view of Groombridge Place near Groombridge, United Kingdom (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
![]() |
English: Crowborough Cross Spring flowerbed near the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle statue (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
"Even The Little Ones..."
"I should dearly love that the world should be ever so little better for my
presence. Even on this small stage we have our two sides, and something
might be done by throwing all one's weight on the scale of breadth,
tolerance, charity, temperance, peace, and kindliness to man and beast. We
can't all strike very big blows, and even the little ones count for
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
"The Hound In The Kennel"
*"The Hound In The Kennel"*
by John James
"In my experience most of us take whatever frightens us or makes us
uncomfortable and push it out of sight. This puts it into the unconscious.
It does not disappear, but just lies in waiting like a faithful hound until
let out. Meanwhile the conscious part can go on living as if nothing had
happened. But as Carl Jung pointed out so perspicaciously, the hound keeps
howling from the depth and thereby influences all that we do. So we can’t
go on as before. We may try to carry on as always, but in truth everything
we do is influenced by the un... more »
"Why Not Now..."
"You cannot run away from weakness;
you must some time fight it out or perish;
and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?"
- Robert Louis Stevenson
"No Price Is Too High..."
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed
by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you’ll
be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay
for the privilege of owning yourself."
- Arthur Gordon
"Deep Thoughts on What Makes Humans Special"
* "Deep Thoughts on What Makes Humans Special"*
By Jeremy Hsu
"Our special stature among Earth's creatures may look shaky when
considering that humans share 98 percent of our genes and many behaviors
with chimps. Yet human behaviors stand out by reaching levels of complexity
unseen in any other part of the animal world, according to a neurobiologist.
Seeing humans beyond mechanistic cause-and-effect or animal-like behaviors
can be difficult after a lifetime spent studying brains and behavior, said
Robert Sapolsky, a neurobiologist and primatologist at Stanford University.
But he p... more »
David Bacon : How U.S. policies helped create the current immigration crisis
Six reasons why U.S. trade and immigration policies — not ‘lax immigration
enforcement’ — have caused migration from Central America. By David Bacon |
The Rag Blog | July 14, 2014 David Bacon will be Thorne Dreyer‘s guest on
Rag … finish reading David Bacon :
How U.S. policies helped create the current immigration crisis
House Votes To Officially Deny Climate Change-- Really

This morning we started the day with a look at the irreversible catastrophe
Global Warming has in store for Florida-- and how Florida congressmembers
from districts that will wind up entirely under the sea-- like Dennis Ross,
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mario Diaz-Balart, Patrick Murphy, Bill Posey and Vern
Buchanan-- have consistently voted against policies that would save their
own constituents and for an agenda that will utterly destroy the very
districts they represent. All of them are Republicans, although Murphy
calls himself a Democrat and is one of the up-and-comers in the Republ... more »
Tristan & Isolde on Saturday!
Wagner’s thrilling *Tristan and Isolde* is being performed in Auckland on
Saturday. It’s an all-day event -- not just because of the perceptive Peter
Bassett’s pre-concert talk,*but because each act of Tristan is as long as
your Italian operas!
But in the concert hall that matters not at all. Each act seems to last no
time at all. (And it’s perfect for “angsty teenagers.”)
It starts with the Tristan chord, and ends with an orgasm.
The orgasm you’ll hear about on Friday. The Tristan Chord, the most
discussed musical noise in history, today. From the moment it first rung
out over ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Fairfax, Iowa, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
On the ground in Gaza: Beit Lahia residents calls for aid from Egypt
Title: On the ground in Gaza: Beit Lahia residents calls for aid from
Egypt. Source: Middle East Eye. Date Published: July 14, 2014. Description:
A former resident of Beit Lahia in Gaza, now displaced, talks about the
Israeli bombardment and calls on Egyptian President Sisi to be more like
former President Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Eloise Bollack reports from Gamal Abdel Nasser street in Gaza City.
Review & Giveaway - SoapBox Soaps

Eco-friendly products are better for us! I get that! With some products, we
accept the "better for us" concept on good faith. Logically we know the
truth but we don't really experience the difference in a day-to-day manner.
Natural body soaps have allowed me to feel the difference. I have very
sensitive skin and have suffered from allergies all my life. Since
switching to Eco-friendly soaps, my skin has actually gotten healthier.
Rashes and skin irritations are things of the past.
So, I have tangible proof that Eco-friendly body soaps are good for us!
I was thrilled to receive an ... more »
Egyptian TV Hosts Slam Hamas Leaders: We Are Sick and Tired of You
An excerpt from, *"Assad: Hamas Has Betrayed Us Repeatedly, But…"* by Elie
Chalhoub, Al-Akhbar, October 14, 2013:
"Assad says, “When the crisis began, [Hamas officials] claimed that they
gave us advice. This is a lie. Who are they to give Syria advice? Then they
said that we asked for their help, which is also not true. What business do
they have in internal Syrian affairs?”
Later, the president of the World Federation of Muslim Scholars, Yusuf
al-Qaradawi, made his insulting statements about Syria. Assad says, “Yes,
we demanded that they take a stance. A while later, they came and ... more »
Chet Raymo, “To Be Alive”
*“To Be Alive”*
by Chet Raymo
"To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.”
~ William Blake
“Many years ago, my religious education began with the first question of
the Baltimore Catechism: "Why did God make me?" Answer: "He made me to know
Him, to love Him, and to serve Him." These days, I reverence a Mystery that
is less purposeful, less personal, and less gendered than the fatherly "He"
I studied in primary school. But the answer to that first catechism
question seems as relevant as ever.
In hi... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “October”
by Mary Oliver
"There’s this shape, black as the entrance to a cave.
A longing wells up in its throat
like a blossom
as it breathes slowly.
What does the world
mean to you if you can’t trust it
to go on shining when you’re
not there? and there’s
a tree, long-fallen; once
the bees flew to it, like a procession
of messengers, and filled it
with honey.
I said to the chickadee, singing his heart out in the
green pine tree:
little dazzler
little song,
little mouthful.
The shape climbs up out of the curled grass. It
grunts into view. There is no measure
for the confi... more »
Paul Krugman disgraced?
Which of these following statements is true:
a.Paul Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner.
b. Paul Krugman called for a housing bubble to fix the economy in 2002, and
fro a space aliens to fix the economy in 2011.
c. Paul Krugman is the most prominent economist today calling for massive
money printing and government over-spending .
d. Paul Krugman is leaving Princeton university in “quiet disgrace.”
Actually, that’s a trick question. If a report coming out of the States
today is correct, *all* of the above statements are true. The report asks, Is
Paul Krugman Leaving Princeton In Quiet... more »
Oz'dpolitik : The Wizard of Oz - Parable on Populism

