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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, July 11, 2014

11 July - Blogs I'm Following

10:23pm MDST

Crumbs Bake Shop (2003-2014?)

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 23 minutes ago
*Among the pictures I found when I looked at the still-there Crumbs website today was this one, which originally I thought was too heartbreaking to reproduce. Then I thought it would help us remember all those people who found out suddenly this week that they were out of work. If it's any comfort to the young lady on the far right, it wouldn't have made any difference if she'd had her Crumbs cap for the photo.* *by Ken* Okay, it may be premature to write an obituary for Crumbs Bake Shops. The NYT's Sydney Ember is now reporting: "Crumbs Cupcakes May Live Another Day." It’s not ove... more »

Thomas Lynch on the turmoil in Iraq

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 hour ago
Thomas Lynch on the turmoil in Iraq. Source: CCTV America. Date Published: July 11, 2014. Description: For more on the turmoil in Iraq, we are joined by Thomas Lynch. He is a research fellow for South Asia and the Near East at the Institute of National Strategic Studies here in Washington DC, and he also writes and lectures on the Middle East.

July 11: just annoyed. that's all..

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 2 hours ago
It's late Friday night. I should be in bed doing crossword puzzles. But It's been a bloody annoying day - starting with a CTV "news" report on Palestine. And once annoyance after another came to me mind that I must write about some day. Not tonight. Tonight is just about things I should write about - and I thought maybe it might get you thinking, and sending in things that have always bugged you. 1. The CTV news on Palestine was so biased and ignorant it was painful to watch. These TV news bits with there exquisitely coiffed women news readers, and the men, usually men, who claim t... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago

Satire: “LeBron Congratulates People of Cleveland on Having Him Back”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
*“LeBron Congratulates People of Cleveland on Having Him Back”* by Andy Borowitz CLEVELAND (The Borowitz Report) — “In an emotional speech to the people of Cleveland on Friday, N.B.A. superstar LeBron James congratulated them on “realizing the incredible dream of having me back.” Appearing as a fifty-foot hologram projected on the side of Quicken Loans Arena, James seemed on the verge of tears several times as he praised the city for achieving what he called “a goal no words can describe.” “The city of Cleveland has taken some hard knocks over the years,” James said. “But here you ... more »

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Updates ( July 11 , 2014 ) Today's 6.8 quake near Fukushima is the second notable quake in less than a week for Japan ........... Plant status , updates regarding remediation attempts ......

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago
Fukushima Diary..... [Breaking] M6.8 hit Fukushima offshore / No update on Fukushima plant status[image: [Breaking] M6.8 hit Fukushima offshore / No update on Fukushima plant status] 219 30 0 1 July 11, 2014 At 4:22 7/12/2014 (JST), a strong earthquake of M6.8 hit Fukushima offshore. The maximum seismic intensity was 4. In area where Fukushima nuclear plant is located, it was 3. The epicenter was approx. 10km deep. At this moment, no update on Fukushima plant situation has been published. http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/ http://weathernews.jp/quake/ M5.8 quake hit South part of ... more »

Direct from Zhongshan: In which I enter the Video Import Business, without even knowing it

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
*Wouldn't you guess Zhongshan is lovely this time of year? I hope if when my DVDs arrive, they have not only nice pictures from home but maybe some amusing stories.* *by Ken* We all know how Jerry Seinfeld and in particular his friend George Costanza lurked on the fringes of the import-export business. Little did I imagine that one day I would find myself too on the periphery of this noble calling. If When I actually get my stuff, I think I will qualify more or less officially as a *video importer*. Which brings us to the picturesque Chinese metropolis depicted above. Ah, Zhongsh... more »


Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 4 hours ago

Time Is Running Out - Iraq Edition

Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 4 hours ago
Whenever the United States or its partners in war crimes face a seemingly intractable foreign adversary - one that refuses to simply yield to Western domination or diktat - the "ticking clock" paradigm is invoked, lending a fierce urgency to the threats, ultimatums, and bullying demands made by government officials. For them, time is always running out. Whether it's the non-existent "

Ukraine Updates ( July 11 , 2014 ) -- State of play in the ongoing civil war between Kiev and Federalists in South East Ukraine ...... Latest in the ongoing natural gas talks ( nothing will happen until Europe feels cold weather )

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
http://rt.com/news/172160-east-ukraine-military-killed/ 'At least 30' Ukrainian military killed as militia shell convoy with Grad rockets Published time: July 11, 2014 18:28 Edited time: July 11, 2014 19:54 Get short URL [image: image from @soborna_com] image from @soborna_com Share on tumblr Trends Ukraine turmoil Tags Arms, Conflict, Military, Opposition,Politics, Ukraine Dozens of Ukraine’s government troops have been reportedly killed after local militia shelled pro-Kiev military forces with Grad rocket launchers. President Poroshenko has vowed “killing hundreds” for each deceased... more »

Russia Likely to Extend Political Asylum for Patriotic Snowden

Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 5 hours ago
At this point it is difficult to see the Obama administration, the warmongering neocons at the State Department and the constantly squealing authoritarian freaks in Congress getting any bigger bug up their asses than the one that they already have embedded there against Russian leader Vladimir Putin so it remains to be seen how much weeping and gnashing of the teeth will occur now that the word out of Russia is that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's asylum is likely to be extended. This would be great news for those of us in *The Homeland* and the larger world outside who value t... more »

"Confessions of a Former Child Laborer"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*"Confessions of a Former Child Laborer" * by Bill Bonner "I wish we could get into that painfulness stuff." – One luggage handler to another, overheard in the airport in Paris "Today, exceptionally, we write about something we know something about: painfulness. This is our translation of a new concept in French labor law. It involves something called "la pénibilité," which refers to the difficulty, suffering or pain, involved in a job. Sitting at a desk in an air-conditioned office involves little or no pénibilité. Carrying heavy roof tiles up a steep ladder in the rain, by contras... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 7 hours ago
Let's not forget that the US and NATO have been funding, directing, and training ISIS in Jordan in recent years. ISIS was being used to take down Syria and were of no concern until they turned on Iraq. Blow back it is called.

Nothing In America Could Be As Bad As The KGB, The Stasi, The Gestapo And The SS… Right?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
Tuesday we took a quick look at the story of how the NSA's war against patriotic whistleblower Tom Drake persuaded Ed Snowden to move outside the system to expose the criminal activities the government was perpetrating against the American people. In the story we met William Binney. Up top is the short documentary Laura Poitras did for the *NY Times* about Binney in 2012. It should scare your socks off. Binney was a top intelligence officer/code breaker with the NSA for over 30 years. Like Drake-- and with Drake-- he was a by-the-book, patriotic whistleblower when Bush and Cheney... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 7 hours ago
As Americans are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the profit-driven motives of big business, a documentary airing on PBS this month endeavors to bring to light the worker-owned cooperative model that has begun to take hold in many sectors throughout North America. Shift Change, by filmmakers Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin, tells the "little known" stories behind some of the most successful worker-owned businesses in North America and Spain.


