let's Celebrate the Brave Men and Women Who Have Served This Country by Creating Chaos and Destruction ...
*my contempt knows no bounds. *
On this Veteran's Day, when we should all be honoring those who fought so
we could live in a country that is free, the paid anarchist Hillary Clinton
supporters are smashing car windows, ravaging businesses, and making life
miserable for people who are just trying to get on with their lives - all
in the name of fairness, inclusiveness, and tolerance.
We all remember the riots when Odumbo won his second term. Wait, what?
There were no riots? Let that sink in for a moment. The losers who live in
Minneapolis, Portland, Boston, and other sanctuary cit... more »
Remembrance Day 2016
*Remembrance Day, 2016*
First, a "Flash Back" Video:
*Greencrow's only You Tube Video Rant*
*Only because it was a "miracle" to upload*
*And I haven't been able to technologically*
*repeat the feat : (*
It's *Remembrance Day or Poppy Day here in Canada* and I'm going to repost
above the only video in existence of me as a *RANT*. I taped it way back
for Remembrance Day 2011. I've tried to tape video RANTS many times since,
but have never been able to successfully upload them. I like the above
video particularly because *I make reference to Hillary Clinton's bloody
"regime change... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Celebration of War'
CELEBRATION OF WAR Posted on November 11, 2016 Mohawk Nation News Please
post and distribute. MNN. Nov. 11, 2016. We sent our people to London in
1710 and to the Hague in 1923 to teach about the great peace. The creators
of the war did not want to hear about it and still don’t. They continue to
attack the law of world peace. They will continue the war perpetually until
they take over
To all of the Trump haters, all of the Hilary Clinton supporters...
I've seen so many crying Hillary Clinton supporting snowflakes on YouTube
over the last few days that I thought this chap would make a fine antidote
to their upset.
Were Russian Politicians And Pundits Shocked By Donald Trump's Election Win?
Front pages of Russian newspapers report on the victory of Donald Trump in
the U.S. presidential election.
*Matthew Bodner, Defense News*: *From Moscow: Russian Politicians and
Pundits Shocked by Trump Election*
The Russian media had been preparing for Hillary Clinton for weeks, if not
months. On state television channels and news outlets, the former secretary
of state was routinely derided as a corrupt, anti-Russian war monger. Some
Russian media even went so far as to depict her as possibly insane, and out
to start World War III.
In a country where the leader is never in questi... more »
Time For a Party Makeover
(By* American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari)
*R*ight now, there's a frenetic hum of activity going on between New York
and Washington. It's a super-charged current of electricity of which we're
aware only in a historical sense, silent but deadly.
It's the transition of power, countless decisions being made by
countless people, starting with President-elect Trump and the head of his
transition team, Chris Christie. Among those decisions are those ranging
from who will be the next Secretaries State and Defense to who'll do
Trump's double weave and umber makeup every mor... more »
Bernie Sanders Endorses Keith Ellison for DNC Chair
*Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Keith Ellison. Alex Wong via Getty Images
*by Gaius Publius*
The fight for the soul of the Democratic Party continues, as does the
Sanders revolution. Next up, who will be the new DNC Chair,
Sanders-endorsed progressive Keith Ellison or some Clintonist?
Zach Carter and Sam Stein at the *Huffington Post*:
*Congressman Keith Ellison Wants To Run The DNC*
*It would be a major shift in approach, and a major contrast with Donald
Rep. Keith Ellison, a leading progressive voice in Congress and one of only
two Muslim Americans in the House... more »
All On the Same Fascist Team
The swiftness with which Barack Obama and the rest of the media-political
complex are normalizing the Trump succession and welcoming this depraved
man into their cozy inner circle is indicative of one inconvenient truth.
This is already a fascist country, and it has been at least since the early
1950s, when the right wing started attacking the New Deal, the
surveillance/war state became the fourth branch of government, and Richard
Nixon's racist Southern Strategy paved the way for the reactionary New
Democrat movement led by Bill Clinton.
The only difference is that Trump's brand of... more »
WE READ THE SUNDAY REVIEW: Leonhardt recites about charter schools!
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2016Part 4—Our thoughts turn to Albert Brooks:* In
1991, Albert Brooks released his thoughtful film, Defending Your Life.
In the (fictional) film, a Los Angeles ad man dies in a car wreck and goes
to the afterlife. We recall being disappointed by the film itself, but
taken by its comedic premise.
By the time the film appeared, we had already wondered, for years, if human
life might be an amusement staged by and for the gods. That had always been
immortal Homer's belief. Down through the years, we'd already spotted
several signs supporting the great poet's th... more »
Mosul Campaign Day Twenty-Five, Nov 10, 2016
In eastern Mosul the Golden Division and army were trying to consolidate
their positions and fight off the constant Islamic State counter attacks.
One of the reasons for the intense fighting in that section was that it was
attacked before other Iraqi forces arrived. That opened up the Golden
Division to flank and rear attacks. In previous operations a city has been
surrounded and then attacked, this time the Golden Division reached the
eastern outskirts of the city and dived in. They will hopefully be
receiving some relief soon. The Federal police pushing from the south are
suppos... more »
The White House Wants More Money To Fight Its Wars
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers a statement the morning after Donald
Trump was elected as the next U.S. president in Washington, U.S., November
9, 2016. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
*Reuters:* *Obama asks for $11.6 billion more in supplemental defense
U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday sent a request to Congress for an
additional $11.6 billion in supplemental war-related funding, which would
include money to fight Islamic State militants and sustain high overseas
troop levels.