[image: [rule]]
*The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism*
*by Henry M. Littlefield*
On the deserts of North Africa in 1941 two tough Australian brigades went
into battle singing:
Have you heard of the wonderful wizard,
The wonderful Wizard of Oz,
And he is a wonderful wizard,
If ever a wizard there was.
It was a song they had brought with them from Australia and would soon
spread to England. Forever afterward it reminded Winston Churchill of those
"buoyant days."[1] Churchill's nostalgia is only one symptom of the
world-wide delight found in an American fairy tale abo... more »
Toronto Handgun Ban?
Olivia Chow promised Monday to seek a ban on pistols and revolvers,
insisting the country requires more stringent gun control.
Agree or disagree - and most firearms bans, as opposed to registration and
regulation requirements, are mere politics - it is absolutely clear that
firearms regulation is not a municipal matter. Firearms regulation is
primarily a federal matter with some provincial jurisdiction. Municipal by
laws dealing with guns would almost certainly be invalid - and a Toronto
bylaw purporting to ban handguns would clearly fail. And it is also clear
that Ms Chow, as a fo... more »
Gaza Thinkage, Outside-The-Box
Lots of ink is being spilled over Gaza. Watching and reading, I am reminded
of something I read early in my career, while writing my second book. This
thing I read was a manual for reporters, written by veteran British war
correspondents Annabel McGoldrick and Jake Lynch. Jaded by knowledge of how
the media can
Continue reading
Gold items of note ( July 14 , 2014 ) -- GLD ETF surprisingly surges ( now that Germany allegedly put a halt to seeking its long gone gold goodbye ) ........ Meanwhile , after steadily gaining in price , one just had to know a gold smash was overdue ..... More manipulation on tap as Yellen set to testify before Congress - when will Fed easy money end if ever ........ China demand still steady as she goes ............. Regulators and Investigators search for wrongdoing everywhere but perhaps the most obvious places .
GLD ETF Holdings Surge Most In Three Years As Gold Has Biggest Daily Drop
In 2014
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/14/2014 18:34 -0400
Today saw the mainstream media congratulate themselves over the demise of
the anti-status-quo indicator - gold. The precious metal dropped over 2% on
the day amid major volumes in futures - its biggest drop in 2014. However,
it seems the GLD ETF decided today's dump was the right opportunity to... more »
“The Truth About High Gas Prices”
*“The Truth About High Gas Prices”*
by Walter Brasch
"Gas prices at the pump during the July 4th extended weekend were the
highest they have been in six years. This, of course, has little to do with
supply-and-demand economics. It has everything to do with supply-and-gouge
profits. Over the past decade, the five largest oil companies have earned
more than $1 trillion in profits. Last year, the Big Five—BP, Chevron,
ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, and Shell—earned about $93 billion in profits.
Their CEOs last year earned an average of about $20 million. Included
within the profits is $... more »
Benjamin Fulford: Nazionist mafia circles the wagons as investigations zero in on Bush/Netanyahu

*Views below are solely of Benjamin Fulford's and the WDS and not
necessarily of this blog. There is much I cannot say right now, but
things are in a huge state of change. There is some interesting data in
this post, but how much of it is accurate remains to be seen. When secret
socities and intel agenices release information it is generally done so to
shape opinion or perception, which may not always match reality. *
*D. of Removing the Shackles blog, has told me privately her military intel
sources say the Bush "Texas Camp" has largely been defanged. In many
respects it op... more »
There has been much talk of an Israeli ground invasion of the Gaza Strip
these last few days as Israeli tanks and armour together with some
20,000–30,000 Israeli troops amass around the border fence between the Gaza
Strip and Israel; indeed, Israeli commandoes have already made some
incursions into the Gaza Strip clashing with Hamas fighters in fire-fights.
The question is, however, will Israel actually commit itself to this
massive escalation of the crisis and what would be the likely consequences
of such an action?
But the first question one needs to ask is: Why haven’t the Israel... more »
When Auckland is strong … ?
Finish this phrase for me: “When Auckland is strong … ” Let’s hope it’s
not true, eh.
I always said it would end badly when they gave the Blues to a man knighted
for his services to depression.
Still, at least Andy Dalton is doing a fine job as Auckland CEO. For
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
The Economy: "Feds Go 'Full Retard'"
*"Feds Go 'Full Retard'" *
by Bill Bonner
"Everybody knows you never go full retard."
– Kirk Lazarus, "Tropic Thunder"
"It looked as though US stocks were about to correct last week. But the
market steadied on Friday. Calm, complacency, confidence – almost every
measure (save for valuations) tells us we have nothing to worry about.
Still, since we have nothing to worry about, we will worry about nothing.
Or as Churchill might say, if we have nothing more to fear than fear
itself... surely, we're missing something.
But let us move on by turning our heads around and looking at the ... more »
DotCon takes another scalp?
Is there a politician in the country who hasn’t been stained by Kim
DotCon? The latest is former immigration minister Jonathan Coleman, who in
exercising the discretion to let him enter New Zealand was supposed to have
overlooked the fat German’s previous crimes and indiscretions. Or not.
But Coleman’s not the first, and he won’t be the last, to be embarrassed
by association.
The reason that so many have been embarrassed by just one man, however
large, is that – let’s be frank – there are so many laws, and so many ways
in which politicians have given themselves discretion over t... more »
“What I Don’t Like About Life in the American Police State”
*“What I Don’t Like About Life in the American Police State”*
By John W. Whitehead
“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his
- Edward Abbey, American author
“There’s a lot to love about America and its people: their pioneering
spirit, their entrepreneurship, their ability to think outside the box,
their passion for the arts, etc. Increasingly, however, as time goes by, I
find the things I don’t like about living in a nation that has long since
ceased to be a sanctuary for freedom are beginning to outnumber the things
I love.
Here’s what I don’... more »
Foucault, Discipline and Work
Chances are you've seen this. In what looks like summer kite-flying to me,
the Tories have floated the idea that people who receive Employment Support
Allowance for mental health problems should undergo treatment on pain of
losing social security payments. Forcing medication on people, piling
unnecessary stress on existing illness ... there's a special category of
stupid for the cretin who came up with that. It's as vicious as it is
ridiculous, yet has that ring of plausibility to it. You just *know* they
will implement it if this government is given a new lease of life. Still
thin... more »
we do not care
There is so many things going bad right now
it would hurt someone who grows things
in there fridge enough to clean it out
if they paid attention
to anything
Net neutrality is a big one
and the whole surveillance state
someday somewhere if you live
long enough
you will hear a guy faucet massed protester say
how did it get this way
who approved in a democracy
that a handful of people could
pull the strings and make sure
that elections were meaningless things
New Brunswick Activists Push Back, Canadians Respond Generously
I've been watching the fundraising efforts by Reproductive Justice New
Brunswick. They are trying to raise $100,000 to secure the lease on the
Fredericton Morgentaler Clinic, which is closing this week.
At about 8:30 this morning, the total stood at $18,400 with just 17 days
left in the campaign.
Sometime soon after that, a piece in the Globe and Mail titled "Abortion in
New Brunswick: The vise tightens, and activists push back" appeared.
By 11 a.m., the total had zoomed to more than $32,000 and as of just now
(6:30 p.m.) it stands at more than $51,000.
As comments at the fundra... more »
NEW YORK MAGAZINE BIAS?.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the
Chalk Face Tagged: answer sheet, arne duncan, corporate education reform,
diane ravitch
music today
Did you like
Did you really like
all the beautiful music
with harmony
and intricate chords
well right now its
kind of blasphemy
because if you want to make cash
there is a copyright code
So sing your song in a two time beat
bring out your inner Guthrie
John Prine
never conquered the world
but if he needed I heart
I would give him mine
The Neocon vs. Rand Paul Pissing Contest Rages On