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 7 hours ago
Canadian activist Roger Annis shares: The internet is flooded with videos of the killings and rampages by [Kiev's] fascist militias in eastern Ukraine. The fascists like to boast about their murders and rampages. Here is one video of a battalion of the neo-Nazi Right Sector near the village of Karlovka, southeast Ukraine on July 6. Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh addresses his ‘troops’ shortly after they had engaged in a skirmish with self defense fighters. Below is the translated text of his remarks. Note the close ties with the Ukraine army and U.S. advisors that Yarosh ackno... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 8 hours ago
*Flood Authority gives 17th Street Canal levee an 'all clear' ~WVUE* *AG: 'Big Oil' lawsuit supporter's term is over ~WWL* *For New Orleans coroner Jeffrey Rouse, a battle to restore trust and win new funds ~Richard A. Webster* *A look back at the roots of The Lens’ Squandered Heritage ~Karen Gadbois* *Southeast Louisiana NWS officials learn lessons from Hurricane Arthur ~WDSU* *Shrimp prices up as season closes ~Xerxes Wilson, Daily Comet* *Tainted Legacy: Wealthy and powerful vs. big oil ~WWLTV * *Land grab in Rapides: lawyer buys 2200 acres surrounding black family and then fen... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 8 hours ago
Regis Tremblay writes: This is a beautifully done short film showing the recent storm that just brushed Jeju, but did great damage to the caissons that will be the docks for the base. From Korean Director, Cho, Sung Bong. This open water naval base being constructed on Jeju Island, South Korea to port US warships is a contradiction in nature. When big typhoons come to this area they will continually over power the man-made breakwater walls being built with cement. The Samsung construction corporation that has the contract to build the base will have to keep repairing the breakw... more »

The SWP's Moral Vacuity

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 8 hours ago
Revolutionary politics has long been a fringe pursuit in Britain. The parties and organisations representing this tradition have barely got two activists to rub together. It has next to zero purchase in the media and as for elections, forget it. Yet when it comes to ambition, it's vaulting. Self-described revolutionary socialists seek nothing less than the seizure of power and the building of a new, more democratic society. Therefore in the 15 or so years I saw myself as part of the "movement", I approached questions of theory and practice through this lens. How do we get from the p... more »

Supplemental: The second question from Terry Gross!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 9 hours ago
*FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2014* *A peculiar follow-up question:* This morning, the New York Times continues with its new story. Hillary Clinton’s speaking fees aren’t just for the Washington Post any more! This is the way Amy Chozick starts her new report: CHOZICK (7/11/14): Of all the headaches of her current book tour—the declining sales, the constant travel, *the interviews that generated unkind headlines about her family’s wealth*—this one may sting Hillary Rodham Clinton the most: Her memoir, “Hard Choices,” has just been toppled from its spot on the best-seller list by a sensational... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 9 hours ago
I read yesterday that the US-NATO puppets in Kiev were moving heavy artillery and tanks near their border with Crimea. The Kiev thugs have been told to start a war with Russia by drawing them into eastern Ukraine. Russia would only take such a step to protect the people who have called for regional autonomy and are now being daily attacked by Kiev's neo-fascist led army. But so far Russia has not taken the bait. The puppet masters back in Washington, London and at NATO HQ in Brussels are likely pounding the table in furry. They have to force Kiev to be even more provocative in... more »

Ukraine anti-fascists strike back- Kiev calls emergency meeting & more...

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 9 hours ago
UPDATE at the BOTTOM- scroll down for update, unless you haven't read all the news. *News roundup! : Rebels kill 23 Ukraine troops, shredding truce hopes* Ukraine's military on Friday reported losing 23 servicemen in clashes across the separatist east that threatened to shatter slim Western hopes of a truce in Europe's deadliest conflict in decades. The defence ministry said the toll included 19 troops who died in a hail of rockets fired from a* truck-mounted Grad rocket launcher system *-- a type of weapon both Kiev and Washington insist could only have been covertly supplied to th... more »

A 8,000-year-old dam found near Pilsen

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 10 hours ago
*...just a minor report of regional importance...* Four miles from my home, in the village of Kyšice, they are building the new tunnels and tracks for the sped up Pilsen-Prague railway path. I know Kyšice very well not just because it's only 3 miles from my home but because I like to pick walnuts over there every fall. You know, the tree dares to transcend the private garden and reach the public roads which has consequences. ;-) See a blog post about the railway project. It's a standard practice that archaeologists are checking the place before they irreversibly transform it. ... more »

Hypocrisy alert! Kiev neonazis target LGBT club and the NATO media is silent?

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 10 hours ago
*Recall all the** Putin bashing, call for boycotts, by the weaponized LGBT groups around the Olympics*- Story after story. The drama queens were out in full force. Some guy dressed like a pink flamingo? Flamin'! *The psyop was soooo obvious. The manipulation? Blatant!* *Fast forward to Kiev. **And a " Terrifying Neo-Nazi Attack on Gay Club in Kyiv"* Notice the silence? Notice the double standard? Notice the hypocrisy? *Two nights after city officials in Kyiv (Kiev) cancelled gay Pride over lack of security and fear that a small and ill-equipped police force would not be able to p... more »

Comment on EPA's Plan to Increase Allowable Radiation Exposure Levels

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 10 hours ago
You must comment by August 3, 2014 Here is a link to the overall proposal http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0689-0001 Here is a link for an anonymous comment http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0689-0051 My comment is quick, but pointed (hopefully!): The EPA needs to adopt the precautionary approach. Any increase in exposure to radiation increases risks for a range of diseases and congenital conditions. Therefore, the EPA should reduce allowable exposure levels, rather than increase allowable exposure. The precautionary ap... more »

Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 11 hours ago
Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews: http://youtu.be/0ORAM-usqhQ How should Israel make peace with people who want them all dead?

Unicicon Solutins

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 11 hours ago
I have been out in the sunshine and even at this latitude its bringing serious heat I do not know know how to deal with it i just wish I could store it somewhere to hasten winters retreat Cause all the things I know are cosmic and thats just ringing a bell there are better explanations for everthing but most of that truth will land you in hell We need some instant gratification make it rain on the desert or fly without wings on the plain. In a world seeking Justice we spend a fortune on spotters for Unicorns to ease the pain.

