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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

16 July - My Feedly!

Desulfovibrio (Photo credit: EMSL)
English: View of the crescent moon through the...
English: View of the crescent moon through the top of the earth's atmosphere. Photographed above 21.5°N, 113.3°E. by International Space Station crew Expedition 13 over the South China Sea, just south of Macau (NASA image ID: ISS013-E-54329). Français : Photo des couches hautes de l'atmosphère terrestre. Polski: Zdjęcie górnych warstw atmosfery ziemskiej z widocznym przejściem w przestrzeń kosmiczną. Ελληνικά: Η Γήινη ατμόσφαιρα, η φωτογραφία ελήφθη από το διάστημα κι ύψος 335 χιλιόμετρα (Photo credit: Wikipedia)This shot brings back memories. It was the backgrounder at Oldephartteintraining opit.wordpress.com
Dec 2005 - Dec 2007 R.I.P.
My Opera's  Oldephartte was next ( some archives at oldephartte.blogspot.ca )
Dec 2007 - Feb 2014
This carbon cycle diagram shows the storage an...
This carbon cycle diagram shows the storage and annual exchange of carbon between the atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere in gigatons - or billions of tons - of Carbon (GtC). Burning fossil fuels by people adds about 5.5 GtC of carbon per year into the atmosphere. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What an Engineer Finds Extraordinary about Climate

We don’t know for sure that the oceans are net-absorbers or net-emitters at this time. Just as we don’t know for sure that the oceans are net-cooling or net-warming at this time.
Is it not clear that the Earth has warmed over the last 400 years since the coldest depth of the Little Ice Age? Is it not similarly clear that we should expect atmospheric CO2 to rise given 400 years of this thermal stimulation?

bw says:
Voisin is not alone in being amazed at the biological portion of the global biogeochemical carbon cycle. Not surprising that a billion years of biology has changed the Earth’s atmosphere from 100 percent primordial/abiotic to 99 percent biological. Even atmospheric N2 is entirely of biological origin. http://www.ess.uci.edu/~reeburgh/fig3.html
The one percent that is abiotic is Argon, due to radioactive decay of Potassium-40
I suggest to those interested in understanding the “Anthropogenic” contribution to the global biogeochemical carbon cycle to look at some “scholarly” reviews of that subject
There are as many approaches to looking at the issue, such as stable isotope ratios
Or Segalstad, http://www.co2web.info/
The bottom line is that CO2 never “accumulates” in the atmosphere, from any source.
Fossil fuel burning (and other anthropogenic effects) have increased the global biogeochemical cycle by about 4 percent. Since the atmosphere is a “short term sample” of the entire planetary carbon cycle, then the amount of atmospheric CO2 due to anthropogenic factors is also 4 percent.
Four percent of the current 400 ppm is 16ppm. Others have shown similar values, up to around 25ppm.
The remaining 75 to 84 ppm CO2 increase is due to other changes. Such as natural sink reduction or natural source increases, such as biological eutrophication. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eutrophication
Ie. about 3/4 to 5/6 of the “industrial era” change in atmospheric CO2 is due to non-anthropogenic causes.
There is now, and has always been, overwhelming scientific evidence that humans are not causing any negative impact on the global biogeochemical carbon cycle. One possible exception is the benefit of increased CO2 available for plant photosynthesis, with increased crop production and drought resistance.


That humans are the cause of the recent increase of CO2 doesn't tell anything about the influence of increased CO2 on temperature!
There is little doubt that humans are fully responsible for most of the increase of CO2 in the past (at least halve) century, that means that - as far as there is an influence of CO2 on temperature - that humans may be responsible for (a part of) the temperature increase. How much, that is an entirely different question, as that mainly depends of the (positive and negative) feedbacks that follow any increase of temperature...