Senator Rand Paul has taken withering fire from the cheerleaders for
American interventionism and global conquest at gunpoint for he is a very
serious threat to the warfare and surveillance state as it currently exists
and if he is not halted before the 2016 presidential campaign the idea that
we do not have to be a nation crushed by the yoke of perpetual war may take
hold. Paul represents the increasingly influential emerging libertarian
wing of the Republican party and with growing popularity with the younger
demographic - the youth that Obama shit on after mobilizing them in 200... more »
Did Anyone Live In Palestine Prior to the Formation of Israel?
There *Were* People In Palestine
Washington's Blog
Many claim that no one lived in Palestine prior to the formation of the
state of Israel. Indeed, Israel was sited in Palestine under the slogan:
“A land without a people for a people without a land” ….
But the history of Palestine is much more complicated:
The claim that no one lived in Palestine is undercut by this video footage
shot in 1896:
And any implication that there was no *place *called Palestine is undercut
by this travel advertisement from the 1940s:
... more »
Did Anyone Live In Palestine Prior to the Formation of Israel?
Washington's Blog
There Were People In Palestine
Many claim that no one lived in Palestine prior to the formation of the
state of Israel. Indeed, Israel was sited in Palestine under the slogan: “A
land without a people for a people without a land” ….
But the history of Palestine is much more complicated:
The claim that no one lived in Palestine is undercut by this video
footage shot in 1896:
And any implication that there was no *place *called Palestine is
undercut by this travel advertisement from the 1940s:
Enter ... more »
Germany Didn’t Win the World Cup.
Germany won the Men’s World Cup. The other half of the tournament takes
place next year, in Canada. Calling the men’s half of the tournament ‘The’
World Cup while excluding half the world’s population including some of the
best players in the world is really nothing more than gendered language at
its sexist best. At Huffington
Continue reading
EMILY's List Teams Up With Christian Coalition In Hawaii

*Three of the four Hawaii state senators who voted against marriage
equality last year: Mike Gabbard, Donna Kim, Sam Slom*
Last Thursday night, backward and reactionary congressional candidate Donna
Kim told PBS Hawaii viewers she opposes marriage equality based on her
Catholic faith. The very next morning she was endorsed by EMILY's List, a
nominally pro-choice organization.
When Stephanie Schriock described Kim as “pro-choice” in the group’s
endorsement statement, it was more than a desperate stretch; many in Hawaii
were shocked. That term has rarely, if ever, been used to describ... more »
The unfathomable and the unconscionable

After episode two I thought the plot of The Honourable Woman was
unfathomable so I’m unable to comment on its political message at the
moment, but I agree with Alan at Biased-BBC that Hugo Blick’s cinematic
devices were derivative, pretentious and boring.
Reviewers kept praising Maggie Gyllenhaal’s convincing English accent. Why
make life unnecessarily difficult? Get a British actress, and while you’re
at it, get one that looks like a Stein. Same goes for the brother.
It’s typical that a production like this gets shedloads of praise from the
lefty press. As for “Albaman’s” contra... more »
Kiev "claims" plane shot down by Russia- Spin, spin, spin
All kinds of contradictory news about this incident. *I tend to think the
shot that downed the plane was fired from anti-fascist held territory. That
fact won't stop Kiev's fascist from suggesting otherwise*
*NYT's Europe*
*Separatists in Ukraine used a shoulder-fired missile to shoot down a large
Ukrainian military transport jet as it was trying to land at an airport *in
this eastern city on Saturday, killing all 49 people on board, the military
said. The attack was the deadliest episode for the Ukrainian military since
the unrest began in the country’s east.
“On approach to the L... more »
Non-Academic Job Searches in DC – What to Know
Many graduate students are expanding their job searches outside the
academy. As an advisor, I’m horribly underprepared at offering job advice
outside of the academic job market – besides work you can get off of
Craigslist, I’ve never held a real job. Recently, I had a student come to
me with questions about finding a job in
Continue reading
*French Quarter businesses considering paying for extra details, crime
cameras ~Scott Satchfield, WVUE*
*Fair housing center files suit over discrimination against deaf
homeseekers *
What a piece of work is Man
By Capt. Fogg
Lovely meal, nice restaurant, best company, but the people at the next
table were telling each other just what the* Universe* thought about this
or that and how the *Universe* had solved some problem one of them had had.
You don't get this at the Taco truck or the Wendy's drive through.
Perhaps they were Northerners. The locals would simply have substituted
the word God with no embarrassment, or perhaps they were the last holdouts
of Deism, the folks who seek God in nature and not in churches or
scriptures. Who knows? But I hear this a lot. I'm even wondering wheth... more »
Former United Federation of Teachers VP Leo Casey Tries to Twitter-slam Me
I have been asked numerous times to join Twitter. The response I offer to
this request: I haven’t the time to keep up with Twitter. That doesn’t mean
that I do not occasionally become the topic of a Twitter exchange, however.
Apparently such an exchange began on July 10, 2014, between New York City
teacher Arthur […]
“No Palestinian will believe that”

If the global, Islam-fuelled turbulence surrounding us hasn’t opened the
eyes of the BBC’s reporters, particularly the one recently billeted in
Baghdad, what hope is there that the average liberal, multicultural TV
viewer residing in the UK will ever open theirs?
How will the paying public get a balanced picture of the current
Hamas/Israel crisis, while the BBC’s reporting remains hobbled within the
limiting editorship of Jeremy Bowen? The longer the violence continues the
more the Bowen-approved reportage deteriorates into a bottomless pit of
injured Palestinian civilians, context... more »
Always look on the bright side of life

Are we more threatened or
just more self aware
does it do us any good
to look longer in the mirror
with our death stare
The news has become
a commercial for someone
selling antidepressants
that is not life
life no matter what the hardship
is effervescing
Bad times, bad times
do not make me laugh
the black plague, the inquisition
world war two
and so many other
we could not see live on the internet
makes me wonder funny things
What is someone knew
bad news would
line up people
like sheep on a show?

*Russians inspect a house hit my shells from Kiev's military after they
fired into Russia on Sunday*
- The operative question is can and will the regime in Kiev be able to
draw Russia into war? On Sunday the US-NATO backed regime fired artillery
shells over the border into Russia killing one person and injuring a couple
other people. Here is a report from Associated Press:
Russia’s foreign ministry said Sunday that a Ukrainian shell hit a Russian
border town, killing one person and seriously injuring two others. Ukraine
denied firing a shell into Russian territory.
P... more »
Internet Friendship is not all nebulous!

Image selected because I think its a better one than the actual.(NTTIAWT)
My friend Allen
who I don't know him at all
our relationship is like a skit from
Kids in the hall crossed with the trailer park boys
because the biggest thing we got in common
is we are Canadiens who are not afraid
to do some shine
I know something about him
from his writing
it reveals his soul
and he has a great one
according to the ancient scrolls
Lets call him a mensch
and I can not spell check
that word at all
In today's currency that buys
you nothing on the street
but the street is where
the mobs live
and wh... more »
Republican Party Doctrine: "You Don't Need Facts To Impeach A President"
I'm not sure when Rick Perlstein started writing his new book, The
Invisible Bridge-- The Fall Of Reagan And The Rise Of Reagan, but I'll
guess it was at least a year or two before Boehner came up with his lame-brained
idea to sue President Obama. In it, though, is a pretty powerful reminder
of just what an imperial presidency was, replete with the kind of
overstepping of boundaries of which Boehner is accusing Obama. He quoted a
contemporaneous issue of *Time* summarizing the still unfolding Republican
Party Watergate scandal: that the June 1972 burglary "has been revealed as
cl... more »
Having a difficult time defeating terrorists in foreign countries, the Pentagon is now hiring think tanks to rationalize designating some classes of non-violent American demonstrators as "terrorists." Watch it here or read about it in the re-post below this one.

