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Male flowers and fruits of Artocarpus altilis, A. communis, Breadfruit ...Trái và hoa đực của cây Sa-kê... (Photo credit: Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants) |
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A starboard quarter view of the Iranian destroyer escort ITS ROSTAM (DE-73), now redesignated the frigate IS SABALAN (F-73). NOTE: This vessel was heavily damaged on 19 April 1988 by air attack of units of CVW-11 from the USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-65) in retaliation for the mining of the USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS (FFG-58) in the Persian Gulf. The ship was reported under repair but as of 1991 has not yet been seen in service. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Iran to Launch New Home-Made Destroyer Soon

[image: IRIS Damavand]The Iranian Navy plans to launch one of its advanced
home-made destroyers, named Damavand, in the country's territorial waters
in the near future, Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said on
"Destroyer Damavand will join the Islamic Republic of Iran's Navy in the
near future," Sayyari told FNA.
Elsewhere, he referred to the Iranian Navy's deployment in the
international waters, and said, "Iran's 31st fleet of warships is sailing
towards the region of its mission to replace the 30th fleet."
Read more
2 more Aegis destroyers set for FY20

[image: Kongo class DDG]The government will start building two
Aegis-equipped destroyers with the latest missile defense systems starting
next fiscal year, in light of the progress seen in missile development by
North Korea, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned.
The Defense Ministry will include related expenses in its budgetary
requests, informed sources said.
The government will start building one destroyer in the next fiscal year
and the other in fiscal 2016, aiming at reinforcing the defense system by
increasing Aegis-equipped vessels from the current six to eight in fiscal
2020, s... more »
Civilians Killed, Children Among The Dead . . . . In Iraq
*Maliki The Magnificent: Those Zionists think they can kill more women and
children than me? How dare they entertain such silly notions! Inshallah, I
will show them. Fallujah and Mosul will surrender before Gaza.*
An excerpt from, *"Iraqi Govt Barrel Bombs Kill 19 Civilians in Fallujah"*
by Jason Ditz, Antiwar.com, July 22:
The Iraqi government launched another round of airstrikes against an
ISIS-held city today, this time pounding the area in and around Fallujah,
one of the first cities to fall to ISIS way back in January.
As with other recent strikes, the toll was entirely civil... more »
Russian waste transport ship completes test mission
[image: Rossita]The Rossita was launched at La Spezia, Italy in December
2010 destined for a role transporting submarine waste in north-west Russia.
Atomflot took delivery of the vessel in early 2011 and was to put it to
work shuttling between Gremikha, Andreeva Guba, Guba Sayda, Severodvinsk
and other areas where submarine dismantling work is taking place.
In its first mission, completed on 20 July, the ship transported ten
20-tonne containers filled with solid radioactive waste from submarines at
the formal naval base of Gremikha to the Sayda Bay storage facility.
Read more
Saab buys Swedish submarine shipyard

[image: Saab logo]Swedish defence and aeronautics group Saab said Tuesday
it had completed the acquisition of German heavy industry giant
ThyssenKrupp's submarine shipyard in southern Sweden.
Saab paid 340 million kronor ($49.6 million) for the ThyssenKrupp Marine
Systems subsidiary, which the Swedish company said would come from existing
"The impact of the transaction on Saab's results for 2014 is not considered
to be significant," it said in a statement.
Read more
North Korea’s Asymmetric Submarine Doctrine

[image: Kim Jong-un]North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un made headlines last
month when he visited the Korean People’s Army Naval Unit 167, part of the
Korean People’s Navy (KPN) East Sea Fleet unit based in the South Hamgyong
Photographs released by the Korean Central News Agency showed Kim on a
rusty green-painted submarine No. 748, toying with the periscope in its
control room. Kim also reportedly guided an actual drill onboard.
Many foreign analysts used Kim’s visit to comment on the decrepit state of
the submarine he was visiting. For example, South Korea’s Defense Minist... more »
U.S. Govt: MH17 Stance Based On Obvious Social Media Hoaxes

*Who needs field intelligence officers when you have YouTube?*
*New Study: Social Media Posts About War In Syria Are Biased And
Unreliable: *
An excerpt from, *"Study finds bias in Internet postings about Syria’s
civil war"* by Lauren Kirkwood, McClatchy, February 24, 2014:
YouTube videos and posts on Facebook and Twitter have made scenes from
Syria’s civil war accessible to audiences thousands of miles from the
conflict. *But the version of events disseminated by social media is not a
completely accurate picture of the war, according to a report from the
congressionally funded U... more »
Dutch declare Wednesday official day of mourning for MH17 dead

[image: National day of mourning]Wednesday July 23 has been designated an
official day of mourning to remember those who died on flight MH17, prime
minister Mark Rutte has announced.
Flags will be at half mast on government buildings and church bells will be
rung for five minutes prior to the landing of the first plane bringing back
the first bodies of the dead.
The plane is expected to arrive at Eindhoven air base at 16.00 hours.
Read more
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Above the Clouds”
Kevin Kern, “Above the Clouds”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJCU1eMWUOo
Capitalizing on MH17
*July 23, 2014* (Eric Draitser - RT)
*Published on Jul 22, 2014 - *Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.org appears
on RT (July 21, 2014) to provide his analysis of the politics surrounding
the MH17 tragedy. Draitser explains that the US is trying to use MH17 to
achieve politically what its proxy government in Kiev could not achieve
militarily, namely the retreat of anti-Kiev separatists. He notes that the
US has attempted to frame the narrative by blaming Russia for the tragedy,
despite providing no hard evidence to refute that provided by Russia.
Draitser also highlights the fact tha... more »
*Record high global temperature in June a lie*
*Drawing on NOAA data, it is asserted below that we did have high global
temperature in June. But the "record" temperature exceeded the previous
high by only one twentieth of one degree, a figure that would be
non-trivial only if it were repeated frequently. More importantly, it is
well outside the accuracy inherent in the data. Temperature measurement is
very spotty worldwide with large sareas such a China, Russia and Africa
having very few data sources. So a great deal of the "data" used to
calculatre world temperature is in ... more »
Murray Polner : MEDIA | A very very loud silence
How is it that for 11 long days of the Gaza War, the New York Times
editorial board chose to remain voiceless? By Murray Polner | The Rag Blog
| July 23, 2014 Respect them or not, it is undeniable … finish reading Murray
Polner :
*MEDIA* | A very very loud silence
Common Core in Louisiana: Two Days, Two Lawsuits
In May 2009, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and then-State Superintendent
Paul Pastorek signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to commit
Louisiana to be “state led” and participate in the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS) Initiative, a show that the National Governors Association
(NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) had actually
“initiated.” […]
Economics for Real People: How Economies Grow
[image: 276464_137539366339987_1226509_n]
Exams are over, holiday have finished, and students are hard at it again.
That means Auckland Uni Economics Group meeetings start up again. Here’s
what’s on tomorow night:
Hi everyone,
We hope that you are all set for another semester of classes. And more
importantly, we hope that you are all set for another great semester of
Economics Group seminars.
Economic ideas, as we have seen, change the world and any student of
economics must be familiar with the range of ideas that exist. This is
especially important as economists struggle to ex... more »
Eating Native Foods Is One Of The Pleasures Of Foreign Travel-- Being Careful With Your Restaurant Choices Might Keep You Alive