Ocean Water Temperature

The World of Air Above us: Climate Reality, and Change



Weird Al Wrote the Perfect Song for Grammar Snobs
You thought every "Blurred Lines" parody idea had already been done, and yet here we sit Weird Al has released his own take on "Blurred Lines" called "Word Crimes." You won't find any scantily clad models in it, just a bunch of textual examples of how we could all improve at using the English language See also: 10 Foolproof Tips for a Killer Parody It's a call out to
Britain: “Secret Service Infiltrated Paedophile Group to ‘Blackmail Establishment’”
Via: Express: BRITISH security services infiltrated and funded the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange in a covert operation to identify and possibly blackmail establishment figures, a Home Office whistleblower alleges. The former civil servant has told detectives investigating the activities of paedophiles in national politics that the Metropolitan Police’s Special Branch was orchestrating
GCHQ Has Developed Covert Tools to Seed the Internet with False Information
The headline is a huge understatement. Go through the document for a laundry list of stuff they’re up to. Via: First Look: The secretive British spy agency GCHQ has developed covert tools to seed the internet with false information, including the ability to manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on web […]
Giant hailstones pelt beachgoers in Siberia
Swimmers and sunbathers ran for cover as huge chunks of ice the size of golf balls rained down on them. The eastern Siberian city of Novosibirsk playe...


Chicago Roulette – Don’t bet on black
More than 80 people were shot in Chicago over the July 4th weekend. Nine died. The following week, I was in Texas. And almost every time somebody heard I was from the Chicago area, the shootings were the first thing they asked about. Guess they made kind of a splash on the national news. Everybody wanted to know how I could feel safe in the city. Understandable question. Eighty-two shootings in fo
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The Corbett Report   

Interview 917 – Truth Over Comfort: The Truth About American Eugenics
James Corbett joins Carlos Morales on the Truth Over Comfort podcast to discuss the history and development of eugenics. From its ideological origins in the 19th century British gentry to its adoption and application in the United States in the sterilization laws of the 20th century, we discuss the past, present and future of the eugenics-obsessed elite.
Interview 916 – Financial Survival: Money, Power and Revolution
James Corbett appears on Financial Survival with Alfred Adask to discuss his new documentary, Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve. We talk about the way the monetary system determines how we live our lives, the fact that monetary reform is a touchstone of revolution, and how the power of the Federal Reserve is wielded. SHOW NOTES: With Ukraine rebels on the ropes, some Russi
Pedophiles in Power – The Geneva Business Insider
This month on the Geneva Business Insider, James and David discuss the latest information on the unfolding pedophile scandal in the UK. They also talk about the US State Department’s approval of Kiev’s air strikes on civilians and the state of the European banking sector. CLICK HERE for the mp3 audio version of this podcast. SHOW NOTES: UK Establishment Closes Ranks as Organised Child Sex Abuse Ne
Interview 915 – Geneva Business Insider with David Smith
This month on the Geneva Business Insider, James and David discuss the latest information on the unfolding pedophile scandal in the UK. They also talk about the US State Department’s approval of Kiev’s air strikes on civilians and the state of the European banking sector. SHOW NOTES: UK Establishment Closes Ranks as Organised Child Sex Abuse Network Leads Back to No. 10 At least 40 UK politicians
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The EnvironmentaList   

Let’s Have a Marshall Plan for Clean Energy in the Caribbean
The vulnerable islands are a perfect laboratory to test out renewable energy solutions to our climate crisis
$30,000 to the First Person Who Can Prove Man-Made Climate Change Isn’t Real
Physicist Christopher Keating’s challenge to climate skeptics goes viral
A Ramble Through the Woods Can Help Beat Stress-Related Health Issues
The Japanese concept of Shinrin-yoku or “forest bathing” is now supported by a growing body of research
From Personalized Climate to Trash Trackers, Researchers Explore Radical Redesign of Cities
MIT's Senseable Cities Lab advocates using social media to build “open source,” sustainable urban spaces
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Is the BBC biased?   