How the Pentagon is Bracing for Societal Collapse | Interview with Nafeez
*Published on Jul 1, 2014*
LIKE Breaking the Set @
FOLLOW Abby Martin @
Abby Martin interviews Dr. Nafeez Ahmed, journalist for The Guardian, about
a recent article he wrote concerning the Pentagon's multimillion dollar
project to study peaceful protest movements and prepare for the collapse of
industrial society due to factors ranging from income inequality to cl... more »
Francis Pryor - Channel 4 - Britain B.C.
I realise this short Channel 4 series by Time Team's ex-sheep farmer,
pre-historian and archaeologist Francis Pryor titled Britain B.C. might be
presented in a populist fashion but I like Francis, he's easy on the ear
and I like his personality, his enthusiasm and zeal.
Plus, he disses the Roman Empire, and I'm always gonna support 'dissing
Empires'. All Empires fail, and are only about making your slave-life Hell
in the name of Economy, Prosperity and Cities.
Echoing my own Free Planet thoughts, Tim Shadla-Hall explains in the first
part that ancient Britons were, *"...people ado... more »
Tidbits of a caring mind
the worlds finest obit
was around our SUN
I do not think we know
the politicians who
decided this was the final one
So much green energy
being expelled
so much hydrogen
that would blow
up conservative cells
Yeah we gotta Sun
]Yeah it gives to everyone
and if you think your
going to rape this earth
look the sunrise
because it will give
you and yours
a horrible sunscreen
vision of dearth
Local First! (People Think They Are Clever Shopping Online As They Sink Their Local Economies? And Enable Tax Cheats?) Citicorp Pays Trivial $7 Billion In Fine
BREAKING: Who'd a thunk it? (Or that the "B" has become only the letter
after "A"?) Obviously it's merely a drop in its solid-gold bucket.
Citigroup To Pay $7B in Subprime Mortgages Probe Of course we all love the
one-click shopping. But at what price? Just our ability to continue as a
coherent civilization? Don't like paying taxes? Turns out that billionaires
don't even more (especially
Supplemental: Dowd at war!
*MONDAY, JULY 14, 2014*
*Maureen Dowd and our post-journalistic culture:* Maureen Dowd can’t figure
out why anyone would pay Chelsea Clinton all that filthy money.
But first, a bit of background:
Way back on July 1, we noted a peculiar fact. The Washington Post was
waging a jihad concerning Hillary Clinton’s deeply troubling speaking fees.
At the same time, the New York Times had barely mentioned the topic.
Last Thursday, we thought we noted a policy change at the nation’s greatest
newspaper. For whatever reason, the Times had decided to use Chelsea
Clinton’s speaking fees as a way... more »
Nueva Extraña Presencia Humanoide en las Playas de Necochea, Argentina

*Una investigación de:*
*Guillermo D. Giménez*
Una vez más tenemos información directa de extrañas presencias durante el
pasado mes de Mayo de 2014 en las costas bonaerenses de Necochea, en
Allí hemos localizado cuatro (4) testigos que nos hablan de la
visualización de extrañas luces en horas de la noche, en la costa misma
necochense, en la playa, como así también la observación de un extraño ser
tipo humanoide, hechos acaecidos el día Domingo 18 de Mayo y el Martes 20
de Mayo en horas de la noche.
... more »
UFO Photographed over Belén de Escobar (Argentina)

UFO Researcher *Fernando Távara*, National Director of MUFON-Perú, shared a
series of photographs and videos with *Planeta UFO* regarding a case in the
city of Belén de Escobar in northeastern Buenos Aires Province (Argentina).
The event occurred on June 28, 2014 in the early hours of the morning (6:30
am) and the images were captured by eyewitness Ricardo Pérez using a
Motorola Moto G cellphone. "It was visible for over 1 hour," says the
witness. "During that tim period I watched it while still in bed, as well
as while standing by the window. I was unable to capture its strange
mo... more »
They Say He's A Smart Guy
Chris Hedges writes that there is a deep irony to what is currently
happening in Gaza. It mirrors what happened to European Jews eighty years
Raul Hilberg in his monumental work “The Destruction of the European Jews” chronicled
a process of repression that at first was “relatively mild” but led, step
by step, to the Holocaust. It started with legal discrimination and ended
with mass murder. “The destructive process was a development that was begun
with caution and ended wi... more »
Three pigeonholes in six physicists' brains
RAF has told us about a new quant-ph preprint
The quantum pigeonhole principle and the nature of quantum correlations
by Yakir Aharonov and five less famous co-authors. Their paper claims to
disprove the apparently trivial proposition
If you put 3 pigeons in 2 pigeonholes, at least one pair of pigeons
(12/23/31) ends up in the same pigeonhole.
It should be true because the number of pigeonholes is lower than the
number of pigeons so they can't be hosted in accordance with the Pauli
exclusion principle.
But is that statement right quantum mechanically? The authors claim that
the ... more »
ARISTOTLE’S ERROR: Philosopher fails!
*MONDAY, JULY 14, 2014*
*Prologue—The Pew pop quiz:* Arrayed on Olympus, Homer’s gods were the
first anthropologists.
Several years later, Aristotle came along.
In retrospect, the gods pretty much got it right. They laughed and laughed,
then rolled their eyes, at the follies of us, the humans.
In their view, life among the early Greeks constituted an early version of
the Springer show.
Aristotle was more upbeat. “Man [sic] is the rational animal,” he’s often
said to have said.
In one way, you can’t blame Aristotle for making this notorious error. To
cite just one example:
Acco... more »
Guest Post: M.D. Creekmore: If You Don’t Put Together Your 72 Hour Survival Kit Now You’ll Hate Yourself Later!...
*M.D. Creekmore, of the very popular "The Survivalist Blog",* has gifted
us with one of his most popular posts on being prepared - and we thank him.
*If You Don’t Put Together Your 72 Hour Survival Kit Now You’ll Hate
Yourself Later!*
This short modified excerpt is from my book 31 Days to Survival - this
would also make a good bug out bag packing list, with a few modifications…
As with any “prepping shopping list” you’ll need to tailor the suggestions
listed below to meet your specific needs, skills, location and
circumstances – no such shopping list can cover the needs of everyon... more »
Match Your Diaper Genie To Your Nursery

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with
Pollinate Media Group® and Playtex, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia
One of my favorite things about decorating the nursery for a new baby is
all of the little details. My daughter's nursery is paper crane themed
complete with paper crane mobile and hand embroidered paper crane baby
quilt. While we absolutely love our Diaper Genie, but I wanted it to match
the decor of the room. All it took was some washi tape and tulle to combine
cute and function. This is... more »
Insider tarsands astroturf - Power of Canada
A month ago, former MP and Liberal leadership contender Martha Hall Findlay
had a piece in the G&M : *Northern Gateway : You don't build a nation by
saying 'No" *in which she echoed Tarsands Minister Joe Oliver in invoking
pipelines as "nation-building" projects similar to building the "national
railway and the St. Lawrence Seaway".
Nation-building is apparently no longer about bringing people together in
economic resilience but now consists of petrocorps getting their toxic
unrefined bitumen to China as quickly and easily as possible.
What you may not have known *because the G&M ... more »
JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face Tagged: common core, corporate
education reform, education reform, privatization
Chicago City of Murder (CCOM)
As violence in poor Chicago neighborhoods reaches epidemic proportions,
with 84 people shot in an 82 hour window in July, Mayor Rahm has a new
initiative to encourage young people to spend more time coding. Perhaps
Microsoft will provide bullet-free bunkers for children to work in as they
come up with new ideas to make Silicon Valley whales even fatter.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel launched the Chicago City of Learning (CCOL) Month of
Code Challenge to all Cities of Learning today to encourage young people to
explore the science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM)
fields. Throug... more »
"Minerva is a prime example of the deeply narrow-minded and self-defeating nature of military ideology. Worse still, the unwillingness of DoD officials to answer the most basic questions is symptomatic of a simple fact – in their unswerving mission to defend an increasingly unpopular global system serving the interests of a tiny minority, security agencies have no qualms about painting the rest of us as potential terrorists." -- Nafeez Ahmed