You maybe be aware that we also have a travel blog-- and we cover eating in
strange places-- whether the bacon craze in Jersey City, the raw food craze
in London, how to eat healthy in Bali and Bangkok or even the best eatery
in Mali. And we always try to alert readers to problems with food safety--
contaminated bottled water here, filthy food there and... well an article
by David Sedaris prompted us-- precisely 3 years ago-- to ask the question How
Important Is Food In Determining Where You Travel? Hygiene? Everything is
clean and even pristine in Japan, he asserts, but not in Chi... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Continue On
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
I am moving so there won't be a new CTWW activity thi... more »
Why the push to make students "Career Ready"?
Why the push to make students "Career Ready"? Because companies are doing
much less training.
We often hear that public schools are failing because they do not prepare
students for jobs. Employers complain, we are told, that recent graduates
are unprepared for the real world of work.
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal explains what is really going
on: "Companies complain that they can't find skilled hires, but they aren't
doing much to impact these skills , economics and workforce experts say.
U.S. companies have been cutting money for training programs for decades,... more »
This week's updates at Pragmatic Witness
Until Northerntruthseeker returns please check out my blog, Pragmatic
Witness, for updates.
OH, and I did correct the misinformation about flight MH-17/MH370 with Jim
Stone's article which you can read at my blog.
Brian, I'm looking forward to your return. The world always goes to hell
when you're gone.
More on the way -
Alan Waldman : Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry are hysterical in P.G. Wodehouse’s droll ‘Jeeves and Wooster’
A sagacious butler helps his rich twit master Bertie and his nincompoop
pals out of all kinds of ridiculous jams. By Alan Waldman | The Rag Blog |
July 22, 2014 [In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of …
finish reading Alan Waldman :
Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry are hysterical in P.G. Wodehouse’s droll
‘Jeeves and Wooster’
World's Most Useless Body Debate The War In Gaza
UN Security Council meets to debate over Gaza crisis. Source: AFP. Date
Published: July 22.
How Anonymous Cops Online Are Reacting to the Death of Eric Garner
A demonstration against the death of Eric Garner.Spencer Platt/2014 Getty
Joe Coscarelli, New York Mag
In internet communities for law enforcement, like PoliceOne.com, "the One
resource for Law Enforcement online," and Thee Rant, an NYPD message board,
the Garner story has stirred up racial, political, and professional
tensions, most of them quite ugly. While all of the comments below are
anonymous, and therefore not verifiable, both sites do require registration for
membership ("No ID card, No Approval!" says Thee Rant). By no means a
comprehensive view of law-enfo... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the edge-on profile of
the slender spiral galaxy NGC 5775, which is surrounded by a halo of gas
that astronomers suspect is kicked up by star explosions like a galaxy-size
fountain. A new photo from the Hubble Space Telescope has revealed what
scientists have called a veritable galactic "fountain of youth," one that
would turn the fictional pirate captain Jack Sparrow of the Pirates of the
Caribbean films green with envy. Journeying to the mythic Fountain of Youth
is Sparrow's goal in Disney's latest installment in the adventure film ... more »
Chet Raymo, “Take My Arm”
*“Take My Arm”*
by Chet Raymo
“I'm sure I have referenced here before the poems of Grace Schulman, she
who in inhabits that sweet melancholy place between "the necessity and
impossibility of belief." Between, too, the necessity and impossibility of
love. Belief and love. They have so much in common, yet are as distinct as
self and other.
How strange that two people can hitch their lives together, on a whim, say,
or wild intuition, knowing little if nothing about the other's hiddenness,
about things that even the other does not fully understand and couldn’t
articulate even if he di... more »
“The Stuff of (Disturbing) Dreams”
*“The Stuff of (Disturbing) Dreams”*
by Dr. Michael J. Breus
“Dreams are one of the most fascinating - and least understood - aspects
of sleep. Though science has offered possibilities, we don't yet understand
the purpose of dreaming. Dreams can encompass a dramatic range of emotion,
and subject matter. Some dreams seem plucked directly from our everyday
lives. Most of us have had the experience of waking up shaking our heads at
the odd and sometimes amusing circumstances that unfolded while dreaming.
Dreams can contend with deep emotions, dealing with loss and reunion,
anger, so... more »
"Blue Eyes? What A Small World"
*"Blue Eyes? What A Small World"*
by KU.DK
"New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common
ancestor. A team at the University of Copenhagen have tracked down a
genetic mutation which took place 6-10,000 years ago and is the cause of
the eye color of all blue-eyed humans alive on the planet today.
“Originally, we all had brown eyes”, said Professor Eiberg from the
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. “But a genetic mutation
affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a
“switch”, which literally “turned off” the ability to pr... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Weatherford, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"If Your Happiness Depends..."
"If your happiness depends on what somebody else does,
I guess you do have a problem."
- Richard Bach, "Illusions"
“The opinion which other people have of you is their problem, not yours.”
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
"The Time Will Pass..."
“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something
stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway;
we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”
- Earl Nightingale
“7 Grammar Rules You Really Should Pay Attention To”
*“7 Grammar Rules You Really Should Pay Attention To”*
By Ben Yagoda
“I recently wrote an article for TheWeek.com about bogus grammar "rules"
that aren't worth your time. However, there are still plenty of legitimate
rules that you should be aware of. Not following them doesn't make you a
bad person or even (necessarily) a bad writer. I'm sure that all of them
were broken at one point or another by Henry James, Henry Adams, or some
other major author named Henry. Moreover, grammar is one of the least
pressing problems when it comes to the poor state of writing today. In my
new book... more »
“I'd Like a Word With You”
*“I'd Like a Word With You”*
by Malcolm Kushner
“Publication of a new edition of "The Chambers Dictionary", Britain's
"bible" for word worshippers, caused a stir among linguistic conservatives
and traditionalists. The latest version of the famed reference work now
includes numerous new words reflecting current British trends, technology
and culture. Words such as "jeggings" (a hybrid of jeans and leggings) and
"skank" (a derogatory term for a loose woman). Should Shakespeare be
turning over in his grave or "tweeting" in delight?
Not surprisingly, the Internet provides one of the la... more »
Workplace Secrecy Agreement at Hanford
Higham, S. & K. Belval. (2014, June 29).Workplace secrecy
agreements appear
to violate federal whistleblower laws (2014, June 29). The Washington
[Excerpted] In November 2012, the U.S. Department of Energy asked
employees at the Hanford plutonium processing plant in Washington state
take an unusual oath.
The DOE wanted them to sign nondisclosure agreements that prevented
th... more »
Banker Deaths Climb to 15, as Goldman Sachs Managing Director Found Dead

Melissa Melton
Another high level banker has been found dead.
Nicholas Valtz, a 39-year old managing director at Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
in New York, was found dead Sunday afternoon in Napeague Harbor where he
had reportedly gone earlier that day to kiteboard. Valtz’ body was found
still tied to his kite.
Kiteboarding, also called kitesurfing, combines elements of windsurfing and
paragliding which can garner speeds of up to 40 mph. His brother told
Bloomberg that Valtz was still new to the sport.
“As a cross-asset sales executive, he helped manage orders for trading
clients... more »
Brazil's GM Soy Tied Up Over Trade Dispute With Monsanto

*Image source*
Heather Callaghan
Brazil is the world's number one exporter of soy. It is Monsanto's biggest
market after the United States. The USDA expects Brazil to break records
next year with 91 million tons of soybean production, but has said the U.S.
could replace Brazil as the world's top soybean exporter.
Could that have anything to do with a current trade dispute?
Monsanto wants commodity trading companies to make sure farmers pay up.
Royalty fees, that is.
There's just one problem...
The trading firms don't want to get involved.
Monsanto, infamous for suing fa... more »
Oregon Votes to Legalize Recreational Marijuana This November

Phillip Smith
The New Approach Oregon marijuana legalization initiative has qualified for
the November ballot, the secretary of state's office reported today.
It won't get a measure number until next month.
First word came in an email from New Approach Oregon's Anthony Johnson.
When the Chronicle contacted Johnson to confirm the email, he said "I got
the call from the secretary of state's office today."
The initiative had needed some 87,000 valid voter signatures to qualify; it
handed in about 145,000 a couple of weeks ago.
That means Oregon will join Alaska in voting on mari... more »
Israeli Professor: Rape Palestinian Sisters and Mothers To Stop Terrorism

Brandon Turbeville
As bombs rain down upon Gaza and Israeli troops march forward with tanks
and bulldozers, a recent radio interview conducted on Israeli radio is
drawing some criticism from across the world as well as in Israel.
Although the interview was conducted nearly three weeks ago, shortly after
the bodies of three Israeli teens were found after being kidnapped and
murdered, Dr. Mordechai Kedar stated that the only way to force
“terrorists” to think twice about their actions is the threat of the rape
of their sisters and mothers.
A Middle East scholar from Bar-Ilan... more »
Can the ideological perversions of two unapologetic far-right-wing activists on the District Circuit Court of Appeals lead to defunding Obamacare?

*Plus a promise of thoughts-to-come about James Garner*
*Yes, justice is supposed to be blind, in the sense of being impervious to
outside influences. Unfortunately, the two right-wing crusaders on the
District Circuit Court of Appeals who channeled their hostility toward the
ACA aren't blind, they're dumb and dishonest.*
*by Ken*
You've no doubt already heard that, as the washingtonpost.com headline put
it this afternoon, "Federal appeals courts issue contradictory rulings on
health-law subsidies." Which was at least an improvement over the earlier
headline, before the announcemen... more »
“If Gaza’s Dead Were America’s Dead”
*“If Gaza’s Dead Were America’s Dead”*
by Barry Lando
“On the face of it, the casualty figures in Gaza may seem not that horrific
to Americans—unless you transpose that same level of death and mayhem to
the United States, 176 times the population of Gaza. For instance, so far
reportedly 571 Palestinians have been killed, including 154 children. Total
wounded: 3,550, of which 1125 are children. If the United States were to be
hit by a similar onslaught, the number of Americans killed–mostly in the
past five days–would be 101,000, of which 27,000 would be children. The
number of Ame... more »
Footage shows a brawl between opposition Ukrainian party members in
parliament today. The fight was between members of the nationalist Svoboda
[Freedom] party and the Party of Regions. The fighting broke out after
parliamentary members voted to call up military reserves to 'protect
Ukraine's border with Russia' and one parliamentary member told an
opposition politician that his party "kills its citizens."
The Svoboda party is fascistic and anti-semitic. Earlier today Ukrainian
parliament banned the Communist Party. Does this remind you anything?
Communist Party was banned in Nazi ... more »
BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
Tony Dungy Hates Fags