"He’ll be missed"
Meanwhile, in a place nearby...I confessed before to subscribing to the London Review of Books earlier this year, having read that it contains some of the best writing in British publishing. Well, so it does, but it also contains a heck of a lot of Marxism. Thus, on many a political subject, you can guess that some very predictable points will be made along the erudite way.There's a very interesti
Jeremy Bowen's "infantile sensibility"
Rod Liddle hits the nail squarely on the head in his latest Spectator blog-post:Will the BBC accept that Hamas wants to kill lots of Jews?A fairly typically partisan report on the Israel and Palestine crisis last night on the BBC ten O Clock News. The focus was entirely on the killed or injured Palestinians, referred to exclusively as ‘civilians’; the point was made, at the top of the report, that
All in the Headline
Israel’s security cabinet approved the Egyptian ceasefire proposal despite the fact that it’s still a long way off its objective, eliminating Hamas’s ability to send rockets from Gaza.Mahmoud Abbas was in favour and Hamas against. So when Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel after the deadline, Israel resumed strikes too.“In other words: Israel agreed to a proposal to stop the war. Hamas ha
The unfathomable and the unconscionable
After episode two I thought the plot of The Honourable Woman was unfathomable so I’m unable to comment on its political message at the moment, but I agree with Alan at Biased-BBC that Hugo Blick’s cinematic devices were derivative, pretentious and boring. Reviewers kept praising Maggie Gyllenhaal’s convincing English accent. Why make life unnecessarily difficult? Get a British actress, and while y
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@ the chalk face   

Debating Common Core Is Proof that Educators Have Lost
Debating Common Core Is Proof that Educators Have Lost. via Debating Common Core Is Proof that Educators Have Lost.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Why Isnt Aft And New York More Enraged About Engageny?
WHY ISNT AFT AND NEW YORK MORE ENRAGED ABOUT ENGAGENY?.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face Tagged: common core, corporate education reform, education reform, privatization
American Federation of Teachers: “Remediating” Duncan and Retaining the “Corrupted” Common Core
I’m wondering what of substance was accomplished thus far at the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) national convention in Los Angeles July 11-14, 2014. On July 13, 2014, AFT was supposed to consider asking for U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s resignation. The National Education Association (NEA) passed a resolution on July 4, 2014, asking Duncan […]
@the Chalk Face radio Sunday at 6:00 pm Eastern. #chalktalk #CrazyinCO.
Tomorrow night @the chalk face radio. Another installment of “Crazy in Colorado.” We will be talking to bully journalist Karin Malchow. Karin just doesn’t understand how paid for reports and internal board press releases can be passed off as news to the public. We will try and help her understand “priority journalism.” Also we’ll be […]
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The Rules of Exposition   

It's the which
Working on a post for the economics blog, as usual. Here is my opening paragraph:GDP is a measure of final spending only. Not all spending. For example, GDP excludes things that can be taken as corporate tax deductions. Things like the "cost of goods sold" which, if you buy stuff in order to sell it, is clearly not "final" spending when you buy it.This stuff is clear to me beca
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A Closer Look: Jody Paterson   

CUPE Ontario has the right idea: Sex work regs ought to be about workers' rights
    CUPE is my new favourite union now that CUPE Ontario president Fred Hahn has written a piece in the National Post saying the thing Canadians should be aiming for in laws and regulations around the adult, consensual sex industry is a safer workplace for sex workers.    So true. The violence and vulnerability that Justice Minister Peter McKay keeps going on about as he tries to push through the
Federal hearings finally put a spotlight on empowered sex workers
    While I'm offended as a Canadian that the future of my country is in the hands of people as uninformed, close-minded and unworldly as Justice Minister Peter MacKay, it's a wonderful thing to see Canada's sex workers stepping up to speak their own truths to combat all the lies that are being told about them right now.     I saw footage from the justice committee meetings in Ottawa this week as
In search of a truly portable cellphone
    I wouldn't say I rail against all of life’s constraints, but the lack of control for customers of cellphone service in Canada has always made me crazy.     This, then, is the story of one woman with minimal knowledge of cellphone technology on an all-consuming mission: To find an affordable phone that could be taken almost anywhere in the world with just the change of a SIM card.     The term
The Angelitos Felices gang gets a great new home
   A miracle happened yesterday in our old town of Copan Ruinas: The 13 remaining children at Angelitos Felices orphanage were relocated to a much better organized, resourced and caring facility, Casita Copan.     It's a dream come true for Emily Monroe, the young Pennsylvanian who has worked so hard to realize this dream. She met the children of Angelitos in 2010 and was so disturbed by the condi
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A Different Perspective   