The request, detailed in a letter released by the White House, seeks an
additional $5.8 bill... more »
More On Why The Pollsters Were Wrong In Predicting The Result From The U.S. Presidential Election
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump arrives to speak at his election night
rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri
*Reuters*: *Pollsters who predicted Trump win benefit from industry's miss*
A handful of small public opinion polling companies that bucked consensus
and accurately called the U.S. presidential election for Republican Donald
Trump are reporting being flooded with calls from investors and clients
seeking their services.
Most pollsters wrongly forecast Democrat Hillary Clinton as leading Trump
ahead of Tuesday's election in the latest fi... more »
*From Jenna Orkin*
‘Tough Guy’ Trump Is Ready To Resume Waterboarding
5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle
China Is Suddenly Dumping Treasuries
RUSSIANS CONFIRM: ‘THERE WERE CONTACTS’Californians are calling for a
'Calexit' from the US — here's how a secession could workA Trump presidency
means billions more tons of CO2 could be released into the atmosphere
Vive l'economie.
Bionic spinach can sense explosives
Essential Science: Fungi become more pathogenic in space
IndiaRupee note cancellation plunges... more »
Francis Fukuyama, Excerpted: US Against the World? Trump's American & New Global Order
* FT: US against the world?* *Trump’s America and the new global order-
Francis Fukuyama*
*Interesting FF notices the Trump win is similar to the Brexit vote?
Couldn’t help but notice that myself.*
*"We appear to be entering a new age of populist nationalism, in which the
dominant liberal order that has been constructed since the 1950s has come
under attack from angry and energised democratic majorities.The manner of
Trump’s victory lays bare the social basis of the movement he has
mobilised. A look at the voting map shows Clinton’s support concentrated
geographically in citi... more »
Get Ready for a Trump Policy Blitzkrieg
Because Trump knows that he lost the citizen vote and that he will likely
lose the Senate and maybe the House in 2018, every non-fascist should be
ready for a policy blitzkrieg during the first two years of Trump's term to
consolidate authoritarian rule, quash diversity, and destroy any plans for
planetary sustainability. Trump will seek to placate his bases of support
with crumbs and to further enrage and isolate them against the majority.
The coming onslaught will require unblinking courage, massive resistance,
and civil disobedience within and outside every democratic institution ... more »
Get Ready for a Trump Policy Blitzkrieg
Because Trump knows that he lost the citizen vote and that he will likely
lose the Senate and maybe the House in 2018, every non-fascist should be
ready for a policy blitzkrieg during the first two years of Trump's term to
consolidate authoritarian rule, quash diversity, and destroy any plans for
planetary sustainability. Trump will seek to placate his bases of support
with crumbs and to further enrage and isolate them against the majority.
The coming onslaught will require unblinking courage, massive resistance,
and civil disobedience within and outside every democratic institution a... more »
Welcome to Dearborn, is this atempt to restrict free speech the future of all of America?
Sharia in the USA?
Processing this Election
So this is ostensibly an academic blog, though there is something quite
confessional and personal about the blog format. I suspect many readers of
the Duck are experiencing what I’m feeling, which is profound heartache
over the election results. I’ve been writing on Facebook and trying to
grieve and process with others, but I’ve got […]
Opposition Grows Against President-Elect Trump To Undo The Iran Nuclear Deal
*Wall Street Journal: **Trump Faces Battle to Undo Iran Nuclear Deal*
*Leaders in Europe and Russia committed to agreement with Tehran could
dilute president-elect’s vow to dismantle it*
WASHINGTON— Donald Trump as president will be positioned to swiftly pull
the U.S. out of the Obama administration’s landmark nuclear agreement with
Iran, as he suggested during his campaign.
A much harder task for Mr. Trump, however, is to convince other global
powers to join him and dismantle a deal that President Barack Obama says
has diminished the threat of another war in the Mideast and opene... more »
Tweet For Today
God bless all our veterans. Thank you. We will not forget.
— Gary Sinise (@GarySinise) November 11, 2016
We are the Dead. Short days ago, We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields #ArmisticeDay
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) November 11, 2016
On Remembrance Day, we honour Canada’s bravest, who stand with our allies
to protect the values we cherish most. #RememberThem
— CanadianPM (@CanadianPM) November 11, 2016
Armisti... more »
Picture Of The Day
*Daily Mail*:* 'Shake hands or both of you will be suspended from school':
Internet mocks first awkward photo of Donald Trump and President Obama*
* Social media users mocked the awkward photo released of President Obama
and Donald Trump's first meeting on Thursday
* 'Common shake hands or both of you will be suspended from the school,'
wrote one person
* 'Don't think that these two are likely to make a duet album any time
soon,' said Toby Wood
* The Daily Show wrote: Just a reminder that someone out there is having a
s****ier day than you'
The awkward first photo released of P... more »
U.S. Secretary Of State Is At The 'Bottom Of The World'
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, center, disembarks from a U.S. Air
Force C-17 near McMurdo Station, in Antarctica, November 11, 2016.
REUTERS/Mark Ralston/Pool
*WNU Editor:* From the AP ....* John Kerry lands in Antarctica becoming the
highest US official to visit the continent* (AP). If you want to get away
from it all .... I cannot think of a better place.
Arab ‘element’ withdraws from Raqqa Offensive- Doubting Ethnic Cleansing by Kurds?