Posted by
Nafeez Ahmed
12 June 2014
Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown
Social science is being militarised to develop 'operational tools' to
target peaceful activists and protest movements
The Pentagon is funding social science research to model risks of "social
contagions" that could damage US strategic interests. Photograph: Jason
A US Department of Defense (DoD) research programme is funding universities
to model the dynamics, risks and tipping points for large-scale civil
unrest across the world, under the super... more »
Sderot Cinema- Israeli's enjoying the mass killings of Palestinians

People gathering to watch live bombing of Gaza – should make us all
uncomfortableSpeaking for myself, I cannot view violence on tell-a-vision
or in movies. To sit and watch people being killed in real life, as if it
is entertainment, is beyond my moral comprehension
*What does this tell us about the mindset of Israelis, engaging in such
egregious behaviour? *
"However, a closer inspection of the image reveals that the group is
witnessing what could possibly be explosions and gunfire in the distance.
This, allegedly, is the Sderot cinema: a gathering of Israeli locals in
Sderot cit... more »
These are the crimes that the US-NATO are now support in Ukraine. It is
Events+ John Garnaut on the PRC, White Wolf, Triads, Taiwan, and Hong Kong

*The road up to Xitou, on the west side of the gorge.*
John Garnaut has a trio on triads, the White Wolf, and PRC expansionism,
annexation, and nationalism. From this one:
"White Wolf?" snaps one of Chang An-lo's assistants, a man with a huge
forehead and pockmarked face, who eyes me suspiciously. "What White Wolf?
"Whoever calls him that? You mean you are looking for President Chang!"
It's only after I name-drop members of the Chinese Communist Party
aristocracy that he ushers me into an inner office space, where he jots
down my details and gives me an undertaking that my name wil... more »
Who Is Responsible For Drowning South Florida?

The map of a truncated Florida, above, is famous already. People who are
alive today will have beachfront property in Orlando. It isn't just the
Florida Keys that will disappear under the ways. So will every inch-- or in
a few cases, almost ever inch-- of the congressional districts currently
represented by-- in order of who prioritizes Global Warming most:
*•* Frederica Wilson (94.87)
*•* Alcee Hastings (94.44)
*•* Ted Deutch (91.89)
[the 3 above care a lot. The 3 below care as long as it doesn't get in the
way of business as usual]
*•* Debbie Wasserman Schultz (88.14)
*•* Kathy... more »
Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Tenn Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter

There are more and more signs pointing towards the Kurdistan Regional
Government (KRG) declaring independence from Iraq sometime in the future.
This has been a long term goal based upon recent events in Iraq and
historical imagining. To help explain the roots of Kurdish nationalism is
Prof. Michael Gunter of Tennessee Tech. Univ. He has written extensively
about the Kurds and has authored *Historical Dictionary of the Kurds*, *The
A to Z of the Kurds*, *The Kurds of Iraq: Tragedy and Hope*, *The Kurds
Ascending: The Evolving Solution to the Kurdish Problem in Iraq and Turkey*,
*T... more »
Happy Bastille Day!

Here's a little something to help get those head-upon-pike visions dancing
in your heads:
The Obama administration has given yet another sloppy, wet, incestuous kiss
to the criminal financial enterprise of which it is an integral part. And
taking a cue from Republicans, they're even scapegoating Bengha-a-a-a-zi
for their delay in announcing their settlement with Citigroup. You read
that right. This is a settlement between partners. There will be no
prosecution. The guy the administration is actually prosecuting is one of
those CIA assets terrorism fellows they flew in from Libya... more »
Ku Doubles Down and other stuff

*Hoping Island, Keelung. If you haven't been here, it's much better than
Julian Ku's awful piece at The Diplomat got spanked by J Michael Cole
yesterday and by Michal Thim today. Thim's is excellent and very polite,
don't miss.
I ripped Ku two posts below this one yesterday. Incredibly, as if he had no
access to Google in the intervening hours, today he doubled down on his
I get that this is a complicated issue, but I don’t think I am “misreading”
historical documents when I write that i) the US recognizes the PRC as the
government of China and that the US accept... more »
*Do credentials scandals support the signaling model?*
Every now and then, the world suddenly learns that a perfectly competent
worker faked his credentials. Consider the case of MIT's former head of
"Marilee Jones, the dean of admissions at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology... admitted that she had fabricated her own educational
credentials and resigned after nearly three decades at MIT. Officials of
the institute said she did not have even an undergraduate degree.
"I misrepresented my academic degrees when I first applied to MIT 28
years ago and did ... more »
Cylons and Dragons and Norms, Oh My
Rob Farley and I talk on BloggingheadsTV about new books (his and mine);
the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots; how political scientists might study
the circulation of science fiction and fantasy in real-world politics; and
the meaning of Game of Thrones‘ fourth season.
Irritant Policy in the South China Sea

*BREAKING*: Minister of Education Chiang finally throws in the towel, quits
over papers scandal (KMT news organ). Maddog had the last laugh on Twitter: *how
bout that "clean and capable" Ma Ying-jeou!*
In the light of the US request that development of structures by claimants
in the South China Sea be frozen at its 2002 level, the ROC reiterated its
claims to the South China Sea. The KMT news organ reports:
In a reply to a press query, the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of China
(ROC) yesterday reiterated that judging from perspectives of history,
geography, and international law... more »
Bill Joslin: “Meditation: Deconstructing Nonsense”
*Thanks to Jan @ Gnostic Media for providing us with this very, very
informative and thought provoking interview. *
The explanation of how we conceive of reality.. how the brain interprets
the world, through more then just the 5 senses was quite, quite
enlightening. Enjoyable, thought provoking & informative. Certainly got me
*Bill Joslin* at an early age developed a fascination with mind and
awareness. Subsequently he spent 16 years studying Bonpo, Nyingma Buddhist
and Taoist practices. He spent a year in Asia interviewing Buddhist monks
in Laos, Cambodia, Nepal; Taoist ... more »
A Backyard Gardeners Crop Guide

A Backyard Gardener's Crop By Crop Guide to Organic Growing. With summer
gardens in full swing, this guide will help you get the most out of your
garden. You find solutions that will help you deal with pests and disease
naturally and a ton ...of useful information. Thank you, Mother Earth News
Magazine! Let's take back control of our food!
*Find the Guide here:*
#Organic #BackyardGardening #pestcontrol #garden #labelgmos #needtoknowgmo
#freedom2chooz #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA
*GMO Free USA*
Iraq Updates ( July 14 , 2014 ) -- State of play , whole spectrum of political and civil war matters of note .....
MONDAY, JULY 14, 2014
July 14th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Power Corrupts
Quote of the Day, US Senator John McCain: the restraint of the Israelis, in
my view, is admirable
Thought of the Day: What if this man had won the election along with Sarah
14th July: Unconfirmed: Sistani has sent a verbal message to Maliki to find
a replacement for his post within a week. The Marja has said that failure
to do so will force him to take a public position asking Maliki to go.
14th July: Two car bombs expl... more »
Companies to avoid: STOP FUNDING ISRAEL

(These are the companies assisting the funding of the Palestinian genocide
by the Israeli Defense Force)
APAX partners + Co.
These are the major influential financial SUPPORTERS of the Baby Killing
Forces of the Rogue Zionist collective of murderers known as Israel.
Source: http://ww... more »
Organic Food Higher in Antioxidants and Lower in Toxic Metals and Pesticides by Colin Todhunter

Organic Food Higher in Antioxidants and Lower in Toxic Metals and PesticidesOverwhelming
by Colin Todhunter
*Consumer demand for organic foods is partially driven by perceptions that
they are more nutritious. Now a peer-reviewed study just published in the
British Journal of Nutrition [1], a leading international journal of
nutritional science, has shown that organic crops and crop-based foods are
between 18 to 69 percent higher in a number of key antioxidants such as
polyphenolics than conventionally-grown crops.*
Numerous studies have linked antioxidants to a redu... more »
Art or the Future of the Printed Book?