On Bullshit and the Air Force
In the last posting about “Lies and More Lies” Larry suggested that it wasn’t actual lies the Air Force was spreading, but bullshit as defined by Harry G. Frankfurt. Larry wrote:Back in 2005 there was a little (and I do mean little) book published by a retired Princeton Philosophy professor—Harry Frankfurt. The book was titled “On Bullshit” (which I will hereafter abbreviate as “BS”). It purported
Lies and More Lies
In an earlier posting I purposely and deliberately said that the Air Force lied about sighting solutions in the Project Blue Book files. I said this because they knew, based on their own files, that the satellite solution for one aspect of the Portage County Chase did not work. They, which is to say Hector Quintanilla, knew the truth. As the man in charge, he owns the ultimate responsibility here
Stephenville and the Men in Black
There are times when there simply is no inspiration for writing this blog and other times when inspiration fills the air. I’ve been in something of a drought lately, but as I was looking at some of the information I had gathered on the Stephenville, Texas sightings of 2008, I found something interesting. Ricky Sorrells, who told the media including the Associated Press and CNN that he’d seen a hug
Levelland, Texas Revisited
In an earlier post I had suggested the Air Force lied about some of the information hidden away in the Project Blue Book files. I had been going to expand on the comments about the Portage County UFO chase, but then remembered some of the things I had read about the Levelland, Texas UFO landings and EM Effects case of November 2, 1957.What struck me as I read the file in years past was that the Ai
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A Very Public Sociologist   

Shuffling Toward Defeat
"What a weird cabinet reshuffle", muses Dan Hodges. "Massacre of the moderates!" shouts Labour. Yes, really. "Brutal ministerial cull" says The Mirror. On and on it goes. Yes, some Tory careers have limped unlamented into the night, including some big hitters. But the story is of ruthlessness and verve, of Dave slicing through his government and leaving behind him a p
Foucault, Discipline and Work
Chances are you've seen this. In what looks like summer kite-flying to me, the Tories have floated the idea that people who receive Employment Support Allowance for mental health problems should undergo treatment on pain of losing social security payments. Forcing medication on people, piling unnecessary stress on existing illness ... there's a special category of stupid for the cretin who came up
The Comment Awards 2014: Vote Solid
Since Twitter killed the comments box star, a lot of fine blogging traditions have been forgotten. Memes like this one used to circulate around blogs, driving traffic through tagging and plentiful linky-love. There used to be lovely blog carnivals showcasing writing from your compadres and comrades. These were excellent for community-building and discovering smart bloggers you may otherwise have m
Saturday Interview: Jim Jepps
Imitation, nay, outright plagiarism is the highest form of flattery. In this spirit find below the first in a regular Saturday feature carrying on the fine tradition established by the late Norman Geras. Eagle-eyed readers might spot a resemblance/"adaptation" of some of Norm's questions. So, from now on look forward to the low down from activists, bloggers, political types and other coo
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A Way to Live   

Mid-year report from Stony Run Farm
The open three-sided shed that was here when we got here had been built with massive beams, 8X10s and the like.. The whole things is mounted on large stones that had been clawed out of the creek bed, and is settling over the years as the posts dry-rot on top of the stones. Our site is a north facing wetland, and wooden buildings here are even more ephemeral than usual. In 1994 I laid on a skin mad
Concerning knotweed
Reposted from 2010.[Twenty-one] years ago, our family occupied this site. I'm not absolutely certain what "ownership" means; my own tribe has behaved badly, in my own opinion, and I can only plead that that was before my time. And so here we are. I can quibble that our whole species is invasive on this continent, for what that's worth. I do know we Bears gave up what was, to us, a lot of
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Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain
Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain Ingalhalikar et al PNAS ; published ahead of print December 2, 2013Sex differences in human behavior show adaptive complementarity: Males have better motor and spatial abilities, whereas females have superior memory and social cognition skills. Studies also show sex differences in human brains but do not explain this complementarity.
If you can read this....
Then consider yourself lucky. Some can't.http://aebrain.blogspot.com ISP Result Last check on Last blocked on AAISP ok 2014-07-02 12:20:06 No record of prior block BT blocked 2014-07-02 12:20:06 2014-07-02 12:20:06 EE ok 2014-07-02 12:20:07 No record of prior block Plusnet ok 2014-07-02 12:20:06 No record of prior block Sky ok 2014-07-02 12:20:06 No record of prior block TalkTalk blocked 2014-07-0
A Matter of Medical Education
Key points to note:Transgender medicine is rarely taught in medical curriculaPrior to the unit, 38% of students self-reported anticipated discomfort with caring for transgender patients.Even in an endocrinology unit, prior to adding this subject, 5% of students reported that the treatment was not a part of conventional medicine. 1 on 20 new endocrinologists are completelely clueless without unusua
Seen on the web
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Abraham says   