*This news, certainly, corroborates my earlier claims-*
*Is the US going to reign the PKK/YPG militia in?*
*I certainly don't think they will.*
* How about You?*
*“The Raqqa offensive is on shaky footing now that a key Arab
element—Thuwar ar-Raqqa—has withdrawn from the U.S.-backed Syrian
Democratic Forces, “declaring Kurdish forces had broken an agreement to
allow them to lead the charge” on the Islamic State group’s de facto HQ in
*The agreement was that the SDF would only provide logistical support for
the operation,” Mahmoud Hadi, a Thuwar ar-Raqqa official, told the M... more »
Al Qaeda leader killed in US strike in Afghanistan
Senior al Qaeda leader Faruq al Qatani was killed in a “precision strike”
on October 23 in Afghanistan’s Kunar province, the Pentagon has confirmed.
A second strike that day is believed to have killed Bilal al Utabi, another
senior al … Continued
The post Al Qaeda leader killed in US strike in Afghanistan appeared first
on The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
Police Clash With Anti-Trump Protesters In Portland
Police clashed with angry demonstrators in Portland, Oregon, during the
second day of nationwide protests against US President-elect Donald Trump
The demonstration turned violent on Thursday night as several thousand
demonstrators took to the streets. As shop and car windows were smashed,
the police declared a riot, citing “extensive criminal and dangerous
behavior” and tweeting that they were getting increasing reports of
vandalism and aggressive behavious as people marched through the city. They
labeled some protesters “anarchists.” Press TV reports: Police used flash
bangs and ... more »
BWorld 88, Economic freedom and human rights
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last October 18, 2016
Economic freedom is the ability and privilege of people to engage in
various social and economic activities without unnecessary restrictions and
prohibitions. Such freedom is guided by voluntary exchange, open markets,
personal choice and accountability, and clearly defined private property
People are economically free if they can choose to buy or not buy certain
goods and services from various sellers, when they are not forced and
coerced to buy something expensive and/or poor quality. Freedom is not
absolute tho... more »
Official notice published for chem paper slated for retraction in 2011
After five years, Elsevier has finally issued a notice of retraction for a
paper it announced it was pulling for fraud in 2011. All of the papers were
produced by a research group in Brazil; all were retracted after the
publisher conducted an investigation, concluding that the NMR results had
been manipulated. At the time, […]
The post Official notice published for chem paper slated for retraction in
2011 appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Happy Veterans Day!
*We thank you and honor your service.*
Let's Make Sure We Know Who The Real Donald Trump Is Before We Go Into Battle
*"How the fuck did she lose to this clown?*
-David Keith, Democratic operative
Before we dive into this, I want to remind everyone that 25.6% of eligible
voters cast their ballots for Clinton and 25.5% voted for Trump. But a
massive plurality of eligible voters-- 46.9%-- didn't, for one reason or
another, vote at all.
A few days before the election we looked at a massive poll of school
children and Clinton led Trump 57-32%, even beating him in deep red
strongholds like Louisiana, Alaska and Idaho, where Hillary wound up
losing, respectively, with just 38.4%, 37.7% and 27.6%. Now l... more »
Syrian President Assad Willing To Cooperate With Trump
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said that he is ready to cooperate
with the US President-elect Donald Trump His Political and Media Adviser
Bouthaina Shaaban said on Thursday that the Syrian President is willing to
cooperate with Donald Trump, if he meets the Syrian government’s
expectations. Donald Trump has already said that he disagrees with US
intervention against the Syrian government, saying that instead the US
should be fighting the ISIS terrorists with Russia. The Independent
reports: Speaking to US media group National Public Radio on Thursday –
just after Mr Trump’s... more »
Greg Hunter, “2016 Presidential Election Wrap-up”
*“2016 Presidential Election Wrap-up”*
by Greg Hunter’s
"This is my take on the big Trump win that saves the country and the rule
of law in America. We are going to get a market selloff, but at least we
will only have to deal with economic problems created by the criminal crony
class and not the additional full blown tyranny of a Clinton
Administration. The financial markets will be in turmoil, and the fantasy
economy is about to meet reality. Savor the Trump win, but be prepared for
a lot of work and financial pain. Join Greg Hunter for his take on the
coming Trump... more »
Sometimes The Difference Is Insanity
The United States has Donald Trump and we have Dr. Kellie Leitch. Leitch
likes to burnish her medical credentials. But that doesn't impress Alan
Apparently, we were all supposed to be very impressed by somebody being a
pediatric orthopedic surgeon. Medical titles do have a certain cachet in
politics, the way “brain surgeon” used to be synonymous with brilliance and
accomplishment. That, of course, was before Dr. Ben Carson became a
candidate for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination and convinced
us that being a brain surgeon was no barrier to being remarkably di... more »
Top Ten Things Donald Trump Said to President Obama
Yesterday, President-elect Donald J. Trump met with outgoing President
Barack Obama at the White House. Many confidential matters, obviously, were
discussed between the current and future leader of the Free World such as
economy, jobs, ISIS, etc. But lesser matters were also discussed while the
press was in attendance. What were the top ten things said by Mr. Trump to
Mr. Obama?
- *10)* "Hey, boy, towel! Sorry, thought you were the bathroom attendant."
- *9) *"Where are the white women at?"