Let's Call The Republican Response What It Is: A Tactical Decision To Let A Problem Fester For Political Reasons

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
Americans, dumbed down by a lazy, ignorant media and a substandard education system, are fond of the idea that both parties are at fault. OK, Republicans are idiots. What about Democrats? Here at *DWT* we tend to blame the crumbling from within of the Democratic Party on corporate shills like Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jim Himes and Joe Crowley shredding the Democratic brand on behalf of their own careerism. At *The Nation* yesterday, William Greider didn't personalize the problem, just asked what the Democratic Party actually believes in. To put it cru... more »

The Problem with the AFT Offer for Teachers to “Rewrite” the Common Core

deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 12 hours ago
A very good thing will happen on Sunday, July 13, 2014, at the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) convention in Los Angeles: The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) will be debated on the floor. No behind-closed-doors killing of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) resolution opposing CCSS. As Politico states: Weingarten, for instance, has repeatedly said she supports Common Core, but she […]

Does anyone else find these pics of Obama and his supporters creepy?...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 12 hours ago
I know I do. Obama listens to a typical little college student with really bad posture talk about the plight of her parents who have both lost their jobs. You can see the concern written all over his face. /sarc via New York Post: Already under attack by critics who say he’s lost interest in his job, President Obama added fuel to the fire on Thursday with a drowsy appearance in Texas. A heavy-lidded Obama struggled to keep his head up during a one-on-one talk in an Austin cafe with a college student whose parents lost their jobs last year. Kinsey Button, a junior at the University ... more »

Letter to a friend

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 12 hours ago
I may touch elbows with some of you but I never imaged it could make your life explode and that is the mortor of realiaty that reigns down on the living or as the MAN say everyone exposed. Pam says we like French Viaginas, and I say something (snatch conversation) about a snatch quotation? This is how petty I am and why I hate liberals and will vote conservative in the next election. You liberal punks make me want to bring back capital punishment , and I will so I can execute you next time. I am voting for more riot gear, and true Canadians who hate scumbags be aware we are looking... more »

IN THE YEAR 2525: Return of the RNC talking points!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2014* *Part 4—As flailed by Chris Hayes and two guests:* As part of her recent iconic text, Krystal Ball discussed Hillary Clinton’s June 12 appearance on the NPR program, Fresh Air. Gack! In the passage shown below, the highly suggestible, hapless young pundit delivered a succession of time-honored RNC scripts. Over the course of these many years, these scripts have been widely adopted by droogs in the “mainstream press corps:” BALL (6/17/14): *Then there was an uncomfortable exchange with NPR’s Terry Gross in which Hillary struggled at length to sort through he... more »

The Mapping of the Terror Trains

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 12 hours ago
Look a-yonder what's coming down that railroad track. It's the Oil Bombin' Special, and while it's not bringing your baby back, it is most definitely bringing the Bakken. Crude, that is: millions of gallons of highly flammable fracked Bakken oil and Alberta tar sands product are sloshing at breakneck speed through thousands of North American towns, every single day. Towns like Lac-Megantic, Quebec where one year ago this month an oil train derailed and exploded, killing 47 people and incinerating the central business district. If you live within half a mile of railroad tracks, c... more »

8 Pioneer Day Projects for Kids

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 12 hours ago
Even though Pioneer Day isn't celebrated all over, it doesn't mean that everyone can't join in the fun and channel their inner Laura Ingalls Wilder. Here are some fun things to create with kids that celebrate America's Pioneer heritage. Pioneer Bonnets by My Cotton Creations. Climbing Bear Toy by Tutorial Adventures. Cardboard Covered Wagon by All Things Beautiful. Buzz Saw Pioneer Toy on Housewife Eclectic Corn Husk Dolls by Martha Stewart. Peg People Little House in the Big Woods Log Cabin on Craftster. Making Butter with Kids by Mess For Less. Rag Doll by Miss Gioia [imag... more »

A Fine Frenzy ~ the universal dance of delusion...and the paucity of hope

gail zawacki at Wit's End - 12 hours ago
*Hope* ~ George Frederic Watts, 1886 "To the philosopher, the physician, the meteorologist and the chemist, there is perhaps no subject more attractive than that of ozone." ~ C.B Fox, 1873 There is a man who lives on the other side of my village (it is said) who one day, setting out for errands, inadvertently ran over his child as he backed out of the driveway. Ever since I heard this tragic tale, I have thought I can imagine the moment that, thunderstruck with horror and frozen in disbelief, he gazed upon that little mangled body. I think I know the ferocious dread that overc... more »

How to add a picture to the post title

Peter at the original Blogger Tips and Tricks - 12 hours ago
I have found that it is possible to put HTML tags in the post title which means that you just have to add a tag Thus if you want an image followed by the post title, you will then type into the field for the post title the following: "put the post title here without the quotes" replacing "picture url" with the actual picture url and "post title" with the actual post title. Below a screenshot to illustrate: [image: picture before post title]

Seek Out A New Tomorrow.....by M.N. Hopkins

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 14 hours ago

Isaac Newton, the überhistorian

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 14 hours ago
We know Isaac Newton as the founder of classical physics in the modern sense and perhaps the most ingenious scientist in the mankind's history. He's been doing many impressive things and some of them look crazy. But before you suggest that Newton wasn't the top expert in pretty much every discipline he touched, you should read his The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended by Isaac Newton which was published as an e-book in 2005. It's a fun reading for the summer. You will learn about every one among hundreds of kings of dozens of empires and every single act they have done in t... more »

Man VS Mother Nature redux

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 14 hours ago
The world in the MAN's eye is nothing more than a giant development site. Increasing the value and selling the muppets is the only reason we exist. Climate change is caused by God and we have no part in the mess. Lets build giant dams like the Dutch and pretend the land is not an ocean on which we exist. Did you know the Dutch surrendered to the seas a generation ago. King Kantue or Dick Cheney which absolutist would you fell if you had a chance to blow? The MAN made good business for thousands of years without oil. However without water all his churn would be worthless. Now in fact ... more »

What Do We Want and How Do We Intend to Get There?

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 14 hours ago
One of my pet peeves with the Left is the lack of vision about the world they want to see. Sure, "social justice" and "environmental sanity" are excellent values, but what are the mechanics for achieving this? Some on the left favour remaining powerless children, petitioning their masters to somehow make these things happen. Others prefer mindlessly voting for sell-out political parties to legislate these things within a capitalist political economy.. More "radical" types advocate "tearing everything down" (whatever that means) and rebuilding a new world from scratch (with no indica... more »

Hechinger Report Pulls Out the Stops to Save the Gates Core

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 15 hours ago
Below are funders of the Hechinger Report, and yesterday's hosannas for Common Core by Hechinger make it clear that the kinder and gentler corporate ed reform propaganda sheet has kicked its coverage up a notch. The piece is written a Taylor McGraw, TFA alum and Eva Moskowitz chain gang employee. If you decide to read it, note how the piece frames the Common Core as a liberation document at the forefront of Civil Rights. Perhaps such ideological blinders are what's required for these young fascists to be driven to any length to sacrifice these children's childhood for a bunch of g... more »

Friday Nerd Blogging: Laugh It Up Fuzzball Edition

Steve Saideman at Duck of Minerva - 15 hours ago
What epitomizes American summer more than baseball? Star Wars! Well, Star Wars + baseball: Star Wars night at a Cardinals game!