This weekend in a quiet small local market in Bath we came across two
stalls which caught our eye. One was selling lampshades at £75 each and the
other origami objects. The thing that was interesting was that both were
using printed books as their base material and draw.
The lampshades used a pile of books as their base which had a hole drilled
through them in order to support the shade and fitment. The stallholder
commented that several people had objected to her wares and that she was
finding it difficult to get the books as charity shops wanted to sell them
or they were destin... more »
Homemade Mini Powdered Donuts

In my husband's family, the donut is sacred. It is something he has passed
down to our 5-year-old, at least once a week I will wake up to find both my
husband and daughter gone having woken up early to sneak out and try a new
donut shop. They have tried almost all of the ones in are area and are
slowly moving farther and farther away in search of the perfect donut. When
they aren't questing for the perfect donut, I like to appease them by
making this fun and delicious powdered donut recipe. They love it and it is
fairly easy to make.
You will need:
- 1.5 cups lukewarm water
... more »
A history lesson on Israel and the 'Palestinians'
The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: Myths and Facts:
This should be compulsory viewing for all the anti Israel brigade that
infest Twitter, such as @wotsit4 @suspendedgreg @lynnejones_exMP BBC
'journalists' such as Jeremy Bowen aka @BowenBBC and others whose
independence of thought over Israel is so sorely lacking.
art - Craig Davison - childhood heroes
Craig Davison was born in Sheffield in 1965 and has enjoyed drawing for as
long as he can remember. Art was his favourite subject at school but he
took it no further. In the late 80’s he managed to get a job as a
cartoonist, working on pre-school comics. He drew comic strips of a variety
of characters including The Shoe People, The Wombles, Huxley Pig and
Bangers and Mash.
This guy's a real artist.
Forget illness - Forget wars - PROFIT is the real Cancer
at the start of 2013 I deleted all the Free Planet posts thus far. They
were mostly but not exclusively "*someone else's conspiracy news"*, so
sources were debatable at the very least, this being a classical NTK or
Need To Know intelligence game waged against You The People i.e. You The
Worker i.e. You The Profit Slave.
Most of my own Free Planet thoughts made their way into The Research Notes
of Miss Asalah Al Faghori, in preparation of the publication of the Custodian
(free planet #1) novel, a fictional owl character in that book about
Custodian Liberation.
But this *profit is t... more »
General Sisi Wants To Broker Peace In Iraq But Not In Gaza
*Sisi and Netanyahu see eye to eye about Gaza but not about Iraq.*
An excerpt from, *"Al-Sisi is in no rush to broker ceasefire"*, July 14:
*Even after US President Barack Obama telephoned him and personally asked
him to mediate between Israel and Hamas, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah
al-Sisi is doing it "unenthusiastically," as an advisor at the presidential
palace defined it. *
Al-Sisi sees it as only an "initiative" for a ceasefire in Gaza, and he is
simmering it slowly. As far as he is concerned, Israel can continue
crushing Hamas.
Cairo officials explain ... more »
Test marks first dual AMRAAM shots from any F-35 variant
A U.S. Air Force pilot successfully fired two Raytheon Company AIM 120
Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles from an F-35B fighter aircraft.
The missiles tracked and engaged two aerial targets during a Weapon
Delivery Accuracy mission in Southern California.
The test marked the first dual AMRAAM shot from any F-35 variant, and the
first live AMRAAM shot from the F-35B.
Read more
The $10B Next Generation Jammer Is ‘On Track, On Schedule’

[image: EA-18G Growler]Farnborough is an air show, but many of the
briefings scheduled by American companies this year focus on electronic
warfare and missiles — not airplanes.
Raytheon, winner of the Next Generation Jammer competition, and the other
four defense giants know that much of the money to be made in the next
decade will come from upgrades and add-ons, not new platforms.
And much of the new money is destined for just the sort of technology the
NGJ is sure to bring: the area where cyber and classic electronic warfare
now merge thanks to digital technologies such as the A... more »
Everlasting Resilience and Triumph Assured
*Image credit: Palestine flag-face, artist unknown from*The hearts of the awakened and just world
go out to your long-suffering struggle against an intractable and hosted
evil. Palestine, one day soon you will realise true freedom and nation
amongst the true bearers of humanity and justice. No matter the lies, the
vicious, callow propaganda and vitriol, the righteous eyes of the world can
truly see what is transpiring and whom the demonic, murderous parties
responsible are. For we all bear witness to one of the most horrific
catalogue of war crimes an... more »
*PBS focusing NOVA’s lens on Bayou Corne sinkhole ~David J. Mitchell, The
Blackjack Production Nod On Hold

[image: RQ-21A Blackjack]Completion of initial operational test and
evaluation and the subsequent full-rate production decision for the U.S.
Navy’s RQ-21A Blackjack unmanned aircraft is on hold due to ship
A tranche of sea-trails were set for this month but cut short as the USS
New York, a San Antonio class amphibious dock ship, was called away for
duty, says Mike Kurth, who oversees Boeing’s unmanned systems business.
The second IOT&E trail was set to ensure the system was suitable for
shipboard operations. Only roughly a week more is needed for testing on the
ship a... more »
PM to announce details of £1.1bn defence spending

[image: Sentinel R1 / Airborne Stand-Off Radar (ASTOR)]It is due to include
cash for drones, UK special forces and intelligence gathering to tackle
global terrorism.
David Cameron is due to make the announcement at the Farnborough
International Air Show.
He is expected to say funds for "vital" Ministry of Defence programmes have
been found as a result of austerity measures.
Read more
Boeing sees F/A-18 fighter line continuing through 2017

[image: EA-18G Growler]Boeing Co said on Sunday it was optimistic it could
maintain production of its F/A-18 and EA-18G fighter jets in St. Louis
through the end of 2017 - a year longer than expected - if Congress
approved additional orders of a dozen more planes.
But the Pentagon's chief weapons buyer, Frank Kendall, told reporters that
slowing production to extend the line was likely to increase costs at a
time when budgets were already tight.
"I don’t see how we can do that without it costing money and we just don't
have money to spend on things that aren’t core requirements righ... more »
*Six bucks a gallon? Where gas prices might be without the U.S. energy boom*
If you think the price of gas is high, imagine paying up to $6 a gallon.
That’s what energy expert Dan Steffens thinks the price could be if not for
the domestic oil boom.
“With what’s going on the Middle East, I think it would five or six bucks
(a gallon),” said Steffens, president of the Energy Prospectus Group out of
Houston. “If it wasn’t for the shale revolution, you’d be in big trouble.”
Technological breakthroughs in recent years have led to an explosion in the
energy industry in the United States.... more »
Farnborough Will Kick Off Without Any F-35s

[image: F-35 Lightning II engine fire]The F-35 will miss the first day of
this year’s Farnborough air show, the third and final event at which the
Pentagon’s newest fighter jet was scheduled to appear as part of its
international debut this month in the United Kingdom.
The fifth-generation, stealth fighter made by Lockheed Martin Corp. is
still expected to show up at the event outside London later this week,
organizers said in a statement to news media. It wasn’t immediately clear
whether the jet will fly at the one of the world’s largest air shows.
“Unfortunately the F-35B Lightnin... more »
News Flash: China's Third Aircraft Carrier Could Be Nuclear

[image: Liaoning (PLAN CV-16)]China has an aircraft carrier. In fact,
multiple media sources confirm that China has already begun work on its
second aircraft carrier, a sister ship to the Liaoning (PLAN CV-16), and
likely to be designated CV-17.
What's more, People's Liberation Army Major General Luo Yuan has publicly
stated that China's People's Liberation Army-Navy (PLAN) needs three
aircraft carriers at a minimum, just to maintain parity with its neighbors.
As the general explained: "India will have three aircraft carriers by 2014
and Japan will have three carriers by 2014, so I... more »
Indian Navy gets first indigenous anti-submarine warfare corvette