- *8)* "How's the wifi here? Cuz I may have to answer s... more »
UK Defense Chiefs: Trump Presidency Could Herald War With Russia
British defense chiefs have warned that war with Russia could be imminent
if Donald Trump follows through with his promises to scale back US
involvement in NATO. Three former British generals and an admiral said that
Britain and Europe should heed the warning of a possible Russian invasion
after the US-president elect cast doubt on NATO’s mutual defence pact. RT
reports: A number of British military commanders cited in the Daily Mail
urged the UK and Europe to increase defense spending in response to Trump’s
repeated threats on the campaign trail to opt out of NATO’s mutual defense... more »
WikiLeaks Supporters Urge Donald Trump To ‘Pardon’ Julian Assange
Julian Assange supporters are appealing to Donald Trump via social media
and an online petition to pardon the WikiLeaks founder. They says
Assange, who is in exile at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, unveiled the
corruption of the US elite’s and should be “honored” as a hero. WikiLeaks
thanked Assange’s supporters, saying the hunt for him could be stopped if
the Department of Justice closed the case. Thanks to the many calling on
Trump to pardon Assange. Yet all that is needed is for the DoJ to do the
right thing: — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 11,
2016... more »
Anthem for Doomed Youth
by Wilfred Owen
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
— Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells;
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,—
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers t... more »
The podcast is live
You can hear my interview with Frank Conway over at the Economic Rockstar
I've Already Gone Places
It reminds me of a line from "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" the last story I
read to my class before... the accident. Ichabod Crane disappears... the
line goes:
"As he was a bachelor, and in nobody's debt, nobody troubled their head
about him anymore."
"Is that what you feel?"
It's what I want... what I want.
Trey Gowdy Being Considered for Trump's Attorney General - something to put the wind up Hillary Clinton
Senator Trey Gowdy as Attorney General would really put the wind up Hillary
Clinton. I've been pushing this for quite a while now as Trey Gowdy is a
great speaker, has a forensic mind and really understands what the Hillary
Clinton affair is all about.
The Dead Zone
You cowardly bastard!
You're not the voice of the people, I am the voice of the people!
The people speak through me, not you!
And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting,
still is sitting, on the pallid bust of Pallas
just above my chamber door,
and his eyes have all the seeming
of a demon's that is dreaming,
and the lamp light o'er him streaming
throws his shadow on the floor,
and my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, shall be
A koruna black swan: Czech National Bank was probably mass buying Swiss francs
This is a short comment elaborating upon Euro-koruna cap may collapse
already in 2016 which I described in September.
Note that the Czech National Bank has been artificially weakening the Czech
crown (koruna) – much like its Swiss counterpart used to weaken the Swiss
franc – since November 2013. It's been over three years now. One crown
wasn't allowed to strengthen past CZK 27 per euro. For a year, the rate was
about 27.5 but in the recent year, it was really close to 27.01 at all
The EURCZK graphs show that since the Brexit referendum, EURCZK was totally
boring, around 2... more »
"Surging Latino Vote Could Spell Trouble For Donald Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC" on YouTube
MSNBC convincing themselves...
But others at MSNBC are still living in the past
Someone at MSNBC has got close to realising what the mainstream media got wrong
Someone at MSNBC has got close to realising what the mainstream media got
wrong. Of course the problem has being going on for much longer than this
Presidential Election campaign. The problem runs much deeper than just
opposing Donald Trump. Much of the mainstream media in the USA and
elsewhere including the BBC, have ceased to be journalists and instead have
become propagandists.
GM Mustard In India: "fudged data," "unremitting fraud" and "monumentally bogus"
Abhijit Kar Gupta/FlickrCountercurrents, CounterPunch, Global Research, RINF
The case of genetically modified (GM) mustard in India has reached the
Supreme Court. The government has said it will bow to the court’s eventual
ruling. That ruling could green-light GM mustard as first commercial GM
food crop. If this goes ahead, there will be wide-ranging implications for
Indian food and agriculture.
Environmentalist Aruna Rodrigues has petitioned India’s Supreme Court,
seeking a moratorium on the release of any genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) into the environment pending a compreh... more »
Bill Still who's reporting on the Daybreak opinion polls convinced me that Donald Trump was going to win the Presidential Election
*"Modern psychology has a word that is probably used more than any other
word in modern psychology. It is the word “maladjusted.” This word is the
ringing cry to modern child psychology. Certainly, we all want to avoid the
maladjusted life. In order to have real adjustment within our
personalities, we all want the well‐adjusted life in order to avoid
neurosis, schizophrenic personalities.*
*But I say to you, my friends, as I move to my conclusion, there are
certain things in our nation and in the world which I am proud to be
maladjusted and which I hope all men of good‐will will ... more »
How did Donald Trump get elected?
How did Donald Trump get elected? This video shows Donald Trump was quite
impressive in the 1980s and 1990s, even the 2000s, but less so now.
Still he's a better option than Hillary Clinton. The Democrats could have
won with almost anyone other than Hillary Clinton but the party machine
wanted her.
Don't be an Alarmist - The Germans 1933-45
*They Thought They Were Free*
*The Germans, 1933-45*
*Excerpt from pages 166-73 of "They Thought They Were Free" First published
in 1955*
*By Milton Mayer*
*But Then It Was Too Late*
*"What no one seemed to notice," *said a colleague of mine, a philologist, *"was
the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the people.
Just think how very wide this gap was to begin with, here in Germany. And
it became always wider. You know, it doesn’t make people close to their
government to be told that this is a people’s government, a true democracy,
or to be enrolled... more »
Overtime Rules Based on Bogus Economic Theory
In the end all these economic ideas are badly framed and practically
dangerous, particularly in the hands of putative regulators. The same
holds for a whole range of economic activity and regulators generally. It
gives one pause.
I have come to a remarkably simple economic protocol that allows for the
maximum economic performance. It is the readily available four hour shift
whose availability is guaranteed to the individual. The cash value of that
shift is sufficient to provide a barrack bunk, a shower, a laundry and a
solid breakfast and lunch however managed and optimized. ... more »
Trump: The Left Just Lost The War On Climate Change
During the past two decades, global temperatures have essentially not
budged after their half degree rise of the previous two decades. ( if that
much at all ) During this time period the amount of human CO2 surely
doubled. What this means is that any hypothetical connection between human
burning of fossil fuels and the climate is nicely disproved.