Entre vista de Robert Kiyosaki
Si quieres tener Esperanza, reconpensa por tu trabajo, y rescatatar tu familia applica lo que dice este señor, Kiyosaki en tu vida Seed Newsvine
There's good in the world, Hay bien en el mundo
Seed Newsvine
Buried treasure, Forrest Fenn
A dying man with a passion for archeology and adventure hides an Aztec treasure chest filled with gold nuggets as big as chicken eggs in America’s Rocky mountains.The only clue to its whereabouts is a cryptic poem which has driven treasure hunters to the brink of obsession, with thousands who will stop at nothing to find it. Only it’s not a fairytale, but the true story behind 83-year-old art deal
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Activist Teacher   

Defend the right to criticize!
Here is the answer: Please view the story at Indiegogo and consider contributing to the Denis Rancourt Legal Defence Fund campaign: LINK
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Adrienne's Corner   

Guest Post: M.D. Creekmore: If You Don’t Put Together Your 72 Hour Survival Kit Now You’ll Hate Yourself Later!...
M.D. Creekmore, of the very popular "The Survivalist Blog",  has gifted us with one of his most popular posts on being prepared - and we thank him. If You Don’t Put Together Your 72 Hour Survival Kit Now You’ll Hate Yourself Later!This short modified excerpt is from my book 31 Days to Survival - this would also make a good bug out bag packing list, with a few modifications…As with any “p
Jalapeno Cheese Bread: Puffy vs Free-form...
and the difference is?My demo yesterday was the store's lovingly made-from-scratch by our master baker jalapeno cheese bread.Me to customer:  "Let me show you the different versions.  They both have the same exact ingredients and are the same weight.  Some have been baked in a round pan producing a puffier bread.  Others were baked free-form creating a slightly flatter, denser bread." Cu
It's Saturday...
what's going on.Moonbattery:  Some Blacks Can Smell the Coffee Regarding Demographic TransformationConservative Hideout 2.0:  Border Crisis, ISIS, IRS, VA, Benghazi, NSA, Fast & Furious and more = Half Month Vacay for ObamaClash Daily:  PREPARE FOR INVASION: Mexico and Guatemala Partner Up And Make Fast Track For Illegals to Cross the Border All the Right Snark:  DIANNY RANTS: Have You Had Eno
Does anyone else find these pics of Obama and his supporters creepy?...
I know I do.Obama listens to a typical little college student with really bad posture talk about the plight of her parents who have both lost their jobs. You can see the concern written all over his face. /sarcvia New York Post:Already under attack by critics who say he’s lost interest in his job, President Obama added fuel to the fire on Thursday with a drowsy appearance in Texas. A heavy-lidded
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Adventures with Kurt and Lori   