[image: INS Kamorta]Indian Navy has received INS Kamorta, the country's
first indigenous anti-submarine warfare (ASW) corvette, built by
Kolkata-based Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd. (GRSE).
The warship was formally handed over by GRSE chairman and managing director
Rear Admiral (Retd) A K Verma to the Navy at a brief ceremony held at
Kolkata on July 12.
INS Kamorta, the first in its class of four ASW corvettes being built by
GRSE under Project-28 for the Navy, is the first warship ever built in the
country with almost 90 per cent of indigenous content.
Read more
Department of Zionist Security
*Fighting terrorism is always a growing industry in Israel for one very
simple reason: the Israeli government and its US and Gulf allies finance
terrorists and give them their most famous propaganda victories. 9/11 is
the perfect example.*
An excerpt from, *"Men Detained After Clash at Pro-Israel Rally"* by Gadi
Schwartz and Kelly Goff, NBC LA, July 13:
Several men were detained at a pro-Israel peace rally in front of the
Federal Building in Westwood Sunday after pro-Palestinian protesters also
turned up and the two sides clashed.
Witnesses said there was a scuffle between severa... more »
Another warship accident hits the Navy

[image: INS Khutar]In yet another warship accident, missile corvette INS
Khutar was damaged after it recently ran aground at the Andaman and Nicobar
The Navy has ordered a board of inquiry (BoI) into the accident, which is
the 15th such incident after submarine INS Sindhurakshak sank in August 14
last year.
The 1,350-tonne Khutar, which was commissioned in 1990, was entering the
harbour to dock at one of the two jetties at Port Blair when it ran aground
in "rough weather" towards end-June.
Read more
Photos: Disposal of nuclear waste of retired PLA submarine

[image: Long March No 1]Decommissioning a nuclear submarine is a challenge.
China’s navy has conducted research on that since 2000. Scientists have
worked out detailed plans for dismantling facilities, the disposal of
nuclear waste and other key issues.
China is now the second country in the world to have disposed retired
nuclear submarines safely.
China's first nuclear-powered submarine, the Long March No 1, was launched
in 1970 and was commissioned to the PLA navy in 1974.
Read more
Move to fast-track two submarine projects gathers steam
[image: INS Arihant]There is finally some urgency being shown to rescue
India's ageing and depleting underwater combat arm. The approval for two
long-pending projects, one for construction of six advanced diesel-electric
submarines and the other for six nuclear-powered ones, is well on the cards
Sources said the finance ministry has asked the defence ministry to "club"
the separate projects to "draft a single note" for the requisite nod from
Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS).
"The two projects have been languishing for long in the files being
exchanged between the two minis... more »
UPDATED: Whitewraithe's RANT for Sunday - July 13, 2014

*First, my apologies for not being able to post the RANT much earlier. *
*For someone still unemployed, I lead a very busy, controversial family
life where there always is a crisis occurring. Mainly, due in part to my
daughter who is very close to my mother and I. She is my only child and
will be 32 in October. I also have two very active, precocious grandsons
who will be 6 and 4 in a few short weeks. Along with my son-in-law who is
a Firefighter, they live two minutes away, which is sometimes way too
convenient because they are at our house several times a week and my
grand... more »
Toward a Europe Whole and Free (To Loot)

*July 10, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - When the special interests who
created and direct the agenda of the European Union disagree with member
states, the true nature of this supranational enterprise becomes painfully
apparent - one of dictatorial special interests pursing regional policy
that benefits none of its individual member states. No example of this can
be clearer than the dispute that has emerged over the construction of
Russia's South Stream natural gas pipeline set to run through Bulgaria,
Serbia, Hungary, and Italy.
The pipeline produces a large number of benefits f... more »
Food in Costa

One thing Kurt and I are really enjoying in Costa Rica compared to the US
is the food.
I also have a lot more time here to concentrate on healthy eating and
cooking, so that helps with this love as well.
Almost everything we buy now is not processed or in a box. In MI, almost
everything I bought, with the exception of fresh fish, was processed.
This is how our eating/shopping habits here have worked thus far.
Every Friday, we go to the veggie and fruit market in Jaco and stock up for
the week. I am getting pretty good at knowing exactly what we need to make
it through the week.... more »
It’s Bastille Day!

*It might be Germany’s day on the sports field, but it’s France’s day in
Eugene Delacroix: *Liberty Leading the People*, 1830
*The French Revolution and the Marseillaise should not be symbols of
Liberty. The *Art* about the French Revolution should definitely be . . .*
- Sandrine Lonchampt
*“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”* With those words,
and a litany of hope and despair to follow, Charles Dickens began his novel
of the French Revolution – the Revolution celebrated today on the
anniversary of the Storming of the Bastille.
*It was the best of ... more »
METRO | Beverly Baker Moore : Old and in the way in Austin
This article is a casual investigation of available cheap digs for seniors
in Austin. By Beverly Baker Moore | The Rag Blog | July 13, 2014 AUSTIN —
As the saying goes, getting old ain’t for sissies, especially in a …
finish reading *METRO* | Beverly Baker Moore : Old and in the way in Austin
Northern San Diego County-- Will They Ever Have Good Representation In Congress?

Though many of the most salient questions about his corruption have never
been addressed, Republican former-congressman/*DWT* star Duke Cunningham is
out of prison. Apparently, we will never find out what happened to the
$400,000 Thomas "Gus" Kontogiannis gave Cunningham to pay off George W.
Bush for a pardon. (Be sure to read the comments at the link; some of these
folks have very inside information they're sharing.) Anyway, now that the
Dukester is out, the media isn't asking him about the bribes, especially
not the big Bush bribe, just about what it was like to be in a Club Fed.... more »
Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - July - EcoFriendlyLink

to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green
[image: A monthly link-up party for green blogs on Reduce Footprints]
Banner by Art Ist
Grab our banner for your site:
1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or
of ... more »

American Federation of Teachers: “Remediating” Duncan and Retaining the “Corrupted” Common Core
I’m wondering what of substance was accomplished thus far at the American
Federation of Teachers (AFT) national convention in Los Angeles July 11-14,
2014. On July 13, 2014, AFT was supposed to consider asking for U.S.
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s resignation. The National Education
Association (NEA) passed a resolution on July 4, 2014, asking Duncan […]
Do you dance when you come to work every morning?
Why not.
Tim does.
Isn’t capitalism wonderful?
[Hat tip Barbara Clarihew]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
RANT in process.....