I thought as much in 2007, but still understood that the increased heat on
the Northern Hemispheric had not fully worked itself out yet. Now the
disconnection is clearly proven. Add in that the Antarctic remains in a
deep freeze t... more »
H.I.V. Arrived in the U.S. Long Before ‘Patient Zero’
This helps make one thing clear. it is that the incubation period is way
longer than many assumed for years. In fact in a healthy human not engaged
in risky behavior it may be decades. Blood exposure is way more common
than you may think and a simple inoculation or even a dental procedure will
expose you.
Get an infected dentist and the potential is thousands of healthy folk
along with decade long incubation. Good luck on running all that down.
A personal friend came down with a variant and no obvious explanation. Yet
he had left South Africa a decade earlier! ... more »
Burn Your Bra: Ladies, Is It Time To Finally Remove Your Bra…For Good?
I am not terribly impressed by the relationship between bras and breast
cancer if it exists at all. however i do think that free movement is
valuable in sustain internal health. The flesh is constantly massaged by
motion movement all of which prevents local issues.
Thus the advice here is good and we will leave it at that.
If it is in fact practical or not is an individual issue. Even if there
were a serious biological pathway to be concerned about, most would ignore
it and continue on.
*Burn Your Bra: Ladies, Is It Time To Finally Remove Your Bra…For Good?*
*Burn Your Bra*
*L... more »
Trump’s Victory: What American Federation of Teachers President Weingarten should say
Professor Lois Weiner dismantles Randi Weingarten’s calamitous and
undemocratic decisions to back a severely flawed candidate. Decisions that,
in turn, led to Trump’s victory. This brilliant essay is a must read.
*Trump’s Victory: What American Federation of Teachers President Weingarten
should say*
Bernie Sanders Hints At 2020 Presidential Campaign
Bernie Sanders has hinted at plans to run for president again in 2020,
saying in a Thursday interview that he intends to be Donald Trump’s “worst
nightmare.” “Four years is a long time from now,” said the 75-year-old
Vermont senator, noting that he faces re-election to the Senate in 2018.
But he added: “We’ll take one thing at a time, but I’m not ruling out
anything.” Sanders also issued a bristling riposte to the Democratic party
establishment, calling them out for running the wrong campaign for the
times and becoming hopelessly out of touch with their base. “It is an
embarrassme... more »
Breakthrough: Clinton and Obama Implicated In Child Sex Ring
A child sex ring implicating Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton has been
discovered in Washington, D.C. that looks set to rock the political
establishment. Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta finds himself at the
center of this pedophile scandal that internet sleuths on Reddit have
uncovered with the help of WikiLeaks. reports: The individual I
have mentioned is one James Achilles Alefantis. Mr. Alefantis is the owner
of the Washington DC pizza parlor Comet Ping Pong. There are disturbing
indications that Mr. Alefantis is running some form of pedophile ring that
involve... more »
Illuminati Card Game Predicts Donald Trump Assassination
A mysterious card game that accurately predicted 9/11 and Princess Diana’s
death before they occurred has now predicted a Donald Trump assassination.
Steve Jackson’s 1995 Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy makes the grim
prediction that Trump will be killed before he is inaugurated in January. reports: The card, titled Enough is Enough, is thought to
hold an image similar to an angry-looking Trump, 70, taken in 2011. It
reads: “At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you…have a nice
day.” Many see this as a direct reference to an assassination of the person ... more »
Age shall not weary them
On Remembrance Say we should all read this poem in its entirety and think
about what it says and means.
With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.
Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against... more »
Disney on Ice in Salt Lake City
We just got back from Disney on Ice in Salt Lake City and it was amazing.
It delighted both my Frozen fan and my Ariel fanatic. My girls LOVED
watching Tinkerbell and Peter Pan fly and seeing Tic Toc Crock on the ice.
All of these photos are ones that I took at the event tonight.
Hands down our favorite part of the show was the Ariel segment. With
Flotsam and Jetsam and all of our favorite songs, my little girls and the
entire crowd were singing along. My 2-year-old clapped with delight when
Ariel was given legs and she spun around and her tail was gone.
My favorite part was... more »
European Leaders Warn Of Revolution Following Trump Election
European politicians have said that Donald Trump’s election victory in the
U.S. will act as a catalyst for a revolution across Europe. Prospective
leaders across the continent say that the crumbling European project is set
to be shaken up with major changes as various elections are due to be held
in the coming year. reports: A number of ‘Trump-style’
moments are set for Europe this year. Starting with the Austrian
presidential re-run and Italian constitutional referendum on December 4, 12
elections follow in a year. Romanian general elections will be run on
December... more »
China Now Require All Citizens To ‘Register’ To Use Internet
China now require all 710 million internet users to register their real
names with internet service providers before surfing the web. On Monday,
the Chinese government passed the controversial 2016 Cybersecurity Law in
an effort to further control and censor the internet across the country. reports: “Despite widespread international concern from
corporations and rights advocates for more than a year, Chinese authorities
pressed ahead with this restrictive law without making meaningful changes,”
said Sophie Richardson, China Director. “The already heavily censored
Internet ... more »
The hysterical idiocy of the left - Huffington Post: DNC Staffer Screams at Donna Brazile for Helping Elect Donald Trump per Brexit Bart.
This Breitbart piece
is not that interesting except for what it reveals about the brainwashed
'"You are part of the problem," he continued, blaming Brazile for
the path for Trump's victory by siding with Clinton early on. "You and
friends will die of old age and I'm going to die from climate change.
and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my
life expectancy."'