Ambassador Ron Prosor explaining matters at the United Nations

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 15 hours ago
Ambassador Ron Prosor explaining matters at the United Nations. This video should be compulsory viewing for the anti Israel brigade who infest most media organisations, especially the vile BBC http://youtu.be/XCbyCQlczLc

Too Early To Predict A Scott Brown Wipeout In New Hampshire?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
At this point, no one even knows for sure that opportunistic Massachusetts carpetbagger Scott Brown will actually be the candidate New Hampshire Republicans decide to run against popular Senator Jeanne Shaheen. Former Senator Robert Smith, an underdog and crackpot who's running to the right of Brown, appears stronger with the GOP base than anyone had thought-- despite the endorsements Brown has trotted out from the mistrusted GOP Establishment (Romney, Ayotte, Sununu. Merrill…). Most polls of Republican voters show "undecided" in the top slot. That said, let's go along with conven... more »

The Moody Blues

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago
No sooner had the newly elected Kathleen Wynne tabled her budget than Moody's -- the bond rating agency -- pounced. But, Linda McQuaig writes, it wasn't much of a pounce: In fact, Moody’s only tweaked things slightly — it maintained Ontario’s perfectly acceptable current rating (Aa2), but downgraded the outlook from stable to negative – not a huge change, and one that didn’t even lead to higher interest on Ontario bonds. Conservatives, however, jumped all over the news: “It’s a very big deal,” solemnly cautioned Stockwell Day, former Conservative finance minister, on CBC-TV’s Po... more »

Can My Employer Ban Me From Speaking Spanish To Co-Workers?

Donna Ballman at Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home - 15 hours ago
An AOL Jobs reader asked: Good afternoon, I have a question. I was just told by my supervisor that I cannot speak Spanish to my coworkers in our department. She states that some other non-Spanish speaking workers claim it makes them uncomfortable. I am asked to assist Spanish-speaking customers with no additional pay, but this is not a concern. I will certainly comply with this request, but I am not sure if it is fair or even legal. I hope you can clarify this for me. Thank you for your assistance. I'm always surprised how many employers try to impose English-only policies or ban s... more »

Will The EU Commision Listen To EU Citizens On The TTIP?

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 16 hours ago
[image: no-ttip.png]Source of Picture: http://www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/the_hidden_threat_of_the_ttip_deal The European Commission is seeking views from Europeans on* the controversial investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) proposals *in the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnerhip or TTIP. ISDS would *give corporations the power to sue our governments* if they thought a law hurt their profits -- this could be on anything from environmental rules, anti-smoking laws or rules on corporate taxes. "Investor-state dispute settlement" is bad news. It's always ... more »

View The Super Moon on 12 July 2014

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 16 hours ago
Source: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Thefreethoughtprojectcom/posts/FSGYxPTnkgy

The Bear is Loose: Obama Now on Full Cruise Control

Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 17 hours ago
Conjuring up the inevitable references to Nero fiddling while Rome burned, President Barack Obama took a bit of time out of his daily duties to goof off, eat pizza, suck down some suds and play billiards in Denver. Tough gig presiding over the most vicious and hellbent at global domination empire of the past seventy or so years so the big man - or "the bear" as he now apparently now refers to himself. Hell, it's not like there is really anything going on in the world like an out of control surveillance machine spying on millions of American citizens, nor his neo-Nazi packed death ... more »

Iraq Updates ( July 11 , 2014 ) -- While Maliki continues his stubborn refusal to build any bridges with the Kurds and Sunnis and instead pushes his divisive agenda that only he will lead Iraq , ISIS continues its methodical march toward Baghdad and the Kurds continue their methodical march toward independence .... Note Al Arabiya reports today the Kurds are suspending all participation in the National government due to Maliki's accusations that the Kurds are harboring ISIS !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
Anti War... ISIS Fights Its Way Into Army Base NE of BaghdadIraq Insists Base Isn't Lost Yet by Jason Ditz, July 10, 2014 Print This | Share This ISIS fighters are continuing to expand across the area north of Baghdad, and have moved into the Diyala Province, where they fought there way onto an army base near Muqdadiya. The base is one of the last Iraqi military positions in the north, and while they confirmed part of it is now under ISIS control, they insist they will retake the area soon. The loss of the base would give ISIS a foothold on yet another key northern highway, heading i... more »

Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.11.14”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.11.14”* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com “I warned last week about the kidnapping and murder of three Israelis and revenge killing of a Palestinian teen sparking violence in Israel. My fear is now been confirmed with Hamas rocket attacks on various targets in Israel. Israel is making counter attacks that have claimed the lives of dozens in Gaza. One big development is the rockets that Hamas is using are now more powerful and have up to a 100 mile range. In 2012, the rockets had only a 50 mile range. Israel has called up at least 40,000 troops and is getting ... more »

Argentina v Holland -- 2014 World Cup semi-final - The highlights

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 18 hours ago
Argentina v Holland -- 2014 World Cup semi-final - The highlights http://youtu.be/N-XDktewdzU Thanks to Danny Baker @prodnose for the spot

Pilot Zones: Does Ma government plan to destroy Taiwan agricultural products?

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 18 hours ago
*As you can see, the number of people identifying as "Taiwanese" is reaching record highs, just as the number of people identifying as Taiwanese-Chinese and Chinese is reaching record lows. This is from the former political warfare university, but my experience is that it is pretty close to reality. Among the young even more would identify as Taiwanese. * The free economic zones are looking more and more like a plot to flood Taiwan with cheap China crap and destroy its agriculture. A few days ago, after noting that the government is attempting to focus the discussion on trivia, a p... more »

Navy unveils prototype railguns

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
Navy officials unveiled two prototype weapons Tuesday that have been cloaked in secrecy for years, and are capable of firing seven times the speed of sound. They are electromagnetic railguns, developed by the Office of Naval Research. A railgun can fire a projectile up to 5,600 miles per hour – about six times faster than a bullet from a handgun – at a range of up to 110 miles, Rear Adm. Matthew Klunder said. It delivers up to 32 megajoules of energy. Read more

One Ring to Rule them All - it's all a load of COCK.

Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 19 hours ago
...published as a sequel to his 1937 *children's fantasy novel* The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkein's Lord of the Rings has a copyright date of 1953 and has astonishing relevance to the current Paedophile Ring Scandal that (once again) threatens to disrupt the Elite/Serf status quo. *one of five burning rings**1) The One Ring:* some have likened 'the One Controlling Power that man can never hope to control' to Nuclear Power. But it could have easily been about the over-arching force of Global Paedo Rings to control the 'actions of man' i.e. Politics, Religion, Business. There are many (paedo)... more »

NZDF to seek new naval tanker in 2015

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: HMNZS Endeavour]The New Zealand government has approved plans for the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) to replace the HMNZS Endeavour naval tanker, in the face of increasing maintenance costs and non-compliance issues with new international maritime regulations. HMNZS Endeavour will reach the end of her service life in 2018. The purpose built fleet replenishment tanker carries 5,500 tonnes of fuel in four tanks for refuelling ships at sea or in overseas ports; and can also conduct ‘hot' refuelling for helicopters while they hover over the flight deck. The vessel also transp... more »

China may become first buyer of S-400s - Russian official

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: S-400 Triumf]China may become the first buyer of Russia's S-400 anti-aircraft missile system, the Kremlin's chief of staff Sergei Ivanov said on Thursday. "Chances that China may be the first foreign buyer [of S-400s] are high," he told reporters. S-400, a new-generation long and medium-range anti-aircraft missile system, is capable of destroying all the existing air attack weapons, including tactical and strategic aircraft, ballistic missiles and hypersonic targets. Read more

DOD Plans To Deliver F-35’s 5th Gen Capability At 4th Gen Cost By 2019

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: F-35 Lightning II]Today, the Department of Defense announced an agreement aimed at reducing the price of an F-35 Lightning II 5th generation fighter to the equivalent of today’s 4th generation fighters by the end of the decade. Designated “The Blueprint for Affordability,” the DoD and F-35 industry partners – Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems signed an agreement to implement cost reduction initiatives to lower the production costs of F-35 aircraft. The agreement is built upon the U.S. Government’s Better Buying Power 2.0 initiative, which encouraged defense... more »

Russia Gives Belarus Anti-Aircraft Systems Free of Charge

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: S-300PMU2 Gladiator]The Russian Defense Ministry has signed a contract to give Belarus four S-300 air defense systems, which are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, free of charge, a top Russian military official told ITAR-Tass on Thursday. The S-300 is one of the world's most sought after air defense systems. Its radar can hone in on aircraft, cruise missiles and even ballistic missiles, and destroy targets as far away as 150 kilometers, launching one missile every three seconds. The S-300s will be handed over as soon as the Belarussian Defense Ministry signs the contac... more »

Russia’s Iskander-E missile system ready for deliveries to other countries

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: Iskander-E missile system]Iskander-E mobile theater ballistic missile systems are ready for export, awaiting a decision by state authorities, the head of the Russian delegation to arms and military exhibition MILEX-2014 Valery Varlamov said Thursday, according to RIA Novosti. "Iskander-E [NATO reporting name: SS-26 Stone] is ready for deliveries to other countries, as well as S-400 Triumf [NATO reporting name: SA-21 Growler], but the state authorities need to approve it first," Varlamov said. The representative said that Russia "will deliver [the systems] to any country, ... more »

Hagel at Eglin: F-35 is the future

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
With F-35s still grounded across the country, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel visited the F-35 training wing here on Thursday to reinforce the Pentagon’s commitment to developing the military’s newest fighter jet. “This aircraft is the future of fighter aircraft for all our services,” Hagel said to about 200 service members gathered in an F-35 hangar. “The F-35 is as big a project as we have and we’ve got a lot riding on it.” Though the F-35 is still in development, the Air Force, Marines and Navy — which all have their own versions of the aircraft — have already started training ... more »

First Ocean Sentry Arrives in Corpus Christi

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: HC-144 Ocean Sentry]450 search and rescue cases. 591 people in distress. 83 saved lives. Sound like a lot to handle? These numbers are just a snap shot of the annual missions carried out by personnel assigned to Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas. With this level of responsibility, it is only fitting that the air station recently received their first HC-144 Ocean Sentry aircraft, the newest aircraft in the Coast Guard fleet. Read more


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 20 hours ago
*Unsuitable materials in 17th Street Canal levee not a danger, board is told ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate*

Togo receives Defender patrol boat from United States

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Defender patrol boat]The United States has donated a Defender patrol boat to the Togolese Navy, adding to the two previously donated to the West African nation. The vessel was handed over by United States ambassador Phillip Carter III on June 25, together with a boathouse for maintenance, at the naval base in the capital Lome. The Togolese military (FAT) said the donation would help the navy strengthen its capabilities in the fight against maritime piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. Read more

Lockheed, partners pledge to pump $170 million into F-35

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: F-35B Lightning II]Lockheed Martin and its corporate partners on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter announced a new plan Thursday to reduce costs on the over-budget program even as the next-generation jet remained grounded on the eve of scheduled appearances at international airshows in Great Britain. The companies pledged to spend $170 million through 2016 to help bring down the cost of the fighter jet from more than $100 million apiece to about $80 million by the end of the decade. The upfront investment by Lockheed, Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems to pay for cost-reduction i... more »

Pentagon Reviews UCLASS Strike Capabilities

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: X-47B UCLASS]Congressional leaders have asked the defense secretary to review existing plans for the Navy’s carrier-launched drone program, expressing concerns that the written requirements are too narrowly configured and do not meet the threats and mission demands of the future. As a result, the Defense Department’s Joint Requirement Oversight Council has launched a review of the program ahead of the Navy’s planned release of its Request for Proposals to industry. The Navy plans to have the Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) drone operationa... more »

Indian Navy Light Combat Aircraft to soon begin test flights

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Naval LCA Tejas]The naval variant of India's indigenous light combat aircraft (LCA) is due to soon begin ramp trials. Avinash Chander, scientific adviser to the Defence Minister and Director General Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), told India Strategic magazine (www.indiastrategic.in) that the LCA-Navy had already done more than 25 test flights from a runway. As these were successful and met the designated parameters, the aircraft will now be deployed at a naval base in Goa to commence ramp flights, probably after the monsoon. Read more

Inhuman execution of fellow Muslims in Syria

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 20 hours ago
But don't expect any outrage from the BBC when there's Jews to vilify in Israel http://youtu.be/xAgUbO8kVak

Kolkata handed over to Navy

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: INS Kolkata]The INS Kolkata, lead ship in the Kolkata-class stealth destroyers, was handed over to the Indian Navy on Thursday after extensive sea trials and tests, 11 years after the construction began in 2003 at the Mazgaon Docks Limited (MDL). The ships are the second group of three indigenously built stealth warships after the Shivalik-class boats, while the official commissioning ceremony is expected to take place in a month’s time. The same ship had seen naval engineer Commander Kuntal Wadhwa lose his life after a prolonged exposure to CO2 gas on March 6, suspected to... more »

Canceling the Tomahawk is a gamble we can’t afford

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Tomahawk Block IV cruise missile]Once again, our military leaders face a tradeoff. Can the United States meet the serious new security challenges we face while staying within strict budget limits? To do so, policymakers will have to make some very tough choices that leverage our existing capabilities while also planning for the future. Foreign threats to America and her allies will not diminish simply because of American fiscal restraints. Indeed, Iran and North Korea are both well on their way toward developing the capability to deliver a nuclear warhead on target. Violence... more »