Former NFL player, head coach and current television football analyst Tony
Dungy has found himself in a bit of hot water over comments that he made
regarding St. Louis Rams rookie defensive lineman Michael Sam who is gay.
Dungy, a vocal Christian came under fire for his statement that were he
still an NFL head coach that he would not have drafted Sam, a former
University of Missouri player who was an All American who came out as being
openly gay back in February prior to May's draft where he was taken in the
seventh and last round by the Rams. Dungy who rocketed to national
promin... more »
Re post "The Jerusalem Post
Why is Gaza blockaded?
By Maurice Ostroff
*The demand by Hamas that the blockade be lifted before even negotiating a
ceasefire leads straight to the IMPORTANT question about its purpose. Was
the blockade imposed because of the rockets or did rocket fire start
because of the blockade?*
The answer will surprise many, including the BBC, France 24 and other
influential mainstream media as well as politicians and journalists with
short memories. When Israel evacuated the Gaza strip there was no thought
of a blockade. Rather, as will be shown in this article, the intention was
to impro... more »
The US backs off it's false flag! "No direct link to Russia in downing of MH17
No direct link to Russia in downing of Flight MH17: U.S. officials
* The intelligence officials were cautious in their assessment*, noting
that while the Russians have been arming separatists in eastern Ukraine,(yet
another claim made by the US that has never been proven)* the U.S. had no
direct evidence that the missile used to shoot down the passenger jet came
from Russia" *
*I am going to ignore all the wild speculation these mouthpieces engaged in
and cut to the chase!*
*In big bold lettering because I want this easily readable to all*
*"the officials said they did not know who... more »
Demeanour Evidence
R. v. Hubrich, 2004 CanLII 11370:
[22] The appellant argued that the admission of post-arrestdemeanour evidence
is *per se*improper. Mr. Coughlan relied in particular upon *R. v. Sodhi* (2003),
66 O.R. (3d) 640 (C.A.) at 662-4; *R. v. Levert *2001 CanLII 8606 (ON CA),
(2001), 159 C.C.C. (3d) 71 (Ont. C.A.) at 80-2; *R. v. Baltrusaitis* 2002
CanLII 36440 (ON CA), (2002), 162 C.C.C. (3d) 539 (Ont. C.A.) at 560-2;*R.
v. Bennett*, [2003] O.J. No. 3810 (C.A.) at para. 120-123, 143-5, 147;*The
Report of The Commission on Proceedings Involving Guy Paul Morin* (1998),
vol. 2, pages ... more »
It’s not investors driving up house prices [updated]
[image: image]
See that bit of paper above? That’s a building permit from 1975.
Cost of the permit: $3.
That is not a misprint. The cost of the building permit in 1975 was three
dollars. (That’s thirty dollars in today’s devalued money.)
The most recent permit I received from council cost my clients nearly *ten
thousand* dollars. That, too, is not a misprint. A ten with three zeroes.
Sure, it was for more than just a garage, but this might suggest to you one
of the reasons house prices are way higher now in terms of what you and I
earn than they were in 1975.
Think about it.... more »
Israeli/palestine conflict caused by Land grab?
1. *Israeli* *settlement* - *Wikipedia*, the free encyclopedia
*Israeli* *settlements* in the occupied territories ... While according
to official *Israeli* policy no *new* *settlements* were built, ...
- History ·
- Geography and ... ·
- Types of *settlement* ·
- Resettlement of ...
2. *Population* statistics for *Israeli* *West Bank* *settlements* ...
*Population* of *Israeli* *West Bank* *settlements*; Name Hebr... more »
Lebanon war pictures, Israel punds Gaza

Seed Newsvine
Everything is a weapon, Cyber war update
Seed Newsvine
Where are Kiev's Air Traffic Control Recordings? Who's Withholding Evidence?

*Paul Joseph Watson*
As the West claims the resisting force in Eastern Ukraine are compromising
evidence at MH17 crash scene, Kiev refuses to release air traffic control
recordings. Ukrainian security services confiscated the tapes immediately
after the incident. What do they have to hide if their version of events is
*You can visit our MH17 article archive here. **Poll: Who do you think
shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17?*
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Opt Out: Stop the Education Genocide
by Ira Shor
*Opt-Out: The REAL Parent Revolution*
We parents can stop the destruction of our public schools. We can stop the
looting of school budgets by private charters and testing vendors. We can
stop the abuse of our children by the relentless hours of testing. We can
stop the closings, the co-locations, the mass firings, the replacement of
veteran teachers with short-term Teach for America newbies, the shameful
indignity of public schools told they have 24 hours to clear out so a
charter can seize their classrooms. To do this, we have to opt-out our kids
from the new testing r... more »
U.S. Admits Its MH17 'Evidence' Is Based On YouTube Clips & Social Media Posts

*You can visit our MH17 article archive here. **Poll: Who do you think
shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17?*
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Even If The Senate Dems Avoid A Wave, Pelosi Set The Fate Of The House Dems When She Reappointed Steve Israel

Yesterday's *NY Post* found some nicely dressed young people who don't get
drunk or get arrested for violent crimes and who knew how to use iPhones
and dubbed them the next generation of Republicans, "throwbacks-- spurning
drugs, crime and disorder, being sexually responsible and making sound
choices about education. They might be the least disaffected, least
rebellious kids since the Kennedy years. And that might have surprising
political implications down the road." [Obviously *The Post* is clueless--
and this is the real future of the Republican Party-- but let's play along
for... more »
"Teacher, what will the Angel Gabriel do if a woman says 'No' to sex with her husband?"

Talking about comparing and contrasting things, the difference between Sky
News and BBC News in their reporting of terror chief Peter Clarke's report
into the Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham is quite striking.
From the BBC's Sean Coughlan we get:
Teachers could face misconduct inquiries, she [Nicky Morgan] told the House
of Commons, after Mr Clarke's report found a social media group called the
"Park View Brotherhood" used by male senior staff at Park View School.
Mr Clarke's report said this included "grossly intolerant" messages.
He said the social media messages included "expli... more »
The long and short of it

From the *Jerusalem Post *today:
*UN's Ban arrives, says no country would allow rockets to rain down on its
*No country would accept rockets raining down on its civilians, and all
countries and parties have an international obligation to protect
civilians, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in Tel Aviv on Tuesday.*
*Ban, who arrived in Israel as part of his effort – together with US
Secretary of State John Kerry – to broker a cease-fire, said at a press
conference with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that the UN position was
clear: “We condemn strongly the rocket att... more »
Transaction Costs

The key to successful biz is to limit them. Case closed you all now have a
Harvard MBA. To bad GWB never went to class. In the case study of Israel vs
the Palestinians we have huge transaction costs for both sides. The Arabs
pay more in blood, but the Israel side suffers more in commerce given the
economies in this hot zone. Israel has an endless supply of cash from ex
patriots Jews and even gentiles who look forward to the Apocalypse and hope
their cash helps it happen faster.
Israel should realize this is a product that may no longer sell. Its ripe,
its past the due date and eve... more »
“Jon Stewart Learns What Happens When You Talk About Israel”
*The Daily Show*
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show
Video Archive
*“Jon Stewart Learns What Happens When You Talk About Israel”*
By Ed Mazza
“Many have accused Jon Stewart of being pro-Hamas for expressing sympathy
for the residents of Gaza, where more than 500 people have been killed-
including at least 100 children- in recent fighting with Israel. So on
Monday night's "Daily Show," just about the entire roster of correspondents
popped up to scream at him any time he uttered the word "Israel." "Look,
obviously there are many strong opinions on ... more »
Satire: “Perry Boosts Presidential Stature by Using Troops for No Reason”
*“Perry Boosts Presidential Stature by Using Troops for No Reason”*
by Andy Borowitz
AUSTIN (The Borowitz Report)— “An aide to Rick Perry is confident that the
Texas Governor proved he “has what it takes to be President” with his
decision on Monday to send troops somewhere for no reason. By deploying a
thousand National Guardsmen to the U.S.-Mexico border, Perry has shown that
as President he would be “ready and willing” to use troops without a
defined objective, mission, or exit strategy, the aide confirmed.
“Sending troops someplace with no clear idea of why they are going or what... more »
Quote of the Day: Artist as revolutionary

*Venus*, Michael Newberry, 2008, oil on linen, 48 x 48 inches
Artist Michael Newberry painted that glorious nude, above. *Venus*.
Inspired by "the feeling/image/theme…: a beautiful woman free to be, from
the inside outwards."
Yesterday, he posted these cogent thoughts:
There is a lot crap going down worldwide: religious warfare, American
fascism, unethical scientists promoting political agendas, educators that
want government policy to rule young minds, instead of individual teachers
and parents - I see so much stupid stuff going down and so few right
answers it's painful. And when... more »
More evidence of the heartless air and ground attacks of Israel on thousands of mostly-non-militant men, women, and children of the Gaza strip. Ask your local TV station why they don't give you better coverage of such things. If they don't respond (which is likely) consider signing up with The Real News Network. It's free.

*Original Here*
*"We Are Going through Hell" - Report from Gaza*
On the 14th day of Operation Protective Edge, Gazan blogger Nalan al-Sarraj
and TRNN Correspondent Yousef al-Helou discuss how Palestinians are
responding to the massacre in Shujaiyeh, as well as the widespread support
for the resistance against the siege - *31 min ago*
More at The Real News
*Nalan al Sarraj* is a Gaza-based blogger. She can be found on Twitter
*Yousef Al-Helou* is a Palestinian journalist and correspondent for The
Real News Network based in G... more »
The Realist Report - Del from Outside Radio

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Delcroix of *Outside
Radio*. Del and I will be discussing a variety of subjects, particularly
focusing on the role that the Jewish controlled mass media plays in
maintaining and perpetuating Jewish tyranny and control. You can download
the entire program *here*.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *Understanding false flags, PSYOPS, and media fakery - John Friend*
- *The Art of Subversion - Yuri Bezmenov (vid)*
- *Bezmenov on demoralization in America (vid)*
- *September Clues (must watch if you still hav... more »
Where are the *&%#$*@ sanctions against Israel for the genocide happening in Gaza? How come Israel can murder whoever they want?
At some point aren't people going to wake up? Don't people see the
propaganda happening against Russia and Putin? Yet the silence from the
world about what Israel is doing by mass murdering people they had caged up
and imprisoned in the first place in Gaza! What is happening is outrageous!
Israel has murdered over 600 people in a few days time but I am not hearing
the U.S., EU or anyone
Things as they are and things to come
There is a hint of fall in the air here for a few days -- with rain, which
has been hard to come by -- and some signs which I am used to ascribing to
the arrival of late August, such as the bloom of the chickory, and
September, such as the croaking of Canada geese flying low in vee formation
toward the south.
We have been promised high eighties and nineties next week, but it's too
late for me; something has triggered my nesting instincts and I've become
interested in battening down the hatches! I'm not the only one; at the
worker-owned Bi-Mart which I frequent (in lieu of bigger box... more »
Is Prositution Inherently Degrading?
What kind of a question is that?
Is sex inherently degrading? No. But it sure can feel that way sometimes.
(Louis CK has a routine where, early in his career, he sleeps with a
drunken patron and she wakes up and looks at him and then holds her face in
her hands in disgust. He says it's always interesting to find out you're
part of somebody's hitting rock-bottom in their life.)
So, yeah. Sex can be messy and sordid and nothing you'd want your parents
or your pastor to see you doing. But other times it can be pretty darned
nice. Darned tootin'!
So I think it is with prostitution. Mo... more »
Salami Tactics - NATO and the Near Abroad