Food in Costa
One thing Kurt and I are really enjoying in Costa Rica compared to the US is the food.I also have a lot more time here to concentrate on healthy eating and cooking, so that helps with this love as well.Almost everything we buy now is not processed or in a box.  In MI, almost everything I bought, with the exception of fresh fish, was processed.This is how our eating/shopping habits here have worked
Freedom in the US vs Costa Rica
My husband posted this picture on his facebook wall today that he found online.This sign documents really well why we don't think the US is free. Everywhere you turn, there is a law, a rule, somebody telling you what to do, judgmental people.  There is a car accident, and someone runs out and names a new law, naming it after the person who just died.  LAW after LAW after LAW.  It is never ending. 
Final Game for the Ticos
Saturday, Kurt and I headed into town to watch the Holland vs Costa Rica game.  We ended up at Surf Dogs, and it was packed in downtown Jaco!  Los Amigos' tables were all reserved almost 2 hours prior to the game.  Crazy.  Anyway, we had lunch (split from appetizers) and watched the game, which went down to the end and Costa Rica lost in penalty kicks.  It was horrible.  But, I was so impressed wi
Ole Ole Ole Ole Ticos
We went to Dominical on Sunday to meet up with Jesse and Diana and watch the game.  They live about 15 minutes from there, but used to live there and they love hanging at the beach there.  WE went to a restaurant/bar called Tortilla Flats.  While there, met some other people as well.  I think almost the entire place was Americans, which was kinda strange.It took about an hour and 20 minutes to get
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Thousands flee as typhoon hits Philippines
At least 10 people killed as typhoon Rammasun surges south of capital Manila forcing 150,000 others to evacuate.
Turkey approves law allowing talks with PKK
President signs law to allow peace talks with banned Kurdistan Workers' Party in major step towards resolving conflict.
Gaza ceasefire: Gone with the wind?
An Egyptian brokered truce for the Gaza Strip collapses as airstrikes resume.
Israel to expand Gaza campaign as truce fails
Prime minister says Israel will intensify offensive against Gaza Strip as Egyptian proposal for ceasefire falls through.
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Allen L Roland's Weblog   

West Coast Number #1 In Pro Sports
                LA Kings celebrate their second Stanley Cup  in three yearsThe final nail in the coffin of East Coast sports dominance was provided by the LA Kings winning the coveted Stanley Cup for the second time in three years with a 3-2 victory over the New York Rangers in June, 2014. As a native New Englander, I once worshipped the Boston Bruins, Red Sox and New York Giants but when my belov
The Empire Is Crumbling / Bring In The Clowns
The last refuge of a scoundrel is patriotism and this Independence Day 2014 as we celebrate our independence with parades, picnics and fireworks ~ let us not forget the clowns and scoundrels who cloak themselves in patriotism and represent the worst of America. There is no more despised clown or scoundrel who still represents the worst of American values, yet continues to cloak himself in patrioti
Death Is An Illusion Measured By The Limits Of Our Consciousness
            The center of convergence in a near-death experienceThe very fabric of our present day reality is being torn away by the far greater reality of another state of consciousness that exists beyond death and most certainly beyond ego consciousness and whose principle property is love, altruism and the urge to unite ~ and now it has been apparently scientifically demonstrated as reported by
The Uplifting Cartoons Of Charles Barsotti 1933 -2014
  Charles Barsotti died this week at 80 years old but his New Yorker cartoons touched myself and millions of others with their wonderful quirky sense of humor and imaginative insights into profound truths which were both delightful and thought provoking. His presence will be sorely missed for his cartoons provided much needed solace in our chaotic ego driven world: Allen L Roland I love the New Yo
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Three New JPMorgan IT Deaths Include Alleged Murder-Suicide
Julian and Alita Knott: From Alita Knott’s Public Facebook PageThree New JPMorgan IT Deaths Include Alleged Murder-SuicidePosted at:  http://wallstreetonparade.com/2014/07/three-new-jpmorgan-it-deaths-include-alleged-murder-suicide/By Russ Martens and Pam Martens: July 14, 2014Since December of last year, JPMorgan Chase has been experiencing tragic, sudden deaths of workers on a scale which sets i
Benjamin Fulford: Nazionist mafia circles the wagons as investigations zero in on Bush/Netanyahu
Views below are solely of Benjamin Fulford's and the WDS and not necessarily of this blog.   There is much I cannot say right now, but things are in a huge state of change.  There is some interesting data in this post, but how much of it is accurate remains to be seen.   When secret socities and intel agenices release information it is generally done so to shape opinion or perception, which may no
Cosmic priorities have been established for the current moment
Cosmic priorities have been established for the current momentby ÉirePortCosmic priorities have been established for the current moment. Although moment-to-moment shifts may occur, the Cosmic priorities remain in front.All of Gaia awaits Hue-manity and hu-manity up-steps in consciousness, which nears completion.Severance packages for non-aligneds have been presented and accepted.The Snowball is re
Out of nothing, nature makes something.
Reposted from 2013... big changes coming, time to learn adaptation skills....   -AKFrom: http://www.kk.org/outofcontrol/ch24-b.htmlExcerpt from the book Out of Control, by Kevin KellyOut of nothing, nature makes something.First there is hard rock planet; then there is life, lots of it. First barren hills; then brooks with fish and cattails and red-winged blackbirds. First an acorn; then an oak tre
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Angola 3 News   