A Delightful Musical Interlude: Sleepy Man Banjo Boys, “Flint Hill Special”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
Sleepy Man Banjo Boys, “Flint Hill Special” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3qbB4Kq3Y0 "All under the age of 16, brothers Jonny, Robbie and Tommy Mizzone are from New Jersey, a US state that's better known for the rock of Bruce Springsteen than the bluegrass of Earl Scruggs. Nonetheless, the siblings began performing bluegrass covers, as well as their own compositions, at a young age. Here, they play three dazzling songs in three different keys, passing the lead back and forth from fiddle to banjo to guitar." - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB8UTheTR7s

India's first indigenously built ASW Corvette ready for battle

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Kamorta class corvette]A dab of paint here and a bit of polish there. There is hectic activity at the Fitting Out Jetty (FOJ) of the Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) in Kolkata. The country's oldest defence shipyard is all set to sail out India's first indigenously-built and most advanced submarine hunter-killer. The INS Kamorta, the first Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Corvette under the Navy's Project-28 will be formally handed over to the navy on Saturday. After sailing from Kolkata in the next few days, with commissioning captain commander Manoj Jha in char... more »

Three nuclear subs spotted near PLA Navy's Hainan base

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: The three Type 094 Jin-class ballistic missile submarines stationed at Yulin naval base of Hainan island]The People's Liberation Army Navy has deployed three nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines to its South Sea Fleet base on the southern island province of Hainan, according to the Manila-based InterAksyon news website in a report published July 8. The Chinese navy displayed a photo on the internet which suggested that three Type 094 Jin-class ballistic missile submarines are currently stationed at the Yulin naval base in Hainan, according to the report. The paper s... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 21 hours ago
* Warmer Climate Could Mean More Kidney Stones?* *Crap! The underlying journal article is Daily Mean Temperature and Clinical Kidney Stone Presentation in Five U.S. Metropolitan Areas: A Time-Series Analysis. The findings are correlational ones so do not enable inferences about causes. And the elevation of risk associated with temperature was very slight anyway. Relative risks were around 1.3. The Federal Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Second Edition says (p. 384): "the threshold for concluding that an agent was more likely than not the cause of an individual's disea... more »

Hagel Discusses Nuclear Deterrence, Modernization

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel]During a visit to the East Coast homeport for six Ohio-class fleet ballistic-missile and two guided-missile submarines here yesterday, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel spoke with 14 female submariners, toured the ballistic-missile submarine USS Tennessee, and took questions at an event with 180 sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen. The secretary’s stop here was the on first day of a two-day trip that includes visits today to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, home to the Air Force’s first full squadron of F-35A Lightning II joint strike fighter airc... more »

Reminder: Israel Created Hamas

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 22 hours ago
Every time the government of Israel attacks Gaza mercilessly, using the rationale that it is only interested in wiping out Hamas's military capabilities, it is worth reminding ourselves that the Israeli government created Hamas in the first place. The track records of both the criminal Israeli government and of Hamas's criminal leadership is one of terrorism, torture, collective brainwashing, cruel punishment, oppression, censorship of the press, and backstabbing their allies. The last one is the most ungodly. The victims in this senseless struggle are the peoples of Israel and ... more »

Bogus Assessments of Iran's ICBM Capability Finally Explode

Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 22 hours ago
For years, Israeli politicians and their willing mouthpieces in the American press and punditocracy have maintained that Iran, in addition to feverishly working to build nuclear weapons, will have acquired the ability to affix an atomic bomb to an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of hitting the United States by the year 2015. This claim eagerly exploited the boilerplate

New Muslim Caliph Is As Real As His Rolex Watch, But The Deranged Western-Zionist-Saudi-Qatari Media Is Hyping Him As A Great Figure

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 22 hours ago
*Pictured: Abu Bakr al Israeli/Abu Bakr al CIAi/Abu Bakr al Saudi/Abu Bakr al Qatari/Abu Bakr al Frenchie/Abu Bakr al Turkeyi/Abu Bakr al MI6i/Abu Bakr al Mossadi. * An excerpt from, *"Pimping Up ISIS"* by ASG's Counter-Hegemony Unit, July 6, 2014: *Just read this piece by Thanassis Cambanis ” The Surprising appeal of ISIS”. So the new trend in western mainstream media is pimping up ISIS* : “As repugnant as its tactics are, ISIS offers Sunnis a rare opportunity: a chance, in effect, to be a citizen.” *More than this, ISIS, is a “grassroots” movement and is furnishing its “citizens... more »

Palin's Message To America: Impeach! America's Message To Palin: Go Away… Quietly

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 23 hours ago
If Palin saw herself as the tip of the Republican spear on impeachment… there's not much spear behind the tip. First of all, a new NBC News/*Wall Street Journal* poll shows that most Americans just wish she'd go away and shut up already. Most Democrats, most independents and almost half the Republicans are sick and tired of her crazy, empty-headed extremist hectoring. Overall 54% of Americans just do not want to hear anything from her anymore-- even worse than the 45% of Americans who hope to never hear anything more about Cheney before his funeral announcement. And it isn't just ... more »

Mainstream Media Now Acknowledging Why the Bees Are Dying

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 23 hours ago
It has taken many years, but the evidence has become incontrovertible, despite deliberate efforts to censor public understanding. The Washington Post explains in McCoy, T. (2014, July). A Reason Millions of Bees are Dying. The Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/07/10/the-surprisingly-simple-reason-millions-of-bees-are-dying/ In the past several weeks, a spate of studies have appeared in scientific journals suggesting the culprit behind such deaths are widely-used pesticides called neonicotinoids. And it’s not just bees that have been impacted... more »

Winkler Partners Seeks Communications Coordinator

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 23 hours ago
2014/06/11 Winkler Partners seeks communications coordinator (job opening) We are looking for a communications coordinator. The successful candidate will likely have considerable experience in, and/or enthusiasm for, a bilingual, multicultural environment, flat management organisation that is constantly balancing the interests of our clients, colleagues and community. Other attributes will likely include social and other media fluency, good eye for connections (i.e., people and organisations, as well as how things connect), some fluency with numbers, interest in people and long te... more »

Satire: “Americans Unhappy to Be Reminded That Sarah Palin Exists”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Americans Unhappy to Be Reminded That Sarah Palin Exists”* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “A new poll released Thursday reveals that a broad majority of Americans describe themselves as “deeply unhappy” to have been reminded that the former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin exists. Palin’s call for the impeachment of President Obama, a ploy to remind people that she still roams the earth, appears to have backfired, the poll shows. With seventy-two per cent of respondents saying that they were “upset” or “very upset” to be reminded of her existence, Palin is one of t... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago

Jindal Says No to Roemer, Garvey and Boffy’s 2014-15 Assessment “Offer”

deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
On July 10, 2014, three members of the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE)– President Chas Roemer, James Garvey, and Holly Boffy– decided that they would make Governor Bobby Jindal an offer regarding a plan for 2014-15 assessments in Louisiana schools. Within hours, Jindal rejected the Roemer et al. offer. The decision to […]