Salami Tactics : NATO History 1989-Present from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Who are, or what is, the near abroad? Who coined the phrase in Russian, and
who first translated it into this English phrase? What does it mean, and is
it important?
The answer to the last is: you bet it's important, because the words deal
with the new relationship between Russia and the other republics of the
former Soviet Union. Tension on the border of Ukraine and Russia, for
example -- with Moscow claiming influence over ethnic Russian brethren
within Ukraine -- cannot be reported without the use of this big di... more »
The Mystery Of Christy Clark`s Shrinking Prosperity Fund Exposed
An interesting article appeared in the Vancouver Sun today, the article
describes how the BC Liberal Government has been making wee, tiny insulting
cash offers to First Nation elders, what you are seeing the BC Liberals do
is attempt to make end run around(s) , a sad attempt to avoid the latest
Supreme Court ruling on First Nation land claims...
These bribes coming from Christy dumb as a sack of hammers Clark come with
a caveat, First Nations must agree to look the other way, not go to court,
be submissive, bend over and take it up their ass!...
BC`s LNG industry is not an indu... more »
Defense Report Sees Environmental Warfare, Corporate Armies and Robot Takeover

Daniel Taylor
In 2006, the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense published the DCDC
Strategic Trends 2007-2036 report, outlining possible scenarios for
technology, society and world politics. Among other issues, the 2006 report
accurately envisioned a “revolutionary middle class” that would revolt
against economic hardship and burdens of debt.
An updated version of the report was published on June 30, 2014. Titled "Global
Strategic Trends out to 2045", the report outlines a future in which
globalization limits countries “freedom of action”, alternative currencies
challenge th... more »
Smart move to give the black boxes directly to Malaysian authorities.
Would not have been good if US-NATO got their hands on them. Now maybe
we'll get a clearer picture about what really happened.
Today At The Races: Georgia
It's another vile lesser of two evils election in Georgia today. Neither
Jack Kingston nor David Perdue is fit for any public office, let alone for
the U.S. Senate. But, then again, neither was Saxby Chambliss, the imbecile
who's resigning the seat. The Republican primary itself was May 20 and the
top 5 candidates didn't generate much enthusiasm:
*•* David Perdue- 185,466 (30.64%)
*•* Jack Kingston- 156,157 (25.8%)
*•* Karen Handel- 132,944 (21.96%)
*•* Phil Gingrey- 60,735 (10.03%)
*•* Paul Broun- 58,297 (9.63%)
Perdue, who was endorsed by his cousin, Sonny, the ex-Governor, by
... more »
FBI: Framing Muslims as “terrorists” to justify certain political agendas
*Let's call this type of action exactly what it is. It is state sponsored
terrorism, perpetrated by the state against all of it's own citizens!
This* 'news'* should come as no surprise to anyone who reads here. Or
anyone who is at all in tune with reality? As opposed to being a spoon fed
media manipulated dupe?
*FBI: Framing Muslims as “terrorists” to justify certain political agendas*
*Not limited to but including these agendas:*
*1.Depriving all citizens of their innate human rights*
*2.Traumatizing citizens with state sponsored acts of tyranny the news of
such occurenc... more »
Both the U.S. government and that of Israel have been covering up the fact that Israel has been committing genocide against innocent Palestinian men women and children and lying about it, particularly via the despicable U.S. "mainstream media." Have you ever noticed U.S. TV announcers "accidentally" showing massive carnage within Gaza while purporting that the scene represented damage in Israel due to Hamas rockets? Those rockets have caused only 2 fatalities.

*Original Here*
*"U.S. Complicity Brought Up to Date" in Israel's War against Gaza*
Phyllis Bennis says the calls in Israel for genocide against Gaza are not
only coming from fringe elements in the political establishment - *July 21,
More at The Real News
*Phyllis Bennis* is a Fellow and the Director of the New Internationalism
Project at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC. She is the
author of *Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Primer, **Before
and After: US Foreign Policy and the September 11 Crisis *, ... more »
Iraq’s New Refugee Crisis

The fighting in Iraq has led to a new internally displaced crisis. Nearly
900,000 people have fled their homes over the last seven months. The
initial cause was the battle in Anbar, which began when Prime Minister
Nouri al-Maliki decided to shut down the protests sites there at the end of
December 2013. The insurgent summer offensive, which led to the fall of
Mosul and roughly half of Salahaddin and Kirkuk provinces in June 2014, has
led to a new wave of refugees. The displacement continues to this day as
the fighting spreads and the Islamic State (IS) begins to enforce its rule
o... more »
*Corps of Engineers raises questions about St. Tammany fracking permit ~Kim
She's my Cousin. But Doesn't She Look Almost Exactly Like Laura Palmer...?

Gentlemen, two days ago a young woman was found murdered by the same
individual I believe responsible for the death of Laura Palmer.
I have reason to believe that the killer is in this room.
As a member of the Bureau, I spend most of my time seeking simple answers
to difficult questions. In the pursuit of Laura's killer, I have employed
Bureau guidelines, deductive technique, Tibetan method, instinct, and luck.
But now I find myself in need of something new, which, for lack of a better
word, we shall call...
Supplemental: “Bill Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which led to The Great Recession!”
*TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2014*
*And now, for the rest of the script:* It’s a bit like New England weather!
If you don’t like Maureen Dowd’s view, you can just wait a while.
On Sunday, July 13, Bill Clinton was letting his only child be drawn into
“the rapacious, gaping maw of Clinton Inc.”
“The Clintons keep acting as though all they care about is selfless public
service,” the irate columnist thundered. “So why does it keep coming back
to gross money grabs?”
The Clinton Foundation was “wasteful and disorganized,” Dowd said. As she
closed, she said that Bill and Hillary Clinton “need to ... more »
72 % Of Northwest USA Citizens Say Yes To The Labelling Of GMOs

Source of poster:
White House OKs Underwater Torture Chamber

With all eyes glued on the atrocities in Gaza and Ukraine, another
homegrown atrocity may soon be underway. The Obama administration has
quietly executed one of those sneaky summer weekend news dumps in hopes of
nobody noticing or caring. Because what, after all, are pods of insane
dolphins, and hordes of dead turtles, and the extinction of an entire whale
species compared to hundreds of battered human bodies?
From *Think Progress:*
*On Friday, the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) approved the
use of seismic airguns to explore the seabed from Cape May to Cape
Canaver... more »
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Bittersweet”
Kevin Kern, “Bittersweet”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEGp4nrUIs4
israel slaughters palestinians, pays for online propaganda, and north americans gobble up the bait
I've been trying to write about Israel's latest slaughter of Palestinian
people ever since the hideous spectacle began, without results. I post
little bits of horror and disgust on Facebook, but can't sustain anything
worth posting here. Because... what is there to say?
A mighty military power unleashes deadly force against a civilian
population. Some people within that population have dared to use violence
to resist their own oppression. Therefore the entire population must be
terrorized, hundreds murdered, thousands maimed, lives destroyed.
Another great military power and a secon... more »
*Prison monitor raps Sheriff Gusman for slow pace of hiring key aides ~Jim
*La. ranked No. 47 for overall well-being of children ~BR Business Report*
*'Fix My Streets' holding meeting to voice concerns ~Carolyn Scofield*
*Graffiti in New Orleans ~Della Hasselle*
*New Orleans-Based Planet Beach Opens in Cairo, Egypt *
*Gulf Captains See Red Snapper Recreational Sector Separation in Positive
Light ~GSI*
Islamist agenda
The news conference in Tel Aviv with Ban Ki Moon and Benjamin Netanyahu was
beamed into our homes on BBC News 24 a few minutes ago.
PM Netanyahu was explaining that Hamas is an extreme Islamist organisation,
just like Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Al Shabab etc. etc.
meanwhile a rolling banner was crawling across the screen below...........
“...........a government inquiry into evidence of an aggressive Islamist
agenda in Birmingham schools finds clear evidence of extremist
When it was over the BBC anchor summarised the content of the news
conference: “Ban Ki Moon has stro... more »
Carlos Spanish Kiev Air Traffic Controller Real. All His Tweets day of MH 17 shot down.
The Spanish air traffic controller was real it has been confirmed by the
industry he existed and was a controller in Kiev. He has since disappeared
and his twitter account has too. His tweets were copied before the account
was taken down. People are saying because the account was taken down and he
has disappeared than it was faked. Now does that really make sense? No.
This site is one I
NEW KIDS ON THE LAWN: The mice who aren’t inclined to roar!
*TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2014*
*Part 2—Rampell on the ramparts:* Over at the Washington Post, Catherine
Rampell is one of the so-called “new kids on the lawn.”
We’ll advise readers not to be fooled. First, a bit of background:
All across the mainstream press corps, an older generation of
Sam-and-Cokies is finally leaving the stage.
They came of age during the era which gave rise to the TV political talk
show. Arguably, they have been the *worst* generation, a possibility we’ll
explore a bit more tomorrow.
All over the press corps, these mastodons are being replaced by younger,
more at... more »
They Aren’t Hiding It Anymore: Calls for Genocide, Rape of Palestinian Women enter Israeli Mainstream