Does this DNC Staffer really believe tha... more »
Music Great Leonard Cohen Is Dead At 82
*Rolling Stone*: *Leonard Cohen Dead at 82*
Hugely influential singer and songwriter's work spanned nearly 50 years.
Leonard Cohen, the hugely influential singer and songwriter whose work
spanned nearly 50 years, died at the age of 82. Cohen's label, Sony Music
Canada, confirmed his death on the singer's Facebook page.
"It is with profound sorrow we report that legendary poet, songwriter and
artist, Leonard Cohen has passed away," the statement read. "We have lost
one of music's most revered and prolific visionaries. A memorial will take
place in Los Angeles at a later date. The ... more »
How Long Will It Take For President-Elect Donald Trump To Erase President Obama's Legacy?
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump gestures as he speaks at election night
rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar
*McClatchy News: **Trump is already working to erase Obama’s legacy from
WASHINGTON: President-elect Donald Trump was surprisingly gracious as he
met President Barack Obama in the Oval Office on Thursday but make no
mistake: He is already working to erase major parts of Obama’s legacy from
the history books.
Trump will be able to change some of Obama’s policies with a quick stroke
of the pen. Others will be much more difficult,... more »
Protests Against Donald Trump's Electoral Win Are Expanding
*Washington Post*: *‘Not my president’: Thousands protest Trump in rallies
across the U.S.*
Nationwide demonstrations against the election of Donald Trump spilled into
a second night Thursday with thousands of protesters surrounding his
buildings in New York and Chicago and clashing with supporters of the
president-elect in some areas.
Condemning Trump's litany of crude comments about women and his attacks on
immigrants, demonstrators marched along city streets, blocked
intersections, burned effigies and, in some places, gathered outside
buildings bearing Trump's name.
“Not my p... more »
Last night's Newsnight
This live Twitter commentary by Mark Littlewood of the Institute of
Economic Affairs says it all about last night's *Newsnight*:
Professor Tim Ball and Tony Heller (aka Steve Goddard)
Anthony Cox
Geoff and I attended a talk in Sydney by professor Tim Ball and Tony Heller
which had been arranged by Jim Simpson and The Five Dock Climate Realists.
Professor Ball and Tony had been invited to Australia by Senator Malcolm
Roberts to give a detailed presentation at Parliament House.
Both professor Ball and Tony Heller were brilliant in Sydney. Heller gave a
potted history of climate alarmism, showing many Australian media records
where misreporting and hyperbole by the media early in the life of the
Australia began the trend of saying whatever weather event was occurri... more »
The End Of America's Political Elite?
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump (L) meets with Speaker of the House Paul
Ryan (R-WI) (C) and Vice-President elect Mike Pence on Capitol Hill in
Washington, U.S., November 10, 2016. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
*Peter Coy, Matthew Philips and Josh Eidelson, Bloomberg*: *Exit America’s
Old Elite*
*Insiders will be swept away unless they submit or change their games.*
America’s elite institutions are accustomed to riding out changes in
presidential administrations. It will be harder this time. Not since Andrew
Jackson in 1828 has there been a president-elect who harnessed the public’s
an... more »
Leonard Cohen (1934-2016)
Very sad news.
*"I'm leaving the table I'm out of the game"*
Prolific right to the end. This from only a few months ago …
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted,
with attribution.
4 Secrets About True Leaders
*Christina Sarich* - Ultimately, a leader shows the way simply by doing his
own work.
The post 4 Secrets About True Leaders appeared first on Waking Times.
How Does The DCCC Lose Districts With Over 50% Latino Residents? It's A Talent That's Taken Years For Them To Perfect
*Why wouldn't you want to vote for a crook like Joe?*
Last night we saw how Hispanic voters in Southern California helped two
progressive women, Nanette Barragan and Eloise Reyes, beat heavily favored
establishment Democrats, respectively Isadore Hall and Cheryl Brown. In
Nevada, massive Latino turn-out won Nevada for Hillary Clinton, Katherine
Cortez Masto for an open Senate seat, Ruben Kihuen and Jacky Rosen in two
congressional seats *and both* houses of the state legislature.
Going into Tuesday's elections there were 7 congressional districts with
over 50% Latino populations tha... more »
We need a constitutional upgrade
I think we need a new constitution. There is so much that is simply
antiquated and outdated. For one, when the "two Senators per state" rule
was created, the states were smaller and closer together. I think
California deserves four Senators. The electoral college was a good idea
and is actually designed to prevent a madman from getting elected. But what
if the guy isn't perceived by enough
A Great Soul... RIP Leonard Cohen
*Leonard Cohen, “Hallelujah”*
“Leonard Cohen, the hugely influential singer and songwriter whose work
spanned five decades, died at the age of 82. Cohen's label, Sony Music
Canada, confirmed his death on the singer's Facebook page. "It is with
profound sorrow we report that legendary poet, songwriter and artist,
Leonard Cohen has passed away," the statement read. "We have lost one of
music's most revered and prolific visionaries. A memorial will take place
in Los Angeles at a later date. The family requests privacy during their
time of grief." A cause of death and exact date of dea... more »
"U.S. Marine Corps Celebrates 241st Birthday"
*"U.S. Marine Corps Celebrates 241st Birthday"*
*Once a Marine, always a Marine. Semper Fi!*
*Happy birthday to our beloved Corps!*
- CP, veteran, USMC, MOS 0311.