A3 Newsletter: Say NO to Another Supermax! (June 25, 2014)
The National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) is organizing a national call-in day on Thursday, June 26 to stop the opening of another Supermax prison. We encourage A3 supporters to join us by taking action with NRCAT, whose call-in alert is featured below.Grassroots Leadership Honors Robert King This month, the board and staff of Grassroots Leadership, in North Carolina, spent the eveni
A3 Newsletter: 42 Years and Still Waiting
(New poster by artist César Maxit)All eyes are on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals as we move into summer.Most urgently of course, we wake up every day hopeful that the court will choose to affirm Judge Brady's ruling that overturned Albert's conviction for a third time. Although there is no way to know when they will rule, the average decision wait time is 10 months, so we expect word soon, and c
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Why No One Will Ever Build Another Nagasaki Type Bomb
This is a guest post on behalf of ACW reader and occasional contributor Chris Camp. The first Atomic bombs, Trinity, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, hold an outsized place in our perceptions of what a nuclear weapon should be.  Certainly they were notable as the first bombs, the only ones used in anger, and the most famous devices in a subject shrouded in secrecy, but times have moved on while perception
Revisiting Enrichment for Bushehr
Underground at Anhalter Bahnhof and waiting for the S2 train a couple of mornings ago,  a reporter rang me up to talk about Iran. He had read this piece written a few days before, in which I had run down why the Russians had become increasingly perturbed in recent months about Iran’s claim that it needed to enrich and fabricate fuel for its Bushehr-1 reactor. Based on what Russian sources have tol
Double Dragon: Open Source and North Korean Missile Launches
Why did North Korea just test two Scud missiles? Was North Korea responding to the US-South Korean military exercise? Does the pairing of conventional and unconventional missiles pose a unique challenge for military planners in the future? Today, Jeffrey and Aaron talk North Korea’s missile tests, the Dear Leader’s burlesque style approach to propaganda pictures, and the stability/instability para
Drones, Revisited
Horse cavalry gave way mechanized warfare, and tank armies are giving way to drone warfare. Drones flourish where national sovereignty is weak and international borders are extremely permeable. Since it’s not a good idea for Washington to set precedents it does not want others to follow, greater care relating to US drone strikes is warranted. Two studies on this subject were released last week. T
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Because I Can   

ALEC Transparency - Ain't what it used to be
ALEC trans-par-encyain't what it used to be,ain't what it used to be,ain't what it used to be,ALEC trans-par-encyain't what it used to be,just a few years ago. ALEC has learned to mislead the press very well when it comes to the issue of transparency.Unfortunately for the reader - the press writes what ALEC says - doesn't check to see if it is true - so the press feeds the public lies.ALEC Distort
2014 - Ridding the US House of ALECers
ALEC and the US HouseALEC members in the House that retired this yearThere are 11 - and if we don't watch ourselves they will be replaced with 11 other ALECers.We need to start now to support the Dems with money or volunteer timeto educate our friends and neighbors about ALECHEREHEREHERE NOTHING WILL CHANGEif we replace on ultraconservative pro-corporate extremists of the American Legislative Exc
Turn Off Your Comcast HotSpot
Turn Off Your Comcast HotSpotFor more reasons than I can tell you - I hate Comcast.They are - of course - a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council ( ALEC ).Unfortunately I have to use them unless I am willing to accept 1.5 Mbps that CenturlyLink offers - my only other option.So - Comcast reigns supremeComcast screws their customers every day in every way - becausetheycan And the FCC
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Big Dan's Big Blog   