Global Research
Jonathan Cook: The Blog from Nazareth
As we watch the horrifying slaughter unfold in Gaza, bear in mind the
Israeli psychosis that fuels and justifies it. Here are comments
from three rightwing Israelis – two leading politicians and a professor –
who very much reflect a strain of mainstream thinking in Israel, one that
the international media largely avoids noting.
Each, in their different ways, is advocating a genocide of the
Ayelet Shaked, of economics minister Naftali Bennett’s Jewish Home party,
calls on her Facebook page for murdering the... more »
Israel’s right to defend itself
Joseph Massad, The Electronic Intifada
Palestinians inspect a mosque in Gaza City destroyed by Israel during its
22 days of attacks on the Gaza Strip that killed more than 1,300
Palestinians, 18 January 2009. (Wissam Nassar/MaanImages) Common Western
political wisdom has it that when Western countries support Israeli
military action against Arab countries or the Palestinian people, they do
so because they support Israel’s right to defend itself against its enemies.
This has always been established wisdom in Israel itself, even before the
colonial settlement was established, ... more »

We had a presence at the Israeli consulate yesterday in Washington DC. Col.
Ann Wright read the letter (below) out loud (we had a speaker system). I
read my own statement (below) and then Tighe from Code Pink who supplied
the graves spoke spontaneously condemning Israel and supporting
Palestinian's right to live, then Helen Jaccard also spoke very strongly
and then I spoke again off the cuff and from my heart as a Jew. Channel 9
had someone there and I was interviewed by phone by some news service. It
was all filmed by the great Pali Wieland and of course Ellen Davidson took
pictu... more »
Five Digital Changes To Respond To

Battle lines are being drawn in the digital book arena and these are
changing both in terms of goals and measures of success. The changes taking
place may appear relatively small and tactical today, but their impact
could be significant over time. How long they will take to deliver change
is questionable, but that they will, is inevitable.
Although there is much noise in the market and many are merely shouting
about what they are doing and it’s often hard to determine noise from
substance and authority. It is also has to be recognised that different
sectors have different issues... more »
Is Rula Jebreal right about US Media Bias against Palestinians?
Juan Cole
Palestinian journalist Rula Jebreal points to the overwhelming bias in US
media against the Palestinians, calling NBC to account for having tried to
remove an Arab-American reporter from Gaza after he reported the Israeli
navy’s deliberate killing of children on the beach. She also points to the
stranglehold the American Israel Public Affairs Committee lobby has on
congressional politics toward Israel. She doesn’t mention but should the
pressure organizations like CAMERA, well-heeled and powerful fanatics
devoted to punishing American journalists who tell the truth... more »
A New Paper on Disaster Losses and Climate Change
A new paper appeared in *Climatic Change* this week by Visser et al. which
looks at disasters and climate change (open access here). Like other
studies and the IPCC assessment, Visser et al. find no trends in normalized
disaster loses, looking at several metrics of economic and human losses.
They conclude:
The absence of trends in normalized disaster burden indicators appears to
be largely consistent with the absence of trends in extreme weather events.
This conclusion is more qualitative for the number of people killed. As a
consequence, vulnerability is also largely stable over ... more »
Could Obama Have Fought Harder For What He Says He Believes In?

Obama got kicked around pretty good over the weekend-- from the right and
the left. Clark Judge is a right-wing propagandist and former speech writer
for Reagan and one of the Bushs. Sunday his latest anti-Obama screed was
published by a right-wing U.S. tabloid, *The Mail* in which the editors
described him as "a top Washington insider." He may be-- but only in the
circles Cheney and Bolton travel. "This weak and timid President," he
insists, "talks big... and does nothing." This is followed by a few
called-in right-wing talking points on the Ted Cruz/Ann Coulter-school of
foreign... more »
More And Worse Conflict

Michael den Tandt writes that Stephen Harper's foreign policy will outlive
It is axiomatic for Harper’s critics, certainly for those who churn out
talking points for the Dippers, Grits and Greens, that this prime minister
is a ham-fisted and embarrassingly unsubtle foreign-policy actor. The prima
facie evidence is his notorious letter to the Wall Street Journal in 2003,
penned with Stockwell Day, lamenting Canada’s refusal to participate in
George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq.
... more »
*Why it’s really bad that Michael Gove is gone*
Following David Cameron’s Cabinet reshuffle yesterday, many teachers and
education union leaders, together with their collective hangers-on, worked
themselves up into a celebratory frenzy over the demotion of Michael Gove,
the education secretary they so loved to hate. All of two minutes after the
announcement of his departure #GoveGone was trending on Twitter,
accompanied by increasingly competitive declarations of loathing for the
man or expressions of jubilation at his demise. In contrast, the earlier
news that the minister of stat... more »
The Best New York Street Food You Can Make At Home- Halal Guys Copycat

Last year, I went to New York City for a week with my husband and my mom.
It was an amazing trip — what can I say, I love New York!
Even though we saw a ton of cool things, we were a little bummed by most
the food we tried. We love to eat out and knew New York was a food
paradise, but we must have chosen the wrong places. But there was one place
that stood out above the rest and was the best food we had while we were
there. No, it wasn't a fancy restaurant, it was from a food cart.
At 11, one night, my husband and I were starving after a day of running
around the city. We stepped ... more »
What Jews think
More verbiage about the interview I mentioned below.
I woke up this morning (no, I’m not going to start singin’ de blues) and
heard Sarah Montague announcing that we're going to hear later in the
programme 'what British Jews think of the situation in Gaza.'
Oh, I thought to myself, I’ll stick around. Maybe I’ll hear a different
perspective from the usual BBC fare, surgically targeted emoting. You know,
the precision engineered tearfulness that strikes without any collateral
context whatsoever.
At last, I’m thinking, we might get to hear something to counteract the
wall-to-wall on... more »
Western media caught trying to frame Putin over flight MH17
Is Western media trying to frame Putin and destroy his presidency?
Mainstream media in western countries have rushed to blame Russia and pro
Russia Separatists for the missile shot on MH17 flying over Ukraine on
However, at this stage there is not enough evidence to support either
The video below reveals another perspective that balances out the
mainstream media bias:
*Founder and leader of 21st Century Australia, Jamie McIntyre shares his
views regarding the media coverage of this issue:*
Western media is attempting to use the Malaysia Airways disast... more »
Remember the Hacked Emails (real) from Army Attache at Embassy in Kiev to Ukraine Military "Create False Flag to Blame on Russia"
A CNBC story jogged my memory about hacked emails from March of this year.
The emails were from a Jason Gresh (U.S. attache at Kiev Embassy) to an
Igor Protsyk, General in the Ukraine Military. The emails are real. The
CNBC story is about Russia and their 'propaganda' machine saying the CIA
was behind the downing of MH17. Here are all the details: More articles
about MH17 I have
Report: Foiled Domestic Terror Plots are Fed Setups

According to a new report by Human Rights Watch, the majority of the
high-profile domestic "terrorism" plots that are foiled by the feds and
then trumpeted by the corrupt state-corporate are in fact set-ups. It is
the ultimate in self-justification for a bloated federal law enforcement
system that continues to suck up taxpayer money while growing like a
cancer. The war on terror has always been a massive fraud, conveniently
providing cover for a massive expansion of the police state, the creation
of the monstrosity that is the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the
lynchpin up... more »
July 21: lean pickings
(Sorry to be late with this one. My daughter, her husband and my
granddaughter were at the shore - and today was my last chance to see them.
I'll do a blog on the July 22 paper, and generally figure out a way to
catch up while I also get a tooth pulled this week. Oh, joy.)
The biggest story (perhaps the only story) in section A is that a new shoe
store is coming to Moncton.
We're on the edge of the greatest crisis in history. Newstoday has three
stories on it - and altogether they take up less space than the obituaries.
All three stories are heavily biased - a bias which is to be f... more »
Al Stewart, “Roads To Moscow”
Al Stewart, “Roads To Moscow”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ZG6tRGMYk
War, hatred, death... we never learn, do we?
And it will never, ever end...
Nigerian Air Force Mi-35 Helicopter crashes

[image: Mi-35 Hind]Nigeria’s Defence Headquarters says investigation has
commenced to unravel the circumstances that led to the crash of a Nigerian
Air Force Mi-35 Helicopter on training mission Monday afternoon.
The Mi-35 Helicopter, according to the Defence Headquarters crashed due to
a technical fault at a location South of Bama.
It is not clear if any life was lost but the Defence Headquarters has ruled
out possibility of any attack.
Read more
Oregon Contractor Pleads Guilty to Defrauding US

[image: OH-58 Kiowa]An Oregon defense contractor has pleaded guilty to
selling $10 million worth of phony parts for attack helicopters and
military vehicles to the U.S. government, including a locknut that secures
the rotor on the Kiowa attack helicopter.
According to court records, the company Kustom Products Inc., a longtime
seller of truck and RV parts based in Coos Bay; owner Harold Ray
Bettencourt II, and four employees pleaded guilty Friday in U.S. District
Court in Portland to conspiracy to defraud the United States.
"These crooks took deliberate actions to supply defective e... more »
MH17: Russians claim Ukrainian jet flew close to plane