VIDEOS: Standing Rock Protectors Remain in Prayer as Pipeline Defies Law in Militarized Compound
Oceti Sakowin Camp Nov. 7, 2016 Photo copyright John Heminger. . Above:
Standing Rock water protectors remain in prayer as Dakota Access Pipeline
defies Army Corps of Engineers and continues construction, continues
desecration in sacred area of burial places, this week. DAPL said it will
drill beneath the river in two weeks without a permit. Above: Unicorn Riot
video -- Dakota
Leonard Cohen....Thank You
Thank you for making me cry tears of joy...
See you soon Mr. Cohen
The Straight Goods
Cheers Ears Wide Open
Quote of the Day: On not voting
*[image: 14980778_10154005654456179_171732286570441751_n]*
*“A refusal to vote represents a definite expression of political opinion —
a rejection of the candidates and the programs offered."*
~ Ayn Rand
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted,
with attribution.
Another Blue Dog Slipped Into Congress Disguised As A Florida Democrat
*Yes, we got rid of Patrick Murphy, but...*
Although the DCCC listed 11 Democrats on their Front Line list of
vulnerable incumbents, heading into Tuesday's election only 3 were thought
be be seriously vulnerable: Ami Bera (New Dem-CA), Rick Nolan (MN) and Brad
Ashford (Blue Dog-NE). Bera, who is narrowly leading, is one of only two
incumbents nationally whose race still hasn't been called. The DCCC spent
$2,459,123 on his campaign and Pelosi's House Majority PAC kicked down
another $699,724. Nolan won his race, but the DCCC and House Majority PAC
put in $7.7 million. The only Democr... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Clouds of glowing gas mingle with dust lanes in the Trifid Nebula, a star
forming region toward the constellation of the Archer (Sagittarius). In the
center, the three prominent dust lanes that give the Trifid its name all
come together. Mountains of opaque dust appear on the right, while other
dark filaments of dust are visible threaded throughout the nebula. A single
massive star visible near the center causes much of the Trifid's glow.
* Click image for larger size.*
The Trifid, also known as M20, is only about 300,000 years old, making it
among the youngest emission nebulae know... more »
November update.
By American Kabuki
Hi All Y'all! (that's plural for "y'all")
Elections over and it seems some of those in the Clinton faction worried
about Trump supporters being violent, are throwing fits themselves... go
figure! I really didn't think Trump would win given the media bias, not
that I was for either candidate. I have no dog in that race, but I was not
looking forward to Hilary Presidency given her history of corruption and
involvement with escalating violence in the Ukraine, Libya and Syria during
her term as Secretary of State. Bernie Sanders was an interesting
candidate ... more »
Economic News , Data , & Views ....... November 10 , 2016......Quick Hits For Thursday - 1) Asia News , Data & Market Reports ; US Stock Indexes Have Mixed Day - Dow Jumped , Nasdaq Slumps ( FANG Bites Investors ) , S&P Advances Modestly ; European Bourses Slump Today ; Asia Rebounded Off New York Celebratory Mode On Wednesday ; Global Bonds Continue Rout ; EM Currencies Continue Rout ; Additional Items Of Note. 2) US Election - Transition Process Begins , Cabinet Selections Being Considered , Data From Election , Articles & Opinions To Consider. 3) Around The Horn - A Variety Of News Items From Around Europe. 4) Odds & Ends !
*Livesquawk* @Livesquawk 19m
19 minutes ago
China state planner approves CNY 218.8bln of fixed asset investment
projects in October
*zerohedge* @zerohedge 40m
40 minutes ago
*David Ingles* @DavidInglesTV 43m
43 minutes ago
THIS is your currency to watch today. Indonesian Rupiah weakens most in
over 3 years. (yes that's a 1-day move on the chart)
*Livesquawk* @Livesquawk 1h
1 hour ago
PBOC to inject total CNY 210bln via reverse repos - CNY 140bln via 7-day
reverse repos - CNY ... more »
The Military, Intelligence Community, National Security Agencies, And Foreign Allies Prepare For A President Donald Trump
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks aboard the USS Iowa
in San Pedro, Calif., in September. (Robyn Beck/Agence France-Presse)
*CNN:* *Donald Trump to soon receive intel 'crown jewels'*
Washington (CNN)President-elect Donald Trump will receive two different
sets of intelligence briefings, CNN has learned.
Trump is scheduled to begin receiving the President's Daily Brief very
soon, according to two US officials. The logistics of how the briefings
take place are still being worked out.
Trump will also receive briefings on the so-called crown jewels of
intelligence, ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 10, 2016
*Nikolas K. Gvosdev, National Interest:* *Donald Trump's First 100 Days:
How He Could Reshape U.S. Foreign Policy*
*This is his chance to undo Obama’s legacy.*
On Inauguration Day 2017, Donald Trump will inherit Barack Obama’s “pen and
phone” inside the Oval Office. Within the first day, by using the power of
executive authority, he can begin to reshape U.S. foreign policy even
without securing support from within the Congress for these actions, by
following the path that his predecessors Barack Obama and George W. Bush
have already laid out.
*Read more* ....
*Commentaries, Anal... more »
World News Briefs -- November 10, 2016
Trump and Obama addressed the press with short comments about their meeting
following their hour-and-a-half long talk
*Daily Mail:* *Awkward moment sworn enemies Obama and President-elect Trump
pose together in the Oval Office during first EVER meeting*
* President Barack Obama and president-elect Donald Trump met at the White
House this morning for more than 90 minutes in a public display of unity
following Tuesday's election
* The two men had never met each other, and while Trump said he intended
for the getting-to-know-you meeting to last ten to 15 minutes but it went
on much lo... more »
Smith’s RMA reform: yet another chocolate-coated turd
Nick Smith denies claims that the announcement of Maori Party midwifery of
his RMA reform bill, being slipped into rebirth on the day of the US
election, is a ”National government shambles being slipped through under
the cover of the United States election.”