Shell Shock and the Emotional History of the First World War a lecture by Professor Jay Winter

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
Video Title: Shell Shock and the Emotional History of the First World War a lecture by Professor Jay Winter. Source: The British Academy. Date Published: July 10, 2014. Description: Held at the British Academy on July 9 2014, this lecture looked at shell shock as a new category of emotional response to the terrors of modern war, arising not from individual war experience, but from the monstrous character of the war itself. Professor Winter will contend that the number of men suffering from psychological disabilities after the First World War has been significantly underestimated. ... more »

timothy good

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago

Odd tidings ( July 10 , 2014 ) .... Thanks to El Nino , get ready for a cold blast next week...... Meanwhile in Las Vegas , Lake mead hasn't been this low since the building of Hoover Dam !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
The Polar Vortex Is Back... In The Middle Of July [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/10/2014 19:55 -0400 - Bank of Japan - El Nino - Japan - Obamacare - Recession inShare1 While every single economist and "*straight to CNBC*" pundit was quick to blast the atrocious economic performance in Q1 as solely due to the "harsh weather", what has emerged in various retail earnings reports so far in Q2 is that, drumroll, they lied. In fact, as one after another "stunned" retailer admits, the depressed spending observed during Q1 continued, ... more »

America in crisis: Who's looking out for adequate school drop-off and parking facilities for our children's chauffeurs?

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*DNAinfo New York caption ("Private School Stole Parking Spots from Residents, They Say"):* *"Residents want three parking spots returned to alternate side parking instead of 'no standing' by the DOT."* *by Ken* This may be too personal a reaction to today's story, but heck, it's my blogpost, so for once I get to say whatever I want. Anyway, in thinking about this problem -- which is to say, the problem of ensuring adequate drop-off and/or parking facilities for the chauffeurs of children who are chauffeured to school -- one of my first thoughts was for once to be grateful for bei... more »


As part of its propaganda against Israel’s enemies, Israeli and neoconservative propagandists like to present Palestinian fighters as cowards that hide behind so-called ‘human shields’. Neoconservative propagandist Jonathan Tobin, for example, today writes that, “having decided to escalate another round of violence by launching hundreds of rockets into Israel, the Islamist group is still hoping to use the presence of Palestinian civilians around legitimate military targets as a weapon against the Jewish state”. However, as Tobin concedes, the Gaza Strip is extremely densely populate... more »

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Majestic nebulae and stars of our Milky Way Galaxy stretch across this panoramic image of the entire night sky. At full resolution, the 5 gigapixel mosaic was stitched together from over 37,000 images, the result of a season following, year long effort and 60,000 travel miles in search of still dark skies in the American west and the western Cape of South Africa. *Click image for larger sizes.* *‧* The well-planned project combined many exposures from the dark sites, intended to produce an inspiring view of the night to rival the brightness of day. An interactive journey through th... more »

The Poet: Mary Oliver, "There Is Time Left"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“There Is Time Left”* “Well, there is time left – fields everywhere invite you into them. And who will care, who will chide you if you wander away from wherever you are, to look for your soul? Quickly, then, get up, put on your coat, leave your desk! To put one's foot into the door of the grass, which is the mystery, which is death as well as life, and not be afraid! To set one's foot in the door of death, and be overcome with amazement!” ~ Mary Oliver

The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Thanks for stopping by.

Kahlil Gibran, “The Prophet: Freedom”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Freedom”* "And an orator said, “Speak to us of Freedom.” And he (the prophet) answered: At the city gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own freedom, Even as slaves humble themselves before a tyrant and praise him though he slays them. Aye, in the grove of the temple and in the shadow of the citadel I have seen the freest among you wear their freedom as a yoke and a handcuff. And my heart bled within me; for you can only be free when even the desire of seeking freedom becomes a harness to you, and when you cease to speak of freedom as a goa... more »

"Our Fate..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"It seems to me that almost all our sadnesses are moments of tension, which we feel as paralysis because we no longer hear our astonished emotions living. Because we are alone with the unfamiliar presence that has entered us; because everything we trust and are used to is for a moment taken away from us; because we stand in the midst of a transition where we cannot remain standing. That is why the sadness passes: the new presence inside us, the presence that has been added, has entered our heart, has gone into its innermost chamber and is no longer even there, - is already in our b... more »

"Really Suffer..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.” - Chuck Palahniuk

Why I'm no longer an "anti-government extremist"

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
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Paulo Coelho, "The Power Of The Word"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"The Power Of The Word"* by Paulo Coelho "Of all the powerful weapons of destruction that man has invented, the most terrible – and the most cowardly – is the word. Knives and firearms leave traces of blood. Bombs shake whole buildings and streets. Poisons can always be detected. But a destructive word can provoke Evil without leaving behind it a single clue. Check to see if you yourself are using this weapon. Children are subject to years of conditioning by their parents, artists are mercilessly pilloried, women are systematically undermined by remarks made by their husbands, the... more »

Free Download: Olaf Stapledon, "Star Maker"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The thought of the disaster which almost certainly lay in wait for the Other Men threw me into a horror of doubt about the universe in which such a thing could happen. That a whole world of intelligent beings could be destroyed was not an unfamiliar idea to me; but there is a great difference between an abstract possibility and a concrete and inescapable danger. On my native planet, whenever I had been dismayed by the suffering and the futility of individuals, I had taken comfort in the thought that at least the massed effect of all our blind striving must be the slow but glorious ... more »

"A Deeper Truth..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"There's a truth deeper than experience. It's beyond what we see, or even what we feel. It's an order of truth that separates the profound from the merely clever, and the reality from the perception. We're helpless, usually, in the face of it; and the cost of knowing it, like the cost of knowing love, is sometimes greater than any heart would willingly pay. It doesn't always help us to love the world, but it does prevent us from hating the world. And the only way to know that truth is to share it, from heart to heart, just as Prabhakar told it to me, just as I'm telling it to you n... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago

Senator Jack Reed Leads the People's Charge (Calls Wall Street A Casino Without Regard To Law) Democratic Party At Crossroads? (Obama's Experts Trained at Citigroup/Goldman Sachs/Morgan Stanley Perplexed Or Amused at Public Dismay?) Dark Pools Own the Stock Market

So, both-siderism rears its ugly head (and prevails) again. What Heather says: There are some areas of agreement among the left and right populists. They are both hostile to the “wealthy bipartisan elite” although for somewhat different reasons. It’s possible there could be some common legislative ground if both sides were sincere in their desire to rein in money in politics. But Sarah


As missiles and rockets fly from the Gaza Strip ever further into Israel, the Israeli government are seeing support in Israel for action against Hamas increasing. It’s just what the “don’t care what the world thinks” faction of the Israeli extreme right wants to see. It strengthens their argument for calling on Netanyahu to launch a full-on invasion of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in order to wipe out Hamas completely. Netanyahu, however, remains reluctant to go the full distance just yet, fearful of world opinion and a continuing lack of support for such a move from both Europ... more »