[image: Su-25 Frogfoot]A senior Russian officer has claimed that a
Ukrainian military jet was flying just a few kilometres from the Malaysian
Airlines plane minutes before it was downed, while also refuting
allegations that it had provided separatists with BUK missile launchers.
In a statement to a press conference today, Lieutenant-General Andrei
Kartopolov said the Defence Ministry would like to know "why the military
jet was flying along [the same civil aviation lines] at almost the same
time and at the same level as a passenger plane."
The SU-25 was, Mr Kartopolov says, gaining ... more »
Airbus Seeks Pan-European Drone Pact to Challenge Taranis

[image: Barracuda UAV]Airbus Group NV (AIR) said it favors a pan-European
deal on military drones after an Anglo-French agreement from which it’s
excluded received government backing and the U.K.’s Taranis model began
testing stealth technology.
A bilateral approach to developing a combat drone that could succeed
aircraft such as the Eurofighter ignores both the capabilities of other
countries and the success of more inclusive aerospace programs, Domingo
Urena-Raso, who heads Airbus’s military-aircraft operations, said in an
“It won’t be enough,” Urena-Raso said at the F... more »
Bad morning

The Today programme trailed this interview with Mira Bar Hillel and Rabbi
Laura Janner-Klausner as “What British Jews think of what is happening in
Gaza” or “What Israeli Jews think of what Israel is doing”.
This interview hardly needs any further comment.
However if there’s anyone reading this who doesn’t know who Mira B-H is,
let’s just say she’s not a representative of “British Jews” in any way
shape or form. By promoting her untypical opinions the media is clearly
exploiting a disturbed individual as provocateur for their own cynical
ratings campaign. That’s the Guardian fee... more »
US Marines Testing Unmanned Support Vehicle
We generally think of autonomous vehicles as the future of motoring that
will help make the roadways safer and our commutes less boring, the U.S.
military is looking at other ways of using this technology to keep our
troops safe.
For that, meet GUSS – the Ground Unmanned Support Surrogate being developed
by the U.S. Marines.
Showcased during the same Marine Corps Warfighting Lab that brought us
video of the Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector (UHAC), GUSS is a
proof-of-concept vehicle showing how autonomous technologies could be used
in military vehicle applications.
Read more
*This weathercaster has earned farmers’ trust. He also believes climate
change doesn’t exist*
*This is a rather idiotic reporter from WaPo -- A business reporter.
Seems to think every Warmist believes any bad weather is part of AGW
trend. Reporter goes to absurd lengths to make skeptic look like lone
extremist. Despite all peer reviewed studies and data showing extremes
having no trend or declining*
Bledsoe has cultivated a strong following among the tough men and women
with whom he’s able to identify.
“We give this guy a little more credence than we do others because he comes... more »
NASA Pilots Fly U-2 ‘Spy Plane’ Civil Variant for Polar Data Collection

[image: Lockheed ER-2]Two NASA research pilots separately flew a civil
variant of the U-2 military reconnaissance aircraft last week to study
diminishing sea-ice levels in the Arctic region, Alaska Dispatch News
reported Thursday.
Dermot Cole writes that pilots Tim Williams and Daniel Steele took turns
flying the ER-2 jet to 60,000 feet and providing assistance from the ground
for NASA’s polar climate change research project.
The Lockheed Martin-built aircraft will aim to complete up to 48 hours of
environmental flight missions through the end of July.
Read more
Japan, South Korea, U.S. begin search and rescue exercise

[image: USS George Washington]South Korea, the United States and Japan held
two days of search and rescue drills south of the southern island of Jeju
on Monday, South Korea’s Defense Ministry said.
The exercise, known as SAREX, has been held once or twice a year. This
week’s drills started Monday and wrapped up Tuesday.
The preceding exercise took place in South Korea’s southern waters in
Read more
3 Strong & Beautiful Girls - Ainsley, Rylee & Rheann

Source of photo:
Fire onboard Naval warship; no casualties

[image: INS Savitri]A "minor" fire broke out in one of the living
compartments of warship 'INS Savitri' in the Naval dockyard here but there
were no casualties.
It was the 16th reported mishap involving naval personnel and assets after
the sinking of the Russian-origin submarine INS Sindhurakshak in August
last year in which all the 18 personnel on board were killed.
The "minor" fire, suspected to have been caused by an electrical short
circuit, was reported on Saturday and it was brought under control by the
duty staff on the ship, a statement from Navy said here today.
Read more
Russia—Oko-1 Early Warning Satellite Replacement Expected By Q4 (Launch Preparations)

[image: Proton-M carrier rocket]The 14F142 will be pushed into a Tundra
orbit (an identical orbit as the Oko-1, but with twice the orbital period)
via a Soyuz2.1b launch vehicle, with Kommersant reporting that the
instruments payload were built by Kometa Corporation.
These instruments are purported to be able to identify cruise missile
launches as well as firings from submarines.
The flight parameters of launched missiles will also be calculated, which
will aid Russian ground based radar stations to lock onto in-flight
targets—with a like response then likely from the Russian mili... more »
Russian Navy gets analogue of P-8 Poseidon aircraft

[image: Il-38 May]The Russian Navy is now equipped with a modernised
Ilyushin Il-38 aircraft, designed to hunt down and destroy enemy
submarines. The plane is equipped with a conceptually new targeting system
and is another example of how platforms long used by the army and navy have
been given a new lease of life after modernisation.
The Il-38 – the military version of the famous Il-1 airliner – made its
maiden flight as far back as 1961. At that time, the aircraft was equipped
with the Berkut targeting and navigation system.
The main purpose of these aircrafts was to patrol terri... more »
U.S. Navy is evaluating MBDA’s Dual Mode Brimstone for its F/A-18 Super Hornet jets

[image: CGI of an F/A-18E Super Hornet]Navy Recognition has learned that
the U.S. Navy is beginning environmental and integration analysis of the
UK’s combat proven Dual Mode Brimstone missile for F/A-18 Super Hornets.
This activity is funded and being managed by the US Navy. Additionally, two
recent positive reports from committees of the U.S Congress have expanded
the funding in Fiscal Year 2015 by $10M for Dual Mode Brimstone on F/A-18s
and asked for the Secretary of Defense’s views on dual mode missile
This news is matched by the UK MOD funding BAE Systems 5M Briti... more »
CMS: a \(2.1\TeV\) right-handed \(W_R^\pm\)-boson
Since the beginning of this month, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations have
reported several intriguing excesses such as the apparent enhancement of
the \(W^+W^-\) cross section (which may be due to some large logarithms
neglected by theorists, as a recent paper indicated), a flavor-violating
Higgs decay, leptoquarks, and a higgsino excess, among others.
Bizarrely enough, all of us missed another, 2.8-sigma excess exactly one
week ago:
*CMS:* Search for heavy neutrinos and \(W^\pm_R\) bosons with right-handed
couplings in proton-proton collisions at \(\sqrt{s} = 8 \TeV\) (arXiv)
The o... more »
To the editor:
Antonio Villaraigosa asks"Why are teachers unions so opposed to
change?"(July 21). I would like to know why Mr. Villaraigosa is so opposed
to learning the facts about American schools and the Common Core.
Villaraigosa claims that American students do poorly compared to students
in other countries on international tests and that the Common Core will
help us do better. Is he aware that when researchers control for the
effect of poverty, American scores on international tests are at the top of
the world?
Is he aware that our overall scores are unspectacular because ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Bright star Markab anchors this dusty skyscape. At the top right corner of
the frame, Markab itself marks a corner of an asterism known as the Great
Square, found within the boundaries of the constellation Pegasus, the
flying horse. The wide and deep telescopic view rides along for some 5
degrees or about 10 times the angular diameter of the Full Moon, with blue
reflection nebulae scattered around the scene.
* Click image for larger size.*
And even though this line-of-sight looks away from the plane of our Milky
Way galaxy, it covers a region known to be filled with nearby molecular... more »
Goldman Sachs managing director, 39, found dead after kiteboarding accident

*Goldman Sachs managing director, 39, found dead after kiteboarding
PUBLISHED: 21:24 GMT, 21 July 2014 | UPDATED: 00:26 GMT, 22 July 2014
A Goldman Sachs managing director has died following an apparent
kiteboarding accident, police said.
The body of 39-year-old Nicholas Valtz was found floating off Lazy Point in
Napeague Harbor, Long Island, on Sunday.
The amateur kiteboarder was still attached to his kite, while his gear was
scattered in a grassy area of the harbor.
Full article here:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2700515/Goldman-S... more »
Detroit: Water, Water, Everywhere, But Not A Drop To Drink
There's a horrible drought in California and I'm going to rip out my lawn
and replace it with a rock and cactus garden, as several neighbors and
friends already have. The city even offers a cash incentive for doing so.
There are also serious drought conditions on northern Texas, western Nevada
and southeastern Colorado. But not in Detroit-- nor anywhere in Michigan or
Ohio (which is closer to Detroit than lots of Michigan itself is). Plenty
of water there... except for people to use. Well, not all people. Poor
people are the ones who have no water-- tens of thousands of them.
A f... more »
President "Ribbon Cutter" has another busy day ahead of him...
I really hate this "man"...
H/T as always to *White House Dossier *
*10:35 am ||* Meets with Apollo 11 representatives to recognize the 45th
anniversary of the moonlanding
*12:10 pm ||* Signs H.R. 803, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act;
South Court Auditorium
*1:00 pm ||* Departs the White House
*3:15 pm PDT ||* Arrives Seattle, Washington
*5:05 pm PDT ||* Attends a DNC fundraiser; private residence, Seattle
*6:00 pm PDT ||* Attends a fundraiser for Senate Democrats; private
residence; Bellevue, Washington
*7:25 pm PDT ||* Departs Seattle, Washington
*9:10 pm PDT ||* Arrives... more »
Gaza Questions Confound State Department Spokesperson