What Are The Odds That Two Completely Different Stories In The U.S., One In The North (Detroit) And One In The South (Texas), Are Both Calling for U.N. Intervention ???
Isn't this odd? Two stories at the same time are about the U.S. calling for U.N. help on American soil.NBC "news": Groups Seek UN Help to Restore Detroit Water ServiceHUMANITARIAN CRISIS: HALF OF DETROIT RESIDENTS ARE GOING TO HAVE THEIR WATER SHUT OFF BECAUSE THEY CAN'T PAY THE BILLNicole Hill holds up her past due water bill at her home in Detroit on June 25, 2014.NOW...we have ANOTHER
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Blood & Treasure   

tigers, flies, celebrity hacks - UPDATED
China's controlled media culture hasn't stopped it developing a phenomena familiar in Western media, namely the celebrity anchor:  At just 31 years old, Rui Chenggang has emerged as the media face of Chinese capitalism: young, smart and, to the dismay of some, deeply nationalistic. His nightly financial news program attracts 13 million viewers on China Central Television, the nation’s biggest sta
Adam Cathcart shows us the men and women who sit at Kim Jong-un's right hand. The fellow at second right on the front row is intriguing; either that or there's a highlander's severed head on the desk for some reason.
ambassador, you are spoiling us
It seems that one does not dick around with a country whose football team just beat Brazil 7-1: Diplomatic relations between Germany and the US plunged to a new low after Angela Merkel's government asked the top representative of America's secret services in Germany to leave the country. Given that Germany has assumed de-facto political leadership of Europe I can sort of understand why it has be
sex and drugs and guanxi and jail
The Telegraph has a good piece on the GSK corruption scandal in China, which we now learn was first sparked when a number of detailed allegations were about the company's head of China operations were sent to GSK's chief executive along with a sex tape of him in action with his ernai. The amorous Mr Reilly was sent to China with a brief to 'bring about a dramatic increase in the firm’s revenues'.
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BP Slick   

1,000-pound tar mat is being cleaned up on Fort Pickens beach.
Nearly four years to the day when BP oil began soiling our beaches, a 1,000-pound tar mat is being cleaned up on Fort Pickens beach. (Pensacola News Journal)(Photo: Special to the Pensacola News Journal ) 1098 CONNECTTWEET 2 LINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMOREA U.S. Coast Guard pollution investigation team is leading another day of cleanup of a tar mat discovered Friday on the beach at Fort Pickens.So far, t
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Brave New World

Art or the Future of the Printed Book?
This weekend in a quiet small local market in Bath we came across two stalls which caught our eye. One was selling lampshades at £75 each and the other origami objects. The thing that was interesting was that both were using printed books as their base material and draw.The lampshades used a pile of books as their base which had a hole drilled through them in order to support the shade and fitment
Are Books Merely a Form of Physical Decoration?
Some will say we are party poopers and that we should applaud and celebration the British Museum’s novel use of the book to create art, but is the ‘wheel of books’ just a cheap gimmick or we should we be mindful of what could be easily copied?The British Museum’s newly refurbished bookshop got Lumsden Design, who are based in East London, to create their space and engage customers. At is centre is
Do Bookshops Have A 2020 Vision?
We have all read about the decline of the independent bookstores in the UK and US. However, we have also seen the relaunch of Foyles in Charing Cross, the expansion of the Hatchards brand by Waterstones to St Pancras, the growth online of the bargain bookseller, The Works. So what is the future of the Bookstore and does it have a vision of itself in 2020, or is its vision somewhat out of focus and
Self-Publish And Be Dammed?
We read today of rise of self-publishing and the claims that ‘Self-publishing boom lifts sales by 79% in a year’ made by industry analysts Neilson and published in the Guardian.Steve Bohme, Research Director at Nielsen, claims that of the 80 million ebooks sold in the UK at a value of some £300 million, 18 million were self-published at an average price of £1. So whilst the volume of self-publishi
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Active caching solution boosts online experience
The Fluid Cache for SAN helps organizations such as the University of North Texas System reduce response time when accessing information from databases. Credit: University of North Texas SystemBeing faced with an hourglass when processing an online transaction, such as pulling data from an enterprise resource planning application, can be a frustrating experience. Waiting more than a few seconds fo
E-discovery and big data 14 Storage - Tech Pa... / by Jim O'Reilly / 1d