*Just wanted to let everyone know that, yes, Sunday's "RANT" is a bit late,
*I guess I'm just a little intimidated taking over for NTS these next few
weeks because I know what his readers have come to expect and I hope to
meet just a few of those expectations. *
*NTS told me to just write from the heart, which is difficult for me. I'm
too much of a planner and more calculated, so I guess he meant I need to
loosen up and let the words flow. Some can do that with no hesitation and
NTS is no doubt brilliant on that point. His mind works in tandem with the
coordination... more »
Entre vista de Robert Kiyosaki
Si quieres tener Esperanza, reconpensa por tu trabajo, y rescatatar tu
familia applica lo que dice este señor, Kiyosaki en tu vida
Seed Newsvine
Thomas Piketty and ‘The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality’
*Guest post by Andrew Wilson*
Ludwig Von Mises’ treatise on why capitalism sits in the dock, falsely
accused of various crimes against humanity, is a classic: his book *The
Anti-Capitalistic Mentality *bravely saying what still needs to be said. It
offers a robust rebuttal to the jaundiced view of capitalism found (most
recently and conspicuously) in Thomas Piketty’s *Capital in the
Twenty-First Century*.
In *The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality*, Mises asks: Why do so many people
“loathe” capitalism? He gives a threefold answer.
The first factor is simple ignorance. Few people cred... more »
Neoconservative master propagandist Jonathan Tobin writing in *Commentary*
today says about the current crisis that “Hamas set events in motion last
month when some of its operatives kidnapped and murdered three Israeli
teenagers and then escalated the conflict by shooting several hundred
rockets into the Jewish state from its Gaza stronghold”.
It was Israel that set events in motion when IDF snipers shot dead Gazan
civilians during the months preceding the current crisis. A number of those
randomly murdered were farmers tending fields close to the border with
Israel. One ... more »
Book Watch: In the course of a 6000-mile trans-Eurasian horseback journey, a technological time warp changes lives

*Central Mongolia is where Tim began his 6000-mile westward horseback
journey across the steppe to the Danube. With both Russia to the north and
the Chinese "autonomous" province of Xinjiang to the south closed to a
foreigner in 2004, he continued into giant Kazakhstan, the second-largest
of the former Soviet republics (after Russia). There he met Bakhetbek, a
Kazakh born near the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi who had fled back to
ancestral Kazakhstan because of anti-Kazakh violence (the murder of his
brothers) tolerated, if not actually encouraged, by the Chinese regime.
Bakhetbek's ... more »
Apologies for not tending the blog too well recently.
To those who asked: nothing was wrong -- I was just up to my eyes getting
out work while preparing for and attending a conference. Evidence of the
very blurry variety below.
[image: HETSA1]
Ask me anything, if you’re curious.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
The US-NATO are pushing for war with Russia. By actively supporting the
neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, Ukraine with money, weapons, and military advisers
the plan is that Russia will eventually come to the aid of Russian ethnic
people in the eastern portion of the country thus giving the US-NATO the
pretext to fully enter into war with Russia via Ukraine.
This video about the growing reality of genocide against Russian speakers
inside Ukraine is a must watch and a must share. Ukraine is the trigger
for war with Russia. Any war with Russia is a suicide pact with the devil
for sure.
... more »
Sacramento Journalist Seth Sandronsky Reviews A Chronicle of Echoes
BOOK REVIEW/Seth Sandronsky Education Reformers’ Playbook Want names of
and motives for public school reformers? Read A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s
Who in the Implosion of American Public Education by Mercedes K. Schneider.
The author has skin in this game. She is a public school teacher against
the corporate conquest of community-based public education. Schneider opens
Neocons Hedge Bets in Backing Flaky Rick Perry

The very definition of a fixed horserace is when the same interests own
both horses in that race. Such is the growing neocon push behind Texas
Governor Rick Perry who has been cleaned up after his 2012 GOP primary
season embarrassment to emerge as the Mexican bashing, American
exceptionist promoting ringer in the upcoming race against neocon
Democratic party candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. They even gave him Barry
Goldwater style horn-rimmed glasses for his coming out party.
The neocon central transmission beacon The Washington Post prominently
featured an op ed allegedly penned... more »
German spy scandal spreads ( July 13 , 2014 ) - Did the CIA recruit a dozen spies among various German Ministries ?
Over a dozen CIA-recruited spies work in German ministries – report
Published time: July 13, 2014 18:07
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[image: Security officers stand outside the U.S. Embassy in Berlin July 10,
2014. (Reuters/Thomas Peter )]
Security officers stand outside the U.S. Embassy in Berlin July 10, 2014.
(Reuters/Thomas Peter )
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CIA, Germany, Intelligence, Politics,Scandal
US secret services have recruited more than a dozen officials in various
German government ministries to work as spies, with some of them working
for the CIA for many years, a German tabloid reported on S... more »
The Poet: Langston Hughes, “I Dream A World”
*“I Dream A World”*
by Langston Hughes
“I dream a world where man
No other man will scorn,
Where love will bless the earth
And peace its paths adorn
I dream a world where all
Will know sweet freedom's way,
Where greed no longer saps the soul
Nor avarice blights our day.
A world I dream where black or white,
Whatever race you be,
Will share the bounties of the earth
And every man is free,
Where wretchedness will hang its head
And joy, like a pearl,
Attends the needs of all mankind-
Of such I dream, my world!”
“'The A**hole Effect': What Wealth Does to the Brain”
*“'The A**hole Effect': What Wealth Does to the Brain”*
By Anne Manne
"Call it the a**hole effect. That is the term coined by US psychologist
Paul Piff* after he did some stunning new research into the effects of
wealth and inequality on people’s attitudes. As we ponder [Australian
politician] Joe Hockey’s budget and his division of the world into
"leaners" and "lifters", as we learn from Oxfam that the richest 1% of
Australians now own the same wealth as the bottom 60%, we would do well to
consider the implications of Piff’s studies. He found that as people grow
wealthier, they ar... more »
Lies and More Lies
In an earlier posting I purposely and deliberately said that the Air Force
lied about sighting solutions in the Project Blue Book files. I said this
because they knew, based on their own files, that the satellite solution
for one aspect of the Portage County Chase did not work. They, which is to
say Hector Quintanilla, knew the truth. As the man in charge, he owns the
ultimate responsibility here and he had, naturally, complete access to the
Project Blue Book files.
Let’s look at something that I have found in the Air Force file on the Las
Vegas UFO crash of April 1962. A New York ... more »
I am posting this for those of you who either read my 4th of July post without linking to the original work of Eric Zuesse or missed it entirely. This is what our government is doing to Russian speaking in Ukraine while claming falsely the Russia is the villain.

The U.S. Elite Run a Ukrainian Genocide While American Public Are Ignorant
of It
Posted on July 3, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.
Eric Zuesse
On Wednesday, July 2nd, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko resumed
unlimited war against the residents of southeastern Ukraine, whom he calls
“terrorists” for their wanting not to be killed by his troops. European
leaders (especially Merkel of Germany, Hollande of France, and Putin of
Russia) urged him not to resume his bombing campaign against the southeast,
but the U.S. (specifically President Obama) supports the bom... more »
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Diego Maradona, Che Guevara,
gauchos, General Galtieri, tango dancers, Nazi war criminals, Jorge Luis
Borges, Pope Francis (and, therefore, Ed Stourton), Juan Peron and
Evita...Can you hear me President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner!...
Your boys took one hell of a beating!
"And Never, Never, To Forget..."
"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never
get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life
around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its
lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple.
To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and
understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget."
- Arundhati Roy
“Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of
chance and none can say why some fields will blossom while others lay brown
beneath the August sun. Care for those around you. Look past your
differences. Their dreams are no less than yours, their choices no more
easily made. And give, give in any way you can, of whatever you posses. To
give is to love. To withhold is to wither. Care less for your harvest than
for how it is shared and your life will have meaning and your heart will
have peace.”
- Kent Nerburn
Satire: “Sight of Rick Perry at Border Convinces Immigrants That Anyone Can Succeed in America”
*“Sight of Rick Perry at Border Convinces Immigrants *
*That Anyone Can Succeed in America”*
by Andy Borowitz
RIO GRANDE (The Borowitz Report)— “A recent tour of the United
States-Mexico border by Texas Governor Rick Perry has had the unintended
consequence of convincing thousands of immigrants that anyone can succeed
in America.After Gov. Perry and the Fox News host Sean Hannity toured the Rio Grande
on Thursday, news quickly spread that the two men were actually among the
most powerful in America, fueling the immigrants’ impression that the U.S.
is a place where anyone can make ... more »