*You can visit our Gaza article archive here. **Poll: Does the United
States' support of Israel make Americans less safe?*
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Robert Sutter Rocks on China

*Danger lurks behind every leaf.*
Robert Sutter, the longtime US government Taiwan specialist, nails it in a
brilliant piece saying, essentially, it's about time the US actually
imposed some costs on China for its behavior. He then goes on to lay out
some of the actions that the US can take. That the piece is at CSIS, a
corporate establishment thinktank which usually advocates unicorns and
rainbows for China, is even more impressive. The key point for us is the
Taiwan part [emphasis mine]:
2)*Taiwan is an area of acute sensitivity for China; one where the United
States has several... more »
Offended yet?
Manurewa MP Louisa Wall and the South Auckland group Warriors of Change are
offended. They’re offended by some year-old cartoons.
Cartoons by Al Nisbet about the Government's breakfast in schools programme
ran in The Press and the Marlborough Express in May last year.
One depicted a group of adults, dressed as children, eating breakfast
and saying: "Psst ... If we can get away with this, the more cash left for
booze, smokes and pokies."
The other depicted a family sitting round a table littered with Lotto
tickets, alcohol and cigarettes and saying: "Free school food... more »
Brzezinski has harsh words for Israel, Tells Netanyahu he's 'making a very serious mistake'

Fareed Zakaria speaks with former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew
Brzezinski about Israel's military operation in Gaza.
*Israeli **Prime Minister Netanyahu on CNN told Wolf Blitzer that the
invasion of Gaza was a strategy to demilitarize Gaza, explaining the use of
force. But it has been quite a robust use of force…Do you think that it is
going to succeed, the Israeli strategy?*
No, I think he is making a very serious mistake. When Hamas in effect
accepted the notion of participation in the Palestinian leadership, it in
effect acknowledged the determination of t... more »
ISIS Using Bitcoin to Finance Terrorism?

*Teen Take*
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Quick announcement from @ the Chalk Face radio show
In the meantime, get anything you need from the archive, 24/7.Filed under:
SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face Tagged: at the chalk face
radio, education reform
Russian Institute for Strategic Studies: NATO Is Attempting to “Revolutionize The Current World Order”

Daniel Taylor
The tense situation between Ukraine and the United States is outlined in a
paper released earlier this month by theRussian Institute for Strategic
Studies (RISS). A week prior to the downing of Malaysian flight 17, the
institute warned that the West “refuses to adhere to the principles and
norms of international law and the rules and spirit of the existing system
of international relations.”
Much like the United States Army War College Strategic Studies Institute,
RISS provides “…information support to the Administration of the President
of the Russian Federati... more »
New World Disorder: Emerging Division Between East And West Threatens To Plunge The Globe Into Chaos

Michael Snyder
In general, over the last several decades the world has experienced an
unprecedented era of peace and prosperity. The opening up of relations with
China and the "end of the Cold War" resulted in an extended period of
cooperation between East and West that was truly unique in the annals of
history. But now things are shifting.
The civil war in Ukraine and the crash of MH17 have created an enormous
amount of tension between the United States and Russia, and many analysts
believe that relations between the two superpowers are now even worse than
they were during ... more »
"Hell: Exothermic or Endothermic?"
* "Hell: Exothermic or Endothermic?"*
by Jonathan Turley
"This answer to a college chemistry exam was sent to me recently and
restores my faith in the new generation of college students. The answer was
purportedly in response to the bonus question on a University of Arizona
chemistry midterm: “Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic
(absorbs heat)?” Here is the student’s answer:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need
to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which
they are leaving, which is unlikely. I think... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Burden of Thinking”
*“The Burden of Thinking”*
by Chet Raymo
"Let me speak for gray. Not black or white. Good or evil. Truth or falsity.
Yes or no. Let me speak for maybe. Sort of. More or less. I think so.
I am reluctant to speak for gray for fear of being considered wishy-washy.
Indecisive. Unprincipled. But lately it seems as if we are surrounded on
every side by zealots, and it's not a pretty sight.
We are surrounded by people who are so certain of their Truth that they are
willing to strap bombs to their chests and walk into crowded pizza parlors.
Or fly airplanes into towers. Or bomb abortion... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Moultrie, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Kahlil Gibran, "A Poet's Voice"
*"A Poet's Voice"*
by Kahlil Gibran
“You are my brother, but why are you quarreling with me? Why do you invade
my country and try to subjugate me for the sake of pleasing those who are
seeking glory and authority?
Why do you leave your wife and children and follow Death to the distant
land for the sake of those who buy glory with your blood, and high honor
with your mother's tears?
Is it an honor for a man to kill his brother man? If you deem it an honor,
let it be an act of worship, and erect a temple to Cain who slew his
brother Abel.
Is self-preservation the first law of Natur... more »
"A Thousand Disguises..."
"We meet ourselves time and time again in a
thousand disguises on the path of life."
~ Carl Jung
The Poet: Sheenagh Pugh, “What If This Road”
*“What If This Road”*
“What if this road, that has held no surprises
these many years, decided not to go
home after all; what if it could turn
left or right with no more ado
than a kite-tail? What if its tarry skin
were like a long, supple bolt of cloth,
that is shaken and rolled out, and takes
a new shape from the contours beneath?
And if it chose to lay itself down
in a new way; around a blind corner,
across hills you must climb without knowing
what's on the other side; who would not hanker
to be going, at all risks? Who wants to know
a story's end, or where a road will go?”
~ Sheenagh... more »
The eloquence baby boomers

It's been a while since I posted. Working on several projects. One of them, The
Boomer List, comes out this fall. Stay tuned
At KIPP, "they wouldn't have desks at first" and then they are "chained to a desk 10 hours a day"

ob Andres bandres@ajc.com
Detria Mills and Justin Campbell work on the floor with their fellow
eighth-graders at a KIPP academy in metro Atlanta. Students get classrooms
and desks when they demonstrate they have earned them by meeting their
student goals.--AJC
Last week Atlanta Public Schools picked former KIPPster, David Jernigan, as
its new deputy superintendent. This decision should be concern for any
parent in Atlanta Public Schools who aims to protect the health and human
rights of children in Atlanta public schools.
Jernigan was overseer of the Atlanta KIPP network of seve... more »

Many years ago while attending the University of Florida I got a part-time
job working for a disabled woman. I'd do simple chores for her and go to
the library to do research for her book on genocide that she was writing.
Her basic premise was that genocide takes many forms - it wasn't just
Hitler's ovens that killed the Jews.
To help illustrate this point she needed a page from a particular book and
I was to find and copy it for her. This important document was called the
"Caloric Reduction Intake Schedule" for the Jews inside the Warsaw ghetto
in Poland. I was stunned when I... more »
Do You Back Candidates Because They're The Same Color Or Religion As You Are?

If you read *DWT* much, you know how much we distrust identity politics
around here. Voting for someone because they are the same religion or
ethnicity of gender, etc seems kind of primitive and politically immature.
I always thought it should be about character and policy. I was very happy
last week when People for the American Way endorsed Stanley Chang for the
Honolulu-based congressional seat that Hanabusa gave up and I had been very
happy a couple months before that to see the Congressional Progressive
Caucus endorse him. Stanley is, hands down, the most progressive of the 7
... more »
MH-17 changed course over Poland- Why? How could MH370 have been lost?
*A couple of images that really got me wondering?*
*And another question that is really bugging me? *
*It looks to me the course change that sent MH-17 over a war zone took
place in Poland?*
*Why?* *We know Poland is embedded with NATO...*
*Had this course change not taken place in Poland. MH17 would not have been
in position for a take down*
*So, what took place over Poland that would cause MH-17 to change course*
*First image BBC*
*Second image*
*It's very, very, very clear that MH-17 changed course in Poland. Why?*
*Does NATO have something to do with this?*
BRUSSELS, July 18. ... more »
Capitalism vs. crony capitalism
*Guest post by Richard Ebeling*
In the minds of many people, the term “capitalism” carries the idea of
unfairness, exploitation, undeserved privilege and power, and immoral
profit making. What is often difficult to get people to understand is that
this misplaced conception of “capitalism” has nothing to do with real free
markets and economic liberty, and laissez-faire capitalism, rightly
During the dark days of Nazi collectivism in Europe, the German economist,
Wilhelm Röpke(1899-1966), used the haven of neutral Switzerland to write
and lecture on the moral and econom... more »
A July 21, 2014, Update on Common Core, PARCC, and Smarter Balanced
On Sunday, July 20, 2014, I took the day off from writing. No book editing;
no blogging. I think I have done so only for one other day since May.
Instead, I read a book for the sheer enjoyment of reading. I chose my
all-time favorite, a work of fiction by C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce. […]
Israeli snipers have been caught on camera firing upon a Palestinian
civilian of Gaza while he searches for relatives among the rubble of his
city. He is surrounded by medics and international volunteers who are
supporting the search, and bear witness to his shooting.
He is shot first in the hand. While he writhes in shock and pain, and the
others are frozen in fear, the sniper fires a second shot which appears to
be near fatal – his hands flailing intermittently. Finally, a third shot
appears to kill him.
This is a war crime.
- There are more than 5 million Palestinian re... more »
When CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in
an interview on Sunday what his exit strategy from Gaza is, Netanyahu
replied: “Sustainable quiet. I mean we didn't seek this escalation, Hamas
forced it on us. They started rocketing our cities, steadily increasing the
The implication here is clear. Netanyahu is saying that Hamas started the
present round of violence between the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and
Israel by lobbing rockets into Israel. The suggestion is that Hamas simply
started firing rockets into Israel in order to provoke the Israe... more »
Once again I've run into a censored embeded video. Who would not want you to see it? In any event you will have to go to the original to play the video. Use the link below. It's not what you see on TV.