"Just because the US are having elections doesn't mean the business of the
New Zealand government stops" says Smith. Yet even he would have to concede
it’s awfully convenient if any uncomfortable business can coincide with an
event that all but buries it.
Particularly since (if we are to count all the years in which Smith h... more »
Amazing Tech For Your Christmas List
Not sure what to get those hard to shop for people on your Christmas list?
From wearable tech, to new ways to automate your home. This tech gift guide
really has something for everyone!
*Knomo Bags*- The ultimate bag for the tech savvy, this bag has
compartments for all of your devices and a portable charger for those
battery emergencies. It is functional but still absolutely gorgeous!
*The Misfit Ray*- The ultimate in wearables for someone who doesn't want
another charger or forgets to charge another device, this fitness and sleep
tracker uses replaceable batteries.
The ... more »
Muslim Ban Statement Vanishes From Trump Site
Donald Trump‘s campaign have removed from their website the controversial
statement that called for or a ban on Muslims entering the United States.
The statement that was posted on 7th December 2015 mysteriously vanished
late on the day of the election Anti Media reports: The press release is no
longer available on his website, and the link first provided by Trump on
his Twitter page now directs to a generic call for donations. Statement on
Preventing Muslim Immigration: — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 7 December
2015 The ori... more »
Terrifying Prospect: Palin, Giuliani, Bolton & Gingrich For Trump Cabinet
A genuinely terrifying prospect is in store as president-elect Donald Trump
heads to the White House with a shortlist of neocons for his Cabinet.
Trump’s transition team has assembled a shortlist of who could make up
Trump’s Cabinet. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and New Jersey
Governor Chris Christie are among those in consideration for attorney
general. Christie is also being considered for homeland security secretary,
as is Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke. Secretary of the interior might go to
former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin or oil executive Forrest Lucas. Former
U.N. A... more »
"Common Fears: Choosing A New Response"
*"Common Fears: Choosing A New Response"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Our minds are powerful and moving into fear is a common experience that we
can each look at and change. Everyone has fears- it is a natural part of
being human. Fear can protect us from harm by sending a rush of adrenaline
to help us physically deal with potential danger. But there are times when
fear may keep us from participating fully in life. Once we realize that
fear is a state of mind, we can choose to face our fears, change our minds,
and create the life we want to live.
Our minds are powerful tools to... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "I Want A Lot"
*"I Want A Lot"*
"You see, I want a lot.
Perhaps I want everything:
the darkness that comes with every infinite fall
and the shivering blaze of every step up.
So many live on and want nothing
and are raised to the rank of prince
by the slippery ease of their light judgments.
But what you love to see are faces
that so work and feel thirst...
You have not grown old, and it is not too late
to dive into your increasing depths
where life calmly gives out its own secret."
- Rainer Maria Rilke
The Daily "Near You?"
Neptune, New Jersey, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
Jet Set Life Of WWF Wanker
By Paul Homewood
From Guido: Mark Lutes, pictured above taking a selfie of himself
flying in business class luxury, is the Global Climate Policy Advisor for
the World Wildlife Funds’s Global Climate and Energy Initiative. As such he
is set to be their lead representative at the upcoming COP22 conference in
"Shaya's Home Run"
"Shaya's Home Run"
by Rabbi Paysach Krohn
"In Brooklyn, New York, Chush is a school that caters to learning-disabled
children. Some children remain in Chush for their entire school careers,
while others can be mainstreamed into conventional yeshivos and Bais
Yaakovs. There are a few children who attend Chush for most of the week and
go to a regular school on Sundays. At a Chush fund-raising dinner, the
father of a Chush child delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by
all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he
cried out, “Where is the perfecti... more »
Trump world Day 2 Diary
I am a big time socialist and think communism only failed because it has
never been tried
and facing reality I would have voted Trump. Sad to say but he is the last
chance for this civilization to grow up and stop grabbing genitals to feel
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 10, 2016
© Photo: Russian Defense Ministry
*Sputnik:* *Dutch Sub's Attempt to Approach Russian Naval Group Could Have
Led to Accident*
A Dutch submarine was detected in Eastern Mediterranean at an attempt to
approach and monitor the Russian Northern Fleet's group, the Russian
Defense Ministry's spokesman, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, said Wednesday.
"On November 9 at 06:50 a.m. Moscow Time [03:50 GMT], Russia's Severomorsk
and Vice-Admiral Kulakov anti-submarine destroyers detected a
diesel-electric submarine of the Dutch navy (presumably Walrusklasse) which
tried to approach and track the ... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 10th Nov)
Families set to lose £100 a week under 'chilling' new benefit cap The
annual limit on welfare payments to unemployed households drops from
£26,000 to £23,000 in London and £20,000 outside the capital. Around 20,000
families are currently capped by an annual limit of £26,000 (or £500 a
week) on total household benefits, introduced in 2013. But the new lower
caps are set to bring an explosion
Nostradamus Predicted Trump Victory And The Apocalypse
It has been claimed that Nostradamus prophesied Donald Trump’s surprise
victory as President of the United States five centuries ago, putting to
shame modern pollsters. The famous French medical practitioner and seer has
been credited for predicting major world events and his followers claim he
foresaw Donald Trump’s victory. However, the end is nigh…because as at the
same time, Nostradamus also predicted that Trumps presidency would herald
the the end of the world. The ancient prophet refers to president-elect
Donald Trump as “the false trumpet” who will one day engage in military... more »
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