"Land of the Free? Don't Make Us Laugh..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Land of the Free? Don't Make Us Laugh..."* by Bill Bonner "Dear Diary, We are in Annecy, a beautiful French city on a lake. What takes us here? Business, of course. We travel a lot. But never for fun. That is not to say we don't enjoy it. We do. But you can't have much fun by trying to have fun. It has to come into your life, unbidden – like love or hummingbirds. Here in picturesque France, we think of home. Baltimore. America. Annecy is not Baltimore, but what is? As for America, what happened to it? A new Gallup poll shows freedom is on the wane in the Land of the Free. Free ... more »

July 10: What a jackass! it has

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 1 day ago
I'm beginning this on the evening of July 9 so that tomorrow I can write, "I told you so". The federal justice committee is interviewing social workers, people in the sex trade, etc. to work on legislation to cut down on the sex trade,and to help people caught in it. Today, a quite dreadful incident in the questioning was reported by news media across Canada - but not in the Irving press. Tonight, I'm gambling to say the Irving press won't have it tomorrow, either. It involves Conservative MP Robert Goguen of Moncton (the city that is strong, and will recover.) My impression when h... more »

Theresa May, Pervert of Justice

Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago
*"Communications data have played a significant role in every Security Service counter-terrorism operation over the last decade. They have been used as evidence in 95% of all serious organised crime cases handled by the Crown Prosecution Service and they have played a significant role in the investigation of many of the most serious crimes in recent times, including the Oxford and Rochdale child grooming cases, the murder of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, and the murder of Rhys Jones. * *Communications data can prove or disprove alibis, identify associations between potential c... more »

How Ted Cruz Became The Rhoda Penmark Of The U.S. Senate

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
While I was researching this morning's lesbian piece, I saw how, in 1997, ambitious Buffalo closet case Bill Paxon used the power position Speaker Newt Gingrich had appointed him to, chair of the NRCC, to attempt a coup against Gingrich. Paxon plotted with House Republican power brokers Dick Armey, Tom DeLay and John Boehner to oust Gingrich, whose bizarre behavior had become a drag on Republican election prospects. However, each of the plotters saw himself as the next Speaker and when Armey sensed the plum was falling into Paxon's gay lap, he snitched to Gingrich. Gingrich forced ... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 day ago
*La. ranks 2nd for homes at risk from hurricane storm surge ~The Advocate* *Frustrated parents wait hours to enroll children in schools, only to be turned away ~Matt Higgins, The Lens* *Cadiz Street fire threatens future of century-old New Orleans metalwork business ~Robert Morris, Uptown Messenger* *Mary Landrieu Measure Seeks to Address Red Snapper Row ~Stephen Babcock, NOLA DEFENDER* *Concerns build over law enforcement's use of drones ~Scott Satchfield, WVUE*

The Obama Doctrine: Has it Reached the Time to Grow a Pair..?

Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago
As Air Force One prepared to touch down in the Holy Land last year, I looked out my window and was once again struck by the fact that Israel’s security can be measured in a matter of minutes and miles. I’ve seen what security means to those who live near the Blue Line, to children in Sderot who just want to grow up without fear, to families who’ve lost their homes and everything they have to Hezbollah’s and Hamas’s rockets. And as a father myself, I cannot imagine the pain endured by the parents of Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach, who were tragically kidnapped and m... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
In 1990 while working for the Florida Coalition for Peace & Justice we sued NASA and the federal government trying to stop the launch of the space probe Ulysses with deadly plutonium-238 onboard. The man in this video, Andrew Kimbrell, was our lawyer in that case. We lost and the rocket was successfully launched but the court action brought tremendous global media coverage to our campaign to stop nuclear power in space.

James McEnteer : The age of compromises and the compromises of age

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
Chastened by her exhausting persecution as First Lady, HRC apparently decided as a member of Congress to go along to get along. By James McEnteer | The Rag Blog | July 10, 2014 Once upon a time, Hillary Rodham, the … finish reading James McEnteer : The age of compromises and the compromises of age

Supplemental: Chasing Chelsea Clinton!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*THURSDAY, JULY 10, 2014* *The Times gets into the act:* Finally, the New York Times found a way to get into the act. In the past month, the Washington Post has staged a jihad about Hillary Clinton’s deeply troubling speaking fees. As we’ve noted, the New York Times had almost completely ignored the topic. This morning, that changed. The Times has found its way into the chase—and her name is Chelsea Clinton. Chelsea Clinton gets speaking fees too! Headline included, this is the way the news report by Amy Chozick started. Please note the highlighted point: CHOZICK (7/10/14): *Follo... more »


Roberto Rodriguez at Dr Cintli - 1 day ago
My book will be out in early October as opposed to Nov. This means it can be ordered for fall/winter sessions...and spring... If you need more info re teaching from the book, write me back: XColumn@gmail.com or follow link on how to order books, etc.: http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/Books/bid2497.htm My publisher also sent me this message re exam copies for instructors: If your colleagues would like to pre-order an exam copy of the book, they can get in touch with me directly to send me a check, cash, or credit card number (with expiration date, csc code, and billing address, name... more »

Are Books Merely a Form of Physical Decoration?

Martyn Daniels at Brave New World - 1 day ago
Some will say we are party poopers and that we should applaud and celebration the British Museum’s novel use of the book to create art, but is the ‘wheel of books’ just a cheap gimmick or we should we be mindful of what could be easily copied? The British Museum’s newly refurbished bookshop got Lumsden Design, who are based in East London, to create their space and engage customers. At is centre is a two metre ‘wheel of books’ which sits proud in the shop’s window. It has caught people’s imagination and has engaged, but is it about promoting books for reading, or promoting them a... more »

My Struggle

Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago
*"I bought Mein Kampf when I was 17, I've got it on a shelf in the front room back home."* *- Tony Benn * *Should Germans Read ‘Mein Kampf’?* *By PETER ROSS RANGE* *JULY 7, 2014* WASHINGTON — GERMANY is once again passing through the wringer of its past. At issue this time are not the deeds but the words of Adolf Hitler and the planned republication of his infamous manifesto-as-autobiography, “*Mein* *Kampf*,” a book that has been officially suppressed in the country since the end of World War II. *But while the prospect of the Führer’s words circulating freely on the German ma... more »

How Can 2004 Data Prove that Reports in 2007 to 2012 on the Damage Done by NCLB Would Be Wrong?

John Thompson at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
“Estimating the Effects of No Child Left Behind on Teachers and Their Work Environments and Job Attitudes,” by Jason Grissom et. al., uses NCES polling data from 1993-94 to 1999-2000 to 2003-04 to 2007-08. It begins by reviewing and challenging “anecdotal” evidence from great journalists and education writers. As I explained previously, I believe the […]