*MONDAY, JULY 21, 2014*
Breaking: In Latest Attack on Gaza Medical Site, IDF Shells al-Aqsa
Hospital; 5 Dead, Dozens Hurt
Topics * Gaza, Israel & Palestine*
*Dr. Mads Gilbert*, Norwegian doctor providing medical assistance in Gaza.
He recently recently submitted a report to the United Nations on the state
of the Gaza health sector in 2014, titled "Brief Report to UNRWA: The Gaza
Health Sector as of ... more »
Loyal, but why?
If the saccharine-sound of Dave Dobbyn singing Loyal makes your teeth
grind, there might be more to your loathing than just the awful nasal
whine. It might be that loyalty, in the way he whines about it, is not the
value it could be, or – given how popular the sappy song is – people think
it is, or would like it to be.
Loyalty is a sub-species of integrity – a reflection of consistency between
your principles and your actions. Psychologist Michael Hurd reckons however
that, very often, we choose sports teams, friends, even lovers on the basis
only of vague or unidentified feelings... more »
Huh? Why are they trying to hide Glenn Greenwald in the first place?

*by Ken*
Okay, so this morning I had an e-mail from Amazon hawking a bunch of books,
and right there at the top is this book called *No Place to Hide Glenn
Greenwald*. To be honest, I hadn't even been aware that anyone was trying
to hide Glenn G, or for that matter that anybody was looking for him. (I
often find myself kind of out of the loop.) Still, I figured that this
whole business of finding, or at least looking for, lost stuff is right up
my alley, and maybe I could help.
However, let me make two things clear at the outset:
(1) I don't know who it is who's trying to hide Gl... more »
How the Welfare State begins …
[image: image]
Hat tip Power Line: ‘The Morals of the Welfare State’
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Germany, France and Britain have threatened Moscow with sanctions over the
MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine. Shortly after the tragedy headlines blaming
Russia have appeared in scores of publications across Europe. For more
analysis on this RT is joined by British labor politician and former Mayor
of London, Ken Livingstone.
Picture of Food

Its not exotic but it is photogenic. If I get enough likes I will post more.
Post by AntiMaidan l Say NO to fascism.
Quote of the day: “For every rocket fired on Israel, Hamas gets two in return…”
“For every rocket fired on Israel, Hamas gets two in return. Gazans just
have to listen
to Israel when it warns them of attacks by phone, leaflets, radio or the
final roof-
knocking warning and get away from Hamas. So if you paid attention in
school math class, you’d know that if Hamas fired 0, Israel would fire
0×2=0.” He
adds, “If Israel still fires rockets without provocation, I’ll be
pro-Palestinians as well.”
- Farid el-Nasire, co-creator of the Israel Under Attack programme,
quoted in ‘Where'd that rocket come from? New site shows you’
Content is copyright ... more »
The Blue Rose
Peter Straub who has been lauded had not been lauded enough. The
protagonist of the Blue Rose trilogy solved crimes from newspaper
clippings. There is a very good chance I am confused about the author and
the timeline. However my point is still sublime. People used to solve
crimes by reading newspaper headlines. Today we are far past that. Indeed
it is not so easy because the printed pages contain so little truth. This
makes the task of an internet detective so vermouth. So much information
and all conflicting with everyone certified as truth. Someone is not
speaking that but it... more »
“Nation Apparently Believed in Science at Some Point”
*“Nation Apparently Believed in Science at Some Point”*
By Andy Borowitz
MINNEAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report)—”Historians studying archival photographs
from four decades ago have come to the conclusion that the U.S. must have
believed in science at some point. According to the historian Davis
Logsdon, who has been sifting through mounds of photographic evidence at
the University of Minnesota, the nation apparently once held the view that
investing in science and even math could yield accomplishments that would
be a source of national pride.
While Logsdon has not developed a complete t... more »
Gaza Protests Around the World - July 2014
Sixty or so pix of Free Gaza protests from all over the world including
Israel. There's a lot more of course but here's rather more than I'm seeing
from our nervous media who continue to nervously cling to the fiction that
the occupied and the occupier are somehow equal combatants in "cutting the
Meanwhile, Steve is now standing around up to his armpits in fire and water
with Netanyahu and the Israeli rightwingnuts in his coalition, who have just
today shelled a Gazan hospital *for the third time in a week*, thus
ensuring that even more enraged and dispossessed Gazan youn... more »
Hurry up and wait
*Guest Post*
[image: Image: National Park Service]Here's a story you can tell the next
time someone says America needs immigration reform. It's the story of Norma
Uy from the Philippines. Back in the '80s, millions of men, women, and
children from around the world illegally entered the U.S. But Uy didn't
want to go that route.
So 33 years ago, Uy got in line. That is, she started the legal process to
enter the United States.
It took a long time, but she didn't want to carry the stigma of an illegal
alien in America, even though President Reagan could have granted her
amnesty if ... more »
Blame Obama for the Shooting Down of MH17

As one of the heroes of the neocons, President Harry Truman famously put
it: *"the buck stops here"* and in the frenzy to blame the shooting down of
Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over a freaking war zone on Thursday (what
the hell was it doing there?) on the reviled and demonized Vladimir Putin
our pathetic excuse for a media is blaming the wrong president. The
responsibility for the loss of the lives of the passengers of that
ill-fated jetliner can be parked directly at the foot of US President
Barack H. Obama for it was he who signed off on the series of events that
culminated ... more »
“Undocumented iOS Functions Allow Monitoring of Personal Data, Expert Says”
*“Undocumented iOS Functions Allow Monitoring of Personal Data, Expert
*"Backdoor" can be abused by gov't agents and ex-lovers to gain persistent
by Dan Goodin
"Apple has endowed iPhones with undocumented functions that allow
unauthorized people in privileged positions to wirelessly connect and
harvest pictures, text messages, and other sensitive data without entering
a password or PIN, a forensic scientist warned over the weekend.
Jonathan Zdziarski, an iOS jailbreaker and forensic expert, told attendees
of the Hope X conference that he can't be sure Apple enginee... more »
Message to John Minto
Message from Pat Condell to John Minto, Martin Bradbury, Annette Sykes et
al …
… and, to my surprise, echoed somewhat by Bill Maher:
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
What Is Sustainable — The Interview Video
It is with great honor that I announce the premier of the What Is
Sustainable video. It's 27 minutes, and rated PG. Fetch the popcorn!
Much gratitude to Robin and Janaia, for their fine work at PeakMoment TV.
Message to John Minto
Message from Pat Condell to John Minto, Martin Bradbury, Annette Sykes et
al …
… and, to my surprise, echoed somewhat by Bill Maher:
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Less emoting more reporting

Instead of wall-to-wall footage of Lyse Doucet interviewing people like Dr.
Belal Al-Dabour who celebrated at the thought of an abducted Israeli
soldier, and the notorious Hamas supporting Doctor Mads Gilbert and
tearfully showing us round hospitals, (Lyse, remember what happened to
Barbara Plett, sniff sniff?) What fate awaits those that blub on the beeb?
...as well as ‘emoting for reporting,’ what about telling us something we
don’t know as well. News about, say, the extent and purpose of Gaza tunnels.
“soldiers discovered there was an underground Gaza just like there was an
a... more »
War and Sociology
Sociology is a wonderful thing. As the discipline that busies itself with
the analysis of social relations you can find it burrowing into everything.
It's like the internet. If you can imagine it, sociology's already had a
look. Yet some things tend to get looked at more than others. One of these,
according to Hans Joas is war. What is it good for? Not ground-breaking
leaps in theory and technique, it would seem. War is as extreme a social
phenomenon you can envisage. It is the outbreak of sustained collective
violence under the direction of a state or semi-state institution against... more »
Crucial Primary In Hawaii-- August 9

Down in every poll, unable to get even a single woman senator to endorse
her rotgut campaign against progressive Senator Brian Schatz, corrupt New
Dem Colleen Hanabusa is eager to talk about anything other than her record
in Congress because her record is so awful. She's talks more about what she
did in the state Senate than about doing anything in Congress. That's
because she hasn't *done* anything in Congress-- at least not for her
constituents. Although she's always at the front of the line when corporate
lobbyists are handing out their greasy checks, she's a quintessential
bac... more »
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics"
h/t Phrases.Org.Uk:
*There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics*
This quotation is often attributed to Benjamin Disraeli, the 19th century
British Prime Minister. The source for this view is the autobiography of
Mark Twain, where he makes that attribution. Nevertheless, no version of
this quotation has been found in any of Disraeli's published works or
letters. An early reference to the expression, which may explain Twain's
assertion is found in a speech made by Leonard H. Courtney, (1832-1918),
later Lord Courtney, in New York in 1895:
'After all, facts are f... more »
MUST SEE: An Honest Israeli Soldier Speaks

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